View Full Version : Planescape-ish IC

2010-11-12, 05:42 PM
As far as the eye can see, dark, featurless clay stretches out under your feet. The sky itself seems to be a dark brown, ash floating by like a great fire had recently swept this place. You've been going for about half an hour - the town (if it was even large enough to earn that title) slowly becomes a brightish dot on the horizon behind you, and in front the portal entrance shines brighter and brighter, a blueish speck becoming a full-blown archway, about a storey tall, and several feet wide, standing in the midst of a vast ruin.

You are part of a small caravan - two trade wagons and a sealed palanquin, dragged by large unusual beasts of burden. You are not alone on the caravan - several kobold servitors, a slate-grey hue with odd red markings, hustle about the wagons, ensuring all is well, and a few motley humans and demi-humans also walk in stride with you. In front, a huge, hairy and horned reptilian creature sniffs at the air, as though finding its way by smell alone.

"It's still here. Still goes home," the huge thing calls to the palanquin. Those of you who've travelled with the caravan for a while know the creature's name is Karsk - you're unsure of his racial buildup, but you do know that he can probably punch you clean in half without breaking a sweat.

You hear a voice emanate from inside the palanquin, shrill and high. The tone is painfully imperious. A slight buzz underneath it, like a bee trapped in a jar, makes you think it has been magically amplified.

"Well, here we are. The Lady only knows why there's a permanent portal out here... nothing but ash and peasants. But, it's just about the easiest way into The Cage...ready up, men, women, other things - we're heading home."

2010-11-13, 01:36 PM
Sol'kanar runs a hand through his snow-white hair, and nudges the youth beside him. "Look up, oi. Back ta' ya' books soon enough, Ja."

Ja'kanar looks at the elder Kanar and shakes his head, grumbling, "Leather-headed berk." He checks his crossbow, just in case of an attack, then gets ready to reenter the Cage. "Wonder if we'll be near the Lady's Ward, and home."
"'s possible. Be nice ta' go home again."

2010-11-13, 03:02 PM
Karsk snorts in derision at the sentiment of "home".

"You'll be lucky. Smells like piss, booze and rot.

We're Hive-bound, for sure.

A smile flickers across his broad, misshapen mouth, and the slightest hint of a forked tongue can be saw.

"Heh, maybe we can get that boy of yours a turn with one of the whores? Uptight berk like him needs to blow off some steam..."

2010-11-13, 03:17 PM
"Not with me around, he ain't. When I'm around, bashers, nobody gets the whores or ladies but me," Xybapi says lightly, fluffing his bangs with one hand.

2010-11-13, 04:39 PM
"I'll tell you, you unhen-" Ja starts to get riled, but is cut off by Sol. "Ha, good to be back at the Laugh! Yer a good basher, Karsk."

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-13, 06:07 PM
"That sounds like a challenge to me, Xy," Jonaleth teases without turning around.
"We might not all be as pretty as you, but our gold shines just as bright."

2010-11-13, 07:59 PM
"Yeah, but given a choice between a customer with plenty of jink and another customer who's also got plenty of jink, wouldn't you rather go with the better-lookin' one if you're going to be sleepin' with the berk?" Xybapi grins. "I'm yanking your chains, though, I don't frequent whores. Why pay for what you can get for free, and usually with fewer diseases? Alas, but I'm still in mourning, you know. Wife ain't been dead long enough. I don't think anyway. Honestly not sure. Somewhere along the line time got a bit muddled for me." He frowns.

2010-11-14, 01:58 AM
"Basher, time's just the Wheel spinning. Don't mean a thing to any but a clueless, and you aren't a clueless. Ya sure 'o dat, Ja? 'es always struck me as a clueless in a few ways, in th' best 'o ways, though." Sol winks and smiles as he talks, fiddling with a ring while he laughs.

2010-11-14, 02:28 AM
"'Well look at me, aren't I clever, implying the Planar's one of the Clueless'." Xybapi says mockingly, copying Sol's tone and mannerisms. "Watch how you rattle your bone-box around me, berk. It may not mean anything to you, but it does to me since I'm pretty sure I'm missing some of it. Kind of like to know what happened to it, yeah? And I'll have you know I'm from Arborea, near Mount Olympus. Had a wife and kids there. They're dead now. Died of old age. Bit odd, isn't it, since as far as I know I'm only 34?"

