View Full Version : E6 -- Dark Sun -- Renegades Under the Dark Sun

fil kearney
2010-11-16, 07:24 PM
E6 -- Dark Sun
Renegades Under the Dark Sun

Heroic Shenanigans in an Otherwise Unfriendly World.

fil kearney
2010-11-16, 07:26 PM
Campaign information here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)

Character information here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763662&postcount=2)

OOC Thread located here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175900)

CHAPTER 1 HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9778164&postcount=3)
CHAPTER 2 HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10370008&postcount=131)

fil kearney
2010-11-16, 07:27 PM
Chapter 1

Square Peg Round Hole

It was after high noon in the barren plains of the Tablelands. Tyr was still two days away as the Mekillot procession stamped along in beat with the driving drum... the steady rhythm lulling the massive lizard into hypnotic servitude, obeying the commands reverberating off the sun-beaten drumskin.

High atop the massive creature's back, hammocks hung in the shaded recesses of the massive fortress howdah, swaying in time with the driving rhythm; each seat a metronome pacing out the long minutes between cities. The Renegades sat in discussion with Fellwise; the bard chronicling the team's current exploits.
"...It's amazing you all survived this long!"
Fellwise cackled, already editing the imagery of their past engagements.
"Hey, before you all get killed-- Tell me how this run went? We've got two days to get the flavor... so have a toke, crack a shell(1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)), and thrill me!"
leaning back into the gentle swinging rhythm, he let smoke gently drift from his nose with a sigh of satisfaction.

2010-11-17, 02:25 AM
Kohl chuckled as he helped himself to a third egg. "It could of gone worse... but then we probably would be dead." He thrust his forefinger through the top of the shell making a soft cracking noise. "Of course, the task seemed straight-forward - stop a crazed, rogue Templar from completing some sort of ritual. Well," he paused to sniff the contents of the egg, a smile curled across his lips before he spoke again, "so this forsaken ritual apparently took hours to cast, and it just had to be cast at the hottest point of the day, and on top of a huge obsidian flat no less. By the time we got there, half his minions were already unconscious from heat stroke. When we attacked, I swear that some of them almost looked happy to be killed, just to get out of the heat." He took a large swig from his egg before continuing, "we had just started to close in on the Templar, who only now realized he'd have to abandon his spell, when suddenly an elite strike force of Draji come charging up the hill!"

2010-11-17, 06:11 AM
Working from Kohl's account, Nam'Ghaar continues to play along with Fellwise's games The obsidian up there was roasting. That Templar must've been crazy, even before his feet had melted to the ground. You'd imagine someone capable of creating a ritual like that would've been intelligent, so surely they'd forsee the obsidian absorbing all the heat! Fools... Nam'Ghaar's train of thought trails away as he mumbles to himself about their stupidity and lack of respect for their underlings.

He takes the oppurtunity to grab a second egg, shaking it vigorously and piercing the apex with the tip of one draconic tooth. Slowly he sucks the scrambled contents out inbetween sentences. We were completely unsure who's side those Draji shock troopers were on as they charged us. As they crested the hill they surged through us and crashed into the remaining cultists as we handled the Templar. Oh he was something alright....

This is fun :smallbiggrin: And I like your description FK, really in line with how I like to run games. What is everybodies opinion on the orange text?? It looks like I should bold it so it's easier to read.

2010-11-17, 07:06 AM
Refusing to partake in the brutal consumption of fermented insect offspring Cissandra instead takes a gulp from her waterskin before she continues the story: "He was definitely more than just "something". That Suggestion spell of his nearly made Levethix chop off my head, I was lucky I had seen it coming. How did he pull that off anyway? I haven't seen any templars before him who wielded arcana in such a fashion."

She rises up from her comfortable position in the hammock and leans against her arm on the side, giving a Kohl a brief glare. "Couldn't you have dispelled it Kohl? Did he absolutely have to get a few swings at me before I could muster a dispelling of my own?".

2010-11-17, 10:23 AM
A small humanoid lizard, wearing brown piece of clothing, resembling something in the middle between a cape and a cloak along with some shorts of similar, but a little bit lighter, sat alongside on the table. His scales, as usual of lizard desert specimen were of sandy color and the his eyes were yellow and looked like those of a cat. But the first unique thing that catched eye was his, looking large for the creature, beautifully decorated gauntlets. He then spoke up: "I think you're getting it wrong there, Cissandra. You see, suggestion spell only 'suggests' to do something, and as far as I know, I'd never try to kill a comrade." - he said in his deep, for such a small creature, wise voice.

He took a sip from his egg and continued: "Don't you remember, that you were under an illusion? You were dodging an unexisting opponent while we were fighting them, however, you then snapped out of it. Now that where the Kohl may have came in, for which I'm not sure." He looked briefly at Kohl before returning to his egg, obviously indicating that he had passed the ball.

2010-11-17, 10:45 AM
Cissandra's slight smile turns to a dry grimace. "As if I'd succumb to a mere image spell. No, dear lizard, the one under an illusion spell was you. His spells made me look like another of his cultists, and thus did his suggestion work to full effect. I could've sworn you even smiled when you gave me the cut on my elbow" She lifts the arm of her robe to reveal a small gash. "Of course, I have nothing to blame you for. As I said; his technique was superb."

Keep in mind that this is nothing personal, I'm just going with the flow. Do tell me if Cissandra becomes a little too arrogant. :smallsmile:

fil kearney
2010-11-17, 01:36 PM
Fellwise leaned in to get a better look at the cut elbow Ciss offered before she jerked away from him, upturning her nose,
"NO touching!" The sorcererss chided, drawing a few laughs from her companions.

Faking a pout, the bard drew another toke off the table's hookah. "So... the templar changed her appearance to look like one of his cultists... who he then suggested you should kill...?"
glancing around at the collective nodding, Fellwise shook the *o.O* from his face, clearing the smoke from his thinking,
"Draj (http://www.athas.org/products/csod)i troops?! Was this a Templar of Tectuktitlay (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Sun#Draj), or a Templar from a rival Dragon king?"

2010-11-17, 02:33 PM
Kohl shrugged and replied, "they just said Draj, I assumed Tectuktitlay, but they weren't really conversationalists. As I recall, they just marched up the hill and one of them commanded us to, 'leave now, we will take the ritual for Draj!' I don't know why he thought that would work... although... I guess it sort of did, because that Templar tried to take that opportunity to bolt. What was it you said to them?" Though he couldn't recall who responded to the Draji, he remembered thinking it was amusing.

2010-11-17, 05:53 PM
"I thought Tectuktitlay fell years ago? I didn't see any rank or insignia on their clothing. They could have been from a sorcerer-prince maybe? Rising up through the ranks he intended to use his followers to capture the secrets of a magic ritual. This is entirely speculation though."

Sniffing the hookah's pipe one last time, Nam'Ghaar is glad he doesn't use it. The awkward spiced scent mingles in his nostril slits, confusing his mind and vision. "I'm glad that I didn't take a swing at that dancing cultist now that it turns out it was you, Cissandra. Atleast the troops were Draji. If they were reinforcements for the Templar things would've got really ugly. I think it was you Levethix who eventually cut him down, am I correct? That was a suitably climactic final line from you aswell."

2010-11-17, 06:35 PM
Kohl twisted in his hammock to face Nam, "last I heard, the high templar was claiming to channel Tectuktitlay directly. Frankly, I think that's just a ruse though, still they claim allegiance to him."

Kohl then turned to Cissandra and said, "of course I would have dispelled it for you, but maybe you didn't see how his huge bodyguard was doing everything in his power to lop off my head." Seeing Cissandra's dubious glance he appended, "you know: big mul, bloody tunic, iron sword... he was the one with the mushed up face that looked like camel scat. Yeah, yeah him. Anyway, he just kept charging me, it's a really good thing he had the mental resilience of your average kank. The Templar and he had serious prowess, but those Draji were the real contenders. It's a good thing they had no interest in playing cutthroat against us with the templar, otherwise we all might have been bleaching in the sun right now." Kohl took a long draw from his egg and chuckled.

As a memory came to Kohl, his face transitioned from a jovial expression to a contemplative one, "you know, I read an account once about the sacrifices in Draj. They really have the same set-up, large obsidian slab, it's on top of a big pyramid there, but they will only do the ritual during the hottest point of the day... it's not exactly my area, but I think the templar... uh, this ritual, I mean, is the same one, or maybe a variant, to the one that they use in Draj."

On Tectuktitlay, see OOC thread post 3.

2010-11-18, 02:10 AM
Ammon sits up in his hammock listening to the conversation intently. He pulls down his head cover but struggles for a second when the material gets caught on one of his horns. He turns to Kohl. ""I have to apologize for that one kohl; it was my fault. The large one's first charge was actually more of a ..?fall. He showed an opening and I threw him. Didn't see you were over there... just picked a random direction really.""

He takes a swig from his egg and winces ""I don't know why I even eat these things. The initial tang is unpleasant. But the after taste is the worst. I'm going to join your team Cissandra. Never again."" He turns to Kohl again. ""How similar was that old account to the one we saw. Did the participants sacrifice themselves in the account you read as well?""

passed the sense motive with flying colors so I included that tidbit. Ammon is assuming, incorrectly or correctly, the it was obvious to everyone else that the members were prepared to kill themselves. I love the footnote with info about the eggs. It is great when DMs do that kind of attention to detail

2010-11-18, 05:18 AM
Kohl's brow furrowed as he leaned back to think for a few moments in silence. He shifted forward rather suddenly and started speaking, "I think they were usually prisoners and slaves and almost always unwilling. Some prisoners went willingly, this was infrequent though. Draji take a great deal of pride in living and dying for Tectuktitlay - incarceration is not necessarily a cure for this pride."

Kohl swirled the remaining contents of the his egg before he took another sip. "You know, these eggs, fresh or fermented, are some of the best food to be found in the wastes. They may not taste the greatest, but they'll keep you healthy. I prefer them fermented because they don't taste as bad after you've had half of one."

2010-11-18, 10:10 AM
"I don't care if people claimed those shells contained the essence of life itself, it's disgusting. I'd rather survive on a ring of sustenance than drink insect babies." Ciss grabs for the coal tongs by the hookah on a small chitin table. With only the slightest exert she throws it after Kohl's egg. The tongs barely misses and with a sigh she throws herself back in the hammock.

"I thought we were telling the good bard a story. Isn't that what you came for Fellwise?" She looks at the bard between the masks of her dangling hammock. "I still wonder what sort of being that Templar had bound. I couldn't have been the only one to notice his blood were completely black. I've heard of a vestige that does that to you, no matter how crude the pact may be."

2010-11-18, 10:29 AM
"If by 'cutting down' you mean combusted him in flames, then yes, it was me." - Levethix responds to Nam'Ghar and slowly turned to Cissandra. "I don't believe I would fall for an illusion easily too, sister." - Levethix said, adressing her, with a calm, but slightly intimidating face - he was calmly staring her down. - "Or do you wish... to test who's right?"

Cissandra has been challenged to Oriental Adventures-style duel of wills(or, more correctly, psychic duel)! If you don't own it, the rules are as follows: Both participants spend full-round actions within 10 feet of each other, each rolling will checks, with starting DC of 10, increasing by 5 each round, the one who lost their check lost(if both lost the check on the same round, it's a draw).

So, refuse or accept and we'll see who was under the illusion the fair way. :smalltongue:

2010-11-18, 11:19 AM
I don't know what you mean Ammon, I love these eggs, though I have had a few...Maybe they're clouding my judgement. I think I'll follow suit and stop drinking them. Nam'Ghaar still heartily slurps the dregs of his shell before discarding it, washing it down with a sip of water.

Easy, Lev. That Templar wasn't channeling any sort of vestige I've ever come across. Maybe they willingly performed a bad pact to feel closer to the image of their master? Whether the Templar was in control or not, the person we faced was certainly a manipulator. I'm glad you finished him when you did Lev. Ciss, did you say you'd heard of a vestige appearing like this?

2010-11-18, 11:26 AM
Levethix continued speaking, not taking his eyes of Cissandra: "However, that's not all. I think the participants were... sacrificing themselves, except the leader, of course. The way they reacted when the Draji troops arrived... They weren't of the Tektuctilay. The troops must've been there to kill them all anyway."
The staredown continued for about a half a minute, but when Levethix fought the psychic duel honourably, he finally succumbed, taking his eyes away for a second as the sweat drops appeared on his forehead. "Your will is strong, Cissandra." - he responded, while breathing heavily for a few seconds. - "I apologize about doubting you, and it might have just been me back then. Accept my apology about that too."

2010-11-18, 11:42 AM
But if the Draji troops were to kill all the cultists whilst the Templar was still alive to perform the ritual....would their deaths still fuel the ritual and cause some magical reaction? Or would their deaths have to have been caused by our Templar friend?

