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Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-03, 03:35 PM
*Atreyu starts to answer the werefox, but sees that she has inserted herself in the conversation he was having with Marrik*

Religion is no more restrictive than the code that all officer's swear to uphold. If either code is broken, then there should be consequences and if it is broken to a large extent then punishment should be enforced. What good is a code of honor if you do not obey it? I'm going to take Atreyu here to the Celestial Realms to help get his mind back on track and to purge his soul of the taint that may be growing on him. Its a spiritual renewal."

"WHAT?" *Atreyu looks very shocked.*

2006-09-03, 03:36 PM
Not in my one, my foxy friend!
((sorry, I couldn't help it ;D ))

*Marrik blows out a long stream of smoke and grins again*

How are you coping with being a fox-thing anyway? You were having some trouble earlier.

*At the celestial llamas comment, Marrik looks slightly shocked*

2006-09-03, 03:38 PM

I don't really know, it feels weird and natural at the same time

2006-09-03, 03:42 PM
I'm sure you'll get used to it...there are more bizarre things in this world than finding that you're a were-fox, I'm sure.

*Marrik takes a puff of his cigar before turning to the celestial llama*

Dude...don't you think he should get a choice?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-03, 03:44 PM
"Sorry Atreyu. I should have broken that differently, but its true. Come on, you don't want your friends to worry about you. Do you? Let's go to Trog's and you can tell them that you'll be going away for a few days. It won't take long at all.

"Umm....okay? Yeah. That's a good idea."

"He did have a choice. He chose to raise his hooves in anger against his friends. He chose to curse those flowers. He chose to say vicious things to the lioness. Now he has to suffer the consequences."

*The two get up and head out. The celestial llama leaves some coins on the table for the drinks and head out.*

2006-09-03, 03:49 PM
*Marrik watches the two llamas walk out and shudders slightly before turning back to Gerzina*

Brrr...nope, can't be having with all that myself. I don't want some dude telling me what to do whilst he sits far away in some other plane of existance, telling me what's right and wrong...I can make my own mind up about that, thank you very much

*At that he falls silent and takes a few puffs of his cigar, looking thoughtful*

2006-09-03, 03:51 PM

But religion gives you a guideline to follow through life, a way of knowing right and wrong.

2006-09-03, 03:51 PM
((Oo, if I was in here, I would give Gezina such a debate...))

2006-09-03, 03:53 PM
Why should I live by someone elses standards? Aren't my own good enough?

*Marrik doesn't look as annoyed as his comments would make out...he's obviously had this arguement many times in the past and is merely going through the motions*

2006-09-03, 03:55 PM

If mortals were to follow their own path without following a code then a mortal would surely step up and destroy the world without anyone stopping him.

2006-09-03, 03:59 PM
I'm not saying that I follow no code. I'm just following my own...not someone elses. Besides, do not the legends say that many of the gods were once mortal themselves - how would they have reached divinity other than by defying the other gods?

2006-09-03, 04:00 PM

But a mortals code is a foolish code, and those ascended mortals are ascended because the other gods gave them godhood, they were deemed worthy of being gods, something you never will be.

2006-09-03, 04:04 PM
Are you calling me a fool!!

*Marrik stands up at this, his wings spread, exhaling a large cloud of smoke that arcs with bright flashes of electricity*

2006-09-03, 04:06 PM

*The werefox girl looks for exits like an animal in danger* No, not at all, I'm just saying a code created by a mortal doesn't hold the same value as the code created by a god and those who follow a mortal's code are misguided.

2006-09-03, 04:09 PM
*Marrik calms down slightly and takes another puff of his cigar. The arcs of electricity seem to dissipate with his anger*

Hm..well...believe what you will...It is your right after all, though why you think that one beings' judgement is 'better' than anothers is beyond me. No matter who they claim to be.

*Marrik then returns to his chair*

2006-09-03, 04:21 PM

Allrighty *The werefox girl starts to talk with the air again*

2006-09-03, 04:24 PM
*Marrik stares into the fire, smoking absent-mindedly*

2006-09-03, 04:24 PM
Narcille, the smartest of the pair of warriors, wakes up.
Greetings Marrik glad to see you awake. he says as he gets to his feet.
And who might this be? he asks, gesturing at the girl.

2006-09-03, 04:25 PM

*The werefox girl looks at Yarram* I'm Gezina van den Vechte

2006-09-03, 04:26 PM
Oh, hey Narcille

2006-09-03, 04:29 PM
Narcille walks behind the bar Can I offer you a drink Geniza? I know Marrik won't take one.
Juice? Fizzy? First one on the house.

2006-09-03, 04:30 PM

Something nonalcoholic please, apparently I'm too young to have alcohol.

2006-09-03, 04:32 PM
I've been meaning to ask. Are you the Gezina, who's a 'copper', as you so eloquently put it earlier?

*Marrik says as he walks up to the bar and pulls up a stool*

2006-09-03, 04:33 PM
Of course. Narcille pours glass a generic juice. Before walking around the bar again and giving it to her.

2006-09-03, 04:33 PM

I could've been, I don't remember anything before my rebirth. *The werefox girl drink the juice*

2006-09-03, 04:37 PM
Hm. From what I've heard that's probably for the best

*Marrik mutters under his breath, before finishing the stub of the cigar he's smoking. He pulls out a gold piece and lays it on the bar*

Couldn't pass me one of those cigars over ther could you Narcille. I just ran out.

2006-09-03, 04:38 PM
Rebirth? how did that happen? Narcille then proceeds to kick Yarram sharply in the head before passing Marrik another cigar.
Hsdua? Blaus... Yarram takes a short time to pull together Goodmorning.

2006-09-03, 04:39 PM

I don't exactly know all the details, there's this guy, I forgot his name but he's obsessed with create water, and he has more details.

2006-09-03, 04:40 PM

*Marrik takes the cigar and lights up*

Hey Yarram.

((I've gotta go eat...I'm starving...I'll be back in a bit))

*Marrik sits looking thoughtfull as he smokes his cigar slowly*

2006-09-03, 04:42 PM
You mean Cathindir don't you? Last I hear he was at trogs. He was talking about going on an excursion to another plane to visit some lab...
Yarram fades into the background

2006-09-03, 04:44 PM

Yeah, that's the guy, Well I've read a bit about my previous self and she didn't sound exactly nice to me, tearing someone apart as a ghost in the middle of a temple?

2006-09-03, 04:47 PM
Well I don't know anything about that.... So you worship Bahumutte then?

2006-09-03, 04:48 PM

Yup, don't know exactly why specifically him but he's my god.

2006-09-03, 04:50 PM
Scath and Bri'el walk in. Hey Scales says Bri'el with a half-smile

2006-09-03, 04:51 PM
Yarram worships him too. Half-Dragon Heratige you see.
I on the otherhand worship no gods.
Narcille looks at the new entrants.
Whose Scales?