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-14, 04:17 AM
"Not to be trite, but there are more things in all the planes than are dreamt of, as the saying goes."
Jon fidgets with his belt. He starts to say something, then pauses.
"Come on, lads, we can't sit around here all day - Sigil is waiting for us. My turn to take point, I think."

2010-11-14, 08:18 AM
The voice from inside the caravan cries out

"On, then!", and the caravan begins to roll out through the gate...

...and into Sigil.

The noises of the city are strange enough, after that forsaken place you left - but what you really forgot about was the people. The city bustles around about you, people of all races and creeds going about their business, not paying you the least mind.

The caravan pulls up at the side of the road, and the caravan master exits.

Most Mercane (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MotP/Mercane.jpg) are merchants at heart - they dress to impress, keep themselves aloof and distant, and follow inter-planar trade laws to the letter.

Not K'Liv.

The Mercane who pours himself out of the caravan looks a lot paler than most you've seen, but is still recognisably blue. Instead of the dark, professional colours of his peers, K'Liv wears a seamless white robe (the craftsmanship betrays the desire to look "cheap"). What appear to be smoked-glass goggles are permanently grafted over his eyes, burrowing into his temples. A stripe of white hair, much like a mohawk, ends in a ponytail at the back of his oddly long head. As he leaves, a skull (possibly human or Elven), covered in runes and arcane etchings, floats out after him, giving off a strange green glow. Powerfully scented smoke pours from the palanquin as he leaves.

"Right, we sold a lot this trip, so pay will be good. Remember, I covered your lodgings, food, and other expenses, so that comes straight out. I'll go trade all this jink at the exchange, get you back here in an hour or so? Go foul up a tavern somewhere, eh? We're in The Hive, after all..."

2010-11-14, 01:57 PM
Sol'kanar, having ignored the touchy biter, breathes deep of the Sigilian air. "'s good ta be 'ome! We should report to Beg, cousin. 'e'll be fine. 'e should drink! 'ere's a metal cup only roun' th' corner. Called th' Bub Hole. Ya in?"

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-14, 05:27 PM
"A chance to sit down and have a drink? Count me in."

2010-11-14, 07:17 PM
"Karsk, want some bub? How 'bout you, Prissy-Pants?" Sol gestures in the tavern's direction impatiently. "Been a long trip, wan' ta 'et me bubbin' on!"

2010-11-14, 08:12 PM
Xybapi snorts.

"I can drink you lot right under the table, I can. Won't enjoy it, though, only a damn fool enjoys the rotgut they serve down here in this pisspot of a ward. But aye, I'm along for the ride. And don't call me prissy, y'ought t' know better by now I ain't." He grins. "I'm just as dirty and rough-and-tumble as the rest of you lot, I just dress bettter." He gestures to the somewhat elaborate cream-colored tunic with dark red embroidery he's wearing belted over scarlet tights and fashionable-but-well-used boots and flicks his brown ponytail back over his shoulder with a wide grin.

2010-11-14, 08:41 PM
"You? Yer a bally sixer, and bally sixers ain't got nothin' on the Sword, nor her citizens, yeah? Let's get bubbin' already!" Sol motions to follow, and pushes off through the crowd towards the tavern. Ja rolls his eyes, and follows quietly.

2010-11-15, 02:54 AM
Karsk shakes his shaggy head.

"Bodyguard duties, for Mister K'Liv. Later."

2010-11-15, 03:01 AM
"See you shortly, Karsk. We'll bring you something." Ja hurries to catch up with Sol and the others, who are halfway there already (it wasn't far anyways).


So yeah, I just figured I'd make up some ****ty tavern for you to play with, Mr. DM Guy. It's called the Bub Hole, I'm envisioning a kinda crappy Hive tavern, but one Sol and Ja frequent, cause the Kanar's own it. :smalltongue: Course, they still gotta pay. They just don't get thrown out or threatened with shivs or anything, cause the bouncer knows them, etc.

Feel free to go anywhere you want with it. :smallcool:

2010-11-15, 07:37 AM
Xybapi snorts.

