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2010-11-16, 09:37 PM
Chapter I: The Colossal Fossil

The sky was bright and beautiful on this warm spring day. City Hall's clock chimed through the town of Alisburg., chiming the time to be 4 PM in the afternoon. People would be heading back home from work or school soon if they hadn't already. Meanwhile though, someone seemed to be looking for some over time. The sound of sirens broke the afternoon as cars rushed through town, heading for the local Liberty Bank [it's the one in the NE part of town, farthest away from the center.]. Over the scanner and on the news came reports of a robbery in progress. The thugs seemed to be well-armed and were in the process of holding hostages in hopes of escaping safely.

2010-11-16, 09:51 PM
Jacobs stretches, and then looks up. He'd be late tonight grading papers, probably not heading home till 8 or 9, but it sounded like something bad is happening. He looks around the class thinking, Aww ****... do I go check it out? My students papers can wait till another day. With that Jacobs puts the papers in his briefcase, shoots up, and storms out of the school, almost running to the military base. Upon arrival he flashes his ID as need be and then runs into his bunker, changing as fast as he can getting into his Humvee and gunning it to the barracks, "I NEED SOME DAMN RIFLEMEN! WHO'S A GOOD SHOT?!"

2010-11-16, 10:07 PM
Jessica's normal blast of music was interrupted by the police scanner on her desk, a robbery, "And that's my favorite part of the song too," she says, grabbing a her biker helmet, putting on her undercover vest, and arranging her nanites into a streamlined suit.

Grabbing her pistol as she walks out the door she heads down from her apartment to the garage and arranges the nanites on the bike until it looked like one of the bikes from Tron (http://www.automopedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Tron-bike1.jpg) then shooting off down the road towards the bank.

Already concocting a plan, her best bet would be to seal the guns, bind their hands and feet, and contain them with her nanites, she had her work cut out for her with this one.

2010-11-16, 11:01 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

A sigh of relief escaped the seventeen year old girls' lips as the bell for school rang.. It was a symbol of freedom... or it was supposed to be at least. She groaned as she heard sirens, her head shaking slightly. She pulled her PDA out and accessed the news on the internet and, sure enough, saw hints that there was indeed a robbery going on now.

Ugh.... school's annoying enough... now this? Damn..... Still, when duty called one, it was obviously important enough to listen rather than try to ignore it. Her pace went from walking home to running as she decided she'd at least put her school things away before arriving at the scene of the ongoing crime.

As her name suggested, she preferred stealth whenever she could handle it and this would be a better situation. There was bound to be a way in through the back or somewhere on the roof.... those would be her main routes. Once in, she could try to hit them before they knew what got them while simultaneously ensuring the hostages wouldn't get hurt. She nodded as her plan went through her mind... it sounded perfect to her.

After putting everything away and changing,, she ran in between alleys towards the bank, wearing an all-black leather outfit. Sure it made her look very much like a dominatrix, but it was technically in her name and because of this, she never tried to deny the fact it could be interpreted as that. She let out a slight sigh as she arrived and began seeking for the back door preferably but if there was another route on the roof, it would suffice for her also.

Search Check:

2010-11-17, 02:53 PM
Fred Broll

Fred was walking home from his job as a kendo teacher when the cop cars started to rush by. He narrows his eyes. With this much police presence, something big was happening.

Fred turns and slips into a nearby alleyway, throwing down his hover-board and hopping on. He rockets out of the alleyway and up into the air, following the cops to their destination. Fred had no costume, necessarily. He wore a dark blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. From his duffle-bag he produced a katana, held in a very plain sheath.

He flew to a nearby rooftop, and could see the cops maneuvering around the bank. A robbery. If the robbers are still here, it means hostages. Whatever Fred was going to do, it had to be quick and decisive.

"But first... let's see what they're up to."

Placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, he extended his senses towards the bank. He placed his perception inside, with the robbers and their hostages... he was going to get a good look and listen at what was going on.

Using "Sense Injustice" sight and sound ESP inside the bank to observe them.

2010-11-17, 07:30 PM
The police scanner blares out news about the robbery John sighs and begins wearing his power armour

2010-11-18, 03:46 PM
You see 4 masked thugs two seem to be built rather muscular while the others look like an average human would. They are in the process of emptying the vault and seem about half-way done. One of the larger men waves to the others before speaking, "Hurry up you guys! We gotta get out of here before any suits get here. The boss wants us back quick."

While going through the back alley, you do find a fire ladder that leads to the roof.

"Sergeant!" A young man yells as he jumps beside you. He looks incredibly fresh-faced. His shoulder shows that he's a private as he holds a rifle. He appears to be the man that you requested.

The police have already formed a parameter of at least four cars. They seem to be directing people away from the area as one of them walks over towards you, "Excuse me miss. We're going to have to ask you to detour around this area. There are some very dangerous men inside."

You arrive at the same time as a woman at a motorcycle speeds by, only to be stopped by a local officer. They seem to be doing their best to be keeping people away from the situation.

2010-11-18, 04:04 PM
"It's crimson private. I can't have you blowing my cover." Crimson speeds out of the base throwing on the scanner and following the sirens, "I hope you're a good shot kid, I'll park on the far side of the street, in front of some windows, I want you to go up through the gunners hatch and take aim. Wait for my call, but be ready."

2010-11-18, 04:43 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra let out a soft sigh as she found the ladder and climbed up it. People need to start making more back doors... no wonder no one can get out of this mess. There's only one door... damn.... As she got up, she found a skylight and looked down yet tried to keep herself hidden to avoid being seen and endangering any of the hostages.

2010-11-18, 05:06 PM
Crimson maneuvers the Humvee through the blockade, flashing a card that just says "Military Special Forces" when asked who he is/ to leave. He parks on the far side of the street and reaches back, unlatching the gunners hatch. "Climb up there, and aim. Wait for my go however, I'm going to try to find a back entrance, or something. Just DO NOT radio me, if it goes off we could get everyone killed, wait for me to radio you." With that Crimson climbs out of the Humvee and skirts the block, going to the back of the bank and looking for a back entrance, or something similar.


Can I take 10/20 in MM?

If so
Take 10 = 21
Take 20 = 31

2010-11-18, 05:32 PM
John greets the officer politely and flies into the building

2010-11-18, 05:48 PM
Fred Broll

There's several of them, but it's nothing he can't handle. The strike has to be quick and decisive. He withdraws his senses back to himself. He's gotten a clear look at the location, so it should be possible to flash-step his way in. He glances down, seeing movement by the police below, and what looks like the military.

"Alright. Time to do this."

Fred then unleashes the power within. His body erupts in an otherworldly blue corona of a light. He could feel the vitality rushing through him.

He began by flash-stepping from roof-top to rooftop, flickering in and out of being as he made his way to the top of the bank. From there, just one more flash step put him down in the bank, right on top of the thugs-- they'd never see him coming.

And so, he teleported down into the vault, along with the thugs loading up money, and then he quickly moved to dispatch them. He unsheathed the Masamune and quickly whirled around in a blinding flash of steel.

Using my Whirlwind strike burst effect on the thugs in the vault. When using ESP, I didn't see any hostages over here. But if there were any, I'll just make a normal attack on a thug, instead.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage DC 23 + how much I exceed their defense

(Edit: Ack. Missed that Cassandra was on the rooftop, too. I'll just say she's too sneaky. =P)

2010-11-18, 09:22 PM

While you are peering down through the skylight a man suddenly appears nearby who was not there before. He seems to be more focused on something else and does not notice you as he disappears. In the next few seconds from your eye in the sky view you see two of the masked men flying out into the lobby as if impacted by a great force. If that was not strange enough a second later a large robot like battle suit crashes through the front doors/windows causing much collateral damage and everyone to duck and cover.

You spot a fire escape that leads to the roof, however before you can even think of going up a loud sound comes over your radio, "HOLY BREAK INS SIR! Some guy in a power suit just busted right in through the front! It looks like the parties starting early."

While being talked to by the officer you see a large mechanical suited man merely flies by the officers and crashes through the front of the bank.

Crash and Shatter are the sounds you are greeted with though in your power-suit the rubble and glass are a mere nuisance. The two robbers look up at you before glancing behind as your sensors pick up two large objects flying your way. A quick glance confirms them to be the other two men as the fly from the vault, propelled by a single man standing with a sword unsheathed. They land slightly in front of you.

The punks barely have time to utter"What the-" before they are literally cut off. The smaller of the two flies through the air in a arc landing in the lobby. The second man flies not so far and seems to raise his arms quick enough as you swing. You hear the sound of metal on metal as your blade cuts into his arms revealing them yo be cybernetic. (Small thug is unconscious while the large one is still up for obvious reasons other then the natural 20 on toughness save.)

2010-11-18, 09:54 PM
"Tch, I'm not a civilian, now move it," she says mildly, before revving the engine and plowing her bike through the barrier, jumping off as she reaches the front and running into the bank.

2010-11-19, 03:15 AM
John blast one of the robbers using nonleathel energy rays

2010-11-19, 11:37 AM
"God damnit, ****ing free lancers. If you have a shot at an armed suspect take it NOW!"

2010-11-19, 06:34 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra blinked and sighed in amazement at all the simultaneous events that were happening right then and now. Damn.... didn't know there were so many of us.... oh well, the more the better... especially with hostages.... She checked out of the corner of her eye first to make sure they were still fine aside from probably a bit freaked out before nodding and jumping down, landing behind the large thug that seemed to have withstood the ridiculously fast guy she'd seen go by her. She pulled her right hand back then swung it right at man's spine.

Attack Roll:

Crit Check:

Damage Roll:

2010-11-19, 07:20 PM
Toughness for John's Opponent:

The laser blast impacts the hoodlum, knocking him to the ground and making him drop his own weapon. One of the men who had flown out of the vault seems to be admitting sparks from his forearms as he turns to look at the battle suit, only to miss the small lithe figure of Cassandra drop down behind him and deliver a solid punch to his backbone. He winces slightly, seeming to be more dazed by the attack than anything.. The large thug who had yet to be dealt any harm reached down, grabbing for the loot before trying to run for the exit.

The civilians who had earlier been low to the ground as instructed and now seeing all of the weaponry fly back and forth made a run for it through the large hole that had been created.

"It's gotten even worse now sir! Two more have joined in and the battle suit I told you about... it's started firing! We've got civilians rushing out now! There's too much going on! I can't get a clear shot at any of the thugs! You better get around front, sir! I think it's about to get real!"

2010-11-19, 09:04 PM
"If they have everything held over bring the vehicle around back, pick me up" Crimson yawns, "I think we'll go back grab a bite to eat, and then.. talk to the colonel about damn crime rates in this city on the rise."

2010-11-19, 09:29 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smirked as she saw the thugs begin to run. "Aww....but the fun's just beginning...." She merely said though to no one exact person as she threw another punch at the same person she'd just hit.

For everyone's knowledge, the running [for those that could] was the turn of the hoodlums thus everyone elses' turn now. But yeah Tsume wanted me to post that now in case it was misinterpreted.

Attack Roll:

Crit Check:

Damage Roll:
[roll2][+5 more because forgot Strength...again... so 13 actually...]

2010-11-19, 09:41 PM
Jess accesses her nanites and causes then to create a long, raised wall just in front of the thugs as they ran, hoping to trip them, and if she manages to do so, bind their hands and feet in her nanites. Trapping them in place.

2010-11-19, 09:43 PM
John blast down the last thug

2010-11-19, 10:37 PM
Fred Broll

A cyborg.. he didn't have much time to think about this before a ninja and a man with a powersuit burst into the bank as well. Very interesting.

"Thanks for the assist."

He said to the young ninja, before he flash-stepped towards the other large man, flickering out of view before appearing near him, unleashing a powerful slice at the man's legs, wanting to stop him without killing him.

All-Out Attack for 5.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage DC 23 + however much I beat his defense.

EDIT: I also crit, so add +5 to the damage result.

Using turnabout to move again after the attack.

After that quick, harrying strike, Fred-- or should I say Ronin, flashes again, appearing once more on the roof of the bank, out of range of a counter-attack.

2010-11-20, 07:22 PM
The running thug is taken down as he trips while the cyborg is taken at the knees as he falls. Now all thugs are dispatched.

The jeep is brought to the end of the alley as the young man waits for oyu, his rifle in the back seat. Form the area he has parked you can see three of the other superpowered humans (one in a power suit, one in a black eather outfit, and another looking like someone from that old TRON movie.)

2010-11-20, 07:47 PM
Crimson signals the kid to take them back to the base, thinking, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one old enough to know that movie... Something to look into. As they pull away from the bank he pulls his helmet off.

2010-11-20, 07:48 PM
Jessie sighs, that was a waste of time. She walks in, getting the one she had bound to stand up, then uses her nanites to convert the stone wall she used to trip him into a wheelchair and rolled him out of the bank down to the police before dispersing it, letting the thug drop. Looking back for a second, she memorizes each of the heroes there, only one stood out but that would be for later.

She walks over to her motorcycle then uses her nanites to create a road that went above the other and drives off, back to her apartment. She turns her bike back to normal and dissolves her nanite suit before parking in the garage. She then goes back up to her room and restarts her song, lights a cigarette and lays back in her chair.

"Need to talk to Cassandra tomorrow, we have a lot to talk about. I'll leave an Email." Quickly typing out that she wanted to talk to her tomorrow, then went to her bed to sleep, the music still on full blast.

2010-11-21, 12:25 AM
Bob the FedUp man relaxes on the dingy roof of his apartment, breathing deeply the heady scent of exhaust fumes and the burning food from downstairs. Apparently, Mr. Finklestein was a terrible cook, but for now Behir couldn't care less. It was nice to be able to relax now. As he eased himself down to sitting on the ground, the brown uniform of his job melted away into fine, grayish green scales. His face became a long, thin, reptilian triangle with bulging eyeballs. His form twisted, and suddenly he had several extra legs, and a whip-like tail.
Ahh... It was good to be in his natural form.

Staying close to the roof, his scales shifted color to match the gravel as he looked out over the river. The Liberty Bank could barely be seen through the trees and smaller dwellings, but the sirens could definitely be heard. Which, with humans, usually meant trouble. Trouble was something he helped with. Because that is what heroes did. Excellent.
With his mind made up, Behir slid over the side and down into the river without a sound. Leaping through trees and across rooftops to get to the bank, instinctively avoiding notice along the way. It seems that he had arrived late, though. The police were standing around, either talking to people, or leading them away in handcuffs. There was a large hole in the wall. People who looked like they might be heroes were leaving, quickly.

Dagnabit! I was late again. I have to be faster if I'm going to get any respect in this town. The demon berated himself as he began moving back towards his apartment.
And there were so many heroes! Behir managed to see at least three masked figures leaving the scene. He had been lead to believe that smaller towns like this would have less heroes, and might need more help. Or something. Maybe it was better this way, though. He couldn't figure out how, but it might be.

Behir took a relaxing swim in the dirty section of the river that flowed past his domicile, before heading back to rest up. He had another long day of experimental human interaction ahead of him tomorrow.

2010-11-21, 01:05 AM
Fred Broll
@Bladesmith: You can spot Fred Broll on the rooftop if you want.

Both of the cyborgs were taken down, and the rest of the thugs were apprehended easily. It looked like his job was finished. He wondered who these other people were. He was somewhat new around this area, so he didn't recognize any of them. However, the presence of additional heroes had made the job much easier.

"Guess it's time for me to go."

He slashes his sword through the air once, flicking off any blood or hydraulic fluids his opponents had bled, before returning the gleaming blade to its sheath. He didn't take any time to talk to the other heroes... not with so many people present. It's hard enough not wearing a mask as it is without being questioned.

So, with a quick step off the roof, he flickered again, flash-stepping across the street, then again and again, getting a few blocks away before releasing his battle-form, the otherworldly light fading from his body.

He pulls out his hoverboard, throws it down, then starts flying back towards home.

2010-11-21, 10:00 AM
John flies out through the hole in the bank and goes home

2010-11-21, 05:56 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded to the guy with massive suit, remaining quiet. Her own eyes gazed around and she almost did a double take. Jessica? She was pretty sure her eyes hadn't deceived her.... but she gave no facial hints of amazement as the thugs were soon apprehended and she knew it was her cue to head out.

Though she had no extraordinary speed or strength, she did have access to both when she needed it and now was no exception as she ran towards her apartment, changing back into her uniform and beginning to work on her homework. It was then she also remembered her modeling side job and picked up her cell phone, sighing as she saw she had indeed been texted quite the number of times, making her moan as she replied back to them, explaining something had come up. I'll never hear the end of this tomorrow....

The second all of her homework was finished, she made herself dinner, got a shower in then lied down. It was her traditional night habits as she'd been an orphan for 7 years or so now. No thanks to Seiryu that was. A slight sigh escaped her as she gently clutched a teddy bear, one of her first major gifts from her parents. It was her way of helping herself feel safe. Not much longer after her eyes shut did the teenager soon fall asleep.

@Edro: I'm going off the way the motorcycle looks for the record as that's probably the same. Hope you don't mind.

@Everyone: If you all have something to do before the night is over, Tsume says post now. Otherwise he'll change to tomorrow.

2010-11-21, 06:13 PM
Jacobs thanks the private and dismisses him then drives to the bunker, parking and walking inside, "Who the **** we're those damn people..." He spends most of the night grading papers and looking up Tron, he then heads to bed and spends quite a few restless hours, finally falling asleep around 3am his alarm set for 6.

