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View Full Version : [3.5] Magitech Templar - Iron Man

2010-11-17, 01:13 PM
This is a class that I've previously posted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97025), rewritten, play tested, rewritten (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6900315&postcount=3), and then play tested some more. Arguskos PM'd me and mentioned that he might wish to include it in his (awesome) homebrew campaign setting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172194), so I figured I should update it again and repost it for feedback.

Magitech Templar - Mark X

Creative Commons Image from this talented artist (http://8bitotaku.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/medieval-avengers/).

d12 hit die

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (except tower shields).

Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Religion), Profession, Spellcraft, Swim.

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.


Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save


+ 1
+ 2

+ 0
+ 0
Magitech Armor, +1 Enhancement Bonus, Magitech Upgrade

+ 2
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
Magitech Upgrade

+ 3
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1
Armor Sentience, Armored Sense Upgrade

+ 4
+ 4
+ 1
+ 1
Magitech Upgrade, Imbue Armor

+ 5
+ 4
+ 1
+ 1
Armor Expertise, +2 Enhancement Bonus

+ 6
+ 5
+ 2
+ 2
Magitech Upgrade

+ 7
+ 5
+ 2
+ 2
Armored Sense Upgrade

+ 8
+ 6
+ 2
+ 2
Magitech Upgrade

+ 9
+ 6
+ 3
+ 3
Armor Expertise, +3 Enhancement Bonus

+ 10
+ 7
+ 3
+ 3
Magitech Upgrade

+ 11
+ 7
+ 3
+ 3
Armored Sense Upgrade

+ 12
+ 8
+ 4
+ 4
Magitech Upgrade

+ 13
+ 8
+ 4
+ 4
Armor Expertise, +4 Enhancement Bonus

+ 14
+ 9
+ 4
+ 4
Magitech Upgrade

+ 15
+ 9
+ 5
+ 5
Armored Sense Upgrade

+ 16
+ 10
+ 5
+ 5
Magitech Upgrade

+ 17
+ 10
+ 5
+ 5
Armor Expertise, +5 Enhancement Bonus

+ 18
+ 11
+ 6
+ 6
Magitech Upgrade

+ 19
+ 11
+ 6
+ 6
Armored Sense Upgrade

+ 20
+ 12
+ 6
+ 6
Magitech Upgrade, Armor Transcendence

Class Abilities:

Magitech Armor: At 1st level you gain a suit of magic armor from your church (or family, clan, king, or other organization as appropriate for your character). You may choose any type of armor that you are proficient with. It is of masterwork quality, but is otherwise typical of armor of that type. At your option and expense, you may request that the armor be made of special materials, or that it include armor spikes or other mundane additions (hidden sheaths, heraldry) as long as they are normally capable of being added to such armor, and you pay the full cost associated with the improvements. At any time you may return to any church of your order, and they will provide you with the facilities needed for you to repair, improve, or enchant it, though you must still pay for materials and other associated costs.

At 1st level your Magitech Armor has a magical +1 enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class. This increases by an additional +1 every four levels thereafter (+2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). A Magitech Templar may choose to increase the enhancement bonus of his Magitech Armor's Armor Class through the normal enchantment processes for magical armor at his own expense if he wishes. However, Magitech Armor may never have an enhancement bonus to it's Armor Class higher than the Magitech Templar's effective character level (all class and prestige class levels + level adjustment + racial hit dice) divided by 4 (rounded up). A Magitech Templar may also choose to add up to +5 bonus worth of other magical enchantments (Acid Resistance, Fortification, Invulnerability, Shadow, etc) to his Magitech Armor at his own expense.

The cost of improving the enhancement bonus to Armor Class and adding any other enchantments to your Magitech Armor is calculated separately from the enchantment bonus to Armor Class gained by taking levels of Magitech Templar. For example, if you wanted to add Light Fortification (a +1 bonus) to your +1 Magitech Armor, it would only cost 1,000 gp (the cost of a +1 enchantment), and not the 3,000 gp it would normally cost to improve +1 magic armor to +2 magic armor.

Magitech Armor is more powerful then a regular magic item. It cannot be supressed with Dispel Magic or similar effects. Only an an Antimagic Field and areas of "dead magic" suppress it's abilities, rendering it mundane masterwork armor until the magic suppression ends. When suppressed by an Anti-Magic Field or similar effect, you also lose any abilities gained from Magitech Upgrades, Armor Sentience, and Armored Sense Upgrade. As Extraordinary abilities, benefits gained from Armor Expertise and Armor Transcendence are unaffected by Antimagic.

If your Magitech Armor is ever stolen or destroyed, you must go on a special quest determined by your church (the DM) to prove your loyalty and competence, and they will replace it free of charge. When replaced, it will contain any upgrades, magical enhancements, and other improvements that you have accumulated and invested in it up to that point. If you ever willingly sell or give away your Magitech Armor, you are cast out from your church and may not take additional levels of the Magitech Templar class. All Magitech Armor abilities and Magitech Upgrades only function for the Magitech Templar for which it was created. No one else, including other Magitech Templars, may use them.

Magitech Upgrade (Sp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#spellLikeAbilities)): At 1st level and every even level thereafter you gain a new ability with your Magitech Armor. These abilities function only while you wear your Magitech Armor.

Unless otherwise noted, if a Magitech Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For the purpose of duration, bypassing Spell-Resistance, or any other similar calculation, your caster level is equal to your Magitech Templar level and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Feats which can apply to spell-like abilities, such as Ability Focus and Quicken Spell-Like Ability, can be taken to improve Magitech Upgrades. Each time you take such a feat it only applies to a single Upgrade of your choice - thus Ability Focus could improve the Save DC of your Frost Missile attacks, but would not apply to the rest of your Upgrades unless you took the feat multiple times. For the purpose of qualifying for such feats, your Magitech Upgrades are exempt from caster level and spell level requirements.

Also unless otherwise noted, you may only choose each Upgrade once. Each time you gain a Magitech Upgrade, choose one of the following:

Alchemical Ability: You may create magical potions, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to create magical potions. The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Alchemy) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. In addition, you build a number of slots into your armor that can hold potions (or any other liquid that can be drank or injected into your body). Your armor has a number or potion slots equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (maximum of 10). Loading one potion into your armor is a Full Round Action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Once a potion is loaded into your armor, it can stay there indefinitely, or until you spend another Full Round Action to replace it. As a Move Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may use any one potion that has been loaded into your armor.
Armored Fortitude: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Fortitude Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Fortitude Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Fortitude Save, instead of rolling d20 + Fortitude Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.
Armored Mind: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Willpower Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Willpower Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Willpower Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.
Armored Reflexes: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Reflex Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Reflex Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Reflex Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.
Armored Stability: You gain an enhancement bonus to resist all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip attempts made against you equal to twice the enhancement bonus on your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class.
Burrow (Requires Great Strength Upgrade): You gain a Burrow speed equal to one-half your total land speed.
Clockwork Animal Companion (Requires Construct Empathy Upgrade): You gain a Clockwork Animal Companion. This ability functions in the same fashion as a Driud's Animal Companion ability, except your Animal Companion has the Construct type. This grants your Companion all of the benefits of a Construct, and effects how you calculate your Companion's statistics, including BAB, Saves, Skill Points, hit points, etc., but not size, movement, natural attacks, or other qualities not determined by type. Your Magitech Templar level stacks with levels of any other class or prestige class that grants an Animal Companion for the purpose of determining the special powers (bonus hit die, natural armor, etc) for your Companion, as if you were a Druid. As a Construct, you do not need to use Handle Animal to direct your Companion or teach it tricks. You may command it as a Free Action during your turn, and it will carry out your instructions to the best of its ability and Intelligence. Magitech Upgrades (which are spell-like abilities) may not be shared with the Share Spells special power. At your DM's discretion, you may gain an alternate Companion, such as an animated object or effigy creature (Complete Arcane), as long as your Companion's hit die do not surpass the hit die your Clockwork Animal Companion would have. If your Clockwork Animal Companion is killed or you wish to replace it with a different one, you may do so by spending 24 uninterrupted hours building one in any facility capable of building and repairing magical armor. Doing so costs 500 gp worth of materials.
Construct Empathy: You gain an Enhancement bonus to all Craft (Armorsmithing) checks equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. You may also use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of Diplomacy to effect the attitudes of beings with the Construct type or Living Construct subtype. You may also use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of the Ride Skill when riding a Construct or Living Construct. In addition, mindless Constructs (Int 0) treat you as a Construct of the same type, and ignore your presence unless you attack them or they are directly ordered to attack you.
Damage Reduction (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): You gain DR X/-, where X is equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This DR stacks with the DR of the same type provided by your armor (such as if it is made of adamantine, or if you are a Warforged with the Adamantine Body Feat), but not with DR from any other source.
Dauntless (Requires Armored Mind Upgrade): You no longer need to sleep or eat, and are immune to all Sleep, Fatigue, Exhaustion, and hunger related effects. You are also immune to the effects of ingested poison, drugs, and alcohol.
Deflection (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): The Armor Bonus from your Magitech Armor (including the enhancement bonus and any Natural Armor bonus provided by the Armor Expertise ability) applies to your Touch Armor Class as well.
Diving Attack (Requires Power Jump or Propulsion Upgrade): You gain the Pounce ability. To use this ability, you must move at least 20 feet as part of your Charge, including at least 10 feet in a downwards angle in the direction of your enemy. Making a successful Jump to cover at least 10 feet of distance fulfills this requirement. If you successfully hit and damage any enemy as part of a Diving Attack, you also gain a free Trip attack against them, and may make a free follow up attack as normal if you have Improved Trip feat.
Energy Shield (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): As a Standard Action, you may activate an Energy Shield. It provides you with Energy Resistance against one form of energy (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic) of your choice equal to four times the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This Energy Resistance stacks with any Energy Resistance of the same type provided by your Magitech Armor (such as if it is made of dragon hide or has an Energy Resistance enchantment), but not with Energy Resistance from any other source. Once activated your Energy Shield is continuous, but you may only have one Energy Shield active at any given time. Thus you can change the type of Energy Resistance you have as a Standard Action, but it does cannot provide you with multiple forms of Energy Resistance at the same time. In addition, you are effected by a continuous Endure Elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Endureelements.htm) effect.
Evasion: (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): You gain the Evasion ability. This ability only functions in light armor, or heavier armor that has been modified by materials (like Mithril) and/or abilities (such as Armored Mobility) to count as light armor. If you already have the Evasion ability from another class or prestige class, you instead gain Improved Evasion.
Explosive Energy: As a Full Round action, you channel all of the energy of your Magitech Armor into an explosive electrical attack. Everyone within a 30 ft radius of you is effected (including allies, but not you) takes 4d6 points of Electrical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 20d6), and they are Stunned (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Stunned) for 1d4 rounds. If someone who is effected makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Stunned. After you use this ability you can take no actions for 1d4 rounds after using this ability. No mortal ability can allow you to take actions during this time.
Extend Shields (Requires Energy Shield Upgrade): As an Immediate Action, you may extend your Energy Shield to all allies within 10 feet of your space, providing each of them with Energy Resistance of the same type and amount provided by your Energy Shield (but not any additional Energy Resistance provided by your Magitech Armor). If you move from your current location, the Extend Shields ability ends. If an ally moves beyond the 10 feet of your space, then that ally ceases to benefit from it. The amount of energy damage that is resisted is calculated for each ally (and yourself) separately.
Flame Thrower: As a Standard Action you shoot a cone of flame that is up to 5 feet long and 5 feet wide at its farthest point for every two Magitech Templar levels (minimum 5 feet, max 50 feet). You may make the cone smaller if you wish. It deals 2d6 points of Fire damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d6), and enemies that receive damage catch on fire, taking an addition 1d6 points of Fire damage every round (including the round they are initially hit) for 1d6 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they do not catch on fire. A burning creature may take a Move Action to put out the flame. Multiple effects which make an enemy catch on fire do not stack. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.
Frost Missile: As a Standard Action, you may fire a Frost Missile. The missile has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 2d8 points of Cold damage, and the target is Slowed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Slow.htm) for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Slowed. You may fire one missile for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5). Each missile may target the same enemy, or different enemies. You must roll to hit with each missile separately, and each target must Save separately for each missile that hits it. However, multiple Slow effects do not stack (though you use the longest Slow duration). And any bonus damage from Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, or Skirmish only applies against the first missile to hit each enemy. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.
Great Strength: You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to 1 + the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, your armor’s weight is no longer included in any Encumbrance calculation (which effects carrying capacity and movement rate).
Interpose (Requires Armored Stability Upgrade): Your armor is so imposing that enemies cannot ignore your presence. Any space that you occupy blocks the line of sight and line of effect of any enemy attack on the same or lower level of elevation as you. Thus enemies cannot target anyone or anything behind you with ranged attacks, reach weapons, magic, or other effects that require a strait line of effect through your square. Allies that are familiar with your presence may target others through your square normally. Enemies that on higher elevation then you ignore this effect, as do enemies that are larger then you.
Light Beams: As a Swift Action, you may fire beams of light from your eyes. The light beams have a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 2d4 points of Fire damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d4), and the target is Dazzled (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Dazzled) for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Dazzled. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.
Mecha Transformation (Requires Armored Fortitude, Repair, and Transmutation Upgrades): You may cast Enlarge Person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm) at will. Like the spell, activating this ability takes 1 round. (And not a standard action, like most other spell-like abilities). You may only target yourself with this ability, and it has a duration of only 1 minute. Otherwise, your caster level is equal to your Magitech Templar level for determining other effects. (Such as resisting Dispel Magic). This ability does not stack with any other magical, supernatural, or psionic increase in your size (Including Wildshape, Alter Self, Polymorph, Expansion, etc). But it does stack with natural increases in size (from race or templates), Extraordinary abilities, and with the Powerful Build ability.
Mecha Super Transformation (Requires Armored Fortitude, Repair, and Transmutation, and Mecha Transformation Upgrades): When you use the Mecha Transformation ability, all enemies within 100 feet that are looking at you while you are casting it must make a Willpower Save or be Fascinated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm) for the duration of the casting time. (Essentially, anyone who fails their Saving Throw stands their as they watches you transform until you complete your transformation or someone breaks their Fascination by making an obvious threat to them). In addition, using the Mecha Transformation increases your size by 2 categories, instead of just 1. (For example, a Medium creature would be increased to Huge size). This ability improves the Mecha Transformation ability, but does not stack with any other magical, supernatural, or psionic increase in your size (Including Wildshape, Alter Self, Polymorph, Expansion, etc). But it does stack with natural increases in size (from race or templates), Extraordinary abilities, and with the Powerful Build ability.
Mettle (Requires Armored Fortitude or Armored Mind Upgrade): You gain the Mettle ability.
Planar Adaptation: Choose a plane of existence other then the Material Plane. You may move and act on that plane as if you were a native, and do not take penalties associated with being a non-native to this plane. In addition, your attacks automatically overcome any Damage Reduction and Spell Resistance of any enemy that is native to that plane. You may take this upgrade multiple times. Each time you take it, add an additional plane of existence. This upgrade (and what enemies it effects) requires DM approval, as the cosmology of various game worlds vary dramatically.
Power Fist (Requires Great Strength Upgrade): Your armor has a Power Fist built into one of its arms, which is a one handed exotic masterwork weapon that deals 1d12 (20, *4) damage for medium beings. You also gain proficiency with this weapon. Using your Power Fist is treated as using a magic weapon, and not a spell-like ability. The Power Fist is treated as a two handed weapon for the purpose of any opposed Disarm or Sunder attempt (thus providing a +4 bonus to such attempts). You may hold or otherwise manipulate another weapon, shield, or object in the same hand as your Power Fist, though you may not use them both during the same round. You may not use any claw or spiked gauntlet on the same hand as a Power Fist. As part of your armor, the Power Fist cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. In addition, anyone who is killed by the Power Fist is generally killed in a very gruesome manner – limbs are torn off, decapitation, disembowelment, etc. Whenever you kill an enemy with your Power Fist (reducing them to -10 hit points or lower), all enemies with fewer Hit Dice then you within 60 feet must make a Willpower Save or become Shaken (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Shaken) for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind effecting Fear (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Fear) effect. Multiple Fear effects from the same source do not stack. But Fear effects from different sources do stack unless otherwise specified. You may enchant the Power Fist just as you enchant armor spikes, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times - once for each hand you possess.
Power Jump: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Jump check equal to four times the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, the DC for determining Jump checks are always calculated as if you were making a running jump. And as long as you are not Paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated, you are immune to damage from falling. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Jump checks.
Propulsion: You gain a Fly Speed of 30 feet with Clumsy maneuverability, and you gain the Flyby Attack feat as a bonus feat. Your maneuverability and Fly Speed from this ability are never reduced for by wearing armor. You may take this Magitech Upgrade multiple times. Each time you take this Upgrade, your Fly Speed increases by 30 feet and your maneuverability increases by two steps.
Repair (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): You and your armor each gain Fast Healing 1. In addition, your armor gains 50 hit points above and beyond that provided by the its material, enhancement bonus, etc. Your armor also becomes immune to all corrosion, decay, and rust effects.
Repeating Crossbow: Your armor has a special masterwork repeating light crossbow built into one of its arms (1d8, 19-20, *2). You are treated as being proficient with this weapon. You may hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or other object on the same arm as your Repeating Crossbow (including a Power Fist), though you may not use them both during the same round. As part of your armor, the Repeating Crossbow cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. You may treat the weapon as a crossbow of any type for any feat or ability that effects weapons. Your armor contains an extradimensional space which can store up to 100 bolts, and the repeating crossbow automatically loads any stored bolt of your choice as a free action. You may enchant the Repeating Crossbow just as you a repeating light crossbow, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times – once for each arm that you possess.
Repulsor Ray: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The ray has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits it deals your Intelligence bonus plus 2d4 points of Force damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d4 + Int bonus) against your target, and the target is hit by a Bull Rush that pushes them directly away from you, using the damage dealt for your opposed check (instead of a d20 + Str + size). Your armor always counts as medium for the purpose of this opposed check. Other feats and abilities that effect Bull Rush attempts (Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper, Dungeon Crasher, magic items, etc) otherwise improve and effect this check. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not effected by a Bull Rush. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.
Shattering (Requires Great Strength Upgrade): You gain the Improved Sunder feat. In addition, whenever you confirm a critical hit with an unarmed strike, Power Fist, Repeating Crossbow, or armor spikes, you may make one free Sunder attempt against an object in that enemy's possession.
Speed: You gain a bonus to your base land speed of 5 feet plus 5 feet per point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max of 30 feet). This bonus stacks with all other bonuses to your base land speed, and effects any other Upgrade or other ability which is calculated using your base land speed (such as Burrow, Spider Climb, and Underwater Adaptation).
Spider Climb: You gain a Climb speed equal to your base land speed. This grants you a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks (which does not stack with similar racial bonuses), and you can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. You may use either your Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, using whichever modifier is higher. You retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against you. You do not require any free hands to climb, as long as your legs can move normally. You may Charge and Run while climbing. In addition, you are now immune to all Entangle effects, and can move across webs as if you were the spider (or other creature) who created them. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Climb checks.
Stealth (Requires Armored Reflexes and Armored Mind Upgrades): You may cast Nondetection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nondetection.htm) and Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibility.htm) as a Standard Action. You must cast each separately, and you may only target yourself. If a divination is attempted against you or any item in your possession while under the effects of Nondetection, the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 + your Magitech Templar level.
Transmutation (Requires Armored Fortitude and Repair Upgrades): As a Standard Action, you may transform your armor into any type of armor that you are proficient with. You may also transmute the substance it is made of. It may be composed of any material or special material (adamantine, mithril, dragonhide, etc) that is legal for armor of that type. You may also use this ability to transform your armor spikes and/or a Power Fist and/or Repeating Crossbow to a material or special material of your choice. In addition, your armor gains the Glamered (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Glamered) ability.
Underwater Adaptation: Your armor is adapted to underwater travel. You no longer need to breath, and are not effected by the negative effects of spells and environments based on breathing. (Thus you would not be effected by poison gas or Stinking Cloud, though you would still be effected by Solid Fog or Obscuring Mist). You gain a Swim speed equal to twice your base land or Fly speed (whichever is higher), and may take 10 on all Swim checks, even while threatened or rushed. Your armor’s weight is no longer included into any calculation that would effect buoyancy. And any attacks you make (such as if you use a blunt weapon or make an attack with fire) are not penalized for being underwater. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Swim checks.
Water Cannon: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Water Cannon has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits, it deals 1d6 points of physical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5d6) against your target, and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Blown_Away). Against enemies with the Fire subtype, the Water Cannon deals 1d20 points points of physical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5d20) against your target, and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Blown Away. The Water Cannon has no effect on enemies with the Water subtype. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again. You may also use your Water Cannon as a Decanter of Endless Water (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Decanter_of_Endless_Water).
Webbing: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Webbing has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Any target hit by this attack takes no damage, but becomes entangled, as if they had been hit by a net (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Net). As part of your webbing you may create a trailing rope. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the entangled creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The webbing has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action). You may also use webbing as a rope and grappling hook, or as a mundane whip (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Whip) (though this upgrade does not grant whip proficiency). The webbing is highly flammable, and is destroyed by any fire damage (though the entangled subject also takes 1d6 points of fire damage as the webbing burns up). Multiple webbing effects against the same target do not stack. You may only have one trailing rope or whip from this ability in effect at any given time.

