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2006-11-18, 06:04 AM
((Curses, and right after I found the code too. Goodnight. Also: grumblegrumblesupernaturalentitiesgrumble))
Destro, on the other hand, is affected by the curse of the chess set. Thankfully (for him) he plays well enough to not have too many limbs turn into stone, and will be ablt to restore himself to full operational capacity later. For now, his player has discovered that it is 3 in the morning, and is going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

2006-11-18, 03:59 PM
Dragon flies into Destro's house and finds a place to curl up and sleep while he waits for Destro to come back. Luckily, he doesn't spot Blood's hoard...

((Boy, would she get angry if he took some...))

2006-11-18, 05:54 PM
Aesa gets up and vanishes, having lost interest in Destro's hoard of cursed and enchanted items.

2006-11-21, 02:23 AM
Destro is currently in the vault, taking inventory. After making sure that everything is still there and having a short discussion with Zchiz about why the axe is not a god he goes downstairs and into his study, passing by a sleeping Dragon as he does so. Once in his study he begins reading "A Short History of Everything."
((And I'm off for the night.))

2006-11-21, 02:41 PM
Destro is currently in the vault, taking inventory. After making sure that everything is still there and having a short discussion with Zchiz about why the axe is not a god he goes downstairs and into his study, passing by a sleeping Dragon as he does so. Once in his study he begins reading "A Short History of Everything."
((And I'm off for the night.))
((Doh. Missed you again.

And that book is sort of an oxymoron, you know.))

Dragon rolls over in his sleep.

((We are always on at different times. Stupid timezones. :smalltongue: ))

2006-11-21, 02:43 PM
((Blame Bill Bryson. It's a interesting book though.))

2006-11-21, 08:21 PM
((That it is. Very well written. And Destro does not care if it is an oxymoron.))
((Also, I am on for a while now, at least until dinner and probably after that.))

2006-11-21, 08:23 PM
((Good, I'm still on.))

Dragon yawns largely, his many teeth glinting in the light. He searches a bit for Destro, and finds him reading. Using the telepathic speech, still:

Umm...Destro? Could I talk to you?

2006-11-21, 08:25 PM
Destro looks up. Hello Dragon. Sure you can talk to me. He puts the rather large book he was reading onto his desk.

2006-11-21, 08:28 PM
Dragon sighs over the link. I think I want to leave the Town. As nice as it is, and the couple of friends I've made that I like, I want to go and... and, help others defeat the triplets so they can't experiment on other creatures. I...I know you can't come with me, but maybe I can come visit some time?

...I really think I need to do this, Destro. This is what will make me happy, to help others like me. He looks defiant, and behind his eyes is a trace of fiery stubbornness.

2006-11-21, 08:32 PM
Well, if that's what you have to do I can't and won't stop you. The triplets are immoral shockers and deserve to die anyways, so I even agree with your cause. Care for some advice though?

2006-11-21, 08:35 PM
He grins and seems to look a lot happier now, as if he is repaying a long-owed debt. Which, to him, he is. Absolutely, Destro.

2006-11-21, 08:40 PM
Ok. I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely. First, never let your guard down. Second, always remember to look up. And third, make a plan B. The best laid plans can and will go astray, so it helps to have backup. Destro grins. Give them hell from me, Dragon.

2006-11-21, 08:44 PM
Dragon listens very closesly, unconsciously leaning in as Destro talks. He soaks it all in, still swelling with pride. As best as he can, he picks up a clawed hand and salutes Destro. I'll take each and every of those to heart, Destro. See you later. He starts to walk out, but pauses at the door. I'll try to come visit soon. He waits until Destro says his goodbye, if any, and then walks out and takes off out of the house.

((Cookie for the reference, which you did half of.))

2006-11-21, 08:54 PM
Goodbye Dragon.

((Unfortunately I can't remember where it's from. Enlighten me?))

2006-11-21, 08:56 PM
((Harry Potter 5. Near the end, Fred and George tell Peeves to give Umbridge hell for them, and he salutes them.))

2006-11-21, 09:05 PM
((Oooo yeah... I remember that.))

2006-12-04, 12:03 AM
Blood appears in her storage room, and then her and her stash both disappear. A small note, magically stuck to the door of her former stash, reads:

I took my stash away. Thanks for keeping it all this time.

2006-12-06, 12:00 AM
Destro pops into existence and checks to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be. He takes the note off the door and nods, then puts it into a drawyer on a side table. He reminds himself to shift some of the stuff from downstairs into that room and heads into his study to read a book. Not surprisingly, the book is about trout.

2006-12-06, 10:01 PM
Blood appears in Destro's home. She snarls as she detects the note she left Destro. Right, let everyone know my stash isn't here. Just tell them where it is, why don'tcha? The note in the side drawer shrivels up in flames, but the fire does not burn anything. She hisses slightly at life in general, and then conjures up a puffy cushion and lies down for a nap. Normally she would ask Destro, but she figures he doesn't really care.

She can't help but think that the cushion doesn't feel as cushion-y as Llama. :smallfrown:

2006-12-07, 12:08 AM
Destro pops into existence in his study. He takes out a pen, ink and a piece of paper and starts writing. Reams of paper are used simply trying to find a good way to start. He eventually finds a way to phrase the things he wants said and grins. He puts the papers into his desk for later and heads off to his room to think. In the vault the laughing starts again...

2006-12-10, 02:46 PM
Blood disappears.

2006-12-10, 08:54 PM
A dimension door opens in the second floor storage room and Destro steps out. He shifts a couple boxes out of the way and waits for Dragon and/or Aesa.

((Ah, crap. Dinner would have to be right now... I hope you don't mind a short wait. If it's too much of an inconvenience, either Verdandi or Blood can NPC Destro as they see fit. Aesa: Destro will hand over Zchiz in exchange for something else interesting, or maybe for nothing if he can be convinced to. Blood: Destro will listen to whatever Dragon has to say to him, probably in his study.))

2006-12-10, 08:56 PM
Aesa steps through the portal and rustles her wings. She looks around with a smile.

2006-12-10, 08:56 PM
Dragon flops inside and does a flip, crushing his four wings, but is cushioned by his new black fur. He heaves a sigh of relief as he stands up, because his fur and blindness quickly fade. His wings begin to, but grow back once Aesa steps through. He groans.