2010-11-22, 12:32 AM
The new day dawns, it is a Saturday so no School for those who have it, also today is the grand opening of the new museum in town (it's going next to the townhall) The mayor will be opening it sometime in the afternoon, the time right now is 7:00 AM. (Anyone wanting to sleep-in can just giving you the time right now,)

2010-11-22, 12:36 AM
Having been up for an hour Jacobs decides to go and attempt to talk to the Colonel, and maybe the general. Deal with uprising in crime. Then perhaps have a quiet day driving around, being different for once. Mayhap make a new friend.
He heads off to the Colonels office.

2010-11-22, 12:52 AM
Fred Broll

Another day. He wakes up with a yawn in the morning. His green eyes stare up at the ceiling of his apartment. He pushes himself up to his feet, then makes his way to the kitchen for some cereal.

He eventually gets dressed-- jeans and a t-shirt-- and puts the masamune inside his duffle bag.

There were no kendo classes to teach today. So, instead, he thought he'd get out there and tour the city. He goes outside, throws down his hoverboard, and starts to fly over the city.

2010-11-22, 01:13 AM
Jessie wakes slowly, savoring the comfort of her matress for a few more minutes before finally getting up. She goes through her daily routine, bathroom, brush teeth, eat breakfast, grab a soda, light a cigarette, then check her computer.

2010-11-22, 01:39 AM
As the sun arises, Behir yawns widely and toothily. Blinking groggily at the light, he climbs wearily down off the ceiling, reflexively assuming the form Bob as he stepped onto the floor next to his minimalistic bed. A completely spotless white t-shirt barely covered Bob's modest paunch, and his sweatpants swished against the floor as his tongue reached up to clear the morning dryness from his eyes.

Except human tongues didn't do that. Crud.

Bob winced as he forced his tongue into the proper shape, rubbing his eyes to try and clear the sleep as he had seen on TV. It didn't seem to help. Walking over to the fridge, he pulled out a large strip of raw beef and abruptly swallowed the whole thing, only chomping it several times as it went down. Ahh... Now that was better. Bob opened his eyes wide, stretching out his muscles as much as he could in this form. A morning snack always helped him wake up. And with no work today, he plans on going and immersing himself in the town culture by attending the opening of the museum. A large portion of the people in town might be attending, and it would be an excellent opportunity to observe them without being noticed. That, and the tangential benefit of learning more about history. However, before that, he had to clean off the film that stuck to his skin and scales after a swim in the river(some people had reacted negatively to the smell, though Behir had not believed their olfactory organs to be that perceptive), and possibly make sure that there weren't any footprints on the ceiling. Just in case.

By nine o'clock, though, Bob Smith can be seen leaving his apartment building in a pair of jeans, and a nondescript t-shirt, humming an odd tune that he had learned while watching tribes in Africa.

2010-11-22, 01:54 AM
By 9 Jacobs had finished his meeting and simply asked for a military spy presence on the streets, he then went and asked a pilot to fly him (dressed as crimson) to the museum roof, and asked the private from yesterday to grab his squad (Under Sgt Jacobs orders) and setup on the roofs opposite the museum, just incase someone tries something.

2010-11-22, 03:02 AM
The next morning John wakes up with a yawn and starts preparing for the day .After brushing his teeth eating breakfast bathing and slowly putting on a suite.John gets into his car and begins driving to the Town Hall to attend the opening of the muesum

2010-11-22, 06:55 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Thankfully for herself, Cassandra always had an alarm on her cell phone for weekends as those were her main days for her modeling job since she usually couldn't give an excuse for anything happening.. Hopefully today would be one of those days because even as she got dressed she was mentally preparing for one big scolding about yesterday.

After getting dressed in a mini skirt and blouse, she packed a couple other changes of clothes in her backpack just in case her boss had some different theme type of clothes for her to wear. Whether it'd be for punishment, his amusement, or maybe both she'd find out when she got there.

As she threw her backpack over her shoulders, she began to walk over, a brisk and somewhat rushed step in her pace as she didn't want to risk being late considering she had a no-show yesterday. She was thankful that she knew the worst she'd get would be a scolding as she'd been told many a time she was too valuable to be fired despite all the other times this has happened and it was obvious there were certain times he wanted to go back on his word....but hadn't.

2010-11-22, 07:11 PM
Jessica yawned slightly, "should give Cass a call," she said, pulling out her cellphone and pressing speed-dial.

2010-11-22, 08:02 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra looked down, an eyebrow raised slightly as she heard her phone ring.. The name "Jessica" showed upon the screen and she smiled a bit as she picked it up. "Hey you're up at an insane hour. I know why I am but why are you?" She chuckled a bit before shaking her head and changing her greeting slightly, "Sorry.... long night. I almost forgot myself there. On a serious note, I'm already expecting a scolding from my boss and about to arrive.... that being said.... wanna meet up for... I guess probably lunch afterwards?" By now she was about a block away from her boss's place she noticed and decided to purposely slow her pace so he wouldn't see her talking on the phone. The second she arrived, she knew he'd want her undivided attention; though it was a fair request and she could understand it from his point of view.

2010-11-22, 08:30 PM
"I left the music on. Anyway, I'd prefer a more private talk, i'll make something, we have a quite a bit to talk about, and i'm sure you wouldn't want others to overhear," she says, probably the most serious Cassandra had ever heard the normally laidback woman. "Call me as soon as you get the chance."

2010-11-22, 08:58 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra's head tilted slightly as she wondered what exactly Jessica could mean. She then did remind herself she thought she'd seen her motorcycle yesterday... so maybe perhaps it was about that? It made sense to her but thankfully she wasn't rushing her. "Sure.... will do. I shouldn't be too long.." With that, she hung up, putting it away in her backpack; and in good time too as apparently she had just arrived at her boss's place. She took a deep breath before knocking gently, waiting for him to open up or say she could walk inside.

2010-11-22, 09:34 PM
Fred Broll

An early morning flight was always nice. He'd taken many of them since that day he left the university. It always seemed like he was flying towards some kind of destiny. Funny how it turned out to be literally so.

He smiled to himself as he flew down lower, soaring just over the rooftops, making his way towards the museum. He wasn't expecting trouble, but artifacts of the past did interest him. After all, some version of him had been in different eras.

If anyone wants to notice him, feel free.

2010-11-23, 12:07 AM
Bob sat on a park bench for lunch, eating a hotdog that he'd acquired from a street vendor. It was meat(in a vague manner of thinking), so it worked to fill him up. It just seemed odd eating the bun. It felt like... Like he was eating the styrofoam packaging that some other meat came on. However, humans ate the buns, and he was trying to fit in with humanity. And the bun wasn't to bad. Just kinda foamy and it stuck to his teeth, and... Okay. He didn't like bread. Maybe it was a taste acquired when living for long periods in human culture. They ate bread a lot, so they would get used to it after a while.

Behir's rambling inner monologue was interrupted by the sound of air being disturbed by a swiftly moving man-sized object. As a result of instinct, Bob's head snapped up to an almost impossible angle to track a man riding a hoverboard above the city. A hoverboard that looked oddly familiar. He still couldn't quite place it. It was headed in the right direction, though. Bob checked a black plastic watch he'd picked up for ten dollars at the local Wall-Store, and noted the time. With the hour it'd take him to walk across town, he should arrive at the museum right on time. Wadding up the paper wrapper from his lunch(why didn't humans eat that, too?) he began walking, his pace just a little faster then what could be considered normal.

2010-11-23, 01:29 AM
Just before driving to the town hall john decides to pack his power armour in the trunk of his car just in case something happens

2010-11-23, 10:09 AM
As you all go about your daily routines the hour begins to pass, the mayor now arriving at the new museum is hounded by press over yesterday's fiasco and want answers, but he has none to give. Soon after the broadcast begins, fanfare accompanying the mayor as he speaks. His speech includes a lot of phrases about "the history of the town" and whatnot of the like and ends with a ribbon cutting to open the new museum. Today only the new attraction is free and tomorrow it will be open in the more true sense. For now though anyone is invited to go and visit the sights inside

2010-11-23, 01:15 PM
Fred Broll

Fred soon makes it to the museum. When he arrives, he loops around the block once in the air, getting a good look at the festivities outside. Lots of people, a nice little ribbon-cutting ceremony, and a speech or two. When all of the preliminary matters are finished, he flies down to street-side. He kicks the board up, flipping it into the air where he catches it and slings it over his back.

He grins to himself a little bit, then strolls into the museum. For free, too. Pretty awesome.

2010-11-23, 01:50 PM
Jess sighs as she hangs up, when was the last time she'd cooked? A year ago? Two? Didn't matter, she just needed to make something simple. She went down to the garage and got on her bike and rode to the market. Picking up spaghetti, some tomato sauce, sausages, parmesan, and zucchini, a simple lunch.

Afterwards she drives back home, sets out the ingredients, and gets on the computer, getting the few hours on her online job in. When it closed in on lunch she started making the spaghetti, heating the sauce and sausages, and pan frying the zucchini with some sazon goya, garlic and onion powder, salt, and pepper.

She set some water in a tea pot, and a tea strainer filled with green tea with lemon and rose petals*, a personal favorite of hers for calming herself down.

Personally that's the only tea i like, and rose petal actually add something to it, not quite able to identify what though.

2010-11-23, 03:51 PM
Bob listened intently to the speeches, trying to note the different language and protocol that were used, compared to everyday speaking. The ribbon cutting was an interesting tradition. Where did it originate from? What was the symbolic significance of it? Some of the crowd seemed unimpressed, though. Perhaps this sort of thing was more commonplace then he thought. Either way, he was certainly going to take a tour of the museum, since free was exactly the right price for him.

2010-11-23, 11:04 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

After exactly two hours and one annoying scolding,, Cassandra was done with her job and heading out towards Jessica's place. Thankfully they lived literally across the street so it was easy for her to know where exactly she was going.. As she arrived, she knocked gently. "It's me." She added, hinting to Jessica she didn't need to worry about it being someone unwanted.

2010-11-23, 11:08 PM
With the soldiers being busy, Jacobs sighed. "Guess I'll borrow a Humvee" and he does just that, driving out of the base and driving to the school, there he puts the papers in his desk and then heads off for lunch, Italian, or Sushi? he laughs, Sushi takeout. Then... Maybe try to find those guys I saw yesterday.

2010-11-23, 11:28 PM
"Come on in, doors open," Jess calls, putting the tea bundle in the now hot water, setting the coffee table and turning off her music for the moment. "Lock it when you come in," she says, snuffing out her cigarette in an ashtray.

2010-11-23, 11:40 PM
Jacobs picks up his lunch, deciding finally on a burger, and then decides to head to Jessica's house, That girl was a techie, maybe she can help me with who the hell was in the bank... and that damn bike.

He arrives a few minutes later, and parks out front, eating his burger while he walks to her door, then knocking loudly, and firmly. An obvious army authority in the sound.

2010-11-24, 12:12 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded. No sooner had she done what Jessica had asked, however, did she hear another knock and it made her raise an eyebrow. "Were you expecting someone else to come by? Or am I missing something drastically?" Either way, she wasn't about to mess with the door unless given consent. Even as she tried to think back, there was no immediate person she could think of that both herself and Jessica knew so this was probably, she figured, just someone only Jessica knew. Still... it was annoying when she was about to have what was supposed to be a private conversation and now it'd been interrupted, making her inwardly sigh.

2010-11-24, 12:25 AM
Fred Broll

Meanwhile, a certain modern samurai was enjoying the exhibits at the museum. Naturally, he gravitated towards a collection of feudal-era Japanese items. He smiled to himself as he studied them closely, each on familiar. It was ironic he was carrying a piece of Japanese legend in his dufflebag.

He moved on from that exhibit, checking out a few pieces from the cradle of civilization. It was all interesting. It was at least a good way to kill time in between work and... well.. other work. After-all, life can't be one continuous swordfight. There has to be some time in between rounds.

2010-11-24, 12:39 AM
Jess shakes her head no, she hadn't been expecting anyone else. Standing quickly she walks over and looks through the peephole, and sighs, opening the door, "Hello professor. I'm in the middle of something at the moment, would you mind coming back later?" she asks, not wanting to be interrupted. The lack of music should be a signal that it was A) something serious, B) her computer wasn't working, or C) she was getting ready to go to sleep.

2010-11-26, 02:26 AM
The museum offers some interesting things to look at from the historic artifacts to the fossils. People of all ages seem to be enjoying the day and sights

((Anyone at the museum is entitled to a spot check to see something out of the ordinary))

Jessica's abode was beginning to get a bit busy as a small alert blinked on beeped on her console. From somewhere in the city her network was being accessed.

2010-11-26, 10:55 AM
Jess swears quietly, how did someone get on her network? She gets onto her computer to try and solve the problem, "One sec, someone's trying to hack into my computer. Looks like our talk will have to wait a moment, Cass."

Computers Check: [roll0]

2010-11-26, 12:51 PM
Bob moves around the museum, absorbing as much information as he can, matching only the most inquisitive children in never missing out on reading an information plaque. Earth had so much history, shaped by one species culture almost exclusively. In particular, Bob gets stuck in front of a large display, trying to make sense of the Revolutionary War.

2010-11-26, 04:13 PM
Perception check (dc 18) so over 18 read this
You see a man who seems to be wearing a familiar outfit, it's the same as the thugs from the robbery yesterday (if you were not at the robbery you saw the outfit from the news or the paper) . He is standing over near the dinosaur exhibits and seems to be paying close attention to the different types of fossils especially the large dinosaurs.

Hacking check
You find that it appears someone is accessing you network for the sole purpose of downloading any data you have on the area around the city and tectonic activity. They are working fast but you work faster as you block the intruder and resend your own little friend back into his own network. The intruder has now logged off your network.

2010-11-26, 04:33 PM
"Tectonics? Something's up, Cass, i think we've got bigger problems then our talk. How about the quick version? I saw you at the bank the other day while fighting that cyborg, I was the one in the Tron outfit," she says rather quickly, "Someone was trying to download all information on the city from my computer, including tectonics. And i don't think it was someone looking for an easy A on a test. Whatever's going on is not going to end well." She sets the most powerful firewall she can manage on her network then turns to Cassandra, "I just sent a virus to whoever hacked my system, their system should be down for a few days at least, even with someone of my level."

2010-11-26, 05:21 PM
Fred Broll

As he makes his way through the prehistoric section of the museum, he caught sight of another one of the robbers from yesterday. His eyes narrow and his face grows more serious.

Fred meanders through the area, keeping a close eye on the man. Fossils? What was he up to exactly?

Fred assumed there were more of them here. He has to find out what's going on before they play their hand.

2010-11-26, 06:30 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

As Jessica confessed that she had indeed been the same person she'd seen on the motorcycle, she nodded to herself. She had figured as much. Her own head turned to watch Jessica make someone who apparently was trying to hack into her computer and frowned. First the robbery from yesterday... now this? Somehow she got the feeling these were somehow connected. "Something's definitely up.... between the incident from yesterday and just now.... not sure what though." She thought a bit as she watched Jessica finish up her computer work, nodding again after a bit. "Hm.... perhaps we should try to do our own investigation of sorts by means of either internet or walking around? But I know this much for sure... this is all happening simultaneously for some reason, irregardless of whether the same person who was in charge of the robbery is doing this too or not." She then waited to hear what Jessica thought about this as her hands went behind her back.

2010-11-26, 07:52 PM
"I'm inclined to agree, but we can't be sure. I'm more interested in what they'd need tectonics for, the only thing i can think of is volcanoes and earthquakes, either way it's a bad sign." Jess says, quietly, "We have to go to the mayor with this. He's likely still at the museum." she grabs her keys off the desk and sighs, taking a sib of her tea. "Sorry you didn't get to eat, but this is more important."

2010-11-27, 02:29 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra shook her head no, hinting she wasn't annoyed with her about this. "Makes perfect sense to me... not gonna argue about that. I can wait for food... I'm supposed to be dieting anyways to ensure I don't gain too much...." She added, chuckling a bit as she remembered the last time she had to confess about eating a sweet treat. Gods how here boss freaked.... and that had been the entire reason for him putting her on this "diet" of sorts. Even though he didn't understand, she knew another reason she was about 10 to 20 pounds heavier was because she worked out with her being a hero and all. In actuality, she was a very strong woman and if nothing else, yesterday's display proved at least that much. "Hopefully he'll have some sort of a lead...." She murmured to herself quietly.

2010-11-27, 03:08 AM
The man whom had caught your eye is now joined by three more, the one that stands out from the rest is wearing a black leather trenchcoat and has his hair spiked into a bright red mohawk (make a spot check again in your next post just in case you notice something else about him that a casual glance will fail to notice.)

Jessica and Cassandra
You arrive at the museum in time to see the mayor doing a bit of meet and greet with citizens and press asking him about the museum and yesterday.

As you are looking at the different exhibits you spot a rather tall man walking by. He would have gone unnoticed except for his outrageous hairdo. A bright red mohawk that spiked high on his head. He definitely did not give off the impression of someone her for a education in history. (make a spot check again in your next post just in case you notice something else about him that a casual glance will fail to notice.)

Nothing out of the ordinary so far, just visitors though one that went in recently seemed a bit off. He would have gone unnoticed except for his outrageous hairdo. A bright red mohawk that spiked high on his head. He definitely did not give off the impression of someone her for a education in history.(make a spot check again in your next post just in case you notice something else about him that a casual glance will fail to notice.)

