View Full Version : Torchwood IC

2010-11-05, 03:59 PM
Earth's always needed defending. Whether it be from wolves and monks in the 1800's, or from yetis and robots in the 1960's. Not to mention the walking plastic and living elements of the 70's (or was it the 80's?). Heck even today what with the destruction of downing street and that business with the all the cars, that's not even mentioning all those Christmases.

Luckily Earth has wanted for defenders from, a coalition force funded by the united nations to a plucky old reporter with a Xylok in her attic. A mysterious man in a magical blue box or a team of alien hunters living in Cardiff Bay.

Or even a group of misfits operating from the ashes of Torchwood one in the last place anyone would think to look....

Vehicles pull up to deposit our heroes. outside a building on the Thames front, a sign proclaiming it be the 'Torch and Wood' an image of a witch being burnt at the stake hanging next to it. Each has been given the same instruction, go inside and ask at the bar for Emily.

2010-11-05, 04:28 PM
Zeke hops out of the car and tips the driver. Looks up at the sign.
Heh. Subtle and family friendly. He glances up and down the street, subconsciously checks his pistol and brass knuckles, and strolls into the bar.
Anyone in here go by 'Emily'?
Perception outside the bar, 3d6=9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2753629/)
Perception inside the bar,3d6=9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2753629/)
Holdout, to make sure his gun is concealed and secure, 3d6=7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2753640/)

2010-11-05, 04:32 PM
J-7B makes sure his hood and cloak covers himself. People seeing a robot with talons probably wouldn't be best. He then slowly walks into the bar, silent.

2010-11-05, 04:50 PM
Michael hops out of the car, glad that the long, rather boring ride was over. The driver was very preoccupied with not thinking about anything. It was pretty obvious why, but it made for a doldrum start to the day. It wasn't hard to spot the other black SUVs dropping off various other people in front of Torch & Wood. He assumed they were going to get very friendly in just a bit.

Dressed in dark, loose fitting blue jeans, a Manchester United t-shirt, and a black hoodie, Michael seemed to fit in perfectly on the street, nothing really sticking out about him. Unlike the cloaked and hooded figure entering the little pub. Weird, he thought, chuckling under his breath at the thought of him calling someone else weird.

He crosses the street, and enters the tavern. Seeing a man at the bar, he overhears the word "Emily." So, they gave us all the same instructions? That's rather dull. He paces over, leans againt the bar, and says to the woman behind the bar "Yeah, Emily. I'm looking for her too. And a drink, if you please."

He briefly concentrates on the woman, giving her mind a quick once over. Couldn't hurt, after all, to know what's going on in her head.

I dunno if I have to roll for that, but if I do I'd imagine it's my Int against her Will? Something like that, anyway. [roll0]

2010-11-06, 06:00 AM
The good doctor's vehicle looks very out of place in the grimy London streets, driving his conveyance of brass and gears. Nonetheless it seems to be just as fast as other cars. It pulls into a space outside the building, and a man gets out. His dress is what most people would consider old-fashioned, garbed in a collared, long-sleeved shirt and vest, with peculiar multi-lens goggles on his forehead. He steps out and regards the building with a practiced eye before stepping inside. Waiting for a moment for his eyes to adjust, he makes his way to the bar and raps his cane on the floor, "I say, is there anyone here by the name of Emily?"

2010-11-06, 11:41 AM
I probably should have mentioned this in the first post, but I'm still getting the hang of this so bare with me. But the only person behind the bar is a brown haired man, looking to be in his late 20's.

He looks over at the hooded and cloaked figure.

"You here for Emily too?"

Nothing inside or outside the pub seems out of place, though he might be able to recognise the picture of the witch on the sign as being uncomfortably close to a Carrionite. If the pub's patron's notice his firearm they definitely don't show it.
Your dice rolly thing didn't work.