2006-12-10, 08:59 PM
Aesa swiftly changes shape into a dragon that is near identical to Dragon. This better for you?

2006-12-10, 09:01 PM
((Got it, Destro.))

Dragon blinks twice as his extra wings disappear. Much better. Thank you.

2006-12-10, 09:04 PM
((I vote that Aesa just toys with Dragon until Destro comes back.))
Aesa smirks. So I guess I have control over your form. Hmm. That could be interesting.

2006-12-10, 09:06 PM
((That works.))

Dragon blanches. That wouldn't be very nice. He looks around for support, but seeing as Destro is held in a time suspension, he looks even more nervous.

2006-12-10, 09:08 PM
When did anyone claim I was nice? Ask Destro... he'll tell you that I turned two people into stone just for fun. I still have one of the statues, actually. Aesa grins widely. Now what can I do to you?

2006-12-10, 09:11 PM
Dragon whimpers slightly. His normally blue eyes fade into a gray (Destro's), though he doesn't notice.

((Be back in a second.))

2006-12-10, 09:15 PM
Aesa chuckles and turns into a night hag. Someone told me this was a fitting look for me.

2006-12-10, 09:16 PM
Dragon sits down, waiting for the expected. Nothing happens yet, though.

((What exactly does a night hag look like?))

2006-12-10, 09:19 PM
((Night Hag. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG193.jpg)))

2006-12-10, 09:22 PM
Dragon whimpers again as his scales begin to have the texture of skin, and his snout elongates. What's- y-your name? Dragon asks the mean lady.

2006-12-10, 09:23 PM
Aesa. The name would mean madness in the common tongue. Madness and the inciting of war.

2006-12-10, 09:26 PM
M-madness indeed! he says, scared, as his eyes become beady and his new skin becomes ragged.

Please...stop...I can't breathe...

2006-12-10, 09:28 PM
Aesa very slowly changes to her normal form.

2006-12-10, 09:30 PM
There is a slightly loud crack as Dragon reverts to his usual form, albeit with gray eyes. His scales start to turn into normal skin, halfway between Destro's and Aesa's. Oh, I hate this condition! His very short blue hair begins to turn the color of Aesa's. ((Black?))

2006-12-10, 09:33 PM
((Aesa is my sig avvie, so yes.))
Aesa watches him and chuckles. So what causes this?

2006-12-10, 09:36 PM
He looks very pitiful. I met a wizard who said he could cure my condition. The one where I couldn't talk. I could always speak telepathically, and even mind control people, but I traded in those for regular talking. Only problem is that he screwed up, and now this happens. I flew away from him to find Destro to help before I got his beard. He grimaces. He seems in pain from having skin instead of scales, and he cries out once or twice.

2006-12-10, 09:40 PM
How very fascinating. It makes me wonder just what he did. Aesa sketches a symbol in the air and chants a single word, and then begins to examine the magic affecting Blood.

2006-12-10, 09:42 PM
((Affecting Blood? You mean Dragon, right?

What's she casting?))

2006-12-10, 09:45 PM
((Whatever. Aesa is casting Analyze Dweomer, in DnD terms. In reality, she is simply sensing the flows of magic, and is not casting a spell at all.))

2006-12-10, 09:47 PM
((Okay then.))

Dragon is so filled to the brim with magic that the feeling of magic emanating from him is blinding. He struggles as he begins to look a lot like Destro and Aesa had a child who loves screaming.

2006-12-10, 09:51 PM
((That took longer than expected. sorry for the wait.))
Destro has by this time managed to get the vault open. Ah, security. Usefull, but annoying.

2006-12-10, 09:52 PM
((But what about that specific spell?))
Aesa tries to separate the different effects and figure out which is which.

2006-12-10, 09:54 PM
((But what about that specific spell?))
Aesa tries to separate the different effects and figure out which is which.
((Almost impossible, unless she had a lot of time to work. Dragon is not only a dragon (which in themselves are magical), but was born an experiment and has since gone through so many transformations that, well, he's a magical mess.))

Dragon heaves for breath with his new lungs. He is almost fully transformed.

2006-12-10, 09:55 PM
((Hey, respect the Norn power! She knows his past, present and future, knowing what spells affect him should be simple, and she only is looking for the one anyways.))

2006-12-10, 09:57 PM
((That's it, though. Everything he's went through (especially being altered in birth) has mixed together to have different effects. Like, say, a spell that gives him his speech back but takes away his psionic abilities also makes him turn into nearby things.))

2006-12-10, 10:00 PM
((If I explained Galdr, you'd know why that would not bother her in the slightest.))
If this was Galdr, I would call it well crafted, but this is mortal magic, and is a jumbled mess.

2006-12-10, 10:02 PM
Dragon could now be passed as a son of Aesa and Destro quite easily. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-10, 10:02 PM
Destro waits patiently for Aesa to finish finding out what's wrong with Dragon.

2006-12-10, 10:04 PM
((The spell was basically just a spell to trade in his psionic abilities for normal speech, only it went wrong. The wizard casting it meant no harm.))

2006-12-10, 10:05 PM
Aesa shakes her head. You are welcome to try, Destro, but if the arts of Seid cannot understand and see it, then you might have trouble.

2006-12-10, 10:13 PM
Still, it's worth a shot. Whatever's gone wrong, I'll have a look. Destro concentrates, searching for magical effects. He ignores the normal background magic from his house and everything in it.
((I'm assuming he finds Dragon to be the same jumble of magic effects Aesa found?))

2006-12-10, 10:14 PM
((Right. Dragon's a mess.))

He watches as they observe him. Can you fix me?

2006-12-10, 10:16 PM
Aesa smirks. Can you pull a single strand out of a ball of yarn?

2006-12-10, 10:18 PM
Maybe, maybe not. But that'll take a lot more time than Aesa's request, time I'll likely need to fix anything correctly. If you don't mind Dragon, I'll take care of Zchiz first.

2006-12-10, 10:21 PM
Dragon eyes Aesa, deciding he doesn't really like her. Yes please, he says to Destro, though he clamps his hand over his mouth as he says it in Destro's voice.

2006-12-10, 10:24 PM
Aesa chuckles. That really is an interesting effect. Now, about Zchiz. What would you like in trade?

