View Full Version : The Hungry Planet

2010-11-19, 07:49 PM
Fact: Earth, the Hungry Planet, is steered through space by it's inhabitants, humans. It's giant diamond jaws actually catch and eat smaller planets, the bit of which are then used to make Earth bigger and stronger, and feed the people a little longer. The Earthlings don't farm or anything, they get food from the eaten planets.

Fact: It will soon eat Salador, the Science Planet, and the location of Poltergeist's body

Fact: The body needs to remain alive, or Poltergeist will die.

Fact: The body is not actually owned by Poltergeist.

Fact: The Hungry Planet is largely thought to be a myth. It's not hard to find an explanation for a disappeared planet more plausible than it being eaten by Earth.

Fact: Because they don't believe the planet's in danger, the B.A.G.L. research center won't leave Salador, and the body goes where they go.

Fact: The team can't get the body off of Salador, so instead must try to save the small Science Planet from Earth before it's too late. (I'm loudly hinting that you shouldn't try to steal the body, because I don't want a TPK that soon at least.)

You've all met up in a tavern the local spaceport on Salador. Among the massive space-racers and cargo rockets, aliens and robots hurry back and forth, many carrying suitcases.

Don't forget to color your words.

2010-11-19, 07:53 PM
Player Info:
Kluck (Kassie)
Most likely an experiment from some meddling wizard gone wrong, Kluck is a sentient chicken who honestly believes that he is a dragon. He's just...been cursed. Yeah, that's it. He'll fix this one day, and then he'll show you all. Mwahaha-BAWK.
Str: Pathetic
Ag: Very High
Sp: Very High
Nin: Moderate
Jorge (KingOfLaughter) Missing.
Jorge is a giant ferret, is there really anything else to put? He's a trickster, and loves to move things on people. He's very, annoying at times.
Strength: Normal
Agility: Normal
Speed: Low
Ninja: Low
Yamato the Insomniac (zyborg)
He never sleeps, due to a nightmare that he always starts to have when he starts to fall asleep, but cannot remember. Despite this, he is actually quite skilled at fighting, if he doesn't collapse of exhaustion.
Str: Below Average
Ag: Great
Sp: Terrible
Nin: Really Great
??? [Alias Poltergeist] (TruorTpnm)
An older gentleman who has his body in some kind of suspended animation for a while in some kind of secret bunker (I'm not entirely opposed to his real body being awakened, at some point, if you want). The party member that sticks with the group is his astral projection, which can possess things. Nothing living, and what he does possess always looks like his real body, so he isn't just a flying stapler, he'd be a bunch of office supplies (or whatever) hovering together to shape an obese human male. Not possessing anything, he would just look like a ghost. He can hover and pass through things. Personality-wise, he is having the time of his life, not being confined in his body. He is a bit of a grumpy old curmudgeon, though, so he can be impatient with foolish youngsters.
Strength: Depends on what he's possessing (DWP). While not doing that, none.
Agility: DWP, but this would tend to be low, since he's not used to having to avoid things, since he's usually just an astral projection.
Speed: DWP, but this would tend to be average.
Ninja: Low to average.
Marcus Verassius (ace cipher zero) Had to quit due to real world. Curse you, real world!
A tall, sharp-dressed intellectual with the instincts and body of a nomadic warrior.
Str: Great.
Ag: Bad.
Sp: Pretty good.
Nin: Low.
The Cheese Monster (cheese monster)
A ravenous, antisocial... well, cheese monster. Or, as it's creator put it: "The cheese monster is not very nice. Very hungry at all times."
Str: not very good
Ag: very good
Sp: great
Nin: pretty high
Rockious (Frizzy Noctile)
A plain gray rough stone that can magically grow four stubby little legs and two small beadlike eyes. It is approximatly four inches from eyes to tail (a small stub of rock). Three inches across, and three from top to toes. If tickled under the chin, it become a rock again, vise versa.
Str: poor.
Ag: rockish.
Sp: average
Nin: it's a rock....it has no ninja

2010-11-19, 08:03 PM
((OOC: Almost missed this. No link to it in the recruitment thread))

"Where am I supposed to go again," Yamato asks himself, starting to (attempt to) walk out of the large space-hub. "Ah, bug it, I'll just sit down for awhile..." He sits down, his eyelids heavy from exhaustion. As they start to drop, he suddenly bolts up. "Gah! Darn it..." He then sees the three-eyed grease-monkey waving to him. "Yeah? What's...what's up, wrenchman?"

2010-11-19, 08:13 PM
((OOC: Almost missed this. No link to it in the recruitment thread))

((OO...GM?:now there is. You just found this before I put it.))

"Oh, hi," says the "grease-monkey". "Tha wave was more intended as sort of acknowledgin' your existence, ya know, just being polite. But now ya mention it, I got a sweet deal repairing this dude Trinn's ship. I'm feasting tonight! Whussup with you?" He seems happy to have someone to talk to.

2010-11-19, 08:31 PM
Kluck struts decisively through the spaceport. He appears to be sizing up the various ships and vehicles when one of the people nearly step on him. "SQUAWK! Hey, watch where you're going you neanderthal!" He fluffs up in indignation and quickly begins preening himself.

The chicken ***** its head to one side at the three-eyed one beckoning to him and awkwardly flaps his way over there. "Yes, what do you want?"

2010-11-19, 08:31 PM
"Not much," Yamato admits. "I am supposed to meet some people here, but my compass points in all directions. Er... I'm lost. That was an expression from my home."

2010-11-19, 08:39 PM
(OOC: The mechanic was just to add depth to the scene. Everyone thinks he's beckoning them!)

In response to Kluck, the mechanic says, "Y'don' hafta be so annoyed! I was just bein' freindly! Wasn't tryin' to get your attention or anythin'!"

