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2010-11-19, 12:39 PM
The Players:
House Dovina - Cortesa - Greystone
Military: +++++-
Economy: ++++
Espionage: ++++++
Morale: +++++
Standing: 1

House Vilstromb - Rivera - ZombieGenesis
Military: +++
Economy: +++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: ++
Standing: 0

House Morn - Port Angel - daelrog
Military: +++++-
Economy: ++
Espionage: +++
Morale: ++
Standing: 3

House Argentum - Argentum - Murska
Military: +++++-
Economy: ++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: +++
Standing: 6

House Lutshrat - Lutshrat - HerbieRAI
Military: ++++
Economy: ++++++-
Espionage: +++-
Morale: ++-
Standing: 7

House Gritti - Vercelli - LongVin
Military: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: +++
Standing: 4

House Zmij - Zmijcoil - Thelonius
Military: +++
Economy: ++-
Espionage: ++
Morale: +++++
Standing: 5

House Fortunati - Aurea - Falconer
Military: +++++-
Economy: +++++++
Espionage: ++++++
Morale: ++++-
Standing: 2

House Corvus - Ferrum - Lycan 01
Military: +++++
Economy: ++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: +++
Standing: 8

House Vanir - Deynar - Dorizzit
Military: +++
Economy: +++
Espionage: ++++
Morale: +++
Standing: 0

House Simark - Sahdor -The_JJ
Military: ++-
Economy: +++++
Espionage: +++-
Morale: +++-
Standing: 9

The map:

Ages ago, the single continent of land in the world was splintered between dozens of factions. War and hostilies were as natural as the changing of the seasons to the people living there. Kings and Queens rose on day only to be thrown to the ground the day after.

Finally, one man managed to rise to the top and stay there. He grabbed one nation after the other, and finally managed to subdue the entire continent, and thus the world. He crowned himself the All-Emperor, and decreed that his bloodline would rule until the end of time.

Sadly, that was not to be. The Empire flurished for nearly a thousand years, with culture, science and architecture unlike anything the world had ever seen previously. However, the All-Emperors soon saw the strain of ruling such a vast empire, and began delegating more and more power to the Aristocracy. This wasn't really a bad thing, to begin with. Since there were no enemies left to fight, there were very few soldiers left in the world, except the All-Emperor's personal Legion, which meant that the Aristocracy was really nothing more than a bunch of very wealthy people.

The real problem came once the latest All-Emperor died. Without a single heir. Now, the power hungry Aristocracy began to fight over the throne. They all claimed to have the Bloodline running through their veins from one marriage or another, but no one could decide who was the most fit to take the throne.

So the Empire shattered. Now, the continent which was once home to a great nation has become the host of several City-states, all of them ruled by whichever family had the most influence there at the time of the Shattering. All of the families dream of seeing the Empire ressurected, under their own rule. Now, will it be your city, and your House, which will rule the known world as the All-Emperors?

(You may read messages from other players only if they are addressed to you, or if you have higher Espionage than the sender. Messages to me, the GM, cannot be read at all except by me.)

Winter, Year 1 of the Shattered Empire. (Start of Turn 1)

The common folk are quiet and reserved. They watch the skies for signs of hope and a way out of their current situation. The Empire has turned into several City States, and they can feel that war is not very far away from the continent.

While most do not care which faction will rule them, some have found their rulers to be either distasteful or very likeable. The question they all ask, however, is which of the Greater Houses will come out the victor, and thus earn the title of All-Emperor.

The League of Lesser Houses have limited the travel into and from the capital, Concordia, and has vowed to keep it safe and whole until a new All-Emperor has been crowned.

All over the continent the Houses, large and small, throw parties and balls to show everone how secure and rich they are, when in fact no one is sure who is the true leader in terms of power.

Time to prove yourselves, Lords and Ladies of the Court, and show everyone why you are the one who should be called the All-Emperor!

2010-11-19, 01:12 PM
House Dovina, House Castle, Cortesa

Lady Dovina, matron of the House, sat back in her chair and took a sip from her goblet. Before her lied maps of the land, dossiers on important persons, schematics of cities. She shuffled through them, and as she did so the door opened.

The older woman looked up to see her daughter Elizabeth standing politely, eyes down. The House Matron eyed her daughter with the calculating eye worked over years of working in 'the buisness'. Her daughters skin was creamy white, and her face was framed by the honey blonde curls that were so rare in the Empire. Her downward pointing eyes were a stunning blue that men could rarely resist. All in all, a good package... and a better actress.

"Very good, you should wear the midnight purple gown when speaking to the leaders of House Morn"

Elizabeth looked up, a smirk replacing her previously innocent expression "Very good mother"

"Oh, and the embassies have all been established?"

Elizabeth put a hand to her chest and looked wounded "Mother, you sadden me with your words. I promised I would take care of it"

The older Dovina shook her head "Bah, gather you guards and sychophants- you leave in the morning"

Elizabeth gave a little curtsey, the picture of daughterly good grace "Of course Honored Mother"

House Morn
The Embassy you have provided was inhabited some time ago, but it wasn't until this morning that a caravan brought the Lady Elizabeth to meet with the Head of House Morn.

All other Houses
All of you who agreed to allow embassies, the envoys from House Dovina arrived sometime last week. Along with the diplomats and guards expected came... others. The Embassies appear to be not only diplomatic houses, but also bordellos, and Temple's to the God Hedon. The head diplomat of each house asks for a audience with the Lords or Ladies of the House to discuss diplomacy.

2010-11-19, 01:13 PM
House Zmij


Zmij The 17th walks up the giant carving of the Snake, that coils around the mountains, at the base of which Zmijcoil was built. It took generations of artisans to create this gargantuan monument. Man can walk from the tail, that resides at the city gates, to the Two Fangs at the top of the mountains. Only the Zmij family are allowed to take such walk. Crowds of people cheer and bow deeply to their liegelord, in the darkest of time for the Empire, the Zmijcoil is celebrating.

On the bridge between the Two Fangs, Zmij calls on his brother Scale and commands him - Mobilize our armies and test the borders of our neibhours. I wish to see the resolve of the borderlanders.

Green Zmij:

Green Zmij has traveled to the lands of Dovina. He enters the best establishment in the city, throws a purse of gold coins on the counter and speaks with a booming voice. ''I have come to announce my arrival to the Cortesa. Let the spirits flow freely to the cups of whoever can tell good wine from piss. Drink until every last of my coins is gone. I've heard the people of this land know how to have good time. Well, I'll be a judge of that. I announce the beginning of my grand piligrimiage to gather one hundred Drinking Companions. They will be the men, who I'd find to be unmatched in drinking, corousing and wooing fine women. Together we shall travel the world and test every beverage, the man has ever distilled.''

Venoma Zmij:

House Zmij wishes to invest its treasury into profitable enterprises, outside of its borders. The bankers and merchants of the famous wealthy Houses are invited to bring their buisness proposals.

Edit: House Dovina's request for audience granted.

2010-11-19, 01:36 PM
House Morn (Introduction)

Whilst the petty bureaucrats and small contingent of uncles and cousins held a celebration for the new age, a hollow attempt to match the other great Houses in a show of confidence, the seven members of Port Angel’s most elite and nefarious family gathered in one room, alone. It was a first in generations.

Garbed in pure, glistening white, all seven of the feared, despised Morn kindred were there to discuss two things. The first was how to claim the title of All-Emperor for themselves. The second was which of the five children of Geldran Morn would be given that title.

Geldran low, cruel chuckle, one that had been heard by many an enemy at their last was much weaker than it used to be, and was cut short by a nail twisting cough. Geldran Morn, over seventy years of age was afflicted with a disease that the apothecaries had never seen before. Even under the best of health, he was unlikely to live through the next decade. Now with his illness, it was only a matter of time, time he would spend seeing one of his five children take what he wished to be his. It was perhaps the most selfless thing he had ever done.

“I am pleased to see all five of you here. I would have hated it if Zan had one of his assassins murder a number of you before you arrived. It is good to know I can still dictate the affairs of my own children to a degree.” He looked at Zan, his second son, a handsome man with lupine features and dark hair. The man nodded in acknowledgement. Geldran continued. “Tell me though, what has always kept Morn’s power in check? Anyone?”

“The All-Emperor.” Mardosh, first son of Gedlran spoke the title with contempt.

“Ourselves.” Second-daughter Cordana took a step forward.

“Yes, Cordana, ourselves. Unlike most the other Houses, we have a rather unique form of selecting our next head of House. The direct child of the current Lord of Lady, who had slain of beaten into submission his or her rivals gets the title that I gained, and that one of you will inherent. However, this time there is more at stake, and if the five of you spend your time killing one another and making sure your plots fail, we will fall.”

“So what do you suggest, father? You think we should work with one another?” Her words were spoken softly, a voice that did not match her scarred, dead face. First-daughter Chesia smiled knowingly. Surely her father meant otherwise.

Geldran let out a slow wheezing sound for a laugh. “No, of course not, daughter. No, what I suggest is thus. The five of you work to bring down our rivals, whether by assassin’s blade or under the heels of our army, whether by taking their trade routes, or tying their hands through law. Whichever of you is most successful, whichever of you contributes the most to our claim for power by both their own actions and by assisting their siblings when necessary, will have my crown, and the crown of the All-Emperor.”

Geldran’s wife, Wist Morn walked forward with unnatural grace for a woman of her years. “If you fail, I will see your skin flayed to the bone and your eyes burnt away with fire salt.”

A charming step-mother to have indeed.

So it was that the five progeny of Geldran Morn took an oath in blood that their own attempts to become All-Emperor be through their own merit, not the downfall of their siblings whom they would need in the coming years. Of course, the House of Morn was never known for its good memory relating to oaths of honor.

House Dovina
As Lad Elizabeth enters the city, she sees that it neither beautiful nor prosperous. It is as if there is a shadow over the city, even though it is daylight. It is just as wealthy as any either city save for the most economically sound, but the people do not seem happy, in spite of the recent celebrations.

The Fortress overlooking the city is impressive in its defenses if not its aesthetics. For a brief moment she thinks she can see Zan Morn leaving the fortress with a pair of white-clad retainers, assassins by the looks of them. Zan is a handsome man in his mid to late thirties, but he had an ill-look to his eyes, and the ritual marking she can see going down his neck, a family tradition, is slightly unsettling.

She is led through the corrdiors until she comes to Gelrand's chamber where only he and his wife, Wist Morn are present. Wist has an openly hostile expression towards the young woman, giving credit to the rumor she looks upon almost all guests that way now. Geldran Morn however seems pleased with her company. "Greetings Lady Elizabeth. How do you fare?"

2010-11-19, 01:38 PM
In Cortesa

The Green Zminj had entered the establishment known simply as the Dragon of Cortesa- named after its famed Dragon Fire liqour, which burned the throat and left the drinker in a state of Euphoria.

At first the man had been eyed with curious stares. Curiousty turned to jubilence as the entire bar erupted into cheers. Men of all sizes attempted to proove their worth- and even a couple of women.

Wine flowed like water, and soon the Green Zminj was surrounded by courtesans, pawing him, and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He had come to the right place.

Cortesa was the home of hedonists, and tonight the frolicked.

The head of diplomacy in your city is an woman in her sixities known as Matron Dilla. She appears old and frail, but speaks in a lively manner.

She responds to the summons by appearing before the lord "MY lord Zminj- I am at your disposal for any diplomacy you wish to put into effect. Is there anything you currently wish?"

House Morn
The Lady Elizabeth looks down in respect "I am fine my Lord. In the letter you said you wished to speak with me personally. Do you have any requests I can help you with my lord?

2010-11-19, 01:57 PM
House Morn

House Dovina
Geldran smiles at this, holding back a laught, something that is painful for him to do now. "Yes, there is. If you forgive me for being to the point, your House is the most in danger. Of the ten other Houses even considered to take the place of the All-Emperor, you border nine of them. You need allies Lady Elizabeth, and I am going to be your ally. No twists, no catches. Upon your word we shall make public our generous feelings towards Lady Dovina.

"However, there is one thing that is troubling my restless soul. As you know, in the next year or so, we will all be competing for the All-Emperor's throne. To do so... it is necessary that some of the Great Houses must fall. Earlier this morning, I was privy to watching a heated debate between my eldest children, first-son Mardosh, my warmaster, and first-daughter Chesia, my treasurer. Mardosh feels House Corvus must be humbled, and that their impressive military prowess is the most immediate threat to our own claims for the throne. However, Chesia, with her fiscal mind thinks we need to move west for the domains of House Gritte, their wealth needed to substantiate whatever other plans we may have.

"What is your thought on this Lady Elizabeth? If you were in my shoes, to whom would your throw your support towards? Perhaps more importantly than that, which Great House do you believe your Lady Dovina feel is more of a hindrance to her own machinations?"

2010-11-19, 01:59 PM
House Morn
Well, my lord I believe- (Shuts the door behind her, PMs now) :smallbiggrin:

2010-11-19, 02:13 PM
House Gritti

The riders and carriage pulled to a stop in front of the Palazzo Gritti. Peasants and merchants stopped momentarily to see who was arriving or leaving when swiftly exiting the palace surrounded by a small cadre of guards came Doge Marco and the Vicar Borgia. In quick order they board the carriage and with a shout from the leading rider the Captain Giovanni kicking his horse into a trot the entourage makes its way down the winding streets of the city towards its destination.

Following the request of the Ambassador on staff the Doge and his Vicar arrive at the embassy for their audience

Business as Usual - Trading, Lending and Investing

The Council of Guilds has announced that despite the death of the All-Emperor it will be business as usual and the banks and guilds will continue trading, lending money and investing in business ventures. The city shall also begin an agressive campaign in foreign investments to any houses or business which are interested in expanding their trade horizons.

2010-11-19, 02:19 PM

Along the borders of the House Zmij the troop presence have been increased significantly. At all the places where there were past disputes or uncertainty about to which side exactly this village or that mountain pass belongs, the Zmij's nobles push as far as they can, without actually invading. Dust is wiped from the old records and half-forgotten legacies to justify claim to the land. The local nobles and villages are both intimidated and promised greater prosperity and security under the rule of the House Zmij, if they were to change alliegence.

The Zmij forces excersie the greatest restraint at the borders with Dovina, and try not to inpede or scare travelers, seeing how its the main route the people use to visit the Zmij's sanatoriums.

Scale Zmij is personally suprervising forces at the borders with Argentum and the military at its border is the one most reinforced.


Representative sent by the Venoma Zmij visits the banks of House Gritti and conducts several meetings (PM sent).

2010-11-19, 02:31 PM
Zminj Border

Villages along the border between Zminj and Dovina territory get slightly better protection, as more militia units are transferred there.

Zminj soldiery feel the eyes of The Forresters watching their every move, and reporting them back to the higher command.

House Gritti
The ambassedor of House Dovina looks up in surprise. The summons had been meant to ASK for an audience. She quickly stands and curtseys, introducing herself as Lady Mari Kolwell.

"My Lord Doge, I wished simply to offer my services in any way- for instance if you had any ideas for a diplomatic endeavoer"

2010-11-19, 02:39 PM
House Gritti

Vercelli welcomes the investsment of House Zmij

The Council of Guilds is pleased to announce the investments that Zmij is making throughout Vercelli for the mutual benefit of both our houses and cities.

We hope that more Houses will soon follow suit and join in on these excellent oppurtunities to invest with us.

OOC: Thelonius do you want to send exact details to Sayn or should I?

House Gritti announces minting of its own coins

With the fall of the All-Emperor and lack of a legitimate central authority Doge Marco Gritti has advised the Council of Guilds to begin minting coinage for the city of Vercelli and outlying areas. These coins will be based on the same denominations represented in the Empire and shall be mutually exchangable.

The coins will feature both Marco Gritti II, Marco the Unifer as well as the other previous Doges in the Gritti family.

The House Gritti coins while being the same size and dimensions as the official Imperial Currency will use slightly less pure gold and silver. That when exchanged on foreign trade House Gritti will be getting more for their buck.

2010-11-19, 02:47 PM
As long as no one examines the new coins too closely they won't find out.

2010-11-19, 02:47 PM
House Gritti

@House Dovina
"Ambassador, that is the reason I have come to offer your fair city a pact of trade with Vercelli. As you know we have a most extensive manufacturing base within our city and a vast network of trade. I was hoping that you might welcome several of our trading houses into your fine city so that we can establish a strong partnership in the transport and sale of goods.

2010-11-19, 02:55 PM
House Morn

House Gritti

The Glorious House of Morn expresses its great interest to begin trade anew, and to increase it. It believes that in usch a time, not only must each Great House prove to its own citizenry that it is strong, but it must also reach out and continue life as is. Morn in particular wishes to prove itself towards House Gritti. If accepted, first-daughter Chesia Morn, treasurer, seeks an audience to formalize trade.

House Corvus

It is made public that House Morn is looking to secure its borders in this time of immense unrest. In order to ease tensions between Morn and Corvus, Mardosh Morn, first-son, and warmaster seeks an audience for potentially joint military exercises as a sign of not only the bonding of two Great Houses, but also as a sign to the other claimants to the throne of their military strength.

2010-11-19, 03:01 PM
House Gritti

House Morn

We eagerly await the arrival of the first-daughter to discuss these trade deals.

2010-11-19, 03:03 PM
House Gritti
"I can speak for my House Dovina. We would be honored if you would set up you trading posts in our fair city. Right in the market district of course. In return we would ask if we could perhapsdo something of a hostile takeover of your cities... brothels. We can turn these shady, dangerous establishments into shining havens of safety and pleasure.

2010-11-19, 03:08 PM
House Gritti

House Dovina

"That is a fair deal. However, since these are now going to be somewhat legal establishments we would expect these brothels to of course pay taxes back to the city's coffers rather than disappearing into some pimps or madam's hand as done now."

2010-11-19, 03:24 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
Chesia Morn arrives at the city aboard ship. It is a small, yet grand white ship no doubt used purely for diplomatic purposes. Its armaments are a single, small ballista at the prow, and a some crossbowmen.

Chesia, appearing in a whtie dress, with dark red details, walks onto the dock, accompanied by a handful of marines, the name given to Morn's soldiers designated to ship duty. She is not a particularly attractive owman. Though she is in her forites, she could pass for older. She has a slightly dead look in her eye, and the ritual tattoos of her Huse extend from her neck to lower chin, and back down where no doubt hte strange markings are across diffferent parts of her body. She holds on her belt a ceremonial knife. In one hand in a small handful of blank parchments, in the other a seal of House Morn, showing her ability and intent to make any decisions during her stay finalized.

2010-11-19, 03:37 PM
House Gritti

House Morn

Chelsea is met at the dock by a carriage and a small contingent of soldiers. The leader of the men steps forward and bows to the first-daughter "M'lady. I am Giovanni Grimaldi, Captain of the Guard and here to escort you to the Palace so meet with the Doge"

A valet from the carriage quickly rushes around to open the door and places a foot stool on the ground before the carriage to make it easier for the lady to board.

2010-11-19, 03:50 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
Chesia nods in approval and baords the carriage. "Tell me, Captain, what other Great Houses have accepted your proposal to begin trade. I am merely curious as to know my competitors for the yours goods and serivces."

2010-11-19, 03:53 PM
House Argentum

After the council meeting finally ended, and the nobility had gathered in their dozens of smaller, more private discussions, Duke Kharon retreated to his quarters to respond to the more urgent messages received.

To House Dovina:
The Argentum embassy is also being readied.

Duke Kharon agrees to meet for discussing the current situation.

Zmij Border

The terrain gradually changing into desert, the border looks much less quiet than it had been before. The banks of the river are fortified against the perceived threat, and a substantial amount of the Army, accompanied by some of the Silver Guard, arrives. The leadership of the forces present is given to Sura Mahar.

To Zmij: Duke Kharon would like an explanation for this current build-up on the border of our land? We've even received reports of your troops harassing our people, trying to get them to cede land. We would like to remind you that for a thousand years trade between our two nations along the River has flourished and brought prosperity to both our people. If there is some sort of a dispute between us, bring it to light and we will do what we can to settle it peacefully. But we must demand the instant cessation of any hostile activities along the border.

To House Lutshrat: We are worried about the aggressive posturing by House Zmij on both our borders. We would like to suggest that our two Houses form an agreement to the effect of working together, militarily if necessary, to settle down the current situation before it expands into real hostilities. But we cannot abide harassment of our people.

On a brighter note, we would like to assure you that coastal trade between our nations shall continue unimpeded. We could even negotiate an agreement to further both our profits.

To House Vanir:

Despite the current situation, Duke Kharon wishes to assure you that trade along the Rivers will continue unimpeded. Perhaps we could even negotiate an agreement to bolster both our profits?

2010-11-19, 03:56 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
"Well M'lady. The council has just announced a new trading partnership with House Zmij. They will be investing their finances heavily in the city over the next few months. And, while it is not officially announced yet, my lord has been in talks with House Dovina." Answers Giovanni as he helps the lady into the carriage.

2010-11-19, 04:04 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
"I see. House Dovina has offered to trade with us as well. It appears we may potentially have a mutual friend."

OOC: Is there anything else you want to go over before she meets Doge? If not, we can move to that part.

2010-11-19, 04:14 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
After a short trip the carriage pulls up to the gates of the Palazzo Gritti. Escorted into the palace by servants and guards, Captain Grimaldi soon disappears rushing off to his other duties. A servant leads the Lady Chelsea to an elaborate meeting hall dominated by an expansive marble table.

The walls are painted with murals and lined with tapestries depicting great battles and events. Seated at the table are two men in rich robes and directly behind them is the largest and most elaborate mural depicting the god Regulus granting out wealth to his followers.

A servant announces the presence of the Lady and introduces her to the two men "M'lady I present to you his excelleny, the most honorable, Marco the second, Doge of Vercelli and the honorable Master of the Council of Guilds, Lorenzo Gritti"

The Doge rises from his seat. "It is a pleasure, Lady Chelsea. Please take a seat we have much to discuss."

2010-11-19, 04:36 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
"Yes, I believe we do." She takes her seat. "Now then, what needs to take place before shipping between our two port-cities can begin?"

House Fortunati
Zan Morn, second son of Geldran Morn seeks an audience.

2010-11-19, 06:18 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
"We simply need to sign a pact of trade and be granted an allowance so that our merchant houses can establish a presence in your city to help facillitate trade."

2010-11-19, 06:32 PM
In a dark room deep in Lutshrat's slums, four shadow figures stand around a table, when a fifth barges in.

The smallest of them looked up
Bant, we weren't expecting you for another hour

Bant replies
Then you can explain why all the other cities are on the move, our friends to the east are showing strength on the border, and an entourage from Dovina has been waiting for a response, and yet all of you haven't gotten up since your last meal?

The biggest of the original four stands up
We were waiting for your orders sir

You know I don't like meetings like this. The more we meet the easier it will be to spy on us. Valdere, I want you to proliferate our interests. Start in Argentum, then go where you are needed most. Trombid, I want you to stay near the compound and entertain the diplomats from Dovina. Grapik, get the natives mobilized in case the Zmij aren't bluffing and actually think they can strong-arm us. Now go, I have a special mission for Yaddmi.

Zmij Border.
Although there are no troops visible on the boarder between Zmij and Lutshrat, The jungle seems to be afoot with noise, and any nearby have a continual feeling of being watched.

House Argentum

Valdere answers your message. I agree that the situation with Zmij needs to be dealt with quickly, although I personally doubt it will calm down without a response from their neighbors. Their display can only heighten the stresses since the Al-Emperor's passing, and even if they are not wanting to make a military move, they are causing all of us to start amassing forces. Since they have the will of the people on their side, I was wondering if you would like to cooperate in trying to stifle their economy with a blockade, until they back down from this offensive gesture. We will need Cortesa's help in this as well, but I thought starting with the great Argentum would be better.

House Cortesa

You may have council with I, Trombid, at any time you wish, my quarters are down the hall. I do wish to ask if you had any plans on dealing with House Zmij, they seem to resort to their military power very quickly.

House Simark

A slim young woman named Yaddmi wishes to speak with Duchess Raisha or a representative.
House Lutshrat wishes to know your opinion of the new currency in Vercelli. We believe they are trying to use it to control the economy of all the empire. While we have no proof of this yet, it seems like the logical reasoning for a city of bankers. If you are of the same thought process, we may be able to work together.


