View Full Version : A World Outside the Norm

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Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 01:32 PM
Strange occurrences happen to those who seek them, and those that do not. Among these occurrences is the notion of being spirited away to another world or plane of existence by an outside, or random force. Four individuals from similar worlds have been taken by this force and placed somewhere they do not recognize. What terrible or fantastic situations are in store for them, only the force above knows.

Each of you awakens from peaceful slumbers by distinct causes.

is awakened by loud noises coming from all sides. The barbarian awakens in a large tent, far larger than he. Around the tent are dodging shadows depicting scenes of violence. He has trouble recognizing the sounds, but recognizes a familiar language coming from the shadows, and also finds the images reminiscent of himself.
The voices grow stronger and sharper as he begins to realize the voices are that of the people of his small village mixed with those of loud grunts and roars. Larger shadows move and envelope smaller shadows, as terrified, feminine screams shout from all sides.
The tent has no other exits except for the main in front of you. You also notice your equipment is vacant.
Konig der Totten...
is awakened by a brilliant light emanating from the sky. Around him lie beds of flowers, a warm ground, and trees stretching endlessly into the sky above. Peaceful butterflies and dragonflies frolic around him seemingly at peace with his existence in their world.
The trees that surround him lock out any way to squeeze by them, even going to the extent of crisscrossing one another. These trees somewhat close Konig into a small space with only a single door as a visible exit.
The door is out of place with its long bone frame, dark-grey tint, and awful rough textures. A single window is within the door, but from your current position, it is impossible for you to tell what's on the other side. And while you don’t rely too heavily on it, your equipment is gone.
is awakened by a familiar smell and feel. She recognizes the place where she has risen as her former room. Gone are her armaments and normal clothing, replaced by a soft gown and a gorgeous bedspread. The room is in everyway her room from when she was a child, with a window to her right shedding sunlight upon the area, and a door to her left.
Sounds are heard from the window depicting children at play.
Pious Percy...
is awakened by an unusual pressure around his body. He eventually realizes the predicament he is in when he finds it hard to move at all. He is in a closet of sorts, but with no door in sight due to his contorted angle. Pious may have an understanding of the unusual as a cleric, but awakening in a box was still pretty strange.
A small flap swings back and forth in front of his eyes, moving just fast enough to not enable a good view of the outside. The space is not all the way confining, as he is able to move around slightly, and could possibly squeeze around check his backside. This brings on a sudden realization that he is without items.

2010-11-10, 01:59 PM
Without opening her eyes, Miralen smiles at the familiar scents and sounds.

What a pleasant dream. Alas, soon enough this will all be gone and I'll wake up to a roadside makeshift camp.

Slowly, she turns over and feels the bedsheets. So soft...

I wonder what will happen if I'll open my eyes.

The familiarity of the scene hits all her senses now, to the point of overload. She jerks into a sitting position. Miralen had many dreams about home during the war, but never so vivid.

So far so good. I wonder what will happen if I get out of bed.

She circles around the room, her fingers lightly caressing childhood memorabilia and knicknacks. Her eyes glimpse her own reflection in the small boudoir mirror.

No circles under the eyes, no mud in my hair. This is a splendid dream indeed.

Her attention is drawn to the voices coming from the window. Could it be that ... Miralen dares not hope, as she pokes her head out and takes a good look outside, to see ...

Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 08:03 PM
As Miralin peers through the window, she is greeted by a pleasant sight of her brothers at play. They run around clanking their wooden swords together in a nostalgic fashion. Your former step-mother rushes in and hugs as many of the boys as she can, whilst the oldest of the three attempts to get away. The backyard that was once your home, flourishes with beauty as a sun over the horizon begins to rise. All seems calm and wonderful… until something not so wonderful starts to occur.
From Miralin's vantage point, she can see approaching figures coming from the rising sun. As they move ever closer, she can make out basic details about the men. They appear as bandits with daggers and swords drawn as they encircle the unknowing, happy group.
Seemingly blind to the bandits, there is very little they can do with so many armed men around this pitiful family.

2010-11-10, 08:21 PM
Awaking with a start, Brek leaps to his feet and begins taking in his surroundings. The sounds of battle surround him, and after a few moments of disorientation, he begins to make out the familiar voices outside the tent.

No... Not again. My friends! Mother!

Without sparing further thought to where he might be or why his treasured belongings are missing, Brek runs for the opening in the tent to confront those who would harm his people.

2010-11-10, 08:57 PM
Golly gosh and tarnation, I've gone and done it again haven't I, grumbled Pious. He wriggled about for a long while before finally popping an arm free. Then he proceeded to scratch his nose vigourously. The itch was making his tear.

Itch sated, he used his free hand to search about himself as much as he could for anything left of jwhat he began with. Then he held open the flap and began looking around outside the box.

Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 08:58 PM
Brek runs powerfully through the tent opening to encounter something he didn't expect; an empty room.
A door violently slams behind him, unnoticed due to his blind charge. The door makes a locking sound as the remnants of the voices dissipate.
The empty room is around 30ft by 50ft, with a 30ft roof. Featureless, except for four doors (including the one you entered) and a small latch, on the ceiling, in the center of the room.

Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 09:11 PM
Pious can only partially witness the environment outside. The view is that of multiple moons and stars of various colors and shapes, rotating and meandering around one another. Bright flares move along the large bodies, gleaming with an otherworldly brilliance for which Pious has never seen before.
But his viewing is somewhat disrupted by a loud thud coming from somewhere far below him followed by a series of minute ‘clanks and ‘creak sounds.
He also can't find any of his items on his person.

2010-11-10, 11:00 PM
The cold fingers of fear grasp Miralen's heart. She's brough back to that horrible night when ... too painful to even think of the events, let alone name them. There's nothing more she would like now than to curl into a chest in the cellar, cover herself with burlap bags, and stay there until the next day.

Just like then.

No. That was then, and this is now. She is no longer a frightened little girl. She can, and will, bring the fight back to those bastards.

With a quick look about the room, Miralen tries to grab something that will suit as an improvised weapon. If there's a letter opener or a fireplace poker in sight, that'll do. If there's , she'll have to do without.

Look out! It's an attack, coming from the east! Miralen screams as she launches herself over the windowsill. Despite her best efforts to keep balance, she slips and rolls on the slanted roof and drops heavily onto the grass.

Bruised and dirty, she utters a brief curse that would no doubt make her stepmother blush, and gets ready to face the invaders.

Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 11:44 PM
Miralin's actions: PAUSE

Look out! It's an attack, coming from the east! Miralen screams as she launches herself over the windowsill. Despite her best efforts to keep balance, she slips and rolls on the slanted roof and drops heavily onto the grass.

Bruised and dirty, she utters a brief curse that would no doubt make her stepmother blush, and gets ready to face the invaders.

Unfortunately, the window doesn’t budge from the assault against it. Miralin tries and tries to force the window open by every means at her disposal but fails miserably. However, she realizes the presence of the door behind her. From what she can estimate about the situation at hand, there are only a few seconds before the unthinkable might/ will happen.

Miralin also aquired an improvised weapon
- Loose Bed Post (1d6 bludgeoning/x2crit/2lbs/close-range)

2010-11-10, 11:53 PM
Brek blinks and studies his surroundings.

"Ummm. . . Hello? What's going on? I'm confused," he calls to the darkness.

(If he does not get a response)
Not hearing any response to his questions, Brek crosses to the door opposite the one he came through, and attempts to open it.

2010-11-11, 02:04 AM
Great. Just perfect. I knew I should have used natural witch's bane instead of that silly gnome substitute, he grumbled to himself. Hearing the creaks and groans beneath him, he decides to stop fidgeting. He concentrates on the view through the flap, seeing if he can recognise what he is seeing.

Knowledge (The Planes) [roll0]

2010-11-11, 10:39 AM
Konig smiles broadly as he rises. That's it, then, he muses to himself. I've finally managed to die, and if any place has her, this is it. Cupping his hands over his mouth, he calls out, "Rosemary! Petal! Shout if you can hear me!"


Not her meadow, then. Better keep searching. he thinks to himself. "Well," the mad scientist mutters to nobody in particular, "the only progress is forward progress, so once more into the breach and so forth." Without hesitation, he strides forward to the bony door, opens it, and steps through.

Chained Birds
2010-11-11, 01:45 PM
(Knowledge check)From what he can gather with the strange illusionary motions of the moons and stars, you are somewhere that incorporates both the Astral and Ethereal planes. He’s uncertain of what can really go on in this place, but knows that the real and unreal seem to coincide here.
After his analysis of what he could see, he hears another loud thud coming from somewhere far below him followed by a series of minute ‘clanks and ‘creak sounds. Thud came from a different direction, but sounded almost exactly the same.

He finds no resistance as he passes through the door and it shuts loudly behind him without him really noticing. His thought are currently focused on finding his wife and the new room he has encountered.
The room is around 30ft by 50ft, with a 30ft roof. Featureless, except for four doors (including the one you entered) and a small latch, on the ceiling, in the center of the room. Yet it is not empty, as a large humanoid is wandering curiously from one side of the room to the other.

Wanting to explore the barrenness of the room, he walks towards the door in front of him. He makes it half-way when a sudden creaking sound alerts his senses.
The door to his right opens to reveal a humanoid figure, then immediately closes with a loud thud as the figure moves forward from the door frame. The door (identical from the one he had entered from) makes a familiar locking sound, but Brek’s attention is focused on the individual who has emerged from the opening.

2010-11-11, 01:48 PM
.... despite Miralen's best efforts, the window would not budge. She gives it one more good whack with a heavy bedpost before realizing the uselessness of this, and rushing out through the door.

Chained Birds
2010-11-11, 02:01 PM
After realizing the futility of her weapon, she rushes through the door. The familiar entrance opens to an uncertain site. Instead of the hallway leading to the stairs like her actual house, there is only a depressing room with a large humanoid in her path.
The room is around 30ft by 50ft, with a 30ft roof. Featureless, except for four doors (including the one you entered) and a small latch, on the ceiling, in the center of the room. Door she entered from violently shuts behind her in the confusion, making a locking sound.

Almost immediately after the second loud thud followed by the series of minute ‘clanks and ‘creak sounds. Another thud is heard coming from a different direction, but sounding almost exactly the same as the first two.
He feels like the floor beneath him starts to give way.
Pious makes a reflex save or tumble check if he's got one

2010-11-11, 02:20 PM
Whoever is in the room right now, is treated to an unusual sight.

A crazy-eyed barefoot woman, her unbraided black hair flying around, wearing nothing but a silky night gown, barges in through the door brandishing a broken bedpost.

She quickly scans the room, focuses on the large humanoid and raises her improvised weapon.

I must get to my family quickly, no matter what the cost. This invader is going down. But ... wait ... the ones outside had weapons and armor. This one seems unarmed. And this room - I don't recall anything like this in the manor. Am I still dreaming?

Miralen stops and lowers the weapon a bit. Still, too early to relax, so she keeps her guard.

Who are you and what are you doing here? She asks, as forcefully as her ridiculous look allows. She wants to add "and where even is here", but would rather not reveal her confusion.

2010-11-11, 04:02 PM
Konig, jovial as always, approaches the mysterious figure. "Another dearly departed, eh? Say, you mind telling me exactly which road I'm walking to where in this world (before or after)?"

2010-11-11, 08:39 PM
Looking back and forth between the man who just entered the room and the woman in a night dress brandishing a club, Brek scratches his head. This night.. day... morning... Whatever it is, was just getting stranger and stranger.

"Umm, I just came through that door a second ago," Brek shrugs. "I just woke in a strange tent and, well, it appeared bad things were happening to my people. Who are you people?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-11, 10:22 PM
As the group stirs some conversation among one another, a person falls from the latch in the center of the room. Due to Brek’s proximity to the latch, the person avoids an otherwise harmful drop by effortlessly springing off of Brek’s shoulder and rolling away. He rolls to a stop and is almost able to spring into the upright position, before his body gives out from the surprising exercise he had performed.

Pious is now laying Pone 15ft from Brek

2010-11-11, 11:01 PM
Pious pulls himself up to a sitting position and smiles up at the rest of them.

"Woah that was some sorta circus act. Looks like all my acrobat lessons paid off eh?" He looks around at the empty room, at the other 3 figures around him, one holding a decidedly dangerous chunk of wood, and decides to play friendly. "Oh hey hello and greetings to all of you, I'm Pious. Pious Percy. I think we got sucked into this ... other world. We're definitely not in Greyhawk anymore."

Pious go around triyng to open all the doors and windows.

2010-11-11, 11:16 PM
Bad things were happening to your people too? I just saw my ...

Miralen's attempt to figure out the situation with the big guy is cut short by the dropping in of a new arrival.

You're from Greyhawk? I heard of your world, but had no idea it would be so easy to get from here to there. Ilmater is my witness, I camped on a roadside in Amn last night, and woke up here.

She looks up cautiously as she speaks, ready to jump aside in case anyone else comes crashing through the ceiling.

