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2010-11-11, 03:21 AM
It is the 41st Millennium...

For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet Even In his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To Be A man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

They came as you rested. Figures cloaked in mist that clouded your thoughts, blurring the lines between consciousness and dreaming. There was no malice or hatred, no mention of an old score. Only quick capture and the promise of grim deeds to come.

Each of you coming from different origins, different worlds, even different sectors but each of you held one thing in come other than your origins within the vastness of the Imperium of Man. You have unique skills. Skills dedicated to the acquistion of knowledge, the elimination of your enemies or even holding the doorway to the unrelenting horrors of the warp. These are skills beyond those held by the masses of humanity and in the grim darkness of the far future, these skills are always in demand.

2010-11-11, 03:25 AM
You each awaken to the sound of grinding metal as it scrapes along the floor, layers of rust having long since remove any hope of the mechanisms working quietly. The cells themselves are small and cramped, one by one meter pockets, with only enough space to sit but not enough to lie comfortably particularly as all your equipment is scattered about your cells. At the very least they are dry and clean despite the integrity of the metal being in question.

The intervening corridor is just as darkly lit as the cells and extends out in one direction where a faint red glow can be seen in the distance. Each of you can hear the others in the darkness but except for that red glow there appears to be little light.

You are rapidly interrupted as the entire room reverberates as if an earthquake was shaking the buildings foundations, if only for a few brief moments before it suddenly stops. You can hear from outside the working of mechanical arms rotating from one position to the next in unison with the room itself is moving. Eventually all is silent again and you are left only with the faint red glow.

2010-11-11, 08:01 AM
Sejanus examines his new surroundings with calm consideration. Although disconcerted at the dramatic expulsion from his rightful place, and the ship gun that had always been his life, he ignores his more human feelings and begins to take stock of what he can do in his current situation. He listens carefully to the more mechanical noises, particularly the noise of the mechanical arms, hoping something will trigger a memory from his years of training in the ways of the machine spirits. He ignores the earthquake-like shake for the moment-as something out of the ordinary it is to be considered only after the ordinary is thoroughly understood.
He also examines his more immediate surroundings. First he checks that all his equipment is indeed present and correctly packed, so that if an exit becomes necessary it can be gathered quickly. He also attaches his trusted flail to the belt of his robes so that it is even more accessible that the rest of his equipment that is a full arms-length away. Next, he checks the walls of his cell itself, trying to determine if it has been weakened by the rust that the fools in charge of this place have allowed to weaken and corrupt the machines all around.
Finally, in order to determine just what types of beings he has at his disposal, he addresses the nearby cells in his typical clicking, harsh tone: "Identify yourselves, one cell at a time beginning with the ones closest to the red light. Speak your name, rank, how you came here, what you know of this place, and what your intentions are. I am Sejanus Mechinanicus, a technographer of the tech-priest order from the cruiser Ignis Ultionis. I am currently a captive in a cell, having been taken from my ship at night and deposited here with my most necessary belongings."

The Commander
2010-11-11, 09:52 AM
Florian awakens suddenly from the nightmare he was having to the sounds of the scraping metal. He often had nightmares, a by-product of his 'gifts', although most were not particularly horrifying to him due his indoctrinated zeal and faith.

He remains still for a moment, taking in the situation as it unfolds, eyeing the cell and his equipment laying around. Quietly, he reaches out and grabs his Laspistol and a charge pack and pulls them close to him, before reaching out a second time and grabbing his sword. He checks his Laspistol and the Exterminator attachement underneath is are in full working order and reloads the weapon if necessary.

Had slavers come to the Veneris? Had they taken him prisoner? Where was Confessor Paltro? All these questions and more buzzed around Florian's head and, with an answer to none of them, he makes a silent prayer to Emperor for protection and makes the sign of the aquila across his chest.

He then attempts to cast his mind and his general awareness out of the cell, to better determine the situation.

Rolling Awareness - Per = 17 (Untrained) vs [roll0]
Rolling Psyniscience - Per = 34 vs [roll1]
Plus or minus any modifiers

Upon hearing a voice identifying itself as Sejanus, Florian replies, confidently (assuming he's next in line of course):

"I am Florian Sectmund, Sanctionite Psyker and assistant to Confessor Paltro on the Imperial Shrine world of Veneris. Like you, dear Tech-Priest, I appear to be a captive in a small cell, along with my equipment; with no knowledge of how I got here. I believe I was attacked and captured in my sleep; although by whom and for what purpose I can only fathom... As for my intentions, I intend to remain here in this cell until I better understand what we are dealing with, servant of the Omnissiah. Unless you have a better suggestion, of course?"

Lycan 01
2010-11-11, 04:30 PM
"Frak!" a voice suddenly yelps from one of the cells. "Frak! A cell? Frak! What happened this time?"

Inside the cell, a somewhat dishelven Adept was awaking from his slumber. Ever the light sleeper, the dark haired scholar could nap almost anywhere no matter how uncomfortable, though he often woke up with a crick in his neck. Shaking himself awake, he staggers to his feet, his loose crimson Administratum robes stained in some places with rust and grime. With a stiffled yawn, the dark-eyed Archivist looks around the cell, and notices his items strewn about the floor. "Frak, did somebody go through my stuff?" he grumbles in annoyance. He then begins to pick up his personal effects, searching to make sure everything was still there, checking his Dataslate to see if it still worked, and looking for loose bullets that had likely fallen out of his pockets. As he paces the room recovering his items, he responds to the other people in the surrounding cell, his snide humor and sarcasm quickly becoming apparent.

"My name is Ralix Zamir. I'm an Archivist, which makes me feel great about myself. I have no idea how I got here - my stuck-up aristocratic parents shipped me off the planet since I'm not the perfect little nobleman they expect me to be, and their last attempt at teaching me responsibility backfired... and so has this one, apparently..." he comments off-handedly, shrugging to himself.

"Here's what I know of this place - its small, uncomfortable, and in need of better lighting and decoration..." he remarks. "But in all seriousness, though, I think its a ship. Last thing I remember was being aboard a ship, so it stands to reason that I am now aboard another ship, likely locked up in a holding cell in the brig, and that shuddering earthquake we felt was the vessel exiting the Warp and re-entering realspace. Quite the jarring sensation, I've heard. As for my intentions..." Ralix muses for a moment, before replying: "Well, immediate goals are finding out where I am, why I'm here, et cetera, and then getting some food and other basic human needs. Long term goals... I want to escape from here, go home, throw my parents off a hive spire, take over the family business and do a better job with it than they could have ever done, and then retire to a nice private manor with a personal library and a well-stocked bar. And a harem. A harem would be nice. But mainly just throw my parents off the spire, because if you haven't noticed it by now, I AM FRAKKING PISSED OFF AT THEM RIGHT NOW!! Yep, those are my intentions."

Ralix lets out a sigh, somewhat relaxed after having a chance to vent his frustrations and keep himself from panicking. He was trapped. He was trapped, and there was not telling where this situation would lead him. He'd kept himself relatively calm, but the situation still seemed quite dim. He lets out another sigh, and then half-heartedly gives his cell door a soft kick. "Nice to meet you guys, by the way..."

The Commander
2010-11-11, 07:08 PM
Convinced that he is in no immediate danger from sudden movements by the adjoining cell's commotion, Florian sits up and begins to collect the equipment scattered about the cell. He recites a few Benedictions to make sure all his gear is in full working order and then holsters them somewhere on his person. He keeps his Laspistol in hand.

"Emperor above, there is no need for such language, young Archivist! We may be in quite a predicament, but I am sure the Emperor had a reason for bringing us here." Florian looks down at his ring, the ring used to seal his bond of unity with the Emperor, and caresses it gently in his fingers. "Emperor bless the both of you." Replies Florian to Ralix's pleasantries. I have weapons at least. If we are prisoners, our jailer certainly did not do a good job of frisking us before he locked us in these dank cells. Are any of you injured?"

2010-11-11, 11:16 PM
Wrax jumped to his feet at the sound of screeching metal and promptly bashed his head on the low ceiling of his cell. He crouched down and rubbed his head. He growled as the ground beneath him lurched by the reverberations and his stomach turned. His sword fell from its spot leaning against the wall and landed right between his feet. Seeing his sword brought him out of his confusion. He quickly crouched low and scanned around the dimly lit round, have far less trouble in the low light then the others due to his strange eyes. He quickly realizes that the rest of his belongings are in the cell with him and he picks everything up. He inspects his guns and puts his vest on. When he is satisfied he hears a voice from a neighboring cell. Unsure of if he can trust the speaker he waits until several others respond. After a long pause he speaks up.
In a voice more like a growl he says "My name is Wrax Teries. I know not how I came here. No rank do i hold myself to though some call me Sell-Steal."
He looks out the bars of his cell attempting to discover some truth to his surrounding that are not apparent to the others.

Rolling Awareness - Per = 30 vs [roll0]

2010-11-12, 12:04 AM
Taking in the information about those around him, Sejanus stores it away to affect any future calculations about how to best deal with situations that arise. They all seem relatively useful, so Sejanus decides if it is possible he will keep them alive, until they become a major hindrance at least, and bring them with them, as they are some of the very limited tools he has to work with, and even a wretched conglomerate of motley fleshlings is better than nothing.
In response to the various answers from the fleshlings, Sejanus answers "I have not sustained any damage that is perceptible. I also have among my belongs those which would serve to defend myself, and I agree this indicates either gross negligence, great confidence, or a lack of hostility. I suggest we assume the second until further evidence becomes apparent in order to avoid underestimating the situation. For the time being I suggest we wait and see what those who brought us here intend to do with us, and what they are capable of. Taking any drastic action now would likely lead to a confrontation, and it would be best to avoid that until we are sure of success. Are there any other suggestions?"

Lycan 01
2010-11-12, 12:28 AM
"Anybody tried opening the doors?" Ralix asks, arching an eyebrow. He approaches the door to his cell, and looks it over. As he examines the door for any handles or opening mechanisms, he asks out loud: "Hey Wrax, you say you're a Sell-Steal, eh? Where you from, exactly?" If he was anything like the Sell-Steals he was familiar with, this Wrax fellow might be somebody he could get along with.