Armor Sentience (Sp): At 3rd level your Magitech Armor gains sentience. Your armor has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores equal to 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level. It does not possess a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score, and is entirely dependent upon the wearer for movement. Your armor capable of speech, vision, hearing, and empathy - the wearer feels urges and sometimes emotions from the item that encourage or discourage certain courses of action. Your armor speaks Common, and may gain additional languages and Skills as detailed in the Armor Sense Upgrade (see below).

Your armor's alignment matches your alignment at the time you gain this ability, and shares the beliefs of your church (or whatever group granted you your armor). Your armor has an Ego Score of 10 + your Magitech Templar level. As you gain levels it becomes more powerful, but it also becomes more insistent that you follow the alignment of your church.

If the Magitech Templar ever takes an action that significantly breaks with their alignment, a personality conflict occurs. The armor attempts to wrest control of the Magitech Templar's mind. The Magitech Templar must make a Will saving throw (DC = Armor's Ego). If the Magitech Templar succeeds, he is dominant. The armor's alignment changes to match the Magitech Templar alignment (if it changed as a result of his actions) and it does not challenge the Magitech Templar on actions related to that specific matter again. If he fails, the armor is dominant. Dominance lasts for one day or until a critical situation occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat to either the item or the character, and so on). Should an item gain dominance, it resists the character’s desires and demands concessions as detailed under the Intelligent Item (http://srd.realmspire.com/magicItemsICA.html#intelligent-items) rules.

Any character whose alignment does not correspond to that of the armor one negative level if he or she so much as picks up the item. Although this negative level never results in actual level loss, it remains as long as the item is in hand and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells). This negative level is cumulative with any other penalties the item might already place on inappropriate wielders. Items with Ego scores (see below) of 20 to 29 bestow two negative levels. Items with Ego scores of 30 or higher bestow three negative levels.

Armored Sense Upgrade (Sp): At 3rd level you gain the ability to share senses with your Magitech Armor. You may use your Magitech Armor's ability to perceive the world. This allows you to replace your Listen, Spot, or other Skill check with your armor's Skill check if you choose to do so, using your armor's Skill ranks and Wisdom or Intelligence bonus in place of your own. You may also use your armor's Darkvision, Blindsight, or other special senses in place of your own. Your armor does not receive any bonuses or take penalties to any Skill check that would not effect a construct (sleeping, mind affecting effects, morale bonuses, etc).

At 3rd level and every four levels thereafter, you gain one Armored Sense Upgrade. These abilities improve as you gain Magitech Templar levels, and function only while you wear your Magitech Armor. You may not choose the same Armored Sense Upgrade more than once. If an Armored Sense Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw, the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For any other effect that requires it (such as duration or overcoming Spell Resistance), your caster level is your Magitech Templar level, and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Choose one of the following upgrades to your armor:

Darkvision (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Darkvision for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 10. This vision functions in both mundane, supernatural, and magical darkness of all types.
Decipher: Your armor gains Ranks in Decipher Script equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3. It also gains a number of additional languages equal to one half your Magitech Templar level, and may translate everything you hear, say, read, and write instantaneously on your behalf.
Detect Disorder: Your armor gains Ranks in Sense Motive equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3. In addition, you may Detect Chaos (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Detect_Chaos) at will as a Standard Action.
Detect Substance: As a Swift Action you may learn what material(s) any structure or object (including armor, weapons, etc) is made of, including its hardness and hit points. You also automatically know the current hit points of any Construct or Living Construct, and what materials bypass its Damage Reduction (if any). This ability works on any object, Construct, or Living Construct that you can see, though you may only use it on one target at a time.
Discern Lies (Requires Detect Disorder Upgrade): As a Standard Action you may Discern Lies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/discernLies.htm).
Listen: Your armor gains Ranks in Listen equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3.
Search (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Ranks in Search equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3. In addition, you may Find Traps as a Rogue. Your Magitech Armor is constantly on the lookout for you, and so you are automatically entitled to a Search check whenever you pass within 10 feet of a trap, secret/concealed door, or portal.
See Invisibility (Requires Search Upgrade): Your armor gains See Invisibility for a number of feet equal to one half your Magitech Templar level * 5.
Spot: Your armor gains Ranks in Spot equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3. In addition, you gain Low Light Vision.
Tremorsense (Requires Listen Upgrade): Your armor gains Tremorsense for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 5. You may also use Detect Disorder and/or Detect Substance and/or Discern Lies (if you have those Upgrades) on any target within your Tremorsense, removing the normal line of sight requirement for doing so.
X-Ray Vision (Requires Darkvision and Spot Upgrades): You may see through solid matter. You may see through one foot of matter per Magitech Templar level.

Imbue Armor (Sp): At 4th level you gain the ability to enchant your Magitech Armor, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to improve your Magitech Armor, and its armor spikes, Power Fist, and Repeating Crossbow (if your armor possesses those Upgrades). The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Armorsmithing) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. This ability allows you to continue to improve your Magitech Armor (and certain Magitech Upgrades which depend on your Magitech Armor’s enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class) more easily, even if you later take levels of a class or prestige class other then Magitech Templar.

Armor Expertise (Ex): At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, choose any one of the following benefits. You may choose the same benefit multiple times, and the benefits stack with the benefits from special materials or other Magitech Templar class abilities, including itself:

Armored Attack: When attacking with armor spikes, they count as one size larger for calculating damage. Use the following progression for calculating damage: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6 (max).
Armored Ease: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your max Dex bonus is increased by 2, the armor check penalty is decreased by 2 (minimum 0), and the arcane spell failure rate is decreased by 15% (minimum 0).
Armored Mobility (Requires Armored Ease): When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your armor counts as one size lighter whenever it would benefit you for it to be so. This may effect your movement and what abilities you can use while wearing your armor (such as Evasion).
Armor Proficiency: You gain a bonus feat of your choice. This feat must either provide proficiency with an armor or shield (such as Dwarvern Armor Proficiency or Tower Shield Proficiency), or it must have armor or shield proficiency as a requirement of the feat (such as Armor Specialization or Improved Shield Bash). You must also otherwise qualify for the feat.
Armored Skin: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 Natural Armor bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with Natural Armor bonuses from all other sources.

Armor Transcendence (Ex): When you are wearing your Magitech Armor, you transcend your mortal form and take on many of the characteristics of a Construct. You gain immunity to poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. You are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. You are not at risk of death from massive damage. You maintain all of the other features of living beings – you still count as the same type of creature, still have a Constitution score, can be resurrected, and you are still effected by mind affecting effects. You also are not immune to sleep, fatigue, and exhaustion effects unless you have taken the Dauntless Upgrade, and must still breath unless you have take the Underwater Adaptation Upgrade.

Adaptation: Warforged Magitech Templar: Warforged Magitech Templar need not take the Unarmored Body feat in order to wear Magitech Armor. Instead, they may simply designate their armor plating as Magitech Armor. If they do so, it gains all of the normal benefits of Magitech Armor. They may also benefit from feats which modify their armor plating, such as Adamantine Body or Mithral Body. However, if they use the Transmutation Upgrade to change the type of material that their armor plating is made of, it negates the benefits of any armor plating feats that they have taken until they choose to change it back. For example, if a Warforged Magitech Templar with the Adamantine Body feat used the Transmutation Upgrade to change their armor plating to Mithril, he would cease to gain the benefits of it being Adamantine.