We wish to build a series of dams on loches down the Delta area of the river. The lockes will be through the area that leads past Lutshrat, and small dams through the other tributaries. When finished this will cause ships going to and from Concordia to have to pass Lutshrat. The dams won't be high enough to stop water flow, only stop ships from going over them. We will also try to keep flooding at a minimum. We will make sure not to cut off Concordia at anytime during the process.

2010-11-19, 06:35 PM
It will take a while to construct them, but it is within your ability to do so.

2010-11-19, 06:40 PM
To Lutshrat:
An economic blockade would be a good method to use if they refuse to listen to common sense. If you get Cortesa to help, it would be even better. But we would rather not resort to it before giving them a chance to explain their actions: They control the springs of one of the Twin Rivers. If even the blockade fails to work, we will need to sail up to make sure it isn't obstructed.

Lycan 01
2010-11-19, 06:45 PM
House Corvus, City of Ferrun, Lord General's Private Study

Lord General Percival Fortis stood calmly by the window, looking out over the fortress city he served as ruler of. He was standing in his personal study, a large room with bookshelves, liquor cabinets, hunting trophies, and fancy paintings occupying most of the wall space, and the floor space was occupied by a couple of small smoking tables with chairs, and a couple of reclining sofas with a coffee table between them. He had his left arm folded behind his back, and a glass of fine wine cradled in the fingers of his right hand. He wore a crisp uniform composed an orange jacket decorated with gold buttons and a variety of medals, black pants with an orange stripe up the side, and tall black boots, were the standard regalia of House Corvus' officers, though in actual formal situations they'd add black gloves and a white pith helmet. The Lord General's features - somewhat weared with five decades of age, and sporting a bushy mustache-sideburn combo fading from black to grey - were worked into a thoughtful expression, as though he were trying to muse on the secret of life or the meaning of the universe. Finally, at last, he arched an eyebrow and calmly asked:

"A bordello?"

"Yes, sir," replied the man seated at a small smoking table nearby. General Horace Troyworth exhaled a small ring of grey smoke as he spoke, a small pipe held in his right hand, while he held his left hand aloft and gestured with it. His uniform was unbuttoned and hung open loosely, revealing a white undershirt beneath it. In a proper military setting, he'd have likely been punished for such unprofessional behavior. But this was a casual meeting with his friend and mentor - nobody was being held to strict standards here. "It would seem House Dovina has not only gifted us with an embassy, but with a rather nice brother as well."

"Rather nice?" Lord General turned to shoot his subordinate a quizical look. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience."

"Er, no," General Troyworth's eyes went wide with surprise, and he quickly tried to backtrack. "I'm just repeating what the men told me, sir. Just the talk to the troops. I haven't been there myself, sir. I wouldn't know."

"Heh heh heh..." Lord General Fortis chuckled heartily. "Well, at least it will be good for the morale of the troops..."

General Troyworth couldn't help but smirk at the Lord General's semi-serious humor. The third man in the room, however, did not smirk. He simply continued to stand silently, calmly leaning against one of the bookshelves. He was clad in the typical orange and black uniform of the House Corvus' officers, though his rank pins showed him to be only a Captain. His name was Scorzeny, and he was the Lord General's personal bodyguard. A silent and brooding fellow, his face - marred by a dueling scar on his left cheek - was locked in a stern and concentrated expression. The object of his concentration? A book. Of poetry, no less.

"I spoke with General Wroster earlier," Troyworth suddenly spoke up. "He tells me that House Morn wishes to run joint military excercises?"

"Ah yes, that business..." the Lord General responded with a shrug. He took a calm sip from his glass of wine, then replied: "I don't trust them. We've both heard enough stories and reports about House Morn to know they don't play nice with others. But... I don't think turning them down is in our best interests, as it would insult them and give them an excuse for war. If we do the joint show of force, then we can at least keep things civil between us. But an alliance with them would be turning our back to a thirsty dagger. However, if we can at least keep on friendly terms, we may be able to work out a non-aggression pact, or at least avoid war with each other over something stupid. So, if they want to drill a few troops with us and show off there army, then we shall agree to it. Besides... We have much to show off, as well," he smirked.

"And House Dovina?"

"Ah yes, House Dovina. They're emissary requested an audience with me earlier. I have sent my acceptance, and they should be arriving shortly."

"Shortly?" Troyworth suddenly looked down at his jacket. He put down his pipe, and stood up to button up his uniform. "Why did you not tell me, sir? I look completely unprofessional!"

"A proper gentlemen does not need to be told when he needs to look professional, General Troyworth. He should know so himself," the Lord General explained, imparting a bit of wisdom that the cavalry officer dearly needed to possess.

House Morn's offer to perform joint military drills has been accepted. House Corvus will be cordial and professional about it, and hopes that their neighbor is not dissappointed in what they see.

House Dovina's request for an audience with the Lord General has been accepted, and an invitation has been sent to their embassy in Ferrun for the emissary to come visit the Lord General in his private study.

2010-11-19, 07:03 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
"Yes, that is quite acceptable to us. As long as they come to our good city to trade and not attempt to monopolize our docks, the presense of some of your prestigious merchant houses would be greeted with open arms. Before I leave, I will review and sign to those terms.

"However, you speak of many things to discuss. My presence here is to take advantage of a brilliant trading partner. What else are do you have in mind to discuss?" She smiled viciously. "I admit anything I know that my brothers and sister do not is most welcome."

House Corvus
A force of five hundred soldiers, including Warmaster Mardosh and fifty cataphracts are sent to meet forces of House Corvus on the border.

2010-11-19, 07:10 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
A servant quickly produces a trade contract and hands it to Marco who signs it and hands it off to Lorenzo who signs a small section that agrees the Council of Guilds will abide by the Doge's decisions. It is a formality, nothing more as the Doge wields all the true power. But, it was often necessary to keep the illusion of the Republic.

Marco leans back and smiles. "Do you speak of trading secrets? Secrets cost money...or can be bartered for other secrets."

2010-11-19, 07:21 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
Chesia's smile leaves her. "No, not at all." She looks away, as if an empty piece of wall suddenly has more interest. "I would hardly be much of a treasurer, let alone a claimant to my father's title, if I were to arrive home demanding a large part of our treasury on trade secrets. I was referring to Lord Doge's greeting, to 'please have a seat, we have much to discuss.' Surely I thought, that House Gritti was planning something to further its own bid for the All-Emperor's throne. Whereas my father like a coward sits and rots on his throne, wishing to merely protect our borders, denying my brother Mardosh from tasting Corvus blood, I thought your House might be more... aggressive."

Lycan 01
2010-11-19, 07:31 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

House Corvus sends a force of around 500 soldiers, to keep things even and avoid any sign of showing off. The force consists of around 300 Tannersmith infantry, 50 crossbowmen, 100 Dragoon mounted infantry, and 50 Basalisk heavy cavalry. Also present are 5 Portable Ballistas and their crews, which are attached to the Tannersmith infantry.

The Lord General is busy with diplomatic matters, and thus cannot be present. However, a few of his most skilled - and socially graceful - Generals have been sent to oversee the drills and ensure things stay amicable between the two forces.

A bottle of fine wine has also been sent for Warmaster Mardosh's enjoyment.

2010-11-19, 07:33 PM
House Gritti

House Morn

Marco leans back in his seat and smiles. "I believe it is far too early right now to begin making grabs for the throne of the All-Emperor. Those who are greedy and those who seek to make a grab right away will be crushed. Look at House Zmij, from our reports they have already mobilized their troops and their neighbors responded in kind." He waves his hand dismissively. "That doesn't mean I don't have a plan for the throne, but, I am willing to wait for the weaker players to self destruct. Now, of course that doesn't mean I am unwilling to aid in the destruction of a lesser house...I'm sure something could be arranged between us if you have designs on Corvus land."

2010-11-19, 08:15 PM
House Fortunati
The Merchant's Quarter

The Merchant's Quarter was always the most interesting part of the city. Here thousands of people flocked each year for things that you couldn't get anywhere else: healing salves, arcane amulets, lucky idols, charms, potions, and other, stranger, and darker things. If you had a problem--any sort of problem, really--the Aureans and their Fortunati masters would have something to help. For a price.

A messenger stood on a street corner in the Golden City's crowded market. He was dressed in a red uniform, showing his allegiance to the House of Fortunati and its mysteries. He was flanked by two grim-looking Shadowmen, the secret police. As people began to congregate, he shouted his news:

Sofia Fortunati, Daughter of the Great and Mighty Prospero, had just had a vision of the future!

"By her own word, she has seen it! Fear not, people of Aurea, for the Empire is not dead, and its power has not lessened! She has seen the Imperial City, shining like purest gold in the noonday sun! And she has seen great banners, red like blood! And the Imperial Palace, built anew, and in his throne the new Emperor of All the World, and he and his line shall reign until the end of Time itself!

The Imperial City of Concordia

To the Gentle Houses of Concordia,

The Fortunati have for generations been present in the Imperial City, advising and guiding the All-Emperors with our Art. We request an audience with the Council of Houses, as we have a proposition for your ears only. If you find this agreeable, I will meet with you in person for this magnanimous affair that we have in mind.

Ever Your Servant,
Prospero Fortunati, Soothsayer of the All-Emperors, Lord of Aurea

To the Honorable House Lutshrat

Your famed Frurrari is renowned throughout the Empire. A number of our spells and potions may require a few--interested in selling?

Prospero Fortunati,

House Morn's request for an audience with the All-Knowing Fortunati has been accepted, as are all requests to call upon the wisdom of the House of the Fates

2010-11-19, 08:15 PM
House Morn

House Corvus
The two small forces meet along the border, Mardosh riding out to meet the rival host. Permission was granted to enter Morn's hodlings, and he took the wine with pleasure. "It is an honor to see the very rivals for Morn's claim to military superiority in such a carefree manner. I thought we could start merely by setting up camp, comparing the speed and formation of our tents. Afterwards, perhaps a meeting amonst I and whoever amongst your number has permission to speak on our Lord's behalf?"

House Gritti
"Yes, patience is a virtue as they say. House Zmij are relics of a past age. They think themselves testing their borders for an opportunity to attack, only to find it is the excuse their neighbors need to ally together and defeat a potential threat to all of them. IIf only House Corvus was as foolish, but alas they are not.

"As to House Corvus and my brother, I am not sure what his plans are. Suffice to say his failure would be a blow to our House, but better for me in regards to taking my father's place. If however, his efforts we saved by arrangements I made..." She waves her own comment off. "As you said, it is too early to tell on such things. Currently Mardosh is testing their strength. Until that brute can come up with something on his own, my own hands are tied to what I can do to assist him. Let us wait and hopefully sooner than later I will have word from Mardosh, no?"

2010-11-19, 08:29 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
"Once you are ready to act come back to me and we can work out an agreement. Eventually, someone will make a move and then it is just jockeying for position. If we can both come out on top, all the better."

2010-11-19, 08:54 PM
Concordia to House Fortunati
As we do not wish to send any signals to the other Houses that we are in fact not as impartial as we say we are we cannot allow such a high ranking Lord enter the city.

A lesser servant of your House may be sent as a diplomat instead.

2010-11-19, 09:36 PM
House Simark

House Simark to Dovinia:
You're allowed a small embassy on a canal near the Ducal Palace. It's surrounded by water and only official oarsmen are allowed to make the traverse. You must signal them (by flag or lantern) in order for the boat to arrive and you are beneath the palace's ballista and crossbows.

:smallamused: Thou shalt not godmod a spy den into my city. The local prostitute's don't take kindly to competition.

Tallon Daimark will see your representative.

We will continue to accept gold and silver based on weight.

Lycan 01
2010-11-19, 11:19 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

The representative who has come to deliver the wine and greetings to the Warmaster is one of the Generals assigned to oversee the military drills. He responds with equal pleasure at the circumstances, and agrees to what the Warmaster has to say. First a challenge of encampment speed, followed by a civil meeting amongst the leaders of either expedition.

(OOC: How will we determine who's faster? Wanna just agree to a draw? :smallconfused:)

In the meantime...

House Fortunati
In hopes of fostering diplomatic relations with its Southern neighbor, a dispatch has been sent by House Corvus to the noble House Fortunati. It requests permission to set up a meeting between representatives of the two noble clans, either a House Corvus emissarry being sent to meet with the representatives of House Fortunati, or vice versa. Privacy and secrecy is imperative, however, due to the importance of some matters that may be discussed. The Lord General looks forward to a favorable response, and sends his regards.

2010-11-20, 01:08 AM
House Morn

House Corvus
OOC: (Oh no, I think your military is much mroe efficient. Given our respective descriptions I think Morn's military strength stems more from numbers and the ruthlessness to get into fights which has built up some experience. Your guys are definately more efficient and overall more elite. So I'm going with your guys doing better with setting up camp, especially since Mardosh is not taking this completely seriously.)

Once the camps were set up Mardosh arranged for House Corvus's generals to meet with him in between both camps. Accompanying Mardosh was only one armed guard who stood two sword lengths away behind Mardosh, only there as a mild precaution. The noble and warmaster appeared tipsy when they arrived.

House Fortunati
Zan Morn, second-son of Lord Geldran and known spymaster to his father, arrived in Aurea. He was garbed in pure white and was quite handsoe, thoguh the ritual markings common among his family that started on his neck and went down were not easy on the yes, nor was his the coldness in his stare. He was accompanied by a small contigent of soldiers a mere twenty, as well as a small number of servants whom House Fortunati could only assume some were his own agents.
OOC:If you want to introduce the city to him and/or get right to the point with whoever is going ot speak with him, it's all good.

House Gritti
"Yes, of course. If there is anything else I can be of service for, please let me know. If not, I will sign what papers need to be signed, and make good with whichever merchants will soon be coming to Port Angel."

House Dovina
A letter is sent to Lady Dovina from Geldran, or at least dictated by Geldran for a servant to write.
Relating to matters discussed recently, we would like to send second-daughter Cordana to your capital city in order to go over the details and a potential timeline of our trade agreements.

2010-11-20, 01:24 AM
House Gritti
"Of course. We do ask that perhaps in recognition of the service we are providing the tax may be less than the normal rate. Even at the lesser price, you will still be earning more money than if you hadn't allowed us at all."

House Argentum
Your ambassador is a young man named Kainus Gant. He arrives at your palace wearing a soft white tunic and trousers, walking with a black cane. He introduces himself and then: "My Lord of Argentum, I am at your service for anything of the diplomatic nature. Is there anything you currently wish to discuss?"

House Lutshat
The Lady Elizabth herself comes to Trombid, flanked by two of her Rose Guards.

"My Lord? I believe we have matters of a diplomatic nature to discuss?"

House Corvus
A servent announces that the diplomat from House Dovina has arrived. Instead of a flowery courtesan, or dashing young man, it is a woman in the blood red uniform of the famous Order of the Thorn. She stops and gives the men in the room a military bow.

"I am Castellan Ramona Yenn, of the Dovinan Order of the Thorn. I will be your Diplomatic envoy with our house. Is there anything that I may assist you with?"

House Morn
"Of course. You will meet with Matron Dovina at the Palace of Roses.

House Simark
(God Mod?)

House Simark,

your suggestion will greatly limit our ability to interact with you. Despite this, we will accept your offer with the knowledge that you place so little trust in us.

Lady Elizabeth Dovina

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 01:30 AM
House Corvus

House Morn
A trio of Generals walk out to the grounds between the two now-encamped forces, two guards in tow. The Generals are wearing the standard officer's uniform of an orange jacket and black pants, though they also sport the addition of finely crafted steel breastplates over their uniforms, plumed steel helmets, and fencing swords hanging from their belts. Their two guards are clad in the standard Tannersmith equipment - a metal cuirass, leather tabard and limb pads, and an orange outfit on underneath it all. They are armed with round orange shields and shortswords, though their weapons are sheathed and their shields stowed stowed.

Upon seeing the tipsy Warmaster and bodyguard, the trio of Generals snap to brisk salutes. They do not laugh, smirk, or otherwise mock their honored counter-part. They extend warm greetings, and then introduce themselves - Generals Tarius, Kistar, and Alistar. They don't mention that the troops of House Ferrun dominated House Morn's encampment skills; they decide to let the Warmaster bring that subject up himself.

2010-11-20, 01:52 AM
House Fortunati

Glorious House of Morn

It's clearly market day in Aurea. Even outside the Merchant Quarter there are men wandering the streets, hawking their wares. In addition to the normal things for sale, there are many things unique to a city ruled by the Fortunati--lucky amulets, healing salves, love potions and scrying stones.

Suddenly, there is a shout: "Make way for Lord Dante of the Fortunati!" It does little to part the throngs of people. Out of nowhere, there is a burst of fire. The crowd parts.

In the middle of the street stands a young man in ornate red robes, covered in unusual symbols. He is flanked by about a dozen black-uniformed men, the Fortunati's secret police. The young man smiles.

"Greetings, Lord Zan. I am the Lord Dante Fortunati, and I understand you have an audience with my father. I'll take you to the palace.

House of Corvus

Very well. We will meet you.

Ooc: Shall we switch to PM's?


Understandable. Very well, I will let you here out proposition first: we of the Fortunati have long served the All-Emperors with faith and devotion. And so, we shall use our great Arts to assist the Houses in finding the true heir of the All-Emperors.

2010-11-20, 01:59 AM
House Morn

House Corvus
Warmast Mardosh stands. He holds himself up well for his state, but not well enough to completely hide his intoxication, and certainly not the heavy scent of not only the wine, but something stronger on his person. "I see that your soldiers formed a much faster, and better encampment. It is something for my soldiers to learn from! Yes, it is a good thing to learn from. Yes.

"Now then, have a seat. If you want, we have a few courtesans here should you, or a particulalry brave soldier need to have some relaxation, or sex. If not, well then, not.

"To business matters though. This meeting here is more than just a mere show of hospitality. Our two Houses are here to display to the other nine claimants to the All-Emperor's throne that it is our two cities who hold military supremacy, and that the northeast is to be respected and feared. As long as they respect and fear both of us, we should deter any serious attack against either of us such as from those meddlign whores near the capital, or those little magiicans next to your kingdom. Can you even believe my father is sending my brohter Zan there? What does he hope to accomplish with those tricksters? So what say you five (he included the two guards)? What do you think of our joint display of power?" By now they can tell the man is drunk.

House Dovina
Cordana Morn begins her travel southward. (I'll send a PM tomorrow for her arrival)

EDIT: Hosue Fortunati
Zan smiles at the display, hwoever it is not a comforting smile. "Of course my Lord Dante. I eagerly await my audience with your father. I must say though, I am quite intrigued by your city. Perhaps at some later date I might enjoy a stay here on a less formal manner."

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 02:13 AM
House Corvus

House Morn
As the Warmaster begins to rant, the Generals cast furtive glances of concern quitely amongst each other. One of them, General Alistar, speaks up. He has a well-kept brown beard, and a horseshoe badge on his collar, meaning that he's a cavalry officer. The other two Generals step back, and let him do the talking. "Warmaster Mardosh, from what we have seen and heard, your army is indeed worth of fear and respect. It is our hope that the other nations will be dissuaded from attacking either of us, our reputations both already something to behold. This show of skill and force should be enough to ensure that the other Houses know who the big kids in the playground are..." the General smirks. "Though I must ask... You mention your brother going to deal with the "meddling whores" near the capitol. What are House Morn's intentions for House Dovina? They do not seem to be much of a threat, as their army seems to rely more on sheer numbers than quality training and equipment. Is it true that their soldiers in the militia do not recieve a sword until their third year of service? And they expect that to stand up to your Cataphracts? Heh heh heh..." the General shakes his head. "Quite the threat..."

2010-11-20, 02:24 AM
House Fortunati

Glorious House of Morn

Dante gives a friendly chuckle at the comment. "We are honored."

Dante and his men lead the entourage down the maze of streets towards Castle Fortunati, located at the very center of the Golden City. It is surrounded by high walls and a moat, the ramparts manned by heavily armed soldiers in blood-red uniforms.

A drawbridge is lowered to admit the Lord Zan.

As they make for the main entrance, Dante turns around. "I'm afraid you will have to leave your men outside."

2010-11-20, 02:41 AM
House Gritti

House Morn

"I believe that is all for now. Unless you have anything else you wish to discuss."

The servant brings the trade documents over to the first-daughter awaiting her signature.

House Dovina
"That is acceptable. We can arrange for a cut in the tax rate for your brothels."

2010-11-20, 04:23 AM
House Zmij


The Zmij's forces stop pressing the Argentum borders, but they don't abondon any gains, aquired before the Silver Guard arrived.

''In this time of chaos and trouble the value of words can't be trusted. But the power of the drawn sword remains the same. This is the diplomacy of House Zmij. We show you our strength, you show us your power. The trade between our nations in the past was protected by the peace imposed by the All-Emperor. What protects it now? Let us negotiate a mutual trade treaty, that we know will be secured by the might of our armies.''

Green Zmij

Green Zmij arrives to the Dolvina's third finest bordello and attempts to convince a half a dozen of the girls there to travel to the Zmijcoil to spend a month at the hot springs there, all expenses paid, as long as they promise to give Scale Zmij a back rub and show Venoma Zmij a few tricks of trade. By the end of speech Green Zmij gets a bit green in the face and excuses himself. He is observed barfing violently at the side of the building, after which two of his armsmen clean up after him and carry him back to the inn.

2010-11-20, 08:18 AM
House Argentum


"Regardless of the current political situation, the duty of nobility is to the people. If you need to be clad in plate and armed with a sword to be able to trust the word of your neighbour, then you will have much trouble ahead. We cannot let the Empire splinter any further, and Argentum will rue the day warfare stains the soil of our glorious nation again.

The might of an army is not in the sword, but in the shield, not in the bow, but in the strong and fast horse."

To House Dovina
"Two things, in fact. First of all, your House's lands border with ours, but only through a stretch of desert, which has little in the way of infrastructure. The current... situation with House Zmij has forced us to question the safety of our trade over the Twin Rivers, and we would like to ask if you would cooperate in forming a more secure, direct over-land trade route between Argentum and Cortesa.

The other concerns the actions of House Zmij. The situation is dire, and although we wish it will not happen, it is likely that there will be blood shed in the Empire once more, but we do not want it to be by our swords or on our land. We should work to curtail any further aggressive posturing by their forces. House Lutshrat agrees and we suggest that if any further incidents occur, we utilize an economic blockade to force the cessation of hostile actions."

2010-11-20, 09:02 AM
House Zmij

Argentum Borders:

You are right about the noblemen's duty. We must rule the people and impose order on their lives. But its foolish to ingore the current political situation. This Empire was forged by military conquest, not by the kind words. Or have your House forgotten this?

Scale Zmij dispatches messangers to the Zmijcoil. Soon military presence at the Argentum's borders is further bolstered by troops diverted from the borders with Divona and from the inner parts of the House Zmij's lands. They are split into several armies along the border with Argentum.

Edit: Scale's favourites - the elite ''Horse Slayers'' halberdmen are present, standing against the Argentum's Silver Guard.

2010-11-20, 09:20 AM
Concordia to Fortunati
And how, exactly, will this work? We do not believe that the others will be entirely willing to listen to your advice.

2010-11-20, 10:14 AM
House Morn

House Fortunati
Zan makes a single backwards motion with his hand, and the soldiers and servants stop, most immediately, a few take another step before realizing what happened. "Of course. I also assume it is only proper that I disarm myself." He removed several pairs of throwing knives, as well as the ceremonial dagger members of his House carry. "Now then, if we may proceed?"

House Corvus
"Hmph. Yes, of course they have no military strength. They are a new House, one based around sex and debauchery." He sighed. "No, we have no quarrel with them. If I did not know my father better, I would say he was under their spell, but that is not the case. Still, not every sword is made of his steel. Some are made with perfume and sweet words." He leaned back to better observe the three Generals in front of him.

Mardosh was not a young man. He was already in his early fifties and some grey hairs were beginning to show. Though still drunk, his eyes glistened with a seriousness not to be taken lightly. "So, what do you of my House comrades?"

House Gritti
Chesia nods in agreement. She reads over the document handed to her, making sure there is no loophole. Though a spoiled noble, such matters as this are her niche in her family. (Assuming nothing is out of order) she signs the treaty and with a bow, leaves to retire for the night in one of the city's best inns, with intent to leave in the morning.