2010-11-19, 08:45 PM
"Oh, er... um... sorry, risen bird," Yamato stammers, "I didn't see you there. Probably because... uh... what was I saying again?" He then has a sudden realization. "You are one of the ones I am supposed to meet, aren't you? Searching so hard for you that I don't even notice you!"

2010-11-19, 08:53 PM
O. O. C.: Do all of the characters know all of these Facts? Because I figure that, if Poltergeist had anything to say about it, he definitely wouldn't say that they're just here to save him. I'm fine either way. Just wondering. Also, what is this B. A. G. L. thing? Well, I suppose that we'll find out. Also, also, should Poltergeist moan, "Agh! Why did I have to sell my body?!" or was it stolen or something? Just wondering.

I. C. ---> Poltergeist floats up to others, finds them engrossed in the mechanic, and politely hovers, tapping a foot a foot above the floor. After a couple of moments, he figures that he should probably say something, since people often look right through him. He waves as he spouts, "Greetings, fellows! Is this man another conscript to our cause? A trusty mechanic is always welcome!"

2010-11-19, 08:59 PM
OOC: @ TruorTupnm: Yes, what exactly did you tell them? B.A.G.L. is the company you sold the body to. Sorry, I thought that was clear. ("sold your body" just sounded kind of creepy.)

The mechanic, surprised, says, "What? Uh, no, I don' know who you lot are."

2010-11-19, 09:09 PM
OOC: Well, I thought that everyone was supposed to say what it would take to get their character to join a group, and that would be what Poltergeist would do to get them to help. Hey, if they're the sort that would be up for helping a guy get his body back, sure, he'd tell them what was up. Otherwise, he'd give them a better carrot on a stick. Anyways, I suppose that I'll think up a reason for why he'd have sold his body. This is the Science Planet, so mayhaps he volunteered for some new sort of suspended animation, and the experiment isn't over yet.

IC: Poltergeist bobs his head at the mechanic, then says, "Ah. In that case, let me apologize for taking you from your work, sir." He gestures to the others to move with him out of earshot of the mechanic. "Shall we wait for our companions over here, then?" If Yamato starts looking sleepy again, he'll make a scary face, but his heart isn't in it, mostly because he figures that ghosts are scary enough already.

2010-11-19, 09:16 PM
Yamato looks at the astral-projection of Poltergeist and smiles. "Hey," he asks, "I can't remember. Are you a ghost or a Spiritwalker? Either way, I'm glad to help. Sort of." He shrugs, and then yawns. "I'm content in helping, anyways. So, what's the big emergency? I know a little about your body... no, wait... that sounded wrong. I know about how you can't return to your body, but I think something bigger is happening. Something huge. I was told to help you by my higher-ups, so it must be important."

2010-11-19, 09:21 PM
OOC: Well, I thought that everyone was supposed to say what it would take to get their character to join a group, and that would be what Poltergeist would do to get them to help. Hey, if they're the sort that would be up for helping a guy get his body back, sure, he'd tell them what was up. Otherwise, he'd give them a better carrot on a stick.

Yes, I was in no way suggesting that they will all help you out of the goodness of their hearts.
Oh, and the entire world is on deadtime now. Possibly 'till tomorrow.

2010-11-19, 09:52 PM
A gruff looking brute of a man walks up to the three conversing, and looks around them for a second. With a look of just utter mundanity, he blurts out "So.... I'm guessing that since you're the only disembodied spirit here, you're the guy who needs help with some grave danger or something?"

2010-11-19, 10:15 PM
OOC: Deadtime means what? Sounds terrifying.

IC: Poltergeist waves the question about what he is away. "Oh, any label is fine. You can just call me Poltergeist, though, if you wish." As Marcus walks up, he bobs his head in greeting, but his eyes dart around with alarm at the idea of other spirits. "I should hope so! But, yes, the short answer is that this world is not long for, well, this universe, unless we stop a very hungry planet." He pauses awkwardly, knowing how unbelievable that sounds. "I'd prefer to wait for the entire company to arrive, but we can certainly begin brainstorming!" He shifts himself into a sitting position and muses, "How to stop a planet-eating planet? Well, the Earthlings won't learn to farm. They're far too lazy."

2010-11-19, 10:22 PM
"Wait.... What? Planet-eating planet? And why do we need to save the science planet if we're supposed to do something with a space station?"

2010-11-19, 10:22 PM
"Please tell me I finally have fallen asleep," Yamato sighs, as he hears about the 'hungry planet'. He then snaps his left pinky finger backwards with his right hand, and groans in pain. "Uh... nope." He puts it back into place. "I am afraid to ask, but... how does a planet eat another planet, exactl... oh, gods. It can't be..." Suddenly, Yamato's face looks fear-stricken, as he shakes for a second. "A... terravore!? But... those aren't real!"

2010-11-19, 10:30 PM
"Oh, I agree with you there. But even then.... still.... I was just told we'd have to do something on a space station... and if its positioned so that the apoapsis of our orbit is when we would be closely parallel to a stable orbit around the planet at the moment it gets eaten, it'd just begin orbiting that planet instead. :smallannoyed:"
Sorry, I work here, (http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/) and my character is rather intelligent. So it would be out of character not to come up with the ridiculously obvious solution.

cheese monster
2010-11-19, 10:32 PM
A thing oozes out of the ground and forms around you feet then it says "Did you say "eaten"

2010-11-19, 10:41 PM
OOC: We're at a spaceport on the science planet, not a space station.

IC: Poltergeist nods sadly, at Yamato's conclusion. He tries to act as if he's heard of the term terravore, but his glee at such a cool word is apparent, as he floats back to his feet (sort of). "Sadly, I know of at least one. The Earth is on its way. Now, as you have experienced, this is quite unbelievable." After a bit, he calms and sits back down. "People will refuse to be warned, so we must somehow divert the Earth. Now... a planet peopled by cheese monsters would be far more delicious than this one, I would think, but I feel that one of our party members would disagree. The Earth will inevitably come back here, though, so a more permanent solution is preferable."