2010-11-06, 02:06 PM
Oh, yeah, I just assumed. Not your fault, mine! But what do you mean about the dice? "Well, Emily's a popular girl, don't ya know," says Michael, winking at the man and leaning against the bar.

2010-11-06, 07:29 PM
Sounds like.
Zeke holds his hand out to the young man in the hoodie.
Ezekiel Stack. Pleasure to meet you.

2010-11-06, 07:37 PM
"My pleasure, I'm sure," he says, taking the man's hand. "Name's Michael Harpur. Mike, if ya like."

2010-11-06, 07:44 PM
Mike it is. Zeke glances over the other arrivals and settles on the man in a suit and googles.
Let me guess, Doc something?
Body Language on the fellow in the cloak, trying to see if he's giving off any odd cues.
3d6=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2754925/) Against a difficulty of 10.

2010-11-06, 10:37 PM
Calgori coughs, "Ahem, my name is Doctor Leguminous Calgori."

2010-11-06, 11:20 PM
Michael laughs. This was a colourful character for sure. But he needed to loosen up more than anyone he'd met. "Well that right there's a mouthful. Doctor what now? You gotta get yourself a nickname."

2010-11-07, 07:59 AM
J-7B looks around. Satisfied there are no civilians around, he starts to speak, a grating, emotionless voice.

"Yes I am. Is she here?"

2010-11-07, 08:02 AM
The man behind the bar nods and turns to a door behind him.

"If you'll just follow me gentlemen."

2010-11-07, 08:31 AM
Doctor Calgori sniffs, "Very well, either Doctor or Professor will suffice for now. now if you excuse me, I believe we must go," he says, following the man behind the bar.

2010-11-07, 10:23 AM
After you, Doc.
Zeke waits for the others to move and then follows, obviously waitingto bring up the rear.

2010-11-07, 05:50 PM
Michael stuffs his hands in his pockets, sighs, and follows along. "I'm not gonna get that drink, am I?" He looks supremely unimpressed and indifferent with the proceedings, and only slightly disappointed about his drink.

2010-11-08, 04:00 PM
"I'm afraid not, you're on Torchwood time now."

The door leads in to the back room, filled with those metal drum things pubs use for the stuff they've got on tap, no idea what they're called. Anyway in addition to the myriad bottles and miscellaneous booze containers is a metal door, completely flush to the wall. The barman slides a light switch next to it aside revealing a metal speaker grille, leaning forward and talking in to it.

"David Collinson."

This was apparently what the grille wanted to here as the door slides open to reveal a long dark stairway, illuminated by small spot lights on the walls either side.

"She'll be waiting for you at the bottom."

2010-11-08, 04:26 PM
Zeke, heads down quickly, skipping a few steps on the way down.

2010-11-08, 06:11 PM
Michael sighs whistfully as he passes the casks on the wall. But the man was right. "I suppose you're right. Work is work. Though I've never been this close to a pub before without a drink. Time to meet Emily though, I suppose. Should be exciting, I guess." He follows along with behind Ezekiel, ready to get to work.

2010-11-10, 04:40 PM
Happy that he is out of public sight, J-7B drops his cloak to the floor, walking slowly but surely down the stairs, talons extended.

2010-11-10, 05:13 PM
Michael continues down the stairs, but as he walks and hears the clink of metal on metal, he turns, sees the robot man, turns back, and does a quick double take, eyes widening as he sees the robot. "Blithe, I am going to need a drink! You're one fancy piece of work. Whadda they call you!" He slows down until he is one step below the robot, and leans in, walking backwards down the steps, examining the robot closely. "You're some gadget ... How do you work?"

Perception to see if I can tell what kind of tech he is? I think that would be the right kind of roll ... but whatever's appropriate, here's the check for it: [roll0]

2010-11-11, 12:55 AM
Calgori follows along behind the others, his cane tapping on the stairs as he goes, "Certainly not one of mine," he adds, a touch disdainfully.

