View Full Version : SolosAddie M&M Game o' Fun IC

2010-11-16, 03:47 AM
Ok here will be the official game thread, please use your first posting to relink or spoiler post.

The setting is going to include at least as background many of the more iconic/(ones I like the most) out of Marvell, DC, and Freedom City (mostly the module).

The five heroes are the first super squad to be based in Las Vegas, and it was a collaborative effort by several different organizations.

*This can be through a superhero group like X-Men, etc, Nevada or US government, or something like Las Vegas Police, subject to ST approval.

There is a group house, you may base yourself in, or if you have normal job/wealth you may be set up elsewhere in the city. Assume you are provided with small radio, which the police chief, mayor and your group have.

2010-12-04, 09:54 PM
It's an ordinary afternoon, early spring day in Las Vegas. Frank Broll patiently waits in line at the Las Vegas Central Bank, the 'gizmo' (battlesuit hero, sorry no name yet) had done something screwy with magnets or electricity and now Frank had no working atm card so he had to stop here for cash.

Suddenly, the day became very unboring as a group of armed thugs rush into the bank. Ordering everyone to lay down and hold still, and clear the way for a man and a woman following behind them. Both are young 20s, dressed in rave-style clothes, and there's a definite family resemblance.

"Rant and Rave are in da house!", the male says with a smirk, "Nobody messes with us and nobody gets hurt. Got it?" for emphasis he turns toward a bank guard edging toward an alarm and lets out a shout, which slams him against the wall, the guard slides down unconscious.

OOC: This is just going to be a short run down combat enc, make sure I have the rules down pat, in this example, Rant and Rave are in the back of the M&M 2e rulebook, please comment if i make mistakes, everyone else is down the block. Turalisj is figured it would be not fun to have you in bank away from your suit, and Trodon since your char didn't have a normal identity.

Supercracker, you are mostly behind a desk (you were filling out withdrawal form), assume you have your devices (somewhat disguised, ie hoverboard looks like skateboard), and you have a cell phone that you could contact police, teammates etc.

there are 4 goons and the two villians along with about two dozen mixed patrons and employees in the bank.

2010-12-04, 11:15 PM
Noel was down the block, discussing the replacement of one of his card reader machines in his casino. And then the bank alarm sounded. Cursing in four different languages, both for the fact that his buisiness was being interrupted and that he didn't have his power suit with him. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed up his assistant. Jonathan, there appears to be some trouble downtown. I'll need my appointments for the next hour cancelled and the limo brought around. upon hearing the loud shouting, And see if you can find Mr. Boll. I have a feeling things are going to be troublesome.

2010-12-04, 11:34 PM
Fred Broll

Experiments. His debit card had to be the victim of an experiment. Legendary swordsman don't stand in line-- well... yeah, they do apparently.

He was finally signing his withdrawal form when the commotion started.

While everyone else in the bank probably freaks out to some degree, Fred Broll-- a regular-looking guy in his twenties, dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans with a duffle-bag at his side-- calmly cranes his head to look towards the disturbance.

"I'm going to hurt you so badly."

He mutters to himself. He reaches his hand in his pocket and taps out a text message (probably slightly mispelled from the haste) to the Noel. "Troubl at bank. Kivkin ass nw."

Fred turns around now, his green eyes staring down the two villains.

"Impressive display of power... against a man who couldn't defend himself. You're both pathetic."

He stepped forward a couple of steps.

"My name is Ronin, and you'll be fighting me today."

There's two of them, so Fred can't afford to play around today. He goes directly into the second-stage of his battle form. His body erupts in a corona of blue light, his hair goes from black to white, and his eyes shine white with an otherworldly glow.

He then uses his amazing speed to flash-step towards them. He flickers out of view, then appears close to Rant, engaging him in melee combat. With blinding speed he produces the Masamune from his dufflebag, unsheathing it and striking with a powerful iaijutsu attack.