2010-11-19, 10:52 PM
"Question: What if we make it try to eat a star? Its structure should completely dissociate by the time it reaches that giant ball of nuclear fusion. And then all we have to do is convince it that there's enough mass there so that it would be better to eat that than our planet. And then it wouldn't come back, because if its as massive as a star, we'd be detecting the gravity anomoly far before now.

And if this planet is coming to eat us, how will it get here before we see it? I mean, its going to have to be larger volumetrically than our planet to consume it, and nothing is completely that much of a black body. It would have to have some way to radiate its energy otherwise it would just keep gaining energy to the point where it would dissociate, and explode because its particles are so excited their temperature makes them move faster than the escape velocity of the planet."

2010-11-19, 10:54 PM
"Eaten? What?! I refuse to be eaten!" Kluck squawks irritably, pacing back and forth. He flaps his wings a few times just to emphasize his point.

"There shall be no eating of the great Kluck! And that includes whichever piece of rock I happen to be on at the moment." He focuses his beady lil' eyes on Poltergeist. It seems his eyes have difficulty focusing on his astral projection since his eyes keep flicking back and forth. Or maybe that's because he's a chicken. "Now. What do you suggest we *do* about this gluttonous planet. I say we blow it up. That solves everything."

2010-11-19, 11:00 PM
Yamato looks at Kluck, then at Poltergeist, before speaking. "This is the science planet, right? Is... is it possible there's something here that could blow it up? If that IS a terravore, we might not have much of a choice."

2010-11-19, 11:01 PM
OOC: Yes, my character is an attention whore, especially when he is ranting about science.

IC: "Blow... blow it up? You realise this thing is the size of a planet right?? Or actually, a pretty big planet? And if we send it into the sun, then we get to watch everything on it melt away and burn, and then spontaneously fly apart as it boils."

2010-11-19, 11:08 PM
Yamato sighs. "Whatever works. If there isn't any planet-busting tech here, sending it into a star would probably be best."

2010-11-19, 11:10 PM
OOC: Towards applying scientific facts to the Facts given in the first post ---> I doubt that it will work. If your character is from this crazy universe, he would be used to different rules.

IC: Poltergeist waves his hands calmingly at the cheese and chicken. "I hope to ensure that you don't get eaten, as well." As people start tossing out ideas, he starts counting on his fingers. "Divert it. Good. I would prefer that to blowing it up, both because the loss of the home of the deep-fried Twinkie would be great and because acquiring enough munitions would likely take more time than we have." He stands again and eyes the mechanic that they'd been talking to, earlier. "I only know that the planet is nearing. I believe that we would have better chances of diverting it, if we went there for options."

2010-11-20, 12:07 AM
OOC: deadtime means I'm not gonna be able to post for a while. ex: going to bed.

2010-11-20, 12:46 PM
undeadtime! (nothing to do with zombies)

Frizzy Noctile
2010-11-22, 06:43 PM
Rocious I with the cheese monster. He walks into the middle of the group and starts jumping up and down.
Note if the party goes anywhere,rocious goes too
Also could cheese monster mention rockious when does stuff?

cheese monster
2010-11-23, 12:33 AM
OOC: @Frizzy Noctile sure

IC: "Why don't we just somehow make Salador something that will hide or something" Rocious stands next to the cheese monster and
looks at a random star in the sky.

2010-11-23, 07:31 PM
It starts to get late as you wait for the ferret. The spaceport is emptying out, and your new acquaintance, the mechanic, begins to pack up his things. He glances at your group and says, "Still waitin' for someone? Might be he's not comin'. Or she. You should contact him or somethin'.

2010-11-23, 07:34 PM
Kluck nods his head vigorously in agreement. "Why are we dawdling anyway, let's get a move on to Earth! Perhaps we can blow it up, from the inside? Maybe set it on fire?"

The chicken pecks idly at some little bug crawling around on the ground. "Or maybe we can create a giant yummy something-or-other and launch it at Earth. Then it'll change it's trajectory to eat THAT instead of US."

2010-11-23, 11:36 PM
Poltergeist "Hmmm..."s at the suggestion of somehow hiding Salador, but he "Hrmph!"s at the ideas of destroying Earth or giving it the momentary distraction of something else to eat. When the mechanic speaks up, he takes a look around the area and shrugs. "Well, I'm sure that he can catch up with us. So, shall we go? If any of you has a ship of your own, speak up. Otherwise, it's the next liner headed to Earth for us! We're sure to find more information on the planet itself."

2010-11-23, 11:40 PM
"Wait... I'm really tired," Yamato yawns, "so I probably misunderstood you. You want to hop the Terravore? Is that... even possible? I, for one, think that if we're doing that, there should be an 'away team' and a 'reserve team'... I mean, if the planet-eater would instantly or slowly kill anyone that lands on it, we don't ALL wanna die, right?"

2010-11-24, 12:03 AM
Poltergeist nods his understanding and says, "Ah, I apologize. Here, let me..." He suddenly falls back and makes a soundless splat on the floor, which he oozes into. A moment later, a man-sized portion of the floor pops up and rests its hands on Yamato's shoulders. It says in a grinding voice, "Oh, we won't. I grew up there, actually. Earthlings live on the surface, just like the inhabitants of any other planet. I certainly don't remember any planets being eaten, while I lived there. Of course, it seems that no one is aware of what's happening. Is there some form of mind control? Or perhaps the Earthlings are merely - and understandably - closed-mouthed about their planet's habits? This is why we must go there. To see what we have to work with." During that, if Yamato starts to look sleepy again, he'll interject himself with, "Augh! We're too late! It's here!" or dropping the bit of floor into a pile of rubble and waving his hand through the guy's face, all while just looking patient at having to do these things.

cheese monster
2010-11-24, 12:06 AM
At the idea of planets being eaten Rocious and the cheese monster start looking anoyed "I think thats a great idea lets hop on the giant thing that can eat up whole planets" says the cheese monster as Rocious nods

2010-11-24, 10:33 AM
OOC: Sorry, Polt. I can't let you come from Earth... it will be more clear why when you see the situation there.