House Dovina
Cordana arrives at the House Dovina's capital. In truth, she is a very beautiful woman with auburn hair and dark eyes that do not ring with the same madness that the others in their family have. She does not even have any noticeable ritual tattoos on her body that her sibilings have. She is wearing a simply, yet elegant white dress. Many whisper behind closed doors within Port Angel that they hope she takes Lord Geldran's place. Others fear that she amy be the worst of them all, hiding a madness that she must have.(Actually, let's move to PMs after the cordial introduction)

2010-11-20, 11:22 AM
House Dovina


House Morn
The woman is shown to Matron Dovina's chamber. The Matron, despite being in her fifties, is still a fine looking woman, with chestnut brown hair and eyes of the deepest blue.

She eyes Cordana as she enters her study, but does not rise, nor does she say anything at first.

"Welcome to my home Lady Cordana. How was your trip" she says finally.

House Argentum
"mmmm" the diplomat pauses "For the first, do you mean we simply establish a known caravan route? Or so you wish road building? For the second, I see no reason why a trade embargo would hurt to agree to- why not?

Green Zminj
The girls giggle as he vomits. When he is done, they remind him that he would have to pay their bordello for every day they served as his companion. One buxom redhead points out that he might get a lower price if he buys in bulk, which has the other girls in shrills of laughter.

2010-11-20, 11:30 AM
House Morn

House Dovina
"Well enough, my Lady. I find on long trips it is best to take in the scenery or read a book to spend my time."

Cordana's immediate impression of Lady Dovina was that she was much like her father. This was not a compliment in the second-daughter's mind. She waited then for Lady Dovina to speak.

2010-11-20, 11:31 AM
House Lutshrat

House Dovina

We do have much to discuss My Lady. Lutshrat would like to have a trade pact with Dovina that both our houses can prosper from. Also, we may have a little sway over the battles between Zmij and Argentum, and would be much stronger if both of us to apply the necessary pressure.

House Fortunati

The great House Fortunati

We would be delighted to trade Frurrari with you. As this is winter and stocks are low, the price may be a bit steep. We do have a way around this unfortunate problem. There is currently some major public works projects going on in the Lutshrat region. If you were willing to send supplies and some skilled labor, we would be willing to bring the price down, maybe even waive it depending on the amount of aid. Of course if your willing to pay, we are always willing to sell.

House Zmij

We find it strange that a partner in trade would build up forces as if getting ready for an invasion. We do not wish to see bloodshed between our two great cities, but if an agreement cannot be made to scale down this arms race we may be forced to pull out of our trading agreement with house Zmij

House Vilstromb

A representative from House Lutshrat would like to speak with the great House Vilstromb.

2010-11-20, 11:40 AM
House Dovina

House Morn
The Matron stared for a moment, then spoke again "Your family has a very bad reputation. I do not wish to offend you personally- but I have thousands of subjects to keep safe. I have no wish to be pulled into a war due to your family. Can you give me that assurance?"

He face resembled steel, beaten and stubborn.

House Lutshat
"I think we can make a deal. We are considering something of a hostile takeover of the Brothel's in your city. We'll make them safer and more profitable for the general public. You help us cheaply and legally, and I will give you assurance of our aid if an economic embargo were to take place"

2010-11-20, 12:19 PM
House Morn

House Dovina
PM time!

2010-11-20, 01:04 PM
House Lutshrat

House Dovina

We would also like for our dealers to be able to travel through Cortesa. This will help keep the public safe from gang wars and allow the local authorities to pursue more dangerous individuals.

We are not so sure a blockade is necessary yet, we are still attempting to use diplomacy to bring the tensions down.

2010-11-20, 01:44 PM
House Argentum

To House Dovina:
"We're intending to construct a road through the desert, with suitable stopping points supplied with water. If you would do the same on your side, we could link them up at the border."

"House Argentum does not wish to increase tensions, but the current aggressive posturing by Zmij troops has forced us to conclude that, as of today, Argentum has cut all trade with Zmij lands. The border is now closed. We urge for our friends in neighbouring countries to join this embargo."

Fully half of the Argentum Army and a fourth of the Navy arrive to reinforce the border. The Navy Marines take up positions along the river and warships get ready to blockade it against any intrusions.

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 01:46 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

The three Generals still regard the Warmaster with respect, even in his drunken state, and they know not to cross or dishonor him. "What do we think of your House overall, or its army?" General Alistar, the de facto leader, replied. "Your military is impressive. They are numerous, well-trained, and quite fierce. We will be frank, Warmaster. A war between our Houses would undoubtably be a brutal and gruelling affair. There would be no clear winner, and the conflict would likely end in either a draw that leaves both Houses on the brink of collapse, or one House will be destroyed while the other is left on the verge of falling, and it would be quickly destroyed by its other enemies. Both of our militaries are highly trained and well equiped. And neither would back down, their fierce loyalty, determination, and honor forever driving them forward, even if it means total destruction. In a war between our Houses, even if one should emerge victorious... there would be no real winner. Surely you agree with this theory, Warmaster?" his brown eyes convey the seriousness of what he is saying. A war between the two Houses had to be avoided at all costs. House Corvus knew this, but did House Morn?

2010-11-20, 01:46 PM
House Gritti

House Morn
A carriage takes Chesia towards the best inn present in the city and a small group of men are assigned to guard her during the rest of her stay in the city.

Council of Guilds meet on forming a military

"Order, order in the Council." Cried the Master of the Council Lorenzo Gritti. "This Council will come to order so that we may discuss the formation of an army and navy of the Most Serene Republic of Vercelli."

The chambers slowly quieted down as the 200 senators took their seats. Captain Giovanni Grimaldi took to the podium to address the crowd "Esteemed Senators, we can no longer rely on the might of the All-Emperor's armies and Navy. With the shattering we must begin to defind ourselves and form a true military force for the Republic. First, we must concentrate on our strengths. Vercelli has many able seaman and experienced seafaring captains. I suggest we begn immediately constructing a Grand Navy as well as offerning clemency to pirates who agree to serve the Vercellian cause. We can postpone the formation of a Grand Army for now, but, we must begin preparing our populace for potential wars and thus I propose that we issue an edict that all able bodied men own a crossbow and be trained in its use so they may be called up in a levy. Can we bring this matter to a vote Master of the Guilds?"

Taking the podium Lorenzo calls the proposals at hand to be voted at. All eyes turn toiwards the Doge whose vote was only counted first and in such important matters as this was the only one that truly counted. With a nod he gives his confirmation and this is quickly followed by a chorus of "ayes" from the Council.

Pirates offered pardons by Vercelli

The Doge and Council of Vercelli is pleased to announce this ONE TIME pardon to all pirates who now plague the coasts of the former Empire. If you agree to turn away from your pirate ways and offer your services to the Republic of Vercelli you will be granted commissions within the newly formed Navy of Vercelli as well as a monetary bonus for your initial services.

Construction of the Grand Armada

With word that the Council had approved the formation of a navy the shipbuilds in Vercelli begin laying down the keels for dozens of new warships. It will be some time before these purpose built warships are finished but they will be constructed with state-of-the-art shipbuilding techniques and shall be a true threat to any foe.

Arming the Levy

Word is quickly spread across the city and throughout the countryside that all able bodied men must become proficient with the crossbow and be prepared to be called up for service in times of foreign invasion. Over the next months all from the middle and upper classes will be required to purchase their own Crossbows or purchase an exemption(equal to price of 5-10 crossbows, depending on their wealth.) The exemptions will go to providing crossbows to those who can not afford them.

2010-11-20, 03:03 PM
House Zmij

Argentum's Border

The Zmij's army is renforced by the forces taken from the Lutshrat's border. About 2/3 of the entire Zmij's military are poised against Argentum now. Across the land there are preparations to recruit more soldiers into the ranks of military.

Secret Military Orders (GM only)

The army is stretched in several smaller forces across the border with Argentum. They are to be prepared to hold enemy for a small time, while the rest of forces get ready to move.

Any mercenaries coming from the Dovina are to be turned away. We aren't looking for any. The borders with House Dovina remain manned enough to deal with mercenary bands, who grow angry over it.

House Morn and House Corvus

Envoys are sent to the lands of the House Morn and House Corvus. Their purpuse is to purchase weapons. Both Houses are famous for their military prowess, so certainly their tools of death would be of highest quality. The Envoys are acompanied by several house Gritti consultants to ensure they would get a fair deal as well as confirming that the payments for the shipment would be made through credit House Zmij has in the banks of Vercelli.

Green Zmij in Cortesa

A week after his arrival to the Cortesa, Green Zmij finally presents himself before the governing nobles. His clearly suffering from a powerful hangover, to the point that two armsen at his side have to not-so-discreetly keep him standing straight. One of them finally slips some potion into the Green Zmij's throat. The concotion thankfully kills the vile smell of liquire in his breath and restores Green Zmijn well enough, for him to begin shamlessly leering at the present Dovine High Ladies. With his eyes clearly below the level of their faces, he presents a gift of fine cosmetics his sister has personally devised. He also orders one of his armsmen to give Anastasia Ryneir a bottle similar to one he just drank, apparently beliveing her state of exhaustion comes from the same source as his.

The two armsmen at the sides of Green Zmij watch the proceedings with perceptive, if slightly dejected eyes, ready to pull their master out, if their hosts grow too angry with him.

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 03:30 PM
House Corvus

House Zmij
Before making a deal, House Corvus would like to know what weapons and equipment House Zmij is looking to purchase, and what purpose they are to serve. House Corvus is hesitant to easily hand out weapons, as they may be used against an ally, or an innocent nation that showed no signs of hostility. This would hurt the honor of House Corvus, and likely turn public opinion against them.

2010-11-20, 03:32 PM
Zmij Border (Secret Military Orders for GM):
We put up a chain across the river a small way inside our borders, and have a few ships stay there. The rest retreat down the river to near Argentum. We put up ballistas and catapults on both sides of the river and fortify it.

Along the border, the Army constructs a series of quick hold-out forts they'll be reinforcing for as long as there's a threat of warfare, but most of the army is kept mobile a bit beyond the border to be able to quickly respond to any incursion. Scouts try to keep tabs on Zmij army movement.

2010-11-20, 03:41 PM
House Morn

House Zmij
An envoy is given permission to come. As the Warmaster and Treasurer are elsewhere, they are given audience with Lord Geldran Morn when they arrive.

House Corvus
"No, I do not agree with your theory. I think only through the fires of war can the phoenix be reborn once again. However, rest your concerns, my father believes the same as you. In not so delicate words he told me to make nice with you, and to build at least some trust between our Houses. If I in any way jeopardized the safety of our eastern border, my death would be slow and... creative." He took a moment to stare past them at the Corvus encampment. "Then again, by the end of this week I may be proven wrong. After only one evening I can see your military culture and warring spirit is not to be taken lightly. No, perhaps the old man is right and these trials will be a start of something mutually beneficial to both of us." He arched his back, his spine popping twice. Mardosh was a large man, but built and strong. A lifetime of training and skirmishing had made him a beast of a man. However, his words seemed true.

2010-11-20, 03:57 PM
House Zmij

House Corvus

''This purchase of weapons is motivated by the recenet rise in tensions between our House and the House Argentum. If you are allied to it, we will of course withdraw our trade request.''

House Morn

The envoys go to meet Lord General Morn to discuss the purchase of weapons.

More Military Orders (To Sayn)

Double security.

The troops at the rivers are to quietly withdraw, but leave fake camps - a small force of men to light hundred of fires at night, send patrols as usual, recieve fake wagons with goods, etc.

The withdrawn armies are to bolster troops at the places, where the Argentum's forces on the other side of the border appear to be the weakest.

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 04:01 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

At the Warmaster's loose mentioning of his possible demise should diplomatic relations fall through, the General's can't help but let slip looks of concern and mild horror. Their composure quickly regained, they patiently listen to what the commander has to say, arms clasped behind their back as they stand at attention.

"Thank you for your kind words about the quality of our military," General Alistar nods respectfully. "We are glad not to have dissappointed you."

2010-11-20, 04:17 PM
House Morn

House Zmij
The envoy reaches Port Angel It is a city that appears to be covered in a shadow, even though it is midday. The people they pass seem to be doing well enough, but there is no vigor in their step, no fire in their spirit. This is plae where the morn family resides, the hated family that has endured for a millenia.

The fortress atop a hill overlooking the city is sturdy, though not aesthetically pleasing. The white banners flowing down the towers with the dark red raven symbol do little to brighten the city.

Within Geldran's chamber, they see an age man with powerful eyes. He holds himself up with a commanding presence though rumors of his poor health have spread across to the entire Empire.

"Your pride demanded that you present your strength to your enemies, as your ancestors did in times past. Your neighbors took offense to this, especially House Argentum who used this misunderstanding as an excuse to make preparations for war. Now you come to me and those peacocks of House Corvus to supply you with the weapons you need to fight on equal footing.

"The Morn Juggernaut is the largest military force in the world. Only Corvus and Argentum can claim to match us do to having more elite, and better disciplined troops. We have the means to supply you with what you will need. However, it is not as if we do not have our own plans to expand our military. Any goods, any weapons, any raw material we provide you will be taken from our own pool. Therefore, I hope you understand that this will be no charity on our part. Now then, let us begin with what you think you need from us."

House Corvus
Mardosh smiled at te General's words. "Yes. Now then, I must retire for the night. This should be an exciting weekend. Archery cotests, duels with wooden swords, horse races. I know my Cataphracts are eager to test themselves agaisnt your famed Basilisks as well. If there is nothing else though, I bid you good night."

Lycan 01
2010-11-20, 04:26 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

All three Generals smirk knowingly at the mentioning of archery contests and fencing duels. At the mentioning the cavalry comparisons, though, they do not look so sure. Except for General Alistar. His smirk only grows more noticeable. "Very well, Warmaster," he nods. "We bid you good evening, and look forward to the rest of the week, and the results it shall bring."

(OOC: So, how shall we handle the rest of the week? Day by day, or just skip to the end and go over the results?)

2010-11-20, 04:51 PM
House Simark


A House Simark trader stops into the Gritti Headquarters and drops off a sealed packet. It bears the personal chop of Tallon Daimark, who wishes to register his discontent with the new Gritti policy on piracy.

House Simark trade ships stop in each port they reach and send a man out to post messages. Most deal with the arrival of the ship, and list job openings or cargo prices, or seek laborers to unload the ship. Often times, the latest news is post, or more rarely, a missive from the Unsinking Palace. Today a new message goes up bearing the chop of the House.

To all ye pirates, and the good people of the Empire.

The current breakdown in the Imperial dynasty is unfortunate, but will no doubt sort itself out soon enough. In the meantime, however, law and order should be maintained. House Simark will respectfully not be participating in House Gritti's half-baked amnesty, and intended to pursue piracy and pirates wherever it can. Those guilty of attacking Sahdorian shipping will not be sheltered by Gritti's dubious pardons.

2010-11-20, 05:22 PM
House Morn

House Gritti
After a night's stay, Chesia head back to Port Angel.

House Corvus
Let's just work out the results in the OOC thread and post the results for everyone to see.

2010-11-20, 05:26 PM
Zmij Border

The arms race continues, more and more of the Argentum Army arriving to fortify the border. Most of the Artillery is given to them as well. Argentum starts purchasing the services of mercenaries as well as getting materials and weapons. Conscription abound in the villages. Oh dear, this does not bode well for the economy.

Secret GM Stuff:
The Argentum navy gathers at the mouth of the Twin Rivers, in full battle readiness. The units gathered by what I sent you in the PM are moved to near Zmij border.

2010-11-20, 06:12 PM
House Gritti

@ House Dovina

A letter is delivered bearing the seal of the Doge to the Lady Dovina

"Lady Dovina,

I have no doubt you are watching the situation concerning House Zmij and their borders very carefully. I would like to know what your position is on this matter?

I believe we both know that house Zmij is dangerous but, it would be even more dangerous to allow House Argentum to take their territory so quickly after the death of the All-Emperor.

I feel we need to do something to maintain the balance of power in this situation.


Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli"

House Argentum
A letter is sent to the Palace of Kharon of Argentum bearing the seal of the Doge of Vercelli

"Kharon of Argentum,

We know that war is expensive business and quickly eats away what ever supplies you may have stored away.

I would like to propose that House Gritti establish a trading post within Argentum to keep your lines supplied and to help offset the losses you are incurring because of your military buildup. You will find our prices to be more than fair.

I eagerly await your response.


Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli"

2010-11-20, 06:14 PM
House Morn

We'd like to purchase heavy crossbows and firearms. We've brought some consultants from the Vercelli. Your fellow northerners should be well versed in the prices of materials here, so we'd trust them to help with negotiations.

House Lutshrat

An embassy including a group of doctors travels to Lutshrat. Their objective is to establish better relations. The ambassador asks for a premission to open a hospital in the Lutshrat to aid the sick.

A question of Lutshrat ''mercenaries'' (wink, wink), perhaps being hired for this and that (meaningful look to the east) is cautiously raised.

To Lutshrat and GM (Secret)

The so-called hospital's true objective is to look for a better method of drug production and find a way to make a pure form of it - more powerful and addictive.

2010-11-20, 06:49 PM
To House Gritti:
Doge Gritti:

This would be very acceptable, of course, with a single small favour you might do - Give us a loan on, shall we say, favourable terms for the purchase of a shipment of weapons for this current situation, and we will reciprocate and help you establish your trade.

((OOC: Lend us + Economy with the following terms: I pay you back - Econ next turn, - the turn after that and - the turn after that. I'll listen if you have counterproposals.))

2010-11-20, 07:01 PM
House Gritti

House Argentum

Those terms are more than acceptable. We shall provide you with the weapons on those terms and we look forward to doing business with you in the future.

2010-11-20, 07:31 PM
House Lutshrat

We are happy to accept this medical aid. Although we will not supply men to fight with Argentum, who we consider a friend.

House Zmij

We will supply you with some of our poisons though.


We are going to try find out troop distribution along the Zmij/Argentum boarder from group from Zmij. Also, we start "recruiting" men to work as bandits in enemy territory.

House Argentum

House Zmij is investing in the people of Lutshrat. I know your two houses are moving into some heavy conflict. I would suggest either trying to ease the tensions or try and supply Lutshrat with something to keep the populous in neutral standing at least.

2010-11-20, 07:38 PM
To House Lutshrat:
There's still hope the conflict may be avoided. But, sadly, right now we cannot really afford much focus on anything other than quickly equipping our military for the real possibility of war. After all, we've had a thousand years of peace now, and they surely aren't in perfect shape, or perfectly armed.

Of course, if you were willing to assist us in a coming conflict, we would be grateful for the help and would compensate you accordingly both from our own coffers and from the spoils of war.

2010-11-20, 08:02 PM
House Morn

House Zmij
Geldran shakes his head slightly as if lecturing the representative from House Zmij. He walks up to the man and with unnatural strength for a man in his poor health, grabs his jaw. "If you speak to me so disrespectfully again commoner, I will have your insolent tongue decorating the southern wall." He releases his grip. "Your friends will give you the price for peaceful times. These are not peaceful times and the price for weaponry has increased. If I have to repeat myself again, your Lord will have to send a second envoy to finish what you have started. go to the workhouses towards the western side of the city. They have already been informed of your presence, and have specific instructions as to the costs for your goods. Now leave my chamber."

2010-11-20, 09:11 PM
House Gritti

Envoy dispatched to Concordia
To the houses of Concordia,

House Gritti would like to request that we be allowed to establish a trading post within Concordia to help us continue to facilitate the trade networks that have used the old Imperial City for the past 10 centuries. Without the aid of the roads leading in and out of the city the rest of the Empire will surely suffer from lack of trade which may lead to famine and disease in provinces that can not get enough food.

We await your response.

Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli

2010-11-21, 12:04 AM
Concordia to Gritti Envoy
The many Lesser Houses within the city are keeping the trade flowing. And we fear that other Houses may see your trading post as a large step toward the throne.

Here is a counter offer: If you can convince all of the other Greater Houses to allow a Gritti trading post inside the capital, then we will of course allow it.

2010-11-21, 12:06 AM
House Dovina

House Argentum
I think that could be arranged. Also, perhaps at each of these little oasis, perhaps we could put a Dovina Safe House- just a tavern of sorts for the weary traveler.

House Gritti
To the Doge,

I understand your concern- perhaps more so due to it being right on our border. I believe perhaps a use of subtle cloak and dagger to make the war more of a push and pull?

Lady Dovina

Green Zminj

Steward Hammond Lars greeted the Green Zminj, with a cold stare.

"What do you wish of House Dovina?"

Ryneir takes the bottle, and takes a swig, shrugging before putting it into her pack- she had stronger before.

2010-11-21, 12:40 AM
House Morn

"That is just dreadful!" An eep echoed across the fortresses halls as a young serving girl was accidently thrown off the bed. Tanrim Morn, youngest child of Geldran stood up abruptly. House Zmij and House Argentum fighting so soon! No, this should be stopped! Quickly, get me a pen and a scroll!"

Servants rushed to gather the necessary supplies and gave it to him. He wrote qucikly and with passion, taking large gulps of wine spilling onto the parchment. After ten minutes when he ahd made two copies, he shouted again. "Now give these to the two Houses!"

He sighed and slunk into his chair. His life was so tiring sometimes.

Houses Argentum and Zmij

A letter from Tanrim Morn

To Houses Argentum and Zmij,

War is dreadful and many lives are lost in it. You must ask your soldiers not to waste their lives, for their deaths will only leave lost lvoed ones. No, let them go to their families and lovers. Let them have a day to bask along the beachline with their servants.

Instead, I suggest you have your respective Lords discuss your differences peacefully. If that does not work, then they should simply let me decide for them. I promise to be fair and just as I rearrange the borders to make them much cleaner and easier to see on the map than now.

I await your response with great pleasure,

Tanrim Morn

A letter is sent to both Houses shortly after from Geldran apologizing for his son.

2010-11-21, 02:50 AM
House Gritti

House Dovina
"That is exactly what I was thinking. Let the two sides wear each other so they won't be a threat to anyone else by war's end."

2010-11-21, 04:36 AM
House Zmij

House Morn


The Envoy squeeks affirmative response to the Geldran Morn and hastily retreats.

A secret note from Zmij's Envoy to Tanrim Morn

Greetings Lord Tanrim.

I've received a dispatch from my homeland, about your plea for peace and I must say it has moved everybody's hearts. If you were to negotiate peace between House Zmij and House Argentum, it would be a great diplomatic victory for House Morn and great joy to the people of the Empire. I implore you as a representative of the House Zmij to come and aid us in this time of trouble.

And as you may know House Zmij has the best doctors in the Empire. Perhaps you could spend some time relaxing in the luxury of our hot springs, getting stronger for the future trials. We will be most grateful to the courage of one, who would stare down two great armies and bring peace to our land.

But I'm concerned your family may not let you go. It's the curse of younger siblings, their family fusses about them too much. I must say the Zmijs are ridiculously overprotective of the Lady Zmij, although she quite capable young Lady. Sometimes family love can turn into a prison and desire to protect blind people to the true strength and wisdom of their younger siblings. If it would turn out to be as I've described, perhaps I can assist your highness with... leaving the city discreetly. You'll travel incognito to Zmijcoil, from which you could send a letter to your family.

House Corvus

''So, would you be willing to sell us weapons?''

House Dovina

Green Zmij gives a bow to the steward Hammond and begins his speech:
''After staying in your fine city and visiting a number of your bordellos, I'd rate them quite highly, although I haven't yet visited similar establishments in other Houses. Yet one aspect still needs work and that is sensual massages, which mind you, are pretty good, but just not perfect, too few bathhouses and what we in Zmijcoil call ''Water Sprite Lick''. Show ladies the picture Garrick.'' One of the armsmen unfolds a picture with a very graphic depiction of what Green Zmij means. ''Now I have some connections in the right circles and I believe I can arrange the right consultants to remedy these minor deficiencies. I guarantee that this changes will attract greater attention of the Zmij man and in some cases women. Consider this assistance as a thank you for the delights your wonderful city has brought me. I think I'll be on my way soon, but I'm sure going to miss you all''. Green Zmij actually tears up a bit. There is a faint smell of alcohol coming from him once again, although how he managed to get a drink covertly, while in the full view of the present dignitaries is an unexplainable mystery.

