View Full Version : The Unblinking Eye

2010-11-15, 04:27 PM
As you make your way through the hustle and bustle of Sharn, you blend in effortlessly, just another wave in an endless sea of faces. You step into yet another tavern run by yet another House Jorasco halfling, and the slight proprietor flashes you yet another toothy grin as you enter. You spy yet another familiar etching on the corner of the bar, two concentric circles that mark this bar as an enclave of the Unblinking Eye:

You place your palm over the etching, revealing a matching tattoo on the backside of your hand. "Latrine's upstairs on the right," the barman says yet again. Going up the stairs, you turn to the right and enter to a small group of familiar faces: your local chapter of The Unblinking Eye, Sharn's premier assassin's guild. Bogart, the head assassin, silently nods in recognition as you enter.

"Evening," he grumbles from behind his cigar as you arrive. "Does everyone know each other? As much as I'm loathe to, introductions may be in order. Make it brief, and use whatever names you'd like. There's work to discuss." He sinks back into his chair behind a dancing curtain of smoke.

OOC: Welcome to the game! Take some time to give us a brief character description and IC introduction, and then I'll move us along.

2010-11-15, 05:08 PM
The first man in is a a tall elf with dull brown hair. He strides in with a noble walk and grabs a chair in the corner. Suddenly hes features morph and and a human with the same brown hair is in the elf's place. As the others walk in he says,
"Name's Kapt. So watcha calling us in for Bogart? Find any leads on HER?. He fixes Bogart with a sharp gaze.

OOC: HER is one of Kapt's Father's wives, the one who send the assassin after him and his mother.

2010-11-15, 07:54 PM
With a flourish of his cape and a sly grin on his face, a handsome human walks into the room. His chair jerks back slightly upon his approach, but he reclines after taking his seat as if it hadn't happened. His eyes are dreamy as he spots a bottle of wine across the table. He opens his hand as if to grab it even though it's well out of his reach, but nonetheless it slides across the table into his grasp. Only upon pouring himself a glass does he remember why he is at the table in the first place. "Oh, er-... you may call me Dark Lord Kazzak."

2010-11-15, 08:00 PM
"Fox", a human male replies, "and I suppose you have a mark for us?"
He pulls a chair out and leans in it casually; he has a smirk on his face and his green eyes look over everyone at the table, making mental notes to himself.

2010-11-16, 11:08 AM
The goblin scratched his head a bit, and shifted his mask. He was wearing black, but was clearly recognizable as a goblin - he just hoped he wasn't recognizable as any particular goblin.

"I'm Kallaad." He stated, simply enough.

Consciously, he kept himself from doing anything particularly out of the ordinary - just sat put where he was, sitting in a chair that was noticably too big for him, but that's what he was used to.

2010-11-16, 03:04 PM
Sitting Indian style upon the table, Kalam eyes each of the other assassins. Two humans, an elf and, gladly, a goblin. As each person introduces themselves, he scribbles down their name and a small description about each one. You never know when you'll forget these things, Kalam musingly thinks. Busy finishing off the last description he forgets it's his turn.

"Oh ahem, sorry I am Kalam Mekhar. Killin's my skill and I can't wait for my fill." He announces, the former a bit awkwardly, just started learning poetry. His skin turning a slightly darker blue from his normal light blue hue when realizing that may have been a bit embarassing Kalam puts on his hood while clearing his throat. "What's the job?"

2010-11-16, 04:30 PM
Bogart rises from his seat, brushing unseen dust from the lapel of his pinstriped jacket. He walks toward the door, grabbing his hat off the rack on his way out. "Esmerelda d'Phiarlan," he rasps, another puff of smoke rolling from his mouth.

He dons his hat silently and exits the room, leaving the lot of you to get to work.

2010-11-16, 04:39 PM
Knowledge rolls to see if I know him.
local [roll0]
nobles [roll1]
arcane [roll2] +5

Kapt starts to stand up and says "Lets get at it then!"

2010-11-16, 04:47 PM
Dark Lord Kazzak

His head perks up at the mention of "d'Phiarlan". The full name echoes in everyones head a few times and then he speaks. "Of course it could be someone from from a great house. Oh how I love targets with plenty of friends!" He promptly stands from his seat, wine glass in hand and moves as if to leave the room before turning in the doorway. "I almost forgot... how are you all planning to maintain contact with the rest of the team? I have a communication ring that I could sync up, or we could designate a meeting place and time." He looks to be thinking quite hard as he approaches the table once more. "Actually we may as well develop a plan while we're at it. I can easily acquire plenty of information on the target. What shall each of you be doing?"

2010-11-16, 04:57 PM

Kapt puts on a thoughtful face, and reaches into one of his pockets withdraws a ring. "Here, I have a ring of communication as well. I might go and and try and find information about him as well. This mission is going to be a pain in the tail, the house of shadows will have very good defences. I wonder if the higher ups are trying to expand?"

2010-11-16, 06:38 PM
Great minds think alike my friends, I too have a comm ring."

Kalam stands up on the table quickly showing off the ring. Walking across the table quietly subtley showing off some of his deadly skill Kalam pipes up with a sound, before realizing he had to write that name down. Looking up at the others he asks.

"I'm not adept at gathering information. I've never heard of this Esmeralda person. The d' indeed denotes that this person may be someone of great importance." He shivers in excitement. "I do like a juicy target. Erm, though not knowledgeable I can do some spying as long as you my fellow friends point me in the right direction."

Thinking he may have talked a bit to much Kalam moves toward the two others with comm rings holding out the ring to link with the others.


2010-11-17, 03:24 PM
With introductions out of the way, it may be time to get to work. From your previous work with the Eye, you all know that when a timeframe is not stated, it is an urgent matter. Bogart could barely even stay long enough to give you the name, so you all sense that something is afoot.

