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2010-11-17, 07:59 PM
Total War: X-COM

A few weeks ago they arrived out of nowhere, on the wings of a storm of the century. The weather gone mad had destroyed major military installations, sank fleets and crashed any planes that were in the air. On the ground flying alien troops destroyed the command structure of any organization that could have organized resistance. The communications were down in the first minutes of the invasion, so without proper orders the armed response was chaotic and half-hearted. All resistance was soon suppressed. There was some fighting by surviving nation's military the next morning, but everybody had the feeling that the war was already over.

Now people are living under a the sky, covered with thick, unnaturally purple clouds. The flying alien squads buzz across the city, sometimes swooping in an attack, sometimes engaging in some mysterious activities. They have occupied the city center and attack anybody, who tries to cross a certain boundary. People say there are a lot less of the aliens in the countryside and many are leaving the city to look for a safer place.

In the power vacuum, left by the destruction of the government and military by the aliens, various organizations have made their presence known. They are the remnants of the old order, newly formed groups of like-minded individuals, old conspiracies coming forward from the shadows. The fate of the mankind is in their hands.

PC Organizations


Moral: ++++
Authority: ++
Economy: ++
Technology: ++
Military: +++ (Def ++++)
Espionage: ++++ (Def: +++++)

The Syndicate:

Moral: +++
Authority: ++
Economy: +++++
Technology: +++
Military: ++ (Def +++)
Espionage: ++++

The Free Trade league:

Moral: ++
Authority (Fear): ++++
Economy: +++
Technology: ++
Military: +++
Espionage: +++

The Order of the Black Sun:

Moral: +++
Authority: +
Economy: +++
Technology: +++++
Military: +
Espionage: +++ (Def: +++++)

The Illuminated:

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++-
Economy: +++
Technology: ++++
Military: +++
Espionage: ++

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.:

Moral: +++-
Authority (Neutral): ++++
Economy: +++-
Technology: ++
Military: ++
Espionage: ++

The Underground:

Moral: +++-
Authority (Respect): ++++- (Def: +++++)
Economy: +++
Technology: ++
Military: ++
Espionage: +++ (Def ++)

NPC Factions:

Cult of Sirius

A group of fanatical individuals, who believe the aliens wish to enlighten and uplift humanity. They urge the population to abandon all resistance and embrace the alien dominion. The name of the group is taken from its founder Master Sirius.

Moral: +++++
Authority: +
Economy: +++
Technology: ++
Military: +++
Espionage: +++ (Def: +++++)

U.S.S.T.G. Delta '' Dragon Battalion''

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++
Economy: ++
Technology: +
Military: ++++
Espionage: +++

Network Red:

Moral: ++++-
Authority: ++-
Economy: ++
Technology: ++++
Military: +
Espionage: +++++ (x)

The Weather Service

Mark Spenser is a relatively high ranking national official (weather service), who has miraculously survived the attack. He's proved capable in re-establishing control over the city bureaucrats, keeping the population informed of the situation and appearing to be in control. He might not be saying anything new or useful to the people, but he is one of the few sane voices out there.

Moral: ++
Authority (Neutral): ++++-
Economy: ++
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: ++

Technicians Union

Technicians Union is the alliance of the city services from garbage disposal to electricity companies. They were organized by a mysterious charismatic and ambitious leader and lay claim to much of the city resources. Technicians lack offensive power, but they have used their knowledge of the city and technical expertise to create well fortified and booby trapped bases.

Moral: ++
Authority: +
Economy: +++++
Technology: ++
Military: ++ (Def ++++)
Espionage: +++

Black Ops

A remnant of the nation's secret services.

Moral: ++++
Authority: +
Economy: +
Technology: +++
Military: +
Espionage: +++++


Medivacs are a collection of hospitals, emergency services and good Samaritans, who dedicate their efforts to helping the civilians in the face of major disaster. Their efforts are coordinated at the St. Julius Hospital.

Moral: +++
Authority: ++ (Def: ++++)
Economy: +
Technology: +++
Military: +
Espionage: +

Carrier ''...umph''

All that remains of the national fleet, as far as anybody knows. The convoy of ships were caught in the open ocean, during military exercises. The unnatural storm has sunk all ships but ''Triumph'', that somehow managed to break through to the city harbor. The sailors on the ship are extremely demoralized and their Capitan John Lomsky, barely maintains the discipline. The first three letters in the name of the ''Triumph'' were damaged beyond recognition, when it smashed into another ship of the convoy.

After the death of Captain Lomsky, Lieutenant Tuchev has assumed command.

Moral: +++
Authority (Neutral): ++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: +

General Chrustov's Army

The remnant of the nation's military forces is led by the General Chrustov, who miraculously survived the alien attack. He has put together the tatters of the military and is currently engaged in the forceful recruitment of anybody, who is strong enough to hold a rifle into his forces. Chrustov's personal troops act as secret police, purging anyone, who dares to oppose his authority.

Moral: +
Authority: +
Economy: +++
Technology: +
Military: +++++
Espionage: +++ (Def: ++++)

The Postmen

The mail has to go through. After the long-range communications collapsed, the post office hastily organized a force of postmen to deliver messages. The lone rangers on the road, they survive by their wits, fast metal horses and trusted rifles at the passenger seat.

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++ (Def: ++++)
Economy: +-
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: +++


Many organizations in the city are extremely interested in the alien technology. The demand has led to the creation of supply - people crazy or desperate enough attempt to sneak through the alien perimeter and return with the valuable alien technology.

Moral: ++++
Authority: +
Economy: ++
Technology: +
Military: +
Espionage: ++++ (Def: ++)


Farmers from the countryside has established trade with the city. They bring food desperately sought and exchange it for the materials they require.

Moral: ++++
Authority: + (Def: +++)
Economy: ++++
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: + (Def: +++)

Mega Police

The newly re-established organization, meant to bring order to the city. In practice Mega Police lacks the strength necessary to deal with the variety of bands and organizations, currently in control of the city. They chose to which calls of distress to respond and which territory to cross with care.

Moral: ++
Authority: +++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: +++


The rich and famous have used their influence to establish gated communities, which they have stocked with supplies to outlast the rest of the population left in the city. Their private security have considerable firepower, to keep the bands of looters away.

Moral: ++
Authority: +
Economy: ++++
Technology: +
Military: + (Def: +++)
Espionage: + (Def: +++)


The movement born out of frustration with the authorities. The people in charge have failed miserably or outright sold out humanity. They seek to bring down anybody in position of authority and establish a new society, actually capable of fighting the aliens.

Moral: ++
Authority: +++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: +++


Thousands of people that turned to robbery and stealing, in fear of the approaching starvation. Looters are a general term for hundreds of small bands, that operate in the city. Sometimes the news of a valuable storage of food, medicaments or weapons brings them together, allowing poorly trained and armed men to overwhelm their enemy with their sheer numbers.

Moral: +
Authority: +
Economy: +++
Technology: +
Military: ++++
Espionage: +++


The part of the Exodus movement that reached National Park. They don't speak, what they've found there, but the horrors and suffering of travel has drove a large number of people mentally unstable. The Returners have went through something terrible, and now they are bringing this darkness with them to the city.

Moral: ++++
Authority: +
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: +++
Espionage: +

Leonine Knights

A particularly vicious and dangerous gang of criminals, although some people whisper they are actually something more. Leonine Knights ruthless methods has allowed them to establish control over a large residential area, where they now rule with an iron fist.

Moral: +++++
Authority (Fear): +++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: +++
Espionage: ++ (Def: +++)

Stats Archive (Turn 1)

PC Organizations

U.S.S.T.G. Delta '' Dragon Battalion''

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++
Economy: +++
Technology: +
Military: +++++
Espionage: +++

The Syndicate:

Moral: +++
Authority: ++
Economy: +++++
Technology: +++
Military: +
Espionage: ++++

The Free Trade league:

Moral: ++
Authority (Fear): ++++
Economy: +++
Technology: ++
Military: +++
Espionage: ++++

The Order of the Black Sun:

Moral: ++++
Authority: +
Economy: +++
Technology: +++++
Military: +
Espionage: +++ (Def: +++++)

The Illuminated:

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++
Economy: +++
Technology: +++++
Military: ++
Espionage: ++

The Sons of Uriel:

Moral: ++++
Authority (Neutral): +++
Economy: +++
Technology: +++
Military: ++
Espionage: +++

Network Red:

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++
Economy: ++
Technology: ++++
Military: +
Espionage: +++++

The Leonine Knights:

Moral: +++++
Authority (Fear): +++
Economy: +
Technology: ++
Military: ++
Espionage: +++++

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.:

Moral: +++-
Authority (Neutral): ++++
Economy: ++++-
Technology: ++
Military: ++
Espionage: ++

M.R.I. (Metropolitan Response and Information Unit):

Moral: +++
Authority (Neutral): +++
Economy: ++
Technology: ++++
Military: ++++
Espionage: ++

The Underground:

Moral: +++
Authority (Respect): +++ (Def: +++++)
Economy: +++
Technology: +-
Military: +-
Espionage: +++

NPC Factions:

Cult of Sirius

A group of fanatical individuals, who believe the aliens wish to enlighten and uplift humanity. They urge the population to abandon all resistance and embrace the alien dominion. The name of the group is taken from its founder Master Sirius.

Moral: +++++
Authority: +
Economy: ++
Technology: ++
Military: ++ (Def: +++)
Espionage: +++ (Def: +++++)

The Weather Service

Mark Spenser is a relatively high ranking national official (weather service), who has miraculously survived the attack. He's proved capable in re-establishing control over the city bureaucrats, keeping the population informed of the situation and appearing to be in control. He might not be saying anything new or useful to the people, but he is one of the few sane voices out there.

Moral: ++
Authority (Neutral): ++++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: +
Espionage: ++

Technicians Union

Technicians Union is the alliance of the city services from garbage disposal to electricity companies. They were organized by a mysterious charismatic and ambitious leader and lay claim to much of the city resources. Technicians lack offensive power, but they have used their knowledge of the city and technical expertise to create well fortified and booby trapped bases.

Moral: +++
Authority: ++
Economy: ++++
Technology: ++
Military: + (Def +++)
Espionage: ++


Exodus is the movement of tens of thousands of people from the city to the country side. It is primarily motivated by panic and the belief that the Aliens are interested only in the city. The fleeing masses of people have created a massive traffic jam, made worse by many car accidents and roads damaged during the alien attack. Exodus doesn't have a central leadership, but rather several influential leader figures, people listen to. Their end destination is ill-defined, although many name the national forest park as the perfect hiding place.

Moral: +
Authority: ++
Economy: +++
Technology: ++
Military: ++
Espionage: +

Black Ops

A remnant of the nation's secret services.

Moral: ++++
Authority: +
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: +
Espionage: +++++


Medivacs are a collection of hospitals, emergency services and good Samaritans, who dedicate their efforts to helping the civilians in the face of major disaster. Their efforts are coordinated at the St. Julius Hospital.

Moral: +++
Authority: ++ (Def: ++++)
Economy: +
Technology: +++
Military: +
Espionage: +

Wolk Convicts

The alien attack has indirectly lead to a massive breakout from the city penitentiary. The criminals didn't expect to meet aliens outside of the prison walls and decided to stick together. An ex-Russian mafia member, nicknamed Wolk, took control and convinced other inmates to return to the prison, convert it into a fortified fortress and raid the city for the weapons, supplies and women.

Moral: ++
Authority (Fear): +++
Economy: ++
Technology: +
Military: ++ (Def +++)
Espionage: +

Carrier ''...umph''

All that remains of the national fleet, as far as anybody knows. The convoy of ships were caught in the open ocean, during military exercises. The unnatural storm has sunk all ships but ''Triumph'', that somehow managed to break through to the city harbor. The sailors on the ship are extremely demoralized and their Capitan John Lomsky, barely maintains the discipline. The first three letters in the name of the ''Triumph'' were damaged beyond recognition, when it smashed into another ship of the convoy.

Moral: +
Authority (Neutral): +++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: ++++
Espionage: +

General Chrustov's Army

The remnant of the nation's military forces is led by the General Chrustov, who miraculously survived the alien attack. He has put together the tatters of the military and is currently engaged in the forceful recruitment of anybody, who is strong enough to hold a rifle into his forces. Chrustov's personal troops act as secret police, purging anyone, who dares to oppose his authority.

Moral: ++
Authority: ++
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: +++
Espionage: +++

The Postmen

The mail has to go through. After the long-range communications collapsed, the post office hastily organized a force of postmen to deliver messages. The lone rangers on the road, they survive by their wits, fast metal horses and trusted rifles at the passenger seat.

Moral: ++++
Authority: ++ (Def: ++++)
Economy: +
Technology: +
Military: ++
Espionage: +++

The University:

The professors and students of the city universities, united in a single purpose - preservation of the human knowledge, in the face of the alien attack. There are many famous scientists among their numbers and they have a large number of research facilities, but pretty much everything else is in a short supply.

Moral: ++
Authority: ++ (Def: +++)
Economy: +
Technology: +++++
Military: +
Espionage: +

2010-11-17, 08:52 PM
Bavlov Manor

In the years before the alien attack, the large manor on a backstreet off of King Street was used as a safe house for United States Shadow Forces. What on the outside was the home of a reclusive eccentric was actually a well-equipped control center.

Unfortunatly the long range communications and computer systems had been shorted, but it still served as a HQ for the notorious Dragon Battalion. Best yet were the tunnels that connected to the sewer system. It didn't even stink with the new advances in technology. The sewer systems were little more than maintanence tunnels- that connected all over the city.

It were these tunnels that saved the Battalion in the fighting directly after the aliens came.

Lt. Colonel Wyles, pouring over a map of the city, pondered his last order before the comms went out.

"You and your men are needed Wyles. The Bastards will be coming, and coming in force. If you can stop them there, then maybe you'll buy the rest of us the time to drive them out. Look after your men. Don't lose sight of the mission, but also don't lose your humanity fighting the inhuman"

He smiled to himself. General Finate had always had sympathetic ear, and he trusted her words. Still- things did not look good. Supplies were good for the moment, but could evaporate if there were any sustained contact with the enemy- which there WILL be.

His Senior NCO looked over, and quirked an eyebrow "Orders sir?"

Wyles looked down and indicated several places on the map "I need you to get runners to these so-called 'factions'. We need to establise solid lines of communication and supply"

"Amount of personnel sir?"

"Just strike forces, teams of six"

"Understood sir"

To ALL factions both PC and NPC
Throughout the city, strikeforces of six black uniformed men are moving stealthily, looking for large groups of survivors- specifically organizations.

If you want to talk to us, just tell me you make contact.

2010-11-18, 07:13 AM
Pair'o'Dice Lost, the Boss's shop

"Holy **** I swear I saw the thing /look/ at me! Guess I was lucky it didn't bother slagging me..."

Warboss marks this newest incident on the map of the city they'd spread out on the table previously used for staging mock battles. This time, the battle was way too real.

"Okay... God, they're everywhere." The map was dotted with red. "They've got way more mobility, firepower, even manpower unless we're just seeing them twice or something. If they wanted us gone, they could do that. I think they want to take over, instead of just killing us." The boss frowns.

"Well, that's a comforting thought, isn't it?" One of the guys smiles hopefully.

"Which means we have something they need."

Thoughts of scifi-movies, Matrix human farms and such flashed through the minds of those present. "Or maybe not..."

"Right. They've got all the cards right now, but we're still here. So our priority is to figure out what they are and how to kill them, both tech and biology. We need to get our hands on some of that stuff..."

Another man steps into the room. The others stop talking and turn, and a chorus of 'Yo' 'Hi Kev' and other greetings arises. Kev's well liked here, for organizing them and helping most of them out at some point or another.

"I heard what you were talking about. And no... Our priority is to make sure everyone has food and housing, any killing or looting is stopped and we can get some sort of an organized communications network going."

"Well, of course, but what about the aliens?"

"We deal with them when we have to, and we don't provoke them before we can survive the results."

That set the mood for the remnants of the meeting.


The Crew had been notified by one of the lookouts that something was going on nearby. They jogged out to meet them. Black uniforms, guns... well, at least they aren't aliens.

To Dragon:

The female leading the group of people raises a hand as a greeting. "Hey there! Who're you?"

To Medivac and University:
Runners head to them, asking for cooperation: All information shared and helping each other whenever people meet and The Underground works to gather supplies they need and pledge to help protect them if necessary. We'll provide any alien stuff we get our hands on to the University and they'll help us with any results they get out of it.

To Anyone moving around near our part of the city:
The Runner teams spray tags around, pointing to nearby Underground safehouses for contact. They try to make contact to any groups they meet, as well, hoping to share information and resources.

2010-11-18, 07:58 AM
The chances of anything coming from Mars, were a million to one they said…a million to one…
But still…they come…

The William Tide Building had been buried into the epicentre of the trade district of the Megapolis. While the city itself was an embodiment of capitalism and had no defined place of trade, these streets once were home to a thriving heart of economy and virtual, rhetorical money. William Tide itself was not the tallest of structures, it was stunted and hooked around like a pair of clutched hands to scrape up the scatterings of shanty homes that had peppered the abandoned roads like crab grass. Fortified, abandoned, it had proven an ideal candidate for adoption once the collaborated forces of the Q.C.R and the small band of political minds sought their salvation in the cities heartland; William Tide because ‘The Ziggurat’, which in turn brought their idealistic followers to them. Those which had not pursued Exodus into the country or simply taken to the streets in fear to roll their fate had faced an onslaught of preachers and separate ideals about the coming alien horde- they were peacemakers, they were hallucinations, they were God. Few of which had proven any worth to the hopeless, and so Samus Redgunn had given them what they wanted to hear. The city was under attack, their lives were in danger, but they could use it, the power they feared could be manifested…controlled.

Control was after all one of the crucial human desires, one the pleasant faced politician knew all too well as he sat with tarnished shoes laid up on the salvaged desk. Despite the universal state of appearance among all these people, soiled shirts and dust and muck, Samus persisted to wear a mostly white suit to compliment his own fair features- clearly a man who staked a lot on image.

“My dear, might I ask you be so kind as to stop signing such an infuriating tune? Perhaps something with a little bounce.”

Jaunting his finger to a steady, imaginary beat Samus talked back over his shoulder at the young woman drawing up terrain maps of the immediate surroundings from the broad, executive window. Outside of their walls the industrial swamp threw out in all directions, buffered by tents and congregations of the hopeless, and the directionless. The Williams building had been a perfect post, not simply because of its foundations, but given that neither cash nor any real supplies ever passed through it there was little to nothing of value for looters during the panic. Not to mention that the economic zone was close to the heart of the city- too close to harm’s way for the liking of many, but the personal knowledge Samus held assured him they would be fine- for now.

“And what of the H to L samples recovered from Junetown?”

Sitting opposite from Samus a tall, sloping gentleman with shaven head and a tattered over-shirt persisted to savage the papers before him with aggressive calligraphy. Their initial scavenging had not been in vain.

“Have them packed and sent below, try and find out how they’re built on a manufacturing level. These are just the abstract pieces, yes? See how the aliens go about construction. I doubt soldering irons and rubber cement stand for much in galactic warfare.”

As if anticipating his dismissal the man left his chair and checked his watch with haste. Whoever the gentleman was his world seemed to move considerably faster than everyone else’s, and without a word he was making haste for the doors.

“And make sure anything with a relation to energy sources is taken to the top level as soon as possible- humanly or otherwise.”

Crumbling the useless document in his hand Redgunn flicked and narrowly missed the hem of the half-melted paper bin by the door, close to the fleeing heel. At his desk the politically minded upstart had gathered a temple of papers. Official documents, receipts, stock takes, bank statements. All documents hand delivered by the peasants he spoke for, all willing to give anything related to their old work or public service positions at the man’s request. Most were useless information, but the more they knew about the effects of the recent activities the better they could manoeuver around them- they hadn’t even been aware of the radio crash until a Wool Delivery company statement claimed everything but their grounded lines had malfunctioned.

Lost in the fantasy of a prestigious office with a view Samus’ hopes for peaceful deliberation were choked when a gnarled figure appeared as if from the ether before his desk. Gabriel Menc, former leader of the Q.C.R before the merger and a dedicated former soldier, the man’s resilience in the face of disaster had been what brought the moderate band of resistance together in the first place. To combat the alien hordes, and to ensure the protection of life regardless of what it meant for government- that was their creed. The affiliation with Redgunn had been a risk, but given the promises he made and the people who believed in him it was one that Menc had insisted, at the time.

“Redgunn, I want to know why you’ve pulled the last of the Q.C.R out of Amsdale.”

The dark man spoke clearly, and with purpose. There was no accent pulling at his chords, but the heavy weight of his voice made it sound almost alien of itself.

“Launa, Sebastian, Cord… all my people and they haven’t moved from their posts since the attacks began, that was our arrangement. Whatever dealings we have, you and I, they are not yours.”

The tension between the two figureheads had always been a slippery one, but thankfully their mutually calm temperaments had thus far negated any real conflicts. Directing Launa Kitt and her band out of Amsdale, one of the few solid sectors they held still, was not Samus move to make- and he knew it quite well.

“Ms. Kitt is on the trail of something quite critical, I assure you. Something we cannot afford to lose. In sending her I hope to show just how confident I am in her talents, and in yours, to contribute that raw responsibility for all of these people.”

Past the window with the artist scribbling away the makeshift towns bustled. Shuddering and hidden within the concrete labyrinth, but certainly alive.

The streets were a sorry sight to see. A metrapole in the terror of war was like a dead shell- and here in the Megaopolis things were no different. Roads and streets were desolate; the black interiors of buildings no different save for the occasional tumbling of shattered glass. Things littered the street. Nothing that could be categorised or made sense of, not merely automobiles and not merely tools. Things. Trams, toys, stones, bottles, clothes, paper. It was as though Nuclear Winter had settled.
Across the crags a small group moved cautiously and without sticking behind stable cover, as though they walked through an empty desert. Heading the group a figure wrought of iron moved with a slow pace. The upper body was solid, folded metal and plating connected by joints of softer material. Metal arms and legs, a supply pack draped across unnaturally heavy shoulders, and a helmet which covered any recognisable features- the Iron Man. In this case the iron man was Launa Kitt, once second in the line of Q.C.R, and now following direct orders from Samus Redgunn, a pampered child.
Those that followed her were not so heavily burdened, most simply wore uniforms amateurishly patched for urban camouflage and whatever protection they could find- a few wore nothing but civilian clothes and the packs they carried. After hours of walking across eerie quiet the leading march of feet came to a sudden rest, and a ripple passed between them. As of yet the M.R.I collective had not come face to face with any kind of alien unit- but by God they feared to.
Black clad figures patrolled the open roads that intersected with their streets. They appeared to be relative human size, with the proper appendages and limbs. What they knew of the extra-terrestrials was slim, granted, but these were not they, these were human.
But humans could be just as lethal.

To All Factions in the area
The squad being led by Launa Kitt has marched from the deep inner-city location of Amsdale out into the more populated areas, seeking stragglers and external factions alike. Launa Kitt has been warned that any aggressive actions or attempts to stifle their objectives are to be met with force.

2010-11-18, 11:14 AM
Zombie genisis
Team Charlie was moving slowly, picking their way carefully through a ruined building.

Corporal Havers, who was on point, peaked over a window into the street. Suddenly he raised a hand, and the entire team stopped.

Sergeant Isaih took a step over and asked "Contacts?"

"Group of humans. Professional looking"

"You know our mission, make contact- quick" he turns "The rest of you, cover 'em"

The Corporal stood up slowly and called out "HEY" to the party of people, trying to get their attention.

The patrol, who had been crossing the street at double time froze, and dove into cover. Their leader, a man by the name of Lt. Maines, stuck his gas masked head over the wall he had crouched behind.

"Identify yourselves"

This is when everyone in the group of gamers realized there was a laser sight fixed directly on their chests.

2010-11-18, 01:03 PM
To Dragon:
((Group of free-runners. Two of whom are hiding on a nearby rooftop, though.))

The woman lifts up his other arm aswell.
"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, we're human. What're you, remnants of the army? The aliens tend to attack from the air, if you haven't noticed."

2010-11-18, 02:00 PM

From shortly behind her Launa picked up that tense leathery noise of someone’s hand squeezing down on their rifles. Quickly she raised her hand towards the strange humans, whether in greeting or to ease any mistakes on her men’s part, it was hard to tell.
The voice that called out from the window was undoubtedly a part of this shadowy collective, but one thing could be certain, these men were far too well equipped to be remnant stragglers, or marauders. Having their first real contact half concealed behind cover was never a comforting image but given their exposed status Kitt would have expected a hail fire before a greeting. As the cluster of the former Q.C.R ebbed forth the heavily armoured form took the unusually formed rifle and passed it to a man with his face partly smothered. The gun was an unusual artefact, with odd angles and protrusions, as though it had been dipped into a small basket of disused parts while still hot.

“Unless you start shooting I’ll assume you’re on our side. Launa Kitt, head of the ‘Quarry’ from Q- M.R.I.”

A persistent slip on Launa’s part, but being the most outspoken of those who refused siding with a beurocrat in the first place, it was something her men let slip by.

“We’re working on a touch-and-go here, so if you’re expecting some kind of assistance here, we're the wrong tech to ask.”

2010-11-18, 02:01 PM
The laser dots went out one by one. They stayed in cover however "True. But intel shows that there are some crazy cult out there. Who are you?"

2010-11-18, 02:06 PM
To Dragon:
"Cults? Well of course there are crazy people, but I wouldn't think there'd be enough to form a real cult, at least this fast. We're the Free-Runners of the city, and we work with the civilians still staying in the city to get some infrastructure running and help anyone in trouble."

The woman lowers her hands and walks further out into the open, her companions shying away from the people with laser sights and huddling behind.

"We're also completely unarmed, so if you wouldn't mind showing yourself it'd be easier to chat..."

2010-11-18, 02:24 PM
The Lt. stood, though his men stayed in cover. They no longer looked at the free runners, instead scanning the skyline for enemy activity.

The Lt. was a imposing figure, at over 6ft tall, and muscular. He spoke in a deep baritone behind the gas mask "We are soldiers from U.S.S.T.G Delta. Our orders are to initiate contact with other survivor groups. Can you take us to your CO?"

Zombie Genisis
The corporal looked down to his Sgt, and then looked back at the group "M.R.I? Well, we are soldiers of U.S.S.T.G Delta, with orders to contact other survivor groups. Maybe if we help you out you can let us meet up with your commander?"

2010-11-18, 02:30 PM
To Dragon:

"We're civilians, not military. But if you want, I can lead you to the people organizing and coordinating the efforts."

2010-11-18, 02:31 PM
He nodded "That'll do"

2010-11-18, 02:38 PM
To Dragon:

"Okay, follow us then."

The runners lead the group into a small electronics workshop a few blocks away. A bunch of people are gathered inside a room to talk, but when the obviously military people arrive, they shy away. A middle-aged man with blonde hair, straight posture and green eyes steps out to meet them. "Hello there. I'm Kevry Richardson and, by chance or twist of fate, you could say I'm in 'charge' here. We call ourselves the Underground."