2010-11-18, 11:47 AM
Ciss releases her breath with her sigh as her opponent finally breaks the stare. "It's not a matter of will Lev, I just know when I'm right. Consider your apology accepted."

fil kearney
2010-11-18, 12:45 PM
Reflexively reaching for another egg, Nam checks himself and leans back instead, keeping Kohl's train of thought,
"Come to think of it; not only did these guys look... off.. but they don't meet the pattern Draji maintains... The culture has historically stuck to a seasonal calendar... this ritual was a good 6 weeks AFTER the last ceremony was performed... also, it was significantly SMALLER than Draji rituals... Seasonal ceremony is rarely less than 30 sacrefices these days.. the ritual we interrupted only had what? nine total? Hehe.. not counting Ciss, of course."
chuckling at the battle of wills, accepting what has been determined to be the truth.
"Draj hasn't killed that few during ceremony in.... maybe fifteen years? It's been getting gradually larger as time goes on... but there has never been any real claim that the deaths served a purpose. A shaman would be more attuned to discuss any spiritual ramifications of the dead in such circumstances. These guys definitely intended on dying during the ritual though. Ciss put up more fight than any of the followers during our attack."
at which point, Lev blinks under Ciss's stare. Accepting Lev's apology, Ciss continues with her recollection of events, which Fellwise is quick to acknowledge,
"Ah of course... The Templar's technique was superb to fool your friends into thinking you were what? a 10th, er.. cultist... HA! Cult of the Black Blood! That's perfect!"
Fellwise seemed pleased to so swiftly find a catchy title to build mystique.

2010-11-18, 02:45 PM
"It was obvious that he wasn't with Tectuktitlay, I assumed we all knew that," Kohl commented blankly.

He reached for yet another egg, when the fist-sized lump of obsidian resting on the table chided him, "drink much do we? That would be four; four is too many. Why would you need that many insect babies? You don't need food."

Kohl glared at Psaj for several seconds before conceding withdrawing his hand, "you're right, my little dwarf." Promptly his tone turned more aggressive and he playfully shouted at Psaj, and then Ciss for giving his stone the wrong idea, "except that they're not insect babies! Unless there are drones around the eggs will never hatch!" and with that he lobbed the small tongs back, which fell harmlessly into Ciss's hammock.

Kohl shook his head and then moved off the subject of the eggs, "what I really wonder, since the Draji were probably with Tectuktitlay, what vestige was bound to the templar? I'd be surprised if it was any of the current city-state heads, I don't think their ruling patron would allow this. It could be one of their wills to expand to rule more than one city-state, but that seems really unlikely to me. This set up just doesn't fit, you know, if that was the case, why not just have the sacrifices in your own city and raise another to power simultaneously. I think it must be a lesser-known vestige, I'm sure many long dead want a return to power... or worse, it could have been Kalak," he added with a grimace and a shake of his head. "Regardless, I'm glad to know that he's bleaching in the sun."

2010-11-18, 08:33 PM
"Very classy Nam, thank you... Tt wouldn't have been the first time someone tried to sacrifice me." She pauses for a moment to think what has been said through before commenting:

"I agree with Kohl, it couldn't have been a city-state head. My guess is that he was just some exiled rogue who had made contact with a new vestige. Less than three months ago I heard about a new vestige letting himself be bound by anyone who could muster the basic pact. I don't like the idea of those things being less picky than they already are, they seem to have some odd talent for finding the worst imagineable candidates. Just look at the high-templar of Draj..."

2010-11-18, 09:06 PM
Kohl shook his head softly and replied, "the high-templar of Draj, or of any city-state for that matter. Remember, when you are talking about these bound vestiges, you are talking about the incarnation of individuals who rose to power through dedicating their very existences to committing mass genocides. I'd be shocked if they ever would choose anyone who wasn't, by our accounts, the worst imaginable candidate."

On the genocides, see:

2010-11-19, 08:30 AM
When an entity from another world gives a maniac like that a fraction of it's limitless power....Well I'm glad we ended it when we did. That vestige will be trying to find a new candidate already though. I wish we had a way of knowing when 9 or so slaves are mysteriously stolen or bought, that would help our chase immeasurably. I didn't find any documents or ID papers for any of them, nor any religious or magical texts.

2010-11-19, 02:45 PM
""Neither did I, but we didn't have much time to do more than a cursory search. Those Draji hounds were quite adamant about us leaving after they showed up.""

2010-11-19, 03:01 PM
I didn't like how they came charging in, stole our glory and took over our interests at the ritual site. Their leader, the large human, was intent on removing us from the scene. I'm suprised they only left it at an implied threat of violence. Even the Renegades might have a hard time against a battalion of Draji troops. Nam'Ghaar said with a hint of sarcasm. Chuckling to himself, he gave Fellwise knowing look, implying that the foot soldiers of Draj weren't as powerful as they make out to be.

2010-11-19, 04:34 PM
Kohl had shifted so he was laying face up in his hammock. While the others spoke, Psaj grew spider-like wisps for legs and climbed from the table into the hammock where Kohl rested. The legs dissipated as Kohl began to toss the rock back and forth between his hands.

Without looking away from the ceiling, Kohl began to speak, "negotiating with us was a good call for them, one that I am surprised was made though. By the time the rest of their soldiers had showed up, their strike force was nearly destroyed. If they hadn't let us go, they would have lost some of their elite soldiers... on top of that, we probably could have taken down a dozen or more of their green units before we fell. They knew their primary objective was accomplished. By letting us go when they did, they only lost that one warrior. It was a good arrangement - we didn't want to die; they didn't want to die. If anything, it is surprising that there exists a single Draji commander who would rather cut his loses than die in a blaze of glory with many of his troops."

2010-11-19, 06:02 PM
I guess that some of the newer commanders are paying less attention to their allustrious and misguided ancestors and more to the needs of their men. A standpoint to be respected if you ask me. Green units need supportive leadership, not commanders looking for a meat grinder.

fil kearney
2010-11-21, 02:24 AM
Fellwise raises an eyebrow curiously at Nam's wisdom,
"That's a pretty Bo--WOAH!?"
The conversation is jarred as the massive wagon shifts forward-- sending everyone's hammocks swinging chaotically! The massive beast bellowing in pain as the drum beat stops, replaced with guards shouting defensive measures amongst each other..


You'll have lots of questions, I'm sure. We'll discuss them in OOC. Check OOC reference (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3) post for further info about Mekillots.
COMBAT MAP ROUND 00 (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekillotcombat00.gif)
Mekillot caravan map by level (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekillotblowup.gif)
reference image (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekilotimage.gif)
It is effectively your round 1 whenever you choose to take action.

2010-11-21, 08:33 AM
Shifting his posture, enveloping himself in dark shadowy matter, Levethix rushed outside to see what happened.

Entering Child Of Shadow stance, going out on the street with 2 move actions.

2010-11-21, 11:04 AM
Cissandra is quick to jump from the swinging hammock to her feet. "It just wouldn't be a trip without a raider attack, would it?" She moans as she walks over to look out of the window hoping to spot the potential attackers.

2010-11-21, 02:24 PM
"Ugh, just when I got comfortable," Kohl groaned before his powerful mind coated him in a blanket of force. He then pocketed Psaj, shifted in his hammock and rose to his feet.

1 PP to cast inertial armor (+4 AC). 48/49 PP remaining

2010-11-21, 06:27 PM
Time to get my crusader on, I guess you always remember your first time :smallwink:

Standing up abruptly, Nam'Ghaar looks out of the window to survey the oncoming attackers. I'm with you Leve! Let's go mop up some bandit scum! Rushing out of the room, Nam'Ghaar picks up a final egg and cracks it in half over his jawline, trying to catch as much as he can to get him buzzing for the oncoming fight. On the way he grasps the dragon pendant around his neck and pushes some of his will to protect his friends into the amulet, projecting a defensive aura around himself.

I also double move to end up outside, Nam will stand next to Lev, ready to flank a target. Also I activate my toughness aura for DR1/- within 30ft of me.

2010-11-21, 09:57 PM
Ammon jumps up and stomps the deck hard as he enters a stance. A gray mist appears to envelop him hiding his movements.
""Time for some exercise, it seems. They picked the wrong caravan.""
He moves north along the wall through the doorway, continuing out onto the balcony. He looks around outside, casually gestures to the guard and says, ""What is the situation,""

SWIFT enter child of shadow stance
DOUBLE MOVE- out to north balcony
FREE- speech

fil kearney
2010-11-22, 01:21 AM
Lev hustles out the doors into the sunbathed balcony, hopping deftly up onto the balcony to get a look at the scene as the mekillot lurches a second time, bellowing in pain!

balance DC 15 to stay on the balcony or slip off, down to the ground 40 feet below for 4d6 damage.. hazard of being small.

Nam, right behind grabs hold of the balcony next to his kin to keep his footing as the beast cries out

You can make a strength DC 10 to lend a +2 to Lev's roll, grabbing him to stay onboard
The guard makes room for Ammon as the forward balcony becomes crowded... Fellwise pops open a shade behind him, barking out orders at no one specifically,
"Keep that meki under control and drop the shield!!"
This is obviously not the first time he's had to deal with such circumstances either, as he chuckles at the renegades' off-hand comments regarding the event.
Ciss and Kohl pull up their curtains in time to see thick strands of silk lob over the lip of the cargo hold's rooftop, beginning to congeal as the substance sticks to the carapace structure-- similar reports are being shouted from the various balconies as it appears a gang of spider-riders intend to overwhelm the moving citadel! From their vantage point, only 2 strands can be seen through the holes in the carapace, though nothing is keeping them from crawling out to get a better assessment... none of the actual creatures are in view from beneath the rim.

Forward on the balcony; the large arachnids can be seen scurrying fast into a flanking position-- the forward guard fires a shot that falls short, as do a few other shots from higher tiers.
rough lands lie beyond; the air is blowing from the east, and fine grit covers everything; the wind picking up clouds that coalesce and disperse with each new blast of hot air.

From below, there is a thunderous "BOOM" followed immediately by a horrible scraping of sharpened carapace rakes the round around the wagon and mekillot as the shields slam down into position-- with each step the beast takes, the scraping feels like nails on slate...


MAP update beginning of round 2
See the updated Mekillot information for additional combat information about the caravan... Local, Historic, and Martial Lore knowledge checks will yield more info about the spider bandits, depending on die rolls.

Please notice, "up" on the map is Southwest. These riders are coming on from the north, are moving rouhgly twice the speed of the mekilot.. large arachnids, each fitted with saddles and a defensive screen on the front end as a sort of barding and shield for the rider, who is wielding a light lance of unknown material that has a pale silvery luster.. as does the armor and shielding.

ask questions as you need. I'll be as free with information as permissible... when in doubt, offer a roll of something. :)

Fury00 you got a new die roll at the end of your first turn. this is the beginning of the second.

2010-11-22, 04:48 AM
"Lukhen protect me.. I know you will" Ciss mutters before she brushes one of the tear-shaped gemstones on her necklace with her fingertips, making it flash briefly before going dull. With a simple incantation and a quick movement of the hand she raises her protective magic armor before stepping through the window out on the carapace roof.

Standard Action: Mage Armor
Swift Action: Amulet of Tears (12 temp hp/10 minutes)
Move Action: Step right outside the window

2010-11-22, 09:00 AM
"Tch." - Levethix mutters, as he attempts to hold his ground.

Balance: [roll0]
If failed, tumble check to reduce damage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2010-11-22, 12:55 PM
""Spiders huh?""

Realizing he needs to give the others room to move Ammon decides to make his stand from the top. He concentrates and in a moment he dissapears into a ball of shadow then reappears on the top deck. He then moves to position himself between the two guards that he knows are stationed up there.

Standard- Shadow Jaunt- 50ft to the top level
Move- to appropriately position himself between the two guards

2010-11-22, 01:59 PM
Kohl whispered, "careful out there," to Ciss as she climbed out the window. With a moment's focus, he gave himself a surge of energy then rushed out the door to see the action on the other side. Quickly ducking behind some cover once he saw the incoming arachnids. He muttered blankly to the guard, Tiberius, "that's a lot of spiders." He tried to recall everything he knew about this kind of spider.

Standard: Vigor for 20 temp HP, 4 PP to net 44/49 PP
Move: He moves to N13
Swift: Ducks behind the lip for some degree of cover
Free: Knowledge Nature about spiders [roll0]

Edit: This should have been +9, I only used my ranks by mistake. So it should be a 27.

Also, I can't see the back from the picture you have, but I assume it also has a bit of a lip that can be used for at least partial cover.

2010-11-23, 04:42 PM
Woah there Lev! Nam said as he steadied his friend. I don't know about you but I'm going to get my hands dirty. With a devilish look in his eyes he dives over the sides. Gliding down he attempts to slice down into the spiders abdomen.

Forgot I had wings :smallamused: I can glide down but not fly at 6HD, thankfully this is E6 so I can glide :smallbiggrin: Does this count as a charge attack? If so add 2 to my attack roll and -2 from my AC.