2010-11-17, 06:43 PM
He synchronizes his ring with whomever else presented theirs and heads off to the local House Thurrani chapter. "Well I'm off! Contact me if anything of interest comes up." Along the way, he takes a moment to alter his features to that of a half-elf.

2010-11-17, 08:01 PM
Fox goes to work the way he does best, he sets off to some contacts with about 40 gold.
He asks around the grapevine for who this girl is and why she needs to be killed.

Gather Information [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]

2010-11-17, 08:14 PM
"Great we're connected. Now what's our plan?" Kalam asks with head turned away checking out the room. It's always a safe to keep careful watch over the room, you never know when the room will become a danger. Looking back towards Dark Lord wondering why he hasn't responded, finds that he has left already, with only a quick farewell.

"Er...what about the rest of you? I..." Another one leaves, Fox is the name right? This time this one doesn't even mention anything of his departure.

"If only ellipses's were louder...At least I got Dark's ring connected. Not sure how we can get a hold of fox, our profession requires us to be so. Now Kapt...or Kallaad, right? Any ideas? I've never been good with people."

2010-11-17, 08:47 PM

Kazzaks voice comes buzzing in through the ring with the same whimsical tone. "Well. Well, fresh hunter. When seeking elusive prey, go to where they congregate! Now where would someone named 'Esmerelda d'Phiarlan' spend her spare time?"

I know I didn't designate that I was activating the ring in my last post, but I figure for the sake of staying in the conversation, I'd just hop in. At least till i get out of ring range.

2010-11-17, 10:19 PM
I think we should go and find any info we can. Just do what you usaually do, maybe call in some favors for info. I'll go get some info from some of my sources, right now. Lets meet back here at between 10:00 and 12:00. Kapt stands up and leaves.
Gather Info

2010-11-18, 12:01 AM
"Huh. I had to have a ring for a previous mission myself." Khallad noted.

He actually wanted to ask a couple more questions, as... well, he'd literally never worked with another goblin before. And that was beyond the other questions, such as 'why are you blue' and the like.

He synchronized his ring as he responded. "I've... always felt really suspicious, asking around, so I've usually waited for a target myself. I could snoop about, though - sometimes I just overhear things. That set meeting time makes sense, though.

He glanced at Kapt, as the elf left the room, then back to Kalam. "Were you going to wait here, or go try your luck outside?"

2010-11-18, 12:15 PM
The room thins out, becoming much more spacious and breathable as the trained killers exit into the night. While it's common advice among the more noble adventurers in the bar never to split up, assassins know better. Not only is it necessary, it is sometimes preferred. One man asking questions gets answers; five men asking gets nothing but raised eyebrows. As you part company, you are able to keep each other informed via the crackling sounds of your communication rings. Eventually, only Kallad and Kalam are left in the room while the others eagerly get to work.

The House Thurrani enclave is easy to spot. It's not often that you find a large number of elves congregating in Sharn, much less a large number of elves who happen to be singers, dancers, jugglers, and other entertainers of various ilks. However, it becomes a more common sight when you enter Treetown--an area known for its high concentration of elves (and, naturally, the trees they have planted). Even still, the enclave stands out as the nicest building on the block. Most of the residents of Treetown are dressed in dark earth tones and fine silk, but a constant wave of performers in bright stripes and plaid pants comes in and out of the enclave.

Your contacts don't have much helpful information as to who the mark is or where she can be located, save that she may be at House Phiarlan's enclave in the Whisper District--a dark part of town well known to you as a chief residence of various scoundrels and thieves. However, one contact drunkenly recalls a story about a young scion of one of the elven houses engaged in a lurid affair with an old and feeble human, though he couldn't quite remember which house. "Slanties all look the same to me," he drunkenly stammers.

One of your usual sources' eyes go wide as you mention the name Esmerelda d'Phiarlan. "About time that little hussy got what's coming her way," the grizzled dwarf mumbles, spitting through his thick beard into the alleyway behind you. "She's been stringing along poor Kolare for years, intent on marrying that old geezer as close to his deathbed as she can. I don't know why she's chasing his coin when her family's got their own, but she's been bedding that sickly apothecary for the longest. She usually spends the nights there, when she can manage to sneak away from the enclave. Digging for gold and his grave--good riddance, I say."

2010-11-18, 01:05 PM

He knew all too well of the harsh feelings between House Thuranni and House Phiarlan. Any good participant in a blood feud would know plenty about the target of their enmity, so he strode into the enclave looking for someone who looks knowledgeable and calls out to their mind.

DC19 will save vs charm monster

2010-11-18, 03:58 PM
Fox will make his way towards the Whisper District.
Move Silently:[roll1]

(Fox is making these checks to "blend in", and avoid the more devious residents of the area)

2010-11-18, 03:59 PM
Kalam considers Dark's advice, "You make a good point, Dark Lord. What's troublesome is pinpointing exactly where she would be, not just the general area. Which I suppose is what everyone else is doing besides Kallad and myself."

Kalam brightens up at a thought popping into his head. Dropping down to the floor from the table heads toward the door. "Kallad I'm off I have an idea, we have the comm rings so we can set up a meeting once everyone finishes searching. Just hope Fox turns up again, though it's our professions nature to go off on our own, multiple employees on the same target that don't share information may cause unnecessary danger upon the job and ourselves."

Opening the door and pulling down his hood Kalam begins his journey to the Globe Information Center located in the Dragon Towers guild hall district. Kalam remembers seeing advertisements on the streets that claim the Globe Information Center can find anyone.

Just before entering Kalam finds a back alley to cast Disguise Self, changing his features into that of a Halfling with the uniform of a package carrier, changing the Handy Haversack into small package with the name Esmerelda d'Phiarlan

"Hello, I am looking to find Esmerelda d'Phiarlan."

