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2010-11-10, 03:37 AM
Is it ever Ok?

Well some of you might say, yes, if the player is being extremely dumb. But whose fault is it? Isn't it the DMs to educate the player properly to their world, especially homebrew*? Shouldn't the DM at least say, "Are you sure you want to do that?"

*RAW is a bit of a different answer. In this case I am actually assuming homebrew rules because, well, almost everyone has them.

2010-11-10, 03:46 AM
I'd say no. Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies is explicitly SUPPOSED to be a cry of desperation. It's basically the DM's way of saying "screw it, I'm done." So no, it's never the "right" thing to do.

On the other hand, if the rocks fell because the idiotic adventurer kicked out the support beam holding them up, then it's their own damn fault and they should endure the logical consequences of their stupidity.

2010-11-10, 03:51 AM
From the Gamist's point of view. It is OK!

It is not DM's job to keep anyone from doing anything,even if it destroy's the world.

The player should have read the setting well,even homebrew,unless the DM had limited info on his setting none can blame him.

IF anyone should "educate" anyone this is an other PC who has geeater setting knowledge, & of course within the limits of the situation.(I can't imagine a barbarian advicing the wise cleric not to touch the great shiny orb of raw magical energy because it will make a nuclear boom!)

Furthermore,it is not only the DM that should make his players happy, this is a dual street relationship.If you demoralize your DM,he will make the rocks fall!

From the Friend's point of view it's not OK!

Everyone should try to keep a party sticked together, & the DM (but mostly the more matured/older/wiser)should give hints & advices OOC.

On the other hand, everyone is responsible for their actions & there are many people that do not want to save someone OOC & In Character they don't see it reasonable to do it(as the pre-mentioned barbarian)!!

2010-11-10, 03:52 AM
Well if rocks are in a form of +20 CR epic entity, I am ok with it. Sometimes PC-s just do extremely stupid things and they should pay for it.

2010-11-10, 03:54 AM
Gary Gygax RIP says it's alright in tomb of horrors.

2010-11-10, 04:40 AM
.(I can't imagine a barbarian advicing the wise cleric not to touch the great shiny orb of raw magical energy because it will make a nuclear boom!)

I can, actually. A barbarian who's afraid of magic, trying to prevent people from poking at random shiny orbs

2010-11-10, 05:17 AM
Actually had a group of players destroy the world. It was a transition to the next DM, though. He ran a post-apocalyptic (read: Dark Sun) version of the campaign world. Rocks fell. From the sky. Literally.

2010-11-10, 05:22 AM
Just look around the room before stepping in, falling rock traps can hurt.
They are nothing but damage for the CR as a simple: "I look into the room and scan the walls, floor and ceiling" will prevent it.

Now less literal:

As long as a certain series of action are not the only way of stopping the end of days beyond the campaign/quests and you dont enter the railroading stage sure, kill everone and everything. Could be fun.