2010-11-12, 12:51 PM
"Hmm," Konig mutters as he raises his eyebrow. "Seems my passing was more peaceful than the lot of yours, and more local. Never heard of Greyhawk--is that some trading post in Zilargo? From Breland myself, deep in the heart of Sharn. You know, tremendous towers, sensual shadows, and something for everyone, no matter how odd?"

He shakes his head and extends a cold, colorless hand to the others in greeting. "How rude of me, to introduce my motherland and not her offspring! Konig Der Totten, philosopher, psychologist, and preeminent physician," he says with a slight bow. "Pure pleasure to meet you all. And who exactly might I be meeting?" He looks around the group with eyes that shine with vigor despite their pale bluish-gray hue. His salt-and-pepper hair is wispy and thinning, and his emaciated frame makes him seem like a man at death's door.

2010-11-12, 04:46 PM
Completely surprised and confused by everything going on, Brek barely realizes someone has fallen on him until after the man has stood up.

"Greyhawk? Amn? Sharn? What are you guys talking about? Who are you? Where am I?" he says with growing frustration. "Someone better start explaining what is going on here before I break something."

Shaking his head, Brek clears his throat and says, "Sorry about that. I'm just confused. My name is Brek."

As he notices Pious starting to check doors, he motions to the one door that has not been used. "That's the only door nobody has come through."

2010-11-12, 09:46 PM
Miralen visibly winces at the mention of Sharn. They are known to her as monstrous ... best not dwell on it much. Perhaps he means a different Sharn.

She regards the door that Brek points at.

Since guest number five hasn't dropped in yet, this might very well be our way out.

2010-11-12, 11:53 PM
"Mmmm, hmmm, interesting. I'll pretty good with my fingers *winkwink* let me take a look."

Pious examines the door closely, searching for any mechanisms.
Search [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-13, 02:56 AM
Upon close inspection of the remaining door, Pious finds no unusual mechanisms attached or influencing the passage. The door appears the same as the other three, except for a message written in common in its center.

“Beyond this door is the Realm of the Omnipotent Mage. He prohibits magic that is not his own, and punishes those who attempt to disobey the rules.”

Besides that message, it is just a regular door.

2010-11-13, 10:07 AM
Let me take a look at those writings ...

Miralen approaches and looks at the door, seeming to concentrate really hard.

Detect Magic as a spell-like ability. If there's any aura of note, Spellcraft [roll0] to identify it, also will cast Read Magic. Since we're not in the realm of the mage yet, hopefully he won't mind.

Chained Birds
2010-11-13, 11:39 AM
Miralen finds no magical properties on or about the door, nor in the writing on its center.

It is just a regular door.

2010-11-13, 12:51 PM
Pious reads out the message: “Beyond this door is the Realm of the Omnipotent Mage. He prohibits magic that is not his own, and punishes those who attempt to disobey the rules.”

He pauses and turns to the others, hand on doorknob. "Doesn't look like we have much of a choice eh? Here goes nothing. Tally ho!"

He opens the door.

Chained Birds
2010-11-13, 02:59 PM
Opening the large door, Pious and the others find an eerily similar vacant room. Except this one is a bit large on each side, and holds three erect objects spaced evenly in the center of the room. The objects are rectangular in shape, around 4ft tall, and are 1ft in length and width.
There is a noticeable color difference between the three objects. One Red, one Yellow, and one Blue.
There is also only one door across from the group, and no other visible openings besides the one they’ve all come from.

2010-11-14, 08:42 AM
Pious rubs his chin thoughtfully. Gosh, its like some sort of arcane maze for some epic mage's amusement.

He walks around the entire room, searching for other features.
Search check, taking 10 for 21. If not possible, [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-14, 09:50 AM
Pious’s initiative has him searching the mysterious room. After a few brief glances around the mostly, vacant area, he discovers something written on the unopened door. The door has a large amount of writing written in common,

“There are 3 switches and a closed door that make up this space. The switches control three lanterns on the other side of this door. Once you open this door, none may ever touch the switches again.
When entering the room beyond this passage, place the lanterns on pedestals that represent their appropriate switch. If placed correctly, a reward will be granted and all would be allowed to move on.”

Pious also finds a brief message written in a language he doesn’t understand.

2010-11-14, 10:00 AM
Put down my bonus languages as Sylvan and Draconic

Miralen takes a look at the message and frowns. After a moment, however, the frown turns into a smile. All those years of book education have actually paid off.

She moves the red switch to the 'on' position.

Let's wait for a few minutes.

2010-11-14, 11:45 AM
I turn on the the yellow one

Chained Birds
2010-11-14, 11:56 AM
After looking over the message, she finds the other statement below in Sylvan,

“Failure to place the lanterns on the correct pedestals will ignite punishment onto the incompetent. You have many chances to succeed, but each subsequent bat of stupidity will bring upon a more horrid danger.”
Miralen finds that the erect figures have an elevated pad on their tops. Upon pushing the Red object’s pad down, a light glows from beyond the door. The light is basic, and has no splendor other than being a light.

Pious pushes the Yellow figure in the same manner. The light grows slightly from beyond the door. The light is basic, and has no splendor other than being a light.

2010-11-14, 11:59 AM
After translating the writings in Sylvan to the others, Miralen shakes her head at her ununderstanding comrade.

No, please. Let's keep just one of them on for now. This is the way to go. We'll turn the yellow switch on in a few minutes.

Unless physically restrained, she turns the yellow switch back off.

Chained Birds
2010-11-14, 12:19 PM
Yellow switch is off, unless impeded by any means.

2010-11-14, 08:47 PM
"No I think I got this. We'll turn the yellow one off later, just before we open the door." He gently restrains Miralen from turning off the yellow switch.

2010-11-14, 09:01 PM
Miralen nods as she realizes Percy's solution is just as valid.

Very well, this works too. Let's keep both on for now. As long as we remember to turn one off just before passing through.

Unless anything else happens, she is content not to touch the switches for a few minutes.

Tell me, she adresses the pale man, Konig, was it? Can you tell me more about this place you come from, Sharm? I heard a mention once, and it intrigues me.

2010-11-14, 10:30 PM
Pious listens in with attention, he has only passingly heard the word being mentioned before in a popular song back in his home world, entitled "My Sharn-ona".

2010-11-14, 11:37 PM
Brek watches the others press the buttons and talk about how they're going to solve the riddle.

Scratching his head, Brek looks at Miralen and says quietly, "Uh, what if they aren't hot? I once saw a mage make a torch that you could stick your hand in or put into a pack. It wasn't hot."

Having said his peace, Brek wanders over to examine the other door, but is careful not to touch it in any way.

You said we can see the light from the lamps, so am I right to assume it is coming from under the door or something of that sort?

2010-11-15, 09:40 AM
Miralen shrugs.

I guess you could fiddle with the switches and see whether they cause the light under the door to appear to the right or the left. But I don't expect much out of it. Whoever made this place, seems to have invested some thought in the puzzle, and won't be much of a puzzle if we could just peek.

Miralen hugs her shoulders and shivers slightly in her night gown, then adds, and these lanterns better give some heat.

2010-11-15, 11:36 AM
Tell me, she adresses the pale man, Konig, was it? Can you tell me more about this place you come from, Sharm? I heard a mention once, and it intrigues me.

Konig looks up at the woman, seemingly distracted by a complex calculation of some sort. "Wha? Er, yes. Essentially, imagine a small cliffside trading harbor. Now, skew it vertically about 400%, give it a terrible case of elephantitis, litter its skies with airships, floating boroughs, and various other fliers, and you've about got it. Pack it to the gills with creatures from all corners, rain on them constantly for a few months, and give a few of them a good kick in the nasties, and that paints the picture nicely. If it helps, I could draw you a diagram. If you'll pardon me, I may have worked out a solution. Tell me, does anyone have any bat guano and a flame?"

2010-11-15, 12:48 PM
"Bat Guano ... flame ... I fear and I fear mightily." says Pious with a knowing grin.

After 5 minutes, Pious turns off the yellow switch and opens the door

Chained Birds
2010-11-15, 03:23 PM
With the opening of the door, the three switch structures fall to the floor at an amazing speed. They are immediately covered by tiles that seamlessly match the floor, as though the structures never existed.
The new room is far larger than the previous. There are three lanterns spaced evenly in the center of the room, close to three pedestals. They are colored green, but are completely identical to the switch structures in positioning, size and shape. A door, covered in numerous chains and locks, lies behind the pedestals.

The there are two lanturns off (centermost, to the right of the entrance), and one on (to the left of the entrance).


2010-11-15, 04:13 PM
Well, let's test the theory. Too bad the switches are gone, but if memory serves, it was, yellow in the middle, and red to its left. And we turned the red and yellow on, turning yellow off at the last moment. Least I think that was it ... you may want to step back.

Miralen gently touches the two lanterns that are off with her fingertips. If one is noticeably warmer than the other, she will place:

- The on lantern on the bottom pedestal
- The warm lantern on the middle pedestal
- The cold lantern on the top pedestal

If the two lanterns that are off seem to be of the same temperature, she's somewhat bewildered and does nothing for now.

top and bottom refer to the depictions on the map

Chained Birds
2010-11-15, 06:43 PM
- The on lantern on the bottom pedestal
- The warm lantern on the middle pedestal
- The cold lantern on the top pedestal

If everyone else is ok with this...
Miralen prepares to place the lanterns in, what she thinks, their appropiate locations. She places the left one onto the bottom pedestal, the right one onto the center pedestal, and the left one onto the right pedestal.
There is no response...

make listen checks the lot of you

2010-11-15, 09:02 PM
Wait, did any of you hear anything? I thought I heard something ...
Listen [roll0]

2010-11-16, 11:30 AM
Konig bites his lip and begins furiously scrawling in his diary, pausing only upon Miralen's question. "Hmm, what? Sorry, dear, my hearing's not what it once was--you wouldn't believe the effect an explosion at close range can have. I'm working out a theorem; shouldn't be but a moment."

[roll0] Listen check (oh yeah, +0 modifier! That's right, baby!)

Chained Birds
2010-11-16, 12:04 PM
Whilst Konig is too busy to pay attention, and Pious is busy trying to figure out why the solution between him and Miralen didn’t work, Miralen and Brek hear something.
Coming from the front, right-most area (above the pedestals) in the room, a clanking and screeching is heard like some large piece of jagged metal falling down a metallic hole. The noise continues for a decent amount of time before something falls through the ceiling in the aforementioned area. Shards of iron fly in random directions.

A large thing is in area mentioned above.

Miralen and Brek prepared themselves and moved away from the area before any damage could be done.

The other two are hit with some minor metallic debris:
can still make a listen check to avoid all damage, but only if he makes this action before his next input into the story. DC 15 listen

2010-11-16, 01:16 PM
Konig barely flinches as pieces of metal tear away at his skin. "Right, then," he titters cheerfully. "It seems the lit lantern represents the red switch, so perhaps we should switch the two unlit lanterns?"

2010-11-16, 01:29 PM
Before fiddling further with the lamps, Miralen examines the metal object that fell closer. I was ... I was sure this was the right order; did I make a mistake? Whoever owns this place has a strange sense of humor.

If applicable, Search [roll0]

2010-11-16, 03:24 PM
"Argh, Ohgma be praised!" Pious says as he jumps away in time.

"I give up on this. Lemme have a look see on that thing"

Pious examines the large iron object.
Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Chained Birds
2010-11-16, 04:01 PM
The large lump twitches slightly, and upon some further investigation, the group finds it to be living…ish. The creature has its hands bound with manacles with broken chains, a broken mask that hides most of its face except for his mouth, and is obviously around the same size, or maybe a little larger than Brek.
The creature groans in pain as it attempts to rise from its prone position. Its action fails almost immediately, as it slumps to the ground.
It looks up towards the group and tries to say something in common,

“Ddd…di…did you… put the lan…terns in the order… left onto the bottom pedestal… right onto the center pedestal… and the center onto the right pedestal… (spits-up-blood)?”

he notices the huge hole above the beast. The hole is very high up. There appears to be chains drooping down from some light source within the hole, but all far too feeble to use. He also notices a small key around the creature’s neck; as well as the creature’s ogre appearance.

2010-11-16, 04:10 PM
Seems like we did put them in order. Unless you are the "punishment for the incompetent", but you don't seem like it. Who are you and why have you been imprisoned here?

Miralen shakes her head as she examines the creature for wounds. Must've been a nasty fall.

[roll0] Knowledge (whichever applies) to identify the creature, see below for modifiers
Nature +12
Arcana +12
Dungeoneering +10
Local +11
The Planes +11
Religion +11

Also, [roll1] Heal

Chained Birds
2010-11-16, 04:39 PM
He lifts his head up to the strangely dressed woman in amusement. He chuckles lightly as he addresses her.

“I’m no trap… I was ju…just locked up on that ceiling above for my p…past.”