2006-12-10, 10:25 PM
Well, as you know, I collect interesting magical things. Zchiz is one of the more interesting ones, and I'd like something else interesting in return. What could you offer?

2006-12-10, 10:28 PM
Aesa taps her magic rod against her hand, thinking.

2006-12-10, 10:29 PM
Oh, and another question. What would you use Zchiz for? Destro searches through some of the boxes in the storage room while Aesa thinks.

2006-12-10, 10:30 PM
Dragon speaks up. I'm not comfortable being a half-human half-valkyrie lich, you know! he says loudly.

2006-12-10, 10:32 PM
Depends on what we decided to do. I think I have something you might like. You will not get it anywhere else. Aesa snaps her fingers and a small crystal phial appears in her hand. It is filled with blackish water. She glances at Dragon. You are half norn, not half valkyrie. It looks the same though.

2006-12-10, 10:33 PM
You are half norn, not half valkyrie. It looks the same though.
((Sorry. I got valkyrie from your character description in the stickied thread.))

2006-12-10, 10:34 PM
Ack, sorry Dragon. You know where the study is, right? If it'll make you feel better you can wait there. Destro looks at the crystal phial. Something rare? What is it?

2006-12-10, 10:37 PM
Dragon grumbles a bit but walks on his new feet awkwardly downstairs.

Once he gets out of a certain range (about twenty feet), a louder-than-last-time popping noise occurs and he is a dragon once again. He sighs in relief and lies down.

2006-12-10, 10:38 PM
Aesa smiles sweetly. Water from the well of Mimir.

2006-12-10, 10:40 PM
And what does it do? Destro seems more interested now. He's found a long wooden box in one of the crates, and is holding it in one hand.

2006-12-10, 10:42 PM
It depends on how you use it. Drinking even a little will make one wiser, and if used for scrying, well, the results are extraordinary.
((Be right back.))

2006-12-10, 10:47 PM
((Crap. Gotta go. Finish it another time?))

Dragon falls asleep.

2006-12-10, 10:48 PM
This intrigues me. If you'll wait just a moment... Destro heads into the vault, carrying the box. Laughter floats out to meet him, and he is soon lost from sight behind shelves full of magical oddities. He emerges a short while later, carrying a large axe instead of the box. The axe has little flickering lights running along the haft, which seem to flow from a large blue gem set in the hilt. It is notched in many places, and a flaky crust of dark red material coats the blade. Destro is holding it with both hands, and it seems to be struggling to get free. Well, here he is. We sees you, we does. Come back for Zchiz have you?

2006-12-10, 10:57 PM
Aesa smiles slowly. I have.

2006-12-10, 11:01 PM
Maybe we won't be lonely anymore, Hmm? Have someone to talk to. Not like this one. He doesn't listen to us. We are death, and he chained us. but we are free now. Destro shakes his head. I think it's a fair trade. You still want him?

2006-12-10, 11:03 PM
Aesa inclines her head. I think I do.

2006-12-10, 11:08 PM
Alright. Here. One crazy axe for you, one bottle of unique water for me. We aren't crazy! You're crazy! We're the only ones who aren't crazy! Ahahahahahahahaha! Destro hands Zchiz over to Aesa and (hopefully) gets the phial of water in return.

2006-12-10, 11:10 PM
Aesa takes Zchiz and hands over the vial. Why not say you are crazy and are simply better for it?

2006-12-10, 11:12 PM
Because we aren't. We kill and destroy, but it is what we were made for. Death, We tell you. Death Incarnate! Destro closes the vault and carefully puts the phial into a pocket.

2006-12-10, 11:15 PM
I know death and insanity very well. Aesa hooks the axe on her belt.

2006-12-10, 11:18 PM
Good, good. We'll stay with you then. He never used us for our purpose. Kept us chained up, he did.

2006-12-10, 11:24 PM
Aesa smirks. Well, I suppose that is that, Destro.

2006-12-10, 11:30 PM
I suppose it is. The dimension door is still open, if you'd like to go back to the tavern. I should go see what dragon wanted.

((Also, as Zchiz is now yours, you get to think up what he says. It's quite fun))

2006-12-10, 11:34 PM
Aesa nods and places one hand on Zchiz. The axe is oddly silent now. I doubt he wants my assistance, so I suppose I will take my leave. Aesa goes through the dimension door.

2006-12-10, 11:38 PM
That's odd, I've never known him to shut up for long. Destro shrugs and walks over to where Dragon was, and discovers that he's asleep. Well that's that. I guess I'll have to fix this later. He then turns around and goes back through the dimension door, which closes behind him.
Destro appears in his study much later. Sometimes I really wish I could sleep... He shrugs and pulls a book about meditation off one of the shelves. He then sits in his chair and opens the book, beginning to read.

2006-12-12, 11:13 PM
((Dragon and Destro both in the study...))

Dragon, or rather an exact likeness of Destro, continues to snore slightly, leaning against a wall.

((Sorry Destro, I can't find a good time to finish this.))

2006-12-12, 11:18 PM
((Ack! Forgot to post that I left here... Destro is currently in Trog's. Hope that doesn't throw anything off...))
((And anytime I'm on, unless I'm preoccupied, is a good time. You want Hrafn to talk to Dragon?))

Destro pops into existence in the workshop and unpacks a large number of bottles filled with and odd metal. You know, I forgot to tell Kenyon about the acid thing... He writes something on a piece of paper and drops it. Before it hits the ground it's gone. He then proceeds to try every test he can think of to determine the exact properties of the metal, whether it's naturally occuring or artificial, and how to manufacture it if it's artificial.

2006-12-13, 04:46 PM
((In that case, Dragon will alternate between looking like himself, Destro, Hrafn, or a mixture of them. :smallwink:

Stupid timezones and sleeping habits. We're never on at the same time when we need to be.))

2006-12-13, 10:40 PM
((Well, my problem is that I work now. Lot less free time... :smallfrown: I'm here now though))

Destro pops out of existence, deciding to have a drink before continuing his attempt to learn more about the metal.

2006-12-17, 02:08 AM
((Ok, this is not actually in Destro's house, but I don't have a seperate thread for it.))

A portal opens, the other side showing a tavern. CT and Destro step through and Destro pushes the button on his rod again. The portal closes.

2006-12-17, 02:10 AM
holy cow! destro, this... this... this is a blast!!! i havent had this much fun in a while!!! who are your new playmate3s? i like their game.