Attacking spider 5, landing in C18. Using Battle Leaders Charge which gives me +10 damage and no AoO for charging.

fil kearney
2010-11-24, 12:11 AM
The massive mekillot has slowed down considerably since the shields dropped... the spiders easily catch and swarm up the sides of the rikshaw fortress... the guards on balconies fire at the massive creatures that easily ascend the migh sides... their arrows making little difference to the oncoming assault!

Nam' cuts deep into the spider as it and it's rider lash out at the gliding Dray-- landing dangerously close to the giant creature; Nam' has to fend off a massive bite before it's rider manages to force the creature to retreat from the fight, as the creature splurts thick blood from it's head--

The mekillot slowly crawls by as the two renegades look up at the spider bandits ascending the structure to shred the ill-prepared men-at-arms-- high atop the fortress, lev can see Ammon already in position to meet the creatures head on while the soldier slanking him fire arrows that harmlessly reflect off the protective cover of the spider bandit's combat saddle!
Ammon motions wildly too late as one of the rider breaks from the pack, driving his lance-- intent on skewering Nam!

-- on the other side of the structure, the spiders swarm up over the side of the ledge where Ciss waits, threatening to bowl her over as they lay seige to the upper decks of the tower--

Fellwise rushes over, drawing an ornate bone-carved thinblade and slashes through the curtain at the spider, blindly missing as the leather curtain falls away, roaring, "get the HELL off my Rig!!"


Round 3 Map (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekillotcombat03.GIF)

I've switched the mapping coordinates to comensate for the fact the mekilot is moving.. it was at 60 ' per round.. a normal double move for a speed 30 creature, but it has halved since the plates when down.. 30 ' per round now. THe spiders are moving at 60' movement.. VERY fast. they easily caught up and climbed the extra 25 feet up the side of the structure to level 4.

Lev and Nam are currently co-inhabiting the same space.. that's why lev and Nam's icons are stacked as such.

as stated in the OOC notes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9824831&postcount=155); Fury has a decision to make about round 2 activities... falling damage or not. (be sure to read that post)
Nam has incurred an AoO from both Spider5 and the Bandit ...
--AC defesne-roll vs attack DC 15 or roll d8+3 damage from bandit
--AC defense-roll vs attack DC 21 or roll d6+3 damage from spider.
--AC defense-roll again vs attack DC 21 from the bite.. fail = d8+5 damage and a fortitude save vs DC 17 or roll d6 dexterity damage.
-- the spider is then coaxed away; allowing an attack of opportunity... you can attempt to hit the spider AC 24
--spider4 charges; roll AC defense vs attack DC 17 or take 3d8+9 from the bandit's spirited charge.
Ciss is being overrun... she can either share space with the spider, or make an opposed str or dex check vs DC 21... failure means Ciss is prone... success means you can make a free str or dex check vs DC 24 to push the spider back. If you continue to co-inhabit the same space, the rider is too close to attack you with his lance, but anything more than a 5' adjustment will incur AoO from the spider's bite; including crawling back through the window. If you cast, you can do so defensively as per concentration, or you can take the AoO, but you WILL succeed at casting; the AoO will trigger after the fact. (a definite advantage for close-casting)
Everyone else is free to act as they wish normally.. crawling through a window provokes an AoO.

any questions? ask away! :)

2010-11-24, 05:41 AM
Kohl grimaced as the spiders encroached. Tiberius went down. There was little more he could do for him with this many spiders bandits around. Tendons strained in his neck and his eyes shut for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Kohl harnessed as much power of his power as he physically could, then the balls of lightning formed above the palm of his hand. With a soft crack they blasted toward their targets. Kohl then fled back inside the caravan.

Overchanneled Electricity Energy Missiles for Spider Bandits 10-13 (PP 7, 37/49)

Sorry if I have the mechanics wrong, but from what I gather, we make an attack roll against their fixed saves (rather than the other way around)?
10 - Att (Ref): [roll0] Dam: [roll1]
11 - Att (Ref): [roll2] Dam: [roll3]
12 - Att (Ref): [roll4] Dam: [roll5]
13 - Att (Ref): [roll6] Dam: [roll7]
and I forget how mount mechanics work, but if I can separately target a spider
11's spider - Att (Ref): [roll8] Dam: [roll9]

Also, Kohl wasn't moved on the map, but last turn I went to what was N13 (Now N16). Moving now to M19 to end turn.

Edit: Wow those rolls suck! If I were to pay for a reroll (with conviction), do I get to reroll everything or just one of the rolls?

2010-11-24, 07:29 AM
"Me too, friend." - Levethix replied shortly after Nam's statement, and jumped on his back, glinding down together with his fellow tribesman. As he got down finding themselves in a pretty bad position, Levethix briefly said: "Divide and conquer." As he jumped in slightly and attacked the spider behind him with a combusting touch.

I assume Fury went with falling damage.

So, 5-foot step south, switching the stance to Island of Blades, attacking the spider number 4 with Combust.

Attack: [roll0] (Touch); [roll1] Fire Damage
DC 15 Reflex or the spider catches fire(I roll the save you add the pluses, that's how it works, right? :smalltongue: ), 1d6 damage per round until it's put out(as per DMG rules): [roll2] ; [roll3]
I assume the rider might catch on fire as well(logically, but not RAW, might even take the initial damage too IMO), so a save and damage for him too: [roll4] ; [roll5]

Oh, and I didn't factor this damage in my best attack, so figure it out how it'll work, considering it has a reflex save for the fire :smalltongue:

Edit: You've got to be kidding me. :smalltongue: I'll spend a conviction point for a re-roll for the attack in the OOC.

2010-11-24, 01:07 PM
I take this option:
Fury has the choice of taking the 2d6 damage to make up for the 15 feet of movement, he can spend 2 conviction for an extra move action in round 2 and get his full actions here in round 3.

So I know have 4 conviction left apparently and taken this much falling damage [roll0] which will go into my delayed damage pool

Bring on the AoO's :smallfrown:

[roll1] vs DC15 or take [roll2]
[roll3] vs DC21 or take [roll4]
[roll5] vs DC21 or take [roll6]
If last attack hit me I roll fort save [roll7] vs DC17 or [roll8] dex damage

I get an AoO against spider5 and whack it [roll9] vs AC24 [roll10]

Spider 4 charges me for alot of damage, [roll11] vs DC17 or take [roll12]

2010-11-24, 02:04 PM
After weathering the assualt of spiders and riders alike, Nam'Ghaar's stubborn attitude arises as he refuses to fall and stagger under the attack. His previous target opted to flee instead of withstand another bout from his enormous blade. Nam lashes out at the nearest target, hoping to deliver a deadly blow and fuel his own battle lust with it.

Attacking spider4 for having the audacity for charging. It's AC is reduced by 2 for charging so that gives me more leeway for smashing. Also furious counterstrike gives me +2 to atk and dmg.

Stone Power and Power Attack can be used simultaneously so -2 from my first attack and +4 damage and gain 4 temporary hitpoiints until the beginning of my next turn.
Revitalising strike [roll0] [roll1] and I gain [roll2] hp

Iterive attack, no power attack here [roll3] [roll4]

I'll wait to see if those 21's hit before tallying my hp total.

2010-11-24, 02:56 PM
Ciss stands her ground, a firm look appears on her face as she channels the Hollow to her air. The void strips her mind of stray thoughts and sharpens her focus on the spell she intones.

"You're going to regret your choice of prey today"

I'll share the space with the Spider, this is "my" spot :smalltongue:

Free Action: Void Use; +2 to Concentration

Ciss chooses to let the nauseating effect not apply to her fellow party members and Fellwise.

Standard Action: Cast Vertigo Field Defensively centered on I15
Defensive Casting check: [roll0]

10 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll1]
10 (rider)- Att (Fort) [roll2]
11 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll3]
11 (rider)- Att (Fort) [roll4]
12 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll5]
12 (rider)- Att (Fort) [roll6]
13 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll7]
13 (rider) - Att (Fort) [roll8]
14 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll9]
14 (rider) - Att (Fort) [roll10]
15 (spider) - Att (Fort) [roll11]
15 (rider)- Att (Fort) [roll12]

2010-11-24, 03:25 PM
Ammon shouts at the two roof guards, ""Their saddles are well protected against arrows, aim together at a single spider not the rider."" He moves to the back of the platform and readies himself for any spider that comes within his reach.

Ready an attack for anything that comes within reach [ROLL]1d20+10[ROLL] [roll0]

2010-11-24, 03:26 PM
I made a mistake [roll0]

fil kearney
2010-11-25, 06:26 PM
Ciss distorts reality, creating a pocket of vertigo that encompasses much of the left-side of the mekillot castle... she smirks wryly as the mekillot presses on, leading the climbing spiders directly into the distorted cacophany as they attempt their seige--

Kohl's overcharged bolts fry the bandits overtaking the rear-- two die in their saddles as the now-uncontrolled spiders panic from the hostile powers!

Topside, kohl's companions attempt to work together, targeting the same spider as they easily scale the sides of the sctructure.. the arrows sink into the beat with no seeming affect at all!

On the ground, the two Dray's teamwork cause the charging spider to fall dead immediately at their feet-- it's shriek drawing attention from all the remaining monsters still on the ground!

Immediately, the bandit screams in rage as his spider dies, charging forward in a suicide rush towards both Lev and Nam'--
The remaining four mounted lancers charge the stranded warriors, all shouting battle cries for their fallen spider!

Above, almost simultaneously, bandits on Ciss shout "MAGE!!" while the others shout "MENTAT!!".. Even as they die.. the now riderless spiders flee the fight; instictively wanting to escape the unnatural effects of the Renegades' counter attacks! The rest press on, climbing further up the structure, attacking every exposed target!

From far below inside the fortress, guards shout up the ladders, "Meki's been Bellied[2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)]!!!"-- with a shout of rage, Fellwise immediately rushes to the ladder, climbing up towards the captain's bridge


ROUND 4 MAP (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekillotcombat04.GIF)

Ciss--#15 attacks; make a defensive check vs spider's bite: AC check vs DC21 or take d8+5 damage and make a fort save vs DC17 or take d6 DEX damage
#14 are both nauseated (N)
#13 fends off the spell; crawls up and around.. they are 10 feet up out of AoO range; the lancer attacks; AC check vs DC15 or take d8+3 damage
Ammon--between spider bandits 1, 3, and 12... the two guards die from spider bites...
Your held action translates into a standard action against #1 or #2
#2 spider attempts to bite you as he clears the balcony-- AC check vs DC21 or take d8+5 damage and make a fort save vs DC17 or take d6 DEX damage
You then have your full round of normal activity... the narrow access between the railing and the caonpy is preventing the bandits from attacking effectiely with teir lances, and preventing the spiders from entering the top level.

Lev--You are targeted by the charging lancers--
The bandit on foot doesn't actually take an offensive action against you; he Aids lancer #6.
#6 charges; AC check vs DC19 or 3d8+9 damage
#7 charges; AC check vs DC17 or 3d8+9 damage
#8 charges; AC check vs DC17 or 3d8+9 damage
#9 charges; AC check vs DC17 or 3d8+9 damage

Nam'-- you get an AoO against spider bandit #8 as they rideby ... AC25 to hit due to mobility.

2010-11-26, 06:47 AM
As the Spiders are vaulting up the sides of the tower Ammon clasps his hands together and concentrates. A bright gray corona form around his fists. His hands separate to his sides and the corona is split in two. One hand is a light with a black glow the other white. He slams the shining black palm into a spiders face as it peaks.

That spider reels in pain but soon recovers as it strikes back with a vicious bite to where Ammon's outstretched shoulder was moments ago.

Another spider peaks and lashes out at the guard at Ammon's flank. He drops just before Ammon turns his hips to deliver a spinning kick into the spiders side. The exoskeleton cracks under the force as Ammon pulls away and slides back.

[roll0] touch attack on spider 2 from touch of the shadow sun
[ROLL]2d8+5[ROLL] negative energy damage

SEE for the reroll with conviction (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9839223&postcount=182)
AC check vs DC 21 [roll1] damage [roll2]
if failed fort save DC 17 [roll3] dex Dam [roll4]

Attack with bonecrusher on spider 1
[roll5] for [roll6]+[roll7]
[roll8] vs fort for +10 to confirm crits

Move 10 feet to the left to activate the miss chance

2010-11-26, 06:50 AM
made a mistake
[roll0] negative energy damage

2010-11-26, 09:50 AM
Dodging all of the incoming attacks with ease, skill and grace, Levethix started his speech as he was doing it. "Your attack plan is good. But you have picked the wrong pray." Dodging the last attack, the dray suddenly started moving with superhuman, or, more correctly, superdray speed, attacking all of them with a hand engulfed in crackling electricity. In fact, so fast, that he appeared to be in three places at a time and mostly, could be seen only because of the bright, noisy lightning, which even formulated some kind of triangle from Levethix's movements!