2010-11-21, 07:57 AM
Argentum to House Dovina:
Of course, that is within your rights. However, taxes from establishments within our borders will, of course, have to be paid to us.

2010-11-21, 10:40 AM
A letter to all Greater House Lords and Ladies

Good day, my Lord/Lady *Insert name of faction leader here.*

These have been a trying couple of months. In some areas we are at the brink of war. Tensions are high, and many are gathering weapons and soldiers to feel more safe.

The League of Lesser Houses knows how much many of you wish to see the capital, and we also wish to be the mediator in this conflict.

So, we now wish to invite you all to a grand ball in the honor of spring. You may pick ten bodyguards, one of which may accompany you to the ball itself.

We hope that this is the first step to better relations between the Houses.

Yours truly, The appointed leader of the League, Lord Sextus.

(OOC: This ball is an RP event for you guys, and it will start at the beginning of Turn 2.)

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 10:55 AM
House Corvus

House Zmij
"We require a bit more information before we sign on to a deal such as this. What are the reasons for the hostilities? What weapons and gear would be most useful to you? And what goods and services are you willing to trade in exchange?"

House Morn
After a week of excercises, drills, and challenges, the military display between House Corvus and House Morn has come to an end. Not surprisingly, House Corvus emerged victorious in many of the challenges, though House Morn's military proved itself quite well. General Alistar himself was rather impressed by House Morn's Cataphracts.

Generals Alistar, Tarius, and Kistar have walked out to the center of the rolling fields, two bodyguards in tow. They await the Warmaster, that they may discuss the results of the week. Though, they are a bit apprehensive, as the man may be aggitated and quick to anger with them.

OOC: When does Turn 2 start? :smallconfused:

2010-11-21, 10:58 AM
OOC: Next Monday, but try to keep OOC stuff in the appropriate thread, OK? :smallwink:

2010-11-21, 11:48 AM
House Zmij

House Corvus

The reason for hostilities was House Argentum closing the trade and concentrating a large military force on our borders. The weapons most useful to us would be crossbows and firearms. We have an open credit with House Gritti, that could be used to pay for the goods and services. We can also offer healing for your wounded veterans in our mineral water resorts.

2010-11-21, 01:53 PM
Green Zminj

The courtiers all mutter at the picture, and slight blushes were had by all. The steward himself shakes his head before addressing the man again "If you would provide teachers, I'm sure the technique could be used..."

Perhaps we could discuss slightly lower tax rates than the norm? these people will probably be isolated in the desert for long periods of time and they are providing a valuable service

2010-11-21, 02:04 PM
To House Dovina:
Of course. Maybe we could negotiate a better deal for taxes and border formalities for the entire route.

2010-11-21, 02:08 PM
House Morn

House Zmij
OOC: So just going over numbers, how much are you looking for? The Glorious House of Morn should be able to provide you enough of what you're looking for given Morn's large military, and it's intent to increase military production, but just to be clear... If you ask for enough to give you an increase of -military, then it will cost -economy. If you are looking for less, then we can just say the prices are a little expensive, but it's not extorting you. Think of it as charging you 110-120% of what you were planning on.

Oh, and Tanrim agrees to go south and take up House Zmij's offer.

'Lord' Sextus
The Glorious House of Morn agrees to be a part of this ball. As to which among our noble family comes is yet to be determined.

EDIT:House Corvus
Mardosh has a vicious smile on his face. It is a sight the Generals have seen before. It is bloodlust. "This was a wonderful week. I for one have learned much from House Corvus and know you to be our equal, perhaps even our better in warfare." He laughs loudly. "It appears the withered old corspe of may father was right. To attack your House would not only be a mark of shame upon our House, but it would do us no good either. You can tell your Lord that I, Mardosh Morn, Warmaster, give him my utmost respect. To show how respectful I am of your victories, I leave it to your House to report the happenings of this week across the Empire so that all may know the strength of House Corvus."

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 03:06 PM
House Corvus

House Morn
The Generals choose their words carefully, a slight feeling of apprehension shared amongst them. The Warmaster spoke words of respect, but his expression of bloodlust betrayed his true frustration. They felt that all it took was one wrong move, and the Warmaster may reach the limit of his patience.

"We thank you for your words of respect, honored Warmaster," General Alistar snaps a brisk salute, which the other two generals and their two bodyguards mimic. "We shall report the results, and let the lands know that while House Corvus' forces emerged victorious, they regard the troops of House Morn with the utmost honor and respect. We ourselves are pleased with the results of these excercises, and we are most impressed with what House Morn has had to show. I myself find your Cataphracts quite impressive, and they do indeed rival our Basalisks. As a Cavalry General, I would personally take great pride in leading a unit such as that..." he smirks, hoping that the sincere compliment to his forces helps to sooth the Warmaster's irritation.

House Zmij
After much deliberation, a decision is reached. While House Corvus does not possess firearms, it does have a large supply of spare crossbows. It feels that a supply of 200 crossbows will prove useful to House Zmij. Though not a large amount of weapons, they can still prove useful in leaning the tide of battle in House Zmij's favor.

In exchange, House Corvus requests monetary compensation for the weapons, and assurance that:
-The weapons will not be used on the innocent
-Once House Argentum ceases hostility, House Zmij will cease hostility rather than continuing unwarranted aggression.

If these terms are broken, House Corvus expects the weapons to be returned to them with no compensation, as it will be a violation of their original agreement.

2010-11-21, 03:56 PM
House Zmij

House Morn

Economy ''-'' for Military ''-'' please.

House Corvus

Before House Zmij accepts the terms of your offer, I'd like to know:

How can you tell if your crossbow was used on the innocent person? Will your agents be observing every shot fired from them? Or do you mean the use of crossbows should be limited only to the use against other soldiers (a condition to which we of course will agree to).

As for the second condition, what if we are required to wage war, because Argentum attacked our ally? They aren't being hostile to us, but our honor would demand for us to fight them.

Also, what if we are unable to return the crossbows, because some of them were lost in fighting, broke down or were captured by our enemy?

Tanrim Morn

The Zmij envoy organizes the travel for the young Morn prince. On the way through Dovina coin is spend to purchase Tanrim the best entertainment available and make his journey pleasant and easy.

In Zmijcoil Tanrim is met by the crowds of people highly curious of the foreign prince coming here to prevent the looming war with Argentum. Since he is an honored guest of the Zmij familiy, people welcome his arrival with smiles and cheering. Once Tanrim arrives he is met by the Zmij the 17th, who welcomes him heartily and acts concerned about the troubles and hardships during the prince's journey.

A personal doctor is assigned to observe Tanrim's health and he is invited to enjoy the Zmijcoil's best spas and their services in all their glory. In the short breaks between relaxation, entertainment and meetings with House Zmij nobility, documents with border issues are brought for the prince to resolve. The boring and complicated legal texts are summarized in simple anecdotal situations and presented in a way, that the just and right decision is quite obvious. Of course everyone is amazed by Tanrim's wisdom and insight, when he states the clear cut answers. It's never stated, which side is which, so Tanrim can't tell, whether he is deciding in favor of House Zmij or in favor of House Argentum. A simple trick to make it easy for him to be impartial.

Green Zmij

Green Zmij leaves the gates of Corseta, takes a swing from his bottle and starts spinning around, until he gets sick enough to actually barf. He then stands up and commands his followers - ''Very well, gentlemen. We are going in this direction'' and sidestepping the former contents of his stomach he confidently works towards his next destination.

2010-11-21, 04:38 PM
House Fortunati

House Morn

"But of course."

Dante leads Zan into a reception hall lined with soldiers in blood-red armor, and men in concealing robes and hoods. The throne at the end is empty. For a moment. There is a loud crack, a cloud of smoke, and suddenly the throne is occupied by an old man. He gives the same broad, friendly smile as his son.

"I am the Lord Prospero Fortunati, Master of Aurea. How may I help you, my young Lord?"


I feel that, as my family has been the advisors to the Empire for the past 500 years, it is my duty to at least attempt to persuade them, even if the attempt is doomed to fail. We are an empire of laws, not of rule by the strongest. I am honored by your invitation to the ball, and will bring along with myself several of my most worthy sorcerers and magi, that we may attempt to discern the true heir.

Ever Your Servant,
Prospero Fortunati

House Lutshrat

Very well. What precisely do you require from us?

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 04:58 PM
House Corvus

House Zmij
To answer your questions:

-Yes, their use should be limited to only soldier-to-soldier combat. The attacking of civilians is sometimes common in war, and House Corvus does not view it as an honorable act. News of such atrocities tends to spread fast, and House Corvus would lose honor for providing the weapons used in the war crimes. As long as House Zmij uses the weapons for only sanctioned and honorable warfare, then House Corvus has no right to complain.

-We were implying that if they ask for peace, you will cease hostility, as is the noble thing to do. If afterwards they attack your ally, then by all means, recommence war.

-Such losses are to be expected. The point of demanding the return of the weapons is not monetary gain - it is to keep them out of dishonest hands. (:smallwink:)

2010-11-21, 05:04 PM
House Morn

House Fortunati
Zan Morn gives a cordial bow, low to the ground. "My Lord Prospero Fortunati, I come here humbly to seek your favor for both my House and for my own aspirations. As trouble stirs in the House between Argentum and Zmij, we can only assume that conflict in the north will follow. What I, and my family are concerned about is House Corvus. Though their pride and honor is legendary, it is easy to use such traits to justify a... 'righteous' war. We would like you to ensure that conflict does not occur between our two Houses at the onset of this competition for the throne. After all, such a war could easily spill into your domain as well."

House Zmij
Agreed on the trade. As for Tanrim, you have found exactly what he is good at, being used.

House Corvus
Mardosh nods his head. "I like you General Alistar. The others could learn something from you, namely your ability to control your fear." He turned his white steed around and began to head back to his army now marching back to their home. However, he turned around again to give one last word of advice. "When it comes to my family, actions are much more convincing than words. Nothing I say will gain your trust, as it should be. Stand firm, protect your border, and rest your hearts once we prove that you are not the foe we seek."

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 05:29 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

General Alistar snaps to attention and gives the departing Warmaster a prolonged salute, with the other men around him following suit. Once the Warmaster is on his way with his men, General Alistar turns back to the other men. "Well, that was tense..." he sighs. "Inform the men that we are to return home soon. I am sure the Lord General shall be quite pleased with the results of all this...

~All Houses~
Word is soon spread across the land of the military drills performed by House Corvus and House Morn as a show of martial power, and the results of these war games. It is made quite clear that both Houses possess mighty armies, with House Corvus emerging victorious from most of the contests. They ensure, however, that the reports point out that House Morn proved to be quite the challenger, and that their forces are as worthy of fear and respect as those of House Corvus.

2010-11-21, 06:07 PM
House Zmij

House Corvus

- But it's ridiculously easy to frame one side for atrocity. If hypothetically House Argentum was to take the uniforms from the slain Zmij soldiers and burn one of their own villages. Mind that lands of Argentum are divided between a number of tribes, so they can do it as a part of internal tribal warfare and stick our House with the bill, so to speak.

- Peace always has terms attached to it. If they ask to keep the unlawful gains their army has acquired, since the hostilities commenced, and refuse to give us back our land and damages in the lost trade, can we accept such peace? This would lead to every nation to perceive us as weak and begin threatening war to get gold and land from us. We must protect our population from such injustices.

- So should we make an effort to recover any lost crossbows and would you accept other means of compensations, if recovery is impossible?

House Morn (Secret)

Pleasure doing buisness with you. As for Tanrim, well, an obfuscating stupidity is a good defense against assassins, if you are in the line for the throne.

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 06:20 PM
House Corvus

House Zmij
-House Corvus will be sure to research fully into the matter should a situation such as that arise. Rest assure, we have faith that the truth behind such events will be made known to us before we make any decisions on the subject.

-We were insinuating that they would seek peace once you had asserted dominance over them and gained the upper hand. We're anticipating House Zmij to emerge victorious. If they have made great gains against you, and peace is not in your best interest, then by all means, fight on. But if you'd taken over half their country and killed half their armies, and they want peace, don't just decide on unwarranted total destruction. After all, you're only defending yourselves, correct?

-Again, if the crossbow is lost, destroyed, or otherwise unrecoverable, leave it be. We just want to make sure you aren't using our weapons if you've violated the terms and decided to bring dishonor to our House with your actions. If you keep to the terms, the crossbows may be kept, and damaged crossbows need not be recovered. After all, you're buying them, not renting them. But they're still made and provided by House Corvus, hence why we care so much about how they are used. If our weapons are connected to dishonorable deeds, it would reflect badly on us, no?

2010-11-21, 07:20 PM
House Lutshrat

House Fortunati

House Lutshrat is building a series of Dams and Loches along the river that flows through our region to help with farming and help keep control of flooding. Unfortunately, as a farming culture we are not great builders. We are willing to give you your supply of drugs for construction supplies and engineers to design and supervise the project.

House Dovina

We are still waiting for your response to trading the brothels in Lutshrat for the drug trade in Cortesa. This would also require Dovina to make Frurarri legal to possess in Cortesa.

The Great House Morn

We heard of the military exercises held between you and House Crovis. If House Morn would be willing to make Frurarri legal to possess in Port Angel, we would be able to supply you with some Frurarri extract that would cause your fighters to fight until the end and not fear death. Of course this would not be useful in exercises.

2010-11-21, 07:38 PM
House Dovina


House Lutshat
This is sounding like a deal- except I'm going to make one change. Instead of allowing it to be legally carried by citizens, I will make Drug Dens. Essentially, Brothels but with drugs instead of women, and you will have the sole import- we are essentially giving you a monopoly over the trade, though you still have to sell to Dovina owned centers.

2010-11-21, 07:57 PM
House Morn

House Lutshat
At this point we are declining your offer, but will be open to it at a later time. We are both well aware of how delicate the situation in the Empire is, and we cannot afford variables for the moment. Perhaps by year's end once the other Houses reveal their cards we can accept.

2010-11-21, 08:28 PM
House Gritti

House Dovina
Lady Dovina,

Since we are cities have been expanding our relations to our mutual benefit, I would like to propose that both our Houses form a mutual pact of defense for both our benefits so that anyone who would dare strike against us would feel the full weight of both our houses against them. In this way we will be nearly unstoppable between our economies, our spy networks and our military might.


Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli

2010-11-21, 08:37 PM
House Lutshrat

House Dovina

I have no problem with those rules, although we are assuming this will mean our dealers can travel though Cortesa without worry of prosecution as long as they do not deal.

House Simark

House Simark would be wise to legalize Frurarri in Sahdor. Many of your sailors already use the drug and legalizing it would remove much of the violence, and give your great house another source of income.

More to the details, we would request rights to sell in your region, with a percentage of the profits going to House Simark. This would allow both of our houses to gain wealth, while creating a bond between our people. We would also be willing to allow House Simark to act as our navel transportation and to use the Lutshrat region as a safe haven for your ships.

2010-11-21, 11:55 PM
House Dovina

House Lutshat
They'll have to register as merchants carrying restricted items, but yes.

House Gritti
To Doge,

I regret to inform you that I am not accepting your request. Please do not be offended, but the pact of two militarily weak houses will amount to very little in these times, and we do not have the resources to go to your aid if you are attacked.

I believe it is in both our best interests if we stay apart in that regard,


Matron Dovina

2010-11-22, 12:35 AM
House Lutshrat

"House" Lutshrat would be wise not to dictate wisdom to its betters.

2010-11-22, 02:50 PM
All- Across the Land

All of the major houses across the land are made aware of a new Alliance between the glorious House Dovina and House Corvus. New trade routes have been opened, and members from both factions are seen freely mingling at the borders of the provinces.

Matron Dovina is reported to have commented that "This alliance will firmly set the course of Dovinan Politics for the next ten years at the least"

Lycan 01
2010-11-22, 03:13 PM
House Corvus

All Houses - National News

The news of the alliance between House Dovina and House Corvus is verified by House Corvus. At a dinner party for many of House Corvus' elite, Lord General Percival Fortis proposses a toast to the new alliance, and as he lifts his wine glass he remarks: "I am sure that this alliance will reap many benefits for our two Houses, and I look forward to the progress of our newfound relationship. Long live House Dovina!"

Notes to the GM Only
House Corvus does two things:

They ship a large order of spare weapons and equipment to House Dovina, so that they may better arm their military. A small group of officers and trainers are also sent, to train the army in the proper ways of war. And two divisions of 250 Dragoon mounted infantry are also dispatched, to help defend House Dovina should conflict arise before their army finishes improving.

The full exchange is:1000 swords
500 sets of Tannersmith armor
500 crossbows
20 Captains or lower ranking officers to improve pre-existing units
10 Drill Sergeants to train new units
500 Dragoon mounted infantry to protect House Dovina's lands

Meanwhile, they have also decided to begin strengthening their borders, specifically along their Western flank. House Morn impressed them with their army, and House Corvus has no desire to underestimate them. Several spare garrisons and artillery engines are sent to strategic locations along the Western border, so that any invasion will be met with stauncher resistance. It is NOT a sign of hostility, however, as the troops are not massing directly on the border, nor are they enough for a full invasion force. It is simply a precautionary measure.

2010-11-22, 04:06 PM
House Zmij

House Zmij Reaction to Dovina-Corvus Alliance

''The alliance between Dovina and Corvus are indeed good news. It is well known fact that House Dovina lacks military and economical strength, that are required to hold such as strategically important location as the center of the Empire. Now their people can finally sleep safe in knowledge, that the powerful House Corvus protects them. We absolutely trust that Honorable Lord General Percival Fortis won't abuse the newly gained routes through Dovina, both in terms of moving armies or imposing restrictions on trade of other Houses.''

Zmij the 17th.

Crossbow Purchase Deal - Corvus

We accept your terms.

Lycan 01
2010-11-22, 04:57 PM
House Corvus

House Zmij
House Corvus authorizes the sell of 200 crossbows to House Zmij, under the terms of their honor-bound agreement.

2010-11-22, 08:05 PM
House Lutshrat

House Dovina

House Lutshrat approves of the deal where we let the Esteemed House Dovina run our brothels, and House Lutshrat will run Drug Dens in Cortesa. Our dealers will supply the Dens, and will register with House Dovina to carry the drugs in your territory. We approve and welcome this and hope it brings our too cities closer together. We also would like to congratulate you on your new alliance with house Crovus.

House Gritti

An envoy from House Lutshrat arrives in Vercelli and would like to request an audience with House Gritti. They say the matter concerns the aid in fighting pirates in the seas, and possibly the assembly of your Grand Navy.

2010-11-22, 09:46 PM
House Fortunati

House Lutshrat

I think we can manage to sell you some timber and...ahem...unpaid laborers at a premium, so long as the Frurrari is included with the payment. Sound reasonable?

House Morn

"...I see. So what did you have in mind, precisely, in order to prevent such a conflict? A treaty?"

2010-11-22, 09:47 PM
House Gritti

House Lutshrat

The envoy is quickly whisked to an audience with the Doge Marco Gritti

2010-11-22, 10:43 PM
House Lutshrat

House Gritti

A slender middle aged woman approaches Doge Marco.
I am Yaddmi, from Lutshrat. We wish to help with your fight on Piracy. Lutshrat has always had a pirate problem hurting our crop sales. As a city that makes most of their money off of crops, we need the shipping lanes to be open so we can cheaply move our food to sell. We are not great sailors, but we can fight.

Currently with the arms race between our neighbors, we cannot send our military far from our city in case immediate action is required. Is there any other aid you can currently use?

House Fortunati

We are ecstatic that you would help us with this project, and hopefully it will bring our two great houses closer. We can send you shipments of at least 500 bushels a season (one "hit" is usually 1/8 of a fruit), and we are willing to pay for the supplies and laborers as well, if you have that much to send. As stated before, we have many unskilled laborers, and would like workers who have skills in this kind of work.

2010-11-22, 10:57 PM
House Gritti

House Lutshrat

"We are offering clemency to most Pirates in exchange for joining the Armada of the Republic. We will offer your pirates the same deal, we will pay them to give up on their pirating ways in exchange for selling their services to the Republic of Vercelli and give you our gurantee that those men and ships who join with us will never torment your lands again."

2010-11-22, 11:42 PM
House Dovina

House Lutshrat
I believe we have a deal.

2010-11-23, 09:26 AM
House Morn

House Fortunati
Zan pondered on this. "Yes a treaty would do, though I do not know if they would be in favor of such. Still, if something of the matter could be arranged, an alliance amongst our three Hosues, perhaps even including House Dovina whom House Corvus has already alligned with. Their two Houses complement each other very well with Hosue Dovina controlling information and Hosue Corvus using their military might. It is a dangerous alliance to both our Houses given that each surrounds us."

He let out a sigh. "However, at this point we my father and I agree that bloodshed is not the answer. No, better to join this coalition than to tempt its wrath. Let the south and west go to war and ruin each other whilst our four Houses or potentially three, take the reigns of this Empire."

2010-11-23, 06:40 PM
House Vanir brutally murdered.

In a sudden turn of events, the entire House Vanir has been murdered. No one has come forward to claim responsibility for the crime, though many suspect the House Chef, as they were killed with poison during a family dinner.

A small gathering of influential people within Deynar is now in control of the city, but their power is very limited outside the city itself and they are struggling to keep in control.

The question now is, will the neighbors eat this morsel up, or will they let it self-destruct? Or the unthinkable: they might support the new government! Who knows?

2010-11-23, 08:12 PM
House Dovina

House Vanir Land

It takes a couple of days, but as soon as the news hits Matron Dovina's ears, things begin to set in motion. Throughout the Vanir countryside, courtesons and heralds come to offer alliegence to House Dovina.

Forresters are seen prowling over the border.

The Lady Elizabeth arrives days later at the city itself, where she seeks a audience with the people now controlling the territory.

2010-11-23, 08:15 PM
Vanir lands

They let Dovina have an audience with the council.

(OOC: Open, spoiler or PM?)

2010-11-23, 08:18 PM
House Fortunati

Vanir Government

We of House Fortunati offer our deepest sympathies for the deaths of your royal family. I would like the opportunity to send over my son to talk over affairs of state. Do you accept?

Ever Your Servant,
Prospero Fortunati

House Morn

"I see. So you offer us a place in this growing coalition, then?"

2010-11-23, 08:23 PM
Vanir Government to Fortunati
Can it wait until we have seen the Dovina representatives? They did ask first.

Lycan 01
2010-11-23, 08:30 PM
House Corvus

Announcement to the Citizens and Soldiers of House Vanir
House Corvus has extended the offer of citizenship to the civilians and soldiers of House Vanir. If they desire, they may immigrate to the lands of House Vanir, and recieve House Corvus citizenship and the associated rights. Soldiers of may join the army of House Corvus, merchants may set up businesses in Ferrun, and farmers may purchase farmsteads or orchards. They will be treated fairly and equally, not as second-class citizens, but as true and honorable members of House Corvus. And for those who lack the money or ability to find a place to live in the lands of House Corvus, the great House will actually aid them in beginning their new lives with a small stipend or a temporary residence. Of course, they will have to pass a few tests and fill out a bit of paperwork regarding family information, occupation description, prior criminal records, and financial situation. Almost all who apply can and will be granted citizenship, barring serious criminal records or other situations that would make them a danger to society and the House.

House Corvus hopes that by offering the citizens of the collapsing House a new and better life, they will foster good will, and further improve their own military and economy.

2010-11-23, 08:51 PM
House Fortunati

House Dovina and Vanir Government

We propose a meeting of representatives to discuss the future security of the Vanir state. With diplomats from both Vanir and two of the states that border her, we feel that no deal would be made in which any involved would get the "short end of the stick" so to speak.

His Majesty Prospero Fortunati, Lord of Aurea, Sorcerer of the Thirteen Mysteries, has announced that the Watch organizations of Aurea are to be transformed and trained as professional, full-time soldiers, the first-ever Aurean Legionary. The Watch organizations will instead comprise local draftees that will serve for allotted time with pay.

Futhermore, he has offered a blanket pardon to all brigands and pirates that inhabit his lands and waters. For the next month, His Majesty offers a grace period in which any such outlaws that come forth shall be made a part of the new Legionary.

And lastly, he has offered to Vanir the resources and aid of the Aurean Trading Company, to ensure the continued economic stability of their territory until the new government can consolidate its hold.