The apartment you had been near suddenly became vacant as the two women ran out quickly gathering themselves together as the seemed to be moving with purpose. Th appear to be heading to the museum.

2010-11-27, 03:40 AM
Fred Broll

Fred's not casually watching these men. He's focused, now. A fight seems imminent, now... Fred hopes to disperse the crowd a bit before that happens. After he studies these men carefully, he glances about for a fire alarm.

There's at least one way to clear out the civilians.

Notice: [roll0]

2010-11-27, 03:41 AM
John chuckles to himself and says "Really a Mohawk?'

2010-11-27, 03:52 AM
Bob looked up at another effect of human culture; the radical styling of hair. As the demon watched the tall man and his tall hair walk by, there seemed to be something more to this man's rebellion against accepted appearance standards then the usual young adult attempting to display uniqueness.

Notice: [roll0]

2010-11-27, 09:49 AM
Notice checks (you all made the check)
The trenchcoat moves slightly and you see the tip of a scaled tail poke out form beneath it for a few moments.

2010-11-27, 10:40 AM
John stares incredulously at the guy in the trenchcoat and rubs his eye

2010-11-27, 11:32 AM
Jess steps off her bike, taking the keys as she goes. She quickly walks up to the mayor and waiting for the crowd to thin out before trying to talk to him.

2010-11-27, 12:33 PM
Fred Broll

A lizard tail? Fossils? Well, that makes sense.

Fred tries to imagine several scenarios.

1) He attacks them now. --> People might get hurt. Unacceptable.

2) He waits for them to make their move. --> They gain the upper-hand, and people may get hurt anyway.

3) Stir things up a bit. --> He likes this one.

He moves away from these guys just a bit, trying to find a somewhat secluded area with a fire alarm.

2010-11-27, 02:34 PM
You happen to find a lone fire alarm nearby the restrooms. very few people are around so it would the best spot to be idden away from others. You believe you hear someone in the bathroom ashing thier hands but that is all. (If you do pull the alarm please roll a ref save as well in your post)

Jess & Cassandra
The crowd thins as the mayor turns towards you both, "Hello citizens, what can I help you with today, mind you I still have no comment on the actions from yesterday."

Two girls on a familiar looking motorcycle pull up to the front of the museum and move towards the mayor who is now speaking with them.

2010-11-27, 03:18 PM
Fred Broll

On second thought... too many people. It is the grand opening. They'd stampede over each other. He abandons this plan. It's a shame he doesn't have the local cops on speed dial to engineer some excuse for people to leave.

This little alcove is a useful place, though. He can hide out here and release his battle form without many people noticing. So here he waits, watching the thugs.

2010-11-27, 03:21 PM
A tail? With scales? Bob stiffened up, his eyes momentarily flashing yellow as he tried to watch them without being noticed himself. However, the tail definitely put the man out of humanity's sense of normal. Which meant that he was a mutant, or something else. Behir had heard that some demons couldn't camouflage themselves quite as well among humankind. Maybe this one hadn't figured out how to hide his tail? Maybe he was still working on walking among the people? Maybe he had come after Behir? If that was the case, Behir couldn't decide whether he wanted to keep an eye on the man, or run away as fast as he could. Knowing where your enemy was could be important, though. Besides, he should make sure that he was a demon. If he was new, he might not have disguised his scent yet. Behir could catch him at that.

Stiffly, Bob straightened up and with a badly attempted sense of casualness, began to work his way through the crowd towards Mohawk Man and his friends. Staying out of sight wasn't a problem. It was staying out of sight, and getting close enough to distinguish the thing's scent from everyone around him.

Stealth to try and sneak up through the crowd, maybe?

2010-11-27, 03:48 PM
"I can," she says, forming a badge of sorts in her hand, hidden between herself and Cassandra, which she then presents to the mayor. It reads "DETD", "someone tried hacking into my computer looking for information of tectonics and the area around the city, how they knew i had that information is beyond me, and the fact it happened the day after the robbery makes both my friend and I are worried. We think the two events are connected."

DETD stands for Department of Experimental Technology Development

2010-11-27, 07:20 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra decided to let Jessica do most of the talking as she was often a more smoother and calm person than she herself was. More likely than not, she'd lose her patience and that'd look really bad if she did that. However, the fact that Jessica brought was one that made her think more. Even if they had failed to hack, they obviously knew enough about her to have tried to track her down via her computer. That being said, her eyes began gazing around, looking for any strange or suspicious looking people while Jessica continued talking. If someone does know everything about Jessica... including her appearance... this might turn really bad by the time we try to leave... lest anyone wants to be stupid and expose him or herself here and now while the mayor's still here... Then again.... what would someone want with tectonics information? For now, none of it was making any sense to her so she merely kept her eyes more alert for now.

Notice Check:

2010-11-27, 08:20 PM
You manage to work your way through the crowd and gather the man's scent though it is unlike a demon's scent... no it is more like a reptilian scent. you can slightly overhear him speaking due to your heightened awareness of the man. "Find the Raptors, thaose are the ones the bos wants."

As you stand observing you see a rather tall man trying to blend in, be it awkwardly, moving up behind the group and seemingly sniffing the air.

Jessica & Cassandra
The mayor looks flabbergasted at you both as he looks at Jessica, "Experimental Technology? So that was your battle-suit that crashed through my bank, do you know how much it's going to cost the city to repair it?!" He frowned before continuing, "This town hasn't had a earthquake or volcanic activity since the Cretaceous period. I highly doubt that any knowledge of our cities shifts on the earth's plates could cause any undo harm. You are free to tour our new museum if you wish but I will not cause a wide spread panic over some governmental secret who hah!"With that he excused himself and walked down towards his car where his driver was waiting.

Cassandra sees someone going around the back of the museum as she surveys the area.

2010-11-27, 08:27 PM
"That battle suit was not one of mine, I specialize in nanotechnology," she sighs, "If he charges me for the repairs i'm scrambling his server."

2010-11-27, 08:29 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Now Cassandra was incredibly glad she'd let Jessica do all the talking; she definitely would have gotten annoyed at this man, mayor or not. She frowned slightly as she noticed the figure but nodded to the mayor as he left, waiting until he was out of sight until she spoke, "Someone snuck to the back of the museum.... I'm gonna go on ahead as I'm more of a bruiser and you the tactician, per say. But figured I'd give you a heads-up first..." With that, she turned, her hair whipping around as she did so, and headed for the back, peering behind the corner to get a better look at who it was she'd seen.

Hide Check [Trying to keep self concealed while peeking]

Notice Check [For getting a better look at this person and seeing if even recognizes the face]

2010-11-27, 08:46 PM
Jess nods, "I think i'd better come too, my abilities are good for capturing opponents so we can get some information." As she enters the alleyway she shifts her nanites into a stealthsuit, a black version of her tron suit. She also looks around to see if any machines she can animate are around.

Stealth: [roll0]
Notice: [roll1]

2010-11-27, 09:18 PM
Jessica & Cassandra:
As you sneak around the side of the building to the back, you see the person who had gone back is a young woman, probably looking around 22 or so. She wears a long white lab coat, glasses, has a blond ponytail and blue eyes. There seems to be a large van at the loading/unloading dock as she gets into it, backing it up slowly against the large shutter doors of the museum which then open up. You see two men dressed in the same way the thugs were from last night pile out of the back, opening the doors before heading into the museum.

2010-11-27, 09:20 PM
Okay, simply reptilian. Reptiles were natural, and easy to deal with. Behir had dealt with lizards, snakes, and twenty-foot long crocodiles. They weren't a threat to him. Maybe this one was a mutant, or a lizard trying to be a person. Either way, he was an earthborn, more then likely, and so not coming for Behir.
Bob was almost ready to walk away when the Mohawk-Tail-Man-Thing started speaking to his associates about raptors. It took a second of standing still and thinking for Bob to make the connection to velociraptors. Or did he mean the out-dated F-22 fighter jet? Or a certain class of carnivorous birds? Either way, they did not seem to be museum personnel, yet were apparently taking whatever raptors they were talking about to a 'boss'. Did that mean that they were planning on stealing them? If that was the case, he should be telling the museum guards.

... Or, this was a perfect opportunity to make his break into the superhero scene. To do that, though, he would have to get into his true form. It was really to bad that there wasn't a phone booth around. Superman always had one nearby to change in. Perhaps he could find a quiet corner, or a bathroom or something. But he should also keep an eye on these guys, right? For now, though, he could listen in, while looking for someplace out of sight.

Notice, to listen in, and look for somewhere to change: [roll0]

2010-11-27, 09:41 PM
Jess extends a hand and forms a wheel lock on the van's wheels, holding it in place. "The van can't go anywhere," Jess whispers, "we just need to take out the woman and thugs."

2010-11-27, 10:47 PM

After Jess quick and seemingly annoyed please leave Jacobs simply left, deciding now to drive to base, and take a nap.

2010-11-28, 12:51 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded, looking carefully at the targets as she allowed her mind to begin to register their appearance, height, hair, eyes, everything she could soak into her brain. After a bit, she nodded and asked Jessica one last question, "So... how should we introduce ourselves? The direct approach or give them a bit of a surprise then introduce ourselves?" She asked, a slight smirk crossing her face at the thought. While secretly she was a bit annoyed she hadn't gotten the chance to grab her brass knuckles, she felt confident enough she'd be fine without them.

2010-11-28, 01:01 AM
As he goes to lay down he hears a ping from his laptop, Ugh what the hell? He then walks over, having recieved a new email, God damn spam... What the hell? He then turns around. "I'm awake now..." He decides to make a cup of coffee and then read up on the Vietnam war. His own most harrowing experience. Even having been there himself he still doesn't believe some of what happened.

2010-11-28, 01:13 AM
Curious john decides to listen in to the conversation the mayor is having with the two ladies that came in on the bike
Notice to listen

2010-11-28, 01:16 AM
"I could give them a real nasty surprise and turn the concrete to tar if you'd like, avoid a big confrontation and trap them so we can interrogate, or would you prefer a more direct approach, i find they're more fun."

2010-11-28, 01:23 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smiled upon hearing Jessica's words. "Well...since you're not complaining about direct approaches.... I'll take you up on that offer." With that, she turned and began heading after the thugs and woman. Her first target would be one of the thugs, as it was usually a good idea to get them out of the way then deal with the main person she'd found in her years of fighting. Here goes everything and nothing, hm?

Going to try to use Suffocation with this Attack... so he'll need to do a Fort Save otherwise the effects as listed on my sheet will occur....

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-11-28, 01:25 AM
Fred Broll

He catches sight of the tall man... the sniffing was certainly out of place. However, he wasn't talking to those guys. Chances are they didn't know each other, but it was another unknown factor. Was it some mutant or was it just a crazy drunk?

Evaluating the situation, he surmised that the man with the tail would be a real opponent. The other ones could be taken out rather quickly.

At any rate, Fred begins to follow and keep an eye on the man with the lizard tail. He seemed to be calling the shots, at least here. Taking him out would be advantageous.

2010-11-28, 01:27 AM
toughness roll
Dang I forgot the Fort save *rolls a die* 7 fail

The man hears the tap tap of the fast coming footsteps and moves to block and just in time to though he had not prepared himself for the next thing that happened. The young fighter gripped down on his windpipe making him clutch at her hand trying to pry it away.

The second thug looked absolutely freaked at the violent assault from the young vigilante. The woman in the cab seemed unphased as she picked up a cellphone holding it to her ear.

Inside the museum~

As you are watching them casualy the man with the tail picks up a cell that had just gone off in his pocket. then without even trying to hide his amazement he shouts "What?! Out back!"

As you are watching them casualy the man with the tail picks up a cell that had just gone off in his pocket. then without even trying to hide his amazement he shouts "What?! Out back!" by the way you seem to have sptted a lovely set of restrooms just a short walk away that seem to be fairly vacant.

2010-11-28, 01:38 AM
"Oh no ya don't" Jess says, containing the cellphone (and the woman's hand) in lead, cutting off any signal it may have had. She then pulls out her pistol and fires at the other thug's leg, hoping to incapacitate him.

I am so loving the create object power

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2010-11-28, 01:41 AM
Jacobs finishes reading rather quickly, and walks over to a cabinet, pulling a key chain off his neck and unlocking it. Inside lay an assortment of firearms, outdated and mostly lost to time. But to him each had it's meaning. He pulls out an assault rifle, remembering where he used it, when he used it. 552 Commando, 182KIA, You always did me good. He walks over to his bed and starts cleaning the rifle, slowly, mechanically.

2010-11-28, 01:43 AM
Fred Broll

He hears the man shout. Something's happening. Fred watches to see what he does. Hopefully he makes his way "out back." Fred follows him regardless, waiting until they are in a space unoccupied by civilians. If he can get them in a relatively secluded spot, the gloves come off and the sword comes out.

2010-11-28, 01:58 AM
Hmm, those bathrooms could work... It was just getting out of them without being noticed that would be difficult. Instead, he found a corner back away from the exhibits where people could see, but seldom actually stepped. The cellphone and yelling pointed to something happening, and if things were going to happen, he'd rather not have them happening while he was in the bathroom. So, Behir would have to risk it a bit. As Bob placed himself in the corner with his back against the wall, he glanced around quickly to see if anyone was watching. Since no one seemed to be paying any particular attention to him, he simply faded into the wall.
No, he didn't actually merge with the wall, but for many intents and purposes that may well have been the case. His exterior coloration shifted almost instantaneously to match the shade of the surface behind him, and his innate control over the shadows about him served to fill in the lighting. Taking a deep, quiet breath, the demon hound stopped to see if anyone had noticed.

Hide in Plain Sight to pull this off, hopefully. Stealth: [roll0]

2010-11-30, 02:17 AM
Bob & Fred:
The men make almost no moves to remain hidden, quickly pushing people out of the way as they make their way towards the back, even pushing open an emergency exit and setting off an alarm which needless to say causes the people inside to start panicking and rush towards the front, thinking there may be a fire or something of the like.

Cassandra & Jessica:
Fort Save:

The back door opening must have made you lose some concentration as the man pulls away from your grip, coughing as he recovers his breath as you see four more men jump from the back door. One in particular seems to be the Ring Leader. A bright red mohawk makes him stand out and make you certain enough of this. The woman in the cab seems to have fainted, slumping forward, causing the horn to continuously go off.

Sergeant Jacobs:
As your clinging your piece, the alarm goes off. Apparently, something is going down at the new museum.

2010-11-30, 03:23 AM
Fred Broll

And the alarm goes off anyway... oh the irony. At any rate, these guys are headed out the back, the crowd is rushing to the front. As far as Fred knows, no one's watching him (he's wrong, of course... Bob is a sneaky guy).

Forty-five minutes... starting.. now!

In a blur of motion, he pulls his sheathed sword from it's covering. His body lights up in that same blue glow of power as before. However, this time, he jumps straight into the second-stage of his battle form. The glow explodes outward, his hair and eyes turning white.

"Hey King Koopa! You face me now!"

His eyes flash white just before he steps, flickering out of sight before reappearing behind the three thugs. With a powerful iaijutsu strike, he unleashes his blade, slicing at the lizard-tailed leader of the back in an effort to fell him quickly.

After he strikes, he flash-steps again, reappearing several hundred feet outside the back door, away from the thugs. His speed is absolutely insane, and he uses it to his advantage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage DC: 23 + How much I exceed his defense. Max 28.

EDIT: And I crit. +5 to the damage DC.

Turnabout to complete my movement. Max 500 feet. Hopefully out of range of a counter-attack.

2010-11-30, 04:42 AM
Upon hearing the alarm John runs to his car and retrieves his power armor to put it on

2010-11-30, 11:39 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra felt her heart skip a beat as more came through the back door. Damn...now what? She was about to turn and ask Jessica if she had any ideas but before she could even do that, the speedy figure she managed to see out of the corner of her eyes hinted that, intentionally or otherwise, they seemed to have allies and that would be enough to convince her to remain here. "If you wanna head back and try to get a lead....go on. I'll be fine." Her attention went back to the same man she'd hit as she went to try to hit him again, using just her punches for now.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-11-30, 12:53 PM
"Things aren't looking good right now, i've got an idea." Jess presses her hands to the ground as the ground before her turns black and begins to bubble, extending to right under the van and some of the thugs. She then moves to the van, keeping her pistol at the ready, and pulls the woman out of the van. "Careful of the tar!" she calls to the sword wielder and Cassandra, a grin spread across her face, though no one could tell because of her helmet.

Using transform power to turn the ground to tar, about as deep as waist height. only trapping two or three since the power is somewhat limited and i want to let other people have a good fight.

2010-11-30, 02:34 PM
Jacobs hurries to shelf the rifle and then throws on his suit, running into his Humvee and driving to the museum, as he arrives he notices the people going out the front, Damn, I hope there is a back entrance He floors the pedal and drives around the museum.

2010-11-30, 03:53 PM
Behir couldn't help but laugh at the thugs. They were slow, and had to push through the crowd. Behir, on the other hand, skittered up the wall to the ceiling, transforming into his natural form as he went. Getting ahead of them, he positioned himself above the exit, and as they pushed through he made his move. With the broad toes of his two last feet planted firmly on the wall, his body began stretching as it shot down, went through the door, and came out with six clawed feet and a toothy crocodilian head reaching for tail-man and his accomplices. He is somewhat surprised to see a glowing swordsman beating them up from the other side, (and the ninja girl, and a person in a black suit) but apparently superheroes often happened to be in the same place when crime was going on. At least, that's what happened in the comic books.