Free action to transform. I can maintain second stage for 9 rounds. Move action to teleport next to him. Quick draw to produce my weapon as a free action, and a standard action to attack.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage DC 23 + However much I exceed his defense bonus due to Autofire 2 (max 28).

EDIT: It's also a critical hit for me. So add 5 to the damage dc.

And because I'm in melee combat, Elusive Target kicks in. All ranged attacks against me are -8 (-4 if they have precise shot).

2010-12-05, 12:06 AM
Noel sighed. Figured that he'd be in the middle of everything. Once Jonathan had brought the limo around, Noel began changing into his power suit. Jonathan, get ready to donate a sizable sum of money to the bank. This spot will do nicely. He said, as Jonathan pulled into an alley. Noel stepped out, his grey and red power armor gleaming slightly in the sunlight.

As the limousine sped away, Noel walked into the bank, through the front door. Good day Ronin, here to make a withdrawal? He said, seemingly ignoring the robbers.

2010-12-05, 01:45 PM
While all the goons continue to empty the ready cash into bags from open registers. Rant and Rave back away, while the girl says, "So you want to party?" Immediately, lights and sounds go weird for everyone (well, all good guys and civilians) if you could imagine being in a loud club, lights flashing, while on a mixture of psychedelic drugs, that is what it seems like. (50% miss chance, everyone.)

Rant staggers back, clearly hurt from the strike but manages to scream, a focused stream of sound punches into Ronin (DC 27 toughness save)

(Fred gains a hero point, I negated the stunned condition for Rant :) )

2010-12-05, 01:54 PM

He grins as one of his team-mates arrived. That was one nice thing about being in a team; you fight with one of us, you fight with all of us.

"Actually yes. It was originally going to be from my account, but now it's going to come out of their hides. Take his sister out, I've got him."

Proving that point, blood drips off of the gleaming blade of the Masamune. When the lights start to go crazy, Fred focuses-- if he can fight blind, he can fight through this.

The blast of sound strikes into Ronin, he grits his teeth and raises his sword in a blocking position. The force of the shockwave causes him to slide backwards a bit, but he resists the harm.

"Nice screaming. It's not going to save you, though."

Fred moves to take a step forward and once again flickers out. He teleports to a position where he can draw a line through Rant and Rave (without hitting any bystanders-- if not possible, I'll just attack Rant), and he slashes the Masamune. A shockwave of force extends outward from the sword, slashing through everything in its path.

Ronin flash-steps again, appearing beside a few of the thugs, hoping to use them as cover against Rant and Rave.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. Your account has been overdrafted."

He smirks.

Toughness Save [roll0]
Hero Point Toughness Save is 27, so no damage.

Move action to teleport into position, then standard action, using my Alternate Power "Cut the Air." Targeted Line effect.

I make one attack roll for everyone in the line.
Attack Roll Result: 21
I passed the miss chance.

Damage DC 23 + Autofire 2 (Max 28)

Then, using turnabout, I teleport again to end up beside the thugs and be in melee with them. Elusive Target is in effect again.

2010-12-06, 10:21 PM
Alex comes walking through the doors just after the stream of sound.

"Well, what do we have here?"

He then steps forward then throws a punch at Rant.

DC:20, Unless I forgot to add something. (Quite possible, trying to learn World of Darkness also right now. :smalltongue:)
If a hit, then grapple. My attack was the initial grapple roll thanks to Improved Grab.
Elusive Target now active.


2010-12-07, 03:17 PM
"Great, party crashers, time to get rolling" Rant dodges the new hero on the scene and blasts a hole through the sidewall that the goons run through. While Rant appears to be circling Alex, Rave backs up near a bank patron.

OOC: Both appear hurt from the sword blast, but not stunned. Grab misses due to the obscure effect.

2010-12-07, 03:28 PM
Noel Cash

Noel sighed. Working quickly, he shut down the sound system on his battlesuit and switched the vision system to infra-red.With a blur, he was in front of Rave. The targeting computer on his visor lit up, pointing out subtle weaknesses in the bandit's defensive posture. With another blur of grey and red chrome, straight into her exposed gut. "You should have surrendered. It would have gone easier for you."

