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View Full Version : Raven Woods Group 1 IC

Lord Loss
2010-11-04, 06:01 AM
OOC: Here's the In-Character thread! The beginnings of the first IC post are directly below this.

Your eyes snap open as you are awakened by an habitual tolling of bells. As they continue their repetitive morning chime, you leap from your bed (Dong!) and leave your small bedroom, heading to your personal training room (Dong!). On your way, however, you are intercepted by an elf wearing the robes of the Liberators, the highest order of Nightwatch members (excluding the Council of the Elders). ''Follow me'' she says as she walk outside at a brisk pace. As she steps outside (a final -Dong! sounds in the distance), she leads you to the Circle of Champions, where Reverend Martin, a member of the Council, introduces you to three others.

More OOC:

(Describe your character here)

2010-11-04, 06:17 PM
Kalweelu, holding her bow by her side in front of the Reverend, quickly looks about the Circle of Champions, to the others in the room. She tweets quietly as she looks over the three sir Martin identifies.

She stands almost 5 feet high, just a bit shorter if one doesn't count the feathers. The feathers cover her head, wrists and her calves, but her hands and feet are talon-like and covered in tiny scratches and shallow scar lines. Her beak is also scratched in places, but it remains in mostly unscratched condition. Her clothing consists of cloth and leather exploring gear, from a heavy shirt and vest to cloak, with the hood down for now. A tiny glint of silvery metal can be seen under the vest.

2010-11-04, 09:29 PM
Dagryl assumes that since she left her room under her own power, she dressed this morning as well. Still, it didn't hurt to double check, and once she's confirmed she is indeed fully outfitted - if not quite presentable to polite company - she follows the Council Elf, playing a jaunty, flutelike piece on her pan-pipes to complement the tolling bells, carefully eliminating the instrument's haunting echoes.

The gnoll stood well over seven foot tall, towering over most and having to duck to get through doorframes. Broad shoulders and well-developed muscles gave her an even more intimidating presence, though it was partially off-set (or made more unsettling) by the ridiculously bright dyejob on the MoHawk running from her shallow, swept-back forehead all the way down her neck and back. Despite the animalistic cast to her facial features (Having the head of a Hyena and being covered in fur does give someone a feral appearance), there was at least a hint of humor in her almost-glowing eyes... though her ever-present smirk looked like it was waiting to mock everything and everyone around her at the most opportune moments.

Of course, the only clue of being not-male to those who knew anything about gnoll dimorphism was her greater height, and most common races would be even more likely to assume her male because of it, used to females being the fairer sex amongst them. Oh yeah, and her tomboyish voice was a half-clue, though cockier and deeper than most females'.

On her left shoulder, there were the remains of an attempt to clarify once the gender-confusion ceased to amuse her... but boredom, ink, and too much time on her hands has transformed what was once the distinct pink emblem of Female had been worked into a six-pronged monstrosity that tried to be a Compass Rose, Numeric Clock Face, Chaos Star, Male symbol, "Other" symbol, Radiation Warning, Saint Cuthbert's Wheel, a :smallsmile:, and Sixth Column icon. So, now, she just has the Pink Ankh emblazoned across the back of her sleeveless chainmail, while the front sported "Who's Laughing Now?" written in scratchy common, and a vulgar taunt in Druidic just below it.

Slung across her chest on a bandolier she sported a drum, its head prominently displaying a Gnoll phrase that literally translated directly as simplistic operating instructions, but anyone who had even the slightest familiarity with her native language outside squeaky-clean phrasebooks couldn't unsee the blatant double-entendre written upon the drumhead.

Her right shoulder has a curious set of symbols engraved on it:
'Z - H '


Once she reached the Circle of Champions, the gnoll looked around. It wouldn't be fitting for her to mock this pretentious venerated place, nor its pompous illustrious bums wardens. So, she pulled a slim case of wood off her belt, extracted a sheet of paper from it, and reached over to pluck out a quill-feather from behind one of the other three's ear. She thought it looked at least somewhat like it might almost be loose enough to possibly be relatively painless, but it was very unlikely the owner would agree with the assessment. Or the action, or any possibilities that it doesn't hurt like hell.