2006-09-03, 04:53 PM

Well, I think I'm going *Gezina transforms into a fox and leaves*

2006-09-03, 04:53 PM
*Marrik looks over at the pair that just walked in and nods, before turning to Narcille*

That'd be me. We had a little...run-in the other day. I'm gonna go grab a comfy chair

*He then gets up and goes and sits in the armchair that he was in before, in front of the fire. As he crosses the floor, he nods goodbye to Gezina*

2006-09-03, 04:58 PM
I'll have a gecko curry make it 2

2006-09-03, 04:58 PM
Yarram fades back into sight.
Sorry, latrine y'know he anounces before taking a seat next to Marrik

2006-09-03, 05:00 PM
Narcille walks behind the counter and starts preparing the meal.
So what brings you to our humble demain?
((oops sorry bout the double post.))

2006-09-03, 05:01 PM
Hunting a certain Paladin

2006-09-03, 05:01 PM
*Marrik grins at Yarram*

Not for a long time, no...

*Takes a puff of his cigar*

2006-09-03, 05:04 PM
Specifically which one then. Narcille looks intrested. Its not everyday that someone looks for a Paladin.
How did you get changed into a statue?

2006-09-03, 05:05 PM
Ekrath. He's our brother but he doesn't know it. Get this, because he was raised by elves he thinks he is one

2006-09-03, 05:07 PM
I'll look out for him. In fact, If you want me to, I can Incapacitate him and put him in the police station if he comes here.
EDIT: I made the wrong person say it.

2006-09-03, 05:08 PM
Oh? If you see him you are welcome to

2006-09-03, 05:10 PM
It's a long story...

*Marrik proceeds to tell Yarram many long tales of his past adventures, his quest to find immortality. Eventually he comes to the end of his saga*

I found a lost library. I spent years searching through the tomes for something that might let me evade the inevitable. Just as I was about to give up there, I found a book. In the book was described a formula that, if used, would turn living flesh into living metal. It came with many warnings that I chose to ignore, to my folly. I chose bronze for my transformation. A year later, I was fully transformed into the form you see before you now....though that was long ago now...

*Marrik trails off into silence and looks wistful*

2006-09-03, 05:15 PM
((I g2g ok. But I give anyone full permission to make me serve them food. Don't anyone DARE make me fight anyone unless of course theyare starting a Rucus in which Yarram would eject them from the tavern.Don't anyone DARE me out of the place ok.))
Narcille hands the Drow the curries.
Yarram looks thoughtful. So you've been trying to change back then.

2006-09-03, 05:17 PM
Oh no. This bronze body has certain advantages afterall...lets just say that in hindsight, I wouldn't make the same choice I did back then

*As he says afterall, Marrik taps himself with his claws, making a metallic clicking sound*

((ok, see ya))

*Having said his bit, Marrik turns back to look at the fire and slowly finishes off his cigar, occasionally making little gestures with his fingers that make the smoke change colour and swirl in interesting patterns*

((Don't you just love prestidigitation!!))


2006-09-03, 08:38 PM
Mervik the imp enters and finds himself a table where he sits down and pulls out a book and begines reading it.

2006-09-03, 11:15 PM
Yarram and Narcille exit the pub.

2006-09-03, 11:16 PM
Scath and Bri'el cast dimension door and dissapear

2006-09-04, 07:41 AM
*Marrik awakes from his reverie and looks around. Seeing no-one here, he goes to the bar, grabs a cigar and leaves a gold piece in the cigar box, before lighting up, taking a drag and strolling out*


*Some time later, Marrik comes back in and sits back down in his chair by the fire, lights up and slowly smokes a cigar. Before long, his immediate area is full of smoke and Marrik becomes still*


2006-09-04, 12:55 PM
Blimey! we sure have been busy! this place just keeps getting better and better.Hey samedi, are you done here? or you gonna stay on? i enjoy your compnay, and now i can afford to pay you
beholder looks around at the lull in business, he smiles, and begins to refill empty bottles, sweep up mess, etc. Puffball comes floating out, and flies over to marrik, where after a few seconds of awed silence, proceeds to draw, with crayons, on marrik's frozen form. beholder, apon seeing this, rushes over, and shoos the baby beholder away. beholder then polishes the badly drawn pictures off marrik, and places a cigar on the arm of the chair, waiting for him to reanimate. beholder then looks around, and apon seeing noone, pulls himself a spitfire, and pulls a pizza from under the bar. he proceeds to eat and drink with gusto.

2006-09-04, 01:18 PM
*Marrik rouses and looks around, notices the cigar on the arm of the chair and lights up with a content smile on his face, before standing up and walking over to the bar*

Hey Beholder. Cheers for the cigar. What's a diddlin'?

2006-09-04, 01:21 PM
Zombie returns to the bar, guitar in hand.

Man, when did this place become busy? Now I've got an audience!

He feels a bit uncomfortable as he sits down, now that he has people looking at his work and criticizing it, but he begins to play softly, his voice coming out toned down and shy, which fits the song pefectly.

I'm an undead zombie.
I have no Intelligence.

Sit and eat pennyrolal brains.
Try to numb and dull the pain.
Sit and eat pennyroyal brains.
I have nothing to gain.

I've been denied the afterworld
Eternal immortality.

I'm so tired I can't sleep.
I'll never rest in peace.
Sit and eat pennyroyal brains.
Try to numb and dull the pain.

At this point in the song, he takes out the violin given to him by Beholder and plays a short, mournful solo on it, full of bits of anguish and pain.

I can be turned or destroyed.
Or rebuked and commanded.

Sit and eat pennyrolal brains.
Try to numb and dull the pain.
Sit and eat pennyroyal brains.
I have nothing to gain.

After the song, he orders a Demoinkein from the bar.

((I wasn't really trying to be funny this time; it's more of just the song with different words than a parody.))

2006-09-04, 01:24 PM
the beholder begins to speak. suddenly a gnoll from the backrooms rushes in, slams a poster on the bar, and rushes back, shouting
I'll get the weapons!
the poster reads
Larkon the mighty apporaches
all those unpure of heart quake in fear
though he is hear for the beholder known as bookoo-de yoo, any of black or swollen heart, atone now before it is too late.

the beholder sighs.
It was bound to happen at some point. he won't be here for about a week, he likes to have himself anounced, but still. i don't suppose it's agaisnt the law to kill a beholder?

2006-09-04, 01:31 PM
even in his worried state, beholder stops to listen to the music. he smiles faintly.
She would have loved that..thank you

2006-09-04, 01:32 PM
*Marrik takes a look at the poster*

Who's Larkon the Mighty?

2006-09-04, 01:33 PM
the paladin that killed my first son and my wife

2006-09-04, 01:36 PM
Well, Paladin or no, it's still against the law to kill someone...even a beholder.

*Marrik mutters under his breath*

Paladins and their "Oh, I'm so holy and better than you...it makes me sick

2006-09-04, 01:38 PM
That's great! maybe we can stop him before he burns the pub down

2006-09-04, 01:42 PM
Well, you said he likes to announce himself...do you know where he's coming from? We might be able to pre-empt him before he gets anywhere near the pub. If it's outside of town, it's all nice and legal too.

