View Full Version : The Jester King's Grand Game

2010-11-07, 02:51 AM
You stand before a mighty cliff side. It's massive stone face stretches high into the sky and beyond the clouds. The cliff side is smooth yet filled with cracks, like the dried hide of a wild beast. No doubt that any attempt to climb this monster of stone would be all but impossible, even with the best of gear.

You, along with several other people are standing in a small clearing with a thick forest surrounding you. The world around you is so... alien and odd, yet seems to follow the more mundane laws of nature. The grass is black and fills the area, seemingly sucking all the light that hits it into its darkness. Odd patches of tall white grass grow around you sparingly, as if intentionally avoided by whomever cleared the area around here.

The forest itself is slightly more "normal". The wood on the trees is brown, at least. The leaves, however, are a rich blue-green in color. Whenever a breeze passes through the forest it fills the small clearing with the light scent of something very similar it lavender and burned hair.

In your pocket is a small piece of... something that was not there before. You would have to take it out in order to figure out what it is, however.

2010-11-07, 03:02 AM
Jorge turns and walks a few steps from the cliff.

Whispering "I was so close to finding her..."

All that can be seen is an ankle length black leather jacket. Two rough hands, the hands of a worker, a wanderer. Two boots where the jacket ends.

2010-11-07, 03:16 AM
Zamarissa yawns, her nap broken by being brought to this place, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with her flint and steel rings. She then looks around, a bland look on her face, her black eyes scanning the landscape. She's about sixteen, with coal black eyes, brown hair so dark it's almost black, pale skin, and a tattoo-like birthmark on her right shoulder. She wears a simple black tanktop and a pair of denim shorts, clothes she picked up from the city before being brought here. A coffin-shaped pack is strapped to her back.

Noticing the other people, he calls out, "Hey, you know how we got here?" her voice is as bland and indifferent as her expression. Then deciding to take that annoying bulge in her pocket, taking a look at the object while listening to what anyone else says.

2010-11-07, 03:21 AM

The bulge is a chunk of rectangular wood, something like that off of a wooden sign. The word "Horror" is written in big letters on one side, while the other side has the words "PLAY THE GAME" carved into it.

2010-11-07, 03:23 AM
Then remembering the bulge in his pocket, Jorge reaches in and pulls it out.

2010-11-07, 03:25 AM

The bulge is a chunk of rectangular wood, something like that off of a wooden sign. The word "STEALTH" is written in large letters on one side. On the other side the words "TRUST NO ONE" is carved into the wood.

2010-11-07, 04:19 AM
Spending a moment to look around the area, John determines he made the right choice. If the strangeness here is anything to go by, he'll likely find new music without much trouble.
After cocking his head a moment to listen, Johnny grows restless and begins playing his violin, accompanying the music that follows him constantly. After a moment he stops, distracted by the unrecognised weight in his pocket, but he pauses only to tap it and determine it is of little musical value before returning to playing. The call of music is to strong to be distracted by such minor things.

Listen check - [roll0]
Perform (String instruments) - [roll1]


2010-11-07, 12:10 PM
Xzethameastsagu'aj looks around distractedly, sees a patch of grass, and coos with delight. He takes his scythe, which is held upside down (so that the blade is on bottom) and cuts some grass away, placing it in the confines of his robes as he does. He realizes there's a new object, so he pulls it out, and looks at it curiously.

"Yes, yes, yes, new grass, it's delicious to the soul. We found him again, we did. This is enjoyable, just like a new fishing rod with old string."

2010-11-07, 01:05 PM

The sound of music fills the area, along with something... else. The wonderful sound of that barely noticeable music that always follows you around. Although it is difficult to make out over your own music, you can still make out the sounds of the forest. The rustle of leaves that seems almost too gentle and subdued, as though the leaves were made of silk. The sound of insects that buzz around with a strange hum.

Xzethameastsagu'aj looks around distractedly, sees a patch of grass, and coos with delight. He takes his scythe, which is held upside down (so that the blade is on bottom) and cuts some grass away, placing it in the confines of his robes as he does. He realizes there's a new object, so he pulls it out, and looks at it curiously.


The bulge is a chunk of rectangular wood, something like that off of a wooden sign. The word "Action" is written in big letters on one side, while the other side has the words "RUN AND DIE" carved into it.