"Typical arrogant Cager, actin' like your little floating bagel's got anything on the Wheel. You probably think Arborea is all naked elves and wine and sodding parties. You wouldn't last a day there without someone like me around to help. Aye, to whatever foulness this place passes off as fit to drink." He strolls into the tavern and wrinkles his nose in disgust at the place.

2010-11-15, 06:28 PM
After the smell of damp, the next thing to hit you about the tavern is the temperature. It's cold in here.

It's... not the nicest bubhouse in Sigil, but it'll do for now. The clientele are a mix of peoples - humans and shadar-kai, elves and genasi, neraphim, a few scattered low-ranking devils, even a single water half-elemental, all sit around the tables. Most wear high hoods and other forms of disguise (generally, a good plan when being seen in some of the bubhouses in the Hive), and anyconversation you overhear is furtive and quiet.

Behind the bar stands what appears to be a Gelugon (Ice Devil) - tall, insectoid, and an unmistakeable shade of light blue. Most of you know that, frankly, this would be a terribly demeaning job for such a high-ranking devil.

In true barman style, he cleans a glass with a rag that is dirtier than the glass. It still comes out clean.

"Whatd'ye want?"

2010-11-15, 08:04 PM

Do Sol/Ja know the barkeep? If so, what's his name, so I can use it properly?

"Give us an ale, eh? And that one wants a giant's pace. My tab." Sol points at Xy.

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-16, 02:53 AM
"It's hard to go wrong with a good cold ale. I'll have one too."
Jon takes a quick look around the bar to see if anyone/thing interesting is present.

2010-11-16, 05:34 AM
Aside from the... odd inhabitants, there is not much of interest. One Hive tavern is much the same as another, sadly...

The barman presents two mugs. They contain what could generously be described as ale.

"Two stingers, Iceman. Grey Ice, if you can. No tab here."

He distractedly goes back to scrubbing his glass, and ensures you can see the dagger on his belt.

2010-11-16, 10:37 AM
Sol digs in a pocket, and pulls out three grey ices, tossing them on the counter. He grabs the ales, walks to a table in the corner big enough for everyone, and takes a seat, gesturing for folks to follow. "'S good ta be 'ome."

Ja catches up finally, and steps to the counter. "An ale, Gelugon, if you please."

2010-11-16, 11:47 AM
There – descending from the sky a rainbow of color, wings flapping, feathers ruffling, serpent tail twisting in the wind.

Dropping – tumbling, and then landing with a soft and comfortable beat of feathered wings – Alliana, the resident Lillend.

“Hiya!” she said, young – voice the sound of an angel – and bright. She smiled at her companions as she folded her wings down, catching her breath before sliding gently into the tavern, looking to the drinkers – her friends. “Did I miss anything?”

2010-11-16, 11:56 AM
"Oi, Alliana, 'ere ya 're! 'is here's th' Bub Hole, o' my grandpa. Go and get yerself an ale." Sol slides a few grey ice coins across the table at her, and gestures to the gelugon with a knowing wink. "An' watch after Ja, yah? 'e's up there."

2010-11-16, 12:10 PM
"Oh, um, that's okay," she said pleasantly, sliding over to the table, curling the bulk of her form beneath it - her back pressed against the chair's back. "So how is everyone?"

She looked them over - she among the larger of them, she didn't seem to act out of place; of course, most creatures were out of place, so ...

2010-11-16, 12:23 PM
"Eh, yer call." Sol recollects his coins, and looks about the room at the assorted Hivers and gutter trash. "'een worse. Boss is off workin' up our jink, gunna meet in an 'our or so, back at the portal. Just drinkin' th' time away in company, oi? You?"

2010-11-17, 03:58 AM
Xy nods pleasantly at Alliana.

"Ahh, that's better now. Something in this outhouse of a dive that isn't hideously ugly, and a little piece of home to boot. Er, well, come to think of it, haven't asked you what plane you're from yet, guess I just assumed Arborea, but I suppose your kind can come from Ysgard or the Beastlands too." He shrugs apologetically. "Can't say I really know that much about celestials, I was just a farmer back home before I took up adventuring. Probably would've done better if I'd stayed at home and read a book on you lot and learned."

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-17, 06:08 AM
"That's as may be friend, but there's only so much book learning you can do before the planes themselves make a better teacher," Jon says.
"But maybe that's just because I was born a Prime. Different strokes for different folks and all that. And some of the folks out here can be pretty damned different. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course."