2010-11-11, 12:52 PM
Zeke glances back at the robot and thumbs open the catch on his holster. Just in case.

2010-11-11, 02:23 PM
It's kinda hard to tell exactly, though he's clearly not 21st century earth tech. More or less.

The stairs lead in to a large open plan room with a series of desks and computer equipment scattered about the room with seemingly no real pattern. A number of doors, each with a speaker grille like the one at the top, are dotted about the place, they look innocuous enough, wonder what they could lead to? Who knows? There's also two sets of stairs one at the back of the room leading down and a set of metallic steps nearer the door that lead up to yet another door, next to which is a large black window.

((Map to follow. I downloaded a hex grid and everything))

Coming down those stairs is a woman with short brown hair in a business suit.

"Ah, you must be my new boys."

2010-11-11, 02:27 PM
"I suppose so. Are you 'Emily'?"

2010-11-11, 02:37 PM
Michael spins around as he hears the woman's voice, taking the last step off the stairs as she speaks. "That's us, ma'am. Unless we're not. Are we?" Michael grins, running his hand through his hair. He starts to focus on the woman's mind, but then decides against it. After all, it might not make a good first impression on his new boss if he were to break into her head ...

2010-11-11, 03:29 PM
Zeke simply nods.

2010-11-11, 11:11 PM
Calgori gives a short bow, "At your service, ma'am."

2010-11-12, 12:53 PM
Told you I'd do a map! Told you!
The brown lines are doors, the one on the bottom of the imaging being the one they just came through.
That one unmarked black hex is the stairs Emily just came down.

"Indeed I am, welcome to Torchwood 4 gentlemen."

2010-11-12, 02:17 PM
Zeke looks around. Frowns.
Do you people have a gun rack? Or do we mostly just type? Cause, I don't type.

2010-11-12, 02:41 PM
Michael perked up. "Type? I type. I'm an excellent typist. I've got a hundred words per minute!" He brightens up considerably at this point.

2010-11-12, 03:26 PM
Zeke smiles slightly at the younger agent's enthusiasm.
Well, Mike you can do the typing for the both of us. Do you shoot?

2010-11-12, 06:51 PM
"Well, I don't shoot per se ... I mean, it's never been my thing really. But don't worry, I'm not useless!" He shuffles his feet, clearly uncomfortable. He figures exposing his powers now might not be the best idea ...

2010-11-12, 06:56 PM
"Are you trained with guns, then?" J-7B asks Zeke.

2010-11-12, 08:28 PM
Zeke looks to the robot.
That I am.
He chuckles at Mike's nervousness.
Don't worry. You do the typing, I'll do the shooting.

2010-11-15, 11:48 AM
"I suppose we should begin with a quick tour of the facility. If you'll just follow me."

She walks over to the single door on right hand side of the room, pointing over to the door by the stairwell at the back.

"This is the break room and the door over there leads to the garage."

2010-11-15, 12:30 PM
"Garage, eh? What kinda vehicles do we have?"

2010-11-15, 12:30 PM
Calgori follows along behind Emily for the tour, "Ah excellent, a Garage, I shall have to move my vehicle into there later." he remarks idly.

2010-11-16, 03:17 PM
"In the garage we have the SUV, and a motorcycle but we're not letting that out of its cage."

She points to the doors on the other side of the room, first to the one nearest the back and then to the other.

"And those are the armoury and the autopsy/mortuary room. Any questions?"

2010-11-16, 03:26 PM
"What kind of weaponry will we be using? What kind of work will we be doing?"

2010-11-16, 08:27 PM
"Yes, and are there rooms for me to use for my research?" Calgori chimes in.

2010-11-16, 11:50 PM
Zeke heads for the armory as questions are asked. Time to see what the big guns are.

