View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP Exhibition: Blue Ghost vs. Shadow Elf

2010-11-10, 10:59 PM
An Archway of the Forbidden One opens in the arena. Plants crawl out of the gateway, wrapping an entire half of the stadium in seconds. A figure steps out of the Archway. And giggles.

Starvald Garden ~40
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
12. Lonefire Blossom
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
17. Botanical Lion
18. Lord Poison
19. Lord Poison
20. Lord Poison
21. Sangan
22. Monster Reborn
23. Dark Hole
24. Miracle Synchro Fusion
25. Miracle Synchro Fusion
26. Miracle Synchro Fusion
27. Dragon’s Mirror
28. Dragon’s Mirror
29. Polinosis
30. Polinosis
31. Burial From the Different Dimension
32. Mirror Force
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Starlight Road
36. Starlight Road
37. Reinforcement for the Army
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Foolish Burial

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Side Deck: 15
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Black Garden
Black Garden
Black Garden
Pulling the Rug
Pulling the Rug
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:03 PM
Blue salutes his opponent cheerfully as he enters the arena. Good morning! Quite a pleasant day for a duel, eh? There hasn't been much happening lately, but I need to keep sharp. Care for a sparring match?


2010-11-10, 11:04 PM
The Gardener giggles. But of course, Sir Ghost! I would be delighted to show you my magic. The plants craft a dueldisk of plant matter, and they equip it to his arm.


2010-11-10, 11:06 PM
Rerolling Inish:

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:07 PM
Rerolling as well: [roll0]

2010-11-10, 11:08 PM
The Gardener giggles. Please, good sir! I insist that you make the first move.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:08 PM
Glad to oblige.


I begin with Solar Recharge (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Recharge), discarding the Lightsworn Spirit Shire to draw two cards and mill two.
Next, I activate Gold Sarcophagus (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gold_Sarcophagus), which will bring to me my beloved Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon) in two turns' time.
I summon Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lyla,_Lightsworn_Sorceress) to my side. Then I set a card and end my turn. Lyla then sends three cards from the top of my deck to the Graveyard.
Hmm, it so happens that one of the cards Lyla milled was Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf,_Lightsworn_Beast), who is summoned to me. Your move, Gardener.


L: Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lyla,_Lightsworn_Sorceress) (1700/200)
W: Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/Wulf,_Lightsworn_Beast) (2100/300)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 3

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
Monster Reincarnation
Judgment Dragon

Face Down:

Beckoning Light


1. Archlord Kristya
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Honest
4. Necro Gardna
5. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
6. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
7. Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
8. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
9. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
10. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
11. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
12. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
13. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
14. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
15. Glow-Up Bulb
16. Charge of the Light Brigade
17. Solar Recharge
18. Solar Recharge
19. Gold Sarcophagus
20. Giant Trunade
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Foolish Burial
23. Monster Reborn
24. Solemn Judgment
25. Royal Decree
26. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:

1x Armory Arm
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
2x Magical Android
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Solar Recharge
Dark Hole
Gold Sarcophagus
Mystical Space Typhoon

Removed from Play:

Judgment Dragon

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:10 PM
Solar Recharge draws:


(Honest, Dark Hole milled)

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:14 PM
Lyla mills:


(Mystical Space Typhoon, Wulf, Celestia)

2010-11-10, 11:17 PM
You play very rapidly, Sir Blue. The Gardener giggles.


I use the Mystical Space Typhoon on your facedown. I play Reinforcement of the Army, bringing me the ever-noble Marauding Captain. He shall be summoned, dragging Rose, Warrior of Revenge, out with him. I tune... come, magic of the First Warren, infuse my Garden! Black Rose Dragon! Wipe the field clean! A dragon appears and is absorbed by the plants, which tear apart Blue's monsters. Now I shall activate the Dragon's Mirror, summoning Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste using Black Rose Dragon and Rose the Warrior! Judge, Jury and Executioner of the world entire! Champion of the First Warren, unleash your fury! Dragon Lance! ((3200 damage. End turn, assuming no counters. EDIT: I'm signing off now, so next turn will have to wait till tomorrow evenin'. Sorry.))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | DK | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
DK = Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste, 3200/2000

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 2
Burial From the Different Dimension
Miracle Fusion

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 4
Dragon's Mirror
Reinforcement for the Army
Marauding Captain