2006-12-17, 02:13 AM
Those were the Nine, and a few others. Be glad they can't get in here. The landscape around them is blasted, the brown earth devoid of living vegetation. Mountains rise in the distance, monoliths against a grey sky. A lake filled with brackish water sits off to the left, and a forest of stones rises to the right. Destro walks across the land, picking has way around sharp stones and dead bushes.

2006-12-17, 02:15 AM
the kender cast fly, and floats above the rubble at eye-level

do we have any other allies? i noticed that there are a bit more people than we expected

2006-12-17, 02:19 AM
I don't know CT, I just don't know. Destro reaches a flat grey stone on the ground with nothing on it but a handprint impression.

2006-12-17, 02:21 AM
well, i think we can rely on S'vreeem and Ireth. if they notice i'm gone.... i never apologized to tem after my 'episode'. perhaps not.

is there any way we could get in contact with the outside world?

2006-12-17, 02:25 AM
There will be soon... Destro kneels down and places his hand over the impression in the stone. Tiny runes light up all over the stone, and miniature channels carved in the rock begin glowing, blue light spreading from Destro's palm.

2006-12-17, 02:26 AM
the kender, bobing and floating silently, watches in awe

2006-12-17, 02:31 AM
The blue glow spreads out from the rock, trailing out to points and flowing back to make a square centered on the rock. Then they spread further, making strange curling shapes and filling runes all along the ground. Soon a large area is filled. The the glow starts to move upwards. It flows up a good forty feet before spreading out again, this time taking on a shape. It looks a little bit like a house...


Back on the material plane blue glowing energy seeps out from within the bricks of Destro's house.

2006-12-17, 02:32 AM
oo! is that where we sleep?

2006-12-17, 02:35 AM
You can sleep if you want. I have some things I still have to do. The blue energy flows around nonexistent windowframes and bricks, looking more and more like a building with each passing second. As with below it spreads out from its individual lines, forming a latticework of energy around the air.

The glow around the house becomes almost blinding, enveloping the building completely.

2006-12-17, 02:37 AM
well, sure. kenders need sleep. but i am beginning to wonder whether or not you do....

anyways, in the morning i can prepare some spells that will let me talk to s'vreeem and ireth. i might have a good plan.

but sleep seems like a fun idea.

2006-12-17, 02:42 AM
What would you say if I told you I don't? Destro smiles to himself and watches as, with a blinding flash of blue light, his house appears floating in the air above them.

An identical flash occurs on the material plane. When it fades Destro's house is gone.

2006-12-17, 02:52 AM
serffff.... kremble soufla grmmmblrg

was the kenders reply. it floated into the air and found a bed-like area where it fell asleep, clutching its towel.

2006-12-17, 02:54 AM
Destro floated up and into his house, smiling at the Kender's reply. He walked down the hall to his workshop and paced for a while before finally getting to work. If he was going to fight the Nine he'd need some serious backup...

2006-12-17, 06:19 PM
the kender wakes up. it looks around, and spends the next hour or so exploring the house and then the countryside

2006-12-17, 09:18 PM
((Serious backup? Is that a subtle hint to have the heroes unite against the villains?))

((Not quite... Just a little foreshadowing :smallbiggrin:))
Destro spends the entirety of the day working. The door to the workshop is kept closed, and odd noises occasionally sound from within. The house is likely much more interesting to the Kender than the countryside. The countriside is dead and barren, but the house is filled with all manner of interesting and likely dangerous things.

2006-12-17, 09:25 PM
Vael and Calpurnia, who look like Bob and Jill, appear in Destro's study.

2006-12-17, 09:27 PM
Calpurnia makes a baffled sound. "That's, um, just too weird. I'm, um, surprised you, um, don't fall over, um, all the time."

2006-12-17, 09:27 PM
Hrafn stares down at them from his perch above the door. What, Is your name?

2006-12-17, 09:27 PM
((dangerous!?!?! so there!!!:smallbiggrin: :smallwink: :smallcool: :smallbiggrin: ))

the kender has found a number of things in its pouch that wasnt there before it entered the house. it doesnt know what star wars is,, or what a thermal detinator can do. but it looks like a fun toy, so it keeps it to play with later.

it eventually wonders when it would get home, where its tissue box was, and if anyone missed it. but then there was an explosion and the kender was excited to find that some powder was flamable, and could make loud fiery booming noises.

2006-12-17, 09:29 PM
Vael smiles and dispels their glamer.
I am Vael, and this is Calpurnia.

2006-12-17, 09:31 PM
((Aww, man! The Kender found my gunpowder...:smallbiggrin:))
Hrafn turns his head to stare at them sideways. What, is your quest?

2006-12-17, 09:31 PM
Calpurnia examines her hind legs to make sure she can see them again. She sighs with relief when she sees that she can. She elects to let Vael answer the questions.

2006-12-17, 09:34 PM
the kender hears the questioning and looks outside

vael! calpernia! stop talking to the boring thing and come play with my fire-dust!!

2006-12-17, 09:36 PM
Vael blinks.
We seek the Crazy Destro.

2006-12-17, 09:38 PM
What, is theairspeedvelocityofanunladenswallow? This last question is spoken very fast.

2006-12-17, 09:39 PM
11 meters per second. Thats about 24 miles per hour.

2006-12-17, 09:39 PM
"But- African or European swallow?" interjects Calpurnia.

2006-12-17, 09:40 PM
the kender shouts out

we already have one! hey, destro, i told the kenigits we already had one!! tehe!

((brave, brave sir calpurnia bravely ran away!))

2006-12-17, 09:41 PM
Hrafn looks a little dissapointed that they knew the answer. Well allright. I suppose you can see him. He hops off the perch and flies down the hallway, landing on the workshop doorframe.

Hehe. Have one what?

2006-12-17, 09:41 PM
I assumed European.
He follows Hrafn.
((That is actually a true, rather accurate estimate))

2006-12-17, 09:44 PM
the kender, holding a bowl full of gunpowder with a lit fuse walks down the hallway towards calpurnia and vael

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to.... hey, whats up? i am sure glad you guys are here. destro locked himself up all day and i was sooo boooored untile i found this stuff!

the fuse is dangerously low. you notice that one of the kenders fingers is already missing.

