View Full Version : [Exalted 2e] Magical Hobos of Violence and JUSTICE 2.0A. Great Forks Arc.

2010-11-05, 06:23 PM
The divine city of Great Forks. Governed for centuries by the Three, and home to one of the most diverse cultures outside of Nexus, prepares for the Calibration festival, a month from now.

People are reinforcing their doors and windows, and innkeepers are preparing for extra-large deliveries. Thaumaturges prowl the streets, warding the belongings of whoever will pay, and more than a few conmen are in their ranks. Gods of lower ranks do their best at their respective jobs, and the elite God-Blooded police force of Great Forks is on the lookout for trouble.

Your strange 'family', currently living in a rather nice house provided by the Three, has been in Great Forks for about a week now, and already news of strange events have reached your collective ears. Eventually, a courier from the Temple of the Three arrived at your door, bearing a sealed envelope.

He knocks three times, then waits.

2010-11-05, 07:05 PM
"I'll get it." Kerisa wasn't fond of playing doorman, but compared to her friends nobody was better at handling bureaucrats. Of course, it could be an ambush... However, she was acclimated for those as well. She opens the door, enough that her person was plainly visible in the doorway and little else beyond it. "You knocked. Business?"

2010-11-05, 07:09 PM
The guard nods his head. "Yes ma'am. I was told ta deliver this-" He holds out the envelope. "-an told ta wait for your reply."

He seems slightly nervous, and looks fairly young for a guard.

2010-11-05, 07:14 PM
Kerisa nods, opening the letter to see its contents. The guard hadn't stipulated whether it was for her specifically or for the group as a whole, so she decided she would see who it was addressed to at least before calling the others over.

2010-11-05, 07:16 PM
The letter is addressed to the house itself, rather than anyone specifically.

2010-11-05, 07:18 PM
Kerisa folds the letter over so as to prevent the guard from catching a peek before turning her attention to the interior. "Letter for the house, folks! Delivery boy won't leave without our answer!"

2010-11-05, 07:20 PM
Trinity is laying on her tummy watching Bright while her legs, bare at the moment softly kick in the air. Her hands prop her head up and the floor squeezes gently her breasts, her dark red eyes are filled with curiosity as she watches the amazing child.

Trinity was a very pretty woman with almost flawless pale complexion, her long black hair was loose this day as it spilled in jet black waves across her body to the floor. She wears at the moment a black silken blouse, and a black silken skirt. Her arms currently have her soulsteel bracers on them gleaming sickly in the light of the place. She tilts her head as Kerisa heads to the door and listens to the distant words, when the woman speaks she stands and pads softly her way to the door.

"What is it, perhaps an invitation?"

2010-11-05, 07:22 PM

Bright came running down the stairs after Trinity, the mechanical Twitch setting carefully on his shoulder despite the boys frantic movements. Finally something was happening. He had gotten tired of setting here doing nothing for so long, in fact, he was itching to get back to his manse and start on some of his projects again. Elzal liked it here though, and Bright was patient, so he hadn't complained yet. Besides, the city was impressive.

"What is it 'Risa?"

2010-11-05, 07:25 PM
"Who's it from?" Elzal said as he sauntered up to the door, his pistol sticking out of his belt within easy reach. He felt a bit odd without his armor, having worn it essentially constantly for the last year. But within the city he didn't really need it. His pistol, on the other hand, was not something he ever let leave his side.

As Trinity spoke, he glanced over at her and smiled. She looked so attractive today.

2010-11-05, 07:58 PM
"I only looked so far as who it was addressed to." Kerisa takes a step back, holding the letter so that she and the Celestials would be able to read it, but that the guard's view of the document would be obstructed by the door. The tricky part, if anything, was angling it to accomodate Bright. "Delivery boy's skittish, though, so it must be from someone important..."

2010-11-05, 08:06 PM
The guard rubs the back of his head. "Oh, I don't know who it's from. Captain gave it me, told me ta take it here. Said it was important."

The letter reads as follows.

Greetings, Exalted.

First, let me again thank you for avoiding causing any great amounts of trouble while in the city, we really appreciate it.

Now, to business. You are all requested to appear at the Temple of the Three to receive a request from Dreamweaver herself. She has great need of your services.

2010-11-05, 08:33 PM
Trinity raises a slender black eyebrow and begins playing with a strand of silky jet black hair. "Hmmm, what do you all think? Shall we go? I mean it would be rude I suppose if we don't. But..." she fades and bites at her lips perhaps a bit worriedly.

2010-11-05, 08:35 PM
"Well, we should probably see what she wants. It's not a good idea to keep her waiting." Elzal said, before turning away from the door. "Lemme get my stuff together. I want to be looking my best." Heading upstairs, he began to don his gear.

2010-11-05, 08:58 PM
"It'd be better to go than not. She probably wants to collect rent." Kerisa folds up the letter and slides it into her vest, giving the guardsman a curt nod. The sooner outside ears were gone, the sooner they could speak freely. "We'll be there."

2010-11-05, 09:03 PM
Trinity nods to Kerisa and guides Bright from the door. "We should get ready for such a meeting then. Thank you for expedient delivery of the message, sir." She then continues to lead Bright away. After all she needed to get her boots.

2010-11-05, 09:03 PM
Bright looked slightly worried himself, glancing at each member in turn. "We didn't do anything wrong did we? I'm sure Twitch and Reyl have behaved themselves..." he kneaded his hands anxiously, as he tended to do when worried. He had a bad feeling about all of this.

2010-11-05, 09:04 PM
The guard bows, then leaves rather hurriedly, heading off into the city

2010-11-05, 09:19 PM
After shutting the door, Kerisa shifts her Baneclaws along her sash to a more mobile position from the more discrete. "She made a point of thanking us for not causing trouble while in town. If this letter is provoked by an event, it's likely a problem that we're expected to address."

2010-11-05, 09:26 PM
Trinity nods, "I suspect as much myself." Trinity sighs as she recovers her boots and begins to put them on. "Trouble always seesm to follow, doesn't it. We may never be the one to start trouble but it seems we finish enough trouble." She tightens the straps on the boots. And looks up the stairs where Elzal had gone.

2010-11-05, 09:52 PM
"It said she had a job for us. I doubt it would've been phrased that way if she was mad at us." Elzal said, calling down the stairs as he pulled on his armor and bracers.

2010-11-05, 10:46 PM
"....Alright. Do you think it would be alright for me to take Reyl in the temple with us? Or should I have him wait outside?" Bright asked nervously, all his life he had been told that mere mortals could not challenge gods, and honestly, some days he had trouble remembering he was no longer a mere mortal. Diplomacy with gods was not his expertise.

2010-11-05, 10:54 PM
"I'd leave him outside. Don't want to risk offending them." Elzal said, descending the staircase. He now had his longcoat on, as well as his starmetal bracers. Walking over to Trinity, he placed a quick peck on her cheek. "Ready to go?"

2010-11-05, 10:55 PM
"Hardly a risk, since Reyl's a bound summon, and Bright's Chosen." Kerisa flashes Bright a grin. She didn't understand how the kid became what he was, but he was by far his favorite. All that power, in such an open mind? It was as though the god in charge of sending Exaltations to their targets took note of her mission and decided to make it easier than an amorous Cynis. "I'm not sure on the specifics of divine protocol, but it shouldn't be an issue if Reyl is there serving a guest like yourself."

2010-11-05, 11:03 PM
Trinity smiles and nods, "Yes I am," she responds running a hand through her ankle length hair. She then turns to Bright and nods, "Though I leave the decision up to you if you bring him or not. You are... what you are after all, as long as Reyl doesn't cause trouble I'm sure the Goddess will not mind."

2010-11-05, 11:09 PM
"....Better safe then sorry."

This was Elzals city after all, he trusted him to know what was best. Turning to the air above him Bright began to speak, old realm syllables that rolled off his tongue with an easy grace and skill that bellied his young age, and would make trained Scholars jealous. "Reyl." he said, "Please follow us closely but do not enter the temple when we do. Remain outside, and then rejoin me when we leave again."

The air around him suddenly picked up in a wide gust, that was his only reply. It seemed enough for bright though, how smiled at the rest of the group, as gently rubbed the automation that lay perched on his shoulder.

"Alright, I'm ready."

2010-11-06, 01:06 AM
The strange 'family' makes it's way through the city. The neighborhood is a nice one in the Center, and fairly quiet compared to the rest of the city. You move unmolested through the crowds, though you do get a number of strange looks from both men and women.

The Palace of the Three soon looms close, a majestic building, grandest of all the many temples in the city. The entrance nearest you leads to Talespinner's Temple, while Dreamweaver's is to the left and Dayshield's is on the other side of the building.

Scattered worshippers are praying inside Dreamweavers temple when you enter, and upon seeing you she rises from her throne and beckons.

2010-11-06, 01:15 AM
Approaching Dreamweaver, Elzal fell to one knee, bowing his head briefly. "Glorious Dreamweaver, we have come as requested. What do you desire of us?" He said, glancing up at the goddess.

2010-11-06, 01:29 AM
Trinity found herself admiring Elzal's form as he led the group through the city. The whispers were not so loud, they had been quite silent if not soft these past few months, but she was not sure if they were displeased with her. It was hard to tell, the whispers were not friendly or sensible, most of the time. Still she did admire his form, so much unlike the Lover or the High Priestess of her former home.