Out of Play: 2
Black Rose Dragon
Rose, Warrior of Revenge

Deck: 33
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
>>. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Marauding Captain
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Lonefire Blossom
10. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
18. Lord Poison
19. Sangan
20. Monster Reborn
21. Dark Hole
>>. Miracle Synchro Fusion
22. Miracle Synchro Fusion
23. Miracle Synchro Fusion
>>. Dragon’s Mirror
24. Dragon’s Mirror
25. Polinosis
26. Polinosis
>>. Burial From the Different Dimension
27. Mirror Force
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Starlight Road
31. Starlight Road
>>. Reinforcement for the Army
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Foolish Burial

Extra Deck: 13
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-10, 11:28 PM
Impressive indeed... but I will not let you have a full victory. In response to your Mystical Space Typhoon, I chain my facedown card, Beckoning Light (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Beckoning_Light)! I discard my hand, which consists of the Lightsworn Paladin Jain, Monster Reincarnation, and Judgment Dragon, and retrieve from the Graveyard Jain and Judgment Dragon, along with Honest. I cannot stop the remainder of your move. Well played.

2010-11-11, 03:33 PM
Ah, Honest. Unfortunate. Nonetheless, this ends my turn. Make your move, Sir Blue. The Gardener giggles.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 03:48 PM
Blue smiles as he draws. And what a move it will be.


He selects a card from his hand, and you can see a golden glow emanating from it the moment before he places it on his Duel Disk.
Shire, Celestial, Lyla, Wulf... All the love and light that's gone before, shine forth again in eternal song! Descend, Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon)!
Music, solemn and joyful, fills the arena as the radiantly glowing Judgment Dragon, imbued with the essence of friendships past, descends upon the field.
I pay 1000 Life Points to activate Judgment Dragon's effect, destroying your Dragon Knight! I shall also summon Jain, Lightsworn Paladin (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Jain,_Lightsworn_Paladin) to the side of Judgment Dragon, and both shall attack directly! ((Total damage: 4800))
And as my turn ends, six more cards are sent from my Deck to the Graveyard. One of them is a second Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf,_Lightsworn_Beast), who is summoned to my field.


W: Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf,_Lightsworn_Beast) (2100/300)
JD: Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon) (3000/2600)
J: Jain, Lightsworn Paladin (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Jain,_Lightsworn_Paladin) (1800/1200)

Life Points: 3800

Hand: 2

Giant Trunade

Face Down:


1. Archlord Kristya
2. Honest
3. Necro Gardna
4. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
5. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
6. Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
7. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
8. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
9. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
10. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
11. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
12. Charge of the Light Brigade
13. Solar Recharge
14. Solar Recharge
15. Gold Sarcophagus
16. Foolish Burial
17. Monster Reborn
18. Solemn Judgment
19. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:

1x Armory Arm
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
2x Magical Android
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Archlord Kristya
Glow-Up Bulb
Solar Recharge
Dark Hole
Gold Sarcophagus
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Beckoning Light
Monster Reincarnation
Royal Decree

Removed from Play:

Judgment Dragon

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 03:56 PM
Jain mills:

(Mystical Space Typhoon, Royal Decree)

Judgment Dragon mills:

(Ryko, Archlord Kristya, Wulf, Glow-Up Bulb)

2010-11-11, 04:03 PM
Ahaha. I see where this is going. The Gardener giggles.


The Gardener giggles. Step 1: Burial from the Different Dimension! Return, Roses Dragon and Warrior! Step 2: Miracle Synchro Fusion! I send the pair away again to bring out... Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste! I shall set a card, and then the Dragon Knight skewers Judgement Dragon for 200 damage.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | DK | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
DK = Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste, 3200/2000

Lifepoints: 3200

Hand: 0

Facedowns: 1
Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 7
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon's Mirror
Reinforcement for the Army
Marauding Captain
Burial From the Different Dimension
Miracle Fusion

Out of Play: 2
Black Rose Dragon
Rose, Warrior of Revenge

Deck: 33
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
>>. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Marauding Captain
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Lonefire Blossom
10. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
18. Lord Poison
19. Sangan
20. Monster Reborn
21. Dark Hole
>>. Miracle Synchro Fusion
22. Miracle Synchro Fusion
23. Miracle Synchro Fusion
>>. Dragon’s Mirror
24. Dragon’s Mirror
25. Polinosis
26. Polinosis
>>. Burial From the Different Dimension
27. Mirror Force
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Starlight Road
30. Starlight Road
>>. Reinforcement for the Army
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Foolish Burial

Extra Deck: 12
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:11 PM
You forgot something, did you not? Honest (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Honest), defend Judgment Dragon!