Making a charge attack against Rave and spending a hero point to negate her obscure power for the rest of the 'scene'. Charge gives +2 to attack but -2 to defense for a round.

2010-12-07, 03:44 PM

The thugs were fleeing, but Fred figured a team-mate would take care of them. He had begun the fight with Rant, and he was going to finish it.

Never one to let up on an opponent, Ronin continues his rapid assault. He flash-steps again, re-appearing in a skidding slide behind Rant, aiming to slice up his legs with a mighty blow.

The strike connects, and Fred rolls to his feet, assuming his stance once again. "Your powers are no match for the Masamune. Surely you see this now. Give up, or risk greater injury."

Okay. Using Defensive Strike to add 2 to my defense and subtract two from my attack. New defense is 22.

Attack: [roll0]
Miss Chance 25%: [roll1]
Damage DC: 23 + Autofire 2.
Should be good on the miss-chance, and I think I hit him with the full autofire, if I remember this adventure correctly.

2010-12-07, 05:37 PM
"Alex" blasts another hole, combined with the first, one the building seems to be starting to collapse. As Rave is temporarily stunned, the illusion lifts and Rant runs out.

+1 hero point to all for the complication.

Ok this is my moment of evil triumph.

Ronin make a will save.

Alex you get to save against Ronins attack.

2010-12-07, 10:25 PM
Swearing in four different languages, Noel grabbed the stunned Rave and the fallen banker and made a mad dash towards the exit.

2010-12-07, 10:57 PM

He successfully executed a very precise attack upon his enemy... Alex? Fred winced. Illusionists. Well, the long apology would have to come later.

"Sorry, man. My bad."

He sees that the blasting is causing the entire building to crumble. Not good... these people won't be able to make it out in time. Dig deep, Broll. He takes a deep breath, then pushes himself hard, flash-stepping dozens of times in rapid succession, grabbing people and hoisting them outside, one by one, faster than anyone can even perceive.

Extra effort on my teleport for Teleport 2, Area: Burst; Progression 4; Short-Range only to move everyone 200 feet away, out of the building, while placing myself next to Rant. Hero point to negate the fatigue.

And the best part is... it's just a move action! Attack incoming!

In a flash, Ronin and all of the people that were in the bank are outside, safe and sound. Fred then spins around and shouts at Rant, "You left your sister to die in a collapsed building while we saved her!" His eyes narrow, then he strikes.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: 23 + Autofire 2

EDIT: Haha. Nat 20. DC is 28 + Autofire 2; most likely 33.

2010-12-08, 04:50 PM
Going to wrap it up, both Rant and Rave are going to surrender, the thugs and loot have gotten away (at least for now) and the bank building is partially collapsed. Police are on the scene including a squad trained to detain and hold supers.

While the police captain is initially hostile (he doesn't like supers) after eyewitness's and video confirm property damage was done by the villians, he reluctantly gives you a well-done.

Emergency crews are working on stabilizing the building from further collapse.

2010-12-08, 05:17 PM

After the battle ends, Ronin's hair goes back to its natural black color and his eyes become green once again. The glow around his body fades, but does not disappear. He's back in the first stage of his battle form. He can only sustain his more powerful stage for under a minute.

He slashes his blade through the air once, flicking the blood off of it, then raises the blade into the air. The sword glows white, and a soothing, healing light shines over all of the bystanders (and Alex), healing their wounds.

He sheaths the magical blade, and then allows his power to dissipate entirely, looking once more like just a normal guy.

He deals with the police along with the others, and when it is all said and done, he puts his hoverboard down.

"That was a pretty good showing for this new team. I'd like to get my hands on those thugs, though."

2010-12-09, 01:44 PM
James, back at base, looks at the TV screen. He then gets on the communications, trying to communicate with Noel.