Once at the temple she gave a glance to Kerisa then Bright, and waited a moment. Elzal bowed and gave the question that she herself had and she smiled as she curstied.

2010-11-06, 01:54 AM
Kerisa kept to the rear of the group, allowing the others to receive the focus and attention. More importantly, it allowed her to better monitor their mannerisms and learn their personalities so that she might better nudge them in the neccesary direction.

Upon arriving at the temple, she decided it was better to leave the talking to them. She, on the other hand, would examine the conversation and pick up on any critical nuances that would only pop up in hindsight.

2010-11-06, 08:30 PM
Dreamweaver smiles, gesturing that Elzal need not bow. Her ever-shifting features flicker, reminding you of all the women you've even known, and even her voice changes from time to time. "Welcome, welcome. We are happy to have you in our city, Exalts, but now we must request a task from you. To the East lies the Rolling River, and something very odd is happening at it's mouth."

2010-11-06, 08:36 PM
Bright remained quiet int he rear of the group. Waiting, and watching. He was a careful creature by nature, more inclined to learn from other then charge forward himself, and so he smiled respectfully at the goddess but otherwise remained carefully silent, while Twitch took in the entire temple with its optic nerves.

2010-11-06, 08:44 PM
Trinity frowns slightly and tilts her head with a thoughtful look and a finger to her lips, "What kind of oddity is it? Big monster oddity? Undead rising oddity?" She laughs a bit, "Though perhaps we could just go over and find out ourselves. Learning that way is sometimes quite fun."

2010-11-06, 08:56 PM
Dreamweaver nods to Trinity, though she does seem slightly unnerved by her "Something has happened to the Elementals there. They've gone crazy, attacking ships and wagons and interrupting trade with out city. The people who have survived said that the Elementals seemed, distorted, twisted."

2010-11-06, 09:07 PM
"Well, that's not good. Anything in particular you want us to do about it, or just figure out why the elementals are acting strange?" Elzal said, shifting his shield slightly on his arm. They could easily handle a group of rogue elementals.

2010-11-06, 09:12 PM
Trinity for her part is not pleased that her presence causes the goddess a bit of unease, but she doesn't allow that to show upon her face. Trinity turns to Bright curious of what he thinks of this as he can summon them, and the boy was quite smart, not to mention adorable. She shakes her head and nods. "That sounds strange. Twisted and distorted Elementals?" She then glances to Kerisa then Elzal. "I think perhaps we should look into this. Its causing trouble for this area's trade, and that is never good," she suggests softly.

2010-11-06, 09:38 PM
Pain surges through Trinity's very soul as the Neverborn express their displease with her, sympathizing with mortal concerns.

Resonance: [roll0]

"We'd like you to find out what happened, and to put it right. Your rewards will be considerable, I promise."

2010-11-06, 09:41 PM
"Elementals? Hurm..." Brights eyes seemed to light up with an inner fire as the Twilight began thinking on the various causes, and simultaneously planning potential solutions as quickly as he discarded them. In moments he was muttering to Twitch in a low voice without thinking about, as a frantic energy seemed to fuel the child....

2010-11-06, 09:46 PM
"Well, we weren't doing anything important, and Bright seems really interested. We'll check it out." Elzal said, glancing over at the child. He seemed rather excited to be dealing with elementals, a lot more excited than Elzal himself was.

2010-11-06, 09:58 PM
Dreamweaver smiles, and bows very slightly. "I thank you. A ship awaits you in the docks, and one of the guards will lead you there." ]" She walks forward, putting a hand on Elzals face and smiling kindly. "Child of our city, know that we Three shall always care for you.|

2010-11-06, 10:05 PM
Trinity winces and knows that feeling, she didn't like the feeling, but she had to accept it. She had accepted terms, she had foolishly accepted vengeance over death, and now long after she had fled from the Lover's service, she had started to forget about it. Well until today. She would have to find a way to appease 'Them' soon without hurting Bright.

She turned and walked off a bit. She looked to the sky and frowns at the sun as she takes a deep breath. It had been close, she knew. 'They' might be just warning her, and waiting for her to anger them further, however, it was hard to say when they might punish her for slipping away from the Lover.

2010-11-06, 10:16 PM
"Thank you, my Lady." Elzal said, bowing once more before turning to follow Trinity. Still, he was worried about how Trinity would fare, given that this was a mission undertaken to help Creation. With that in mind, he caught up with Trinity and put his arms around her shoulders. "You gonna be okay?"

2010-11-06, 10:23 PM
Trinity shakes her head softly and closes her eyes. She dare not worry them, she wasn't a burden or a threat, not to them. "I'll be fine. Its nothing, really. So we have a ship awaiting us?"

2010-11-07, 12:09 AM
Bright grinned as he made his way to the boat, this was going to be fascinating! He wondered what kind of elemental they'd meet, and if he'd get to take one apart and see how it worked. Then put it back together, only better. And fixed. "Come on guys!" he yelled, dashing haphazardly through the streets, laughing loudly, enjoying the promise of the future and the company of today.

2010-11-07, 12:42 AM
"Coming, coming." Kerisa hurries to keep pace with the young Solar. Elementals were fairly distant from her field of expertise, but she was competent in subduing enemy combatants, particularly those reliant upon weapons. "We can't go any faster than our guide, anyhow."

2010-11-07, 04:40 PM
Trinity smiles warmly as Bright races ahead. Well it certainly wasn't hard to know where the Docks were but they needed the guard to do the leading, right. Regardless she gently shakes her head at Bright and chuckles lightly. "Have patiences Bright. Not all of us have the same passion you do towards these elementals. We will get there."

She glances to Elzal and smiles softly at him. "We might want to add some speed, he will go ahead reguardless I suspect."

2010-11-07, 05:28 PM
"I suppose." Elzal said with a laugh, moving faster as he did so. Trinity was right, Bright would get ahead of all of them given the chance. And who knew how much trouble an 8-year-old Solar could get into? Better to keep him in sight at all times.

2010-11-07, 05:57 PM
The escorting guard tries to keep serious as he leads you through the city, but eventually crumbles to the relentless forces that are contained in all 8 year olds, and which point he starts misusing his powers somewhat, zipping around the street trying to intercept the boy before Bright can get lost, and turning it into a game.

Eventually, eventually, you all reach the docks, and then onto the vessel that awaits you, which is crewed by more guards. It seems to be a re-purposed fishing boat, with the crane removed and hull re-painted.

The guard captain in charge of the boat steps off it as you approach, bowing slightly and holding out a hand. A tall, thin man, with wispy white hair, light blue eyes, and a saber at his side, he introduces himself.

"West Wind's Howl, at your service."

2010-11-07, 06:42 PM
Elzal returned the man's bow before casting his eyes over the vessel on which they were to travel. "I am Elzal, the Stampede. It is a pleasure to meet you."

2010-11-07, 09:28 PM
"When do we have to be there?! Give me three hours and the right materials and I can make this ship go twice as fast. Please? Please can I? I promise I won't mess anything up." Bright said, running up and down the dock, examining the boat with a wild eyed grin. This trip was going to be awesome! He could tell already. He hoped they let him work on it, they might even get there faster!

2010-11-07, 09:34 PM
West Wind looked at the scampering Solar, and smiled. "We'll be there faster then three hours, but the offer is appreciated."

2010-11-07, 09:45 PM
Trinity smiles softly and quickly takes Bright by the hand so he could stay still. "Maybe after we return?" She nods to the man, "I am Trinity and this is Bright." She motions gracefully to Kerisa, "And this is Kerisa. I hope its not much, but are you ready to depart?"

2010-11-08, 04:21 PM
Kerisa simply nods hello when Trinity gestures to her. Enough attention that her presence wasn't suspicious, but not so much that it was distinctive. Pity she couldn't have come up with a pseudonym for the others to remember, but it would hardly make a difference in the long run. By the time her ties to her family were revealed, she would have either steered the Celestials to a position to help their family or, if they made themselves threats to Creation, she would have taken advantage of their trust to strike. Thankfully, the latter looked to be unlikely.

2010-11-08, 08:58 PM
The God-Blooded nodded, gesturing for everyone to board. "We've been waiting for a little while now, we can leave immediately."

2010-11-08, 09:10 PM
"Very well." Elzal said, before making his way onto the ship. He was anxious to get things underway. He'd been cooped up for far too long.

2010-11-08, 10:00 PM
Trinity gently leads Bright onto the boat and gives a soft bow to the God-Blooded. "Thank you." She follows Elzal with a smile. "I can't honestly wait to see what this is all about truthfully."

2010-11-08, 10:03 PM
Kerisa will let the others board ahead of her before getting on herself, declining to comment for the time being. She internalized her speculation, but would gladly share with the others if they wanted to talk to her. Most likely Bright, if the trip gave the lovebirds time and privacy.

2010-11-08, 10:15 PM
"Its a little worrisome. Elementals..." Bright began one of his long, if highly informative speaches as he stepped onto the boat, more talking to anyone who would listen if anything.