2010-11-11, 04:19 PM
I had not forgotten, simply hoped you had not remembered. Well played... but now, we shall have at one another a second time. En Garde! The Gardener giggles outrageously.

Hand: [roll0]
Rerolls?: [roll1]

Side Deck Alterations:
-3 Miracle Synchro Fusions
+3 Black Gardens
-2 Dragon's Mirrors
+1 Terraforming
-1 Foolish Burial
-1 Burial From the Different Dimension
+3 Obelisk, the Tormentor
-2 Polinosis
+2 Light-Imprisoning Mirrors

Starvald Garden ~40 (Post-alterations)
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
12. Lonefire Blossom
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
17. Botanical Lion
18. Lord Poison
19. Lord Poison
20. Lord Poison
21. Sangan
22. Monster Reborn
23. Dark Hole
24. Black Garden
25. Black Garden
26. Black Garden
27. Obelisk the Tormentor
28. Obelisk the Tormentor
29. Obelisk the Tormentor
30. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
31. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
32. Mirror Force
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Starlight Road
36. Starlight Road
37. Reinforcement for the Army
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Side Deck: 15
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Black Garden
Black Garden
Black Garden
Pulling the Rug
Pulling the Rug
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:25 PM
Indeed, let's.

Side deck alterations:

-2x Royal Decree

+2x Effect Veiler


2010-11-11, 04:28 PM
This time, I shall not make the error of granting you the first move. Your deck is too fast for that.


I shall set a monster upon the field, and a backrow behind it. The move passes to you. The Gardener giggles.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Lord Poison
Botanical Lion
Obelisk the Tormentor
Dark Hole

Facedowns: 2
Sangan, Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 34
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
12. Lonefire Blossom
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
17. Lord Poison
>>. Lord Poison
18. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
19. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
20. Black Garden
21. Black Garden
22. Black Garden
23. Obelisk the Tormentor
24. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
25. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
26. Mirror Force
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Starlight Road
30. Starlight Road
31. Reinforcement for the Army
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Mystical Space Typhoon
34. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:34 PM
Draw: [roll0]

I summon Ehren, Lightsworn Monk (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ehren,_Lightsworn_Monk). She attacks your monster, and her Stunning Fist ability sends it spinning back to your deck. And I shall end my turn, sending three cards from the top of my deck to the Graveyard.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:36 PM


((Celestial, Necro Gardna, Giant Trunade))

2010-11-11, 04:37 PM
Wait! I have a vested interest in that monster hitting the graveyard. My Light-Imprisoning Mirror should stop your mills and make sure my Sangan gets to the graveyard so I can search something out. Any response?

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:38 PM
Light-Imprisoning Mirror? Very well, I have no response.


E: Ehren, Lightsworn Monk (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ehren,_Lightsworn_Monk) (1600/1000)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 5

Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Judgment Dragon
Effect Veiler
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Archlord Kristya

Face Down:


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Honest
4. Honest
5. Necro Gardna
6. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
7. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
8. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
9. Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
10. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
11. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
12. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
13. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
14. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
15. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
16. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
17. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
18. Glow-Up Bulb
19. Effect Veiler
20. Charge of the Light Brigade
21. Solar Recharge
22. Solar Recharge
23. Solar Recharge
24. Gold Sarcophagus
25. Gold Sarcophagus
26. Giant Trunade
27. Monster Reincarnation
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Foolish Burial
31. Dark Hole
32. Monster Reborn
33. Beckoning Light
34. Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:



Removed from Play:


2010-11-11, 04:41 PM
Yes, its a tool I keep handy for just these situations.

Lonefire Blossom


I set a backrow. I summon the Botanical Lion. My plant consumes your monk for 300 damage, and this ends my turn. Assuming you've no response. The Gardener giggles.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | BL | -- | --
-- | -- | LM | -- | --[/table]
BL = Botanical Lion, 1900/2000
LM = Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Lord Poison
Obelisk the Tormentor
Dark Hole
Lonefire Blossom

Facedowns: 1
Starlight Road

Graveyard: 1

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32 (not renumbered yet)
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
17. Lord Poison
>>. Lord Poison
18. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
19. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
20. Black Garden
21. Black Garden
22. Black Garden
23. Obelisk the Tormentor
24. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
25. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
26. Mirror Force
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Starlight Road
29. Starlight Road
30. Reinforcement for the Army
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 04:48 PM
Such a nuisance.


I Set a monster and a backrow card, and end my turn.