2010-11-23, 08:53 PM
House Gritti

House Vanir Lands

Merchants from Vercelli present in Vanir Lands at the time of the murder and the overthrow of the House approach several of the lesser houses now banding together in the city offering to take control of shipping and trade within the territory and the purchase of several businesses to keep trade running smoothly through the now almost leaderless territory.

2010-11-23, 09:07 PM
Vanir Lands

The civilians and soldiers do not seem very tempted to accept the Corvus deal. Many feel that there is still a good chance of this crisis solving itself.

The soldiers in particular seem quite loyal to the Vanir and Deynar, and do not wish to leave their service even though they are dead.

The merchants are still refusing Gritti involvement in their trade. In their own words: "We did not need the Vanir, nor do we need the Gritti, to earn our money or keep our income steady. We can take care of ourselves."

Vanir to Fortunati
You speak as if this land and city is a price to be split between you people. We are not sure that we like that tone.

In any case, we have granted you a more personal audience with the Council. Perhaps there we can sort this slight misunderstanding out. (PM Incoming)

2010-11-23, 09:10 PM
House Morn

Concerning House Vanir
The Glorious House of Morn offers it deepest regrets for the wanton murder of an entire Great House. It is unfortunate that turbulent times often results in terrible bloodshed. We will be increasing our own security and reccommend the same for other Houses.
To anyone who listens in on rumors about House Morn
It is said by a maid who told a cook who told a clerk who told a guard who told a tevern wench that Geldran laughed until he coughed blood at the news, claiming an angel (or demon) must have descended to rid him of those black-clad fiends.

House Fortunati
"Naturally. This is a delicate situation we are in." He leans in closer, his words falling out so only the Lord himself can here... PM TIME!

EDIT: More on House Vanir
House Morn backs up House Dovina in stewarding Dreynar are the region that was previously under House Vanir's rule This move makes sense geographical in addition to having a House that does not have a large military that maymake the local populace feel uncomfortable.

2010-11-23, 10:36 PM
House Lutshrat

House Lutshrat is dismayed by the untimely fate of House Vanir. If the Vanir government needs any aid in this time of need, Lutshrat will come.

2010-11-24, 09:06 AM
House Zmij

House Dovina

House Zmij asks Lady Norina Dovina to either confirm or disprove the House Morn's claim, that you are trying to take over the House Vanir's lands under the pretense of stewardship.

House Vanir

House Zmij values loyalty as the supreme virtue. We will support soldiers loyal to the Vanir line, with steel in our hand, if necessary. Don't let greedy foreigners steal and cowardly nobles to sell out your land. The blood of the Vanir shall rise once more to rule Daynar.

I applaud House Fortunati's generous help to House of Vanir. Truly it is sign of power and prosperity to be able to give so freely.

Zmij the 17th.

2010-11-24, 11:00 AM
Vanir Border

The Argentum Army, right now in defensive positions along the Zmij border, shifts some of it's troops to the banks of the other of the Twin Rivers, the one extending to Vanir lands. They don't cross the border or do anything aggressive, just garrison near the river.

2010-11-24, 01:18 PM
House Morn

To Those with Espionage Rating of 4 Only!
Reports come in that a very large portion (roughly half) of Morn's navy and army have moved out, the navy moving up north, the army moving southwest.

2010-11-24, 04:00 PM
Vanir Lands

The Council, in all their wisdom and with no greedy thoughts at all, *cough*, have decided to join with the Dovina. From this day on, all of the Vanir's old lands will be Dovina's, and any quarrel (military or political) can be taken up with them.

In response to this, several soldiers quit their jobs in a form of protest to this decision. Some have stayed, but they want assurance from the Dovina that their salaries will be payed as per usual.

And another sad thing happened just shortly after this announcement. A fire broke out in Deynar, with several warehouses of lamp oil and similarly flammable substances catching flame. Luckily, the whole thing burnt out without taking the whole city with it, since the city was covered in snow. The wet conditions slowed the fire's spread enough that the citizens could quench the flames. This has, however, wounded the Deynar economy somewhat.

2010-11-24, 04:30 PM
House Argentum

House Argentum would like to remind House Dovina of their fair request.

2010-11-24, 05:32 PM
House Zmij

Lands of House Vanir

Soldiers from the House Zmij travel to the Vanir Lands. They seek out the Vanir officers, who quit the service of the council and ask to join under their command to fight for the restoration of the House Vanir, against the treacherous Council. They try to inspire the people of Vanir to fight for their House, praising the virtue of loyalty and the sacred value of duty.

A couple of rumors are spread that the Council itself have set the warehouses with lamp oil on fire, to artificially inflate the prices. They are also plotting to raise taxes to funnel money to their pockets and coffers of House Dovina.

Lycan 01
2010-11-24, 05:41 PM
House Corvus

House Corvus is unsettled by the rumors of House Zmij's soldiers and servants attempting to incite rebellion in the lands of Vanir. Such actions would be detrimental to House Dovina, and by extension, detrimental to House Corvus.

2010-11-24, 05:56 PM
House Argentum calls for a council to be formed of the nobility in House Vanir's old lands as well as the leadership of Dovina, Argentum and Fortunati to decide the fate of the lands of House Vanir. After all, only the House itself has the right to give away the land, and since the unfortunate fate of House Vanir stops us from doing that, we must figure out the rightful heir.

After all, nobility is not a matter of petty politics or money, but of blood and honour.

Lycan 01
2010-11-24, 06:15 PM
House Corvus

House Corvus applauds House Argentum's use of tact and diplomacy in dealing with a situation they do not favor, rather than the use of deception and rebellion to accomplish their goals. It is most honorable of them.

House Dovina

House Corvus is concerned by the situation in Vanir. House Zmij's meddlings could destabilize the region. Does House Dovina require aid in the Vanir lands? An obvious presence of troops may incite the populous, however, and thus House Corvus wishes to know House Dovina's thoughts on the matter before acting. Bodyguards are also available, if needed.

2010-11-24, 06:16 PM
House Fortunati

Rumors have spread that Lord Dante Fortunati, in a state of trance, prophesied that disaster will fall upon Deynar should it not be ruled by the true heirs of House Vanir. Despite the House's attempts to keep the contents of the prophesy under wraps, details have spread far and wide: that their misfortune shall be heralded by the stars turning blood-red, and that a great and monstrous dragon shall be awakened by the ghosts of the Vanir to do their bidding.

As an expression of their desire to keep such terrible things from befalling Deynar at all costs, the Fortunati have agreed to attend Argentum's meeting, and hopes that Dovina and the current Vanir government will also agree. If Argentum finds it appropriate, they would like to extend the invitation to all noble Houses, as the true heirs of the Vanir might indeed be any one of them.

2010-11-24, 06:26 PM
House Argentum

Of course, all noble Houses may attend. After all, with the ancient roots of House Vanir, it wouldn't be surprising for there to be people related to them in every court. Perhaps we can discuss the arrangements at the meeting in the capital?

Lycan 01
2010-11-24, 06:30 PM
House Corvus

House Corvus believes that the involvement of all the Great Houses would be a good idea, and that discussing the affairs of the Vanir Lands at the Capitol Ball would be a most excellent plan.

2010-11-24, 06:58 PM
House Zmij

House Corvus misunderstands the situation. You are speaking in favor of the Council that has sold out their land for a fat purse of gold and call the soldiers loyal to the Vanir bloodline rebels.

Lycan 01
2010-11-24, 07:11 PM
House Corvus

Even if the Council's motivations may not be the most pure of heart, at least they have attempted to avoid war and violence. And for its soldiers who have quit their service, they may do so with honor and respect from House Corvus - and House Corvus still extends its offer of citizenship and position if they so desire.

But violence? When a diplomatic solution is available? How atrocious. The other Houses have sought to discuss these matters, and deal with the problems they have with the situation head on and with respect. But House Zmij seeks to undermine their efforts by stirring up dissent and rebellion. These dishonest actions and disregard for peace are what House Corvus faults.

And we do not call the loyal servants of House Vanir rebels. We call the ex-soldiers of House Vanir who wish to bear arms against their own people at the behest of House Zmij rebels. Get your facts straight before insulting us.

2010-11-24, 07:29 PM
House Lutshrat

Vanir Government

To the Council in Vanir,

House Lutshrat has been hearing grave rumors that there is much bloodshed and rebels in your lands. We are willing to offer some of our Frurarri supplies to help quell this. We will distribute this to the rebels through our Zmij ties, and they will find themselves more at odds with each other than you. As this is not a legal substance in Vanir lands, it will require your approval to distribute.

2010-11-24, 07:32 PM
Vanir government to Lutshrat
We prefer to deal with such things ourselves. Getting the population addicted isn't the answer this time.

2010-11-24, 07:51 PM
House Fortunati

An Alliance Formed
A celebration is held in Aurea as the growing friendship and collaboration between the Houses of Corvus and Fortunati have burgeoned into a full-on alliance. As such, there can be expected a great increase in trade between the two nations, as well as cooperation in military and political matters.

Just so y'know.:smallsmile:

2010-11-24, 07:53 PM
House Lutshrat

Government in Vanir

We are sad we are unable to come to an agreement, especially with your apparent dealings with House Dovina, who will allow us entering your land if they get control.

House Zmij

A large man comes to Zmijcoil, and wishes to talk with the leaders of Zmij.

I am Grapik, and I have some troops from Lutshrat. We are traveling to Vanir to try and stall House Dovina's absorption of the territory. We request passage through your land.

House Grotti

We find this declaration a bit odd. It is common knowledge that the pirates hold up in Sahdor. We know that direct action against House Simark would not be prudent, but there are other ways to tackle the problem. We were under the assumption you had other plans in motion.

2010-11-24, 08:53 PM
House Gritti

House Lutshrat

"We know of House Simark's alliegance with the Pirates. That is why we purchased the service of as many neutral pirates as possible offering them clemency and positions in our navy. Since we can not strike against a House in open hostility we must wait for them to make a move first or expose themselves as being the source of the pirate problem. Once that happens we can once and for all put an end to their pirating ways."

Lycan 01
2010-11-25, 02:22 AM
House Corvus

National News
House Corvus verifies the announcement of a new Alliance between them and House Fortunati. The Lord General remarks that he is pleased with the new friendship between the two Great Houses, and he looks forward to the gains they will both make from this Alliance.

To GM and House Fortunati
House Corvus lives up to its end of the bargain. They gift House Fortunati with:

500 swords
400 suits of Tannersmith armor
300 crossbows

10 Drill Sergeants to retrain old/train new soldiers
20 Captains or men of lesser rank to keep the troops in order

Several of their tanners and blacksmiths also visit House Fortunati to share their knowledge of armorsmithing, so that the Magi can know how to protect their men without the aid of others before long.

2010-11-25, 05:29 AM
House Zmij

House Corvus

House Zmij believes that the Vanir Council has committed high treason against House Vanir. We have warned them in advance, that we'll support the loyal soldiers of House Vanir.

Still my House doesn't want to plunge the Empire into a needless war and your dedication to preserving peace and order is admirable.

I propose a defensive alliance between our Houses. If either of us is attacked without provocation, we will fight together. I understand the current situation at the borders with House Argentum may give you pause, but should hostilities erupt, we will leave the judgment of whether we provoked it up to you.

If you truly seek peace, then let us conclude this alliance and my House will seek a diplomatic solution to the situation in the Vanir lands.

Zmij the 17th.


Sure you can pass. We'll even provide guides to speed up your passage. Go give them hell men.

To All Nations:

Some of the Houses announced pardons for the thieves, murderers, and rapists as long as they join their militaries. House Zmij finds it deeply disturbing that anybody would want to give these men weapons and authority. What kind of conduct would they follow in case of war?

GM-Super Secret Battle Plans

Lutshrat soldiers are led by the guides through the areas, where the Zmij soldiers would have greatest terrain advantage. Forces are withdrawn from the Dovina and Argentum borders to be able to counter any treachery, but in a discreet manner, so as not to alert them. Also measures are taken that they don't attack Argentum forces to provoke them into attacking us (our troops withdrawn, Argentum informed of the Lutshrat's passing, trustworthy witnesses present to give account of the events, if things go wrong.

The armies at the Argentum borders are steadily reduced, but it is concealed from the House Argentum. Peasants dressed in soldiers uniforms are posted, to make it seem like Zmij still holds the same numbers. The army is fortifing their positions. Can I make barbed wire? Also plans to poison wells, if Argentum invades are prepared.

In Vanir, arriving soldiers advise to attack the Council, where it would hurt the most - their gold, especially soldier payrolls.

2010-11-25, 09:44 AM
House Lutshrat

House Gritti

We do not believe that they will ever show their true colors to the world. Any attack by pirates will be easily deniable by house Simark. They are going to use this as a way to attack people without being to blame. We are sure you've seen this note that has been posted around

House Simark

To all ye pirates, and the good people of the Empire.

The current breakdown in the Imperial dynasty is unfortunate, but will no doubt sort itself out soon enough. In the meantime, however, law and order should be maintained. House Simark will respectfully not be participating in House Gritti's half-baked amnesty, and intended to pursue piracy and pirates wherever it can. Those guilty of attacking Sahdorian shipping will not be sheltered by Gritti's dubious pardons.

(OOC, this was in his post on page 3 to all houses)
Once again, House Lutshrat agrees that military action is not the answer, at least yet, but I do believe we can take a more hard line stance against this blatant disregard for peace.


Grapik and a small band of men move into Vanir to sell Frurarri to the paniced populous. We try to keep away from any hostile actions.

2010-11-25, 10:00 AM
Noted. And no, you can't make barbed wire.

2010-11-25, 11:52 AM
House Gritti

House Lutshrat
"Yes, we are aware of that. It is indeed alarming. We will need to continue to monitor the situation and see what we can do to harrass their illegal interests. Do you have any suggestions?"

2010-11-25, 04:59 PM
House Dovina

The Matron of House Dovina sends out a letter to all Great Houses "The government of the remnents of House Vanir has signed to House Dovina as a legal vassalage.

We will NOT accept any diplomatic mission while there are foriegn soldiers inside House Dovinan territories. This is pointed almost directly at the forces of Zminj and Lutshat. We will not tolerate your soldiers terroizing the citizens of Dovina, no matter how new.

To Argentum, if you truly wish to have a discussion, then you will help us crush these insurgents. Then, we will discuss our deal at the convention that you throw.

I hope that some of my fellow Lords and Ladies remember theirselves."
Matron Dovina

Lycan 01
2010-11-25, 06:30 PM
House Corvus

House Zmij
House Corvus respectfully declines your request for Alliance.

House Dovina
We hear House Dovina's request for aid, and we respond. A contingent of troops will be transfered to the Vanir Lands, to act as a dissuasive measure against those who would wish to seek conflict and chaos. This is not an act of war or aggression, but rather a peacekeeping mission. They are not going to be taking offensive action, but rather garrisoned in House Dovina holdings for their protection. This will be done in hopes that it will dissuade conflict, and prevent war long enough for a diplomatic solution to be reached. The search for an heir cannot be undertaken if the Vanir lands and its neighbors are engulf in war, now can it? We hold no hostility towards House Zmij or House Lutshrat; we are simply protecting our ally from possible danger. But if their soldiers enter the Vanir Lands and attack House Dovina holdings, or attack soldiers of House Corvus, it will be seen as an act of war.

To GM and House Dovina

A small force of House Corvus troops are made available to House Dovina to be stationed in the Vanir Lands if needed. It consists of about 2000 men - 1000 Tannersmith infantry, 500 Crossbowmen, 250 Dragoon mounted infantry, 250 Viper strike cavalry, and 10 Portable-Ballista teams.

House Corvus has also sent House Dovina the schematics for a new weapon. It is a compact crossbow, strapped to the forearm and mounted above the wrist. Its arms are capable of being folded in for storage or locked in place for firing, making it easier to conceal and less obstructive when not in use. It has a short range and little effect against armor, but it is quite an effective tool for assassination or surprise attack. House Corvus makes little use of the weapon aside from bodyguarding and self-defense, but we believe House Dovina may find it quite exquisite. 10 samples of the weapon are also sent, so that House Dovina does not have to wait for production to begin before they can actually test and use it.

2010-11-25, 07:11 PM
House Zmij

To all Houses


It is a pity that House Corvus has declined our offer of alliance and diplomatic resolution to the situation in Vanir. Certainly, if half of the lands in the Empire were bound by a defensive pact, this would have averted any future conflicts and stabilized the situation in the Empire. This was our intent and it is unfortunate that it is not meant to be.


It also worries me that a powerful precedent was established by House Dovina. All of Vanir lands were signed away by the group of people barely in control of the Deynar, and without real influence in the rest of the Vanir lands. The conference at which the deal was signed was a closed affair, so we don't even know if it was done properly or under duress. We don't accuse House Dovina of committing any improper acts, but in the future the same justifications could be used by a tyrant to seize lands of his neighbor.

Soldiers in Vanir:

As of now I retire all Zmij soldiers arriving in Vanir from their service. They will receive generous pensions and opportunity for reenlistment with a bonus, once they return home. Before they do so, as a personal favor to their ruler, I ask them to help to train and advise the forces loyal to the House Vanir. If the heir to the House Vanir were to return, he must have troops personally loyal to him.

2010-11-25, 07:15 PM
House Gritti

Message to House Dovina

Matron Dovina,

In light of the recent fires in Vanir land destroying several warehouses and trading houses I would like to offer the services of House Gritti in helping to rebuild the city. Vercelli has many architects and engineers who would be willing to work to reestablish the merchant distract as well as merchant houses to to bring in supplies for the reconstruction as well as the goods afterwards.

In exchange for the right to establish trading houses in the city and reduced fees and taxes we will perform this construction as a much reduced cost and use the city as an important trade hub for the mutual benefit of both our houses.


Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli

2010-11-25, 07:37 PM
House Lutshrat

House Lutshrat would like to congratulate House Dovina on their new conquest. Killing off a royal family then getting a group of spies to declare an allegiance to House Dovina is a well thought out plan. Then calling any foreigners in the region "military invaders" to cover up your scheme just adds to the genius. House Lutshrat can see a scam and is very impressed by it.

Whichever of Dovina's spies in Vadir that spoke of a Lutshrat military presence in the region clearly did not do any investigation. If they had done the research they would have realized that there isn't enough Lutshrat men to take a police station, and even then they are not trained warriors. They are in the region investigating the above accusations, which your quick absorption of the region adds more suspicion to how a council of leaders would so quickly give power to another who has no interests in the people or background with the area.

We ask that Morn and Crovis forces do not expel our group until their investigation is complete.

2010-11-25, 08:08 PM
House Morn

House Lutshrat
House Morn has no stake in the former House of Vanir's holdings. We supported House Dovina as it was the logical choice. As to any other investigation, or rebellion, or complaint any other House may have, we do not care. Our military is not involved, nor are any of our representatives. It is none of our business.

2010-11-25, 08:08 PM
To House Lutshat

Your opinions and investigation are neither based in fact, nor asked for. The legal transfer of House Vanir lands is none of concern, especially since far older and more respectable houses have publically condoned the takeover.

Go back to your drug trade, and remind me where your morality lies.

If your troops are found inciting rebellion or unrest in any way, they will be detained and sent back to your province.

2010-11-25, 11:29 PM
House Fortunati

Official Statement on House Dovina's Annexation of Deynar, Legally Vanir Lands

House Fortunati respects House Dovina's desire to restore good order and preserve stability within Deynar, according to Imperial Law, Deynar must remain an independent power until the following can be achieved:

-The verification is had beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt that House Vanir's bloodline is dead.

-An investigation is conducted into the deaths of the entire House (which was both ancient and extensive), and Dovina's frankly disturbing ease in acquiring all of their territories and resources.

-Provided that both House Vanir in its entirety is extinguished by means that are unrelated to Dovina, a careful study must be made to determine which bloodline or individual is most closely related to House Vanir, that the House Vanir's possessions, lands, and resources might be placed at their disposal.

All this is in accordance to the Imperial Blood Code of Succession and Inheritance, as set down by His Imperial Majesty All-Emperor Malachand VIII, in time immemorial.

Any and all who attempt to subvert or defy this procedure by occupying, annexing, or claiming right to "lordless" lands are in defiance of Imperial law, and are by extension to be considered in a state of revolution against the Imperial Bloodline, Imperial Decree, and against the Imperial State.

Any who attempt to give away land that is not theirs by blood and feudal decree are considered in a state of revolution against the Imperial Bloodline, Imperial Decree, and against the Imperial State.

Any who attempt to seize land that is not theirs by blood and feudal decree are also to be considered in a state of revolution against the Imperial Bloodline, Imperial Decree, and against the Imperial State.

In essence, according to Imperial Law, the "Vanir Interim Government" must be removed, tried, disciplined, and replaced.

The House of Dovina must immediately withdraw all soldiery, agents, and other occupation and consolidation forces, regardless of intent or alleged necessity, and (at least temporarily) relinquish all claim to rule over Deynar, on pain of treason against the Empire.


His Majesty Prospero Fortunati was heard to have said, "I mean really, people. The Empire's not dead, and we have laws for a reason."

2010-11-26, 12:32 AM
House Dovina

House Fortunati, recently, has shown very little understanding with their reliance on 'wisdom' from times back. I would hope that even our opponents would consider that we would have slightly more subtley than to massacre a family, and THEN try to take the land for themselves.

I'm sure that any investigations would turn up nothing, just as sure as I am that when it does that our opponents will fabricate said evidence.

You yourselves were at the meeting to attempt to sway the interim government, and you brought up no such law.

Therefore we of House Dovina institute articale 612, edict 12.

"All lands and properties of one of the great houses will be transferred to those who are judged best to rule that territory until the All-Emperor decides to create or honor a new house with the land."

The rules of the old Imperial System are outdated, with clauses and loopholes for everything. I suggest that the great houses come togethor in a convention of sorts to establish all rules that we will be beholden to.

2010-11-26, 02:26 AM
House Zmij

On situation in Vanir

It is pretty clear that Lady Dovina in her compassion sought to restore order to Vanir as quickly as possible to prevent any loss of life. But that was a mistake, because it left room for doubt and suspicion afterwards. Before the wound is stitched, it must be cleaned properly to avoid the risk of infection.

The proper way to handle the situation was to either have witnesses from other Houses to verify and validate the legality of the land transfer or to organize a proper council with the majority of the land's nobility present, where the matter could have been put through a vote.

We hope that House Dovina will take our advise and next time will act with greater patience and care in such delicate situation. Politics is a extremely dangerous game and it punishes those, who play it poorly.

2010-11-26, 10:20 AM


Indeed it does, it also punishes those who are slow to act, which is why we are having this conversation. The laggards didn't get the chance to try for the land, and are left jealous and disappointed.

2010-11-26, 11:12 AM
House Lutshrat

First, we would like these discussions to keep away from slander that have no hold in the situation, despite the Irony in prostitutes calling others immoral. We are very sad that this minor inconvenience has cause such heart ache for house Dovina, who we considered a close friend.

House Dovina needs to step back and see what the rest of the empire saw. In the time it takes a messenger to cross the empire and back, the ruling family of Vanir was murdered, a new government was created, and House Dovina then took over that government. To not see conspiracy would show blindness.

Saying this I can assure House Dovina that Lutshrat and most of the other houses that did not get involved had no interest in control of this region.

2010-11-26, 11:27 AM
House Zmij

House Dovina

So it was greed and ambition that motivated House Dovina. You might have the mettle to rule after all. House Zmij acknowledges your strength.

Zmij the 17th.

2010-11-26, 12:07 PM
House Dovina

I care less of how it looked, then the amount of, to use your term, slander that came from mainly your two houses. I had merely pointed out that that it was Ironic that this drug dealers were lecturing us- you must admit that in comparison what my girls do is a civil service.

Despite this, I have said my piece on the matter, and I am done speaking through letter. If you have any questions you may ask my daughter at the ball in Cordosa at the beginning of the next month.

Good Day 'My Lords'

2010-11-26, 03:15 PM
House Lutshrat

House Gritti

We apologize with the belated response, we have been attempting to deal with the crises on the other side of the empire. We can propose to ways of dealing with Simark, and can be summed up as going over or under.

Going over: Get another house in, like house Morn, and put a blockade of Simark's ports, only allowing trade ships to exit or enter. The pirates will eventually be pressed out of action. We will need another houses help in this strategy, and will be costly.

Going Under: We stage a international crises around pirating, which will bring the other houses in and allow us to use military action. This method will cause major problems if it fails, but can solve the problem faster and cheaper than the other.