"Just saw the news. Anything interesting happen?"

2010-12-09, 02:21 PM
"The usual. Couple of wannabe super-villains get it into their head to rob a bank. Fred happened to be at the bank getting a new card, don't ask, and I could hear the shouting from where I was at. A fight broke out, Fred stabbed Alex, not intentionally, and the would be bank robbers tried to bring down the bank.

Anything interesting happen at the Casino?" Noel was sitting in the limo, waiting for Alex and Fred to get finished.

2010-12-09, 02:24 PM
"Here? Nothing much. Mostly quiet, just been taking the opportunity for a little training with the guys and girls down here. Wait, Fred stabbed Alex? How did that happen?"

2010-12-09, 02:25 PM
"Not sure on the details exactly. The two robbers had sound manipulation ability and might have had some light distortion power. They could have set up an illusion to disguise Alex as one of them."

2010-12-09, 04:12 PM
Fred Broll

Grasping the hilt of the Masamune, Fred's eyes take on a far-away look. He sends his senses elsewhere, like an invisible eye scouring the immediate area for the fleeing thugs.

ESP (hearing and sight).

"Where are you?"

He mutters quietly to himself.

2010-12-09, 10:17 PM
Looking within the city limits you find many men, matching the rough description, about 50% of the casinos security, could possibly be one of the thugs, (who did take standard steps to mask their faces, plus the majority of the time there was the weird obscure effect).

2010-12-10, 02:45 PM
Fred Broll

He narrows his eyes in frustration, then releases the effect, withdrawing his senses back into himself. He puts his sword away in his duffle-bag and walks over to Noel's limo. He knocks on the window and shakes his head no.

"I'll see you back at the Casino."

He then puts his hoverboard down on the ground and hops on, before rocketing up into the sky above the buildings, heading back to base.

2010-12-10, 08:38 PM
Alex climbs into the limo, then looks at his wound.

"Shouldn't be to bad, so where did they go?"

He asks Noel.

2010-12-12, 09:24 PM
As a few days pass with just minor incidents, all of you begin to get a bit agitated, sure you may have helped with a tracking down a drug dealer, busted a gun runner, and provided funding to revamp the local university's Japanese and Electrical Engineering Department, but you are all itching for a new challenge.

Thus, when the phone rings, and sets off the alarms (the police have access to a special line, when they call alarms go off in the headquarters so that anyone there realizes a mission is on) everyone is ready to go.

Whoever answers the phone hears an unhappy Captain Maddicks (Las Vegas police chief).

2010-12-12, 09:48 PM
Fred Broll

When the alarms go off, Fred is glad to be at the casino. Instead of battling super-villains in a hoodie and jeans, he has the luxury of wearing his black combat jumpsuit. A definite upgrade in the style department.

Itching to go take out some more bad guys, Fred is the first to the phone.

"Las Vegas Avengers. This is Ronin. Talk to me, Captain."

2010-12-12, 09:51 PM
Noel sighed, signalling to his aide to start the phone recording. It helped in case the police department decided to file a lawsuit for damages.

2010-12-13, 07:55 PM
"Hi, Ronnie, there's a situation at the Paradise Hotel and Casino. Apparently, someone was impressed with your handling at the recent bank robbery, as we have been ordered to let you guys handle this first."

2010-12-13, 08:00 PM
Fred Broll

He cuts his eyes to Noel and gives a little bit of a grin. Some recognition is always a good thing... well, for those of us who don't care about being secretive, anyway.

"What kind of situation? Tell us everything you know, Captain. Things'll turn out better if we don't have to go in blind."

With the right info, Noel should be able to come up with a hell of a plan before they ever enter the casino. While Fred's a terror on the battlefield, Noel's definitely the brains of the operation.