2010-11-17, 07:32 AM
She bit a finger playfully, as her childishness and wicked charisma lended to her a tendency to be somewhat (unconsciously) flirtatious. "It's been a long since I was home - I've lost track of it all."

She shifted, flexing her wings, as if suddenly aware of her considerable weight - almost all of it in the long coil of her tail. "And I rather wouldn't want to go back until I have found the meaning of art - the perfected song."

2010-11-17, 09:49 AM
As you sit, you hear something of a commotion coming from the doorway.

K'Liv has reappeared, but Karsk is nowhere to be seen. He tears through the pub, straight to your table.

"... So, we have a problem. You know how, sometimes, I take on jobs that are... not illegal, per se, but not always seen in the greatest light? Well..."

Another commotion comes from the door. This time, it's the noise of the patrons hurriedly scurrying from the man at the doorway.

Man is... an unfair assessment. A man-shaped being, mainly pistons and clockwork, all darkened to a deep charcoal, bar perfectly gold armour, walks through the door. Resplendant red robes fall around its shoulders, and a huge blade gleams wickedly in its hand.

"K'Liv af Srun af Shre af Durrav. You are charged with breaking oaths. Multitudes of oaths. Foremost, your kind's Trader's Oath. You have reigned on bargains and trades, cheated and lied your way across The Planes."

K'Liv turns to you, a severely worried look in his eye.

"Cart's outside, money's there, keep on going with the runs, I'll be back as soon as I can!"

He turns back to the mechanical lawbringer.

"Of course, you are right."

He holds out his hands, as though the being would cuff him. But, with a gesture, K'Liv falls through a newly-created hole in the floor.

The construct's expression seems to become that of resignation, then steely resolve.

"...Should you see your friend again, tell him I will find him. It is... inevitable."

With that, the Kolyarut (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG158.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D57103&usg=__0JfIdU2lPs0z2kiyL2NjIC-AbEY=&h=465&w=400&sz=137&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=qkLLw2l5tMO9OM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=138&prev=/images%3Fq%3DKolyarut%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client% 3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D617%26tbs%3Disch: 1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1039&vpy=74&dur=518&hovh=160&hovw=138&tx=154&ty=132&ei=-zHkTPbLJqqqhAeG5PzxDQ&oei=-zHkTPbLJqqqhAeG5PzxDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0) turns tail and leaves.

2010-11-17, 12:21 PM
Sol sits up as the inevitable walks away, all cheer gone. He turns to the others. "You lot, go get that cart and hold it. I gotta chant w' th' barkeep." He stands and rushes to the barkeep. "OI! I need ya to get a message to Beg'kanar, you carry it?"

Ja stands, and moves outside, pulling his crossbow as he does.


Knowledge (the planes) from Ja to identify the inevitable as a kolyarut: [roll0]

2010-11-17, 04:28 PM
"What? You know the boss? You..."

You can see two and two painfully colliding in the Ice Devil's head.

"Sol'Kanar? Yes, a message, yes."

Ja easily recognises the being from the bar as a Kolyarut, one of the Mechanus-dwelling Inevitables - creatures who pursue those who break their laws (in this case, breaking oaths and bargains) with a tenacity otherwise unheard of.

2010-11-17, 06:13 PM
The chaotic creature had shifted backwards when the law-bringer had entered the tavern; however, she slinked back and looked around nervously. "Heh. I-I am not really following what's going on ... guess my mind's in many places today, heh."

2010-11-17, 06:19 PM
"Yah basher, 's me. Tell Beg that K'Liv's deep with th' wheels, let 'im know Sol could use th' dark 'bout K'Liv's oath breakin'. Quick, oi?" Sol then heads outside to join Ja and secure the cart.

Ja looks at the Lillend and nods. "The Kolyarut is tracking K'Liv over broken deals. Let's get the cart and the jink, maybe Karsk is outside waiting." Ja stands and moves outside.


Note: I just invented some cager slang there, "wheels". Technically, the Cant has no terms for the inevitables, since they didn't exist when it was written, so I invented "wheels" to cover it.