2010-11-08, 10:20 PM
Kerisa, as always, is eager to give Bright her attention as he rambles. It's hardly interesting, but it let him feel people cared about his opinion, specifically, that she cared. Every once in a while, she'd throw in a question for clarification, to make sure she understood and to let Bright know she was focused.

2010-11-09, 01:41 AM
Trinity listens half heartedly to Bright, and perhaps a bit of guilt for not giving him the attention he deserves. But she had her mind on two other things. The problem with the Elementals, she hoped it had nothing to do with the Underworld, the Neverborn, or Oblivion, she wasn't sure if she could resist the retailation from that. Her eyes drift to Elzal, and she smiles softly. She was happy, a strange thing coming from a woman that had taken up the mantle of vengeance when she was struck down. It was a different happy though, not like that happy that she had been with the High Priestess, or the Lover. It was a nicer happy.

Of course there was the enjoyment she might get if something needed a good beating though. That'd make her happy too.

2010-11-09, 01:56 AM
The little boat begins to set off, and the guards get into high gear. Their appearence changes, each one becoming more obviously magical. Some dive overboard, moving around and under the ship, pushing it faster through the water. The sail is pulled up, and a pair of guards start pushing at it with gusts of air. The boat accelerates quickly, leaving the docks in a wake, and begins speeding down the river.

"And this is why this won't take too long to get to. We can't take you all the way, since we don't really want to be hit by whatever caused the Elementals to start going mad.

2010-11-09, 01:59 AM
"I wouldn't even think of asking you to risk it." Elzal said, taking all of the guards' transformations in stride. He knew that his home city rarely employed mortals in the Guard.

2010-11-09, 11:14 PM
Trinity raises an eyebrow at the transformation, but she remarks no further on it. Elzal was comfortable with them being such and so she should as well. She finds a place to sit and crosses her arms under her breasts, a leg crossed over the other, the rail of the craft rough against her bottom. Her long black hair flows through the air as they speed down the water.

"It would not do to have you harmed by the power that harms the others down this river." She looks up to Elzal, "Besides allowing us to walk into the tainted area will give us more clues to the cause than just storming into the area."

2010-11-10, 04:21 PM
"Cool!" Bright was startled out of his digressing as he poked his head dangerously far over the boat to get a better view, with all the cold certainty a child has at there own safety. "You guys don't think its infectious do you? Hmm. I think I should be able to handle most sickness. I'm better with straight wounds though, and it will take a while to cure all of them... How many elementals do you know have been infected?"

2010-11-11, 02:22 PM
"Sadly, no. We don't know much, apart from it mostly being Wood Elementals. Where we're taking you is the area with the most reports.

2010-11-12, 12:32 PM
The cold certainty a child has for his own safety is often maintain by an adult presence. In this case, Kerisa saw fit to grab the boy's belt before her got out too far. She was careful to hold him back enough so he'd be aware of her presence without being uncomfortable, and would pull him back in when he gave her some sort of signal.

2010-11-14, 07:24 PM
As they near the area Trinity starts to look out beyond them. The shore, the waters, the sky. Any outward hint of the problem or anyone wishing to stop those from fixing the problem. She listened partially to Bright. Letting the boy talk was good for his mind certainly, and Kerisa was good on the true listening part.

"Elzal. What do you want for dinner," the young Abyssal asked curiously as she looked about.

2010-11-14, 09:44 PM
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I hadn't really thought about it, and I'm not sure what's available." Elzal said, wrapping an arm around Trinity's waist and hugging her close to him. "Thanks for asking, though."

2010-11-15, 03:59 PM
Trinity hugs him back, "Then I shall endeavor a good meal for us all."

2010-11-15, 06:00 PM

He felt Kerisa grab him and he pulled back quickly after, glancing around, doing his best to look noble and important. He had gotten too excited again, he needed to do better then that. He was an Exalt now, more was expected of him then a mere child.

2010-11-15, 06:03 PM
Kerisa smiles at Bright and takes a seat on the deck, patting the panelling adjacent to her invitingly. "As I recall, you were making on observation about the signifigance of the Wood-alignment of the majority of victims."

2010-11-16, 04:58 PM
Shaking the brief filling of weight of himself Bright gave the Dyanst a wide grin and quickly regained his lecture, just where he left of. Kerisa was nice, she always seemed genuinely interested, and listened...

2010-11-16, 05:22 PM
While Bright talks, the Captain listens with interest, the boat speeds along, and the world seems to settle into a pleasant hum. A gentle breeze wafts over the boat, the Sun is high in the sky, and all the world feels peaceful and relaxed. The guards still work a full belt, but they seem content to do so.

After a very enjoyable hour, the boat slows as it heads towards the mouth of the Rolling.

"Well, here we are. Just a bit longer, and we'll hit the shore." West Wind nods to all of you, then walks off barking orders to the rest of the guards "Watch the waters and the winds."

2010-11-17, 12:27 PM
"Ah, we're here already." Kerisa smiles toward the shore ahead, then snaps her head toward Bright with a slightly embarassed expression. While ingratiating herself to the Chosen was important, giving them subtle nudges in the right direction was also prudent. "Oh, I hope I didn't keep you away from any preperations that you needed to make."

Within a given definition of subtle.

2010-11-17, 12:40 PM
"Oh no, no. I couldn't do much tell we got here, I contemplated summoning an elemental during the trip, but I wouldn't have had enough time. Once I see what we're dealing with specifically I should have a better idea of what actions must be taken." Bright said cheerfully as he stepped quickly off the boat. This was certain to be a learning experience...

2010-11-17, 12:44 PM
Fortunately for Bright, Kerisa is also quick, catching his belt just before he goes over the edge. She carefully pulls him back, using her torso as a landing pad if he loses his balance coming back. "There's a sarcastic comment somewhere in this situation."

2010-11-17, 12:49 PM
"Sorry, it was like some strange quasinatural force spontaneously superseded control of my body. Must be something about this place." Bright murmured, rubbing his arms worriedly. He didn't like this at all. Perhaps ghosts where involved?

2010-11-17, 12:56 PM
Kerisa rests her hands on the boy's shoulders, leaning in for a whisper. She didn't want her contradiction to be voiced aloud, both to avoid creating an image of conflict and due to the risk that such a course of action would embarass the young Solar even further. "I'd prefer to think that you were so eager to help others that you weren't thinking about yourself. Shows you're more mature than appearances suggest, a man of good character."

2010-11-18, 05:37 PM
Trinity waits for the boat to dock with the shore... or whatever it was called when a boat and land meet, without construction to support it. Still she watches curiously out of her eye as Kerisa and Bright talk and well the boy so eager to correct the current issue that he neglects to notice that the water was still between them and shore. This brings a soft smile to the Abyssal. Her own eagerness was held in check, the pain of the Neverborn that visits her from time to time was not something she need a repeat this day. It was best, for everyone involved that for now she restrain her passion and concern for people.

She stands though, and shakes loose her hair that had been messed up by the force of wind and water. With a few movements of her hands against the long strands of damp hair she shakes her head until the strands falls still and even. Her eyes fall upon the shore while she listens to the two talk. She took a deep and even breath and waited, the shore coming closer.

2010-11-19, 04:45 PM
"Thanks Miss Keri." Bright gave her a toothy grin as he glanced back over the water. He really was lucky to have fallen in with the people he had. The world was kind of a scary place, and before he would have been more then happy yo just sit in his manse all day long. It would nice to have people, friends that reminded you that it was worth it to come out here sometimes.

2010-11-20, 04:51 PM
The boat beached smoothly, running up the bank and not tilting a jot. Some of the guards kept it upright.

"Well, here we are. If you want help, fire this into the air, and we'll be there as fast as we can." West Wind says, handing over a tubelike thing with a loop at one end. "Hold it up, and pull the loop. Oh, and one thing, don't be surprised if Dragonblooded answer the call. Great Forks is home to more than a few."

2010-11-20, 05:22 PM
Kerisa takes the tube, smirking at the God-Blood. "I'm pretty sure we were already aware of that in varying degrees, but the forewarning is appreciated."

2010-11-20, 05:43 PM
Trinity nods with Kerisa's words and gives a simple bow to the being before she disembarks. She turns to see if Bright will need any assistance off the boat but is pretty confident the eager boy will not be challenged.

"Well let's see what we have going on here shall we," she turns to inland and calms herself for a moment as she let her essence flow for a moment, attuning her senses to the things of the Underworld.

1m to sense the things from the Underworld as well as any shadowlands in 300 yards area for a scene (I think that is how it works no?)

2010-11-20, 08:06 PM
Stepping off the boat behind Trinity and Kerisa Bright glanced around the area curiously, looking for a way to help and taking in the scene for any clues he could pick upon the cause of the malignity that effected the spirits of the land.

2010-11-20, 08:18 PM
Trinity's necrovision reveals nothing but typical wild ghosts, while Bright's cursory glance reveals little about the area. Elzal hops down off the boat behind Bright, removing his large pistol from inside his coat and holding it ready.

The guards find their own ways to push the boat out, moving the waves back and forth, pushing it with gusts of wind.

"I must thank you, and I hope we do not need to meet again before you have succeeded."