We leave the choice up to House Gritti, due to the reactions that can come, and Lutshrats current involvements, which may cause or effort to be seen in a negative light.

2010-11-26, 11:51 PM
House Gritti

House Lutshrat

We'd prefer a more direct action. However we feel it is possible to wait some because we have reason to believe that House Simark will open hostilities against one of its neighbors shortly giving us ample cause to intervene and put an end to this piracy problem.

Lycan 01
2010-11-26, 11:56 PM
House Corvus

House Corvus thinks that House Dovina was wise to assume control of the Vanir Lands for the time being. If the current situation is any indication, House Corvus shudders to think of what may have happened if House Dovina had not taken charge of the situation. They prevented a potential bloodbath, as several of our Great Houses would have likely staked claims to the Vanir Lands, and they no doubt would have been willing to fight about it. Thankfully, that was not the situation, and hopefully it shall remain that way.

Meanwhile, in the Lord General's Private Study...

By the light of several candles, a group of uniformed men circle a table in a darkened room, the moon shining vaguely in the foggy night sky outside the nearest window. They sit in silence, staring at each other with grim determination, until finally one man speaks up.

"I fold," General Troyworth sighed, laying his hand of cards down on the table.

"As do I," remarked General Alistar, folding his own deck.

"I also fold," the Lord General himself chimed in. "You have a most excellent poker face, my friend."

Captain Skorzeny's expressionless features changed to form a smirk, and he silently reached across the table and raked in the pile of gold and silver coins that had been bet.

"That's his fifth hand straight..." General Troyworth scratched the back of his head, dumbfounded by the bodyguard's luck and self control. "He's impossible to beat."

"I've beaten him before," General Alistar pointed out.

"Really? How many times?"



"So, how do you fellows feel about the situation in Vanir?" the Lord General suddenly asked, changing the topic of discussion.

"A right bloody mess..." Troyworth grumbled.

"I heard House Zmij relieved all their troops in the Vanir Lands of service, but said that they could rejoin whenever they wanted. Their leader suggested that they do him a favor before rejoining though..." General Alistar's face twisted with disgust. "He want's them to train all the ex-Vanir soldiers "so that they can properly serve their rightful heir when he returns to rule Vanir." Which means, of course-"

"That he wants his ex-soldiers to train them to be rebels and guerrilla fighters, and they can't face the backlash since they aren't technically his soldiers training the partisans..." Troyworth spat, voice dripping with venom.

"Yes, yes, I have heard all this. And I have a simple solution to the problem," the Lord General replied, reaching for his wine.

"And what is that?" Alistar asked.

"If the Vanir lands begin to experience a problem with rebels, then we shall decree that any man who is caught stirring up civil unrest or contributing to terrorist activites, be he a former member of House Vanir or House Zmij's military, will face the proper punishment for their actions..." the Lord General calmly took a sip from his wine, and then stated firmly: "Death."

Everyone at the table, Captain Skorzeny included, grinned.

~End of Turn~

2010-11-27, 03:25 AM
The echo of Tallin's boots on stone echoes down the silent halls of the Ducal Palace. He nods at the House Guards at their posts, passes a maid carrying a hamper without comment, and carefully sidestepping a chef carrying an emptied platter. The Duchess had her quiet hour, and permited few nonserious interruptions. As expected, he found her resting in the Bath Hall, resting on the edge of an empty pool. Sit, cousin. She flicked a piece off of the board in front of her, set a few more down in its place. She was playing Dancat, a Sahdorian favorite. What do you think, coz? Should I play my galleys?

Tallin shrugged then surveyed the board. He'd never been a fan of solitary Dancat. A bit to much like a game of pure chance to him. You playing Red Canal rules? Then, I suppose it's adventurous, but potentially lucrative.

Ah, ever the neutral answer. And entirely standard too. The Duchess moved a few more counters, and flipped a tile. Shoooka. Tch. Of course. So it goes, though. She began gathering the pieces together. So why did you come down here then, coz?

A few issues.


And the Ball. What should we do about Vanir?

At the Ball.

Secrecy for me as well? Some of things things I will need to plan for.

In good time, coz. Rest assured, nothing your [irate hunters will need to deal with immediately. Event after the Ball are highly variable, no need to tip our hand one way or the other just yet. Anything else?

It's about your escort for the Ball.

The Dutchess fixed her cousin with a solid stare. Coz, need I remind you of your position more often? I'm no Dovina whore. Should I stop letting you speak to me while I bath?

The military man rolled his eyes. He'd long since been inured to the Duchess's taste in jokes. Vanir was slaughtered almost to the whole. The Palace is as safe as the men that guard it, but you'll need to be careful.

I'll bring a compliment and eat only properly prepared food. Don't you worry. Stay for a game?

Only if you promise not to treat it as some microcosm of reality, or try to use the tiles to divine the future.

That did get a laugh.

2010-11-27, 08:08 PM
Spring, Year 1 of the Shattered Empire. (Start of Turn 2)

The winter was a harsh time for the once mighty Empire. And paranoia and fear ruled throughout the land. As a consequence, all of the Major Houses have increased the military by a lot, turning it into a kind of arms race.

A trade war was declared against the former Vanir lands by a couple of the Great Houses. Zmij, Argentum, Lutshrat, and Fortunati merchants are now staying away from Vanir, and several measures are taken to make sure that Vanir exports are stifled as well.

Dovina found a way to solve this, however, by signing more trade deals with other Houses, as well as spreading some wealth around in the Vanir's lands. The people are quickly growing to love their new masters, thanks to even more actions designed to create faith and trust. The whores helped quite a lot too.

Another thing that helped calm things down a bit in those lands were the deaths of several rebel leaders. Most of them appears to have been killed by their own men, maybe brought on by the people seeing how good Dovina are toward them.

However, another war broke out, and of steel and blood rather than commerce. House Simark sent a message to all Houses containing evidence of House Gritti devaluing their money by mixing in other metals into the blend to make them less valuable. They then proceeded to declare war upon them and attacked straight away. They were counting on House Morn for support, as well as the advantage of surprise. And it would have been a very efficient attack, too, if Gritti had not been told of the attack. By Morn. So, Simark charged right into a trap, with Gritti soldiers being more than prepared for the attack. And Morn poured salt into the wounds by then flanking and attacking the Simark forces to aid Gritti. Simark pulled back to Sahdor, only to discover the city in flames. Morn had snuck a piece of their forces to the city, now fairly undefended due to the attack, and had proceeded to bombard it with anything they could, setting the whole thing on fire. They could not take the city, however, and were forced to run when they got word of the Simark retreat from the front-lines. And that's how far the war has gotten so far. In House Morn and Gritti people are celebrating, while the poor Simark are cursing the Morn for their treachery.

(Simark loses +++ Military and +- Economy, Gritti and Morn loses a - each.)

Another strange thing happened over in Aurea. Although the people there already believe in the magical powers of their leaders, they are now slightly more convinced. A prophetic vision sent to one of the Fortunati has come true. For a few hours time the stars turned as red as blood. Exactly what he prophesized. Although, so far, no catastrophe has struck the Vanir lands. Perhaps the future holds dark things for those lands?

Riding on this, a new Cult/Religion was created in Aurea. They are called the Cult of The Dragon, and they worship the titular being. For now only Fortunati lands have seen a spread of this cult, but if other religions are not vigilant, it may spread even beyond their borders.

A great many alliances were forged these months, two very different wars began and a lot of other scary things happened, and yet the peoples of the Empire seems strangely loyal as of right now. Many, especially the peoples of Dovina, Fortunati and Zmij, have grown to love and follow their leaders without a doubt or, in some cases, thought. We will see if they can maintain this level of happiness, or if it will wane over time.

In other news, now that the people have had some time and some rather shocking events to observe, they have formed a rough idea of whom they think is the strongest of the Houses. (My way of saying, here's the Standing list!)
1. House Dovina - Greystone
2. House Fortunati - Falconer
3. House Morn - daelrog
4. House Gritti - LongVin
5. House Zmij - Thelonius
6. House Argentum - Murska
7. House Lutshrat - HerbieRAI
8. House Corvus - Lycan 01
9. House Simark - The_JJ

Now the ball in Concordia awaits. The League of Lesser Houses have decided to postpone it slightly, to see if this war between Simark and Gritti will find a solution beforehand.

Had it not been for the cells aboard the ships of the Gritti, you would have lost your entire fleet as well as your city. They fought bravely, but were killed in action.

2010-11-27, 08:52 PM
To the Houses participating in the 'Trade War'
My Lords,

It comes to our attention that you are attempting to sanction our house into doing your bidding. I simply write this letter to warn you that the goods will simply go to other houses.

That is all.

To House Gritti
We have heard of your recent victory. Congratdulations my Lords! I also admit that we had missed your previous letter until now. We would be happy to allow you to help rebuild in the Vanir province.

2010-11-27, 09:11 PM
The Victorious and Glorious House of Morn

House Gritti
Congratulations on a clear victory, neighbor. What do you intend to do next now that House Simark is out of graces with the rest of the Empire, and its military is significantly weakened?

House Corvus
Forgive us for not stating our position earlier. As you can now see, our situation concerning the west was necessarily kept in the dark. We have no desire to fight you as, if nothing else, our conflict lies to the west. House Simark in its arrogance proposed we take Vercelli by force without giving them prior warning. Such actions cannot be accepted in the Empire and we took it upon ourselves to save House Gritti, and discipline a House that would use such underhanded tactics.

Wouldn't you agree?:smallamused:

House Dovina
Geldran commends Lady Dovina on a swift takeover of Vanir lands. He also asks her about what she now thinks of the original agreement they made concerning Morn's military support towards Dovina, and if, given the changes that have taken place, if it is still an acceptaple arrangement or if she thinks any ammendments should be made. Geldran for one, if comfortable with their agreement as is.

House Zmij
It has come to our attention that you have Tanrim in your care. As long as he doesn't return to us dead, disfigured, or more mindless than usual, we find this acceptable.

House Simark
A letter is sent, dictated by Geldran Morn.
House Simark,
You would take an entire city into your fold, whilst we, the Glorious House of Morn were reduced to petty thieves, pillaging and stealing? I think not. I think I am much more comfortable with a weaker neighbor such as House Gritti, whose faults lie in their greed, than a neighbor such as you, who would offer us the scraps of the prize turkey, who would take the power of two Houses in their grasp, and then have the ability and resources to move even further east.

Should you feel the need to deal with House Morn again, I suggest you give us our proper due, that is an equal share in the earnings, perhaps even a greater share.


Lord Geldran Morn

Lycan 01
2010-11-27, 09:37 PM
House Corvus

House Corvus is disturbed by many of the new developments in the Empire. They regret that blood has been spilled in the West, and they are uncomfortable with the situation in the Southeast. They are most worried, though, about themselves. They are suddenly being outmatched by many of their contemporaries in areas that they should be dominant. And that bothers them...

House Morn

It is an ugly situation no matter how you view it. You still betrayed them and attacked without warning. Although, you have a point - they did expect you to do the same against a weaker power. Such is the reward for subterfuge and betrayal. Be aware, though, that while House Corvus does not intend to attack you for this transgression, they are still concerned by your actions. You are giving us fewer and fewer reasons to trust you...

2010-11-27, 09:50 PM
(OOC: Wrong thread, daelrog. :smallwink: And you should probably fix your spoiler tag, Lycan 01.)

2010-11-27, 10:20 PM
House Morn
OOC: Deleted post, put it in the OOC thread.

House Corvus
Your words are... dissapointing. Keep in mind that you are not the justice of the Empire incarnate, but one of eleven, now ten Great Houses. Although we can commend you on your seemingly just standpoint, know that we act as we see fit, and do not need your position.

Also consider that Houses Dovina and Fortunati are our ally as well as yours. For either of us to act the aggressor, no matter how righteous our reasons, would be to act our mutual allies to side with the other.

On a brighter note, would you consider opening up trade between our two noble Houses?

Lycan 01
2010-11-27, 10:24 PM
House Corvus

House Morn

We see no harm in that, good sir. And may it be a sign of good will between our two Houses.

2010-11-27, 10:38 PM
Simark to... peoples.
The Duchess is rather suprised that the Ball has been delayed, and asks that no delay be made on part of her ill luck.

Simark to House Morn:
I am afraid that you've misrepresented a great deal. We wished to strike at a power that had cheated us, knowingly and willingly. That is not mere greed, that is a slight that must be punished lest others try it again.

We offered you choice pick of the Gritti vaults, the city's true prize. All we wished was a strip of land along their river and the chance to cripple their fleet, to forestall further competition. No more. After that, if you wished to keep the city, you may well have, though we intended to burn it down and call it a day. Our ambitions were never to take Gritti's place, unlike your dear distasteful Dovina allies.

Take care good sir.

(ooc-Not lying. Go read the PM again.)

2010-11-27, 11:11 PM
House Gritti

Promotion and march at the front!

Soldiers picked through the corpses of their recently slain foes as captured prisoners are forced to dig unmarked graves for their fallen comrades before they are dragged off to be ransomed away. In a planned move two horses come racing from the rear, Lorenzo Gritti leaps from his horse before it even stops just feet away from the Captain Grimaldi just steps behind him stops the horse being ridden by Vicar Borgia. "Brother! Are we too late for the battle?" Lorenzo asks already knowing the answer. "Well then let this proclamation be a victory celebration. By order of the Doge, I am pleased to announce that you, citizen soldiers who defeated the might of the professional army of the despicable House Simark hereby be declared the Grand Army of the Most Serene Republic of Vercelli and that your brave Captain be promoted to the rank of General!"

Cheers rose through the ranks as word is quickly passed of the promotion and Vicar Borgia approaches the soon to be general laying his hands upon him and uttering a prayer for him and officially promoting him with the blessing of both the state and the divinity. He then turns to address the men "Citizens of Vercelli while the mandate on the levy only requires you to fight in defense of your lands I tell you this. All who choose to stay on with the army and march into the lands of the traitors of House Simark shall receive the most choice of their lands AND shall forever be annuled of any sins before the eyes of Regulus!"

The vast swarth of men come forward chanting they will fight on as General Grimaldi takes to his horse and with a flourish of his sword declares he will chase the Simark dogs back to their cursed land!

Celebration in Vercelli

Messengers rush through the streets of the city shouting news of the victory of the Grand Army as Church Bells ring joyously for the brave men who fought back the invaders and for the destruction of their city. Vercellians take to the streets burning effigies of House Simark calling for their blood. From the balcony of the palazzo Marco the second watches bemused.

Message to House Morn
First, I can not thank you enough for your assistance. Hopefully, their city had fine loot for your men. We are preparing to march on them should they insist on continuing this war. But, since I am not an evil man and do not wish to see needless lives thrown away(of those Vercelli and Port Angel) I will offer them a peace deal that is highly favorable to both of us. Hopefully, they will give into reason and we can profit greatly.

-Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli

@House Dovina
PM is inbound

@House Simark
To the Duchess Raisha Simark,

What does one say to another who sought their demise and destruction in such a treacherous manner? Then again is that not the way of House Simark, a house which has built itself on lies and piracy? Now, your city is burnt to the ground and your troops flee from our forces and I come to offer you peace for I am not an evil man and do not wish to see lives of good Imperial wasted. However, there must be terms to this peace to assure that House Simark never again dares to challenge us.

1. House Simark pays War Reparations and ransoms to both House Gritti and House Morn immediately(equal to +- each) and for each season pay an additional tribute to both Gritti and Morn for the next year( - to each every turn)

2. House Simark hands over all land north of Sahdor to House Gritti so that we may never be caught off guard again against your treachery with our new border being the river.

3. House Simark immediately ceases its support of piracy and turns all pirates over to House Gritti and House Morn for punishment.

4. House Simark accepts the placement of several trading and merchant houses of Vercelli within Sahdor.

5. House Simark immediately adopts Gritti gold as the official currency of the state.

6. House Simark swears to never make war again against House Gritti and/or House Morn or engage in any acts that seek to destablize House Gritti or House Morn.

Consider these terms very carefully.

-Marco Gritti
Doge of Vercelli

2010-11-27, 11:53 PM
House Simarks (publicly published rebuttle to Gritti demands):

1. House Simark pays War Reparations and ransoms to both House Gritti and House Morn immediately(equal to +- each) and for each season pay an additional tribute to both Gritti and Morn for the next year( - to each every turn)

2. House Simark hands over all land north of Sahdor to House Gritti so that we may never be caught off guard again against your treachery with our new border being the river.

3. House Simark immediately ceases its support of piracy and turns all pirates over to House Gritti and House Morn for punishment.

4. House Simark accepts the placement of several trading and merchant houses of Vercelli within Sahdor.

5. House Simark immediately adopts Gritti gold as the official currency of the state.

6. House Simark swears to never make war again against House Gritti and/or House Morn or engage in any acts that seek to destablize House Gritti or House Morn.

1. House Simark kindly invites the heads of House Gritti to kindly and with all due haste proceed to the Palace Unsinking to personally serve the Duchess tea and crumpets.

2. House Gritti is cordially invited to reconsider this demand.

3. House Simark would like to remind House Gritti that it was House Gritti's unlawful declaration of amnesty in contravention of both standing ocean going, Imperial, and Sahdorian law that in part continues to justify House Simark's armed resistance.

4. House Simark would like to remind House Gritti of long standing Sahdorian Guild laws on the placement of trading houses, and meanwhile take the opportunity to cast doubt upon House Gritti's supposed righteous anger in the face of such blatantly profit driven demands. House Simark has issues with hypocrisy. Or at least unsubtle hypocrisy[/ooc]

5. House Gritti gold would be wonderful. House Simark wonders where one might find House Gritti gold, since it certainly isn't in the House Gritti coins.

6. House Simark will up hold the laws and succession of the All-Emperor, and bow before no others. This is a right cemented by ancient blood and pact when the 'House' Gritti was busy trying to figure out how best to milk goats.

Should any of these above proposition be distasteful, House Simark is afraid it will not be able to comply with the House Gritti requests. House Gritti is free to attempt to enforce them should they so desire, but House Simark would like the remind House Gritti of Imperial law, the nature of Sahdor's cityscape, and the extent to which their victory is entirely owed to the know backstabbing oath-breaking scum of House Morn, who once before promised aid in a time of need, and proceeded to turn upon their allies.

2010-11-28, 12:14 AM
House Gritti

Public Condemnation of House Simark

While House Simark would like to boast of their so-called power, success and moral standing when in fact House Simark is the source of treachery, piracy, slander and no doubt even more crimes that they have managed to keep secret.

1. House Simark is a known supporter of piracy and benefits greatly from the pirate trade. Where as House Gritti has worked to remove pirates from the seas instead offering them gainful employment in the service of House Gritti where they fought against their former pirate brethen to bring safety to the High Seas.

2. House Simark is filled with known liars and cheats who have chosen to spread false rumors about Gritti gold and silver which is of the highest quality. We even have reason to believe that House Simark is engaged in an extensive counterfieting ring to pass off shoddy coins as House Gritti gold to lower our standing.

3. House Simark launched an unprovoked war of aggression against House Gritti and now intends to cry that it is the victim when House Simark itself violated all the laws established by our All-Emperor with their support of piracy, invasions, and backstabbing.

4. House Gritti is merely attempting to put an end to a destructive and unnneeded war as we do not want to see the deaths of so many good Imperial citizens be they Vercellian, Sahdor or Port Angel. While, House Simark insists on fighting to the end.

2010-11-28, 12:20 AM
House Morn

Response to House Simark
House Morn for one is quite pleased with Simark's forward and direct response to House Gritti's ambitious, if not naive, list of terms. It shows that in a time of great uncertainty, there are still those who are willing to be open about their frustrations. As to Morn being... ahem... 'backstabbing oathbreaking scum', we hope unbecoming language has helped ease the bitter taste of defeat for our dear borthers and sisters to the far west.

In the end House Morn decided that although House Simark had legitimate complaints against House Gritti, annihilation of their House through backwards dealings was... excessive. After all, there are many tensions rising in this Empire from the fate of the unfortunately ill-fated Vanir lands, to trade laws, to which of my dear daughters is more beautiful. Shoudl our disagreements be cause to destroy one another, Houses with history and tradition that spans a millenia? No. No matter what happens these coming months, we hope Simark practices restraint from now on.

After all, surely we do not want the new All-Emperor to sit upon a devastated land of ten dead Great Houses?

-Geldran Morn

2010-11-28, 12:29 AM
House Fortunati

Leo Marazzo rushed through the gates of Aurea City. "Out of the way!" he shouts, and rang a small bell to make his presence known. Citizens moved to the sides of the street. You see, Leo was a herald of House Fortunati, and he had an urgent message.

As he rodes up the hills, crossed the moat, and at last approached the red-bannered walls of Castle Fortunati, he stopped his horse and shouted up to the walls.

"It's me, Leo Marazzo! I'm an official messenger of our Sovereign House Fortunati!" He took out a small badge, and held it up high so that the men on the ramparts could see. "I bear a message from Concordia!" The badge gleamed red and gold in the sunlight.

The guards withdrew from sight, apparently to talk it over. After what seemed like an eternity, the brass doors of the castle slowly creaked open. Half a dozen Black Guard agents stood in the doorway, blocking Leo's path. With an almost bored demeanor, one of them came forward, and stretched out his hand.

"Allow me to see the message, please."

Leo quickly fumbled around in his pack, before taking the piece of parchment and handing it to the Guardsman. Casually, the man unfolded it and began to peruse the contents.

Suddenly his eyes widened. "Get this to His Majesty immediately!" The guards made way, and Leo rushed past them, into the courtyard. He all but leapt off his horse, ran up to the doors, which quickly opened in front of him. He ran into the hall, where several guards in blood-red plate armor came forward.
"Give us the message, please. We will see that His Majesty gets it."

Leo handed them the letter, and watched as one of them took off down the hall. His job was done.

The guard hastily walked down the mazelike halls of the castle. He walked up seemingly countless flights of stairs, up to the highest tower in the whole castle, and gave a sharp knock at the door. Opening it was a lovely young woman, pale, with long black hair and amber eyes, catlike like her father Prospero. She was Sofia Fortunati, and she was the second most powerful magician in the land, rivaled only by her brother Dante and surpassed only by her father.

"Whatever it is, it will have to wait. I'm afraid right now you're interrupting my father's experiments. You know he does not wish to be disturbed." She glared.

The guard gave a smart bow and handed over the letter. "My deepest apologies, m'lady. I bear news from Concordia!"

Sofia took the letter and all but slammed the door. She walked past countless tables filled with strange vials, inscrutable instruments, and bubbling potions. Hunched over a table, studying a large book written in some ancient and dead tongue, was Lord Prospero Fortunati, old and grey and bearded. He looked up at his daughter, analyzing her through his bespectacled eyes.

"What was it? He knows I'm not to be disturbed."

"A letter from the Lords in Concordia, father. It's urgent news."

With hands that trembled with age, Prospero took the letter and slowly opened it. As he read through it, he gave a sharp gasp and nearly dropped it in shock.

"What is it, father?" Sofia asked, concerned.

"Those fools! They're going to delay the Ball! What in hell are they thinking? Damn them, they know I love a good bit of dancing!"

2010-11-28, 12:39 AM
House Simark to House Morn:
Dear Geldran,

We may yet strive to see your line ended for this slight, but for that at least know that won't be personal between us.

2010-11-28, 12:50 AM
House Morn

House Simark
Duchess Raisha Simark,
Then we are in agreement, for House Morn's actions are never personal. After all, our history proves that we treat our own family members with the same cruelty and edge we show our enemies. We may have to try to end your line for your threats, and for your ability to live up to them. May such a contest of wills be the stuff of legends should it come to pass.

EDIT: Pathetic Nothings That Call Themselves Houses... erm... I mean Lesser Houses at Concordia
Geldran Morn strongly suggests that the good Lord Sextus does not prolong the Ball any longer. After all, he promised his daughter Cordana she could go, and would they deny a father the right to send his daughter to such a magical evening?

Rumor has it also that the Dark Red Raven that is Morn's symbol was found nailed to the front door of Lord Sextus's estate... from the inside.
OOC: I assume Lord Sextus has less than +++ espionage.