2010-11-17, 06:40 PM
"Sodding hells, this is the kind of thing I meant when I said I should've stayed home with a book," Xy says, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Sodding lawful mess, not quite as bad as the piking tan'ari, Powers rot the lot of them, but those berks drive me barmy." He growls slightly. "Great. Already fell afoul of the damned tan'ari, now I'm gettin' mixed up in this mess."

2010-11-18, 06:36 AM
At the cart, the Kobolds wait patiently. The others in the caravan have went their separate ways, just waifs and strays picked up along the way. As part of the main core of the caravan, the Kobolds recognise Ja immediately, and spring to attention.

"Hi! We guard caravan from nasty Hivers. Did we get paid yet? Boss swung by, dropped off stuff."

The Kobold looks perplexed.

"Where's Boss?"

2010-11-18, 07:59 AM
"Oooh, hi little guys!" the massive Lillend said, slithering over - she was slow on the ground, but not every situation called for flight. "Don't worry, we'll get your payment!"

2010-11-18, 02:26 PM
"Hello boys. The jink is in the cart. K'Liv has given a wheel the laugh, he'll get back soon. Where is Karsk?" Ja looks at the crowds nervously, hating the Hive. Sol, having delivered his message to the gelugon and stepped outside, leans next to Ja, whispering as he does.

Icy Dialect of Auran:

"Cousin, Beg is informed. We need to lay low. Where?"
"Not sure. Perhaps near the Hall of Information? See if we can dig up something about K'Liv and the wheels?"
"The Slumbering Lamb is nearby. There?"

Sol and Ja break their conversation, and Sol speaks. "Oi cutters, 'e need ta get th' dark on 'his situation. Over in th' Clerk's Ward is th' Hall of Information, and a nearby inn called th' Slumbering Lamb. To there and plan 'ur next move?"

2010-11-19, 06:20 AM
The kobolds around the caravan step forward, and the only one to speak pipes up.

"Nah nah nah, money. Pay first, plan later."

His bretherin chirp and chitter in agreement.

2010-11-19, 08:25 AM
The Lillend slithered towards the tiny kobold, looking at him with large and innocent eyes. "Oh, can't we pay later please?"

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2010-11-19, 02:39 PM
The head kobold feels... an odd stirring, somewhere where its loins would be, were they external.

"Sigyl very dangerous for lovely...lady? Like you. We protect. We get pay when we stop to rest."

With a chirp, the Kobolds form a line behind the party.

"Where we head? Clerks Ward? Lead on!"

As they line up, you notice the skull has floated outside with the group. It no longer glows any specific colour.

2010-11-19, 02:47 PM
"'et's go, berks. Folla, ya hear? And dodge th' Slags." Sol leads off towards the Clerk's Ward and the Slumbering Lamb. As he does, he gestures to Ja, who keeps his eye on that floating skull as they walk.

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-19, 04:59 PM
Jon (who has obviously been following silently the whole time) shakes his head in resignation.
"I should have known this job was going to get complicated. Well, at least it's not boring."

2010-11-19, 05:02 PM
"Oi ya primer berk, nothin' lillier in all de Wheel, dat it is." Sol smiles, and gestures to get the cart moving.


I'm cool with a time-skip or whatever at this point.

2010-11-20, 12:05 AM
Xybapi snorts.

"One of these days, berk, you'll learn to talk like a sane person. Damned Sigilites always talk like they don't want anybody to understand them. Not everything has to be dark, you know." He pats Jon on the shoulder.

"If you get too lost with what he's saying, you just ask me, I speak this rubbish. Been hanging around here too long, even use some of it myself."

2010-11-20, 02:31 AM
Sol smiles. "Aye, I can talk quite well thank you very much. Because I choose to use the Cant makes me a fool, does it? I take offense to that, Xy. You'd do well to remember that I'm not quite as foolish as you think." He laughs, the stiff and formal tone fading away. "'nuff o' dat though, 'et's go, bashers!"


To explain what just happened here: Sol was classically educated as a child, and taught proper, formal, Common for use at family functions and in diplomatic situations. He spent most of his time on the streets though, learning the lay of the land, so he prefers the cant.

Also, his Int of 15 permits him to do such, IMO. He's not stupid, just somewhat abrasive (which I hope I'm bringing through well enough to be clear).