2006-12-17, 09:45 PM
"Oh." she follows Vael.

2006-12-17, 09:48 PM
Destro? Destro's voice, a little muffled by the door that happens to be in the way, replies. What? Someone here to see you. A Vael and Calpurnia. What? How'd they get here? Alright, let them in. The door clicks and swings open.

2006-12-17, 09:50 PM
Vael suddenly gets paralyzed as his player runs away for a moment.

2006-12-17, 09:52 PM
Calpurnia is briefly seized by a desire to draw on Vael's face, but masters the urge. She enters Destro's workshop.

2006-12-17, 09:55 PM
the kender tries to enter the workshop. unfortunatley, the force of the explosion propelled it away rather than towards destros hiding place.


the kender is slammed into the far wall, covered in soot. because it was an open explosion, the kender isnt hurt. just shaken. alot.

2006-12-17, 09:57 PM
The workshop is filled with all manner of things. Bits of metal are strewn across the floor. There is a scorch mark near the door, and several skeletons standing against one wall. Two very tall constructs made of dark stone and inlaid with runes of gold are moving around fetching things and putting other things away. Destro himself is bent over a workbench in one corner, a bottle of something visible on the bench beside him.

((Dinner, back soon))

2006-12-17, 10:00 PM
Calpurnia manages to scoot into the workshop before the explosion hits. Her tail switches as she observes the skeletons with a nervous eye.

2006-12-17, 10:11 PM
Vael manifests Evade Burst and dodges out of the way.
Watch out!

2006-12-17, 10:16 PM
the kender coughs and gets up

wow! that was a blast!!! anyone want to do that agian? i found a huge barrel out in the other room!

2006-12-17, 10:17 PM
Not a good idea.

2006-12-17, 10:19 PM
The Kender found my gunpowder, didn't he? Destro doesn't turn around.

2006-12-17, 10:21 PM
"Um, looks like it."

2006-12-17, 10:23 PM
the kender skips in

destro, you didnt play with me all day! i hope you made something interesting to make up for it. oh, calpurnia, how is my tissue box doing?

2006-12-17, 10:27 PM
((Calpurnia is going to tell the kender how its tissue box is doing. I, unfortunately, have to go. G'night.))

2006-12-17, 10:29 PM
Vael smiles and looks to Destro and Cabbage Theif.
So, apparently the Nine have joined forces with the Master. Also, CT, there is some odd psionic creature after you.

2006-12-17, 10:29 PM
That would depend upon your definition of interesting, but I certainly find it to be so. Destro turns around, the workbench still mostly hidden from view. He doesn't seem to have bothered with his disguise today, allowing everyone to see what he really looks like. The Nine have joined with the Master? That doesn't sound good. Destro would stop grinning, but he can't.

2006-12-17, 10:32 PM
what? a psionic? oh. oh, dear.

the kender stops acting like a child. mostly

how did he find me here? no matter. we need to make certain that he doesnt join up with the others, or else that will become all the worse. his powers become stronger the more people he is around. and if he has a whole team.... he will be strong.

nice teeth, destro

((goodnight, calpernia!))

2006-12-17, 10:34 PM
Vael nods and looks to CT.
And um, it was a tissue box that told me this... does that mean anything to you, or am I insane?

2006-12-17, 10:36 PM
naah, that just means that Squishy is finally done with being shy. Squishy is a sweety, once she opens up and gets to know you.

anyways, i found an attic that i want to explore. i am full on spells of protection just let me know when you want them! treasures, here i come!!!

((i think i am going to follow calpernias example. we stayed up late last night and i need sleep))

2006-12-17, 10:37 PM
Thanks. Destro seems mildly amused, though its difficult to tell. He turns back to the workbench and takes something off it. Destro also thinks that its a particularily good thing only he can get into the vault. There's a storage room full of fun boxes for the Kender up there, but they don't contain anything deadly. For the most part.

2006-12-17, 10:38 PM
Vael shakes his head.
The world gets more insane every day...

2006-12-17, 10:45 PM
That it does. Destro turns back around. So, how'd you get here?

2006-12-17, 10:47 PM
Teleported. Why, is there some ward against that?

2006-12-17, 10:48 PM
No, but I suggest you look outside. Destro gestures to the window. We aren't in Kansas anymore... He chuckles quietly and picks up the bottle on the workbench.

2006-12-17, 10:51 PM
Vael looks outside and raises an eyebrow.
Good thing I did not teleport to the outside of your house.

2006-12-17, 10:54 PM
You would have found quite a lot of empty space and not so much house. Welcome to my Demiplane. Destro hands the bottle to one of the runic guardians and looks down at what he's holding. It seems to be a shapeless shirt made of an odd greenish material.

2006-12-17, 10:56 PM
Vael tries to rub at his forehead, but finds it blocked by his psionic third eye. He grimaces, but does not remove it.

2006-12-17, 10:58 PM
Well, now my questions are answered. Is there any reason you wanted to speak to me? Destro tries the greenish shirt on, and it shifts to fit him. And yes, he does manage this without removing his cloak or his robe. How he does this is not apparent.

2006-12-17, 11:01 PM
We just were looking for CT.

2006-12-17, 11:03 PM
I see. Well, he was here. Now.. Destro pokes the shirt, which reforms slightly to resist the poke.

2006-12-17, 11:04 PM
Vael looks at it curiously.

2006-12-17, 11:07 PM
Perhaps you remember the golems who were in trogs with that one metal guy? Do you also remember how the golems fought?

2006-12-17, 11:07 PM
Vael nods.
You're trying to recreate that effect?

2006-12-17, 11:12 PM
I didn't have to. Destro points at the bottle that was on the workbench, now placed on a shelf next to several similar bottles. Those things were completely filled with the stuff. I put a bunch of it in bottles. It was kind of tough figuring out how to work it though.

2006-12-17, 11:14 PM
How does it work?

2006-12-17, 11:16 PM
No idea how it works. I meant how to work with it. It's natural form is a liquid, and it has to be specially treated to make it solid.

2006-12-17, 11:17 PM
I see. Mind if I take a look at some? And how does it turn solid?

2006-12-17, 11:20 PM
Sure. Destro reaches towards one of the bottles on the shelf and it flies across the room and into his hand. He passes it to Vael. It has to be treated with some sort of chemical. I was able to find out what kind, but it took me a couple days.

