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2010-11-07, 09:56 PM
Chapter I:

The town of Altrin lies ahead of you. It has long been a meeting place for many scholars and mages to test their mettle against one another and thus try to secure themselves positions on the High Council. Your journey has led you here due to an odd flyer that caught your attention. It read, Come on, come all whether you're short or tall, whether you fly or walk or magical or muscial (yes it really does say that). We are ready to teach those that wish to learn in the ways of magic, advanced enough to even put some of the top wizards to shame. Please join us in the town of Altrin at Malis' Magic School." There appears to be a festival going on in the town... but then why shouldn't there be? For today is the 100th Anniversary of the Town's Founding.

2010-11-07, 10:41 PM

The past three years had been horribly painful... mainly emotionally more than physically though both were true to say also. Recently, however, she had been able to escape the Underdark of her former Drow owner. She'd been forced to work for the woman as an espionage person of sorts, due to her being naturally gifted with invisibility she was deemed to be a perfect spy and was often sent to eavesdrop on other Drow houses and report back with statuses of members and such. While she'd been owned, she'd "helped" her mistress get rid of at least 5 houses before she finally used her invisibility to escape.

The mere thought made her shudder but she reminded herself this was the whole reason she'd ensured to get herself out of captivity... to start over anew. Past is past... no sense dwelling on it.... She thought, taking a deep breath as she flew around the city of Altrin, her head tilting as she flew a bit higher yet still enough to be able to read the flyer. She gave herself a height advantage to avoid being swatted, accidentally or intentionally.

As she finished reading, she put a small dainty finger under her chin, looking up a bit. The offer was indeed interesting and even though she already knew some magic, it wouldn't hurt her to learn more would it? "I suppose what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...." She mused quietly under her breath then frowned a bit as she realized one issue. The sign didn't appear to have directions or some type of location. She sighed quietly as she began flying around. Unfortunately, due to her experiences in the Underdark, it made her slightly paranoid and she feared asking someone where she would be able to find this place because of it.

I apologize for not having gotten my background up... I swear I will soon but this kinda gives it sorta away or will. Also, no I'm not intending on making her owner the same person as Henso so I'm not trying to godmod if that's what it sounded like.

2010-11-07, 11:46 PM
Xion walks down the path, having read the flyer in the road, heading for Altrin. A stray scent had been stuck in his nose for a while now, since he found the flyer. Finally getting annoyed, "you can come down here ya'know, i got your scent." he says, looking in the general direction of the smell and tapping his nose.

2010-11-08, 12:01 AM

A small and barely audible gasp escaped her as she heard a voice speak. As Baedra looked down when she heard the voice, she carefully flew upon the shoulder of the individual who had, apparently, sniffed her out. "Um....sorry if I annoyed you. I'm used to flying up at a higher angle." She couldn't help but wonder how exactly his nose was so good.. but she decided not to push the matter. "Um... I'm taking it you saw the flyer also? I'm Baedra by the way." She said, deciding to introduce herself before forgetting her manners.

2010-11-08, 12:21 AM
"Xion Black, werewolf and treasure hunter. I'm guessing your a pixie? And i did see the flyer, i'm heading to Altrin now. You can tag along if you'd like." he sniffs the air more closely, memorizing the sprite's scent, just in case, "hm, pine, blackberry, stone, and," he sniffs again, "a slightly coppery tang," I know i've smelled that before, i just can't put my nose on it, "interesting scent for a fey."

2010-11-08, 12:31 AM

Baedra nodded as he spoke and introduced himself in return. "Nice to meet you. Not to sound rude or anything but... if you're a treasure hunter then why are you heading to a Magic School?" She blinked slightly as she identified all but the last scent and inwardly frowned. She had hoped that despite her never having been directly involved with her past, the scents of blood wouldn't have been on her. However, he pointed out this wasn't the case apparently. Wow his nose really is good.... just glad he hasn't figured it all out...

Even though she hadn't been directly involved, she had still felt horrible about everything she'd done, forced or otherwise. She had always wondered if she could have done more and though she kept trying to remind herself the answer was no, she still doubted herself. She shook her head slightly as she chuckled softly, "I've been traveling around for a while now needless to say and because of that, I probably have some rather unusual scents on me."

2010-11-08, 12:48 AM
"I have some magic talent and would like to augment it, and this kind of town is rife with legends about treasure. Two goblins with one bolt." He says, then, at the comment of her scent, "Actually your one of the more normal scents, try having a neighbor that smells like a Otyugh for normal people, then add in the sensitive nose. Anyway, what's your reason for going?"

2010-11-08, 12:58 AM

"Ah, I see." She said, nodding in appreciation of his honesty in his answer. "You don't act like most werewolves I read or hear about.... not that that's bad..." She quickly added, trying to sound anything but rude. She smiled upon hearing she seemed to smell more "normal" according to him than other people he'd been around. Definitely doesn't act like one.. hard to believe he is...

As she heard his next question, she hesitated a bit before answering, "I.... suppose to improve myself as well. I had a rather bad encounter already and I don't really feel like repeating it much or anything similar to it." She said, slowly sitting upon Xion's shoulder.

2010-11-08, 01:11 AM
He shrugs, "There's good reason to fear the cursed of my kind, and most of the naturals as well. I'm just an oddity among werewolves."

2010-11-08, 12:39 PM
Henso walks down the road in agile elven fashion, wearing simple, out-of-fashion, grey robes. Not very fashionable, but wearing the bright clothing of these days would ruining any attempts at hiding should the need arise. He is shocked when he sees a werewolf coming down the street.

Seriously, I expected many kinds of creatures to come to this festival, but a werewolf talking to thin air is beyond my expectations.

The raven on his shoulder seems to chuckle and dissappears in thin air as the Imp uses invisibility. A moment later Henso breaks into a smile.

You might be right, could be some invisible familiar for all I know. :smallsmile:

2010-11-08, 02:06 PM
Flying through Altrin, Silfeg cannot help but smile. This is my kind of town. It's been far too long since I attended a festival. Just a quick stop for a snack, and then I'm off to find this magic school.

Buying himself a candied apple from a cart, Silfeg begins making his way through the crowd. He could easily fly above them in his attempt to find the magic school, but something about mingling with the crowd appeals to him. In front of him, he sees an odd sight. An elf with an invisible raven perched on his shoulder and in front of the elf, a man talking to a currently invisible pixie. Seems like invisible is the thing to be today. Here's betting that odd conglomeration is heading for the magic school as well.