2010-11-17, 01:35 PM
This is a class that I've previously posted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97025), rewritten, play tested, rewritten (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6900315&postcount=3), and then play tested some more. Arguskos PM'd me and mentioned that he might wish to include it in his (awesome) homebrew campaign setting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172194), so I figured I should update it again and repost it for feedback.
Looking good there, P_M. :smallsmile:

And I appreciate your kindness in giving permission for inclusion of it in my campaign setting, I'm really hoping to find a slot for it that will work well, since it's a great piece of work. :smallsmile:

I just thought of something, what about the following cases:
-An illithid MT, do their tentacles count as arms for the purposes of Armor Upgrades (specifically, the Repeating Crossbow/Power Fist ones?)
-If you are non-humanoid and take one level of Magitech Templar, do you gain appropriate armor, despite the absurdly increased cost?

2010-11-17, 03:43 PM
When I started reading this, I figured it would have similar problems with the Monk--all defense and no offense leads to a weak class. At this point I am pleasantly surprised: you've done a lot to mitigate that.

I would like to see some way for this class to serve more of a protector's role. As is it's a well armored warrior that can't do anything to prevent harm to his allies. This is a problem that pervades 3.5 for any kind of heavy armor class, I know, but this class especially seems lacking without it. Perhaps a line of armor upgrades that allow the Templar to provide Shield Other.

Anyway. The Steam Gnomes of my setting just got a hell of an upgrade.

2010-11-17, 03:58 PM

2010-11-18, 02:14 AM
Is there a facet of this class that allows the Magitech to sleep in their armor, so as to avoid losing all of their class abilities when surprised at night? I remember armor taking several minutes to don, even when assisted.

EDIT: Just wanted to let you know that I think this class is great, I'm immediately going to convert it to Pathfinder so I can give it as an option to my players, should one of their characters die. Also, hopefully I can play as this class when we switch out to a new GM.

2010-11-18, 03:02 AM
Is there a facet of this class that allows the Magitech to sleep in their armor, so as to avoid losing all of their class abilities when surprised at night? I remember armor taking several minutes to don, even when assisted.

There are tons of dirt cheap ways to do this with magic out of pocket, otherwise you could use light armor, Sectioned Armor from the Planar Handbook (which can be reduced to medium or light), or use the Transmutation ability to change your armor into light armor when you go to sleep.

Speaking of the Transmutation ability, I have nothing but praise for it. Fax isn't wussing out with any "one of three specific metals" crap. It's a class ability that lets you turn your armor into anything, so that's exactly what it does. If it's in the campaign setting, it's legit. Bravo.

Anyways. I like all the different armor abilities, and while I would usually want the ability to keep upgrading one over and over, the fact that you can't do that is a nice meta-balance. Since there isn't one super-ability that is always better than the others once upgraded, you aren't forced to take one over the others to be "optimized enough." The 1d4 round cooldown also ensures more of a scaling benefit if you take more than one blasty ability, since it gives you a limitation to overcome (not having an ability available every round -> always having one available).

One ability that I don't like is the Alchemical Ability. Potions suck, and the only thing you're getting is the ability to brew them yourself and avoid an AoO when you should never be drinking potions in combat. I would either improve it to a swift action to use a slotted potion (comparable to a number of feats and class abilities around), or make it special and uncap the level limit so you can have more high level toolkit ability. I would also want to let the Repeating Crossbow ability count as a normal Light Crossbow for prerequisites, simply because there are several feats and abilities that discriminate against repeaters.

I could go for some clarification on how to determine the price of upgrading your armor with +X abilities, and how one replaces a Clockwork Companion. I'd normally figure the cost would be determined separately from the class bonus, adding the class bonus on top afterward (such that no matter what level you are, the cost is the same). As for replacing the CC, probably a day's work with some scrap metal, or maybe a modest price (Animal Companions are free after all). I also wonder if you could take the Ability Focus feat for one of your armor upgrades. They're listed as class abilities, so between that and my desire to do so I would naturally assume yes :smallbiggrin:

2010-11-18, 04:58 AM
There are tons of dirt cheap ways to do this with magic out of pocket, otherwise you could use light armor, Sectioned Armor from the Planar Handbook (which can be reduced to medium or light), or use the Transmutation ability to change your armor into light armor when you go to sleep.
I could go for some clarification on how to determine the price of upgrading your armor with +X abilities, and how one replaces a Clockwork Companion. I'd normally figure the cost would be determined separately from the class bonus, adding the class bonus on top afterward (such that no matter what level you are, the cost is the same). As for replacing the CC, probably a day's work with some scrap metal, or maybe a modest price (Animal Companions are free after all). I also wonder if you could take the Ability Focus feat for one of your armor upgrades. They're listed as class abilities, so between that and my desire to do so I would naturally assume yes :smallbiggrin:

You're right, missed that one. Also the Dauntless ability, no longer needing sleep.

Also looking for some more information on those things you asked for as well, so consider this a +1

Admiral Squish
2010-11-18, 05:01 AM
This is awesome, and I need to read this more-in depth as soon as I get some sleep.

Iron Man Paladin Pic = Win

2010-11-18, 10:52 AM
And I appreciate your kindness in giving permission for inclusion of it in my campaign setting, I'm really hoping to find a slot for it that will work well, since it's a great piece of work. :smallsmile:

Glad I could be of help.

I just thought of something, what about the following cases:
-An illithid MT, do their tentacles count as arms for the purposes of Armor Upgrades (specifically, the Repeating Crossbow/Power Fist ones?)

Tentacles are not arms, so I would say no. And in the illithid's particular case, it seems like the tentacles would be way too small to hold something like a crossbow or a power fist. However, just picturing it is hilariously awesome. If I wanted an NPC to have Power Fist tentacles, I would probably just give it to them. And if a PC really wanted to spend 4 of it's 10 possible Upgrades on it, it's not like it would be unbalanced.

-If you are non-humanoid and take one level of Magitech Templar, do you gain appropriate armor, despite the absurdly increased cost?

Yes, you gain the appropriate armor regardless of your race. Keep in mind that gp costs vary wildly. There are some treasures that are horrifically over priced, and I believe that non-humanoid armor is one of them.

Think of it this way - the best armor a level 1 Magitech Templar can theoretically get at level one is +1 Mechanus Gear (Manual of the Planes pg 69), which is +10 AC, +0 Max Dex bonus. Depending on your Dexterity and whether or not you care about Skills effected by your Armor Check penalty, you might choose to go with something lighter. But unless you're paying for Mithral out of pocket, at best you're getting a total of +11 to your AC. Everyone else in your party is buying Chainmail or something lighter (or finding it in one of their first encounters). Given reasonable Dex scores, they probably have +7ish to AC. So essentially your first level class ability is that you get +4ish to AC. A non-humanoid benefits a bit more, since he probably won't find his Chainmail or whatever by just killing a random orc. But having to suffer through a his first couple of levels with sub-par AC isn't game balance, it's a design flaw.

I would like to see some way for this class to serve more of a protector's role. As is it's a well armored warrior that can't do anything to prevent harm to his allies. This is a problem that pervades 3.5 for any kind of heavy armor class, I know, but this class especially seems lacking without it. Perhaps a line of armor upgrades that allow the Templar to provide Shield Other.

Hmm. That's a good idea. However, I'm having a hard time visualizing how armor could be used to Shield Other. I'll try and think something up. Do you (or anyone) have any suggestions?

Is there a facet of this class that allows the Magitech to sleep in their armor, so as to avoid losing all of their class abilities when surprised at night? I remember armor taking several minutes to don, even when assisted.

As Fizban helpfully pointed out, there are several ways. The Dauntless Upgrade was specifically written to address this point, in fact.

EDIT: Just wanted to let you know that I think this class is great, I'm immediately going to convert it to Pathfinder so I can give it as an option to my players, should one of their characters die. Also, hopefully I can play as this class when we switch out to a new GM.

I'd be happy to post a Pathfinder version of the class. Is there anything I'd need to convert besides the Skills and how the Bull Rush/Trip/etc checks are resolved?

One ability that I don't like is the Alchemical Ability. Potions suck, and the only thing you're getting is the ability to brew them yourself and avoid an AoO when you should never be drinking potions in combat. I would either improve it to a swift action to use a slotted potion (comparable to a number of feats and class abilities around), or make it special and uncap the level limit so you can have more high level toolkit ability.

When I play tested this ability I loaded up on potions of Delay Poison, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, and Cure Serious Wounds, and it was very handy. Normally it's a Move Action to draw a potion, and a Standard Action to drink it. The Upgrade reduces that down to a single Move Action. Given the fact that lots of his blasty abilities are Standard Actions, this Upgrade let me drink a potion and blast in the same round. I don't want to give the Magitech Templar a huge buff-bot action advantage by making it a Swift Action or allowing him to create potions of Polymorph. But I am open to tweaking the ability. I'll have to rethink it and see what I can do.

I would also want to let the Repeating Crossbow ability count as a normal Light Crossbow for prerequisites, simply because there are several feats and abilities that discriminate against repeaters.

I was not aware of that. The change has been made.

I could go for some clarification on how to determine the price of upgrading your armor with +X abilities, and how one replaces a Clockwork Companion. I'd normally figure the cost would be determined separately from the class bonus, adding the class bonus on top afterward (such that no matter what level you are, the cost is the same). As for replacing the CC, probably a day's work with some scrap metal, or maybe a modest price (Animal Companions are free after all). I also wonder if you could take the Ability Focus feat for one of your armor upgrades. They're listed as class abilities, so between that and my desire to do so I would naturally assume yes :smallbiggrin:

Those are excellent ideas. I'm AFB right now, but when I get home I'll clarify the abilities.

Thank you for the kind words and suggestions everyone. I'll be incorporating them into the class some time today. Any additional feedback is most welcome.

2010-11-18, 11:06 AM
Hmm. That's a good idea. However, I'm having a hard time visualizing how armor could be used to Shield Other. I'll try and think something up. Do you (or anyone) have any suggestions?Shield Other was just off the top of my head. It's already producing flamethrowers and ice missiles, so visualizing can be "it's just magic."

If you don't want to go that route (understandable) there are still other ways. I'm thinking perhaps an armor upgrade that allows one to incorporate a shield into one's armor or something that starts one down the 'protector' line--a tower shield without the attack penalties would be badass, just off the top of my head. Perhaps include a way to take attacks in place of adjacent allies. Higher level abilities could be something like counting the Templar as a wall that blocks line of sight/effect, making it so allies can literally use him as mobile cover (the Templar is still target-able as normal, of course). Maybe if he has the protector upgrades as well as some of the mobility upgrades, he can take an immediate action to move X squares and push allies out of the range of an attack to take the blow instead.

2010-11-18, 11:48 AM
But...but...but.... Warforged Warlock....

2010-11-18, 03:44 PM
I adjusted to PFRPG myself, it's actually very simple. If you'd like to do it yourself as well, there is a free pdf on the Paizo website, right here (http://paizo.com/store/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy89m6). It's free, I think all you need to do is register at Paizo to grab it.

2010-11-18, 04:16 PM
When I play tested this ability I loaded up on potions of Delay Poison, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, and Cure Serious Wounds, and it was very handy. Normally it's a Move Action to draw a potion, and a Standard Action to drink it. The Upgrade reduces that down to a single Move Action. Given the fact that lots of his blasty abilities are Standard Actions, this Upgrade let me drink a potion and blast in the same round. I don't want to give the Magitech Templar a huge buff-bot action advantage by making it a Swift Action or allowing him to create potions of Polymorph. But I am open to tweaking the ability. I'll have to rethink it and see what I can do.

Hmm, I didn't think of it that way. I know a lot of people use Potion Belts or just handwave the action to draw a potion, which is why I didn't consider it a useful part of the ability, but it is a significant advantage in that situation. Mostly I saw that most of the other abilities that were similar to feats or magic were also a bit better, so it encouraged taking the armor one if you really wanted to focus on it. The potion making didn't seem any better than if a spellcaster just took Brew Potion and bought a potion belt, so my reaction was to beef it up. You're right about them turning into buff monsters though, with a swift action I'd expect them to be throwing down a spell every round once they've got the cash, which is less than desirable.

It occurs to me that I forgot potions are normally a standard action, so yes that is a bonus. >.<

2010-11-19, 12:01 AM
Subscribing. Still love it. Trying to build some characters with it now.

2010-11-20, 12:08 AM
Love it!

Do you have a epic progression in the works?

An if it where me making this I would add feats that give extra upgrades, but make it to where you have to be at least lvl 10 to take them.

Looks at Krimm Black Leafs feats in his HB thread.

2010-11-20, 12:23 AM
This is awesome! One of the coolest classes ever! Also, where'd you get the pic, anyways?

2010-11-21, 09:18 AM
I have a couple more questions/suggestions: what about letting them choose Armored Attack for the Power Fist or Repeating Crossbow instead of Armor Spikes? The Iron Golem class in the Improved Monster Classes thread gains a similar ability to upgrade one of his built in weapons, and having that big juicy die roll on your bow/fist is a nice way to make it unique. Also, what happens if you take Armored Mobility while also having a feat like Armor Specialization, or Heavy Armor Optimization, which only works with a heavier armor? I'm pretty sure rules-wise you'd lose the benefit of your feat, so I'd want to add a "whenever it would benefit you" clause to let people keep their feat benefits. And finally, did you notice that you're giving the armor double it's relevant ability modifier on skill checks by giving them extra ranks? They're also going to have very low modifiers due to stat penalties, and there are a couple places where it sounds like you forgot that you set their stats equal to the class level.

2010-11-21, 12:43 PM
I'm kind of enderwhelmed by the current power level.

It's a very nice implementation, but you don't get as many actual abilities as a warlock and those abilities are generally both weaker and have a cooldown. I'd presonally like to see either the blast damage going up a notch or some feats to mitigate the recharge times. I'm also inclined to think that a 3/4 BAB, additional upgrade slots and then some buffing abilities [strength increases or enhancement bonuses to attacks].

That said, Repulsor ray is great, it's just not going to work at all often below 20th level...even with 10 dice, the average is only 25... that's a 10ft shift

2010-11-21, 01:11 PM
:smalleek: I think I just had a Nerdgasm.
This is the best Power-Armor class I've seen yet. Better than the engineer, and more versatile than the chozo warrior. Good job.

Morph Bark
2010-11-21, 02:45 PM
I advise renaming Craft Magic Arms and Armor to Imbue Armor, as to avoid confusion over the name due to the fact it does not work like the feat does.

Though really, Magitech intruiges me and the picture is hilarious and great, so this definitely interests me.

