View Full Version : Age of Ethera [IC]

2010-11-12, 12:31 PM
"Sending me all the way away from the capital... Just what is Mother thinking...?" The youngest son of the Empress, Prince Sable, was sitting in a royal coach and staring out the window as they made way towards what would be his new residence for some time. It seemed like a random choice, unless you knew Empress Marian, then you'd know there's always a reason for the seemingly random decisions she sometimes made. The sun had already set, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, with only a light breeze.

"What do you think, Tahlir? Aside from my birthday two fortnight's ago, there's nothing to warrant this..." Despite his unintentional teleportation, they only had to stop the coach a handful of times on the journey, Tahlir having mostly just teleported to another spot inside the vehicle... or on top of it. Sable didn't look at his Blood-Bonded servant as he asked though, eyeballing a bit of chipped paint on the interior of the coach near the window.

The Prince's eyebrow gave a visible twitch as he almost glared at it. It was a good thing that the mansion was within eyeshot, if the trip had taken a day longer the Prince may have ordered the paint be stripped from the interior and have it repainted.

Meanwhile at the mansion, the maid were given full warning of the Prince's little quirks beforehand. Some stories about him having cleaned his bedroom or the halls when he thought the servants didn't do a good job, or stories of the like. So there was quite the rush to made sure everything was clean and perfect before the Prince arrived, which he would be momentarily as his royal horse-drawn coach could be seen coming towards the gates.

OOC: Kuma Da: Since our characters are Blood Bonded and given the backstory, Tahlir starts off with double the favor. Oh, and a Fortnight is 14 days, so his birthday was 28 days ago.

Everyone Else: Roll a skill check. It's a cumulative challenge to see if the Maids and their work make a good first impression on the Prince.

Map will be coming soon. There are two floors to the Mansion. About 8 bedrooms for the servants and maids are on the second floor left wing, and the Prince and his Butler's living quarters and Prince Sable's study are in the second floor right wing. Left wing has two washrooms and baths and so does the right.

The first floor has the grand hall when you enter, which leads towards the lounge and dinging half which are next to each other. The Kitchen hall is near the Dining Hall, with a large and well stocked pantry next to it. The first floor also houses a library in the left wing, and several storage rooms on the first and second floor Out back is an open air bath, natural Hot-springs.

Kuma Da
2010-11-12, 04:12 PM

"Perhaps it is for young sir's safety?" Tahlir studies the passing countryside as he talks, giving the impression of being both completely invested in the conversation and of paying no attention at all. "We do live in times of, ah, decided unrest." He folds his hands in his lap--all three current sets of them. Owing to the shift and ripple of the latent energies blood-bonding left in his body, Tahlir is surrounded by a nimbus of ghostly copies of himself. They aren't very far away at the moment, and the overall effect is that--right around the butler--reality seems to be very drunk.

"If I may, sir, I do not expect that Shadowmoor will be so great a change from the life to which you have become accustomed. It is secluded from the fervor of capital politics, that is to be sure, but M'sanguine Marian spared no expense in seeing that your perpetuance would be comfortable there."

Outside the coach, a brooding gothic pasture rolls past.

"Perhaps sir would be entertained by a very droll cow by the roadside?"

I named the mansion. It needed a name. If you already have one planned out, let me know and I'll ret-con my post.

Likewise, I introduced what might turn out to be a system of titles among vampires. M'sanguine is like milady or m'sir, but you only use it for someone who is 'upblood' of you. i.e. related and more powerful. I figured a terminology like this is exactly the sort of thing bored vampire aristocrats would cultivate.

Again, if you want that detail deleted, let me know.

'Perpetuance' is included because talking about a vampire's 'life' might be some sort of a social faux pas.

2010-11-12, 07:12 PM
Mira's black and white uniform was neatly pressed, the dress extending down to her knees with white stockings, she looked to her fellow maids for a moment

"I'll take care of dinner." She remarked quietly, as she head to the kitchen, hoping to make something presentable.

Skill: [roll0]

2010-11-12, 09:57 PM
Lulu has a far-away look in her eyes as she goes about prepping the dining room and lounge.