5-foot step to S-18, Full-Round Action - initiate Vanguard of One, making duplicates at S-17 and T-18, right into the riders faces, both initiate Shocking Grasp on them.

1st duplicate @ rider 9: [roll0] (+3 if wearing metal armor/carrying lots of metal) ; [roll1]
2nd duplicate @ rider 4: [roll2] (+3 if wearing metal armor/carrying lots of metal) ; [roll3]

End up either in the saddle of a dead rider or on a saddle of the most wounded one after my turn is over.

2010-11-26, 01:48 PM
We need to stop getting outnumbered Lev! Nam'Ghaar shouts inbetween parrying lesser attacks. Laughing, he lunces at available targest with his sword, as if daring the enemy to try harder. They should give up and run soon enough with their abdomens between their legs. See! Some have already begun!

AoO on spider 8, no power attack. [roll0] [roll1]

I'll move to R18 and us Stone Bones against spider9 [roll2] [roll3] If that hits I gain DR5/adamantium until the beginning of my next go.

Well I hit the escapee but I won't have any spangly DR next round :smallfrown: My delayed damage pool is currently empty and I have 25hp, waiting on confirmation of my Revitalising Strike.

2010-11-26, 03:52 PM
Kohl stared ahead for a moment before he followed Fellwise up the ladder and charged on toward the top of the structure.

Focus attempt DC 20 [roll0]

Cover as much distance toward the top floor as he can with 40 speed.

2010-11-26, 05:50 PM
Ciss takes a couple of nasty blows from both spiders and riders, an aura of blue light flickers and goes out at the first blow. The second strike draws blood from her shoulder. "I'm getting outnumbered people, who ever taught you to let the enemies reach your mage?" She cries to make sure she's heard over the heat of battle. She glances around her to assess her enemies before deciding on a tactical retreat. She makes a quick brush over her necklace and another gemstone goes dull before she jumps through the window to safety. She turns around and shouts a single word in an unfamiliar language.

Swift Action: Activate Amulet of Tears
Move Action: Move back into the cabin through the window.
Standard Action: Power Word: Pain on the visible Spider Rider.

fil kearney
2010-11-30, 01:58 AM
The creeping spider shrieks in p.ain as Ammon's cursed palm necrotizes a portion of it's chitin. The other reels from a solid kick, pushing the spider away from the dead guards.... the riding bandit contemplates the situation for a moment before hefting a dried kank's egg with a sopping towel... he fishes out a flint rock and begins striking against the edge of the armored shielding, causing small sparks to fly as he holds the rag near..

Kohl passes up 2 levels in pace with Fellwise.. the bard steps onto the bridge just beneath the top platform, barking orders at the on duty leutenant as an assistant relays the commands down a resonating tube to the drivers far below.
Kohl pops his head through the hole next to Ammon. Looking around, they can see multiple spider bandits creeping around the edge of the tarped platform railing, just out of reach as they all begin sparking flint against their chitin, clicking to their spiders as they hold aloft kank eggs with rags stuffed in the top...... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9864571&postcount=218)

More spiders snap at Ciss with their mandibles as she slides in through the window; spinning on her heal, she unleashes her spell just before the window is covered in sticky webbing... the many legs can be heard clattering around the perimeter of the shelled fortress, as the dark sun's rays are slowly blotted out in all the windows...

...Below, as the mekillot slowly scrapes further away, Nam cleaves into the passing spider before he rushes in to lay a solid blow on his next target while attempting to dodge the stabs of the remaining riders' lances as he closes!

Lev jumps onto the smoldering spider just as a bundle of rags hanging from kank eggs ignite... at first sign of smoke, the dismounted rider panics, and runs as fast as he can away from his fallen steed, shouting, "EGGS!!!"

The nearby bandits scramble their spiders away from the felled insect.


ROUND 5 MAP (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/athas/mekillotcombat05.GIF)
Ciss... only 1 AoO against you as you flee..
make a defensive check vs spider bite: AC check vs DC21 or take d8+5 damage and make a fort save vs DC17 or take d6 DEX damage

Nam; spider bandit #7 has provoked AoO as well; same AC.

Lev and Nam: the fleeing human and spider bandit #9 have drawn an AoO forr both of you while runningg away... Spiders' AC is 29; the bandit is AC 15
The riding bandits have AC 15 as well.
Meanwhile... The smoldering eggs are about to explode!!! Give me a reflex save DC17 to avoid 6d6 fire damage!
Failed saves result in being caught on fire... reflex DC15, or take d6 fire damage per round until you spend TWO full rounds attempting to stop the burning tar that bursts out..

2010-11-30, 05:37 PM
Nam desperately tries to land one final attack against the bandits before the eggs rain hellfire upon him. Nam'Ghaar's attack sadly sailed over the fleeing bandits shoulder, however he managed to use the momentum of his swing to hopefully carry him out of the core of the blast and take minimal damage.

[roll0] [roll1]

reflex [roll2] Come on terrible reflex save! Don't fail me now!

I assume I can double move and make a reflex save? :smallconfused: Double move to T26, catching up to the Meki. If I can't double move then I'll only reach an alarming T22. I wish I was more manouveurable :smalltongue:

2010-11-30, 05:59 PM
Kohl's head emerged from inside the caravan, an instant later he heard a distant shout of "eggs." Seeing what the spider bandits were carrying, he quickly fired a concussing blast of flame from his above his hand to between two spiders who wandered near to each other. "Ammon, watch out," he shouted as he dropped back down the ladder.

6 Point enhanced Fire Stun at #3 and #14 4d6+4 fire damage at +9 ref att (save for half) if save fails +9 will att to stun them for one round. PP 31/49
Also, my energy missiles before were save for half... I don't think I mentioned this then...

#3 Spider To Hit Ref: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] To Stun: [roll2]
#3 Rider To Hit: [roll3] Damage: [roll4] To Stun: [roll5]
#14 Spider To Hit: [roll6] Damage: [roll7] To Stun: [roll8]
#14 Rider To Hit: [roll9] Damage: [roll10] To Stun: [roll11]

The hope of using fire is that their eggs may ignite. Also, FYI, Kohl can move 40 ft per round when he is focused (which he is).

2010-11-30, 06:03 PM
Ciss stares intensively on the window, keeping an eye out for any spiders or riders who'd dare to reveal themselves before her. With a few words she prepares her spell to be flung the instant her eyes would catch sight of her enemy.

Full-round Action: Ready Power Word Pain to be cast on the first enemy or Spider to present itself, unless it's the one she hit before. If possible.

#Spider - Def (AC21) [roll0] (Void Use to Fort if I fail)
#Spider - Def (Fort) [roll1]
#Spider - Dam (Dex) [roll2]

2010-12-01, 05:14 PM
Ammon slides down following kohl after his fiery assault.

Double move to go down the ladder as far as I can.

2010-12-02, 06:20 AM
Noticing the igniting "eggs" and figuring it'd be best to get the hell out of there, Levethix grabbed the spider rider as he was getting away from him by the shoulder, successfully getting away from the blast. Electrifying his free hand as before, Levethix has launched, hopefully, a fatal blow.

Other hand is fluff, still attacking with my feycraft gauntlet. Shocking Grasp on the guy again.

[roll0] ; [roll1]

fil kearney
2010-12-03, 11:06 PM
With a massive concussion, the smoldering eggs explode with concussive force... Nam catches the brunt of it, while Lev and his new human ride sprint clear before the eggs coated the area in hot burning tar!

With a quick strike, the bandit Lev rode fell beneath the electrical discharge of his fist, putting the dangerous dray back on footThe two nearby spider bandits click their spiders inot motion, scurrying at incredible speed away from the warrior.

Singed, Nam catches up to the mekilot fortress as it grinds to a halt-- far over head, the spiders scurry along the outside, dragging trails of webbing behind them as they begin winding around the tower... as though they intended to coccoon the entire structure.

Kohl's bolts of fire connect, the two spiders shriek in fear and pain-- dropping from sight immediately!The remaining bandits along the perimeter spark their oiled rags... the one just out of reach tosses it past kohl, it rolls along the floor, resting finally against the railing... the other two nonchalantly drop their lit eggs down the other ladder hatch.... panicked cries from the men within motivate the bandits to pull out more and get busy lighting another batch as their spiders retreat below the line of vision, chittering excitedly.

Inside, Ciss can hear the tapping of legs all along the roof above, they were all circling -- but no targets presented themselves from within the safety of the lounge.... ammon practically drops down the ladder into the lounge , announcing "we've got a problem..." a moment later, a lit egg tumbles down after him, falling further into the belly of the fortress, "... BIG problem..."

Round 6 Begins
Round 6 Map (http://www.killfear.com/athas/mekillotcombat06.GIF)
DM Notes

Lev that dude is Dead. :p

Nam take 6d6 / 2 damage for succeeding your relfex save (Nice one!)

Ciss-- your held action is spent unused.

Ammon-- CLimbing DC 17 or take 2d6 damage joining Ciss in the lounge of level 4

Kohl-- these eggs are going to blow next round... if you stay put, you'll need to make a save, but will have a 75% cover against that egg.

The second egg is on the 3rd level or below... the 3rd egg is either on the 6th or 5th floor.

2010-12-04, 05:12 PM
Levethix takes a step towards the mekillot and closes his eyes for a brief meditation.

5-foot step to AF-30, full-round action to recover all maneuvers.

2010-12-05, 04:19 PM
After recovering from his drop with a tight roll, Ammon walks over to Cissandra. ""We... seem to be in a mess. We need to take care of tha... Your shoulder? Bit of a scratch?"" As he steps by Ammon places the hand with the white aura over Ciss's wound; it closes. ""Yea, we need to take care of that web. I can burn it if you give me a few seconds."" Ammon crosses his arms and closes his eyes for a moment.

Free action 5 foot step to be near Ciss
Swift action heal Ciss's wound with touch of the shadow sun charge I had saved for 10 hp
Full Round Action recover Shadow Jaunt

2010-12-05, 08:43 PM
"Ugh," Kohl grimaced as an egg rolled past him. He dropped to the floor below. Hearing Ammon talk of burning the webs, Kohl shouted down, "my thoughts exactly!" He then launched a blast of flame missiles into the webs across three of the windows he could see.

Move: down one level
Free: yell
Standard: Energy Missiles, flame (no enhancement). Two to the first window, one to the middle, two to the end.
In case the webs dodge:
Att: [roll0] Dam: [roll1]
Att: [roll2] Dam: [roll3]
Att: [roll4] Dam: [roll5]
Att: [roll6] Dam: [roll7]
Att: [roll8] Dam: [roll9]
PP: 28/49

2010-12-07, 05:29 AM
Ciss turns to Ammon as he places his healing hand on her. "Thank you, but it was barely bleeding. How's it looking on the outside?" She points up, towards the roof of the cabin. "They're waiting for me out there, do you think you could clear the way?"

She places a hand on Ammon's shoulder while muttering the incantation of a spell. Suddenly the Swordsage seems to fade and become semi-translucent, small wisps of ethereal fog trails his movements.

Standard Action: Cast Shadow Phase on Ammon (50% miss chance vs. normal attacks, 20% miss against magical attacks)

2010-12-07, 05:15 PM
Lets go! Before those last few cause anymore damage!

I take an interesting double to board the Meki. I believe that with my turn I can make it into level 1 and halfway up the ladder to level 2.

Also [roll0] divided by 2, I take that much damage.

2010-12-08, 05:07 PM
Nevermind, double post as you can't edit in rolls....
I'll go to climb the webbing, getting as far as I can. But now I read my sheet it turns out i have a climb modifier of -4 in armor. So I'll whack out my bow as my move action and shoot at spider3
[roll0] [roll1]
Probably won't hit but I can't do anything else at this stage. I'm open to suggestions though.

I guess I could use a free action to shout for some guard to open the lower doors, they'd know it was me.

Guards! It's Nam! Somebody needs to open the lower cargo doors, I'm stuck out here!

fil kearney
2010-12-09, 10:18 AM
As kohl drops down into the bridge, Fellwise kicks an egg out the nearby window... the explosive detonates midair, out of harm's way....
The other eggs set off almost at the same time; Ammon's assessment is accentuated by shocked cries of pain from below as thick black smoke begins rising up the ladder, tainting the air with burning tar--

Kohl's fire catches the surrounding webbing ablaze, the fast-burning material further taints the air around them as surprised spiders and bandits scurry around the perimeter, lobbing more eggs into windows on the tier below.

From the ground, Nam can see the shading canopy atop the tower also light up, belching dark smoke into the air as flashes of fire spark in the interior of the castle-- it was clear if those inside were not burnt to death... choking on the smoke will make them easy targets if they attempt to escape through the high windows... logically, opening the cargo doors would allow a better escape option for those trapped inside.

Two bandits hurl eggs down at the vulnerable Nam far below, the firebombs detonating when they hit the ground at his feet, sending blazing tar everywhere around him

Ciss and Ammon begin coughing as they assess the situation closely as more fire coats the tier above them... they cries of pain swiftly end with the lives of those caught in the deadly bursts.