2010-11-20, 09:45 PM
Kerisa stows the tube in her belt before giving the crew a parting wave and a smile. She then readies her Baneclaws, giving the Celestials a raised eyebrow if they give her any looks. "I'd rather be ready needlessly than be in need of readiness. Especially when dealing with a... Is 'corrupted court' too poor a pun?"

2010-11-20, 09:48 PM
West Wind chuckles slightly, floating away onto the deck of the ship, leaving the four of you alone on the bank.

2010-11-21, 12:14 AM
Bright laughs as well, pausing for a moment to enjoy being on real land for once. He had no weapons to display, combat was not his forte, and he didn't pretend it was so. "So... should we get going?" he asked eagerly.

2010-11-21, 12:16 AM
Trinity raises an eyebrow at Kerisa but chuckles regardless. "I suppose we should go." She glances to the others gives a nod and starts forward.

2010-11-21, 11:44 AM
"The most immediate question, I suppose, is what we should look for." Kerisa gives her surroundings an idle glance, taking note of the plantlife in the immediate area for comparison to when they enter the infected zone. "A tainted elemental, for direct examination? Or a clean one from nearby, for field intelligence?"

Perception+Awareness to note details about surroundings for future comparison. Spending 2m on First Awareness Excellency.


2010-11-21, 12:21 PM
The immediate area seems, slightly wrong for a normal forest. The colour of the leaves, for example, is slightly unsettling, for no discernible reason. The shapes made by branches are... less natural that should be possible.

2010-11-21, 05:19 PM
"I could summon one of the local elementals, but that would take some time. Probably around three or four hours. Can we wait that long?" Bright asked, snapping off one of the branches curiously so he could get a better look at the odd specimen.

2010-11-21, 05:34 PM
Trinity looks to Kerisa and Elzal before looking to Bright. "We can wait that long I think." She looks around again. "One of us should scout if you do. I wish to make sure the area is entirely safe, during your summoning."

2010-11-22, 01:37 PM
"I'll scour the immediate area for anything of interest." Kerisa gives Trinity a glance as she starts walking away from the group. "Not that I'm an outdoorsy individual, though, so a second set of eyes wouldn't hurt."

2010-11-22, 07:25 PM
Nodding, Bright went to work. The small child bustled around, clearing the area as best as he could as he prepared the clearing for the ritual that was about to take place. Any brush in the area got special care, he hardly wanted to start a brush fire on accident. In addition he shifted the dirt slightly, making a slight dome where he would call up the elemental, and making a mound for him to stand upon as he cast.

At last, when everything met his own critical eye Bright took a deep breath, and turned to give Trinity and Elzal a reassuring, toothy grin, then turned, and began to weave his spell. He began to speak, in a low chant as he slowly began to pour essence into the air around, his caste mark instantly flaring into existence on his forehead as the tell tale smell of incense began to quietly fade into being.

He continued for hours on end, invoking the undeniable mandate of heaven and the inscrutable laws that bound the elementals to the land as his banner flashed again, reaching totemic as great silver words began to spin around him and weave a tale around the boy, recording every word that spilled from his mouth as he spoke it.

Finally, raising his hands he brought the spell to a crescendo, invoking the elemental to him, and preparing to himself for the true task, the battle of wills.

Spending 20 motes on Summon Elemental, putting the Elemental at a -3 pen to the willpower + essence roll

2010-11-23, 01:44 PM
The small mound stirs, the earth pushed as side as a thin, willowy, creature rises from underneath it. Long, seven knuckled fingers on the end of slender, pale arms, multiple root-like legs, and a thin, beautifully crafted body, the Artisan looks down at Bright with an expressionless face-for the face bears no features, only two knot-like eyes.

D-D-DUEL. Of wills.

WP+Ess: [roll0] -3

2010-11-23, 04:41 PM
"Greetings Artisan," Bright continued, speaking in the tongue of the old realm to the elemental. "I require little of your time this day, and if you would answer my questions I shall return you to your duties in short order. My allies and I have been told that there is something wrong in this area, disturbed elementals acting strangely and sometimes violently. Perhaps you could shed some light on these occurrences? Just what has happened here as of late?"

2010-11-23, 04:59 PM
"Yes, a second set of eyes will make the attempts more secure," she says to Kerisa as she sets forward with her. Though she does hesitate for a moment as she turns to watch as Bright works to set up the Summoning. He would be vulnerable, but hopefully Elzal will be able to protect him while Kerisa and herself scouts the area.

The Abyssal nods and wanders with her, as the go she is silent her intent to make sure nothing pounces Bright and Elzal.

Per + Aware [roll0]

2010-11-23, 06:16 PM
"Greetings Artisan," Bright continued, speaking in the tongue of the old realm to the elemental. "I require little of your time this day, and if you would answer my questions I shall return you to your duties in short order. My allies and I have been told that there is something wrong in this area, disturbed elementals acting strangely and sometimes violently. Perhaps you could shed some light on these occurrences? Just what has happened here as of late?"

An near invisible crack in the face of the Artisan opened as it spoke. The face seemed flawless up until that moment. The elemental's voice was perky, and flowed softly back and forth.

"Y-Yes. Some horrible people have been summoning Elementals, binding them, then doing horrible things to them. We- we may need to seek Juritsu's Avatar."

The spirit seems agitated by what it's saying.


While Bright still summons, Elzal watches over him, pistol held ready. He does peck Trinity on the cheek before she leaves, though.

Together, Trinity and Kerisa prowl the forest somewhat inexpertly, but find little of interest. Uncorrupted spirits fleeing from them, mostly.

After a little while, however, they find a prone figure, lying on the forest floor. It's vaguely female, and curled up into a fetal position, and seems to be rocking slightly.

2010-11-23, 06:23 PM
"Its all right. I'll do my best to help you, if you would tell me anything you know about just wait they are doing to the elementals, and what this Avatar is, and why do you need it?" Bright was curious, he had never heard of such a thing in his readings. The people who where capturing and torturing the elemental's where no doubt the root of all this...

2010-11-23, 07:41 PM
Kerisa looks toward Trinity warily, gesturing for her to remain back with one of her baneclaws as she cautiously approaches the distraught figure. While she worried for her, she didn't know whether she was a victim of the elementals or a subject of their corruption. If the latter, she was a danger to those around her as well as herself. She addresses her in an overly formal manner, but it was a term that Riverspeak had picked up from Old Realm. "Ma'am?"

2010-11-23, 08:24 PM
"Its all right. I'll do my best to help you, if you would tell me anything you know about just wait they are doing to the elementals, and what this Avatar is, and why do you need it?" Bright was curious, he had never heard of such a thing in his readings. The people who where capturing and torturing the elemental's where no doubt the root of all this...

"The Dragon Juritsu is our Master. He often wanders the land in different forms, wondering about it's people and we do not know how to find him. He is very powerful.

Kerisa looks toward Trinity warily, gesturing for her to remain back with one of her baneclaws as she cautiously approaches the distraught figure. While she worried for her, she didn't know whether she was a victim of the elementals or a subject of their corruption. If the latter, she was a danger to those around her as well as herself. She addresses her in an overly formal manner, but it was a term that Riverspeak had picked up from Old Realm. "Ma'am?"

The figure says nothing, just gently rocks back and forth. Its simple clothes are patchy and badly torn, and what skin is visible seems to have been lacerated. It's also almost covered in swirling light blue tattoos.

2010-11-23, 08:29 PM
"Do you have any idea where your master could be now? I would do my best to seek him out, but I must know where to look. Also, until the forest is safe again would like to be bound to my service? It will keep you safe from the other summoners you mentioned."

2010-11-23, 08:34 PM
Trinity stands back her hands folded before her. She watches silently unwilling to cause any friction in what might be a traumatized person. Still she was curious, slightly worried, and then worried about being worried. Even as the twin thoughts pass she simply winces until either a pain happens or nothing at all. Slowly she opens and eye to see if Kerisa was okay.

2010-11-23, 08:42 PM
Kerisa looks toward Trinity as she cautiously circles around so she can look at the injured woman from the front. The tattoos were certainly a matter of interest, but the lacerations were a greater priority. She addresses Trinity in Low Realm, hoping to fish for a common language with the woman. "She needs medical attention. Shall I stand watch here, or fetch Bright?"

2010-11-23, 09:05 PM
"Do you have any idea where your master could be now? I would do my best to seek him out, but I must know where to look. Also, until the forest is safe again would like to be bound to my service? It will keep you safe from the other summoners you mentioned."

The wood creature bows, holding it's long fingers out in a strange gesture.

"Thank you yes, that would be nice!

Trinity stands back her hands folded before her. She watches silently unwilling to cause any friction in what might be a traumatized person. Still she was curious, slightly worried, and then worried about being worried. Even as the twin thoughts pass she simply winces until either a pain happens or nothing at all. Slowly she opens and eye to see if Kerisa was okay.

Resonance: [roll0]

Kerisa looks toward Trinity as she cautiously circles around so she can look at the injured woman from the front. The tattoos were certainly a matter of interest, but the lacerations were a greater priority. She addresses Trinity in Low Realm, hoping to fish for a common language with the woman. "She needs medical attention. Shall I stand watch here, or fetch Bright?"

Kerisa can't see the woman's face, it's covered by her hands. More of the blue tattoos are visible, including a strange array upon her forehead. Cried blood is in her dark hair, and on her hands.