2010-11-22, 09:46 PM
OK, made several updates and clarifications:

Clarified that the cost of improving your Magitech Armor is calculated separately from the enchantment bonus you gain from class levels (making it a lot cheaper), and put a +5 cap on non-enhancement bonus to AC enchantments, so that you can't get Epic armor pre-epic.
Made the Magitech Armor immune to Dispel Magic and similar effects (but not Anit-Magic Field), bumping up the power level a little.
Clarified that feats which apply to Spell Like Abilities may be applied individually to Armor.
Clarified that it if your Clockwork Animal Companion is killed or you want to replace it, it takes 24 hours, a facility that can make magical armor, and 500 gp.
Increased the number of potions that can be stored in your armor with the Alchemy ability from a max of 5 to a max of 10. Having thought more about it, I think it's important to keep the action down to a Move Action and to not uncap the spell level that can be kept in potions. But increasing the number of potions your armor can hold should allow you to plan ahead for a large number of contingencies.
Added the Interpose Upgrade. It allows you to block line of sight so that you can protect allies standing behind you. As Proven_Paradox opined, tanks are only useful if you can get enemies to attack you and not your squishy allies. This should help you accomplish that, without stepping on the Knight's niche (Test of Mettle/Aggro) or the Cleric/Paladin niche (Shield Other).
Renamed Craft Magic Arms and Armor to Imbue Armor.

Fizban, I rewrote the above before seeing your newest post. Expect another update soon.

Thanks for all of the feedback everyone. Will continue to polish the class, and additional commentary is always welcome.

2010-11-25, 05:31 AM
Ten potions in reserve usable as move actions along with the ability to brew your own should be useful enough for a good while, probably till 10th at least, and none of the abilities are exactly late-game breakers so it's in line with the rest. I like allowing meta-SLA feats for armor abilities, that's something I didn't think of. The only problem is that now the armor abilities need an effective spell level and caster level to determine when you can take them. Or you could make them exempt from those requirements, which seems fine to me since they don't replicate full power spells.

I like the Interpose idea, but I'm unconvinced that a a single 5' cube is going to limit enemies very effectively. Ranged attacks and spells only have to sidestep a little bit to get past, and tall enemies can just attack over you. In an enclosed space you could block lines of attack, but in an open room they can still just walk around you. I don't know what else to do with the ability other than making it duplicate parts of existing builds. Maybe extend the range to all squares within 5 feet? This would let you block a solid 15' (or 20' when large) span, enough to block off more than a narrow hallway, and forcing enemies to actually go around you rather than just eat the attacks of opportunity to get to the squishies. This would allow you to turtle up in a corner and force enemies to target the Templar, which may sound overpowered, but compared to a wall spell with arrow slits I'm not sure it's that bad. Actually, that could use some clarifcation too: you mention both line of sight and line of effect. Do you block one, the other, or both? I'm sure you know it's a serious distinction.

And also: Powerful Build upgrade? You know it's awesome.

2010-11-25, 10:38 AM
Perhaps another way to go at the protect squishies would be a new line of abilities extending from the deflection ability (though I would prefer a new ability that just gives a deflection bonus to armor class). You could give all allies (I'm thinking adjacent, but within threat range would work also) a deflection bonus equal to half of yours by spreading your shield out. At the same time they would also be covered by a shield other effect.

2010-11-27, 10:54 PM
Another round of updates:

Increased the Energy Resistance provided by Energy Shield from twice the Enhancement bonus to your AC (max 10) to four times the Enhancement bonus (max 20). But now it only applies to one energy type at a time. This also adds a new synergy between Energy Shield and Transmutation, in that you can change your Energy Resistance and Armor Type (red dragon scale for Fire, black for Acid, etc) as needed, although doing so in the middle of combat is inefficient.
Added Extend Shields upgrade, which allows you to extend your Energy Shield to all allies within 10 feet as an Immediate Action. This should be very handy for protecting them against Fireballs and dragon breath and whatnot (especially in dungeon, when people clump together), as long as you can guess what type of energy your enemy is going to use beforehand.
Increased the bonus provided by the Power Jump ability from two times to four times the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class, making it more useful (and a viable alternative to just taking Propulsion for flight, especially if your build depends on Leap Attack and/or Tiger Claw maneuvers).
Increased the benefit of taking Propulsion multiple times, in case you really just want to Fly fast.
Speed bonus now scales.
Improved Spider Climb to make it match that of a monstrous spider, and added immunity to Entangle.
Changed how damage is calculated on the Explosive Energy, Flame Thrower, Frost Missile, Flame Thrower, Repulsor Ray, and Water Cannon. They now deal more damage at low levels and the damage is based off of the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. Thus they are now worthwhile options at low levels, and they're not wasted upgrades if you choose to multi-class. Though it is noteworthy that the Save DC is based on your Magitech Templar level, giving you an incentive to go Magitech Templar 20 (or to max out your Int).

Changes were significant enough that I upgraded the class to Mark VIIII. Here's the old Mark VIII Armor if you'd liked it better, or want to compare (sorry I had to put it here - I was limited on the number of characters I could use in each post).

Magitech Templar - Mark VIII

d12 hit die

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (except tower shields).

Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Religion), Profession, Spellcraft, Swim.

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

{table=head]Level | BAB | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special
1st | + 1 | + 2 | + 0 | + 0 | Magitech Armor, +1 Enhancement Bonus
2nd | + 2 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | Magitech Upgrade
3rd | + 3 | + 3 | + 1 | + 1 | Armor Sentience, Armored Sense Upgrade
4th | + 4 | + 4 | + 1 | + 1 | Magitech Upgrade, Imbue Armor
5th | + 5 | + 4 | + 1 | + 1 | Armor Expertise, +2 Enhancement Bonus
6th | + 6 | + 5 | + 2 | + 2 | Magitech Upgrade
7th | + 7 | + 5 | + 2 | + 2 | Armored Sense Upgrade
8th | + 8 | + 6 | + 2 | + 2 | Magitech Upgrade
9th | + 9 | + 6 | + 3 | + 3 | Armor Expertise, +3 Enhancement Bonus
10th | + 10 | + 7 | + 3 | + 3 | Magitech Upgrade
11th | + 11 | + 7 | + 3 | + 3 | Armored Sense Upgrade
12th | + 12 | + 8 | + 4 | + 4 | Magitech Upgrade
13th | + 13 | + 8 | + 4 | + 4 | Armor Expertise, +4 Enhancement Bonus
14th | + 14 | + 9 | + 4 | + 4 | Magitech Upgrade
15th | + 15 | + 9 | + 5 | + 5 | Armored Sense Upgrade
16th | + 16 | + 10 | + 5 | + 5 | Magitech Upgrade
17th | + 17 | + 10 | + 5 | + 5 | Armor Expertise, +5 Enhancement Bonus
18th | + 18 | + 11 | + 6 | + 6 | Magitech Upgrade
19th | + 19 | + 11 | + 6 | + 6 | Armored Sense Upgrade
20th | + 20 | + 12 | + 6 | + 6 | Magitech Upgrade, Armor Transcendence

Class Abilities:

Magitech Armor: At 1st level you gain a suit of magic armor from your church (or family, clan, king, or other organization as appropriate for your character). You may choose any type of armor that you are proficient with. It is of masterwork quality, but is otherwise typical of armor of that type. At your option and expense, you may request that the armor be made of special materials, or that it include armor spikes or other mundane additions (hidden sheaths, heraldry) as long as they are normally capable of being added to such armor, and you pay the full cost associated with the improvements. At any time you may return to any church of your order, and they will provide you with the facilities needed for you to repair, improve, or enchant it, though you must still pay for materials and other associated costs.

At 1st level your Magitech Armor has a magical +1 enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class. This increases by an additional +1 every four levels thereafter (+2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). A Magitech Templar may choose to increase the enhancement bonus of his Magitech Armor's Armor Class through the normal enchantment processes for magical armor at his own expense if he wishes. However, Magitech Armor may never have an enhancement bonus to it's Armor Class higher than the Magitech Templar's effective class level (all class and prestige class levels + level adjustment + racial hit dice) divided by 4 (rounded up). A Magitech Templar may also choose to add up to +5 bonus worth of other magical enchantments (Acid Resistance, Fortification, Invulnerability, Shadow, etc) to his Magitech Armor at his own expense.

The cost of improving the enhancement bonus to Armor Class and adding any other enchantments to your Magitech Armor is calculated separately from the enchantment bonus to Armor Class gained by taking levels of Magitech Templar. For example, if you wanted to add Light Fortification (a +1 bonus) to your +1 Magitech Armor, it would only cost 1,000 gp (the cost of a +1 enchantment), and not the 3,000 gp it would normally cost to improve +1 magic armor to +2 magic armor.

Magitech Armor is more powerful then a regular magic item. It cannot be supressed with Dispel Magic or similar effects. Only an an Antimagic Field and areas of "dead magic" suppress it's abilities, rendering it mundane masterwork armor until the magic suppression ends. When suppressed by an Anti-Magic Field or similar effect, you also lose any abilities gained from Magitech Upgrades, Armor Sentience, and Armored Sense Upgrade. As Extraordinary abilities, benefits gained from Armor Expertise and Armor Transcendence are unaffected by Antimagic.

If your Magitech Armor is ever stolen or destroyed, you must go on a special quest determined by your church (the DM) to prove your loyalty and competence, and they will replace it free of charge. When replaced, it will contain any upgrades, magical enhancements, and other improvements that you have accumulated and invested in it up to that point. If you ever willingly sell or give away your Magitech Armor, you are cast out from your church and may not take additional levels of the Magitech Templar class. All Magitech Armor abilities and Magitech Upgrades only function for the Magitech Templar for which it was created. No one else, including other Magitech Templars, may use them.

Magitech Upgrade (Sp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#spellLikeAbilities)): At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you gain a new ability with your Magitech Armor. These abilities function only while you wear your Magitech Armor.

Unless otherwise noted, if a Magitech Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For the purpose of duration, bypassing Spell-Resistance, or any other similar calculation, your caster level is equal to your Magitech Templar level and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Feats which can apply to spell-like abilities, such as Ability Focus and Quicken Spell-Like Ability, can be taken to improve Magitech Upgrades. Each time you take such a feat it only applies to a single Upgrade of your choice - thus Ability Focus could improve the Save DC of your Frost Missile attacks, but would not apply to the rest of your Upgrades unless you took the feat multiple times.

Also unless otherwise noted, you may only choose each Upgrade once. Each time you gain a Magitech Upgrade, choose one of the following:

Alchemical Ability: You may create magical potions, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to create magical potions. The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Alchemy) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. In addition, you build a number of slots into your armor that can hold potions (or any other liquid that can be drank or injected into your body). Your armor has a number or potion slots equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (maximum of 10). Loading one potion into your armor is a Full Round Action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Once a potion is loaded into your armor, it can stay there indefinitely, or until you spend another Full Round Action to replace it. As a Move Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may use any one potion that has been loaded into your armor.

Armored Fortitude: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Fortitude Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Fortitude Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Fortitude Save, instead of rolling d20 + Fortitude Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Mind: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Willpower Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Willpower Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Willpower Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Reflexes: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Reflex Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Reflex Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Reflex Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Stability: You gain an enhancement bonus to resist all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip attempts made against you equal to twice the enhancement bonus on your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class.

Burrow: You gain a Burrow speed equal to one-half your total land speed.

Clockwork Animal Companion (Requires Construct Empathy Upgrade): You gain a Clockwork Animal Companion. This ability functions in the same fashion as a Driud's Animal Companion ability, except your Animal Companion has the Construct type. This grants your Companion all of the benefits of a Construct, and effects how you calculate your Companion's statistics, including BAB, Saves, Skill Points, hit points, etc., but not size, movement, natural attacks, or other qualities not determined by type. Your Magitech Templar level stacks with levels of any other class or prestige class that grants an Animal Companion for the purpose of determining the special powers (bonus hit die, natural armor, etc) for your Companion, as if you were a Druid. As a Construct, you do not need to use Handle Animal to direct your Companion or teach it tricks. You may command it as a Free Action during your turn, and it will carry out your instructions to the best of its ability and Intelligence. Magitech Upgrades (which are spell-like abilities) may not be shared with the Share Spells special power. At your DM's discretion, you may gain an alternate Companion, such as an animated object or effigy creature (Complete Arcane), as long as your Companion's hit die do not surpass the hit die your Clockwork Animal Companion would have. If your Clockwork Animal Companion is killed or you wish to replace it with a different one, you may do so by spending 24 uninterrupted hours building one in any facility capable of building and repairing magical armor. Doing so costs 500 gp worth of materials.

Construct Empathy: You may use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of Diplomacy to effect the attitudes of beings with the Construct type or Living Construct subtype. You may also use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of the Ride Skill when riding a Construct or Living Construct. In addition, mindless Constructs (Int 0) treat you as a Construct of the same type, and ignore your presence unless you attack them or they are directly ordered to attack you.

Damage Reduction (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): You gain DR X/-, where X is equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This DR stacks with the DR of the same type provided by your armor (such as if it is made of adamantine), but not with DR from any other source.

Dauntless (Requires Armored Mind Upgrade): You no longer need to sleep or eat, and are immune to all Sleep, Fatigue, Exhaustion, and hunger related effects. You are also immune to the effects of ingested poison, drugs, and alcohol.

Deflection (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): The Armor Bonus from your Magitech Armor (including the enhancement bonus and any Natural Armor bonus provided by the Armor Expertise ability) applies to your Touch Armor Class as well.

Diving Attack (Requires Power Jump or Propulsion Upgrade): You gain the Pounce ability. To use this ability, you must move at least 20 feet as part of your Charge, including at least 10 feet in a downwards angle in the direction of your enemy. (Making a successful Jump to cover at least 10 feet of distance fulfills this requirement). If you successfully hit and damage any enemy as part of a Diving Attack, you also gain a free Trip attack against them (and may make a free follow up attack as normal if you have Improved Trip).

Energy Shield (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): You gain Energy Resistance against all forms of energy (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic) equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This Energy Resistance stacks with any Energy Resistance provided by your Magitech Armor (such as if it is made of dragon hide or has an Energy Resistance enchantment), but not with Energy Resistance from any other source. In addition, you are effected by a continuous Endure Elements (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Endureelements.htm) effect.

Evasion: (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): You gain the Evasion ability. This ability only functions in light armor, or heavier armor that has been modified by materials (like Mithril) and/or abilities (such as Armored Mobility) to count as light armor.