Either way, tail-man was his now, along with any others that wanted to come with.
So, reaching down through the door(25 ft of stretch should do) pouncing on tail-man, and using Rapid Attack to also attack anyone within 5 ft of him. Anyone hit is subject to a grapple check, and I can grapple mutliple people without penalty from having that many arms. Yay!
So, Stealth to get surprise: [roll0]
Attack for tail-man: [roll1], and a couple more for the others: [roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5]
Toughness save DC 23, or 25 if Sneak attack is applicable.
Grapple checks for anyone hit:[roll6][roll7][roll8]
Oh, and Initiative: [roll9]
I think I'm done rolling.:smalltongue: Side note: if they want to escape the grapple next round, my grapple mod goes up to 22 from Imp. Pin.

2010-12-01, 10:43 AM
After putting on his suite John flys over the loading bay and blast the mutant mohawk man

2010-12-01, 07:22 PM
Toughness saves

Thug 1

Thug 2

Thug 3

Thug 4

Thug 5

The leader buckles under the first slash from Fred cuts across his back. of the leader causing him to swing around. just in time to be grabbed by Bob as he splits his arms from his body striking each thug in succession. Only one escapes from the demons grasp and the man who had been recovering from the earlier hit found himself on only grabbed again by the young woman, but now in a veritible tug of war with him as the rope. A blast of laser careens from the sky hitting the leader in the back as his eyes glow red and he growls. "Grr rah, lousy punks! I'll teach you to mess with me!" Before your eyes the mans body begins to grow and expand until he stands almost 30 ft tall, his features changing into a more reptilian form as spines jut from his back giving him a dragon-like look.

You have just arrived and... Oh my god what is that!

2010-12-01, 09:58 PM
"Oh schnitzel."

It was probably a little odd for the others to see the monster that was currently pinning down many of the thugs stop and utter such an inane pseudo-curse. Nevertheless, it did happen, with a ridiculous sounding accent to top it off.
Apparently Tail-man had a few hidden talents of his own. The thugs were inconsequential now. He had an honest to goodness super-villain on his hands. Literally in this case.

It was awesome. Finally he had a chance to really show some of his worth to the American public, right? He could work with other superheroes, and take down supervillains. If he could make this work, it could really make things easier for him here. If he could make it work. But for that, he needed to take out the big guy. And for that, he had to let go of the thugs to work on the big one.

So, that was the start. The second part was to try and keep the big one from destroying things much. So, could he see in the dark? Maybe not. Apparently, many earthbound creatures had a hard time seeing in shadows. So, he could try something else to hold down the big one. Like a giant green rubber band, Behir whipped out of the door and wrapped himself around the giant dragons neck. As he settled into place, a field of shadow spread around him, enveloping both Behir, and the creature's head.

And it occurred to the errant demon that he had seen something like this in a Japanese movie once.

So, as long as I'm still grappling the Tail-man/Godzilla, Behir can use a move action to bring the rest of his body along for the ride. Standard action to activate Darkness Control 2(10 ft radius), centered on Behir, and hopefully Godzilla's head.

2010-12-01, 10:19 PM
Fred Broll

The Masamune had dealt a mighty blow to the lizard-man... and now the other heroes (two of wich he recognized) had joined the battle against him. The shadow-creature that entangled the villains was particularly interesting.

The dinosaur-man was more interesting, though.

"Nice transformation. You've made yourself a bigger target!"

He flash-steps again, appearing mid-air in front of the dinosaur's shadow-covered face. He lets out a battlecry as he slashes his weapon, bringing the gleaming blade of the Masamune across the lizard's face.

After his attack, he flickers out again, appearing on the roof of the museum, looking down upon the field of battle.

All-Out Attack 3 on this one.
Attack [roll0]
Damage DC 23 + However much I exceed his defense (maximum 28). Attack is also Penetrating.

EDIT: Another crit. +5 to the damage dc. 28 + how much I exceeded his defense, maximum 33.

And I have Blind-fight to negate penalties.

2010-12-02, 02:02 AM
John fly's backwards surprised by the sudden growth and after hearing what the glowing guy with the sword said says "As i believe another saying goes the bigger they are the harder they fall!" and fires another blast at the giant mutant

2010-12-02, 07:11 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra couldn't help but whistle as the leader showed that he had quite the number of tricks up his sleeve. Luckily, she was being aided by some of the same people from yesterday and they were ensuring he would be more than occupied, making her smile. Maybe we should all talk after this? It seems to be more than a mere coincidence as to how we're constantly running into one another... She turned to the next closest villain that was beside the one she was still grappling and threw a punch at him, trying to grapple him as well.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-12-02, 07:59 PM
Toughness rolls

The beast roars at it is hit by a blast of energy form the battle suit that has joined the fight. Fred's blade cuts deeply into the beasts leg and causing it a tremendous amount of pain. meanwhile one of the thugs falls unconscious as he is chocked out by Cassandra the other one grappling with the hand now clench about his throat.

The last thugs (which I assume are now not held by behir unless he dragged them along) reach for ther gun and fire upwards trying to help their leader.

enemies turns

Godzilla's attack trying to grab at Bob.
to hit [roll2]
damage (modified for size and density ability) [roll3]
miss chance [roll4] (hit)

thugs shots up at Bob (or at least where they think he is)
thug 1 to hit [roll5]
thug 1 damage [roll6]
thug 1 miss chance [roll7] (miss)

thug 2 to hit [roll8]
thug 2 damage [roll9]
thug 2 miss chance [roll10] (miss)

thug 3 to hit [roll11]
thug 3 damage [roll12]
thug 3 miss chance [roll13] (hit)

thug four fort save for sufocation [roll14] (and he's out)
all misses deal damage to the leader instead since he's being strangled/held by Bob.

Two of the bullets flying through the air go wild and hit the large lizard instead of their intended target.


Jessica had been able to traverse the field unnoticed largely due to not being actively looking like a threat. As she pulls the woman from the cab she notices that she weighs quite a bit for her look. perhaps about twice what she should. Her blank stare and unresponsive traits seem to imply she is a doll/artificial person.

2010-12-02, 08:20 PM
"Oh great, an android," Jess says, sarcasm dripping from her mouth, "Empty at the moment, let's animate it," she comments to herself, sending her nanites into the circuitry and causing the body to respond to her commands. After a brief moment to antiquate herself with the system she sends it to fire the beam rifle the android has at the apparent boss.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-12-03, 12:57 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smirked as the two thugs she'd been grappling with both went unconscious, causing her to drop them both not-so-gently to the ground. Two down, three to go excluding the boss... Making sure to take note of the tar Jessica had made appear, she threw a punch for the next closest thug.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-12-05, 12:56 PM
(*poke* It's the PCs turns now, toughness saves and all.)

2010-12-05, 05:11 PM
Toughness saves.
Toughness vs Godzilla(DC 26): [roll0]
Vs Thug 1(DC 18): [roll1]
[OOC: Okay, so that leaves Behir Stunned, and Bruised from Godzilla, though he saves against the thug. Post roll count doesn't match because I forgot that Thug 3 doesn't actually hit me.
EDIT: Which means I suffer Knockback(11-4= 7) 100 ft. Awesome.]

2010-12-05, 05:40 PM
Behir was took a vicious swipe from the large reptilian, its large claws slamming into his malleable face and knocking him off his perch and into the air. Sailing though open space, the only thing he could think about was maintaining the darkness around him. Darkness was safety. There was safety in darkness.

Concentration to maintain Darkness control 2(DC 12): [roll0]

2010-12-07, 01:26 AM
The make-shift Godzilla swats Bob., smacking him as he flies 100 feet, landing in front of the front of the museum, just in time for the fleeing citizens to dodge the flying Bob-bullet as it craters the ground. The side from the ringing in his ears, Bob can hear another sound and that is the sirens from off in the distance.

I realize.....
that I've been doing the damage wrong a bit as the Godzilla should not have had an attack on Bob at all due to Fred's incredible slash to his leg but I figured that it would be kinda boring for the first supervillain for you guys to fight to sit there and just get his butt kicked without having been able to fight back. Also, I'd thought that stunning only occurred through feats or special abilities like Cassandra has. I'll do new damage rolls after everyone has had their turns.

2010-12-07, 10:18 PM
Getting up from the crumpled mess he had landed in, Behir focused mainly on standing up at all. At least he was safe in his darkness. And the smell of panicked humans running around. So very tantalizing...
Behir physically swatted himself to try and shake his mind off the topic. He was here to help the humans, and he had a rather large problem to deal with. Even now, he could feel his body knitting itself back together. He would be as good as new in a couple seconds... If he could only get past the splitting headache. All eight legs splayed wildly, Behir swayed and staggered, trying to make his way back into the fight.

[OOC: The darkness is centered on my character, so it is no longer restricting Godzilla's sight.]

Stunned for one round, though Regeneration takes care of the Bruised Condition and I made the concentration check to maintain the darkness effect. With my speed, I should be back by the next round.

2010-12-08, 02:14 AM

He watched the large dinosaur toss the shadowy creature, yet the darkness did not abate. Excellent. Observing the creature for a moment, one leg had been viciously sliced by the Masamune. Time to complete the symmetry.

Ronin flash-steps yet again, appearing down at the creature's other foreleg.

"The bigger they are..."

He grins and unleashes another powerful stroke of his sword at the leg, before flash-stepping again, appearing on top of the van (stuck in the tar). If any enemies wanted to come for him, they'd have to brave the tar themselves.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage DC: 23 + However much I exceed his defense (Max 28).

2010-12-08, 05:15 PM
(toughness save for godzilla [roll0])

Maybe the first shot had merely been a lucky one as the darkness had only then taken hold of his senses and a unprepared mind is weaker to blows then a collected one. Neverthe less the blade does indeed cut though not nearly as deep as would be likened to the first blow.

(OOC thread for laser blast save)

The laser however, that was new. the electrid blast shocked through the dino frying at it's insides as well as it's outsides. It's muscles seized up form the electric pulses running through it as it's nerves became stunned.

2010-12-08, 06:36 PM
Jess grins then uses her nanites to create bindings on the lizardman, and leaves a binding down right at the android's laser. She then has the android fire at the metal bindings to further shock the lizard.

I don't know what to roll if anything so could you do so instead?

2010-12-16, 01:09 PM
((Sry to all I've been kinda under the weather and in the process of looking for places to move.)

Ref save

The large beast shakes with the electric current running through it's body before it's smoking body begins to shrink and fall to the side. the remaining thugs attempt to run for it (I think theres only one left of them that can do so. Sirens herald police at the front of the museum who have arrived on scene.

2010-12-16, 01:45 PM
Behir staggered a few steps as his feet got themselves steady underneath him, then started galloping across the lawn and up over the museum taking great, loping strides over whatever surface was in his way. Of course, as the average onlooker could see was a thick sphere of shadow that left wispy bits of itself behind as it caught on any surface that would hold it, until the noonday sun burned it away. Leaping over the peak of the roof, Behir came to rest at the edge, letting his shadow seep away as he saw that the large one had fallen. Of course, that left one of the thugs to try and run away.

The demon couldn't help it as an entirely to toothy grin split his face, wide enough to bite a man's head off. The scent of fear was in the air, and his prey was running. Bunching his legs under him, Behir took a flying leap off into open air, sailing towards the thug. His forefeet opened into broad X's, each one of the four toes tipped with a wicked looking claw that had already proved hard to escape from.

So, I don't think I can actually attack this round without charging, which might be a little hard if there is a building in the way. Since everyone is at the back, and I supposedly landed in front of the museum. Ah well, that doesn't stop me from double moving, at 100ft speed. Also, a 70 ft long jump should let me land on him next round, but Acrobatics check, just in case it needs to be longer.
Acrobatics: [roll0](+5 ft jump distance per point over DC15)
Also, just in case, here is an attack roll, with a +2 for charging.
Attack: [roll1], Toughness DC 23 if I do manage to get a hit in.

2010-12-16, 04:32 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra sighed as she heard the sirens. Damn cops.... She quickly turned to Jessica, "You done? I think we should head out. I dunno about you but I'd rather not be seen in my .... "normal clothes"." That was a huge understatement.... yet all the same it was true. If news of her supernatural abilities got around... it'd be anything but good. Irregardless of whether Jessica wanted to remain or not, she didn't and her actions proved it as she shoved the thug away then began jumping carefully over the tar, beginning to head away from the museum.

2010-12-16, 05:45 PM
Fred Broll

After Godzilla falls, Fred's lips grin with satisfaction. He shouts out to the other heroes, "Two coincidental team-ups in two days. We should talk sometime when the sirens aren't wailing."

His grin widens for a moment before he throws down his hoverboard and starts to fly off. He let's his battle form fade, the glow fading along with the white hair and eyes.

2010-12-16, 06:26 PM
Jess shakes her head then runs out, grabbing the android and getting it to follow before hopping on her motorcycle, "You may want to hop on," she says to Cassandra, "I can get us out of here faster." She keeps the android on a sidecar she created with her nanites, deanimating the android in the process. I need to reprogram that thing later, maybe we can get an ally of sorts

2010-12-17, 05:48 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra gave the man who called out to them a smile, her silent way of acknowledging and saying "Yes" to his idea. However, she and Jessica both needed to try to get out of here and preferably sooner than later. She merely nodded, chuckling as she jumped onto the motorcycle, wrapping her arms around Jessica's waist. "Floor it when you're ready.... I definitely am...." She added, looking back to the scene where they'd managed to put up quite the nice fight and smiling proudly.

2010-12-17, 05:03 PM
"Going up," she says as she again uses her nanites to create a road to drive on, going over the normal traffic. She eventually drops into an allie and shifts bike back to normal along with her outfit, keeping the sidecar to carry the android. "Drop you off at your house or head back to mine?"

2010-12-17, 06:03 PM
Behir looked up from where he crouched over the unconscious thug. Giving him one last thump over the head for good measure, the demon smiled as he took off towards an alley, his eight legs making for an odd, rolling gait. He'd done his job, sort of met some local superheroes, and even defeated a supervillain! All without destroying the museum. It was about the best day that Behir could possibly have had. Shifting his color into sync with the local scenery, Behir disappeared from sight.


A minute later, Bob, the local FedUP guy, walks from an alley, brushing his shirt off and badly attempting to whistle a jaunty tune. He'd been trying to get used to these lips for a month now, but he almost felt that if he was going to figure out this 'whistling' thing, today would be that day. Maybe he wouldn't, but it didn't stop him from trying all the way back to his apartment.

2010-12-17, 07:41 PM
~Later that night...~

The news is running a story about the museum and the thugs. The Lizardman has apparently been identified as Gordan Vile, The leader of a gang of local toughs known as the Raptors. The police comment that it was odd to find him in such a state when as of last week he was sans tail and superpowers.

The Commissioner of the city has issued on TV that later that night he would like to meet with all of your capes and supers in order to discuss anything else strange before the police had shown up.

2010-12-17, 08:17 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

"Head back if you don't mind. After all...." She smirked a bit as she held on, "We were ridicuously late for lunch, remember?" She chuckled a bit and soon they had arrived.

By dinnertime, she and Jessica were still at Jess's place when the announcement came on. She laughed a bit then looked to Jessica, "You really think anyone's gonna listen to that? I mean.... come on. For one, I doubt many will be comfortable doing that and more importantly, two, it's bound to be a media trap. I don't think any of us are that stupid to fall for something like that. Even if my guess is wrong... I still don't know about it myself. A lot of people, I've heard and seen, can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and it doesn't have to apply only to the good guys, you know?" Still, she'd wait to her Jessica's opinion. Sometimes she had much better common sense than herself so maybe she was over reacting? She'd find out soon..

2010-12-17, 08:40 PM
"We can always use my computer as a proxy, I would like to have a word with the mayor. His own cameras and speaker system would be perfect, i can hack into those with ease given a few minutes. I've even got an online nickname i can use already," she says, going over to her laptop, "You want to introduce yourself, i have a voice distortion program we can use."

2010-12-17, 09:09 PM
Fred Broll

Well... Fred's not that interested in pursuing a secret identity.. but he's also not interested in being cornered by cops and having to fight his way out.

So, at the time the Commissioner wanted to meet with the various supers, he flies on his hoverboard to a nearby rooftop... out of the way. He lands and crouches down, watching.

He's going to see if it's a cop trap or a media circus before he makes his way out there.

2010-12-18, 01:56 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smiled at everything Jessica suggested. "Sounds great. What nickname were you going to use by chance? I probably should use one for myself also." She sat beside her, looking as she got everything prepared, waiting to hear what she'd need to use... if anything, like a microphone, headset, etc. as she wasn't nearly as tech savvy as Jessica was. Not normally but she was a fast learner so as long as she was told what was what, she could often learn to use it very quickly.

2010-12-18, 03:28 AM
Bob flicked on the television in his apartment as he pulled out some meat for dinner. The TV, and its predecessor, the radio, were excellent sources for his cultural studies. That, and occasionally they were just fun. You could listen to humans try to work out the things they viewed as problems. Oh, how they argued and fought and made jokes and debated over things that, as far as Behir could see, didn't matter in the slightest. However, it seemed that he wasn't going to be favored with such things tonight. Instead, he watched the news broadcast, which gave him a review of what had happened that afternoon, along with giving him more information about the men he had assaulted that afternoon. A local gang who called themselves Raptors? Yet they had wanted to steal raptors? Were they trying to get a convincing mascot? Symbols like that did seem to hold a good bit of power in human society, but Behir didn't think that was the case. And there was a boss. A boss higher then the Gorden Vile guy.