2010-11-18, 04:46 PM
A svelte receptionist stands from her desk and waves you forward, past the winding line waiting for her time. "Hey there, sweetie! Are you here for booking inquiries, or do you have an appointment?" She turns to everyone waiting in line, some of whom are starting to grumble. "Sorry," she says with a sheepish grin, "House Thuranni VIP." She then turns back to you, smiling widely. "Can I get you a drink or anything?"

Just another face in the crowd--the preferred identity for assassins everywhere. Fox blends in effortlessly while traveling the Whisper District, until he spots the enclave of House Phiarlan. A standard rowhome, the only recognizable trait is the two guards standing in front of the door. The muscular elves are clearly descendants of the stronger jungle species of elf. Each of them holds a falchion, and they bear the Least Mark of Shadow on the back of their right hands. Otherwise, they look so similar they could easily be twins.

The Globe Information Center is abuzz with activity, and it takes the apathetic host warforged a minute or two to notice you amidst all of the activity. Once you finally do get its attention, it answers flatly. "The most likely location of the recipient is at 746 Quiet Wind Way, at the enclave of House Phiarlan in what is colloquially known as "The Whisper District." For your convenience, couriers routinely pick up packages from the Globe Information Center for delivery to the enclaves of every Dragonmarked House in Sharn. Sivis representatives are available to provide authorized signatures of all House members. I will now take your package." Without even bothering to rise from its seat, the machine extends its arms over the desk towards you.

2010-11-18, 04:56 PM

"Oh a drink would be wonderful, thank you. Actually though I'm here for information, and House Thuranni's reputation for being information brokers precedes you. If you could direct me to someone who could assist me, that would be wonderful." He takes any foodstuffs she gives him, and allows himself to be led to whoever she thinks might be best suited to assist him.

2010-11-18, 06:04 PM
Kapt goes to a back room and after making sure he is alone he quietly speaks.
"I'm not sure if anyone is listening to the comm, but I found out who is most likely hiring us. A guy by the name of Kolare, our target seems to be stringing him along. She probably wants to inherit his gold when he dies. Does anyone thing I should give him a visit?"
After saying his piece Kapt leaves the bar he is in and heads back to base.

2010-11-18, 11:30 PM
Kalam immediately catching on to the convenience portion of the Warforges monologue prepares to step back naturally. So when the warforge makes his arm motion to receive the package Kalam motions his eyes left, takes a step back away from the warforge, twists his head and says loud enough for the warforge to hear, "Kiendra!? Is that you?"

Sighing Kalam twists his head back towards the warforge to address him, still not stepping forward. "I thank you for the information my friend. Though you ascribe your service as convenient, for the purposes of my employer that particular service is rather inconvenient. The package my employer is sending is of particular importance and having the package delivered by any other than myself will mean no payment."

Digging into a pocket that Kalam keeps filled with at least 10 gold for pocket change purposes, he pulls out a gold piece and places the piece on the counter in front of the warforge with his left arm, while the right arm keeps a defensive hold on the package/Handy Haversack -- holding it tight to the waist.

"I'm sure this will do for your services."

Sure that he kept the ring of comm on since the last time he talked to Dark Lord, Kalam asks for the address again to confirm and to relay the address to the others. "Before I leave just as a confirmation the address is 746 Quiet Wind Way correct?"

2010-11-19, 10:30 AM
The receptionist passes a glass of wine to you over the counter. However, her expression has changed from sheer glee to consternation."Gee, I don't know. You really need to have an appointment for something like that. Did you make an appointment? What's your name, sweetie? I'll check the logs."

As you turn to leave the Globe Information Center, the warforged addresses you bluntly. "On behalf of the Globe Information Center, I apologize that we could not make your day more convenient. I must also inform you that we cannot accept payment rendered for our services, as the Globe Information Center is provided as a free service of the Brelish crown. Yes, that is the correct address of House Phiarlan's local enclave. Have a wonderful stay in Sharn."

2010-11-19, 11:04 AM

His expression changes as well, but to one of displeasure. "If you could just give me the name of someone who could assist me, I would be glad to schedule for another day. Though with what I'm offering, it's likely your superiors would be very displeased with you for making me wait."

I'm not sure if that counts as intimidate or diplomacy, but he's trying to achieve both. If neither works, he'll resort to using Pushing the Weak Mind(Suggestion DC17) to convince her to work my appointment in immediately.


2010-11-19, 05:07 PM
The receptionist affects a full frown, and her eyes well up with tears. "I'm sorry...I thought we were just having a friendly chat. You really need to make an appointment, you know. I mean, I guess you could talk to Reggie and see if he can schedule something right away. I'll page him." She walks over to her desk, and presses a small button which causes a bell to ring farther back in the house. "He'll be right up," she says. "And I'm really sorry." Sulking, she sits down at her desk and goes back to a stack of paperwork, subtly wiping away a tear from her cheek.

2010-11-19, 06:37 PM

He doesn't even stand there long enough to determine the sincerity of her tears before walking toward the source of the ringing in the rear. Immediately he prepares to force his will upon the next individual as well. He had no wish to play games and the groveling of the secretary had worn his patience thin.

When Reggie comes into sight, he'll charm him (another DC19 will... sorry for being repetitive). Then he'll immediately follow with this statement:"I'm here to discuss a brokerage of information... best discussed in private."

2010-11-19, 11:22 PM
Fox will scratch around for a sheet of parchment and something to write with;
he will attempt to forge a sealed note that he is "supposed to deliver" to the mark.
Forgery: [roll0] (in remarkably bad Elven, some random nonsense about "knowing things", and payments and odd attempts at gang lingo)

Casts alter self to appear as an elf of a similar lineage, but with a more slender build, will match hair and eye color of these elves, keep my gender. (Lasts 30 minutes)
Disguise: [roll1] to pull off this charade

Bluff: [roll2] (in Elven)
"Good day, I have a message from *Insert random merchant* for one Esmerelda d'Phiarlan, I was told it was of the up most importance that it be delivered to her by the end of the day; if I may?" Motioning to step inside.