2010-11-18, 03:13 PM
"Stand issue Torchwood is a .40 pistol. Though I do believe some of you have weapons you would prefer or talents that would make such weapons unnecessary, those will be reviewed. Doctor Calgori we are having rooms fitted for your particular brand of science and they should be complete by the end of the week. As for what you are here to do, how many of you can recall the Battle of Canary Wharf?"


Inside the armoury (map pending) is three shooting ranges each set up with more or less humanoid targets. On a rack by the door is a set of firearms starting with pistols and moving on to shotguns, rifles and automatic weapons as well as some ear guards and goggles. The walls are lined with a series of heavy duty looking metal lockers, each with a small light where the lock should be.

2010-11-18, 03:33 PM
"Lesse, the Battle of Canary Wharf ... That was a bit before my time, but I remember reading about it. Lots of deaths, lots of robots, and not nearly enough information ... Hell, I don't even know the cause, and I work for you guys! Torchwood was involved, I know that much. And I've read some things hinting at the Doctor sticking his nose in it. As usual."

2010-11-18, 03:34 PM
"Negative. I wasn't self-aware then."

2010-11-18, 09:03 PM
Zeke approaches a locker and tries to open it.

2010-11-20, 01:40 PM
Emily nods as Michael speaks, someone's done their research.

"Torchwood One fell during that assault, with them gone London was more or less left defenceless subject, to the whims the Doctor and a handful of his ex-associates. That's where you four come in, you are now the British Empire's first line of defence against the extraterrestrial menace."


That's a pretty tricky thing to do seeing as there's no handle, if he wants to try and brute force it open roll ST.

2010-11-20, 02:48 PM
Michael smiled, and he felt filled with pride. The fact that he was special enough to be entrusted with such a responsibility was frankly amazing. "Well don't worry ma'am, you won't be disappointed! Frankly because, well, if we didn't perform up to standards we'd be dead ..." He grins sheepishly, and says "But don't worry! I'll do well. Uh, I mean, we'll do well!"

2010-11-20, 04:13 PM
He'll try to interact with the door and the light before he'll smash it in.
IQ roll against IQ 10 to figure out how the light thing works.3d6=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2773131/)

2010-11-23, 06:10 AM
Sorry, I meant to update a while ago, then it got buried under my other subscriptions.

Calgori goes silent momentarily at the mention of Canary Wharf, "Ah yes, Canary Wharf... I was there you know.." he brightens up at the mention of how much he's needed, "Yes, I shall do my best for Queen and country, ma'am. Now then, I should oversee the installation of my equipment, yes?"

2010-11-23, 01:55 PM
"You must be desperate..."

2010-11-23, 03:24 PM
"Needs must when the devil drives I'm afraid and your equipment'll have to wait Doctor. Ten minutes before you arrived we intercepted a 999 call from the Regency Theater. Police have cordened off the area and are waiting for us at the scene. I assume one of you holds a valid drivers licence?"

Map the second
The brown bit by the door is the aforementioned gun rack, whilst the grey hexes are the lockers Zeke is currently trying to interact with.

Success! He'll be able to identify the red lights as retinal scanners, a common feature of Institute security.

2010-11-23, 04:20 PM
"Uh ... I'm not a great driver, but I know my way around a car. And I know where the Regency is!" He walks over to where the woman had said where the garage was, and opens the door, ready to hop in a vehicle.

2010-11-23, 05:26 PM
Zeke moves his eye into position to open a locker.

2010-11-23, 05:28 PM
"I don't drive."

J-7B walks over to the gun racks, and picks up a rifle, bringing it to his shoulder.

2010-11-25, 10:25 AM
The doctor sighs, "Ah, action already, I see, oh well.. No rest for the wicked! I have a car upstairs outside the tavern that we can use."

2010-11-25, 03:16 PM
"Splendid! You two work it out amongst yourself but I would prefer if you took the SUV, it'll make it much easier to communicate with you off site."

She looks over to the door J-7B went through, speaking up when he picks up the rifle.