Life Points: 7700

Hand: 5

Judgment Dragon
Effect Veiler
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Archlord Kristya

Face Down:

Shire, Lightsworn Spirit

Monster Reincarnation


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Honest
4. Honest
5. Necro Gardna
6. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
7. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
8. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
9. Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
10. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
11. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
12. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
13. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
14. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
15. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
16. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
17. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
18. Glow-Up Bulb
19. Effect Veiler
20. Charge of the Light Brigade
21. Solar Recharge
22. Solar Recharge
23. Solar Recharge
24. Gold Sarcophagus
25. Gold Sarcophagus
26. Giant Trunade
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Foolish Burial
30. Dark Hole
31. Monster Reborn
32. Beckoning Light
33. Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:


Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

Removed from Play:


2010-11-11, 04:53 PM
Truly, it is. For you! The Gardener giggles at his own witticism.


I summon Lonefire Blossom, who tributes itself to summon a second Botanical Lion. My lions power each other up - one wrecks your facedown, and the other goes direct! 2200 damage, my friend! ((I have a backrow that I forgot to add to my field last turn, sorry))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | BL | BL | --
-- | -- | LM | FD | --[/table]
BL = Botanical Lion, 2200/2000
LM = Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Lord Poison
Obelisk the Tormentor
Dark Hole
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Facedowns: 1
Starlight Road

Graveyard: 2
Lonefire Blossom

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
>>. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
17. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
18. Black Garden
19. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
23. Mirror Force
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Starlight Road
26. Starlight Road
27. Reinforcement for the Army
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 05:00 PM
Draw: [roll0]

Your lion destroyed Shire, Lightsworn Spirit. Well... I'll have to set another monster and end my turn.


Life Points: 5500

Hand: 4

Judgment Dragon
Effect Veiler
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Archlord Kristya

Face Down:

Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid

Monster Reincarnation


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Honest
4. Honest
5. Necro Gardna
6. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
7. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
8. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
9. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
10. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
11. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
12. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
13. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
14. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
15. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
16. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
17. Glow-Up Bulb
18. Effect Veiler
19. Charge of the Light Brigade
20. Solar Recharge
21. Solar Recharge
22. Solar Recharge
23. Gold Sarcophagus
24. Gold Sarcophagus
25. Giant Trunade
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Foolish Burial
29. Dark Hole
30. Monster Reborn
31. Beckoning Light
32. Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:


Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit

Removed from Play:


2010-11-11, 05:03 PM
This match is quite a bit less interesting than our last...


I shall summon the Lord Poison. One lion shall destroy your monster, and Lord Poison shall go direct with the other. Four thousand points of damage, good sir!

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | LP | BL | BL | --
-- | -- | LM | FD | --[/table]
BL = Botanical Lion, 2500/2000
LP = Lord Poison, 1500/1000
LM = Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Lord Poison
Obelisk the Tormentor
Dark Hole
Reinforcement for the Army
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Facedowns: 1
Starlight Road

Graveyard: 2
Lonefire Blossom

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
>>. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
17. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
18. Black Garden
19. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
23. Mirror Force
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Starlight Road
26. Starlight Road
>>. Reinforcement for the Army
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 05:14 PM
It seems the duel is less interesting when I'm losing... maybe that will be remedied in our next.
(Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid destroyed.)


I don't think I can win this round, but why not do something desperate and reckless? I summon Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Garoth,_Lightsworn_Warrior), and have him attack your Botanical Lion. Any response?

2010-11-11, 06:07 PM
The Gardener giggles. No response, but your Lightsworn is just destroyed by Botanical Lion's superior might. What are you playing at?

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 06:10 PM
I was thinking you'd expect an Honest and counter with a trap. Ah well, Garoth loses the battle, cutting me down to 850 Life Points. But it also enables me to summon Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon) to defend me. Your move, Gardener.


JD: Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon) (3000/2600)

Life Points: 850

Hand: 3

Effect Veiler
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Archlord Kristya

Face Down:

Monster Reincarnation


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Honest
4. Honest
5. Necro Gardna
6. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
7. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
8. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
9. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
10. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
11. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
12. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
13. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
14. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
15. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
16. Glow-Up Bulb
17. Effect Veiler
18. Charge of the Light Brigade
19. Solar Recharge
20. Solar Recharge
21. Solar Recharge
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Gold Sarcophagus
24. Giant Trunade
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Foolish Burial
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Beckoning Light
31. Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:


Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

Removed from Play:


2010-11-11, 06:14 PM
I see. Your Dragon is still limited by my delightful Mirror, so he shouldn't pose much trouble.