*Marrik grins and takes a drag of his cigar*

2006-09-04, 01:46 PM
well i'm not really sure, i teleported here straightaway, and i generally spend all my time in the pub. he likes mountains, so if there a mountains near here, he'll have to cross them.summat about his religion, idunno, i never payed him much attention.all i need to know is that he killed my family. but we must try not to kill him. that would simply prolong the war and persecutions between monsters and men

2006-09-04, 01:52 PM
*Marrik thinks for a bit*

Hmmm....Well, I'll keep my ear to the ground. If I hear anything I'll let you know. I think I saw some mountains outside of town when I was doing some aerial sweeps, I could go and check them out. Keep watch or something. I dunno.

I guess your right about not killing him, but if I know paladins, killing him's going to be about the only way to stop him. Even then, there's no guarantee.

2006-09-04, 01:55 PM
yes but if he dies, they'll just send another one.
the beholder flicks a couple of gold pieces towards ZRS, along with half a pizza

2006-09-04, 02:01 PM

*A small yellow fox runs in*

2006-09-04, 02:02 PM
((sorry double post, g2g))
Beholder smiles
thank you for all your help marrik.i'm not sure if im willing to risk you in this fight, as larkon will kill anyone who apposes him. he's the wierdest definition of lawful good ever, and he'd kill you as soon as look at you. i need to go out back and prepare now. if something happens to me i have to make sure somebody cares for puffball. i'll see you all tomorrow
he floats out back, humming the tune that ZRS played.through the door, about 12 varied monsters, orcs,goblins,gnolls, etc are sharpening axes, loading crossbows.etc.beholder begins to talk to them, then the door swings shut

2006-09-04, 02:09 PM

*The fox leaves*

2006-09-04, 02:10 PM
*Marrik nods acnkowledgement to Beholder and finishes off his cigar with a thoughtful look on his face*


*When he's finished his cigar, Marrik gets up and strolls out, still looking thoughtful*


*A short while later, Marrik returns and takes up residence in his armchair*


2006-09-05, 03:57 AM
Yarram walks into the building with his bladel drawn.
It is emmiting strange magical red pulses. He seems to be struggling with himself.
No. you are mine! I will control you.He wispers intensly. He grunts in exertion and the sword begins to change even more. It's dragon-head handle opens it's mouth and says
No. You are now mine! Mwahahahah!((I just love that))
Yarram's brow begins to flow with sweat and his breathing becomes heavy.
Red lights are emmitted from the blade and he begins to roar ceaselessly.
No! I will not be taken. AAuurgh! He screams in pain as bolts of energy lance all over his body.
Suddenly he stops screaming. His eyes now glow red.
He smiles evily, then walks out of the pub.

2006-09-05, 04:40 AM
*Random person walks in, puts poster on the wall and leaves*

The town is dying! If you wish to save it, please come to the Temple of Mai-Tai-Naan he needs power, and worshippers will give it to him. We are here to help! Alignment and Religious Converts welcome.

2006-09-05, 06:58 AM
*Marrik wakes from his reverie and goes up to the bar before remembering that he has no gold to pay for a cigar. Noticing the Poster, Marrik goes over to read it. Thinks for a second and leaves.*

*Some time later, Marrik strolls back in. He looks at the Mai-Tai-Naan poster for a moment before ripping it off the wall, screwing it up and throwing it in the fire. For good measure, he mumbles a few words and waves his claws, causing a small gout of flame to erupt into the fire grate, incinerating the poster in an instant. He then settles down into his chair and basks in the warmth from the now roaring fire*


2006-09-05, 12:29 PM
whats the deal with mai tai naan?

2006-09-05, 12:44 PM
*Marrik shakes himself slightly and turns to Beholder*

Yeah, sort of. Came in here with some kind of poster about "You've all got to convert cos you're not good enough". I burnt it. Can't be having with religious propaganda, I hope you don't mind. Anyway, Me and the Detective sorted them right out. They're all under house arrest for a variety of crimes.

2006-09-05, 12:50 PM
Yeah i floated over to have a butcher's. bloody temples. i thought it was a restaurant.still, it doesn't matter, we're all 4th place compared to trog's eh? gone quiet again after indurain and atreyu finished smashing the place up. still, we are making a bit of money now.

2006-09-05, 12:54 PM
Hey, I get paid in a couple of days. I'll be able to pay for my cigars then, without having to borrow money off other people.

*Marrik grins*

2006-09-05, 12:55 PM
but the next fellow that comes in 'ere trying to put cultist posters up, they better buy a bloody drink first! i'll charge 'em bloody rent!

2006-09-05, 12:58 PM
How go the preparations by the way? I haven't had a chance to ask around or have a scout, what with all this business with the temple and all.

2006-09-05, 01:01 PM
well the lads caught and ate one of his buglists outside the town last night. I was so dissapointed. you'd think they'd learn better eh? but thats his first buglist, who announces the guy who announces the guy who announces him. he is coming in over the mountains.i intend to go there tomorrow if you wanna come along

2006-09-05, 01:03 PM
((what sort of time?))

2006-09-05, 01:06 PM
((i'm still fuzzy on time differences, but its 9 pm here, and i'd go on at about 7-8))

I dunno what we'll find, could be nothing,could be he's camping over the next hill, i really don't know

2006-09-05, 01:11 PM
((yeah, that makes it about 4 o'clock tomorrow for me I think, that'll be cool, might have to quit after an hour or so though...dunno))

Hmm, yeah, I might just come along. It's about time a Paladin got a good kickin' for being misinformed. Hey, even if he's not there, at least we might find one of his many buglers.

*Marrik grins again*

2006-09-05, 01:14 PM
beholder grins
I f*ckin' hate buglers
see you tomorrow mate
beholder floats out back

2006-09-05, 01:19 PM
Heh. Heh. Heh.

Well, I'm going to think on this for a bit. I should probably rest up anyway, I've been casting a bit today and need to replenish the vaults, if you know what I mean.

*Marrik goes over to his chair, settles in and prepares to go into a meditative state*

((I've g2g. I'm making dinner tonight and my housemate is getting hungry and is complaining about it. see you tomorrow. Oh, just so you know I'll try and get on for around 3:30 here (that's 7:30 for you I think).))


2006-09-06, 02:28 AM
Narcille enters the pub, and seeing Semadi doing nothing for the millionth time begins poking him with a sharp pointy stick.
Hmmm. he thinks to himself.
He then walks over to Marrik and uses his mindblade to heat up his jaw. He loosens his mouth before opening it and putting a cigar in it.
He then exits the tavern, bored.

2006-09-06, 09:48 AM
*Marriks eyes suddenly snap open as Marrik comes to from his meditation. He notices the cigar in his mouth, shugs and lights up. For a couple of minutes, he just sits there and smokes, a contemplative look on his face. Eventually he gets up, and nods to Samedi*

Tell Beholder that I'm going down the station. I'll be back soon, I just wanted to check in to see what's happening with that temple.