Lev, at a distance, can see the injured bandits and spiders rallied far behind the mekillot, probably waiting for the sieging bandits to dump their payloads into the structure... the mobile fortress looks like a massive egg itself from where he stands, belching the black smoke high into the afternoon sky...

Round 7 Begins!
Round 7 MAP (http://www.killfear.com/athas/mekillotcombat07.GIF)

The 3rd, 5th, and 7th tier are just blotted out with thick, oily smoke.
Ciss, Ammon... the smoke isn't going to cause any technical penalties at this stage, but traveling in either direction on the ladders will cause serious breathing and visibility issues right now.
Kohl.. same for you 2 tiers up.... the spider bandits on the tower are just below window height between 5th and 6th tier...

Nam will need to make 2 more reflex saves to half the damage from the dropped eggs...DC17 to half 3d6 fire damage!
Failed saves result in being caught on fire... reflex DC15, or take d6 fire damage per round until you spend 1 full round attempting to stop the burning tar that bursts out..

The bandits are clearly just firebombing the hell out of the structure...
they take 1 round to burst on their own, but if hurled they will explode on impact.

Anyone can make a survival check to glean some extra tidbits... No set DC. you can roll in OOC if you want.

2010-12-09, 07:09 PM
Ciss decides for herself that it's safer to be outside, away from the smoke. With a nimble motion she jumps out of the window again with a word of power ready on her lips.

Move Action - Crawl outside and scout for spider riders above her.
Standard Action - Power Word: Pain on the first rider she spots.

2010-12-11, 10:34 PM
Kohl could hear them crawling around. He looked out the window and cried, "there's still so many of them!" He decided he had to drop one of the spiders, see if the fall could take the rider down.

5 pt Mind Thrust against Spider #13
Will Att: [roll0] Dam: [roll1]
PP 26/49

2010-12-11, 10:36 PM
I am not sure how high the spider is, but if the spider falls, the rider will take damage (I did it verbose, so right number of dice could be selected, remove last die for right height).
Fall damage: [roll0]

2010-12-12, 04:22 PM
With me Lev! Let's ascend this beast! As Levethix climbs on, Nam'Ghaar flexes his broad shoulders and unfolds his wings. With a powerful thrust he raises their weight off the ground and with the second he begins to climb upwards. Landing on the fourth (?) level balcony Nam deposits Lev and prepares to defend the Meki once more.

Delay my initiative to after Lev's so he can double/single move and climb on the Desert Express. Double flying move up to the correct floor and land on what looks like the balcony. Who would like to take a second go by having their initiative moved to after mine via White Raven Tactics? A mage type could pack a punch, though if they're intending to save resources then Lev could go again and make good use of his turn.

2010-12-12, 07:38 PM
Ammon follows behind Ciss out on to the roof protecting his mouth from the thick smoke. He readies himself to attack anything that would threaten the two companions. Ciss's spell sufficiently hides his movements so he shifts his stance to a more aggressive one.

Follow Ciss and ready an action
Swift to switch stance to assassin's stance

2010-12-13, 08:08 AM
Briefly nodding to his dray friend, Levethix sprints towards Nam'Ghar and hops onto his back.

Run action towards Nam, with a jump and hold on him?

fil kearney
2010-12-14, 11:25 PM
Kohl and Ciss both target the same spider as they come into view-- with a screech of pain, followed by a sad, weezing of sorts, the giant bug cringes, and falls off the side of the structure, landing with an audible *CRACK*!!
It clumsily rights itself and begins scurrying away in panic, the riding bandit flopping limply off to the side as the creature retreats.

"BAIL!!!" hollers one of the bandits as he lobs another egg through a torn window. THe remaining bandits riders chuck their payload into the nearest windows and begin scurrying away from the assembled heroes -- apparently a full retreat!

Two remain behind, dumping what they have left through another window before following their companions.

Round 8 Begins!
Round 8 MAP (http://www.killfear.com/athas/mekillotcombat08.GIF)

# 7 and 12 remain on tier 5. The rest have doublemoved down the sides away fromt he renegades and have began to leave the immediate vicinity of the mekillot.

2010-12-15, 12:08 AM
Kohl's head whipped around as he heard the frantic scurry of the spiders on the other side of the mekillot. "Why on Athas are they running?" Kohl cried as he dashed across the tier. With haste, he looked through the window, generated more missiles and blasted at them as they retreated.

Move: to O34
Standard: Energy Missiles, electricity (2 point enhancement), Att vs Reflex.
Rider 1: Att: [roll0] Dam: [roll1]
Spider 1: Att: [roll2] Dam: [roll3]
Rider 2: Att: [roll4] Dam: [roll5]
Spider 2: Att: [roll6] Dam: [roll7]
(If he can reach, I forget what the verdict here was)
Rider 15: Att: [roll8] Dam: [roll9]
As always on a miss, it is half damage.

PP: 18/49 (I miscounted last time) - man, I need more power points

2010-12-17, 04:31 PM
Come back you fools! Stay for a quick death than letting the dessert rot you away in your weakened state! Nam'Ghaar shouts in relish at the cowards. Turning to the spiders surrounding himself and Lev he mutters Always with our backs to the wall... as he grasps his bow firmly, intent on finishing the battle.

Time to reroll manouveurs granted now I've burnt through them all. 1d5 1d4

I'm afraid I'll have to follow this with a double post with my attack rolls and such. But then again I forgot I'd just editted in those rolls....to OOC!

2010-12-17, 04:52 PM
None of my current manouveurs are useful here with a bow. So I'll just mundane full attack with my bow. Also swift or free action to change my current draconic aura to vigor.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

The second one is very unlikely but hey, why not. At the end of turn my DDP empties and I'm now on 32hp. Anybody below half remember to gain 1hp each round until you reach half.

Nam sighs as his arrows fly harmlessly past the bandits, one bouncing off of the spider's chitinous armor. Never were much of an archer, were you Nam.

2010-12-18, 09:20 AM
As the raiders starts their retreat from the Mekillot Ciss runs around the balcony to catch a glimpse of the other side of the giant tortoise. Seeing how the confrontation has finally been decided in the Renegades' favor she yells to Fellwise. "The Riders are fleeing! How is the Mekillot holding up?!"

Move action: Double move to O26

2010-12-24, 02:43 PM
""They're quitting while they're ahead.""

Ammon runs around the out side of the roof. Prepared to attack the remaining riders.

""How many are left?""

double move around the roof through m37

fil kearney
2010-12-27, 03:09 PM
A final concussion of eggs detonate in the lower levels of the massive fortress-- screams and panicked cries of men caught in the blasts as the last of the bandits scurry off the structure-- Fellwise has certainly lost more men than the bandits... but it's obvious that the renegades have caused considerable wounds to many of the creatures... not to mention having killed many of the bandits as well. the scorched corpse of the killed spider is dragged off with the radiers as they retreat swiftly eastward, leaving no evidence of their failure.
The Spider Bandits of Urik have a strong reputation for clean raids-- picking exposed, weak targets, and rarely suffering any casualties in the process. Surely, they were unaware the Renegades were the passengers!
Fellwise had many thoughts in his head; the Bandits are very far from home for a territorial raid on merchants, and they made no attempt to tear into the cargo holds... even risking the supplies with the incendiary eggs. Things didn't add up for the seasoned bard
He wished to have time to chronicle the event-- the retelling of this battle will be worth the cost of the entire journey-- but they'd need begin the ritual for his Mekillot soon, and he'd want the memories crystalized[3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)] for validation anyway... chronicling could wait for now.

fil kearney
2011-01-05, 06:16 PM
The captain and lieutenant continue barking orders briskly through the comm tubes as the surviving crew scurry about stamping out remnant fire and venting the foul air to restore livable conditions within the structure.

Of the 12 guards hired for the trip; 6 have died. 3 are injured. the captain, lieutenant and team of 4 handlers remain uninjured.

2011-01-05, 06:30 PM
The battle seemed odd to Kohl, but discussion could come later - for now the caravan needed his help. "Well, Fellwise," Kohl began as he approached the Bard, "we're guests on your caravan, how best can I help?"

fil kearney
2011-01-06, 02:20 PM
Fellwise nods in appreciation;
"Unless you have any specific ideas, pick a tier and get to work cleaning it up. If there seems to be any structural damage, let the lieutenant know."

The eggs that were tossed down the ladder holes tumbled to various levels of the structure before detonating; the survivors are split up amongst the tiers and doing their best to expedite clean up while the Lt. and Captain coordinate with Fellwise.

2011-01-06, 05:19 PM
I'll make my way down to the lower levels and help any guards and passengers left alive. Hopefully the whole Meki tower won't catch now those ravagers have left. The purpose of the raid had yet to be explained, but Nam'Ghaar had some ideas no matter how sketchy. He moves to the lower levels as fast as her can, to help clean up and heal and critically injured guards. Atleast the Cpt and Lieutenant survived. We could use their experience now. Nam mumbled to himself.

2011-01-06, 07:49 PM
After the debriefing Ciss settles on returning to the lounge cabin to clean it up, wishing for a quiet place to lie down as quickly as possible. She never really quite took to the hectic life of an adventurer, and the battles still shake her up from time to time. "If anyone wants me I will be in the lounge" she tells to no one in particular before strolling off.

2011-01-06, 07:53 PM
"Agreed." - the short dray says with a nod in his grim voice and goes off to the lower levels to help with the clean up.

fil kearney
2011-01-07, 02:03 PM
Passing through the 5th tier where the private quarters for guests are kept... it's torched.
Ciss mumbles distastefully to herself about sleeping in the lounge for the next couple of days as she scuttles down a floor. She takes time opening all the shades to let the airflow through.
The massive red sun hung low, boiling and blistering in the sky, belching gouts of fire that seemed to lick the horizon. it was approaching dusk, and the air was beginning to cool as the sun retreated for the day. A few of the survivors stopped their work for a moment in dusk's prayer[4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)].
The two dray know the ritual as a human's expression.. the moment passes and all continue with renewed vigor to put the fortress back on track.
In the lower levels; the supplies are undamaged; the cargo doors are opened to help further vent the fouled air, though the defensive screen remains lowered as the handlers and Fellwise prepare for the Healing Ritual.

2011-01-10, 05:31 PM
Nam glances at those observing dusk prayer's, wondering if they know what it is they pray to. After clearing any residual mess from the Kank bombs, Nam looks in on Fellwise and his helpers. Is there anything I can do to help Fellwise? I hear there is some danger involved, but I will endanger myself if needs be for the good of us all. If not, Ammon and I are able to heal people if they sustain any injury during the process.

2011-01-10, 05:37 PM
Noticing how the sun is giving off it's last light of the day Ciss takes a moment by the window to reminiscence of other such sundowns she's had, with the smell of baking corpses and the sand bathed in red. With a sigh she leaves the now inhabitable lounge to rejoin her companions.

2011-01-11, 01:30 PM
Ammon has been relatively silent since the spider riders retreat. He went about his work, assisting with clean up, with a pensive look on his face. Unacceptable. Took us by surprise. Too many casualties. Careless. Not on our terms. His companions reciting the dusk's prayer broke his trance. He joined in. Hearing Nam mention their healing ritual Ammon touches the place on his chest armor that hides the scared flesh that marks the place he channels the dark side of the energy he summons. Nam's aura made the whole process faster, more efficient and less painful. He silently thanked his companions for making his life easier. Yes, by all means anyone with any injury should come to us.

2011-01-11, 05:52 PM
Kohl set to work snuffing some of the smoldering material. After the dusk's prayer, he approached Fellwise. "I may be of use in this ritual, at least as a second. I know the dangers, but we need the Mekillot moving if any of us are to survive." He then glanced quickly at the rock on his shoulder and added, "hush, Psaj," clearly berating the rock for some comment made telepathically.

2011-01-12, 04:21 PM
As he saw the two people do the dusk prayer, Levethix quickly joined them, uttering the prayer with closed eyes along with them, putting his very heart in every word. It wasn't really particular for a dray, but he was a true warrior and followed the warrior's way.

"What assistance can we be of?" - he shortly asks after finishing.

fil kearney
2011-01-12, 05:47 PM
The lieutenant nodded to Lev; the Dray won his freedom in the gladiator pits. Even though his birth origins are far different from humans of the city-states, none doubt he would recite the prayer even if no one could hear them.
Ammon's self-criticism is shared by the survivors; it had been a cunning trap, and it was clearly the skill of the Renegades that made the difference. This story would spread, hastened by Fellwise or not. Such a reputation could draw even more unwanted attention... a reality amongst bandit tribes that Ciss was rather familiar with. It was really a matter of how prideful the Spider-Bandits are of their reputation... and so far out of Urik territory.
For a bandit tribe; this was a bold move. As word travels, the local tribes will become more sensitive to potential interlopers. Given a few weeks; this roadway could become a battlezone. Thoughts of brutal murders and tortured prisoners haunt her thoughts as she stares into the descending sun... the popping blisters along it's surface matching time with her sifting memories. She looked away before scalding her vision... she had no interest in becoming a blind seer[5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9763690&postcount=3)]

Below, Fellwise and the Handlers were setting up for the ritual... the bard readily accepted Kohl's invitation to help, and began discussing the process as they prepared.