2010-11-24, 10:48 AM
Though actually, I guess you know about Earth. I'll PM the stuff to you.

2010-11-24, 10:51 AM
"Wait... there are actually living beigns there? Live things that can burn under the rays of, say, a GIANT SCORCHING STAR?...."

2010-11-28, 02:22 PM
OOC: I'm baaack!!

Frizzy Noctile
2010-11-29, 07:18 PM
Rocious falls asleep...

2010-11-29, 08:46 PM
"That's almost unbelievable," Yamato says, before staggering forward a step. "Oh, sorry. Er... how intelligent are these...uh...Earthenoids?"

2010-11-29, 09:30 PM
OOC: Well, I got a Private Message thing that kind of contradicts the last thing Poltergeist said, so forget that he said that.

IC: At the cheese monster, "Not to worry. It's quite safe. Obviously, it has its eccentricities, but, like any other planet, there are many ways to die."

At Marcus, while clasping his hands with exaggerated hope and joy ---> "Why, yes, they could! Ah, let me call my brother! He's in the star-moving business, and I've always wanted a planetful of murder on my conscience!" He then gives him a disapproving glare. "I don't want to trade one planet's death for another, here. Certainly, if we can find a way to intimidate the Earth's movers, we can present such a plan to them. Otherwise, we should only start thinking along such lines as a last resort."

To Yamato, while phasing into a bit of the guy's shirt and forming a hand that's constantly trying to poke him ---> "Eh. The usual gamut. I fancy myself quite the intellectual, went to one of Earth's most prestigious colleges, traveled a fair bit...but I never suspected that such a thing was even possible. Which is why we should concentrate on finding the few that do know what's going on, rather than attempting to procure the aid of the general populace or somesuch."

To everyone, "I'll assume that we will be taking public transportation, then. Well, let's go! No time to waste!" He'll then attempt to herd everyone over to whatever passenger ships are headed for Earth, where he'll pay for whoever needs him to.

2010-11-29, 10:29 PM
It's getting pretty late, and you don't see any ships heading for Earth.

2010-11-29, 11:19 PM
In fact, there are about 3 ships left in the spaceport. None of them look like public transportation.

cheese monster
2010-11-30, 12:54 AM
Lets steal one!

2010-11-30, 12:57 AM
"Sounds fine by me. So which one should we go for?"

cheese monster
2010-11-30, 02:05 AM
OOC: What do the ships look like?

2010-11-30, 10:26 AM
A couple have obvious reasons to still be in the spaceport: They're in no fit state to fly. Your eyes are drawn to the recently repaired one, which is shiny and silver. On the side in block letters is written "TRINN". (I wanted to say "scrawled" but it just doesn't fit what I'm describing.)

cheese monster
2010-11-30, 05:45 PM
The cheese monsters eyes go big "Ooooo shiny"

2010-11-30, 07:03 PM
Kluck struts over to the shiny silver spaceship. He peers at his reflection in the metal for a moment before pecking at it. He seems pleased with the clanking noise it makes. "This one!" Peck. "This one!"

2010-11-30, 11:08 PM
"THat ship looks as good as..." Yamato begins, before realizing his shirt is poking him. "Uh... no...NO.. NO! Not again, it can't...!" Suddenly, he falls to the ground and begins writhing and convulsing.

2010-11-30, 11:19 PM
Before Yamato started spazzing out, Poltergeist was making annoyed and reproachful noises at his party members' wish to steal a spaceship. He was about to start berating them and saying that they'd surely find something heading for Earth, tomorrow, but Yamato distracted him.

"Oh! Ah, I'm very sorry, of course! I really should have thought of that." He looks sheepishly at the others. "He needs to be kept awake, and I think that I've just confused him into believing that I'm just one of his nightmares. When he, ah, calms down, would you try to help me keep him awake?"

He then whisks off to find the mechanic or anyone who looks like they might own the ship that his companions are looking at.

2010-11-30, 11:27 PM
Poltergeist drifts toward the spaceport exit, only to find a guard there facing away from him. Polt' isn't noticed yet. Outside, he can see that the stars and Grand Central Space Station are in the sky. It's night.

cheese monster
2010-12-01, 01:19 AM
The cheese monster starts moving at the guard opening his mouth.

2010-12-01, 10:27 AM
OOC: Does the cheese monster look like your avvie, more like the cheese monsters in this (http://www.miniclip.com/games/papa-louie/en/) game, or something else?

2010-12-01, 11:52 AM
Finally, Yamato stops convulsing... and flip-kick-jumps over a couple of his allies. "So," he asks, "What did I miss?"

2010-12-01, 02:31 PM
Poltergeist had been about to ask the guard about where he could go to look up that ship's owner, or when the next flight to Earth would be, but when the cheese monster started coming up behind the guy, he reflexively tried to hold him back, but he just phased through him. Instead, he stuck an ethereal foot in the floor, causing one to pop out in front of the cheese monster, where it waggled reprovingly. Poltergeist hovered nearby and whispered sharply, "What do you think you're doing? We won't be going anywhere, if we're arrested for ingesting the guards!"

cheese monster
2010-12-01, 05:27 PM
OOC: I look like my avatar

IC: "Are you sure that I cant just like bite his feet or something"

2010-12-03, 09:49 AM
The guard whirls around. "What?"