He signals upward at the amazing distance he had fallen. (Around 50-100ft up)

“Thanks to the lot of ya… (Coughs up blood) I was able to get out of there safe an… well at least I’m no longer hanging around…
And in regards to my identity, I’m Ka… Kasha, an Oni of the Yakumo Clan. I wouldn't mind a heal item or spell, If... y...you've got any.”

He chuckles lightly before being interrupted by the pain throughout his body.

She tries to help his condition out, but is unable to do anything about his grievous injuries.

Knowledge (religion) or (planes): He appears to be of an ogre variety known as an Oni.
Oni, from what she knows, are large humanoids with a pretty disastrous reputation like their ogre counterparts. They usually enjoy soul collecting, but are mostly known for their love of battles and having a horrifying aura. Most Oni are evil due to being born from the hate and evil of the material world, but some find redemption and fight alongside the forces of good.
Oddly enough, the Oni in front of her doesn’t have the frightful aura she’s read about.

2010-11-16, 04:52 PM
Konig puzzles over the connection. "Tell me, large fellow, did you place the lanterns in an incorrect order in your past?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-16, 05:15 PM
He doesn’t acknowledge Konig at first, but then begins answering his question.

“No, I was up there for my action…s in my past. He sai…said it was sym…bolic or something. But I’ve wit…witnessed others attempt the puzzle and fail. My friends tried at first, but… gave up and used magic to ad…vance further.
Because they didn’t solv… the puz…zle, I was left up there to rot… For around 2 months, I’ve seen failure, aft…er failure and what comes from it…”

He winces in pain again, and tries to sit upright.

2010-11-16, 05:30 PM
Konig rests a hand on his chin. "So those who failed did not release you; does this mean we have succeeded?"

2010-11-17, 10:58 AM
On hearing the creature speak, Pious exlaims, "Shoelaces of Selune! 'Tis highly disturbing news. Hmmm! I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with glee!" He looks closely at the key around the creature's neck and attempts to remove it.

Chained Birds
2010-11-17, 01:15 PM
On hearing the creature speak, Pious exlaims, "Shoelaces of Selune! 'Tis highly disturbing news. Hmmm! I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with glee!" He looks closely at the key around the creature's neck and attempts to remove it.

Pious, the only one to notice the key around the beast's neck tries to remove it from its chain. Unfortunately, the chain is far too strong to be relinquished by his actions, and he finds himself face-to-face with Kasha’s mask. From his position, he is able to notice the wonderful craftsmanship of the mask to the unfortunate cracks around the mouth area.

“Can I… help you lit..little guy?”

Pious's strength roll [roll0]

2010-11-17, 01:22 PM
Miralen doesn't quite understand why is Percy grappling with the Oni and trying to remove something from him, but as long as it's not getting violent, figures it's best not to interfere.

With the Oni attention occupied, she addresses Brek and Konig in a whisper. This creature, most of his kind are mean and cruel. But I don't sense any particular evil in this one. Do you think we should heal him and take him with us? And speaking of healing, Konig, you seem to have cut yourself, do you need help?

2010-11-17, 02:02 PM
"Eh, come again?" Konig asks quizzically, not even realizing the wound. "Oh, I seem to have sprung a leak! Mercy me!" Konig clasps a hand over his wound, and the distinct scent of burning flesh fills the room. When the man removes his hand, the wound is sealed. "A hundred thanks for bringing that to my attention--I'm afraid it's gotten quite easy to forget the sensation of pain, given our current state and all."

[roll0] Charnel Touch (to heal self via Tomb-Tainted Soul)

2010-11-17, 08:51 PM
Brek watches the goings on with quite a bit of consternation. An Ogre-like creature falling from the ceiling was certainly not usual in his daily life.

"Uhh, I think he's saying we got it right," Brek quietly mumbles. "And most Ogres are mean and cruel. Don't judge a book by its cover, me ma always told me. If'n he appears nice and doesn't do nothing to hurt us, I think we should do what we can to help him."

Watching Percy start tugging at something on the Oni's neck, Brek shakes his head and puts a hand on Percy's shoulder.

Shaking his head, Brek says calmly, "I don't know what people do where you're from, but where I'm from we help people up after they fall down. Here Kasha, let me help you."

With that, Brek leans down and begins helping the Oni to his feet.

2010-11-17, 10:36 PM
"There's ... a .*gasp*... key .... around ... his ..*pant*.. neeeeeeeeeecccckkkk, UGH!" Pious grunts as he huffs and puffs away at the chain to no avail. "I'm pretty sure it is the key to his manacles. And I think trying to lift him or get him up while he is still strapped to what appears to be, a really big hunk of metal, would be quite a waste of energy." He looks at the mask intently and examines it. "Don't mind me mister Oni, I'm just a curious guy!"

Spot check on mask [roll0]
Search check on mask [roll1]

Cast detect magic on mask
Identify for auras if any
Spellcraft check [roll2]

Chained Birds
2010-11-17, 11:11 PM
“Thanks… hmm… you smell kind of like an… well I guess it doesn’t matter all that much. What was the li..little guy doing?”

The Oni looks down at his neck. He notices the key around his neck and grips at it, Pious's hands with it. Chuckling, he yanks the key from its chain with no problem, and passes it to Brek; with Pious, franticly grasping to it in tow.

“I re..remember that tha..t man put something around my n..neck. I guess I rea..lly have some bad luck.”

Pious goes unnoticed once Kasha sees the key. However, he attempts every trick he knows to find out more on the character’s mask. He even goes as far as casting magic in an area warned to cause mal effects to spellcasters.

make a concentration check on the spell.
Concerning his non-magical checks:
Pious sees much in the mask other than its well-crafted appeal. There are two horns erected on the forehead, around 6inches in length. There appears to be a spell placed on the mask, but Pious is really uncertain about it.

2010-11-17, 11:28 PM
Miralen nods at Brek's words. It seems the half-Ogre has his heart in the right place. For the first time since the beginning of this ordeal, she lets go of the improvized club she was clinging to as if her life depended on it, and approaches Kasha to gently touch his shoulder.

By Ilmater's patience, ....

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-17, 11:38 PM
By Ilmater's patience, this should ease your wounds.

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

OOC: Before you do that, wait for Pious to complete his roll.

Chained Birds
2010-11-17, 11:47 PM
Pious is suddenly stricken by an intense pressure within his skull. The force feels like a hurricane blowing over hundreds of miles per hour. Unable to even cast the simple spell of Detect Magic, he crumples to the floor; shaken slightly, with a strange message going through his head.
“I remember being told to take that spell, but in my laziness, I really forgot. Sucks to be you; Ha ha ha ha.”

He tries to cast detect magic, but fails and loses it

2010-11-18, 01:05 AM
Assuming Miralen saw what happened and still has time to hold off her spell. If not, will edit

... and then she notes Percy shaken as a result of trying to cast his own spell. Miralen hesitates. She remembered the writing about the owner of this maze forbidding any magic other than his own, but only now the realization hits that, yes, he was serious about it.

I'm sorry, Kasha. We'll have to find a different way to help you.

2010-11-18, 02:25 AM
Pious gets to his feet, cursing. "Stupid wizards ... grah." He massages his temples as the intense pressure eases.

"Well I suppose if you want to heal him you have to get to the first room. The initial message did say that beyond that room is the realm of the accursed 'Omnipotent Mage'. Think you can circumvent the restrictions if you heal him there."

He turns to the mask again and looks for a way to lift the mask off the Oni's face.

Search [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-18, 10:41 AM
He finds no way to remove the mask, as it appears almost a part of the creature’s body. The Oni starts to look annoyed by your repeated analysis, and gives you a leer.
And an aggravated voice from the omnipotent mage says “I heard that!”
“It is a mask… (Coughs blood again) If you are th..that interested in an… Oni’s mask, then… then make your own!
But I appreci..ate your help cutey, and you..rs too big guy… I’ve been hanging there for… a long time… I know a lot about this place. A..sk me anything, and I should know… but I do have bad mem..ory though…”

Brek and Miralen drag Kasha to the first room for any healing they might want to give him. The doors give them no trouble, as they were built to easily allow larger creatures entrance. The first room remains unchanged, with all the doors the group originally came from still shut and locked tight.

2010-11-18, 10:54 AM
Even with Brek's help, dragging Kasha and his chains across three rooms is a hard work, is Miralen is panting by the time they're in the first room.

Some rat race, eh? Let's try this here. I recall casting a spell in this room before with no ill effects.

CLW again, for 6, same roll as before.
As soon as this is done, she's eager to return to the third room and to renew the grasp on her bedpost-club - the only connection she has to the beautiful dream that's so rapidly evaporating.

So, what do you know about this place? Was it all made just for one man's enjoyment? She asks Kasha.

2010-11-18, 11:03 AM
"Well, er..." Konig scratches his head, unsure how to bring up the awkward topic of promised treasure. "You said we were successful, yes? Well, there was a promise of a sword. Are we to take that metaphorically as you being added to our fighting force? Or is there an honest-to-goodness weapon to be obtained? Sorry to inundate you with questions, so fresh after your sequestering."

Chained Birds
2010-11-18, 11:21 AM
He grabs his jaw and pushes it to the side, making a cracking sound.

“I think I can speak well again. Might need a little bit more healing later when I get my stuff back, but that can wait. Oh ya, the man… I don’t really remember his name all too well. I do know he is one of the Elementalist Four, and he was the second-most feared out of the bunch.
As to this place, it is a testing ground to those who have either been chosen, our just put here due to certain circumstances that I really don’t get. Each room is a test of some sort, and is used to weed out those who would otherwise be a disgrace to their world.”

He seems heavy in thought upon mentioning the word disgrace; but he continues,

“I actually wanted to past the tests so I could be like my greater grandparent Yakumo Yukari, the greatest soul-binder to ever live. She was…”

He has the same look as before, but now slightly saddened as he stares downward. He then acknowledges Konig’s questions last… He appears more interested in answering Miralen’s inquiry more so than anyone elses.

“Sword? All I know is that the man told me I was the key to ‘Present Glory.’ Whatever that means… …”

2010-11-18, 12:18 PM
"Well, you look stitched and ready," Konig says matter-of-factly. "Would you mind accompanying us through our tests? I can't help but think that 'Present Glory' is yet another test. And hey, you may be able to learn some soul binding along the way--plenty of souls around here, I'm sure of it."

[roll0] Diplomacy

Chained Birds
2010-11-18, 01:01 PM
Konig’s jab at soul-binding didn’t go well with the Kasha. He gives you a similar leer he gave to Pious,

“Are you trying to pick a fight or something? Anyway, Odds are that my equipment has long since been taken by the groups that have preceded you, and I only know a bit about this place up to this point. I'll be pretty useless from this point on... Unless my Mushi and Minami haven't been looted?”

2010-11-18, 01:09 PM
I think what Konig is trying to say, is that failing to become the binder of mortal souls is not the worst thing that could happen to you. It doesn't make you a disgrace.

Miralen points up with her club. Kasha, is there anything worth exploring in that hole you fell from?

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0], Knowledge (The Planes) [roll1] what are the Elementalist Four?

2010-11-18, 01:22 PM
“Are you trying to pick a fight or something? Anyway, Odds are that my equipment has long since been taken by the groups that have preceded you, and I only know a bit about this place up to this point. I'll be pretty useless from this point on... Unless my Mushi and Minami haven't been looted?”

"Hardly, sir!" Konig says with a hurt look on his face. "The farthest thing from it! I was simply insinuating that this afterlife seems rife with mortal souls from all coils, ripe for the binding. I experimented with binding previously myself--couldn't get a hang of it, though. Quite tough."

He begins ruminating, but is stopped by Kasha's strange words. "Mushi and Minami? Pray tell, what are those?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-18, 01:35 PM
Like always, he addresses Miralen first,

“Alright, I guess he didn’t mean anything by it. There really isn’t anything up there but loose chains… I had a long time to look for a way around that prison, but it was merely a cage…

Mushi and Minami are my swords. They were given to me by a great blacksmith after I was trained in the ways of the sword. They have a lot of sentimental value to them…”

2010-11-18, 07:02 PM
Listening to Kasha's description of his swords, Brek can't help but nod.

With a subtle growl to his words, Brek says, "I too have a weapon I desire to have returned to me. I suggest we work together to forge our way through this place. I, for one, have little desire to remain here as a plaything for a mage."

Without waiting for a response, Brek looks at the key Kasha handed him earlier and begins walking to the room they found the Oni in.

2010-11-18, 10:18 PM
While they were still in the first room, and seeing how Miralen cast his spell with no ill-effects, Pious casts Detect Magic again, concentrating on the mask and the the Oni in general.

"Hey big guy, hold still for a bit!"

Chained Birds
2010-11-18, 11:27 PM
Pious seems to concentrate further on the mask. The invisible force envelopes the object and the creature wearing it. A distinct color, only noticeable by Pious, comes from both the item and the possessor.

After using his remaining Detect Magic on the mask for the second time, Pious finds a magical presence on it. He notes that the presence suppresses a supernatural aura, and it is probably made using some binding ritual.