2010-11-20, 08:22 AM
"Yeah, and that makes it worse that you do. Most Sigilites just never learned how to talk like they've got sense. You can call me a sixer all you like, 'cept the insults the wrong way, me, only four of the heavens are worth talking about, lawful side of the wheel can go fall off for all I care, 'specially Arcadia, but leave the prime alone, he hasn't done anything to you. One of these days we'll be in an emergency and you'll be using that gutter-talk and he won't know what the hells you've said and then where will we be?" He smirks. "Well, I think better of the man than that, he'll get it eventually I'm sure, but you're not exactly making it easier for him." He pauses and resumes in a dark, grating language that Sol doesn't understand. "You might as well be talking in Abyssal."

Oh, it's perfectly clear, it just annoys Xy. :smallamused: He uses cant as mild coloring in his speech so people will leave him alone, but overly extensive use of it, especially when the user in question knows better, drives him barmy. He also thinks people who live in Sigil because they like it there are nuts. Sigil's got nothing on the planes, in his opinion.


2010-11-20, 09:42 AM
Alliana smiled pleasantly at the Kobold, beaming her pleasure at its willingness to be paid later - and she wisely selected to remain out of the present conversation. She herself spoke clearly and with an innocent tone that she hoped would put-off any would-be enemies - for she was weak in combat.

She flexed her wings.

Slithering closer to the cart, she examined just what was in it - and wondering if the group even had a present mission.

"So what exactly are we doing?" she asked plainly, her voice slightly spacey.

She sounds a bit like Nia from Gurren Lagann; I can only find the final episode, which does show a good example of a 'distressed Nia' but full of spoilers...

2010-11-22, 08:44 AM
"Genasi said the Slumbering Lamb!"

Your troupe makes its way through the bustling streets of the Hive, and through to the Slaughtered Lamb at the Clerk's Ward, leaving the carts outside with the Kobolds.

The Lamb isn't greatly busy - people who you guess are regulars are dotted around the tables.

The Mimir has tailed you to the inn, and floats beside your table. Words start to form in the air around it, glowing a faint purple.



2010-11-22, 01:08 PM
"Ja, get some rooms." Sol crashes in a seat in the main room, just in time for the mimir to start blathering on. "Eh? User Sol'kanar, ye bleedin' sod."

Ja meanwhile goes over to the innkeeper, and bargains for a room for himself and Sol, and gets a room for Jon, Xy, and Alliana each, and a room for all the kobolds.

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-22, 04:44 PM
Jon watches the floating skull expectantly, but still unsettled by recent events refrains from taking a seat. Just in case.

2010-11-22, 06:05 PM
"Thank you, Ja," Alliana said, taking her room key. She smiled and looked a bit sheepish - the chaotic creature always seemed to shift moods, and right now she had elected the 'shy girlie type' as the role to take.

2010-11-22, 06:05 PM
WeLCOME, Sol'Kanar.


Along with a laundry list of other minor items, the Mimir discharges all the infor mation it has.

2010-11-22, 07:05 PM
Ja nods to Alliana in return, smiling just a little as he does, and hands out the keys to each individual's room to that person, throwing the last key to the kobolds en masse. He then takes a look at the actual contents of their cart, which is parked unceremoniously in a corner of the room.

Sol looks at the Mimir curiously. "Where are we to meet Grestah, mimir? I 'ate 'hese bleedin' 'ings."

2010-11-23, 04:28 PM

2010-11-23, 04:52 PM
"And when and where are we to trade with K'Rirst? Same place?" To the others, Sol says, "Oi, 'hat 'ould we do? See 'his cutter, Grestah, or go meet wit' this trader?"

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-23, 04:56 PM
Jon accepts his key with a nod of thanks.Sneaky Edit because ninjas!
"Well, I've got to say I'm glad you're here Sol. I doubt I could have handled this half as well on my own. Talking to this Grestah might be the more prudent option. I'm going to go check the rooms, be back in a minute."
He heads off, borrowing the keys of anyone who's willing to let him check their rooms for them.

2010-11-24, 11:51 AM
"Bah, you'd've been fine as long as you kept your wits about you," Xy says to Jon before he goes, meaning it to be encouraging.

"And aren't we meant to be doing both? Guess it depends on what order we want to do it in."

2010-11-24, 05:26 PM
The mimir beeps in an oddly high-pitched tone.