2010-12-03, 10:36 AM

Hey guys, sorry to have to do this,but I really can't participate in this anymore. I just got kicked out of my house last night, and it's the finals before Finals week here, and I have a lot to write and study for.... sorry that I couldn't be more active, but hey, life happens. Good Luck, Happy Hunting


2010-12-03, 09:53 PM
OOC: I hear ya man, take care, and I hope things get better for you soon. :(

IC: Kluck returns to the little gathering of people, having gotten bored with pecking at his own reflection. Instead, he's found a new past-time: pecking at Yamato's legs to keep the insomniac awake.

cheese monster
2010-12-04, 09:27 PM
"It was him" says the cheese monster pointing at the
Poltergeist with a hand that he just form'd out of cheese

2010-12-04, 09:52 PM
"Wha... oh, nevermind." Yamato shrugs, ignoring Kluck's pecking. "We have an important mission to complete..."

2010-12-04, 10:09 PM
Poltergeist quickly slipped his foot back out of the floor and waved his arms with surprise. "What?! I didn't say that!" He turned to the guard, unconsciously kicking back at the cheese monster. "Nothing! He's just playing!" He sighed and growled to himself, thinking about these crazy people, getting him nervous with their talk of grand theft spaceship. If the guard just lets him go, he'd head back to the others and ask if anyone has whatever passes for a phone in this setting, so they can call an interstellar cab.

2010-12-05, 01:03 AM
"You..you guys can't be in here." The guard says in surprise, "The spaceport's closed. It's been closed. It's, like, the middle of the night! Scoot." He point to the door.

cheese monster
2010-12-05, 02:33 PM
"Fine" The cheese monster scoots back toward the group literally he scoots.

2010-12-05, 03:13 PM
Poltergeist bobs his head apologetically, a few times. "Of course, of course! Sorry to trouble you! Just let me go back and find my companions. By the by, you wouldn't happen to know where I could charter a ship?"

2010-12-05, 06:31 PM
"Well, here would probably be the place for that. But in the daytime. Honestly, I don't know what you all think your doing here! How many companions are there over there?" It becomes apparent that the guard is fond of italics.

2010-12-09, 06:30 PM
Suddenly, the sky begins to brighten noticably. Salador's small size makes days on it very short; it's morning! "Oh. Huh. look at that." says the guard. "Well, bye!" He wanders off outside, flipping the sign from "Sorry we're CLOSED." to "Yes, we're OPEN!" The spaceport begins to fill with people again. A booth against the wall catches your eye. It's sign says, "Looking to charter a ship? Put your name on the list!"

2010-12-09, 06:54 PM
Poltergeist gathers his group and gets one of them to sign the thing.

2010-12-09, 07:05 PM
The booth has several different sign-up sheets on it, each pertaining to a certain ship which would take passengers. On each is several lines for the passenger's names, the ship name, it's basic stats, and it's destination, which on several is "your choice". (I'll post 'em in a minute, give me time to make them.:smalltongue:)

2010-12-09, 07:10 PM
None are headed to Earth. Actually, I don't think any of the ship stats that would be on here will influence your decision (mainly because they'l be made-up), so you may as well pick randomly. The "your choice" ones are:
The Palindrome
The Snakebiter
Spud Magnet
The Philip Grillion

2010-12-09, 08:53 PM
Kluck follows the group clucking quietly to himself. He flaps his wings awkwardly to pull himself onto the booth. Peering at the list, he chirps, "I vote for Palindrome. It's a regal word. And nothing to do with snakes." He takes a second glance at the list and adds, "Or Spud Magnet. I do like potatoes."

2010-12-09, 08:57 PM
Poltergeist reminisces, "Mmm... I do like potatoes... But Snakebiter sounds like the fastest one."

2010-12-09, 09:21 PM
More to avoid a lengthy discussion than anything else, you are pretty sure that the Spud Magnet is fastest.

2010-12-09, 10:19 PM
I'm getting inspiration for art from this thread so I thought I'd share it with you. This is what I wish the Cheese Monster looked like, instead he looks like his avatar.

2010-12-09, 11:05 PM
some sketches (page stretcher!):
Alternate universe Cheese Monster
I like hot dogs.
He never actually said that, but this is his reaction to stealing a ship. (Right?)
More humorous than realistic.
A few more I'll show you when you encounter them.

cheese monster
2010-12-10, 12:39 AM
"Potatoes are good but you know what would be even better" the cheese monster waits for someone to reply. then if no one reply's
he says "CHEESE!"

2010-12-10, 07:34 PM
"Cheese," Yamato asks.... "are you suggesting we build our own ship? I'm not sure we... a potato sounds... yes. You know what I mean."

2010-12-10, 07:37 PM
Ha! Cheese! I knew it! I totally predicted that. :biggrin: I know CM in real life, you see.

2010-12-10, 08:11 PM
Once he knows that Spud Magnet is the fastest, he'll nod decisively and point to that one. "Time is of the essence. One of you, sign this thing. I'll start looking for the ship, see if I can find the captain." He'll check to see if the posting tells where the ships are, and, either way, will start darting around.

2010-12-10, 08:18 PM
When one of you puts their name on the list and indicates that they represent a group of 5, one of the people behind the booth says, as he reads what you put, "Oh! Look at that. You filled up the slots. Is this your group here?" He is yet another seemingly human lifeform, rather obese and wearing one of those flower-pattern shirts that make you think of tropical places and tourists. "Where are you headed?"

2010-12-10, 08:36 PM
Poltergeist nods at the man's first question and raises an eyebrow at the second. "Earth, preferably. I have business there, and these are, er, a group of political science students that I am sponsoring. Ah, and you are?"

2010-12-10, 09:01 PM
OOC:Sorry about the dude's talking color. It's so bright!

The man chuckles, and says, "Call me Mantis. And you know Earth doesn't really exist. Don't you? By the way, you don't need to lie to me."He grins unnervingly. "Don't have to tell me everything, either. I take it your business isn't exactly legal?" Actually, it is. "Well, come on. We've got our passengers." He leads you to the Spud Magnet, where the only other passenger waits: a humanoid hidden in a cloak and possessing a long fuzzy tail, looking at (reading?) an electronic device with a symbol on the back shaped like an apple. As you draw nearer, (s)he pockets the device, and offers a furry hand to shake. "Tarragon Fang," she says (the voice is female).