Explosive Energy: As a Full Round action, you channel all of the energy of your Magitech Armor into an explosive electrical attack. Everyone within a 30 ft radius of you is effected (including allies), taking 1d6 points of Electrical damage per Magitech Templar level (max 20d6), and they are Stunned (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Stunned) for 1d4 rounds. If an enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Stunned. After you use this ability, you are Dazed for 1d4 rounds, and no feat, ability, maneuver, item, spell, or other effect may prevent, limit, or dispel the Daze effect.

Frost Missile: As a Standard Action, you may fire a Frost Missile. The missile has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 2d8 points of Cold damage, and the enemy is Slowed (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Slow.htm) for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Slowed. You may fire one missile for every 5 Magitech Templar levels you posses (maximum 4). Each missile may target the same enemy, or different enemies, and each enemy must Save separately for each missile that hits it. However, multiple Slow effects do not stack. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Flame Thrower: As a Standard Action you shoot a cone of flame that is up to 5 feet long and 5 feet wide at its farthest point for every two Magitech Templar levels (max 50 feet). You may make the cone smaller if you wish. It deals 1d6 points of Fire damage for every two Magitech Templar levels (max 10d6 at 20th level) to all enemies within its area, and enemies that receive damage catch on fire, taking an addition 1d6 points of Fire damage every round (including the round they are initially hit) for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they do not catch on fire. A burning creature may take a Move Action to put out the flame. Multiple effects which make an enemy catch on fire do not stack. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Great Strength: You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, your armor’s weight is no longer included in any Encumbrance calculation (which effects carrying capacity and movement rate).

Interpose (Requires Armored Stability Upgrade): Your armor is so imposing that enemies cannot ignore your presence. Any space that you occupy blocks the line of sight of any enemy attack on the same or lower level of elevation as you. Thus enemies cannot target anyone or anything behind you with ranged attacks, reach weapons, magic, or other effects that require a strait line of effect through your square. Allies that are familiar with your presence may target others through your square normally. Enemies that on higher elevation then you ignore this effect, as do enemies that are larger then you.

Light Beams: As a Swift Action, you may fire beams of light from your eyes. Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 1d4 points of Fire damage for every two Magitech Templar levels (max 10d4 at 20th level), and the target is www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:DazzledDazzled for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Dazzled. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Mettle (Requires Armored Fortitude or Armored Mind Upgrade): You gain the Mettle ability.

Planar Adaptation: Choose a plane of existence other then the Material Plane. You may move and act on that plane as if you were a native, and do not take penalties associated with being a non-native to this plane. In addition, your attacks automatically overcome any Damage Reduction and Spell Resistance of any enemy that is native to that plane. You may take this upgrade multiple times. Each time you take it, add an additional plane of existence. This upgrade (and what enemies it effects) requires DM approval, as the cosmology of various game worlds vary dramatically.

Power Fist (Requires Great Strength Upgrade): Your armor has a Power Fist built into one of its arms, which is a one handed masterwork weapon that deals 1d12 (20, *4) damage for medium beings. You are treated as being proficient with this weapon. Using your Power Fist does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The Power Fist is treated as a two handed weapon for the purpose of any opposed Disarm or Sunder attempt (thus providing a +4 bonus to such attempts). You may hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or object in the same hand as your Power Fist, though you may not use them both during the same round. You may not use any claw or spiked gauntlet on the same hand as a Power Fist. As part of your armor, the Power Fist cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. In addition, anyone who is killed by the Power Fist is generally killed in a very gruesome manner – limbs are torn off, decapitation, disembowelment, etc. Whenever you kill an enemy with your Power Fist (reducing them to -10 hit points or lower), all enemies with fewer Hit Dice then you within 60 feet must make a Willpower Save or become www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:ShakenShaken for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind effecting Fear (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Fear) effect. Multiple Fear effects from the same source do not stack. But Fear effects from different sources do stack unless otherwise specified. You may enchant the Power Fist just as you enchant armor spikes, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times - once for each hand you possess.

Power Jump: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Jump check equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, the DC for determining Jump checks are always calculated as if you were making a running jump. And as long as you are not Paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated, you are immune to damage from falling. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Jump checks.

Propulsion: You gain a Fly Speed of 30 with Clumsy maneuverability. You may take this Magitech Upgrade multiple times. Each time you take this Upgrade, your Fly Speed increases by 10 and your maneuverability increases by one step.

Repair: Your armor repairs any damage to itself (but not you) as if it had Fast Healing 1. In addition, your armor gains 50 hit points above and beyond that provided by the its material, enhancement bonus, etc. It also becomes immune to all corrosion, decay, and rust effects. You and your Magitech Armor also gain your Intelligence bonus (if positive) as a bonus to Saving Throws against all Acid and Disintegration effects, as well as any other effect that may damage or destroy your Magitech Armor.

Repeating Crossbow: Your armor has a special masterwork repeating light crossbow built into one of its arms (1d8, 19-20, *2). You are treated as being proficient with this weapon. You may hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or other object on the same arm as your Repeating Crossbow (including a Power Fist), though you may not use them both during the same round. As part of your armor, the Repeating Crossbow cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. You may treat the weapon as a crossbow of any type for any feat or ability that effects weapons. Your armor contains an extradimensional space which can store up to 100 bolts, and the repeating crossbow automatically reloads from this space in the order that they are loaded. You may enchant the Repeating Crossbow just as you a repeating light crossbow, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times – once for each arm that you possess.

Repulsor Ray: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The ray has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits, it deals 1d4 points of Force damage for every two Magitech Templar levels (max 10d4 at 20th level), and the enemy is hit by a Bull Rush that pushes them directly away from you, using the damage dealt for your opposed check (instead of a d20 + Str + size). Other feats and abilities that effect Bull Rush attempts (Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper, Dungeon Crasher, magic items, etc) otherwise improve and effect this check. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not effected by a Bull Rush. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Shattering: You gain the Improved Sunder feat. In addition, whenever you confirm a critical hit with an unarmed strike, Power Fist, Repeating Crossbow, or armor spikes, you may make a free Sunder attempt against any object that enemy.

Speed: You gain a +10 bonus to your base land speed. You may take this Magitech Upgrade multiple times. Each time you take this Upgrade, the bonus to your base land speed increases by +10.

Spider Climb: You are effected by a continuous Spider Climb (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spiderclimb.htm) effect.

Stealth: You may cast Nondetection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nondetection.htm) and Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibility.htm) as a Standard Action. You must cast each separately, and you may only target yourself. If a divination is attempted against you or any item in your possession while under the effects of Nondetection, the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 + your Magitech Templar level.

Transmutation: As a Standard Action, you may transform your armor into any type of armor that you are proficient with. You may also transmute the substance it is made of. It may be composed of any material or special material (adamantine, mithril, dragonhide, etc) that is legal for armor of that type. You may also use this ability to transform your armor spikes and/or a Power Fist and/or Repeating Crossbow to a material or special material of your choice. In addition, your armor gains the Glamered (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Glamered) ability.

Underwater Adaptation: Your armor is adapted to underwater travel. You no longer need to breath, and are not effected by the negative effects of spells and environments based on breathing. (Thus you would not be effected by poison gas or Stinking Cloud, though you would still be effected by Solid Fog or Obscuring Mist). You gain a Swim speed equal to your base land or Fly speed (whichever is higher), and may take 10 on all Swim checks, even while threatened or rushed. Your armor’s weight is no longer included into any calculation that would effect buoyancy. And any attacks you make (such as if you use a blunt weapon or make an attack with fire) are not penalized for being underwater. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Swim checks.

Water Cannon: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Water Cannon has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits, it deals 1d6 points of physical damage for every four Magitech Templar levels (max 5d6 at 20th level), and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Blown_Away). Against enemies with the Fire subtype, the Water Cannon deals 1d20 points points of physical damage for every four Magitech Templar levels (max 5d20 at 20th level) and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Blown Away. The Water Cannon has no effect on enemies with the Water subtype. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again. You may also use your Water Cannon as a Decanter of Endless Water (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Decanter_of_Endless_Water).

Webbing: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Webbing has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Any target hit by this attack takes no damage, but becomes entangled, as if they had been hit by a net (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Net). As part of your webbing you may create a trailing rope. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the entangled creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The webbing has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action). You may also use webbing as a rope and grappling hook, or as a mundane whip (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Whip) (though this upgrade does not grant whip proficiency). The webbing is highly flammable, and is destroyed by any fire damage (though the entangled subject also takes 1d6 points of fire damage as the webbing burns up). Multiple webbing effects against the same target do not stack. You may only have one trailing rope or whip from this ability in effect at any given time.

Armor Sentience (Sp): At 3rd level your Magitech Armor gains sentience. Your armor has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores equal to your Magitech Templar level, and follows similar rules as an intelligent weapon (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/magicItemsICA.html). It has speech, vision, hearing, and empathy. It shares your alignment. If your alignment changes, an Ego Struggle may occur, as per the rules of Intelligent Items.

Armored Sense Upgrade (Sp): At 3rd level you gain the ability to share senses with your Magitech Armor. You may use your Magitech Armor's ability to perceive the world in place of your own. This allows you to replace your Listen, Spot, or other Skill check with your armor's Skill checks, and/or to use its Darkvision, Blindsight, or other special senses in place of your own. In addition, your armor does not receive any bonuses or take penalties to any Skill check that would not effect a construct (sleeping, mind affecting effects, morale bonuses, etc).

At 3rd level and every four levels thereafter, you gain one Armored Sense Upgrade. These abilities improve as you gain Magitech Templar levels, and function only while you wear your Magitech Armor. You may not choose the same Armored Sense Upgrade more than once. If an Armored Sense Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw, the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For any other effect that requires it (such as duration or overcoming Spell Resistance), your caster level is your Magitech Templar level, and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Choose one of the following upgrades to your armor:

Darkvision (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Darkvision for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 10. This vision functions in both mundane, supernatural, and magical darkness of all types.

Decipher: Your armor gains Ranks in Decipher Script equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your Magitech Armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you are
you armor also gains a number of additional languages equal to one half your Magitech Templar level, and may translate everything you hear, say, read, and write instantaneously on your behalf.

Detect Disorder: Your armor gains Ranks in Sense Motive equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you may Detect Chaos (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Detect_Chaos) at will as a Standard Action.

Detect Substance: As a Swift Action you may learn what material(s) any structure or object (including armor, weapons, etc) is made of, including its hardness and hit points. You also automatically know the current hit points of any Construct or Living Construct, and what materials bypass its Damage Reduction (if any). This ability works on any object, Construct, or Living Construct that you can see, though you may only use it on one target at a time.

Discern Lies (Requires Detect Disorder Upgrade): As a Standard Action you may Discern Lies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/discernLies.htm).

Listen: Your armor gains Ranks in Listen equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty).

Search (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Ranks in Search equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Intelligence bonus (or penalty). In addition, you may Find Traps as a Rogue. Your Magitech Armor is constantly on the lookout for you, and so you are automatically entitled to a Search check whenever you pass within 10 feet of a trap, secret/concealed door, or portal.

See Invisibility (Requires Search Upgrade): Your armor gains See Invisibility for a number of feet equal to one half your Magitech Templar level * 5.

Spot: Your armor gains Ranks in Spot equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you gain Low Light Vision.

Tremorsense (Requires Listen): Your armor gains Tremorsense for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 5. You may also use Detect Disorder and/or Detect Substance and/or Discern Lies (if you have those Upgrades) on any target within your Tremorsense, removing the normal line of sight requirement for doing so.

X-Ray Vision (Requires Darkvision and Spot Upgrades): You may see through solid matter. You may see through one foot of matter per Magitech Templar level.

Imbue Armor (Sp): At 4th level you gain the ability to enchant your Magitech Armor, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to improve your Magitech Armor, and its armor spikes, Power Fist, and Repeating Crossbow (if your armor possesses those Upgrades). The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Armorsmithing) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. This ability allows you to continue to improve your Magitech Armor (and certain Magitech Upgrades which depend on your Magitech Armor’s enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class) more easily, even if you later take levels of a class or prestige class other then Magitech Templar.

Armor Expertise (Ex): At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, choose any one of the following benefits. You may choose the same benefit multiple times, and the benefits stack with the benefits from special materials or other Magitech Templar class abilities, including itself:

Armored Attack: When attacking with armor spikes, they count as one size larger for calculating damage. Use the following progression for calculating damage: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6 (max).

Armored Ease: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your max Dex bonus is increased by 2, the armor check penalty is decreased by 2 (minimum 0), and the arcane spell failure rate is decreased by 10% (minimum 0).

Armored Mobility (Requires Armored Ease): When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your armor counts as one size lighter. This may effect your movement and what abilities you can use while wearing your armor (such as Evasion).

Armor Proficiency: You gain a bonus feat of your choice. This feat must either provide proficiency with an armor or shield (such as Dwarvern Armor Proficiency or Tower Shield Proficiency), or it must have armor or shield proficiency as a requirement of the feat (such as Armor Specialization or Improved Shield Bash). You must also otherwise qualify for the feat.

Armored Skin: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 Natural Armor bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with Natural Armor bonuses from all other sources.

Armor Transcendence (Ex): When you are wearing your Magitech Armor, you transcend your mortal form and take on many of the characteristics of a Construct. You gain immunity to poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. You are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. You are not at risk of death from massive damage. You maintain all of the other features of living beings – you still count as the same type of creature, still have a Constitution score, can be resurrected, and you are still effected by mind affecting effects. You also are not immune to sleep, fatigue, and exhaustion effects unless you have taken the Dauntless Upgrade, and must still breath unless you have take the Underwater Adaptation Upgrade.

Will be making yet another round of changes to address comments soon. (Thanksgiving got in the way of my writing)

2010-11-27, 10:59 PM
Changes were significant enough that I upgraded the class to Mark VIIII.

Mark IX, kthnx bai.

Sorry, roman numeral errors really jar me. ^^ I'll look at the changes in a second.


Out of curiosity, can you enhance your armor magically in a separate (more normal) enchantment process in addition to the class boosts?

2010-11-28, 03:01 AM
I think the Water Cannon might have got nerfed in that last update. It only hits one target for a maximum of 5d6 with a knockback effect.

Was wondering how scaling off the enhancement bonus was supposed to be multiclassing friendly, and re-read this sentence:
"However, Magitech Armor may never have an enhancement bonus to it's Armor Class higher than the Magitech Templar's effective class level (all class and prestige class levels + level adjustment + racial hit dice) divided by 4 (rounded up)."
I think you meant Effective Character Level there. That does make the class a lot more multiclass friendly, indeed.

2010-11-28, 03:19 AM
Mark IX, kthnx bai.