EDIT: (OOC) Wow, the RNG hates me

2010-11-20, 12:22 PM
A large number of elves, any one of whom could be Reggie, are busily at work. As you leave the reception area, the receptionist calls out to you: "Guests are heavily encouraged to remain in the lobby until their party arrives to escort them."

OOC: There are many elves here, and you have no description of Reggie, so you have no way to charm him short of randomly charming elves until you get the right one.

The guard on the right eyes you suspiciously as you arrive, but becomes more friendly when you flash the document. "Oh, just a courier delivery? Sure, we'll see that she gets it, no problem.". He holds out his hand, expecting you to give him the letter.

2010-11-20, 12:55 PM

His frown deepens, but he listens nonetheless. He still retains his plan for once Reggie appears though.

2010-11-20, 08:12 PM

Kallaad was actually at a bit of a loss, which tended to be the case when he recieved open-ended missions like this. He greatly preferred more specific details on 'this person here' or 'this object here', not 'find this person'.

Still, he wasn't helping at all just waiting - maybe he'd find something if he simply went and explored for a bit - when you were beneath notice, people sometimes said things that were helpful.

And summarily, he went out to do just that - not a lot of a plan, but better than absolutely nothing.

I have no idea what kind of a roll that is, if any, but in case it's gather information:

Finding people isn't the part Kallaad's good at, but hey.

2010-11-21, 02:24 AM
"I'm sorry, I was instructed to give it only to the lady...or that one assistant of hers." *wink* "I mean, it would probably be better if I just gave it to her instead, beacuse... well, she might be ahem, expecting me, if you know what I mean?" "I mean I have a package for her as well"
Bluff: [roll0] let's see if they believe a story about a naughty secretary instead.

2010-11-21, 12:27 PM
Kalam nods his head in respect, "Indeed a good day shall be had, and to you sir."

Kalam walks out of the Global Information Center and walks back to base. Once inside he reports on his findings. Touching his ring making sure its still on Kalam announces, "Fellow employees I have an address which I will confirm again if you all didn't get my subtle hinting previously. Miss Esmeralda can be found at 746 Quiet Wind Way."

He waits for any responses.

2010-11-22, 07:33 PM
Heard you loud and clear Kalam. Why don't you come back to base, so we can plan the deed. I think we should do it tonight or tomorrow morning whatever makes the most sense to you and the others.

2010-11-24, 10:02 AM
You are is forced to sit in silence for a few minutes while the receptionist tends to the long line of people waiting for appointments or booking requests. Eventually, you see the fattest elf you've ever seen, a short and angry man waddling from the back. As he comes up to you, his demeanor is almost the polar opposite of the receptionist's.

"What in the name of the Six do you want? People can't make a damn appointment these days, sheesh..." Though he seems resistant to your charming, his eyes widen when you mention information brokering. "Er, uh, yeah," he stammers, "information about the jugglers for that birthday party you're throwing tonight! My mistake, sir, right this way." Reggie looks clearly uncomfortable, scratching the back of his head and smiling widely at the people in line. "Just making sure the juggler's costumes match the linens he's selected." Turning back to you, he clenches his teeth and hisses, "Five minutes. Come with me." He waddles back towards the hustle and bustle of the back room, leading you to a small office.

As you wander the streets of Sharn, you hear many things. One gentleman offers to sell you a timepiece far below market price, two dwarves are engaged in a lively debate about The Day of Mourning, and a call girl offers herself to passersby in broad daylight. However, nobody has anything to say about Esmerelda d'Phiarlan, and most people say nothing, simply transporting themselves busily from point A to point B.

Both guards snicker slightly at the mention of Esmerelda's assistant. "Mmm, that little blonde number?" the one on the left asks. "You dog, dirtier than a ditch full of dwarves! Second office on the left, but make it quick." With a wink, he steps aside to let you in.

2010-11-24, 01:50 PM

There weren't many thing that truly bothered Kazzak, but a resistant underling was one of them. This pompous personality he put forth was just an act that made people more susceptible to being commanded, but it didn't seem to have any effect on Reggie. Stupid Elves, he thought.

Still, he wasn't the least bit deterred, and would continue to pry into his mind. If only there were ways to punish him for his insolence.

2010-11-24, 03:05 PM
Reggie invites you into his office and closes the door, his personality shifting from downtrodden resignation to quiet rage. His teeth still clenched, he growls, "If something is best discussed in private, it is best to keep any mention of it private. We've got a reputation to uphold. To some people, we're still just an entertainment agency, and we'd like to maintain that image. Now," he says as he sits down and interlaces his fingers, "I'm sure you've come to ask us for information, but that's only half of brokering. What information do you offer?"

2010-11-24, 05:47 PM

"I might have considered being a bit more subtle in the matter, but I'll not be waiting in line with the other dancing buffoons." He smiles when Reggie asks about what information he might have. "I'll also not be paying upfront before the exchange rate has been discussed." Once the last word leaves his mouth, he sends another jolt of control to Reggie's mind.

Another shot at charm monster... DC19 will save

2010-11-24, 07:23 PM

"Heh," Reggie laughs. "Sure thing. Two for one. You cough up two tidbits that I didn't already know, and I'll answer one question. Cold calls are a bitch, aren't they?". Reggie drums his fingers on the table, waiting for your response to his offer.

2010-11-24, 08:26 PM

Two times now Reggie had resisted the mental prodding, and was now forcing Kazzak to rely on more mundane means of persuasion. "Whats the going rate on personal information on specific people?" He began to dig through his memories of anything he could use as payment and then it occurred to him. "I do happen to have knowledge of life or death importance related to a certain member of house Phiarlan. I need all the information you have on a certain Esmerelda d'Phiarlan."

2010-11-25, 06:47 AM
Kalam actually steps inside the base, having used the comm just outside the base not realizing Kapt was already inside. Kalam surveys the room finding only Kapt."Oh, you're here as well. Only you. I agree with planning it out. Though if no one else shows up or responds, it's safe to assume they are working job and we should head out as well. It's best to do it tonight and I'm impatient for the kill."Kalam sits tapping his feet on the floor.

