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2010-11-07, 10:30 PM
This is a class I made for one of my players who adores making items with the crafting system and had a character that wears fetish trophies and keeps the body parts of his fallen enemies as memrobilia. This class wasn't meant to be powerful or comparable to others for combat. But I definitely don't want it to be overpowered. Please give me any input you have so that I can do some finishing touches on it before he meets all the requirements.

Gore Master
Table: The Gore Master
Lvl BaB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Uncanny Craftsmanship (1500gp), Grisly Snack
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Venom Immunity, Tricks of the Trade +2
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Uncanny Craftsmanship (3000gp)

4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Uncanny Craftsmanship (6000gp)
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Fetish Token, Tricks of the Trade +4
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Uncanny Craftsmanship (9000gp)

7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Uncanny Craftsmanship (14500gp)

8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Improved Fetish, Tricks of the trade +10
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Uncanny Craftsmanship (18000gp)

10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Uncanny Craftsmanship (24000gp)

Hit Die
To qualify to become a Gore Master, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Craft Taxidermy 8 ranks, Craft Weaponsmith or Armorsmith 5 ranks.
Skill Focus (Craft Taxidermy)
Must be trained by someone with at least 15 ranks in Craft Taxidermy, alternatively the character can wait untill they themself have 15 ranks.

Class Skills
The Gore Master’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft Taxidermy (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level
6 + Int modifier.

Class FeaturesAll of the following are features of the Gore Master prestige class.
Weapon and Armor ProficiencyGore Masters are proficient with any and all items that they craft. They otherwise gain no proficiencies with any weapons or armour.
Uncanny Craftsmanship
The Gore Master is a warrior that fights wearing and wielding the bodies of his fallen enemies. He is both a terrifying warrior and a master craftsman. Often when a Gore Master raids the body of a slain enemy for crafting materials, he is struck by an unexplainable inspiration. When in this trancelike state it is said that a Gore Master can create weapons, armour and trinkets that possess an almost magical quality. However, these items do not actually give off any magical or psionic aura. They are as of yet unexplainable by even the most knowledgeable of wizards. What is known is that these items function in antimagic fields and are extremely valuable to any adventurer.
To see if a Gore Master is struck by inspiration while raiding a corpse, roll 1d20 + Int mod + Gore Master level. If this result is higher than 15 the Gore Master is struck by inspiration and has the opportunity to make a craft check to create an uncanny item.
An uncanny item is essentially a magic item that does not function with magic. However it may have the same sort of abilities as a magic item. Typically, an uncanny item has a value equal to half again that of an equivalent magic item.
The DC of the craft taxidermy check to create an uncanny item is the items equivalent magic value divided by one thousand + 15. For example, crafting a +2 Keen Long sword from the bones of a fallen drake would require a DC 33 Craft taxidermy check. It would take 18 days of work to finish crafting.
The maximum total Value on any Uncanny Item a Gore master makes cannot exceed the value noted on the table for his Gore Master level. Remember that Uncanny items are 50% more valuable than equivalent magic items.

Grisly Snack
After felling an enemy, a Gore Master can spend a full round to extract the heart (or other vital organ) of his vanquished foe and consume it with gruesome hunger. This invigorates the Gore Master granting him a +2 bonus to strength and constitution until the end of the encounter. This ability only functions if the Gore Master dealt the final blow to the enemy, and if the enemy was of similar or greater strength than the Gore Master. The Gore Master may snack a number of times per encounter equal to his half his Gore Master level rounded up.

Venom Immunity
At second level, a Gore Master is completely immune to poisons and can work with them safely.

Tricks of the Trade
A Gore Master gains this bonus on all craft Taxidermy checks.

Fetish Token
In a moment of inspiration a Gore Master may opt to create a fetish token rather than an uncanny item. The Craft Taxidermy DC to create a fetish trophy from a fallen enemy is 30+HD. A fetish trophy worn by a Gore Master grants him bonuses against the creature type/subtype or class of the fallen enemy (One or the other, determined at creation) as if it was a favoured enemy (see ranger) with one exception. Instead of gaining a damage bonus of +2, the Gore Master instead gains a bonus to attack rolls of +2. All other benefits apply. Bonuses from multiple worn fetishes stack. A worn fetish counts as a magic item for purposes of taking up item slots.
At 8th level a Gore Master may opt to make an Improved Fetish, these fetishes grant double the bonuses of a regular fetish, but the DC to create one is 40+1.5xHD (rounded down).

2010-11-07, 11:35 PM
Must have been trained by another Goremaster

um... how did the first goremaster qualify?

2010-11-08, 12:04 AM
A fierce warrior should have a full BAB.
I find it too stretched the inspiration thing. I would let him gain other abilities. Give him venom immunity from the beginning and let him strike fear, make enemies nauseated or poison them. Typically giving them penalties on saves, attacks and defenses when they are near him and abilities that can make the frighten. Think of fighting somebody with a freshly died minotaur as an armor. Not pleasant. For the DC you can have:
DC = 10 + CR of monster bonus + Craft check bonus
The CR bonus can be from +1 to +5 depending on the CR - Character level. The Craft check bonus can be from +1 to +5 again depending on the check.

All abilities will require a successful Craft Check.

Then you can add abilities that let him combine worn armors, with modified weapons increasing lets say the abilities as well as the Craft Check needed.

You will then have a useful de-buffer character with the role play you want.

If you want him to make magic weapons simply give him the appropriate feats. Instead of spells he can use fallen enemies that have spell-like abilities and subside the spell with the fallen enemy that has some "magical energy" left on its body. You pay XP and GP as a wizard or cleric and you have a crafter.

You can add some healing abilities as well using fallen enemies. And so on. You can end up with a base class with some prestige class in the end. The de-buffing should be his primary strong point and the rest added bonuses.

What do you think?

2010-11-08, 12:43 AM
A fierce warrior should have a full BAB.
I find it too stretched the inspiration thing. I would let him gain other abilities. Give him venom immunity from the beginning and let him strike fear, make enemies nauseated or poison them. Typically giving them penalties on saves, attacks and defenses when they are near him and abilities that can make the frighten. Think of fighting somebody with a freshly died minotaur as an armor. Not pleasant. For the DC you can have:
DC = 10 + CR of monster bonus + Craft check bonus
The CR bonus can be from +1 to +5 depending on the CR - Character level. The Craft check bonus can be from +1 to +5 again depending on the check.

All abilities will require a successful Craft Check.

Then you can add abilities that let him combine worn armors, with modified weapons increasing lets say the abilities as well as the Craft Check needed.

You will then have a useful de-buffer character with the role play you want.

If you want him to make magic weapons simply give him the appropriate feats. Instead of spells he can use fallen enemies that have spell-like abilities and subside the spell with the fallen enemy that has some "magical energy" left on its body. You pay XP and GP as a wizard or cleric and you have a crafter.

You can add some healing abilities as well using fallen enemies. And so on. You can end up with a base class with some prestige class in the end. The de-buffing should be his primary strong point and the rest added bonuses.

What do you think?

Those are excellent ideas! Thank you very much I'll get to work on some rewrites as soon as I have time. Thank you again!

2010-11-08, 12:54 AM
OMG! I have inspiration to combine this prestige class and concept with these feats and concept (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9075422) for absolute homebrew goodness!!

A kind of knight/cowboy trophy hunter. Lawful Evil. :smallbiggrin:

Nice class and good ideas. You should put the prestige class into a table or at least use the code tags to make it a bit easier to read.

Also I agree that full BAB is a must with this.