2010-11-18, 02:42 PM
The large commander of the squad reached a hand under his mask, and pulled it off. He nodded curtly "My name is Lt. AJ Maines, of U.S.S.T.G. Delta. We are under orders to meet with other survivor groups. What is your current status?"

2010-11-18, 02:43 PM
"I am the commander here sir, without Menc you'll find I'm the one who's leading the fight. If you want to stake out intel, you'll have to circle with us back down east, but I'm afraid we have a special engagement waiting up west. If the military is that keen on high priority salvage, you be my guest."

Any inclination in Kitt's voice was drowned out by her professional manner, even underneath the plated shielding her attitude remained stable and indifferent. To her side the scruffier gentleman with his mouth coated in cloth came to her side with a rudamentary map, speaking in low tones and giving illustrative hand gestures. Launa thanked him and gestured.
At her will two of the armed footmen crossed the buildings wall and inspected the path to the main roads- they weren't far off Derkman, crossing the highways would bring them to the target. It was after all their duty to pursue any leads of remnants of value.

"Keep an ear open for any news on a politician named Redgunn, if you want familiarity with the M.R.I, he's where you'll get it from."

2010-11-18, 02:53 PM
"If following you gets us to have a nice conversation after words, then we have no where better to be. My squad is at your disposal ma'am"

2010-11-18, 03:13 PM

People from the Walmart faction are slow to greet you, or otherwise react to your intrusion onto their turf. People wearing yellow safety jackets with smiley faces on them bustle to and fro, performing various trivial tasks.

A squad charged with exploring a larger mall finds it wall-to-wall with displaced civilians, many of them hailing from Ground Zero of the alien attack and now unable to return to their homes. It seems to be kind of a YMCA setup, with people coming during the night, and mostly leaving to forage during the day. Another team reports that they've discovered a kind of distribution centre being run out of a half-constructed tower of penthouse suites.

There is a smattering of Walmart's Global Security rentacops around most such places, and some of the less public or larger safehouses seem like they might be hard to completely clear out by ground assault without horrendous civilian casualties; others seem to post only one or two guards wearing sidearms and stab-proof vests, and could probably be taken and secured just by the small fireteams you sent to investigate them.

Greystone AND ZombieGenesis

A spotty little black girl with an ash-stained dress and dirty pigtails walks into the middle of your standoff just as it is ending in a truce, blundering in front of an assualt rifle's laser sight before it is switched off. She glances up at Launa Kitt, and peers about, trying and failing to spot the soldiers she heard speaking.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the M.R.E's and the Dragon's Company. The Walmart lady said to give them these."

She holds up her hands, and clasped in each one is a cheap tape recorder with a tape already loaded. One is labeled "M.R.I (For the attention of a policy level agent)" and the other is labeled "Delta Force Battalion 'Dragon' (Bring this tape to your CO.)" The little girl scurries off down the street the moment both tape recorders are taken from her, and doesn't seem interested in talking. She can't read, doesn't know what's on the tapes (and doesn't care), and if asked why she's doing this will shirtily respond with "I don't KNOW! The Walmart lady said me and mommy could stay if I brought these to her friends. She said we could have our own room and I could pick out a tub of any kind of ice cream I wanted."

((Contents of the tape, if they are accepted and played, have been PM'ed to you :) ))

To All Factions that have a street presence/Exodus

An army of warehouse photocopiers have clearly been putting in overtime. Scores of walmart jacket-wearing employees and volunteer civilians wander around the city, on bikes, on foot, passing out printed flyers to any concentration of people, particularly aiming at the Exodus movement and those on the highways and thoroughfares. Some stacks of flyers are abandoned in piles, to be carried hither and thither by the wind.

The leaders of the Exodus movement also receive personal visits from WalMart representatives, where they offer shelter to the travelling people, and make it clear they do NOT oppose the movement's objectives, and merely wish to aid them in exiting the city safely and without horrendous loss of life. The flyers list the location of several larger safehouses where individuals can seek temporary shelter and medical aid, and amoung the propaganda is this:

"Divided We Fall

The Aliens have exercised their control over the weather to create powerful storms across the entire globe. Air and Sea travel are all but impossible and land travel between nations or even major cities is extremely dangerous. Alien patrols attack or call down storms on any major traveling groups."

The flyers go on to advise against any large-scale, high-visibility mass exodus, and contain grainy printed pictures of photographs and recording stills of various large groups being wiped out as described, as well as first-hand accounts, apparently aimed at providing the evidence that proves the earlier claim.

((More to come in a second))

2010-11-18, 03:33 PM
Dragon and Walmart

"If you're willing to follow then be my guest, we'll secure the artifact and then back around to the Economic zone. Don't worry, we're not a terribly heavy gunned organisation, and Samus sure as hell loves to talk."

Mission: Diamond in the Rough
(to be filled in later :smallwink: )

As the fragile understanding was forged between the two sides a strange bobbing figure came into view past Kitt's helmet. Nobody had commented there would be a little girl approaching, perhaps they were simply too baffled to see it, but regardless Launa accepted whatever the stranger handed her. It didn't explode. Which was nice.
In her hand the Quarry leader held a tape recorder. She couldn't make out the wording, but she could assume anything intended for the 'M.R.E' was meant for them. As the child departed one of her cohorts spoke their collective thoughts when he pitched in with 'bloody nora'...

"The Walmart lady?"

Kitt inquired to nobody in particular. There had been rumours of course that some of the strangest places had survived the contact, and the word of mouth had been persistent to such a group. An oversized supermarket was not among the highest survival rates in a disaster, Kitt thought to herself, but somehow those lucky bastards were pulling through.

"We'll listen to it on the way out, for now we have to cross the highways. You might want to warn your men that it's not a safe trip, as one of the main paths into the heart of the city I wouldn't doubt its often observed by our visitors."

2010-11-18, 03:52 PM
The large commander of the squad reached a hand under his mask, and pulled it off. He nodded curtly "My name is Lt. AJ Maines, of U.S.S.T.G. Delta. We are under orders to meet with other survivor groups. What is your current status?"

To Dragon:
"We're doing okay, I guess, for the situation. We've established communications with the city hospitals and university as well as the post service, and don't have an imminent crisis. We have enough supplies for now, though we obviously don't have any weaponry or other military gadgets.

What about you? Is there some sort of a larger strike planned on the aliens or are you part of the remnants of what was in the city before?"

To WalMart:
WarMart people run into contact with Underground people soon enough, probably with help of the sprayed tags or the fliers. The Underground requests help with a project, if you agree preliminarily I'll PM some details.

2010-11-18, 04:15 PM
Order of the Black Sun

Recruiting Drive:

Making use of an old coffee shop several high ranking members of the order stand before a small gathered crowd. In between then stand newly recruited members, large bruisers serving as protection. These meetings have been known to occassionally get violent. The most senior member an Adeptus Exemptus steps forward to address the crowd.

"Friends! A new era is amongst us. Soon, humanity will have its place amongst the stars in this golden age of technology. We must come together as one united to bring about this technological age and advance the cause of humanity. We must learn from our current situation and adapt like our ancestors have before us, like when last the aliens came and constructed the ancient pyramids of Egypt and the Incans. All are equal before the Black Sun and the Supreme Being and all who join us and aid us in bringing about the forthcoming golden age shall have their place in the Sun and shall reap the rewards. Join with us today!"

This scene of recruitment is repeated throughout the city in various bars, coffee houses, bookstores and parks.

General Meeting:

Just outside the city a large number of prominent members gather for a general meeting of the Black Sun. Here the most senior members gathered as well as other distinguished guests all dressed in masonic trappings, as the Black Sun at its foundation is a Masonic Order. The proceedings inside this room would be kept secret by all its members as each person took an oath that should they betray their masonic brothers may they be killed by getting cut ear to ear.

Stepping to the center dais is Supreme Magus William Trow to address the gathered crowd and lay out a course of action as well as hoping to boost morale.

"Fellow Masons, I speak before you today as we are on the cusp of a great change. We already know that we are no longer alone in this universe nor are we the most advanced race. We, of course already knew this well before from our research, but, the rest of the world chose to remain blissfully ignorant until it was too late. We now stand at a crossroads and must decide what path to take. Humanity will no longer be confined to this one world and will soon reach out across the stars. BUT, we can not be slaves to the aliens, we must embrace their technology and use it so we can be the masters of our fate. It is important that we remember first and foremost we are men of science and must be objective in our findings. We are also all equals before one of another and their shall be no secrets amongst us as in standing with our Masonic foundings. We must resist the tempation of reactionary forces who wish to be ruled by emotion, caste systems and slavery rather than logic and knowledge. Now, is the time to move together united as one!"

Message to Greystone

A messenger comes out to meet your patrol. He bears a simple letter message requesting that one of your commanding officers meets with a leading member of the Black Sun at a nearby Doctor's office as that our two groups may be able to aid each other.

@anyone who cares to listen

We would like to open up talks with anyone who is willing to speak with us. We have many things to offer the city and the other organizations out there and we believe we must present a united front if we are to continue existing as a species.


Additional Recruiting efforts:

1. Leaflets will be put out all around the area of the city that the Triumph carrier is occupying reading the following

"Sailors, Marines and Airmen of the Triumph. You are indeed a brave lot to have withstood the initial alien onslaught but the time of open resistance has come to an end. There is no reason to stay fighting and dying in the open when we all must move together towards a golden age of technology. Come and join the Black Sun and we can work together for the betterment of humanity. We have need of men of your skill and expertise and you shall be rewarded generiously by our organization. We must all come together as equals so that we may weather this storm and enjoy peace and prosperity now. Join the Black Sun to help us create this future!"

2. Leaflets will be handed out amongst the exiles heading into the woods and countryside

"It is pointless to run. We know the aliens have control of everything. The woods and countryside will offer no protection to you. It is time now for humanity to unite as one and work for a common good. We must all come together and prepare for the golden age of technology. Turn back and join with the Black Sun where all amongst us are equals and you shall be rewarded when the time comes where humanity takes its place in the stars."

3. Messengers will be sent to any Masonic Lodges within the city bearing the following message:

"Friend Masons,

Dark days are upon us and we need to all come together united as one to lead us onto a golden age and better than us, the various Masonic Orders which have for centuries spoken of equality amongst all men. Now, with the world collapsing around us we can finally try to implement the egalitarian systems we have so longed for.

I therefore propose that all the seperate lodges unit as one with the Black Sun pooling our resources and talents so that we can lead humanity from the darkness into a golden age. I beg you as a fellow mason who walked amongst you for years to truly consider this offer of and aid and mutual benefit.

Your brother,

William Trow Ph.D
Master Mason
Supreme Magus
Order of the Black Sun

Scavenging efforts:

Men will be sent out throughout the countryside and city(though they will stay clear of the quarantined area) to find any alien technology that was lost or abandoned in the sporadic fighting for the city. Additionally, any alien corpses will be recovered for study.

Messages to various NPC Factions:

Cult of Sirius:

We would like to establish a dialogue with your leadership. We believe we have many similar goals in common and could aid each other by working together.

Wolk Convicts:

We have admired the work you have done recently in forging yourselves together as a true power block within the city and believe that we can help each other in these hard times. Your men are men of action willing to go out and do what must be done. Whereas our organization is filled with planners, thinkers and builders. We can not do what you do nor can you do what we do. It is only obvious that we aid each other. In exchange for us providing you with advanced technology we would like to hire your men's services in performing jobs for us around the city. Would this be agreeable to you?

The University:

Together we are all men of science and knowledge. It is vital that the works of humanity be preserved and that we learn all that we can from these alien outsiders. We are proposing that we pool our resources together in the field of research to help us better understand the threat that now faces us.

The Aliens:

This message will attempt to be communicated in various ways both non-verbal and verbal using various languages including several ancient ones.

"Oh! Magnificent beings from beyond the Sol System! We salute you and your technological achievements. You have proven your civilization to beyond the comprehension of our minds and are truly in control of this world now. We know you have come here before and knew you would come again. We wish to open dialogue with you so that we may learn what we can from each other and find our common ground and work towards a golden future together."

2010-11-18, 04:31 PM
Lt. Masters and his squad made its way to the indicated office.

We were in the city, but I wouldn't say we're remnents. Its just the aliens are damned difficult to deal with."

He paused "You mentioned hospitals?"

Zombie Genisis
One of the soldiers raised an eyebrow as their Corporal took the video, and as the little girl walked away.

"That was damned strange and no mistake..."

2010-11-18, 04:34 PM
To Dragon:
"Well yeah. I don't really see a way to fight as things are now. But they don't seem to be trying to kill us either, so at least we have time to figure out how.

The hospitals have formed a network called Medivac, based in St. Julius, to help people in the city. We work closely with them. We could probably get you into contact, but there's a bit of a problem with that we'd like you to address."

2010-11-18, 04:40 PM
@Greystone - face to face that means no peeking!

The squad is lead into the doctor's office by an elderly man, the apparent doctor of the office. They are taking into a back room where sits 3 men. They all have a military like appearance to them despite not wearing uniforms.

The man in the center stands up and introduces himself "Lt. thank you for answering our message. I'm Col. James Bishop, retired of course. Now, I serve as a Magus of the Black Sun and head of security. Please take a seat. We have much to discuss and I think we can help each other out." He motions towards the seats.

2010-11-18, 04:44 PM

The hallways of the Center for Disease Control were currently awash in activity. Even as man, woman, and rhoomba alike worked to clean off the blood and patch over the damage from their internal purge, the Illuminated were busy within their new homes. The attack of Xeno had left their resources strained, and the internal purge alone had consumed much of their manpower. What remained, however, was all the stronger for it. Having used their scarce production capabilities to try and cement their position, Major Warhurst found himself with far less men than he would have otherwise hoped for. The remainder of his unit had been roughly supplemented, and though he did like the higher-grade weapons access, he didn't much appreciate the lack of bodies to use it.

All the same, as he sat in the rear of the HMMWV, he began to plan out just how to go about the next operation. Tires churned up pavement as the three-vehicle convoy made their way through the city streets, the top-mounted TOW perhaps the most valuable thing they had with them. The engines rumbled as the armored vehicles bounced over rubble and wreckage, their thick treads churning up dirt and abandoned corpses alike. Two other men besides the Major sat inside the vehicle, excluding the driver. These two were wearing the now-standard-issue chemical hoods, the external oxygen tanks meant to protect them from any inhaled infection. As a precaution, they had been given immune-booster shots against any Xeno diseases.

However, the sudden jolt of the vehicle coming to a stop wasn't caused by the presence of some alien. It was the outskirts of their destination.

The industrial district. Leaning forward, Warhurst spoke to the driver,

"Right, take us in. We're to find any factories that still look capable of churning out guns. We may have all the fancy research gear, but that won't do us a lick of good if we can't make the goods needed to put that research to use."

The driver, for his part, simply grabbed the mouthpiece for the trunk-mounted amp. The former CB had been wired to the speaker in lieu of radio transmissions.

"Right! Convoy advance, begin operations! Launch emergency flares if you run into something you can't handle, or find anything worthwhile."

Green for greenlight, red for any other emergencies. Warhurst could not help but hope that he would be seeing two green flares by the end of the day. The Illuminated needed somewhere where they could begin producing guns. If restoring any gun factories wasn't an option, then they could at least hope to be able to take the machinery inside with them back to base camp.

Illuminated Deltas
Beyond the beehive of activity that was the Center for Disease Control, now being forcefully remodeled alongside the Cisco Communications office, the six-man team would find themselves presented with what looked to be an improvised barricade. Two large UHAUL trailers had been pulled into the middle of the four-lane road on each end, leaving a large enough opening for a single lane of traffic. While certainly not a permanent solution to newcomers, the monitor station set up between each trailer was. Each station consisted of some plyboard and cinder blocks set up in front of the trailers, four sentries stationed at each one. Power had been rigged to the local junction via thick cables, which also ran inside of the makeshift compound.

Or, perhaps, out of the compound. Either way, only three of the sentries present were on watch, the men dressed in US Army uniforms with SKS carbines shouldered. A single RPG-7 was laying against the checkpoint's improvised barricade, an out-of-place relic. The sentries had not seen the operatives yet, more intent on watching the skies for any incoming aliens than a team of trained soldiers.

At the moment, a three-vehicle convoy of reinforced HMMWVs and their twelve-person unit of mounted infantry are scouting for any factories in the industrial area that may still possess firearm/military good production capabilities. If possible, they'll attempt to secure the area for further reinforcement and reconstruction. If not, then they will simply try and take what they can in schematics or machinery and evacuate back to the base.

2010-11-18, 04:45 PM
The big man quirked an eyebrow "Problem?"

"Magus?" Masters sports a slight southern drawl "So you are one of them cults we heard about from some of the civvies. I thought you were alien lovers or some such?"

2010-11-18, 04:49 PM
To Dragon:
The woman who brought you here speaks up. "See, I don't know if you've noticed but the UFOs aren't targeting civilians, like us or Medivac. Not intentionally unless they go to the alien zone downtown. But if people like you, who look like you mean business with them, associate..."

"We don't want the hospitals marked as free-reign military targets, you see."

2010-11-18, 04:56 PM
"Rumors are often misleading. We aren't a cult. We are a Masonic Order in good standing with the national Grand Lodge, at least we were until everything went to **** and we haven't heard anything outside of the city since then." The Col takes his seat before continuing "And we don't worship Aliens. We are however quite interested in them, their technology, their motives. But, we don't want them here, no more than you do. I'm an old soldier, I flew fighters for over 20 years before retiring. I've seen my fair share of battles and I know we can't win now with what we have against what we are up against. We can't stand up to them in the field and the alien bastards proved that **** by knocking everyone out of action in a matter of hours. We need to be smart about this and that's where we can work together. My superiors have instructed me to propose an alliance between our groups. We provide you with alien technolog and intel, you provide us with training for our men and protection should we need it."

2010-11-18, 05:08 PM
Events in the Megapolis:

Weather: heavy clouds, temperature chilly (late autumn)
Alien Activity: Low

The alien numbers have decreased significantly and most of them seem to be patrolling, rather than attacking.

Voice of Authority

''The organization calling itself the Technicians Union has no legal right to arbitrary increase the price of electricity and water to ridiculous amounts as well as undermine trust in the national currency, by demanding barter. This is a distasteful attempt to profit from the tragedy our beloved city has suffered.

Another issue are the military forces currently present in the city. You must all come under the control of the civilian authority. We must preserve democracy, even in this darkest of days.''

Signed, Mark Spenser, acting Mayor.

A Message of Peace

The flies are being distributed by the Cult of Sirius that plead for the people to stop violence against the aliens. ''We must weather this tough time, while our sky friends purge the corruption from the soul of humanity. Any resistance will needlessly prolong this necessary period of suffering''. Some of the cultists even find their way to the Dragon Brigade territory to hand out the fliers to the patrols.

The Longest Traffic Jam

With alien activity at all time low, tens of thousands get courage to attempt to leave the city. The Wal-Mart Inc. warning has led to the Exodus leaders controlling the number of cars that leave the city at one time. This has slowed the Exodus to a crawl and left thousands sitting in their car waiting for their turn. Minor rows about the position on the waiting list spring up here and there.

Administration's Announcment

''No Guns, Uniforms, Preaching or Alien Dissections inside the Hospital.'' Doctor Baum.

Crime Spree

A badly beaten men crawls down the street. ''Somebody... please... they robbed my store... took my wife and daughters there.'' His trembling finger points in the direction of the state penitentiary. ''Help... before it's not too late...''

The Hanged

Three dead bodies swing on the ropes tied to the lampposts. One of them looks young enough to still be in high school. They wear the white robes of the Cult of Sirius. A painted message on the brick wall behind them says ''Execution of Alien Collaborators by the order of General Chrustev.''

Military Conference (Greystone)

A small group of soldiers enters the Dragon Brigade territory. They carry a message from the Gen. Chrustov:
''The Alien numbers have decreased greatly. They must be exhausted from their relentless attacks, which gives us an opportunity for a counterstrike. This time we won't be fighting with our pants down. I have sent a similar message to Captain Lomsky. Our combines forces should be enough to deal the Aliens a deadly blow.''

To Underground

The Medivac will provide hospital care for the injured members of the Underground and Postmen will assist in tough spots, if the Underground helps carrying messages in the city from time to time.

Order of the Black Sun


The sailors are so shaken they actually seem to listen to Order's recruitment offers, but their officers quickly confiscate the leaflets and order the Order's members chased away.


Few people consider the Order's offer. The promise of the stars falls on the deaf ears here.


The Lodges consider your offer, some appear to be willing to join, others hesitate.

Scavenging Efforts

The initial search yields no results. The aliens recovered the tech of their fallen in the first days of the invasion. The population gives little support in the search efforts.

Cult of Sirius

We are listening. What are you suggesting?

Wolk Convicts

As long as we get paid in supplies or weapons, you've got yourselves some muscle. And put a good word for us among the Aliens.


We fear to draw the wrath of the aliens on us, if we begin poking into their technology. Our first priority is preserving the human knowledge, and we won't be able to do that, if alien shock troops torch us.


No Response. But at least they don't kill your guys.


Miraculously the industrial sector appear to be mostly intact. In fact Illumination's forces are stopped by the munitions factory security ad workers, armed to the teeth with their own products.

2010-11-18, 05:15 PM
To Thelonius:
Of course. Underground will do everything they can to assist.

Crime Spree

The Runners on the scene gather what weapons they have, which amounts to a few pistols and knifes as well as improvized stuff like lead pipes, and head towards the penitentiary. Not through the streets, but through the roofs, buildings and courtyards. Nobody knows the city on foot like the people who've been running it for years.

2010-11-18, 05:21 PM
Crime Spree

The Runners manage to catch up to the criminals, before they reach the penitentiary. Convicts are driving two trucks, filled with loot and captives. The question is, can the Runners really take them on?

2010-11-18, 05:22 PM
After the strange encounter with the little girl the remnants of the Q.C.R and their escorted military command crossed what was left of the terrace streets, making for the monolith of the highways, still stagnated with cars and foot-fleeing folk alike. As time went on Kitt had anticipated the roads to become deserted, like one might see in a town under bomb threat, but the universal rush had resulted in the biggest traffic block outside central London.
Between the contact point and the automotive river Launa played back the tape twice, listening to its contents and the chipper voice inside.

Dragon and Walmart

"If we're to follow up on this recording we'll need to circle back around earlier than expected. We've got some time left, but Sebastian, I'll need you to escort the men here back to Redgunn. I'll need to investigate just what our friendly superstore has on offer."

Sebastian, the man with the coated face, nodded and tipped down his goggles. The band was clearly militant- but there was something off about the mismatched group. Directing across the curvature of the highway Launa addressed the Corporal

"Does your squad have any intel on the city beyond this point? We're following some pretty sketchy instructions here, our target is supposedly stocked somewhere frequented by the invaders, some kind of energy complex."

Despite the rampaging collective of the jam-packed cars the unit moved forward. Now considerably larger than it had previously been, and so Samus' armed responce kept on its toes. With the amount of desperate folks knitted into one tight place, the road seemed like the perfect place for violence to break out, or preaching for that matter. Redgunn would love it here, someone muttered. They didn't admit to it.

2010-11-18, 05:29 PM
Crime Spree

Good question... to which I answer with, would a moral human being not try?

The Runners attempt to cut the criminals off by getting to the road they're taking early via a shortcut. Then they'll quickly prepare an ambush, attempting to block the road with something if possible, and if not, shoot at the wheels and/or drivers of the trucks as they come. Meanwhile, Ted Roberts, the youngest of the Crew, is sent to tell everyone what happened and fetch help.

2010-11-18, 05:30 PM
Order of the Black Sun


Regarding the Carrier "...umph"

Seeing that the crewmembers are rather receptive of the offers Black Sun members with former military experience are dispatched to the area surrounding the beached carrier to meet with crew members in secret to convince them to come over to the Black Sun. They will arrange redenvous in the few remaining bars and shops in the area.

Regarding the Masons

Representatives are sent to the Masonic Lodges which seem receptive to negoitate with the Master Masons. They are promised to be instated into the Black Sun with high ranking positions for all current Masons and will be allowed to continue running their individual lodges as they see fit.

Scavenging Efforts

The search will continue with the searchers heading into the countryside to see if there is anything the aliens missed from air battles taking place outside the city limits.

Cult of Sirius

We are trying to make contact with the aliens at this point however we have met with limited success. Have you been able to establish contact with them in any ways yet?

Wolk Convicts

We will be in touch. We are establishing a list of targets for you. Also, if you salvage any alien tech we can reverse engineer it for you and get your men equipped with it.


If it pleases your esteemed staff we offer 2 suggestions.

1. You can begin transfering your research equipment and any staff who so desire to relocate to our facillities in secret so we can begin work on deciphering alien technology.

or 2. We secure the books and other collected knowledges you have and transport them to our secured underground cellars where they can be safe from potential alien intervention.


Communication attempts will continue as they work their way through different languages and different forms of communications including such abstract languages as morse code and binary.

2010-11-18, 05:34 PM
To ...umph:
A group of guys, not working in any of the Runners crews but instead drafted to go look around from more adventurous sci-fi geeks (but still led by a level-headed librarian) finds their way into the harbour. "Look at that. There's a whole carrier there!"
"It doesn't look to be in very good shape though..."

They head closer to visit.

2010-11-18, 05:43 PM
Carrier "Uumph"

A convey of armored securicar trucks (the ones normally used to transport large sums of money to banks) approaches the carrier. The drivers are observed to step out and negotiate with the guards, and then, if allowed, to unload the boxes and bring them inside.

2010-11-18, 06:51 PM
The Syndicate

Marcus Damien turns away from the display, his eyes looking over the expressions of his Board of Directors, a frown on his face. "So, you can see that the situation is dire. The army didn't stand a chance in a straight up fight, and whatever the hell they're building in the Core they're far too close to our operations for comfort. Syndicate operations must immediately turn towards the elimination of the alien menace." At this, he is pleased to see a grim agreement from the rest of the Board.
"I agree, Marcus." replies Allen "We cannot allow this to continue without acting. We might even have to go public, if things are as bad as they say..."Seeing the discomfort at this prospect around the table, Damien quickly responds, "We'll get to that if and when we come to it. Our first objective has to be getting a good picture of what's going on. I propose we assemble teams to open lines of communication to the known elements and investigate the unknowns. Mike, can I trust you to organize our surveillance activities?"The grizzled spy nodds his head in assent, saying nothing. "And Scott, are you willing to lead the research teams on this? Excellent. Then I'd like reports from all of you on how best to pursue this operation. This, I think, will be the most important thing we do in our lifetimes." The well-dressed men around the table stand up, talking to each other as they begin to file out of the room.
"Senator, if I could have a word..."

To the Illuminated:
One of the plant workers steps forwards, carrying a nasty-looking assault rifle. "What's your business here, 'friends'? We don't take too kindly to looters..." The letters PHI clearly stand out on the breast of his uniform.