I play Reinforcement for the Army to bring me Marauding Captain. Then I summon Marauding Captain, whose effect drags out Rose, Warrior of Revenge. They tune for, guess who? Black Rose Dragon! I won't be wiping the field, however. Instead, I invoke my right of priority to remove Lonefire Blossom from the game to drop your Dragon's attack to zero. My monsters attack right through your silly Judgement Dragon for a total of 8900 damage. Overkill, I suppose, but I find it amusing. The Gardener giggles.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | LP | BL | BL | BR
-- | -- | LM | FD | --[/table]
BL = Botanical Lion, 2500/2000
LP = Lord Poison, 1500/1000
BR = Black Rose Dragon, 2400/1800
LM = Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Obelisk the Tormentor
Dark Hole
Reinforcement for the Army
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Facedowns: 1
Starlight Road

Graveyard: 2
Lonefire Blossom

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
>>. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
>>. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
17. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
18. Black Garden
19. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
23. Mirror Force
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Starlight Road
26. Starlight Road
>>. Reinforcement for the Army
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 06:27 PM
((Black Rose Dragon's effect does not work on Attack Position monsters. See third ruling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Black_Rose_Dragon).))

2010-11-11, 07:12 PM
((Okay, here's a turn that's legal:))

Reinforcement for the Army calls Marauding Captain. Dark Hole Cleans the Field. I summon the Captain and Rose with him, and they tune for Black Rose Dragon! My Dragon will crush what's left of your lifepoints, ending our second duel.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 07:15 PM
Well, you got me that time. Last duel decides the winner, eh?

Side deck changes:

-1 Aurkus
-1 Monster Reincarnation
+2 Royal Decree


Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 07:17 PM
This time I shall make the first move.


I start with Solar Recharge (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Recharge), discarding Celestia, Lightsworn Angel.
I activate Gold Sarcophagus (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gold_Sarcophagus), searching out Royal Decree. In two turns, your Light-Imprisoning Mirror will no longer be an issue.
I end my turn by summoning Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Garoth) to the field.


G: Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Garoth) (1850/1300)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 4

Judgment Dragon
Dark Hole
Effect Veiler
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit

Face Down:


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Archlord Kristya
4. Honest
5. Honest
6. Necro Gardna
7. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
8. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
9. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
10. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
11. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
12. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
13. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
14. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
15. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
16. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
17. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
18. Glow-Up Bulb
19. Effect Veiler
20. Charge of the Light Brigade
21. Solar Recharge
22. Solar Recharge
23. Gold Sarcophagus
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Monster Reborn
27. Beckoning Light
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Solar Recharge
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus

Removed from Play:

Royal Decree (2 turns)

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 07:19 PM
Solar Recharge draws:

(Foolish Burial, Giant Trunade)

2010-11-11, 07:29 PM
No point hiding it anymore... you've left the Starvald Garden, Sir Blue. In fact, you've been away from it for a whole game. Welcome... To my Garden of Torment! Ahahahahahahahahaha! Dark brambles are revealed beneath the illusory veneer of the plants around him. Say goodbye to Draco-Equiste... and hello to Obelisk the Tormentor! Ahahaha!

Hand: [roll0]
Rerolls?: [roll1]

Side Deck Alterations:
-1 Bottomless Trap Hole
+1 Foolish Burial

Starvald Garden ~40 (Post-alterations)
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Marauding Captain
11. Lonefire Blossom
12. Lonefire Blossom
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
17. Botanical Lion
18. Lord Poison
19. Lord Poison
20. Lord Poison
21. Sangan
22. Monster Reborn
23. Dark Hole
24. Black Garden
25. Black Garden
26. Black Garden
27. Obelisk the Tormentor
28. Obelisk the Tormentor
29. Obelisk the Tormentor
30. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
31. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
32. Mirror Force
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Foolish Burial
35. Starlight Road
36. Starlight Road
37. Reinforcement for the Army
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Side Deck: 15
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Obelisk the Tormentor
Black Garden
Black Garden
Black Garden
Pulling the Rug
Pulling the Rug
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-11, 07:32 PM
Brambles come out of his cloak and merge with the garden around him. I nall show take ty murn!