"I hope you're not thinking of taking that off the range?"


A beep and a muffled click come from behind the locker door before it swings open ever so slightly revealing a more heavy duty shotgun then that on the table.

2010-11-25, 03:17 PM
Zeke grins and checks to make sure it's loaded before picking it up and heading for the garage.

2010-11-25, 03:18 PM
"Yes I was. Why?"

2010-11-25, 04:36 PM
"C'mon guys," says Michael. He wishes he had a pair of sunglasses to put on as he pushes the garage door open and says "Let's go." He heads to the SUV and finds the keys on the dash, starts the car, and waits for everyone to get in.

2010-11-25, 05:49 PM
Zeke'll find the gun is entirely unloaded and the ammo isn't in the locker, though there are some rather chunky looking batteries.

"Because we are a covert organisation and that sort of fire power is hardly inconspicuous don't you think? The same goes for you Mr Stack, either of you are welcome to a standard issue pistol however, in fact I recommend you all take one."


Heading over to the SUV Micheal'll notice that other than the door leading out on to the street the garage is pretty much empty other than a cage with a jaggedy looking motorcycle leading up against the inside, it does have a rather nice chrome finish though.

(('Nother map on the way.))

2010-11-25, 05:52 PM
"It's easy enough to kill with one of these if you prepare right and have the right gear. Trust me, I'm an assasisin."

J-7B dos put the rifle down, though.

"I'll have a pistol. Better than nothing."

2010-11-25, 05:55 PM
Zeke looks over the standard issue pistol. Makes sure his is better. Satisfied he goes to the SUV, takes a seat in the back.

2010-11-28, 07:37 AM
"Oh, the SUV, how low-brow. Very well then." Calgori says sharply, before heading to the SUV with an air of wounded dignity.

2010-11-28, 02:24 PM
"Best of luck to you."

With that Emily heads over to the stairs, going back to her office.


In most regards it's a fairly standard, if very high end, SUV. Two seats in the front, two in the back. However the boot is an entirely different story with a small bank of computers, lights a-blinking and looking all sciencey as well as a locked steel container at the back.

Once everyone's in Emily's voice emanates from a speaker who's location is not immediately obvious.

"Test, test. Can you hear me?"

2010-11-28, 02:36 PM
"Uhh ... Roger that, Emily! I hear you loud and clear. We're on our way to the site."

Michael turns the key, checks that everyone's in the car, and guns the engine. The garage door opens as he speeds out of the drive, and heads to the Regency.

2010-11-30, 03:22 PM
Well assuming they all sit quietly and just stare out the window for the duration they'll eventually arrive at the Regency, an old theatre scheduled for renovation before its grand reopening. Emily informed them as much via the medium of mystery speaker on the way there. Outside, the building is cordoned off by yellow police tape, a couple of officers are waiting for them just outside the cordon.

2010-11-30, 03:34 PM
Michael says "Hold on a second," reaches left into the glove box, and finds what he was looking for: a dark pair of sunglasses. "I knew they'd have a pair!" He pops open the car door, steps out, and, after the others follow, walks to the police officers. Looking at them over the rims of his new shades, he says, with an air of professional brevity, "Right, what's the situation?"

2010-11-30, 06:05 PM
Zeke looks over the officers. Tries to gauge if he could out-draw them.

2010-12-01, 02:25 PM
J-7B gets out the vehicle, back under his cloak and hood, so he probably looks like some homeless bum. He walks to the theatre, pistol in hand under the cloak.

2010-12-05, 02:28 PM
Roll IQ

Fun fact:The glove box also contains four communication headsets, a key and a whole mess of IDs.

The police officer addresses Micheal, he seems to be the one in charge.

"About 45 minutes ago we received two calls of something fleeing from this building, a quick sweep and we found a body in cellar, we haven't done much else. Figured it was your department."

