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View Full Version : Help for a puzzle dungeon(Giacomo&Simone stay out)

2010-11-19, 04:52 AM
I have in mind a pretty cool idea for a dungeon but I'm not exactly sure how to use it a the maximum potential, any thoughts?

The idea is a shadow dungeon where everything is a shadow conjured (at 0%) so if you believe in the wall, the wall exist, if you disbelieve it, it disappear.
The same thing go for the floor and everything.

Idea that I've got is to make a sort of puzzle where you actively have to believe/disbelieve different part of the dungeon.

Ad example:
A bridge made of shadow water that you pass by swimming in it with the power of blind faith.
A flying monster that shoot at you standing under the floor (he did disbelieved the floor, but you can't because then you would fall hard)

The idea is to encourage creative thinking from the part of the players.
The Party:
Human Beguiler 5/Mindbender 1 with mindsight
Human Crusader 6 with shock trooper
Elf Archer 6(mix of warrior and ranger) with fierce bow (A&EG)

So any idea? Trap, monster, puzzle?

2010-11-19, 06:05 AM
A flying monster that shoot at you standing under the floor (he did disbelieved the floor, but you can't because then you would fall hard)

This does not work. If you disbelieve the floor you can see through it. However whether you disbelieve it or not, stepping on it will make you fall through.

Anyway, i had some sort of puzzle in a small dungeon i once made.

You see a door with a strange symbol on it. If you detect magic, you notice the door is magical. Touching the strange symbol will open the door.
Inside the room is an antimagic-field.

When the door opens dust is floating in the hallway behind it, slowly descending to the floor. (This is a small hint).

At the end of the hallway is a small room (25ft cube or so). There seems to be another hallway, but it's at the ceiling and 20 ft high is hard to reach.

When they search for options they find a small triangle in the middle of the floor. They also might notice small triangles on each of the four walls and the ceiling.
Touching the small triangle changes gravity to where the triangle is pointing, so one of the walls becomes the floor.
The first gravity change should not be a problem, they might fall 25 feet at most if they were unlucky.
However the triangle on the new floor (previously wall) will change gravity again (they might have realised that gravity will change in the direction the triangle is pointing, they might not), but this time they are in danger of falling into the hallway they entered earlier, making it a long drop down (how long is your decision). If they realised how the gravity will change, they can easily position themselves in a way that they will safely drop on the next wall instead of into the hallway.

A few gravity changes later they will be able to get into the hallway that was initially at the ceiling, and at the end of that hallway is another magical door, leading to the next puzzle.

2010-11-19, 07:36 AM
This does not work. If you disbelieve the floor you can see through it. However whether you disbelieve it or not, stepping on it will make you fall through.

Actually I said shadow conjuration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shadowconjuration.htm) in particular:

creatures who believe the shadow conjurations to be real are affected by them at full strength

So I believe that I can have a shadow bridge keeping them on if they choose to fail their will save.

Anyway, i had some sort of puzzle in a small dungeon i once made.
Nice one, I can make use of this.

2010-11-19, 07:43 AM
Actually I said shadow conjuration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shadowconjuration.htm) in particular:

So I believe that I can have a shadow bridge keeping them on if they choose to fail their will save.

Oops yes, i completely ignored part of your post, sorry.

2010-11-19, 10:05 AM
Forget who I got this from, but it was on here.

Have them enter a big, blank room. The ceiling has spikes on it.

In the middle of the room is a pedestal with an hourglass on it. The hourglass magically flips itself over, and begins to empty.

The entire room shakes, and they hear what sounds like the clinking of chains coming from the ceiling.

If they destroy the hourglass, it magically reforms itself.

The door on the other side opens when the hourglass runs out. The noise is counterweights opening the door.

My players struggled with this for an hour and a half.