2010-11-28, 03:36 AM
House Zmij - The Happiest Place on Earth

Many groups travel from the lands of the House Zmij to the rest of Empire. They invite people to immigrate to House Zmij. ''Is there land, where people are happier? Where soldiers aren't thrown away, when they can no longer have strength to hold pikes, but granted generous pensions? Where the best of the doctors in the land will treat you? Where you can trust your rulers? Where Frurarri addicts, don't wander the streets? Come to the land, where you can have a new start, away from tyranny, wars and crime.

To Sayn:

OOC - I've got an ''overflow'' of Moral Stat, can it be turned into good reputation outside of Zmijcoil. So when people compare, where to immigrate - Dovina or Zmij, they'll chose Zmij?

To House Morn

Tanrim Morn is in the middle of important peace negotiations. It would be disastrous for him to return now. Please have patience. House Zmij will see him returned safely soon. We also happy to tell you, he has signed a number of deals with House Zmij, that willl surely benefit the people of House Morn.

House Greedy Gritti

Zmij envoys arrive.

Greetings to the House Gritti. We've come to receive our investment with interest.

Edit: In good coins please.

House Argentum

The noblemen of House Zmij, with Tanrim Morn leading them arrive to meet with the generals of House Argentum. They bear a thick stack of papers - the peace proposal.

Murska/Sayn only

The terms are favorable to House Argentum. House Zmij doesn't pull support from any border nobles, that sided with them, but offers other lands as a compensation. Tanrim is credited with creation of the peace terms, when he ruled in favor of Argentum, without knowing it (names of the both parties were concealed).

Net result: ''-'' Economy to Argentum

If Argentum accepts, the peace treaty will be published for all to see.


House Dovina

We invite any aspiring mistresses of the House Dovina to open bordellos in the House Zmij lands. Certainly there are many ambitious ladies that would seek to try their luck in the land with a bit less competition in the area of their trade.

Green Zmij

''Aren't these people supposed to be sad? Their rulers all died recently''

''Not recently M'lord, you've been drunk for the past month, so you've missed some... developments''

''Ah, but I wished to teach these men to drown their sorrows in the sweet and bitter alcohol. Now what. Hmm, is that soldiers from the House of Corvus I spy?''

''Yes, I believe that House Corvus, as per their alliance...''

''Ah, who cares. What's important they must miss their homeland and that means I've got a job to do. Find out, what establishment they frequent, when off duty''


House Lutshrat/Sayn

House Zmij's doctors share all their knowledge of the rare plants found in the Lutshrat's jungles.


To all Nations (Morn, Gritti and Simrak especially).

As everybody knows, House Zmij has established pensions for our soldiers, so after serving our country, they will have means to support themselves in their old age. In the time of peace, the demands on military were limited, but now wars are breaking out everywhere. We must compensate our brave soldiers for the sacrifice they make.

House Zmij proposes, that everyone should establish military pensions as well as medical insurance for soldiers and officers - so people, who risk their lives for the noble Houses, could afford to treat their battle wounds.

2010-11-28, 08:10 AM
Lord Sextus to the world

Lords and Ladies. This is a dark time, with more than one war raging in our once peaceful world. I thought that perhaps this would end soon, so I postponed the ball in hopes of things calming down beforehand.

However, I see that that will most likely not happen. So I now pronounce that the ball will be held in a week's time. Those involved in the war have an invitation, but are asked to leave their war at the doorstep of the party. If any fighting breaks out during the ball all those involved will be tossed out of the city.

I hope that we can solve these issues before even more blood is shed.

Lord Sextus.

(OOC: I'll make a post to open up the ball later tonight, so you might want to write a post about which member is going and describing their journey to Concordia. I'll take it from there, and then the ball will start.)

No, the Morale stat caps out at 5. It simply reaches 5 and that's it.

2010-11-28, 11:35 AM
House Argentum

((OOC: I'm really sick, sorry everyone. If I find the strength, I will flesh things out a bit.))

We are pleased to announce the signing of a formal agreement ceasing the hostilities between Argentum and Zmij.

Visil Turand shall attend the ball.

2010-11-28, 11:51 AM
House Lutshrat

House Lutshrat is worried and dismayed at the battles in the northwest.

House Lutshrat starts promoting the herbalism and natural healing methods of the natives of the region. While these methods may not ever be excepted by the scientific minded other houses, studies have shown them to work.

House Zmij

We are willing to trade knowledge between our herbalists and your doctors to improve the potency of both.

House Gritti

We would like to help in your war to smash the pirates, but the accusations from house Simark seem to hold some weight. Until more information surfaces, we must remain neutral in this affair.


We call back Grapik from Vadnir, but leave the other dealers in the area. Also, we stop work on the dams/ lockes to work and improve the crop yield for the summer. We use our spare supplies of Frurarri from last turn (that are not going to be sent to other regions this turn) to lower drug prices (demand staying constant, flood market with the extra supply) in Lutshrat to improve the populations mood during the intense months of summer.

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 01:22 PM
House Corvus

The War in the West
House Corvus would like to examine samples of Gritti coinage used by both House Simark and House Gritti, to check for imperfections, deceptions, counterfeiting, proof marks, and other such indicators for the veracity of either side's claims. House Corvus is neutral in the matter, and thus they can reach a fair conclussion on the matter as to who is really at fault here - House Gritti for wrecking Simark's economy, or House Simark for declaring war under false pretense.


Trip to the Ball
The carriage jostled slightly, rocking on its suspension as the wheeled frame rode over a bumpy hillside road. A team of well trained horses pulled it along, two men clad in orange sitting atop it - one driving with the reins, another carrying a crossbow for defense against highwaymen. Of course, if the crossbow wasn't enough, the contingent of eight cavalry officers riding fore and aft of the carriage would sure deter any threat.

Inside the carriage sat three men in full military uniform - Lord General Percival Fortis, Captain Skorzeny, and General Troyworth. Lord General Fortis was idly watching the countryside pass by through the nearest window, Captain Skorzeny's scarred face was obscured by an old book of classic literature, and General Troyworth looked quite uncomfortable. "I much prefer the horse to the buggy..." he eventually lamented after a particularly nasty bump.

"Is this your first time in a carriage?" the Lord General inquired, not looking up from his scenic view.

"No sir," Troyworth replied, "But you never quite get used to it after spending most of your life in a saddle."

"Quite right..." Lord General Fortis shrugged. The carriage hit another large bump, and the aged soldier's face twisted with a slight wince.

"I don't see how you're able to stay so quiet about your arm, sir," Troyworth remarked with a shake of his own arm. The Lord General's left arm was currently hanging in an orange sling, the limb bandaged from elbow to wrist. Since it obscured his chest, the Lord General had simply decided to pin his medals and decorations on the sling itself. It was the result of a rather grueling duel - the other man had come out much worse. And very much dead.

"Because, Horace," the Lord General smirked through the pain. "A proper gentleman knows that complaining accomplishes nothing, except to show his lack of patience."

"Oh... right..." General Troyworth nodded, once again on the receiving end of his mentor's "advice-within-an-insult" lessons.

Behind his book, Captain Skorzeny smirked. It was going to be an entertaining trip.

2010-11-28, 02:10 PM
House Lutshrat is going to have a luxury barge sail from Lutshrat to the ball, there will be plenty of drink and do. Any can join either with their own vessels, or can have a room on board ours.

2010-11-28, 02:20 PM
House Morn

House Corvus
As House Corvus is far removed from the conflict between Gritti and Simark, we would prefer that another take the role of mediator, perhaps either House Lutshrat or Dovina? We at House Morn are concerned by Corvus's propaganda campaign stating that they are more fair and just than the rest of the Houses. We do not wish to encourage this standpoint they have taken by giving them yet another opportunity to act as law of the Empire.

House Lutshrat
Chesia Morn will be arriving at the barge that House Lutshrat has opened for other esteemed guests to enter.

However, it is second-daughter Cordana who will be attending the Ball on our behalf. She will be arriving with Dovina's entourage, as our second-daughter has been staying with Lady Dovina for over a month now.

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 02:31 PM
House Corvus

House Morn
We respectfully disagree. We are not allies with any of the three Houses involved. We have no previous bias, and no reason to lean the results in favor of any specific party. And our scientists and researches are quite capable. So, we are one of the best choices for this task.

And please do not accuse us of propaganda, for it insults our integrity. We are simply trying to find a quick and easy solution to this conflict, for the good of the Empire. If we wanted to improve our international standing, we'd find a better way to do it than bending facts or invade other countries, unlike some Houses.

2010-11-28, 02:46 PM
House Morn

House Corvus
House Corvus's eagerness in this matter is what troubles us the most. Such a task as what House Corvus is proposing is a serious and grave matter, and one that should not be taken lightly. As such, we feel that a House that is less... intrusive and who isn't demanding that they take part.

The true neutral party is the one that is chosen for responsibility, not the one that demands it. Then again, if House Simark and Gritti both agree, then feel free to investigate. After all, unless both Houses cooperate, you will not have any authority in your decision.

House Gritti
House Corvus has no business in this matter. They will flaunt their morality and impede our chance to deal with House Simark swiftly and immediately. Make the call for battle, and we will have our mutual allies with Coruvs leave them out.

House Dovina and Fortunati
As both of you are allies with both House Corvus and us, we would like you to ask them not to interfere with the conflict between House Gritti and Simark. Their presence will only complicate a delicate situation, and we would take it personally if your Houses did not at least make the ask. We thank you in advance.

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 02:58 PM
House Corvus

House Morn
We understand that we need both Houses' permission, which is why we asked for samples of coinage from both sides, rather than demanding them, or only picking to examine one House's currency.

2010-11-28, 05:49 PM
House Gritti

Recruitment drive

Veterans and Sargents of the war who have not been assigned to continue the march on Simark move throughout Vercelli and the outlying towns to speak to young men encourage them to enlist with the army in the war against Simark.

Men are promised acres of land at the end of their service in relation to what they contribute. For example those whose can not field any of their own equipment will be given equipment and then granted 10 acres at the end of the war, those who can provide some will be granted 20 acres, those who can provide their own horse 40 acres and so on to encourage people from all social strata to enlist and give them a reason to fight.

March on Sahdor!

The army continues its march towards Sahdor in its bid to lay siege to the city.

@Sayn and Daelrog
War plans have already been sent and I'm ready for a battle.

Daelrog did you send in your war plans yet?

House Zmij

House Gritti has already promised the troops in its service land in exchange for their time serving with the Most Serene Republic.

As for your investsments, they have only just now begun to show signs of profitability. We would reccomend that you let us continue investing these funds as we have only been working with them for a short time.

House Lutshrat
House Simark has already proven themselves to be liars and cheats violating the rules of law. Anything they say is suspect and we know they have been in the process of counterfeiting coins on a grand scale. Our soldiers found their dead's pockets filled with cheap knock off coins.

House Corvus

At this time we can not spare the time or the efforts in putting together a proper sampling of our coins and the original gold bullion they were/are being molded with because of the war effort.

As soon as we come to a peace deal we will be able to provide you with the samples you need.

House Morn
Our troops are on the move and should be at the gates of Sahdor shortly.


The Doge and his son the Master of the Council of Guilds shall attend the ball in Concordia.

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 06:02 PM
House Corvus

House Gritti
You talk of waiting until peace has been reached, yet we fear that by that time the original problem will be a moot point. After all, how can we compare the gold of House Gritti and House Simark when there may be no House Simark left? Surely you can send a small shipment, which we may reimburse you for. We need samples of the gold used at the time the accusations were first made for the comparisons to be accurate, and by the time peace comes, the majority of the original gold may be too scarce, may have entered foreign economies, or have been re-smelted.

2010-11-28, 06:06 PM
House Gritti

@ House Corvus
We have no desire to seek the destruction of House Simark, we only want land to serve as a buffer and reperations to pay for our war costs and to construct public works for our citizens.

We will begin putting samples together as quickly as possible howeve to facilliate the process of examining the gold.

2010-11-28, 06:08 PM
House Fortunati

As a bit of lighter news at this time of war, in attendance to the ball shall be His Lordship Prospero, Sorcerer of the Thirteen Mysteries, Foremost Magician of All the World, Advisor to the All-Emperor, six-time Winner of the Annual Aurean Ballroom Dancing Festival. In addition his son Dante and daughter Sofia shall be in attendance, along with several magi and other guests.

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 06:13 PM
House Corvus
Very well then. We thank you for your patience and compliance with your requests. We hope that the results will exonerate you of fault in this conflict.

2010-11-28, 06:14 PM
House Zmij

To the Concordia

Zmij the 17th travels personally to the meeting in Concordia. His brother Scale has remained to oversee the internal matters in the Zmij lands, while Venoma Zmij has send an apology, that she can't attend such important social event, due to extremely busy schedule.

Zmij the 17th accepts House Lutshrat's invitation to join their travel group.

Tanrim the Peacemaker

Big celebrations are held in Zmijcoil after the peace agreement with Argentum is reached. The name on everyone's lips is of course Tanrim the Peacemaker. There are many rumours about him. An especially popular one, is that the reputation of foolishness and irrelevance, Prince held in the House Morn lands was a clever subterfuge. An image he himself crafted to defend against any potential assassin attacks. An obfuscating stupidity that served as a perfect shield.

Now that Tanrim has revealed his keen mind in solving the conflict with Argentum, he might be viewed as a threat by some in his family, who desire the throne. Perhaps that's why he is now surrounded by the House Zmij bodyguards and advisors, that intend to follow him to the House Morn lands. After all House Zmij can't let any harm to befell their hero.

Internal Affairs

Now that the outside threat is gone, Zmij the 17th concentrates on brining peace and order to the Zmij lands. The local watch organizations are boosted by recruitment and reassignment of competent soldiers from the military (and cushy desk jobs for the aging veterans as well). A lot of effort goes into establishing customs houses at the borders and clamping down on any sort of smuggling.

The book of laws arrives, straight from the desk of Zmij the 17th. They very harsh on the serious crimes and regulate a lot of the smaller things, but a lot of leniency is allowed, if the criminal confesses to the crime.

House Gritti

You promise every soldier and officer in your army between 10 and 40 acres of land? That is indeed very generous of House Gritti, as long as you win the war of course. House Simrak doesn't appear to be beaten yet.

Still, what about the wounds received by your soldiers? What use is land, if one lacks limbs to pull the plow? It might be better to provide them with a choice between the land and the pensions, with a stipulation part of it could be paid immediately after the soldier's discharge, to treat injuries inflicted during the war. Of course this is merely our advise.

Investment Gritti/Sayn Only

Okay, how much do I receive if I pull out my investment now and how much does House Gritti promise me, if I require it next turn?

(OOC - the pace of the game is such, that one turn should be enough to make a pretty good return on investment, right?)

2010-11-28, 06:23 PM
The Grand Spring Ball of Concordia

The city is calm, but not quiet. It never is. It is so large that all other cities seem small in comparison, and the people living there are proud of their place of residence.

All of the representatives are placed in different manors and mansions throughout the city before the ball, and are provided with luxurious food and drink to keep them satisfied until the ball begins.

On the night of the ball, with the spires of the city covered in torches and colorful lanterns to light up the city, the representatives of the Great Houses are led to the White Palace. It was constructed nearly seven hundred years ago, to house the those of the royal family whom were not in line for the throne. It now serves as the base for the League of Lesser Houses, and it has been decorated for the occasion. It is large even by the standards of the Greater Houses, but is dwarfed by the Grand Imperial Palace, which lies only a short distance from it. A large, almost catherdral-looking building make out the center, with a low, hexagonal wall surrounding it. In each of the six corners of the wall there is a tower, each bearing the mark of the All-Emperor: a deep-blue dragon on a golden field.

The towers and walls of the palace shine white even in the chilly spring night, and are lighted from below using a system of fires and mirrors. Each of the six corner towers are lighted in different colors, rotating every few minutes. Servants and guards stand ready to help the Lords and Ladies to the Grand Hall, where the festivities will be held this evening.

The Grand Hall is decorated in many different colors as well, all of this a theme in honor of spring. Lanterns and candles provide the only lighting, giving the Hall a cozy, yet colorful, feeling. It is rectangular in shape, with people entering from one of the short ends. Along the left side, seen from the entrance, enormous windows provide a view of the now dazzling city in all of its lights and colors, as the entire Palace is located upon a hill.

Servants line the walls, ready for any orders. The farthest wall, the one opposite to the entrance, has several tables with a slightly more private feeling to them. Upon each is a menu with dishes from the entire continent, with waitors and waitresses ready to take the guests orders. They also serve almost any drink you can think of, including some strange spirits from Lutshrat and the chilly wine of Vercelli.

Next to the doors stands an announcer, whom calls out the guests names and titles as they enter the Hall. Currently the hosts are waiting for all the guests to arrive before starting things off properly.

(Alright. Begin your post with "Lord/Lady ..... of ......! Basically announce whom your party consists of, and then proceed to describe them.)

Exactly how big was this investment? And how was it supposed to work? It's between you two, so I don't have any hand in it beyond making sure you aren't godmodding or something. :smalltongue:

2010-11-28, 06:38 PM

Zmij the 17th is well dressed, but without much extravaganza. He is surrounded by several lesser nobles, majority belonging to the branch families of the Zmij bloodline. Zmij looks at others with a benevolent expression, if not a bit smug. Like a kindly uncle observing his favorite nephews and nieces perhaps.

He arrived at the same time as the Lutshrat's delegation, but let them through first as a gesture of politeness, for the comforts provided by the Lutshrat's luxurious barge.

2010-11-28, 08:39 PM
The Ball

Lady Elizabeth Dovina flowed into the ball weaing the best and most fashionable lilac ball gown, her blond hair pulled up in a gravity defying bun. At her elbow, her brother Marcus walked. He was a tall man, resplendent in a ceremonial golden breastplate. A long white cloak with a sun sown into the cloak. A ornate sword is by his side.

As they enter, she curtsey's, wearing a very innocent face of a woman overwelmed by her surroundings, and he bows- before they enter the crowd.

2010-11-28, 09:09 PM
The Barge from Lutshrat leaves full of cargo and diplomats from both Lutshrat and Zmij. During the voyage cards, music, dance, drink, and (most importantly) drugs are enjoyed by all. The barge itself is a three story laviathon, with the lower decks for rooms, the middle right above the water with a roof. It is here that the card and other game tables are, along with a long free bar, and a stage in the middle. Stairs lead up to the roof, where the guests can look at the stars. This is where the tribal dances are done, and ancient techniques and plays from the natives cultures are played out for the visitors.

Upon Arriving in Cortesia, the barge floats up next to the dock, where it lays out its own ramp with a green and white carpet. House Lutshrat insists on its guests departing first.

(OOC, I'm going to put my announcements here to cut down on posts. Also, I'd like some retroactive posts allowed if Agrentum decides to join the barge, and if Morn and I have some discussions before this. Also the barges guests would be departing first)

Lord Valdere of Lutshrat enters the room in green robes with white trim, a lot like the carpet from the barge. He seems to be higher than the clouds and is barley able to focus on the stairs. Upon being announced into the room, he takes a small bow and proceeds to sit in the first chair he can find and giggles to himself.

Lady Yaddmi of Lutshrat comes in wearing a tight red low cut dress that flows out at the feet. She timidly walks into the room, and doesn't seem to know how to handle herself in the crowd of nobles. She blushes and walks off near the back where she stands quietly.

Lord Trombid of Lutshrat tromps into the ballroom wearing a green and brown suit which barely contains his weight. He is carring a piece of fruit in one hand, and a wine glass in the other. Both have been partially consumed and from his demeanor you can tell neither are his first.

2010-11-28, 09:52 PM
House Morn

The Ball
Cordana, locked away in the pantry by her wicked step-siblings is sad because she will never marry the Prince! Luckily, her fairy god mother comes and with a magic spell... oh wait, wrong story.
Cordana arrives shortly behind Lady Elizabeth. Her bodyguard for the evening is a giant of a man name Lars Roltz, a member of the famed Cataphracts and the commander that oversaw the troops that ambushed House Simark's troops along the river. A cut over his left eye is still stitched closed.

Cordana however appeared stunning. Dark red hair held up into a knot, and a simple, yet elegant white dress not only represented her House colors, but flattered her toned figure. Not plump and volumptuous like many a noble woman, she was a capable horse rider and runner in her own right. She is famed to be the one sane sibiling amongst the five, though rumors of Tanrim's genius have spread far and wide.

Port Angel, House Zmij
Upon arrival to Morn, a small celebration is held for Tanrim's successful return. It is not long however, before Tanrim, and his newly won Zmij bodyguards and advisors find themselves alone with Geldran, Wist, and a small force of soldiers outnumbering them five to one.

Geldran's smile is not kind. "I have no quarrel with House Zmij, but I am finding an unfortunate pattern emerging in dealings with you. You get greedy, and plant your foot one step too far.

"The last representative who came before me had the audacity to twice imply that I would try to cheat him on military goods. One time was insulting, twice was unacceptable. Now here I stand seeing that you have used my youngest child as a propaganda tool, to best serve your purposes with House Argentum. However, this benefited my House as well. However, once again you go too far and follow him to my stronghold, thinking you can continue this masquerade."

"But Father..."

"Tanrim, there is a new maid who I think you have yet to meet. Go see to her son."

"But Father..." Tanrim let his head drop, and walked out of the room.

When he was gone, Geldran looked to the so-called help from Zmij. Geldran was now using a cane, something he had only just picked up, but he had not quite lost his strength yet. "Your services are no longer required."

2010-11-28, 09:59 PM
The Ball

As Cordana enters, Marcus takes interest. They had ridden near each other from Cortesa, but hadn't had time to converse- Elizabeth had chatted as women tend to do and monopolized her time.'

Now, he took a step forward, and flashed his winning smile "My Lady" and he kisses her hand

2010-11-28, 10:19 PM
House Gritti

The Ball

Doge Marco Gritti and his son Lorenzo Gritti arrive at the ball in Concordia.

2010-11-28, 10:28 PM
House Morn

The Ball
Cordana offers a glistening white smile, a rarity in the Empire, gained through a secret formula that her maids kept even from her other siblings. She nods to him in approval. "My Lord." As he lifts his lips away from her hand, she looks upon the dashing figure appraisingly. "How does the noble son of Lady Narina Dovina fair this wondrous night, during these troubled times?"

Lycan 01
2010-11-28, 11:02 PM
"Lord General Percival Fortis of House Corvus!"

The Lord General enters in full military uniform - orange jacket, black pants with orange trim, black boots, black gloves, and a white ceremonial helm. Likewise the two men behind him, Captain Skorzeny and General Horace Troyworth, are equally dressed. The Lord General's left arm is in an orange sling, immobilized and strapped tightly to his chest. Upon that sling he wears his collection of medals and commendations, since they cannot be presented as normally. Two blades are at his waist - a fencing sword with an ivory scabbard and elegant silver hilt at his left side, and a ceremonial dagger of office with a scabbard and hilt of black leather and gold. Captain Skorzeny also wears a fencing sword in a black leather scabbard with a gold hilt, while General Troyworth carries a cavalry saber with the same decor.

All three men reach up and remove their helms, raising them a few inches off their heads and giving short bows all together in one fluid motion. They then readjust their helms, and stride forth to mingle and enjoy the Ball.

2010-11-28, 11:09 PM
The Ball

He smiles graciously "Very fine. Despite the recent incident we are doing very well" he offers Cordana his arm "Pardon me if I am forward but may we have this dance?"

2010-11-28, 11:20 PM
House Morn

The Ball
"Let us make the entire gathering jealous." She extends her hand to be taken. Lars moves over towards Elizabeth and sets himself up as her bodyguard, for it was only fair that if the Dovina girl's bodyguard was with his charge, he would do the same, though perhaps not the dance.

2010-11-28, 11:36 PM
The Ball

He smiles and sweeps her away, spinning her. Apparently his cloak and armor did not impede his movement as he attempted to indeed make every noble in the building jealous. Despite being a soldier, it appears that living with courtesans had impressed upon him excellent dancing skills at the very least. They cut a swath through the dance floor with their combined grace.

When Lars came up next to her, Elizabeth raised an eyebrow "My Lord, I have not had the honor of learning your name" she curtsies "I am Lady Elizabeth Dovina"

2010-11-28, 11:42 PM
House Morn

The Ball
"My Lady, I am Captain Lars Roltz, Cataphract, my Lady." He shifts his weight, extremely uncomfortable talking to someone of such higher status than him.