Which is the only reason Behir even considered talking to the commissioner. It wasn't as though the demon was afraid of the media... Okay, so he was. But he did want some publicity to make him seem a little less monstrous, but going in like that, after his first major bust in the city seemed very silly. And the fact that they might turn on him, and he'd end up on an dissection table was a worry. Behir wasn't sure if he wanted to trust that, but....

Apparently, his willingness to try and make a show of working with the humans was a strong force, as within minutes of the broadcast, Bob wasn't in his apartment and the window was being closed from the outside by a four-toed hand.

Later that night, Behir scouted around the the meeting place, watching carefully for any signs of a trap. He may want to help, but he doesn't like traps. He could still feel burn of the holy water from when that one guy had known Behir was coming, and caught him with a devil's trap symbol under a rug. The demon shivered at the thought. It had taken weeks to recover from that. His master had almost left him for dead. No, he did not want to be trapped again.

It was then that he noticed another figure watching the meeting point. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, Behir made his way closer, a nearly invisible shadow against the backdrop of the city. As he did so, he saw the hoverboard, and compared the man's face to the one at the museum. It seemed similar enough, it could be him. Creeping up, the camouflaged demon decided that perhaps it would be good to see if he was a kindred spirit, or at least another superhero. Closing the distance to about ten feet, Behir studied the man closely, analyzing his scent before speaking. His voice was low, and though it was easily understandable, the accent was extremely odd.

"You are the guy from the museum, right?"
The seemed to come from thin air.

Notice check for signs of a trap: [roll0]
Stealth for sneaking up on hapless swordsmen: [roll1]

2010-12-18, 11:25 AM
Fred Broll

The legendary warrior was too focused on looking at the streets below and the rooftops before him for a trap that he failed to check behind himself for the moving shadow that is Behir.

So it's understandable if he's a bit jumpy. When he hears the voice ask him that question, he whirls around, producing his sword from the duffle bag in a flurry of motion. He doesn't power up, though, nor does he draw his sword from its sheath... just has to be cautious.

"Who wants to know?"

His green eyes glanced back and forth, but he couldn't make out who was talking to him.

Notice (destined to fail here): [roll0]

2010-12-18, 11:44 AM
"Data. An old friend of mine used to call me that. Anyway," she immediately gets to typing and openning programs to do what she had suggested...

Will put the rest after this roll
Computers: [roll0]

2010-12-18, 01:01 PM
Behir backed up instinctively from the blade, watching Fred carefully. Different in some ways, yes, but this was the man who had helped at both crime scenes. And Behir knew how dangerous that blade could be. He thought about cloaking himself in darkness, just to be safe, but that wouldn't do. He had to show a little trust before he could be trusted. That's how this was supposed to work, according to the dramas on television. So, he chose to trust Fred. Besides, short of dead, there wasn't anything Behir couldn't get better from.

Releasing first the shadows that gave his illusion depth, he slowly let his coloration go back to the normal greenish color, which didn't blend in quite as well with the rooftop. As the camouflage disintegrated, the demon stood up to his full height, letting his silhouette be seen against the sky.

"Someone who was also there."

Behir really hoped the guy didn't come at him with the sword. Sword cuts took so long to heal, and hurt like crazy.

2010-12-18, 02:11 PM
Fred Broll

As the demon revealed itself, something in the back of Fred's mind told him it was dangerous. He looked for a moment as if he was about to strike-- but his own conscious restraint prevented him. If the creature was going to attack him, it could have already caught him off guard by now.

He eyes the creature for a moment before dropping out of his iaijutsu stance. That's a big sign of trust.

But when Behir says he was there too... Fred makes the connection.

"You grappled with Godzilla."

A moment of silence.

"Good job. Thanks for the assist."

He approached the creature and gave a small grin, offering a hand.. for.. well... a handshake.

"Call me Ronin, for now."

2010-12-18, 06:33 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded, deciding a code name for herself may also be a good idea. She looked up, thinking of what should be suitable then nodded after a bit. "Yugure should work." She then sat behind Jessica, waiting for her to finish her working with all the technical equipment.

2010-12-19, 01:13 PM
Godzilla! That was the name of those Japanese movies. Behir felt a little better now that he remembered where he had seen that sort of monster before, but that didn't seem very important right now. As the man relaxes his stance, Behir loosens up himself, noticeably. He really hadn't wanted to be cut up tonight, and striking out at another hero would just start one of those useless fights that always happened in the comics. Which was not what the demon was here for. Instead, he concentrates on his right first claw, bringing a toe around so that it is more like a human hand; with three fingers facing one way, and the last opposing. Still not exactly human-ish, but at least hand-like. Stretching out, he took Ronin's offered hand.

"No problem Ronin. That's what heroes do, right? I'm... Uh..." Oh, Beelzebub in a bucket. He'd never actually come up with a name. Bob was his human name, and he couldn't really use his demon name, and... Oh, what the Hel.
"Uh... Behir. You can call me Behir."

2010-12-19, 01:41 PM

He nods when the creature chooses its name. "Fitting." He turns back towards the meeting location and crouches at the edge of the rooftop, peering over.

Just as earlier, he's wearing a t-shirt and some jeans. He doesn't exactly dress like a superhero... but it's clear he fights like one.

"I guess you're checking on this 'briefing' too? I think we should lay low and see what's going down. If it's a media circus or a trap, I'm gone, and I suggest you do the same."

2010-12-22, 03:18 PM
Hacking success

A door on the roof you are on opens as a aged man in a trenchcoat walks out surveying the roof, he has yet to see either of you.

2010-12-22, 03:51 PM
Jess grins, "I got in," she says, picking up a pair of headsets, complete with mike, and plugs them in, handing one to Cassandra, but indicating to wait. She opens a custom voice distortion program, adjusting pitch, echo, and other key components of the voice before plugging the system into the speakers.

"Show time," she says with a grin, pressing 'enter'.

"Hello, Mayor Huckle, you wished to speak with is," blares over the sound system of city hall, so people in both the streets and building can hear, "Before you say anything, everything you say from here on out will be broadcast over the speakers and into the city. All you have to do is talk and we'll hear."

2010-12-22, 04:21 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smiled, nodding her head to Jessica as she got her own mike and headset ready. As soon as Jessica hit "Enter", she herself had already gotten everything on and ready. While she wasn't as tech savvy as Jessica, she knew basics at least. For now, she'd let Jessica do most of the talking until either she felt the need to speak or was asked a question herself. Hopefully this goes well.... even if it doesn't... we won't be caught if this had been a media trap of sorts....

2010-12-22, 07:03 PM
Cassandra & Jessica:
The mayor simply looks around. "Who are you? What do you want? Are you... are you the fiends that attacked the museum today?!"

2010-12-22, 07:23 PM
"Other side, Mayor, we're two of those that caught the men at the museum. I'm known as Data, and my companion goes by Yugure. You asked for us to speak with you, however, i'm not interested in media and political traps, likely the others are equally unwilling to be caught. I hope they're nearby so they can hear this little commentary."

Everyone outside City Hall (namely Behir and Ronin) should be able to hear what the mayor and myself are saying, so read the spoiler aimed at Virgo and I

2010-12-22, 07:55 PM
Mayor Conversation:
"You're the heroes then? Though you managed to reduce the collateral damage this time, we still can't have vigilantes running around taking the law into their own hands. We have rules in this city, you know? The police are in place for such things as this."

The man in the trench coat looks down to his radio, which is broadcasting this conversation so both Fred & Behir can hear it as well.

2010-12-22, 08:07 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra frowned at the Mayor's words and held up a hand to "Data", signaling she definitely wouldn't keep quiet. "So then... where were the police seven years ago when my mom, a martial arts instructor and my dad, a lawyer, both murdered before my ten year old eyes?! Where was justice then?! It's times like that that make me question their mere existence... and the entire reason I became what I am; to help those who need it. I don't need to, at least I hope not, point out to you how badly the crime has been, especially recently, and if you're willing to allow innocent civilians to continue to die... then I don't think you deserve the title "Mayor". If you truly want us to back down, you damn well better start stepping up security at least ten fold if not more. But as of late, they seem to be doing anything but their job. Until then, I won't stop. I won't, however, speak on Data's behalf as that's up to her... but I can say I have a good guess she agrees with me." Behind the screen, she'd had her fists clenched the entire time she spoke but had, for the most part, kept herself calm enough so her speech could be coherent and understood.

2010-12-22, 08:17 PM
"I agree, although for different reasons. How would a civilian, even an officer, fight against a metahuman, mad scientist, or other super villain? Truthfully, the police forces are better suited for normal criminals, but not the kind that have been appearing as of late, can you honestly say that the police wouldn't have faltered before a giant lizard man with strength comparable to a titan? I'll say this now, the police do not have the resources to face supervillains."

2010-12-22, 08:51 PM
The mayor sits silent before speaking again, "I admit that that would be a ordeal for the police but there must be some other way to deal with this, we just can't have all of you going around and causing damage to our city in the name of justice."

2010-12-22, 09:11 PM
"I'll leave this question for the city to consider; What's more important to you, human lives, or a bit of money to repair the city? If the answer is the money, then i doubt you'll have many supporters for the next election, if it's the people, then we are your best bet to keep them safe. We can try to keep damage to a minimum, but likely won't be able to make any promises. If necessary i can repair any damages myself after a fight, my abilities would make it rather simple to do so."

2010-12-22, 09:42 PM
Mayor's Conversation:
There is a long pause of silence before he starts again, "Fine... but I do believe that the citizens deserve to know who their protectors are. I propose you come out, in costume of course, as I don't expect you to reveal your secret identities so the citizens can know who you are."

2010-12-22, 09:58 PM
"I can give my appearance, however, i will not meet in person unless completely necessary, and i will not reveal my fellow 'vigilantes,' as you put it. I have uploaded my appearance onto your computer, Mayor, you may do with it as you will. I'm pretty easily recognized, just look for someone that could come out of the new Tron movie," she says before chuckling, "Yugure, you have anything you'd like to add?"

2010-12-23, 03:35 AM
As soon as the man in the trenchcoat appeared on the rooftop, Behir faded away into nothingness, almost instantly blending in with the scenery. Meshing the shadows around him, the demon made his way around the man, finally coming to rest above the door that Mr. Trenchcoat had come through, and hopefully near enough to grab the radio if the man tried to call it in. From there, Behir listened to the entire conversation, trying to analyze what exactly was going on. The mayor didn't seem very happy about having heroes doing stuff in his city. According to comics, that pointed towards corruption. Still, he had seemed like a good person at the museum, sounded like he was actively trying to protect his city, and was willing to compromise to some extent. Perhaps this was different. Still, one thing the comics tended to agree on was that it helped to have friends in the police force. Made things more... Legal, if that was the word? Humans had so much of their ethical system codified and enforced that it made it hard for him to keep track of what the police would punish him for, or not. Even then, there were gray areas, and places where the law normally applied, then didn't. It was all very confusing.

So, what was he doing again...

Right. Talking to the cop. Trying to assess the situation without scaring the pants of any humans, or having the mayor call a giant manhunt down on him. Besides, this would be an excellent distraction, if Ronin wanted to get away without being seen.

"You are local law enforcement, yes?" The voice drifted down from the night sky, seemingly. "I would take it as a kindness if we could parley a little, you and I, before you radio your superiors."

2010-12-23, 10:49 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded, choosing her words carefully before speaking herself. "From everything I've just heard and the way you've described yourself.... you've made it perfectly clear, Mayor Huckle, that you truly do not deserve to be Mayor. As such, I'm not complying, even if it were necessary. Also, even if I wanted to, it would drastically ruin my life as it is and I'm not allowing that to happen while I can still control that. If you really want to know so badly, you can find out for your damn self. But none of us should feel forced to reveal our real selves to you. You seem more like a tyrant than a mayor and, a word of advice, I hope you remember what happened last time one nation was ruled by a tyrant for so long."

With that, she took the mike and headset off, sighing as she looked down a bit. Her fists had clenched to where her nails had almost drawn blood from her palms. She stood up, calming herself first, before turning to Jessica and bowing her head. "Thanks... I probably should get over to my place even though that's really not that far away...." She chuckled softly at her realization then began grabbing her stuff. "I've probably bothered you enough for tonight, hm?"

2010-12-23, 01:47 PM
Jess nods then taps her mike lightly, "I do hope you decide to work with us instead of against us Mayor. But for now, i bid you farewell," she says, pulling out of the sytem and erasing all traces she had ever been there. "You can spend the night if you'd like, i could use the company," she says, rubbing the back of her head.

2010-12-23, 06:14 PM
Fred Broll

Well, his description was most likely already out there. He never wore a mask during combat, and tended to just fight whenever the need arose... so no costume either. However, he cannot let himself be caught here. He doesn't want to have to hurt police officers while escaping. However... he wasn't going to leave his new ally to get swarmed, either.

So, Fred erupts into blue light as he enters the first stage of his battle form. He flash-steps and appears behind the cop in the trenchcoat, holding his sword at the ready. He waits and listens in to the conversation the others have with the mayor before he says anything.

"We're sorry to detain you like this, detective. We're on the same side. The Mayor would have you try and apprehend us, and would force us to fight each other. This isn't a good idea. We're both on the same side here... we just go about it in different ways.

With that in mind... we'll talk. But only to you."

2010-12-23, 06:33 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra stopped packing as she heard Jessica speak. She then looked up and contemplated her offer a bit before finally nodding. "Sure... I suppose that could work out. I hope you don't mind the fact I'll have an alarm set for early in the morning as I got my modeling job again." She said, yawning slightly as she set her things back down slowly.

She sighed softly as she landed on the couch then looked over to Jessica, "Be honest... you think I said too much? I mean... now that I rethink over everything I said to the mayor, I wonder if I accidentally gave him a hint or so too many. But I suppose I'll worry more about it should he actually begin sending out search parties for us; though even if he does, I wonder exactly how far he'll go with them. Hard to arrest people who have committed no real crime so.... I wouldn't think he'd legally be able to just throw us away in a jail or asylum. You don't think he'd go that far.... do you?" Her last couple of words made it perfectly clear that she was beginning to get a bit anxious about this entire ordeal. Anxious, however, wasn't exactly the same in her mind as scared... but it was indeed getting there.

2010-12-23, 08:20 PM
"I doubt he'd try anything, the entire town heard our little conversation, and if they didn't they'll hear about it. If he tries to arrest us we'll likely have the support of the people. As for anyone finding out, I doubt they'll find out unless they have skill with computers equal to my own."

2010-12-23, 11:09 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded after a bit. For now, she'd allow Jessica's words to be reassuring enough to keep her relatively calm. "Alright.... thanks." She said, yawning softly as she pulled her cell phone out and began setting an alarm for early, around 7:45 AM to be exact.

She then laid down on the couch, her head going on the pillow. "Night...." She murmured softly, closing her eyes. Yet, she felt herself restless even as her eyes closed, making her groan softly. Damnit... one of these nights again... Her eyes remained closed as she hoped keeping them this way would make her, eventually, fall asleep. Something was telling her the fact she hadn't been completely reassured was making her still uneasy.

2010-12-26, 02:15 PM
~go to thenext day after spoilers~

Fred and Bob
The commisiner nods to Fred at least since Behir is still invisible, "I've got no problems with you hero types, the mayor is jsut running for re-election and is trying to show a strong front to the voters." He hands each of you (two to Fred) a small radio, "That scanner might help so that you an respond to any other emergencies that the police force might nedd your help for, at least this way you won't always need to be on the prowl for danger." With that he thanks you both one more time before retiring for the night.

Jessica & Cassandra
the mayor had nothing more to say that night and even if you tried hard to stay up the slee and exhaustion from the days earlier excercises had you out

It is now Sunday, a day of rest for most. No special events are scheduled for today .

2010-12-26, 06:00 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Sure enough, by 7:45 AM sharp, her cell phone alarm was going off, making her groan as she shut it off. Sleep had been anything but easy to obtain and now she was really wishing it hadn't been as difficult as it'd been to get. Still, she had her modeling job again so she had to get up.

As she looked around, she noted that so far, Jessica hadn't woken up --- which was good. She didn't like waking others up, especially when they had no reason to up at such ungodly hours in the morning. She began rubbing her eyes first then, once she ensured she could see well, grabbed her backpack and snuck into the bathroom, quickly changing.

With the way her boss always seemed to make her dress, she wondered if she should be worrying about her 18th birthday. She sighed and looked up and down herself before shutting off the lights and putting the clothes she'd worn yesterday away. I know I need to find something. else..... She'd kept promising herself... but she also kept reminding herself she'd be more likely to lose her temper if anyone else tried to grope her, like a waitress or bartender and because of that, she had remained at her current place of working. She definitely wasn't as smart as she could be to try to help Jessica out .... though, to her knowledge, she didn't have any technical business which was kinda unusual with how good she was at that crap.

Shoving her thoughts aside, she left a small note on a sticky pad that merely had the words, "Thanks for everything." on her desk then headed out and began her walking toward her work. Thank god for Spring..... She thought, knowing it was so much worse to be in mini-skirts and mid-riff shirts in the winter here. Another good thing... it was so early in the morning,, most people were heading to work but most also didn't go the same direction she had to, so she could usually avoid the awkward stares and catcalls.