To Dragon Company:
One of your squads is approached by a well,dressed man carrying a briefcase, a holstered pistol clashing with his expensive-looking business suit. As he approaches, he calls out "You're with Dragon Company, right?" If they confirm, he opens the briefcase and pulls a letter from it and hands it to them. "My employers want to set up a meeting with your commanders to discuss an alliance against the aliens. The details are in that letter, if you're interested."
<Details of letter will be PMed>

To the Free Trade League
One of your enforcers comes forwards with a video, claiming that he found it on his bed. The video case bears a picture of a stylized S superimposed over a gear. If you play the video, the same image appears on the screen and a scrambled voice says "Greetings from the Syndicate. My friends and I would like to offer you a mutually beneficial agreement. There is a basement storage facility on the corner of 66th and 18th, a few blocks from your current base of operations. We have placed there a few tokens of our goodwill, as well as further contact information. We look forwards to your response."

To everyone, eventually:
A number of copies of dvds begin appearing among the civilian population. When played, the DVDs show a distinguished-looking middle-aged man standing in front of the seal of (country)'s Senate. He begins to speak, "Hello, citizens of (city). I am Senator Malcolm Kelly, and I have the privelege of being one of the few members of our national government still alive to talk to you today. Like you, my life has been devestated by the alien invasion. I lost many friends in the destruction of our government, and I know the pain of losing family to their barbarous attack. However, I must beg you..." His voice begins to rise, "Do not give up! We must not allow these inhhuman monsters to defeat us. I ask you all, please give your support to the brave few who continue to fight back against the aliens. Do not join those deluded fools who believe that simply ignoring the enemy will make them go away. Worse yet, do not listen to those who would claim that the aliens who killed your loved ones in an attempt to enslave us all are to be helped and trusted. It is your duty as citizens of (country), no, as members of the human race to resist to your last breath!" Now, he reaches a crescendo, "Fight with me against the enemies of all mankind! Not for me, but for yourselves, your families, your children. The very future of the human race depends on your actions in the coming days. Do not give up!"

2010-11-18, 09:22 PM
The Lt smiles "Well then maybe your boys will help me. The miss hear indicated that she was a free runner. A good free runner would make a good courier. Have them bring medical supplies to us, and we'll stay as far away from the Medivac as possible"

Masters leans back in his seat "Tech and intel for training and protection? Well, that sounds all good, but we're spread a bit thin- so the best thing you could do is relocate nearer to Dragon territory. Sound reasonable?"

General Chukov
From: Lt. Col Wyles

Sir, I believe a counterstrike is just what we need. I believe that all three of us should meet and discuss the strategy personally.

Crime Spree
Captain Mayer commanding the 1st platoon of the 7th mechanized, and 3rd platoon of the 2nd Infantry converge on the prison. Their mission is to put down the criminals- who are as much a threat to the civilians as the aliens.

Air Support is on deck, as is artie.

Traffic Jam
2nd platoon of the Logistics company is sent to help with perhaps clearing roads or even making new routes. They are authorized to settle disputes. They have orders to fall back if aliens appear.

Cult of Sirius
Cultists are ordered to stay out of Brigade held territory. Pamphlets are confiscated and burned. They are also given the warning: Stay out of the militaries way, or else.

The corporal shook his head "We have some good maps, but we haven't been in the city long"

"We will pass on your message"

2010-11-18, 09:26 PM

Warhurst, seeing the array of guns pointed at himself and his men, did not particularly care for the fact that it was very likely he was at risk of being blasted apart by bullets. Stepping out of the armored car in plain view, alone, he left his P90 within the car itself. Shutting the door behind him, he raised his left hand, drawing his sidearm with the right before ejecting the magazine. Clearing the chamber, he set the pistol on the roof.

"Right." He said, "I am Major Warhurst, former United States Army, now working to help keep myself and the remaining men of my unit combat operational! I see you've all done alright for yourselves, so I'd like to broker an agreement if we can." He said, nodding to the vehicles behind him.

"We've got working tech, as you can see, and plenty of room and help. As a former officer of the United States Armed Forces, I can promise you all proper shelter, medical treatment, and clean water. The Illuminated are here to assist the people of this city in hard times, and just as they helped me and my men here, I'm here to assist you and your loved ones."

If allowed, he would peacefully take another step forward, "Take that as my word- as a new member of the Illuminated, and as a Major of the United States Armed Forces. We can, and will, provide aid to those who are willing- all we ask is that you join us in our task of helping bring about a better tomorrow."

To The PHI Worker
"As a sign of good faith on this offer," He would add at the end, he reached for his canteen. Tossing it underhand to the man, he nodded. "Water around the city is polluted. Irradiated. Deadly. Maybe you’ve got a makeshift purifier that cleans one glass of dirty water a day, or, or you sip from an ancient faucet in an abandoned subway restroom. But that’s not really living, is it? You’re just simply existing. While I'm not saying that you have to choose right now, I'm setting an open offer that anyone who wants water and shelter is welcome to have it. All these guns are mighty fine, but they ain't as refreshing as some unpolluted, spore-free, and most of all clean water."

2010-11-18, 09:36 PM
Draconic Illumination (Gunther)
Sgt. Kelly O'brian, stopped short. She and her men had caught a outpost unawares.


"Ma'am?" The squads sniper looked over, saluting.

"Cover me"

She put down her gun, and with her hands up, walked out into the street "FLASH" she called.

What the men on guard see is a great coated black figure essentially step out of the shadows of a building.

2010-11-18, 09:45 PM
Illuminated Deltas
The facility guards, for their part, were fairly cautious. They kept their carbines pointed at the woman, the fourth guard simply remaining on the laptop, switching through the channels on the local network. Though he was hardly the fool, having kept a nine millimeter strapped to his hip in case violence decided to erupt.

"Identify!" The lead Illuminated sentry shouted, "This is a restricted military zone, and trespassers must identify or face detainment! Violence will be met with overwhelming force!"

The man kept his weapon pointed in her direction, the other two beginning to walk around the checkpoint and towards the woman, ready to search her- or detain her- if need be. Shooting was always an option, but Major Warhurst had delivered orders down the chain that unnecessary casualties- civilian or otherwise- were not to be tolerated.

The Xeno were bad enough.

2010-11-18, 09:55 PM
Draconic Illuminations
"My name is Sergeant Kelly O'brian, of The United States Special Task Group Delta" she keeps her hands up "We've been sent by our CO to meet up with other survivors"

Her squad had her covered, and Kendel in paticulor had a clean shot for the speaker on the other side.

2010-11-18, 10:07 PM
Illuminated Deltas
The soldiers would relax visibly at this. Keeping their rifles still pointed in her general direction, the lead man would bow his head respectfully. "Mighty fine to see a fellow United States soldier in these hard times. The Major is out right now, but I can have you speak with one of the bosses if you like. I'll have to search you for weapons, though- US Military or not, anyone who ain't with us might just be a threat if they don't take things the right way."

He would stand next to the checkpoint, "You're free to leave if you don't agree, but otherwise? Just get to the spot and assume the position." He pointed to a pair of foot outlines chalked into the road about half a dozen meters in front of the checkpoint, "And don't worry- I ain't got wandering hands or nothin'." He assured her, "The Major don't take kindly to those sorts in our unit."

2010-11-18, 10:10 PM
Draconic Illuminations
She walked over and let him pat her down, he only found some extra ammo and a rather large pistol.

She turned back and indicated the guard post "Would you like some assistence in guarding your post?"

2010-11-18, 10:45 PM
Illuminated Deltas
"Assistance? Well, I can't really speak for Prime Koronev." The trooper replied, having been true to his word and only grabbing the pistol and ammunition. He set them in his belt, "But if things work out like I'm hop'n? That'd be mighty fine, I think."

The trooper at the laptop spoke up suddenly, looking to the speaking couple, "He's coming! The Prime is heading down to the courtyard right now, everybody liven up!"

With that, the trooper looked to the checkpoint, where the man at the laptop had just entered in a fresh series of key taps. Something, most likely a security system or alarm, deactivated as the man plugged in a headset via the laptop's USB.

"We've got a guest through the southern gate. Everybody stand down." The man said, his voice echoing through the courtyard beyond the trailer as the message was repeated through amps and speakers set up within.

The speaker would then head through the checkpoint, the armed men lowering their guns at last as the man and woman were allowed entry.

"I'm Corporal Riley by the way- US Army, First Illuminate Division."

Inside, though not truly inside, the aforementioned courtyard was a flurry of activity. Cables and power lines ran everywhere, men in either US Army attire or HAZMAT suits walking about. Those in HAZMAT were usually carrying bodies, of which there nothing but human ones, to a large grave dug out by a backhoe. Floodlights, left unpowered, were set up from the buildings overlooking the courtyard. Though not particularly over-fortified, there were a handful of FIM-92 Stinger rockets left sitting in the open next to a crate of spare rockets. PKM light machine guns, the mass-produced heavy weapon of choice for militias, had also been stocked up. A firing range was also present in the courtyard, a number of crude targets made from sandbags and rebar serving to help train the latest recruits under the watchful eye of US infantry.

Of which, there were a surprising amount of them walking around. A number of them had amputated limbs, and prosthetic limbs to make up for those amputations, but they were still walking wounded. There were more non-wounded than injured, as there always was, but it was present. As far as technology went, the Illuminated base was a veritable hub of it: Having restored a number of vehicles to working order, and stripping others for spare parts, they had a decent-sized motor pool of HMMWVs, not to mention the weapons usually mounted on them. A triage station had been set up with a good number of bio-hooded scientists, men and women alike standing or laying in plastic curtained cubicles as they were poked, prodded, or operated on. It was hardly a M.A.S.H., but triage never was.

And there, emerging from a building that had obviously once been a government structure from its sturdy stonework, was a man in a labcoat. He was fairly good-looking, though he took only a minimal level of care for himself, his hair slightly disheveled and his lab coat wrinkled. A PDA was held in his hands, and he would smile as he approached. Around his neck, a large rebreather had been set up, a small oxygen tank built in.

"Good evening! I was informed you came here to speak with us about something?" He inquired, his voice transmitted through a small speaker built around the collar.

2010-11-18, 10:52 PM
Draconis Illuminated
"My squad and I have been sent by Lt. Col Wyles to make contact with other survivor groups for cooperation purposes" she pauses "Is this area contaminated in someway?" she asked indicating the suit.

2010-11-18, 11:07 PM
Illuminated Deltas
Illuminate Prime Kornev thought on this for a bit before shaking his head, tapping the rebreather collar. "Technically? No. But the Xeno have demonstrated a remarkable capability with bio-weaponry and pathological warfare. This is simply a precaution against Sarin gas or anything else that might be thrown our way."

Looking around the camp in satisfaction, he looked back to the woman, "And cooperation purposes, you say? Consider me interested, madame! Humanity cannot progress without cooperation, and these pitiful aliens- adaptable though they may be- cannot be defeated by any lone man or woman!"

In the background, a group of Illuminate workers were rigging up the Stinger launchers to a crude winch connected to the rooftop of a nearby building. Soldiers on top of the roof gave a thumbs up to those below, who stepped back as motors whirred and the cargo was slowly lifted.

"So, ma'm, what does your Lieutenant Colonel propose for us? Help is always appreciated, and we can certainly return it in kind!"

2010-11-18, 11:14 PM
Draconis Illuminated
"Oh, we've had no contact with this gas- though as you can see our standard uniform is pretty contained. As to sharing some intel, this little base of yours seems pretty exposed. From our experience the Alfs don't mess around when it comes to buildings. Any long fight just leads to them glassing the building."

She pauses and scans the courtyard " Currently our main problem is simply keeping supplied, and our knowledge of alien tech is pretty damned limited. Besides that, we are currently working to organize a solid resistence. We want to have enough so that we punch the Alfs where it hurts"

2010-11-18, 11:30 PM
Illuminated Deltas
"My thanks to the tidbit." Kornev replied, looking around, "I'll be sure to have the men begin moving operations out of sight and out of mind. Thankfully the Xeno have been keeping to themselves, so we should have the advantage."

Tapping the breathing collar in thought, he nodded to the woman, "While we've had a few supply shortages ourselves, we're working to rectify that problem- perhaps we could work on it together? I'm more than confident that we can dissect the technology, and biological secrets, of any intact alien bodies or devices you bring us. If you could help bolster our weapons stockpile and lend a bit of training to our civilian auxiliaries, I'm more than certain that our expertise with mechanical systems and chemistry could prove a benefit to you and yours as well."

He eventually folded his arms against a cold draft, "Tell you what- You bring us some weapons and a couple men to help train the militia members? We'll throw our weight behind you. As a sign of faith- we're currently combing through the industrial sector, looking for factories we can salvage to help bring production back up and running. My man there, Major Warhurst, is a United States soldier like yourself. If your Lieutenant Colonel can help spare some men to aid in that task? We'll throw you some of our spare medical supplies- stuff we've cooked up in the field. It's not the best, but it's better than trusting supplies looted from the hospital's bio bins."

2010-11-18, 11:49 PM
Warehouse 9

Originally merely a store-house for weaponry while it waited for the ship to carry it on the final leg of its journey, the unassuming warehouse had been expanded, reinforced and secured over the years, until it was pretty much a secondary head-quarters for the league. Which is useful, because the remainder of the inner circle at least had a place to huddle and recuperate in safety.

Three stories underground sitting around a conference table with the minuscule remnants of the mafia that had a few days ago almost controlled the city.

Johnathan Norrel, looking over the sorry bunch gathered around the able, sighed. "Well, at least we've got a viable safehouse, I guess.

Turning to his lieutenants, he started muttering something between an angry rant and a motivational speech, bursting with rage
Okay, we've barely got contact with anyone out of the safe-house, those f***ing aliens killed the old man and all his friends while they were chatting with the mayor, we're being hemmed in like rats and somehow everyone from the spooks to the some geeks in their mothers basements to F***ing Wallmart and the garbage-men got their sh*t together faster than us. Now as I'm sure everyone in our happy little crew of well-heeled gentlemen and pickpokects who got their starts by offing dear old gran can agree that we need to get everything working again. So, time for you bunch of pathetic maggots to crawl out of the gutter and start pretending you're real men again.
Pausing to wipe some sweat off his forehead, he suddenly slumped forward a bit, and it almost seemed like he passed out. Starting again, he seemed exhausted, with a tired, quiet voice.
Firo, gather together as many as you need, fan out and secure the area. See if you can make contact with any more squads, if not at least restore some order.

Claus, seems like there's some guys after your own heart out at the prison, see if you can make a deal with 'em. Take to some of thos eegg-heads hanging around the uni on your way back, would you?

And Fiona, well those a lot of people around who won't really connect to Mr. Lieber here and require a less he takes a long, tired look at Calus ..and they can shoot back. I want you to talk with whoevers left in the police force, see what they think of our new weatherman-in-chief. Send out some of your people to talk to some of the more sophisticated toughs and thugs.

I meanwhile, have more important things to do. Like sleep. and talk with our good friends from the stock exchange.

"The DVD says" (Syndicate) Arriving at the location given is Johnathan, a half dozen soldiers with automatic weaponry, and a bomb-sniffer dog "borrowed" from the local present.

Black ops, Dragons, Military (All separately) An unarmed negotiator arrives at camps from each of them, each bears a more eloquent variation on the simple message "you need bullets, we have bullets,lets make a deal"

Crime Spree Approaching the penitentiary are three VIP cars of the "armored limo" variety, each easily capable of taking whatever smattering of small arms fire any looters on the way can throw at it. Inside is Claus Lieber and his twenty best men. Having their pick of the armory before they left, each man has a military-grade set of bullet-proof clothing. As well, in addition to their heavy side-arms three have RPG's (which seem to at least annoy the aliens) and six have machine guns (which do a lot more then that to crowds). As they approach Wolks territory, the advance peacefully (they even say so, with a mega-horn) and try to make contact with some of the former prisoners

"Todays Forecast" The Weather Network Fiona, and several relatively high-ranking officers like her, try to find whatever remnants of the police force is left and join up with it, saying they were trapped in the chaos and could join up now. a few other prominent (well, in comparison to whatever's left anyway) bureaucrats due the same for other departments. They try and figure out what the situation is and assert their authority as middle management.

Questing for Camelot (the Knights) Using the fairly vague but still extant channels used to contact each other pre-invasion, Several agents fan out to try and contact the Knights

"Neighborhood Watch" (action) Under Firo's direction several squads of soldiers break into squads and begin patrolling the warehouses and Port, dealing with any looters and searching warehouses to see if any are full of useful materials. Almost as important is searching the secondary safe-houses to see if anyone in them, and in general establishing a permanent presence around the district.

Firo will personally lead a few squads down to the waterfront, searching for any shipments that were waiting to be unloaded when the stacks began. Beyond that, the same searching and securing control as in the warehouse district. Thee squads led by Firo are better armed, they being his personal retinue they were given first pick of the merchandise he was responsible for Before. Regardless, if they are in serious danger of a rout of being wiped out they'll retreat.

Dragons When a squad enters the warehouse district they're quickly met by a group of soldiers. Being terrified rookies seeing heavily armed troops in front of them, the rookies call for back up and there's at least a dozen people together when someone relatively senior calls out a greeting.

2010-11-19, 02:09 AM
"While we can not move our operations within your sector we do have several outlaying safe houses within your area. If we are ever in need we shall contact you. As for training we can send willing and able men to your positions to be trained."

2010-11-19, 03:03 AM
The Network Red

OOC: Since none of you have access to the Network, all that's known about it is that they're slightly paranoid people who've been big on the intrawebz who were know for fearing a government crackdown on freedom of information. Nothing else!

Everyone knew the Uni had a fair few members of the Network on or around campus. And so it was there that they decided to make their first public postings. Old school flyers, likely run off on the library's own copy machines.

Danger, Danger!

The Network says:


Alien sightings around campus have been increasing.
*a few are listed off*

The Aliens have been attacking information centers.


This has been a Network Red PSA.

To the University:
Libraries generally have their own internal networks, so that'd be a good place to start. Have someone set up a hack, give them this message:

This is the Network Red. Yes, we exist. Look, either get out or get someone with guns to watch your back, but either way we've been preparing to save and preserve forbidden data for ages now. Admittedly, we were thinking more along the lines of politcal speech and music downloads, but we'll settle for the sum totality of human knowledge. Let us at least torrent your library. You can keep all your copies, just let us in, yeah?

The Postmen:
We'd like to set up some anonymous dead drops and a courier service so that we can communicate with people in secrecy. In exchange we're willing to pick up data and send it for you to where ever we can.

GM: Can I get a ruling on how many connections the Network has outside of the city? I mean, yes, most of the working parts of the Network are concentrated within the City for logistical reasons (hard to lay cables all the way around the world) but there should be at least a few cables run out to other centers. Probably be getting cut soon, but while they last... (Speaking of which, there should be little mini Network Reds in other Cities in the same boat.)

To the leaders of Exodus
Someone walks into/near their headquarters, drops off a netbook labeled 'A gift from the Network' somewhere where it will be noticed.

On the netbook is the collected data on the incident in the park and the sighting (edited so as not to give to much information about the Network way).

To The Weather Service:
Start feeding them tidbits, in the name of the Network Red. Looking to build up some cred here.

To the Underground:
A runner near your HQ is flagged down. A thin, pale, kid leads your messenger to a small warehouse. A lonely laptop sits on the ground, with one wire leading to it, but there's considerable evidence of past habitation. It looks like they're about to finish abandoning the place. The kid sits down, with a lighter next to a fuel can. You've got twenty minutes to bring in someone high up, or I burn the place. They come, they get twenty minutes to talk, then I burn the place.

2010-11-19, 05:03 AM
Edit: Double-posted due to internet acting all wacky.

2010-11-19, 05:04 AM
Crime Spree

The firefight between the Runners and the Convicts turns ugly fast with causalities on both sides. The Runners manage to open the truck, releasing the captives, but the Convict's fire keeps them pinned down. Meanwhile the Dragon Brigade soldiers and the Free Trade League negotiations committee arrive at the scene.

(Need to get Free Trade's take on the situation).


''Hey kids, you should leave. This place is dangerous, it could turn into a warzone, if the aliens attack. And there are some suspicious men from some cult of Black Sun or something, lurking about.'' An officer leading a patrol warns the Runners.


One of the Runners recalls - ''Haven't I seen a couple of strange people talking to some sailors inside the shop we passed? They could be from this Black Sun cult.''


Your men manage to find a patrol with an officer, who is also receptive to their words. It appears the majority of the sailors are kept on the ship and forbidden a shore leave. The moral is pretty low and many sailors think of desertion, but as long as the Capitan and the officers keep discipline, you won't be able to cause mass defection.

The Syndicate's Message

There is a number of people, who respond positively to the call of arms. The majority of the population still remain hesitant to oppose the aliens, since everybody believes them invincible and the war to be practically over. People prefer to listen to the Weather Service less dangerous announcements, which seem to be getting more informative of late or to the call to flee the city by the Exodus leaders. The minority of alien lovers are pretty unhappy with Syndicate's message.

Cult of Sirius (LongVin)

They communicate with us in dreams and psychic visions. Our leader Master Sirius is the one person, who hears their music clearly all the time. You must cleanse and open your mind's eye, if you wish to hear.

Wolk Convicts (LongVin)

You've got yourself a deal, buddy.

University (LongVin)

We don't trust your intentions. For all we know you'll hoard the knowledge, instead of preserving it.

Traffic Jam

The Dragon Brigade's engineers work on the roads, but the process is very slow, both due to interference of the Exodus - a combination of unhelpful help, attempts to drive through, despite unfinished repairs and incessant honking to ''get it done already''. The aliens appear periodically, sometimes going as far as destroying hours of work. Their attacks scatter the Exodus and make many abandon their cars and leave the city on foot. Piles of abandoned things and cars begin to accumulate on streets. Some people take boats, but the sea is very rough and a number of fleeing people actually drown.

Reply from Gen. Chrustov (Greystone)

Excellent. I'll make arrangements to welcome you at my current HQ at the water processing plant. How does tomorrow morning 6 o'clock sounds?

The Munitions Factory (The Illuminated)

The workers and security are hesitating - getting supplies and allies is a good prospect, but can the Illuminated be trusted?

The Free Trade League

Weather Network

The control over the bureaucracy is swiftly accomplished - people are quite happy to have somebody tell them what to do and the influx of Free Trade League middle managers helps to return things to normalcy.


It's pretty easy to get the goods. The few people, who try to oppose the Free Trade League are quickly persuaded confiscation of their shipments is for their own good.
The problem is the Carrier ''Umph'' currently docked in the port. Its full of armed sailors and if they become aware of the League activities and decide to interfere, it might pose a significant setback to the operation.

Reaction to Network Red's Warning

While some of the students and professors are concerned, nobody is certain enough of the warning's validity to take swift action. Some even suspect it's a ploy by the Order of The Black Sun or a prank in a poor taste. Currently the University is debating about the action, rather then taking it.

University (The_JJ)

Certainly. The wider knowledge is spread, the better.

The Postmen (The_JJ)

It's a deal.

The Network has connections to other centers and mini-networks in smaller towns. The wireless is a bit better in the countryside and cables are still running, although bad weather or alien attacks have damaged several of the lines. Your faction is one of the few, that gets news from the countryside.

The Weather Service (The_JJ)

They don't hesitate to start bringing the Network's info to the public, freshing up the Spenser's announcements and actually making them more useful and up to date.

2010-11-19, 09:11 AM
To Dragon: "We're willing to work as a go-between, but facts are, we aren't getting any more medical supplies and we are getting a lot more injuries than before. I can't guarantee they'll help, but we'll ask."

A young Runner arrives down the street. He's waving his hands from afar and shouting out: "Kev! Kev! We got trouble!"

As he gets closer, he explains the situation with the convicts. Panther curses and gathers up her crew, some of them heading inside the building and coming out with a few swords, a few pistols, two rifles and a single old SMG. "Sorry to cut out the negotiations but we're going!"

To Docks: "We're not under much threat. But that carrier might, how'd you even make it through the storms?"

One of the runners heads up to the leader and the officer. "Cultists like the ones talking with some sailors in that shop we passed?"

To University:
After hearing the Network Red warning, the Underground sends up an offer listing plans for the personnel escaping the campus if necessary and sites of multiple safehouses they can use. The plans also include, depending on the amount of warning and the severity of the possible situation, ways to get equipment and research to safety, with trucks, the help of the Postmen etc.

To Network Red:
"Wait, what? Okay, okay, hold on, I'll get the Boss."

Soon enough, Warboss himself arrives. "What's this?"

Crime Spree

Thanks to the warning sent out by Ted, more of the Underground start arriving on scene, mostly better armed now that they had some warning of what's going on. However, they aren't soldiers and most of them don't have much tactical sense.

Panther is arriving from the Pair'o'Dice with her own crew, and once she gets there things will get more organized.

2010-11-19, 09:49 AM
"Well, I agree bu-" he was cut off by the news, grimly he placed a helmet on his head "We'll assist you"

"Squad, move out!"

Gen. Chrustov
Sounds good. I'll see you there general.

"Very well" the Lt thought for a moment "I'll take your deal back to the Lt. Col., I'm sure he'll accept"

Puppy, unarmed messenger
We're interested, give us your deal.

Puppy, meeting
Sgt. Lewis smiled and removed his gas mask, waving back at the greeting and identifying himself "Zebra Squad, 4th platoon, U.S.S.T.G. Delta"

Draconis Illumination
Sgt. O'brian nods "I think that can be arranged, as long as we get a share in the production as well. I mean, we're pretty damn short of supplies ourselves. Trainers are easy, but all we'll probably be to get you in the weapons departments are some sidearms and older assault rifles. Anything else we need for the push to retake the city."

Traffice Jam
The engineers keep trying, until they personally are attacked or all the civilians escape.

"GOD DAMN IT" Captain Jamerson of the combat engineers through down is binoculars in anger. "Alf is starting to really piss me off"

The bridge which his men had spent the last two hours clearing, had just been pulverized by what amounted to an alien drive by attack.

"Well, tell them to start again"

Crime Spree
Suddenly, in the middle of the firfight, black APC's appear on the scene. These drive in front of the Free Runners positions, absorbing much of the fire without damage. Black armored soldiers stream out and begin placing covering fire. As this happens, snipers who had gotten in place begin to pick their targets, aiming for any prisoner with an anti-armor weapon first, then officers of any sort.

Out of one of the APC's strides a man with a slightly different uniform, with captains bars on the shoulder. He walks to the civilians "Captain Mayer, 7th Company, at your service"

Several men follow him with the red cross medic symbol on their shoulders, he turns to them "Help the civilian wounded"

2010-11-19, 10:00 AM
Crime Spree

The runners already on the scene seem rather afraid of the APC before the people inside start helping them. Then they raise a cheer.
"Whoa. Thank god for you guys!"

"Help me get the wounded!"
Once the firefight is over, the uninjured runners help the medics the best they can, treating captured civilians, runners and convicts alike.