You notice a carved out chunk of stone on the cliff-side. You were rather sure it wasn't there before, but then again... how could you be sure? The chunk missing is exactly the same size as the rectangular piece of wood, easily allowing the wood to slide into it if you tried.

2010-11-07, 01:13 PM
Thame looks down at the piece of wood, hums to himself a tuneless melody, and stuffs it back into his robes. He looks at the others, giggling a little as he does, and speaks with the clarity that only a true lack of sanity can bring.

"He is playing a game with us, brothers. Be wary, lest you cash out too soon. Yes, yes, it is him, vengeance is at last. How does Xzethameastsagu'aj call to you each?"

2010-11-07, 01:18 PM
"I'm called Zamarissa Kurogoke," she says at the inquiring insane man, she was also curious, "and do you have a name that easier to say for the common person," she thinks for a second, "strike that, easier for the not quite insane"

"Mine says 'Horror' and 'Play the Game', if my guess is right, then depending on which one we put in depends on what we will have to do." The sentence sounds odd, her voice going with a rarely fluctuating, not-quite-monotone effect. "What does everyone else's say? We'll make a decision based on what they say." The cigarette in her mouth bobs up and down as she talks.

2010-11-07, 01:38 PM
Hearing the conversation, Johnny approaches the others.
"I am called Johnny. As for that block, where did you get it? Ah, wait!"
As if it only now occurred to him that something showing up in his pocket may be important, Johnny reaches in an pulls it out.


2010-11-07, 01:40 PM

The bulge is a chunk of rectangular wood, something like that off of a wooden sign. The word "Puzzle" is written in big letters on one side, while the other side has the words "ALL YOUR FAULT" carved into it.

2010-11-07, 02:14 PM
"Zamarissa Kurogoke, yes, of course you are. Wait. Wait. Who told you my name?! I didn't!! He did, didn't he? It was him. Oh yes, playing on my mind YOU WON'T GET ME AGAIN DAMMIT!!" Xzethameastsagu'aj shakes his fist at the empty spot of stone for a moment, then calms down, looks around, and says "Thame will do nicely." He waves his hand once, and ink the color of death and the purest night flows from his finger tips to form words on the stone cliff, "Action" and "RUN AND DIE".

Thame realizes Johnny is standing there, and nods curtly in his direction. "I like your violin. Who'd you kill to get it?"


Ok, having way too much fun with Thame. Also, the ink is him using a Liquid Night fundamental. God love infinite cantrips, I can do cool thematic stuff like that all day long.

2010-11-07, 03:37 PM
Jorge turns, his face hidden by his hat, now visible are two revolvers at his hips.
"Let's get moving. Time wasted here is time wasted searching." He turns pulling his hood off revealing the entirety of his head. His hair is short a dark brown. "I'm The Forgotten One."

2010-11-07, 03:50 PM
"You cannot be the Forgotten One, for we know of you? How is one forgotten when one is known? Have I forgotten you perhaps? Or did he...? A spy, a spy, we must watch this one closely, yes. Yes, yes, curious we are. You, do you know why it is that blood is red? I'm curious." Thame pulls out a small glass vial, rattles it around in his hand, and looks at TFO curiously.

2010-11-07, 03:58 PM
Jorge spins around, a revolver raising in the flash of black and looks straight at the speaker. "Your blood is red so your sins can be drained when I gut you"

2010-11-07, 04:04 PM
"Blood is red because of sin? What about blood that's green or blue or purple? Are they full of sin too? Or of virtue and love? I don't know, do you? Can we collect some blue blood and test it for sin? This sounds like fun! I like you, Mr. Remembered." Thame gives the gunslinger a big toothy grin, the grey veil over his face blocking it entirely.

2010-11-07, 04:05 PM
Zamarissa goes over and grabs the gunman's arm, lowering it, "He's insane, same as myself, only in a different way. Now, we need to get out of here, so work together rather than against each other. You don't and i'll be the one killing, not you."

2010-11-07, 04:10 PM
"I'm not insane, I'm sanity-adverse, but you'll be there soon, ZaKu. You are all really fun and nice people. I like this situation. Thame is happy." He pockets the vial, sticks one hand into a pocket, and looks around nonchalantly, whistling something peppy and happy sounding.