2010-11-24, 05:54 PM
"Th' Hive? I know tha' rock, scum, it 's. We'd have ta' go soon, it's 'lready half to afterpeak, we goin' ta chant wit' K'Rirst, bashers?"

2010-11-25, 02:29 AM
"Lets get going then. Sooner we get this done the sooner I can drink myself into a stupor and go to bed."

2010-11-25, 06:29 PM
The statue of Anthraxis is known to those of you with any knowledge of the Hive.

Located in the centre of what one would be pushed to describe as a park, A Monument To Her Glory was built by the previous generation's Kobold population. It represents Anthraxis, a legendary Black Dragonfrom one of the Prime Material planes - the Kobolds brought her tale with her when they came to Sigil.

Nasty bitch, she was.

So far, no-one seems to be waiting for you.

2010-11-26, 01:51 PM

It seems you assumed we went to the statue. I'm rolling with that.

Sol looks around nervously. The Hive at afterpeak is not a nice place. He gestures and speaks an arcane word, causing a plate of force to spring to life around him. Ja readies his crossbow, and keeps an eye open.


Sol cast Mage Armor. :smallsmile:

2010-11-28, 02:13 PM
Xy stands in what he feels is a relatively defensible position with his bow readied.

"Ain't liking this. Berk needs to get himself here."

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-28, 04:14 PM
"Or maybe he is here, and we can't see him... I'm not sure which of those I'm less comfortable with."
Weapon drawn, Jon stands ready to defend himself and his companions.

2010-11-29, 02:29 AM
Your drawn weapons gain few funny looks in the bustle of the Hive.

People come and go, not stopping long enough for you to tell if they're looking for you.

A voice from behind you practically whispers "So, I assume you're here to kill me. Bastard K'Liv."

As you turn, you catch sight of a stick-thin figure, with lightly greeny-yellow, almost wasted-looking flesh. It draws a silver sword from its belt, and stands its ground firmly.

2010-11-29, 02:36 AM
Sol shakes his head. "Nah basher, 'e're here ta meet wit' ya, get th' dark o' somethin' is all. K'Liv's gone, th' wheels after 'im. We want ta know why. No need for th' tongues o' steel, oi?" He smiles broadly, hoping to put the githyanki at ease.

2010-11-29, 08:29 AM
Having stayed silent for a while, the Lillend slithered forward, arms open - wings spread so she appeared almost like an angel - an angel with a snake half and teal hair, but an angel nonetheless.

Smiling, and with that voice of high-pitched innocences, she spoke, "No, no! I just came to talk - we just came to talk."

The dilplomancer's at it again! someone stop her!
Diplomacy: [roll0]

Edit: It looks like she stopped herself!

2010-11-29, 10:30 AM
"Still your tongue, wench.
What kind of fool do you take me for? K'Liv is untrustworthy at the best of times - who exactly is after him? Why?"

He looks at the Mimir curiously.

"Is that his? Looks like it... did you mug him? Kill him and his guards? I bet that big fella put up some fight..."

2010-11-29, 10:32 AM
"Oi, you aren't going to put him at ease doing all that, more like make him uncomfortable." Xy says, snickering. He turns to the Githyanki. "Nah, ain't here to kill you, didn't kill K'Liv either, just here to talk. It's just you weren't here and I don't like standing around the Hive with my hands in my pockets looking like a clueless waiting to get bobbed. Better to have a weapon out, just in case some berk gets a bad idea. So, let's just have a nice little talk, work out whatever it is, and get down to business, eh?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

(OOC: It still astounds me that diplomacy isn't a class skill for succubi/incubi.)

2010-11-29, 01:45 PM
"Yah, 't's 'is mimir, but like I said, th' wheels 're after 'im. We 'ere swords o' 'is cutter, we ain't deliverin' th' mail for 'im though." Sol fidgets slightly nervously, the githyanki is clearly well equipped. Silver Swords aren't exactly low-priced gear.

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-29, 04:33 PM
"We only recently discovered for ourselves not to trust K'Liv too much... but he's still paying us, and I for one don't want to break any vows around here. So why would he want us to meet with you?"

2010-12-01, 06:11 PM
"We meet here with regards a trade. Astra. A lot of it. You... don't appear to have it with you?"

