View Full Version : Paranoia

2010-11-03, 11:24 PM
Alpha Complex, DHS Sector

It's almost daycycle in the DHS Sector. The lights are beginning to flicker on in the hallways, and the multi-tudes of infra-reds are getting ready to go to work in the Food Vats, or waste disposal.

But not you.

Nooo, not you. You see you were just recently promoted to Red clearence. Whether you turned in a fellow infra-red for treason, doubled the amount of nutri-bars you made, or simply showed up on time for the mess hall- you've made it.

Around you are several other newbies, each one of them new.

"Good Morning Citizen's" The soothing voice of the computer pipes in. Your room, a red square with three bunkbeds, a televison, and several barrels of a strange unidentified substance "You are all very lucky. You have received your assignments to me my newest troubleshooters- sworn to protect the complex. Now introduce yourselfs to each other. Statistics report that group efficiency is 64% higher among those who share, and 33% higher with the knowledge of names"

Duke of URL
2010-11-04, 08:44 AM
"The name's Blank-R-DHS. Just call me 'Blank'," says a nondescript clone with the typical pale glow caused by artificial light and a diet of mildly radioactive algae. Other than the brief introduction, he seems aloof from the rest of the troubleshooters.

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-04, 08:59 AM
"Hello, I am Pla-R-DHS, yes. I am very pleased to be able to increase my efficiency by sharing. I will share that when I am not shooting trouble I increase efficiency in my fellow workers for Friend Computer in Crowd Control! I have shared therefore I am efficient! Friend Computer told me this, yes!" Pla smiles a wide, close lipped smile that does not reach his watery grey eyes. His only notable feature is the fact that a chunk of his left ear is missing, the result of a distant act of commie savotage perpetrated against his work station.

2010-11-04, 09:20 AM
a (possibly) nervous looking(but certainly happy!) newly promoted clone turns to the others. "Neil-R-DHS." He states "i work for tech services." he states again.

after a breif pause, he continues in a slightly less "monotonly state the facts sort of fasion" "it will be a pleasure working with you all." his tone more rehearsed than natural, but it doesnt sound like he's lying... at the very least, it does sound sincere.

2010-11-04, 11:31 AM
"Ello everyone, my name is Lex-R-DHS and I'm sure we will be able to do our jobs very efficiently." Said a clone that seemed to have a little bit more bounce in his step then the others.

2010-11-04, 01:08 PM
The Troubleshooter in an immaculately clean jumpsuit with incredibly white teeth and an aroma of spearmint speaks up next. "I am Jim-R-DHS, friends. We have now obeyed the orders of The Computer. Long may this continue. I work in the Power Service, but whether doing that or troubleshooting, I strive to uphold our glorious Alpha Complex, and good hygiene."

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-04, 01:10 PM
I give a short burst of applause, careful not to be so loud as to constitute a nuisance.

Duke of URL
2010-11-04, 01:20 PM
Blank looks up as Jim says his piece, stares at him for a second, and then goes back to ignoring everybody.

2010-11-04, 04:39 PM
Blank-R-DHS looks around the room, peering at the other trouble shooters and sees Pla-R-DHS, he then goes up to him with a smile and shakes his hand from his side so that the others have trouble seeing the handshake. (Description in spoiler)

It's a light handshake on the tip of the hand that is done three times with three fingers in three up and down motions. Known commonly as "the tribunal". He wants to see if whether or not Pla-R-DHS can keepup with the handshake or if it's foreign to him and he messes it up.

He then turns back to the others and waves.

"Hello citizens! My name is Blank-R-DHS, and I will be your happiness officer. Feel free to come to me about any questions you may have pertaining to the mission, or if you just want to talk. I'm always willing to listen.

I am pleased to serve with you all, and I'm sure all of you will... get a bang out of this adventure!":smallbiggrin:

2010-11-04, 07:10 PM
(I need one of the blanks to have a different name, or my head will explode)

As the two men shake hands, the roombell rings. All eyes are drawn towards the small red door at the end of the room. Does anyone answer it?

2010-11-05, 12:29 AM
Bank-R-DHS extends his arm presenting the door and looks at Blank.

Blank... I see a lack of assertion in your demeanor, which says to me you have alot of pent up frustration that needs an avenue. As the happiness officer, I want to help you explore your feelings and constructively externalize your thoughts and emotions.