After placing the tip in her mouth to quickly suck out any tiny bits of Kalweelu that stayed inside the feather's shaft, she dipped the new pen into the inkwell secured in one of her pouches, and prepared to write down any snarky observations she wouldn't get away with saying in such pretentious important company. Of course, she was careful to write in the less-common languages she knew, no two adjacent, standalone phrases sharing the same script to keep others from understanding any of it at a glance.

2010-11-07, 11:13 PM
He wears a large hood which mostly obscures his face, but his agile movements and quiet grace give away his elvish background. He stays quiet and off to the side after being lead to the Circle, listening and sizing up the others as he awaits his first mission.

2010-11-08, 10:28 AM
Though he was once a happy child Leos face seemed to be stuck in a scowl no matter what one he was wearing. As he walked up to the other 'heroes' he resisted the urge to change shape again. He had only a few shapes he preferred to stay in besides his natural one. Besides caring his spear like a guardsman he stance is not that readable. Not as if he is hiding something but as if he has nothing to hide.

Standing taller then a normal human Leo is a light tanned person, the same color a darker individual would be if he had seen a ghost. Two scares raced down his face from the bottom of his eyes meeting right under his noise. His eyes an unnatural red with hair to match.

His clothing seemed to match his nature. It was a dark red that brought out the brightness of his hair and eyes. The robes flowing down to his feet hovering right before the ground but as he moves the clink clank of chain mail is herd.

2010-11-08, 04:25 PM
Kalweelu jumps in surprise and squawks, her head turning quickly to snip at the gnoll, though her beak is too slow to catch the feather-plucker's hand. She mumbles something under her breath, a mix of tweets and whistles, then pulls her hood up and takes a step or two away from the gnoll.

In case anyone happens to understand the kenku language:

"Ow!", followed by "My feather...!"

Lord Loss
2010-11-08, 05:54 PM

By Sunday, if nobody else has posted I'll merge you guys with Group 2

2010-11-10, 11:52 AM
Dagryl answers Kalweeyu, speaking in the the Kenku's own language, though the hyena-like snicker on top gives her a rather bad accent."Ach! Get over yeself lass and stop bein' such a wimp! It'll grow back soon enough... Symmetry is overrated, but I could take one from the other side if it bothers ye that much!"

Lord Loss
2010-11-12, 06:23 PM
Group 2 Will be joining you. I'll ask them to repost their descriptions here. I'll also make an IC post tonight (I'd do it now, but I'm headed to a party soon)

2010-11-17, 04:19 AM
Arnold Hammerlight

The earth seems to tremble as a large Half-Minotaur, clad in half plate, makes his way to the Circle. His armor and large Warhammer on his back are marked with symbols of worship (from St. Cuthbert). While he looks strong and imposing their is a hint of nervousness around him.

Greetings all, my name is Arnold Hammerlight. As a paladin I follow the teachings of St. Cuthbert and one day I hope to be as good a man as Soren. I'm here to help seek out evil and hammer it down.

It's becomes obvious to all he had practised this bit, as he now stands. with his arms crossed, looking nervously at the rest. He asks with a slightly higher and trembling voice.

Does anybody know why we're here?


2010-11-19, 07:22 PM
Kalweelu looks over the half-minotaur and tweets.

"Hello to you too, Arnold. I am called Kalweelu in the common tongue," she says, her name almost sounding more like a whistle than a pronounceable word. She shakes her head and adds "I am not sure why we are here, though." As she finishes her addition, she makes a short whistling sound and looks to those that called the group in.

2010-11-29, 10:37 AM
Arnold Hammerlight

Are you a bird?

2010-12-20, 04:38 PM
Dead as a doornaill