The sword tightens in his grip.

2010-12-02, 01:51 PM
"Nay, we dun'. Didn' have any." Sol tenses, ready for a fight.

2010-12-02, 04:01 PM
"Hey, hey, don't get so angry with us!" Alliana said, trying to defuse the tension, "We don't need to fight!"

2010-12-02, 07:04 PM
"Well, that depends - do you have the Astra or not? Think very carefully before you answer."

Rainbow Servant
2010-12-03, 02:41 AM
"It must be with the cart, back at the inn. That's the only explanation I can think of - K'Liv has not been very clear with his instructions."

2010-12-03, 05:51 AM
"Don't be daft, berk, we know right where it is." Xy says before turning to the Githyanki. "Left guards with it. We ain't so barmy as to be carrying stuff like that around in the sodding Hive. Don't hurt to be careful, eh? Had to make sure everything is done proper. But nah, cutter, we've got it taken care of, just need to finalize things and we can all be done."

Bluff: [roll0]

2010-12-03, 06:48 PM
"Really, please, do not worry. We are not your typical childish adventurers - we know what we are doing," Alliana said, adding to herself, I hope.

She shifted, closing her wings down around her almost like a cloak, and she smiled again, "Are you sure there is nothing we can do to prove? I do not want us to be enemies - being friends is so much nicer!"

Second Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2010-12-04, 01:49 PM
The Githyanki's face makes it clear that he has little concept of... friends.

"I don't want friends that lie like the pretty boy here," he sneers derisively, "but you strike me as... reasonable beings. Take me to it. No games, no tricks - just do your deal."

2010-12-05, 08:49 AM
"We will 'do our deal'," the girl said, turning her back - shifting slightly towards the group.

2010-12-08, 06:15 PM
"Good. I don't hold much with... oathbreaking."

The Githyanki smiles. Unsettlingly. As he starts to move, you notice how painfully thin his limbs are. In fact, it dawns on you that he shouldn't be able to walk at all, being that thin.

"...Well? Are you taking me to it?"

While his sword has been re-sheathed, you see his hand grasp onto the hilt once more.

2010-12-08, 06:25 PM
Sol looks at the others and raises an eyebrow. "Eh, bashers? Let's go. And ya, ya keep yer hands 'ere we can see 'em, or 's no deal."

2010-12-09, 02:23 PM
Alliana turned again, her eyes searching the man's body. "Are you alright?"

2010-12-09, 02:47 PM
The githyanki sees you eyeing his physique.

"Where I come from, gravity is a lot more... subjective. Not used to these heavier climes."

Again he flashes that unsettling grin.

2010-12-10, 12:23 AM
"Everything's subjective somewhere. Leave the cutter alone, girl, he's fine." Xy grins and shrugs at the Githyanki, in a sort of sheepish half-apology for both his pitiful attempt at lying and his companion's enthusiastic worrying.

2010-12-13, 06:20 PM
The Githyanki follows behind, offering little in the way of communication or small talk bar the occasional grunted answer.

OOC: Where are you taking him? Back to the caravans, or somewhere else?

2010-12-20, 08:31 AM
"So," the Illiend said, slithering slowly behind them - beside the Gith. She seemed to have no real emotional qualms with talking to a strange creature, as if her curiosity overwhelmed any other sensibility. "Whatcha come here for? I mean what's your dream?"

2010-12-23, 08:43 AM
"Gith don't dream. We wait. I'm here because Astra is important to me. Spiritually and monetarily.

And I could ask the same question, snakerump - why aren't you prancing about the Heavens?"

2010-12-23, 09:01 AM
A faint blush spread across her face before it vanished, and she shook a finger at him as if it say that was unkind to call her - and then she raised her arms and wings, looking up at the sky, "It is so beautiful! That is why. To hear the perfected Song - to learn it, to praise it! That is why I am here."

2010-12-27, 08:23 AM
Xybapi snorts and grins.

"Ain't gonna find it here, kid. Might find a bawdy ballad about someone's genitals, but unless you've got a particularly odd definition of perfect, ain't gonna be it. Although it amuses me that someone finds the Hive beautiful. C'mon, let's get this cutter his stuff, before we drive him barmy with cheerful."

2011-01-10, 07:32 PM
Did this die?