2010-11-13, 03:34 AM
"Yes... but the war has been going on for many years now. I would have made sense to move me when it all started." Prince Sable spared Tahlir a glance, all copies of him before he went back to the now decidedly evil in his mind chipped paint.

"Hmph... Mother will probably explain when she comes around to check in on me."

OOC:Actually I like the name, let's keep it as Shadowmoor.

Waiting on the other Maids to come in and roll.

Kuma Da
2010-11-13, 04:48 PM

The countryside continues rumbling past. Meanwhile, the only cow for miles resumes its placid grazing.

"Sir is undoubtedly correct, of course. However, such a preemptive move would have put both you and the empress at greater risk.

If she sent you away from the capital the moment you were endangered, her opponents in the court would have been all over you. Obviously, sir would have meant enough to the empress that her first thought was to your defense, and therefore you could have made an invaluable lever to anyone with designs on the throne.

By waiting until the war was no longer so fresh in people's memories, M'sanguine Marian ensured that sir would not be targeted by rival families immediately upon leaving the capital."

Tahlir pauses in his musing for a moment, and his eyes (all six semi-real sets of them) swivel to the chipped spot of paint where Sable is staring. "Perhaps sir would be interested to know that I have a paintbrush packed in my kit?"

2010-11-14, 04:11 PM
Mayday the Killer

Today was the today.

It was time to meet the little monster himself. It was time to get to work and show him what the lower-class thought of his royal family. They had no right to rule by power. To stay there due to immortality. She would show him what they all thought of his Mother's useless war. This was the first strike. She would draw blood.

Today's the day.

Her cover story had been set up by Spades. He was always the smart one, and it checked out up the highest levels. She just had to stay in character. It nearly caused her pain to put on the guise of a simple girl. A pure one whose innocence hadn't been stripped away long ago. It was fun to imagine what her life would have been like had fate handed her a duster instead of a blade.

"Hello everyone!" She said with a dead cheer as she bounced down the stairs. It was a nice day. A nice day for a killer to do her job. A nice day for a maid to do her job. The war is fresh in her mind. The brutality of the Bloody Empress.. the absolute power she wields. She would learn the meaning of vulnerable, how it feels to be helpless. How it feels to have someone close to you killed.

She busied herself with working in the living room and cleaning up a bit, only barely pitching in with food preparation. Maybe she could try to poison it.. She could see a carriage in the distance. He was coming.

Today was the day.


2010-11-17, 09:15 PM
Prince Sable

"Hm... you do have a point, maybe you're right. Well, we'll find out the reason eventually." Prince Sable said with a sigh, adjusting his cape.

At the mention of paintbrush he turned his attention to Tahlir... well, the one in the middle anyway. "A paintbrush... well... No, that would be ridiculous." He quickly shook his head, looking away. "The coating would be uneven. Once we've stopped I can just have all the interior paint removed, then have it painted again later."

Was it any wonder he was moved away from the capital and the royal palace?

"But for now, I want to see my new residence." The carriage came to a halt outside the front gate, and Prince Sable waited for the driver to

get out and open the doors for them before he stepped out. He stared up at the Shadowmoor Mansion, before his eyes scanned the area outside. He spotted Mayday, but paid her little to no mind.

Upon entering the mansion his eyes once again scanned the area in the grand hall for some time in silent. He was looking for anything dusty, out of order, broken, or anything else unacceptable as he started to walk. When the Prince was like this, it seemed like he didn't notice anyone around him, only focusing on the environment. After making a round around the great hall he entered the lounge.

The lounge had several armchairs and two couches, all dusted and cleaned, a few paintings on one of the walls, frames all even. A bookcase with all titles in order by title name and genre. So far the Prince had remained silent, which was a good thing. It meant there was nothing for him to complain about.

2010-11-18, 03:01 AM
Mira was just about done preparing dinner, as Master unexpectedly came to inspect, she hurried to set the dinnerware and utensils. She kept her hair in a ponytail so her hair wouldn't get in the way of food preparation, hurriedly meeting the Prince in the grand hall, bowing as she spoke.