I set a monster with a backrow. Ahaha! Hat's tall. More yove.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 4
Marauding Captain
Starlight Road
Black Garden
Mystical Space Typhoon

Facedowns: 2
3: Sangan, Mirror Force

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 34
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
11. Lonefire Blossom
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Botanical Lion
15. Botanical Lion
16. Botanical Lion
17. Lord Poison
18. Lord Poison
19. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
20. Monster Reborn
21. Dark Hole
22. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
23. Black Garden
24. Obelisk the Tormentor
25. Obelisk the Tormentor
26. Obelisk the Tormentor
27. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
28. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Foolish Burial
31. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
32. Reinforcement for the Army
33. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
34. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 07:42 PM
I cannot claim to know what is going on here, but this duel shall proceed. And I shall win.


Steadfast Garoth attacks your monster. I shall wait for a response before continuing.

2010-11-11, 07:58 PM
The monster is... Sangan! Ahahaha! He'll search me a monster.


Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 08:02 PM
Very well. I summon Shire, Lightsworn Spirit (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shire%2C_Lightsworn_Spirit) alongside Garoth and end my turn. Shire then mills two cards, and Garoth does the same.
And Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf) comes to my side.


W: Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf) (2100/300)
G: Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Garoth) (1850/1300)
S: Shire, Lightsworn Spirit (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shire%2C_Lightsworn_Spirit) (700/1400)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 4

Judgment Dragon
Dark Hole
Effect Veiler
Necro Gardna

Face Down:


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Archlord Kristya
4. Honest
5. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
6. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
7. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
8. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
9. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
10. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
11. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
12. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
13. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
14. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
15. Glow-Up Bulb
16. Charge of the Light Brigade
17. Solar Recharge
18. Solar Recharge
19. Gold Sarcophagus
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Monster Reborn
22. Beckoning Light
23. Solemn Judgment
24. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Effect Veiler
Solar Recharge
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus
Mystical Space Typhoon

Removed from Play:

Royal Decree (1 turn)

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 08:03 PM
Shire mills: [roll0][roll1] (Wulf, Mystical Space Typhoon)

Garoth mills: [roll2][roll3] (Honest, Effect Veiler)

2010-11-11, 08:21 PM
Excuse my speech. The power of the Tormentor is... absolute! Ahaha!


Bo tegin - Dark Hole! Ahahaha! Next, I will summon Marauding Captain, who drags out Lonefire Blossom. Lonefire Blossom tributes itself to create a Botanical Lion. My monsters attack you directly for 3100 damage. Then I play... Black Garden! Ahahaha! I am free! I set a pair of backrows, concluding my turn. Tremble, good sir! This is the beginning of the end!

Field Magic: Black Garden
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | MC | BL | --
-- | FD | FD | FD | --[/table]
MC = Marauding Captain, 1200/400
BL = Botanical Lion, 1900/2000

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 0

Facedowns: 3
2: Mystical Space Typhoon
3: Mirror Force
4: Starlight Road

Graveyard: 2
Lonefire Blossom

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 31
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
18. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
19. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
23. Obelisk the Tormentor
24. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
25. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Foolish Burial
28. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
29. Reinforcement for the Army
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 08:36 PM
All right, you asked for it.


My Gold Sarcophagus is opened, and Royal Decree is added to my hand. But that is the least of your worries.
A steely glint appears in Blue's eye, and is mirrored in the card he holds.
Celestia, Garoth, Shire, Wulf! All the love and light that's gone before, shine forth again in eternal song! Descend,Judgment Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon), and purge the sin from this place! I activate Judgment Dragon's effect with priority, paying 1000 Life Points to wipe your field clean!

2010-11-11, 08:46 PM
Not quite! Your Judgement Dragon activates my facedown Starlight Road, which destroys Judgement Dragon, and gives me a dragon of my own - Stadust Dragon! Any responses? The Gardener giggles, seemingly back to his old self while the Black Garden is active.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 08:51 PM
Amazing. I activate Dark Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Hole). Your Stardust Dragon can negate it, but since it was not properly Synchro Summoned, it cannot regenerate itself. I Set a monster and a backrow card, and end my turn.


Life Points: 3900

Hand: 2

Effect Veiler
Solar Recharge

Face Down:

Necro Gardna

Royal Decree


1. Judgment Dragon
2. Archlord Kristya
3. Archlord Kristya
4. Honest
5. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
6. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
7. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
8. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
9. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
10. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
11. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
12. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
13. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
14. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
15. Glow-Up Bulb
16. Charge of the Light Brigade
17. Solar Recharge
18. Gold Sarcophagus
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Monster Reborn
21. Beckoning Light
22. Solemn Judgment
23. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Judgment Dragon
Effect Veiler
Solar Recharge
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Hole

Removed from Play:

2010-11-11, 08:58 PM
Of course Stardust will negate Dark Hole. better to lose just that than all my monsters. It also gives you a Rose Token.