*Marrik then turns and leaves*


*Marrik walks in and goes over to sit in his chair by the fire. After a short while he gets up and starts limbering up - streching everything individually, from claws to wings. Every now and then, a play of energy passes over his small form. By the time he's finished, he actually stands a full two inches taller (than his normally 2'3" height) and there is an electric glow in his eyes - literally. He grins widely at Samedi, a spark of electricity playing over his teeth and waits motionless, the occaisional arc of energy earthing itself from him to some of the furniture*

((I think Marrik willl enter a state of suspended animation at this point. I'm running my game in an hour from now and won't be online...sorry. Maybe we can do this thing tomorrow?))

2006-09-06, 01:15 PM
((sorry mate i got prevented by matters beyond my control))

2006-09-06, 01:22 PM
((not a problem. I've g2g now and prep for my game. see you tomorrow?))

2006-09-06, 01:23 PM
((for sure. see ya mate))

2006-09-07, 04:58 AM
The red thing flys in, up to the bar

"Morning" it says to the bartender "I'm from the Police, give this note to the owner please"

It hands the note over

To the Owner
Good Morning to you. I am experimenting with an early morning patrol route to check up on the safety of Town citizens. Please contact the police station with any complaints or to report any crimes.

GUFIPOLICE Detective - Red Thing

((If you don't want the Red Thing wandering round your place every morning, say so at the station and I'll cross you off the list))

The red thing shows a lot of teeth and flys away

2006-09-07, 10:11 AM
*Marrik walks out, sparks arcing to various bits of furniture. A magical haze in the air follows his passing before dissipating*

2006-09-07, 12:26 PM
beholder is looking around
Anyone seen marrik?

2006-09-07, 12:28 PM
*Marrik walks in, leaving behind him a faint magical echo of his passing*

Hi, Beholder

2006-09-07, 12:31 PM
Shall we go hunting then
((i only have about 20 mins.sorry))

2006-09-07, 12:32 PM
*Marrik grins*


((that's cool, when you've got a bit more time we can do the epic battle maybe?))

2006-09-07, 12:36 PM
ok, here we go
the beholder begins chanting, and a blue doorway appears in the middle of the pub
Just step through

http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=town;action=display;num=1157646821;s tart=0#0

2006-09-07, 12:38 PM
*Marrik steps through, the magical aura surrounding him briefly interferring with the magic of the doorway before he dissappears from the pub*

2006-09-07, 12:40 PM
beholder follows. the doorway folds in on itself, dissapearing with a popping sound

2006-09-08, 04:54 AM
The red thing flys in

"Morning" it says "No problems? I hope office Marrik has been able to help you with that paladin problem"

Getting no answer from the empty building it flys off again

2006-09-08, 01:17 PM
((Sorry for the godmod Beholder, I didn't think you'd mind being back at your bar?))

*A glowing blue door appears in the middle of the bar and Beholder floats in, shortly followed by Marrik, chatting animatedly betweeen themselves. The door disappears and Beholder offers to give Marrik a box of cigars, but Marrik insists on paying. Eventually, after a short arguement, Marrik hands over half the value of the box and bids Beholder goodbye before leaving*

2006-09-08, 01:25 PM
(( no probs))
beholder floats behind the bar, smiling. he picks up a rag and begins polishing
Most damn fun i've had all decade

2006-09-08, 01:52 PM
*Marrik strolls in smoking the lasts of a stub of a cigar and waves to Beholder before throwing the stub on the fire*

Howdy do Beholder? I put those cigars in my desk down the station by the way. I'm pooped after that little encounter on the mountain. I think I might have a snooze.

*Marrik, takes a seat in his armchair by the fire and is soon immobile*

((I g2g...dinner and all. Ta-ta))


2006-09-08, 08:52 PM
Samedi wakes up from his trance ( I'll have to find a way to stop doing that he mutters) and looks around.

Why is it that everything becomes hectic when I'm out of it?

2006-09-08, 11:38 PM
Possibly because your always out of it. I'd start being worried if I were you, because those kind of trances are the first step towards deterioration as a lich. Narcille looks at him worriedly.

2006-09-09, 06:50 AM
*Marrik snorts and stirs before opening his eyes with a mild look of surprise on his face*

Hm. Haven't slept in...well centuries. Weird.

*He rubs his eyes and goes over to the ber*

Hey Samedi. Cigar for me.

*Marrik pays for his cigar and lights up before leaving*


*Marrik enters some time later, looking thoughtful. Without a word he goes over and sits in his chair by the fire*


*Marrik stands, nods a goodbye to Samedi and walks out...A few seconds later, he walks back in, asks and pays for a cigar, lights it and leaves again*

2006-09-09, 12:25 PM
Beholder floats through from out back

Hey samedi, its been a while since i've seen you mobile. i've got a cream for that, i knew a lich who kept dropping his nose all the time. works a treat against deterioration

2006-09-09, 02:05 PM
A Large spider (the size of the average house cat and with the beauty of a popped pimple) opens the door akwardly and closes it behind him in an unnoticable and also a self-habit manner. He quickly glances around the room, studying his surroundings.

What a perfectly diverse atmosphere, it'll be my new home.

A weary smile appeared on his spidery face (or what looked to be a smile. It looked more like a spider extending out his massive fangs. An unwelcoming sight to those who dislike spiders or insects alike).

2006-09-09, 06:17 PM
Seeing that Semadi has gone to sleep AGAIN, Narcille begins to poke him with the Semadi stick.
After a short time Narcille, bored, Puts a cigar in Semadi's mouth then leaves.
Yarram enters the Pub. There are huge rings under his eyes and he is growling fiercly. He staggers into the center of the pub. And passes out.

2006-09-10, 12:24 AM
I'd like to speak with the owner of this establishment on behalf of...

He caught himself speaking in spider language, then roughly tried to speak common (figuring no one knew the language of spiders).

"I'd like to sspeakss with the owner of thiss esstablisshmentss on behalf of perhapss ssetting up a ssmall temporary webss where I could sstay for a whiless? I won't be botherssome. I jusst need a ssafe placce to resst. I could offer my assisstentss if you happen to have a rodentss or catss, if not then I feel there iss nothing else my sserviccess may offer."

2006-09-10, 09:30 AM
*Marrik wanders in and buys a cigar before going and sitting in his seat by the fire. He sighs and lights up. After a while, there is a significant cloud of smoke round his head and he has a contented look on his face.*


2006-09-10, 11:10 AM
The Zombie returns, guitar in hand.

Ooh, people.

He gets up on stage and begins to play his guitar like a machine, occasionally flipping it around behind his back or even playing it with his teeth.

Zombie hordes! ever since I died
Woke up undead, and then I cried
People talkin about the "brain drain"
'scuse me while I eat your brain!

Zombie hordes! all around.
Watch out, or they'll bring you down!
Are they happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that priest put a spell on me

Zombie hordes! Brains on the mind
Don't know if we have the time.
Guns won't help you, or chainsaws.
Whatever you have, it's not enough!

After several complex guitar solos, he finishes by taking off his guitar, setting it down on the stage, and lighting it on fire.