2010-11-07, 04:13 PM
"I don't like this situation, and I don't trust the lot of you."

2010-11-07, 04:42 PM
"That's disappointing, Mr. Remembered." Thame frowns. He plays with the dark steel-colored ring on his left hand and leans on his scythe. "Anyone doing anything? Gonna toss a brick into the wall, maybe?"

2010-11-07, 05:14 PM
"Let's try yours," Zamarissa says to The Forgotten One. "And i'm not to trusting either, but some trust is necessary."

2010-11-07, 05:18 PM
Jorge tosses the chuck of wood over to Zamarissa, "Go ahead and try it."

2010-11-07, 05:21 PM
Zamarissa goes over to the indentation and pushes the block in, then backs up to see what happens.

2010-11-07, 07:35 PM
"Kill? No, I didn't kill for this. I won it in a bet. Or did I lose? It's so hard to tell at times. Hmm, Puzzle, fault... Enough of such riddles, the music calls to be played."
With that Johny again picks up his tune, this time working in lyrics of a seemingly impromptu song.
Perform (String instruments) [roll0]
Perform (Sing) [roll1]


2010-11-07, 09:42 PM
When you insert the chunk of wood labeled "Stealth" into the stone cliff you can hear a loud rumble as the cliff side begins to... slid open, into the stone itself. The process is slow and odd, taking a full ten minuets to 'open' all the way. Behind it is a huge glass screen, which flickers before coming to life, it's bright neon blue screen almost painful to look at.

Slowly, the bright blue color begins to shrink and form the words:

You have chosen.
The rules are simple.
First one to the goal gains a bonus.
But this is a stealth game.

The screen flickers for a moment and then switches to show the body of a young women, perhaps in her late twenties. She is wrapped in cloth, much like a mummies, and seems to be unconscious.

If anyone sees any of you
I will cut her
cut her
And she will know pain

The image flickers again and then the screen is is filled with a large smiling face surround by several hearts and adorable bunnies.

Because that's how a fun game is made!
Touch the screen when you're ready, my bestest friends!
time is fragile
i can taste her blood


As impossible as it is you recognize that women. It is the same women as the one on your locket. It shouldn't be possible, but there is no doubt in your mind that it is her.

2010-11-07, 09:43 PM
"This seems bad..."

2010-11-07, 10:03 PM
"Very much so. Whoever this jester king is is a sadist. Better not be seen then. Let's get this over with." Zamarissa walks over to the screen and places her hand on the screen.

2010-11-07, 10:52 PM
The moment Zamarissa's hand touches the screen an image pops into your head. It is the image of a... dungeon.


You know instantly that you will be transported to where the blue lines are, and that the red square is where you want to be. The moment you understand this, you are there.

The dungeon itself is made of stone and is dimly lit, the torches on the wall flickering softly and giving off no smoke. The air is dry, like that of the desert. The door in front of you is closed and the room seems to soak up sound, although you are unsure if that's the same for the rest of the dungeon. At the very least you are rather sure that it would be safe to plan here without risking getting caught.

2010-11-07, 11:01 PM
Hearing the voice Johnny lets out a laugh.
"A bonus it says? Perhaps it is a song. That would indeed be worth getting there first."
Johnny proceeds to unleash strange energies upon himself before touching the image and starting up another tune.
Road of Lengthened Strides on self (+20 feet to movement) Will Save DC 14 [roll0]
The Road Less Traveled on self (ignore difficult terrain) Will Save DC 15 (16 if previous save failed) [roll1]
2 standard actions are used.

2010-11-07, 11:34 PM
"Hold, maybe we should come up with a plan first. We don't want to be seen."

2010-11-07, 11:35 PM
"Yea, stealth is not my strong suit..."

2010-11-08, 12:15 AM
"A plan? Why? We just go to the destination and win. Still it may be best to make it harder for them to hear. Let's fill the air with music!"
The air is filled with a strange whispered tune as unnatural energies poor from Johnny.
Using incursion Tune of Madness (full round action):
2 mile periphery, 2000 foot marrow
Periphery effects: sounds in the area are somewhat muted, sounding muffled. All listen checks made in the area suffer a –2 penalty.
If you have access to 2nd level breaches, soft whispers seem to play through the air. These impose a –2 penalty to concentration checks but a +1 bonus to knowledge checks as they occasionally whisper a bit of useful insight.
Marrow effects: Sonic damage utilized within the area becomes more virulent. Whenever a creature or object within the area takes sonic damage, they take 1d6 additional points of sonic damage (this ability does not trigger itself).