Sorry, roman numeral errors really jar me. ^^ I'll look at the changes in a second.
There are known period examples of IV and IIII, as well as IX and VIIII. We today tend to believe that IV and IX are the strictly correct versions, but that's not actually true, as they people of the time seem to be a little more lax about it. Personally, I like IIII and IX, but that's just me.


2010-11-28, 03:40 AM
Period correct vs "modern correct" and I go modern. IX is the more frequently viewed and easier read. While VIIII is just as understandable, it is also momentarily confusing to most. Hence my response, tho you ARE right.


2010-11-28, 03:43 AM
Period correct vs "modern correct" and I go modern. IX is the more frequently viewed and easier read. While VIIII is just as understandable, it is also momentarily confusing to most. Hence my response, tho you ARE right.

Well, the point is more that there IS no period correct depiction of 4 and 9 in Roman numerals, in fact, there's quite a bit of debate as to what the Romans themselves would say when asked. Besides, I just like nitpicking on stuff like that. :smalltongue:

Like I said, in this case, I personally prefer IX anyways. Any excuse to use "X" in a class title. :smallcool:

2010-11-28, 03:54 AM
Looking over this, the armor's enhancement could totally be sacred/profane =O

Twin Dragons
2010-11-29, 12:58 AM
This is really cool, I'd love to see a Superman class done in the same vein.

2010-12-05, 01:26 AM
I can't help thinking that this is how Weapons of Legacy should have been handled (well, Armours of Legacy anyway).

2010-12-05, 02:16 AM
Pretty cool class all told. I like a lot of what you did with this. But there are several parts of it that seem unclear, and others that feel weak.

First: The Armor becoming an intelligent item.

-You mention it has stats, speech, vision, and hearing. But the stats are exceedingly low when you get it, and continue to be so until mid levels. Wouldn't something like 10+1/2 level be more appropriate than flat out level? Trying to speak with an int/cha/wis 3 armor seems like an exorcise in futility.

-What are the Armor's skills? You can share skills with the armor, but there's no way of knowing what the Armor's skills are. Do you assign them? I ask because the normal intelligent item rules don't give intelligent items skill points. The item can get ranks in a skill via powers, but your description doesn't detail what powers the armor has access to. (read: The powers that it gets from being intelligent, a la the srd article you linked, not the powers you gain from the class)

-Similarly, an ego battle as you described from an alignment shift can't happen without knowing what the powers are, since its powers play into its ego.

fake edit: Reading further in I see you can get Spot/Listen ranks from sensory powers. This raises the question of how that interracts with it if you have the lesser power: 10 ranks in (whatever). Do they stack? Or does the armor just not get any abilities for being sentient, making it able to talk for role play exclusively, and being usable as a sensory boost?

2) A lot of the magitech upgrades feel really weak. One that stuck out at me was spend a class feature to gain an enhancement bonus to strength that at level 17 is going to be weaker than what you could get from a magic item. (caps at +5). There's others in there too that I look at and say "Why would I want to take this?" though. Repair, Power Jump, Armored Stability, Construct Empathy, just to name a few.

Also Propulsion seems pretty weak having to take it multiple times. Giving it perfect maneuverability, but letting it be taken repeatedly to increase speed, seems like a better route to go, imo.

3) On the other end of the spectrum some of these magitech upgrades seem pretty strong to be at will. An at will AOE stun for example seems over the top, even if it dazes you in turn.

4) Armored attack feels out of place in armor expertise. Everything else there is defensive, whereas that is very offensively oriented. I would suggest allowing it to apply to the power fist as well, and put it under magitech upgrades.

Speaking of power fist, can it be dual wielded? Or could you dual wield using some combination of Power Fist/Armor Spikes? If so, I'd say let one of your magitech abilities add bonus damage dice, or add int to damage to them. If not, let the power fist act as a two handed weapon for purposes for power attack.

2010-12-05, 03:58 AM
this raises the question of how that interracts with it if you have the lesser power: 10 ranks in (whatever). Do they stack? Or does the armor just not get any abilities for being sentient, making it able to talk for role play exclusively, and being usable as a sensory boost?
The armor doesn't get any abilities just for becoming sentient. Instead of using the packages in the DMG, it just becomes intelligent, and then the sentience upgrades give it other stuff. However, I don't think there's anything stopping you from paying the cash to upgrade it with sentient item abilities from the DMG. That would be an interesting interaction between the two. Normally, gaining ranks in something would stack, but since it's obviously meant to be a level based ability I wouldn't stack these.

2) A lot of the magitech upgrades feel really weak. One that stuck out at me was spend a class feature to gain an enhancement bonus to strength that at level 17 is going to be weaker than what you could get from a magic item. (caps at +5). There's others in there too that I look at and say "Why would I want to take this?" though. Repair, Power Jump, Armored Stability, Construct Empathy, just to name a few.
Person_Man has stated that it's not meant to be a super-powerful class. I think he suggested it should be usable alongside ToB, but that's it. Most of those abilities you listed are supposed to open up better abilities, like Construct Companion, blocking line of sight to control the battlefield, and pouncing. Repair is pretty useless though: armor can't actually be attacked in any way except by monsters with that specific ability (like the Bebilith), so it's only use right now is to protect from specific spells, natural 1's, and when you're not wearing it (why aren't you wearing it?). I'd just transmute it to Aurorum if I saw something like that moving towards me. If nothing else, you'll give the DM a headache trying to figure out what happens when the armor is destroyed (it was Aurorum, but now it can't transmute, but that means it can't untrasmute *asplode*).

Also Propulsion seems pretty weak having to take it multiple times. Giving it perfect maneuverability, but letting it be taken repeatedly to increase speed, seems like a better route to go, imo.
Actually, I've gotta agree here. I think it should start with at least average, then upgrade to good. Clawing up from clumbsy will cost too many upgrades. I'm guessing it's set up like that so that not every single Templar will have flight, but it's an important enough ability that I don't want to penalize people for wanting it to be useful.

3) On the other end of the spectrum some of these magitech upgrades seem pretty strong to be at will. An at will AOE stun for example seems over the top, even if it dazes you in turn.
You lose 1d4 of your turns in order to maybe make them lose 1d4 of theirs. Trading actions 1 for 1 is usually not a great idea anyway, and the save means that there is a very good chance that you won't cost them any of theirs. The chance of losing your action, or having them fail their save and only lose 1 action when you end up losing 4, means that I would never take this ability. As for at-will daze or other action deprivation, it's easy enough to get if you want it badly.

Side note for Person_Man: I think you could better word it with just "you can take no actions for 1d4 rounds after using this ability. No mortal ability can allow you to take actions during this time." The mortal part is heavy handed, but it makes a clear statement with less fuss. Using a status effect will always make people want to get around it, so it's easier to just say that actions cannot be taken, and using the word "mortal" makes it clear that the DM can say no to any shenanigans you come up with. If they'd just worded Celerity with "you lose your next round of actions," there wouldn't have been any cheese other than the spell itself :smallsigh:.

4) Armored attack feels out of place in armor expertise. Everything else there is defensive, whereas that is very offensively oriented. I would suggest allowing it to apply to the power fist as well, and put it under magitech upgrades.
I disagree. A Templar only gets 10 armored upgrades, and realistically most of the game will be spent with 6 or less. Upgrades are supposed to be for flashy awesome abilities, and several of them have chains 2 or 3 upgrades long. Charging upgrade slots for a simple damage increase on an existing weapon is lame. The armored expertise slots are for those kind of passive bonuses that you need but don't want to actually spend awesome points on. I'm not sure why they're "expertise" instead of part of the armor though. They aren't enough to make you useful in an AMF, and a templar without their armor should never be in a fight. Heck, if they don't want to take Transmutation, they should buy a Ring of Arming or get Called put on their armor. The Templar response to being unarmored should never be "improvise!" it should be "action -> now I'm armored." The only reason I don't suggest putting it right there in the class is because it's almost appropriate for extremely low levels, and it leaves room for the occasional NPC who didn't think his job through well enough. The Templar response to antimagic is "bugger this, I'm leaving", and if he can't leave then it's *book hurled at DM's head*. I'd suggest a Soulknife-like ability to keep their armor running (maybe a certain number of rounds of "reserve power"), but it feels like Person_Man still wanted the armor to have that chance of AMF failure. If that's not the reason, then I submit my idea for "reserve power."

Extra bonus not-edit: for some reason I almost posted referring to Person_Man as Fax_Celestis. This reminded me that I've been meaning to ask: Person_Man, do you know what's up with the poster named PersonMan? Apparently he's been around for a couple of years, but I would have thought the mods would catch such a similar name. Then again, there's a "Fizzban" running around too, so I guess not.

2010-12-14, 11:24 AM
OK, another massive edit is up. Here's the change log:

Updated title to Mark X. Because there were a bunch of changes and X makes everything cooler.
Changed "However, Magitech Armor may never have an enhancement bonus to it's Armor Class higher than the Magitech Templar's effective class level" to character level.
Added "whenever it would benefit you" to Armored Mobility.
Exempted Magitech Upgrades from from caster level and spell level requirements for feats. So if you want to take Quicken Spell-Like Ability for your Flame Thrower at level 3, you can. But you still have to take it for each Upgrade separately, and the offensive Upgrades all have a 1d4 cool down time, so there shouldn't be any major abuse options here.
Clarified that Interpose Upgrade blocks both line of effect and line of sight. While I admit that this isn't the most uber defensive ability, the Upgrade is useful in that it can make enemies target you in narrow hallways (like 90% of the dungeons I personally play in). If you have access to a simple potion of Enlarge Person (or Alter Self, or other buffs from friends) you can easily increase your space to 10 feet or more, making the Upgrade even more useful. In an open field or against sufficiently big enemies, I admit that it's basically useless. But it's not meant to be Test of Mettle, after all.
Added Adaptation rules for Warforged Magitech Templar. Now Warforged don't have to spend a feat to qualify for the class.
I purposefully did not allow Armored Attack (Armor Expertise ability) to apply to the Power Fist or Repeating Crossbow instead of just Armor Spikes. I don't want to load up on damage bonuses (because that's already so easy to do with Power Attack and magic ammunition) or make Armor Expertise too strong of an ability.
Fixed how Armored Senses are calculated.
Rather then referencing the rules for Intelligent Items, I just cut and paste the relevant part. Anything that's not there does not apply. It does not gain Skills other then those granted by Armored Sense Upgrade, and it does not gain powers other then those granted by Magitech Templar levels and whatever you enchant it with.
Slightly increased the bonus on the Great Strength Upgrade.
Repair Upgrade was basically written to protect you against Rust Monsters and Rust Dragons. But I get the point that it's otherwise useless. So now it also grants you Fast Healing 1. Not enough to make a huge difference in combat beyond low levels, but at least you'll never have to pay for healing.
Improved the Propulsion Upgrade. You still start out as a Clumsy flying brick, which was my intent. But now you also get Flyby Attack as a bonus feat, and each time you take the Upgrade your maneuverability goes up by 2 steps.
Updated Explosive Energy Upgrade, removing the post use Daze effect and just stating that you can't take any actions for 1d4 rounds.
Power Fist specifies that it is a one handed weapon. Thus you can use it with Two Weapon Fighting (though you'll take penalties if your off hand isn't a light weapon), or you can use it two handed if you want the Power Attack bonus.

Thanks to everyone for their feedback, especially Arguskos for prompting me to update the class and Fizban for the repeated detailed commentary. I'm working on Firearm adaptation rules and additional tweaks.

Also, I have no idea who PersonMan is. I've seen him on the forum and joked about having the same name, but don't know him personally. I assume he's just another They Might Be Giants fan. And that's cool with me.

Here's the Mark VIIII for those who prefer the old version:

Magitech Templar - Mark VIIII

d12 hit die

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (except tower shields).

Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Religion), Profession, Spellcraft, Swim.

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

[CENTER]{table=head]Level | BAB | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special
1st | + 1 | + 2 | + 0 | + 0 | Magitech Armor, +1 Enhancement Bonus
2nd | + 2 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | Magitech Upgrade
3rd | + 3 | + 3 | + 1 | + 1 | Armor Sentience, Armored Sense Upgrade
4th | + 4 | + 4 | + 1 | + 1 | Magitech Upgrade, Imbue Armor
5th | + 5 | + 4 | + 1 | + 1 | Armor Expertise, +2 Enhancement Bonus
6th | + 6 | + 5 | + 2 | + 2 | Magitech Upgrade
7th | + 7 | + 5 | + 2 | + 2 | Armored Sense Upgrade
8th | + 8 | + 6 | + 2 | + 2 | Magitech Upgrade
9th | + 9 | + 6 | + 3 | + 3 | Armor Expertise, +3 Enhancement Bonus
10th | + 10 | + 7 | + 3 | + 3 | Magitech Upgrade
11th | + 11 | + 7 | + 3 | + 3 | Armored Sense Upgrade
12th | + 12 | + 8 | + 4 | + 4 | Magitech Upgrade
13th | + 13 | + 8 | + 4 | + 4 | Armor Expertise, +4 Enhancement Bonus
14th | + 14 | + 9 | + 4 | + 4 | Magitech Upgrade
15th | + 15 | + 9 | + 5 | + 5 | Armored Sense Upgrade
16th | + 16 | + 10 | + 5 | + 5 | Magitech Upgrade
17th | + 17 | + 10 | + 5 | + 5 | Armor Expertise, +5 Enhancement Bonus
18th | + 18 | + 11 | + 6 | + 6 | Magitech Upgrade
19th | + 19 | + 11 | + 6 | + 6 | Armored Sense Upgrade
20th | + 20 | + 12 | + 6 | + 6 | Magitech Upgrade, Armor Transcendence

Class Abilities:

Magitech Armor: At 1st level you gain a suit of magic armor from your church (or family, clan, king, or other organization as appropriate for your character). You may choose any type of armor that you are proficient with. It is of masterwork quality, but is otherwise typical of armor of that type. At your option and expense, you may request that the armor be made of special materials, or that it include armor spikes or other mundane additions (hidden sheaths, heraldry) as long as they are normally capable of being added to such armor, and you pay the full cost associated with the improvements. At any time you may return to any church of your order, and they will provide you with the facilities needed for you to repair, improve, or enchant it, though you must still pay for materials and other associated costs.