While circling, Kerish steps on a dry twig, and the snap fills the quiet air for a moment. The woman tenses.

2010-11-23, 09:15 PM
Trinity hisses and gasps as the moment of pain of the angry stabs through her. Fighting to keep her own feet she, straightens, tenses and throws back her long hair. After the pain has passes, she tenses quite like the woman as Kerisa snaps the twig. Quickly the Abssal turns her back. Trinity found herself betwix that rock and a hard place.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry, she thinks to herself in half prayer to the dark things of her Whispers. "I'll... I'll go and get the others."

2010-11-23, 09:29 PM
Kerisa nods, then begins scouring the immediate area for signs of conflict and hostiles. She makes sure not to let the wounded woman outside her peripheral vison as she circles the area, trying to get an idea for what happened. Every couple of seconds, she'll offer the woman a reassurance in a different language that she was safe, that medical attention was on the way, and that the Exalted were going to protect her.

2m to Investigation to find clues, 3m to notice an incoming ambush.


2010-11-23, 09:38 PM
It's not clear what happened to the woman, but whatever it was didn't happen here. A trail of stumbling footprints leads from the recumbent figure into the forest.

As to the girl herself, most of her clothes seem to have been torn off, and she lets out a tiny squeak of fear at Kerisha's mention of the Exalted. However, at least now the young Water aspect knows she speaks Rivertongue.

2010-11-23, 09:59 PM
"Consider it done Friend. Do you have a name that I may call you?" Bright asked, bringing the binding to a close with a final burst of essence that temporarily sealed the Spirits will to his own.

Binding it as a functionary

2010-11-23, 10:21 PM
"Afraid of Exalted... Well, I'm sure that at the very least Bright can help you overcome that, the kid's nigh impossible to dislike." Kerisa smiles as she settles into a position that puts the woman and the direction she came from into her field of vision. "Are you afraid of a particular type, though? Solar, Lunar, Dragon-Blooded, something else, or just Exalts in general?"

2010-11-24, 07:36 PM
"Consider it done Friend. Do you have a name that I may call you?" Bright asked, bringing the binding to a close with a final burst of essence that temporarily sealed the Spirits will to his own.

Binding it as a functionary

"How may I serve?"

"Afraid of Exalted... Well, I'm sure that at the very least Bright can help you overcome that, the kid's nigh impossible to dislike." Kerisa smiles as she settles into a position that puts the woman and the direction she came from into her field of vision. "Are you afraid of a particular type, though? Solar, Lunar, Dragon-Blooded, something else, or just Exalts in general?"

Blue eyes so light they almost look white appear between her fingers, and flick rapidly around. She seems to focus on the Jade in Kerisa's hands, and curls into an even tighter ball.

"What did I do to you?! Why- why are you doing this to me!? Her voice is hoarse and choked, as though she's forcing the words from her lips as loud as she can.

It seems she stumbled quite a distance, blood and ragged holes litter the forest a good few hundred yards away.

2010-11-24, 11:52 PM
"Why am I sitting here talking to you? I'm trying to understand what happened to you, and keeping watch to prevent a repetition." Kerisa glances down at her Baneclaws, and sighs. It would be difficult to make her cooperative if one of her cousins was responsible for her condition. She'd likely have an easier time learning from her if she made her intentions clear. "I assume from your staring one of my fellow Dragon-Bloods was responsible. Rest assured that my ancestry is unique among my travelling companions, and that I have no ill intent. We've been asked to investigate what is causing madness in the local elementals."

Gonna try for Manipulation+Presence, try to get her to calm down by contradicting her assumption of Kerisa's intentions with contrary evidence.


2010-11-25, 07:30 PM
"...Oh, sorry, master. I have not been granted a name by anyone, nor earned a name of my own.


The young woman shakily raised her head out from behind her hands. A large bruise covered nearly half of her face. The tattoos on he forehead are more visible now: A series of loops and swirls, focused around a little icon of a sword just above the bridge of her nose. "I don't know, so you can just leave me alone."

2010-11-25, 08:08 PM
"Actually, I'll be sticking around until the medic of our group arrives to help you. It's rather apparent that you need such assistance at the minimum, and I don't think that there's anyone else around who can help you. Add in the possibility of being attacked again, and you can see how a concerned party would be hesitant to leave you to the elements." Kerisa lets the sympathetic smile shift oh so slightly from concern to mischieviousness at a thought. "Plus, there's the possibility that those who hurt you are also responsible for the affliction of the elementals, or that my fellows and I will pursue them simply out of moral obligation, in which case any insights you'd be comfortable sharing about them would be appreciated."

2010-11-26, 02:18 PM
"I could give you a name if you would like. I do have to call you something you know." Bright said cheerfully. The spirit certainly seemed more cooparitive then the last few he had summoned, that was good. "As for your task, you will help me find the source of the mad elementals."

2010-11-26, 03:02 PM
"I don't really mind, master. What would you have me do?"


"...I've lost my sword, my friends, and my charge. I don't care any more." The woman stands, shakily, and gives Kerisa an angry glance, before continuing roughly along the same path she had been moving.

2010-11-26, 06:41 PM
Kerisa stands up, moving to remain in front of the woman and intercede her path. "Unless you have a particular destination in mind, your best option is to wait for Bright to give you medical attention. At the very least, try to rest so that you don't bleed out."

2010-11-26, 07:52 PM
"I know a place, and it's nearby. Get out of my way." Her voice is cracking, and she's having to hold some of her clothes together with her hands. She angrily smears blood and mud over the sword on her forehead as she moves, still walking in the same direction.

2010-11-26, 08:03 PM
"I'll call you Nemus then, not very imaginative but it will do for now. Nemus, I'd like you to start by telling me everything you know about the people who have been summoning the elementals, and what exactly they've been doing to them." He didn't dare hope the elemental would know where to find those who had been twisting the elementals, but any information would be worthwhile.

2010-11-26, 08:10 PM
"All I know is they took over a manse nearby, and that not long after... things started happening, then other elementals started being summoned, only appearing later horribly maimed."

2010-11-26, 08:27 PM
"A place where you can get medical attention? A place that you can reach while leaving your injuries untreated?" Kerisa perks a brow at the smearing to hide the symbol. Was it some sort of Celestial Caste Mark? She didn't have the means to know for certain, but at the very least she could make a shot in the dark. "A place where you don't need to hide your true nature?"

2010-11-26, 08:36 PM
"Can you give me the names of any of these maimed elementals, and then lead me to the manse you mentioned?" Bright said, this going much smoother then he though. All they would have to do next is drop by the manse and have Miss Trinity and Elzal clean up whatever mischief was going on in there....

2010-11-26, 08:47 PM
"Can you give me the names of any of these maimed elementals, and then lead me to the manse you mentioned?" Bright said, this going much smoother then he though. All they would have to do next is drop by the manse and have Miss Trinity and Elzal clean up whatever mischief was going on in there....

The spirit's knot-like eyes widen, and it steps back on it's root-like legs. "I could lead you, but I'd like to say I don't want to. AS for their names, I know few, and they were summoned and bound. Knowing them will give you nothing.


"A place where you can get medical attention? A place that you can reach while leaving your injuries untreated?" Kerisa perks a brow at the smearing to hide the symbol. Was it some sort of Celestial Caste Mark? She didn't have the means to know for certain, but at the very least she could make a shot in the dark. "A place where you don't need to hide your true nature?"

The woman kept stumbling along. "My 'true nature' was proved wrong. I am not a real warrior." She took a few more steps, skuffing along the ground. "And yes. The place is safe. The spirits there are known to my people. We have worked together many times."

2010-11-26, 09:14 PM
"Have you, now?" Kerisa became intrigued at this. She was confident that she could reach people who worked with local spirits... Yet at the same time, wasn't bothered by local elementals running amok. Using her Baneclaws, she began marking arrows on the trees for Trinity to find when she brought the others back with her. "Did these many times come before or after you got the sword on your brow? I'm not familiar with the mark, but forehead markings tend to mean Anathema, and if there's Immaculate presence nearby we may have a problem."

2010-11-26, 09:42 PM
Trinity returns to the place where Bright and Elzal have been for, she realizes who knows how long. Getting there however as she finds Bright has summoned his Elemental. Slowing and entering softly so as not to disrupt Bright and the Elemental, she comes beside Elzal. "Hi, Kerisa and I found a hurt girl in the forest. Is Bright available right now, or is he still..." she waves her hands about for a moment, "busy do his thing to the Elemental?"

2010-11-26, 09:45 PM
"He's just talking to it now. Apparently it knows the location of the people responsible for the twisting of the elementals, but would rather not actually lead us there. We can interrupt them." Elzal said in response to Trinity's question, before turning back to Bright. "Hey, Bright! Apparently Trinity and Kerisa found an injured girl not too far off. You should probably tend to her."

2010-11-26, 10:06 PM
"Oh no... I'll be there as fast as I can! Nemus, come with me please, you may dematerialize if you like." Bright said worriedly, who knows what could have happened to the poor person out here! And it was likely Bright was the only medically inclined person for miles. And even more... she might have information. Information they needed. They couldn't let her slip through there fiingers.