Remaining visible, Silfeg speeds up until he is flying alongside the elf.

"Hey there, would you happen to know the way to the magic school?"

Edit -
For reference sake, I have the See the Unseen invocation up and running. That's why I was able to see the various invisibles.

2010-11-08, 02:51 PM
Hello there, werewolf-manthing, I never expected werewolfs to come here. On your way .....

Silfeg swoops in..

What the ... aha, well hello there. I was on my way there right now when I ran into this werewolf and pixie. You're welcome to come along though. My name is Henso, I'm an elven Wizard, so I'm hoping to pick up some new spells at the school.
I don't think I caught your names?

2010-11-08, 03:24 PM

Baedra nodded, smiling at Xion. He was unusually understanding. She looked over as two other voices caught her attention then she was amazed to see another pixie, making her smile a bit more. She waved shyly to the elf and other pixie. "Seems we're all going to this magic school then I'm guessing?" She asked, looking at the other pixie yet not wanting to seem as if she were staring.

I'm not invisible.... quiet maybe but not unable to be seen sitting on the lycanthrope's shoulder... x.x Sorry if I didn't make that clear

2010-11-08, 05:21 PM

Jei giggles as she sees the eyes of the children surrounding her light up. Magically handing the sweets to each of them, she could not be any more pleased with herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she barely caught the glimpse of a pixie. Quickly looking around, she notices another... Two pixies, wow! This really is a magical town.

She notices that the two men talking to the pixies look rather suspicious, but decides to act like she hasn't seen them at all. Smiling and talking to the children, she keeps an eye on the pixies through her hair while trying to hear what they are saying.

2010-11-08, 06:36 PM
A loud explosion rings in the sky as fireworks begin to be sent flying into the heavens. They appear to be marking the location of the school, as many other fair goers turn their heads to the sky admiring the display. To you all who read the flyer though the fireworks are somthing different, the patterns are those of ancient runic symbols and magical incantations. The final burst indicating for you to proceed to the far east side of the fair.

2010-11-08, 06:48 PM
Xion turns to the elf, a mild glare, mostly annoyance rather than anger, "That's a very rude way of greeting to someone, what were you raised by orcs? Geez. Yeah i'm heading to the Mage School, although i only have basic training, i'm hoping to remedy that. And i guess that answers where it is."

2010-11-09, 12:08 AM
Silfeg smiles and takes a bow in midair,"The name's Silfeg. I guess it is good to know I'm not the only one who 'wishes to learn in the ways of magic, advanced enough to even put some of the top wizards to shame'. I mean seriously, it is like they wrote that for me."

As the fireworks exploded overhead, Silfeg gasped with joy. Each moment in Altrin seemed to further fulfill his desires. A school promising to teach amazing magical secrets, an amazing display of arcane fireworks, and interesting characters. What more could a town offer?

Noticing the other pixie looking at him, he clears his throat and says, "Well, to the east then, I suppose. We might as well stay together. A group can more easily move in this crowd than an individual."

2010-11-09, 01:20 AM

Baedra nodded, silently agreeing with Xion Rude indeed.... She looked up as she heard the sounds of fireworks then smiled more, admiring the view. "Oh wow.... so beautiful...." She murmured gently, also noting it indicated to go east. As the other pixie suggested staying together, she nodded. "Definitely...." She'd already tried finding the school so she already knew how that had turned out, needless to say.

2010-11-09, 08:17 AM
Henso is startled by Xion's rhetorical question.

He has no skill in bluff, so he prefers to evade questions.

What ?.... uhhh .... an elf in an orc camp? That would be funny, right? Anyway, pardon for the rude greeting, it's just that, I've never met someone like you before. If you'd tell me your name I promise you, my next greeting will be a polite one.

Nice fireworks! Apparently they are powerfull indeed if they managed to affect me with their flyer. Good thing I came here.

Seems we are going the same way indeed. I'd be happy to stay with you. Has anyone been here before?

Never met such interesting things before. Perhaps I can learn from them.

The raven on his shoulder becomes visible again.

2010-11-09, 10:48 AM
Xion sighs, "Xion Black, and i'm sure i've passed through before on my travels, probably from some time back."

2010-11-09, 06:22 PM
those heading to the school
You see a gnome sitting on a stump, he is dressed in very flashy and flamboyant colors (bright yellows and oranges, and maybe even a little pink) His outfit seems to be a patchwork of these colors. On his head he wore a large flopped cap that shared it's design with his robes, large bespectacled eyes peering from beneath it's brim and a wide grin. "Welcome! I am so glad to see so many, our school's selection process can sometimes be very particular." He jumped down from the stump and begins a waddling walk as he motions you all towards a nearby tree. "I can show you the door but I must wait for the others to find there way here, please enjoy your stay here."

2010-11-09, 07:35 PM
Xion quirks an eyebrow, "Are you a professor or student for the school, or just an advertiser?"

2010-11-09, 07:41 PM

As Baedra and Xion soon arrived at the school, she began to take note of the new surroundings and people that were before her eyes. She bowed her head to the rather flashy gnome, giving him a smile as she remained sitting upon Xion's shoulder and waited for the others to arrive.

2010-11-09, 07:53 PM
"Who cares if he is a student or teacher. Look at that hat!", Selfig chortles with mirth. "I have got to find myself one of those."

Following the waddling gnome, Selfig begins musing to himself. Hmmm, is the door in the tree? Or is the tree in the door? Or is it all some kind of test?

2010-11-09, 08:11 PM

Jei follows the pair of men with the pixies, making sure to keep her distance and staying quiet. She nods at the gnome greeting people and stands directly behind the grouping, silently.