After putting out the guitar fire before it burns the whole tavern down, he settles by the bar and orders a Diemonkein

2006-09-10, 11:14 AM
Scath and Bri'el walk into the pub. They pull out the wanted poster for yarram. Then they pick him up and begin to walk out.

2006-09-10, 01:33 PM
hey zombie, awesome song! whats new outside the pub?

2006-09-10, 01:51 PM
Not much at all, really. Oh, there's a spider who wants to know if he can set up a web here. Seems like a good guy and he says he can help with the rats (except for the wererats, of course).

2006-09-10, 03:30 PM
*Marrik rouses from his reverie and looks around*

Awsome solo Zombie. Beholder, could I get on eof those cigars? Ta.

*Marrik pays and looks to where Yarram was laying and looks slightly puzzled as he lights up*

What happened to Yarram? I was going to take him down the station...oh well. I'll see if someone's managed to drag him that far.

*Marrik then wanders out*

2006-09-10, 04:35 PM
Ratss yess, I offer to eat the ratss if you have many. Along with any pesstss you may what to be rid of. I don't eat Hamsterss or Gerbilss...they leave a bitter tasste in my mouth. Not tassty at all.

My namess Murvana, but pleasse, call me what you wissh. I am used to all namess.

((Does it generally take a day or so for people to respond in the Town?))

2006-09-10, 09:16 PM
I don't think we have a gerbil problem. I don't know how much of a rat problem, either, but whatever. I'm sure Beholder won't mind you setting up, as long as you don't eat the wererats. We like wererats around here.

Murvana...I'm Zombie. I provide the entertainment. The lich at the bar is Samedi. There are also some goblins who work here, but I haven't seen them for a while.

As Murvana sets up, Zombie goes back to the bar, drinking his beer and hoping the place will fill up so he has someone to play for and/or talk to.

((^ Depends on what place you're in. Here, sometimes. But places like Trog's or the Temple of Inari go a lot quicker.))

2006-09-11, 12:36 PM
I appreciate your hospitality and promisse to leave the wereratss unbothered and there veinss untouched. I'll jusst ssetup here, bessides a nice widow...

Murvana quickly begins work on constructing his web pad. He moves towards the window, climbs skillfully on the wall, and began establishing the first layout for his web. When he was done with the frame he began on the interior. His silky webbing coated it in spirals until it at last reached the center.

The spider jumped off the web and landed on the floor to admire his work.

Not to big...but big enough for me.

He added that hideous smile

I rather hungry, not to be rude, but making a web like that costss me alot of enegry. Sshow me thiss back room so I may begin my part of the deal, unlessss you want me to sshow mysself. I don't want to be rude.

((My friend went to Trog's Tavern and he was ignored, or that overlooked. Can I post a pic of my web in order to show how it's positioned and angled?))

2006-09-11, 01:24 PM
(( i have a different timezone to you guys, so i'm on at about now your time, usually earlier. however i post everyday so you won't get ignored here, but you'll have to wait a while for an answer.please do post pics, i was meaning to that lately, or at least write another desrciption. i might wait until, if ever, we move to a second thread.))

Beholder floats out from the backrooms
Morning all, how goes it? nice to see you round here zombie, i've certainly missed your excellent songs lately. that naked guy beating a llama may have made us more busy, but less music for me eh?
He turns to the spider
hello, you don't happen to know a guy called Anansi do you? he was a good friend of mine. never mind that though, you're welcome here, as long as you leave the other monsters alone rats and them is fine, although due to our goblins and kobolds, idunno how many you'll find

Hey marrik, fancy finishing that paladin hunt on say..friday?

beholder begins polishing glasses.
For the first time since the pub was opened, one of the ogres in the armchairs wakes up. he is dressed in an old green bathrobe, and is wearing a monocle.he wanders over to marrik, and nods at beholder, who then yells at a goblin:
Cigars and brandy for Mr.Benson! Cigars for marrik, and a pizza and beer for zombie.
the goblin nods and scurries into the kitchens
the ogre then turns back to marrik

Pleasure to meet you sir, you must be the esteemed Mr.Marri that Bookoo has told me all about. I hear you gave a Buglist a good thrashing. what fun eh? oh how I long for those days, hunting sweaty armour-clad 18 year-olds through a ridiculosly large maze in the midle of a mountain for no apparent reason...ahh those were the days. but i digress! My name is Mr.Benson, and i must say, old boy, that it is indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance...

2006-09-11, 04:07 PM
*Marrik strolls in just before Bookoo's first question to him ((conveniently)) and stops briefly to reply*

Yeah sure, why not? Friday sounds as good a time as any.

*He grins and takes his seat by the fire, accepts the cigar and lights up before replying to Mr.Benson*

How do you do Mr. Benson? I am indeed Detective Marrik and I am pleased to finally meet you. Yes, that buglist was quite mislead. I don't think he'll forget me in a hurry and with any luck he'll be put off of following that Larkon chap. With even more luck, Larkon will be put off, but from what Bookoo tells me, that's not likely, more's the pity...

*Marrik trails off, smoking slowly a thoughtful look on his face. After a while, he shakes himself out of his reverie and turns back to Mr.Benson*

If you don't mind me asking, you seem to be a being of the world, do you have any tales that you would care to share with me about your younger days? I do like a good yarn and can repay you in kind, if you're interested...

((Mr.Benson is an NPC right?))

*Mr.Benson looks midly pleased at Marriks request*

Why certainly old boy, I'd love to

*Throughout the night, Marrik and Mr.Benson regale each other with tales of high adventure, great deeds performed and stories of woe. By the time they finish, the dawn light is creeping through the windows, they have both gone through a small fortune in consumables and have become fast friends, impressed by each others achievements. Mr.Benson yawns and streches his arms*

Well old chap, I think it's about time I got some sleep. Can't go without don'tcha know? Well, toodle-pip.

Goodnight Mr.Benson..or morning..or whatever. Pleasure to have made your acquaintance.

*Mr.Benson settles back in his chair and falls sleep. Marrik looks around the bar for a moment. Seeing no-one around, he gets up and clears away the glasses and ashtrays that had gathered around himself and Mr.Benson over the night before going back to his seat and staring into the fire, a thoughtful look on his face*


*A little while later, he gets up and walks out*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 12:37 PM
*Atreyu the llama comes wandering into the Pub. He orders a spitfire and relaxes.* "Um...I've come to pay for the table that Indurain and I broke."

2006-09-12, 01:08 PM
http://show.imagehosting.us/show/1607804/0/nouser_1607/T0_-1_1607804.gif (http://www.imagehosting.us/index.php?action=show&ident=1607804)

((I know it looks horrible. I'm by one of your posters by the way (the little red thing with white text). I didn't know what your buildings windows looked like (and I'm to lazy to do research to see if you personal described them). That's the way my webbing is positioned.))

I'm afraid I know no one in town, I'm new to thiss placce. A foreigner. But I don't want to wasste your time, I'll just go a ssee how and if you have a major rat problem.