2006-12-17, 11:21 PM
What kind?
Vael looks over the vial and then drops out the contents, holding it in the air with telekinesis.

2006-12-17, 11:28 PM
Would you believe Lye? The metal is held in the air, an amorphous blob.

2006-12-17, 11:29 PM
Really? Thats odd.
Vael brings it slightly closer and uses what little he knows about alchemy to examine it and determine what it does.

2006-12-17, 11:33 PM
It's a metal, liquid at room temperature. It seems to be able to determine what kind of thing it was damaged by if it is ever damaged, and thereafter gains a kind of immunity to that form of damage. Very odd, I thought. Destro examines the shirt, looking for something.

2006-12-17, 11:35 PM
Vael nods.
And is the shirt the same material?

2006-12-17, 11:37 PM
It is. I've made others, but this was the most sucessful so far. That stuff is very easy to work with when its a liquid. Destro points at a pile of green things in the corner, most of which appear to be extremely rigid shirts. Some of them are half melted.

2006-12-17, 11:39 PM
Vael nods.
How interesting... I believe I could find use for this.

2006-12-17, 11:42 PM
No doubt. Have a bottle of it if you want. There's lots. Plus the metal is artificial, and I'm very close to figuring out how to make it. Destro starts using very minor versions of spells on the shirt, damaging it a little each time, but not much.

2006-12-17, 11:46 PM
Vael looks at the shirt.
Any types of spells you don't have?

2006-12-17, 11:49 PM
Not a lot. I didn't prepare any acid today though, but I could always just switch one of my fire spells. Although.. Destro thinks for a second. You wouldn't happen to have any mildly damaging light, would you? Or any of the non-standard energy types really.

2006-12-17, 11:51 PM
Hmmm... you've used force, fire, cold, electricity, and disentegrate, correct?

2006-12-17, 11:52 PM
That about covers it. Anything you've got that I didn't use?

2006-12-17, 11:54 PM
Vael sends a small jet of sonic energy at the shirt, considers, then uses a Matter Agitation on it. He pauses.
I do have something else... but it might just tear it apart too quickly.

2006-12-17, 11:59 PM
It shouldn't matter. You can test it on one of the rejects first though if you want to. Destro pulls one of the solid and unwearable shirts from the pile in the corner.

2006-12-18, 12:00 AM
Vael looks around.
Is there anything in here that will be damaged by an extremely potent storm?

2006-12-18, 12:04 AM
Hmmm. Destro nods to the two runic guardians, and they gather up all the skeletons and leave the room. Destro surrounds the walls with walls of force, blocking them off from damage. Not anymore.

2006-12-18, 12:05 AM
Very well then. Might want to prepare yourself. This is one of my most powerful psionic effects. Vael brings up a shimmering ward of energy around himself.

2006-12-18, 12:07 AM
Sure. Destro tosses the reject shirt on the ground and steps back. He steps into one corner and puts another wall of force around himself.

2006-12-18, 12:10 AM
Vael manifests Tornado Blast, targeting the shirt for the primary effect. The winds rage around the room, tearing at everything.

2006-12-18, 12:15 AM
The shirt gets thrown around the room, bouncing off walls and the like. Once the effect ends it settles on the floor, somewhat mangled.

2006-12-18, 12:16 AM
Vael raises an eyebrow.
I've tried that on adamantine to greater effect.

2006-12-18, 12:21 AM
Destro drops his wall of force. Like I said. Unusual metal. He picks up the shirt. Now, how to get a chunk of this off...

2006-12-18, 12:24 AM
Oh wait, you said you needed acid?

2006-12-18, 12:29 AM
Yeah, but at the one I'm wearing. And not too much, either.

2006-12-18, 12:32 AM
Vael nods and sends a very small (1d6) ray of acid at it.

2006-12-18, 12:36 AM
The shirt takes it, and starts being eaten away. Then it stops. Hah! I was hoping it had worked. Destro grins.

2006-12-18, 12:38 AM
So it did work?

2006-12-18, 12:42 AM
Regiji steps in off The Street (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29268&page=26), glancing up at the wood and stone structure hovering a fair distance from the earth below, then back to the wooden sign-post stuck in the ground.

"Are you sure this is the place?" he asks out-loud incredulously. "It's far less... exploded then I would have expected."

The class 5 event was detected here. the voice in his head responds, sounding equally uncertain. Maybe they contained it somehow?


Regiji strikes the gong, not entirely certain of what will transpire next.

2006-12-18, 12:45 AM
Yes, yes it di... Hang on. Destro informs Hrafn that someone is back at the site of the house in town. Hrafn flies off to find a nimblewright. The nimblewright gets planeshifted back to Town by Destro.

Someone in a black robe materialises next to the gong. Hello?

2006-12-18, 12:49 AM
((Oh uhm, the house kinda got shift into another plane a few pages back man))

Vael raises an eyebrow.

2006-12-18, 12:51 AM
Someone hit the gong back at the main site. I sent that nimblewright, disguised as me, because whoever it is might want me dead.

2006-12-18, 12:53 AM
Sounds like a good precaution.

2006-12-18, 12:58 AM
Destro shrugs. I do what I have to. Nimblewrights are replaceable, and I am not.

2006-12-18, 01:00 AM
Vael nods.
Very true.

2006-12-18, 01:06 AM
((Erk, sorry about that. An edit on the first page would have helped =P I'll modify my other post accordingly))

Regiji jumps as the cloaked figure suddenly pops into view. He was expecting a beam of light to suck him into space or some such, not have a doorman materialize out of nowhere.

It just got 'ported in. the voice in his head informs him.

"Thanks, I noticed."

There's a well worn path in continuum here, it's possible the event I picked up leaked through. It would explain the not-exploded surroundings.

"Thanks for the tip, Sal." Regiji glances at the sign, then at the black-robed person standing before him. "I, umm, are you..." Regiji glances back at the sign again. "Destro Yersul?"

2006-12-18, 01:11 AM
((Yeah, I realized I'd forgotten soon after you posted. It is now fixed))
Well, this should be immune to most attacks now. I think I'll test its second function. Destro continues searching for something.

Yes. May I ask why you need my services?

2006-12-18, 01:13 AM
Vael waits, twiddling his thumbs.