"Master, dinner is ready. I didn't know what you wanted, but I hope it sufficient."

Kuma Da
2010-11-18, 04:20 PM

Wasted blood! I can't believe they were this thorough. Empress Marian must have really put the fear of, well, Empress Marian into the staff. Speaking of which...

Tahlir gives the new maid an appraising look. "Ah, good evening miss...Mira, was it?

May I take sir's coat? I am sure the new help will be happy to show sir to the dining hall...and I'm afraid my last look around the premises was somewhat unsatisfactory. I should indulge in a brief tour, for propriety's sake."

The butler pauses a moment, and then leans in and drops his voice. "Furthermore, M'sanguine Marian has requested that I ensure the grounds are entirely free of assassins. This is intended as a formality, I suspect, but I have no pressing desire to disappoint her. With sir's permission, I would also like to interview the staff."

OOC: Yo, talkkno, don't be poaching on my font color. :smalltongue:

2010-11-20, 05:34 PM
Mayday the Killer

"Hello, sir." May said venomously before bowing to him. She wondered when she should do it. Now? No, that big vampire guy was too close to him. She'd have to wait till later. "My name is May and I'm here to serve you!"

2010-11-21, 05:36 PM
Prince Sable

"This place is... better then I had expected.... and yes, you may interview the servants working here." The Prince finally spoke and removed his overcoat at Tahlir's behest, handing it to him as he now looked to the two maids, Mira and May, looking between the two quizzically Different colored outfits means Uniform is not Uniform, still, they did do a good job taking care of this mansion.

"But I'm afraid it must wait till after dinner. It has been quite the trip getting here, and a meal sounds good right about now... which way to the dining hall?" he faced Mira as he asked, directing the question at her.

OOC:The Maids gain [roll0] points of favor.

Kuma Da
2010-11-21, 07:58 PM

He's seen that look before. It was all over faces in the capital. It's the if-I-had-a-dark-alley-and-five-minutes-of-your-time look, and the newest maid is practically beaming it at Sable.

Tahlir coughs politely.

"If I may be so bold, sir, might I request one of the staff to bring me up to date on what has been prepared for sir's arrival?" Tahlir looks pointedly at May. Meanwhile he passes Sable's coat to himself, who walks back down the hallway in search of a coat rack.

My, but being a spatial anomaly is good for multitasking.

2010-11-22, 01:06 AM
Mira face flushes for a moment as Sable addresses, nodding as she exits the Grand Hall to the dining room, the silverware and plates already neatly placed, adorned with roasted lamb with cornmeal mush.

"I hope it is to your satisfaction, master, is there anything I can do for you?" She asked quietly.

2010-11-22, 03:14 PM
Mayday the Killer

She watched Sable with hunger in her eyes. He was right there in front of her. The kill. The. Big. Fat. Kill.

But she couldn't do it here. His bodyguard.. not to mention she assumed that other maid's loyalties lie with the Master. She would have to wait.. for what exactly? Did this mighty Prince ever sleep? Vampires should be.. more powerful at night. She bit her lip.

She jumps visibly when Tahlir seems to split and.. it was so unsettling. She tried to compose herself as quickly as possible and brushed down her uniform as Sable once again went out of her reach- to go and indulge himself.

"How long have you been the Master's bodyguard, Mister?" She asked sweetly, following Tahlir down the hall.

Kuma Da
2010-11-22, 04:01 PM

"Oh, I daresay the master and I have been...affiliated for quite some time." The butler folds his hands neatly behind his back as he walks. For someone who's supposedly toured the mansion only once, he seems to know its layout very well. "It's an, ah, accidental byproduct of being born downblood from the reigning family. When I was turned, I had a technical claim on the throne. Quite a strong one, at that. "

"This didn't set particularly well with the court, nor with our most revered empress. She took...quite legitimate steps to ensure that my own claim was mitigated, bringing comparative harmony back to the capital. It was a most noble thing to do."

Tahlir stops sharply, midway down a corridor, and turns to face May. "But I do go on. Perhaps you could tell me a little about what has been done to make the mansion ready for master Sable's inhabitance?"