2010-11-27, 02:14 AM
Trinity nods, "Follow me, Kerisa should be guarding the woman from any future assaults." With that said she heads off, leading the way. "Did the elemental mention anything definate on the exact nature of the problem," she asks directing her question to really no one in particular but she figured Bright might answer. She knew for a fact that the Underworld wasn't directly involved, which meant she was good on some of her Resonance problems, she was still stinging from that last one.

2010-11-28, 05:27 PM
"Have you, now?" Kerisa became intrigued at this. She was confident that she could reach people who worked with local spirits... Yet at the same time, wasn't bothered by local elementals running amok. Using her Baneclaws, she began marking arrows on the trees for Trinity to find when she brought the others back with her. "Did these many times come before or after you got the crossed swords on your brow? I'm not familiar with the mark, but forehead markings tend to mean Anathema, and if there's Immaculate presence nearby we may have a problem."

"Crossed swords" ?

2010-11-28, 11:40 PM
"Crossed swords" ?Upon rereading, I see the icon was only of a single sword, rather than the multiple swords that my mind translated into Slayer.

2010-11-29, 01:02 AM
"Someone is summoning spirits in a nearby manse and maiming them horribly. I have no doubt that they are the cause of the elemental problem we have here, the source of all this madness. I still can't fathom why though..." Bright said the the ironclad certainty of youth. They would sort all this out in short order, now that they knew how to find the people responsible. Still... It felt like there was something else going on. They would still need to be careful here.

2010-11-29, 01:18 PM
"Have you, now?" Kerisa became intrigued at this. She was confident that she could reach people who worked with local spirits... Yet at the same time, wasn't bothered by local elementals running amok. Using her Baneclaws, she began marking arrows on the trees for Trinity to find when she brought the others back with her. "Did these many times come before or after you got the sword on your brow? I'm not familiar with the mark, but forehead markings tend to mean Anathema, and if there's Immaculate presence nearby we may have a problem."

""Anathema?"" The woman said, turning to Kerisa. "No. I am not what you people call Anathema. Maybe if I were... No, the Warrior's Sword is not a symbol of that. It is the role I was found most suitable for, and those who gave it to me were damn wrong." She kept stumbling along, one foot dragging occasionally, accompanied by a slight, very slight, wince of pain.

She glances back at the war-torn patch of forest, then shakes her head and picks up the pace. "If you're coming, come, but try and keep up."

2010-11-29, 01:23 PM
Kerisa follows, continuing to mark their passage on the trees as she follows the wounded woman. "If you aren't Anathema, and fear my kindred, then you aren't one of the Exalted. A mortal such as yourself can hardly be blamed for failing against the dangers in this area, and more importantly should turn back to where I found you so Bright can check for infections. Or do you think that what medical treatment that you can find is better than what my ally would offer freely?"

2010-11-29, 04:55 PM
"Intresting," Trinity responds with a raised eye brow as Bright explains the information that he was told. So a Manse was nearby and someone was mutilating the Elementals. It really bode ill. Though she was now a bit more curious about the 'being' that was doing this. He had to be accomplished and strong to be able to mutilate the Elementals, doing it appears permanent harm. Perhaps that young woman had witnessed something about that.

Trinity frowns as they walk, and begins to look for Kerisa and the hurt woman.

2010-11-30, 02:40 PM
The woman kept walking for a long while, rarely pausing for rest She didn't respond to any more questions, just muttered and cursed under her breath. Eventually, she collapsed against a large, dead, oak.

"Why are you still following me? I don' want, or need, help." She mumbles in Kerisa's direction, head lolling.


Back at the grove, the rest of the little group reaches the area where Trinity and Kerisa found the wounded woman. The elemental shivers, rattling like autumnal trees in a breeze.

"Something is wrong nearby. Very, very wrong."

2010-12-01, 05:08 PM
"I believe that you have clearly articulated just how much help you require." Kerisa cast a quick glance behind her, wondering if there was any signs of the others following her trail. "So what attacked you, anyhow?"

2010-12-01, 05:10 PM
Trinity almost happily entered the grove only when she didn't find Kerisa and the hurt girl there did a look of concern touch her face. Did something bad happen to Kerisa, was she over powered and taken away.

Trinity bounds into the grove and begins to look around. "Kerisa?"

Per + Aware? [roll0]

2010-12-01, 05:12 PM
The woman sighed, and shifted her ragged clothing about.

"First, it was your monks. They were screaming that word at us... and things were going pretty badly. Then... Elementals joined the fray. I guess both sides thought they were helping, but they started blindly attacking everything."

"We were just moving between villages, one family trading places with another, as we have for generations..."


Trinity spots a damaged patch of forest, a couple hundred yards away.

2010-12-01, 05:18 PM
"Like I said, something is making the elementals turn insane. Odds are the monks were in the area to solve the same problem my friends and I are. Not as effectively, but still." Kerisa walks up to the woman and pokes the sword mark gently with her finger. "How many in your party had marks like these?"

2010-12-01, 05:21 PM
"All but the children. We get them after the Age Rites, when we find out what we're best at, and what we'll spend the rest of our lives doing.."

2010-12-01, 05:26 PM
"I'm guessing that the monks were ignorant of this tradition, and thought they had found a merry band of Anathema." Kerisa sighs, glancing over her shoulder once more. Where were they? "Unless... Was there anyone in the caravan not part of the village?"

2010-12-01, 05:31 PM
"None, weeaaaahhhh!"

As Kerisa glances over her shoulder, she hears a crash and a rustle from where the woman was leaning against the dead tree. She manages to turn her head fast enough to see a stray leg fall out of sight inside the hollow.

2010-12-01, 05:32 PM
Trinity bounds over to the slightly damaged forest, perhaps someone had come this way, was it Kerisa, though she was sure the Dragonblooded would be a bit more stealthy, still if they were driven this way by attackers of some kind.

Going off of no other ability other than concern and worry, Trinity stands. "They might have gone this way." She glances to other two as she stands before heading down that way her eyes scanning for other hints.

Per + Aware [roll0]

2010-12-01, 05:39 PM
Kerisa immediately runs over to the hole, putting a Baneclaw in her mouth so that she would have a hand free to grab a hold and help her up. Most likely the tree was just rotted by the elemental problem, but if not she may need to dive in. She stops with one foot on the edge of the opening, getting ready to leap in once she's had a quick glance.

Perception+Awareness. How many motes would Kerisa have regained from respiration and/or stunts at this point?


2010-12-01, 05:52 PM
The Group:

Corpses litter the copse, men, women, children, and twisted figures made of wood and bone.

It seems as though a battle was fought, between Jade-clad Immaculates and fur-wearing tribals covered in tattoos, a battle that was soon joined by a third party, the horrific, distorted, elementals. Nemus recoils in horror at first sight of them.

The tribal adults all bare forehead tattoos of various symbols, but the children only have tattoos on the forearms. Judging by the array of the battle, it quickly became a free-for-all, out of which few survived. Only two sets of tracks leave the area, one leading to where the woman was found, while the other, clawlike, tracks lead off into thicker forest.


There seems to be a long and rough earthen slide, heading down out of sight of the hole. The woman can be seen in a rather uncompromising position, sliding and bouncing down the hole. Without pause, the Dragonblooded dove in after her.

After a rough, painful, but fairly brief trip, Kerisa and the woman are tangled together in a pile on top off a bed of soft, springy moss. The woman makes no comment about this situation.

Gan: Enough to put her to full.

2010-12-01, 05:56 PM
Kerisa slowly pulls herself off the woman, at least enough that her weight wouldn't complicate any of her injuries. She removes her weapon from her mouth, making sure neither injured the woman as she takes in their surroundings. "Looks like the elemental corruption is having an impact. Any of your injuries get worse from the fall?"

2010-12-01, 06:25 PM
The woman seems to have been knocked out by the combination of the fall and the Dragonblooded landing on her. What was left of her clothing has been mostly stripped away. Sounds, chattering sounds, can be heard from a larger tunnel in one wall.

2010-12-01, 06:46 PM
Kerisa unravels her sash, the double layer pattern she used to make impromptu sheathes for her Baneclaws without loosening her belt giving it the slack neccesary for what she had planned. With one of the Baneclaws back in her mouth, she slid the sash around the other woman's waist. Turning her back to her, she then proceeded to tie the remainder in front of her while gently pulling her charge upright with arms hanging over shoulder. As she works, she makes sure to keep and eye and an ear out for incoming trouble.

2m on First Awareness Excellency.


2010-12-01, 07:04 PM
Nothing appears while Kerisa ties the unconscious woman to her back, and the chattering sounds change rhythm, becoming almost musical.

2010-12-01, 07:22 PM
With her charge secure, Kerisa switches her Baneclaws to her hands as she ascends to the slope that she came down. While such would normally be an impossible task, her Sphere of Balance made it impossible for her to fail, even though she was leaning forward heavy to ensure that the woman remained on. Once she was able to find a comfortable pattern of movement, the daughter of Daana'd accelerated her ascent to a near-run.

2010-12-01, 08:09 PM
Kerisa scrambles up the slope, easily getting away from the moss-filled hole, and back to the relative safety of the forest.

If only the hole in the tree hadn't sealed up. And the whole tree come back to live, filled with healthy, strong wood.