2010-11-25, 08:31 AM
"Sorry, I must have mumbled," Reggie says with a smug grin. "Two pieces of information will get you one on Esmerelda d'Phiarlan. All you've given me is the fact that you have facts, which might not even be a fact. You follow? So, what do you have for me?"

@Kapt & Kalam:
One of the halflings smiles as you enter, checking the tattoo on the back of your hands once more. Knowing that you're here for business, they don't bother to take a drink order unless prompted by you.

2010-11-25, 10:01 AM

"I too must apologize."He says with a frown. "I must have been mumbling when I said I had information that could lead to the deaths of many. I'm familiar with your typical exchange rate, but I don't plan to sit here and gossip like a pair of Zilargo gnomelings. I want all of the personal information you have on Esmerelda d'Phiarlan. You give me that and in exchange I will document, in detail, the specifics of my information. Think about it, you're giving me what could be accomplished in a few days of surveillance, in return you'll be getting conspiracy worthy material."

Note: Attached to the words-"I want all of the personal information you have on Esmerelda d'Phiarlan. You give me that" is Pushing the weak Mind- DC17 will vs suggestion.

2010-11-25, 01:48 PM
Reggie looks taken aback, almost offended. "Gossiping? You're the only one gossiping, dropping vagueries of the information you claim to have. You know what I think? I think you got nothing. I think you're just trying to whet my appetite, to tantalize me into spilling the beans on information you want for free. But you're forgetting three things, kid."

At this point, Reggie stands from his desk. "Number one: you came to me, so we're operating on my terms. Number two: I'm a professional who deals with pompous scum like you every day, so I know your tricks. Wouldn't be surprised if you were trying to run some enchantments on me right now. Number three: I know what that tattoo on the back of your hand means, so I know exactly what the Eye has planned for Miss d'Phiarlan.

You now have three options: share two actual pieces of information and prove me wrong, rise and leave quietly, or cause a disturbance and test yourself against Thurrani's security force. The choice is yours, kid." He remains calm and motionless.

2010-11-26, 09:23 AM
"Kapt, I'm itching for the kill. I think we should head over there now. There is a time limit and we can communicate with the others minus Fox.

Kalam heads to the address. He stops within view of the address and hides from view of the guards. He takes some time to examine the structure, the guards (what they look like) and the activity near the address.

[roll0] Hide
[roll1] Search
[roll2] Spot

2010-11-26, 03:11 PM
The city was... interesting.

Keeping his eyes open as he wandered always showed him a lot. How much of that information exactly was useful, now, was up in the air, but that wasn't something he had as much control over.

But, sadly, he wasn't finding any actual information... when Kalam gave a response. He was at that precise instant in an area too public to want to be seen squinting into space fiddling with his ring, so he waited a bit before responding, albeit listening the whole time. Finally, he was alone enough that it wouldn't seem weird, but not absolutely by himself. He could spare the attention.

"I can either - er, I'm also here. Kallaad. It may help to prepare if I tried to spy in first, as I can utilize an invisible magical sensor to spy inside which may help us see what's in there. Either way, I can go peek inside now, return to discuss a different plan with people, or wait for other people at the site. Or, alternately, not do any of this at all."

He'd nearly said 'psionic' sensor, but he'd learned a couple attempts ago not to give out that extra bit of information unless he had to.

2010-11-28, 10:48 PM

Even after Reggie stands up, Teufel remains seated, but was now smiling. "Indeed, my enchantments have been very ineffective in making this conversation take a more friendly tone. It seems your knowledge of my organization and their plans have taken away my bait." He now stands and allows his face to take on a more neutral expression. "However, I was born a spy and was bred into an assassin. I come from a dark wood where others like me dwell in places that would flay the skin from your kind." His face begins to shift to the pallid white of his true complexion. "If you've ever heard of the realm of the faerie, then our reputation should precede us. As an emissary of the Queen of Air and Darkness, I am capable of setting up a network between here and there. Make of that what you will, but just what I've divulged so far should be more than enough for a bit of information on your part."

Depending on how high my standing with the Queen from my backstory is this could be a bluff, so I'll roll just in case.


2010-11-29, 11:47 AM

Bowing his head, Fox walks into the compound. After taking a quick look around
(Search: [roll0]) he checks to see if he sees anyone matching the guard's description of the assistant. (If yes, then he will will follow her with the below stealth checks.

If Fox, is not being observed, he will attempt to sneak around the complex (looking for either the assistant or the target if he did not see either upon entering).
Move Silently: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]

2010-11-30, 03:51 PM
The twin guards gaze blankly across the street; to them, you are just another faceless passerby. Blending into the crowd, you has plenty of time to intently study the House Phiarlan enclave. The structure is unimpressive, a simple rowhome in a block of identical buildings. The guards are the only difference--twin wood elves wielding falchions at their sides. They don't banter or laugh, but instead just do their jobs in stoic silence. The activity around the building is normal, if heavy for the area. Elves, entertainers, and various clients feed in and out of the enclave, always stopped by the guards for authentication.

"Hmm," Reggie muses, clearly impressed. "Setting up embassies, eh? Now you're talking my language." He sits down, motioning you to do the same. "The promise of an information network with the Queen of Air and Darkness is enough to make me want to do business with you, but I've been burned before. No offense to you, but sometimes good intentions are betrayed by royal whims. Surely, you understand. My rate stands at two items. So, let's say we set up a second network. You connect me with the Queen, but you also provide written reports of your activities within the Unblinking Eye on a weekly basis. Two actionable items, and I'll give you all you need on Esmerelda. To prove I'm good on it, I'll give you a juicy tidbit--she's got a love interest outside the house, and it has her family fuming. A handshake and a promise will buy you all the details. So, what do you say? Are we doing business?" He stands slightly and leans forward, extending his hand to you.