2010-11-19, 02:35 AM
"Interesting. The mask serves to surpress what appears to be his natural horrifying aura. Would probably be keen to observe to see what happens to us if it comes off." Pious says as he continues to concentrate on the spell

Spellcraft check to identify aura on mask and on Oni [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-19, 09:06 AM
Brek moves towards the room where he met Kasha. The door is still wrapped in chains with several locks hanging from all sides. A large lock is within the center, which has an inviting sized keyhole for the item in Brek’s hand.

He finally gets a good understanding of the magical properties of the mask. It appears to be a variation of Nystul’s Magic Aura made to change the Oni’s fearsome aura to a normal ogre’s aura. There is something a little more to it than just the aura camouflage, but any other spells placed on the mask are unknown to Pious, or to powerful for him to comprehended.
The Oni's aura is hidden from your detection due to the mask.

2010-11-19, 09:43 AM
Pious, I'm all for scientific curiosity, but I believe he doesn't want the mask removed, and we should respect that.

Kasha, do you know anything about what lies beyond this door?

Miralen won't admit it, but, beyond the concern for the Oni, it's mostly her that doesn't want the mask removed. Aura of fear ... ugh.

2010-11-19, 10:06 AM
"Yes, Piebald," Konig says (revealing his curse for forgetting names while lost in scientific thought). "While Marilyn's postulation may favor social niceties over scientific progress, I must admit that I agree with her in this case. Experiments are best conducted on subjects that are unconscious and/or heavily sedated." He quickly darts his eyes to Kasha, saying, "not that I'm suggesting we conduct any experiments on you, my new friend. Instead, I would ask that you accompany us in hopes of recovering your swords."

2010-11-19, 10:43 AM
After looking back and forth between the door and the key in his hand, Brek glances behind him. Seeing that none of the others has followed, he shakes his head.

Raising his voice to be heard through the room, Brek shouts, "Are you coming or not? I am tired of being this mage's plaything."

With a growl, he puts the key into the lock and waits a few moments to see if the others respond to him.

Chained Birds
2010-11-19, 11:52 AM
Kasha is uncertain about what people of saying around him. Sedation? Removing his mask? He questions a lot about the characters in the room. However, he is alerted to Brek’s call,

“Sorry cutey, I don’t know what lies ahead. But at least I can finally see what is behind that [insert curse in Abyssal] door.”

He is somewhat able to hold himself up by his own means now, and steadily wanders towards Brek’s location. He looks back at the room with the three locked doors (the first room) and seems a little confused about the existence of that area. He shrugs, and then continues on his way.

2010-11-19, 12:08 PM
Seeing as the chained door is the only way forward, Miralen walks over to the lanterns room, and is ready to proceed. As everyone else converge in that room, she muses about Kasha. It's the second time he did that already. First time, she was willing to let it slide. But now, she must make her point firmly, if politely.

Let's get ready for whatever this door may bring. And by the way, Kasha, I may have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Miralen ...

She almost adds "not cutie, dearie, honey, lass or whatever epithet your imagination can conjure" but decides he's intelligent enough to figure out what's implied.

I made some knowledge rolls a few posts up about the Elementalist Four, do I get anything?

2010-11-19, 04:28 PM
Konig follows the others, jotting notes like a madman into his diary. In fact, he nearly walks into a wall in his stupor. Any who glance over his shoulder read the following entry in his diary:

My Little Petal,

What a day! I've finally gone and done it, after 174 experiments. I awoke in a meadow--classic symbolism, and a sure sign of my safe delivery. I feel you here, as sure as sunlight on my face or a breeze across my neck. To see you again, to hold you once more...I met some other poor, unfortunate souls today (though they don't quite seem to realize our plight yet, and I haven't the heart to tell them). I think we may be travelling together until I can scrounge up some more details on your location. We've even met an ogre! He looked the worse for wear, and goes to prove Experiment 143--you remember, on the possibility of injury after death. Oh Rose, I can barely even think anymore but for anticipation of our reunion. Shortly, love, shortly.

As always,

2010-11-20, 03:59 AM
Seeing that the others have joined him, Brek turns the key and tries to remove the chains.

Chained Birds
2010-11-20, 02:01 PM
After unlocking the first lock, the chains around the door tumble to the ground. It would appear that everything else, besides the initial large lock, was just for decoration, and showed no real purpose in halting the group’s advances. The chains and locks make a loud clank’ sound as the door steadily opens to the travelers.
The new area appears as a hallway, large enough to allow easy passage for larger creatures. This room is surprisingly more brightly lit than the previous places, with candles and a few floating lanterns placed in an orderly fashion. There is a sign at the entrance hanging by some wires that says in common “Past to Present.” And around the sides of the hallway are several paintings on beautiful canvas, depicting four characters.
There are more paintings up ahead, but only the initial two pictures on either side of the hall can be adequately seen from the entrance. Further advancement or study would give the group further insight into what’s going on in the pictures. The hallway is fairly long, about 120ft long and 10ft wide, with a 20ft height, by what the group can tell.

2010-11-21, 11:35 PM
"Well, are we just going to stand around gaping at the hallway?" Brek asks, stepping forward to look at the first few pictures on the right.

2010-11-22, 01:32 AM
"Eh, just wanted to see if anything happened to whoever stepped in first." Pious said as he steps in after Brek. He looks at the paintings, looking for any inscriptions on or around the frames.

Search [roll0]

2010-11-22, 10:26 AM
I wonder if the beauty of this place hides something sinister.

Miralen shakes her head to snap out of her daydream. Beautiful as the pictures may be. She walks along one wall, examining the pictures.

Spot [roll0]

I wonder if they go in chronological order. And who those four are.

Chained Birds
2010-11-22, 11:30 AM
There are no in scriptures on the paintings, just pictures of the same four characters throughout the hallway. The pictures on the right side and the pictures on the left side, mirror one another. There are a total of 18 pictures on either side:

The four characters are introduced, separated by elemental behind them backgrounds. The one on the far-left, the only female character, has a mountain piercing through the earth behind her. The closest to her, is a man with mighty whirlpool surrounding his body. The one to his side has a tornado blowing viciously behind him. And the remaining character on the far-right has a fountain of fire spewing in all directions.
The female member and the fiery character seem to be at each others’ throats, whilst the other two appear hesitant to resolve the twos’ conflict.
The torrential character slips to two combatants apart, while the remaining character seems to be laughing uncontrollably. The two characters that were fighting still leer towards one another.
The four characters are now in a desert. A sandstorm seems to be in effect, but some bubble of resistance is around the group. The laughing character smiles over the group as the other three seem to be unresponsive to his joy.
The four arrive to an entranceway to an underground ruin, with a mighty dust devil behind it.
The four fight against a large humanoid with massive horns on either side of its head. It wields an enormous axe, and spews fire from every part of its body.
The four are now on a barren, frozen wasteland. Several frost wurms of various sizes move around the group as though they were being warded away by some powerful force. The torrential character is holding a sphere of some unknown matter over his head. There isn’t much response from the other three, except the female character seems nervous or cold.
The four arrive at a large mansion within an iceberg. Frozen statues lay everywhere, they of various sizes, and depict mighty warriors and demonic creatures.
Just the torrential character is involved in this picture. He appears to be talking to a young, almost nude, girl with blue skin. Shards and boulders of ice are scattered everywhere, and the girl is somewhat fidgety about whatever they appear to be talking about.
The four are now in a lush forest. This painting is more vivid in colors than the previous, with flowers in bloom, insects and small forest animals rummaging around, and even surprisingly cheerful kobolds leading the group ahead. The fiery character seems to be leading the group, having what appears to be a fun conversation with the kobolds. The other three appear somewhat nervous of this scenario.
The group arrives at a skyscraper tall tower. The tower has an electrical current flowing through its ivory stone and metal, with several burnt tree on its side. The kobolds wave to the group their good byes as the four character walk through the front door.
The four are now engaged in a fight against a massive warrior with a lantern-like eye. It wields two great swords and appears to be giving the group a difficult time. Afterimages are depicted in the painting of the creature moving from one character to the next.
The four are now in a murky swamp. The atmosphere is dark and eerie. There are many horrifying looking creatures moving around the background. The group is unfazed by those horrors as they proceed onward.
The group arrives at a door leading down a staircase into absolute darkness. The fiery one seems like the first one to go in, followed by the rest at a ten foot distance behind him.
This painting is all torn up. The color is also extremely dark and looks completely ruined.
The group is now in a massive city with portals forming and disappears everywhere. The four look exhausted as they appear to be walking forward to the largest and tallest building within the painting.
This picture is oddly not of the previous four characters, but of two men with manacles on their arms. One is in torn and unruly clothing and the other is in traditional magician robes.
This picture is like the previous, in how it does show the four characters from the beginning, instead it is of a single female character. She appears ogre-ish but fairly pretty even by human standards. She wears strange clothing that move as though it was living, and there appears to be a wimpy looking soldier-like character behind her.

2010-11-22, 11:44 AM
The adventures of the Elementalist Four, I presume. Miralen says to no one in particular. I wonder what happened to them at the end. Two were captured, maybe, and the woman transformed into an ogre? And the fourth one is ... the owner of this place, who created all those paintings?

She walks almost to the end of the corridor, or at least as far as it takes to get a clear view of the last painting, then turns around. And I wonder who didn't like this one.

Acting on a hunch, she decides to examine the torn painting in detail, including, if possible, removing it from the wall and checking behind it.

Chained Birds
2010-11-22, 12:00 PM
Miralen is able to take the painting off with relative ease. [roll0]

She finds out that the wieght of the picture was actually more than she thought, and she almost drops it to the ground. Now she can only hold the thing upright with the strength she currently has; either dropping it hard, or trying to lower it gently to the ground.

2010-11-22, 12:15 PM
This is .... *nugh* ... heavier than I thought. A little help? Miralen tries to lower the painting gently to the floor.

2010-11-22, 12:28 PM
Brek walks down the hall looking at the pictures and mutters, "These last two seem out of place."

He then notices Miralen struggling with the ripped painting and moves to help her.

I'm assuming that was a strength roll. [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-22, 12:42 PM
Brek helps Miralen with relative ease.

There is nothing behind the painting though.

2010-11-22, 01:34 PM
Thanks, Brek! Miralen wipes a bead of sweat off her brow as the painting comes to rest on the floor. Wouldn't want this thing to drop on her foot, seeing as she's still barefoot. She takes a good look at the frame. What the hell is this thing made of, lead?

Chained Birds
2010-11-22, 01:39 PM
After searching around the painting, Miralen does find some words on the back,

“I Don’t Understand! Who the HELL did this to my LOVELY PAINTING! It was you Oniboro! Wasn’t it?!”

2010-11-23, 01:59 AM
"Oni .... boro?" Pious turns to the ogre. "That's you isn't it. What IS your connection to this place and the Elementalist Four?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-23, 10:51 AM
"Just because there is something with 'Oni' in its name, doesn't mean it has any relation to my kind. I used to eat onigiri when I was younger, and those things are rice balls.
Also, Oniboro is the name of the guardian of the Obelisk of Murky Shallows. He is the fabled king of darkness and the final challenge in the Game of Legends. Only the winners know of his appearance... but I guess he has his ways of making sure no one else sees his image..."

Kasha seems disturbed by the thought of Oniboro being able to reach even this bizarre place. He notices the picture of the ogre woman and the soldier, and seems to recognize them somewhat.

"Is this...?"

He looks back at the picture of the two in manacles,

"...I guess these are the winners... Yakumo Yukari..."

2010-11-23, 10:56 AM
If these are the winners, I shudder to think what happens to those who lose this strange game.

2010-11-24, 09:27 AM
Konig looks back and forth between Kasha and the last painting as the oni stares. Hmm, he muses silently, turned into an ogre...or perhaps an oni? Coming up the hall to Kasha, the man closes his diary and places a hand on the oni's shoulder. "These faces seem familiar to you, my masked friend. Sometimes, sharing memories can relieve pain or conjure pleasure. Tell me, how do you know those in that painting?"

[roll0] Diplomacy

Chained Birds
2010-11-24, 10:02 AM
Kasha looks back at the pale man,

“Are you trying to pick a fight? Regardless, I do know these people to a certain degree.
All the pictures up to this point have been about the Elementalist Four, the second-to-last picture holds the Chained Brothers, and the last one… is…
Well I guess I don’t really know her all too well…”

He rubs the back of his head, and chuckles slightly,
Konig's sense motive: [roll0]
Konig finds truth in what Kasha says, up to the point about the last painting. Kasha could either be lying, or he really doesn't know who's in the picture due to the creature's failure with names.
“…Maybe it’ll be best for us to leave this place. I’ve never been the artsy type anyway…”

2010-11-24, 10:15 AM
Konig wonders to himself how two brothers in chains could be considered "winners." The afterlife was certainly turning out to be a strange place indeed. Remembering something, he begins to deliver an impassioned (yet gentle) speech to Kasha.