2010-11-09, 09:38 PM
As the group gathers the tree opens up as a large gust of wind begins to pull them in (I'd give save if people wanted if this was able but since it isn't I'll just continue) The world disappears around you before you find yourselves in a stone walled room. The door is behind you guarded on wither side by two large Iron Golems A human dressed in fine robes stands bowing to you from behind a large elaborate desk. "Thank you all for coming. I am Francis Amble, headmaster of this school and a professor here as well." He pushes forward a small paper for each of you, "You've already met one of our more... extremely motivated assistants." The paper he hands you outlines a set of terms and conditions that you must agree to before being accepted into the school. Beside normal common sense things, rules included are

1. Destructive magic is not to be used against fellow students
2. Misuse of school transportation is punishable by expulsion
3. No student is allowed in the realms of the school between the hours of 23:00 and 4:00

"Now then, I am to give you your first assignment for the school." He moves from around the table and carries with him a small jewelry box. as he opens it there is a large red jewel about the size of a human heart. It shines brightly giving off at least a 5ft radius of light. "This is a Golem's heart, it belongs to one of our instructors but he had it removed for this assignment. He has sealed himslf up in a cave that I shall transport you all too and filled it with ceatures he has summoned. to act as sentries." He waves his hands over you all as a brief curtin of light washes over you. "Should you become grievously injured (-8 or -9) this spell will transport you instantly to our infirmary where you shall be treated. The rest of you shall be teleported back when the task is complete by the instructor himself. Before I continue are there any questions?"

2010-11-09, 10:41 PM
Xion nods, "1, do we get any supplies to help us out down there? 2, how long do we have to finish this test? 3, are there any restrictions?"

2010-11-10, 12:26 AM

Jei rubs her head with an irritated look and speaks up for the first time, "And what, exactly, are we doing?"

2010-11-10, 12:35 AM
Headmaster Francis thinks about all your questions before answering, "The purpose of this test is to find the instructor and re-insert his heart to turn him back on." He then turned to the multiple questions, "1. you will all receive 2 potions of cure moderate wounds to help your journey. 2. you all have 12 hours to finish the mission. 3. there are no restrictions."

2010-11-10, 12:54 AM
"So, is this supposed to be a cooperative or a competitive test?" Silfeg asks as he examines the heart in the box.

Golems had always been an area of some interest for Silfeg. Magical constructs that by their very nature reject magic. Fascinating. Without realizing he's doing so, Silfeg begins reaching for the heart, but stops himself short and pulls back his hand with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

2010-11-10, 12:59 AM
"It shall be a team effort, later on their may be need for tests in which I will pit you against other student groups but as of today you all are in your own a circle."

2010-11-10, 01:08 AM

Shifting her gaze from Headmaster Francis to the rest of the group, she slowly says, "I knew you guys would be interesting."

Taking a deep bow, which puts her hair in her eyes, she looks up and extends her hand.
"Jei Robin, at your service."

2010-11-10, 07:58 AM

Baedra felt her small hands grab onto the cloth attached to Xion's shoulder as she felt the gust of wind blow. When it ceased, she found herself in what she guessed to be an office. Her theory seemed to be right as the man who introduced himself was the Headmaster, making her bow her head respectfully to him. She was amazed to hear they were already receiving an assignment so soon. While she did have some questions, she figured they would all be answered when they returned.

During the entire time, she noticed the other girl was rather shy herself, making Baedra chuckle a bit as she flew off Xion's shoulder and gently landed on hers. "It's always weird to speak to people you've never met before huh? Nice to meet you miss. I'm Baedra." She extended a small, dainty hand to her, being careful to not fall off her shoulder from reaching too far down.

2010-11-10, 09:21 AM

Uhhmmm, greetings Francis, interesting doorstep you have here. I have more questions before we set out on this task.

First, what is it that made us into the selected group? Why were we selected?

Second, what happens if we drop to -10 in a single hit?

Third, what does this instructor look like?

I suppose we will find out about the last two, but I'm ready to go and looking forward to test my skills.

2010-11-10, 06:05 PM
"You were all selected for your unique abilities and the fact you could read the flyer. To anyone else, it just appears as a blank piece of paper. Only a few people each year can read it. Those who can read it are considered a circle brought together by the powers of magic. My enchantment will place you into a temporary stasis once you hit fatal wounds (-9) therefore even if you take excess damage, it won't be transferred to you. As for our rocky instructor, he stands approximately 9 feet tall and is very blocky in his make."

2010-11-10, 06:19 PM
"Then let's begin this test, shall we?"

2010-11-10, 07:43 PM

Good, let's be off then!!

2010-11-10, 08:16 PM
"So what you're saying is, we're awesomely magically gifted, so you brought us to your school and are sending us on a test involving a golem in the first day?" Silfeg asks.

Before anyone has a chance to answer, he tilts his head back and laughs, "This is the best school ever! C'mon team, let's show him what we've got."

2010-11-10, 09:07 PM
With another gesture the world around the group twirls in a mix of colors and lights as they appear just inside the entrance of a cavern,though it appears man made. The walls are smooth and the placing of the "natural" cave elements such as stalactites/mites is absurd in regards to a natural cave. They are real stone though and most likely crafted to look like a natural cave would. The only path seems to be forward into the cave.

2010-11-11, 05:04 AM

Team?? Pixies sure are getting easier these days.

I'll cast darkvision so I'll be able to see in there. This sure is the weirdest cave I've ever seen. I'll just follow anyone who goes in first. :smallsmile:

He doesn't actually cast Darkvision as he doesn't have the spell and has darkvision naturally. He just turns away for a moment, fumbles and mumbles a bit.

2010-11-11, 05:37 AM

Baedra was astounded to hear the truth be revealed to her and the whole group. Really? So.... not everyone could have read the flyer? That is amazing to know we're actually better than quite a huge number of people considering how few are probably in this school.. Her eyes gazed over to the pixie yet didn't seem as if staring before looking towards the path after a bit. "Hm...." Her mind was now focused on figuring out how to survive this test and as she got an idea, she flew to the other pixie, bowing her head, "Um....excuse me but I think I do have an idea on how we can all get past this. Maybe we can both use our invisibility to our advantage and scout ahead for the others?" She waited for a bit then, not wanting to be rude, added, "Oh... and I'm Baedra by the way. Nice to meet you."

2010-11-11, 06:11 AM

Composing herself and drawing her longsword, she begins to look around for a small rock.

When she hears Baedra's suggestion, she says to the pixies in Auran"You're a smart one, eh? Always leave it to a pixie to think ahead. You can understand this right?"

If she can find a rock, she'll cast Light on it. If not, no big deal.

2010-11-11, 07:30 AM

Sounds like a plan! I'll send my raven with you as well for communications. We'll follow 50 ft behind you. Turn invisible, raven!

2010-11-11, 07:54 AM
Silfeg mimes removing a hat and bows in mid-air to Baedra.