OOC: While you have a connection, it may not be enough to approve and create an espionage network with the House without approval, so we'll call it a bluff because you're not sure you can deliver. Still, it's enough to change Reggie's disposition and get him interested.

Short skirt, brightly colored clothes...the feisty assistant stands out like a sore thumb to a trained eye. You follow with silent finesse, alerting nobody. The assistant walks down a winding hall, pausing to exchange remarks with the more outgoing males in the enclave. Eventually, she turns into a doorway. Upon casually passing by, Fox notices that it is a small office with no entry beyond the front door. Another door sits on either side of the desk, feeding back into the enclave. From your quick exploration, you didn't notice another way into those rooms. There seems to be no stealthy way to enter the office.

2010-11-30, 04:07 PM

Kapt suddenly wakes up,Hmm maybe taking a nape wasn't the best idea. I wonder if anyone came back? He walks out front, asks the bartender if anyone had popped in. When he hears no one had he'll go check out the address.

2010-11-30, 04:11 PM
You leave soon enough after Kalam that you arrive while he is still scouting the location. You spy him across the street as you arrive.

2010-11-30, 05:19 PM

"It's a deal as long as I can come back for information when needed without all of this two-for-one nonsense."He extends his hand to complete the gesture. "And with that, another deal is brokered. Thank you for the information."

2010-11-30, 05:26 PM
"Of course," Reggie says, looking a bit taken aback. "Now that we have a free exchange of information, I'll answer any of your questions about your mark. Just keep in mind, when the time comes, you'll answer my questions as well." Almost sadistically, he adds, "One way or another." However, he dismisses his last statement with a boisterous belly laugh.

2010-11-30, 05:48 PM

Kazzak feigns a smile as Reggie speaks. "Well if you know of my relation to the Eye, then you must know why I need the information. Anything about her daily habits, where we might find her alone, what sorts of protection she typically has with her... along with anything else you might find pertinent to my needs, and I promise this deal will be worth your time."

2010-11-30, 08:13 PM
Kalam hears Kallaad and tryies to play off talking to himself while talking through the Comm Ring saying,"Hmm, that would be helpful. I'll just wait there, nearby."

Kalam will subtly look for any clients of similar height. After doing so he will walk around the perimeter of the house if possible. Looking for any open windows or other entrances besides the guarded one. He will also take notice of what the roof of the house is like. Is there a chimney? Is the roof flat or slanted? Kalam will take extra care not to pass within range of the guards ID checks.

Spot/Search for identical body builds.
[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Search

Spot/Search for Open Windows/Entrances.
[roll2] Spot
[roll3] Search

2010-12-01, 09:47 PM
Kapt looks in Kalam's direction hoping to catch his eye. If he does he subtly motions for him to come over. If not he continues to walk around the block. Either way he looks for windows and otherway that might offer an advantage into the house and he listens for anything useful he might hear from the crowd.
Around the main building.


Around the block (if needed)


2010-12-02, 09:03 AM
Cast invisibility, and follow her into the room.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Going to get out a dose of Drow Poison.
EDIT: +20 to the Hide check for being invisible, for a total of 56

2010-12-02, 05:24 PM
Reggie laughs when you mention your obvious aims, nodding his head in understanding. He chortles, "Well, I don't know too much about your girl's daily habits. You'd probably have better luck with the gossip scrolls on that one. Drinks here, parties there, a little bit of business, you know. I know you won't find her alone in the House Phiarlan enclave. They're rookies, but they're fierce when it comes to security. Two guards at the door, along with at least ten more inside...and that's not even counting her personal guards. She's got three--one tough, some ancient magician, and a new girl who makes some kind of deals with spirits." At that, Reggie shivers slightly.

"Gives me the creeps; I'd stay away from that one if you could. The only time Esmerelda's not with them is when she's between the sheets with Kolare, that rotten old apothecary. He's no threat, even with his potions, but her family's convinced that he's the devil. They think he's intoxicating her with some sort of love potion. The reality's far more mundane--the old badger's been taking a virility potion daily, and the ladies love it. Well, I've got another meeting in a few. I trust that's enough for now, Mister...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

As you scan the crowd, two jugglers catch your eye. Not only are they of the same height, but they are entirely identical...most likely twins from a family of acrobats or performers. More facts inundate your trained eyes as you scan the scene--you see that what few windows are on the face of the building are not just shut, but locked securely. The roof of the house is flat, and you can't tell from your vantagepoint whether there is a chimney or not, though there must be some way to heat the house.

Unfortunately, you notice no entrances to the rowhome aside from the guarded door. The street is alive with chatter, but none of it is vitally important--lots of talk about decreased wages per performance, the best clubs for juggling, and the like.

The assistant is standing behind her desk when you enter the room, and at first it seems she does not notice you. However, there is nothing in the room to hide behind, and she looks straight at you. The woman offers a polite curtsie and says,"Salutations, unseen gentleman. What sojourn bringeth you to our humble domicile?" As you examine her more closely, you notice that she has six fingers on each hand, and a strange lump can be seen on her stomach, nearly hidden by her clothing.

OOC: You find yourself unable to attack the woman or target her with a hostile spell, though her intentions seem kind and non-violent. Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) may reveal more information about her oddities, as may Knowledge (planes).

2010-12-03, 01:49 AM
"Well, I was hoping that I could simply drop this off without incident, but alas that will not happen"
Fox will take out the fake letter drop it off on the table and with a slight nod, leave the room. Assuming no other incident, will leave the compound all together.

2010-12-03, 08:50 AM
Kalam spotting Kapt during his crowd assessment waves towards him and points upwards as soon as Kapt's attention has been caught, he doesn't point for to long. Standing near target building Kalam does one more search of the crowd, his actions decided. After assuring himself no one in the crowd is looking at him he uses his swift invisibility ninja ability. He shall run up the walls of the building, not stepping on the windows, using his slippers of spider climb -- he is attempting to reach the roof.