2010-12-26, 06:27 PM
Fred Broll

He grins and eases up on his stance once the officer gives them a sign of good faith. Fred nods to him. "Thanks. You won't regret it." He motioned to Behir to go, and he flash-stepped from rooftop to rooftop away from the area.

He gives his contact information to Behir before leaving.

On Sunday, Fred is training on the rooftop of his building, slashing a wooden sword through the air. While his battleform granted him amazing speed and durability, his fighting ability largely relied on his immense skill at swordsmanship. He wore some cargo pants with no shirt, today. It was warm up here in the sun.

Nearby was the police radio, just in case something came up. It was going to be helpful to not waste time prowling around.

2010-12-26, 07:26 PM
Almost an hour after Cassandra left, Jessica came too, groaning rather loudly as she went to the fridge and cracked open a soda. She knew Cassandra had left earlier. She synchs her beeper up to her police scanner and goes out, heading towards the park. She sat back, and left the day to not using her computer, opting to just relax for the day before reprogramming the android, she'd already hooked it up to her computer, sharing the firewall so it could not be reactivated.

2010-12-26, 09:12 PM
Chapter II: The Dragon's Calling

Your training apparently hasn't gone unnoticed. A small steel shuriken hits the ground near one of your training dummies with a piece of paper tied around it, effectively making it a note delivery system. The note reads, "I have heard of your martial arts prowess and I wish to offer you a job. Please come to Central Park later tonight where you shall be tested on your credentials."

The park offers you a nice, quiet getaway from your rather busy lifestyle. (Any checks you've done on the android which I'm assuming you've done and haven't told the police reveal it is military-grade made.) You see a man who appears to be flanked by a group of four robed men, walking through the area. He seems to carry himself as a very highbrow. He does not seem worried in the least about drawing attention to himself.

As you make your way to your place of work, a masked man wearing a gi of bright blue color side steps out from an alleyway, dropping into a stance. You have apparently been challenged.

2010-12-26, 09:19 PM
John wakes up and watches the news and after watching the conversation between the heroes and the mayor john agrees with most of their points especially that the police force is under equipped he decides to remedy that and calls his pubilicist and asks her to scedule a speach

2010-12-26, 09:54 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra bit her lip, frowning at the sight of not just the man, but the blue gi. "Tch.... annoying.. I guess Seiryu was never good at being patient. Fine then..... but don't say I didn't warn you....." She tossed her backpack off her shoulders, drew her right hand back and threw it for the man's gut.

To hit:

2010-12-26, 11:29 PM
Behir thanks the commissioner and takes up the radio, trying to keep himself to the shadows as much as possible as he picks up the radio. Before the cop can leave though, Behir will quietly tell him about what he heard in the museum, about the gang looking for "raptors" to take back to the "boss". Still, he tries to keep his body out of plain sight, keeping a very small cloak of darkness around him. While he was quite willing to work with the police, and give them as much information as he could, it didn't feel right to reveal his appearance and nature just yet. That probably wouldn't go well for him.

Still, he tried to be as genial as possible, bidding his farewells to Fred and the Commissioner. He didn't have any contact info to give back to Fred(he should probably get a cell phone one of these days...), but he offered to help out if ever he could. As soon as the others were gone, he left the site himself, bounding across rooftops and slinking through dark alleys. It had been a thoroughly productive night, but he was tired. Sleep would be nice.

Having gone through his morning routine, and having very few responsibilities in the way of duty or sustenance, Bob made his way out into the town for a while. Sunday was always a good day to people watch, as it was the day he got to see them at recreation. A working human, as he saw it, was not itself. A working human often simply did whatever it needed to survive the day or please its masters, but a human at play had no one to serve but itself. It was that sort of behavior that Behir wanted to capture. After all, his status, as the humans would put it, was "retired". He was out to serve himself, and make the world better of his own volition. He still had trouble reconciling the concept, though, so watching a human when it wasn't working gave him ideas. Besides, he liked the warmth of the sun. It was oddly comforting and familiar, even without the stench of sulfur.

So thinking, Bob molded his outfit into its usual jeans and t-shirt, then went out into the streets. His end goal was the park, but he took the "scenic route". Which apparently meant taking several long detours, according to his coworkers.

2010-12-27, 01:13 AM
Fred Broll

He hears the shuriken strike the ground, and whirls around with his blade at the ready. Unfortunately, whoever threw it is long gone by now. He narrows his eyes and steps towards the dummy, taking the note and reading it.

"A job? Hm... intriguing, at least."

He gathers his things, makes his way inside, then showers. If this is a "job interview" he'll dress the part. He grabs a pair of black cargo pants and a black long-sleeve shirt. He tucks the Masamune into his duffle bag, then steps back onto the roof.

He throws down his hoverboard and makes his way to the meeting place at the appropriate time.

2010-12-27, 08:05 PM
Fort Save:

Toughness Save:

The ninja raises up an arm, blocking your punch. However, the resulting force of the punch shakes through all of his nerves, paralyzing his body as he stands there helpless before you.

The mayor calls you back. He wants you to hurry over with your plans as soon as possible.

As you take your leisurely stroll through the city, you see a young woman who appears to be fending off some sort of masked individual. You swear you've seen a television show like this before except there were five people and things weren't really masks, they were more like clay. But that's besides the point. The woman seems to be handling herself very well. Who knows? You may have walked onto a set.

It's still sometime before the rendezvous time. (Until the fight between Virgo & the ninja is done, I won't be able to push you too far forward. so if you wanted to do something before then... go on and do it.)

2010-12-27, 08:35 PM
Jessica raises an eyebrow, "strange," she says quietly before leaning back into the bench once more, 'strange' didn't mean 'bad,' though she would keep an eye out for suspitious activity.

2010-12-27, 09:27 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra chuckled softly, an arrogant smirk on her face as she noticed the man failing to move. "Hmph... trying to bite off more than you can chew as usual hm?" She taunted, throwing a punch for the man's gut again.

To hit:

2010-12-28, 02:06 PM
The man takes another hit, this one actually seems to damage him quite a bit as he staggers.

The strange man and his "escorts" seem to be acting cautious as they move. The robed men stay behind as their supposed leader walks into a nearby building.. The others seem to stand guard.

You are greeted by the mayor's secretary and led into the office where the Mayor is waiting.
(We have to do the exchange here in character not just out of character).

2010-12-28, 02:31 PM
Bob stopped at a safe distance, watching carefully as the woman delivered a series of punches to the oddly dressed man. As a matter of fact, the woman was rather oddly dressed also. She did look more like the women he saw on the television then in real life, dressed in a way that seemed to provoke mating instincts in men. Perhaps they were on a set... But there were no cameras, and the people around were running around like it was a real fight. It was all kinds of chaos, and Bob wasn't sure who he was supposed to help. So, he decided to stand by and see what happened.

Though, to be fair, it seemed like the girl was less prepared for a fight, and so probably the one being attacked. Even though the other man hadn't gotten a blow in.

2010-12-28, 03:11 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra chuckled yet again. All too easy.... She couldn't help but wonder. Also, however, was the wondering of where Seiryu himself was. After all, if his henchmen were already after her now, he himself was probably relatively close by. That in itself was enough to be making her wonder --- and worry a bit. For now, however, she tried to focus mainly on the fight still at hand as she threw a punch this time for the sternum.

To hit:

2010-12-28, 03:50 PM
The last shot brings the man down as he falls to the side. You notice that you'd been watched the entire time by on-lookers. To make matters worse, your cell phone begins ringing in a familiar ringtone.

2010-12-28, 04:23 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra felt relieved and proud as the man fell. Those emotions quickly left as she noticed she had been anything but alone as others were gawking and staring at her. "W...what are you all staring at?! Nothing to look at here! Go away!" She felt her sink as her phone rang,, making her groan. Granted, she was glad to know when she threw her backpack off nothing had broken obviously... but that wasn't how she wanted to find out. She first straightened her skirt so it was covering her body as best as it could, grabbed her backpack then phone and, reluctantly, answered. "I'm on my way... I swear. I almost got mugged though.... but I'm almost there." Hopefully he'd have enough patience with her as this wasn't the first time he'd heard this excuse.

2010-12-28, 04:30 PM
A "Hmph" comes over the phone line. "Well next time, maybe you should drop them a business card and they can mug you at the shoot since they seem to be so punctual. You have ten minutes." With that, the phone hangs up.

The woman passes by you rather quickly though you are able to catch snippets of the phone conversation as she passes by (You can read Virgo's spoiler).

It's about time for your meeting now. But meeting in the park? That sounds strange. Apparently, though, there's a gazebo nearby that they want to meet in.

2010-12-28, 04:59 PM
Fred Broll

The park... at a gazebo. Ninjas throwing shuriken with vague job offers. He didn't like this, so far. Perhaps these people thought he was a common sell-sword. Perhaps they really knew who he was and wanted to ambush him. Either way, he wasn't going in there before surveying the situation.

He lands his hoverboard on top of a building about five blocks away from the park. He produces the Masamune and grips the hilt. He sends his sight and hearing off to the meeting location and it's surrounding area, scouting ahead with his ESP before going there.

Using my ESP to check the area.
Notice Check, if needed: [roll0]

2010-12-28, 08:43 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra merely rolled her eyes upon hearing the last words, putting her phone away in her backpack. Yeah yeah.... keep your damn pants on.... She thought to herself, going from walking to running .... and quickly too. She may not have had too much further to go, but she also knew ten minutes could disappear faster than a pair of fingers being snapped and she didn't want to risk being late.

2010-12-29, 01:37 AM
John walks up to the mayor shakes his and says "Hello mister mayor here are the plans you asked for" and takes out the blueprints for the forcefield generator and the power neutralizer

2010-12-29, 02:47 AM
Bob let the woman go past him. Her face and scent seemed familiar. Vaguely. He couldn't place her, but he thought he must have run by her before. Perhaps on another day. Still, there did seem to be some sort of trouble, with men in martial arts uniforms getting into fist-fights with a woman in the streets. Perhaps he could get to the bottom of it. Was this man alone? What did he want from the girl? There were a lot of questions, but now was the time for action. Which meant he probably wouldn't make it to the park any time soon. Bummer.

As non-nonchalantly as he could(not quite sure what defined 'chalant', and therefore not really knowing how to be nonchalant) Bob walked past the scene, letting the scent of the man waft up to his ultra-sensitive nose.

Did he mention that he had been Hell's bloodhound for a while? Not to any humans in over a decade, but that didn't mean that his tracking skills were rusty. He just needed a small whiff and then he was off, walking away down the alley, his hands in his pockets. He could probably follow the trail at a dead sprint, but that would look rather odd, and he wanted to be careful about this one. If the man had been working with others, he didn't want to be ambushed by them.

Okay, so, Tracking with super-sense! Supposedly, the base DC is 10 with modifiers(Like D&D), though it doesn't say what that runs off of. I suppose Wisdom or Notice? Perhaps Survival? Eh, I'll let you decide.
+1 Wisdom, +5 Survival, and +15 Notice.
EDIT: Perchance can I get a bonus from proceeding at less then full speed, while my Tracking would work in an All-out run? Just to bolster that extremely crappy roll.:smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 06:48 PM
You make it with about 2 minutes to spare to your photoshoot as you're rushed into a changing room. You have 3 shoots with 3 additional shoots. Luckily though, the rest of your day is clear.

(Meh, sure. Why not? It'd suck to have you be the only person that doesn't have any action.) As you follow the scent, it twists and turns throughout the city but the strongest scent also seems to be leading you towards the park. Ain't that convenient?

The Mayor thanks you and accepts the plans eagerly, cutting a huge check for your firm. He calls in a group of engineers, giving them the blueprints and to begin working on the Power Neutralizer and Forcefield Generator immediately.

Your ESP picks up a group of robed men standing around a gazebo. Inside sits a very statuesque-looking man. His features are very well chizzled and he seems to be in almost a meditative state.

2010-12-29, 07:37 PM
John says "Sir if you need help manufacturing these gadgets I can provide them"

2010-12-29, 08:01 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra sighed softly as she walked out and finished her shoots. She made a mental note to consider joining the track team as it would probably help improve her speed drastically. She should have been able to have arrived there faster and with only 2 minutes before she was considered late --- the thought had made her uneasy the entire time she was working.

Still, for now that was over and she walked out --- somewhat better ---- and began to head back to her apartment. Another thing that had been really bothering her was the earlier attack. She had tried to think over and over again as to whether it could have been anyone else save one of Seiryu's men who had gone after her --- but in the end, she'd decided the answer was no. If anything, it had to be him.

Why now though? had been the main thought going through the teenager's mind. True, they had been arch-rivals for years but even after he'd killed her parents, he tended to show up --- or have one of his men do so ---- whenever he was trying to keep her away from him or, sometimes, out of his way. That being said in her mind, she was wondering if he was up to something again.

In the end, Cassandra decided to trust her instincts, even if they might be against her better judgment, and headed back instead to the place where she'd been attacked. When she arrived, she began looking for clues of where exactly the man had come from. She was one of the few rather "normal" humans save a couple of her abilities and because of that, she had to do real "detective work" when it came down to finding clues and hints... all of which she wanted now.

Search Check:

Notice Check:

2010-12-29, 11:58 PM
Fred Broll

Robed men... odd. The leader certainly stood out. Fred didn't recognize the man nor did he trust him. Then again, when one lives as a modern warrior, there are few you can really trust. Therefore, before he heads over to the gazebo, Fred activates his battle form, his body lighting up with blue light. He then throws down his hoverboard and flies towards the park, landing in front of the gazebo.

The Masamune was sheathed at his side, held by his belt. He slung the hoverboard across his back and looked over each of these men. No introductions were given, he simply got to the point.

"I'm here. Who are you, and what do you want from me?"

2010-12-30, 12:53 PM
The mayor says that though that would be helpful he would rather his own men work on it so that way he can make sure of the work done on it. Not that he is untrusting of you but he feels better that way.

Your search check reveals a small metal insignia, most likely from the assailants costume that you knocked around. He most likely forgot it when he ran off, other then that though you notice nothing. Closer inpection of the silver dragon head pin shows a small microchip in it.

The robed men part for you to move forward but say nothing. The man you saw from earlier stands and gives a slight bow. "My name is Seiryu, and I have called for you because of your fighting prowess. That sword as well as it is a intriguing artifact to say the least." As he moves closer to you you get a feeling of cold, as if the air had suddenly dropped in tempature around you. "I wish to employ you to help me find someone, a mistake from the past that has recently resurfaced and seems to be intent on making a nuisance of itself, of course I can pay you well for your services."

You see that hero with the blade, that was at the museum when it was attacked, land in front of the Gazebo and begin talking with the man inside. You are to far to hear the conversation by normal means.

2010-12-30, 01:01 PM
John grins and walks out saying "Well if you need any help you know who to call"

2010-12-30, 01:59 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smirked at the sight of the microchip. Heh....bingo! I think I just found my way to get what I want.... She knew enough, thanks to Jess, that this could easily be used as an earpiece.... or at least she was pretty sure about that. Thus she'd found a way to get her answers and keep herself safe simultaneously, or so she definitely hoped. Ugh.... of all the times to not have Jess with you to be sure about these things.... Maybe this was a hint for her to start making herself know technical better things better? It wouldn't kill her and the answer seemed to be probably. She began walking so it didn't look so weird for her to just be standing there, especially in the attire she was in, and put the mircochip up to her ear, beginning to listen for anything that was being spoken on the other side.

2010-12-30, 03:13 PM
Jess raises an eyebrow before standing and walking over, if one of the 'heroes' was here, something must be going on. She takes out her cell phone and starts texting Cassandra that something may be happening in the park, she then gets close enough to hear before speaking in a slightly annoyed/interested tone, "Is there an event going on here or something?" she asks, indicating the hoverboard.

2010-12-30, 06:04 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra jumped a bit then looked down and realized her cell phone had vibrated, indicating she'd gotten a text. Seeing it from Jess hadn't been a huge surprise. Rather, what was unusual was the actual message and she chuckled after reading it, then hit "Reply" and sent the following back to Jessica,

Be careful. I was attacked earlier by a henchman of my arch rival, Seiryu. I've been wondering all day if he's been trying to keep me out of the way so he can do something.... I'm willing to bet you may have ran into the main answer. I'm on my way now though.

As soon as she finished, she began running towards the park. Thankfully, Seiryu never knew of her and Jess being friends... but if he did find that out.. just the mere thought made her shudder. There were too many ways for that to be used against her... and if possible, she would try to avoid that at any and all costs. Hold on Jess..... I'm on my way.... Gods how she hoped she'd be fine by the time she got there.

2010-12-31, 12:14 PM
Fred Broll

"My name is Seiryu, and I have called for you because of your fighting prowess. That sword as well as it is a intriguing artifact to say the least."

Fred stood statuesque, glowing with the power of his battle form. Piercing green eyes watched every move this man Seiryu made.

"What would you know of me or my blade?

The tone wasn't hostile, it was stand-offish, though. Fred doesn't like unknown parties knowing who he is, where he lives, and what he can do. That aspect of the element of surprise was gone.

"I wish to employ you to help me find someone, a mistake from the past that has recently resurfaced and seems to be intent on making a nuisance of itself, of course I can pay you well for your services."

He raises an eyebrow and says, "What kind of mistake? You're going to have to be specific if you want to acquire my skill."