At 1st level your Magitech Armor has a magical +1 enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class. This increases by an additional +1 every four levels thereafter (+2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). A Magitech Templar may choose to increase the enhancement bonus of his Magitech Armor's Armor Class through the normal enchantment processes for magical armor at his own expense if he wishes. However, Magitech Armor may never have an enhancement bonus to it's Armor Class higher than the Magitech Templar's effective class level (all class and prestige class levels + level adjustment + racial hit dice) divided by 4 (rounded up). A Magitech Templar may also choose to add up to +5 bonus worth of other magical enchantments (Acid Resistance, Fortification, Invulnerability, Shadow, etc) to his Magitech Armor at his own expense.

The cost of improving the enhancement bonus to Armor Class and adding any other enchantments to your Magitech Armor is calculated separately from the enchantment bonus to Armor Class gained by taking levels of Magitech Templar. For example, if you wanted to add Light Fortification (a +1 bonus) to your +1 Magitech Armor, it would only cost 1,000 gp (the cost of a +1 enchantment), and not the 3,000 gp it would normally cost to improve +1 magic armor to +2 magic armor.

Magitech Armor is more powerful then a regular magic item. It cannot be supressed with Dispel Magic or similar effects. Only an an Antimagic Field and areas of "dead magic" suppress it's abilities, rendering it mundane masterwork armor until the magic suppression ends. When suppressed by an Anti-Magic Field or similar effect, you also lose any abilities gained from Magitech Upgrades, Armor Sentience, and Armored Sense Upgrade. As Extraordinary abilities, benefits gained from Armor Expertise and Armor Transcendence are unaffected by Antimagic.

If your Magitech Armor is ever stolen or destroyed, you must go on a special quest determined by your church (the DM) to prove your loyalty and competence, and they will replace it free of charge. When replaced, it will contain any upgrades, magical enhancements, and other improvements that you have accumulated and invested in it up to that point. If you ever willingly sell or give away your Magitech Armor, you are cast out from your church and may not take additional levels of the Magitech Templar class. All Magitech Armor abilities and Magitech Upgrades only function for the Magitech Templar for which it was created. No one else, including other Magitech Templars, may use them.

Magitech Upgrade (Sp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#spellLikeAbilities)): At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you gain a new ability with your Magitech Armor. These abilities function only while you wear your Magitech Armor.

Unless otherwise noted, if a Magitech Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For the purpose of duration, bypassing Spell-Resistance, or any other similar calculation, your caster level is equal to your Magitech Templar level and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Feats which can apply to spell-like abilities, such as Ability Focus and Quicken Spell-Like Ability, can be taken to improve Magitech Upgrades. Each time you take such a feat it only applies to a single Upgrade of your choice - thus Ability Focus could improve the Save DC of your Frost Missile attacks, but would not apply to the rest of your Upgrades unless you took the feat multiple times.

Also unless otherwise noted, you may only choose each Upgrade once. Each time you gain a Magitech Upgrade, choose one of the following:

Alchemical Ability: You may create magical potions, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to create magical potions. The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Alchemy) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. In addition, you build a number of slots into your armor that can hold potions (or any other liquid that can be drank or injected into your body). Your armor has a number or potion slots equal to twice the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (maximum of 10). Loading one potion into your armor is a Full Round Action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Once a potion is loaded into your armor, it can stay there indefinitely, or until you spend another Full Round Action to replace it. As a Move Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may use any one potion that has been loaded into your armor.

Armored Fortitude: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Fortitude Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Fortitude Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Fortitude Save, instead of rolling d20 + Fortitude Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Mind: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Willpower Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Willpower Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Willpower Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Reflexes: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Reflex Save equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, once per encounter as an Immediate Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity you may replace your Reflex Save with your Armor Class. (Thus, you would use your Armor Class as your Reflex Save, instead of rolling d20 + Willpower Save bonuses). You must declare that you are using this ability before you would roll.

Armored Stability: You gain an enhancement bonus to resist all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip attempts made against you equal to twice the enhancement bonus on your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class.

Burrow: You gain a Burrow speed equal to one-half your total land speed.

Clockwork Animal Companion (Requires Construct Empathy Upgrade): You gain a Clockwork Animal Companion. This ability functions in the same fashion as a Driud's Animal Companion ability, except your Animal Companion has the Construct type. This grants your Companion all of the benefits of a Construct, and effects how you calculate your Companion's statistics, including BAB, Saves, Skill Points, hit points, etc., but not size, movement, natural attacks, or other qualities not determined by type. Your Magitech Templar level stacks with levels of any other class or prestige class that grants an Animal Companion for the purpose of determining the special powers (bonus hit die, natural armor, etc) for your Companion, as if you were a Druid. As a Construct, you do not need to use Handle Animal to direct your Companion or teach it tricks. You may command it as a Free Action during your turn, and it will carry out your instructions to the best of its ability and Intelligence. Magitech Upgrades (which are spell-like abilities) may not be shared with the Share Spells special power. At your DM's discretion, you may gain an alternate Companion, such as an animated object or effigy creature (Complete Arcane), as long as your Companion's hit die do not surpass the hit die your Clockwork Animal Companion would have. If your Clockwork Animal Companion is killed or you wish to replace it with a different one, you may do so by spending 24 uninterrupted hours building one in any facility capable of building and repairing magical armor. Doing so costs 500 gp worth of materials.

Construct Empathy: You may use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of Diplomacy to effect the attitudes of beings with the Construct type or Living Construct subtype. You may also use your Craft (Armorsmithing) Skill in place of the Ride Skill when riding a Construct or Living Construct. In addition, mindless Constructs (Int 0) treat you as a Construct of the same type, and ignore your presence unless you attack them or they are directly ordered to attack you.

Damage Reduction (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): You gain DR X/-, where X is equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This DR stacks with the DR of the same type provided by your armor (such as if it is made of adamantine), but not with DR from any other source.

Dauntless (Requires Armored Mind Upgrade): You no longer need to sleep or eat, and are immune to all Sleep, Fatigue, Exhaustion, and hunger related effects. You are also immune to the effects of ingested poison, drugs, and alcohol.

Deflection (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): The Armor Bonus from your Magitech Armor (including the enhancement bonus and any Natural Armor bonus provided by the Armor Expertise ability) applies to your Touch Armor Class as well.

Diving Attack (Requires Power Jump or Propulsion Upgrade): You gain the Pounce ability. To use this ability, you must move at least 20 feet as part of your Charge, including at least 10 feet in a downwards angle in the direction of your enemy. Making a successful Jump to cover at least 10 feet of distance fulfills this requirement. If you successfully hit and damage any enemy as part of a Diving Attack, you also gain a free Trip attack against them, and may make a free follow up attack as normal if you have Improved Trip feat.

Energy Shield (Requires Armored Fortitude Upgrade): As a Standard Action, you may activate an Energy Shield. It provides you with Energy Resistance against one form of energy (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic) of your choice equal to four times the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. This Energy Resistance stacks with any Energy Resistance provided by your Magitech Armor (such as if it is made of dragon hide or has an Energy Resistance enchantment), but not with Energy Resistance from any other source. Once activated your Energy Shield is continuous, but you may only have one Energy Shield active at any given time. Thus you can change the type of Energy Resistance you have as a Standard Action, but it does cannot provide you with multiple forms of Energy Resistance at the same time. In addition, you are effected by a continuous Endure Elements (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Endureelements.htm) effect.

Evasion: (Requires Armored Reflexes Upgrade): You gain the Evasion ability. This ability only functions in light armor, or heavier armor that has been modified by materials (like Mithril) and/or abilities (such as Armored Mobility) to count as light armor.

Explosive Energy: As a Full Round action, you channel all of the energy of your Magitech Armor into an explosive electrical attack. Everyone within a 30 ft radius of you is effected (including allies, but not you) takes 4d6 points of Electrical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 20d6), and they are Stunned (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Stunned) for 1d4 rounds. If someone who is effected makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Stunned. After you use this ability, you are Dazed for 1d4 rounds, and no feat, ability, maneuver, item, spell, or other effect may prevent, limit, or dispel the Daze effect.

Extend Shields (Requires Energy Shield Upgrade): As an Immediate Action, you may extend your Energy Shield to all allies within 10 feet of your space, providing each of them with Energy Resistance of the same type and amount provided by your Energy Shield (but not any additional Energy Resistance provided by your Magitech Armor). If you move from your current location, the Extend Shields ability ends. If an ally moves beyond the 10 feet of your space, then that ally ceases to benefit from it. The amount of energy damage that is resisted is calculated for each ally (and yourself) separately.

Flame Thrower: As a Standard Action you shoot a cone of flame that is up to 5 feet long and 5 feet wide at its farthest point for every two Magitech Templar levels (max 50 feet). You may make the cone smaller if you wish. It deals 2d6 points of Fire damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d6), and enemies that receive damage catch on fire, taking an addition 1d6 points of Fire damage every round (including the round they are initially hit) for 1d6 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they do not catch on fire. A burning creature may take a Move Action to put out the flame. Multiple effects which make an enemy catch on fire do not stack. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Frost Missile: As a Standard Action, you may fire a Frost Missile. The missile has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 2d8 points of Cold damage, and the target is Slowed (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/Slow.htm) for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Slowed. You may fire one missile for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5). Each missile may target the same enemy, or different enemies. You must roll to hit with each missile separately, and each target must Save separately for each missile that hits it. However, multiple Slow effects do not stack (though you use the longest Slow duration). And any bonus damage from Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, or Skirmish only applies against the first missile to hit each enemy. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Great Strength: You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, your armor’s weight is no longer included in any Encumbrance calculation (which effects carrying capacity and movement rate).

Interpose (Requires Armored Stability Upgrade): Your armor is so imposing that enemies cannot ignore your presence. Any space that you occupy blocks the line of sight of any enemy attack on the same or lower level of elevation as you. Thus enemies cannot target anyone or anything behind you with ranged attacks, reach weapons, magic, or other effects that require a strait line of effect through your square. Allies that are familiar with your presence may target others through your square normally. Enemies that on higher elevation then you ignore this effect, as do enemies that are larger then you.

Light Beams: As a Swift Action, you may fire beams of light from your eyes. Make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it deals 2d4 points of Fire damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d4), and the target is www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:DazzledDazzled for 1d4 rounds. If your enemy makes a Reflex Save then the damage is halved and they are not Dazzled. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Mettle (Requires Armored Fortitude or Armored Mind Upgrade): You gain the Mettle ability.

Planar Adaptation: Choose a plane of existence other then the Material Plane. You may move and act on that plane as if you were a native, and do not take penalties associated with being a non-native to this plane. In addition, your attacks automatically overcome any Damage Reduction and Spell Resistance of any enemy that is native to that plane. You may take this upgrade multiple times. Each time you take it, add an additional plane of existence. This upgrade (and what enemies it effects) requires DM approval, as the cosmology of various game worlds vary dramatically.

Power Fist (Requires Great Strength Upgrade): Your armor has a Power Fist built into one of its arms, which is a one handed masterwork weapon that deals 1d12 (20, *4) damage for medium beings. You are treated as being proficient with this weapon. Using your Power Fist does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The Power Fist is treated as a two handed weapon for the purpose of any opposed Disarm or Sunder attempt (thus providing a +4 bonus to such attempts). You may hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or object in the same hand as your Power Fist, though you may not use them both during the same round. You may not use any claw or spiked gauntlet on the same hand as a Power Fist. As part of your armor, the Power Fist cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. In addition, anyone who is killed by the Power Fist is generally killed in a very gruesome manner – limbs are torn off, decapitation, disembowelment, etc. Whenever you kill an enemy with your Power Fist (reducing them to -10 hit points or lower), all enemies with fewer Hit Dice then you within 60 feet must make a Willpower Save or become www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:ShakenShaken for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind effecting Fear (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Fear) effect. Multiple Fear effects from the same source do not stack. But Fear effects from different sources do stack unless otherwise specified. You may enchant the Power Fist just as you enchant armor spikes, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times - once for each hand you possess.

Power Jump: You gain an enhancement bonus to your Jump check equal to four times the enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class. In addition, the DC for determining Jump checks are always calculated as if you were making a running jump. And as long as you are not Paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated, you are immune to damage from falling. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Jump checks.

Propulsion: You gain a Fly Speed of 30 feet with Clumsy maneuverability. You may take this Magitech Upgrade multiple times. Each time you take this Upgrade, your Fly Speed increases by 30 feet and your maneuverability increases by one step.

Repair: Your armor repairs any damage to itself (but not you) as if it had Fast Healing 1. In addition, your armor gains 50 hit points above and beyond that provided by the its material, enhancement bonus, etc. It also becomes immune to all corrosion, decay, and rust effects. You and your Magitech Armor also gain your Intelligence bonus (if positive) as a bonus to Saving Throws against all Acid and Disintegration effects, as well as any other effect that may damage or destroy your Magitech Armor.

Repeating Crossbow: Your armor has a special masterwork repeating light crossbow built into one of its arms (1d8, 19-20, *2). You are treated as being proficient with this weapon. You may hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or other object on the same arm as your Repeating Crossbow (including a Power Fist), though you may not use them both during the same round. As part of your armor, the Repeating Crossbow cannot be Sundered, Disarmed, or dropped while you are wearing it. You may treat the weapon as a crossbow of any type for any feat or ability that effects weapons. Your armor contains an extradimensional space which can store up to 100 bolts, and the repeating crossbow automatically reloads from this space in the order that they are loaded. You may enchant the Repeating Crossbow just as you a repeating light crossbow, paying the full costs and following the normal rules for doing so. You may take this upgrade multiple times – once for each arm that you possess.

Repulsor Ray: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The ray has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits it deals your Intelligence bonus plus 2d4 points of Force damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 10d4) against your target, and the target is hit by a Bull Rush that pushes them directly away from you, using the damage dealt for your opposed check (instead of a d20 + Str + size). Your armor always counts as medium for the purpose of this opposed check. Other feats and abilities that effect Bull Rush attempts (Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper, Dungeon Crasher, magic items, etc) otherwise improve and effect this check. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not effected by a Bull Rush. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again.

Shattering: You gain the Improved Sunder feat. In addition, whenever you confirm a critical hit with an unarmed strike, Power Fist, Repeating Crossbow, or armor spikes, you may make a free Sunder attempt against an object in that enemy's possession.

Speed: You gain a bonus to your base land speed of 5 feet plus 5 feet per point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max of 30 feet).

Spider Climb: You gain a Climb speed equal to your base land speed. This grants you a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks (which does not stack with similar racial bonuses), and you can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. You may use either your Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, using whichever is higher. You retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against you. You cannot use the run action while climbing. In addition, you are now immune to all Entangle effects, and can move across webs as if you were the spider (or other creature) who created them.