2010-12-14, 12:08 AM
You may hear a mutter of things would go better if left to the professionals, but the Captain continues in a normal voice, "Not too much is known, my men are clearing the immediate area, from the few scattered reports, about 5 or 6 villains, presumably outsiders because no one has recognized them so far have taken over the ground floor of the casino. There is an unknown number of employees and citizens inside the area which appears to be blocked off. The rest of the hotel is being evacuated as we speak."

2010-12-14, 12:32 AM
Noel picked up a second phone. "There should be a security system within the casino. Is it still online? If so, I will need complete access to it, as well as material composition of the walls and floors and the schematics to the casino. I also need a written statement from you stating that, by allowing our assistance, you take full knowledge in the fact that there may and will be collateral damage. We will try and keep it to a minimum, but no battle plan is safe once it is put in place."

Noel worked fast, calculating in his head the most optimal placement of each thug and where the ring leader most likely would be.

2010-12-14, 01:31 AM
Fred Broll

He hung up the phone, letting Noel take over. Inaudibly, he mouthed the words "You talk to this jack-ass" to Noel. Legendary heroes didn't have to put up with being called "Ronnie." Or wait... maybe they did. Damn!

At any rate, he's excited to go into battle yet again this week. To think, just a few years ago he was just some kid who happened to like old samurai movies. Now he has super-powers, is an amazing bad***, and gets to be an Avenger.

Life's pretty great.

2010-12-14, 03:30 AM
There should be a security system within the casino. Is it still online? If so, I will need complete access to it, as well as material composition of the walls and floors and the schematics to the casino. I also need a written statement from you stating that, by allowing our assistance, you take full knowledge in the fact that there may and will be collateral damage. We will try and keep it to a minimum, but no battle plan is safe once it is put in place."

There is a security system, outside remote access is partially available, many cameras have been taken out. What we have of the layout and building is here. And since you're going in at the Mayors request, you will be acting as deputies of the Las Vegas PD. As such, REASONABLE damage will be covered by building insurance, however just like with real cops, you and or the city maybe held liable for any acts of damage a court finds unreasonable, if such a suit is brought against you. If this isn't good enough for you, let me tell the mayor, and then we professionals can handle it. Or if you are going to just sit there and jaw away, we'll get started."

OOC: Being as connected as you are, you realize that the Captain is a extremely capable and professional cop, who regards most superheroes as flashy amateurs who are more of a hindrance than help until they prove themselves, and one bank robbery wouldn't do it :)

2010-12-14, 06:25 AM
James walks into the room, out of his normal armour and looking quite annoyed.

"Damn, the police? Was just getting her to go sleep, as well..."
James walks over to a shelf, and grabs his weapon.

"So, what's the job? Police being ***** again?"

2010-12-17, 09:55 PM
Fred Broll

"And you expected something different? They tend to frown on us vigilante types."

He smirks slightly, then grasps the hilt of his sword.

His eyes take on a faraway look, the same as they did when he was searching for the robbers.

Using the Masamune, he projects his sight and hearing into the casino with the villains, and he performs a full sweep. He wants to know their positions, who they are, if they have hostages, etc.

As he gets the information, he will relay it to Noel to aid in his planning.

2010-12-18, 04:45 AM
James sighs. "Yeah...kinda annoying. Anyway, what did the guy say?"

2011-01-09, 10:16 PM
As your sight and hearing enter the casino, you receive a bit of a shock as you seem to enter the middle of a wild storm. Gale-force winds, and driving rain have made a mess of tables and machines. You see people cowering in what cover they can find. It looks like the doors and windows have been reinforced somehow.

OOC: make a concentration and perception check for more useful information

2011-01-09, 10:27 PM
Fred Broll

concentration: 1
Notice [roll0]

2011-01-15, 03:30 AM
You see a group of costumed people 4 or 5 entering the managers office, and hear what you assume is the manager, arguing, you hear something about time-locks and impossible to open right away.

2011-01-17, 01:26 PM
Fred Broll

He relays this information to the rest of the group, so Noel can construct some sort of plan, then he grabs and readies his hoverboard, preparing to fly over to the casino and wreck these guys.