The Gardener giggles. I use my facedown Mystical Space Typhoon on your backrow card. Now! I shall now show you my true power! Rose Token, Marauding Captain, Botanical Lion. Three sacrifices are needed! Three I have! Come, then... Obelisk, the Tormentor!


Obelisk's summons spawns a Rose Token, but he is not affected by Black Garden's halving effect, since that targets. I will then send my Black Garden to the grave to destroy your Rose Tokens and revive my Botanical Lion. My lion shall destroy your facedown, and Obelisk shall attack you directly! FIST OF THE GODS! The Gardener giggles. Does that conclude our friendly little competition?

((4000 damage. End turn.

EDIT: Just realized you had less than 4000 lifepoints :smalltongue:))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | BL | OT | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
BL = Botanical Lion, 1900/2000
OT = Obelisk the Tormentor, 4000/4000

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 0

Facedowns: 1
3: Mirror Force

Graveyard: 2
Lonefire Blossom
Mystical Space Typhoon
Stardust Dragon
Starlight Road
Botanical Lion

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
18. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
19. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
23. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
24. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Foolish Burial
27. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
28. Reinforcement for the Army
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 14
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 09:23 PM
My facedown card was Necro Gardna (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Necro_Gardna), whose ability protects me from Obelisk's attack, buying me a bit more time.

2010-11-11, 09:25 PM
Oh, how unfortunate. I suppose I'll have to wait one turn before finishing this...

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 09:26 PM
Let us see what fate decrees for me...


I activate Solar Recharge (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Recharge), discarding Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter.
Next is Charge of the Light Brigade (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Charge_of_the_Light_Brigade), which mills three more cards and adds a Lightsworn monster to my hand: Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lyla,_Lightsworn_Sorceress)! I summon her and use her ability to destroy your facedown card.
The seed of hope has been planted, and watered with a tear, shall blossom into the flower of true love! Grow up from the grave, Glow-Up Bulb (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Glow-Up_Bulb)!
My little flower shall now transform Lyla. Faith and hope, well up into a fountain of eternal life! Synchro Summon! Magical Android (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Android)!
Magical Android destroys your Botanical Lion. I end my turn, and my Android restores my Life Points by 600.


MA: Magical Android (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Android) (2400/1700)

Life Points: 4500

Hand: 2

Effect Veiler

Face Down:


1. Archlord Kristya
2. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
3. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
4. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
5. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
6. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
7. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
8. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
9. Solar Recharge
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Monster Reborn
12. Beckoning Light
13. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:

1x Armory Arm
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Magical Android
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Judgment Dragon x2
Effect Veiler
Glow-Up Bulb
Archlord Kristya
Solar Recharge x2
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Hole
Royal Decree
Solemn Judgment
Charge of the Light Brigade

Removed from Play:

Necro Gardna

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 09:28 PM
Solar Recharge draws:


Mills: [roll2][roll3] (Lumina, Solemn Judgment)

(BRB, will continue my turn in a while.)

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 09:51 PM
Charge of the Light Brigade mills:

[roll0][roll1][roll2] (Glow-Up Bulb, Judgment Dragon, Archlord Kristya)

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 09:55 PM
Glow-Up Bulb mill: [roll0]

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 10:00 PM
((Turn finished.))

2010-11-11, 10:03 PM
What you hope to do, I cannot fathom. didn't you hear the deal with the "Not Even Death Can Save You From Me" bit?


I set a backrow, and then Obelisk crushes your Magical Android. FIST OF THE GODS!

((I figure you probably have an Honest, but I might as well attack anyway, because either I am losing Obelisk now, or next turn, if that's the case. If not, then 1600 damage.))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | OT | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
OT = Obelisk the Tormentor, 4000/4000

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 0

Facedowns: 1
3: Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 8
Lonefire Blossom
Mystical Space Typhoon
Stardust Dragon
Starlight Road
Botanical Lion
Mirror Force
Black Garden

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
18. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
19. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
23. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
24. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Foolish Burial
26. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
27. Reinforcement for the Army
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 14
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

2010-11-11, 10:04 PM
((Neglected to Draw :smallredface:))


Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 10:08 PM
Death cannot save anyone from anything, but there is a power greater than death, greater than the gods themselves. Go, Honest (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Honest)! Imbue Magical Android to vanquish this evil!