"You mentioned your greater grandparent when looking at the Chained Brothers. Is she the woman in the last picture? The painting certainly made her seem beautiful and charismatic, like only the best soul binders. Tell me, does she have some connection to the men in chains? Please, tell us what you know of them. And the woman, even if you don't know her well--any details you can provide may help us.

I recall that you said something about being the key to present glory. There's a sign in here that reads Past to Present, making me think that whatever secrets this room has stowed away can only be unlocked by you, the Key. You mentioned mistakes in your past? Well, they're at the other end of the hall now. This is your present just as much as ours, and you can still decide your fate from here. Choose present glory. Not only may you still find your swords, but your name may live in legacy like Yakumo Yukari. So, friend, what say you? Will you assist us?"

[roll0] Diplomacy

Chained Birds
2010-11-24, 01:06 PM
“I grow tired of this place… I don’t feel like answering any questions now…
I’m going out of this hallway and into what awaits me.”

Kasha proceeds to ignore Konig and wanders to the door at the end of the hallway, which wasn’t really that far away considering everyone was at the last painting. He looks at the door and then sniffs the air. Almost immediately after sniffing the air, he opens the door and runs through it.

2010-11-24, 01:13 PM
Kasha, wait! Throwing caution to wind, and throwing the paining on the floor, Miralen runs after the Oni.

2010-11-24, 03:13 PM
Konig sighs and follows.

2010-11-25, 01:17 AM
"Ugh! Physical activity!" Pious exclaims as he breaks off in a sprint after Miralen and Kasha. He turns back and shouts, "Something's up, if the ogre is running off, we should too!"

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 10:42 AM
The majority, if not all of the group, follow Kasha through the doorway after witnessing his sudden haste. They arrive in a very lavished and decorated room with Kasha attempting to do something in the corner. Due to his size, the Oni’s actions are uncertain, but it appears he is trying to lift something with all the force he can muster.
This room is 50ft long by 30ft wide, with a 30ft ceiling. There appears to be four chests within the room and a beautiful ornate door that leads further through this place. One chest is far larger than the others, but all of the chests have some engraving on them that is hard to tell without being directly in front of them.
Kasha still labors at his task,

“…Ooopen up… you stu..pid thing… GRRR!”

2010-11-25, 10:49 AM
Miralen approaches Kasha and places a hand on his shoulder.

Please stop. We need to calm down and work together if we are to make it out of this place.

Diplomacy [roll0] <--- Little did she know that touching is frowned upon in the Oni society
Spot [roll1] if applicable

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 12:16 PM
She notices Kasha is trying to open a large chest with his bare hands. She tries to speak to him, but her words don't seem to reach him.

On a side note: she can see something writen on the chest, but can't make it out with a large Oni blocking her line-of-sight.

2010-11-25, 12:29 PM
Oh well, I just hope he doesn't break anything irrevocably.

Having failed to calm the big fellow, Miralen retreats from the Oni and examines at the other chests.

Search [roll0], Spot [roll1] if applicable

Another riddle for his enjoyment, I presume?

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 02:41 PM
The chests all have a messages etched into them. They surround the room evenly, with the larger chest parallel to the one Kasha was trying to open.

You do come across a chest that reads,

"Miralen, second-born child of Baron Temurlan and Olivia."

2010-11-25, 10:44 PM
Pious sees the chests and coos in delight, "Ooo treasure and shinies!". He begins looking at the inscriptions on all the chests.

He sees Kasha trying to open a particular chest. He speaks to the ogre.

"Hey I'm pretty handy with getting chests open. Need help?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 11:45 PM
“Little busy here little guy… I believe there is a chest over there...with...your...name on it.”

He points through his grunts at the closest medium sized chest. Upon inspection, it really does have Pious’s name etched into it. “Pious Percy”

2010-11-25, 11:48 PM
Brek watches the Oni's flight from the room with consternation. Everyone here seemed to know more than him, which he was used to, but normally it wasn't a life or death situation. Each further room added more questions, and each question simply added to his frustration and anger.

"I'm getting sick and tired of this place."

Following the others into the next room, he hears the Oni direct Percy towards and chest and looks too see if one of the chests has his name on it.

2010-11-25, 11:57 PM
Upon seeing her name on one of the chests, Miralen pounces on it like a tigress. She grabs the lid and tries to remove it with all her might. As she heaves and grunts, she realizes she probably looks just like Kasha right now, but she doesn't care. She just wants to cling to something familiar.

Strength check [roll0]
if applicable, Search to find any latch or opening mechanism [roll1]

Chained Birds
2010-11-26, 01:18 AM
She opens it up effortlessly and finds...
*Da da da DA!*
All the equipment she had before waking up in this horrible place.

Brek finds that the larger chest, similar in size to Kasha's, is the one that holds his name. "Brek, Half-Ogre Barbarian"

2010-11-26, 01:23 AM
Without even attempting to open it, Brek screams and slams his fists on the chest, "Give me my axe!"

Strength check to break the chest - [roll0]

2010-11-26, 03:29 AM
"Tsk," Pious tut-tutted at the one and a half ogres before opening his own chest.

2010-11-26, 07:30 AM
Konig quietly scans the room, looking for a chest with his name on it. "Rewards for the dead in beginning their afterlife, eh?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-26, 10:51 AM
The chest surprisingly opens to his act of brute force revealing...
*Da da da DA!*
All the equipment she had before waking up in this horrible place.

Pious...(OOC: I'm not certain what tut-tutted means but I'll assume you either try to open the chest, or examine it further)
In case he meant open...
The chest with the name Pious opens to his small jesture of strength and inside...
*Da da da DA!*
All the equipment she had before waking up in this horrible place.
In case he meant search...
He finds nothing out of the ordinary with the chests except for the engravings.

Konig does find a chest with his name on it. It is the only chest that is not occupied by anyone, "Konig der Totten"

2010-11-26, 01:26 PM
Miralen lovingly lays out her ancestral weapons and armor by the chest. Their presence does wonders to make her feel better. She quickly examines her pouch, muttering, a bullseye, a little dust from a grave, yes, it's all there..

She takes a look around to see everyone else busy with their chests and gear. She really wants to don her gear, but the room suddenly seems awfully small and public. With a sigh, she drags her belongings into the previous corridor, to seek some privacy there. As she dresses up, she can swear she can feel the Elementalist Four portraits gazes, making on her skin crawl.

Not feeling all too comfortable about it, Miralen dresses up as quickly as possible and rejoins the group.

2010-11-27, 12:21 AM
Konig quietly opens his trunk, searching for an old locket containing sketches of him and his wife.

2010-11-27, 12:03 PM
Pious happily straps on his armor and looks through his backpack for any missing items. Finding none gone, he closes his eyes, saying a short prayer of thanks and for further guidance from Oghma.

He moves up to the Oni's chest and tries to see whose name is engraved on the chest.

Spot [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 01:21 PM
After doning his armor and items, Pious wanders over to Kasha's chest wondering what the name might be on the chest.
Its reads "Kasha"

Kasha slumps to the floor,

"I *pant* guess... I really can't get my stuff back *pant*.
I wish I had something I could use as a weapon though; anything... *pant* Even if it was only a small blunt object like a bed post or something of a simiar nature..."

He rests on the ground for a moment, then looks back at the rest of the group.

"Well, at least you guys got your stuff back... where did the girl go?"

2010-11-27, 05:08 PM
Brek immediately grabs his belongings out of the chest and holds them close to his breast. Leaning the haft of his axe against his leg, he begins donning his breastplate and cloak.

As he finishes the last clasp of his armor, he hefts his axe and leans it back over one shoulder.

"Seeing that she was in a nightgown earlier, I'd assume she is changing into clothing and didn't want to have four men watching her," he says matter of factly, then noticing that the Oni's chest is still closed, "Would you like me to try to break into your chest for you, Kasha?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 05:57 PM
"Please, that was my first response... This thing is probally made of magic or something. The only way for me to open this thing might be to change my name to Kasha or something..."

He gets up, and sulks for a moment,

"...I guess I'll use my remaining Hspirit for a heal. I was hoping to save it for a different time though."

A powerful darkness envelopes Kasha's hand as a small sphere of light emerges. The light glows of a violet color before fading away into the Oni's hand.

Kasha looks very refreshed with hardly a scratch or bruise on him. He cracks his hands and neck a few times in relief while performing stretching exercises.

"That feels alot better!"

2010-11-27, 06:59 PM
Brek nods and starts to move for Kasha's chest, but stops as the Oni heals himself.

Looking to Pious, he asks, "How come he can do that, but your spell made you fall to the ground?"

Shrugging, Brek lines up his axe and smashes at the edge of the chest's top with all his might.

Trying to break the top without breaking anything inside by keeping to the side of the top.

Power Attack Damage - [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 08:19 PM
Make a will save

2010-11-27, 08:26 PM
oocThat is, of course, Brek's strong suit.


Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 08:38 PM
Brek attempts to skillfully shatter the chest, but realizes he is now facing the opposite direction. His strong blow almost hits Kasha's back, but is stops just short of cleaving him.

"Hmm, was there a breeze going through here? I wonder where that wind came from?"

2010-11-28, 12:31 AM
*Curiosity Sense Tingling*

Pious perks up from her reverie on the Oni's demonstration.

He goes up to the ogre "Pray tell, good sir, what exactly is this 'Hspirit' you mentioned and why does it allow you to use magic without penalty?"

2010-11-28, 11:32 AM
Looking between his axe, the chest, and the Oni, Brek lets out a grunt of disgust and kicks at the chest in annoyance.

"I hate mages!"

Chained Birds
2010-11-28, 11:39 AM
He looks at Pious in surprise,

"Eh? I thought everyone knew about using spirits. But I guess that information is usually kept between Oni and shamans.
I don't know how to explain how it works, but it is sort of like a bond between a wandering or captured spirit, and the one capable of using them. The spirits are pretty random with what they can do, but people are able to identify their powers.
And as for why I was able to use the spirit in this room... I just felt like it. I guess we are either no longer in that realm, or it just doesn't regester using spirits as casting spells. I only had one left anyway, and they are very troublesome to find... Do you want one?"

2010-11-28, 01:32 PM
Miralen returns into the room from the corridor, looking entirely changed. She's clad in a breastplate, a huge sword is strapped to her hip and a bow slung over her shoulder. A grey cloak hangs from her shoulders, with a silver clasp bearing her barony's coat of arms.

The the nightgown have been hastily shoved into her bulging backpack. She's not sure what to do with the bedpost, tying it above the backpack for now.

I see we've all got our equipment. I wonder ... I wonder, if our host chose to return it to us now, does this mean he expect us to need it?

Looking further at Kasha, she notices his case is still closed. Need any help?

Chained Birds
2010-11-28, 02:49 PM
As soon as Miralen walks through the doorframe into the chest room, Kasha looks at her in a strange way.

"Hmm... there is something I've been trying to pinpoint about you... I sensed it for a while, but now its gone. Its like it was put away after you put on your armor..."

He looks around Miralen's body and his eyes drift to her backpack. He looks at the bedpost with a gleam in his eye.

"...Can I, can I have this?"

He points to the bedpost.

(OOC: It might seem like he is dodging around all over the place, because he is. And I bet you guys can tell why he ignores others to talk to Miralen by now.)

2010-11-28, 02:54 PM
I assure you I'm the same Miralen, only better prepared to deal with whatever lies ahead.

Wearing her ancestral arms and her lucky cloak, Miralen doesn't feel as attached to the bedpost as she used to.

Sure, you can have it.

Chained Birds
2010-11-28, 03:42 PM
Kasha yoinks the bedpost from the backpack with surprising skill. He looks at it for quite some time before wavying his hands around with a spellcaster's finesse. He immediately sits in a cross-legged position in the center of the room while humming.
The bed post starts to float into the air along with the broken chains from the Oni’s manacles.

Make a will save

Chained Birds
2010-11-28, 04:31 PM
She felt like her body was being caressed by a strange force, but doesn’t receive any negative effects from it. She is confused about everything that is happening in front of her, and is unable to identify if Kasha's actions are for a spell, or just some battle ritual.

The improvised club floats alongside the chains and a brilliant violet flash comes from the items. The blinding light soon fades as the groups’ eyes adjust. There now appears to be a massive club, studded with blunt spikes, and made of obsidian steel. The chains from Kasha’s manacles seem somewhat repaired and attached to the appearing weapon. Kasha wields the object with a big smile across his face.

2010-11-29, 11:42 PM
"Wow wow wow! That was peachy keen! Kasha, could you show me how to do that? Is it this 'Hspirit' you were talking about?" Pious bounces around eagerly, his thirst for knowledge, ravening.

2010-11-29, 11:52 PM
Having finished venting his frustration about mages, Brek turns to Kasha.

"Sorry, I didn't seem to have any luck with it."

Then hearing that the others are discussing magic, Brek lets out a snort of derision and goes to look at the ornate door leading out of the room.