The man who informed the Underground of the convicts in the first place has been taken to a hospital for treatment.

2010-11-19, 11:57 AM
"If you wish I can speak to the Lt. Col myself to voice our case."



The Masons welcome any sailors who wish to go with them now to the safe houses and ask that those who are going back to the ship spread the word of the Black Sun and encourage more men to jump ship and that they shall always be welcome within the Black Sun.

Wolk Convicts

We actually just got a job for you at the University. There is some research equipment there we need(list included) as well as some books vital for our continuing investigation of alien technology and communications(also listed.) Aside from these items everything else within the University is ripe for the picking.

We have included with our packet maps and other documents to help you attack quickly and easily as well as giving you an idea what type of security they may have employed.

OOC: I'm assuming that since most of my leadership are all doctors and other educated men that they would have a rather detailed knowledge of the university and what it has avaliable and what security measures may be in place.

The Aliens

Taking the information used by the Cult of Sirius, the Black Sun is going to get any members who have been trained in mediation and or believe they can use ESP to try to contact the aliens.

2010-11-19, 12:05 PM
Crime Spree

Trailing behind the vehicles that are drawn to the scene are Walmart security vans. Teams of rentacops with various weapons, mostly sporting rifles and shotguns, pour out onto the street.

And realise there's nothing for them to do and they are, in fact, just taking up space.

They mooch around to see how things develop, and give grudging nods to the runners on the scene, offering first aid to the wounded and cigarettes to the ones that don't need help.

"Takes balls to be the first ones to stand up. Not so much balls to join in with a crowd, you know what I mean? Nice one." a tall security guard with a shaved head mumbles.

Other then that, all WalMart can do to help now is just assist in moving the prison trucks out of the road, and clearing away the bodies.

2010-11-19, 12:20 PM
Crime Spree

One of the nearby Undergrounders overhears the Walmart guard. "Well, we just happened to hear of it first. I'd like to think anyone'd have done the same. There's plenty of people helping already."

A runner is sent to Medivac for assistance.

2010-11-19, 02:18 PM
The youth points to the laptop.
Hello, you're signed onto the Network as Plebe001.
BadLatin posts: Hey there. We've got a deal to discuss. I'll be quick; we've got a good communications network and eyes all over the place, but we've got an eyes on the ground problem. You guys aren't totally objectionable types; not government or nutjobs or alien or freaking Wal-Mart. We're willing to swap information, tech, and maybe we can work together.

Weather Service:
Toss them the National Park info, ask them to cite the Network as a reliable source when they can, but, as with any good anonymous source, to not give to much about our identity away. Journalism ethics FTW! We will intentionally keep them in the dark about our outside contacts as much as possible.

Also try to slip them, via anonymous tip not linked to the Network, information about the impending attack on the University.

Okay, we let them know we have contacts in two and only two of the outlying towns. We'll pick up any data they drop at a predetermined location, process it, seal it in a noopen packet so it can't spread a virus to us, and send it on to Network stations in the outlying towns, where we'll leave it in another spot for them to pick up and move out. Likewise we'll accept data moving into the city.

Oh, and we read everything. (On netbooks whose wifi/lan/cable connectivity has been physically removed. No virus, yeah?)

Get in, download as much as we can onto flash drives, beat it before the **** hits the fan. Deliver once last 'be ready for bad news' before bugging out. Oh, and where masks and gloves when interacting with the normals as a known Network agent.

2010-11-19, 02:33 PM
"I think that can be arranged"

2010-11-19, 02:39 PM
To Network Red:

Plebe001 posts: Sounds good to me. What with all the cults and megalomaniacs as well as the aliens to deal with, any help is welcome.

We've got good relations with the Post, Medivac and University as well as quite a bunch of people on the ground. Sharing information sounds great.

First off, you guys will want to be careful with the water. The aliens put something in before the first attack.

2010-11-19, 02:49 PM
"Excellent. I look forward to hearing from you.

2010-11-19, 03:05 PM
"Are you familiar with the Bavlov Manor? You can meet with the Lt. Col. there tommorrow at 7pm."

2010-11-19, 03:10 PM
"Excellent, I shall be there."

2010-11-19, 04:35 PM
Network to Runners:
BadLatin posts: Good to know. FYI, some weirdness went down in the national park, before they even hit. Comm black out and sighting, but it was written off as another Bigfoot. Needless to say, don't follow the Exodus.

If you find any tech you feel like donating to us pass it off to the Postmen.

2010-11-19, 05:43 PM
Runners to Network:
Plebe001 posts: Damn. Shouldn't we warn the Exodus? Who knows what the poor guys are walking into?

We'll pass any useful info we find, but would you mind if we have the Uni labs analyze any artifacts? Or do you got better ones? I know you're saying they might get blasted, but there's labs elsewhere than campus aswell.

Anyway, pass us a message if you hear anything else, we'll do the same. We don't want internal squabbling before we figure out what the aliens are and how to hit them.

2010-11-19, 07:19 PM
Illuminated Munitions Factory
Warhurst gestured to the vehicles behind him, "We also have antibiotics and steroids in our standard kit to assist any suffering ill effects from alien spores in the water supply. There's more supplies- homemade- to help deal with any more serious conditions amongst you back at our camp. If you doubt the sincerity of our offer, then have a taste of that water- you won't find any spores or other infectious substances in it."

Keeping his hands raised in the face of so many guns, he nodded to the men before him, "All we ask for your help is that you join forces with us. With your machinery and technical skills, and our medical knowledge, there's a lot of people we can help. Illumination of our fellow man is our goal- not the destruction that these bands of looters and murderers seek."

With that, he awaited their response, silently praying that the offer of their chemicals, clean water, and shelter were just enough to entice this band of extremely well-armed workers and their factory.

Illuminated Deltas
"More than acceptable!" Koronev replied, smiling underneath the breathing apparatus. "When your trainers arrive, we'll have a fresh batch of high-grade alcohol ready for disinfectant. In addition, we should be able to cook up some steroids and combat-grade methamphetamine in the interim, should you and your men wish for the extra edge in combat. If not, then disinfectant to begin with, and the other medical supplies as they develop. Chemistry is, after all, a science for the patient as well as intellectuals."

Looking around, the men inside of the courtyard had begun to pack things up, ready to move them back into the joint buildings as the sergeants and soldiers ordered them to get going. "We've got a bit of work to do in the meantime, so if you would be so kind as to head down to the industrial district and assist my men in securing a factory or two, I'd appreciate it. Unless, that is, you have some questions?" He asked, pleased at the efficiency of negotiations thus far.

Carrier of Illumination
Near the Carrier "...umph", a lone barge began to approach. The remains of the vehicles it once carried had been bulldozed or towed away, it lights flickering as the men aboard forced the rebuilt engine into life. It hadn't been easy to fix up the diesel motor, but elbow grease, some solid tools, and spare parts salvaged from its sister barge had brought it back to life. Of the half-dozen men aboard, only two of them were trained soldiers, each man carrying an SKS with only a handful of spare magazines. The four scientists alongside them were regular scientists, only one of which was the designated Illuminate diplomat.

Approaching the aircraft carrier in the harbor, one of the men- a former electrician- found himself elbows deep in the wiring of the barge. Tapping a pair of thick wires together the barge's exterior lights flickered in crude Morse code, hailing the massive carrier from afar.

"Peace. Stop. Seek access. Stop. Talks. Stop."

Aboard the craft, a small number of metal crates- locked electronically- had been loaded on the bridge. A number of laptops had been set up, one of which was placed along the control panel. None of the men present having been sailors, they had been forced to rig a crude pilot program from the remains of a local digital map and an autopilot program written on the flies. So far, it hadn't resulted in them being killed, though the fearsome waters sloshed across the deck several times, threatening a very sunken boat.

2010-11-19, 07:39 PM
Network to the Runners.

BadLatin posts: As for tech, we'll take what we can get, shouldn't be to hard to grab more then the Uni can plausibly deal with all at once. Follow the G-men and military around, they'll be sure to leave at least a few shot down alien's in their wake. Pass us any electronics you find, in particular.

We sent the Exodus a message, but we don't want to tip our hand. They're going straight there, stuff in the water... lot's to fear.

There's an electronic billboard on Johnson and 9th street. We'll hack it if we need to relay any information to you.

Anything else to say?

2010-11-19, 07:43 PM
To Network Red:
Plebe001 posts: Hmm... don't think there's anything right now. Thanks for the help. I heard there was something going on as I was coming here, so I should probably go back to take a look.

Good luck to you.

2010-11-19, 07:59 PM
"Todays Forecast" Can I get a general sense of what everyones doing? what do people think of the acting mayor?

Messenger: "Well, we have several thousand rounds of unused munitions, along with much more civilian supplies. I'm sure such an active organization as your has better things to do, what with all the energy you've tied up imitating Sisyphus.
In turn, all we ask is leave myself and my associates in peace, although if you have anything extra we could provide something to match it"

At the Port district: The..well sergeant is a good a designation as any yelled back Wow, are there really enough soldiers left to have squads all the way down here? Anyway, its good to see another human who's not shooting on sight!
he waves the soldiers to approach, and makes a show of having the troops around him lower their weapons.

The Docks Once the warehouse district is relatively secure and a few look-out points have been set-up, the majority of the soldiers move down to the docks, and pretty much begin tossing out any squatters or looters they find in any storehouses of interests (weapons, guns, food)

The Carrier "Umph" Hijacking a still-usable yacht from the docks, as well as a few speed-boats, Firo and some personal bodyguards head out to the Carrier, with prominent white flags hanging and a few crates of nonperishables "liberated" from nearby warehouses. . When they get close Firo yells out through a mega-phone Greetings Sailors of the Trimumph! We come in Peace! We wish to talk to your CO! We're carrying food!

Crime Spree: When the military arrives in forces, Claus directs the convoy to back up and go through another route.

2010-11-20, 01:42 AM
Draconis Illumination
"Sir, will you be needing more than my squad in taking the industriel center? If so, you'll have to wait a bit as we get back there. If not, we can go as soon as your forces are ready."

Puppy- Message
'leave you alone?' what exactly are you doing?

"We've been ordered to make contact with other survivor groups. Who you guys with?

2010-11-20, 06:18 AM
Weather Forecast (Free Trade League)

People generally listen to the Mayor, since he is a government official and sounds like he knows what he is doing. Inside the Weather Forecast everybody realizes that Mayor has no actual power, but as long as illusion of authority can be maintained, it will be as good as actual power. It appears the Network Red is feeding the Weather Service information.

People are slowly getting afraid of the General Chrustov. He is hanging the cultists, forcefully requisitions supplies, keeps his soldiers in terror of internal security. Capitan Lomsky of the ''...Umph'' is more respected, but he is having his hands full simply keeping his men from deserting in fear. Technicians are ambitious and greedy, using their control of city electricity and water to squeeze supplies and favors from people. Cult of Sirius is recruiting people in peaceful way, they haven't engaged in any violence so far. Medivac and Postmen help people.

It appears a lot of organizations are in the process of taking over various parts of the city - mostly the weapon factories and food/necessities.



''This is very interesting information. I must report it to my superiors''. The officer hastily walks to the carrier.


The arriving boats are allowed to approach. The officers observe them warily and the sailors are ready to sink them at the first sign of trouble.

Free Trade League

''What more of them?'' The lookout tells the approaching yachts through the loudspeaker ''You can get on board but no weapons or and let keep your yachts at this distance.''

Weather Service and Exodus

The Weather Service releases a series of images showing alien presence in a forest. They claim they were shot in the national park, destination many Exodus members seek to reach. The leaders of the movement soon declare that the images could be forged as a move by Mark Spenser to keep people from leaving the city. Still the moral of the Exodus suffers. Some people return to their homes, others begin talking of changing the destination of their flight to another place - like an abandoned mining settlement in the mountains, where people can hide in the tunnels.

Weather Service to Network Red

If we cite Network Red as a source it can undermine the information's creditability. We propose that you join the Weather Service as our information's division.

We also need information on who is engaged in looting and ''hostile takeovers'' around the city, so we can expose them. If this activity isn't stopped, we risk chaos and every person with a gun going after the shop next door - widespread looting must be stopped.


PHI Munitions Factory

The biggest munition factory appear to be under the control of the PHI guys. The workers and security are waiting to recieve orders from their superiors.

Independent Munitions Factory

There are a couple of smaller munition producers, specializing in small arms and hunting equipment. The threat of alien infection gets the workers and security scared enough to hesitantly accept Illuminated's offer.

(They are well armed. But they aren't exactly well trained and battle ready)

Chrustov's Plan (Greystone)

General Chrustov and Captain John Lomsky are present at the meeting place. It appears there are some tensions between the two, but they act with civility and try to present a unified front in front of the Dragon Brigade.

General Chrustov outlines his plan:

We must act fast, before the aliens had chance to recover. They are building something in the center, let's blow as much of it as possible. We attack from one direction in three parallel lines, if those fliers attack, some of our forces hold them back, while the rest continue pushing in. The deeper we penetrate the juicer the targets, at least that's what my gut tells me. I've prepared retreat routs - a combination of buildings and sewage tunnels. Once we dealt enough damage and the aliens begin to swarm in reinforcements we retreat along them.

I'm also concerned about various cults and criminals plaguing the city. They use our attack to get their hands on the alien technology or worse yet shoot us in the back to please their alien overlords. I'll leave a force of my men in the back as screen against such eventuality.

Chrustov's plan appears to be adequate. He isn't the best strategist (arm-chair general probably), but he has better knowledge of the city. The info on the city's sewers is a bit sketchy though - his plans are clearly dated.

Crime Spree Ended

The battle at near the State Penitentiary is over with convicts killed or sent packing back to their fortified positions. Underground has lost several Runners dead. The Dragon Brigade losses are fewer, all from the initial scouting party. Medivac sends doctors to treat the soldiers on the spot and takes both Underground and civilian wounded to be treated at the hospitals.

A few Alien flying troopers are seen observing the situation from a distance, but thankfully they don't interfere.

The End of the University?

As the new dawn arrives, people can see smoke rising from the University and its campuses. There are conflicting rumors of the alien attack during the night, cultists killing professors and burning books or a student prank getting out of hand and setting building on fire. The news of the disaster spread fast around the city and people are both outraged and disheartened to hear about it. Is this the end of the last bastion of free knowledge?

2010-11-20, 08:00 AM
Crime Spree

The Underground personnel make sure the captured civilians are reunited with their family and friends if any are still alive, and if not, they're given food and a place to sleep. They also try to return all of the loot in the trucks to it's original owners, and if that proves impossible, store it in their own buildings to be given to anyone who needs it.

And the Runners claim the weapons of the dead convicts, because frankly, they're sorely lacking in their own.


Underground trucks and people arrive to the scene quickly as along pre-arranged plans to do anything they can to help.

Carrier ...umph:
The runners ask if they can come along.

Wal-Mart and Thelonius:
Using the provided materials, Underground people start setting up heliograph stations at clearly visible locations on rooftops of abandoned buildings and similar.

And as water purifiers from Wal-Mart are delivered, they're set up in the major gathering buildings, including bomb shelters, Pair'o'Dice and others. The Underground also makes sure Medivac has their own clean water supplies.
((OOC: Please confirm to the GM, aswell, WalMart.))

2010-11-20, 11:11 AM
Crime Spree

With the firefight taken care of, the platoon continues on its purpose- the eradication of the soruce of the problem. The APCs pulled up just out of firing distance in front of the penitentiery. Snipers were on watch for any funny buisness.

Captain Mayers got on a Bull-horn "Prisoners of the State Jail, this is Captain Mayers with the United States army. You will surrender yourselves back into custody, or we will annhilate you as a threat to the civilians of the city"

"Sir, I appreciate that timing is an issue- but my men know the sewers. It won't take very long for them to update your escape routes here. This operation has a very true chance of going VERY badly very quickly, and we need gurenteed ways out. Also, I disagree with the attack from one direction. Even though this makes us a larger force, it also lets the enemy easily consolidate all their fire in one place. If they are as spread thin as you say they are, then attacking from several different angles will weaken their fire exponetially. "
He looks at the map and draws some extra arrows. "I suggest two major pushes along the front by your men, and my heavy assault armor division. On the flanks, I'll have my infantry and armored calv. hit them in several places at once, spreading them thin.

I have a battery of mobile artillery, paladins. I'll set them up here, and here- that way they can provide fire support to any column that needs help.

Then, I'll have my mechanized infantry punch through any area that seems weakest with air support- hopefully we'll be able to distract the Alf's enough that they can't muster a defense"

Two squads of six are sent to try to establishe what actually happened.

2010-11-20, 11:28 AM
The PHI Weapons Plant:
The PHI supervisor waves to the workers, who relax a lot, holding their weapons in a very poor ready position. It looks like most of their experience with them comes from hollywood movies. "Alright, Major Warhurst. We've got a direct line to Corporate in the main office. If you'll come with me, we can get you on the line to Mr. Damien. I'm sure he'll figure out how to deal with this." At this, he turns and heads into the building, gesturing at the Major to follow him.

The Fox's Lair

Lucan Fox turned from his computer display, rubbing his tired eyes. Spywork was never easy, and the sheer chaos of the situation was making his job all but impossible. "Alright, Ms. Clark. Let's get the last reports over with so I can get to bed. I'll need to be in top shape again tomorrow."The other person in the room, a young woman with red hair, picked up a sheet of paper and began reading. "We're having no luck with the Spooks. No word of them at all since the Invasion." At this, Lucan frowned, leaning forwards. "We spend ten years running circles around them, and when it really matters we can't even find them? I'll have to get those agents motivated. What else?"
"Apparently, those kids in the Underground got into a big battle with the convicts. Wiped them out too; a lot of people are talking about it."
Lucan looked up, a hint of a smile almost appearing on his face for an instant." "The Underground. I like what I'm hearing about them. Those kids have spirit, fighting back like that. Do we have a supply dump near their territory?"
"Yes sir. Within ten blocks of their headquarters, or what passes for it."
"Send them a message and give them access. Attach my name to it, and send a discretionary activity report to Damien. I want to see what they do with some real gear..."
His work for the day finally done, Mike Delaney stood up and walked out of the room.
To the Underground:
In the morning, a Mailman approaches Warboss' lair and gives you a letter. Inside is a key and a message that reads,
"I appreciate your activities since the invasion. There is a small storage facility three blocks west and eight blocks east of your current position, in the alley. This key unlocks the door. I am interested to see what you will accomplish with the contents.
Lucan Fox."
Inside the storage room, should you go there, are two crates. One holds a number of high-grade PHI C-12 submachineguns while the other contains hundreds of rounds of ammunition for them.

2010-11-20, 11:50 AM
The Carrier "umph" Leaving their weapons behind, Firo and a few of his men come alongside the carrier in a speed-boat, motioning to be let up. Also on the boat is a crate full of canned food.

The Docks (the underground) Seeing several people around the docks near the Carrier, a few squads of troops arrive, the leader of one yelling at the group Hey! who goes there!

Dragons (messenger) "oh nothing heinous, we're simply restoring order in the docks, and we'd be very appreciative if you didn't barrel through with an armored company, conscript everyone and start a firefight with the aliens."

Dragons(docks) "Well Before we were a..diversified international trading operation. Now we're operating out of a refitted warehouse and trying to restore order"

2010-11-20, 11:55 AM
Puppy (Messenger)
"We stay out of your way, you give us bullets and supplies? Deal, as long as we don't catch wind of heinousness"

Puppy (Docks)
"Well, if we could talk to your leader, that would be very helpful.

2010-11-20, 12:13 PM
Dragon (messenger) "wonderful, in that case, lets talk logistics..."

or, OOC, done deal.

Dragon (Dock) "Well, Mr. Norrels out right now, but I'm sure he'll be back quickly."

[timeskip to after Johnathan gets back form talking to the Syndicate]

Johnathan Norrel meets them on the street in the middle of the district, accompanied by a half-dozen bodyguards. Looking bedraggled and sleep deprived, he calls out in a a tired voice Hello there. so you represent the military do you?

Wolks Convicts Coming around into the prison just as the Dragons start yelling, Claus pretty much drive up to the nearest convict, grabs them and sends off to find someone important before I kill you and send your corpse to your parents as a mail-order steak.

2010-11-20, 12:24 PM
Dragon Battalion, Prison

A collection of securivans and articulated lorries, bearing Walmart security personnel and a large number of civilian volunteers- many who look like they were gangbangers or other undesirables before Walmart took them in- pull up near the prison and start surronding it. Many of the guards are carrying tear gas launchers and other urban seige weapons. They arn't as numerous or well-equipped as Dragon force, but there's enough of them that they'd be a help.

A heavyset man who bears an uncanny resemblance to Samuel L Jackon, garbed in full suit of SWAT riot armor, sidles over to Captain Mayers. He's Sam Brockwell, the leader of WalMarts security and it's civilian guns-for-hire.

"You guys really are gonna steamroll this place? Spread as thin as you are? Goddamn... okay. If you are gonna do this, we've been sent to help you. We're under your command. This is your party. But we've got orders to take Wolk alive at all costs, so we can interrogate him... little bird told us that his boys were behind the raid on the University last night, and we wanna... talk to him about it. You can get a peice of him too, seeing as you're our friends and all. But you got to promise me that none of your boys gonna just shoot the mother****er before we can bring him down."

Sam shakes his head. "You gave them a warning? I woulda just rolled in around dusk... you know, you could probably get the Runners and some other factions to help you. But maybe it's best to hit 'em soon."

2010-11-20, 12:33 PM

As promised, Walmart delivers the equipment, and also loans some of their junior IT staff to the effort. General techies, skilled, but not as used to this kind of creative work. They repeat their caveat of "at first, lets not operate on the rooftops of our own holdings. We want to see how the aliens respond before we risk that", and are pleased by the Undergrounds offer to ensure that they and the Underground have priority in terms of bandwidth.

A securivan comes and turns over some water purifiers; and WalMart issues a memo to it's staff that they should utilise them too, where it's necessary to drink main's water, and to stick to bottled drinks whenever they can regardless.

2010-11-20, 12:40 PM
Within the independent munitions factory, the soldiers were currently working to take every piece of machinery they could with them. Quickly marching up the stairs, two of the four-man squad raced up to the rooftop before placing down an infrared beacon. It would mark the factory for later reclamation, but as it was the remaining half of the squad was busy passing out their canteens of water.

FN FALs, P90s much like their own, AK-47s, Colts, Heckler & Koch, and so many, many more. It was a wonderland of firearms, but the main thing now? They had to help escort these people back home. The vehicle separated itself from its two partner craft as the men from the rooftop returned, the soldiers mounting up as the mob of civilians was left to head alongside them at a leisurely pace. Any of those that were critically ill or disabled would be allowed to ride on the vehicle also, which would coast its way back to the Illuminated base as it led the new recruits home.

Once there, the civilians would be given medical examinations to ensure that they were, in fact, 'fit'. Any abnormal results, such as spores in the blood, would end up in isolation for further study and- if necessary- execution. People must not be compromised by the Xeno threat. Those cleared would be assigned quarters and told to be prepared to continue manufacturing.

Provided everything went smoothly, a second convoy would roll out- this one consisting of three M35 two-and-a-half-ton cargo trucks. Four engineers sat within each vehicle, with a score of armed men evenly spread out. It wasn't a full group of US Army personnel to protect the VIPs on their way to the emptied factory, but even militiamen could do some good. Upon arriving at the factory, they would begin stripping everything needed for production out. Machinery was heavy, but- if need be- they would strip down everything to its component parts to get it back to base. An outpost in the middle of unknown territory was not an option, even if they had to a handful of days getting it loaded up and ready to go back home.

PHI Weapons Plant
Major Warhurst followed after the man, disarmed but for his Ka-Bar. It wasn't standard issue for his branch, but a memento all the same. As he was led to speak with this unknown figure, he would look about the factory, checking for anything of note in regards to production capacity. While not a machinist himself, it never hurt to see what toys the competition might have on the shelf.

"I take it you've held out pretty well against the Xeno with these guns?" The Major asked as he looked around, "They're tough little bastards, I'll give 'em that, but ain't seen one take a burst of aye-pee fifty."

Outside, the men remained at their vehicles, doors opened as they waited with guns ready- but not yet pointed. Granted, the large TOW launcher mounted on the lead HMMWV really didn't need much support.

Draconis Illumination
"To be honest? I believe a squad could do a world of difference- especially if they are military personnel much as yourselves. They're in military vehicles, I should note, and wear the same uniforms as the men you encountered here. Fine gentlemen- I'd hate to lose any of them to needless problems." Koronev explained, pointing to one of the HMMWVs being moved in the background. They'd need to find a good hiding spot for the vehicles now that they needed to move out of plain view.

"I must thank you again, ma'm, for that information. I had no idea we were quite so exposed like this. Whenever your trainers arrive, however, do tell them to identify before anything else- I'd rather not have any of my fine gentlemen accidentally shoot them. Spirited folks, you see."

With that all settled, he offered her a handshake before pausing, reaching through his coat for a map. Upon finding it, he presented it alongside his hand. "Ah! Before I forget. Here is the route they were assigned to take. You should be able to find them somewhere along it- fairly straightforward, just out and back. We can't really afford to risk more than that, sadly."

2010-11-20, 01:11 PM
Black Sun


A small car comes to a halt outside the gates of the university and 5 men get out of the car. Four are heavily armed and the other seems like a scholary type. They are sent to make contact with any professors or students still present in the university and attempt to recruit them to the cause of the Black Sun


A car pulls up to the manor at the appointed time and out steps Col. Bishop approaching the guards he says "Good evening, Soldier. Col. Bishop here to speak with the Lt. Col. I have an appointment."

Weather Service
A letter is delivered to the weather service directly to the 'mayor' Mark Spencer.

"Mr. Mayor,

I would first like to congratulate you on your fast response in restoring a government to the city and keeping the populace informed. Your efforts should be commended. However, there is much more that is needed to be done if we are to restore a sembalance of order to the city we need to reestablish a full government as quickly as possible.

I must suggest that you reconvene the city council as soon as possible with any members who are now dead or incapiciated being immediately replaced by appointments from the factions now running rampant through the city so we can quickly restore law and order and present a united front against any further threats.

I humbly submit my services to service as the speaker of the new city Council.

2010-11-20, 02:33 PM
@Lucan Fox:
The runners sent to investigate the storage are amazed. "Holy crap, this is awesome!" They're brought back to the Pair'o'Dice and the Warboss makes people store them in a bunch of separate secure locations to be given to people embarking on dangerous tasks. Panther's Crew gets their own.

If I have a way to send you back a message, you get a ton of gratitude and hopes to help each other beat back all of those who would oppress people, aliens and other humans alike.

To WalMart:
Yeah, that's why I specified abandoned buildings. We don't want any civilians to be targeted by an unforeseen alien retaliation either. Thanks for the help. :smallsmile:

To Puppy at Docks:
A few of the group turn and wave. "Hey there! We came to look what's up in these parts, and holy crap do you see that Carrier? It's a miracle it survived the storms and aliens, man. Awesome!"