2010-12-01, 09:48 PM
Kerisa turns around upon finding her exit sealed, thrusting her Baneclaws into the ceiling of the tunnel so that her hands could be free. The frontal knot of her sash allowed enough slack for her to loop under the woman's thighs before tying the tips around her wrists in loose loops. It wasn't the best setup, especially considering the woman's health, but she wasn't afforded many options. Once everything was secure, she would recover her weapons from the roof of the tunnel and begin her descent. "This wouldn't have happened if we had simply waited for Bright..."

2010-12-02, 12:07 PM
The moss-hole is exactly as Kerisa left it, and the slightly musical sounds are still going strong. The unconscious woman mumbles something unintelligible about failure, but nothing else of note happens. The only source of light are strange gems set into little pits in the walls.

2010-12-02, 12:39 PM
Kerisa proceeds cautiously down the largest tunnel. Odds are she was going to have to deal with the local elementals soon. If she was lucky, it wouldn't be a corrupt one. Still, she'd err on the side of caution, with her Baneclaws at the ready and her eyes watching tunnel openings for trouble. Particularly the tunnels she couldn't fit in: Plenty of elementals were smaller than human adults, and those usually came in swarms. She also makes a note to follow the right-hand wall, skipping holes she couldn't fit through, so that it'd be easier to mentally track where she's been. "You try to do a little good, and it gets you trapped in a tunnel. If nothing else, you're making progress."

2010-12-02, 12:46 PM
At first the young Abyssal found herself stunned shocked at the carnage but quickly she forced her concern down. Closing her eyes she took a few quick calming and evening breaths, calming her mind, and attempting to placate those powerful things from beyond as her very being warred with a heart that should not be. She quiet resigned herself to being zapped again by those powerful things, and opened her eyes once again.

Only one answer to this and atleast it would please those things that punish her so. She would annihilate whatever it was that had killed them all. Still it was disconcerting to see the Jade weilding children of the dragons here amongst slain women and children, amongst destroyed elementals. It took a few moments for Trinity find her lilting voice.

"It seems I have erred in our direction," she says quickly looking away. Children among the dead! "I'll... be slowly making my way back over the way we had come." She turns and wanders off.

2010-12-02, 01:26 PM
The larger tunnel heads down. Down and down and down. It seems to take an age, and the music fills the air, coming from all of the connecting tunnels, but eventually it opens into a very large, well lit cavern, filled with ivy, grasses, plants of all kinds, all apparently growing without the aid of sunlight.

The air thrums with essence, and a group of elementals dance and sing around a fire. More spirits watch, and a huge, bearded tree-man sits in a throne in prominent position, watching over the dancers. It's not just Wood elementals, though; another spirit dances gleefully in the center of the fire.

There are numerous other tunnels heading out from the cavern, the largest one being opposite the Wood-King's throne. Kerisa's tunnel opens out just behind and to the left of it.


Trinity soon returns to the place she and Kerisa had found the injured woman.

2010-12-02, 02:02 PM
Kerisa perked a brow, deciding not to announce herself immediately, but instead observe. She was in an elemental court, or a subsection thereof, and thus a supernatural extension of her field of expertise. Refraining from announcing herself immediately, she takes a moment to analyze the display before her. The way the throned elemental carried himself, how the courtiers reacted to the movements, every subtle gesture a ripple in the sea of power. Being as one with water, such ripples were clear in her eyes.

I do believe that I will attempt to make use of Confluence of Savant Thought to know the workings of the local forest kingdom. 2m.

2010-12-02, 02:36 PM
The Wood-King watches over all, smiling rigidly at the dancing spirits, but seems distracted by the bustle of other members of his court, in particular by the long-fingered, beautifully crafted wooden figure who sits cross-legged in front of the dancers. A small band of a different wood is inlaid around it's head.

Numerous spirits float around near the King, constantly asking if they can perform small favours for him, constantly plying for chances to ingratiate themselves. The King largely ignores their questions, waving them away if they push their luck too far.

Small and cute stick-like people, carrying miniature weapons, scuttle around the feet of those attending the King, they laugh and giggle as they half-play, half-guard the King.

Two beefier elementals stand guard at the largest tunnel, holding great spears made of wood and stone, and along with the dancers, they pay no attention to the movements or machinations of the rest of the court.

2010-12-02, 05:57 PM

Bright yelled back, moving around as he look for his own clues. It was odd for Kerisa to just wander off like that, and a little worrying. He spent several minutes shouting her name in the woods, on the off chance that perhaps she would hear and answer back. He had put both of his elementals to work too, sending the Wind spirit to work searching the area with him while the Artsan, who certainly knew the woods fair better then anyone else he could ask, was sent to search for any sign of Kerisa.

2010-12-02, 06:23 PM
The Artisan returns to Bright's side very quickly after leaving, muttering angrily and breathlessly.

"Some... something has torn great rents into some of the trees. So very crude, so detestable, but it seems to be arrows, pointing from one to the next. I didn't follow the desecration too far."

2010-12-02, 07:45 PM
Elzal froze at the sight in front of him. The carnage was sickening, and it turned his stomach. Shaking his head to clear it, he just barely caught Trinity saying that she was heading off in another direction. After a moments hesitation, he decided that Bright could handle himself with the help of the elementals for the time, and went to follow her.

"Trinity, wait up!" He called after her. Once he caught up with her, he gently hugged her to him. "You okay?"

2010-12-03, 08:49 PM
Trinity holds him tightly her face against his chest. "I'll be fine Elzal. Its just... the children... the families that were killed. I'm supposed to not care... I'm supposed to be cold and distant." She sighs against him. "They'll be angry because of what I feel, and it may... it may hurt someone." She looks up at him. "And I worry about Kerisa... I can't find her. I'm no good at finding people through... all of this."

2010-12-03, 10:17 PM
Kerisa found herself rather consternated by the situation. The guards were placed at the apparent exit, so a mad dash wasn't a viable option with her charge strapped to her back. The subject of the king's focus drew his eye due to who they were rather than what they were doing, and judging by his dismissals he was in no mood for distractions. Her best bet seemed to be with the small elementals playing at being guards. Thrusting her Baneclaws into the ground enough so that they stood on her own, she tried to gesture for the attention of one of the stick people.

2010-12-03, 11:04 PM
On of the adorable little large-eyed creatures notices, and tugs at the leg of one of the kings courtiers. It gets no attention, so it starts brow-beating it's fellows.

Eventually, a small cloud of the little spirits are swarming around Kerisa's knees, chattering for attention, offering her sweet-looking orange fruit.

"Hey! What you here for? How you get here?"

2010-12-03, 11:11 PM
"The woman on my back fell into these tunnels through a tree that had rotted through, and I jumped in to save her. The tree healed shut behind us, and now I'm trying to find my friends who can give her medical attention." Kerisa make a polite gesture of decline to the fruit, speaking quietly enough so as to avoid disturbing the main crowd. They were kindly, and that was a good sign. "I was hoping to find an exit, but I didn't want to disturb the king since he seems rather focused."

2010-12-03, 11:18 PM
The little darlings glance, as one, at the woman slumped over Kerisa's back.

"She friend! We help her before. Her people welcome here."

They then glance at the baneclaws, a couple even picking them up and mock-fighting with them. The rest grab Kerisa's arms and clothes, and pull her gently towards the celebrations.

"King will not mind! Come, come!"

2010-12-03, 11:36 PM
As the stick people make for the Baneclaws, Kerisa grabs the pommels and pulls them out. It was good to know that the woman on her back was on good terms with the locals, as it meant that the ones that attacked the caravan were either renegades or rivals of some form. "My blades are a bit big for you guys, and-"

At this point the sleeve tugging has her attention. Thanks to the Balance hearthstone in one of the Baneclaws, however, she has no trouble keeping her balance. "Ah! Alright, then. Thanks for the help."

2010-12-04, 04:00 PM
The stick people don't seemly overly upset when Kerisa takes the baneclaws from them, and continue to play and gambol around. They tug at the woman's dangling legs, giggling, all while moving towards the rest of the court, who eventually turn their heads from the King and the Dancers. Before Kerisa can introduce herself, the large-eyed stick people chime in.

"King, King! A monk has brought a sleepy Incen!"

The king turns his head away from the carved figure, and focuses on the young water aspect.

2010-12-05, 01:54 AM
"I'd bow to show respect, oh king, if not for concern for the health of my Incen charge." Kerisa holds her weapons so that the blades were directed away from the king, in a relaxed grip ideal to come of as unthreatening. While most Dynasts would roil at the indignity, Iselsis as a whole and Kerisa in particular knew the benefits of modesty. "I feel the need to clarify that I am not a monk, as the Order was the initiating party in a three-way melee between such monks, the Incen caravan that my charge is a- possibly the survivor of, and what I assume to be renegade elementals. Our arrival in your tunnels occured by accident while I was persuading her to await medical attention from one of my comrades, and the landing complicated her injuries into the condition you now see her in."

2010-12-05, 03:18 AM
"Nono! Incen is her name, not her tribe, silly."

"Be quiet, little ones. Take Incen to the resting hall, now. The fate of all depends upon it." Intones the king. The little people squeak and raise their little swords in salute and carry Incen off of Kerisa's back, whisking her away to one of the side passages. Once they're out of sight, the King turns to his gaggle of well-wishers. "One of you lot follow them. The little buggers will never get there alone, so try to make sure they don't get her any more hurt."