The other heroes continued to clear destroyed furniture and wall coverings, leaving scorched bare chitin, like that of a necromancer's pet.

2011-01-15, 09:31 PM
With sunspots still dancing before her eyes Ciss makes her way down to the lower levels, immediately turning away her gaze as it falls on the gored bowels of the Mekillot. Knowing full-well that her areas of expertise includes neither animal care nor healing she plants her behind in the sand and tries not to look at the massive hanging entrails that've spilled out from the beast's stomach.

2011-01-15, 11:04 PM
Kohl grimaced and then spoke to the others, "please if you may be of any assistance helping them calm the beast, then do so. I shall do the best that I can for my part."

2011-01-16, 09:10 AM
Ciss looks down to watch the small figures her finger had drawn in the sand while she wasn't concentration; a cluster of open eyes, all glaring at her with pupils of pitch black nothingness.

Irritated, she whisked them away with edge of her palm. This always happened whenever she wasn't concentrating, remnants of the void spilling out of her like a leaky waterskin. Though harmless they still remained unsetlling to her.

But nothing's so bad it isn't good for something, the eyes in the sand reminded her of the Boundless Sight, a gift of vision granted to her by the void. Perhaps, if she could recall the face of one of the bandits that got away she could sense her way to their camp and lead the Renegades there to get rid of the rest of the bandits before rumors got spread.

Lifting her head she spots Nam, Ammon and Lev all standing around while Kohl is busy helping Fellwise with the mending ritual. Afraid to disrupt the concentration of the ritualists she gets up and silently gathers the available Renegades.

"Listen, I just thought of something I ought to share with you". She whispers before explaining her idea of divining the escaped raiders to them.

2011-01-17, 03:18 AM
""Cissandra, that would bring me an innumerable amount of pleasure. The riders must be camping somewhere close enough. Though, I would like to make certain that Fellwise and his company are back on their feet before we leave. Also, before we make any final decisions I think we should gain some more insight... that, I'm sure, you are already planning for. "" Ammon now motions to the others. ""So that is my vote. Ciss, I trust your sight to lead us to truth.""

2011-01-17, 08:30 AM
Excellent idea, Ciss. If you could find their base camp in the area, or atleast the forward camp they raided from we could strike a vengeful blow into the already damaged body of thei tribe. Ciss you have my vote of confidence. However I think we need to help Fellwise first before we go trekking off, though I'm sure that much was apparent. I don't know whether he'll still need to be escorted for the last 2 days of the journey. I'd like to repay him for his hospitality and company, though I think it would be better to discuss the Meki's security with the Cpt and Lt. Nam sits thoughtfully for a moment. Ciss if you can start this eldritch process of yours whilst the ritual is going on we'll atleast save some time. Maybe conduct it some place further away though, just incase you interfere with the Meki or vice versa. I wouldn't like you to conduct any foul energies and get hurt yourself incase this ritual goes wrong. I'll pray for you. Nam smiles and places a scaled hand on Ciss' shoulder before withdrawing and listening to others input.

2011-01-18, 08:20 AM
Ciss glances over Nam and Ammon's shoulders, noticing Lev and Kohl preparing to partake in the ritual. "The others are busy preparing for the ritual, let's not disturb them. If the Mekillot dies here, we're in far bigger trouble than having a few bandits spreading rumors about us."

She takes a few seconds to think before going on. "I will go to the roof and perform my divinations. Let's just hope those spiders haven't creeped too far away or I won't be able to pick up on their location."

Turning on her heel, Ciss makes her way to the roof with determined steps. There, she takes a few moments to gather all the focus the void can provide her.*

Then, she sits down, hands in her lap, and without a word or incantation she enters a void-induced trance. As the colors fade from the world she recalls as many details from the earlier battle as possible. The faces of the desperate raiders, the rank smell of their monstrous arachnids, and the sound of their clicking legs.

*Ciss takes several steps to ensure her success in pinpointing the bandits.
1. She casts Improvisation, and spends 6 points on improving her next spellcraft check. +6 Luck Bonus
2. She expends 2 of her Void Use with Altering the Course to add a +4 Void Bonus to her next spellcraft check.
3. She uses Sense Void to scry the bandits. Spellcraft check to determine range: [roll0]
4. That's a range of 100 miles. :smallbiggrin:

fil kearney
2011-01-18, 11:51 AM
The void pulls Ciss from her body; seeing without eyes in all directions at once. She feels a pull in her core, and vertigo as the scenery blurs-- the dizziness subsides as she finds the Spider Bandits scuttling across dusty flatlands heading East by Northeast...

2011-01-19, 08:17 PM
Nam strolls over to those preparing for the ritual and gives Fellwise a curteous nod. Finding the animal keepers, he chats idly to them about the processs and offers them his help. In the minutes leading up to the ritual Nam collects any last minute items needed during the ritual, mainly for everybodies comfort, such as fire wood and bags of grain for sitting on.

fil kearney
2011-01-24, 04:47 PM
Fellwise and the others thank Nam for the aid as the bard finishes explaining the ritual to Kohl-- The Lead Wrangler has finished preparing a thick pastey pigment that he begins painting on the bottom shell around the wound, muttering quietly to himself as the ritual begins

fil kearney
2011-01-25, 05:56 PM
The healing commences... the ritual will take most of the night, but is necessary for the beast to survive.

Ciss continues to observe the spider bandits as the sun sinks below the horizon... some fifteen miles northeast of the road is a cave of sorts that is providing shelter for the bandits... The amount of webbing within is a good indication that they have been there for more than the night...
Pulling herself back into consciousness, she finds herself amongst friends once again amongst friends, The sound of chanting echoing from below.

The diviner describes what she saw, and her feelings of the situation.

--------DM NOTE------
I can Q and A specifics in OOC for Ciss and the rest of the team as needed. If Ciss decides to do a second recon based off the location, she is certainly welcome... I am placing this at the 4th hour of the ritual.. it will take a total of 7 hours til the mekilot is healed... Plenty of time for Ciss to burn her second void of the day to follow up recon if needed.

2011-01-25, 06:10 PM
Ciss gasped as the void flung her spirit back to her body. A jump like that would barely be noticeable by a seasoned seer or teleportist, but her technique was still flawed and far from perfection.

Looking around, her eyes wide and with pupils still diluted she opened her mouth to explain. "They have a cave. Fifteen miles East by Northeast. How's the Mekillot?"

2011-01-26, 08:55 AM
It's ok Ciss, regain your strength. As for the Meki I don't really know. I only have a faint inkling about what's going on but nobodies flesh has warped or melded into their neighbour or turned inside out....yet. I can only take that as a good sign.

2011-02-01, 06:12 PM
Kohl was exhausted. Aside from one minor mishap on the part of the lead handler, the ritual was a roaring success. The Mekillot was fully healed. Though all involved were quite exhausted, they went about getting the creature prepared to depart. Kohl on the other hand headed back to his allies.

"Meki's up again. We'll leave soon," he said, lines of exhaustion were evident across his face. "What have all of you been doing?"

2011-02-01, 07:18 PM
Watching, waiting, reading, meditating on our course of action, praying for you in the ritual. I tried to take a walk about camp earlier to stretch my legs and ease some of the tension, but after 15 minutes I came back. I did manage to find someone of Fellwise's lot to fix this awkward kink in the shoulders of my armor though.

2011-02-01, 08:18 PM
""I believe we have a bit of a story to throw at you. We discussed some plans while your hands were full helping to get us back on track. It was Cissandra's idea though. She will tell you the details as it was her idea.""

fil kearney
2011-02-02, 12:28 PM
Fellwise joins the renegades as Kohl listens to Cissandra's recounting of the Spider Bandits' lair...
"Oh hey, yeah. that is a known shelter for raiders between Tyr and Urik... both nations take efforts to keep it cleared out when local conflict is minimal. It's not surprising though that a highly mobile group like the Bandits could make use of it, at least temporarily."
After hearing the details, Fellwise raises his eyebrows,
"Bold move to consider... you have to realize you are putting me in quite a position though, yes? I'm to deliver you to Tyr... but I cannot afford to take the caravan off course, or even delay the two days needed for you to go there and come back... not with a battered caravan and casualties. If you are set on proceeding, what I would request is allow me the opportunity to crystalize the ritual events you interrupted-- it won't be as thorough a record as could be isolated once in Tyr... but that may not come to pass. Could you spare the few hours needed to gather the memories from you before departing?"
it will be near dawn before the team departed...

2011-02-02, 02:25 PM
Kohl seemed aligned differently than the others, "Fellwise could use our muscle, it would be foolish to say the Meki's safe yet, we should continue to escort the caravan to Tyr - then Fellwise can higher some new guards. I also don't like the idea of this ritual falling into the hands of the bandits, then being auctioned to the highest bidder, or just taken from them for that matter. We can come back in about a week after we've addressed matters in Tyr."

2011-02-02, 05:30 PM
Agreed Kohl, I have no intention of leaving Fellwise high and dry in this, especially after after his sterling hospitality these past weeks. I intended to travel the remaining days to Tyr and resupply, possibly with mounts and then return to make our offensive. Fellwise how long would these crystalizations take once we reach Tyr? I know you've been implying a ritual process like what was just performed, but couldn't a Psion just read our minds and the events be crystalized from him?

fil kearney
2011-02-02, 09:39 PM
"While a Telepath can indeed retrieve your thoughts, they are mostly active thoughts that are captured... this is why only the best assassins are able to slip past psi guards.... if a thought is not actually thought, it can't casually be obtained."

Replies the bard, almost academically,

"A more extensive process allows the telepath to pull information you don't even remember... which is so often where the most important information resides... in the heat of battle, you may not have noted signature traits or nuances that the Readers will be able to collect. For an event like you experienced; the five of you will likely be properly processed within the day. My own ritual is amateur compared to what can be collected by a true master-- so I appreciate your willingness to complete the task. We both have substantial rewards awaiting us for the effort."

With an easy smile, he thanks the heroes for allowing him to also protect his own reputation.

2011-02-08, 04:22 PM
After a few quiet moments of discussion with his allies, Kohl turn back to Fellwise and said, "we shall escort you to Tyr, allow our memories to be crystalized, then we'll head into the desert and decimate the bandits that had the audacity to attack your caravan. And after those memories are crystalized, perhaps we can move around the tablelands without someone interrupting our relaxation." Kohl was very tired and wished that he could have passed the day in a more pleasant manner. He added with a yawn, "I will sleep now."

2011-02-08, 04:55 PM
Yawning, Cissandra nods in acknowledgement of Kohl's mention of sleep. "I hope we won't see more of those bandits before we reach Tyr, it would be nice day or two with peaceful travel."

Her head was still spinning from the effort of the void sensing, a night of uninterrupted sleep would do wonders.

fil kearney
2011-02-09, 12:23 PM
The night ends all too quickly, and slumber during the day is nearly required for those exhausted from the night's activity.. the Mekillot limps on with it's shell stabilized under the care of the junior handlers. The lieutenant mans the helm with a dark brow while the remaining guards strain to stay vigilant of potential blood-trackers...

For the Cissandra though... sleep is fitful....

So much blood flowing from the severed necks of the bandits. As each is dragged to the impromptu chopping block for punishment, the grim panic grows. Each beg in turn for their life, flailing in futility in the thick knotted binds as the blade comes down again and again.. after the thirteenth man is slain, only Cissandra and Taila remain... two young women soaked in blood.
They are spared, but the price of life is hell in itself for the following weeks as the mercenaries enjoy their new pets... Ciss's time in the void became an escape from the torment, her limp body little more than a rag doll as the diviner fled to the furthest corners of the tablelands, seeking any refuge to avoid facing the night's activity; Talia left alone to live through their attention each night... the sport she offered was obviously preferred to the comatose Cissandra.
she manages to kill herself after a particularly rough celebration.

The dreams are of Talia's life. The memories Ciss didn't have to carry were being delivered to her now. Both experiencing that tortured slave's nights while simultaneously watching from outside the fray... Talia's eyes locked with Ciss. "How could you leave me here alone...." waking with a rage in her chest, drenched in tears and sweat repeatedly since last visiting the void.
That rage sticking to Ciss, slowly adding layers onto her conscience each time she tried to sleep.

The dark circles developing under her eyes, despite the amount of time spent in a hammock was beginning to concern her companions.

They were due to arrive in Tyr the following morning.

2011-02-09, 03:42 PM
Levethix noticed the dark circles under Cissandra's eyes, but decided not to bring it up now. He closed his eyes and entered a small meditation, after all, a true warrior should keep both his spirit and body strong.