They appear unarmed and dressed in varying civilian clothing, and their leader appears to be talking to an officer on patrol from the ship.

2010-11-20, 03:06 PM
Underground at docks

The leader of the squad approaches the civilians "ah, how interesting. So who are you exactly?" Being some of Firo's picked men, everyone in the squad is wearing at least a rent-a-cop quality bullet-proof vest, and most of them are carrying shotguns or semi-automatics.

2010-11-20, 03:28 PM
To Puppydock:
"We're from the Underground. Just looking around, you know. Who're you? Army? Cops?"

2010-11-20, 03:44 PM
Underground (dock) "The Underground, huh? what is it?

anyway, we're from the Free Trade League it's...well honestly it's mostly a bunch of cops, arms smugglers and mobsters being trapped out here when the attacks hit. Right now we're just trying to clear the district and keep looters away.

2010-11-20, 03:54 PM
"Then that sounds pretty much like what we're doing further that way." The guy talking waves somewhere over his shoulder. "We were sent to the docks to try and figure out what's going on here."

The leader of the group walks away from the officer who's returning to the ship, apparently having overheard the conversation.
"The Underground is a bunch of ordinary people from the various bound-together subcultures of the city, organized by a few influential figures to try and make sense out of all this chaos. Or so I was told to introduce us. I'm Robert Ålsson." He offers a hand. "We're friends with anyone who wants to keep the people safe."

2010-11-20, 04:07 PM
Underground (docks) The man turns to the leader of the runners "nice to meet you. Firo's out talking with the sailors at the moment, so I can't really get you to talk to anyone with rank, but if that's really all you want I'm sure we'd be open to cooperation."

2010-11-20, 04:14 PM
Poor abandoned puppy at the Docks:
"Yeah. Any help would be nice. Unlike many others, we don't really have any guns or much supplies, since we haven't been preparing for an... okay, well some of us haven't been preparing for an apocalypse for a while and none of us are military. But we got contacts all over, which helps."

2010-11-20, 04:52 PM
underdock "well, at least you don't have to worry about the docks. I'm sure the higher-up would be interested in some information-sharing or operational cooperation as well.

2010-11-20, 05:04 PM
At University:

It looks like the attack was perpetrated by humans, unless aliens suddenly decided to start using firearms, instead of the energy beams. It looks like the assailants come during the night, gunned down a lot of students and a couple of professors. Several renowned scientists and a lot of scientific equipment appears to be missing, although it is possible they perished in the fires, the attackers have started.

There are wounded Medivac is helping with and many more who are severely traumatized by the night. Many are angry and itching to get hold on some guns and see the justice done. Some are blaming the Cult of Sirius, others think a band of looters is to blame.

The Order of The Black Suns arrival is met with open hostility. Some of the students announce loudly that the University isn't yet finished. Others accuse the Order of taking advantage of tragedy.

Carrier ''...Umph''


''You know what, yes you can come. Perhaps I can ask you a couple of questions, about what is going on in the city.'' Other officers look surprised, when their leader lets Runners on the ship, but they comply with is orders.

The Postmen - Underground

Hey, we see what you are doing. How about we help men and protect those Heliographs.


It's been real cloudy in the city, ever since the aliens have arrived. I guess you'll need some powerful lamps as well.

Weather Service - Order of the Black Sun

''The city will be run by the democratically elected representatives (or people, who advanced in the chain of command, after the democratically elected representatives were all killed). We won't give legitimacy to the roving bands of looters and lunatics or foreign militaries. Of course we are looking for the new people to fill posts in the city bureaucracy and services. If your organization has something to give, we welcome you under the legitimate city authority.''

Chrustov's Meeting (Greystone)

''Well, your suggestion seems feasible. An attack from several directions should increase our chances of success. I propose a couple of alterations...''

Chrustov's changes don't alter the plan too much from the Captain Mayer's proposal. It appears they mostly serve to show everybody present the plan is still his as well as give his forces a more favorable position, less risk for his own men, more so for the Dragon Brigade and Captain Lomsky.

The Captain Lomsky generally falls behind Chrustov's proposals, but doesn't let him to go too far. ''I'm concerned about my men's moral. That battle in the sea was a pure nightmare, they still haven't recovered. If aliens hit them hard, they might lose their nerve and flee, which might turn into a disaster.''

Wolk Convicts (Free Trade League)

Your men are quickly ushered to meet Wolk himself. ''Ahh, Free Trade League, heard a lot about you. Let's get to the point. I think those military boys outside aren't going to wait too long''.

Independent Factory - Illuminated

The people grow scared, as Illuminated prepare to herd them for medical examination. Soon rumors start to fly, that they'll be executed, if the tests turn positive. A couple of people begin looking to escape, rather than risk, whatever Illuminated have in store for them.

2010-11-20, 05:05 PM
Docky docky dog:
"Well, we can wait until they have a moment to chat. We'll bring any proposals back home and then send someone to bring back the answer. But information-sharing is always welcome of course."

While the discussion is going on, some of the Runners group head towards the Carrier.

Carrier ...umph:
Most of the Runners follow the officer, looking around but staying quiet and not wandering anywhere. A few stay on shore, chatting with the Free Trade League men.

The Underground happily agrees for any help. They also reveal that after the Heliograph network is up, they plan on getting wires and cables routed for phones to create a more robust communication line.


The Underground offers all the help they can to Medivac crew and the University people. They also ask around for the witnesses, trying to figure out who exactly attacked and where did they go with the scientists and equipment.

To University:
Those who wish to act are offered to join the Underground and set up facilities in safer and less noticeable locations. Any students who want to join the Underground scouting and construction teams are also accepted. Those who don't and who instead wish to rebuild the University are given one of the Heliographs to signal a warning to the Underground if any further attacks occur. Underground also provides supplies and people to help.

2010-11-20, 05:27 PM
Those meddling kids "sounds wonderful, we provide a place to stay for a few hours for the wait, or if you'd care to provide some method of contact?"

Wolks Convicts Claus bring ten of his men into the room, the remainder stay to guard the cars. When wolk speaks he replies Well, initially I was sent here to offer ran alliance, but seeing your situation he gestures our the window I've got another idea.

So, outside there's an entire company of modern urban warfare troops. If you hole up here, your f***ed, they've got arty, armor, and the aliens might even let a plane survive long enough to crash on top of you when it gets shot down. Also, there's some rentacops.

Way I see it, you can either have a glorious last stand and bleed 'em dry killing you, or you can run like the crook you are and live another day. Now I personally wouldn't care if you put on a mask and tried to dance your way out to the tune of Cuban Pete, but if you take the smart option, I can help.

You see, while the dragons have enough firepower to kill you in your bed, they don't have enough manpower to surround the place. That means if you try and break out anywhere besides the main gate the only stopping you is a line of pot-bellied f***s in way above their pay-grade.

OF course, their are problems with this, but I'd be willing to help you and your best men escape and give you a safe place to hole up. Interested?

OOCL are their any guards in the room?

2010-11-20, 05:30 PM
Poow little doggy:
"Sure, we'll wait. For contact, just drop off a note to the Post, they know where to find us."

2010-11-20, 05:34 PM
Wolks Convicts

Well, that sounds like a plan. You'll be needing us for something then? I don't think your League believes in free lunches.

OOC - yes, there are guards. He knows about Free Trade League.

2010-11-20, 05:43 PM
Black Sun

@ the University

The leader of the group approaches anyone who appears to be in charge and tries to dissuade their fears "We merely came to aid our fellow brothers in sisters who are in need. This is as we feared what would happen. We have come to offer you safety at our safe houses throughout the city so that we can avoid another direct attack against the last remaining instititution of knowledge."

@Weather Service

"We have many engineers and scientists and can aid you in restoring the infrastructure of the city as well as aiding in research alien technology if we are granted access to any labs or factories under your control."

2010-11-20, 05:49 PM
Wolk Convicts No, but we do believe in the virtue of superior firepower, and having men like yourself and your followers is always useful when it comes to maintaining that.
OOC: such a shame. Anyway, I'll PM you the exact plan, as I think it qualifies as super-secret enough

The Carrier "Umph" Assuming he and his men are led to the captain Firo introduces himself Hello, I'm Firo Marrtillo, former captain of the freighter Midnight Sun. I represent..okay honestly I represent the coalition of everyone who was left sane and armed on the docks after the attacks. As we've pretty much secured the area, I figured it was only neighborly to see how you were doing.
More importantly, I'm here to see if you need any supplies or anything like that. As well, if any of your troops are getting tired of sleeping ona bunk, we've got several warehouses refitted as quarters you could use.

2010-11-20, 07:04 PM
Blech. I seem to have accidentally not posted something I wrote. Sorry, this was a while back before my last post.

The Basement Meeting (FTL):
Going down the steps, a lone security camera stands watch. Upon entering the storage room, your men find a crate, which doesn't set off the sniffer dogs. Inside the crate is an even dozen high-grade PHI assault rifles, each with four clips of ammunition, one of which is Armour Piercing. Upon opening the crate, a familiar voice comes from a small grille at the back of the room.
"Mr Norrel, I'm surprised to see you came yourself. Well, I'm glad we'll get this done all the faster. I'd like a face-to-face meeting, if you don't mind. Would you prefer one of our fortified safehouses, or a neutral location?"

To the Dragons:
Shortly after putting up the signal, a young woman in a hoodie jogs up to the Dragons' command post and drops off a package. Inside is a letter,
"Thank you for your swift reply. My friends and I are glad you're willing to work with us, and we've set up a meeting to work over the details of our agreement. Please come to room 313 in the Boardwalk appartment complex on 117th ave, with the agreed upon sign displayed somewhere on your uniforms, at 14:00 tomorrow. Feel free to bring some of your men for security.
Lucan Fox

Now, stuff that's happening now

In the PHI Factory:
"Oh, we haven't had to fight the eets, thank God." the supervisor states, "Though we've had orders to step up production on Anti-Materiel rifles from Corporate. It sounds like you're right about the AP rounds." Looking around, the Major sees a bustling factory churning out massive quantities of ammunition, though weapons production seems focused on assault rifles and heavy weapons, likely in an attempt to counter the aliens' heavy armour. Eventually, you make it to a well-appointed office. The supervisor gestures towards a phone on the desk. "Just pick up and push the button for line 4. Mr. Damien should be waiting for your call."

2010-11-20, 08:55 PM
The Basement meeting two of the guards quickly being transferring the assault rifles to a large duffel bag. When the video finishes Johnathan replies Well, when such an august personage requests my presence, I'm sure to oblige him. Anyway, in one of the store-houses would be better, if you wanted to kill me it'd be done by now, so no use meeting in the open.

Those meddling kids and their little dock the people who stay to chat are show to a refitted warehouse, which has something resembling a lobby in it. They're offered drinks and pretty much left to stew.

2010-11-20, 10:15 PM
The Basement Meeting:
There is a short pause, then the voice from the grille continues. "Excellent. We've got a safehouse eleven blocks west of this location. I'll meet you there tomorrow morning, 10:00?"

2010-11-21, 12:27 AM

Captain Mayer eyes the Security from wall mart, and smiles "No- your right. They haven't replied to us yet, so they probably won't. I'm going to call the attack. What I want you boys to do is set up a net around the prison- we're going to smoke him out- we need to be ready for anyone who runs"

Captain Mayer sends a runner as he sets up his forces according to his plan. Suddenly, a rumbling is heard, as three Crusader Medium Assault Tanks roll onto the scene. The Captain had pulled in some serious forces.

Three cracks boomed around the city from mobile artillery pieces, which moved into new cover after firing. They hit the prison- two in the main gate, and one in one of the towers.

Hopefully this created a whole large enough for the tanks and APCs to make out.

The crack, crack of rifles began to fill the air, as the snipers began picking off targets.

The attack on the prison had begun.


Chrustov's Meeting
Lt. Col Wyles nods at the captain "Perhaps have your men interspersed with ours, so that they can be part of an unbroken combat unit. In my long career it seems that a group of broken men will flee without an example to follow"

Two squads go through the wreckage, helping where they can, but really looking for proof on who did the deed.

The man is lead to Lt. Col. Wyles, who looks up and smiles "Good evening. I hear that you wished to speak with me?. The mansion around them was bustling with activity, with men and women moving very quickly, gathering supplies and compiling intel.

Draconis Illumination
Sgt. Obrian nods "We'll be on our way as soon as I collect my squad."

She leaves the compound in whistles. The guards at the gate are amazed when out of the darkness of a building materilized five more figures, all dressed like the Sgt. herself.

O'brian eyed them, and smirked "C'mon boys, we've another job to do"

"Yes I do sir"

2010-11-21, 02:08 AM
The Network Red

To the University:
Watch yourselves. You're very important people, but a big target.

To the Weather Service:
What we've given you is correct, no? We're trying to raise awareness, but your services aren't always the best way to go forward.

We will decline your offer to join. We share a love of of information and objectivity, but we cherish our secrecy and anonymity. It is our security and your antithesis. No, let our relationship stay in the age old symbiosis of reporter and source.

We'll do our best to look into these hostile takeovers, but we're not really built for wet-works yet. We'll do what we can.

Are we doing EoT's?

2010-11-21, 02:49 AM
Black Sun

"Yes, no doubt the Lt. has already spoken to you about the matter. I have come to you to speak of a possible alliance between our two groups for our mutual benefit."

2010-11-21, 03:39 AM
Carrier of Illumination
The barge, on approach, came alive with activity as it pulled up to the small dock for craft like itself at the side. Inside, men in hazardous environment suits- complete with external oxygen tanks- emerged from the sealed cabin. Armed only with Colts, each man carrying a laptop, with every two men hauling one of the electronically locked boxes.

If allowed, they would board the carrier, setting the crates down. The diplomat amongst them, Illuminate Extremis Harbechtt, would speak up,

"We come on a mission of aid, here to assist your sailors! As a sign of good faith, we have brought a few containers of purified water, alongside some spare medical supplies we cooked up ourselves. It's all in good quality, and we're also willing to help offer a bit of technical expertise, if you're willing to hear us out! We believe we can help get your ship back to its former glory, if you are ready to heed us!"

Independently Illuminated Munitions Factory
Nearing the entrance to the base, where the Major and her men were likely to encounter them, the squad of soldiers pause the convoy to address the fears of possible execution. One of the soldiers stands on the hood of the HMMWV, activating the speakers as he addressed the people. Near the gates, a handful of the chemically-suited men were standing around the plain-clothed United States soldiers.

"Remain calm! The chance of infection is extremely low, and in early stages is treatable with immuno-boosters, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy!" The soldier said, spieling off the standard response, "You have nothing to be alarmed over! Please form orderly lines into the processing area, and we'll have you settled down! Hot food and fresh water will be available in the post-processing area, you are only a few pin pricks away from a comfortable new home and a better life!"

Illuminated Deltas

As the workers were herded near the Illuminated base, Koronev looked around as his medical personnel all began to rush towards the entrance, disregarding the soldiers that had suddenly appeared there. They had a massive influx to attend to, and even now any personnel not involved in the vital task of getting supplies moved out of the open were trying to clear space for the medical examinations or prepare water and food. That was one thing, thankfully, the Center for Disease Control was rarely short on: The ability to make precious water drinkable, and develop cures for those plagues that ail society.

"With any luck," Koronev said to the Sergeant, "We'll be able to find a vaccine that can prevent infection through spores. It's just been difficult to strain a sample pure enough for a widespread vaccine."

PHI Munitions Factory
"Anti-Materiel rifles?" Warhurst asked, his mustache bristling slightly, "Didn't even realize you boys had schematics for that kind of firepower!" He remarked, before approaching the phone in question. "Take care," He said by way of goodbye to the man, before picking up the handset.

Pressing four, he spoke into the receiver, "Hello? Is a Mister Damien there? This is Major Warhurst, of the United States Army, First Illuminate Company. I was told to speak with you on the topic of your factory?"

2010-11-21, 06:14 AM
The End of Wolk?

The Dragon Battalion forces hit the prison and hit it hard. There is an attempt to hold the front gate, but considering how the Battalion is putting their full force there, its quickly crushed. Once the soldiers get inside the prison the fighting is over. The prisoners remaining there have thrown down weapons and locked themselves in the cells in surrender. A number of captives are liberated, many in a very sorry state, beaten and dehydrated. They cheer and cry, when they see soldiers. A number of looted goods is recovered as well, but suspiciously few weapons.

While the Dragon Battalion was attacking the front, a number of vehicles have driven from the back and sides (explosives used to make exists) and rushed through the Wal-Mart and a few Battalion soldiers that formed the net around the prison. They've broke through the them without significant losses by a combination of stunt driving and cover fire, escaping to the streets of the city.

Weather Service, Hostage Situation

A bunch of criminals attack the HQ of the Weather Service. They are clearly the sorry remnants of the Wolk convicts, that managed to escape the Dragon Battalion's clamp down. Their plan was to take the Mayor hostage, but the few security guards and office workers armed with office supplies managed to barricade the Mayor's office, inducing a stand-off and denying them the important hostage.



The Underground has some success at recruiting students to their cause. After all they are helping people and news of their fight with criminals have already spread.

Order of the Black Sun

A student asks angrily: ''How do we know you aren't behind this? You are supporting aliens right? So maybe this attack was you doing their dirty work, destroying the information, just as Network Red warned us about.''

Weather Service (LongVin)

Your suggestion makes sense. There is a certain problem with an organization called Technicians Union. They've taken control of the vital points of the city infostructure, like electricity, water, gas, and use it for their own benefit. If you could help us take back control of it, that would certainly be very helpful.

''...Umph'' (puppyavenger)

That would certainly be helpful. We'll quarter our troops in the warehouses you provide.

Message To Order of the Black Sun, The Illuminated, Network Red, M.R.I

We've got a piece of alien tech. You've got scientists and equipment. Let's set up the exchange. Highest bidder wins. Send one men only. Directions to meeting place included.

The Apocalypses

Chrustov's Meeting (Greystone)

It would be best if your men were to be mixed with mine, Lomsky. After all we are the part of the same military.

Carrier - Illuminated

Your supplies are welcome. As for the restoration of the ship... Perhaps at a later date. We have different priorities at the moment.

Independent Factory - Illuminated

''Well, I think I'll go to Medivac for treatment, says one of the workers. I mean they are doctors too and they must have all the necessary medicine.'' A number of people murmur in support, splitting those who wish to stay with Illuminated and those who wish to go to Medivac about 50/50.

2010-11-21, 07:07 AM

Sam Brockwell is pacing around, yelling at anyone he judges responsible for letting the convicts through. His mood darkens when he establishes that Wolk himself managed to escape. Anya is going to be pissed.

He orders the useful and expensive bits of the stolen university equipment to be loaded in to the WalMart vehicles for transport, and has his men question some of the wounded and imprisoned convicts, trying to establish what they know. If anyone knows anything about Wolk's wider dealings, or anything about the university raids, he'll have them hauled out of their cells and questioned. They are offered immediate freedom, and a witness protection program of WalMart's more secret safe houses and supplies, if they cooperate. If they don't cooperate, they are securely bound and bagged, chloroformed, and loaded into the vehicles for transport back to WalMart's holdings.

He approaches Captain Mayers.

"I don't see no prison guards around here, and this place is like a fortress. We just leave it here, someone's gonna come reclaim it and let all the convicts out again. I'm gonna turn this place into a WalMart safehouse. We can move a lot of supplies here, make it a distribution area. Keep the criminals locked up, but civilians can stay here too. If you want a peice of it, you're welcome to leave people here... you guys are welcome in all our safehouses, and we're probably safer with you around."

The word is spread quickly, and some of the security guards remain to make the arrangements, while other, non-combat employees are bussed in to assess the prisons viability as another base of operations. Then the civilians turn up, wanting a place to stay for the night that isn't the open streets.

Somewhere along the line, a runner arrives to tell them what is happening. Sam turns to Captain Meyer. "You heard about the weather service attack? I've got orders to redeploy there. Can you spare the men?"

The large force involved in the prison raid hurriedly get back into their vehicles and go tearing off towards the site of the standoff.


WalMart sends representatives to Dragon company HQ to request the loan of a large number of their NVG goggles, to assist in the Undergrounds project, and minimise the need for the use of large, obvious lamps.

2010-11-21, 07:15 AM
Dragon/Wal-Mart Store Inc

I'll post on prisoner interrogations and other arrangments, once it's clear Dragon Brigade and Wal-Mart are on the same page here.

The stolen University equipment isn't found among the things looted by the convicts.

2010-11-21, 07:47 AM
The Underground

The people have been so busy all over the city arranging things that there hasn't been much time to realize what's actually going on. But right now, there's a meeting going on at Pair'o'Dice.

"Hell, I never signed up to be gunned down by some criminals! Helping people is okay, yeah, but we're not the police or the army." One of the guys is talking to the others.

"Well what'd you have us do? There is no police or army left." A woman sitting on a couch interjects.

"Let the Dragon Battalion or someone handle it, they're trained. I just want to get our life back on track, water, food, internet..."

The Boss stands up, slamming his fist into the table. "As much as you might like to think so, this isn't a game! Those are real people dying out there, and if there's something we can do then we sure as hell DO it!"

Kevry raises his hand, and the room quiets down. Then he stands up aswell, motioning for Matthew to sit down. "Everyone sitting here today is a volunteer. You might not have known what you were signing up for when you did volunteer, but everyone here has the option to go back to their home, if it still stands, or to join the Exodus or go ask for shelter at one of the Wal-Mart warehouses. And no-one here has been ordered to do anything that we knew would put them at any more risk than the average citizen walking on the streets out there. The runners who attacked the convicts were acting on their own moral judgment, and I commend them for it, but I, myself, didn't even hear about it until the firefight was already on.

Everyone here should look deep inside themselves and make that choice. Do you want to stay, to try and make a difference? Or do you wish to try your luck somewhere else? I know that asking you to 'stand up and go out' in the presence of everyone else is unfair, but I promise you that nobody will look badly at people who quietly decide to walk away during the next days. Like the Boss said, this isn't a game, and the risks are real."

People are quiet for a moment, as Kevry sits back down. Then one of the guys at the back of the room shouts:
"I'm pretty sure you ordered me to wake Panther up yesterday. If that doesn't count as a dangerous task, then what does?"

A few chuckles follow this comment, and another guy remarks: "I've been to Matthew's apartment. No warzone, no alien battleship is going to scare me anymore."

And so the collective tension of a group of people in a desperate situation is resolved by the most effective of all medicine - laughter.

The Underground representative explains that the equipment is needed for an effort to create a city-wide communications network, which would be used, among other things, to quickly warn people of attacks like the one on University. One of the stations would be given to Dragon Battalion if they agree.

Hostage Situation
Panther's Crew, along with a dozen urban climbers, arrive at the location once they hear of it, hanging out of any harm's way. They'll offer their expertise if required to infiltrate the building. They're also armed with high-end submachineguns, though they don't seem too used to them.

Carrier ...umph
Once the runners are inside, the leader will ask the officer: "So, you wanted to ask us about the city? Things aren't getting too much better, really. As the shock wears off, plenty of people seem to have decided that this is an opportunity for them to start grabbing power. Cultists, criminals, looters...

But at least the aliens aren't attacking civilians anymore, concentrating on destroying property. And the good people are in the majority. We're currently trying to get up some city-wide communications with heliographs, Dragon Battalion has been helping us against the criminals the best they can and the hospitals, postmen and university are all cooperating. Though the university was attacked by someone..."

The runners don't seem to mind a little break and the drinks are happily accepted. It's been a busy time lately.

"Who'd have this sort of equipment? And be able to get it together so fast? We really need to narrow it down quickly so we can try to track the scientists."

2010-11-21, 01:12 PM
Aboard the "umph" Wonderful, we'd be happy to start ferrying them over whenever.

Also, although I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, what exactly do you plan to do with this ship? Half the weaponry is wrecked, the hulls not particularly good shape, and going out to sea is suicide, and you'd probably face a mutiny if you tried.

Basement Meeting The next day Norrel and his bodyguards arrive at the appointed warehouse.
(just PM what happens inside)

Dragon at the Docks Wonderful, so what can I do for you?[/spoiler]

Underground After returning form the ship, Firo arrives at the warehouse holding the runners, So, apparently you'd like to talk shop? lets get started then.

2010-11-21, 01:14 PM
"Yes, he did speak to me. What I need you to do is summarize it for me- in your own words. My Lt. has a way of embellishing things" he spoke the words casually put her was watching the former Col. with a penetrating expression.

The few Dragon troops look back at the Underground "We don't know" one said shortly "But some of them appeared to be Wolks men. "

They began to move off "Good luck to you boys" [/spoiler]

Mayer finishes an order "And make sure the civilians get a good meal and some water" before turning to look at the Wal-Mart Guard "Attack at the weather station? We hadn't heard. You can keep this as a safepoint, but I've ordered 1st platoon of the Engineers to come in, repair some damage, make sure power is running for you guys"

He pauses, and sighs "Give me the story on this attack though"

Major Jasper looks solmenly at the men who came asking for NVG goggles.

"Follow me" he says quietly. He leads them to a room in the HQ, and opens the door. The room has no weapons- just rows of uniforms. Most are burnt, but most of the goggles seem ok "If you want the goggles you can take as many as you need. You just need to realize the cost of that" as you pick up each goggle, on the strap, each has a name.

Chrustov's meeting
That Works

Draconis Illumination

O'brian nods "What did you need us here for sir?

Dragons at the Docks
We were told to make contact with as many civilian groups as possible

2010-11-21, 01:37 PM

"I don't know much, yet. Just what the runner told me. Not sure if it's a standoff in progress, or if the attackers skipped out already. But they say it was Wolk's men, the ones that escaped. I'm taking most of my people there now, but more Walmart people and civilians will arrive soon. I'll tell them to stay out of the way of your engineers."

Sam jogs back to his vehicle, keen to race off and aid the stricken weather station.


The Walmart representative that was sent- a tall, balding man from the IT division, with the thickest wire-frame glasses you've ever seen- blinks as he reads the names. He turns, mouth opening and closing, utterly unsure what to say.

"I... I had no idea. I'd heard you were here when the attack happened, I suppose you must of... tried... er. we're trying to help too, Major, I swear we're..." His voice grows in confidence slightly, "We're not all warriors, but we'll do what we can. Walmart is keeping people safe. This network we're making, it'll save lives and help you, too."

2010-11-21, 01:39 PM
Black Sun

"Do not confuse us with the Cult of Sirius. How many of our own members attended this university or have worked here? And, you believe we would betray our friends like that? We have come to offer our assistance."

"Basically, we want to establish an alliance between the Black Sun and the Dragon Batallion. You guys have the guns and training, we have the technology and the brains. We can provide you with intel and technology on the aliens and in exchange you give us protection and training for our men."

The Apocalypses
A representative is sent to the location of the auction

Weather Service
"We will see what we can do."