"An honor and pleasure to make your acquaintance. As I said earlier, I am Silfeg. Your plan seems good as any. I can see invisible things, so I'll follow directly behind you."

With that, Silfeg activates his Entropic Ward and lets himself slip into invisibility.

"After you, milady."

Active effects right now are Entropic Ward and See the Unseen. 20% ranged miss chance against me, and I have Darkvision 60 and can see invis.

2010-11-11, 08:11 AM
I have darkvision 120 ft.so, if there are no obstacles I can see where they are, if I was able to see invisible things. I use my raven to assess the distance.

2010-11-11, 09:12 AM

Baedra felt herself unable to help but smile proudly. She never used get this type of attention and, needless to say, it was kinda nice. She nodded then spoke back to Jei, "Yes, I understand you perfectly. I know quite the array of languages and this is indeed one."

Her attention went to Silfeg as she gave him a smile. "Alright then.... here goes everything and nothing." She said, taking a bit of a deep breath before activating her invisibility, beginning to fly ahead and scout out.

Search Check:

Spot Check:

2010-11-11, 12:46 PM
"Let's move, shall we?" with that Xion heads forward through the cavern. Sniffing periodically to see if he can find anything.

2010-11-11, 02:51 PM
Invisible people and all others who moved forward
As you move forward you come up a long hallway lined with statues on either side. The statues resemble medium sized scorpions made of stone, their tails are raised and indeed sharp.

2010-11-12, 11:15 AM

Baedra flew carefully around the scorpions, inspecting each. "Wow...both look more real up close..." She mused quietly, keeping her eyes open to see if there was anything unusual and/or unique about the statues including indications of why those types of creatures were there as opposed to something that would make more sense for a cave, such as a bat.

Search Check:

Spot Check:

2010-11-12, 11:34 AM

Come back, raven!, Henso mentally orders. These statues are creepy.

I don't know how far you can see in here, but the scouts have found some statues. It's better if we wait here until they learn more.

2010-11-12, 04:38 PM
Silfeg looks at the odd scorpion statues and scratches his head.

"I wonder," he mumbles to himself as he starts detecting to see if they have a magical aura on them. "Think these might be the creatures that Headmaster Amble was referring to?"

He then carefully moves forward to help Baedra examine the statues.

Using Spellthief Detect Magic SLA

Also searching and spotting as Baedra did.



2010-11-12, 10:29 PM
Spot searches and detect magics
The scorpions do detect as magic, upon closer inspection of them you find that the stingers of the scorpions are real which may mean that the stone casing is merely some sort of stasis for the beasts.

2010-11-13, 04:50 AM

So, who wants to be bait? Perhaps the fastest flyer can fly through to see what happens, while we wait on this side? If then nothing happens we just have to fly through this part.

2010-11-13, 08:56 AM

Baedra tapped a small finger upon her chin as she slowly backed away from the statues, thinking before nodding. "Well... correct me if I'm wrong but it'll probably be hard to use invisible bait. So... wouldn't it technically be easier for someone visible to try to merely go past it? Although.... noting it's still in stone, I would think irregardless of whomever does this should be safe as it appears to be held in place for now." She hoped her logic had made sense to them... it had to her at least.

2010-11-13, 11:49 AM

You were visible before right? You can always turn invisible again to escape.

2010-11-13, 01:18 PM
"I'll do it," Xion says, walking forward, "If it gets dangerous my wolf form is fast enough to get me out of there."

2010-11-13, 06:19 PM
Am I to take that as you walking forward into the hallway? if not that's fine that's just the way I was reading it

2010-11-13, 06:22 PM
You are correct. I did mean to walk into the corridor

2010-11-13, 06:33 PM
FYI for players
FYI I will be out of town all day tomorrow and in the car driving for about 12 hours so I will not have net access until I get home at around 9 to 10 tomorrow night. (GMT-5)

As you step into the rooms the light sound of cracking can be heard as two of the statues as the stone falls from them, the two scorpions move into position

Players go first then monsters, this will save on with people not being forced to wait for their turns. If everyone attacks (or one or two people don't) in about a day and a half I post the monsters attacks then so that the thers can move again as it is next round,

2010-11-13, 06:36 PM
Henso casts Mirror image.

[roll0] is number of images.

2010-11-13, 07:06 PM

Baedra shook her head. Wow what a mean elf.... Her focus went straight to the scorpions as she noticed they did indeed move as Xion tried to go by them. She began moving her hands around, aiming for one scorpion as an array of needles shot towards it.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-11-13, 07:12 PM
Xion debates for a few seconds before pulling off his shirt as he shifts to his hybrid form. He then moves runs torward the closest scorpion, ready to attack tooth an nail. Relying on his toughened hide, resistance to non-silver weapons, and increased physical abilities to survive this fight.

Xion Black (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=251656)
Male CN Human Lycanthrope (Werewolf) Specialist, Level 5, Init +5, HP 40/40, Speed 30ft
AC 21, Touch 16, Flat-footed 16, Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9, Base Attack Bonus 3
Claws +9 (1d4+3, x2)
Bite +4 (1d6+3, x2)
Mwk Light Crossbow (20 Bolts) +9 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Armor, +5 Dex, +4 Natural, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 14
Condition None

2010-11-13, 08:58 PM
"Oh joy," Silfeg mutters sarcastically as he takes aim and fires at one of the scorpions.

If the one Baedra fired at is still up, he'll focus on that one, if not, he'll go for the other.

[roll0](Add +2 if the scorpion can't sense me because of my invisibility)

[roll1](If sneak attack [roll2])

2010-11-13, 09:09 PM

Following Xion into the corridor, Jei notes the large scorpions. Keeping her longsword readied, she studies the scorpions as well as her party.

Gasping as Xion shifts forms, as she has never seen that before, she is quite impressed. Jei stands in the entrance of the corridor in shock at the speed these strangers have taken to battle.

2010-11-13, 10:52 PM
The well peppered Scorpion lets out a shrill cry as it twitches one last time before vanishing into the ether.

2010-11-14, 07:21 AM

Hmmm, I guess my help isn't really necessary. No reason to waste more spells then.

Henso readies an attack, if one of the scorpions enters melee range.

2010-11-15, 01:30 PM
The other scorpion, seeing it's partner vanish, moves forward towards the stragglers. It aims it's stinger for Henso.