The Spud Magnet (which, incidentally, used to be called the Space Needle.)

2010-12-10, 09:25 PM
OOC: Haha, I love the sketches!

Kluck squawks cheerfully when the group finally commandeers themselves a ship, "ROAD TRIP! I call shotgun!" He struts confidently towards the Spud Magnet, stopping when he sees the new stranger. Hm.

He walks up, peering at her quizzically. And then...Peck. Peckpeck. Oh, he's pecking away at her tail, chasing the fuzzy appendage around.

2010-12-10, 09:31 PM
As Mantis takes them to the ship, Poltergeist hovers alongside him and grumbles, "What do you mean, saying that Earth doesn't exist? I grew up there! And, anyway, where were you planning on flying us, if Earth is imaginary?!" Confused and annoyed about it, he nods a gruff greeting to the cloaked figure and studiously ignores Kluck pecking at her.

2010-12-10, 09:43 PM
"Planning to fly... It's my business! I fly where people want to go, for a price! What did you think... never mind. Well, I don't know what to think about this Earth business, but if you have the SCC code I suppose we can see if it exists." Luckily, you know what Earth's Space Coordinate Code is (n42e13u41), if not exactly how the SCC system works.
Meanwhile, Tarragon hisses, jumps away from Kluck, and unsheathes her claws.

cheese monster
2010-12-11, 01:07 AM
The cheese monster stares at the claws "ooooo shiny"
then he snaps out of his trance looks at Poltergeist and says "why don't you think we should make a ship out of cheese?"

OOC: I think you can tell by now that the cheese monster likes shiny things

2010-12-11, 01:13 AM
Kluck stops for a moment, staring at Tarragon in what was likely considered 'intimidating' in the chicken's book. He scratched at the floor aggressively. And then the tail moved. Ooh! Peck. Peckpeck.

2010-12-11, 10:48 AM
"Call off your bird!" Tarragon snarls in the direction of Poltergeist, "What is it doing, checking for explosives?"

2010-12-11, 08:31 PM
Poltergeist rolls his eyes at Mantis and provides Earth's code, figuring that the guy was just having some fun with giving him a hard time.

When the cheese monster piped up, he tries to take it all in stride and shrugs, "Well, they obviously have some very specialized cheese, where you come from, but I have never seen any cheeses suitable for the many requirements of space travel. Ah, also, I think that you have to order that kind of thing, ahead of time, and we've got a ship right here!"

He had been half-expecting Tarragon to strike Kluck and mayhaps teach him a lesson, so he was surprised to just hear her whining. He floats sedately over and displays his hands in a helpless gesture. "He's his own bird, unfortunately. I can express some displeasure, as you have, but that doesn't seem to have worked." He turns to Kluck and sighs, ready to tell him that biting people's tails is wrong, and how would he like it if someone did the same to him?, but he thought for a second and whispered, "Um, well, are you pecking her because you think she has explosives?"

cheese monster
2010-12-12, 01:22 AM
The cheese monster starts grumbling about how his ideas don't get a chance.

Then he starts absentmindedly picking up dirt and pebbles and eating them.
then he turns to Poltergeist and says "hey this stuff is good, you want some?

2010-12-12, 02:52 AM
The chicken raises his head, tilting it from one side to the other. He doesn't really know why he keeps pecking at the furry tail. He only knows that he must. Because it's furry. And moving. But Kluck is an intelligent chicken, and so he does what any intelligent animal would do. Lie!

"But of course! You can never be too sure, you know. One must always check for traps. That's the number one rule!" He crows, puffing his chest out proudly.

2010-12-12, 10:54 AM
"Well, can we get going, Mantis, or do we wait for the chicken to check all...of... is he eating dirt?"

2010-12-12, 03:00 PM
To the cheese monster, while plucking at his pockets ---> "No pockets, I'm afraid. Well, none that can carry anything, anyway."

To Kluck, after wincing at the idea of hiding explosives in a tail ---> "Good thinking, but a bad thing to use it on. This lady will be a fellow passenger, and you should try not to bother her."

To Tarragon, dryly ---> "I wouldn't be surprised. Don't ask me for help, if he starts on your tail. He's his own cheese monster."

2010-12-12, 03:33 PM
Kluck nods, backing off of the furry tail, as its now since lost his interest. "Yes yes, of course. I was just making sure, y'know, can never be too sure these days. You might've been a spy or a psychopath for all we know. Anyhow, carry on!"

2010-12-12, 03:56 PM
Mantis pulls out his key chain and presses a button, and with a beep, the door of the spaceship slides open. Mantis steps in, followed by Tarragon, and probably the rest of you.

2010-12-12, 10:51 PM
Yamato yawns while walking in, then stares at the Cheese Monster.

cheese monster
2010-12-12, 11:07 PM
"What are you looking at?" says the cheese monster to Yamato as he globs on to the ship.

2010-12-15, 02:31 PM
OOC:I'm gonna wait till everyone's up to date before I make stuff happen.

2010-12-15, 02:40 PM
Kluck struts into the ship following everyone else. Once inside, he'll try to perch himself on the highest and/or most annoying location he can possibly find.

2010-12-15, 03:03 PM
"You... you're made of aged... er, I mean cheese, but..." Yamato pauses for a second, then continues. "How is that possible? Are you a cheese golem? Or are there ripening bacteria in you that have a hive mind, controlling you?"

cheese monster
2010-12-15, 06:23 PM
The cheese monster stares at Yamato and says "i'm a blob of cheese WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED TO KNOW" then globs away to try to find some lug nuts or some other small thing to eat.

2010-12-17, 07:06 PM
OOC: The holidays are coming up... Some of you will probably be out of town. You know how some RPG groups do a special, holiday themed 1-session adventure to celebrate the aforementioned holidays? We could do a thing like that, so those who are near a computer aren't waiting around for those who aren't to react to the bandit attack plot twists. First, a tally of who can play on what days in general, in, say, the next 2 weeks. I'm here this next week (Dec 18-24) and then gone the week after that. You?