This entire meet was fishy... and the only kinds of "mistakes" people wanted a swordsman to rectify usually involved a hefty amount of violence. This meet could turn into a direct battle against these robed men, depending on their purpose.

A young lady then came nearby and asked about events... Fred glanced back at her briefly... he didn't recognize her without the Tron suit... before gazing back to Seiryu.

"A simple conversation. You should leave."

After-all, he was expecting some sort of battle... either the "test" or a real to-the-death combat, and he didn't want some innocent bystander nearby.

2010-12-31, 01:06 PM
"Conversations with heroes generally don't end well," she says before going to sit behind a tree that offered some cover in all directions. She then begins working on a device that would help her out in this fight, transmuting parts if necessary.

Spontaneous Inventor
Device Created has 6 Points
Protection 5 Impervious

2010-12-31, 04:36 PM
You arrive at the park and can easily find Jessica sitting under a nearby tree, she appears to be working on some sort of device.

You see Cassandra come into the park, she seems to be in a hurry. The deice you are working on is half completed at this time and needs a bit more work to be fully functional.

The man decides to answer your questions in the order you asked them, "I have heard legends of a blade that could cleave through steel and rock as easily as flesh and air, I believe that you hold such a blade as does another in this area, As for my mistake, you are correct in thinking that I hire you now as executioner. A acquaintance of mine betrayed me and I sought their destruction, but I was soft and now it comes back to me in this later time." He reaches into his pocket retrieving a magazine ad with the picture f a young lady above it. She is clad in a black mini-skirt with a crimson tank top. She appears to be taller than most teenager girls by a good couple of inches. Her hair matches her skirt with her eyes being a shade of midnight blue. "The model is your target. She lives in this city and is much stronger than she appears." You can't help but feel as if you've seen her before but somehow... she does seem familiar to you.

2010-12-31, 07:53 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra let out a sigh of relief as she knelt beside Jessica. She had been annoyed to have figured out, however, whatever "earpiece" she was holding hadn't worked... meaning that wasn't what it was meant for. "H...hey....Jess...." She waited to catch her breath, lowering her voice so only she could hear. "What exactly do you know so far? Also, this was on the guy who attacked me earlier." She handed Jessica the small microchip that she'd been carrying with her all this time. "If anyone should know what this is, it's definitely you." She then waited to hear her answers as she kept quiet for now.

2010-12-31, 08:47 PM
Jess temporarily stops work on the device. "The swordsman from the other day is at a gazebo with some people inside, he was talking with one of them," she describes the man she saw, "he didn't recognize me, but they're over there," she says, pointing just a short ways off. "If a hero's involved it's usually not a good sign. I'll take a look but i don't have my laptop on me at the moment, best i can hope for is for it to be compatable with my cell," a virtual lightbulb goes off in her head, causing her to grin, "or if i can rework this into a link so i can scan it," she says, holding up the half-finished device.

Spontaneous Inventor
Datalink 6

2010-12-31, 08:57 PM
"I have heard legends of a blade that could cleave through steel and rock as easily as flesh and air, I believe that you hold such a blade as does another in this area, As for my mistake, you are correct in thinking that I hire you now as executioner. A acquaintance of mine betrayed me and I sought their destruction, but I was soft and now it comes back to me in this later time."

The man spoke of the destructive power of the Masamune. That alone showed that he did not understand the sword. Unsurprising though... most don't. He admits that he sought Fred as an assassin. This too is unsurprising. However, the fact that another wanders the area with a blade comparable to the Masamune was another matter. Did someone else wield a sword forged by Masamune? Or did someone wield the Murasame... that was troubling.

"The model is your target. She lives in this city and is much stronger than she appears."

He gazed upon the picture for a moment. The girl seemed strangely familiar, but that wasn't what stood out at the moment. This man Seiryu wanted Fred to kill a young girl... barely more than a child. Fred did not need to hear another word about this.

"Indeed... but I think that is of no matter to me. There is no honor in murdering a child, and that tells me everything I need to know about you."

In a blinding flash of steel, he draws the Masamune from its sheath and readies himself. He could've taken the low road and surprise attacked, but he did not. Furthermore, his power intensifies as he releases the second stage of his battle-form-- his eyes and hair turning an otherworldly white. Fred grins.

"You picked the wrong guy, slappy. Let's do this!"

2011-01-01, 02:27 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded, looking over to the gazebo then back at Jessica. "Alright.... you can keep your ears and eyes open. I'll... possibly regret it... but will be over there. If this is who I've been thinking it is, it's something I need to handle. No one else should be getting into my affairs or being forced... whatever the situation may be." She put her backpack beside Jessica. "I'll trust you to keep these safe for me."

With that, she headed into the gazebo, biting her lip as her eyes went from the hero and straight to another face that immediately caught the gaze of her blue eyes. "Seiryu...." Her fists clenched as she got into a stance of her own. "I'm guessing the attack from this morning wasn't enough? Keep everyone else out of this... it's been between you and me for the past 10 years. You know this." Her eyes remained upon Seiryu but her words now shifted to the other hero whom she remembered seeing at bank, "Please... try to get yourself out of this before you're in too deep over your head. I meant what I said about not wanting to get anyone else involved in this."

2011-01-01, 02:40 AM
After exiting the mayors office John drives back home to continue working on his suit

2011-01-02, 04:17 PM
Cassandra & Fred:
Seiryu smiles, seeing Cassandra. "There is a saying,, young girl, that you would do well to remember. Only fools leap into a lion's mouth and seeing as our business is complete albeit it on a sour note, I will leave you two to your misfortune." With a snap of his fingers, the four robed men quickly threw off their garments, pulling out their own katanas as Seiryu begins to walk gingerly away, escorted by another hooded figure.

While driving home, you drive by the park. It's a beautiful day today. It'd be a pity to waste it all inside.

2011-01-02, 04:41 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra gritted through her teeth as Seiryu snapped his fingers then began to walk off. Tch.... same spineless coward as always.... She merely thought, sighing as she looked over at the man. "I'm not going to make you stay beside a complete stranger and help me out. If anything,, this is probably your last chance to try to get out of this while you still can." She would have gladly gone after Seiryu herself if she hadn't realized what it would have led to --- and that would be one guy versus four. In her head, it didn't seem like a fun or fair fight so that was the only reason she had refused to chase after Seiryu. For now, he was safe. She pulled her right hand back, throwing a punch at the closest man's gut.

To hit roll:

2011-01-02, 05:40 PM
Having been watching the little 'encounter,' Jess runs over after shifting into her hero outfit, Can't believe i forgot my gun, she thinks as she runs, she'd be forced to mainly be support, Unless, she smirks before aiming her nanites at the assailants' swords to turn them into iron and carbon powder.

2011-01-02, 06:59 PM
[CENTER][B][color=darkviolet]"Please... try to get yourself out of this before you're in too deep over your head. I meant what I said about not wanting to get anyone else involved in this."

"Kid, it's no longer your choice," he says, his eyes gazing upon Seiryu and his minions with palpable anger.

Fred calls out to the swordsmen who drew their blades, "I would have let you all flee, but you've made your choice. Prepare yourselves!"

The swordsman then bursts into action, flash-stepping into a position near the Gazebo before unleashing a powerful vertical slash-- a shockwave of cutting power slashing through two or three of the minions.

Fred then flash-steps again, appearing perched atop the Gazebo.

Using "Cut the Air" a line attack.
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage DC 23+Autofire 2 Bonus (max 28)
Distance is a 50 foot line, I'll hit as many of them as I can without hitting another hero/innocent person.

2011-01-02, 07:47 PM
Toughness saves
vs Cass's punch
vs Air Slash

As the fur begins to fly so to speak Cassandra lands her punch easily square into the warriors chest as the others watch as their blades become useless hilts. Taken by surprise as two others fall to Fred's quick assault, one lies motionless form the impact but the other managed to block the worst of it.

2011-01-02, 08:17 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smiled as she saw all the swords rendered useless. She didn't need to look back to know who that was. "Thanks Jess." She merely said, looking amongst all the men and keeping her fists and stance both up. She was pretty sure none of them were used to fighting with their fists like she was, so maybe they'd be smart and give up. If not, however, she'd keep fighting until she needed to stop. For now, however, she continued staring them down, seeing what they would or wouldn't do. She whispered softly to the man, "Sorry... didn't mean to get you in this...." Normally, she hated being called "kid"... but under the circumstances, she'd deal with it.

Readying an attack/action for when needed.

2011-01-02, 08:22 PM
"I thought you said it was only a conversation," Jess says to the swordsman with the same annoyed/interested tone as before, "Now let's see, their outfits seem a bit to light, let's see how they do with steel clothes," she says with a grin as she converts the cloth to steel and fuses the sandals/shoes to the ground.

2011-01-02, 10:11 PM
The men began to look more sluggish as they have thier clothes and footing changed into less then desirible attributes. The one man who had yet to be touched

escape artist check

He seems to manage to slip out of his cloth/metal outfit, as well as his shoes before they become to unmanageable. He then throws a punch for the newest combatant (Jessica) after running over towards her.

to hit if he escapes

2011-01-03, 01:10 PM
Bob follows his nose towards the great taste of ninjas! Actually, from the smell they were probably a little stringy, and smelled like rice and fish. Not that he would eat people. Nope, not him. Never ever.

Still, he was a little surprised to find a fight already going with the girl from earlier and Fred, as soon as he was within sight of the park. Wow. Apparently, Heroes really got around in this town. He was having trouble just keeping up with all the shenanigans. Still, there was trouble, and his friend was in it. Along with a couple other people. Who seemed to be heroes, except not in costumes. Who had rather familiar fighting styles. Still, observations of that nature could wait. He did notice that they seemed to have the flunkies well in hand, and only two guys are walking away. Heh, perhaps he could hold down those guys while the others finished the mooks. Sounded like a plan to him. Now if he could only find someplace to change form...

Diving into a pile of neatly arranged bushes, Behir let the shadows encompass him while he changed form. Then, his alien form blurring as it moved across the ground and leaping from the trees in his way, the demon charged across the space between himself and the robed figures.

So, move action to hide(and hopefully avoid being spotted by the innocent bystanders), free action to deactivate Morph, and another move action to get 100 ft towards Seriyu.
Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-01-03, 01:35 PM
Toughness: [roll0]

After the lackey's attack, Jess jumps back and converts part of her suit (the middle finger and thumb) to flint and steel before converting the air aound the nin to pure oxygen and lighting a spark with the flint and steel by snapping her fingers, causing the oxygen to explode with the nin in the epicenter, "thanks for the idea Mustang," she says with a grin

Just in cas i need to roll anything for that, add any appropriate modifiers: [roll1]

2011-01-03, 05:12 PM
I believe it would be your ranged modifier since it is technically a ranged attack, though it is also a burst so it would hit somewhat but most likely not nearly as severe as you intended it to be

toughness roll
1d20+8 (9) Unless something like that happens

The nin (who apparently appalls FMA) falls in a charred heap

Seiryu and his escort have made quite a bit of headway already and would seem to be reaching their destination. a nearby parked vehicle.

you manage to insert yourself near Seiryu and his rather large escort (not in number in actual girth.)

2011-01-04, 12:43 AM
With a ferocious grin, Behir covered the remaining ground faster then his shadows could keep up with him, his natural camouflage giving up as he pounced on the larger cloaked figure. He wasn't sure who these guys were, but they were going to be darned sorry for messing around with other heroes in his town.

CHAAAARRRRGGGE! ...Ahem... Charge attack, +2 attack, -2 defense.
Attack: [roll0]
Toughness DC 23 if that hits, or DC 25 if he is considered Flat-footed(Sneak attack)
Also if that hits, I grapple(Improved Grab).
Grapple: [roll1]
And another, if he wants to escape, or hurt me this round.
Opposed grapple: [roll2]

2011-01-04, 03:05 AM
Seeing what a nice day it is John mutters "What the heck" and pull's into the park

2011-01-04, 07:15 PM
Fred Broll

Seeing that the ninja are taken care of, he sets his eyes on bigger targets.. Seiryu and his bodyguard. Just as Fred is about to flash-step over there, his new friend Behir enters the fray in a tangle of limbs, tackling the robed bodyguard. Fred grins and flash-steps, using the full distance of his movement to make it to Seiryu and unleash a powerful attack against him.

"You'll not escape me, coward!"

He cries out as he appears just above the man, falling with a downward slash on the man, aiming to cleave him in twain.

Testing the waters. Normal attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Hero Point Reroll= 19 + 12 = 31 attack roll. Crit.
DC 28+Autofire 2 (however much I exceed his defense, Maximum 33)

2011-01-04, 07:38 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smirked and bowed her head gratefully to Jessica. "Alright....time to get down to business..." She murmured, cracking her knuckles as she turned and ran out, trying to catch up to Seiryu who, apparently, had others following him. Knowing for once she wouldn't be alone made her smile contently. It was very nice to have allies. "Stop right there, you damn spineless coward! Turn and fight me!" Yet even as she kept speaking,, she didn't stop running..

2011-01-04, 08:49 PM
Cassandra, Fred, and Bob:
Seiryu takes the hit and though it seems to injure him, it doesn't seem to do as much damage as it should. (Immune to critical hits). A bruise does form on his head though as he glares upward at Fred. "Very well but first you'll have to figure out who's more important.... me or all these people." His eyes flash blue as a wind picks up. The temperature in the area of the park begins to drop to extremes. People who had, at the time, been leisurely picnicking or jogging on this bright day begin to slow down and huddle together as the arctic wind blew through the area. Water fowl in the pond began to try to fly away as the pond began to take over a flash-freeze effect, trapping some of them where they waddle. Smaller birds flying overhead merely dropped out of the sky, frozen. (Cold Control, Rank 6.)

The man Bob had grabbed began to fight back with a tremendous strength but to no avail. Even in this cold that had suddenly whipped up, he seemed unaffected. Bob could surmise that all of this character's henchmen had been trained to withstand this cold to a degree. The large man began trying to flex his neck muscles to break the demon's hold. (Will roll that in the OOC)

2011-01-04, 08:55 PM
"I'll keep him from leaving with that car," Jess says, transforming the car's metal to sand and shifting it into a wall of steel before running behind it, leaning against it, "Just say when," she says with a grin, causing the steel wall to wobble slightly, indicating what she meant.

She then heats up every material in the park that could hold it without melting or burning and without harming the people and converting the cold air to hot air by agitating the air molecules, "I think we can handle anything you can throw at us ninja man," she says, heating her suit enough to keep herself from freezing as well. She continues to lean against the steel plate, ready to tip it over if necessary, even adding braces on her side to keep it from falling on herself instead.

2011-01-04, 09:23 PM
Fred Broll

His glowing eyes erupted with rage as the man drug civilians into the battle.

"Honorless CUR!" Fred spat, "Perhaps I don't have to make that choice. Perhaps I kill you, and your magic ends anyway!"

He withdrew his blade from the attack position... this opponent was more durable than others he'd faced. And for all Fred's talk, he couldn't risk these people's lives... so he waited for a moment, to see what Seiryu's response would be.

Free action to speak. I'm waiting to see what he says, then I'll take my action.

2011-01-04, 09:30 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra sighed, her eyes staying on Seiryu as her words were directed to Fred. This was why I was trying to talk you out of getting involved... he cares not for innocents. He's the reason I'm an orphan... and they did nothing to lose their lives. You and Jess focus on helping the others... or at least relay my message to Jess if nothing else...." She wasn't denying to her body she wasn't cold... she was just mentally shouting at it to try to ignore it long enough to make him lose focus and, hopefully, make him get rid of it.

She took a deep breath, trying to maintain her focus on Seiryu as opposed to the weather. She pulled her right hand back, charged at Seiryu, and threw a punch for his gut, hoping to break his concentration.

Fort save vs. Cold

To hit attack:

2011-01-04, 10:04 PM
Never mind this.....
I understand how you could create a giant heater to counter act the freezing effect but the area of his arctic chill is the entire park, the heater would have to be massive and the area around it would most likely be molten since it would have to spread out from the location of the large inferno you are creating. If you yourself are human torching it maybe it's different but from what I gather you are 'creating' a inferno in the sky. Since cold air is heavier the warm air would rise leaving the chill near ground level but still in effect. On the other hand if you do dispel the cold with your extreme heater I think we all need to make saves again from extreme heat area.

Seiryu is taken by surprise from Cassandra's attack, grimacing at the fact he'd caught off guard. "Master!" The cold still persists as the large man fights against Bob to get free with a seemingly renewed vigor. (Opposed Grapple going to be made in OOC).

2011-01-04, 11:16 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra smirked as Seiryu not only took the hit but also appeared to be stuck from her hit. "You should focus on your main opponent. Now, however, you're going to pay for not having done so...." She pulled her right hand back and threw another punch, this time going for Seiryu's sternum.

To hit attack:

2011-01-04, 11:56 PM
"I think we should end him now, hey Cass, you mind if i shred his lungs with my nanites?"

2011-01-05, 02:23 AM
Brrr... That was chilly. Not as chilly as some of the places he had been, but pretty cold all the same. Add that to the guy struggling in his grasp, and it was getting rather unpleasant to be Behir. However, that was just part of the struggles of a hero, right? Any old villain could accomplish things and be comfortable, the hero had to get hurt before he got anything done. Behir was just lucky that he recovered quickly from the hurt.