[roll0][Direly miss]

Here are the people who get AoOs: Xion [it moved away from him], Henso [He readied an attack action]

2010-11-15, 02:21 PM
As the scorpion advances Henso swings at it with his quarterstaff.


Does my familiar get an AOO?
And does mirror image have no effec on him?

2010-11-15, 02:33 PM
If your familiar occupies the same space as you, yes.
And Mirror Image does work but if I split your parts up into 1, 2, and 3 I'd say it hit #3. Whether that is or isn't the real you, it still missed.

2010-11-15, 02:41 PM
Xion swings one of his claws at the scorpion as it moves away from him.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Claw Damage: [roll2]
Xion Black (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=251656)
Male CN Human Lycanthrope (Werewolf) Specialist, Level 5, Init +5, HP 40/40, Speed 30ft
AC 21, Touch 16, Flat-footed 16, Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9, Base Attack Bonus 3
Claws +9 (1d4+3, x2)
Bite +4 (1d6+3, x2)
Mwk Light Crossbow (20 Bolts) +9 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Armor, +5 Dex, +4 Natural, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 14
Condition None

2010-11-15, 02:57 PM
If your familiar occupies the same space as you, yes.
And Mirror Image does work but if I split your parts up into 1, 2, and 3 I'd say it hit #3. Whether that is or isn't the real you, it still missed.
Ok, just checking :smallsmile: And nevermind the familiar, he is in my square, but forgot he is in raven form.

2010-11-15, 06:48 PM

Baedra smiled as she watched all the others prove they too had some type of magical talent. This mission should be relatively easy with how good we all are... With that thought repeating through her mind, she "looked" at the remaining scorpion and cast a Lightning Blade spell, trying to hit it.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

Also, Worguron or anyone who knows the answer.... where'd the +2 from? We're trying to find a ruling on invisibility that gives you +2 more to hit but aren't finding it.

2010-11-15, 09:48 PM
The scorpion is halted by the attacks and shrieks in response to being hurt in a insect-like chirping

The bolt of electrical energy flies forth from the invisible wu jen as it pierces the beast causing it to twitch and writhe before also disappearing into nothingness.

2010-11-15, 11:30 PM
"I quite liked that lightning bit at the end there," Silfeg says approvingly. "Shall we continue onward?"

Were there only the two scorpion statues, or more?

Also, the +2 is listed in both the condition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#invisible)and special ability (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#invisibility) section of the SRD for invisibility. If you're looking in the PHB, it is on page 309.

2010-11-15, 11:39 PM
Jei smirks at Silfeg and lets out a quick chuckle.

Holding her longsword in front of her, she starts walking past the group and further down the hallway. Not bothering to turn her head back, she yells "C'mon, let's what else they've got for us in here!"

2010-11-16, 12:13 AM

Baedra smiled as she giggled softly upon hearing the pixie's words, nodding slightly. "You're quite welcome. Onward I suppose then?" She asked, beginning to fly forward, her eyes and ears remaining opened as she flew ahead.

*checks* o.o Well son of a biscuit.... all the times I've gone through it, I've never seen that. Thanks. Also, there were 6 more but only 2 that were alive.

Search Check

Spot Check:

Listen Check:

2010-11-16, 02:45 AM

Ok, let's go. Hopefully no more of these icky vermin.

2010-11-16, 11:56 AM
Xion grabs his discarded shirt and slips it back on as he shifts back to his human form. He rubs his neck then a loud crack as he turns it to the side, "the one thing i hate about my hybrid form, makes your bones stiff when going back to human." He starts following the rest of the group. "Nice little surprise actually, to bad the disappeared, scorpion taste's pretty good. A bit like lobster or crab but not so salty."

2010-11-16, 10:04 PM
You come into a large circular room. The ground has changed to that of sand. It appears to be sifting slowly towards the center. There is another door on the opposite end of this room but it appears to have no handle. The door depicts a battle between a dragon and a knight. Two parts of the picture jut out from the door; the shield and the sword and look as though they may be able to be pushed. The dragon's eyes set in the door gleam and seem to be made of rubies.

As you are searching around the room, you see an odd pattern within the sifting sand. Three sections of the sand seem to be moving independently and in a side-to-side pattern.

2010-11-16, 11:47 PM

Baedra tilted her head curiously as she noticed the movement in the sand. "Um... I think the sand might want to be avoided as much as possible.... something else seems to be in it. Three things actually from what I'm seeing.... not sure what though but since I can kinda see them, I think they're blending in with the sand somehow...."

Her head then went to the door as she nodded after thinking a bit, her head turning to Silfeg, as she spoke, "Maybe if one of us pushes on the sword and the other the shield at the same time, it'll do something?" She suggested, waiting to hear his input.

2010-11-17, 12:33 PM
Silfeg smiles at Baedra.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll get the shield."

Silfeg lets himself slip from view and flies across the room, careful to avoid the areas Baedra pointed out. Preparing himself to press the shield, he looks to Baedra and says, "Count us down."

2010-11-17, 01:05 PM

Baedra smiled back at Silfeg. Normally it was unusually difficult to get people to cooperate with her but this guy.... was very much different and needless to say, she was beginning to take a liking to him. She turned her head so she could focus on flying over towards the sword, making equally sure to avoid whatever she'd seen in the sands. Her hands slowly laid upon the sword, being careful to put it more on the hilt than the actual blade in case this was also real. "Okay.... ready? Push!"

We do need Strength checks Tsume said... so here's mine....

2010-11-17, 04:26 PM

Uhm, this is a test for the best wizards etc. there are. Isn't this a little too easy?

2010-11-17, 08:53 PM
Silfeg chuckles at Henso's words as he begins pressing at the shield, "Of course this seems easy, and that's because we are the best. If we weren't as good as we are, it would be much harder, duh... Actually, now that I think of it, they could just be testing to see exactly how good we actually are."


2010-11-18, 04:21 PM
A click of the sword as it goes in make the eyes of the dragon light up as a low growl can be heard through the room. The sand begins to change color as a burning smell is emanating from it. The sand begins to heat up, turning into a molten looking like liquid before cooling again in almost an instant. The sand is gone as were the vipers that Baedra had pointed out. In it's place is a large pane of glass that acts as the floor. Beneath it, or through it, as it were are several runes which can be seen that are lit up.

For anyone who can read Dwarven:
The key to the next room lies in the destruction of your path.

2010-11-18, 05:56 PM
"Well that was quick, anyone able to read those runes?"

