View Full Version : Stapler

2010-11-10, 05:24 PM
What this is about:This is a freeform-type game I play with my friend who's not on the forums (yet?). It involves creating a group of wildly dysfunctional characters who are not necessarily particularly effective (not unlike OOTS in this way), and playing as them all while, hopefully, maintaining their own personalities and sometimes their own agendas. The game is more about fun than winning, even more so than many RPGs, and the laws of logic can bend a little for a good joke.
The rest of this post, and the next, detail the happenings of the original game, the example game you could say. If this sounds fun, I'm looking to start another game, on the forums. Here it is. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9774551#post9774551) It's open to about 1-7 players. I will GM unless someone else wants to.

Character Status and Stats:
Ling Sitaki: Riding down the elevator in triumph.An egotistical ninja.
Str: Average
Ag: High
Sp: High
Nin: Lots
Sitakemushroom: Riding down the elevator, resisting the urge to stab Ling.
A dual-lightsaber-wielding mushroom the size of a cat. He is the leader, and the one with a conscience.
Str: average
Ag: amazing
Sp: high
Nin: Equivalent to Yoda
Honda Civic: In a wizard bar, looking for a wizard who is willing to help Seventh.
Mentally unstable (translation: insane). Says little besides "vroom", but can drive anything.
Str: average
Ag: average
Sp: average
Nin: none, except when driving (or piloting)
Seventh Period: In the wizard bar, having accidentally turned himself into a feather.
An incompetent wizard.
Str: low
Ag: meh.
Sp: average
Nin: no.
Stapler: Riding down the elevator, idly thinking about office supplies.
Not even close to sane. Stapler carries around a bag of modified office supplies.
Str: low
Ag: high
Sp: average
Nin: lots, with office supplies.
Modified Office supplies:
Yet to be determined.
Fred: Riding down the escalator, waiting to see what happens next.
Str: high
Ag: average
Sp: average
Nin: not so great
Vlad: Heading back toward the MGC building, to meet up with ithe others.
Invisible, not noticed much. Will do anything to get shiny stuff for his secret stash.
Str: Amazing
Ag: average
Sp: amazing
Nin: Great, but only for shiny things.
Gringotts: N/A
Obsessed with money. Also, doesn't exist.
Str: average
Ag: average
Sp: average
Nin: average

2010-11-10, 05:30 PM
The story so far:
Each sequence of events is spoilered according to which characters are involved.

Our heroes are the company Hero for Hire. They get paid to solve more or less any problem for the buyer, as long as it's the kind of thing that would be fun in an RPG. Their newest mission is to destroy the worldwide corporation MegaGlomeCorp. The setting is generally a mix of any genres you can think of. We know so far that it contains magic and the Hero for Hire warehouse is in a modern-theme city.

Fred, Vlad, Ling, Stapler
Fred and Vlad bluff their way to the top floor of the MGC office across the street, where they try to hack into a random computer they find. Soon, Ling and Stapler join them, each beating up the receptionist to avoid any tricky questions. After 3 incorrect passwords on the computer, it shuts down, announcing "Huggables released."

Vlad slides down the side of the building with the new shiny lamp he found, off to add it to his secret stash.

Fred, Ling, Stapler, 'Mushroom
Suddenly, a pink bear (not a teddy bear, a real, normal pink bear) rips the door off it's hinges and attacks. Stapler hands out staple guns to everyone, though Ling rejects his, claiming he does not need office supplies to fight. The bear is winning until 'Mushroom shows up and decapitates the "Huggable" with his lightsabers.

Seventh Period, Honda Civic
Meanwhile, Seventh tries to teleport to the roof of the MGC building, but ends up a little too far to the left. Falling, he casts "feather fall" and accidentally turns himself into a feather. Honda brings the feather to the nearest wizard bar, hoping to find someone who will unfeather Seventh.

Frizzy Noctile
2010-11-18, 07:19 PM
Hi fizzybobnewt.it is me ya friend from the original game.I'm now on forum