It doesn't matter what he rolls with the Search/spot he will run up regardless, it's just a small precaution. If he's successful it'll be better if not then well who knows what the consequences are :)
[roll0] Search check.
[roll1] Spot check.

x4 Movement up the wall with 20 ft movement due to using slippers.

2010-12-03, 10:53 AM
The strange receptionist laughs. "No incident, transparent traveler," the strange receptionist says with a theatrical twist of the wrist and a slight bow. "Had I known you were a courier, I would have assumed your lack of visibility was simply a precaution against the theft of your deliverable. Mission accomplished, sir!" She snaps to attention and proudly salutes you. "You have done well, squire. A good day to you!" Even if you leave the room during her monologue, she continues.

You make it up the side of the building with ease, finding yourself standing atop a row of similarly-shaped buildings. The roofs merge into one plane, and you spy small chimneys along their surface. Each is a small pipe, large enough to be the exhaust vent of a stove, but not wide enough to fit a person. Keep in mind that Sharn is a city of many levels--though you are on a roof, you may be visible to people on the walkways of the levels above. Luckily, travelers do not usually concern themselves with the lower levels of the city unless some racket draws their attention.

OOC: I'm assuming that you moved towards the back of the roof to avoid materializing next view in plain view of the passersby. :smallwink: Move Silently checks will ensure that you aren't heard from above. Also, how did you get x4 movement? Do slippers of spider climbing allow you to run up walls, or just move at 20 feet instead of half speed?

2010-12-03, 02:57 PM
Kapt will find the nearest alley, cast invisibillity and spider climb on himself and will meet Kalam on the roof. He also spend 2 inspiration pionts to on hide and move sliently.
Move sliently

2010-12-03, 03:24 PM

Kazzak seems pleased with himself, and Reggie for that matter. "Those around these parts know me as 'The Dark Lord Kazzak'. You may call me Teufel. Thank you for your time." With that he heads back to base, confident that he has accomplished what he sought out to do. He bursts through the doors and proclaims his newfound knowledge. "I know where we can make the hit!"

2010-12-03, 03:56 PM
@Kapt & Kalam
Kapt finds himself faced with the same scene that greeted Kalam, except the man is nowhere to be seen. However, as he begins to cross the roof, Kalam blinks into sight.

Reggie nods, smiling in broad appreciation. "Reglas P. Ignelia. A pleasure to meet a fellow fact man. Good luck, and keep in touch," he says with a sly wink. You make it back to the tavern without incident, and you go through the entry rite that is so familiar you could do it in your sleep. As you fling wide the door to your meeting room and share your information, you find that you are talking to nothing but a table and chairs. Your other team members have left.

OOC: As a quick reminder for all of you (and myself), I have spoilered a list of everyone's location. Please let me know if any of these are incorrect.

Kapt: atop House Phiarlan
Kalam: atop House Phiarlan
Fox: leaving House Phiarlan
Kazzak: back at base
Kallaad: out exploring, possibly making his way towards House Phiarlan

2010-12-03, 04:08 PM

Perturbed that his grand entrance was spoiled by the absence of an audience, Kazzak activates his ring, hoping for an answer. "For those of us who are in range, I've found a prime spot from which to complete our mission."

2010-12-06, 02:42 PM
Kalam hears Kazzak so he kneels and whispers for the ring, so he doesn't draw to much attention. He'll kneel down away from the edge, right next to the small chimney's.

"Where's that? Maybe we should meet up again."

Move Silently (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9907680&postcount=2160)

OOC: Also concerning Kalam running up the side of the building, the slippers set his base movement to 20 so I was assuming that we could run while in spider climb. If I'm wrong then I could change it :smallredface:

2010-12-06, 03:43 PM

He breathes a sigh of relief when Kalam answers. "The old man she's been seeing, Kolare, when they go to bed with each other is the only time she's without her retinue of guards. Otherwise we'll be up against nearly half a score of warriors, a powerful caster, and some sort of ghost speaker." He takes his seat from which to better explain the comfortable position he's earned himself. "We got a few options from there. We could get someone in there ahead of time but then we have to deal with Kolare, we could take out the old man and have someone impersonate him to get the drop on her but then there's the chance she spots a flaw in the impersonation, or there's always plan C..."

2010-12-06, 05:35 PM
Kapt walks over to Kalam and sits down next to him.
If you want I could impersionate him, I'm pretty good at that type of thing. If we do go though with that I think we should loot the guy's house after the deed, you never know what you might find.
OCC: Wink Wink OMG :smalltongue:

2010-12-06, 05:45 PM

"My thoughts exactly, though if it would be possible, I'd like to find a way into his protected assets as well. Anyone experienced at forgery? I hear living wills are popular these days." He kicks his feet up on the table and smiles as he counts all of his future wealth in his imagination.

2010-12-06, 06:42 PM
"Pelor's nipples Kapt! You scared me."

Kalam holds his chest dramatically as he curses (he keeps in mind that they are still in stealth mode so he doesn't say it loud,just under his breath.) Thinking of something he walks away from the small chimneys waving Kapt over and keeping low.

"Let's head back, talking about our job up here isn't to smart."

Kalam going back into his ninja invisibility uses his slippers to walk down into the street, or an empty alley way before he disrobes his ability. Kalam shall begin to walk back to base, hopefully with Kapt in toe. When he gets back to base he climbs onto the table and says.

"This just gets better and better a chance for wealth to our ears. Hmm, you know maybe if we grab Kolare just before the deed we wouldn't have to worry about ruining the guise as she'd be in the throes of passion. A worry I have though is the caster, we should take him out as well. The guards are easy enough to handle but with a caster in there midsts...ehh."