2010-11-11, 10:09 PM
((I hate Honest with a passion.))

An expected but inevitable outcome. Oh well. I have other means of ending this duel. Your move.

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 10:11 PM
((I hate being up against Honest too, but hey, the one in my Kirby deck (http://kirby.wikia.com/wiki/Ribbon) is all levels of cute. :smallbiggrin:))


Magical Android attacks directly! I Set a monster and end my turn, and Android recovers another 600 Life Points for me.


MA: Magical Android (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Android) (2400/1700)

Life Points: 5100

Hand: 1

Effect Veiler

Face Down:

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter


1. Archlord Kristya
2. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
3. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
4. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
5. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
6. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
7. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
8. Solar Recharge
9. Mystical Space Typhoon
10. Monster Reborn
11. Beckoning Light
12. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:

1x Armory Arm
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Magical Android
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Judgment Dragon x2
Effect Veiler
Honest x2
Glow-Up Bulb
Archlord Kristya
Solar Recharge x2
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Hole
Royal Decree
Solemn Judgment
Charge of the Light Brigade

Removed from Play:

Necro Gardna

2010-11-11, 10:16 PM


Pass... The Gardener does not giggle.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 3200

Hand: 1
Starlight Road

Facedowns: 1
3: Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 9
Lonefire Blossom
Mystical Space Typhoon
Stardust Dragon
Starlight Road
Botanical Lion
Mirror Force
Black Garden
Obelisk the Tormentor

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
08. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
18. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
19. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
23. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
24. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Foolish Burial
>>. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
26. Reinforcement for the Army
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 14
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 10:18 PM
Draw: [roll0]

I Flip Summon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ryko), who destroys your facedown card. Then Ryko and Magical Android each attack directly, leaving you with 600 Life Points remaining. Had enough yet?
I end my turn, and gain 600 more Life Points from Android.


MA: Magical Android (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Android) (2400/1700)
R: Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ryko) (200/300)

Life Points: 5700

Hand: 2

Effect Veiler
Archlord Kristya

Face Down:


1. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
2. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
3. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
4. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
5. Solar Recharge
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Monster Reborn
8. Beckoning Light
9. Royal Decree

Extra Deck:

1x Armory Arm
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Magical Android
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit x2
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Judgment Dragon x2
Effect Veiler
Honest x2
Glow-Up Bulb
Archlord Kristya
Solar Recharge x2
Foolish Burial
Giant Trunade
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Hole
Royal Decree
Solemn Judgment
Charge of the Light Brigade
Beckoning Light

Removed from Play:

Necro Gardna

Blue Ghost
2010-11-11, 10:20 PM
Ryko mills: [roll0][roll1][roll2] (Ehren, Beckoning Light, Shire)

2010-11-11, 10:24 PM
Quite enough, yes...

[roll0] ((HEART OF THE CARDS!))

((About three cards in my deck which might've helped me... didn't draw any of them. Oh well. Not bad for a match of Gimmick Gardens vs. Lightsworns :smalltongue:))

Well played, Sir Blue. You've won admirably. I must now bit you adieu - important matters to attend to, you know how it goes. Good night! The Gardener retreats through the Archway, as do his Gardens, and the Archway collapses into rubble.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 600

Hand: 1
Starlight Road

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 10
Lonefire Blossom
Mystical Space Typhoon
Stardust Dragon
Starlight Road
Botanical Lion
Mirror Force
Black Garden
Obelisk the Tormentor
Bottomless Trap Hole

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Twilight Rose Knight
02. Twilight Rose Knight
03. Twilight Rose Knight
04. Debris Dragon
05. Debris Dragon
06. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
07. Rose, Warrior of Revenge
>>. Marauding Captain
>>. Marauding Captain
09. Marauding Captain
10. Lonefire Blossom
>>. Lonefire Blossom
11. Dandylion
12. Dandylion
13. Botanical Lion
14. Botanical Lion
>>. Botanical Lion
15. Lord Poison
16. Lord Poison
17. Lord Poison
>>. Sangan
18. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
19. Black Garden
>>. Black Garden
20. Black Garden
21. Obelisk the Tormentor
>>. Obelisk the Tormentor
22. Obelisk the Tormentor
23. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
24. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
>>. Mirror Force
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Foolish Burial
>>. Starlight Road
>>. Starlight Road
26. Reinforcement for the Army
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Terraforming

Extra Deck: 14
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor