View Full Version : 3.5 Monster Hunters IC

2010-11-12, 05:35 AM
You took off form Earth during the summer off 2042 and arrive in Tetra star system in 2043. Form the freighter you are "picked" by and orbital shuttle that flies you to the surface of Ignis. A red planet with vast desert and a constant struggle for finding water. You notice that the shuttle's cargo room was filled with water.

When us reach the atmosphere off Ignis you are shoot out with the cargo in some high tech capsules that automatic navigate you to a landing some near Point 1. Here you are picked in a truck, with the cargo and driven to the main base Ignis, (Point 1). Here you are been given a tent to sleep in for now. Them who has been here the longest get barrack and you are new.

One of the following days you are being brought in for a mission briefing, but the lieutenant of one of the operative commanding officers. You are brought to small insignificant meeting room, which most stunning feature is a projector and labtop. of course there is simple Ikeaish table and chair for everyone.

So after Agent Anna Merinov arrives, whom steps over to the computer and begins without introducing herself (you get the name by her ID card)

Good day ladies and gentlemen. You have been here for some time now and we believe we have found some work for you. One of our furthest outpost have currently made asylum for of our allies amongst the alien races. It is very important that this VIP is brought back to her tribe at least 48 to 72 hours from now, or we lose our allied support and thereby lifesupport to many of our settlements here on Ignis. I believe there is a pilot amongst and It should one be a problem for you to transport yourself there in time. One thing you should is that outpost is in a hostile wilderness and have lost contact with the outpost.

While she speaks she displays maps, flowchart and other stuff by the use the projector but it seems very routine.

We stay in radio contact. You will rapport to me and me only when this is done. During your mission you will be in contact with my trusted college Denis Jelsin. I believe you know where to find the heliport and your gear. I warn you though a storm is coming, they always are, but we know when, just that is not within 48 hours. Now proceed.

She leaves the room just as sudden

Storm Bringer
2010-11-12, 11:09 AM
As the woman started to leave, one of the men sat in the room spoke up and shouted after the retreating figure

"Hey, Agent Merinov? i got some questions"" the voice had a mild Mancunian accent, and the speaker's fatigues had a union jack on one shoulder. the over shoulder had two badges sewn on, on the bottom was a simple blue and white rectangle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:17934_153460503745620916e7e1a.gif), and above it was the sword though helmet badg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SRR.jpg)e of the SRR.

"what race was the VIP? when did we lose contact with the outpost he was in? did we recieve any radio traffic form the base suggesting what;s gone wrong? has anyone else got eyes on the site yet, or are we the frist ones in? " the questions were asked in a firm, professional manner. the speaker had his notebook out and pen poised, the page already full of notes taken down form the briefing slides.

2010-11-13, 06:16 AM
The agent turns around and stares at you like must be mad. That it seems like she realises something.

The VIP is Ashtaro and female. We have not received any kind of indication of might have happened, for abouts 24 hours now. You are first response to this, it is imperative that this female is brought back to her tribe within the given timespan.

If you have further questions now would be time to asked them, but I only have a couple of minutes, and it is only limited what I can tell you. The rest of your questions you may ask to agent Jelsin, when you are aboard the heli.

Storm Bringer
2010-11-13, 11:29 AM
"ok, thankyou. that is all, Ma'm." Chippy said, looking though he notes as the breifing sheets he'd been given.

2010-11-13, 07:15 PM
The rather scruffy looking Craig sits through the meeting wearing the issued Ignis fatigues. After the women has left he looks round the rest of the group.
Looks like this could be dangerous. No time to waste we better get our gear. The smile he gives hiding his nerves of fighting an unknown enemy on an unknown planet.

2010-11-14, 03:37 PM
A private steps into to the room and announces that your transport is ready. A humvee and a blackhawk is standing by. Your destination is almost a day by heli and two by truck.

EDIT: Standing by for the other members to report in.

2010-11-15, 10:46 AM
The humvee door opens and James Steps out and says "Hello names James I will be your guide on this planet"

2010-11-15, 01:55 PM
Ryan DeVries

"24 hours? And nobody thought to check things out sooner?" muttered a Midwestern accent. "They're probably all dead, VIP included. Even if they aren't dead yet ... they'll probably have finished dying by the time we get there."

Storm Bringer
2010-11-15, 03:15 PM
"aren't you the little pessimist?" chippy retorted as he double checked the settings on his radio.

"besides, this ain't earth with three cameras covering every square meter of ground. As far as i know, we have no spy stats up thier for obital imagery, and they ain't no recon planes here either. they don't know whats happened, so they are having to go send in us wiht mk1 eyeballs to find out what. Plus, all it may actually be that some plonker drove his humvee into the radio mast and they havn 't been able to run a anntenna off a new one yet."

Chippy, satistfied that his radio was correctly set up, turned to James " Okay, James, was it? You are our local guide? Okay, can you please tell me anything you know about the Ashtaro, cos this" . andy held up a inch thick pile of briefing sheets and assorted notes " Is as clear as mud. Oh, and have you ever been to this camp before? know anything about its locale, the any previous trouble at this base? know anyone who works thier?"

Andrew stopped, took a deep breath, and then smiled "look, sorry to start interrogating you like this. I've spent the last 5 days trawling though my briefing and orientation papers, but they are badly written, poorly laid out and generally unhelpful." andy extended an hand to james.
"Names Andy Mccain. Call me Chippy, everyone else does."

2010-11-15, 06:35 PM
Lt. Katherine "Kat" Katroski is waiting on the Tarmac, having recieved a truncated variation of the orders earlier. ++Hawkstar Twenty-One here, the Tigerhawk's ready for loading, awaiting M.I. deployment. she says over the inter-vehicle com. ++Lets get this mission overwith ASAP. We really don't want to break out the weapons to keep the locals in line.++

2010-11-15, 09:02 PM
John shake Andy's hand and says"Nice to meet you Chippy"clears his throat and says"The Ashtaro's have a tribal nomadic isolationist shamanistic society they look a bit like elves from fiction they are seemingly capable of finding water in this wasteland they can domesticate the wildlife on this planet and they prize females over males" stops for breath and says"That good enough?"

Storm Bringer
2010-11-16, 01:13 PM
Chippy nodded, settling his one ear headset onto his head.

"well, you've managed in 30 seconds to say what my briefings took three hours to say, so it will do." Chippy Settled into a door seat on the heli, next to the MG mount. He reached about his head, and plugged a cable into a panel on the helicopter roof. He then reached for a small box clipped onto the front of his armour vest, flicked a swtich to transmit though the helicopters radio, then pressed the pressel

++Hello Zero, this is Detla Three One Bravo. radio check, radio check, over++

a second or two later, the reply came bacl.

++Zero, ok, over++

++D31B, ok, out++ chippy said with a nod, then turned to the others now in the heli

"comms are good, we can leave when we want"

2010-11-16, 10:27 PM
Ryan DeVries

"Well, ya'd think that with a VIP in residence, them going off the air would trigger a faster response, even if it's somebody going out there in an ATV or scout bike from a closer outpost. I blame the bureaucracy." Devries replied as he checked the seating of his gear.
"Ryan DeVries. If it's just communications failure, then, yeah, they'll probably be alive. If, however, it isn't a communications failure, then we'll probably find bodies. Any desert is an unforgiving place. Besides, what's the old saying, hope for the best, plan for the worst, and expect something in between? Best case it's just communications failure. Worst case ... is pretty bad - been taken by unknown hostiles is pretty far down there. Also down there is this represents a precursor to a full-out military campaign against our interests on Ignis. Them all being dead, while not the worst, would be pretty bad too. No matter what actually happened, we'll be getting there at least 2 days after whatever happened."
Satisfied with his gear, he fixed his restraints, "Matriarchal society ... and somebody didn't think that was worth marking as important? Oh hell, language barrier. James, do you know the Ashtaro language?"

2010-11-17, 11:30 AM
Since their is not much left on the base to do, and I imagine you all take the blackhawk since it is fastest, it'll skip ahead. You can talk in the heli using your intercomm.

You soar over the vast desert, covering miles and miles of nothing but dunes and valleys of sand. At first you occasionally see a patrol or outpost near the horizon, but the stops after a couple of hours. This place seems incredible large and deserted. Put the most significant is the heat, even flying at this speed you can feel the hot and it actually feels colder inside the heli than outside, but that is not to tell for the sweating keep getting your attention.

2010-11-17, 06:35 PM
James turns to Ryan and says "I'm not fluent but i'm passable!!!"

2010-11-19, 03:00 PM
Ryan DeVries

"I suppose that will have to do." Ryan replied.

After watching sand pass by below for several hours, he checked his watch to see how much longer it would be before they would reach the outpost.

2010-11-20, 05:46 PM
About 2 hours from the outpost something happens
All of the sudden a dot shows at the radar. Two dots that certainly was not there seconds ago. The James Randal sees two large figures above the helicopter. They seem to be great flying serpents that have risen up so that they are between you and one of smaller suns of Ignis. Randal knows that these are one of the many feral predators of Ignis, but they usually attack in pairs. These seem not to be fulling mature, but they are not far from it.

roll ini

I quick look out the window or at the instruments tells you that the hostiles are about 11 and 1 a clock and maybe a hundred yard behind you. They seem to be closing in on you, descending from a great height.

2010-11-23, 09:48 PM
James runs to the pilot and shouts "Get the hell out of here!"

2010-11-24, 01:22 PM
"Strap yourselves in boys, we're going down," Kat's voice crackles over the com to the passengers. With that, the helicopter starts decending, tilting slightly forward as both sets of turbines tilt to give it greater lift.

Tactical movement translation: Accellerating to 1800 ft per round forward, and decending... as far as I can without causing the passengers to enter freefall. Straight forward. Can someone please give me a good idea of the height we're at right now?

2010-11-25, 07:53 AM
James then runs to the minigun at the back and starts firing
Attack Roll
Damage(Burst Fire)

2010-11-26, 05:57 PM
As the copper stops it movement the drake flyby, almost surprise by the sudden halt. The dragon the where directly behind made a evasive manoeuvre when it was shoot at. The other serpent did flyby but made a wingover and is more at the left or 9 o'clock side of the heli, where as its partner is in the front of the autocannons.

EDIT: are everybody strapped in tight. ???

2010-11-27, 07:57 AM
John runs to his seat and straps himself in

2010-11-29, 07:24 AM
Yes we are

2010-11-29, 09:00 AM
This do not change the dragons flight, beside that the one directly behind is slows down, so that it is now right in front of you. That have clearly not encountered a heli before. This means that the other climbs so that is now above the heli.

Storm Bringer
2010-11-29, 10:10 AM
Chippy craned his neck trying to keep his eyes on the dragons as they overshot. his left hand fumbled for the pressel as his stomach lurched the heli dived and everyone lifted out of thier seats for a split second.

++hello zero, this is D31B. Contact, fast air. wait out++ dispite everything, his voice was clear on the radio.

he didn't wait for an acknowledgement. he didb't need to. contact reports cleared the net, everyone else shutting up and letting the troops under fire use the net.

chippy looked around at the emtpy doorgunner seat.

"somebody get on that damm thing!"

2011-01-09, 10:55 AM
Ryan DeVries

"On it," Ryan replies, attaching an anchor line to his seat, hitting the release, and quickly sliding into the unoccupied gunner's seat and strapping himself in.