Not trained, but I might as well look at it.

Spot - [roll0]
Search - [roll1]

Edit - Yeah, Brek's probably not even sure there is a door there apparently.

2010-11-30, 12:01 AM
Miralen eyeballs the Oni intently, hands on hips. She felt something.
Kasha, what was that? What did you just try to do to me?

If he answers, Sense Motive [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-11-30, 12:15 AM

Kasha oddly addresses Pious first,

"It wasn't really a Hspirit, but it is something special. When we get to a more spacious room I'd show you some of the basics.

Oh, Miralen... I could of sworn the chances were only 5% of that happening. This item must have had some real attachment to you. It must of tried to hang onto to you for a little while longer, but I guess it failed and I took control of it. No hard feelings, right...?"

Kasha starts wandering over to Brek's location and begins to examine the door with him. Brek appears to be very confused and almost questioning the exist of the door right in front of his eyes. Kasha, however, doesn't appear to be doing much; it would appear he walked over there just to get away from Miralen.

She believes Kasha is telling the truth. Even if what he says sounds wierd.

2010-11-30, 12:25 AM
Miralen shrugs. She's interested in the door, but sees it prudent to give the Oni some space. A demon that can do percentages, go figure. None of her brothers ever managed to get percentages. Idly, she takes a gander over the room for other notable things other than the door and the chests. She's not expecting much success.

Spot [roll0]

I wanted to ask you, she finally turns to Pious and Konig, have you any combat experience? Whoever returned our gear, is unlikely to have done so out of the kindness of his heart.

2010-11-30, 01:35 AM
Pious nods eagerly, "Yes do show me soon. It does look fun."

Seeing Miralen search the room, he does a quick search around the room himself

Search [roll0]

Turning to Miralen, he says, "Combat I'm not so good at but I can shoot a bow fine."

Chained Birds
2010-11-30, 01:07 PM
He unfortunately does not notice anything out of the ordinary in this room. There are four opened chests, and the unopened one sits mockingly on the far left corner of the room.
He does however notice a small dragonfly on Konig's back.

She notices that the room is a room... it has an unopened door and an opened door. There is a half-ogre, an Oni, and two other humans in the room as well...

2010-11-30, 05:09 PM
Konig watches Kasha's ritual with rapt attention, scribbling notes in his diary without even glancing down at the page. Once the oni is done speaking with the others, the mad scientist gets his attention.

"That was fascinating! Tell me, have you conducted many experiments in this field of soul binding? I was hoping we may be able to exchange notes--I feel some of my scientific forays may be of assistance to you, and I find your field simply scintillating..." the aging man continues to ramble, barely leaving room for Kasha to respond.

Chained Birds
2010-11-30, 06:39 PM
Kasha ignores him due to the number of questions and perhaps the stress brought by the performing the ritual.
Or he doesn't really like Konig in comparison to the others.

2010-11-30, 10:52 PM
"What in the world is ... that?" Pious points to a small insect he spotted on Konig's back. "Don't move Konig, I'll smite the invetebrate."

He moves forward, hand raised, ready to pulp the dragonfly.

2010-12-01, 01:15 PM
"If you say so, Percival," Konig titters, "but be sure to maintain the carcass. It would behoove us to conduct some preliminary experiments, no matter how primitive."

2010-12-01, 01:56 PM
Miralen allows her head to slump, but only momentarily. She took her share of idle strolling, now time for action. Nothing interesting in this room other than moving forward, it seems. Brek, Kasha, any luck with the door?

Chained Birds
2010-12-01, 04:16 PM
"Eh... Oh, it's open."

Kasha pushes the door slightly as it creaks into a new area. The place looks quite large in comparison to room everyone's currently in.

2010-12-01, 11:13 PM
Pious is pleased Konig addressed him by his full surname. Nevertheless, he attempts to smack the dragonfly on his back.

Attack roll

Chained Birds
2010-12-02, 03:36 PM
He smacks at the bug but manages to hit Konig in the back.
The dragonfly floats onto Konig's shoulder unharmed.

2010-12-02, 04:00 PM
Miralen disapproves of this folly. Found a fine time to play games indeed.

Hand on the hilt, she follows Brek and Kasha into the next room. This, assuming of course they do enter the next room, rather than just stand in the doorway. If they do nothing but stand there, she will politely but firmly ask them to move and squeeze between them.

2010-12-02, 05:39 PM
Konig looks confused as he follows the others. "Games? Hardly! I'm collecting willing subjects for future experimentation. Quite handy for determining the exact specifications of the realm in which we find ourselves denizens."

Chained Birds
2010-12-02, 11:52 PM
The group enters into the largest room yet. It is well illuminated with several lanterns surrounding the room. A few doors are found around the sides of the room, but those seem as uninteresting as the other doors they have encountered. A gust of wind shoots from their left with a powerful, but not deafening sound, which whisks the small dragonfly through the air. The wind seems to be coming from a vent that open and closes periodically after a brief visual investigation. The wind isn’t too strong, just enough to toss a light object, or creature, through the air.
The bug is helpless as it is floats to another vent on the opposite side, which shoots it to another side of the room in a strange formation that loops it back towards the entrance. The vents all pause momentarily when this happens, leaving the dragonfly ample time to fly to Konig’s shoulder-roost.
In the center of the room is a large alter-like object surrounded by four pillars. There is a heavy layer of dust on the flour which kicks up once stepped upon; there also appears to be some shiny objects scattered along the ground.

Here is a map: You're all coming in from the right-most door

2010-12-03, 11:26 AM
Miralen takes a few steps into the room and kneels to pick up one of the shiny objects and examine it.

If any Knowledge skill applies, [roll0] + ??

Chained Birds
2010-12-03, 01:32 PM
She picks up the shining item with no problem. It appears to be a small, metal disk with a series of blades surrounding its rim. There is a hole piecing through it to, from what she can guess with her knowledge of weaponry, allow the wielder to hold the item with their hands or fingers. This item is fairly unfamiliar to her, so she would only have a vague idea on how to hold it properly, or even throw it.

2010-12-03, 01:41 PM
Tread carefully, this could be a trap. I suspect this thing in the middle of the room can shoot those disks.

Without moving further, Miralen examines the altar and walls, floor, ceiling - are there any slits that match the size of the disks? Also, does the disk look dented or scratched as if it was hurled and struck a wall?

[roll0] Spot

Chained Birds
2010-12-03, 02:01 PM
She carefully looks around the room for slits, but only finds the opening-and-closing vents. She does notice that the pillars in the center of the room have a protrusion on their side facing the altar. The protrusion even has a handle so as to open it with great ease if one should try.

Note:The pillars are within the Altar’s space

2010-12-07, 01:28 AM
"Those discs could pose a problem. Maybe the wind grows stronger and then those discs go spinning around, slicing us to bits? I'll go gather them up." Pious starts to gather all the discs and stow them away.

Chained Birds
2010-12-07, 02:23 PM
He finds [roll0] undamaged discs and [roll1] damaged (unusable) discs. They are scattered all around the room, but Pious is a little surprised he didn't activate any traps throughout his gathering.
The last disc he finds is fairly close to the alter, where an inscripture is visable to him. He may choose to read the inscription, but it appears in a strange language.

"E Hriiy twr laa, lxj awws jwuoluj yw wru vlyyai. twr glbi yix zexryik."

- [01] Disc (1d2 slashing damage/ thrown for 10ft/ 1lb) Pious is not proficient with this item.

2010-12-07, 04:54 PM
Miralen enters the room, walking around the altar and giving it and the doors a cursory examination, waving off annoying bursts of air that threaten to mess up her hair.

[roll0] Spot

Suddenly the turns around on her heels, as if having remembered something.

Kasha, this Elementalist ... what's his element of choice?

Chained Birds
2010-12-07, 05:15 PM
"Eh...? Let me remember..."

Kasha crosses his arms whilst pondering,

"Let's see... I believe he was called "The Elementalist of Eternal Freedom," but I'm not really positive what element he is... I just know that the Elementalist of Earth was a female..."

The doors have no writing on them; they appear as basic as the other doors she has travelled through. Besides the numerous doors and vents around the room, she too notices the inscription on the alter.

"E Hriiy twr laa, lxj awws jwuoluj yw wru vlyyai. twr glbi yix zexryik."

The alter is fairly mundane, with no symbols she can remember off the top of her head. It looks like a three white, cube stones stacked on top of one another in a pyramid formation. There is a small stone in the center of the top-most stone, but it appears the same as the others. The four pillars, described earlier, surround the alter.

2010-12-07, 05:27 PM
Miralen places her fingers in a pyramid shape under her chin as she paces around the altar.

Freedom. Sounds like fire, but can't be sure. Did you all see these letters here? I think he's trying to tell us something. Another riddle of sorts.

Miralen's eyes wander, as her mind fills with images of letters dancing around, one replacing another, sometimes falling into words, sometimes breaking apart.

2010-12-07, 06:01 PM
Konig's ears perk up at the mention of another riddle. "Eh? Let's have a see, there. A simple cryptogram, perhaps? The only one-letter words are 'I' or 'A,' so E must stand for one of those. Allow me a little time to work out the figures."

Konig begins scratching notes in his diary, furiously intent.

2010-12-07, 10:07 PM
Pious looks at the inscription, perplexed. He tries to rack his brains if he has come across this

Ok decryption is not my idea of fun but w/e. Rolling knowledge checks for clues.

Know (Arcana) [roll0]
Know (The Planes) [roll1]
Know (Dungeon) [roll2]
Know (local) [roll3]
Know (Nature) [roll4]
Intelligence Check [roll5] <- whoppeedoo natural 20. throw us a frickin' bone

Chained Birds
2010-12-07, 10:38 PM
He understands it is a language he is not familiar with. If only he had the ability to comprehend languages...

(OOC: Big enough bone for ya)

2010-12-07, 11:28 PM
Konig's ears perk up at the mention of another riddle. "Eh? Let's have a see, there. A simple cryptogram, perhaps? The only one-letter words are 'I' or 'A,' so E must stand for one of those. Allow me a little time to work out the figures."

Konig begins scratching notes in his diary, furiously intent.

At Konig's comment, Miralen adds, and "w" must be either "e" or "o", otherwise awws makes no sense.

Then, the letter dancing in front of her eyes transform into an image. She's a little girl now, and is sitting in her room, reading a book. Her father is there, boots, moustache and all. He's angry at her for some reason, which is unusual. Why is her father angry? The sounds of a party come from downstairs. They have company for dinner. Miralen doesn't care, she just wants to read her book, but her father wants her to ... what is it that he wants?

He's trying to say something, Miralen, you must come down and ... and what? Letters dance around his head. Whatever it is he wants her to do, must be very important. Come down and ... do what!? Five letters, three different, two identical, involved in an elaborate dance. He wants her to ... gloom, preen, green, greed, floor, bloom ... she listens again, focusing only on her father, trying to drown out the party noises.

Miralen, you must come down and greet our guests!

Thank you, father! Miralen turns to Konig again. Konig, "E Hriiy" must be "I Greet"!

2010-12-08, 09:38 PM
"Mmmm seems to be more of a different language. Can everyone take a look and see if you recognise the text?"

((Pious knows Celestial, Infernal and Abyssal and does not have comprehend languages prepared, unfortunately))

2010-12-08, 10:03 PM
Sylvan and Draconic for Miralen, if it matters

2010-12-09, 02:34 AM
After doing about five laps around the altar, Miralen stops again.

I wonder if we're still not allowed to use magic.

She tries to cast Ghost Sound, recreating the sounds of a aforementioned party. An odd choice, but for some reason, she believes it will help her think.

Do I feel a need for a Concentration check? [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 10:55 AM
A dim sound of another group enters the room. The slight clanking of armor and whispering banter is drowned by the vent's circulating air.

2010-12-09, 11:24 AM
Don't be alarmed at the noise, 'tis just me.... seems like we can cast spells without hindrance here.

Miralen resumes her pacing, slower now due to the need to juggle both the party noises and the letters in her head.

Now, let's see, twr repeated twice, so must be a common word. Let's see, common three-letter words; could be "the" ... no, can't be "the" if Hriiy really is "greet". Maybe "you", "for" or "and"? Or "all" ... no, not "all", three different letters.

Whom does our host greet? His guests? Us, perhaps? Of course, "I greet you"! twr must mean "you".

She's back in her room now, facing her angry father. What did he want? Oh, right, to go downstairs and greet their guests. She gets up and heads for the closet to change, but her paces are too slow for her father's taste. He leaves the room, uttering one last directive. What does he say? Stupid party noises have outlived their usefulness, and Miralen lets the spell go.

The last four words of the message swirl and change. Her father wants her to stop dragging her feet and get downstairs faster. As he shuts the door behind him, he says ...

twr glbi yix zexryik

No, wait, that doesn't make sense. What does he say?

twr glbi yix zexryik

you ...e te. .i..te.

twr glbi yix zexryik

you have ten minutes

Ten minutes ... we have ten minutes for something.