Stealth: You may cast Nondetection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nondetection.htm) and Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibility.htm) as a Standard Action. You must cast each separately, and you may only target yourself. If a divination is attempted against you or any item in your possession while under the effects of Nondetection, the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 + your Magitech Templar level.

Transmutation: As a Standard Action, you may transform your armor into any type of armor that you are proficient with. You may also transmute the substance it is made of. It may be composed of any material or special material (adamantine, mithril, dragonhide, etc) that is legal for armor of that type. You may also use this ability to transform your armor spikes and/or a Power Fist and/or Repeating Crossbow to a material or special material of your choice. In addition, your armor gains the Glamered (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Glamered) ability.

Underwater Adaptation: Your armor is adapted to underwater travel. You no longer need to breath, and are not effected by the negative effects of spells and environments based on breathing. (Thus you would not be effected by poison gas or Stinking Cloud, though you would still be effected by Solid Fog or Obscuring Mist). You gain a Swim speed equal to your base land or Fly speed (whichever is higher), and may take 10 on all Swim checks, even while threatened or rushed. Your armor’s weight is no longer included into any calculation that would effect buoyancy. And any attacks you make (such as if you use a blunt weapon or make an attack with fire) are not penalized for being underwater. Finally, your Armor Check Penalty does not apply to Swim checks.

Water Cannon: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Water Cannon has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). If it hits, it deals 1d6 points of physical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5d6) against your target, and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Blown_Away). Against enemies with the Fire subtype, the Water Cannon deals 1d20 points points of physical damage for each point of enhancement bonus to your Magitech Armor’s Armor Class (max 5d20) against your target, and if the enemy is of your size or smaller they are Blown Away. If your enemy makes a Fortitude Save then the damage is halved and they are not Blown Away. The Water Cannon has no effect on enemies with the Water subtype. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again. You may also use your Water Cannon as a Decanter of Endless Water (www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Decanter_of_Endless_Water).

Webbing: As a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack. The Webbing has a range of 5 feet per Magitech Templar level (max 100 feet). Any target hit by this attack takes no damage, but becomes entangled, as if they had been hit by a net (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Net). As part of your webbing you may create a trailing rope. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the entangled creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The webbing has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action). You may also use webbing as a rope and grappling hook, or as a mundane whip (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Whip) (though this upgrade does not grant whip proficiency). The webbing is highly flammable, and is destroyed by any fire damage (though the entangled subject also takes 1d6 points of fire damage as the webbing burns up). Multiple webbing effects against the same target do not stack. You may only have one trailing rope or whip from this ability in effect at any given time.

Armor Sentience (Sp): At 3rd level your Magitech Armor gains sentience. Your armor has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores equal to your Magitech Templar level, and follows similar rules as an intelligent weapon (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/magicItemsICA.html). It has speech, vision, hearing, and empathy. It shares your alignment. If your alignment changes, an Ego Struggle may occur, as per the rules of Intelligent Items.

Armored Sense Upgrade (Sp): At 3rd level you gain the ability to share senses with your Magitech Armor. You may use your Magitech Armor's ability to perceive the world in place of your own. This allows you to replace your Listen, Spot, or other Skill check with your armor's Skill checks, and/or to use its Darkvision, Blindsight, or other special senses in place of your own. In addition, your armor does not receive any bonuses or take penalties to any Skill check that would not effect a construct (sleeping, mind affecting effects, morale bonuses, etc).

At 3rd level and every four levels thereafter, you gain one Armored Sense Upgrade. These abilities improve as you gain Magitech Templar levels, and function only while you wear your Magitech Armor. You may not choose the same Armored Sense Upgrade more than once. If an Armored Sense Upgrade effect allows a Saving Throw, the Save DC = 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level + your Intelligence bonus. For any other effect that requires it (such as duration or overcoming Spell Resistance), your caster level is your Magitech Templar level, and your primary caster attribute is Intelligence.

Choose one of the following upgrades to your armor:

Darkvision (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Darkvision for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 10. This vision functions in both mundane, supernatural, and magical darkness of all types.

Decipher: Your armor gains Ranks in Decipher Script equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your Magitech Armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you are
you armor also gains a number of additional languages equal to one half your Magitech Templar level, and may translate everything you hear, say, read, and write instantaneously on your behalf.

Detect Disorder: Your armor gains Ranks in Sense Motive equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you may Detect Chaos (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Detect_Chaos) at will as a Standard Action.

Detect Substance: As a Swift Action you may learn what material(s) any structure or object (including armor, weapons, etc) is made of, including its hardness and hit points. You also automatically know the current hit points of any Construct or Living Construct, and what materials bypass its Damage Reduction (if any). This ability works on any object, Construct, or Living Construct that you can see, though you may only use it on one target at a time.

Discern Lies (Requires Detect Disorder Upgrade): As a Standard Action you may Discern Lies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/discernLies.htm).

Listen: Your armor gains Ranks in Listen equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty).

Search (Requires Spot Upgrade): Your armor gains Ranks in Search equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Intelligence bonus (or penalty). In addition, you may Find Traps as a Rogue. Your Magitech Armor is constantly on the lookout for you, and so you are automatically entitled to a Search check whenever you pass within 10 feet of a trap, secret/concealed door, or portal.

See Invisibility (Requires Search Upgrade): Your armor gains See Invisibility for a number of feet equal to one half your Magitech Templar level * 5.

Spot: Your armor gains Ranks in Spot equal to your Magitech Templar level + 3 + your armor’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty). In addition, you gain Low Light Vision.

Tremorsense (Requires Listen): Your armor gains Tremorsense for a number of feet equal to your Magitech Templar level * 5. You may also use Detect Disorder and/or Detect Substance and/or Discern Lies (if you have those Upgrades) on any target within your Tremorsense, removing the normal line of sight requirement for doing so.

X-Ray Vision (Requires Darkvision and Spot Upgrades): You may see through solid matter. You may see through one foot of matter per Magitech Templar level.

Imbue Armor (Sp): At 4th level you gain the ability to enchant your Magitech Armor, even if you do not know the spells required to do so. This ability functions like the Warlock's Imbue Item ability, except that it may only be used on to improve your Magitech Armor, and its armor spikes, Power Fist, and Repeating Crossbow (if your armor possesses those Upgrades). The Magitech Templar may make a Craft (Armorsmithing) Check (DC 15 + required spell level) in place of any required spell or Use Magic Device check. This ability only replaces the spellcasting and feat requirements for enchanting - you must still pay the full xp and gp costs. This ability allows you to continue to improve your Magitech Armor (and certain Magitech Upgrades which depend on your Magitech Armor’s enhancement bonus to it’s Armor Class) more easily, even if you later take levels of a class or prestige class other then Magitech Templar.

Armor Expertise (Ex): At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, choose any one of the following benefits. You may choose the same benefit multiple times, and the benefits stack with the benefits from special materials or other Magitech Templar class abilities, including itself:

Armored Attack: When attacking with armor spikes, they count as one size larger for calculating damage. Use the following progression for calculating damage: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6 (max).

Armored Ease: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your max Dex bonus is increased by 2, the armor check penalty is decreased by 2 (minimum 0), and the arcane spell failure rate is decreased by 10% (minimum 0).

Armored Mobility (Requires Armored Ease): When wearing armor that you are proficient with, your armor counts as one size lighter. This may effect your movement and what abilities you can use while wearing your armor (such as Evasion).

Armor Proficiency: You gain a bonus feat of your choice. This feat must either provide proficiency with an armor or shield (such as Dwarvern Armor Proficiency or Tower Shield Proficiency), or it must have armor or shield proficiency as a requirement of the feat (such as Armor Specialization or Improved Shield Bash). You must also otherwise qualify for the feat.

Armored Skin: When wearing armor that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 Natural Armor bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with Natural Armor bonuses from all other sources.

Armor Transcendence (Ex): When you are wearing your Magitech Armor, you transcend your mortal form and take on many of the characteristics of a Construct. You gain immunity to poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. You are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. You are not at risk of death from massive damage. You maintain all of the other features of living beings – you still count as the same type of creature, still have a Constitution score, can be resurrected, and you are still effected by mind affecting effects. You also are not immune to sleep, fatigue, and exhaustion effects unless you have taken the Dauntless Upgrade, and must still breath unless you have take the Underwater Adaptation Upgrade.

2010-12-14, 04:58 PM
Sorry to barge in here- I just have a question: You say the Magitech Armor cannot have an enhancement bonus to armor class higher than the characters class levels divided by 4. By the way this looks, you can't actually enhance your suit's armor bonus, ever. :smalleek:
By the time you are allowed to upgrade the armor bonus (If your only taking magitech levels) you already get another bonus to armor from class abilities. Was this was intentional and only meant to basically allow you to add on upgrades not to armor class? Or, Maybe to allow you armor bonus upgrades even if not going in the templar levels?

Just a question. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-14, 06:25 PM
Updated title to Mark X. Because there were a bunch of changes and X makes everything cooler.
Agreed. X makes everything awesome forever.

Exempted Magitech Upgrades from from caster level and spell level requirements for feats. So if you want to take Quicken Spell-Like Ability for your Flame Thrower at level 3, you can. But you still have to take it for each Upgrade separately, and the offensive Upgrades all have a 1d4 cool down time, so there shouldn't be any major abuse options here.
What would you say to a feat that functioned like Recharge Breath, but for Magitech Upgrades and only applied to a single one? Something like Speedy Cooldown (Repulsor Ray) or some such?

Added Adaptation rules for Warforged Magitech Templar. Now Warforged don't have to spend a feat to qualify for the class.
So, Warforged Templars use themselves as armor? Eeeexcellent.

Changed how base ability scores for your intelligent/sentient Magitech Armor are calculated. Instead of being equal to your Magitech Templar level, it's now equal to 10 + 1/2 your Magitech Templar level. So now it's actually a useful ability when you first get it at level 3.
Rather then referencing the rules for Intelligent Items, I just cut and paste the relevant part. Anything that's not there does not apply. It does not gain Skills other then those granted by Armored Sense Upgrade, and it does not gain powers other then those granted by Magitech Templar levels and whatever you enchant it with.
I'm still curious why you made it so the armor is intelligent. Doesn't that open a lot of vulnerabilities, such as targeting by offensive spells/ego concerns? Or did I miss something somewhere?

Since it gets no powers and no skills, what exactly does it serve to have it as intelligent?

Repair Upgrade was basically written to protect you against Rust Monsters and Rust Dragons. But I get the point that it's otherwise useless. So now it also grants you Fast Healing 1. Not enough to make a huge difference in combat beyond low levels, but at least you'll never have to pay for healing.
This is awesome. Much approved. :smallcool:

Improved the Propulsion Upgrade. You still start out as a Clumsy flying brick, which was my intent. But now you also get Flyby Attack as a bonus feat, and each time you take the Upgrade your maneuverability goes up by 2 steps.
This too.

Updated Explosive Energy Upgrade, removing the post use Daze effect and just stating that you can't take any actions for 1d4 rounds.
This is to get around Daze immunity, then? Daze Immunity is still so rare I'm not sure it mattered, but it's such a minor change that I've no objections.

Power Fist specifies that it is a one handed weapon. Thus you can use it with Two Weapon Fighting (though you'll take penalties if your off hand isn't a light weapon), or you can use it two handed if you want the Power Attack bonus.
...How do you two-hand a Power Fist? :smallconfused: Do you grab your own arm and hit even harder? Can you imagine how silly that's going to look? :smallbiggrin:

Thanks to everyone for their feedback, especially Arguskos for prompting me to update the class and Fizban for the repeated detailed commentary. I'm working on Firearm adaptation rules and additional tweaks.
You keep giving me too much credit, but thanks.

I look forward to those Firearm adaptation rules, just because then I can play War Machine properly.

Also, I have no idea who PersonMan is. I've seen him on the forum and joked about having the same name, but don't know him personally. I assume he's just another They Might Be Giants fan. And that's cool with me.
PersonMan is a fellow poster, and a good dude. Fellow brewer from time to time. I play in a PbP with him. Cool dude. :smallcool:

Sorry to barge in here- I just have a question: You say the Magitech Armor cannot have an enhancement bonus to armor class higher than the characters class levels divided by 4. By the way this looks, you can't actually enhance your suit's armor bonus, ever. :smalleek:
By the time you are allowed to upgrade the armor bonus (If your only taking magitech levels) you already get another bonus to armor from class abilities. Was this was intentional and only meant to basically allow you to add on upgrades not to armor class? Or, Maybe to allow you armor bonus upgrades even if not going in the templar levels?

Just a question. :smallbiggrin:
Based on the wording, and how you can enchant it with a separate pricing scheme, I believe the intention is that it's enchantment for purposes of normal enchanting is whatever you give it, like normal. It just happens to get the +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 for free. Think of that as a "phantom" enchantment. It works like usual, but doesn't factor into pricing or limitations or anything.

2010-12-15, 11:11 AM
Sorry to barge in here- I just have a question: You say the Magitech Armor cannot have an enhancement bonus to armor class higher than the characters class levels divided by 4. By the way this looks, you can't actually enhance your suit's armor bonus, ever. :smalleek:
By the time you are allowed to upgrade the armor bonus (If your only taking magitech levels) you already get another bonus to armor from class abilities. Was this was intentional and only meant to basically allow you to add on upgrades not to armor class? Or, Maybe to allow you armor bonus upgrades even if not going in the templar levels?

Just a question. :smallbiggrin:

Basically if you go strait Magitech Templar 20, you can never add to the enhancement bonus to your armor class. You get it for free from your class levels at the earliest level. If you multi-class or enter a prestige class or have racial hit dice or level adjustment, then you have the option of improving your enhancement bonus by paying for it. But it can never be higher then what a normal Magitech Templar of the same character level could get.

In this manner someone who multiclasses or whatever can still have useful and ECL appropriate Magitech Upgrades, most of which have a power level which is defined by the enhancement bonus to your armor class.

2010-12-17, 06:41 PM
I just wanted to chime in to say that I love what you've done with this class, and will be playing it at the next opportunity.

Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-08, 12:52 PM
This is absolutely wonderful. Megaman, Iron Man, Mechs of all shapes and sizes are possible because of this and one can suspend disbelief and still fit it in a fantasy setting. Awesome, in the "awe inspiring" sense of the word. Also, what are the chances of you putting some work into a Pathfinder version of this?

Now begin the meme-like humor that comes to mind.

About 1000 hot dogs awesome sir.

That's a very nice armor you have there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to... wait... warfor- aw crap.

Totally wish I could toss a "Over 9000 Views" joke in. Even though I can't, I think it's the thought that counts.