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Moose Man
2010-11-06, 08:32 PM
for me:
1)Weasel Compartment(bag of holding for Weasels)
2)deep beard [dwarf only] (bag of holding in beard)

2010-11-06, 09:31 PM
for me:
1)Weasel Compartment(bag of holding for Weasels)
2)deep beard [dwarf only] (bag of holding in beard)

3) Glass of Transparency
4) Bag of Breathing
5) Boomerang of Returning

Moose Man
2010-11-06, 09:34 PM
6)forehead enlarging serum
7)girdle of femininity/masculinity

2010-11-06, 09:41 PM
2)deep beard [dwarf only] (bag of holding in beard)

made of win.
What book is it in?

Moose Man
2010-11-06, 09:45 PM
dm gave it to my dwarf paladin

2010-11-06, 09:53 PM
Apparatus of kwalish apparatus of kwalish.
Also something I gave the barbarian: Dirk the mighty claymore. The knightly sword stuck with sir smash everything until it breaks the smash it more and more until I get bored with it.

Moose Man
2010-11-06, 09:59 PM
the pen is mightier than the sword when the pen is writing explosive runes.

Orbin Dules
2010-11-06, 10:23 PM
8) Trombone of invisibility

2010-11-06, 10:44 PM
For actual items? Marvellous pigments and Portable hole. Then again, I am a bit of a 3 fingered Toon lover at heart.

2010-11-07, 09:55 PM
Some godawfully homebrewed item called a greater apparatus of the crab. Thing required so many spot, pilot, and search checks, in addition to figuring out what all the buttons and levers (and 2 dials) did in the first place, that it consumed the rest of the session (and a party member) to figure it out.

2010-11-07, 10:16 PM
2e had a magic flying chair that you controlled by using anagrams of what you want it to do.

No idea what book it's from or where to find it, though. I know it exists. I saw the magic item description somewhere...

2010-11-07, 11:38 PM
Message Arrows and Skullmarbles. Though the first is more of a non-weapon weapon and the second is a rogue toolkit magic item.

Bloodcandy is also interesting.

2010-11-08, 04:39 AM
Alphorn of Building.
Also, pixie dust.

Pixie Dust: This sparkling, silvery dust is created by several different fey but primarily used by pixies. It comes in long, thin, silvery tubes. A single tube’s contents finely coat a 5-foot square, and any passage through the area stirs up the dust for 1d6 rounds. Alternatively, the contents of a tube can be blown at a target creature as a ranged touch attack (maximum range 5 feet). A creature that stirs up the dust or is targeted by someone wielding a tube of the dust must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 15) or begin shrinking to the size of a grig (Tiny). In
addition, the creature acts as though under the effect of a charm person spell from a 9th-level caster, obeying the person who spread the dust. Both effects last for 9 hours before restoring the person to normal.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, reduce, charm person or creator must be a fey; Market Price: 2,700 gp; Weight: —.

2010-11-08, 04:57 AM
Let's see... what have I seen...

A toy train that could be used to unlock doors and made the person carrying it in their left hand invulnerable to bullets, but when carried in the right hand, tried to burn its way through the skin.

A forty year old coin that was indestructible, but could be used by a "keyed" person as if they had telekinetic ability, throwing it to deal damage, lift themselves by holding it in their hand, lifting heavy things with clever placement, etc.

A knife that cried audibly, but could be used to create just about any food by acting out the process of making that food, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by pantomiming getting jelly and so on out of the jar and putting it on bread, or pretending to chop carrots for stew.

A bottled TV show that when opened near a television set, caused "<Weekday> <Time of Day> Theater" to queue up, which refreshed the viewer as if they'd slept and could even removed colds and other minor illnesses (resting in bed and watching tv, for example), but the show was so good it made you irritable if you looked at a TV and the show wasn't on.

A sword that salivated when it was near someone with hostile thoughts and could reflect, in its blade, the last thoughts of the person who'd been killed.

An undeveloped polaroid that could be shaken and held up to a wall to show a snapshot of what's on the other side. It faded after a few hours and could be used again.

Yeast that made the dead rise.

2010-11-08, 07:24 AM
from a hp story:

- fireproofed sponaneously combusting teddybear (likes to walk to and hug people before doing so)


- snuff box of age
(when taking a sniff and you sneeze, whatever plant you hit [or all of theones you do) grows as if a day has passed in optimal conditions, if you don't sneeze you gain +2 wisdom for 1 minute, box holds enough powder for 10 uses and replenishes once per day; when used by the same person more than 3 times per day, make a dc 10 fort-save, failure means being sickened for one minute. The DC increases by 2 for each use past 4 and resets after a good nights sleep)

- chest of deception
(some metals put into the chest appear different to an observer: iron -> copper, copper ->silver, silver -> gold, gold ->platin, platin -> iron, this is an illusion)

- goggles of omnidirectional sight (you see 360° around you [squished into your normal sight, prolonged use without training causes sickened and later nauseated)

2010-11-08, 08:05 AM
My favorite homebrewed item was the Wand of Windows. This wand caused a transparent, openable window to appear in any stone structrure less than 5' thick. The window lasted 3D4 hours.