2011-02-09, 04:24 PM
Having learned young the warriors habit of sleeping light so as to defend yourself, Nam awakes at the murmurs of Ciss' dreams. Hearing her suddenly sit bolt upright, her hammock creaking slightly from the movement, he opens one draconic eye, the lids peeling back and the third lid sliding to the side. Nam watches Ciss for a second before whispering Hush, troubled one. Try to relax. Nam tries to stay as discreet and quiet as possible, lest he wake anybody else up. He would go comfort Ciss properly, though he doesn't want to show everybody that she's having troubles incase they didn't notice. Nam would rather not embarass her to the group and ruin her strong image.

With that he lays on his back and lapses back into a gentle slumber. Nam rises early and pads out of the room, leaving his armor and blade. He does however pick up his bow and quiver, fastening the quiver around his shoulders, between his folded wings, once outside of the sleeping chamber. Nam climbs to the top deck of the Meki and onto the opening balcony, nodding to any night guards posted and checking if there's been any activity to report. With that done he takes a running leap off of the edge of the balcony and unfurls his powerful wings. Without his heavy armor of polished Meki and Scorpion chitin he's much lighter on the air. The difference is instantly noticeable compared to yesterdays brief burst of flight during combat.

Nam takes some time flying around the Meki camp site, no higher than the surrounding rocks and cliffs so as not to attract unwanted attention. He glides for the most part, beating his wings only when he begins to descend too low. Once he's comfortable with the light morning breeze and warmed up his shoulders, Nam draws his bow and aims at imaginary targets, drawing, stringing and firing equally imaginary arrows. Satisfied, he begins to draw his very real arrows, one by one and shoot them into nearby cacti. Few find their target. Nam'Ghaar Dragonfriend is all too aware his archery needs alot of work. Yesterdays archery against the bandits had been sub-par to say the least. If he'd have to take to the bow again under more pressing and dangerous circumstances than fleeing targets, Nam would not want the possible deaths of his friends and those around him weighing upon his conscience.

After he shoots his 20 arrows into cacti he glides down in lazy circles and retrieves most of them, some of them however broke upon rocks. He returns to his friends to begin the morning with them, idly laying in his hammock.

2011-02-09, 08:54 PM
In spite of his exhaustion, Kohl awoke several times in the night from the terrors haunting Ciss. After sleeping long into the day, he finally awoke to see his friend looking haggard and exhausted, as if the sleep had served her no purpose. Even the generally emotionless Psaj was quick to comment that she did not seem herself.

The first moment that she was alone, he decided that he had to at least say something to her, but empathy was never a talent of his. The sweat from the heat of the day made him even more uncomfortable. His hand idly fiddled with the sand dragon spines around his neck as he approached her and asked directly, "Ciss, is something troubling you?"

2011-02-10, 09:11 AM
Ciss hid her face in her hands, her breathing the only sound audible for a few minutes before she answered. "It's nothing Kohl, it's just... it's... She's right! I failed her! I should have saved her but instead I just ran away, every night. It was all my fault for being so selfish!"

She paused for a moment, her face a grimace of pain and despair. Collecting herself she continued in a more controlled voice. "This isn't what I wanted Kohl, I don't care about the adventures, the luxuries, and the rituals. I have magic and powers far beyond most, why can't I change the world? Why can't I make it like it should be?" She shivers a bit before rising to her feet, walking to the door she turns her head over her shoulder. "I'm sorry... I know you don't have the answer for that. But it has to be out there somewhere, it just has to be. I'll find it, and use it to make the world right."

2011-02-10, 03:11 PM
Kohl tried to be comforting, he followed her to the door and gently placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "Ciss, I... I don't know who you think that you failed, but this is the Tablelands. Being selfish is probably the only reason you're alive." His thoughts drifted to Tiran, the man who foolishly sacrificed his own freedom to let the other slaves escape. This was a debt, he could not repay. He, too, selfishly ran, taking his friend's sacrifice as a boon. Then once on the caravan, as it was attacked he shamelessly looted bodies of the fallen, some still breathing.

"It hurts. I know this well. But whatever guilt you have, you can't let it consume you. Athas is sick, Ciss. We can do our part to try and make things better, but the truth is, unless resources become abundant, it won't make a difference."

He looked out the window a moment and saw Nam glide past on his wings. Kohl spoke with a chuckle, "you know, even though I mostly think he's crazy, Nam's plans involve real change. I've always thought he's just chasing an oasis, but that is something at least. Me? I've just been trying not to die."

2011-02-10, 03:36 PM
"It's not the lands that are sick. It's us! The defilers ruined Athas for their petty little schemes, and what's left? Nothing! What good is it to have resources if we don't know how to treat them? They should be dead Kohl, all of them. That's all I have to say."

Shaking with frustration, Ciss left the room for Kohl to sit in solitude. She knew her anger would subside within the day. Even if she wasn't sure she wanted it to, she needed it to go away. Between the torment of the void and the guilt of her memories there wasn't much time to recover, and she needed all the power she could muster should there be unpleasantries waiting for her, or the Renegades in Tyr.

2011-02-10, 04:02 PM
"That went well," his rock spoke.

Kohl asked rhetorically, "since when do you get sarcasm?"

Since Ciss clearly didn't want to talk right now, he spoke to Psaj as a surrogate for her, "you know, I wasn't trying to blame the land... Athas is its people... every last wretched one of them." After a long draught from his waterskin, he stared out the window and watched Nam collect his arrows. "It's wishing them all dead that's the real problem with this place. There is just too much ill will..."

fil kearney
2011-02-10, 04:41 PM
Beyond Nam, the first lashes of crimson began to flick over the horizon... the sun was already in a wild frenzy at First Light.
The massive Dray stood to his full height, eyeing the sun, as the other warriors would be as well. They survived the night, and would reach Tyr in a matter of hours. Nam turned his back to the rising sun to catch up with the rikshaw as it continued to grind it's way westward to the city.

Fellwise slid down the ladder into the burnt lounge, his enthusiasm breaking the heavy mood,
"We'll be there in about three hours... I know you all want to prioritize meeting with Davik, so is there anything I can do while you are remembering the events to help expedite heading back out?"

2011-02-11, 11:28 PM
Ammon responds; he threw his coverings off and welcomed the brief transition from numbing cold to sweltering heat. ""Yes, we plan to head out as soon as possible to the bandit's hole. We are probably going to travel light and fast. If you could connect us with a dealer willing to rent out a few mounts for us. Perhaps tell him or her that it is for a cause they might have a vested interest in. Clearing the trade route for a spell and the like.""

His eyes were heavy from lack of sleep, as were his companions. He heard Kohl's and Ciss's exchange. It was unfortunate that Kohl didn't make much progress, but at least he tried. Ammon had sensed her pain from the moment they met. In someways he knew how she struggled. The burning pain he felt whenever he summoned the dark energy from inside himself, sometimes being forced to arc the energy back into his scarred chest. That foul energy was inside of him but it was joined by equal but opposite light. It never consumed him. Not like it did to her.

I splash in puddles while she drowns in oceans.

Still he never could bring himself to try and get her to open up. He always met pained dazed looks with willful ignorant detachment.

He climbed up to the top level and drilled his techniques as the sun was rising.

2011-02-12, 03:06 PM
Becoming the unfortunate witness of the talk between Kohl and Cissandra, the only thing left to the little dray swordsage was to sigh.

"Crazy... chasing an oasis..." - the words ran through his head, as he closed his eyes once again and just sat in place in the meditation pose for a moment. He then stood up and proceeded to go to the upper levels of the mekillot - he was hungry for some gentle breeze of the desert, along with it's mild morning heat.

Making himself comfortable in his usual "quiet time" position on the handrails, Levethix observed Nam's training for a while with deep thought expressed on his face.

"...Oasis..." - Kohl's words echoed through the dray's mind again.

"...I will chase it with you, my friend."

The dray then closed his eyes and continued his meditation, trying to find the perfect balance between body and spirit. He needed to be strong to catch that oasis.

2011-02-13, 11:11 AM
Well Fellwise, I'd like to check in with Davik and speak about his research quickly before we depart. Other than that there's nothing I desire except revenge upon these bandits.

fil kearney
2011-02-13, 10:06 PM

Challenges XP Tally:
Spider Raiders = Moderate challenge = 750 XP
ritual/void recon = Easy challenge = 500 XP

Chapter Post XP Tally:
Fil kearney = 26 = 1300 xp available
FuryOfMetal = 27 = 1300 xp granted
SanguinePenguin = 25 = 1200 xp granted
Darwin = 22 = 1050 xp granted
TheStillWind = 16 = 800 xp granted
Critical = 14 = 700 xp granted

fil kearney
2011-02-13, 10:07 PM
Chapter 2

Unsettled Scores

"..which of course was quite embarrassing for the emmissary... er, Oh dear."
Davik saw the confusion on the team's face as they sat about his study, confused looks on their faces.
"It seems the effects of the crystalization process have finally settled in. You must be terribly confused."

The team members blinked away the cobwebs in their minds-- last anyone remembered, they were on Fellwise's Howdah just a few hours outside of Tyr... and now... here.

Davik sat behind his desk-- carved from a massive sheet of obsidian. Sipping at a beverage in a ceramic cup similar to the one each person possessed.

"Keep drinking.. the brew will prevent any headaches.. it'll be night soon, and if you are heading out immediately you don't want a nasty hangover"
He chuckled to himself, scratching at the salt-and-pepper beard he has grown, more as a way to minimize maintaining his appearanc ethan any particular style. His toothy smile was sincere, but it was uneasy just being there suddenly.

"It will take some time to decipher what you have delivered... DO come back alive, won't you? I believe I will have another task for you when you return."

The small windows some twenty feet up at the rafters of his large study let in thin streams of sunlight; the day had indeed almost come to an end.

2011-02-14, 10:01 AM
Ciss gave a sigh of relief. Forgetting about the past days' experience with the bandits and the haunting dreams of Talia had lifted a heavy stone from her heart, if not permanently then at least temporarily. She couldn't remember for how long she'd been using memory crystalization as relief therapy, and she dared not think of how many memories she'd left behind.

With her mind clear, another memory came to surface, reminding her of a favor she had to ask. "Davik, I need you to find someone for me." She and Davik had been collaborating on more than a few of the magical pieces of equipment spread among the Renegades. "Two months ago I came by a tome detailing a magical gauntlet with the powers of lightning. I also found the procedure to produce such gauntlets but I lack the powers to conjure lightning myself, which is a required. Can you find me a magician with such powers that'd be willing to lend his services for a suitable payment? I won't need to see him until I get back, so there should be plenty of time to negotiate the deal."

2011-02-14, 12:02 PM
"What the hell..." - Levethix mumbled, while holding his head and trying to look up. And who did he see there... Davik?! The confusion increased even further.

"What the hell just happened?.." - he asked, sipping on the proposed brew. He didn't like the idea of doing that, and as of now, the idea of being in all the situation, along with drinking the special brew, didn't really appeal to him. Yet, if it would prevent hangovers, so be it.

2011-02-14, 03:52 PM
As if rousing from a hallucinogenic dream, Nam sits up slowly, groggy, confused. Not knowing how he ended up in this room, he's very wary of his surroundings. Looking around the room he sees his friends, the obsidian, the books and Davik last. Remembering that the group intended to meet with Davik and perform memory crystalisation, the situation becomes clearer. This ride never gets any easier. He leans forwards and rubs his shoulders and neck, as though he's slept for hours on flat stone. I assume it all went well, Davik?

Looking at the brewed tea infront of him, Nam sniffs it surreptitiously. This doesn't have Kank in it right? No of course not friend! Nam sighs to himself Thought so he mutters.

fil kearney
2011-02-14, 05:09 PM
"The telepaths tell me it went very well, yes."
Davik reassures Nam, chuckling at the drays' unanimous distaste for the cactus tea.
"I haven't had time to study the collected memories yet myself, but from fellwise's account I'd say we've got some interesting material to research... If it turns out to be a ritual for one of the actual dragon-kings... it may be key in countering that vestige... but if not-- we could have a new player in the game, and we will want to know everything we can about who, why, where and what about that entity."

Sipping at his cup, he tweaks an eyebrow at Cissandra's request,
"Well, that's potent magic-- harnessing lightning! I'm sure I can find someone, but it will take time to secure their services, and it will likely cost more than a favor or two. If you can provide the details before you leave, I will likely have more success. Do you have a time frame to have the item completed?"

The conversation is interrupted by a knocking at the study doors; one of the apprentice scholars pokes his head in meekly, reminding Davik he has dinner arrangements set for Dusk.
Davik gives a nod and a wave of dismissal to the young man as he sits up, downing his own drink,
"Well, I'm about out of time it seems... anything else need attending to before we part again?"