2006-12-18, 01:16 AM
Hah, found it. Destro seems to have located what he was looking for. He mumbles something, and the shirt he's wearing expands, flowing along his arms and over his head. Soon he is entirely encased in the strange metal, except for his cloak. And that worked too.

2006-12-18, 01:19 AM
Vael raises an eyebrow. He thinks that they have been getting quite the workout recently.

2006-12-18, 01:21 AM
Oh how I love being indestructible. Destro does a happy dance and hands Vael a trout.

2006-12-18, 01:22 AM
Vael shakes his head and refuses the trout.
There are still things that can be done against you.

2006-12-18, 01:26 AM
Well, yes. But the amount of them that are feasible just significantly decreased. Seeing as the trout was refused Destro tosses it onto the floor, where it sprouts legs and copies the happy dance.

2006-12-18, 01:27 AM
Transformation would take you out fairly quickly.

2006-12-18, 01:28 AM
How would it do that, exactly? Destro and the trout cease the happy dance.

2006-12-18, 01:33 AM
Because I could simply transform the metal into something else? That doesn't really harm it, so I'm not sure it could resist.

2006-12-18, 01:34 AM
What sort of "something else?"

2006-12-18, 01:37 AM
Like, say, a normal shirt?

2006-12-18, 01:37 AM
Regiji blinks, not having expected to have the store's manager show up of all people. At this point simply bombarding the poor man would be rude, it is a place of business after all. He would need to make a transaction.

Or something.

"Yes! You may ask that. And in fact, I'll tell you before you even ask. I have a... scroll. That needs copying. And maybe translating too. I don't know if you do that here."

Regiji fishes a scroll tube out his unassuming (and quite mundane) backpack. To be honest it's nothing more than a long rant he had written on the parchment about how bad of an idea he thought it would be to drop him in the middle of this place, but due to the fact he had written it in a tongue not exactly native to, well, the entire reality he was pretty certain it wouldn't be deciphered.

Unless they have, like, divination wizards here, or something crazy like that.

"Yes, here it is." Regiji says brightly upon extracting the scroll. "I found this. While... adventuring. I was hoping to get a copy of it made."

He pauses, then adds as casually as is possible, "You know, I think I might have gotten... teleported to the wrong place, can you tell me where I am?"

...Your ruses suck Regiji.


2006-12-18, 01:45 AM
Indeed, that would completely mess up my plans. I'll have to work on that, thanks for bringing it to my attention. The metal flows back into a shirt, which Destro removes and places on the workbench.

Yes, translation can be done. And copying, in fact. It's my business, you know. Nimblewright-Destro smiles and takes the scroll. And this is The Town. NBW-D lightly taps the scroll against the gong, and it vanishes. I'll get right on that.

2006-12-18, 01:46 AM
Vael smiles.
I try and think of every... sort of detail... myself...
He suddenly seems to become unfocused.

2006-12-18, 01:55 AM
Yes, well. I thought I'd though of.. Vael?

2006-12-18, 01:58 AM
Vael narrows his eyes, but they seem distant. His lips move slightly as he mutters somethign quietly.
We would... request... Vael. Substantially... our resources...

2006-12-18, 02:01 AM
Umm, what's going on?

2006-12-18, 02:03 AM
Vael blinks and shakes his head.
I'm sorry, what?

2006-12-18, 02:07 AM
"The Town, huh? I guess I'm right on course then."

Told you. And if you're going to ask about the event try to be subtle about it.

"I was just wondering..." Regiji begins, tapping his two index fingers together. "Someone wasn't, oh I don't know, tossing around eldritch powers warping the very fabric of space either here or on a nearby parallel plane in the past few minutes?" Regiji then smiles innocently for added effect.

That wasn't very subtle...

2006-12-18, 02:09 AM
Oh, you went all distant for a second there.

Well, yes actually. I did.

2006-12-18, 02:12 AM
Oh. I did? How odd.
Vael looks rather disturbed.

2006-12-18, 02:18 AM
Yes. Mumbled something about resources and yourself.

2006-12-18, 02:19 AM
That... is...
Vael is obviously struggling to make any kind of sense out of this.

2006-12-18, 02:22 AM
Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's something to do with an ongoing plot and nothing can be found out about it at this time.

2006-12-18, 02:22 AM
"Oh? Well..." Regiji seems somewhat surprised. Apparently this kind of thing is trivial here. He glances up at the vacant spot above the sign again.

"I suppose that must be a pretty normal goings on in 'The Town' then? Would it be all right if I came inside the... shop which is apparently... around? I would like to see how you stopped the continuum from telescoping in on itself after hurling the aforementioned eldritch powers."

Regiji stares at the vacant spot again.

"If that would be acceptable. I should also pay for your services, right?"

2006-12-18, 02:22 AM
Vael glares at him.

2006-12-18, 02:34 AM

Yes, payment would be good. NBW-D rings the gong, and vanishes, planeshifting back to the house. Regiji gets to go with him if he so wishes.

2006-12-18, 02:36 AM
*Points at the poor, mutilated fourth wall*

2006-12-18, 02:39 AM
Oh, all right. Destro repairs the fourth wall, and sends it on its way.

2006-12-18, 02:41 AM
It cries and goes to its very, very rich psychiatrist.
Vael twiddles his thumbs.

2006-12-18, 02:55 AM
Regiji nods as the manager vanishes back into the ether. Well, at least until he pops back into the demiplane he left for.

"It isn't a magical teleporter, is it?" Regiji ask aloud, somewhat uncertain.

It most certainly is. Though you needn't worry about burning it out, I have the target for the shift pinpointed and the array is primed. We may depart whenever you are ready.

"They managed to fit a DQF array in this tiny body? Wow, they certainly have gotten smaller. I guess I'm as ready as I'll be, just try not to stick me in a wall."

I'll do my best.

Regiji winks out, shifting back into existence at roughly the same destination as the 'manager'. 'Roughly' because he is currently 'standing' on the ceiling. Which, needless to say, is a situation that quickly rectifies itself.

Regiji gathers himself off the floor and glances about.

"Nice place you have here..."

2006-12-18, 02:58 AM
Thank you. NBW-D walks down the hall and into the workshop, shifting back to its normal form as soon as it's around the corner. Destro already has the scroll in his hand, as well as having removed the shirt.