Cordana let's slip a laugh as he spins her. For a moment she is carefree, a rarity indeed.

Let's leave the two dancing for now. Let the other nobles arrive and comment on it if they wish.And tremble in fear knowing their dance skills are inferior.

2010-11-28, 11:59 PM
The Ball

"A Cataphract?" she bats her eyebrows in girlish wonder "The Elite Morn Calvary? Oh this must be my lucky day, I've always wanted to meet one. How did you gain such an injury?"

She gestured at his eye.

2010-11-29, 03:12 AM
House Zmij


Zmij the 17th pays his respects other Houses, extending his courtesy bow a bit more, when meeting the nobles of House Dovina and Fortunati. He also gives a polite bow to Visil Turand, looking a bit apologetic, as if the Zmij-Argentum border tensions were a domestic misunderstanding, rather than a conflict that threatened to engulf both nations in war.

Zmij mingles with the nobles at the party, enjoying the exotic foods and taking part in conversations that concern politics and events in the Vanir land.

Sinister Plot In Port Angel

''What a charmer'', an envoy sighed. ''Good thing Lord Morn didn't let Prince open his mouth. He might have learned of our plan. Let us move with speed'' The documents with Tanrim signature were split between his advisors and they dispersed around the city, escorted by the Zmij bodyguards.

To Sayn Only

My advisors plan to announce Tanrim's return by the way of his usual gestures to the common people. Only this time they are all actually made sensible and help people a great deal. They do it in a hurry, before Geldan Morn realizes, what's going on. (I think they could convince Tanrim Morn to cooperate here without much of misdirection).

They have all the legal documents with Tanrim's signature (and a bunch more stashed in a secret location) to authorize House Zmij to open a hospital to treat the poor, build shelters and soup kitchens, donate to the good causes - everything popular with the common folk.

Tanrim the Peacemaker is constantly mentioned as the people's benefactor, with the support and aid of the House Zmij, grateful to the young prince for helping prevent the war. There is a condition that people from House Zmij must oversee the use of money, so don't end up in the wrong pockets and can employ whoever they wish in these ventures.

A mention of how people are cared for in the House Zmij, especially military pensions, is dropped casually here and there.

2010-11-29, 08:09 AM
The Ball

Yaddmi slowly makes her way to Zmij the 17th. "Will Your son Green be attending? If he is, I would like to meet him before Trombid arrives and embareses the rest of us from house Lutshrat."

The high flying Valdere is starting to come down and slowly gets up and starts to mingle with many from the lower houses and others he knew from his childhood.

2010-11-29, 08:27 AM

Zmij replies with a smile. ''Ah... Fortunately for House Zmij, he won't be attending. He is on his pilgrimage to gather drinking companions. Once Green gets an idea in his head, he'll focus on it, like the rest of the world doesn't exist. Family just lets him be, until his obession run its course''

2010-11-29, 09:41 AM
"Tis a shame, I was hoping to test his... metal in that regard." Yaddmi gets a grin of her own "From what I hear of him he would get along well with our group from Lutshrat"


A notice is being posted around Lutshrat

To any whom owe House Lutshrat outstanding sums, or find themselves on hard times:

House Lutshrat will allow you to work off your debt by joining the military, where you will be housed, fed, and given regular amounts of Frurarri. This is a better alternitive to forced labor or imprisonment

2010-11-29, 11:42 AM
House Morn

Port Angel
The host that arrived with Tanrim Morn are kicked out of Port Angel post haste. A letter is sent to Zmij asking them to no longer bother third-son Tanrim, and that any action taken by Zmij will be considered an act of hostility. Whatever, these 'document' are, they will be removed quickly.
OOC: I leave it up to Sayn now on what happens. Don't know what you're up to Thelonius, but Geldran doesn't put up with politcal ploys. Also, it was my intent to have you guys escorted out of the city immediately, so yeah...

The Ball
As the two young nobles dance, The Catapract shrugs and looks around, trying to look for any sign of trouble. "An eblow my Lady. I was unhorsed and was thrown to to the ground. Luckily my opponent got his weapon stuck in my horse, so he had to attack me unarmed. Suffice to say, he faired worse."

2010-11-29, 01:14 PM
The Ball

She nods, and drifts threw the crowd before she finds herself in front of the leadership of Corvus. "My lords of Corvus, how are you on this fine Ball day?"

Lycan 01
2010-11-29, 02:55 PM
House Corvus

At the Ball
The trio of officers from House Corvus all lift their helms and bow respectfully to Lady Elizabeth. "We are well, Lady Dovina," Lord General Fortis smiles warmly. "It is good to make your acquaintance. This is my bodyguard, Captain Skorzeny, and my subordinate, General Troyworth."

Skorzeny gives a slight nod at the mention of his name, but Troyworth, ever the charming rogue, steps forward at the mention of his name, takes the Lady's hand in his, and kneels down to gently kiss it. He then smiles up at her, and as he rises says: "It is a pleasure to meet you, M'Lady. And may I say, you look quite stunning this evening."

The Lord General and Captain Skorzeny both exchange exasperated glances, which both seem to echo "Oh boy, here it goes..." or some similar sentiment.

2010-11-30, 01:58 AM
House Fortunati

"The Nobility of House Fortunati!" The announcer booms. The doors slowly open as the announcer continues.

"Sorceress of the Thirteen Mysteries, Oracle of the Sun and Moon, Priestess of the Dragon, Mistress of Eleven Orders, Her Ladyship Sofia Fortunati."

Sofia enters the ballroom, in a blood-red dress. Fortunati's colors, somewhat predictably. Her black hair is down, unlike many of the other ladies, and she looks aroud with what can only be described as a glimmer of arrogance.

"Lord of All of Aurea, Sorcerer of the Thirteen Mysteries, Magician of the East, Master of the Twelve Orders, Grand Vizier of the Empire, and..." the announcer looks confused for a second as an attendant whispers in his ear.

"...Eight-time Winner of the Imperial Ballroom Dancing Tournament, His Grace, Prospero Fortunati."

A short, elderly man gracefully strides into the ballroom. He is grey and balding, with a scraggly goatee that makes him rather resemble the animal. His bespectacled eyes are an amber brown, darting around like a cat's. On his face is the most grandfatherly smile one could ever hope to see. He wears the unextravagant but fine robe of a Fortunati sorcerer, at his side a ceremonial sword. Following him is a small group of red-robed men, lesser nobility of the House, and several guards.

As Prospero and his daughter and followers are just about to join and mingle with the rest of the guests, the announcer suddenly shouts out again.

"...His Lordship...Mezentius Vanir."

In steps a tall and intimidating man, wearing a Vanir Admiral's uniform, black with gold trim. He's guarded by nearly a dozen ragged, unpleasant-looking men in uniforms of sailors of the Vanir fleet, also black. And despite his fine clothes, he too cuts a rough-looking figure. His hair is wild and unkempt, his face weathered by the sun. Golden earrings dangle from his ears. Over his left eye is a long, jagged scar, partially hidden behind an eyepatch. He smiles at the ensuing commotion, amused.

"That sounds rather like me."

Lycan 01
2010-11-30, 02:12 AM
House Corvus, at the Ball

The Lord General can only grin, while General Troyworth's eyes widen in disbelief and the Captain simply looks on with his typical aloof expression. Turning to Elizabeth Dovina, the leader of House Corvus simply states in a low tone: "I do believe things just got very complicated, M'Lady."

2010-11-30, 09:27 AM
The Dancing House of Morn

The Ball
Cordana allows Marcus to spin her one more time before drifting away enough to stop. "I think that man over there warrants your attention more young prince. Another time then." She flows away before he can say anything but a parting word or two, Lars striding up to meet her.

"Stay close to me, my Lady, and do not touch any of the food or drink. It is unlikely but..."

"But anything is possible these days."

Lars nodded his head.

Cordana and Capatain Roltz moved over to where House Corvus was, giving only a nod in greeting, waiting for the scene to unfold.

2010-11-30, 10:30 AM
Valdere, Trombid, and Yaddmi gather together and mumble to themselves for a few minutes. Afterward, they break off in different directions.

Trombid excuses himself saying he needs some fresh air and steps outside

Yaddmi approaches Mezentius
It is nice to make your aquaintance, I bet a man like you has enough stories to fill a library

Valdere walks over to Lady Elizabeth and the Crovis Generals, and says in a low hush Well, if he is really a Valdir, I understand why the family shipped him off. I doubt all those scars come from just endeavors.

2010-11-30, 11:09 AM

I need to talk with Sayn before I respond. I need to know something.

2010-12-01, 05:58 PM
House Dovina

Marcus stops dancing, and with a worried glance at Elizabeth, moves up to stand by her.

Lady Elizabeth, for her part, does not change in expression, though her eyes flash dangerously. She smiles largely and bounds forwards, kissing his hand.

"Another long lost Vanir!" she smiles and bats her eyes " Your brother Alexus will be most happy to hear of your survival. " she smiles primly "As long as documents of his patronage can be established of course" she adds for the room to hear.

2010-12-01, 06:53 PM
Concordia Ball

Most of the lesser Lords and Ladies watch the events with worried expressions, but are silent throughout it.

Then, the sound of a bell rings, and all shift their attention to a man in a very neatly cut black suit, with silver trimmings. He's aging, but stands tall and straight. His hair is gray and neatly trimmed, as is his small mustache and beard. His eyes are blue and hard, but shine with warmth and intelligence. He speaks with a clear voice.

"Greetings esteemed Lords and fair Ladies. My name is Sextus, and I am the host of this ball." He pauses when people applauds this. "Thank you. Now, the Empire has seen better days... We have war in the North, tensions in the South-East and an arms race all over the place. However! We are the last of the royal blood line. Most of us have at least one marriage to the royal House in the past, and thus now enjoy the privilege of being a part of that great House."

He looks over the crowd with sad eyes.

"But now we fight. We should be working together, as we are all related in one way or another. But now we fight. The reason is simple: the throne stands empty, and we need a new ruler. But I have high hopes that this can yet be solved with minimum bloodshed, and with as little destruction as possible. This ball is a reminder that we are all still part of the same Empire, the same people and the same family. It celebrates spring, a time of rebirth, from the cold clutches of winter. I hope it will mark the rebirth of a unified Empire."

He raises his glass of wine in a toast.

"Now then. Let the festivities begin. One Land, One Crown!" Ending his speech with the royal motto, he drains his glass and begins to mingle. The guests applaud him and repeats the motto.

2010-12-01, 07:20 PM
House Morn

The Ball
Cordana reached the Lord General Percival Fortis of House Corvus. "My father had a message for you, my Lord. He said he was 'very keen to see House Corvus's code of honor at work when his two closest allies were at odds over House Vanir'." She did not seem pleased to be reciting such a message, but the young woman did not appear apologetic either. In truth, she was just as curious as to what House Corvus would do considering House Fortunati and House Dovina were so clearly divided.

She turned to Valdere of Luthshrat. "Tell me Valdere, what are your thoughts on the man claiming to be a Valdir, and House Fortunati's only bringing him forth after Dovina has committed itself to the southeast province?"

2010-12-01, 07:32 PM
The Ball

Zmij's eyes grow cold and distant during the speech. He conceals an ugly grimace on his lips by bringing the wine glass to his face. The wine remains untouched, until after everybody stops toasting to Sextus. Zmij takes a little time to prepare and then makes his announcement.

''I agree completely with Lord Sextus. We must strive for peace and stability in the time of trouble. My noble House pledges to protect Concordia and aid the League of Lesser Houses, until they themselves open the gates for the new Emperor or Empress. I hope other Houses will make a similar pledge to ensure that in the end the path to the imperial throne would be forged by wisdom and diplomacy, rather than sword''

Zmij looks at the present nobility with a wide smile, taking a small pause in his speech.

''I hope the League of Lesser Houses will work to find the leader, who will reunite the Empire. I believe that the names of Houses Dovina, Fortunati and Morn are on everybody's lips right now. Perhaps they could speak of their plans regarding the imperial throne''

2010-12-01, 07:54 PM
Mezentius seems to be in shock. He looks from Lord Sextus, to Prospero, to Elizabeth, then back again. As Sextus nears the end of his speech, he seemingly starts to collect himself.

"ONE LAND! ONE CROWN!" he shouts with the crowd.

Slowly, as if contemplating this turn of events, he slowly approaches Lady Elizabeth. He stops right in front of her, analyzing her, looking for the slightest hint of deceit in her eyes. Suddenly, he embraces her.

"M'lady, forgive me!" he cries with joy," I have misjudged you! I came here expecting to confront you, duel a champion for my honor! But such news! My own younger brother, little Alex! He lives still! Oh, Gods bless you and your House for keeping him in safety! I thought surely Dovin was taking advantage of my family's misfortune, when in reality you were protecting them from jealous nobles until little Alexus was old enough! How noble! How magnificent! See m'lord Prospero!"

he waves at the old man across the ballroom.

"You had Dovina wrong! I told you!"

Prospero watches the scene, in shock. He walks over, shaking his head, not understanding.

"Such a miracle even beyond my Arts..."

Prospero turns to Elizabeth, his eyes welling up with emotion.

"I am...I am so sorry, Lady Elizabeth. I misjudged you entirely. But I see it all, now. What I mistook for greed was the noblest of intents. What I thought was foolishness and disregard for the Empire's law, was really your House keeping Deynar from being divided, gobbled up until there would be nothing left for an heir to claim, should one appear."

he draws his sword, and holds it high in the air.

"My lords! May the gods smile upon Dovina! And bear witness today to this most glorious of miracles! House Vanir lives again! Let us restore to the Heir and his young brother their titles, their lands, their wealth, all that is rigtfully theirs! Long live House Vanir!"

Lycan 01
2010-12-01, 08:09 PM
House Corvus

The Ball

"One Land, One Crown!" the trio of Corvus officers chant in agreement, downing the glasses of wine they'd been offered for the toast.

The Lord General then turns to the representative of House Morn and smiles kindly at her. "Lady Cordana, so nice to meet you. As for this turn of events... Well... To be frank-"

It is at that point that Mezentius and Prospero walk over and cause a scene, during which the House Corvus leaders simply stand by silently. Lord General Fortis subtly works his jaw thoughtfully at Prospero Fortunati's "epiphany" that House Dovina was only trying to keep the Vanir Lands from being divided up by the other Houses. House Corvus had argued that point several times to the other Houses. That they'd only now "discovered" this truth was somewhat bothersome to him, as it seemed to insinuate that no one cared for what House Corvus had to say - or that they simply hadn't wanted to listen when the results wouldn't be in their favor. It was a bit irksome, but he held his tongue and temper in check.

"How come I've never heard of this Mezentius fellow?" General Troyworth suddenly whispers to the Lord General, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Troyworth... have you heard of most of the people here?" the Lord General responded coolly, without even looking back at his subordinate.

"I... er..." the cavalry officer opened and shut his mouth a few times as he looked around the room, trying to think of names he recognized. After a few seconds, he gave up.

"Good man. Now be quiet, and lets see where this goes..." the Lord General suggested.

2010-12-01, 08:12 PM
Valdere turns to Cordana, pauses for a moment and gives a small smile. Then, in a quiet tone not to interrupt the ball
(anyone can read, spoiler due to hush-ness)

Well, I cannot speak for Lutshrat in this regard yet, Lutshrat is ran like a council, and I don't want to give misleading remarks. I would like to hear the stories of both Alexus and Mezentius. I wonder if the whole Vadir family isn't hiding in the floorboards waiting to come out during the ball.

Honestly, the timing seems reasonable for Mezentius. Mezentius has probably been hiding from another assassination attempt, but if Alexus had come out earlier, then we would have at least understood why Dovina took control and we wouldn't have had to launch that investigation that started all the problems a while back.

Trombid steps inside and gives a nod to Valdere and Yaddmi, who both excuse themselves and step outside. Trombid remains in and seems content to watch the events unfold.

2010-12-01, 08:13 PM

''Could it be that Dovina has concealed the existence of Alexus, to protect his life against possible assassination? A very prudent precaution, considering the fate of his family'' Zmij speaks softly, his voice carries far.

''Both Houses Dovina and Fortunati were secretly working to ensure prosperity of the House Vanir. It's a stuff of the theatre plays. Perhaps we shall see not only a happy ending to the events in Vanir, but also to the entire Empire. Certainly, if Houses Dovina and Fortunati were united, they could restore peace to the Empire and the heir of their blood could rule as the true All-Emperor''

2010-12-01, 08:15 PM
The Ball

Elizabeth turns to the crowd "Of course we would protect Alexus. He is the son of a Valdir nobleman, and a Dovinan. He is of our flesh, as he is yours. Surely, we can only be friends with such close bonds. Now my lord, I understand not hearing about you from Alexus, he is so young, but do you have proof of who you claim to be?"

She looks down sadly, the picture of the guilty woman "I hate to be so crass, but, before we can arrange the transfer we need verify your documents... as Alexus's has been" From her bodice, she produces a letter, affixed with a Vanir stamp.


If she hears of Zminj's remarks, she does not react.

2010-12-01, 08:24 PM

Zmij's voice drops down a bit and he comments on the events, as if watching a play:

''Lady Elisabeth certainly has a flair for drama. To conceal the documents of the mysterious Vanir's heir existence on her body. A child, perhaps of her own blood. I wouldn't be surprised, if she and Prospero has agreed to stage this play for our benefit in advance. Their actions seem rehearsed and why else Lady Elisabeth would bring the documents with her to this ball''

2010-12-02, 10:14 AM

The various nobility of Argentum has been watching the events, mingling in. A careful observer might note that only a few of them join in the chant of the motto. Argentum always was a land divided in all but name, held together by a web of words rather than a single ruler.

However, both Kharon and Visil seem genuinely pleased in the revealing of the Vanir heirs.

Outside the Ball

The news of a trade agreement between House Morn and House Argentum, negotiated by the Peacemaker, are spread.

Lycan 01
2010-12-02, 11:59 AM
House Corvus

The Ball

The Lord General watches the exchange with interest, curious to see how this shall play out. He hears Zmij's remarks, but he does not respond to them. The diplomat's remarks were only serving to hurt his own image and erode what respect the Lord General had for him. It was nothing worth starting a scene over, though, unless Zmij decided to make a direct insult or snide remark at House Dovina or House Corvus.

City of Ferrum

Night has fallen on the capitol city of House Corvus, but Ferrun still thrives. To coincide with the Ball, the city is holding a festival. Fireworks burst overhead, parties and dances are being held, establishments are offering discounts, performers entertain citizens on the streets, the Dovinian Embassy is receiving quite many visitors, and the whole city has come together in celebration. The people are happy, enjoying this night of fun and goodwill.

However, away from the lights and music, in the dark outskirts of the city, a meeting is taking place beneath the light of the moon and stars. In an alleyway between a warehouse and the stone wall of one of the city's fortifications, a small group has gathered in secret. There are five of them, all clad in hooded vestments and of black and burnt orange, as is revealed by the dimly-glowing lantern held aloft by the figure in the center of the group.

"This shall be your final test," the man in the center speaks, his face obscured by hood and cowl, so that only his eyes are visible. "You have each been given a target. Your progress shall be monitored, and your deeds and talents judged. Do you understand?"

The four figures around him nodded in agreement. "Yes sir," they spoke, their echoing words a mixture of masculine and feminine voices.

"Then go forth, my Brothers and Sisters. May the ends you bring be honorable, and their deaths, beautiful..." he nods to them, raising his hand in a gesture of commencement. Without a word, the four figures around him darted off in different directions, and disappeared into the darkness of the night...

2010-12-02, 12:32 PM
Trombid walks through the room, and while next to Zmij, makes a remark To keep with your play analogy, the next scene will be the good one, when Prospero shows the documents of Mezentius' papers, after all he came with the intentions of proving his linage. Should lead to a good toast to house Vanir

He then walks to the generals from House Crovis, he says in a low tone not to draw attention away from the other events
My Good Lord General, House Lutshrat would like to apologize for not getting a diplomat to Ferrum before the ball. We got caught up with Zmij and Argentum. Would you have time after tonight's events to discuss possible trade between our two great cities?

2010-12-02, 12:53 PM

Zmij follows on the heels of Trombid, smiling:
''I might have been a bit too expressive just now. My family always held a weakness for drama. But certainly there's nothing wrong with being a bit more joyous of this occasion, Lord Fortis.

You are allied to both noble Houses in question. I'm sure it is a great benefit to you, that the ties between Dovina and Fortunati grow strong.

I would be interested in discussing trade with both Houses Lutshrat and Ferrum, after this ball''

Short News from Zmij House

In the absence of Zmij 17th, his brother Scale organizes military camps that train anybody, who is willing to fight.

Military instructors from Corvus are sought and offered high salaries. Zmij searches among the retired soldiers and officers, too old to fight, but still capable of showing the ropes to the rookies.

The immigrants, who lack skill or funds, are put to work on the construction projects expanding the Zmijcoil's sanatoriums and building roads to better connect Zmij lands.

A major noblemen assembly is announced on the return of Zmij 17th to discuss matters of great importance.

Negotiations are opened with Lutshrat for the sale of timber. The woodcutting work would be performed by the work gangs from Zmij.

Now that peace with Argentum was reach Zmij traders are actively buying the exotic goods from the Argentum.

Lycan 01
2010-12-02, 02:06 PM
House Corvus

The Ball

Lord General Fortis smiles warmly to the representative of House Lutshrat. "Ah, it is nothing to apologize for, my good man. With everything going on in the Empire, it is easy to forget about nations on the other side of the continent. I am sure that after the Ball we can discuss the opening of various trade routes. But what of your economic sanctions against House Dovina? Will those remain in place now that their motivations have been revealed?"

The Lord General then turns to Zmij, his smile losing a bit of its warmth. "Hm. More joyous, yes. Forgive me if I am not as expressive of my exuberance as other guests may be. I tend to be quite reserved in situations such as this, you understand. As for trade, we will discuss it after the Ball..."


House Zmij

Not a single House Corvus officer, young or old, accepts House Zmij's offer. They do not wish to share House secrets unless ordered, and retired officers are fiercely loyal. In fact, retired officers are being offered higher pay and better benefits to reenlist, and many are rushing to reassume their duties.

2010-12-02, 06:56 PM
House Morn

The Ball
Cordana Morn moved away from the nobles now swarming around Elisabeth, intent to see how the standoff between Dovina's abrupt and most likely corrupt takeover and Fortunati's puppet. Whatever the result, she would learn it in due time.

She looked around, with little to do. Most of the Houses had been, or were being courted by her sibilings already. House Argentum, Fortunati, and Corvus had just recently agreed to the opening of trade once more while others deals were being fleshed out at the present.

Instead, Cordana took the time to greet Lord Sextus and the other Lords of the minor Houses. She knew her father had taken unnecessary steps to see the Ball occurring, but then again Geldran Morn always loved to take an extra chance to push around small Houses.

"Greetings Lord Sextus, I see all is as well at this gathering as one could hope. I do not suppose you have news on why House Simark and Vilstromb have yet to arrive?"

House Dovina
It appears that the Trade War coalition has showed its hand. As it seems very likely that Dovina may have to... temporarily give up Vanir lands, perhaps it would be in Dovina's best interest to hand over the greater sum of trading rights in Deynar and the region to House Morn. After all, any rights that Dovina has will probably be given back to the man Fortunati claims to be Vanir's heir. That way, at least the trading rights can be left to an ally as opposed to an usurpur.Of course, this is only a suggestion if Dovina is forced to withdraw for the time being.

2010-12-02, 07:05 PM
Concordia Ball

Lord Sextus looks at Cordana with a calculating eye before politely answering.

"Sadly I do not. But I have asked for word of their whereabouts, so I should be informed shortly."

He pauses to sip at the recently refilled wine in his glass.

"Tell me, are you enjoying the ball?"

2010-12-02, 07:17 PM
House Morn

Concordia Ball
"Yes, I am enjoying it." She could not help but slightly move her posture in the direction she had come from, where her dance partner now was dealing with a steep, slippery slope of political intrigue. "Still, even the unseemly timing of young Vanir may just end the Trade War with the miimal bloodshed you spoke of."

2010-12-02, 07:48 PM
Concordia Ball

Sextus just nods.

"Hopefully. Yet things are rarely simple or easy, and I do not know if Dovina will let this go by without some fuss."

He shrugs.

"Anyway. That is not my business. I have my hands full keeping this city running while a suitable heir is chosen."