Murvana starts off towards the backroom.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 03:18 PM
(nice design! much better than I could do)

*the llama yelps in shock a little at the large spider, but calms down when it doesn't seem to want him for dinner. he calms down even further when it speaks.*


2006-09-12, 03:35 PM
Supagoof heads into the Pub. He's looking for someone, but doesn't find him, but does see Atreyu.

Hello Atreyu! Sorry about running off the other night, I just had a mind explosion of things I need done for the wedding. How are things?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:00 PM
"Things are great. I'm just here to repay a table that I broke. I hear weddings are a mess to plan. What did you need?"

2006-09-12, 04:01 PM
Well, I wanted to ask you if you would be the best man er.. best Llama for the wedding?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:08 PM
*Atreyu, who had been expecting something pack animalish, seems very shocked, but soon his expression turns to an honored smile.*

"I'd love to be the best llama. That'd be exciting. I'm honored. Thanks, Supagoof. Um...what does a best llama do?"

2006-09-12, 04:12 PM
Blood walks in and looks around. Then she attempts to jump on Llama and lie down.

2006-09-12, 04:13 PM
Well, you would be in charge of taking care of the rings until the wedding, standing alongside us at the ceremony, and making a speech at the wedding reception. Still up to it?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:17 PM
*LLama laughs at the cat and kneels a little when it jumps up so that it doesn't have to use its claws to get a grip.*

"Umm... a speech? I can do that. It should be fun. And I'm really good at standing next to people. I do it all the time. As for the rings, I can keep them in my pouch."

(Has LLama met Blood? I know he met Dragon the other night.)

2006-09-12, 04:19 PM
A wedding? Blood asks. She slowly walks up to the back of Llama's neck and curls up. It's like a horse, but built for my size.

((I don't know. Blood doesn't really care. She likes sleeping on people - ask Marrik.))

2006-09-12, 04:25 PM
Fantastic, well here. he hands Atreyu two crystal rings which sparkle brilliantly in the dim light of the pub. The date is set for October 13th, and the place, well I'm still working on that, but I'll let you know as soon as we book it. Thank you Llama. Is there any other questions about being a best Llama that I can answer?
Supagoof's face is excited with joy.

((FYI - I know I had said the 6th before in the milk bar, but alas that didn't work with my work schedule, so I edited that post.))

2006-09-12, 04:31 PM
Yandaha wanders into the last building that smelled like food. She blibks when she notices the llama again, and rolls her eyes. She starts sniffing NPCs.

2006-09-12, 04:38 PM
Blood shrugs and goes to sleep on Llama.

((She won't fall off, she'll wake up before she does, but since I have to go just assume she walks/teleports back to Trog's if Llama does something dangerous. :P))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:40 PM
(The 13th is good for me. What time? I work till 4 forum time. Then an hour to get home.)
(I was just curious if llama knew Blood's name.)

*Atreyu laughs at the strange talking cat.* "You know" *he says wth a grin* "I usually know the names of the people who lay on me. I'm Atreyu. And you are?" *He hears little snores from the cat.* "you're asleep. Well, its good to see I'm still comfy."

"Nope, Supagoof. That's about it. OOOOOOH, they're so shiny." *With practiced ease, he has the magic pouch open and drops the rings into it.*

*He turns to see who else has come in, and sees Yandaha. He bleats a little in shock.*

2006-09-12, 04:43 PM
((Probably between 1pm-3 forum time))

Great, well, I must be off then. I need to find a place to hold the reception at. See you Atreyu, uh.. Supagoof looks around ..good luck with the cats.

He turns and heads out the door.

2006-09-12, 04:45 PM

*A yellow fox comes in*

{Vulpine} I haven't been here in a long time.

2006-09-12, 04:46 PM
Yandaha sniffs the fox curiously.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:47 PM
(okay, I'll do what I can, but I may have to be NPC'ed if I get busy.)

*Atreyu watches Yandaha while trying to hide that he's watching her, not sure of what to do. Part of him is begining to think that she is stalking him and he needs to do something, but another part wants to at least be cordial.*

*He waves to Gez.* "Hiya Gez. How's everything? Careful the cat, she doesn't know you're not prey."

2006-09-12, 04:47 PM

*The fox sniffs back*

2006-09-12, 04:49 PM
Yandaha moves on to an orc snoozing in a corner.

2006-09-12, 04:51 PM
Graklok wakes with a jolt.

"Wha, huh, oh hello kitty" he says to the cat sniffing him.

2006-09-12, 04:51 PM

{Vulpine} Actually, I'm a carnifore as well, but I prey on smaller things than you, like mice and chickens

2006-09-12, 04:52 PM
Yandaha barely notices the fox talking to llama. She wrinkles her nose at the oder of unwashed orc.

2006-09-12, 04:53 PM
((That was to llama actually))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 04:56 PM
*Atreyu looks at Gez confused* "oh, come on, Gez. You know I don't speak Vulpine."

2006-09-12, 04:58 PM

*The fox transforms to hybrid form*

{Elven} I was saying: Actually, I'm a carnifore as well, but I prey on smaller things than you, like mice and chickens

2006-09-12, 05:01 PM
Graklok seems to drift back to sleep...

((Sorry Hoseki, couldn't resist, you did say orc and Graklok is like the only one I know of in town. Still laughing at the smelly orc comment.))

2006-09-12, 05:03 PM
((That's fine. I was think an NPC, since this is the non-PHb-races bar, but that was fine.))

Yandaha moves on. She seems to be ignoring Atreyu.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:07 PM
*Atreyu nods* "I understood "mice" and "chicken" but I don't understand "carnivore" in common."

*he relaxes when Yandaha just seems to be curious and not hungry.*

2006-09-12, 05:08 PM

*Gezina shows a toothy grin*

2006-09-12, 05:13 PM
Yandaha notices Gezina showing teeth to Atreyu and snarls at her, ready to pounce upon the werefox.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:15 PM
*He sees the toothy grin and pales a little* "oh, acarnivore. He was a carnivore and planned on me being one too." *soft shudder* "I'm sorry, Gez. Its just that, well, I'm meant to eat grass and stuff."

*He also apologizes to the cat on his head for his shuddering. The cat doesn't seem to notice.*

2006-09-12, 05:17 PM

It doesn't matter, I would never eat you, that lioness gives me the creeps though, I might try lion for a change.

2006-09-12, 05:19 PM
{Cat} "My kill! Stay away!" snarls Yandaha to Gezina.

2006-09-12, 05:20 PM

*Gezina turns to Yandaha and looks furious*

{Vulpine} If you don't leave soon I'm going to eat you!

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:23 PM
*Atreyu recognizes the looks in the eyes of the animals and slowly moves away from them.*

"Gez, leave her be. She's just touchy. This tavern, especially, is open to all types." *he points to the posters* "She's got a right to be here, too."

2006-09-12, 05:23 PM
{Cat} "Do not touch my kill!" hisses Yandaha menacingly.

2006-09-12, 05:24 PM

*Gezina jumps at Yandaha, trying to bite her furiously*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:26 PM
*The llama quickly scoots behind the bar and looks for something to use to break up the fight.*

*Poor Blood falls off the llama's head. She yowls in frustration and teleports away.*

(I don't think that's too much God-modding, given Blood's parting comments.)