2010-12-05, 02:35 PM
"Mm, right. Well then, I guess we should ... split up then? I'll check downstairs with the Professor and see what's up with the body. Maybe it'll give us a clue as to who we're dealing with, and then ... Zeke and J-7B, you want to head out and see if you can't track him down?"

Michael heads back to the car, and takes out the communication devices he'd found and distributes them. "We'll keep in touch with these, and we'll get in contact as soon as one of us figures something out. Alright?" He heads under the police tape, and down to the basement. On his way, he tells the officers "Can you just point out the direction the ... thing went to my partners over there?"

2010-12-05, 08:36 PM
Zeke slips his communicator on. Unlocks his pistol and thumbs off the safety.
3d6=7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2792039/) against IQ 10

2010-12-06, 03:59 AM
"Call yourself a Doctor and everyone assumes it's of medicine. Nevertheless I will have a look." the doctor says primly. He walks into the building and heads towards the cellar.

2010-12-06, 02:05 PM
J-7B grabs the communications device, still under his cloak, and puts it on. He extends his talons, the blades glinting under his cloak, and puts the safety off his pistol. "So...the hunt?"

2010-12-06, 10:28 PM
Zeke nods, then glances as a thin little smile plays across his face.
Hunt. Maybe a little violence if we're lucky. Doubt it though. If it was a good kill they're long gone. Type of kill'll probably tell us more.
As soon as the cops indicate a direction Zeke starts purposefully going in that direction, looking about for their killer. If they don't he looks around for signs of a rapid exit and a general direction for that exit.
3d6=10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2793123/) Against a perception of 10

2010-12-08, 12:48 PM
@OJ again
Yep Zeke could totally outdraw them also the cops didn't tell them which way the thing fled but there is a broken window high up at the front of the theatre


Inside the theatre it's incredibly dusty and dank with rubbish strewn about the place the odd dirty blanket too. The whole place is dimly lit with temporary standing lights. After a bit of faffing about cause they didn't ask for directions they'll find the door to the cellar. There's old stones scattered about the entrance as well as a few still stuck in the bottom of the frame. It's too dark to see from what's actually in the cellar from outside.

2010-12-08, 02:16 PM
"Well, onwards and downwards I guess ..." Michael tentatively takes a step down the stairs. Realizing how dark it is, however, he looks around for something that would be both flammable and would burn for a while. "One thing I've learned is the darkness isn't friendly ..." If he finds something that could act as a suitable torch, or an electric torch, he takes it and lights it. Roll vs. perception and int? [roll0][roll1]

2010-12-08, 04:26 PM
During the faffing about, Zeke purposefully looks for stairs leading to that broken window.

2010-12-16, 01:28 AM
Doctor Calgori strides purposely into the cellar, after much embarrassment over not being able to find it particularly quickly. He glances around in the dark before turning back to his colleague, "I say, you wouldn't happen to have a light on you by any chance? I'm afraid I'm a bit short on my usual equipment, currently?"

2010-12-16, 07:38 AM
"I'm looking, Doc. Don't worry, I'm sure I can whip something up if need be."

2010-12-23, 09:59 AM
Woah it's been a while, sorry 'bout that.

Anyway Micheal'll find a torch discarded by the entrance to the basement, the lens is cracked so make of that what you will.


There's no stairs leading to it and it is in fact rather high up, easily 15 feet or so, allowing light to reach in to the foyer.

2010-12-23, 10:04 AM
"Looking around outside. May be able to find signs of the prey escaping."

J-7B leaves the theatre and starts to look outside.

Rolling for Urban Tracking. Ouch, that's a big penalty. Need to put some more points into that later.

[roll0] against 3

2010-12-23, 12:59 PM
Michael flips the switch on the torch, and the beam of light, broken by the cracked lens, shines down the stairs. "Right ... down we go then, doc!" He starts down the stairs.

2010-12-24, 05:33 AM
Stack nods and looks for how the assailant made it to a window that high up.