I greet you ..., ... .oo. ....... to our ......e. You have ten minutes.

2010-12-09, 12:29 PM
"Mmmm I think I got it somewhat cracked. Partial selective letter substitution."

He starts carving on the floor the translation:

E Hriiy twr laa, lxj awws jwuoluj yw wru vlyyai. twr glbi yix zexryik

I greet you all, and looK foRward to our battle. you have ten minutes.

A - L
B - V
C -
D - J
E - I
F - J
G - H
H -
I - E
J - D/F
K - S
L - A
M - Z
N - X
O - W
P -
Q -
R - R
S - K
T - Y
U - R
V - B
W - O
X - N
Y - T
Z - M

"Holy crap ten minutes to fight ... what?!" Pious says in a panic.

2010-12-09, 12:35 PM
I wonder how many of them we have wasted by now. So, freedom. Fire is free. Air is free. Water is free. Sort of. When it's not ice. Earth, not so much. Can't say it helps narrow down the field. Still, a small chance is better than nothing.

Miralen casts yet another spell, this time on herself.

Resist Energy. Going to take a wild guess, [roll0] 1=fire, 2=electricity

She hesitates a bit between the bow and the sword, then regards the vents, and chooses to draw her blade.

Battle stations, everyone.

2010-12-09, 12:52 PM
"Ugh, hate to fight. Maybe there is a way out."

Pious tries the other doors in the room to see if they open.

Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 01:13 PM
He finds that some of the doors are locked, whilst others are.

Not locked
Map: O/P 2; A/B 9

All the others are locked except the door he came from

2010-12-09, 01:19 PM
"You know," Konig gloats as he casts a spell on himself, "a man with nothing to lose is a valuable, if dangerous, ally."

He grins like a madman as he completes his spell.

Cast False Life for [roll0] temp HP.

2010-12-09, 01:52 PM
Pious points to the unlocked doors "Ok I'll fight but if it all goes pear shaped those door are where we can escape through."

He draws his bow and notches an arrow in anticipation

He turns to Kasha. "So while we're waiting, how about this Hspirit business?"

Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 03:16 PM
"Sure thing."

He sits down in a cross-legged position. He signals to Pious to sit down, and waves to anyone else who wants to join it.

"This will take a bit of time to explain... And I suck at explaining things. But I'll give it a try.
The ritual to make a spirit into a managable source of power is long and potentially dangerous. You pretty much make your body a beacon to spirits in the area, and some spirits can be very dangerous to an inexperienced soul-binder. Hmm, well you really don't have to be a soul-binder to make a spirit managable, but it does help if you at least know one so he/she can help you out. But besides the ritual, using a spirit is pretty easy. You don't even have to know about magic or spirits; like drinking a potion. I can help you make a minor Hspirit... but you need a good will to keep dangerous spirits from trying to take control of your body. I believe it'll take around an hour to perform it properly. Afterwards, you can try collecting other spirits that might be more useful... depending on the area..."

He looks around the room

"I don't sense many spirits here... so let's hope for a simple Hspirit."

2010-12-10, 07:42 PM
Kasha, have you been paying attention? Battle, ten minutes? Whatever you intend to do, make haste.

Chained Birds
2010-12-12, 11:09 AM
"Ten minutes? Spirits are not meant to be gathered in such a short amount of time. What's going to happen in ten minutes anyway...?

Kasha gets up realizing there is a time limit for something. He glances over at Pious,

"I think we should leave this discussion for after what happens in this room happens..."

2010-12-12, 07:55 PM
"Yeah sorry I did not know it would take that long. So yes we found a message on yonder altar and it said to prepare for a battle in ten minutes." Pious said with a shrug. "Guess it means we get to fight something somehow, soon."

Chained Birds
2010-12-13, 02:07 PM
A minute or so passes when the rhythmic winds cease. A long pause is followed by a gust of wind coming from each vent simultaneously. The winds curve and sway so they intersect the altar in the center of the room; the force is almost overwhelming for most of the group except Kasha and Brek. The four pillars around the altar open their protrusions to reveal a light-bluish air that infuses with the intersecting winds. A form begins to emerge from the violent winds mixed with the blue tint, as the vents close as swiftly as they opened.
The form of visible gale begins to take a humanoid shape, although far larger than most humans. It appears around fourteen feet tall in a solid standing pose with both arms at either side. It is hard to tell the gender of such a thing, due to the only other characteristic is two oval, blank eyes that stare off into the distance.
It scans the group with a life-less stare, as the final violent winds around its body somewhat solidify to form a bluish fabric similar to robes.

After the brief scan, he takes his right forearm up to his pelvis and bows in a polite manner in the direction where the majority of the group would be located. Afterwards, he simply resumes his previous pose as the rhythmic winds from the vents returns.

I would like everyone to post which square (or squares for Brek due to his size) you are all located in, in the OOC thread.

2010-12-14, 02:38 AM
Pious shouts a quick warning to the rest, "That's an air elemental! It can form a humanoid state to use weapons and aquire certain skills like a wizard's magic, or a rogue's ability to stike at opponent's weak points!"

He thinks to himself I'm so glad I kept all the bleedin' shuriken

Pious readies an action

Ready to shoot the elemental if it comes within 15 ft
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-12-14, 10:01 AM
So ... looking forward to something, by any chance?

Miralen takes a step next to the elemental and gets ready her weapon. She watches him intently for any sudden movements.

Move action: step next to the elemental.
Standard action: ready an attack, [roll0], dmg [roll1] in case the elemental tries anything less than polite.

2010-12-15, 07:42 AM
"Tell me kindly, please, are you one of the Elementalist Four? We do not seek a battle, and if you value your life you should not either."

[roll1] EDIT: Miscounted my bonuses. Add another +8, for a total of 30.

OOC: Ready action to charnel touch if the elemental takes hostile action against me or my allies.


Chained Birds
2010-12-15, 01:32 PM
Everyone gathers to attack the potentially hostile creature; Miralen with her weapon, Pious with his crossbow, and Konig with his channeling-touch. Brek and Kasha stand perplexed on what is going on and slightly uncertain on what they should do, Both ogre-ish characters stand idly by.

Konig calls out to the creature attempting to sway it with his harsh words, but the elemental doesn’t appear to even understand what the necromancer is trying to say. The elemental looks around the room for a second time, as one would if they have recently entered into an unfamiliar room, and lifts an arm into the air. He seems to wave at Miralen, who is closest to him, before abruptly disappearing before her eyes, and the eyes of all around the creature.
As a still silence occurs; broken by a line, which is now quite familiar to the code-breaking group,

“I Greet You All”

A strong gust of wind sweeps past Miralen, very different from the strong winds she as grown accustomed to by now.

1- Elemental
2- Brek
3- Pious
4- Miralen
5- Kasha
6- Konig

2010-12-16, 12:30 AM
Where did you go? Show yourself, coward! Miralen screams, as she pointlessly grasps at the wind.

She stops for a moment and tries to listen, but hears nothing but the pounding of her own heart. She retreats from the altar and hold her sword ready to strike at the creature, should it apprear.

Move action: Listen check (rolled OOC, obviously failed)
Free action: 5' step to M5
Standard action: ready a melee attack should it appear within striking range (+9 attack, 2d6+5 damage)

2010-12-16, 02:51 AM
Pious shifts to a defensive posture. "Oh of all the Oghma damned times, I had to decide not to prepare See Invisibility".


Free: 5 ft step to O8, next to Brek
Std: Cast "Create Water" descending from the ceiling
Spread out over a 20x20 ft area, K-N 5-8, 1/2 gallon per square
See if the elemental displaces the downpour as it rains over the area.
Concentration check, using Cunning Knowledge for boost [roll0]
Move: Drop bow, draw longsword.

Chained Birds
2010-12-16, 09:55 AM
As the majority of the group scrabbles around in vain to search for the creature, Pious caste a deluge of water around the area that seems to be sucked up through a force above Miralen. The elemental briefly appears through his cloak of invisibility in an upside-down hanging positions with his arms outstretched; its large hands almost grasping the Miralen’s head.
The water does seem to catch it by surprise, and with its cover blown, the creature strikes down at the woman with a powerful open-palm thrust at her left shoulder.
Konig channels a powerful energy into the creature, but it seems so slide off its strange body. Kasha carefully approaches the creature, and strikes at it with two horizontal swings from his club, but misses miserably. Brek also advances unto the creature, and has far more luck with his swing as he slices the elemental with a brilliant blow.

recieves 16 bludeoning damage

Brek: deals 22 damage to the air elemental

The elemental is now visible 5ft above Miralen’s square, hovering in place.


2010-12-16, 10:20 AM
There you are, bastard ... now, all I need is one good shot. Strike true, faithful blade!

Miralen swings her blade in a wide arc. As it cuts the air, it becomes enveloped in crackling electric energy.

Swift action: quick-cast True Strike (+20 to next attack, negates miss chance due to concealment)
Standard action: power attack (for 5) channeling Shocking Grasp

Attack [roll0] (includes +20 for true strike and -5 for power attack)
If hits, [roll1] weapon damage, and [roll2] electrical damage
Move action: to be added later

2010-12-20, 12:05 AM
Pious moves to close in with the elemental and swings his sword at it!

Move to ... N6?
Attack [roll0]
Damaged [roll1]

2010-12-20, 09:11 AM
Konig moves toward the whirlwind, muttering all the while. He reaches out again with another charnel touch, striking fear in the air elemental.


Will save DC 19 or be shaken for one minute.

Chained Birds
2010-12-20, 01:49 PM
The blows resound off the elemental with great impact. Electricity and brute force terribly wounds the creature in preparation for Konig's final touch which dissipates the annoying creature before it can do any other actions. The blue mist seems to making an almost inaudible laughing sound, as it drifts into the rapid air current and vanishes from existence.

An unlocking sound can be heard from the door to the southern, far left.

Each member recieves 750exp
Now I know what some of you can do.
Battles will not be as easy as this one from now on. :smallamused:

2010-12-23, 08:39 AM
Konig walks towards the unlocked door. "I do believe that's one for me," he titters as he saunters off.

2010-12-25, 02:54 PM
Wait but a moment for me, please.

Miralen uses an arrowtip to scratch the letters "Hw yw giaa" on the stone floor, then follows Konig.

Chained Birds
2011-01-03, 10:31 PM
The group moves towards the recently unlocked door. But Breck seems hesitant to proceed onward as he checks the altar for anything, resistant to any of words from the others to leave it be. The rest of the group proceeds and leaves the large man behind for now until he is satisfied with his search.
The door is ajar when the first person arrives, and the creak in the doorway allows Konig to perceive into the new room with little resistance. He learns that the room has no new visible exits, but happens to have a pile of shiny ornaments in the back.
The room is still fairly large, about 50ft long and a width about 45ft. The ceiling is around the same height as the previous room, with ample space for a person the size of Kasha to fit through.

“Did anyone else think that battle was fairly tough? I had a hard time hitting that demon, but I guess I’m still not good at using this new weapon…”

Kasha is in the back of the group, slightly depressed at his uselessness on the battlefield.

2011-01-04, 10:41 AM
Yes, it was quite tough. Which reminds me, I seem to have a collarbone protruding though my skin, let me fix that ...

Cure Moderate Wounds [roll0]

Having fixed herself up, Miralen turns back to Kasha.

I'm sure I'd never been able to hit him in a century too if it wasn't for that trick I learned while fighting with the resistance. But overall, I find the following piece of advice from my older brother, Ilmater bless his soul, to be useful - the bigger they are, he used to say, the harder you have to hit. In fact, even if they're small, hit as hard as you can just in case.

Miralen approaches to take a look at the ornaments.

2011-01-04, 11:54 AM
Pious pats Kasha on the back. "Hey don't worry, I'm sure you're better at smashing things we can all actually see!"

He walks up to join Miralen in inspecting the ornaments.

2011-01-04, 12:23 PM
Konig returns to scrawling in his journal, responding absentmindedly to his companions. "It wasn't particularly peculiar, no. I've found if you just reach into a creature and rupture its very essence, it doesn't last long after that."

The shine of the ornaments catches his eye, and he approaches greedily (albeit cautiously). "Probably a trap," he mutters to himself, "a beautifully expensive trap." He moves in closer to inspect the baubles.

Chained Birds
2011-01-04, 01:32 PM
The group find the following among the shinies:
[4] scrolls with a beautiful red and gold binding
[1] crystal vial filled with a emerald colored substance
[1] well-crafted looking cloak
[1] pair of bracers with several minor gems along the wrist portion

he finds a small pouch that seems to jingle with the sound of coins.
he finds a gold medallion with black opal gemstone.Miralen...
she finds a small stick with a fancy silver cobra head at its tip.

Further searching might reveal more to the group, but the majority of the items seem like shiny junk besides the few objects that caught their attention.

2011-01-04, 01:41 PM
Seems like a trinket, but might be useful...