2010-12-17, 07:34 PM
In other news:

IC: Mantis chuckles, and says, "A hive mind... that reminds me of a book I read, where there was this shape-changing creature made of loads of little beetle things, and it was apparently called a wyvern, and it was all I could do not to call up the translator and inform him that a wyvern is a friggin' dragon! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyvern)"
The Spud Magnet's interior has a cheery atmosphere, with a large bubble window behind ridiculously complicated-looking control panel. There are seats but no beds, as space travel in this day and age is fast enough that you don't need them.

Your mysterious traveling companion:

2010-12-17, 07:50 PM
OOC: I'll always be around. Holidays are just normal days, for myself. I'm always wondering why everything is closed, while everyone else is enjoying whatever the calendar tells them to.

IC: Poltergeist enters the ship and starts phasing through walls and floors, quickly checking the ship out, mostly just looking for a corner to hover in to avoid having to take responsibility for the others, for a bit.

2010-12-17, 07:53 PM
Actually, the ship is one room, plus some space for the engine. I guess the picture is misleading.

2010-12-17, 09:36 PM
OOC: Holidays are...meh for me. Busy since I'm in retail, but otherwise normal. I'll be online every day as usual anyway, heh.

IC: Kluck peers around, pecking at various shiny objects he finds amusing. If possible, he'll try to roost himself in the bubble window and pass the time by staring at his own reflection.

cheese monster
2010-12-18, 12:47 AM
OOC: I'm not going anywhere for the holidays. I think I have something in 2014 but i'm not sure.

IC: the cheese monster is on the ship and looking for small items to eat.

2010-12-18, 10:02 AM
Mantis closes the door behind you, and begins to operate the control panel, at times glaring at Kluck until he gets out of the way, or, if that doesn't work, gently placing him on the floor. The world begins to slide past on the other side of the window, until you're above anything non-spacefaring, which is when the ship begins to go really, really, fast. As you break out of the atmosphere, Mantis says, "Okay, next stop: Matsh!" Presumably, this is Ms. Fang's destination.

2010-12-21, 12:49 PM
As the Spud Magnet hurtles through space, straight ahead you see an orange-and-blue planet, slowly getting closer. As you are about to enter the atmosphere of Matsh, you hear Tarragon Fang say, "Freeze." Closer inspection (For example, glancing over at her) reveals that the furred woman is pointing a gun at both Mantis and the Cheese Monster.
Any immediate reactions?

cheese monster
2010-12-22, 01:30 AM
The cheese monster looks at the gun then at Tarragon and says "Whats that thing for?"

2010-12-22, 01:53 AM
Since they're approaching an orange and blue planet, Poltergeist knows that it isn't Earth, so he isn't paying much attention to stuff, until the gun comes out. Seeing that it's pointed at Mantis, their pilot and therefor, important, and the cheese monster, a party member that apparently can't look after itself, Poltergeist tries to defuse the situation. "A good question. I'd advise against doing anything rash. You aren't the only one cards to play."

2010-12-22, 10:54 AM
To Cheese Monster, Tarragon says, "I'm THREATENING you. And I don't care if you're impervious to bullets somehow, try anything and Mantis over there will have more in common with your Swiss cousin than he'd like." Mantis has gone white as a sheet, but keeps his cool. "You know, you can't fire that thing in here. The ship's full of flammable gas. You'll blow us all to GCSS." Tarragon fires a shot straight past Mantis. It rebounds off the window and hits the ceiling. "Last I checked, I can't breathe in flammable gases. At least, gases that explode from a gunshot. Now, bring us down at the Pyramid Station, not the public spaceport. The code's 'nascar'.*" Mantis begins operating the control panel, and the ship starts flying around the planet, instead of down to it.

*To land on a planet, you need either a large clearing, or a landing pad thingy. The places with landing pads have homing beacons so you can find them from space. The ones who don't want just anybody landing there (mainly the ones that are "up to something") have a private beacon signal, for which you need a password.

cheese monster
2010-12-22, 05:03 PM
The cheese monster says "I have a Swiss cousin?"

2010-12-22, 05:42 PM
Poltergeist throws his arms in the air with exasperation, at the crazy cheese monster.

He turns to Mantis and nods, though. "I see no reason not to do as the lady asks."

He turns to Tarragon and asks, suspiciously, "Was it really necessary to start pointing a gun around? He's a ship for hire. Why wouldn't he take you wherever you want to go?"

2010-12-22, 07:42 PM
@ Cheese Monster: "No... I meant... Swiss Cheese! It has holes! I was threatening to shoot him if you tried anything funny. Must I explain what I mean by 'anything funny'?"
@ Poltergeist: "You're kidding, right? Ship full of numbskulls! Look, you can just assume that the reason I'm pointing a gun around is something illegal! As a matter of fact, I'm stealing this ship and anything on it. Also, I'll have to take you all prisoner, otherwise you'd tell everyone about this setup."
The ship enters the atmosphere, and below you you see the leafy green tops of countless jungle trees. In about the middle of the jungle is a pyramid, with several differently-sized buildings and same-sized landing pads nearby. The ship docks at one, and Tarragon points at the door, which has opened. Outside you can see other groups being led at gunpoint out of the ships.

2010-12-22, 07:59 PM
Poltergeist frowns at the insult, but he bobs his head at Tarragon and speaks calmly, "I wished to give a lady the benefit of the doubt and assume that you merely wished your destination to be somewhat off the grid. You may leave now, and we will do nothing to hinder your operation, but the delay you would cause us by taking this ship could result in the deaths of billions." He hesitates, then asks, pretty sure that she won't go for it, "Ah, unless, once Mr. Mantis here hands you the keys, you wouldn't mind continuing on to our destination?"