2006-09-12, 05:27 PM
((...Not again.))

Yandaha meets Gezina mid-jump, slashing madly and hissing in Cat about her kill.

2006-09-12, 05:32 PM
((Can I just say one thing, yandaha ain't going to win this unless her claws are silver, max damage from lions = 10, DR 10/silver))


*Gezina gets hit by yandaha's attacks but they seem to heal instantly, she tries to bite Yandaha again*

2006-09-12, 05:35 PM
((I did wonder if you were std werewolf type Gez, jumping into melee combat with something bigger, stronger and heavier than you))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:35 PM
(Actually, according to Fenric, Werefox DR is 10/bone. It doesn't matter for this fight, really, but it is important.)

"Gah! Gez, don't bite her." *In frustration, he growls, unable to find anything to stop this.*

(30 min warning)

2006-09-12, 05:35 PM
((Yandaha the lioness werefox! Woot!

And I know she can't do much of anything, but that won't stop her.))

The bits hits Yandaha in the shoulder, drawing blood. She roars and bits in return.

2006-09-12, 05:38 PM
((Well anyway, claws and bites aren't bone and silver and bone are mechanically the same

Oh and Hoseki, animals can't become 'lycanthropes'*spits at inapropreate term*))


{Vulpine} I suggest you leave now!

*Gezina circles around Yandaha, showing her teeth, as she gets bitten she does nothing as the wounds heal instantly*

2006-09-12, 05:38 PM
((Thinking about the cause here, is it Yandadas 'kill' if the Llama is walking around being unkilled?))

2006-09-12, 05:42 PM
((*Checks SRD*

Goshdarn it!))

((And Yandaha's a little fuzzy on that issue. But since she killed and ate Atreyu, he's her kill. The fact that he isn't dead is just a technicality.))

Yandaha spits and leaps, apparently not understanding Gezina's speech.

2006-09-12, 05:44 PM

*Gezina doesn't bother to dodge and the wounds heal at the time she tries to bite Yandaha*

2006-09-12, 05:47 PM
The bite hits Yandaha's front leg as she tears desperately at the immortal furry-thing.

2006-09-12, 05:48 PM
(( Well... Therianthropes used to have all different weaknesses: wolves were silver (or gold for garou), boars were bronze, bears were cold iron, and foxes were bone. The 3.5 ed stuff is all silver, which I think is lame.

My foxes (PC and NPC) are all converted 2nd ed ravenloft characters, therefore I play them as such. If Gezina wants to be RAW (since I don't control her character), then it would be silver ))

2006-09-12, 05:49 PM
((So we've got a fox sized fox versus a lion sized lion. Perhaps sitting on Gezina, or simply swallowing the yellowy morsel without chewing would work better

I have really got to go to bed))

2006-09-12, 05:49 PM
((And she's only ECL 7 + half sayian LA))


*Gezina gets hit by yandaha's useless attacks and tries to bite her again*

2006-09-12, 05:52 PM
((I though Gezina was in hybrid form?))

Yandaha leaps straight up into the air to avoid the bite and tries to pin Gezina as she lands.

2006-09-12, 05:54 PM
((She was speaking vulpine, so I thought she was in fox form. My bad, ignore the tired guy))

2006-09-12, 05:54 PM

*Gezina gets suprised as the lioness jumps on her, and tries to bite her from beneath*

2006-09-12, 05:54 PM
(( Well... Therianthropes used to have all different weaknesses: wolves were silver (or gold for garou), boars were bronze, bears were cold iron, and foxes were bone. The 3.5 ed stuff is all silver, which I think is lame. ))

((I suspect that's because Lycanthrope is now a template. You could theoretically make a were-shark if you really wanted to in 3.5. Assigning seperate weaknesses to every animal in the MM would take more special materials than actually exist in the DMG.))

2006-09-12, 05:55 PM
((Ooooh wereshark, scary. "Oh no, full moon and there's no water in sight. choke"))

2006-09-12, 05:56 PM
((Nah. Just turn into hybrid form so you can breath water or air. Think the hammerhead guy from Pirates 2. Though that is a funny mental image...))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 05:57 PM
*Llama hides behind the bar, cowering.*

(Tony leaves from work. See yo all later)

2006-09-12, 05:59 PM
Yandaha lies stubbornly atop Gezina, not quite sure what to do now.

2006-09-12, 05:59 PM
(( There was a were-shark. :) Also a were-badger. ))

2006-09-12, 06:01 PM

*Gezina suddenly realizes she has an unfair advantage and stops fighting, instead she tries to get away*

2006-09-12, 06:02 PM
((What about a were-squid? ;D))

2006-09-12, 06:02 PM
((Or a were-squidi?))

2006-09-12, 06:02 PM
Yandaha continues to sit on Gezina, and starts to lick her wounds, which feel kinda funny...

2006-09-12, 06:03 PM
((Or a Were-camel?))

2006-09-12, 06:06 PM

*Gezina tries to push Yandaha of*

{Cat with an huge Vulpine accent} Leave the llama alone and I won't hurt you.

2006-09-12, 06:08 PM
Yandaha looks at Gezina with surprise. {Cat with her usual savannah accent} "You showed your teeth to my kill, the llama. I will not accept anyone else touching my kill."

2006-09-12, 06:10 PM

{Cat} I won't hurt him, I was just making clear to him that I am a meat eater.

2006-09-12, 06:12 PM
{Cat} "You were threatening my kill?!" asks Yandaha, outraged.

2006-09-12, 06:13 PM

{Cat} No, I don't usually eat llama's, I prefer mice and chickens, he just didn't understand me and I was trying to tell it another way.

2006-09-12, 06:15 PM
(( Were-camel was there also, from that stupid desert expansion (Al-Qadim) to the Forgotten Realms ))

2006-09-12, 06:16 PM
(( There was a were-shark. :) Also a were-badger. ))
[Hey, weresharks are awesome! So are werecrocs... Werebats are kind of wierd, though.

Wait, Were-camel? Am I supposed to be afraid of that? :P]

2006-09-12, 06:17 PM
{Cat} "Fine. But if you so much as show a tooth to my kill in the future, immortal four-leg, I will be forced to eat you." She sneers and allows Gezina to rise.

2006-09-12, 06:18 PM
((Wierd. Anyways, there's a big list of animals in the back that is bigger than the list of special materials. Although what kind of twisted player would play a were-squid...
Ok, I know what my next character is going to be now. ;D))

2006-09-12, 06:19 PM

*Gezina stands up and brushes her clothing, then she goes to a corner and tries to repair the damage to her colthing from this fight*

{Elven} Immortal?

2006-09-12, 06:45 PM
{Cat} "I scratched at you, and your wounds sealed instantly."

((Sorry, stepped out for dinner.))

2006-09-12, 06:47 PM

{Cat} That's because I'm not an animal

*Gezina transforms into all three shapes, ending with hybrid form*

2006-09-12, 06:49 PM
Yandaha jumps back, bristling. {Cat} "...How do you do that?" she asks with poorly concealed wonder.