2010-11-21, 01:47 PM
Underground Docks with Puppies:
"Well, we heard from your men that you're trying to make the docks area safe again. That's pretty much what we're up to, in the residential areas. I thought we should at least cooperate with information and what resources we can spare."

The Underground man stares at the names for a while. "Yeah. With all hope, we can use these to prevent more deaths. Our duty now is to the living."

2010-11-21, 01:48 PM
The Lt. Col pauses for a long second, then smiles and nods "I think that can be arranged, just as long as we don't get wind of any sort of funny buisness. Could you work on getting us some tech real fast? We are planning a major strike on the Alfs even at the moment, and some lasers could help..."

"Being a quartermaster was never so hard" Jaspers grins wryly "Like I said, take what you need. Just no uniforms. Also, contact us when you get that signal station up and running"

Two APCs, and the men inside go with the Walmart guys. The tanks and rest of the platoon return to HQ with Captain Mayer.

2010-11-21, 01:55 PM
To Wal-Mart and Dragon:
The necessary equipment is gathered and distributed to the work sites. "We will. Do you have a preference for the exact locations? If you want a station in your protected zone, just show us a suitable visible building. Though, for now we're only using abandoned ones in case the aliens notice."

2010-11-21, 01:55 PM
Black Sun


"We have men scrounging throughout the city and the countryside constantly looking for abandoned alien technology. As soon as we get our hands on anything we'll let you know, and if you get anything tell us so we can have a look at it."

2010-11-21, 03:52 PM
Carrier of Illumination
Harbechtt smiled as they left the goods. It was simple stuff for the most part- purified water from the recyclers, some alcohol-based disinfectant from the stills they had constructed, and a number of other low-input chemicals. It was hardly much of an effort on their part, but it was likely sorely needed aboard here.

"Is there anything we may assist with? We're all fairly skilled scientists, though a bit under-armed at the moment!"

Independently Illuminated Factory Workers
The man in charge, thinking on his feet, paused for a moment. Just a little later, one of the physicians-in-waiting spoke up, marching up to the HMMWV before wrestling the handset from the soldier's hand. Obviously having grown a distaste for all their confusion, he pointed back to the waiting physicians.

"We have food, water, medical treatment, and shelter waiting for you! If you wish for you and your loved ones to be looked after, just go through the medical screening! If you'd rather waste your time with the already overworked Medevac that don't even have the same grade of care we can provide, then by all means, stand in line while you risk further infection!"

Practically throwing the handset back to the soldier, the man marched back into line, his hood concealing the red face beneath.

"I...err, yes, ladies and gentlemen." The trooper said, "Immediate treatment is vital to a long and healthy life! You owe it to your loved ones to get tested and treated. We cannot force you to look after yourself, but know that this is a better life, with a better future!"

At the same time, the M35s wold be starting up, their engines turning over as the men in them prepared to head out. They would have to work long and hard to salvage everything from the factory, but it would be worth it.

Alien Technology Barter
Baron Czarny would be the man to arrive at the meeting of this "The Apocalypse". While the missive had been delivered, by what means even he couldn't uncover, the authenticity of the source had yet to be determined. As such, he rode in the back of one of their precious armored SUVs. Rebuilt from the remains of a SWAT transport, the SUV was perfect for whatever petty small arms a typical raider might wield. Indeed, even now he could fully appreciate that. The three other men within the vehicle, two of them Illuminate researchers intended to verify and the third a soldier loaded with a full combat kit, were there to help him make the deal.

Looking at the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, he couldn't help but frown at just how much this piece of technology would cost them. Whilst technology was invaluable, he couldn't help but feel bothered at just how much it would actually cost to acquire it. He had impressed upon the Prime Illuminate the value of a more "proactive" approach to acquiring it, right alongside that bleeding heart Warhurst, but even now they conserved their strength!

As the vehicle stopped several blocks away from the meeting site, Czarny dismounted, drawing his kevlar-stitched coat tighter around his shoulders. Walking the rest of the way, he put on a pair of sunglasses to help protect from any violent UV rays, his oxygen mask and hip-attached emergency tank fogging up with each breath. Oh, how he hated that little requirement. Yet off-base 'preparation' was mandatory, in the event of any other little 'Xeno' surprises in the air.

He really couldn't wait for this whole thing to be over.

Illuminated Deltas
Koronev nodded to the distant gate, and the physicians now gathered around them. "I'd appreciate any help you could provide in keeping the civilians calm while they're processed. Any training you can offer yourself to them once they're through would be wonderful also. Our main concern is, as always, keeping people healthy and safe above all. The Xeno menace is still quite pervasive."

2010-11-21, 07:14 PM
Wal-Mart - Prisoners

It appears some dangerous people arrived to prison before the attack, practically took charge and arranged for the Wolk's escape. He indeed ordered a raid on the University, which surprised a couple of people, since before they only sought supplies, weapons and women. All the guys, who participated in the raid have escaped in the cars.



That's both good and bad news. I've got a younger brother in the university. What can you tell about General Chrustov? He is currently in command of the remnants of the army, correct? What are his forces up to?

Free Trade League

That's why we aren't planning to sail anywhere for now. The aliens are capable of creating powerful storms, whirlpools and tsunamis. The mother nature is their bitch and we have nothing to match up to that. The land is at least marginally safer.

University - Order of Black Sun

The majority of the students remain unfriendly. They trust offers of assistance offered by other organizations a bit more then Black Sun's invitation.

Illuminated - Independent Factory

About third of the dissenters are swayed, but the rest remain unconvinced and try to leave the Illuminated care.

2010-11-21, 10:35 PM
Well, if that's the case, I'm curious if I could be foreward and just ask if it would be at all possible for us to barter for some of your flack guns? Or artillery or something? Honestly at this point if the aliens show up the only thing we could throw at them would be a few rpg's.

Underground Docks with Puppies: We'd be happy to share all the information on the aliens we have. Unfortunately we don't have all that much extra resources ready to go at the moment, but we can probably give you some food or clothing from one of the warehouses.

2010-11-22, 08:19 AM
To Dragon Brigade

Chrustov's troops and Sailors from the carrier ''Umph'' assemble at the meeting points. It appears the aliens haven't yet realized an attack is incoming, since there were no changes in their patrols reported. Chrustov sets up some of his and Lomsky's men in the back to guard against ''looters and backstabbers, like Cult of Sirius''. Cable phones and lamps are brought to organize communication between the troops.

Lock and Load?

To Dragon Brigade/Wal-Mart Inc.

After several days of travel you finally reach your destination. The traveling conditions have worsened significantly as the journey continued. The weather turned to frequent rains and many bridges and roads were wrecked. The Wal-Mart warehouses were filled both with people from Exodus and refugees from villages and small towns. They spoke of crops ruined by the strange weather and farm animals dying from unknown diseases.

Now the Dragon Battalion is in view of the formerly abandoned mining town. The softly glowing structures, made from some silvery metal have grown from the human houses. It's pretty obvious the mine is fully operational once more, and it has expanded greatly. The scouts spot several of the alien flyers, and many humanoid figures, actually walking on the ground - engaged in construction and transportation of ore. Several alien crafts, that look more like giant rosebuds, then airplanes, land and leave the location. They appear to use the same system as alien flyers - there are no signs of engines.



''For now no, but we'll contact you as soon as your help will be required''

OOC - Yes you should be able to manufacture medical stuff.

Free Trade League

''Unfortunate such trade is impossible. Right now we need all the firepower we have and more.''

Carrier ''Umph''

Next morning a large number of sailors, armed to the teeth, leave the docks, heading in the direction of the city center. There is a small force left guarding the Carrier and warehouses, where the sailors were quartered.

Free Trade League

You could have gotten a whiff of Apocalypses from Illuminated and M.R.I., but the directions to get to the place are probably pretty secret stuff, only their leadership would know.

2010-11-22, 11:00 AM
The Fox's Lair:
Mike put his finger on the scanner and swiped his keycard, finally breaching his own security. He yawned, an unfortunate symptom of trying to work on four hours' sleep, and moved to sit down at his desk. Fox began looking through the reports that came in through the night, and one of them immediately catches his interest. He picked up the phone on his desk, still connected to a few critical locations, and waited for another voice to answer. "Kholev, there's a situation. Get your team ready..."

Hostage Situation:
Two armoured black vans drive up to a few blocks east of the embattled Weather Station and two black-clad figures jump out of each, then move to the backs of the vans to collect their equipment. Then, they'll slowly and stealthily move towards the Station, ducking away from any group of people long before any but the most sharp-eyed spot them. They're scouting the area, examining the convict presence and looking for a poorly-guarded way into the building. The lead figure turns slightly, and whispers, "Jens, get to the roof of that building and get a look. We're blind enough as it."

The Illuminated:
A voice immdiately answers Warhurst's question. "Yes, this is Damien. My employees tell me you've been trying to make some sort of an arrangement with my factory. Tell me, what do you have in mind?"

2010-11-22, 11:21 AM
The Underground

Hostage Situation:
To Daedalus's Roof:
As Jens gets to the roof, he'll notice a woman and two men, all with submachineguns pointed at him. "Who're you? Here to help against the convicts?" ((The SMGs might be familiar. :smalltongue:))

To ...Umph:

"Chrustov..." The runner leans in and lowers his voice. "Well, he's in command of what's left of the army, yeah. Set up in the water purification plant, I think. I realize there's not much civilian authority for him to take orders from, and the need for leadership in the situation. But nobody's too sure about him. He hasn't done much to help the people yet, and his men have been known to execute people they suspect are alien symphatizers on the spot, which isn't a good sign."

To those nice gentlepeople at the docks:
"We're not in the worst need right now. But what I meant was like, we'd cooperate if there was an emergency nearby and lend each other equipment and people for specific tasks if needed. Stuff like that."

"About the aliens, you might've noticed that they're avoiding civilian casualties lately. We should probably take advantage of that while we can, but the overall ramifications are... Well, they need us for something, that's for sure. And, if you don't know yet, watch out for the water; they put something in during the invasion."

Technician's Union:
A group of unarmed people approach an electricity station, intending to make contact with whoever's within.

2010-11-22, 11:33 AM
The Rooftop:
The runners see a figure almost straight out of science fiction. He wears form-fitting body armour of indeterminate construction over his arms, legs and torso and a mask and helmet on his head. His rifle is also pointed quite firmly in the direction of the Runners. "Put the weapons down" he says in a mildly accented and almost bored-sounding tone, "Then we can talk."

2010-11-22, 11:36 AM
Rooftop Revolution:
The guys look a bit embarrassed, as if they weren't really sure what to do with the weapons. They lower them, while the more confident woman holsters hers. "Don't think you're here to join them or you wouldn't be sneaking around. We've been keeping an eye on the situation but we don't really have the strength to break through. Fact is, though, we can get inside."

2010-11-22, 11:54 AM
The Rooftop of Destiny:
As soon as the Runners lower their weapons, Jens shifts into a less threatening stance and remarks, in the same bored tone "I suggest in the future you leave the safeties on your weapons until ready to shoot. Those were created for police units; the selectors are very well placed." He pauses for a moment, then replies to the woman's comment. "Yes, we are here to exfiltrate the mayor." He walks to the edge of the building, makes some sort of signal with his hand and then turns back to the Runners. "You have found an undefended entry point, then? This could be very valuable when we breach the building."

2010-11-22, 12:01 PM
Rooftop Broadcast:
"Well obviously they're on. We don't want any accidents.

As for the building, most people tend to focus their guard on the entrances. They don't expect, for example, the fact that it doesn't take much else than a good climber and a rope to get people in from, say, the third story window. But we don't know what's going on inside, so we can't say how safe it'll be."

2010-11-22, 12:30 PM
The Rooftop:
Jens considers this for a moment, then replies, "A difficult climb, but not impossible. Perhaps we can make use of this." After this, he moves to the edge of the building closest to the Weather Service to take a look for himself. A few moments later, a trio of similar-looking figures arrives on the roof. One of them walks towards the Runners and greets them. Unlike Jens, he almost seems to be glad to see them. "I am agent Kholev. I heard your plan; ambitious, but perhaps useful." He pulls a thin cord out of a large pouch on his leg, then hands it to the Runners' leader. "If you can get to the roof and anchor this, my team can use it to climb up. From above, we have a great advantage, especially against untrained and undisciplined enemies like these. My team will breach the building and clear a path to the Mayor; yours will follow behind us and eliminate any convicts who attempt to outflank us. We should be able to easily break through to the hostages."

2010-11-22, 12:51 PM
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! (GM!)
"All right. But be careful; we think the reason the convicts haven't left is because they haven't gotten to the mayor, thanks to the security personnel. Avoid friendly fire."

The urban climbers get their own gear ready and, with the help of Panther's Crew on the neighbouring buildings and ground, attempt to get to the top of the building with the hostage situation and secure ropes for the Daedalus's people. Of course, stealthily and using all the information they've managed to gather by spying on the building from around.

2010-11-22, 05:43 PM
Weather Service - Hostage Situation

The convicts appear to be poorly armed, disorganized and on the verge of panic. One of them was seriously wounded by mayor's bodyguards. They aren't exactly in a very defensible position and they haven't bothered to cover windows against sniper fire. Taking them out shouldn't be a problem, though they have a couple of hostages, that could get hurt in the crossfire.

The cooperation between the Underground and Syndicate appears to be enough to take them down.

Umph - Underground

''I see. Well, we still need him and his troops, so no options, but to cooperate for now.''

Technicians Union, Electricity Plant

A couple of men wearing plant working clothes come out.
''What'cha kids doing here? The plant can be a dangerous place, so don't go running around here. You might get yourself dead.''

2010-11-22, 07:08 PM
Technician's Union
The leader of the group, a middle-aged woman, waves her arm in welcome. "Hi there, you in control of this plant? We were sent to talk about a project."

...Umph Underground
"Yeah. And we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves now. Priority is getting people to safety, calming down the situation and making sure everyone's got their basic needs filled."

"And to kick some alien arse!" One of the others interjects.

"Yeah, and that. But that's best left to the guys with the guns and the training." The runner smiles slightly and nods to the officer.

"Anyway. We've been working on getting up a heliograph network in the city between the most important locations, if you'd like to be added to the list we'd be fine with it. You probably have some strong lamps that we could use if you wouldn't mind borrowing them for the cause of not needing to run around a dozen blocks every time someone gets attacked by looters or Tom drops his candy wrapper.

Besides, getting the people something to do is good for morale. :smallsmile:"

Underground to Everyone at Hostage Scene:
Panther, an athletic and rather good-looking woman with black hair, clothes and a black SMG holstered on her back, talks to those present: "So, here's the situation: The bad guys don't appear to be in too good a shape. They didn't manage to get the mayor. But they still have some hostages. We've got two options: Attack them and clear them out with surprise, or try to get them to surrender by showing what we got down here.

My suggestion would be that we get the team with the most imposing outfits up to the roof, they make their presence known while your APCs and stuff rumble around on the front yard and we shout to the guys with a loudspeaker to surrender or die. If I've read them right, they'll give up.

However, if they don't, the attack will get more risky. Anyway, if we fight, the hostages are in danger and we don't want that."

"So, what's your opinions?"

2010-11-22, 07:48 PM
Umph Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Very well then, I believe there's nothing more to discuss? We'll be ready to receive the troops at any time
Firo and his men begin to leave

Under the Pier Yep, we're definitely trying to take advantage of that and build up. So I don't believe we have anything left to discuss?

Technicians union One of Fiona's men, with some connection to the unions is sent to one of the Technicians safe-houses, with a request to talk with someone important.

2010-11-22, 08:44 PM
The Hostage Situation:
Kholev replies to Panther's suggestion, his full mask muffling his voice slightly; "There is no need to alert them to our intentions. The enemy is still entirely unaware of my team's presence and has no idea we can attack them from the roof. My team is highly experienced with this sort of operation; we will liberate the hostages..." He stops for a second, as if considering something, "Using flash grenades to incapacitate the hostiles. We will then eliminate the hostage-takers and exfiltrate the Mayor and the hostages. Then, we set up ambush positions to eliminate the ones that attempt to flee and send in the soldiers."

With that, he motions his unit towards the Weather Station, covering the windows with his carbine. They'll climb up the building after the Underground's climbers, then enact the plan laid out by Kholev.

2010-11-23, 12:14 AM
Draconis Illuminated

O'brian nods "We'll help you in any way we can sir"

Hostage Situation
The commander of the small group, A Lt. Winger, nods "My boys will do what they can to make a lot of noise to focus them out here. Also- Ramirez and Ester, take up sniping positions to take out any hostiles right before the flash bang explosion and provide covering fire to boys inside"

The man and woman nods and hurry up to follow the other men.


Wal-Mart Inc./GM
The Sgt. Major lowers her binoculors and sighs. Her job just got a whole lot more complicated. She picked two men as a pair of runners to go and report back to Lt. Col. Wyles.

She turns to her men and the Wal mart guys "Alright, this mission just turned into a search for alien goodies. I'll split the soldiers into 13 six man teams with two Walmart reps with each. Squads 10-13 will guard our retreat route. They rest of us are going to find out what the hell is going on "

2010-11-23, 04:23 PM
Hostage Situation

Chief Brockwell curses. "Damn it, if you cowboys don't get the hostages shot, you're gonna lose or kill Wolk!"

He turns away, his keen tactical mind snapping into gear for the first time since he changed jobs. "Okay. We'll let these guys play war. They're better at it then us, anyway. Parker! Talk to the people milling around here. Find anyone that's worked in that building or been inside it, anyone that knows the layout. Any other ways out. Johns. Take some of the volunteers. Find all the vehicles around here that ain't ours or our friends, and punch holes in 'em or move em away. Dill and Tubbs, take as many people as you need, split into two groups and secure the buildings on either side of the station, in case they try to jump over from the windows. Rest of you, make a perimeter!"

He eyes his chosen men.

"Gentlemen, these ****ers are gonna drive the rabbits out once the bullets start flying, and we're gonna catch those rabbits while they're still blind from the smoke in their eyes and the explosions in their ears. Rubber bullets, gas and beanbag rounds only, then tasers and pepperspray up close! Only shoot 'em if you're standing over them and you see they're not our boy! Anyone caps Wolk, I will personally shove a nightstick up that someones ass!"

Having issued his marching orders, Sam himself takes a handpicked group of guards and civilians and circles around, looking for a discreet alleyway or underground from the building, that Wolk and his men may try to leave from. If he finds anything, he secures them, keeping his men hidden in an attempt at an ambush.

2010-11-23, 04:51 PM
Up on the rooftops(Hostage Situation(GM!)):
The climbers attach the wires, letting the soldiers climb up. They don't intend to do any fighting, but stay on the rooftop to secure it just in case. They'll go in the building once the shooting's done.

I think that's everyone with their plans. Go!

Down on the Underground Docks
"Unless you have anything more, I guess that's all. Drop the Post a note if you need us. Wish you luck and hope you don't get caught by a plasma bolt."

2010-11-23, 04:58 PM
Ghost Town

Cho looks both relieved and disappointed as Carpenter dictates her marching orders. "You're not going to hit the flyers first?" She asks, in accented English. She turns, counting how many WalMart personnel made it here. Fourteen, counting herself. Hmm. "Okay. We'll all go with a squad, noone needs to stay with the rearguard. Me and Frank will double up with a squad." she says.

She's not in charge, and she's certainly not the most senior, but her fellow guards do as she suggests.

After her squad moves off, she waits until noone has eyes on her, and then slips away from them into the town, unslinging her expensive, unfired hunting rifle from her back.

2010-11-23, 04:58 PM
Hostage Situation or You Can't Cage Wolk

The forces of at least five organizations combine their efforts to bring down a rag tag band of criminal misfits. The glass shatters as Syndicate's operatives slide down the ropes, tied by the Underground climbers, and burst inside the room. The criminals distracted by their attempts to dismantle the barricade and Dragon Brigade's activity go down in a second. A getaway car's engine flares up, but its immediately stopped by the Wal-Mart volunteers and the driver surrenders.

What is discovered is that Wolk is not among the present convicts, which perhaps explains their incompetence and poor organization. Apparently he and his best men were in other cars, that went in another direction.

Mark Spenser emerges from his cabinet, after the barricade is removed. He smiles and shakes hands with everyone, profoundly thanking them for saving the lives of his employees.

''You've worked perfectly together. Perhaps this is a fine opportunity to talk about restoring some civil order to the city. We need new police forces up and running again, to prevent the recent raise in looting and violent crimes.''

Mission (Dragon Brigade/Wal-Mart Inc)

Can you clarify the mission parameters:
You plan - hit and run, gather intelligence first, set up diversion?
At what point would you retreat?
Will you try infiltrating the buildings or inside the mine?
Will you try capturing the Aliens? (Flyers or Walkers?, Alive or Dead?)
What's your priority here - weapons, alien crafts, machinery, samples of alien construction materials?

''Umph'' - Underground
That seems like a good idea. We'll help you set up your equipment. You can have our lamps, if it's for the good cause, no problem.

Technicians Union

Free Trade League

The Free Trade League representatives are led through a series of tunnels, blocked in many places by newly installed steel doors. Technicians were busy doing some fortifying.
Their leaders look like a tough bunch, showing respect for the League's power, but not backing down easily.


''Well, what do you know. Kiddos have got themselves a project. Need some juice to run the lights in one of your night clubs?'' One of the men laughs heartily.

2010-11-23, 05:22 PM
Hostage Situation

Do any of the prisoners know which way Wolk's people went, and with whom?

Anyway, for the talking part: "I agree we need some order. Underground has plenty of people willing to help, but no training or equipment. We've been doing what we can to link up with other bands of people, build up some communications and help people in trouble, though."

Soon, a small, old, gray van drives to the building, and out steps, to everyone's surprise, Kev himself. The Underground people outside go say hello and fill him up on the details, after which he walks in to join the discussion.

"Glad to see you're safe, sir. I'm the de facto leader of the Underground, Kevry Richardson."

Carrier ...umph
"Great! With people working together, we can rebuild this city again, and show the damn aliens."

Technician's Union
Unaffected by the derision, the woman continues:
"The aliens are taking out plenty of property around the city but they've stopped harassing civilians and seem to be trying to avoid collapsing the crucial infrastructure. However, everything wireless is still offline. We're building some signal stations along with a few other groups, but it'll be much safer and easier if we could get some wires drawn around for telephones and such. You've got the materials and the expertise, so we were sent to ask you."

2010-11-23, 05:26 PM
Ghost Town

Working on prearranged plan, the WalMart presence copies the tactics and movements of the soldiers, and do as they're told. Their instructions are to not let themselves be used as cannon fodder, and leave the bulk of the fighting to the more professional and well-equipped Dragon company. They have also been ordered to record as much video footage as they can, and attempt to acquire as much alien tech as possible, favoring weaponry, technological devices, and any machinery that looks like it could be a computer. If the attack is successful, they will send runners to bring up trucks and construction equipment to take the heavier machinery away.

They will retreat to a pre-arranged rally point if the soldiers are getting thoroughly slaughtered (and it looks like they'd save their own skins by leaving them behind, rather then have less chance than if they stayed on and made a fighting retreat together), carrying whatever tech they've managed to pilfer.

The wildcard in all this is Cho, a young security guard who has gone off-plan and crept off somewhere with her hunting rifle. She's trying to remain hidden and climb somewhere that gives her concealment and an excellent firing arc. She has the heart of a killer and wants to bag herself a suited alien, and will start to snipe the moment any fighting starts.

2010-11-23, 08:27 PM
Hostage Situation:
After the convicts are eliminated, Kholev approaches the mayor and hands him an envelope. Kholev quietly tells the him, "A message from the Senator, Mr. Mayor. I hope that you will remember who came to help when you were in danger." With this, Kholev and his team leave the site, attempting to avoid the other groups. If confronted, they will stop to talk but otherwise they will quickly and quietly head for their vehicles and get out of the area, their objectives accomplished.

To Dragon Company:
A man in civilian clothing with a briefcase and a red cloth tied around his arm drives up to your headquarters and asks to meet with your officers. He claims that he has information of critical importance with regards to your upcoming assault on the city centre. (I'll PM you the details, though you have a choice of actually hearing him out or not)

2010-11-23, 09:18 PM
Ghost Town
The Dragon objectives are as follows:

Stay out of sight
Recon the enemy forces, decide whether 80 men + civilian pocket change can have any hope of doing damage.
If yes, then set up an attack, hoping to catch the aliens by surprise.
If no, then try to infiltrate the buildings to A) get a better idea of what is happening and B) to catch and xenotech possible.

If we can quietly take down an alien, sure we'll take one of them too.

Hostage Situation

Lt. Winger shakes the Mayers hand "Sorry sir. My orders are too obey Lt. Col. Wyles. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like the idea of civilians giving the Dragon Battalion orders. We will certainly support the legitimate government however, and help out where we can"

2010-11-24, 06:21 AM
The more technically- or scientifically-minded of the Undeground's people, including the ones we recruited from the University, start setting up shop in a spare building nearby. As their first project, they use a balloon to grab a sample of the purple clouds to analyze it and see what causes the effect.

Meanwhile any gun-nuts, ex-cops or security people, hunting enthusiasts and similar start training all the scout volunteers with weapon handling and use.

And a Mission:
Lisa and Daniel Thornton, Mala Oorthaus and Mat Razelov, all with camping and outdoors survival experience and equipped with two hunting rifles, two pistols, four knifes and survival gear, head outside the city in a small van, intending to park it somewhere suitable and go look how the countryside is doing. Main focus is in finding out how farms and other food production is doing, to see when there'll be shortages, as well as trying to find out what exactly's going on out there. They're, of course, told to stay out of the way of any aliens or dangerous-looking people.

2010-11-24, 09:34 AM
Independently Illuminated Factory Workers
The dissenters were allowed to leave, whilst those accepting of the procedures were fully examined before being integrated. Those who tested negative for spores were moved into the regular housing areas, the complex having had plenty of room with its recent 'worker renovations' not too long ago.

In the meantime, the two-and-a-half-ton trucks would roll onward, their onboard staff ready to strip the factory these workers had come from of the machinery and transport it back to their improvised base. With their schematics and technological boons? It would be child's play to make more! Soon, very soon, the Illuminated would gain production capabilities on a much grander scale!

Carrier of Illumination
Having been so brushed aside, Harbechtt looked around the carrier, then back to the supplies they had brought. "Perhaps we should stay here, then? We have our provisions, as you can see, and when you do wish to contact us, our presence here would make that expedient, no? We could even help with setting up your own desalination system!"

It likely wouldn't work, but Harbechtt smiled at the same, silently hoping that the sailors would let them stay. This vessel was simply magnificent, and if the Illuminated scientists with him could even get a glimpse of some of the systems onboard? It'd be positively glorious!

Warhurst and Damien
"Well, Mister Damien, it seems to me that you and your associates hold a fair amount of firepower in your hands. Not the most high-tech stuff, mind you, but you have the production equipment- and manpower- to get things done. As the military adviser to the Illuminate Prime, I believe we can work out a deal. In exchange for medical supplies and access to more advanced weaponry designs, we would like for you to begin mass producing weapons for myself and my men. Higher-quality than, to be honest, the simple Kalashnikov and Heckler small arms I've seen. Real firepower. Would you be interested?"