2010-11-12, 06:57 AM
Almost as a reaction to Ralix's inspection of the door, the sound of motors can be heard, rapidly engaging across each cell. Several mechanical clicks can be heard across the door as whatever locking mechanisms holding the doors sealed, release.

At the same moment a tiny eletric prick can be felt on your each of your necks, and for the first time you notice a thin metallic band wrapped around your throat. A small, red light bulb glowing along the sides of these collars. They are not in any way restricting of your breathing but it would be difficult to slip anything larger than a knife blade between your skin and the collar.


I wont specificlly say what has related to successful rolls unless people would want me to.

2010-11-12, 03:23 PM
Wrax rubbed his neck where he had felt the prick. It didn't hurt much and since he was still able to breath normally he ignored it.
"I come from Solarus. It is a savage place but one that i call home. Or I suppose I did before I was brought here."
He places his hand on the door to his cell, more looking for a reaction from the collar around his neck then if the door would actually open.
"I am uninjured as well and most of my belongings are among me. I see to be missing my dagger however. It is possible that I lost it whenever I was taken. What place do you call home Ralix."

The Commander
2010-11-13, 12:27 AM
Having been through the horrors of Sanctioning, the electric prick barely registers to Florian. He is, however, a little alarmed at the band wrapped around his neck.

He interrupts Ralix before he has a chance to answer, a sense of urgency in his otherwise composed voice. "Did you feel that? A tiny spark of pain on our necks and the discovery of a metallic band? Mine appears to be glowing red... I believe the door to my cell has also opened..." Florian recounts the sounds of mechanical clicks. "Emperor bless you, Sell-Steel, by the way. I have a feeling we are being used as part of a test... Emperor protect us... What say you, fellows? Shall we greet destiny and leave these cells to confront whatever lies beyond?"

2010-11-13, 10:58 AM
Sejanus begins to assess the new developments in his situation. The prick obviously had something to do with the collar, but until he can examine it more closely there is obviously little he can do about it.
The doors are a far more immidiate concern. It seems completely illogical that even an ignorant fleshling would capture them just to let them free for no obvious reason. Still, these conditions are not condusive to extended survival, so it would be best to leave. Fortunately, he has a number of highly useful tools with which to conduct experiments without putting his own being into danger of destruction. Having reached this decision, he calls out,"My door has also opened. I suggest we not remain here any longer than is necessary. Florian, I believe that we should indeed face our destiny. I suggest you move towards the red light and determine if there is anything to be gathered about our surroundings that will be of use. Wrax, as you are accustomed to a savage world I suggest you take the more adventurous course and look to the other end of this area, away from the light, to determine if there is perhaps a hidden exit somewhere in the dark."

The Commander
2010-11-13, 04:29 PM
Florian mutters a prayer for each of his companions and himself then, keeping his Laspistol close, shuffles to the door and pushes it open cautiously. He then leaves his cell, moving very cautiously and very carefully towards the red light ahead of him; his Laspistol scanning the darkness around him.

If needed, Concealment = 16 (Untrained) vs [roll0]
Silent Move = 16 (Untrained) vs [roll1]

Once he reaches the red light, he checks the surrounding area, trying to see if he can spot anything.

Awareness = 17 (Untrained) vs [roll2]
Or, if Search is needed, Search = 17 (Untrained) vs [roll3]

Lycan 01
2010-11-13, 04:47 PM
Ralix jumps slightly, caught off guard by the shock. He pokes at the collar, then recoils his hand in horror. "Oh frak, what have we here? Is this a shock collar, or a bomb collar? Sejanus, you're a Tech-Priest. Any idea what these things are for?"

Regaining his composure, he approaches the door tentatively. "So Solarus, you say you're from a savage world? I'm from Dagoth Hive on Sotha-Sil. I'm basically the black sheep of an aristocratic family..."

When he reaches the door, he tries to open it. However, he doesn't walk through it once it opens - he waits to see what happens when somebody else leaves their cell first, in case they actually are bomb collars.

2010-11-13, 10:21 PM
Despite the techpriest's best efforts the purpose and function of the collars remain a mystery without access to equipment which would better analyse it.

As Florian exits the cell and proceeds down the short corridor it becomes clear that the red glow is eminating from a large display screen located above a mess of electronic equipment. The screen is covered in one large dark red =][=

2010-11-13, 10:30 PM
Wrax sighed but got up and opened his own door. He turned to see where Florian went and then turns down the way that Sejanus had asked him to go. Using a bit less stealth but alert and ready, he slowly makes his way toward the other area.

Lycan 01
2010-11-13, 10:33 PM
Ralix slowly pokes his head out of his doorway, and watches the other guys move around. He then creeps his way through the door, his right hand in his robe, fingers resting on the handle of his stub revolver holstered under his left armpit. "Spooky..." he mutters, looking around the hallway. He then notices the screen at the end of the corrider, with the strangle symbol glowing on it. "Hm. Anybody know what that means?" he arches a quizical eyebrow.

2010-11-13, 11:17 PM
Supremely pleased at the ease with which he was able to use his new test subjects, Sejanus makes a mental note to keep them alive and usable for as long as possible. Good tools are hard to come come by, and they will be even scarcer now that he is completely out of his element.
In spite of his newfound confidence the fleshlings he has been stuck with, Sejanus is still cautious about wandering around aimlessly in an unknown environment, and is cautious to keep them in front of him in case they run into some type of range limit for the collars (should they prove dangerous in some way). With this in mind he approaches the screen but stays behind the others. He looks at the screen, the actual machine as well as the symbol it is displaying, trying to determine if it is like anything from his ship which might give him some idea of where he is.

tech use to figure out the screen Int 34 vs [roll0]

2010-11-14, 01:39 AM
Without real need for deep thought or analysis it becomes clear to Sejanus that these systems serve a dual purpose. The first is to act as a control mechanism for the prison cells and the second is a vox caster and its own power supply. Interesting enough, the screen does not apepar to be connected to anything which would actively relay a transmission but simply to project a stored image.

A buzzing noise suddenly bursts out into the room as the vox caster activates and a calm male voice echos throughout the metal compartment

"You have successfully arrived and awakened, that is a good start. I would advise no effort be made to remove those collars or they will be triggered. I assume you are all...intact?"

Florian notices a thin outline of light trickling on the left side of the compartment in a box formation, much like a gap a door would make.


Common Lore Imperium test to identify the symbol.

Lycan 01
2010-11-14, 02:04 AM
"Triggered? So they are bomb collars. Lovely..." Ralix grumbles to himself. He then pats himself down, and responds to the disembodied voice in a calm and amiable manner. He realizes that whoever he's talking to is probably the one behind all this, and irking them would be a bad idea. "I suppose introductions are in order, as is proper. My name is Ralix Zamir, and I myself am intact, as far as I can tell. May I inquire as to who you are? Or at least how we got here, and what purpose we are to serve? Or would you prefer we do not ask question, and simply listen quietly and pay attention?"

As he tries to open up a dialogue with the mysterious speaker, he pays close attention to his surroundings, and tries to rattle his brain to remember anything that may prove important in this situation...

Do I need to make a Fellowship roll to make a good impression or anything? I've got quite a few fellowship bonuses - I get a bonus to some stuff with upper class folks, and I also have Peer (Nobility) and Peer (Underworld) if those are of any use here.

I do, however, have Common Lore (Imperium), and I would like to test that.

CL (Imperium): [roll0] vs Int 38

Awww... I hope there's a +10 difficulty modifier. :smallfrown:

2010-11-14, 02:16 AM
Wrax returns to the others after having discovered nothing of alarming interest in the other area and leans against the wall as he catches the last of what the vox caster voice says. After hearing Ralix's response his hand instinctively reaches for the collar around his throat but he calms himself and waits to hear what the man speaking to them will say thinking it would be better to silently listen than speak up at this time. He had caught a brief glimpse of a symbol on the screen on his way back and wondered if he had seen it before.

Common Lore Imperium test [roll0] vs (untrained) - 13

2010-11-14, 09:45 AM
Sejanus takes the announcement about the collars in stride, having already suspected they were dangerous in some way. As long as he does nothing about them without testing it on the others first, no great danger should be involved.
At the image's question, and Ralix's response, Sejanus notes "There is no use talking to this thing. It is an empty message, without sender or even a true machine spirit directing it. It was merely left here for anyone in our situation, which means we are certainly not the first. Let us finish listening to what the message says, but be prepared in case it is merely a ploy to keep us busy."
Heeding his own advice, Sejanus continues to listen in case there is more to the message, but moves so that he has a clear view down both directions of the isle and loosens his flail in his belt.

Common lore (Imperium) test (untrained) int 17 vs
Awareness test to notice anything down the halls (untrained) per 15 vs [roll] 1d100

The Commander
2010-11-14, 08:33 PM
Common Lore Imperium - 15 (Untrained) vs [roll0]

Florian jumps slightly as the voice fills the compartment. Once again, he recites another prayer of protection for him and his companions at the mention of the nature of the collars.

He listens to what Sejanus makes of it, then responds with his own findings: "We are most blessed to have one amongst us that can understand such a complex piece of technology, however this symbol... What does it mean? I believe I have also found a doorway near to me; at the very least there is a faint light emanating from small gaps on a wall of this room." Florian indicates where he believes the door is. "Sell Steel, have you come across anything of interest?" He asks Wrax.

2010-11-15, 12:49 AM
Although Ralix cant exactly recall what the symbol refers to he can recall its implications. A clear sense of dread grips him as he focuses on the image of the red =][= but he is unable to recall exactly where this originates.

The same vox activation signal as you heard before actives again and the message starts up again.

"Well it would be most prudent to explain the purpose behind your capture and imprisonment. You have been studied and now is the time to compare my analysis against reality. You have an opportunity to serve your Emperor in an utterly unique way and be rewarded with the benefits as suiting your, potential, position. That is of course under the assumption you survive and more importantly, succeed.

You have arrived in time to find a team searching the ruins beneath this formerly abandonned facility. You are to find out why. You will be given an approximate location of this team and a point of exit should you be successful. You will have twelve hours before your exit is no longer viable. Communication will be made, when it can be made."

A small container is ejected from the array before you containing a single microbead and an auspex.

"Additional information has been added to Ralix's dataslate. The Emperor Protects."

The vox again goes silent and with it the screen fades to darkness until all that is left is the faint light glowing from outline of the door. For a moment nothing happens until eventually the signal is given to release the clamps holding the door closed and it swings open, bright light streaming into the compartment almost blinding you.

You can see outside that you are currently suspended a good metre about ground level as two servo-lifter arms hold up the cargo container in the large, empty hanger. Devoid of anything but the container and arms supporting it, two gigantic blast doors sealing one end and a single man-sized doorway at the other.

Sejanus would immediately recognise the hanger as one used by the Imperial Navy to transport munitions across ships but never has he seen one modified as a makeshift prison.

Lycan 01
2010-11-15, 01:22 AM
For once in his life, it seemed Ralix was actually being appreciated. And it was probably in the worst way possible. The irony was not lost on the Adept, who sighed as he realized what he was getting himself into. "I'm not entirely sure what that symbol means, but I have a feeling we've gotten ourselves in quite deep here. Looks like we've been given a mission, and the clock is ticking. Sejanus, I trust you'd like to use the Auspex, whilest I shall take the micro-bead..." Ralix gestures at the auspex in the container as he plucks the micro-bead from it and pops the comm-unit into his ear.

"I trust we can all work together on this, as our lives likely depend upon this. Everybody puts in their best effort. The Emperor Protects..." he nods solemnly to the rest of the team. "Now, who's going first?" he arches an eyebrow at the doorway and the short drop beneath it. As he waits for a response, he pulls out his dataslate and begins poking at it. "While you folks draw straws, I'm going to see what Mr. Mystery Voice has decided to gift me with..."

2010-11-15, 03:39 AM
The dataslate contains several new files since your last examination of it, neatly placed into a single new directory.

The first is a description and mathematical detailing of comet trajectory, including the effect of various stellar bodies as well as an estimation of projected course and velocity.

Intelligence Test to Comprehend

The second is a description of a male in his mid 30s named Synus Calnim, with an impressive listing of successful bounty contracts and a series of payments titled simply as "For services rendered" as well as an analysis of his psychology.

Intelligence Test (+10) to Comprehend

A file links from this detailing a list of his standard support personel usually equiped with a flak vest and light armaments suchs as las and autoweapons.

Lycan 01
2010-11-15, 12:11 PM
Ralix mulls over these new files on his datalstale, pondering what they could mean for their mission. "Comet trajectory? Why would we need to know that?" he asks to no one in particular. "And who's this fellow? Looks like a merc or a bounty hunter..." he muses. "And he's got friends, too. Dime-a-dozen bodyguards, it seems..."

Intelligence Test: [roll0] vs 38

Intelligence Test: [roll1] vs 38 + 10

The Commander
2010-11-15, 01:36 PM
Florian smiles at the mention of serving the Emperor, but is still slightly doubted by the rather subtle nature in doing so. All he is used to is the grand, open preachings of Confessors and priests, the mass prayers, the bold exorcisms and the undoubtable truth of faith. Now, it seems as though that faith is about to be tested. Florian shields his eyes as the bright light streams into the room.

"If this mission, as this vox message would have us believe, will serve the Emperor," Florian subconciously rubs his Chattallium Ring. "Then it has my full support and you may count on my abilities as a pseudo priest of the Ecclesiarchy and as a Sanctioned Psyker. The Emperor Protects... In His glorious name, I shall volunteer to step forth and prove my faith to Him."

Florian walks over to the doorway into the hangar and takes out his staff. He tests the ground beneath him with a few sharp prods before half stepping, half hopping down to the ground (assuming the poking from the staff didn't suggest the floor was safe) with the aid of his staff. He looks to either end of the hangar and calls out: "You say are you are from a space-faring ship, Tech-Priest? Which way should we head to leave this place? Adept, have you discovered any useful information pertaining to our mission?" Florian asks, having heard Ralix mumble to himself, whilst holstering his staff and taking out his Laspistol again.

2010-11-15, 01:48 PM
Realizing he is likely the only one able to fully utilize the auspex device, and impressed that Ralix was also able to realize this, Sejanus nods to the adept and replies, "Yes, I think I will take this device. It should provide some aid in helping us survive this ordeal. I also agree that we should work together in order to maximize our effectiveness in confronting whatever challenges require us to be sent to find this search team. I would prefer to know why we in particular have been chosen, as well as my our unknown benefactor has the ability to capture us and set us on this mission and yet cannot complete the object himself, but those inquires will likely have to be made later. For now, I suggest we continue and be watchful for potential complications or treachery."
While he speaks, Sejanus allows part of his mental capacity to begin contemplating the potential discoveries he might make in a ruin such as this. In order for there to be a search team to investigate, there must be something worth searching for. As this is obviously a former Imperial Navy base, that thing being sought is likely a piece of military intelligence or technology, either of which could prove very useful when he returns to normal life aboard the ship that has always been his home.
In response to Florian's inquiry, Sejanus once again examines the hanger and replies, "Although I recognize the normal purpose of this area as transporting munitions, I am not aware what the relation of our current position is to our goal. It would seem that stairway is the only accessible exit, however. I would suggest we move that way until we can determine, perhaps using the adept's new information, in which direction we should go to find the search team."
With those words, Sejanus waits for Florian to make a few steps away from the container then carefully lowers himself to the hanger floor. He makes sure to keep all his personal items in his bag carefully balanced so as not to hinder his access to either his lascarbine or his flail. When he touches the ground he quickly checks that his flakcloak is covering him completely and the cowl is pulled up, then follows a few steps behind the psyker (whose constant prattle about the emperor's ability to save humans is diminishing Sejanus's opinion of him as quickly as the it is being increased for the adept based on his quick grasp of the situation)

2010-11-15, 09:50 PM
Wrax is not very happy with this new information he has been giving about the situation. Since there is little he can do to change what has happened though he might as well be useful. He agrees with the others idea of working together for now although he is still uncertain about any of these people he has been joined up with so suddenly, especially the psyker who is obvious far more devote to the god emperor than he is. Having being born in a world that had very little contact with the followers of the Emperor himself, he was less enthusiastic than the psyker about this mission even though it promised some gains to power.
Thinking that his skills would be of better use leading the group in an attempt to keep them from getting ambushed or blasted by some unknown enemy he quickly steps in front of Florian saying. "I'll go ahead to scout. Perhaps then we can limit the amount of bodies we leave behind when we succeed this mission."
He slowly walks down several more steps trying to quiet his footfalls and take in his surroundings at the same time. He activates his stummer as well.

Awareness [roll0] vs 30 + 10 (heighten sight)
Move Silent [roll1] vs 36 + 30 (stummer affects)
plus or minus any modifiers

2010-11-16, 04:39 AM
As Sejanus inspects the Auspex it becomes clear there is a predesignated set of coordinates mapped to the device. From your current location you would need to head deeper into the facility though other than a location there is no further information as how to reach those coordinates. Sejanus does notice that coordinates are below their current level.

2010-11-16, 06:59 AM
"It would appear it is I who in fact has been given the location of our destination." Sejanus then relays the coordinates given by the auspex before suggesting, "it would seem we do indeed need to go down. Fortunate that we have stairs that do exactly that."

Lycan 01
2010-11-16, 11:08 AM
"Well then, tally ho I suppose," Ralix smirks. He was unable to gleam much information from the dataslate, so he decides to to slip it back into his backpack. He then pulls a hat from his backpack. It is a red berret, which matches his red Administratum robes well and fits nicely atop his head. In response to anyone who stares, Ralix simply shrugs and says: "I like hats. They help me concentrate..."

He then proceeds to clamber down from the container and onto the ground below. Once his feet are planted firmly on the floor, he lets out a small sigh of relief. "I hate heights..." he mutters. "Now then, which way do we go? The small door over there?" he gestures at the small door on the wall opposite the wall with the massive blast doors.

The Commander
2010-11-17, 09:11 AM
Whichever way they head, Florian follows behind Wrax, occasionally muttering a benediction to the Emperor, but keeping an eye out for danger as well. He keeps his Laspistol readied.

Awareness = 17 (Untrained) vs [roll0]

2010-11-17, 07:09 PM
Without pausing to consider any other options, Wrax makes his way down the stairs putting about ten yards between him and the others. He moves quickly but quietly and he is always looking ahead and above. After several minutes he waits for the others to catch up so that he doesn't get to far ahead.

2010-11-24, 02:04 AM
Traversing through the facility's twists and passages you proceed towards the location indicated by your auspex but without any clearly defined path. Throughout the rusted, dust covered passages are littered crates of abandonned equipment and supplies. Some appear to contain food, though left exposed like this for an unknown length of time you taking a gamble with its edibility. The equipment itself is mostly mining gear, helmets, drill bits and simple mining picks. The equipment looks like its was in the middle of packaging but was hurridly abandonned.

Everyone gets a choice of 1 test from anything of:
Psyniscience, Awareness, Navigation(surface), Secret Language(Tech).

The Commander
2010-11-24, 06:59 AM
(Do these helmets have lamps on them?)

Florian bends down to pick up a mining helmet. He dusts it off and puts in on his head; not wanting his part in this mission to be thwarted by a falling rock striking his head. He also picks up some food and pockets it. Even food that may not be edible is better than no food at all. He blesses them both as he picks them up and continues behind Wrax.

Along the way, Florian reaches out with his mind to see if he detects anything.

Taking the Psyniscience choice, naturally. Per = 34 vs [roll0]

2010-11-24, 09:00 PM
Always appreciating the chance to add to his available tools (as seen in his continued use of these simple human fleshlings) Sejanus rummages among the crates as they pass, picking up the drill bits that are in the best condition, trying to get as wide a variety as possible. He also grabs a helmet, knowing that though his flak cloak has a hood, any additional protection is always a good idea when exploring unknown corridors on an unfamiliar ship. He is less enthusiastic about the food, both because he already has a modest supply and because he is far more concerned with his mechanical capabilities than the needs of his remaining fleshy bits.
As he continues to collect parts, Sejanus moves to the head of the group, excluding Wrax who is scouting ahead. This position gives him the best view of the upcoming corridor, as well as their goal, with his new auspex. It also gives him the best chance of smashing any fleshlings who get in his way without having to deal with intervening "allies"

going with an awareness roll with the auspex bonus (ironically better than my language (tech) roll...
awareness untrained: half per 31+20=35 vs [roll0]

2010-11-24, 10:24 PM
Wrax, having already passed the passages where his supposed allies now rummaged around, was surveying the passages ahead. He took a quick look behind him to check on the others and their progress as well as to make sure nothing threatening lay about them. He quickly turned back to the passages ahead.

He torn a chunk of moldy bread from a loaf that he had taken from the abandoned supplies and swallowed it trying his hardest not to taste the food. He still grimaced in disgust as the foul bread slid down his throat. He inspected what things he had taken from the abandoned equipment. Several screws and pieces of metal that he had an idea for if he could get more parts as well as a relatively clean looking pistol that he had found on a dead body. He was suspicious of the weapons apparent lack of age abandoned and cleanliness, but put such thoughts away as he returned to his current situation.

Taking another glance down the hall in front of him he slowly slides back to watch the others approach.

I believe that my awareness test should still be valid but if not please tell me and i will roll another

Lycan 01
2010-11-25, 02:14 AM
Ralix grimaces at the rotten food, but he picks through it to find something relatively fresh or edible. He also checks the helmets to see what types they are and what protection they would provide...

Awareness: [roll]1d100[roll] vs 15 or so...

2010-11-25, 11:10 PM
Inspecting the helmets you can see that many contain a mechanism for locking some kind of glow lamp in place but there are no light sources in the creates, though it isnt entirely impossible that these are simply stored elsewhere.

Deeper into the passsages eventually leads you to a branching path, one way continuing north, the other going east. The keen mechanicum trained eyes of Sejanus spots the somewhat faded signs, although its direction in Low Gothic is unreadable, the Techno-lingua version is as clear as the day it was carved into the metal, indicating that north would lead them to the elevator systems and east leads to the Mechanicum Facilities.

While Ralix observation reveals, Florian has that strange feeling of more presences within the local area than their own. Of course all this is irrelevent as Wrax has already identified the approaching footsteps of two males, probably in their mid twentys, lightly armoured, 60 pounds each and almost certainly had frozen grox meat for lunch, coming down the north corridor. Wrax is almost a shadow by this point except for that sudden grumbling in his stomach.

Toughness Test for Wrax.

The Commander
2010-11-26, 09:04 AM
Florian speaks in a hushed tone and keeps his Laspistol close. "I feel as if we are not alone... Be on guard, my companions. The Emperor Protects."

Lycan 01
2010-11-27, 11:43 PM
Ralix freezes, and reaches into his robes, resting his hand on his stub revolver and loosening it in its holster. He crouches low, and hunkers down behind a crate of food, trying to make himself less noticeable and less of a target should the shooting start.

Getting behind cover. Can my weapon count as drawn, since I already have it in hand and loose in its holster, even though its still in my robe? If not, then it makes little difference - I'm still hiding. XD

2010-11-29, 12:11 AM
Wrax has the iron stomach trait. does he still need to take the toughness test and if so could you please tell me the bonus the trait gets.

Wrax lets the two men pass him looking for signs that would tell him if they had noticed any of his new friends. He could tell that they had noticed something was ahead but he believed that they were not very sure as to what it was. It seems obvious that they have not noticed him so he ghosts behind them as they move closer to the others looking for a good place to ambush them if things turn violent. He finds a pile of crates that look defensible enough giving him cover from behind in case these two have friends that are hiding, as well as a full view of the area the others are in. He pulls out his rifle and rests it easy in one hand as he lowers himself to the ground and takes aim at the two waiting to see how things will play out.

2010-11-29, 12:24 AM
Sejanus quickly calculates the best response for a potential threat in the current environment. He quietly pulls his flail from his belt then moves to the side of the corrider a few feet ahead of the others. He crouches behind whatever cover he can find, crates or more preferably a impression in the side of the wall where pipes or other obstructions protrude, and waits to see what he will be facing.

The Commander
2010-11-29, 11:18 AM
Seeing the others take cover, Florian also places himself in cover behind some crates and mutters yet another benediction to keep them concealed from the approaching men.

Part of him wants to merely stand in plain sight in the corridor and greet the men on equal terms. If they were faithful, he had nothing to worry about. If they were hostile... Well, the Emperor would surely protect him. However, given that he knows nothing of the current situation, Florian decides it would be better to remain in cover until the men's motives can be determined.

2010-12-01, 08:00 AM
The two men, wearing grey guardsmen fatigues although only armoured with a flak vest each, wave their lasguns from left to right but more out of habit than as part of any actual search pattern. Its was probably this lack of attention that allowed them to slip past Wrex. They stop briefly at the intersection glacing for some sense of direction, clearly not understanding the mechanicus signs, before one finally comments :

"The hangers this way im sure. lets just check it out and then head back to the others alright?"

They might have moved on without hesistation were it not that unfortunate moment that Wrex's stomach heaved in protest as bread revealed that by this stage it was mostly mold. Although not openly vomitting, the audible retch he let out had clearly alerted the two guards.

Roll Initiative, and Wrex is a -1 due to him trying to hold his stomach down.

The Commander
2010-12-01, 07:49 PM
Guardsman uniforms? Perhaps these men were not their enemies, although his Confessor did warned him once to be wary; as men sometimes slip into the jaws of Chaos without any outwardly noticeable features. As Wrax's stomach rumbles and alerts the guards, Florian quietly prays to the Emperor to keep Wrax healthy.

Initiative = [roll0]

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 11:05 PM
Ralix took a deep breath, and thought for a moment. If these men were traitors, they'd likely kill the team when they found them, unless Ralix and the others jumped them first. But if the team jumped and killed them, and they turned out to be allies, it would likely make the situation worse. And Wrex's growling stomach and retching had alerted them to his presence, and he needed to act fast. The guards already knew they'd heard someone. Or... something...

Cunning and guile, don't fail me now...

"Shhh," he suddenly hissed from his hiding place towards the soldiers. "Don't move! It might see you!" he hoarsely called out to them, trying to add a tremble of fear to his voice. "It hunts by motion! If you move, or make any loud noises, you're dead[/b]! It already killed the rest of my research crew!" he whimpers in false terror, keeping low behind his crate. "Its a Synngolian "Face-Ripper" Parasite, Genus Broodax, Familius Necromorph! Its Brood followed us! If it sees you, it will leap on you, shred your face and jaw from your skull, and burrow down your throat and into your torso! Then it'll eat you Pancreas, slowly and painfully, and you'll feel every agonizing rip and tear! So unless you want to be reduced to a twitching bloody mass begging for death, [i]don't move!"

Intelligence: [roll0] vs 38 (+ roleplaying bonuses?)

Deceive (Untrained): [roll1] vs 18 (+ any bonuses?!)

2010-12-04, 08:21 AM
At the appearance of a man behind them the two guards spin around and almost instinctly raise their lasguns at the adept. The biggest factor of hesitation on their part was that fact that he was dressed in Administratum robes.

At Ralix's grand portrayal of 'guile', it generated a mixed reaction in the guards. The demosntrated a variety of expressions, moving from confusion, panic, fear and finishing with dread. His once square jaw being reduced to a flabbering mound of skin and muscle. The other guard's face stuck with perplexed.

"Did you hear that? XENO! Those horrible things my mum always said would get me at night, they're here!"

The terrified rants of the first guard was rapidly dismissed by a backhand from the second.

"You idiot, this place is abandonned! How the hell would they get here? He's probably a lying slave trying to get away, doesn't know theres no way off this rock though."

"What about those robes though? None of the slaves have something that nice."

"True that. Check whats behind the box, I'll keep an eye on him. So who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?"

He shoves the lasgun's bayonet into Ralix's chest to hammer home the question.The second guard carefully rounds the box and similiarly points his own weapon at the feral worlder, still recovering from his meal.

The Commander
2010-12-04, 01:47 PM
Slaves? Just what was going on here that required slaves instead of Servitors? Florian winced and quietly prayed for the safety of his comrades as Ralix's ploy failed. He decides that perhaps with a little more deception, Ralix's plan might come to fruition. At the very least it would mean the 'Guardsmen' would have more targets to shoot at, which, Florian prayed, would be enough to ensure their survival.

He stands up quickly and speaks, keeping his Laspistol readied, as if expecting attack at any moment:

"Forgive my scribe, gentlemen. Ever since we tracked the foul Xeno beast here it has eluded us and cut down our team. As you can see, it has left my scribe sick with fear and my bodyguard... well... sick, as you can see. I assure you, the beast IS here and it IS dangerous. Our only chance for survival is to work together and hunt down the beast lest it kill us all. I have given the order for my ship to begin bombarding this location, should we not return from our mission."

Going to attempt to Deceive also to see if I can save the situation, although I'm not trained in it...

Fel = 32 / 2 (untrained) = 16 vs [roll0] - Darn, would it be possible to gain a +10 to that roll from Ralix's description already?

2010-12-05, 12:55 AM
Hoping he can add somthing to this quickly failing ruse, or at least confuse the guards a bit and in doing to create an opening that he and the others can use to cut them down quickly, Sejanus taps into the vox system that was gifted to him by the great machine cult. A string of screechy, whiny, and clicking sounds bursts forth, resounding off the walls. He lifts his flail and begins to charge the nearest guard, based on his reaction.

deceive check (untrained)=15-5 (ill-omened, assuming that comes into play here...maybe not? :smallwink:) vs [roll0]

Lycan 01
2010-12-05, 01:22 AM
"YOU FOOLS! LOOK OUT HERE IT COMES!!" Ralix shrieks, hoping to further distract the guards and give the team a chance to gain the upper hand. They were already frakked - now it was just a question of how badly.

2010-12-05, 10:42 AM
At the explosion of sound, the climax of confusion had been reached, one guard clearly in a state of panic, moved back against the wall so that the entire group was in front of him.

The other happened to be thinking a little more critically, hitting up his microbead.

"Calnim, we found some some...people down here, wierd people, we're going to escort them up."

Moving his had away he raises his gun again, moving to join his companion but taking a bit of cover while doing so.

"Drop your weapons and surrender or we turn you into a nasty stain on the walls. This is your only chance!"

2010-12-05, 09:58 PM
As Sejanus used his vox system to confuse the guards, Wrax finally saw his chance to act. Lies and disguised events would only stall the guards for so long and the one had already called for others. Already unhappy about the current situation, the thought of others coming to join in sounded much worse. Hoping that the guard that now cowered in fear would be distracted long enough for the others to either pin him down or remove him, Wrax looked to the other. Quickly pointing his rifle at the guard that still seemed to be remaining calm, he aims down the sight. He breathes in deeply and turns his thoughts away from the world around him. His displeased stomach barely registered on his thought scale even though it continued to battle for his focus. There were no other choices now. It was him or them. Kill or be killed.

hit [roll0] vs 39+20 (aim)
damage [roll1]

2010-12-08, 04:59 AM
The guards eyed their opponents carefully, lasguns at the ready. For those few seconds as the guards waited for the acolytes to make a move, the tension was enough to make one of them flinch. This flinch probably saved his life as the loud crack of Wrax's shot hammered against the flak vest, snapping off plates and bindings as it penetrated through to the soft flesh. This was a glancing blow too, considering the close range, and while it was enough to make him cry out in pain, the guard was very much alive.

Lycan 01
2010-12-08, 05:10 AM
"Oh frak it all," Ralix growls, whipping his stub revolver from his robes and firing a point blank shot into the wounded guard. Hopefully, they could kill the fool quickly, and his terrified comrade would be wise enough to drop his weapon and make life easier - and longer - for himself. "How uncivilized..."

Drew my weapon as a Free Action, since you said I already had it prepared in my robe. If it is a Half Action, then I guess take away my Aim Bonus...

Aiming as a half action.
Firing as a half action.

Revolver shot: [roll0] vs BS 29 + 30 point blank + 10 aiming (69)

Damage: [roll1]

2010-12-08, 07:30 AM
Before he even had a chance to recover the second shot hammered the guards left arm, resulting in a howl of pain as it cuts into the unprotected meat and gouging a small chunk as it passes through. The guard staggers back but he continues to hold his ground.

The Commander
2010-12-08, 09:54 AM
No doubt the Emperor had willed this, Florian assures himself as he raises his Laspistol towards the more active guard. "MAY THE EMPEROR HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL!" He cries as he pulls the trigger.

Shooting at the guard everyone else has so far.

Half Round Aim, since I had my Laspistol readied.
Half Round Shoot.

BS = 35 + 10 (Half Aim) + 10 (Short Range? -7.5m?) = 55 vs [roll0]

2010-12-09, 08:28 AM
The beam of focused light erupts from the end of the laspistol, blasting straight through the metal containers, vapouring the foodstuffs inside and cutting straight into the second guard's left leg, carving its way through the leg and incinerating vital tendons and ligaments, eventually blasting its way clean out the other side. The guard collapsed out of cover, his weapon sent skittering away, grasping his leg in obvious agony.

The other guard, quickly steps forward and unloads a semi-auto burst against Wrax, blasting the walls besiding him for the most part but one round struck his target.

Dodge Check for Wrax.

2010-12-09, 03:50 PM
Seeing the second guard draw his weapon and aim it down the hall towards him, Wrax quickly attempts to dodge behind the crates that he is hiding among.

[roll0] vs 36 + 10 dodge (trained)

2010-12-10, 11:49 PM
Wrax, still thinking it would be more beneficial if they took this guard prisoner then kill him, aimed for one of the guard's legs. He moves slowly out from behind the crates and shoots.

shoot [roll0] (+20 for aim and -20 for called shot) vs 39
damage [roll1]

2010-12-12, 10:13 AM
Satisfied that the true danger has been relieved of a leg, and thus the ability to cause harm, Sejanus decides it is time to begin collecting information to better evaluate the situation. The most ready source of information is the pathetic hunk of wimpering flesh that who has attempted to damage Sejanus's tools by shooting at them. In order to both render this information more accessible and prevent further danger to his tools, Sejanus calmly but swiftly pushes himself away from the crates and barrels down on the foolish guard. He raises his arm at an angle appropriate for disarming the obstacle and swings, expecting to smash the gun out of the idiot's hands. For good measure, as he charges forward he once again emmits the annoying screech which seemed to unsettle the fleshling so thoroughly before.

charging flail attack called on dude's weapon:
WS35 +10 (charge) - 20 (called) = 25 vs [roll0]

damage if hit

Lycan 01
2010-12-13, 04:27 AM
Ralix quickly levels his revolver with the stock of the man's lasgun, and fires a shot off at it, trying to blast the weapon out of his hands. "Stop fighting and lets talk this out, alright?" he growls, hoping the soldier will listen to reason. "Nobody else has to get hurt!"

Half action - aim
Half action - called shot on rifle

Attack: [roll0] vs BS 29 + 10 aiming + 30 point blank - 20 called = 49

Damage: [roll1]

The Commander
2010-12-13, 07:24 PM
Florian thanked the Emperor for blessing his shot with the power to take down the guard with such speed and efficiency. Seeing the need to disarm the other guard, Florian muttered a prayer of aim as he took aim at the gun in his hands and pulled the trigger on his own gun.

Full Action - Called Shot on Guard's Gun - BS = 35 - 20 (Called Shot) + 10 (Short Range) = 25 vs [roll0]. Damage is [roll1] E.

2010-12-15, 09:17 AM
While the blasting of shots and heavy swing of flail didnt actually connect enough to do any damage, the guard was atleast smart enough to know that eventually one of them would. Before he could gather himself to retaliate he finally recognised the cog and skull symbol of the adeptus mechanicus on Sejanus' robes. For a brief moment he cosiders whether he could make it out alive, somewhere during that moment he had already dropped his weapon and surrended.

"I give! Please don't shoot!"

Lycan 01
2010-12-15, 04:37 PM
Ralix levels his pistol, but holds up his free hand in a halting gesture. "Hold your fire, folks..." he sternly states, just to be safe. He slowly approaches the soldier, and kicks his rifle away. "Florian, do you posses any healing abilities? See to the other guard, in case he may still be saved. As for you..." he arches an eyebrow at the unarmed soldier now at his mercy. "Alright, trooper, lets keep it simple. Are you still loyal to the Light of the Emperor, or have you forsaken his Holy Grace? And what can you tell me about this Calnim fellow you're working for, and what he's doing here? Better yet... where the frak are we?"

2010-12-15, 10:40 PM
Since Ralix and the others seemed to be handling the new prisoner without him he focused his attention instead on the hall that the guards had come from. He quickly reloads and then lays down, his gun aimed down the hall, ready to shoot at any other unexpected guests.

The Commander
2010-12-16, 04:46 PM
(Assuming the other Guard is still alive, Florian, as prompted by Ralix, will try to heal him)

Florian thanked the Emperor for keeping him and his companions safe and allowing this Guard to see reason. At Ralix's query, he simply holsters his Laspistol and makes his way over to the bleeding guard. He kneels beside him and speaks in a soothing tone he normally used when speaking to those possessed by some force.

"Do not be afraid, my child. I am a Sanctioned Psyker and I am about to use my gifts to help you. Try to relax and the experience will be over quickly and painlessly."

Florian then straights up and grabs hold of his Aquila neckchain whilst muttering a quick series of prayers. He then kneels again and runs his hand down the Guard's leg.

Guessing I have time to make an Invocation Test, then moving on to the power itself.

Invocation Test = 41 + 10 (Psy-Focus) = 51 vs [roll0] - Success (+ 4 to my Power Roll, which I actually needed!)
Healer Power TH = 7 vs [roll1] + 4 (WP) + 4 (Successful Invocation) = 9
Damage Healed rolled OOC.

2010-12-16, 08:14 PM
Not certain why such fuss is being made over keeping a fleshling who attempted to stand in his way alive, Sejanus simply assumes it is one of the many oddities characteristic of beings who allow emotions to rule them rather than logic. He takes a single step back from the weaker of the two guards, seeing that the questioning is being handled by another, but he keeps his weapon close at hand, ready to smash in the skulls of either of the two enemies if they attempt to further impede his progress.

2010-12-18, 08:30 AM
As the warp creeps into the crippled guard, bits of puss and bone are rapidly ejected from the end of the leg along with the kneecap and damaged tissue. The remaining blood and tissue bend over upon themselves with the free space provided as points of bone fold back into a balled stub and the blood floods back into newly reformed veins. Finally the skin itself connects together and heals over, leaving only the stub of the leg itself.

Despite having his life probably saved by the psyker the guard shows only terror and revulsion as if he had been touched by an abomination.

The more submissive guard, obviously in a similiar state of terror hurridly spits out an answer.

"Of... of course I loyal to Him on Holy Terra! Calnum's just the boss, he gets us the job and we get paid, I don't ask questions! We hopped on a transport way back on Sophano Prime, days ago, and here we are aboard this station! All we have to do is guard some slaves while they dig and we get 3 months pay!"

Lycan 01
2010-12-18, 01:47 PM
Ralix frowns. "You didn't stop to wonder if what this guy was doing is legit? Does he have any sort of Administratum or Munititorium overview? How 'bout Adeptus Mechanicus? Surely there should be some Cogboys involved if this is a legit dig. No, soldier, I think you may have gotten yourself in over your head..."

"Sejanus," he turns to the Tech-Priest, "Would I be right to assume that a dig such as this should have Mechanicus overwatch, to ensure that proper mining practices are done and that any tech uncovered is treated with the right regard?"

He then returns his attention to the trooper. "Actually, would you happen to know what you're digging for? I also have to wonder what your superiors would do if they knew you were being paid to do guard duty not sanctioned by the Guard itself? I'm sure your Commissar would love to know you're here instead of with the rest of your unit. I believe they call that Desertion, trooper. Tsk tsk tsk..." he shakes his head.

2010-12-20, 09:23 AM
At the mention of Administratum oversight and a Mechanicum involvement the guard seems to be more confused until he finally makes the connection with your clothing, "Is that what your here for? Shutting it down?"

The trooper visibly panics at the mention of a Commissar, |I'm just PDF! We don't have Commissars, we got 2 months leave after a bunch of guard units left on that big crusade going on, I'd figured I'd be back in time to return my post."

The Commander
2010-12-21, 03:59 PM
Florian smiles and utters thanks to the Emperor for aiding him in the healing of the Guardsman's leg. He felt somewhat awkward that he had been shooting at members of the Imperial Guard. He knew that men of such stature did sometimes fall into corrupt dealings outside of war, but even so, he felt... heretical. The only modicum of solace he found was that the Guards, or at least, their cause, may be corrupt and that he and his companions were working towards shutting down that corrupt undertaking.

Sophano Prime? No Commissars for the PDF? Florian went deep into thought to try and see if the man was lying by trying to remember anything contradicting to what he knew and what the Guard was saying.

Rolling Common Lore (Imperium), to find out anything of interest about Sophano Prime that could either be used to check the truthfulness of the Guard's story (i.e. if transports would go there, if Guard would be stationed there, etc.) and also general information I could use to establish a common ground between the Guard.

Also rolling Common Lore (War), to check and see if I possibly know what Regiment this Guard might be from, if their armour is displaying any insignias, and if their story about no Commissars and having 2 months leave is also the truth.

(Imperium) - Int = 31 / 2 (untrained) = 15 vs [roll0]
(War) - Int = 31 / 2 (untrained) = 15 vs [roll1]

Lycan 01
2010-12-21, 08:05 PM
Ralix is about to answer, when he suddenly pauses. "Comm-links off and out, troopers..." he requests crisply, gesturing at the two men's vox-links with his pistol. "Can't have your friends listening in. Now then..."

"Our mission is just to find out what you folks are doing here. The main problem with that is, though, that we don't know where here is. You see, soldier, as crazy as it sounds, we randomly woke up here in a cargo crate with bomb collars strapped to our neck. So, we have no idea where we are, how we got here, or who is behind this. The only thing we have to go on is a rather spooky emblem and some data files on your boss. Speaking of which... Pray tell, do you recognize this symbol?" Ralix asks, quickly sketching out the "=][=" design from the screen earlier, and then showing it to the trooper. "Because whatever it represents, that's probably whoever sent us..."

2010-12-22, 12:28 AM
After emitting a brief noise of assent to Ralix's question concerning Machanicus subervision, Sejanus allows the conversation to continue. At the mention of comm-links, Sejanus realizes a way he can make this time somewhat useful and grabs the packs from each of the guards. He looks through them to see if there is anything he can use to make his task simpler. At the glances, glares, or even comments that any (the guards or his own tools) think to direct at him, Sejanus merely answers: "These two impeded me. Now they will aid me in order to remedy their failing."

2010-12-22, 12:34 AM
After check the corridors ahead of them one final time, Wrax moves back to the others. He gazes at the guards with disgust as if he wanted to rip their limbs off but remains silent as he approaches them. Walking straight up the guard with a new stump he takes his comm-link out of his hand and turns it back on so that he can listen in. He folds the mic up and turns the volume down as low as he can so that nothing they say registers through. He glares at Sejanus's remark but doesn't comment on that either. The thought of staying with these people was becoming less appealing quickly but he really had no choice in the matter. Turning away from them so that they can continue their interrogation, he walks away and rests against a crate. He props his gun against his shoulder so that he can easily turn and shoot but also remain somewhat comfortable. Then he begins to recharge his stummer, making sure he glances down the halls every few minutes to watch.

2011-01-04, 08:09 AM
The guard listens in silence to your explanation with nothing but confusion until revealing the symbol. His eyes widen and his jaws drop before he quickly slams it shut again, gripping his shoulders tightly in obvious panic. The other guard, raises his head trying to get a look at the symbol only to experience a similiar reaction. The first guard to see the symbol speaks:

"Thats it isn't it. All over. I mean we knew it was dodgy but THIS bad? You've been sent by Inquistion...oh Emperor have mercy..."

The second guard suddenly spots a light of hope.
"No... no... you don't kow whats going on but we do. We didn't do anything bad but we know whats going on, thats enough to get us off right? We help you and you let us find our way home?"

The Commander
2011-01-07, 12:55 PM
(I'm guessing we still don't know what the Inquisition is, since we failed the check at the start)

The Inquisition? What kind of organisation is that? And why are these Guardsmen so afraid of it? These were questions Florian wished to the Emperor he had the answers for, but unfortunately the Emperor remained silent to his mind.

"Calm yourselves and tell us what is going on." Florian speaks in a calming, but assertive manner.

2011-01-07, 04:42 PM
Sejanus notes the new developments in the situation he has found himself in. Having an organization that can incite such fear dictate his actions assures Sejanus that he is not being taken advantage of by some weakling who happened to catch him off guard. Therefore, the goals of this mission might actually be worthwhile, making Sejanus all the more determined to see it through, no matter what the cost to those around him and no matter what tools he must use.
After making these conclusions, he stores them, and the information they are based on, away in his memory banks so they can be used in evaluating future situations. He then returns to sitting back and letting the fleshlings continue their discussion.

Lycan 01
2011-01-07, 10:08 PM
Ralix stares blankly for a few seconds, his brain processing what he'd just been told. The Inquisition? He'd been press-ganged into helping the Inquisition? Seriously? No frak? His mind swam at the prospect. He was a spoiled noble with a knack for finding trouble, not some battle-hardened hero or master of esoteric lore, like the the Inquisitors in holo-vids back home were always portrayed as. If anything, he was the squishy mook who got eaten by an Ork, often given no reference beyond "Scribe Number 3" in the closing credits. Frak... He was Scribe Number 3.

Ralix gives his head a slight shake, bringing himself back to reality. He needed to focus. He'd been chosen for this for a reason, and if he didn't do a good job, chances are the man who'd "volunteered" him for this mission wouldn't be too happy.

Looking down at the grovelling soldiers, Ralix smirks. Even if he was uneasy about the situation, he needed to appear on top of things. After all, he was the de facto leader here, it seemed. It was probably best for him to at least pretend to be in control. "The Inquisition you say?" Ralix arches an eyebrow, trying to give off an aloof aura. "Well, that explains a lot. Oh hey, that means you tried to shoots agents of His Most Holy Inquisition. Man oh man, things just keep looking worse and worse for you, don't they?" he grins, shaking his head at the young soldier.

He then looks over at the wounded trooper, and tilts his head slightly to the side in a thinking gesture. "Didn't do anything bad? Dear sir, ignorance does not equate to innocence. Just following orders isn't a viable excuse for the charges of Treason, you know. But... You say you can help us. Well, how might you do so? Perhaps you can enlighten us to the situation here, and be of service to us in this endeavor? Those who serve the Emperor and His Will are rightly rewarded, you know..."

Ralix pauses for a moment, and then smirks smugly at a thought he has. "Actually, troopers, you don't really have much choice in this matter. You see, if you don't help us, or if you try to sabotage us in any way... My fine Techpriest friend here-" he gestures with his hand and a nod of his head towards Sejanus, "-Will be given permission to kill you. And troopers, you don't want him to kill you. He's worse than the Synngolian "Face-Ripper" Parasite... No frak..." he shakes his head with a fearful expression, sure that Sejanus' status as a Techpriest is creepy and intimidating enough without him trying to persuade them.

2011-01-07, 11:49 PM
Sejanus smirks slightly at the prospect of eliminating these foolish fleshlings who offend him both by their ignorant, base, human existence and by their attempt to impede him. It is a greater sign of emotion than he would normally allow himself, but as it likely adds to the effectiveness of Ralix's statement, he decides it has a logical basis that makes it an acceptable act.

2011-01-07, 11:58 PM
Unable to stand their abuse of the guards, Wrax stands up and walks down the hallway the guards had come from. He didn't go far, just enough to remove them from his sight. His right eye had started to burn anyway. He sat down with his gun in his lap and closed his eyes. Although his hearing wasn't as good as his sight he thought it would be enough to warn him if anything happened, especially since he was still listening in on the micro bead.

2011-01-08, 07:52 AM
Whilst one of the guards is simply frightenned further at the realisation that his life is now forfit the other however is much more open to the idea of barginning for his life.

"Look, as far as I know we got hired by this Calnum guy, real hardcase veteran type. We got transported aboard this station, dug into the side of an asteroid. We never got told where exactly but theres no way we left the Calixus in the time we were aboard. Now this stations really old, abandonned by the looks of it. We've spent 3 days guarding a bunch of slaves that got brought with us as they work the mine, Calnum's got this real wierd adept with him. Quiet but scares the frak outta me. Best I can figure they're looking for something, most of us don't know what it is but theres a couple of his private troops who I figure know what they're after but they stay deep in the mine usually."

Intimidation check with +20 for Ralix

The Commander
2011-01-15, 09:27 PM
Florian listens intently to the Guardsman's story. He hoped he was making a good impression on whomever had chosen him for the Inquisition. He supposed that if he was not, the collar around his neck would activate.

"What do you mean by weird Adept, Guardsmen? How deep is the mine now and where exactly where you stationed to guard these slaves? Where is Calnum now? And finally, what are your names?"

Florian tries to continue his calming, but assertive tone as he asks the questions.

2011-01-23, 12:26 AM
The guardsman swallows hard as he tries to find the right words to explain his feelings.

"Its not so much what you see about this guy, its just being around him. All he does is talk with Calnum and makes notes on his dataslate but if you get to close he gives you these death stares. Something just feels so wrong about him. I swear the air is different and the lighting changes whenever he moves around. Just gives me the chills is all."