Please... for the sake of your inner child, go over and answer that door. For behind it is your future!:smallbiggrin:

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-05, 03:20 AM
Pla manages to keep up, although to looks confused and a little frightened.

When the doorbell rings Pla gets out his recording equipment and gets ready to record whoever will open the door to success and serving the computer.

Duke of URL
2010-11-05, 06:14 AM
Blank simply stares at Bank for a few seconds, blinks, and then returns to busying himself with settling in. "Someone should probably get that," he mutters.

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-05, 06:36 AM
"I can't! I have to document it!" Pla zooms in on Blank.

2010-11-05, 09:07 AM
The doorbell rings again. And again. As you all stand there, the ringing turns to banging.

A muffled "C'mon guys, let a citizen in" comes through the door "Computer?"

2010-11-05, 12:44 PM
Neil looks at the others, none have moved, so he decides that he will have to do it. before the people behind the door get too angry.

Neil walks over to the door and opens it, all the while attempting to keep his face out of shot from the camera if possible.

2010-11-05, 02:09 PM
The door opens, just as the man behind it is about knock again. He eyes Neil, before stepping inside the room, past him.

He is wearing an orange jumpsuit, and eyes the troubleshooters with barely concealed disdain.

"Message, from John-I-ITI" He pauses, as if trying to remember something, then speaks again "The occupants of red dormroom C-43 are hearby ordered to report to DHS briefing room 78-x. Bring your gear for a mission. Look both ways before crossing the street"

The man in orange turns to walk away, out the door.

2010-11-05, 03:21 PM
Jim grabs his gear, checks his hygiene is up-to-scratch, then follows the man in orange out of the door, trusting that the others would do the same - after all, who would disobey the orders of a higher-clearance citizen? Only a Commie mutant traitor. He looks both ways every time he crosses the street whle he makes his way to the designated briefing room.

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-05, 04:40 PM
Pla-R manoeuvres towards the back of the group so that he can get the best shot before moving off.

2010-11-05, 04:57 PM
Lex double checks his gear and then follows Jim out the door following the orders he was given, along with copying jim's movement, because anyone who shows blatant individualism must be a commie.

Duke of URL
2010-11-05, 05:46 PM
Without a word, Blank trudges off in the direction of the briefing room.

2010-11-05, 06:07 PM
Neil-R-DHS quickly checks he has his gear with him, and collects anything nessisary he doesnt have. then makes sure to not be the last out the door and follows to the debreifing room.

2010-11-05, 08:19 PM
Bank is last behind, though he sees Pla purposely being a slowpoke so that he can keep everyone in view. Being a therapist in HPD&Mind Control, he blends in with the team, not showing significant signs of introvered or extroverted activity so noone notices him. And he just finds himself somewhere amongst the team. It seems innocent enough.

He makes observations of the street. Is there anything of note? Streetlights? Signs?

2010-11-05, 11:00 PM
As soon as you exit, the man in orange turns into an ORANGE doorway and disappears. What you are in is a red corridor, used primarily for the housing of other Red troubleshooters just like yourselves.

Using your knowledge of the sector, the 'road' he is referring to is the DHS portion of the Intersector Highway. A massive eight laned monstrosity linking the DHS sector to many, many others.

The only safe way you can think of getting across, is by requisitioning a vehicale.

Evil DM Mark3
2010-11-07, 07:10 AM
Pla-D pans the camera from the far left to the far right, then zooms in on the other troubleshooters to see if they are following orders.

2010-11-07, 05:37 PM
"we must get to the breifing rooms quickly and efficiently. i advise getting a vehicle to stop and help us reach our destination via orders directly from the computer itself."

Duke of URL
2010-11-08, 08:13 AM
Blank finds the nearest comm unit. "Um. This is Blank-R-DHS. We, um, are on our way to a mission briefing and, um, need some kind of, uh, transport."

Duke of URL
2010-11-18, 12:07 PM
"Friend Computer? Are you there? Is this thing on?" Blank examines the comm unit to see if ti appears functional.

2010-11-18, 12:26 PM
"Do not doubt Friend Computer, Friend Blank. Friend Computer is always there. Always."

Jim gazes intently at the comm screen.