2010-11-24, 10:32 AM
Change in Plans (Dragon Battalion)

Proposed changes in the battle plan don't go well with Chrustov, who violently argues to stick to the original plan, making up reasons and twisting facts. In the end Captain Lomsky joins in, backing up Captain Hayes. The revised plan is that the main force of the Dragon Brigade will strike at the weak spot, proposed by the Captain Hayes. Chrustov and Lomsky's forces, reinforced by Dragon's smaller force will follow the original plan, but at least strike in a less fortified position.

Chrustov claims Hayes is leading his men to their death, the supposedly weak spot, being an obvious trap. ''But if this will draw aliens from my boys, so be it''.

Lomsky appears to be disgusted by Chrustov, but remains professional and tries to maintain the uneasy alliance between the three forces. His men appear to have recovered somewhat - partially due to supplies received from various organizations in the city, partially due to his steady leadership.

Counterattack Begins

The military forces of the Dragon Brigade, Chrustov and Carrier ''Umph'' has joined together and advance in the direction of the city center. It appears the human military is launching a counterattack.

[Higher Espionage + misc = faster you learn of it. Unless you already know.]

Dragon Brigade Scouts:

''Sir, I believe we discerned the source of the alien activity. They appear to be constructing a defensive perimeter. It appears to be still unfinished, particularly in the spot, where we are attacking. Either the intel was good or its too good to be true.''

''The alien forces consist of walking mechanical-like beings. There is also strange alien growth, covering the streets and sides of the buildings. The closest patrol of flying aliens is estimated to arrive in six minutes, if they start moving immediately as we attack.''


As long as we receive some compensation. You've got medical supplies and food to barter with?

Mission (Underground)

Ok. You'll need to wait for them to return with results.

Mission(Dragon Battalion/Wal-Mart Inc.)

The Alien Base proves to be a massive structure and it appears to extend down into the mine. The entire Dragon Brigade might be required for the proper attack. The main enemy force consists of the walking aliens. They appear to be mechanical in nature, looking much thinner then the flyers and carrying no visible weapons. The Dragon Brigade hasn't faced them before, so you aren't aware of their combat potential, but they their numbers are quite alarming.

The flyer aliens move around the base. They don't give any openings for a surprise attack or provide an opportunity to get one of them isolated.

Since the direct assault is unfeasible, the infiltration option is chosen. As Dragon Brigade scouts reach the structures it becomes clear - they were good enough to get this far, but the aliens are monitoring their base against intrusion. Any second now Dragon Brigade will be discovered and will have to fight their way out.

The radio that worked at short ranges during the troops march to the location, now produces only static. Each squad has to make their own choice (or use some other method of communication).

Cho has climbed what was once a human house. Now it had a thin silvery alien spike, coming out of its roof. The aliens didn't bother demolishing the house, instead they've raised their own structure straight through it. Cho could see the Dragon Brigade scouts closing in on the large alien structure, they've identified as a warehouse. Then she heard the buzzing. Cho heard it before, when the alien patrols flew over the heads of the people in Megapolis. The sound was increasing in strength. She turned he head. Three aliens were hovering just behind her. The closest one could probably reach out and touch her. Why hasn't she heard them coming? They were usually loud enough, when did they start to sneak up on people? The light green energy fields surrounding them shimmered switched color to darker shade of green. The aliens had weapons in their hands, Cho didn't recognize...

Spores (Illuminated)

There alien spores are found in many people. The study reveals that they don't harm person's health, but rather reduce aggression, induce apathy and sense of fear and unease. The effect isn't very powerful - people aren't turning into zombies, but they are less likely to riot and more likely to fall into depression and inaction.

Carrier (Illuminated)

An unauthorized personel can't remain on the ship. We've got some warehouses at the docks, where you can stay.


There are rumors spreading around the city, that the aliens have unleashed a plague, that is about to wipe out everybody. The Medivac hospitals are swarmed by the panicking people. The doctor's assurances that the threat is overblown are mostly ignored.

2010-11-24, 10:54 AM
The Counterattack:
The Underground spreads the word for civilians to get as far out of the way as possible, in fear of possible(/probable) alien reprisals. Their own personnel follow their own advice, trying to stay as far out of the way of the military and aliens as possible.

The lone exception is Panther and her Crew, who head on rooftops to try and see what's going on in the battle, in order to bring news to the others.

The Underground sends a plenty of manpower to help with the sorting of the people. Their leader tries to find out what's the truth about the matter from the Medivac personnel, while all the others help arrange the civilians, and try to soothe them.

Two or three bands set up in street corners to play. It's been too long since a gig, after all.

Underground Technicians
"We have plenty of food for now. We don't have that much medical supplies, but Medivac is an ally in this venture, and we could attempt to negotiate with them."

2010-11-24, 11:30 AM
The Counterattack:As Chrustov and Lomsky's forces assemble, so does another group. Civilians, some wearing grey hoodies, some white coats and some camoflaged shirts and pants begin to gather in a couple of buildings nearby. This is clearly an organized group; the people in hoodies have backpacks and a wide variety of pouches and bags, the ones wearing coats carry bags and briefcases and the ones wearing camo carry a mix of small-arms. The hoodies far outnumber the other two groups.
One person, instead of the aforementioned clothing, wears black from head to toe, and begins walking between the gathering groups. "Remember the mission, people. Our job here is to mitigate the disaster; alien tech first, wounded soldiers second, gear and valuables third. As soon as you're full up, get to the rally points. You grab a chunk of xenotech, to the rally points. When you get a bleeder on his feet, get him to the rally points. Do not engage the aliens." He repeats this mantra to each group, then moves on.
The Phone Call:
Damien is silent for a moment, then responds. "We won't be needing medical supplies; not what your facilities can produce, anyways. We've got larger, more... Reliable sources. Weapons, though... Well, there things get more interesting. Here's the deal; you want something built, we'll devote a portion of our factory production to it. We split the production run 50/50, and you'll have the option to buy the rest back before anyone else gets at it, for either supplies we don't have, intelligence, scientific knowledge or standard currency. You're going to have to prove why we should be making these things, though. I'm not going to build a bunch of useless computer-assisted-targetting rifles that nobody can use without six weeks of training. Also, after the agreed-upon production run, we keep the schematics. You keep the first-access rights, but we can build as many as we want at that point."

2010-11-24, 12:26 PM
Underground to Network Red:
A note arrives with the post:

We're building some comm stations around the city, first with heliographs but we intend to add physical wires and cables to at least get telephones and computers linked. You have expertise about this matter, do you have any interest in helping?

Another, more important, thing: Do you have any clue about what happened at the University? We're at a dead end, they gunned down all the witnesses and all we know is that it was someone with some serious tech and guns as well as clout with Wolk. They probably don't have that much manpower though, considering they had to use the convicts for their dirty work, but they didn't seem to try to conceal that. We need to find the scientists and set them free.

2010-11-24, 01:33 PM
Spores Are Fun!

Those found to be afflicted with the spores were isolated within the Center for Disease Control building, having been placed in the isolation cells of the office. Scientists, clothed head to toe in protective suits, would take frequent samples from the afflicted, the research facility's assets being put use to full use. As it stood, Illuminate Koronev took a more direct interest in the spores, their value in the Human Ascension Project possibly much more than what it may have been at face value.

As it stood, two projects were being undertaken by the scientists: The first to find a cure for the condition beyond a steady regimen of antidepressants and uppers, and the second? The second was to unlock the secret of these spores, and see just how they could be manufactured to increase potency and decrease the duration required for the full effects to take hold.

All the while, the afflicted subjects- those who had willingly come to the Illuminate- would be assured of the cure soon to arrive for the spores in their bodies. They would be kept isolated, however, to prevent infection from spreading.

Carrier of Illumination
Harbechtt simply smiled and nodded, taking his new post with as much false happiness as he could muster. "Of course! Though if you require aid, the Illuminated are more than happy to assist where possible." He offered, looking around for anything militarily valuable as he was left to be herded off. Every detail counted.

Phone Call
Warhurst itched at his mustache as he thought, the dark-skinned Major contemplating the full ramifications of the deal. While the Illuminate would grow stronger with the arms they made, so- too- would these cold-hearted sons of bitches. If they had access to some high-grade gear and the manpower to use it? The Illuminated would be royally screwed.

"Right. Well, pardon me for saying, but it seems like you don't just run one factory here, Mister Damien. Which is why we're not speaking in person, are we? As part of the Illuminated, I'm authorized to do plenty of things. One of those is buy- so, let's talk. How much do you want, be it in technology or in money, for the Illuminated to take over this very factory I'm standing in? The men to work it would be plenty nice, too, along with the machinery and the building."

2010-11-24, 01:43 PM

Following their failure to capture Wolk, Walmart makes it clear through several channels that they are willing to reward any individual or faction that has information about his activities, whereabouts, or the factions that are supporting him.

Hostage Situation

Sam Brockwell nods. "We're just glad to be doing good works, sir. Lot of people have been displaced, need a place to stay, food... I know you're trying to keep order, but community activism is what is going to help here. I have a list of our emptier public safehouses that people can come to. It'd help everyone if you were to read it out at your next broadcast."

Human Counterattack

Upon hearing of the attack, Walmart sends some representatives on foot to the site. One slowly approaches the cordon established by the rearguards, unarmed and with hands raised.

"Got a message from Anya. Thank you. We all support what you're doing here. We're all praying for you... but if things go bad, though, here's the address of our nearest safe house... it's one of the secret ones. Aliens don't know about it, far as we know. If you boys have to fall back and can't make it back to your HQ or your rally point, you can come there. You'll be safe and we have doctors that'll take care of your injured. If you can't make it on foot, we've left securivans with drivers in the parking lot of the old cinema complex here, on the bottom of 5th and 7th here, and inside O'Donnel's auto workshop here."

Ghost Town Mission Site

Frank wipes away the sweat from his brow as he pears nervously around, waiting for his assigned squad leader to make a decision. This is more then he bargained for. He gets a creepy feeling that many of the people he's with are about to die. "Cho, you mouthy little **** screwball, if you're not dead already I hope you're doing better than us." he mutters.


Cho marvels at the view, recording the advance of the soldiers. When the buzzing starts, she turns and shrieks at what she spies, taking a step back, her mind working overtime. Ohgodohgod, I'm gonna die, why didn't they just fry me, they had the drop on me... they want me alive... gonna take me away and...

"I surrender! Don't kill me! Don't shoot! PLEASE!"She allows her videocamera to slip from her hands, half lowered, half just dropped. She turns her body to face her attackers, subtly repositioning herself, beginning to lower her rifle and her body to the ground as if in submission and surrender, and it's then she makes her move. Her rifle goes off with a CRACK, fired from the hip, aimed at the adjacent alien's visor, and then she drops onto the roof, letting herself roll down the sloped tiles, and- hopefully- out of the alien's immediate firing arc.

She relinquishes her grip on the rifle and allows it to go spinning off to the ground below, freeing both hands to grab onto the drainage gutter and swing, kicking both legs into the bedroom window she'd positioned herself directly above, mere seconds earlier.

Ignoring the risk of being badly sliced by the wicked shards of glass, she propels her wiry frame through the narrow gap she just made, and flings herself into the room, hitting the ground running, groping with a bloody hand for the Glock 21 fastened to her vest as she moves for the door, hoping to either escape the aliens or at least force them to pursue her into a narrow, confined space.

...Or at least, that is the rough shape of the plan that rapidly forms in her mind as she fires the rifle and drops onto the roof of the house. Her last clear thought as she starts to roll down the roof is of snorkelling. She'd always meant to try it, one of these days.

2010-11-24, 03:08 PM
The Phone Call:
After hearing the Major's counteroffer, Damien is silent for close to five seconds before he replies. When he does, his voice sounds slightly different, like he's trying to control his emotions. "Major Warhurst, that offer is entirely unacceptable. We both know the importance that this site, and those like it, will hold in the upcoming months. I would have to be an utter fool to exchange it for any sum of money; and once again, I can assure you that I have access to far more of that than you do. As for technology, I somehow doubt that you currently have anything close to the value of what you're asking for. Again, I am willing to manufacture goods for your... Illuminated, and I will renegotiate the terms of the contract if you consider it unfavorable as is. My facilities, however, are not for sale. At any price."
Additionally, from the tone of Damien's voice Warhurst begins to get the idea that the industrialist is somewhat hostile to him and the Illuminate.

2010-11-25, 06:22 AM
Medivac (Underground)

It is true that some strange spores were found in people's blood. But it doesn't look like they are dangerous to life. We need more time to figure out, what they do. It is possible to treat people, but this would consume valuable supplies.
We'll provide medicine for your deal with Technicians.
Technicians (Underground).

Looks like we have a deal.


The organized force of civilians is met with a group of soldiers, mostly from the Chrustov's forces. They appear to belong to his trusted internal security. They've taken defensive positions and have their weapons ready. Their senior officer speaks:

''Disperse now. Military operation in progress, you might get hurt, if you go any further. Unless you are some alien lovers, coming here to stab us in the back. Then please go on. My men would enjoy a target practice.''

Spores (Illuminated)

The spores could be purged with the proper medication. They don't appear to be extremely potent and in some cases good old human immune system actually solved the problem by itself. The spores didn't appear to be infectious. They were probably ingested with either water or food.

The main problem is the number of infected and danger of repeated infection. Illuminated would run out of holding places and medical supplies, if it tried to cure all of the infected.

The research into the spores has began (all scientific research is completed after EoT).

Hostage Situation (Wal-Mart Inc.)

I'll do just that. It's vital that a good distribution system is maintained to provide for the civilian population. We don't want people to start smashing windows and stealing TVs all around the city.

Mission (Wal-Mart Inc.)

Something changes in the alien's appearance as Cho speaks. She finally realizes what - several symbols on its right shoulder blink in some pattern. They are in brown color, unlike the rest of the alien's armor suit, which is silver.

Cho's shot hits the green field surrounding the alien and the bullet just stops in mid air and drops down. Her acrobatics go a little better. The aliens don't enter the narrow space, instead something shoots inside the room and bursts into a greenish cloud. The feeling in her body begins to flee and her movements become sluggish. A slivery creature, a thin, willowy android is slowly walking to her.

2010-11-25, 09:56 AM
As the military forces come towards them, the man wearing black stops talking, then after they deliver their message he gives them a sloppy, unpracticed salute. "Sir, we're here to watch your back, not stab it! We're here to witness General Chrustov's great victory against the aliens for ourselves, and make sure the damned alien-huggers don't try anything." He gestures to the men around him, "We made sure to dress properly so you boys know who's us and who's not, and we brought what we could to help keep the rifraff away. We won't get in your way, though. We're stricktly for the sidelines, here." The man raises his arm, his gloved hand signalling to the others. "Three cheers for our brave soldiers going into battle!", at which point the gathered civilians let out a rousing series of cheers and cries of support, and manage almost to sound honest as they do so.

2010-11-25, 06:28 PM
The Phone Call
Warhurst scratched at his mustache again, thinking. "Very well. However, seeing as you will be keeping the schematics, I want a seventy five-twenty five split. That, or for the subsequent models you produce, we get one half. Without the designs, and our know-how, your workers won't be making them- period. As it stands, a seventy five-twenty five split of the initial run or just half of the models you churn out isn't that insane. Especially since I've already got two things your boys can work on: A United States Army HMWWV, and the United States Machine Gun, Caliber 7.62 mm, M60E4. Fed by a disintegrating belt of seven-point-six-two armor piercing ammunition, this is not a weapon of terror like so many other boys use. It is a weapon of death, and the Humvees are vehicles of war. You want them? Get your production lines going, and let's get to making them."

Koronev looked up from the microscope. With the soldiers having been dealt with, the research into the spore samples had proven his next priority. With so many of the newcomers infected, direct treatment of the symptoms wasn't very viable. They couldn't put everyone on dialysis, or keep feeding all of them uppers and caffeine. Whilst a cure was inevitably swift in coming, the scientific leader found himself at a crossroads.

"Heinrich!" He called, looking to another fellow pathologist. The man, dressed in a much more relaxed fashion than the Illuminated leader, simply looked up from the computer screen displaying a magnified image of one of the spore cells.

"Yes, Illuminate?" He replied, having been halfway through attempting to extract the DNA from the tiny virus.

"The immune system in patients sixteen to twenty, and thirty seven to forty four were effective in defeating the spores, yes?" He asked, pulling up his tablet. Information rolled down the screen as he clicked through the menus, pulling up the files in question.

"Yes, why? I thought of making a vaccine, using the samples isolated from the infected with a fresh culture, but that's still-"

"No, no. If the immune system is adaptable enough in a number of these cases, shouldn't some simple immunostimulants help an even larger population of the infected overcome the disease? It may not entirely solve the problem, but it'll free us up of the supplies needed to cure the remainder who have immune systems that can't defeat the spores."

Heinrich thought on this for a second, looking back to the black-and-white display of the spore in the tiny sample of blood, and the needle poised to pierce through the isolated cell's wall.

"I don't really see why not. I'll put out the message to the infirmary, and tell the men working in the production lab to start whipping up some simple booster shots. Deoxycholic acid should be good enough to get their systems pumping. Who'd have thought simple vomit could yield so much in the way of resources?"

Koronev didn't respond, instead looking back into the microscope.

2010-11-26, 09:09 AM
Hostage Situation:
"If you could arrange some equipment and training out of what's left of the police, and with a trained officer in the lead, I'm sure the Underground could provide volunteers to keep order.

There's another thing I'd like to ask you about in private at some point."

In the City(GM)
A few of my people try to find if there's any journalists working anymore, in any of the newspaper prints.

If we know of the Black Ops faction, we try and see if we can't find them to make contact.

A few less-aggressive people go and make contact with Cult of Sirius if possible.

The investigation on the University happening, if we can't get any more out of the people on scene, turns to other directions: We go along the routes the trucks came from, asking the Postmen and civilians living nearby what they saw and heard. If we can't identify the attackers, perhaps we can use the people noticing them to track the movement of the attackers and get a general direction of where they came from. After all, there can't be so many convoys of trucks/APCs carrying prisoners and military-grade equipment around here...

...well, maybe there can, but still.

2010-11-26, 10:44 AM

The Chrustov's soldiers are taken aback by this admission. A couple of chuckles are heard, but mostly it results in distrustful eyes and tighter grips on the rifles. ''Yes... witnesses is just what Chrustov needs right now'', mutters the officer almost inaudibly, a note of deep sarcasm in his tone. ''We've got the backstabbing part covered, so your services aren't required. Get lost fast or my men open fire.''

Weather Services (Underground)

I'll see about that. We'll try to get the police force together and perhaps pull out some veterans out of retirements. I'll schedule an appointment for your private inquiry.


You can't find Secret Services.

Cult of Sirius claim they don't know who committed the attack. They believe knowledge had to be destroyed as per the Sky Lords wishes, but the bloodshed was needless, another example of human savagery Sky Lords will help us overcome.

The vehicles used in the attack weren't military. They were plain white vans. The attackers have worn balaclavas and mirrored ski-goggles. They were dressed in different clothes, some even in prison uniforms.

The Apocalypses (To those Invited)

The representatives of the organizations that accepted the invitation are given instruction to arrive to a certain place, where they find more instructions. Everything is done to make sure they are alone and not followed. The final meeting place is somewhere in the city subway. The representatives are met with a group of professionals, wearing face concealing uniforms. They are search and even checked for tracking devices, despite the fact that aliens are jamming all signals.

The prize is shown - alien armor, its silvery color unmistakable. The Apocalypses have got some basic scientific equipment, enough to check if it the real thing.

''We want your best equipment, supplies and scientists. We've got two of these things, you get one. Parts of it are detachable - we've figured this is an energy block. No idea what these small crystals are''.

2010-11-26, 10:47 AM
Lets start this thing

Ghost Town
We bug out, we got some solid intel.

2010-11-26, 10:59 AM
In the City (GM)
What about the reporters? It's not all investigation.

Also, since I apparently already asked the Cult one of the things I was going to ask, I'll ask for them to 1: try and stay out of sight of people, especially military types, for their own safety; tensions are high and people don't like their message. (yay diplomatically wording nutjobs stay out of our way) and 2: Do what they can to investigate who did the attack, since some people are blaming them for it and they don't want reprisals.

Can I get any sort of a picture of which direction the vans were coming from? Which part of the city, perhaps?

2010-11-26, 11:19 AM

Chrustov and ''Umph'' forces enter the alien defensive perimeter, taking out the first wave of alien androids with little losses. Howether ''Umph'' soldiers begin to hesitate, when confronted with the alien biomass. Chrustov's forces don't appear to push too hard as well.

Dragon Brigade

Dragon Brigade engages the alien defenses. The androids engaged in the construction work at first don't react to the approaching troops, then as one they turn and charge. Unfortunately for them the Dragon Brigade had time to home on their position. Explosions toss them around like rag dolls. They appear to be quite resilient, but Dragon Brigade's firepower is enough to take them out. A few of the Androids make it through, only to fall to the infantry fire. The shot gun blasts fling them backward - they appear to be very light.

The first engagement is a complete success and the Dragon Brigade closes distance to actually enter the defense perimeter through the unfinished wall. The soldiers step on the biomass covering the road and several growths suddenly pop up - something like a short, slime covered tree with giant flowers on it. The flowers open and spikes are expelled from them at high speeds, taking out some soldiers, before the rest have time to react and open fire. Another second a giant bubble underneath the alien growth bursts with a loud pop releasing a thick greenish cloud, that temporarily blocks the view in the area. It appears to be acidic in nature, eating straight through the uniforms. The biomass appears to contain a collection of booby traps.

The first resistance dealt with Dragon Brigade continues to advance through the defense perimeter. The scouts report higher concentrations of the Androids and their construction to the left and a lot more of biomass to the right. The path straight forward seems to have a combination of the two.

The alien fliers haven't arrived yet. They firepower is something like five times more then what you are dealing with now.


The aliens have inflicted some damage on the print press, stopping the flow of the journals and newspapers. They weren't very thorough with it, so with some repairs the press prints can begin running again. Some of the journalists have been working to gather information and get it to people...

Cult of Sirius agrees to assist with investigation.

It appears the vans have driven in separate directions and disappeared in various parts of the city. Whoever lunched the attack had enough resources to have enough garages and warehouses in the city to hide the cars in.

2010-11-26, 11:34 AM
The Underground

In the City(GM):
We attempt to gather the reporters and see if we can scrounge together people to repair some of the printing stuff. The plan is to get some of the machinery to somewhere more protected(or, well, hidden) in parts, fix it up and then found a newspaper to inform civilians of stuff happening, like Wal-Mart safehouse locations, ways to circumvent material shortages in critical areas, warnings about alien concentrations and behaviour and recruitment posters to get people to join the Underground and help others around the city, bringing their unique and valuable skillsets to use for the good of humankind. :smalltongue:

2010-11-26, 12:32 PM
Ghost Town

The Walmart reps seem uneasy with the decision to simply retreat without gathering anything useful, but their orders are to follow the Dragon Brigade, and most of them are just relieved to be retreating before something kills them.


Cho blinks, clapping a hand over her mouth and pinching her nose as the gas fills the room. She raises her glock and fires rapidly, pelting the android with .45 ACP rounds. She aims for a leg first, and allows the gun to travel up along it's torso as she empties half a magazine into it. She crawls backwards rapidly as she fires, keeping her head low to the ground to avoid the smoke as best she can, groping for the door.

((Is Cho's gunfire audible to any of the Walmart reps?))


One of the techs helping with the construction of the comms array shows up one morning with a message. "Umm, Anya asked me to talk to you... she's been wanting to track down Mr Wolk. We've captured several ex-cons so far, but all any of them know is that they're being funded and supported by someone in exchange for their services as hired guns, but these people only ever talked to Wolk and they're not sure of the arrangements. They confirm they behind the university attack, but they claim not to know where the equipment or scientists were taken, or who made them to do it. We're at a dead end, here. Would your Underground be interested in pooling information, or interrogating the 'cons that we're currently, er... holding?"

2010-11-26, 01:01 PM
To Wal-Mart:
Well, I doubt our interrogation will give any better results than yours. But yeah, we're in the investigation and getting some other people to help. We know that the vehicles used in the attack weren't military. They were plain white vans. The attackers have worn balaclavas and mirrored ski-goggles. They were dressed in different clothes, some even in prison uniforms. The attackers had enough resources to hide the vans in several different sites all around the city. They also had military-grade equipment and good training, gas, the works. I don't know why the convicts were shot, probably to stop any leaks.

2010-11-26, 01:20 PM

The tech frowns. "The guards said the convicts at the prison weren't that well armed or organised... aside from the group that broke out, that is. Are you sure about this? It's not that I think you're... I mean, you're talking about a group with military clout, the sheer resources, and the experience with espionage to get the convicts out and pull off something like this from under our noses. Not to mention the sheer brutality. I can't see Dragon Brigade doing something like that, no matter how much they needed the equipment. How many groups in the city have all those at their disposal?"

((OOC: Which to my mind narrows it down, IC, to The Syndicate, the Free Trade League, and The Sons of Uriel. OOC we know it was the Free Trade League that has the convicts as it's private army, but now we have cause to suspect them IC...))

2010-11-26, 01:46 PM
To Wal-Mart:
True... But they didn't have much manpower, since they needed the convicts, so they're not any military group. Still, they had impressive equipment.

((Looking at the stats, I'd add Order of the Black Sun to the list. High esp/tech, low mil. I don't think Sons of Uriel have enough esp to do it.))

2010-11-26, 02:18 PM
The Counterattack:
The man in black shrugs, his golden-blonde hair catching what little sunlight gets through the alien cloud cover. "Well, can't blame a man for trying. We knew this would probably happen. Keep your heads up out there, eh? There are going to be a lot of dead people out there when the day's over..." At this, he waves to his group and they all head away from Chrustov's soldiers.
As soon as the soldiers stop paying attention, the mass of people splinters, groups of six people, each with four Hoodies, a Coat and a Camo, head off in different directions to hiding places behind the battle line. They'll wait until either the battle line moves beyond a conflict zone or things really start to go to hell before leaving cover and starting their rescue and salvage missions. "Well, they really are predictable. Marcus was right again." Remarks Scott Allen as he walks towards the nearest safehouse, pulling his fashionable coat close to keep the chill away.
For the record: The Hoodies are grunts and salvage collectors, stuffing their pockets, pouches and packs with any military hardware they can get their hands on. The Coats are medics, or at least people who've gone through Corporate First Aid training, and their only objective is to provide simple medical aid and stabilize any wounded soldier they think they can get on their feet and away from the battle afterwards. Their bags and briefcases contain plenty of basic first aid gear; bandages, antibiotics, disinfectant and so on. The Camos are, primarily, loaner Thugs from other organizations, with a few employees with hunting experienced mixed in. Their objective is to drive off any looters or cultists trying to enter the area, as well as get to any fallen Alien equipment before the battle goes bad. They'll get a lot closer to actual conflicts than the other Shirts. The Hoodies help out either of the other groups if they need it.