He shakes his head trying to clear his head of the adept.

"Right, so anyway we were stationed a little deeper in to the facility, normally running patrols just outside he digsite area itself. I can't really say how deep it goes, having not been in it myself, though I'm guessing it cant go too far, most of the slaves are digging around the cave wall and only a handful actually go down into the shaft itself. Calnum sent us to check out the wierd noises they heard from this way, which I guess was you guys, though hes probably guessing it was just the few slaves that got away a couple of hours ago. Hes probably still waiting for us to bring you in at the centre of the digsite."

2011-01-23, 02:04 PM
Wrax returned as the guards started talking with Florian. He walks straight toward the guards. "I'm not hearing anything on this device. What would this Calnum decide to do if he thought you two were missing. I doubt he will think that escaped slaves can take you two down."

2011-01-23, 10:13 PM
Almost the instant Wrax had said so, the micro bead piped into life and a somewhat tired yet still intimidating voice answered the question.

"Whats your status? You should have been here by now."

2011-01-25, 08:12 PM
Wrax looked to the scrawny guard. He took the micro from his ear and gently laid his thumb over the receiver even though he had already muted it so even if he said something the man wouldn't hear it.
"You have a choice. You can tell them that the slaves got away and you need some help, bring a few of your friends over so we can get a drop on them too with you helping us, and I will make sure you live to see tomorrow. Or you can try calling out for help and I won't be able to keep my promise to save you."
He leans down so that he is right in the man's face and whispers
"Our mechanical friend isn't very forgiving and you shot at us. I wouldn't cross him if i were you. Then we have our magic friend. Althoug he is less violent I have see him throw a few people into the warp. You hear their bones grind and the flesh get peeled from their bodies. He seems to enjoy giving out such pleasures to men such as yourselves."
He straightened up and held out his hand with the micro resting on it. "The choice is yours."
His choice of words sickened Wrax and went against his warrior but he knew it was the a way out of this mess. He didn't let his emotions show, letting them boil inside of him instead.

Lycan 01
2011-01-25, 08:21 PM
Ralix leans in towards the scrawny soldier and adds his own opinion to the matter while Wrax has the micro-bead covered. "You're a smart boy. I don't think we'll have to worry about letting our friends deal with you in some horrendous manner. You seem to be truly repentant, and have no intention of betraying us or the Will of the Emperor. So, if you can manage to get a few of your friends sent this way, perhaps you can help us reason with them? After all, they should be as logical and faithful as you and your comrade here. Innocent pawns in a big game of corruption and treason... So, they should be willing to listen to you, to reason, and to the Emperor. Nobody has to get hurt, Trooper. So stay calm, act naturally, and let yourself be an instrument of the Emperor's Will. Do that, and you won't be thrown into the Warp, I assure you..." he nods in a comforting manner.

2011-01-26, 08:42 AM
Sejanus remains disgusted with the two guards, and especially with his tools attempts to rely on them in order to deal with the new problem, but he decides that if he aids the attempts it may have a greater chance of succeeding. Besides, he is tired of being nice to these two.
"Actually, I would prefer it if you two did betray us. Showing that you have no use for us will give me reason to destroy you in a suitably painful fashion for you affronts against me, and thus the Machine Cult itself."
Sejanus contemplates simply striding over and smashing the more confident guard's other leg right away, just to make sure the guards understood his message, but he decides to rely upon the reputation for a lack of emotion his kind has for the guards to take him seriously. The leg smashing can wait until there is no chance of the screams being heard over the micro-bead.

The Commander
2011-01-26, 10:43 AM
Florian is slightly disgusted by his companion's treatment of the Guard and the accusation that he threw people into the Warp; in fact, he often tried to do the exact opposite and rescue them from the Warp. All that keeps him from protesting is the fact that they are in the service of the Inquisition and these men, or at least, their master, are involved in some kind of corruption or heresy; the Inquisitorial presence is enough to clarify that. He guessed he should add something useful to the intimidation attempt and simply says:

"I can do more than fix legs and I'm sure you appreciate the power of my weapon..." Florian brandishes his Laspistol at the mention of the word 'weapon'. This is not technically a lie, although Florian's tone, which has changed to a still calm, but slightly insane tone, suggests that he means more than beneficial powers.

2011-01-26, 08:20 PM
The guard shakily grabs the micro-bead and attaches it to his own head. He swollows hard trying to get his voice steady as he responds to the order.

"Ahh, sorry sir. One of the slaves made a break for it and got away, we're trying to find him as quickly as possible.

The guard looks around nervously hoping that nothing Calnum suspected nothing as the transmission pauses for a good two or three seconds. It is broken by an audible sigh.

"Damnit, keep searching. I'll send some more on your way. Landrum is leading them."

The micro-bead falls silent again as the guard hands it back, hoping that got him off the hook..

2011-01-26, 10:11 PM
Wrax took the micro back and muted it again before placing it back in his ear.
"Good choice gentlemen. You might actually live to see the rising dawn. Now I want you two to go sit by that crate with your friend while we talk. Either of you do anything stupid and I don't think I will be willing enough to get in the mechman's way." he smiled as if he was having a normal conversation with a child. He motioned for the others to gather around him while he waited for them to comply.

The Commander
2011-01-27, 10:35 AM
Florian moves to Wrax's side. His voice is a whisper:

"I must protest these accusations that I throw people into the Warp. I like to think I am a man of dignity and responsibility. But enough of that, what are we to do about the the reinforcements coming our way? Perhaps, by the good graces of the Emperor, they can also be persuaded that what they are doing is wrong... Perhaps if we mention there are more of us on the way?"

2011-01-27, 04:55 PM
"I think it would be better to think of a way to deal with them how we are now. How trustworthy do you think those to will be when it comes to fighting their own men?" Wrax thought for a moment. "We will have more time to prepare for them at least this time. We should see if there is anything in the rooms around us that we can use. The more prisoners we can take without harm to ourselves the better. It might bring about a similar fate as those two."

2011-01-30, 02:02 AM
The nearby rooms seem to be mostly storage and janitorial closests than anything that would aid in combatting your enemies but having a look wouldn't hurt.

Further in the northern direction would lead to the digsite itself, so thats likely where Landrum and his men will come from (the same direction the auspex is directing you towards) and to the east is the sign indicating the local Mechanicum control centre.

Lycan 01
2011-01-30, 10:08 AM
"I suppose we should have a look around. Also, I have an idea..." Ralix arches an eyebrow at his comrades as they go to check the surrounding rooms. "Everyone but me and troopers can hide. We will try to talk to the soldiers and reason with them. If things go south, you guys step in to try and lean the bargain in our direction. How does that sound?"

He then pauses for a moment as he passes the sign indicating a Mechanicum control center. "Hmmm... Sejanus, what could one expect to find at a Mechanicum center on a site like this?"

Yeesh, my Search stuff sucks. XD

Search (untrained): [roll0] vs 17

The Commander
2011-01-31, 10:26 AM
Florian consider's Ralix's plan for a moment.

"I am all for taking prisoners. If they can be converted once more to the light of the Emperor, or at the very least, redeem their souls, then all the better. Do you propose to act like a captured slave? Or simply stand and bargain with them? I shall pray to the Emperor for your safety..."

Florian then goes about Searching the rooms.

Search Check

Per = 34 / 2 (Untrained) = 17 vs [roll0] - Ooo, what have we here then?

2011-01-31, 11:24 AM
The first room Florian walks into appears to be a custodial closest (although like most imperial architecture, even this is fairly large). It is covered in boxes of cleaning supplies and general maintenance tools that would not require a trained techpriest to use. A hint of metal at the back of the room however causes Florian to investigate a little further, pulling boxes aside to reveal an intact Servitor completely with cleaning tools and a floor buffer attachment.

From even a brief glance it looks like the tools are designed to be rapidly attached and detached for different tasks. In the boxes that were just move there are various different tools, including drill bits and nailguns use for maintenance work.

2011-01-31, 01:20 PM
In response to Ralix's question about the Mechanicum center, Sejanus gives a list of the standard contents of a center to Ralix, but indicates that the current state of this particular center is unknown, given that it appears to have fallen into the hands of the uninitiated, and it is impossible to tell how much damage and disarray they have caused. He is content with the plan to lure the guards into a potential trap, especially because it seems like Ralix would be well used as bait, and thus responds, "I concern with your plan. I will make a brief scan of the nearby areas to determine their best possible use, then make myself ready to destroy the fleshlings who send the previous guards into my way."
With that, Sejanus begins doing exactly as he said, searching the nearby rooms. He notices the Servitor Florian found, collecting some of the more useful looking tools, and begins to contemplate how to best use this new asset. He then takes up a position that is somewhat forward of the others which both hides him from the sight of the approaching guards and provides the best possible cover from the shooting that will likely be commencing soon. He keeps his flail close at hand, but draws his las carbine, expecting at least some shooting to be required prior to skull smashing if the next group is any larger than the previous one.

search check (untrained)=31/2=15 vs [roll0]

2011-01-31, 04:09 PM
Wrax followed Florian into the supply room. He noticed the servitor as Florian noisily rearranged the room but he was more interested in the other supplies around the room. He took a nail from the ground and twirled it in his hand as a way of concentrating and left them to think of a way to use the servitor while he checked out the other rooms around them not including the mechanicum center.

Awareness test - 30 +10 = 40 vs 1d100

The Commander
2011-01-31, 05:42 PM
Florian thanks the Emperor for his find and turns to Sejanus before he leaves to find cover.

"I don't suppose you could converse with this Servitor about what it has seen in it's use here? If you cannot, or it hasn't seen much, perhaps you can better arm it to help us in our fight against the corrupt here? At the very least, it could be used as a distraction..."

2011-02-01, 06:51 PM
While unfortunately your ally Florian beat Wrax to the punch in the searching, your natural awareness alerts you to sounds coming down the northern corridor, they are some ways off but the sounds are clearly an unsubtle patrol.

The Commander
2011-02-02, 12:46 PM
At the sound of the approaching patrol, Florian whispers to his companions:

"Whatever our plan, we must act now! I pray the Emperor smiles upon us in this hour. I shall take cover myself."