2010-12-31, 05:30 AM
Calgori sniffs at the battery powered torch, "Very well, lead the way then my good man."

2010-12-31, 03:38 PM
@OJ Well there doesn't appear to be any obvious way up there, no stairs, no ladders, not even a rope with knots in.

@mootoall/Bowerbird Can I get vision checks from the two of you?

@Volt J-7B's keen optical sensors will be able to divine that the broken window points directly towards an alley across the street. Probably a good place to hide if you're running.

2010-12-31, 03:39 PM
J-7B walks into the alleyway, speaking into the radio.

"May have found escape route. Examining area."

2010-12-31, 03:44 PM
Zeke walks out of the theater looking to follow J-7B

2010-12-31, 04:44 PM
Rolling vs. Perception then? [roll0]

2011-01-06, 04:55 PM
In a delightful bit of synchronisity both our little groups come across more or less the same thing, a dead body.

Well to be more precise the group composing Professor Calgori and Michael will see a skeleton lying on the floor, its legs leaning in to an old and battered looking crate, somehow all its bones in position as if it was lunging at someone but didn't quite make it. The rest of the room seams equally old, the walls and floor both crafted from inexactly hewed blocks of stone.

As for the rest of our intrepid heroes the body they'll see is plainly slumped up against a wall in the alley, dessicated nearly to the point of unrecognisability.

2011-01-06, 04:57 PM
"Corpse here."

J-7B looks over at the corpse, before looking around the area again.

Tracking: [roll0]

2011-01-06, 05:23 PM
Michael calmly walks over to the skeleton and shines the torch on it. "Yeah, looks like we've found something ... Doesn't look like it had a very good time. This look like a human skeleton to you? Wonder what does that to a person ..." Rolling against Hidden Lore (Aliens) [roll0]

2011-01-06, 05:35 PM
Looks like ours has been dried out... Moisture sucker?

2011-01-11, 12:27 PM
The skeleton in the cellar doesn't show any signs of being murdered by any alien Michael'll be able to recall from his experience in Torchwood.


The rest of the alley seems perfectly normal, nothing's been upset and there's no telling marks anywhere.

2011-01-11, 02:04 PM
"Any idea what this might be, Doc?" Michael bends down and looks around, checking out the crate the body is leaning towards.

2011-01-15, 10:07 AM
Calgori bends down to look at the skeleton, inspecting it for signs of age or organic residue, as well as any sign of how it came to be a skeleton. "I am uncertain. Perhaps some form of weapon? Disintegration? If the flesh were ripped away there would surely be a bit more of a mess. Do you see anything odd about that crate he's leaning against?"

Perception to inspect the body for anything unusual: [roll0] vs PER 14

2011-01-19, 11:43 AM
@Mootoall The inside of the crate seems much more battered than the outside and the whole thing looks really old.

@Bowerbird On closer inspection the skeleton has a ton of tiny little marks on all the bones though lacking medical knowledge he's not going to know what was likely to cause it unless you can roll IQ-4

2011-01-23, 11:06 AM
"I say look at this, the bones seem to be covered in small marks..." the doctor bends down to look more closely at the marks.

IQ Roll: [rollv[3d6[/rollv] vs IQ-4 (10)

Terribly sorry about how long it takes me to post, I'll try to be a little more prompt.

2011-01-23, 01:08 PM
"Talk about bizarre? This crate's not something I'd expect to find in a theatre ..."

What would I have to roll to figure out what it may have held, being "battered"?

2011-02-04, 09:13 AM
I swear I posted here, sorry about that.

@mootoall Umm...lets say Alien Lore-4. But it's a longshot.

@bowerbird Your roll thingie didn't work.

2011-02-04, 10:15 AM
Alright, roll against Alien Lore -4! [roll0] Ouch. That's just painful."Regardless, we'd best take all of this back to the facility for examination, and join the others to help find ... whatever did this."