2010-11-19, 02:17 AM

Nope, but they look kinda vile to me!

2010-11-19, 10:40 AM
Silfeg looks at the runes on the ground and shrugs, "Uh... I got nothing. Kind of reminds me of Gnomish."

Looking back at the shield, he scratches his head.

"You guys want me to try pushing in the shield again and see what happens?"

2010-11-19, 11:25 AM
"We'd be better off just continuing on. Wait a second. What alphabet does gnomish use?"

2010-11-19, 06:02 PM

Baedra looked at the runes a bit before finally speaking,, "Wait... I understand it what it says. It mentions that the key lies within the destruction of our path... so...." She looked downward even though no one could see and nodded after a bit. "I think it means something to do with the glass somehow.... maybe one of them will make a portal or something?" She suggested, beginning to fly over to one of the shards.

2010-11-20, 10:35 PM
Silfeg shrugs and moves away from the shield.

"Destruction of the path you say? Well, should we break the glass, then? One of you bigguns want to take care of that for us?"

2010-11-20, 10:50 PM
"Or it could mean destroy the trigger that turned the floor to glass. LEt's try that first then the floor."

2010-11-20, 11:00 PM
"Whoa, whoa. Don't you think we should think twice before going around and breaking stuff? I mean, hell, I'm all for doing it myself if we need it to be done... But maybe we've not quite examined the situation. Are you sure you've interpreted it correctly?"

2010-11-23, 08:05 AM

Baedra shook her head no, flying towards one of the broken shards. "Hold on.... I think the answer may literally be in one of the bits of glass. Not sure how it'll work... but let's wait before breaking anything...." As she spoke, she began looking amongst the pieces of broken glass on the ground, seeing if any looked out of the ordinary of anything of the like.

Sorry all... been dealing with a loss recently. I'm getting mostly better... but still not completely yet....

Search Check

Spot Check:

2010-11-23, 10:05 AM
(search check) As you search along the glass you ut yourself, not much but noeugh to draw blood. On the plus side you seem to have found a bit of glass that sticks out like a key take a point of damage BTW.

As Bedra searches the glass she cuts herself on a outcropping of the material, painful as this looks it actually hass found a small set of teeth in the ground like that of a key embedded in the glass floor,

2010-11-23, 11:17 AM

Way to go, Baedra!! Let's open it!

2010-11-23, 04:57 PM

Baedra hadn't forgotten all the things the elf had said to her earlier. For now, however, she would pretend to have forgotten them; pranks could wait for later. "You're welcome. But uh.... I don't think I'll be able to pick that up as it's too big and.... seems to be stuck in the floor so.....I think we have to touch it to activate it. Everyone ready?"

2010-11-23, 05:46 PM
Xion shrugs, "Let's give it a shot."

2010-11-26, 08:44 PM
"Well that was easy enough to find. Nice work Baedra," Silfeg says. "Well, then, shall we grab hold and see what happens?"

With that, Silfeg moves towards the key and waits for the others to join him before reaching out to touch it.

OOC - Looks like this got shuffled back to the wayside over this holiday weekend, so bump.

2010-11-27, 02:36 AM
As you all touch the key you feel a jolt of electricity rush through you. You instantly find yourselves in a circular room surrounded by statues. They all look identical but with slight differences to give each one a separate feel to them. Each statue in the room has a hollow in their chest. There are 10 statues in total.

2010-11-27, 03:54 AM

Baedra looked around, flying amongst all of the statues. "Hm....I think one of these is the person we're looking for....but.....we need to figure out which one is the right one. Maybe there's some sort of a clue in here...." After flying around the statues, she then looked around the entire room, looking for any runes or hidden messages that may hint out which one was the right statue.

Search Check

Spot Check:

2010-11-27, 11:21 AM
"Possibly. Let me see the heart, maybe i can find which one by scent," once he has the scent Xion begins checking the statues, he also casts detect magic to see if that may be help him narrow down which statue is the correct one.

Survival: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

Survival is used to track by scent

2010-11-27, 02:03 PM

Or we could just try them one by one?

2010-11-27, 02:28 PM
Scent would be a awesome way to find it but sadly no, the only scents on it are that of the headmaster and the person who had been holding it before. As it was the heart to a golem it has no scent. Your detect magic begins to kick inas all the statues light up, apparently all of them are magical in some way. Your keen eyes however spot differences in most of the statues that the heart seems to be the wrong size for. This brings the number of statues down to 3 from 10 as 7 of the statues are most definitely fakes. The three statues that you have found are located in the south east, south west, and north west corners of the room.

You can't sem to spot anything but small diferances in the golems however upon closer examination you find at least three statues that may be the correct ones due to the descriptions you were given. The three statues that you have found are located in the south east, north east, and north west corners of the room.

2010-11-27, 03:53 PM
Xion points out three of the statues, "these three are the most likely. And they all show magic. I'd have said to try all of them as well, but the fact they're all magic says they are likely to animate and attack if we choose the wrong one. Let me concentrate a bit." Xion looks more intently at the auras, trying to distinguish the type of magic in use, the strength of them, and if there's more than one aura on any individual statue.

Concentrating on Detect Magic for 3 rounds

2010-11-27, 05:13 PM
Silfeg activates his own magical detection and starts studying the three statues that Xion pointed out.

Spellcraft for each of said statues:

1 - [roll0]
2 - [roll1]
3 - [roll2]

2010-11-27, 07:26 PM

Baedra frowned as Xion pointed out the ones he noticed. "You sure about the one in the southwest? Because for me, I found the same two you did... but also the one in the northeast rather than the one in the southwest...." She hoped not to seem rude by speaking while he was trying to focus, but she also knew this was important enough to be brought up.

2010-11-27, 07:50 PM
"If that's the case let's focus on the two in common, gives us a 50-50 chance of being right. Always good to have an extra set of eyes." he says, maintaining his concentration.

Just in case...
Concentration Check [roll0]

2010-11-27, 07:55 PM
Of the runes along the arms and legs of the three statues only one shows any signs of abjuration magic while the others are all conjuration. Apparently the heart is a battery which will complete the magical circuit

Of the within the arms and legs of the two statues only one shows any signs of abjuration magic while the other is conjuration Apparently the heart is a battery which will complete the magical circuit

2010-11-27, 08:01 PM
"Hm, one shows abjuration magic, the other one shows conjuration," he thinks on his arcane studies, which magics were used in the creation of stone golems?