2010-11-08, 03:35 AM
Thames eyes widen, and he pulls out a small worn brass locket, opening it and looking at the image within. He places it back inside his robe, looks at the others, shakes his head, and gestures for everyone to stop moving. "No. No movement. Wait. Plan. We must preserve that woman, she is vital to us now." He twists his ring, and is coated in shadowy armor with a similar shield floating around him as well. "Thame needs no light. Do you?"


Standard: Activate shadowring of steel shadows. Gain a +3 Armor and +3 Shield Bonus to AC for 10 minutes.

2010-11-09, 03:44 PM
"Yes, actually. I think i know the quickest way there. Going the fastest way we have the most likely chance of not being seen and preserving the woman's health and life. If you want to be quick follow me, otherwise go your own way."

2010-11-09, 03:46 PM
"You go, I'm not good at being sneaky."

Roland turns thinking, That mark, it's so familiar.

2010-11-09, 04:23 PM
"Go then, but know, if she dies from you, you share her fate, and that'd be tragic. Be cautious then, and let us move quickly." Thame spins his scythe 180 degrees and straps it over one shoulder in a single fluid motion, far faster and easier than his appearance would indicate, and nods once, gesturing to move quickly.

2010-11-09, 04:24 PM
"We'll all likely have to get to the end, or we'll all lose. Let's go." Zamarissa goes to the door, indicating for everyone to hide as best they can, then swings it open, revealing her true form as she does so, a single eye on each palm, one on each side of her head, two fleshy, milky white eyes on each shoulder, twin tentacles sprouting from her back, and a vertical mouth going up her back in between the two tentacles.

2010-11-09, 04:36 PM
Thame doesn't even bother hiding. He's so bad at it it's not worth the trouble. Instead, he stands there, ready to bumrush anything on the side of that door with a battlespell or somesuch.

2010-11-10, 12:09 AM
As he moves toward the door, the tone of Johnny's playing changes.
Inspire Courage, allies within 60 get a +2 moral bonus on will saves as well as attack and damage rolls.
Duration 8 rounds. Standard action to start, swift action to maintain.

2010-11-10, 03:10 PM
Except for the music made by Johnny the halls are silent. It's not until you reach the first room (room 14) that you see something... odd. The door itself is smooth and made of stone, like the rest of the dungeon. It has a doorknob and a space at the bottom of the door... big enough for a small animal to come out of.

Apparently, whatever is in there likes Johnny's music as well because you can see two animals leaving the room as great speed to investigate. They look like a cross between a ferret and a bear, with large spikes growing out of there back and down there spine. That's not to say that they're -large- however. They're only a little bigger then the average household dog. Each one seems to be wearing something around there neck.

They also so not seem very friendly. Because the moment they lock eyes on you they run towards you to attack!


The moment the Dire Wolverines lock eyes on your team-mates you hear two wet 'chomping' sounds. You hear a scream, her scream. How long has it been since you last heard her voice?

You then have the strange image fill your head. A baby wearing a jesters cap playing with a doll that's missing its right arm and left leg. The limbs seen to have been torn off by some sort of animal, a dog maybe. The baby is thwacking the doll against the floor, giggling the whole while.


Time to roll Initiative guys!

2010-11-10, 03:21 PM
De de de Initiative.


2010-11-10, 03:49 PM
Thame starts, wonders about the voice and if he recognizes it. He figures that he doesn't. The child doesn't concern him overly, something is very wrong about it. He slings the scythe down and starts for battle.


Initiative: [roll0]

2010-11-11, 01:31 PM
Seeing the monsters appear, Johnny adds a disheartening chord to his otherwise encouraging music.
Dissonant Harmony - Opponents within the 30ft cone-shaped burst (aimed at the wolves) that fail their saving throw suffer a -3 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks.

Will saving throw negates (DC 12). Duration 8 rounds.

As a side note, how many of the 8 rounds for Inspire Courage are left after travelling this far?