There was also an intelligent Luck Blade that the DM roleplayed with a thick irish accent. The sword glowed green when drawn.

2010-11-08, 08:11 AM
Bag of Beans. Definitely the Bag of Beans. Soooooo many good memories.

2010-11-08, 08:16 AM
Another that just surfaced from the dredges of my memory - The Deck of Mini Things. More like the Deck of Illusions than the item it sounds like, this deck summoned miniature versions of animals (i.e. two sizes smaller) that had the effective attacks of their original size.

2010-11-08, 08:36 AM
from a hp story:

- fireproofed sponaneously combusting teddybear (likes to walk to and hug people before doing so)

Have you met my bear, Tibbers?

2010-11-08, 11:59 AM
...Yeast that made the dead rise.

Win. Pure, undiluted win.
I will go out of my way to use this in future games.

2010-11-08, 11:59 AM
Fair warning: I have a love affair with puns.

I had a particularly bizarre NPC who had a tower full of weird stuff. Among them was a Deck of Mini Things (that merely shrunk the card drawer to 6-inches tall), a Loadstone (ganked from the list of cursed items in the DMG), and a new level Bag of Tricks full of absurdly powerful creatures.

My favorite, though, was the Bag of Withholding. It functioned like a regular BoH, but it wouldn't let you have anything back without the command word, which was any curse word, in any language.

2010-11-08, 12:28 PM
A knife that would kill anything. Yup, all you had to do was kill something with it and it was dead.

My PC's hated that knife. It glowed bright green to the point where it gave them away and did a wholesome 1d6 extra acid damage. Telling them it could kill anything and then watching their faces when the salamander didn't go down immediately was priceless!

2010-11-08, 12:42 PM
In a 4e campaign I got a top hat that could catch any ranged attack, and fire that ranged attack as a standard action within the same encounter. I caught what turned out to be a 50 foot icicle, and didn't realize it until I tried to shoot it point blank at the wall beside me.....woops.

2010-11-08, 12:42 PM
Actually, that's an awesome knife. Saying it can kill anything implies that it does lethal damage to everything. Even the Tarrasque!

Kurald Galain
2010-11-08, 12:46 PM
Ring of Spell "Turning"?

Minionions of Set?

Arrow of Sleighing?

Invisible Ring?

2010-11-08, 12:49 PM
Minionions of Set?

This reminds me of a funny story.

2010-11-08, 12:54 PM
Planescape: Torment had a bunch of magical candies from various planes that casted spells when eaten.

2010-11-08, 01:04 PM
Some of my favorites I've seen in the past:

The Kitten Generator - This device appears to be an ebony pillar covered in red glowing runes that pulsate slowly. The runes are in a mix of Infernal and Abyssal with some Draconic mixed in. Reading them requires both Decipher Script and Read Magic, but anyone who manages to pass the exceptionally difficult checks for both (DC 35 each, probably) will discover that they represent a modified form of the Genesis spell (included below). The device itself has only one function - every 24 hours, it creates a single kitten (50% chance of either gender). This event cannot be stopped, and the Kitten Generator is an artifact and thus nearly indestructible.

Murphy's Shot Glass - A cursed shot glass that turns any alcoholic liquid poured into it into colored water. Once someone pours something into it, it uses benign transposition to swap places with another shotglass within line of sight (leaving any liquid in it behind). It also causes all shotglasses in the same room as it to glow with a stong conjuration effect under detect magic. Once per week (usually on a saturday at 11 AM), it uses teleport without error to end up on a shelf in a random bar within 1000 miles. It will also intelligently take on the appearance of other nearby shotglasses to blend in.

The Lasso of Truth - Based on Wonder Woman's magic rope, it was a rope that cast Zone of Truth.

Spell: Kitten Genesis - this is a 3rd level Conjuration (creation) spell that creates a kitten (roughly 1 week old) from nothing. Casting time is 24 hours, duration instantaneous, range is touch.

2010-11-08, 01:31 PM
The Kitten Generator - This device appears to be an ebony pillar covered in red glowing runes that pulsate slowly. The runes are in a mix of Infernal and Abyssal with some Draconic mixed in. Reading them requires both Decipher Script and Read Magic, but anyone who manages to pass the exceptionally difficult checks for both (DC 35 each, probably) will discover that they represent a modified form of the Genesis spell (included below). The device itself has only one function - every 24 hours, it creates a single kitten (50% chance of either gender). This event cannot be stopped, and the Kitten Generator is an artifact and thus nearly indestructible.

What I said about the yeast? That goes double for this. But what use would anyone have for such a device?

2010-11-08, 01:33 PM
What I said about the yeast? That goes double for this. But what use would anyone have for such a device?

Building an army of kittens to take out "Fighter Village," of course! :smallbiggrin:

2010-11-08, 01:36 PM
i made a rubber ball that would bounce back to the exact height that it was dropped from.

soooo many uses

2010-11-08, 01:38 PM
Our campaign currently has a normal bag of holding which you can pull a chicken out of as an encounter power. We got it from some magic item testing facility.