2010-12-06, 06:59 PM

"Ah but you propose to use information we don't yet have. First: we haven't the slightest idea as to where they'll be meeting so taking Kolare ahead of time is out. Second: as much fun as taking out the caster would be, it is an unneeded risk, and locating him would be a task in of itself. Third: You're forgetting the spirit speaker, who is an unknown at the moment." He steeples his fingers, allowing their color to change as the connect. "Now keep in mind, these are just my observations, not objections. I'd be happy to assist in any extra curricular activities that'll earn me another bag of coin."

2010-12-07, 11:34 AM
Kapt and Kalam makes it back to the base as the others are discussing their possible plans of attack. Fox enters moments later.

OOC: Everyone's back at base! No more spoilers!

2010-12-07, 02:14 PM
(Making the Bluff check in here to speed things up)
Bluff: [roll0]

Assuming no other distractions, Fox heads back to base to share information gathered.

2010-12-07, 05:39 PM
Kapt will follow behind Kalam back to base.

2010-12-07, 10:24 PM
"Well everyone, I hope recon went well for you. I have some information: the front door is fairly easy enough to get past; the guards are inept at their job. The target's assistant seems to be, frankly, a ditz, weather or not that is a front is to be determined." He stops to clear his throat.
"I attempted to get close to her to have access to the mark, but she seemed surprisingly adept at noticing the spell of invisibility I had cast, she had access to some power that I couldn't identify *brings up the six fingers and stomach bump*."
"Finally, there will be seeds of confusion and distrust as I have left a forgery with her placing the mark as a target of a random merchant's blackmailing scheme, this will catch her off guard and unprepared."

2010-12-08, 04:00 PM

"Well, I can't be sure if we're referencing the same individual, but my sources say that she's got a formidable caster in her retinue as well as some sort of spirit caller. As for the bumbling guards... well, uless we can ensure perfect secrecy in eliminating the target, you might get to see the demonstrate why she keeps them around." He handwaves any concern away from the group. "Luckily, my sources also seem to think we can catch her alone when she's doing the vertical tango with her virile lover. If we can get at her there, it'll be too easy. Some of us, of course, would like to take a swipe at her guards for some extra loot, and if we do it this way, we might be without support from the eye for our extra curricular killings."

2010-12-08, 06:44 PM
"I don't believe we should take out Kolare way in advance, I truly meant just before the throes of passion. Before he enters her worn flower we'll take him out and if possible take his place. If not, then we can dispense with the trickery and aim for a quick kill. Taking out both is absolutely necessary, though if we find her alone all the more easier the job is for us." Kalam says looking Kazzak in the eye. He then focuses his gaze on Fox.

"So the assistant is magically adept. Could she be the sorcerer or the spirit speaker? Regardless of our inaction towards the spell casters I shall always feel uneasy when dealing with them, so please don't feel to strongly about my worries." Kalam lays down on the table resting and sighs saying.

"There is one piece of information that crept into view as an immense obstacle. What does our target look like? Has anyone found out yet? We could find where she could be, but we wouldn't truly know if we were taking out our initial target or a random house maid."

2010-12-08, 07:08 PM
"I don't believe we should take out Kolare way in advance, I truly meant just before the throes of passion. Before he enters her worn flower we'll take him out and if possible take his place. If not, then we can dispense with the trickery and aim for a quick kill. Taking out both is absolutely necessary, though if we find her alone all the more easier the job is for us." Kalam says looking Kazzak in the eye. He then focuses his gaze on Fox.

"Or we could postpone the strike a bit and let our impostor get their Brightfest present early." He laughs despite anyone else's reactions as if the mission were already complete.

"There is one piece of information that crept into view as an immense obstacle. What does our target look like? Has anyone found out yet? We could find where she could be, but we wouldn't truly know if we were taking out our initial target or a random house maid."
"Hm..." He straightens himself up in his seat and acquires a new contemplative expression. "I'd assume she's the one straddling the older fellow."

2010-12-08, 07:40 PM
Kalam hearing laughter, guffaws himself, not truly knowing the reason why. "Heh heh, truly good one. Brightfest present! Gods." He says wiping a tear from his eye.

"Tch, what say the others? I dislike this waiting, it lends to over thinking."

2010-12-08, 10:11 PM
Kapt quickly chimes in, May I suggest waiting till tomorrow night, or until we find their meeting schedule? The last thing we want is for us to come in at the wrong time.

2010-12-13, 09:39 AM
"So none of us managed to learn her street address while gallanting about earlier today?"

2010-12-15, 09:31 AM

"Err..well it was assumed that she would spend most of her time in the house compound."
"Based on gathered information, it seems best to keep on eye on her geriatric lover; and strike when they are vulnerable."

2010-12-15, 01:54 PM

He leans forward as if to stand, placing his hands on his knees. "So shall we designate posts then? We still don't know how she'll approach, so setting up a perimeter seems like a good idea."

2010-12-17, 04:55 PM
Kalam blinks.

"Well actually I did get the address. It's... 746 Quiet Wind Way. When it comes to postings I'd like to have view of our targets room. Let's keep an eye on the compound as Fox suggests and aim for tomorrow night for the kill as Kapt suggested.""

2010-12-25, 11:26 PM

"We should decide who will take what role in this attack: we need to decide how we shall all get in, sneak past the guards and wards, eliminate the target without causing a scene, and leave without incident."
"I can attempt to forge any necessary documents we need, as well as con the guards; I have enough poison to share if need be and can alter my appearance."
"So gentlemen, who has any other ideas?"

2010-12-26, 09:33 AM

"I'm more than capable of handling any of the guards quietly and from a distance. As for the actual kill? I'm not quite as suited for that so I'd prefer if someone else played that part."

2011-01-01, 04:07 PM
Kalam cracks his knuckles smirking.

"I am more than happy to make the killing blow. Just need a clear shot so I can stick her like a pig. I'd like to recommend we coordinate our initial attack to happen as near to each other as possible."

He waggles his finger that holds the Comm ring.