2011-02-14, 05:42 PM
Cissandra grabs a quill and a small piece of paper on which she scribbles the details for Davik. Folding it up she hands it to him before rising from her chair. "Those are the specfics, and remember, I don't work with Defilers. If that's all you can find just forget about it."

fil kearney
2011-02-15, 02:51 PM
"I know your tastes."
davik chided as he accepted the slip of paper.
Walking out from his study into the walled, private courtyard, the last rays of light filtered through the honeycomb of palm fronds that shielded the open space like a loose dome. A few apprentices were in the process of sweeping up the ever-invasive silt and dirt that had blown in, bowing respectfully to the aging man as he escorted everyone to the main entrance, discussing any last details and requests.

2011-02-15, 03:10 PM
"I'm guessing we're going to have easier time when we do the crystalisation again? I find the lack of memory about recent events... Disturbing." - Levethix spoke up as he was being escorted towards the main entrance.

fil kearney
2011-02-17, 06:27 PM
Nam chuckles at Lev's search for reassurance,
"You always hope for that, little cousin."
this draws a smirk from a few of his friends as Davik bids them farewell.

The Gates open with a heavy creak, exposing the valley Tyr is nestled in.
large, broad walkways and shallow stairs meander down the hillside stopping at frequent patios and balconies populated by clusters of large pillars with weaved sunscreens to break the mid-day sun.

Below, large carved monumental buildings line broad stone streets; The Grand Arena, Old Temple, New Court, Merchant's Council all tower amongst civil buildings: all bearing the same Pillar and balcony formats.. the Free Market down at the lowest elevation; the belly of the City State where all but slaves are traded... the fortified walls beyond barricading easy access to the valley without passing through formidable Gates to the more recent, hastily built cities of The Freed beyond... and further beyond the ramshackled tents and wagons of countless refugees hoping to make a home for themselves in the Free City... The Kank Hive and stretch of badlands menaces beyond; only the rough terrain and sporadic Tyr patrols prevent the dangers of Athas from running amok beyond the secure walls.

2011-02-17, 07:05 PM
Kohl's head was still aching as they walked out. The sun only exacerbated this effect. He withdrew his parasol and shades to provide his aching head some relief. Fellwise better have come through on the mounts, he thought to himself as they walked.

After drinking again from his waterskin, he noted that it was light. While he had no need of the water, the act of drinking it was enjoyable. Mostly for the benefit of his vengeance hungry allies, he said, "we should be sure to get water... and food... before we leave."

fil kearney
2011-02-17, 07:14 PM
The Market is where Fellwise will have set his Meki to dispense his cargo; the market way was lined with massive howdah, wagons, and shops hawking wares, attracting local and visiting shoppers so common to an open market... the absence of the slavery block was a strong reminder that Tyr has banned trafficking slaves.. though many visitors have a contingent of slaves when entering the city. This hypocrisy is often commented on, but cannot be acted upon if the city wishes to remain an economic power.
Sure enough; The Howdah Fellwise owns is open-doored and has a work crew issuing repairs while the crew is busy restocking it's supplies.
"Hey Heroes!"
Fellwise shouts from the higher balconies over the large bay doors of the trade wagon before sliding nimbly down a pulley's rope,
"Supplies and Kank are ready for you out in the squatter's village... Are you heading out tonight?"
The bard began walking towards the massive gates with the team. Already merchants were lighting candles and lanterns as long shadows crept swiftly across the base of the valley.. it would be dark shortly.

Crossing out of the gates after a slight delay and some small talk, Fellwise delivers the party to their mounts and supplies.... the servant hired to keep the beasts secured accepts his coin before shuffling away from the gates.

2011-02-17, 07:25 PM
"Fellwise, do me a favor since my memory is all fuzzy. Next time before I agree to memory crystalization remind me of how awful it is..." Kohl pauses, "I have a strange feeling that I've said this exact thing to you before."

Turning his attention to the stone on his shoulder, "very well, Psaj, next time before I agree to memory crystalization remind me of how awful it is."

2011-02-18, 11:29 AM
"I wouldn't bother then, Kohl." - Levethix says, closing his eyes for a moment. "Unless anyone has any objections... Yes, we are." - he says, as he opens his eyes with a concentrated look.

2011-02-18, 05:41 PM
Yes I'd like to head out as soon as possible Fellwise. Thank you for getting these things for us though. Nam slowly and carefully climbs astride a suitable looking Kank. Even after many journeys on a Kank's back, Nam is no better a rider than he was to begin with. Gooood girl, there we go, nothing to worry about. Nam whispered into it's ear. It seemed there we whispers in anothers ear to. Uh, Psaj says that's a male Nam Kohl stated on behalf on Psaj, ridiculing Nam's slight fear and unease at riding. I don't care, as long as she's a good girl.

I hope you don't want lots of untrained ride checks just to get this thing moving :smalleek: Because...ride was not even considered during chargen.

2011-02-18, 06:14 PM
Noticing Nam taking one of the Kanks already, Levethix scouted the area to find the most calm of the Kanks. Noticing one, he came over and patted it on the head, looking into it as if he was deciding whether or not to pick it. His decision was positive, so he quickly made himself comfortable on the saddle and waited for the others to get their mounts.

2011-03-17, 01:39 PM
"For all their usefulness and versatility they aren't very pleasant company" Cissandra pouts before she ascends her kank with as much femine grace she can muster. "Couldn't you have found something nicer Fell? I wouldn't say no to having a nice fluffy fur to kling to instead of these... ECKH!" Ciss' complaints ends abrubtly as she quickly withdraws her hand from the mounted kank with trails of slime shine in the dull sunlight from it. "I'd rather walk if it weren't certain death".

2011-03-17, 01:59 PM
"That is the price for survival we pay every day, Cissandra." Levethix responded to Ciss's complaints and looked up to the sky. "Let's head out now."

2011-03-18, 10:52 AM
Ammon moves to the last kank in the group. ""Last choice but i can't complain."" He pat the animal's side. After fiddling with his kank's saddle for too long he is finally satisfied with the fit. He hops on and situates himself. ""We are off"" He kicks the Kank into motion.

2011-03-18, 02:23 PM
Though they're appearance isn't too charming, I feel oddly bonded with these beasts, out there in the harsh wastes. I'd take a kank in hand with my improved chance survival every morning Nudging his heels into the Kanks sides, Nam sets out astride his noble steed.

2011-03-18, 03:25 PM
Sorry for the double post. I'm editing this because you see the 70 odd minute gap between the 2 posts? My GiTP page lagged whilst loading the forum page after posting for those 70 minutes, I refreshed it and BAM it posted the same thing twice.

fil kearney
2011-03-21, 01:57 PM
The two moons of athas began their ascent into the sky before the sun's last rays retreat for the night.
Tonight, little Guthay has raced ahead of Ral-- the elves would say this is a good omen for travellers... fleet of foot and travelling light will assure a safe journey-- but most would argue that the elves have a thousand "Good Omens" when it comes to running.

Good or Bad, they were both well-lit this night, lending to fair illumination across the desert. After five hours of traveling, the air was becoming dangerously cold, and the kanks were responding sluggishly.


See the Astrology spoiler in the Game Reference spoiler for more information about the moons.

For anyone who selected / has cold-protection, so far so good... but for those that selected heat-protection / have no cold-protection; I'll need 2 fortitude checks: DC 15 and DC 16 or endure d6 of temp damage... we'll be plunging into sever cold in the next hour, so this is where you will want to make decisions; the kank will HAVE to hunker down, or forced to endure with some good animal handling skill/similar ability.

2011-03-21, 09:49 PM
Kohl looked to the moons and pulled his furs tighter around his face. The wind picked up, and every blow against his skin was biting. A grain of sand struck his cheek, and he winced. "We should find a place to camp soon! The Kanks are slowing down, and I am not comfortable either!" He shouted over the wind so his companions could hear.

2011-03-22, 07:12 AM
"Indeed... Perhaps we should start digging a little camp here?" - Levethix inquires after looking around for a bit.

2011-03-22, 09:49 AM
Ciss jumped off her Kank without hesitation "I'm certainly not riding any longer today, my cheeks are just about to freeze over and fall off my face".

2011-03-22, 02:31 PM
""Agreed, camp sounds warm. I would like some peace of mind about the area. I am going to scout the surrounding land... make sure everything is calm. I'll take watch when I get back. If I run into something that seems threatening I'll come right away.""
Ammon hops off his kank. ""This one can stay here. I prefer to take a lower profile."" He waits a few minutes to set up his kank and to hear his companions comments before setting off.

2011-03-22, 03:42 PM
Agreed, lets set up for a few hours and make camp. I'll scout with you Ammon, I'll be keeping watch from the skies though. Tieing his Kank to Ciss' and springs up, flexing his powerful wings and taking to the air.

Spot check I guess to find somewhere suitable from the air? [roll0]

Although on second thoughts this seems like something take 20 worthy, though I don't think you can take 20 on spot, so I'll search instead? Resulting in a search check of 20.

2011-03-22, 08:16 PM
""Sounds fair. Circle anything that looks interesting. I will signal if I get into any scrapes."" Ammon runs off at a path perpendicular to the path they arrived on till he is well out of sight of the camp. He makes a staggered arc around the camp sticking to higher portions of the parched landscape. He surveys as much as he can while remaining as hidden as possible in the twilight.




Move Silently

I decided to scout because of my +16 to hide and my Darkvision. Hope no one minds.

2011-03-23, 02:48 PM
Alright, I'll raise the alert if I come across anything. Nam calls down over his shoulder.

I would hide, but I'm flying in the sky that is probably devoid of clouds. Besides that my hide modifier is going to be negative and if we're trying to make sure that there's no dangerous foes around before we camp then I'll probably end up drawing them out, if they're even there at all.

Is my taking 20 on an aerial search check ok Fil?

fil kearney
2011-03-23, 04:35 PM
The team has about an hour before the cold is too bitter to endure safely; this allows for plenty of time to verify a safe perimeter before holing up for a few hours...

the rough road travels southeast; perhaps a half - mile east of their location, Ammon hears shifting rock, which is unlikely, since these are fairly flat drylands... dry, cracked earth with a dusting of silt and sand.
Crouching low and cocking his head to the side, he hears it again-- a sort of grinding. squinting to see ahead in the general direction; the cracked ground seems to... sigh.
A mild puff of dust exhales from between the plates of packed earth some 40 steps ahead. After a moment the grinding stops as well...

Looking back over his shoulder, Ammon can see Nam gliding to the south... he hasn't noticed yet.

2011-03-25, 01:40 AM
Ammon remains hidden and quiet while circling around to get a better look at the boulder like creature and its surrounding froma different angle. Hmm... is this? He observes its movements for a few moments and tries to pin down what it could be and its intent.

Move Silently
Int check
Sense Motive

fil kearney
2011-03-25, 11:42 AM
The rocks and ground remain still while Ammon observes them... but when Ammon shifts to another position, the rocks... remain still.

What really grabs his attention is that the ground between those rocks and his new new position seem to sink into the ground a bit... creeping slowly closer to his new position. The shifting sound is quieter... like the ground is trying to sneak up on Ammon....

2011-03-25, 11:58 AM
While the team waited for their trusty scout, Levethix decided to engage in his usual meditation, while still sitting on his Kank. The desert's breeze in the night made it quite a unique experience, so the dray made sure not to miss it, besides, he never missed a possibility for some good old mind training.

2011-03-25, 04:53 PM
After a few minutes of flying and gliding around the area, Nam fails to find anything. Atleast there seemed to be no nearby hazards, but he also hadn't found anywhere more suitable to wait out the more inhopsitable hours. I'd better get back to the others. Scanning around, he takes a moment to find the group of Kanks and glides on the breeze to them.

2011-03-26, 01:25 PM
Spotting him from a small distance Ciss decides to go meet the flying Dray ahead. "Nam! Glad to see you're back, where's Ammon? Did you find anything out there?" She pauses for a second, but before there's real time to answer she goes on. "I don't like splitting up out here in the desert, you should've told me before you went out, I could've followed you." she chides.

2011-03-26, 05:40 PM
Hey, Ciss! No I couldn't find anything, it's all the same out there. I haven't seen Ammon since we set of though, I think he should be to the north? Looking in the direction which he assumes to be north, Nam shades his eyes and peers into the distance briefly. Yes, sorry for rushing away like that. Just I've been itching to move under my own power all day, I get restless on these Kanks. Next time you're free to join me Ciss.

2011-03-27, 02:43 PM
Ammon watches the moving sinkhole come towards him. He shifts his position and watches if the sink hole follows his movements. If it does he readies himself to shadow jaunt 50 feet away the moment the sinkhole threatens to injure him and tries to instigate an attack.

Hmm I assume I'm entering combat after this. Right?

fil kearney
2011-03-30, 11:21 AM
the kanks at camp begin to chirp in agitation... lev's mount shifts nervously, causing the little dray to sway out of meditation... the tamed insects are tense as they ease slowly towards each other

(listen and nature lore checks are permissible here.. any other roll you wanna bull**** with is going to be penalized, but go for it)

Ammon sees the ground bubble and sink in a ripple as it changes course to match his new location... the edge of the line is now some 40 feet away..

(and I'll be loading a map tonight)