Miralen shares her findings with the rest of the group, then tries to peer through the arcane mists to divine the secrets of the findings.

Detect Magic as spell-like ability, starting examination from the small stick and carrying on to other items. Spellcraft rolls, here goes...

[roll0] stick
[roll1] crystal vial
[roll2] cloak
[roll3] bracers
[roll4] Pious's findings, assuming he shares them
[roll5] Konig's findings, assuming he shares them

And, Read Magic on the scrolls:

Chained Birds
2011-01-04, 02:15 PM
She suddenly feels a little disoriented from the battle and is only able to identify a few items but notices that all of them are in fact magical.
- [1] scroll of spider climb
- [1] scroll of mirror image
- [1] wand of delay poison (?? charges)

2011-01-04, 02:25 PM
Miralen sits on the stone floor, suddenly overcome with fatigue. She points out some items she was able to identify and wipes beads of sweat off her forehead.

Nhhughh... maybe this injury is worse than I thought. Anyway, that's all I was able to divine, if anyone wants to take a stab at it, go ahead.

2011-01-04, 09:42 PM
"I would but I'm out of Detect Magic for the day. I found what looks like a pouch of coins. But you say it is magical? Peachy keen!" Pious reaches into the pouch to inspect its contents.

Chained Birds
2011-01-04, 11:38 PM
He finds COINS! Many, many coins :smallsmile:
- [93] platinum coin pieces

2011-01-04, 11:58 PM
Pious' eyes widen. This is probably the most amount of money he had ever seen all at once. He surreptiously slips the pouch back into his backpack and whispers to Konig and Miralen. "Big fortune here. Keep it quiet though, the ogre might get ideas."

2011-01-05, 10:25 AM
Konig reaches into the pile and pulls out a pendant. The gold chain shimmers like wheat fields in the sun, and a black stone in the middle catches his eye. "How fascinating," he muses, "my Rosemary has one just like this. Would anyone mind terribly if I hold onto this?"

2011-01-05, 10:35 AM
Miralen is still sitting on the floor, hugging her knees. A rhythmic shaking of her head indicates that, no, she doesn't mind.

So, what's this room? Victory spoils, is this all there is to it? Our captor rewards us with some treats and expects us to wag our tails happily?

Not without effort, she stands back up, leaning on her sword.

I would like to continue. I want to meet him and make him regret his generosity.

Chained Birds
2011-01-06, 01:25 AM
Losing interest in the pile of shiny junk, they effortlessly trod out of the room where Kasha is waiting. The group might be unsure why he would not enter the room, but probably because he wanted to keep an eye on Brek… who seems to be missing.

Stating the obvious,

“Um, Brek is gone; I was trying to figure out why before informing you all but… He vanished after hitting the rocks in frustration a minute or so ago… and I do wonder who that person is standing by the rocks?”

Kasha points towards a person examining something on the ground near the altar. He is dressed in blue and white robes with an attractive dark-blue tunic on the outside. His side is turned to the group, but he immediately changes his direction to face them after hearing Kasha’s voice. The man’s face is somewhat shrouded by a metallic bandana and his own light-blue hair. He stands there and waves to the group with a smile in the same fashion the elemental did from before; but this time, the strange person speaks.

“Greetings folks from the other worlds, I hope you aren’t the rush-into-battle-before-asking-questions types.
Oh Kasha! Long time no see. The last time I heard that booming voice of yours was when you were hanging like a chandelier shouting like a horn.”

He chuckles holding both hands cupped around his mouth. Kasha’s puzzled face gives off a look as though he was trying to remember if he knows the blue-garbed person or not.

2011-01-06, 02:15 AM
Pious is immediately on the defensive. He looks to Kasha, "One of your former companions? Maybe a previous entrant who abandoned rather than help you?"

To the stranger, he says, "Greetings. I am Pious Percy. You seem to be knowledgeable about this place. Are you friend or foe?"

2011-01-06, 01:34 PM
Miralen slowly cycles circles around the robed man, weapon at the ready. For reasons difficult to explain, she finds his cheerful disposition suddenly disgusting.

“I hope you aren’t the rush-into-battle-before-asking-questions types.

Worked for us so far.

Chained Birds
2011-01-06, 03:16 PM
"Oh my! Such a defencive approach to an unarmed man. But I do respect you giving me your name, so I'll give you mine in return. The name's Phillip, or Phil for short, and I was one of the people who couldn't make it out of this place. So I reside here and relax with the calming violent winds that rush by."

Kasha still has a puzzled face as he recollects information in the back of his mind... but drawing a blank for some reason.
The blue-ish man acts in a casual manner towards the blades being pointed at him, with little reaction or fear like he's been through similar situations like this hundreds of times.

2011-01-10, 04:35 AM
"Well met, Philip. So ... why the sudden appearance now? And how do you know Kasha?" Pious asks. He is wary but the demeanour of this ...man ... appeals to him.

2011-01-10, 12:46 PM
Konig places a hand on his chin and asks quizzically, "So, you've ceded in your struggle against this place? How fascinating! Tell me sir, would you be willing to answer some more queries?"


Chained Birds
2011-01-10, 01:19 PM
“Oh I and Kasha go back a few months now, isn’t that right buddy?”

Kasha still looks as puzzled as every, or even more so now.

“But before I go answering questions, I’d like to give you two freebies. A little bit of info about the main rooms.
First, there are a few ways to exit each room; an easy way, a hard way, and a secret way. Seeing as you’ve passed the previous room to get here, you must have used one of the following methods. Solving the puzzle is the easy way, trying to blindly destroy the puzzle is the hard way, and using something special to open the door without the puzzle is the secret way.
Second, this room is no different.”

He pauses and looks over the group through his mangled hair. He grins and continues,

“I would like to give you more info, but you’ve got to play a little game with me to get more.”

He doesn’t find any problems with what the man is saying.

2011-01-10, 11:08 PM
Pious groans. "Yet another 'game'? Is this your penance and only ticket out of here, to torment the newcomers?"

2011-01-10, 11:25 PM
By your own description, Miralen muses, leaning on her sword, playing the game would be the easy way out, while slaying you will be the hard way, right? We best keep this in mind if the game proves too hard.

Chained Birds
2011-01-11, 03:31 AM
He smirks at Miralen's response,

"Oh, the game is easy, just a few rounds of what I call the Great Exchange. Its rules are very simple:
- I'll first give a vague description of an object/thing/etc.
- In response, any one of you gives me an item that fits the description.
- In return, I'll give you a similar object back.
- If you cannot give me an item that fits the description, then you recieve nothing from me; but the rounds continue.
I won't tell you how many rounds are in this game, because that would be no fun."

With an even wider smile,

"Any questions before we begin?"

2011-01-12, 12:17 PM
Miralen recalls playing a similar game with her stepmother. They used to call it Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. She nods in agreement. What has she got to lose?

2011-01-12, 01:18 PM
Konig titters, a strange little laugh for a grown man. "Very well," he says, "though I must warn you--I once attempted such an endeavor with the body of a cat and the head of a monkey. The results were unsurprisingly underwhelming."

Chained Birds
2011-01-12, 01:25 PM
He laughs with childish glee,

"Okay! Let's start with an easy one. A coin, that is all."

he reaches out his hand with an open palm.

2011-01-12, 01:51 PM
Miralen hands him a single gold piece, thinking, as much as coins are of little use in this place, I bet he'll hand me a rusted copper back.

Down to 27 gp, in case anyone's keeping tally

Chained Birds
2011-01-12, 03:32 PM
He accepts the shiny,

"Good job! One sec..."

Rummaging through his pant pockets, he pulls out something. He then grabs Miralen's wrist and plants the found item into her hand.

"One coin for a coin. Now it's time for round 2. Something with writing on it."

she recieves [01] red coin.

2011-01-12, 11:21 PM
Pious looks expectantly at Konig. "Perhaps you could scribble something in a page of that notebook of yours, tear it out and pass it over to him?"

2011-01-13, 11:15 AM
"Perhaps you could scribble something in a page of that notebook of yours, tear it out and pass it over to him?"

Konig turns to Percy with a start and snaps at him. "Perhaps you could etch something into your skin and flay it from your bones! This book is a gift for my Petal and I won't be marring it for this boy's game."

2011-01-13, 11:21 AM
Miralen is somewhat amused by the squabble between the two men, and for the first time in a while, a shadow of a smile passes over her lips. Unfortunately, the only written things she has are a few scrolls, taken from a steel box in her castle's cellar, labeled "IN EMERGENCY", and she'll be damned if she will give them up for a silly game.

She shrugs and, unless someone comes up with something else, prepares to concede defeat in this round.

2011-01-13, 01:19 PM
... prepares to concede defeat in this round.

Or maybe not quite yet. Would this suffice? She leads the stranger to a corner of the room, where a few words are scrawled on the floor. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10038577&postcount=206)

Chained Birds
2011-01-14, 02:42 AM
"Eh? This is indeed writing, but as it is on the floor and I know you don't own the floor, I can not except it."

He looks around at the group,

"Do really have nothing that has writing on it?..."

2011-01-14, 04:25 PM
How about this then? Miralen hands him yet another gold coin, this one has the markings Free City of Teziir, year of the Griffon. Hmm, that would be 1312 by Dale reckoning, it's a rather old coin actually. Probably has collectible val ... nevermind, you can have it.

Chained Birds
2011-01-15, 01:11 AM
"A fine tome of writing."

He swipes it from her hands and loots through his pockets yet again. This time he pulls out a rather small partchment. The partchment is made of some sort of rough paper but appears to have some runes on its cover.

"Here is your reward, and I do comend you for using something that I've never seen used before for that particular round."

He laughs for a bit before handing over the paper to Miralen,

"The next might be a tricky one for the bland. A secret."

2011-01-17, 10:26 AM
Konig looks to the ground, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the group. Eventually, he addresses the blue-haired man. "If I've something I mustn't part with, but can show you for but a moment, would that be acceptable?"

Chained Birds
2011-01-17, 11:27 AM
"As long as it is a secret, or information you would never give out about yourself or others, I'd except it. Besides objects, I do love to collect stories and after so long down here, I've gained quite a sutable amount of personal info on people and almost everything else.
If I except your secret as a secret pertaining to this game, then your reward will be any question you can think to ask me. Or, I can attempt to give you a secret of my choosing."

He seems excepting of Konig's proposal, but is slightly hesitant to the idea of not keeping it.

2011-01-20, 11:16 AM
Konig frowns, then leafs silently through the pages of his diary. Turning back to one of the first pages, he hands the book to the blue-haired man. "You must return that as soon as you've read that page," he says somberly. "The consequences of not doing so would be most dire."

Chained Birds
2011-01-20, 11:31 AM
The character reads the book in a very short time. As he reads the pages, his smile seems to grow larger before he hands the book back.

“This is a decent secret to my liking. As part of the exchange, I’ll allow you to select one out of three categories of secrets.
1: A secret about this place.
2: A secret about the ruler of this place.
3: A secret of a miscellaneous nature.
Mr. Notebook person is the one who makes the final decision as he is the one who revealed the secret.”

He rests the back of his head, crossing his arms behind his head, and waits for a response.

2011-01-20, 12:12 PM
Konig snatches back his diary, slamming it shut loudly. "Well," he says, turning to the group, "I think it would behoove us to learn more of this place. Perhaps the secret way to solve the next puzzle?"

Chained Birds
2011-01-20, 07:22 PM
A little surprised,

"Is that your final answer?"

2011-01-21, 10:11 AM
"Well," he says, turning to the group, "I think it would behoove us to learn more of this place. Perhaps the secret way to solve the next puzzle?"

What Miralen would really want is to know more of their captor, of course, but pragmatism prevails. One goal at a time. She nods in agreement with Konig.

Chained Birds
2011-01-21, 01:02 PM
"...well, alright. Here is the secret:
The next puzzle will be within this very room, some time after this game. The winds go in a pattern, so take note of them while you can. Movement is also not limited to the ground when you weigh as much as a feather. The previous challenge has prepared you against the unseen foe, but you will face more than one brute. Lastly, the true enemy is the one who wields a peculiar weapon (at least to you guys) of a great size."

He seems to ponder a bit before continuing,

"The next puzzle is battle oriented, so I revealed the enemy strategy to you as part of my secret. The next round of my game will begin in a moment; I actually have to leave for a bit to check on something. Please, look around the room if you'd like whilest I'm gone, You've got around 10 minutes before I come back."

With that, he floats away and seems to vanish within the rapid air currents above the group's heads.

2011-01-21, 03:31 PM
Miralen sucks on her index finger a bit, feeling very childish and undignified as she does so. She then walks around the room, wet finger raised, trying to get a feel of the wind patterns and, assuming they're more or less constant, map them. Given the recent exchanges, she knows better than ask Konig for a page of his diary, of course.

If there's any time afterwards, she'll also try to figure out the new scroll she got.

Read Magic is 10 min/lvl, hopefully still active from before.
If applicable, Spellcraft [roll0]