However, the man he had wrapped up in all eight arms probably wasn't so lucky. He sure was burly... And strong. Probably a good bit stronger then the demon holding him. But Behir wasn't about to just let him go. No, then he could apply that strength against the other heroes. They were heroes, right? As they talked about killing this guy, it certainly sounded sincere enough. That wasn't what heroes did though. They kept people alive, and gave them a second chance. At least, he figured he had to. Otherwise it'd just be hypocritical of him. Or something. He reminded himself that he really didn't have time for philosophical debates with himself as the big man began wriggling in earnest again.

"Don't kill him yet!" Behir shouted.

Then, seeing as all his hands were sort of tied up, he stretched his neck out, and brought his broad head down on the man in his grasp.

So, Fort save vs. Cold, then? Then a grapple check to try to damage him(opposed by his grapple). Incidentally, I forgot the grapple bonus that I get from the Elongation power, and the -4 penalty he gets to escape my grapple from the Improved Pin feat. I've taken the first into account already, but if he tries to escape next round please apply the second.
Fort save(DC 10?): [roll0]
Grapple to damage him: [roll1] If successful, he is subject to a toughness save, DC 23.
And Grapple for whatever he does next round: [roll2]

2011-01-05, 04:26 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra nodded to Jessica's words. "Yes... very much so. You know this is a very personal affair for me so, if anything,, just ensure...." She then stopped in mid-sentence, looking down temporarily.... before looking back up at Seiryu and staring dead straight into his eyes. For a long time, she kept silent ... then she finally spoke again, "No.... we turn him in. Killing him would mean we'd sink to his level... and I'm much better than him. I'll keep fighting... but merely go to incapacitate. Nothing more. Just make sure no one else tries to get involved.... okay?" Sure, this did sound kind of stupid considering he hadn't hesitated to kill her parents so there was a good chance he wouldn't do the same to her. Yet if that was the way this would all end... so be it. She wouldn't fear death or run from it should it decide to face her anytime soon. "Whatever happens will do so... just let me finish this somehow... please...."

2011-01-05, 04:47 AM
Fred Broll

Seeing as how Tron girl was trying to get the cold under control, Fred thought it'd be best to go through with Plan A and take the man out. So without any ceremony, he flash-stepped behind Seiryu and aimed a brutal slash across his back in an attempt to paralyze him... if permanently, he didn't mind.

Fred was not squeamish about hurting the bad guys.

And now my action.
Attack: [roll0]
DC 23+Autofire 2 (Max 28)

2011-01-05, 12:48 PM
Toughness rolls

(Even with the 1 I'd think since he can't move it would hit him)

Seiryu buckled as the hit connected with his back losing focus on his cold powers as the winds died down. The temperature would return on it's own in time but at least for now it would not get any colder. The large man also took quite a hit from the continuing hold of the stretchable demon as he gritted his teeth in anger at what was being done to his master.

2011-01-05, 03:25 PM
Jess smiles, "good answer," she whispers, She then sets the steel to flow around and encase the man from the neck down in steel, leaving enough room in the chest area for him to breathe, "Now for the hired muscle," she says, looking at the demon-wrapped man. "Now what shall we do with you?" she asks to no one in particular, "How about this," she says, causing manacles to form on his arms and legs then attaching them to a pair of ball and chains and adding a spike aimed right at his 'private parts' right in view so he could see it, "be glad i'm in a good mood today or that would have taken them off."

2011-01-05, 05:10 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra walked in front of Seiryu, keeping her fists in front of her should she be confronted with any aggressive moves soon... though with how much damage he'd already taken, it wasn't as likely she thought. Still though, much better safe than sorry. Her eyes looked down as her fists remained up and she finally began speaking,, "You've already lost. Just give up now. There's no way at least one police man won't be sent to check out such sudden and extreme temperatures. Even though you just broke your concentration, I'm certain enough at least someone recently enough noticed it. After all, you only really focused on the park... that doesn't mean anyone who wasn't outside of it wouldn't have noticed. Also... now you know how it feels to lose everything like I did. That in itself is enough, from me, to give you. Killing you won't give me my parents back ---- otherwise I'd probably do it. Since that isn't the case, however, I'm not going to... even if part of me feels I deserve to. However.... if you still want to keep fighting despite it being obvious you've basically lost..... I'll gladly oblige to that too." She finally kept quiet now, awaiting a hint of sorts from Seiryu.

2011-01-05, 07:27 PM
(Question.... doesn't all that metal get Bob too since he was grappling with Seiryu's subordinate?)

Seiryu moves one hand, stopping the large man from moving.. "Very well. We'll go." Almost on cue, you hear the police sirens in the distance.

It had suddenly gotten cold. It was still quite chilly but it was warming up steadily as the police showed up.

2011-01-05, 07:46 PM
Actually i aimed the metal at Seiryu, and i have the intricate trait so i can finely manipulate it to not get Bob. I handcuffed and anklecuffed the fat man

2011-01-05, 08:01 PM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra felt her body finally shake and she fell on her knees before Seiryu. It had only been from trying to ignore the cold from earlier, especially since it hadn't completely passed. But now... she had achieved a huge feat. Mostly by herself, she had, to extents, avenged her parents. Nothing short of relief and pride were surging through her mind right now as she managed to look up towards the sky, still breathing heavily. Mom... dad..... that..... was for you both..... She gently wrapped her arms around herself and soon she heard the sounds of sirens approaching,, making her smile. She figured this could be their redemption for having been late so long ago. Her eyes finally went down to Seiryu, mainly to ensure that he didn't try to pull any last second fast-stunts.

2011-01-05, 11:37 PM
Fred Broll

He glares angrily at the man who he'd struck in the back. Fred didn't regret assaulting the man with help. This Seiryu figure should be dead for what he tried to do to these innocent people.. unfortunately, the current crowd didn't seem open to that idea. He flash-stepped back up onto a tall branch of a nearby tree. He slashed his blade through the air once, getting the blood off of it, then sheathed the weapon.

While sirens were usually his call to make a quick retreat, he was going to stick around for a moment to make sure he was imprisoned.

2011-01-07, 12:06 AM
Behir was grinning like an idiot as he climbed down off the henchman, and lowered the large man onto his back. Things had gone pretty smoothly, and the bad guys were alive to face justice. Then he realized just where he was.

In the middle of a park. In broad daylight. With human witnesses, and the police on their way. Being a demon who lived in the dark as much as he could, this was not where he wanted to be.

Almost instantly, Behir's attitude changed from almost overwhelmingly pleased with himself to being as jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. His face became leaner, and his eyes widened to a degree that was impossible with human anatomy. The long antennae that hung from the back of his head began twitching violently as he backed away from the scene, his legs moving in uncharacteristically jerky motions. His voice was higher pitched then before, and there was a very noticeable stammer.

"I... Uh, thanks for not killing him. I sh-should probably get going, though. See you all l-later..."

In a rush, the demon turned around and headed for the nearest dark alleyway, shadows rushing in to cloak his retreat though they had a hard time keeping up with him.

2011-01-07, 12:47 AM
"Hey, wait," Jess calls after the demon, it was something she'd seen only in anime and manga. She quickly took off after the demon, using her nanites to make a wall ahead of the demon, "hold on a second, not gonna hurt ya, and i'm not going to turn ya in," she says, "i want to talk a bit, if you have a form other than that we can talk somewhere," she says, having the nanites that made up her suit disperse.

2011-01-07, 01:41 AM
Behir came to a stop in front of the wall that the woman had put up in front of him, turning to face the woman. He knew that the wall didn't present much of a barrier to him, but the fact that she was trying to stop him touched something. She wanted to control him. He wasn't going to be controlled that easily. When his head first turned around to regard her, it did so with a snarl, his teeth bared in a grimace that would give children nightmares.

Half a second later it had softened to the look of a puppy that knows its been bad. She wasn't trying to trap him or anything, she just wanted to talk. Perhaps he owed her that much. But now wasn't really the time. He couldn't have his face known to the public like this. It just... It just didn't seem right. This wasn't his place, and it didn't seem right. Just... No. He couldn't. Except maybe now was when he could open up a little to the other heroes in town. He'd seem most of them without their costumes now, and knew them by smell. He could find out who they were... Perhaps it was a good time to tell them who he was.

No, he couldn't risk that yet. If someone came looking for Behir, he still had Bob to retreat back to. If word got out that there was a connection between Bob and Behir, anyone who came after him could catch him off guard in his own house. He wasn't prepared to deal with that yet. He couldn't stop in broad daylight just yet. Couldn't make himself known to many police. He had to keep his profile low for a little longer.

""I'm... Uh... I can't. Not right now. I'm sorry." Darkness began to coalesce around him, obscuring his features, then reaching out wider and wider while he spoke. His voice grew more confident as the shadows swallowed him up.
"You can call me Behir, though. Some other day, we will talk. Just... Not yet. I'm not ready yet."

The bubble grew larger until it was about one hundred feet across, then slowly began moving away, dissipating as it went.

Activating Darkness control 4 to get a 50 ft radius area of darkness, centered on Behir. Then moving away, and being stealthy about it this time. Leaping/wall-crawling over the wall.
Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-01-07, 01:56 AM
"One second," she takes out a piece of paper and writes her address, "when you want to talk, come to this address," she says, setting it on the ground and dissipating the wall, "I hope you'll open up soon, we'll be working together often, Behir. Thank you for helping Cass," she says before walking away from the globe of darkness, "if you need a friend, you know where to find me."

2011-01-07, 02:18 AM
Cassandra & Fred:
The police come and begin rounding up Seiryu's men as well as the criminal himself. Thanks to the metal jumpsuits Jess had provided, it takes two or more policemen to haul away each suspect. In the case o the rather large man they call for backup and wait for a paddy wagon as a normal squad car just wouldn't be able to hold up to him.

As Seiryu is finally being dragged away, Cassandra is suddenly attacked --- by microphones, flashing lights, cameras flashing over the young model. Each proceeded by questions that never really get answered as the next question comes far too quickly.

You're able to get out before any of the media or police get too far in but you can be sure Cassandra was not as fortunate. But something about that seemed too easy.

That man felt different somehow. Not the one you grappled but the skinnier man whom the swordsman and martial artist had dealt with.. He felt almost non-human.

2011-01-07, 02:36 AM
Behir couldn't help it. When he heard the female human speaking, he had to stop while his darkness effect faded away into nothingness. Wasn't that the whole point of this charade, and the hero-ing business? He wanted to make contact with people. He wanted to talk. But here? It was just to exposed. He couldn't just wait around while the human police wanted to question him, and know who he was, and put his name and photo in a file somewhere... No, he wasn't that intent on ruining himself. He could play it safe for a little bit longer.

That didn't stop him from turning back, and making his way close enough to the mouth of the alleyway to pick up the paper the woman had left. He knew that it would take a very talented human to see him, even in the daylight, so he thought he was safe enough. Though he did hide behind a dumpster as his foreleg stretched to pick up the paper. It never hurt to be cautious. Delicately clasping the bit of paper between his claws, he studied the address, the settled in to wait and see the results of his work. After all, even if he wasn't really wanting to speak to the police, he did want to make sure that the bad guys were taken away without a fuss. Which they were, for the most part. No problems.

As Behir skulked away, though, a memory of that man, Seiryu's, smell came into his nose. Maybe it was the head-bashing of his employee, but that smell was stuck there. And it was odd. Very, very odd. It seemed like it was missing something, something important. The things that made it human... Odd. Seiryu wasn't what he seemed to be. And he had given up very easily. While most people described simply smelling a trap, Behir was starting to think that he was also seeing, hearing, and feeling a trap. Something was very wrong here, and would probably need to be taken care of. He couldn't do anything, right now, but he could try later.

And I'm not alone. He reminded himself while looking at the address in his claws. It was going to be a busy night.

2011-01-07, 05:45 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra bowed her head to Fred as the police arrived, giving him a silent thanks of sorts. She began pushing herself up on her feet after making sure Seiryu was guided into the car. All the while, she couldn't help but stare at him. He hadn't hesitated to kill her parents years ago --- yet today he hadn't second guessed the idea of giving himself in. She couldn't help but feel... uneasy about it. Very much so. What's he up to?

Before she could even try to answer her own mental questions, flashes in her eyes made her shift away from her thoughts and back to reality. "Um..... uh......" Every time she was about to answer one person, another question was thrown at her ... not quite literally but still. By the time she looked out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Jessica had already left, making her groan lightly.

Attention something Cassandra wasn't used to ... not like this anyways and she felt herself frozen for quite a while, unable to speak or do much more than merely breath. Finally, she mustered up the courage to at least get out a reply of sorts, even though she knew it wasn't what they would be wanting to hear, "I'm sorry but I'm not available to answer questions." With that, she turned and began to leave as quickly as she could despite how tired, mentally and physically, her seventeen year old body was.

2011-01-07, 04:14 PM
Fred Broll

He powers down to the first stage of his battle form as he remains perched in the nearby tree. And as he watches the reporters swarm the young ninja, he's glad he did so. Avoid cameras like the plague; that's his motto.

He wasn't leaving yet. The man surrendered. He could potentially fight good way free from the cops. Fred had to keep watch.

2011-01-08, 11:53 AM
John parks his car gets out scratches his head and mutters "Why do I feel like i missed something?"

2011-01-09, 01:10 AM
The reporters seem disappointed to say the least as a few of them decide to follow the other side of the story to his waiting police escort. As he was helped into the car the cameras kept rolling and soon they sped off to the station for processing..

As Seiryu was loaded into the car he was to be transported in you manage to catch a glimpse of a tattoo on his back, it looks like a compass with the east of the compasses direction lit in a bright blue.

you manage to get away at least to the parking lot where you see a familiar car, on of the same ones from the museum. A man stands near the car looking befuddled.

You do indeed have seemed to missed something, a young woman comes stumbling out of the park.

2011-01-09, 01:39 AM
Fred Broll

His eyes narrow at the sight of the tattoo. What does that mean? On a hunch, he looks towards the east and sends his senses out in that direction... perhaps the lit up arrow was pointing at something.

Using esp.

2011-01-09, 04:49 AM
farther to the east (outside the city's limits) you can see a small shrine with a statue of a blue dragon. it seems to be glowing slightly. Though other people are passing by they seem not to notice the small glow.

2011-01-09, 08:18 AM
John walks up to the girl and says "Are you okay? and what just happened?"

2011-01-09, 09:10 AM
Cassandra Ellyn McGuire
A.K.A. The Mistress of Shadows

Cassandra's head tilted. That car.... wasn't it.... from the bank incident? Museum? Maybe both? She shook her head, realizing her mind was way too exhausted to comprehend anything too well right now. I know I've seen it from somewhere.... Her thoughts were soon interrupted, however, by the sound of a man asking her if she was fine. Her fists instinctively went up towards her face, ready to throw a punch if it was needed. She soon saw, however, that the man wasn't anyone of Seiryu's making her lower her fists. "Sorry... I'm just... really exhausted. I just finished dealing with a.... personal matter of sorts but mentally and physically, I'm tired. You.... aren't part of the media are you? If so, I already told the others I'm not in the mood for answering questions." She really wasn't either... albeit she realized how unfair she was probably sounding to him right now by making such silly assumptions. Yet she couldn't help but wonder why his face seemed familiar to her. Now that, along with the car that felt familiar, was bothering her and it began to make her head hurt.

2011-01-10, 02:51 AM
A little while later...(Assuming no interruptions)

The utterly normal looking Bob walked into his apartment, using the front door this time. Shutting it quietly behind him, he reached into a closet and pulled out the police radio the commissioner had given him. Working the controls, he listened in on the chatter all around the city. He wanted to wait until night time before he went anywhere as Behir, but he also needed to know where they were taking the robed man from before. He wanted to make sure that he was human. Or not.
No, definitely not.

The scent lingered in his nose like the ache after getting poked in the eye. There was something very wrong about that guy, and Behir wanted to know what it was. But he had to get close to the guy again. He had to know what he was.

Fiddling with the dials on the police radio, Bob sat on the floor, listening intently to the electronic device.

2011-01-10, 02:00 PM
Fred Broll

That's definitely no coincidence. "Seiryu" and this statue were connected. Was it a source of power? Was it a source of control? He didn't know. All he did know was that he couldn't just leave it be.

Fred hops onto his hoverboard and then flies towards the dragon statute. Whatever this thing is, Fred's going to mess with it.

2011-01-11, 03:35 PM
Time passes......

It's nearly night (around 5:52 PM).

The shrine of the Blue Dragon.. That's what they call this place. For years, it has been believed that one can gain great power from praying to the statue. Unlike your ESP vision, when you arrive at the temple itself, the statue is quite large, standing a good 15 feet tall and still pulsating.. Even though the sun is almost down, causing the glow to be more noticeable, you seem to be the only person who can see it.

Cassandra & Jessica:
It's been, needless to say, a long day for both of you. Thankfully it's coming to a close for you both. There have been no reports of any robberies or break outs.

Nothing has come up all day. It seems to be a slow day after the initial scuffle. Thanks to your acute demon hearing,, you are able to tune in different sounds around you. It seems your neighbors have the TV on too loud again and can't find something to watch. As they flip through the channels, you hear something that happens to catch your attention. "Coming up next on the History Channel, World Mythology. Seiryu, the Blue Dragon."

The girl heads off after a bit, leaving you to return to your work at home. The company contacts you saying that the mayor and his aides came by to collect the amount of material they would need in order to create the power nullification device but they seem to pick up a little extra.