(Florian moves behind a suitable crate that will allow him to shoot the incoming patrol, but without risking shooting any of his companions or the two Guards here.)

2011-02-05, 10:20 AM
Deciding it would be best to involve one of a mechanical nature in the chances for his survival and success, Sejanus examines the Servitor and its attachments closely. He determines the best use for it would be to attach the nail gun and drill attachments that are available and allow it to contribute directly to the conflict which will be unavoidable given his other tool's apparent previous difficulty in dealing with these other fleshlings.
Once he has done the best he can at refitting the Servitor, he directs it to wait for his signal, and then move into the hall and attack any fleshling except those who are currently present. His work with the Servitor complete, Sejanus himself walks to the hallway and finds a defensible and hidden position somewhat forward of the others and prepares his las carbine, keeping his flail within easy reach for the likely event that the Servitor needs support in the close combat fighting.

Tech-Use to prepare the Servitor=int 34vs[roll0]

2011-02-06, 07:47 AM
After attaching the new components to the servitor, Sejanus quickly restarted its functions, quickly intialising its combat protocols and adjusts it vocal response to his voice pattern. The servitor stands idle in the janitorial closest, waiting for the its new masters orders as the sounds of the patrol move ever closer.


What are you guys doing with the two guards? Moving them out the way? Tying them up?

Lycan 01
2011-02-06, 08:51 AM
Ralix gestures to the two guards. "Alright you two, here's the plan. Myself will remain out here with you two while the others hide, and when your comrades show up, the three of us will try to negotiate with them. I don't want to kill anyone. I want to save these soldiers from themselves, and return them to the Light of the Emperor and the service of his cause. But, I don't know them. I can't fully relate to them. But you two can. You want to prove to the Emperor that you repent your transgressions? Here is your chance. You will not only have the opportunity to save your own souls, but the souls of your friends and your brothers in arms. Are you prepared to help me explain to them the situation, and try to sway them from the path of Heresy and Damnation?" the scholar asks somberly, hoping the full gravity of the situation strikes them.

2011-02-06, 01:09 PM
While Ralix talks with the guards about negotiations, Wrax grabs several of what he thinks are the more dangerous cleaning bottles and those that could possibly resemble spheres. He then quickly moves behind a crate close to where the new soldiers will come and attempts to blend in with the shadows there. His sniping rifle in his hand as he lays on the ground and his sword laying next to him ready for him to grab if it comes to close quarters. He is uncertain about the usefulness of these soldiers or their loyalty but he doesn't feel like arguing especially in their current situation. he also lays out several of the cleaning bottles in front of him to his right .

Concealment 36/2 untrained 13 vs [roll0]
possible bonus for being behind crate and wall

2011-02-08, 10:08 AM
The guardsmen look at eachother with a note of concern at the plan.

"Theres only one Landrum right?"

"Yep, that fething giant..."

Eventually they nod at Relix's suggestion but still appear very nervous as they get into position in the corridor. Just in time for perhaps one of the largest man you have ever seen round the corner, biceps making the butt of the lasgun seems utterly insignificant and should be put to the use of hauling around a heavy bolter. The shaved head and square jaw gives off the immediate impression of simply dumb muscle but he was atleast smart enough to immediately recognise a problem when he saw it. Bellowing a demand at the two guardsman after diving around behind the wall while the two escorting guardsman took cover as best they could in the hallway.


Lycan 01
2011-02-08, 11:37 AM
"A peaceful negotiation, I am hoping..." Ralix gulps nervously, realizing he may have just signed his own death warrant. But hopefully, the man could be reasoned with. If the old cliche about big guys being simple minded was true, then perhaps he - like most people - knew little about the Inquisition beyond the fact that it was frakking scary and you didn't want to mess with it.

Steeling his nerves, he began to try and plead his case. "You're Landrum, yes? My name is Ralix, and I am a representative of the Holy Inquisition. I am here to investigate possible heretical and treasonous activities, and I have already had much of the situation explained to me by your two comrades here, Emperor bless them. Please, let us try to discuss this peacefully, without violence. I mean no hostilities..." Ralix holds up his empty hands, having holstered his pistol before the soldier arrived. "But I can assure you that it would be very beneficial for you and your men to listen to me right now, for the sake of your bodies and souls..."

2011-02-09, 05:35 AM
The weight the word 'Inquisition' carries is garunteed to cause a reaction in every human who hears and recognises it. Some cover in fear, from the stories they have heard and the power and resources that can be brought to bare against any who cross their path. Others such as Landrum emitt an audiable curse followed by the blasting of las fire immediately killing the already wounded guardsman standing next to Relix

"Calnum, INQUISITION, they're here!"

The two others with Landrum seem more stunned than anything else, looking at eachother in confusion before assisting Landrum.


The Commander
2011-02-09, 06:42 AM
Initiative = [roll0]

Lycan 01
2011-02-09, 09:50 AM
"FRAK!!" Ralix yelps, diving for cover. Well, it had been worth a shot. At least it was that gak-head trooper who ate the las fire, instead of his own hide. "SEJANUS!!" the Adept calls out to his Mechanicus comrade, "UNLEASH SPARKY!!"

2011-02-10, 02:17 PM
Sejanus disapproves of one of fleshling tools presuming to give a name to a far more valuable tool such as the servitor, but decides to let the issue slide for the moment given the more pressing matter of the hostile fools taking it upon themselves to kill a fleshling who Sejanus had gone out of his way to, temporarily at least, allow to live. In order to remedy that situation, Sejanus decides that bringing "Sparky" into the action would indeed be the best course of action. He speaks the command words he had programmed into it so that it attacks the nearest fleshling other than the ones Sejanus had indicated were his tools. He then quickly moves to an evaluation the best action for himself to take. He calculates the advantages of attacking either the two idiots who couldn't even respond to the situation before they figured out where they were or the larger threat in an attempt to dissuade them from entering the hostilities. Finally, after what seems like an entire second, he concludes that the large thing known as Landrum has the greatest potential for causing either Sejanus or one of his tools damage, and must therefore be destroyed. In addition, simply seeing a pile of flesh as large as that which comprises Landrum is so revolting to Sejanus is threatens to actual elicit an emotional response. Shrugging away such disconcerting thoughts, Sejanus raises his lascarbine and directs a series of blasts at the behemoth.

Not real sure what exactly "Sparky" is capable of, so I'll assume Sejanus can just give it basic orders and king will explain how it carries them out (esp since I have no idea what the stats for a nail gun and drill are...)

Sejanus is using a semi-auto burst with his Lascarbine
shooting check BS 29+10 (semi-auto)+any other modifiers? (for his size for my position)=39+? vs [roll0]
damage if hits [roll1] energy
damage for additional hits if needed [roll2] energy

2011-02-11, 07:21 AM
Sparky charges down the corridor, having had the nearest guardsman allocated for 'bulkhead scrapping', knocking boxes and crates in all directions as the large mehcanical drill used to remove reinforce bulkheads designed to resist the forces of space rammed hard at the guardsman. Unfortunately he appeared to not have the same level of confidence as his master and the sluggish nature of the drill gave time for the guardsman to pull back to avoid its blow.

Two las bolts streamed down the corridor to slam against Landrums armour, the first penetrating through and melting flesh, the second merely deflecting off his armour.

Lycan 01
2011-02-13, 09:55 AM
As the Guardsman dodges Sparky's attack, Ralix takes this opportunity to fire off a shot at the distracted Guardsman. He pops out from behind whatever cover he's managed to fire, draws a bead on the distracted man, and then fires off a shot with his revolver.

Half action - Aim
Half action - Attack

[roll0] vs BS 29 + 10 aim + 10 close = 49

2011-03-02, 05:21 PM
Hoping to further the confusion or at least disturb the enemy Wrax pulls several of the spheres into his hand and looks over at the men for a good area to launch them. He quickly throws them and yells "Get down. Grenades!" As he throws them he throws himself to a prone position bringing his rifle sights on the larger man and waits for their reaction.

deceive [roll0] vs 32
second action is aim if throwing the spheres counts as a shoot action

2011-03-03, 08:05 PM
The first guard behind cover and shields his eyes as the sphere shatters in front of him, spreading the acidic substance everywhere. While the smell is almost overpowering, the little that splashes on him isn't enough to burn through the flak.

You see Landrum blast a shot off down the corridor at Ralix and then start sprinting away. The first guard recovering from Wrax's attack tries to snap off a shot at Wrax while the other in cover takes a more measured shot at the techpriest. The shot against the techpriest being a demosntration that a calm and measured shot was the best choice, the rest flying off wildly.

Take a dodge check to avoid a hit to the left arm Sejanus.

2011-03-07, 12:41 PM
Sejanus grimaces at the wound to his left appendage, but knows that it would be foolish to spend time contemplating the damage when there are fleshlings that need to die. Although Landrum's escape might be a sign of relief for the current situation, Sejanus knows his most likely action is to acquire additional support so that he can return and pose a more serious threat to Sejanus and his tools. This means that eliminating the behemoth is still the most vital task. To this end Sejanus takes up his lascarbine once again, simply refusing to acknowledge the pain receptors in his damaged limp as they attempt to send messages of protest, and fires off another semi-auto burst at the fleeing giant.

Sejanus took a total of 4 damage to the arm, dropping him to 7 wounds.

Current action:semi-auto attack against Landrum (assuming he is no longer in short range so not including that bonus)
lascarbine attack=29(BS)+10(semi-auto)=39 vs [roll0]
Damage (if hit)=[roll1]
Damage for additional hit (if needed)=[roll2]

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 12:08 AM
"Oh no ya don't!" Ralix snarls, taking aim at the fleeing Guardsman and snapping off a shot. "You'll beg for death before this is over, frakking heretic!" Having his plans foiled, not to mention being shot at, had put the Adept in a rather foul mood. He wanted Landum alive, if only so he could take entertainment from letting Sejanus exact his own revenge.

Firing revolver

Shooting: [roll0] vs BS 29 + 10 aiming + 10 close = 49
Damage: [roll1]