The Phone Call:
After a short period of silence, Damien replies, "Very well, 75-25 on the initial run is acceptable, under one condition. Namely, I want a squad of your soldiers positioned within a short distance of this facility, to facilitate communications and keep the region secure." Warhurst hears the sound of a pen against paper for a few seconds, then Damien continues, "Ah, and the current terms of the contract make manufacturing either of the aforementioned items unprofitable and my charity extends only so far, Major. Besides, I've never been convinced that the E4 is superior to my own C-16 Squad Support Weapon. It may have a higher rate of fire and better stopping power, but it weighs fully 16% more when loaded and my cooling system outperforms theirs by 9%. Surely you must agree that such benefits more than outweigh..." It seems that this topic has come up before, and that Damien could probably keep talking about the merits of combat weaponry for quite a while if not stopped.

2010-11-26, 02:39 PM
Underground Apocalyptic Market
Czarny, the briefcase cuffed to his wrist, barely kept the smile suppressed. While his views were much more economic for the Illuminated, he could not help but have fanciful images of men in armor such as this- men that could take over entire miles of land in a single day, incapable of being taken down by anything short of the most devoted concentrations of guns.

So much money that could simply be taken, if only they secured the ground needed to make it. Looking at the armor, and inspecting it with the machinery to ensure its authenticity, Czarny was eventually satisfied.

"Equipment and scientists will not be a problem. In regards to the cost of this item, seeing as I seem to be the only one currently interested, what are you looking for in return for this fine piece of Xeno tech?"

The Phone Call
Warhurst looked around, phone still held to his ear.

"C-16? Can't say I've heard of it, Mister Damien, but I assure you that an M60 can, and will, turn the Xeno into confetti if you load it with armor-piercing ammunition. If it's making a profitable victory, rather than making sure these buggers are dead, you'd be better off just churning out PKMs and RPG-7s and flooding the streets in lead. If it's making sure your businesses are safe? Then you'll be wanting armored cars, high-durability jeeps, and guns that can actually punch through their ugly hides.

Now, seeing as you ain't too willing to go with humvees and machine guns, how sounds a Mark 19 automatic grenade launcher? It's tripod-mounted, portable, fed by a disintegrating belt like the M60, and it can fill an area with enough carnage that even Xeno armored support will be staggerin' back. By way of weaponry to take out whatever air support they possess? We've found FIM-92 Stinger missiles to work well, even though they usually need a two-person crew to operate."

2010-11-27, 12:30 PM
Mission (Greystone, Wal-Mart Inc)

Sounds of gunshots being fired reach the escaping units of Dragon Brigade/Wal-Mart. Alien Flyers are seen in the distance, but outside the firearms range. When the retreating solders reach their comrades, who were left on guard, disturbing news are revealed. It appears two groups were suddenly swarmed by the flying aliens. They've managed to deal some damage, but were overwhelmed. About half of their men were carried away in the direction of the alien base. All were captured still alive.

Wal-Mart has lost a women named Cho, who disappeared from sight, when Dragon Brigade began their approach of the base.

Counterattack (Syndicate)

Noted. Your operatives can locate routes around the Chrustov's outposts to get your men inside the conflict zone. You can read the spoilers on how Dragon Brigade is proceeding and prioritize tech you wish to get your hands on - androids, biomass, alien construction, any Alien Flyers that military manages to bring down. Anyway you can put this stuff in EoT by now.

Apocalypses (Illuminated, other invited, if present)

The figure in black uniform opens a notebook with files describing what they want and how much the alien tech is worth to them.

(OOC - if you pay their price, your technology rating would be reduced by a single point ''+'').

2010-11-27, 01:28 PM
Bartering for Weapons:
"Oh yes, the Mark 19. Excellent performance, reliable, hard to supply. That, Major, is a far more valuable weapon. I currently have nothing with the combined attributes that it posesses, and I suspect it would make an excellent facility defense system. We'll start production as soon as you supply us with the schematics. An initial production run of 40 units should satisfy both of our needs?" Damien continues, having largely lost the hostile tone he posessed before, "We'll need to start manufacturing ammunition as well. Would you like to enter a purchase order for ammunition for your new weapons?"

2010-11-27, 03:07 PM
Underground Apocalypse Highway Robbery
Baron Czarny nearly blanched. So much information, for a piece of Xeno technology? It would give the Apocaypse a considerable leg up for the moment, but could the Illuminated really afford not to possess a suit of this armor for dissection?

In short, no. As such, the Baron unlocked the briefcase at his side, producing a handful of what they had asked for- the advanced laptops, hand held computers, scanners, and other devices. It was not a perfect match to their list, but a down-payment.

"The rest will be delivered to whatever drop site you want. Now, is there anything else we should know before taking this back to our base of operations? Or do you wish for something more for sale, which we might be interested in?"

Bartering for Weapons on the phone
"Forty units sounds fine. We would also like ammunition, and are willing to provide schematics for that as well in exchange for an opening run of, approximately ten thousand rounds? It may seem like quite a bit, but the Mark 19 fires at an impressive rate, and you will likely find your men burning through ammunition excessively fast. In addition, do you have any interest in the Stingers I mentioned, or are the Xenos aircraft simply not a concern for you?"

2010-11-28, 01:01 AM
Phone-based Weapons Deals:
"We won't be needing schematics for the ammunition. We already supplied 40mm grenades for handheld launchers; we can handily adapt our existing systems for the Mk 19's belt feed. We would, however, be happy to sell you as much ammunition as you need, at a small discount from our standard price so long as you promise to use it against the aliens. As for the missiles, they have proven moderately effective at best against the alien flyers. We could never hope to secure our sites against a determined alien assault, at least with our current resources. Right now, I'll be happy if I can chase off their scouts, as well as the human scavengers that come looking."

2010-11-28, 08:19 AM
Phone-based Weapons Deals
"Consider it a deal, then. We'll take the guns, and the ammunition, at a discount. Considering that they're schematics for a military grade automatic grenade launcher, I do hope that a 'small discount' can account for what is likely to be a very strong business relationship. A squad of my men will remain here, as asked, to retrieve the weapons and supplies after the production run is complete. I will leave the schematics on my way out, if that's acceptable with you and yours."

End Of Turn Summary:
Carrier Triumph: Illuminate envoy with purified water and basic medicine as gifts. Currently delegated to warehouse, but will remain on-site until Carrier personnel are more free/willing to listen to their offer.

Independent Arms Factory: Convinced 7/10ths of the workers to join the Illuminated. Those infected with spores and have not overcome it have been kept in a loose isolation, primarily independent work areas and frequent checkups. Basic immunostimulants have been given to assist in overcoming the effects of the spores, and research begun on said spores.
-Research 1) Vaccine/cure for those infected with spores, and to prevent reinfection
-Research 2) Research into creating a much more potent form of the spores, with more rapid-acting effects.

Dragon Battalion: In exchange for mechanical know-how in maintaining vehicles and sharing what is developed from what the Battalion brings in, currently receiving military trainers to assist in "professionalizing" their armed forces.

PHI: In exchange for schematics and a discounted price for the ammunition, bought 40 Mk19 Automatic Grenade Launchers, as well as ten thousand rounds of ammunition in disintegrating belts.

Bought suit of alien armor from The Apocalypse, currently researching its functions, and attempting to reverse-engineer its power source and any protective systems.

2010-11-29, 12:15 AM
Finally, the Call Ends:
"Very good, Major. We'll begin production immediately, and should have the first deliveries to you soon. I look forwards to our future dealings."

2010-12-04, 01:41 PM
Turn 2: It Got Worse

Counterattack Report

The combined military of the Dragon Brigade, General Chrustov and Carrier ''Umph'' have launched an attack against the alien activity in the city center. The initial stage of the attack was a success, human troops breaking through the forces of the Androids and defenses of the Biomass.

Before the military could penetrate further, shocking news were delivered to the soldiers fighting at the Chrustov-Umph side of the attack. The aliens have deployed a new biological weapon - deadly spores that killed Captain Lomsky and a number of his officers. General Chrustov, who managed to survive the attack, has ordered an immediate retreat, after receiving intelligence of a large force of aliens closing on the assault forces.

After Chrustov-Umph forces retreated, aliens concentrated all their forces on the soldiers of the Dragon Brigade, forcing them to stop their advance and retreat. The counterattack has failed.

Still some of the alien technology was recovered by the retreating soldiers and retrieval groups sent by certain organization in the zone of conflict.

Specter of Starvation

The news from the countryside arrive and they are bad. The aliens deployed biological agents that have wrecked havoc on the crops and the unpredictable weather is complicating matters further. It is clear that in several months the food reserves are going to run out.

This has sparked a wave of looting and hoarding. Many people can't find any food to it right now, because gangs of looters have acquired disproportionately large reserves.

Alien Activity

The Aliens have finished the construction of the defensive perimeter around the city center. They appear to be establishing outposts around the city.

There are disturbing rumors of the humans being abducted.

City Politics

New Organizations

The following new organizations have being formed in the Megapolis:

Gates: GODDES (friendly)
Anarchists: Chrustov (hate), Weather Service (hate), Wal-Mart (unfriendly), Free Trade League (unfriendly), Mega Police (hate)
Looters: Wal-Mart (unfriendly), Syndicate (unfriendly), Gates (hate), Technician's Union (hate)
Mega Police: Weather Service (allied), Underground (allied), Leonine Knights (unfriendly), Anarchists (hate), Looters (hate)
Stalkers: Network Red (friendly)
Leonine Knights: -
Farmers: Postmen (friendly), Underground (friendly/allied)
Returners: Weather Service (friendly)

Neutral Organizations

Cult of Sirius

The Cult of Sirius has grown in numbers and strength. The large number of armed men has allowed it to move from the underground into the open. Their preachers can be heard on all corners, luring more and more of the fearful and confused people to their faith.

Relations: Chrustov (Hate), Dragon Brigade (Hate), Carrier ''Umph'' (Hate), Stalkers (Hate, Network Red (Unfriendly), Order of the Black Sun (Friendly)

The Weather Service

The Weather Service announcements becoming actually useful, their warning to the Exodus proving to be correct and the formation of the Mega Police has allowed Weather Service to reestablish some of the control over the city.

Relations: Underground (Friendly/Allied), Network Red (Friendly/Allied), Technician's Union (Unfriendly)

The Technician's Union

Technican's Union has ruthlessly exploited its monopoly on power and heating, as the cold of winter began to set. Organizations and residential blocks were cut off and left to freeze, if they refused to pay the ever increasing fees. The Union's alliance with Chrustov has allowed them to bolster their defense, although many among their own numbers grow disgusted with how their organization acts.

Relations: Chrustov (Friendly/Allied)

The Exodus

The Exodus movement has proved to be sadly mistaken in their belief that countryside was safer from the aliens. Many have perished due to the unpredictable weather and lack of supplies. The sorry remnants of the Exodus are returning to the city to find their possessions stolen and houses occupied.

Organization Eliminated

The Black Ops


Relations: -


The Medivac continues to provide treatment to those in need. They are low on medical supplies and the rush of patients to treat the ''alien spores'' haven't helped them. The Looters are beginning to circle around the hospitals, and only Mega Police and Underground prevent them from moving in.

Relations: Underground (Allied)

Wolk Convicts

The question on everybody's lips is ''where is Wolk?''. His band of convicts destroyed by the Dragon Brigade (plus Wal-Mart and Underground) attack, their leader somehow managed to escape. He hasn't resurfaced since. Wolk Convicts are increasingly blamed for the attack on the University.

Organization Eliminated. Wolk survives.

Carrier ''Umph''

After the death of Captain Lomsky, general Chrustov attempted to assume full command of the sailors. First Lieutenant Tuchev has opposed him, claiming that Chrustov, not aliens, had Lomsky assassinated, and deliberately sabotaged the counterattack. A number of sailors have chosen to follow him. Tuchev now continues to hold carrier Umph and warehouses in the docks, but his forces are few.

Relations: Chrustov (Hate), Illuminated (Friendly), Underground (Friendly), Syndicate (Friendly/Allied)

Chrustov's Army

General Chrustov has absorbed sailors from the Carrier ''Umph'', after the failed counterattack. His forces are also busy conscripting everybody, capable of holding a rifle. He may not have the best weapons but he has a lot of soldiers. Their moral is terrible, as are the method Chrustov employ's to keep them from mutiny.

Relations: Carrier Umph (Hate), Cult of Sirius (Unfriendly), Underground (Unfriendly), Technician's Union (Firendly/Allied)

The Postmen

The Postmen are the main force protecting the Heliograph communication network, set up by the Undergroound. They have also started to serve as a liason between the Farmers and food buyers in the city.

Relations: Underground (Allied), Farmers (Friendly), Network Red (Friendly)

The University

The University never fully recovered after the night raid. When the aliens began to lunch their attacks, the spirit of the University professors and students was quickly broken and they dispersed, either joining other organizations or simply disappearing among the civilian population.

Organization Eliminated.

Network Red

After delivering the warning of the alien attack on the University, Network Red has disappeared off everybody's radars.

Relations: Underground (Friendly), Postmen (Friendly)

Dragon Brigade

Dragon Brigade has managed to enter as deep into the alien territory, as no other organization. They remain the force with the greatest experience in fighting the aliens and a symbol of hope for the people of Megapolis. The Dragons have currently went into hiding to recover from their losses. They are constantly shifting positions to avoid alien search & destroy parties sent to eliminate them once and for all.

Relations: Carrier ''Umph'' (friendly), Chrustov (unfriendly)

X-COM Organizations

The Syndicate

The Syndicate's factories are luring both numerous Looter gangs and organized and vicious Leonine Knights. They grow bolder in their attack, and a single success would give them weapons necessary to lunch even stronger raids.

The Wal-Mart Inc.

The Wal-Mart stores are filled with people seeking shelter and food. Organization's resources are stretched thin to accommodate them all.

The Looters have began targeting the Wal-Mart, sometimes attacking from the outside, sometimes pretending to seek shelter and striking from the inside.

The Underground

The Underground has come increasingly into conflict with Chrustov's forces. There is little doubt that sooner or later things would erupt in conflict.

The Anarchists are targeting Mega Police and Weather Services, to which the Underground is allied. So far Anarchists try to ignore the Underground and there are attempts on their part to make it switch sides.

The Illuminated

There are signs that Cult of Sirius is actively infiltrating the Illuminated. Could this X-COM organization be subverted to serve the aliens?

2010-12-04, 02:05 PM
The City Meeting

Papers, fliers, sprayed tags, heliograph lines, postmen and good old-fashioned human runners take the message everywhere in the City to everyone they can meet.

All groups in the city, no matter their allegiance, situation or deeds, are called to an unarmed meeting at a large office building near the Underground area. No weaponry of any kind will be allowed to be brought in by anyone, and there should only be one delegate and at most three companions. Everyone is welcome and everyone will be listened to.

The aim of this meeting is to decide what will be done about the situation turning worse every day. The Underground will handle the set-up and hold the meeting, and if you don't trust them enough then you don't have to come. But your voice won't be heard. The meeting isn't intended to be a venting ground against the aliens or factions people don't like. The purpose is to save the people of the city, and work together for humanity's survival. The problems that have to be fixed are diseases, battles and starvation, people dying in the streets because they don't have anything to live on. What you do about the aliens themselves is but a part of it.

For, despite all the differences, we're all still human beings and we're supposed to take care of each other. Even if you believe that the weak can die as long as you live, there's nothing to be lost in getting your voice out. A fragmented society will collapse under it's own weight, and we're being pushed on by more than just that. What we need is unity in the common purpose, the cause of survival.

To Weather Service:
"The city-wide public alarm system works with failsafes and by wires, right? How much of it is still operational? Could it be rigged into a PA-system?"

2010-12-04, 04:02 PM
Against the Looters and Lions:
Those Looters foolish enough to approach Syndicate factories or offices with weapons are warned away by signs and loudspeakers. If they persist, they are warned away with machinegun fire, and possibly a short hail of grenades. The tattered corpses this leaves are then moved out of the road, for eventual burial. There are no exceptions; if anyone tries to get to a Syndicate facility without their hands above their head, they are very quickly eliminated. This is no different from previous Syndicate policy; they just have a lot more firepower to throw around now.

Superior Medical Care:
Pamphlets and flyers are distributed throughout the city; for those with the money to pay for it, Global Pharmaceuticals is offering medical care in clinics at its' corporate head offices. The prices are surprisingly sane; they're almost exactly what one would have expected private clinics to charge before the invasion. The pamphlets warn that heavy security measures are in effect, to ensure the protection of both clinics and clients.
(The number of people I can treat at once is decidedly limited, but those who come are sheltered in secure structures nearby while they wait. Only if those fill up is anyone turned away.)

The Gun Runners:
PHI's sales offices open their heavily fortified doors, stocked with a variety of personal firearms. They are basic civilian model handguns, for now, but the sales staff alludes to much more powerful weapons stocks not available to the general public. Unlike the Global Pharmaceuticals operations, PHI is selling at a distinct markup; most of the weapons are priced at 3-4 times their normal selling price, and ammunition costs roughly double.
"It's a dangerous world we live in, now more than ever. Protect yourself."

The City Meeting:
Senator Kelly will attend, along with two of his Aides. He has an announcement to make, as soon as everyone arrives.

Other actions:
Syndicate personelle begin searching for hydroponics equipment, as well as any componenents used to manufacture it. The Syndicate begins setting up underground farms in their offices and safehouses with whatever they can get a hold of, as well as the little they had to begin with, and manufacture more where they can. Attempts are also made with small rooftop plots protected from the Alien efforts by plastic sheets set up like greenhouses.

Syndicate agents begin approaching members of the Technicians Union. They are trying to find those dissatisfied with the current leadership, as well as those uneasy with their leaders' ruthless profiteering. Several employees are also sent to infiltrate the Union themselves, if they can. The overall goal of this operation is to attempt to convince the majority of the group that their current leaders must be overthrown. If possible, they'll try to induct a few of their more reasonable authority figures into the Syndicate, in the hopes of eventually incorporating their operations into the collective.

To Dragon Company, the Illuminated, The Carrier 'Umph and the Underground:
Messages are sent out; for those who need them, weapons and ammunition are available at a reasonable price, or in exchange for other goods and services. Anyone who wants to make a deal should send a representative to PHI's offices in the financial district, except the Illuminated who have other lines of communication.

2010-12-06, 11:57 AM
To Syndicate:
The Underground is not planning on fighting a war, so no heavy weaponry is required. However, some of us would be interested in self-defense, light armament. Of course, depending on the price.


The Underground comms stations around the city offer their services. They're all connected to each other, and each station has a few couriers. They're also linked to the Post Service. Most communications are free, but the priority is always on important messages from Underground, Wal-Mart or the other organizations helping in the construction as well as messages of alien or looter attacks. They help coordinate the Mega-Police patrols to the scene faster.

Near the stations, children are selling(for scraps of food, mainly) a new newspaper with information about the aliens, events in the city and helpful hints for survival as well as advertisements, recruitment pleas from the Underground, locations of Wal-Mart safehouses and similar.

To ...Umph:
The woman who talked to the officer earlier arrives, trying to get into contact. If she's allowed to, she'll start with: "I think you're probably correct about Chrustov. We had our doubts about him all along, and his soldiers prevented our people from helping you guys once you were retreating. The spores that Medivac has treated are almost harmless and certainly don't threaten anyone's life."

To University people:
"I know the current events have shaken you, as they have done to us all. You've been hit hard. But, in the darkest ages of man, it's always knowledge, and those who live to keep it, who are the glimmer of light on the horizon. We must not give up. Let us form a new University, protected and hidden, to gather, conserve and utilize the knowledge of our age. Not only alien technology, which is what everyone else is hogging as much as they can. We realize that it is important, but we need to save the history of humankind, the knowledge of previous times, everything."

To Network Red(GM?): "Would you be willing to help us and the remnants of the University? Knowledge must be preserved, and we need all the help we can get to stem the tide of chaos in the city.

Also, if possible, we need to find out what is going on outside of here. Do you have any connections? If there's some sort of a human initiative somewhere else, our best bet might be to try and contact them."

2010-12-10, 07:19 PM
The Syndicated Labs:

Scott Allen opens the well-secured door to his medical research facility, and is greeted by his chief researcher, Doctor Mitchell. ""Scott, it's good to see you. We've been making progress on the samples you've been giving us." With this, the doctor grabs a clipboard from a nearby desk and hands it to the handsome CEO. "That biomass is amazing stuff. It's completely morphic; I think if we gave it enough time it could develop a whole new ecosystem. So far it looks far better at killing than healing, but we've barely scratched the surface."
While continuing to skim the status report, Scott replies, ""Likely some sort of terraforming agent. Keep at it, Jenine. What about the spores they're putting in the water?"
At this, the scientist grimaces. "It's nasty stuff. Some sort of depressant parasite, I think, it releases a chemical that causes its host to become listless and docile. Easy enough to cure with antibiotics, and our immune system will fight it off after a little while if we stop ingesting the spores, but a lot of the people infected just don't care enough to get treatment."
At this, Scott looks up, concern on his face, "It's really that bad? I'll have to ask the Senator to put out a PSA. Who knows what sort of effects long-term exposure to that sort of mind-effecting chemical could have?" He quickly wrights a few notes on his clipboard, then asks, "What about the PHI boys? Have you heard from them?"
Mitchell's frown deepens even more. "Yeah. They put a hole in my wall with that damned alien toy of theirs, and then started babbling about power fluctuations, high-density capacitors and magnetic containment. Could you ask them to kindly not shoot laser cannons at my research facilities!?"

To the Carrier 'Umph:
"We agree, Chrustov has to be removed from power before he destroys whatever hope we have for winning this war. We're putting together a task force to try and find a way to remove him, one way or another. We'd appreciate it if you loaned us a few of your best men to help with the operation."

To the Underground:
The weapons are far cheaper than the prices they're charging the public, and you can pretty much find whatever sort of small-arms you're looking for. The PHI representative also points out that they'll accept supplies as well as cash. If you can bring in large quantities of iron, steel, lead, or any other major industrial material, the Syndicate will trade weapons and ammunition for it.

2010-12-15, 11:42 AM
Underground's Meeting

The following organizations agree to come to the Underground's meeting:

Farmers, Cult of Sirius (controversial, many other organizations object to their presence), Weather Service (representing Mega Police as well), Medivac, Carrier ''Umph'', Postmen, Dragon Brigade, Wal-Mart Inc.

Weather Service to Underground

PA system was damaged in a couple of places, but we might be able to fix it. Unfortunately we might meet some resistance in the areas controlled by organizations like Leonine Knights, Chrustov's troops or Anarchists.

The Looters

Syndicate's resistance to looters incursions is proving to be sufficient to keep them at bay. But like vultures they continue to circle around and await for a moment of weakness.

Weapon Sales of Syndicate

Weather Service

We are interested in arming the Mega-Police. Certainly you could see the value of law enforcement to provide a discount? We also advise you to stop selling firearms to the dangerous individuals. Are you following the waiting period and credientals check for sales of weapons?

Syndicate can earn greater profit by supplying private buyers. Weather Service lacks substantial resources to buy in bulk without discount.

Dragon Brigade

They place a limited order on weapons. Apparently their resources are pretty strained. As a counter-offer Dragon Brigade offers to sell you Alien Tech recovered during the attack, in exchange for credit to purchase weapons.

Carrier ''Umph''

They want the guns, but lack the funds.

Syndicate (Other Orders)

Hydraulic Farms check.

You've made contact with several dissatisfied Technician Union's employees. Syndicate can gain substantial influence within the group, but it's doubtful that you can cause a coup without additional measures.

Communication Services

Underground is greatly benefiting from the control of the communications - in resources, information and prestige. The postmen, who perform the guard and maintenance duty get their share of profit as well.

Network Red's Communication

There are also rumours of Network Red's secret communication services. Only few people know it even exists or how it can be contacted. The main clients of this alternative service are the Stalkers, who use it to set up trade of the alien tech.

Network Red to Underground

We have secured as much knowledge as possible, prior the destruction of the University.

We will look for other human initiatives outside of the Megapolis and provide you information on them.

Carrier ''Umph'' to Syndicate

Just give us guns and point us to Chrustov.

2010-12-15, 12:14 PM
((@GM: Note my spoilers to Umph and University, too.
@Everyone else: I'll wait with the meeting until we have a sufficient number of players and they've decided whether or not they'll participate.))

Underground Meeting

"According to the principles of liberty and free democracy, in the meeting, everyone who wants can come. We wouldn't stop the aliens themselves if they disarmed themselves and walked up asking to join, and we would do what we can to protect them from the all-too-justified retaliation by all of the other factions. Everyone gets a voice, and everyone has the right to close their eyes and ears to whoever they want. However, we would like to express hope that nobody will use that priviledge. As long as we are human, at least the Underground is going to act like it."

To Weather Service(GM):
"All right, let's fix what we can then, just in case. It might be extremely important to reach the citizens with our announcements if things get worse, and if we get it to work so we can direct our messages to different areas, we could facilitate speedy evacuation in the case of an alien attack or similar, for instance."

To Network Red(GM):
"That's good to hear. The University was a high-profile scientific entity in the city and was targeted early by both aliens and, to our regret, human factions. We've got many of their previous people under our wing, and we're planning on rebuilding the University somewhere more safe and hidden from the aliens. Giving up here is not an option, and we really need to understand who we're fighting. You have a lot of knowledge and both scientific and technical expertise, so your help would be invaluable."

If the Underground has access to the NR-communications, they'll try to get their hands on any alien tech they can. Maybe some of the less greedy Stalkers will even give them a discount because all help given to the Underground appears to be for the good of humanity. Heh, yeah right. :smalltongue:

2010-12-16, 07:25 PM
Weapons Sales:

The Weather Service: "Ah, we weren't expecting a visit from City Hall. Just let me check... Well, we have a backordered shipment of riot gear to the Westaiden PD. We have no way to actually get the goods there, and it's all paid for, so I suppose we could give it to you, get it on the streets. It's not much, but we haven't been working on nonlethal weapons in a while. If you want the civvie pistols, all I can offer is Preferred Buyer status; it gets you the weaponry at pre-war prices, but we still need to pay our costs."

Dragon Battalion: "Absolutely, we'll find a way to put that salvaged alien gear to good use. Just tell us what you need, and we'll arrange a pickup location."

The Carrier 'Umph: I'll deal with this through other channels. I should still have a significant number of salvaged weapons from the failed counterattack. I'll see about getting some of those to the sailors at the carrier.

The Carrier 'Umph:
"Just hold up, we can't afford to start a civil war in the streets while the aliens are still out there. I promise you we'll deal with Chrustov, but we'll need to work quietly. We want to get the army out of this in one piece, otherwise we'll be just as bad off as we are now. We've got a plan, but we'll need a few more things in place before we can start with it. We'd appreciate it if you helped us when we do."