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2010-11-27, 08:07 PM
*remembering flashbacky like noises and then in your head* Abjuration

2010-11-27, 08:10 PM
"Abjuration is most prevalent in stone golems, let's try that one first. Anyone want to put the heart in or should I?" he asks hoping someone else would decide to as a 'just in case'.

2010-11-27, 10:18 PM

Brushing a shocked and confused look off her face, she starts examining the statues, although she has no idea what she is looking for. Jei stands near Xion while he detects the magic on the statues. Being impressed and the combined skill of the group in deduction, she wants to offer some of her own services to these friendly strangers.

Before he even finishes his (possibly rhetorical) question, Jei stretches out her arm and opens her palm quickly. She says to Xion, "Sure."

2010-11-27, 10:25 PM
Xion hands over the heart, "good luck."

2010-11-28, 02:10 AM

Grabbing the magical heart from Xion's hands, she turns to the statue he indicated as having the presence of abjuration magic. Loosing the collar on her shirt, she gulps and steps forward slowly. Sword in one hand, heart in the other. "Here we go!" Shoving the heart into the hollow of the statue, she prepares herself for whatever is coming.

2010-11-28, 04:20 AM
The golem's runes light up as you push in the heart. The golem's joints rumble as it moves forward looking down on all of you. It's mouth opens as a deep voice booms from within it, echoing around the walls"CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG ONES! YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY INDUCTED INTO THE SCHOOL!" The ringing in the room is nothing to the ringing that most likely exists in your ears as a large blue portal opens above you. You feel yourselves pulled through it as you arrive back before the headmaster.

He smiles at you all, "Well done students, as you see this mission was about studies and teamwork." he reaches down opening a box and presenting you each with a amulet appropriate for your size, each one set with a Amethyst of the deepest purple you have seen in the gemstone. "These show you as students of this academy, and will allow you access to our portals within the school and library." He looks to the wall as a clock appears form nowhere showing it late in the night. "Your rooms are ready upstairs, just concentrate and the amulet will take you to them. The magic only works in the school so don't even try it outside of the grounds as a getaway. We've had students less then honorable try that before."

2010-11-28, 11:51 AM
Xion looks at the amulet, "do we have roommates?"

2010-11-28, 12:33 PM

Baedra felt her heart skip a beat as Jei slid the heart into the statue. Please let her be right.... Soon she, along with the others, were teleported back to the school. So....we did it? Her answer seemed to be answered by the almost immediate congratulations they were all given and she couldn't help but smile as she turned her invisibility off. They really had done it.... and she'd been able to contribute. She hadn't been this happy in years and the smile upon her face was proof of that..

Earlier she had wanted to ask about rooms and if they'd be staying there or elsewhere. Seemed that was figured out and more on the subject would be too as Xion asked about roommates. She looked at the amulet, admiring the colors on it before finally speaking, "Just to make sure...but these won't interfere if we already have another magical amulet...right?" She asked, pulling her own out her own she'd had prior to arriving here. She snapped her fingers, asking another question before this one even tried to slip her mind, "Also... um.... what are our schedules for classes and such since we've been officially admitted to the school?"

2010-11-28, 01:05 PM
"And can we choose which field of study we go into? Personally i'd prefer to study alchemy and spells from the schools of transmutation, enchantment, and divination."

2010-11-28, 04:23 PM

We made it! Good job, guys. Are there any rules I should know about in this school?

2010-11-28, 05:59 PM
The headmaster chuckled, "Well lets see... For roomates there are none per say. You each have you're own rooms, it is the workshop that you must all share however. As for studies do not fret to much about them. We do offer a course in all magical pursuits, from the conjuring of creatures to the creation of magical gear. Your schedule's shall be made by you of course, you may pick two classes to start with and yes they will have assignments for you, though they have no real due date and are more like stepping stones on your way to improving yourself*. The amulets will not interfere with any magical equipment you have on already so do not worry about that. Rules are merely a few simple guidelines; 1. Students are to not engage others in combat for any reason, the faculty is here to deal with disturbances. 2. Please refrain form using you abilities for any type of magical mischief, it is looked down upon here. And lastly, stealing anything from the academy can result in intimidate expulsion as well as a wipe of all knowledge of here and from here."

*Classes will be explained in the OOC.

2010-11-28, 06:11 PM
Xion nods, "I'd like to start with alchemy and magical creations, if that's all right, perfect for my profession, anyway, i'll talk to you tomorrow," he then focuses on the amulet and teleports away to his room.

2010-11-29, 12:13 AM

As the golem came to life, a shocked Jei's jaw drops and she stares at the Headmaster during the whole conversation. When Xion uses his amulet, Jei turns to the rest of the group and says "Whoa... Well, anyone want to grab a drink or something? We seem to be of a special group, maybe we should get to know each other." After speaking, she lets out a soft sigh of relief, thinking to herself In all my years, I have never experienced anything quite like this. I'm so excited!

2010-11-29, 12:15 AM

Baedra thought a bit, looking upward before nodding and speaking again. "I think I'll go with Illusion and Evocation." A small yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm tired though... I'll see you tomorrow...." She gave the Headmaster a tired but at least genuine smile before clasping a small hand around the new amulet she'd been given and appeared in her room.

It was, to her, flawless; as if he'd known or seen they were going to pass the test as nothing was too big for her, making her smile. Even the bed was the perfect size and rather soft. I do think I'm going to enjoy this school...especially with the fact I've never been a student before... With those last thoughts going through her mind, her eyes slowly closed and in little to no time she fell asleep.

Everyone go up a level Tsume says by the way

2010-11-29, 12:33 AM
Between the words of the golem and then the Headmaster, Silfeg launches into an improvised happy dance. Because of this, he only half listens to the questions of the others, but as he regains his composure, he looks around for a moment and notices that two of his peers are gone.

"I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there, but I heard the important things. Amulet takes you to your room only from school, two classes, three rules - no fighting, no mischief, no stealing."

Taking the amulet and putting it on his neck, he disappears while muttering something about creating items and divination.

2010-11-29, 06:22 AM

My oh my, this is getting more interesting. I will retire to my private chamber for now, but I'd like to follow classes on Illussion and Transmutation if that is possible.

Goodbye for now.