2006-12-18, 03:03 AM
Vael watches, his eyes glowing a faint green.

2006-12-18, 03:15 AM
Regiji follows NBW-D down the hallway, admiring the none too slack selection of odds and ends. As he rounds the corner himself he continues on toward the workshop, calling after NBW-D as he does.

"I was wondering when you were going to drop that odd disguise," he says, not paying much attention to the scroll holding actual Destro. "That gilding on your plating looks amazing, I can't imagine why you would want to hide it. Unless... the people in the Town have something against gears. Seems like an odd prejudice considering all the odd stuff that must be common around here."

Regiji pokes his head into the workshop.

"So, are you going to have that apprentice guy translate the scroll? Should I give the money to him?" Regiji asks, pointing back at Destro.

2006-12-18, 03:21 AM
That was a precaution. The town has nothing against gears, but I'd rather I was safe. Actual Destro steps forward. I will be translating the scroll myself. It shouldn't take long. He starts reading the scroll, despite the fact that it's written in a language he's never seen before.

2006-12-18, 03:25 AM
Vael taps his fingers together, his eyes still glowing.

2006-12-18, 03:34 AM
Regiji does a double take upon Destro speaking up, his train of thought now little more than a steaming heap of twisted iron.

I knew it wasn't him all along.


"Oh. I. Eerr. Why would a city's document copier need to worry about getting mauled outside his store? Did you make too many typographical errors in an important transcript or something?"

2006-12-18, 03:37 AM
There are a number of wizards after him, for who knows what reason.

2006-12-18, 03:39 AM
Because of the Nine. a parchment appears, floating in midair. Destro starts copying the scroll onto it, and is done shortly. How will you be paying? The fee for a single scroll isn't very large, but still. He passes Regiji the original scroll. And what need do you have for a rant about how horrible a certain place is likely to be, and why no-one should have to go there? Destro passes him the other scroll as well, written in common. Unless of course you didn't know that's what it was. It's certainly no language I've seen...

2006-12-18, 03:51 AM
"'The Nine?' Sounds like one of those ominous orders of people who control everything from the shadows," Regiji says absent mindedly, then adds hastily, "Not that I would know anything about that."


"Wow, you actually translated it? I didn't thin..."

*The voice in Regiji's head gives him the mental equivalent of an elbow to the ribs.*

"I mean... Thanks, I guess it didn't turn out to be that useful after all. Was hoping it would detail the directions to a lost city... or something. I found it. While adventuring. Most of the time stuff written in languages no one knows found while adventuring turns out to be important."

"As for the payment... I guess gold would do, right?"

It's the yellow colored B1 group metal.

I know what it looks like!

2006-12-18, 03:54 AM
Vael watches him carefully, his eyes glowing a little a brighter.

2006-12-18, 03:55 AM
Yes, gold is fine. And the Nine are that sort of order. It's too bad it wasn't useful. And that is generally true. I wonder why it wasn't...

((Oh, and just so you know, Destro is a lich. He looks like he's died, been left to rot for a couple weeks, and re-animated))
((Also: Welcome to the Town))

2006-12-18, 04:10 AM
"Just one of those mysteries I guess," Regiji says as he stuffs the scrolls back into the case and the case into his backpack, he then digs out a roughly thermos-sized cylindrical piece of metal with a dull finish. "How much, exactly, is the fee for the scroll?"

You still need to ask about the class five event I picked up.

"Oh! That's right! I asked your gear friend about this before, but I don't know if he relayed the question to you. Was someone here tearing the place up with some high powered eldritch forces? I mean, I would expect the place to look like a tornado came through, but apparently it was contained somehow?"

((Thanks for the welcome. Regiji looks like a fairly non-descript human. Except if viewed under magically (or psionically) enhanced sense. In which case he wouldn't appear to be there at all.))

2006-12-18, 04:16 AM
Just give me one gold piece. That will cover it. Destro grins his deaths-head grin and holds out one hand. You know, it's funny you should say that. A tornado quite literally did come through here. But it was contained. By me, if you want to know.

2006-12-18, 04:18 AM
Vael waves a hand.
The tornado was my doing.

2006-12-18, 04:28 AM
"Interesting... I don't suppose you would show me how you contained it? Or how it was manifested in the first place? And why, if you don't mind me asking, were you two unleashing such destructive forces up here. You don't appear to be in any danger"

He pauses thinking for a moment, then unscrews the top of the metal cylinder. Regiji gives it a shake or two until a single gold piece rolls out. He hands off the coin to Destro, seemingly oblivious to the lich's appearance.

"By chance, are there four cardinal elements here?"

2006-12-18, 04:34 AM
The four elements are water, fire, earth and air. The reason for the destructiveness was we were testing something. And the way they were contained was walls of force. The walls of force were mine. Destro takes the gold.

2006-12-18, 04:39 AM
We were experimenting on a rather unique type of metal.

2006-12-18, 05:04 AM
"Four... Just like the other realm. Odd," Regiji stares blankly at the floor for a bit then puts the metal cylinder away.

Stop thinking out loud. We've got the information we were looking for, I'll note it in the report. The array has recharged and we should be going.

"Well, thanks for translating that apparently useless scroll. I'm sure my partners will be disappointed. I guess I'll be on my way, because if those world controlling wizards decide to blow up your fortress of solitude I would rather not get caught in the crossfire. Hard to adventure while dismembered."

Ok, shift us out of here. My impending doom sense is tingling something fierce. And try to keep me on the ground this time.

I'll do my best!

Do your... bester... this time.

Regiji winks out of existence, popping back in next to the gong.

"Wasn't that guy a lich? And aren't liches supposed to be hideously evil?"

According to our sources, yes and yes.

"I think we'll need to add a footnote on that hideously evil clause for this realm."

I concur.

((S'ok, that'll be a night for me. I'll see you two around I suppose))

2006-12-18, 05:06 AM
((See ya! And I'm calling it a night too))
Vael goes into intense thought about the liquidy blob of metal he has floating next to his head.

2006-12-18, 05:11 AM
Well, goodbye. Destro turns back to his workbench and continues working on the shirt.


2006-12-18, 01:15 PM
Calpurnia shifts her weight and coughs awkwardly, being unable to teleport by herself.

2006-12-18, 01:15 PM
Vael looks up.
Oh hey.