Meanwhile, at the coat rack, another Tahlir finishes picking the last strands of drifted dust off of Sable's coat.

Well. That should just about do it.

He inspects the garment one more time, just in case anything had slipped by him on the first couple passes.

Hmm. Looks good.

A tingle races down his spine, and that's the only warning he gets.

Oh, bugg--

Coat-rack-Tahlir abruptly blips out of existence as causality remembers that he ought not to be in two places at once.

2010-11-23, 09:04 PM
Prince Sable

Sable followed Mira to the dining room, eyes scanning the room like the other rooms before, being quiet, mostly because there wasn't anything to nitpick or complain about. Silverware cleaned and polished, correct placements, and the food itself looked appetizing even though human food did nothing for him. He was now starting to see why Mother had sent him to this place.

"Er... No, that will be all, thank you Miss... Mira, correct?" He asked as he remembered what Tahlir called her as he took a seat at one end of the table.

"I have to say... I'm quite impressed at the state of the mansion from what I've seen so far. After we eat, would you show me around Shadowmoor?" Prince Sable asked without looking up at her as he looked over the roasted lamb curiously, before taking a bite of it with his fork.

2010-11-24, 12:50 AM
Mira nods, replying.
"Of course master, is there anywhere in particular you would like to see first?"

2010-11-25, 02:34 PM
Mayday the Killer

Downblood. The term stuck in her throat like a bad odor. Things like noble families and royal blood seemed like slavery to her eyes. Just a way to keep the "High Class" high and low class.. well, pigs to be sent to slaughter just like her Father was. A delicious treat for these monsters- she gave Tahlir a hard look- to feast upon. They were ruled by monsters enslaved to their hunger.

"Of course- don't want any not in the direct line anywhere near the throne. Who knows what would happen?" She said absently. Yes, what would happen? Chaos? Anarchy? Revolution? It was music to her ears.

"Oh, um.." May caught herself on the second question and had to think about it for a bit. "Well, er- we made breakfast and stuff.. got the place all nice and clean and have the best room all made up for sirs arrival." She finished, composing herself. "You'll have a room next to his, of course."

Kuma Da
2010-11-25, 05:00 PM

"I'm afraid you misunderstand, young miss. I am in the direct line. There really isn't such thing as an indirect line with our kind. Which is exactly the problem, of course. Multiple parties with strong claims on the throne is an, ah, political liability that the empress is most keen to avoid." Tahlir clears his throat discreetly.

"About your preparations, however, we may have a few matters to discuss. I'm sure you were all supplied with the relevant information about the young sir's eccentricities when you were first hired for the job. There might be one or two finicky details that were left out, though. How symmetrical would you say the master's chamber is?"

2010-11-25, 06:54 PM
Mayday the Killer

Mayday stares at him for a moment, not really sure what to say. Neither part of her really understood royal blood-line and what have you. She just knew the parts of which she had to kill. What a weird question to ask.

"Uhh.. I didn't realize he was that eccentric." She muttered, twirling a loose strand of hair. "On a scale of one to ten, it's an eight?" She offered helpfully.

Kuma Da
2010-11-26, 10:06 AM

How do you conceptualize an eight?

Tahlir frowns. "An eight should be adequate."

"I will admit, I am both surprised and impressed by the care that has been taken here." Tahlir walks over to a portrait hanging on the wall and adjusts it ever so slightly, pushing it a hair to the left with his index finger. "The master's coach was not given similar attention, and I fear the ride over was a most discomforting experience for him. I trust your own trip to Shadowmoor was of a more pleasant nature?"

2010-11-26, 01:31 PM
Mayday the Killer

The room wasn't as bad as a seven and not as good as a nine. It was the Switzerland of rooms. She wasn't very well going to go in there and measure it..

"The trip was as expected." May offered, crossing one hand over the over. She had to stow-away aboard a luggage truck to get most of the way, then take out of the Maids that had been chosen for the honor of working directly for the Prince, then take her place in the line and get past security again, then ride the rest of the way to Shadowmoor.

It was great.