2010-11-29, 05:20 PM

Noticing that everyone has disappeared but her and the Headmaster, she slips on her amulet and waves. "Well, it'll be a pleasure working with you" and she uses her amulet to go to her new room.

2010-11-30, 02:48 AM
Chapter II:

About a week has passed since your induction into the school. Classes have been going well for you all and your workshop has been meeting it's requirements in terms of productivity. Needless to say, everything is fine. On this particular day though, your workshop is visited by one of the faculty. The woman is dressed from head to toe in a sea-green dress with a fur shawl. Her eyes seem to stare through you all as her face is set in an expressionless gaze, almost as if she's sizing you all up. She finally speaks after a time, "This is the first time we've all met. My name is Melanie. I am the Assistant HeadMaster here. From what I've heard, you all did very well with your entrance exam. I've come to deliver your next assignment. Unlike your class assignments, these assignments are directly from the Headmaster. I expect you to treat them respectively. Please refrain from making me regret in trusting this to you." With that, she leaves the assignment on the work table before walking quickly out of the workshop, no doubt on her way to ruin someone elses' day as well.

Right now, I'm working on assignments for your classes. These are separate from the main quest and could be considered a side quest. Upon completion of any of these assignments, you will be given experience points and maybe even custom magical equipment for those of you who are in the crafting classes.

2010-11-30, 12:02 PM

Baedra merely listened quietly to the Assistant Headmaster... at least that's who she said she was. The more she spoke, the harder it seemed to believe with the huge differences in personalities. What really got her the most was the same as that bothered her about the elf; the pessimism... it just really wasn't needed and she couldn't stand those types of people. "Well... may as well see what it is huh?" She suggested, flying over to the desk and opening the file, beginning to read to herself what they were to do.

2010-11-30, 12:39 PM
Xion puts down what he was working on, a alchemical liquid that quickly turned to sleeping gas, and walked over to take a look as well.

2010-12-02, 05:56 PM

Using the portal on the school grounds, please retrieve a Drake's claw from the mountain regions.

Time for assignment: 5 days
Upon Completion: 3000 xp

2010-12-02, 06:37 PM
Xion reads the assignment out loud, grinning, "A drake, sounds like fun. They're great components for item creation. Five days to get equipment, get to the mountains, find the beastie, get its claw, and get back here."

2010-12-03, 03:05 AM

Baedra tilted her head slightly upon hearing the word "Drake". She looked up a bit then finally to Xion, "Um... you seem to know what they are so.... what exactly is a drake?" To her, it sounded like some sort plant but she wanted to be sure of that more than uncertain. "I'm ready when everyone else is..."

2010-12-03, 11:53 AM
"A drake is a kind of dragon attached to specific type of land, like tundra, swamp, or mountain, and are usually flightless. Most are highly territorial and have a more animal nature than most dragons." Xion explains, recalling what he could from memory, "they're tough, but not as much so as the true dragons."

2010-12-05, 12:54 PM
((I assume since no one has been talking that everyone is ready to go.... so.....))

A man stands at a large stone archway. He looks at you as you approach. "Alright. Here will set it for the right location." He mutters something under his breath as a light blue energy begins to circle in the portal, finally expanding into a large door-like opening.. He reaches behind himself and hands one of you a pendant. "Don't lose that. That's the portal key. If you misplace it, you'll be stuck there... at least until someone comes to get you." With that, he ushers you all through the portal.

Not the best place to come out of, but at least it was safe. As you step through the portal, you find yourself upon a path leading up a cliffside. Though the path seems stable, it is only a mere 3 feet wide. Above, dark clouds rumble with the threat of bad weather following them.

2010-12-07, 12:49 AM

Walking in front of the rest of the group to go through the portal, Jei looks at the man sternly but eases into a slight smile when he describes the portal key and she takes it from him. Sticking her chest out a bit, she leads the way into the portal and looks around. Making sure everyone else made it through, she starts to silently head up the narrow path.

2010-12-07, 01:09 AM
"Well this looks interesting," Xion comments, "It may be best if I take the lead, if I get the scent I can track it."

2010-12-07, 04:47 AM
Hearing Xion, Jei partially turns to see him and she stops moving. Motioning for him to take the lead, she speaks with a smile. "Have at it."

2010-12-07, 07:49 AM
Xion takes the lead, sniffing the air periodically as he moves ahead. He tries to pick out signs of a mountain drake in the area as he moves along.

Survival: [roll0]

2010-12-07, 07:09 PM

Though Baedra could have easily flown up ahead, she wasn't sure how the others would be able to follow her. So, for now, she decided to land upon Jei's shoulder, gently landing and keeping her eyes and ears open. After all, there was no telling what anyone would or wouldn't notice and it was much better to be safe than sorry, especially when there was a possibility for bad weather. While remaining on Jei's shoulder, she looked to see if there were any crevices that could be used as short cuts.. or some easier way for Xion and Jei to get up the mountain.

Search Check:

Spot Check:

2010-12-07, 09:42 PM
The shortest short cut seems to be if you were to go straight up the cliff face by climbing.. or in your case, flying.. It would at least bypass the narrow pass.

As you sniff at the air, you catch a couple different scents. One of sulfur comes from higher up the mountain. The most prominent smell though is that of the humidity in the air and electricity, indicating a storm.

2010-12-07, 09:52 PM
"Sulfur, not a good sign, and electricity on the air, this storm is coming on fast, i won't be able to get a clear scent in this."

2010-12-11, 08:05 PM

Baedra frowned as she intently listened to Xion's words. "I think...somehow you two need to figure a way to get to the top. I can fly no problem.... I don't, however, have any way to aid you two in doing that." She then looked upward, trying to think of if she had any spells to help them at all. Finally, she shook her head no. "Sorry.... I have nothing spell wise to help out with that. Climbing might be one of the few ways to go about this."

2010-12-12, 01:01 PM
"Too bad i'm not much of a climber," Xion says pulling a grappling hook and knoted silk rope from his pack, "Although this should help." he spins the hook then tosses it up, trying to hook a ledge.

Use Rope: [roll0]

2010-12-15, 11:20 AM
As you throw your rope up and pull, it does indeed hook onto something.. A few tugs proves it is tightly secured. The drake indeed lives here and you know it from a roar that pierces through the sky.

2010-12-30, 02:30 AM
Xion looks back at everyone else, "well, are you coming or what?" he then starts climbing the rope.

Climb: 1d20+2