There is a little rush as they scramble over each other to be first, but one makes it clear of the pack, and turns to give a smug look to the others. These spirits are clearly the yes-men of the elemental world, and there are a distressing number in this court.

"Now, business. Sorry for glossing over you there, ...?"

2010-12-05, 11:20 AM
Kerisa undos the knots on Incen's wrists so that the stick men have an easier time carrying her off, and adjusts her sash to the normal positioning so that her weapons could be sheathed in the presence of the king. "I go by Kerisa, sir. My family name isn't worth mentioning due to my association with the Solar Exalted."

2010-12-05, 04:32 PM
A murmur goes through the court at Kerisa's words, spreading like wind through the tree tops.

"Hrm. Welcome to my court then, Kerisa." The king waves his arm, scattering the yes-men like flies. "Come, sit, enjoy our little gathering. Tell us more of what you know of what happened." It isn't a request, so much as it's an order.

2010-12-05, 05:52 PM
"Well, I suppose I should begin with why my comrades were in your forest. For the past week we've been enjoying the hospitality of Great Forks, and the Dreamweaver decided that we should pay rent by way of using our skills to investigate a matter in the area, the aforementioned violence by certain elementals." Judging by how the courtiers scattered, Kerisa took her seat in the most apparent appropriate location. Between Incen's tribe being in the king's favor and the violence not being limited to wood elementals exclusively, she was confident it wasn't the king's doing, and likely the king's problem. "After being dropped off nearby, the young Twilight Bright saw about summoning a local elemental with the intention of gaining knowledge about these attacks. As he went about summoning, I and one of the others in the group, a woman named Trinity, scouted out the surrounding area to ensure that there weren't any malign elementals that would disrupt the casting."

"Instead, we found Incen. Trinity volunteered to return to the others and inform them of the discovery, as in addition to magic Bright has medical skill. Incen did not take well to my presence, likely thanks to the participation of my Terrestrial cousins in the attack her people fell prey to, but I managed to convince her that I had no hostile intentions. She insisted that she didn't need help from my friends, and I followed her as she left while trying to convince her to accept medical attention. After a while, she rested against a tree trunk, and after explaining the events of the attack... I'm not sure if the tree rotted through suddenly or was always decayed, but Incen fell through and I went in after her. I tried to bring her back up, but the tree became whole some point after I went in after her." Kerisa glanced upward in thought, mentally going over the details in her head. Trinity's Exaltation would be difficult to explain, and since they never actually engaged in violence Elzal had yet to distinguish himself. Incen had mentioned a bit about the tattooing tradition, but she imagined that that was something the king was already aware of. "...That should cover the signifigant details, to the best of my knowledge."

2010-12-05, 06:10 PM
"I see." The king stands and claps his hands once, a sharp noise the cut through the air. "Leave us."

The guards bow slightly, and walk away up the main exit, the dancers stop, and sigh. They vanish into the air, swirling lights of green and flashes of fire marking there locations for a moment. The courtiers are less willing to leave, but do once the King shows his temper. After a fashion, the only spirits still in the hall are the King and the still silent, still motionless, carved figure. The King sits.

"Yes, the tainted ones have been an issue for us. My domain is in relative turmoil, but I haven't been deposed yet. Likely becuase the other Kings have the same crap to deal with."

He rubs his moss-bearded chin for a moment, then continues.

"It is good to hear that Great Forks is aware of it's connection to the land, and if they send Chosen to see it fixed, they must know it's serious. And by the Sun, it's bloody serious. These tainted ex-brethren of mine are dangerous, mad, and far more powerful than they have any right to be. They're the creations of a twisted demon cult that's taken over the ruins of a powerful manse from the First Age, a cult that has enough sorcerers to churn these things out at a stupidly high rate."

2010-12-05, 06:24 PM
"Since I assume Incen will be receiving proper medical care, the only distraction that would remain is my seperation from the others. With information on this cult, specifically the location of their manse, the matter should be within our capacity to swiftly address." Kerisa then puts on a grin, reflecting on the battle that had drawn her attention to the trio. "If you would be so kind as to provide such insight, along with passage to the surface, the cultists will become a nonissue in short order."

2010-12-05, 06:31 PM
"Yes, yes, of course. I'll have someone make up a map for you, it shouldn't take too long. Until then-" The King claps his hands once more, signaling to the other spirits. "You are welcome to join in the merry-making. If you have any more requests, just ask."

2010-12-05, 11:36 PM
"Show me." Bright said worriedly, it sounded like there had been a fight, but they hadn't heard anything at all. He hoped Kerisa was going to be o.k, that whole injured woman thing, it was starting to sound like some sort of trap...

2010-12-05, 11:41 PM
"Your hospitality is most appreciated." Kerisa gives the wooden monarch a warm smile before turning her eyes on the new arrivals. While she could probably get more out of the king since she and the others would essentially be doing his dirty work for him, it was better to make a good first impression so that it would be easier to get favors later. "What you've offered already is quiet satisfactory."

2010-12-06, 12:20 AM
"Show me." Bright said worriedly, it sounded like there had been a fight, but they hadn't heard anything at all. He hoped Kerisa was going to be o.k, that whole injured woman thing, it was starting to sound like some sort of trap...

"Yes, yes, come, come."

The willowy elemental leads Bright to the first of the marks, meeting up with the currently-embraced Elzal and Trinity. A slim arrow is cut into the bark of one of the trees.

"See? Despicable."

"Your hospitality is most appreciated." Kerisa gives the wooden monarch a warm smile before turning her eyes on the new arrivals. While she could probably get more out of the king since she and the others would essentially be doing his dirty work for him, it was better to make a good first impression so that it would be easier to get favors later. "What you've offered already is quiet satisfactory."

The King nods, then re-greets his returning court. "Indeed, Kerisa. Join the fray, I'll put out the word about your companions. They'll wind up here eventually."

2010-12-06, 12:50 PM

Bright shot his allies a quick smile as they approached, but little else. He was engrossed in examining the mark, running his fingers along the marl lightly, before looking down the trail, curious if it was pointing at something.

2010-12-06, 04:39 PM
"My thanks." Kerisa shifts to a position where she would have a respectable view of the dancing, aiming for a location that wasn't terribly disruptive to the apparent hierarchy she had gleaned earlier. She would enjoy the performance for now, keeping the king in her peripheral vision so that she'd be able to see if she somehow provoked unpleasant attention. She didn't need to dig with this group: Between her association with Solars and her being in a group sent to thwart the Yozi cultists, anyone who wanted something from her would come, like roots spreading into the riverbed.

2010-12-06, 05:38 PM
Trinity blushes slightly as she pulls away gently as Bright and his elementals return. She gives Elzal an gentle pat on his arm before turning her attention to Bright and the Elementals. "Did you find something Bright?" She looks to the tree indicated by the one Elemental and frowns before looking around for the same marks on any nearby trees.

If needed another Per + Aware [roll0]

2010-12-07, 04:07 PM
Bright gestured tot he mark on the tree with a shrug, "All I've picked up so far. Sorry, maybe if she was lost in a library I'd be more use." he added,a half-hearted attempt at a joke. He was nervous, and worried, it was clear on his face. The Dragon Blooded should have been back by now, she must have been hurt... Or worse.

2010-12-07, 08:28 PM
Trinity nods, "Perhaps Kerisa is in trouble and has left these marks?" Trinity starts to follow them. "And worry not I'm not as good as Kerisa certain must have thought we were," she gives him a gentle smile before focusing on trees with marks.

2010-12-07, 10:40 PM
Bright nodded apologetically as he feel into step behind the Abyssal, glancing around carefully as Twitch crawled onto his shoulder and his small entourage of spirits stood guard over them. He didn't like this at all, and was getting more jumpy by the second...

2010-12-09, 08:59 PM
"I'm sure she's fine." Elzal said, although inwardly he wasn't so sure. Ordinarily he'd be sure the dragonblooded woman would be fine, but he'd just seen a large number of dragonblooded lying slaughtered not too far from here. Hopefully she hadn't run into any real trouble.

2010-12-22, 06:35 PM
The festivities inside the Wood Kings court continue, and through it all the elegantly carved Elemental sits stationary in an empty circle. None of the spirits seem willing to disturb it, while it itself appears to be waiting for something.

Nobody disturbs Kersia, and in fact seem to be avoiding her much like they avoid the carved one. The King continues to watch the shows impassively, ignoring the chattering of the favour-seekers. After a long time of blissful peace, one of the many little stick people patters over to Kerisa.

"Hello! Your friends are very slow about tracking, but they're moving now! Do you want anything?!"


The forest path that Kerisa carved out from the trees leads the rest of the group to a large Oak tree, where there seems to be some confusion, before more tree-arrows head off into another direction of the forest.

2010-12-30, 03:39 PM
"Hmmm." Bright settled down against the base of the tree, with all the arrows going in different directions. This was problematic. "What do you know about this arrows?" he asked his wood elemental curiously, wondering how recent these strange markers where.

2011-01-14, 01:44 AM
Shrugging at Bright's question, Elzal continued to follow the arrows.