2006-09-12, 06:49 PM
((When did this place become a freaking arena?;D This is the second time I've come back to walk in on a fight.))

2006-09-12, 06:50 PM

{Cat} I was born with it.

2006-09-12, 06:55 PM
Yandaha flicks her tail. {Cat} "Lucky." she glances around the pub, looks at her wounded leg, and sighs. "I don't suppose you know anybody that could fix this?" she asks eventually, indicating her leg and shoulder. "Brin's humanoid once cured my wounds with words."

2006-09-12, 06:56 PM

{Cat} If you ever hurt the llama I'll make you pay for it, but for now.

*Gezina casts cure light wounds on Yandaha, twice*

2006-09-12, 06:59 PM
Yandaha sighs happily. {Cat} "I've already killed and eaten him. Besides, I'm not provoking Rain again." she shudders slightly.

2006-09-12, 07:03 PM

{Cat} Well, don't do it again, you know my strength ((Says the one who has died in town the most))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:06 PM
*at the fighting stops, Atreyu pokes his head up from beind the bar.*

(sorry, Zombie Rock Star, I seem to have that effect on this place. I swear I just come in for a Spitfire.)

2006-09-12, 07:08 PM
Yandaha just rolls her eyes.

2006-09-12, 07:12 PM

*Gezina waves at atreyu*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:18 PM
"umm....is everyone okay?"

*He smiles to see Gez is okay, but looks concerned at Yandaha.*

"is she alright?"

2006-09-12, 07:20 PM
Yandaha is studying the places where she was bitten. Something about them was creeping her out..

2006-09-12, 07:21 PM

I guess so, I patched her up a bit, I stopped fighting after I realized I had an unfair advantage.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:34 PM
"oh, because you can heal yourself. Yeah, she's big and strong and can bite like you wouldn't believe, though. Were you talking to her?"

2006-09-12, 07:35 PM

I was talking more along the lines of she can't hurt me, and I did talk to her for a while. She thought I was immortal.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:40 PM
*llama yips* "You can understand her? Great! See if she needs water or something. Where are your manners?"

2006-09-12, 07:45 PM

You hod no grudge?

*Gezina turns to Yandaha*

{Cat} Do you want some water?

2006-09-12, 07:46 PM
The lioness nods. {Cat} "Water would be nice."

2006-09-12, 07:50 PM

*Gezina fetches her some water*

2006-09-12, 07:51 PM
Yandaha laps it up thirstily.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:51 PM
*llama shrugs*

"I shouldn't hold a grudge, it wasn't anything personal. She was predator, I was prey. She has to kill and eat to live and she was hungry. I've done the same thing. I am lucky enough to have friends who care for me and have the power to bring me back. Also, she's promised not to eat me anymore, but I don't know why exactly. We reached an understanding, I think."

2006-09-12, 07:52 PM

Okay, if you say so.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 07:55 PM
"Should I be angry? I killed lots of carr-rabbits when I was hungry. It wasn't personal then. I just didn't want to die in a cage."

2006-09-12, 07:57 PM

Aren't llama's herbivores?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:01 PM
"We're supposed to be, and they were technically carrot kinda things that acted like rabbits." *Atreyu's mannerisms begin to show he's getting uncomfortable with this conversation*

2006-09-12, 08:02 PM

Well, I'm getting tired, goodnight.

*Gezina turns into a fox and finds a corner to sleep in*

2006-09-12, 08:03 PM
Rather abruptly, the lioness turns into a tawney werefox. {Vulpine} "Meep!"

((Shock the RAW!))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:06 PM
*atreyu lets out a bleat in shock*

"umm...ummm "

2006-09-12, 08:09 PM
Yandaha looks around wildly. Her tail bristles in alarm.

2006-09-12, 08:12 PM

*Gezina wakes up from Yandaha's outcry*

{Vulpine} Wait, how did I do that?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:18 PM
*Atreyu attempts to calm down the new werefox*
"It'll be okay. Calm down."
{vulpine} "Cat, calm."

2006-09-12, 08:22 PM
{Vulpine} "Calm?! How can I be calm when I have turned into a fox?!"

2006-09-12, 08:24 PM
((I thought only humanoids or giants could contract lycanthropy.))

2006-09-12, 08:25 PM
A very pissed off Lykan walks in, breaks a table in half, uses it to kill an NPC, and begins to eat it

2006-09-12, 08:25 PM
((That's why she said shock the raw))


{Vulpine} It's not that bad, you just need to learn to control it, I had to learn that as well. In time you'll be able to switch between lion and fox and you'll get an in between form as well.

2006-09-12, 08:26 PM
((So? ;)))

Yandaha looks at Lykan with alarm.

2006-09-12, 08:27 PM
Kerigan walks in to see what the pub is like, takes one step in and sees a Llama, a fox thing in the corner, another fox thing in the room looking out in surprise, and a Lycan eatting a patron.

... Kerigan turns around and walks out, Noting to never come there again.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:27 PM

*Atreyu slowly walks toward the lioness*

{broken vulpine} "you turn.... you turn to you"

*He relaxes when he sees Gez talking to the Lioness, but jumps to see Lykan kill a customer*

"Lykan, what the shock are you doing!" *He growls*

2006-09-12, 08:29 PM
Lykan snarls at the people staring at him


2006-09-12, 08:30 PM
Yandaha looks up at Ayreyu. {Vulpine} "What?"

2006-09-12, 08:30 PM
((works for me. SHOCK THE RAW!))

2006-09-12, 08:31 PM

*Gezina ignores ((Mirror I guess)) Lykan and repeats what she just saud*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:35 PM
Atreyu struggles for the words to talk to the former lioness

{Vulpine} "Thought...thinked..think big cat. turn big cat."

*He refocuses his attention on Lykan*

"You just killed a person and you're eating him. That's what. Gonna explain yourself?"

(bye kerigan. Its still technically safer than Trog's. :) )

2006-09-12, 08:35 PM

{Vulpine} "I just want to be normal. Is that too much to expect?" She abruptly turns into a lioness. {Cat} "Meep!"

2006-09-12, 08:36 PM

{Vulpine} Well, there is a cure but we need a proper healer, not someone like me.

2006-09-12, 08:37 PM
Lykan takes another bite of the dead NPC

Funny. A llama is telling me not to act like my natural self. Go back to your throne of glory you god wannabe.

2006-09-12, 08:39 PM
((I knew it!))

2006-09-12, 08:41 PM
((I knew it!))
[Gee, what tipped you off?]

2006-09-12, 08:42 PM
((Red lettering for me. I did the same with Destro's mirror.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-12, 08:42 PM
*The llama stares at Lykan in confusion.* "But you don't eat people and who are calling a god wan.....oh shock. You're not Lykan." *Atreyu starts backing away from the werewolf*

(hmmm..... so you all choose red text for the text of the evil versions of yourself, this is also the text color the Mods use whenever they moderate. perhaps subconsciusly you think the Mods are evil.)