2010-12-22, 08:21 PM
"Deaths of billions, eh? Alright, start talking, and you better be pretty convincing."
For TruorTupnm's eyes alone:
Actually, although some traction cities let the people of their prey die, most simply take them in as citizens. Or as slaves. Last you were there, London (which now steers Earth) was neither the latter or former variety. (Which is to say, they were the one in the middle, letting the victims join as citizens.)
"And another thing: I 'may leave' you? And 'delay'? Do you think you somehow have the upper hand?"

2010-12-22, 08:36 PM
For fizzybobnewt, then ---> Got it. Well, I could just edit my last post to say something else, but then you'd have to edit your last post to fit it. Or we could just say that Poltergeist was exaggerating. Whatever works for you.

Poltergeist winces with sympathy for Tarragon. "As I said, you aren't the only one with cards to play. At the very least, you will get hurt, and I wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen to a lady with such a beautiful...tail." I suppose that an astral projection wouldn't actually turn red with embarrassment, but he'd still look a bit embarrassed for a moment.

After that, he'd continue, "We are on a bit of a tight schedule, at the moment, to save a planet from destruction. We need to get to Earth. If you don't want such a thing on your conscience, we can work something out. If not, then I'm afraid that we will have no choice but to take action against you." He shakes his head. "I apologize. It's very distasteful, threatening a lady."

cheese monster
2010-12-22, 08:37 PM
After Tarragon talks to the cheese monster he says "No I know what "anything funny" is, he is my second cousin"

2010-12-22, 09:22 PM
"I meant, prove that lives are on the line. Because it sounds an awful lot like something you made up on the spot. And what's this secret weapon, that you would use even though I've still got a gun on our driver here, and this cheese thing? Or do you not care if I shoot them? In a second we're gonna have someone wondering what's going on in here, so give me some proof of these people you need to save or I'm shoving you out the door."
At the Cheese Monster's comment, she makes an effort not to chuckle, or in fact show any emotion.

2010-12-22, 09:35 PM
Well, since Poltergeist can't prove what's going on, since he and the others only know about it because the D. M. said that we know about it, he just shrugs. "Would you take the word of a gentleman?" A beat. "Probably not. We have no actual evidence on hand, unfortunately. I realize that it may sound far-fetched, but so does my entire group, and you've spent the whole trip with us without making any fuss."

I doubt that that would convince her of much at all, so if it looks as if she'd want to argue or just intimidate some more, he'd shout, "Get her!" Which would be a cue for everyone to do something heroic.

2010-12-22, 09:37 PM
Maybe someone you know from Earth informed you.
Let's see what heroics people come up with, shall we?:smalltongue:

cheese monster
2010-12-22, 10:54 PM
The cheese monster makes a arm out of cheese and grabs the gun out of Tarragons hand paw thing.

2010-12-23, 10:17 PM
The whole time this has been happening, Yamato has been staring at a spot on the wall. "You know what that spot looks like," he asks Tarragon. "That spot reminds me of the darkhole I was sucked into, back on my planet. I spent three months in there, and..." Suddenly, a fist came flying from behind the gunlady, aimed at her head. The fact that this fist is connected to Yamato, who is no longer where he was, may or may not matter to Tarragon, but it sure matters to Yamato. "Uh... take that? I... I could've sworn I was over there..."

2010-12-24, 10:11 AM
Tarragon blasts 3 rounds of lead into Cheese Monster, which simply stick on the surface and then begin to ooze inside to be digested. Right?
The punch from behind takes her entirely by surprise. With a cry of "YAARGH!" she falls over on on her face. As she tries to get up, she begins shooting randomly in the general area she remembers Yamato to be in.

Also, the teleporting thing? That seems like something you would tell the GM beforehand. Unless it's different on the forums.

cheese monster
2010-12-24, 02:04 PM
Yeah the lead dose nothing to the cheese monster "Hey this stuff is good" he opens his mouth trying to get some more.

2010-12-24, 04:41 PM
"Sorry about punching you," Yamato says before suddenly collapsing. "Gah, my legs! Owowow... they aren't supposed to bend that way." Luckily, the falling served some good use, as the bullets aimed for Yamato flew over him. "How'd I... move that fast without even knowing it?"

2010-12-24, 07:16 PM
Just as surprised as Tarragon at what his companions were capable of, Poltergeist is about to congratulate them, but when the cheese monster asks for more and Yamato points out that he apparently isn't aware of his own abilities, he smacks his face with embarrassment. With that out of the way, he melts into the floor and reforms beneath Tarragon, bringing the deckplates up to knock her weapon away and try to hold her down. He shouts, to anyone, "Could someone shut the door and take off, please?"

cheese monster
2010-12-27, 06:29 PM
The cheese monster just's sits there and says"How?"

2010-12-27, 11:02 PM
Poltergeist, "Argh!"s, tells himself that he'll have to teach this cheese monster one thing or two about something besides itself, at some point, then turns to Yamato and Mantis. "Would either of you do the honors, then?" Towards the cheese monster ---> "Nevermind. On second thought, why don't you eat her weapon? Lots of tasty bullets in there for you, no doubt."

cheese monster
2010-12-28, 03:29 PM
"GREAT IDEA!" the cheese monster charges at the gun and gulps it down. "Yum"

2010-12-29, 12:59 AM
Another catlike person bursts through the door with a "What's go-" and then takes in the situation. "Aw @#$%. Hey! Someone with a weapon! Get over here! Prisoners are ESCAPING!"

cheese monster
2010-12-29, 02:09 AM
"Prisoners what prisoners?" The cheese monster asks inquisitively.

2011-01-04, 08:59 PM
Yamato just sits still, almost as if he is dead. His breathing is nearly unnoticeable, his eyes are glazed over, and he doesn't seem to even twitch.

2011-01-04, 09:12 PM
Seriously, Zyborg, how do you teleport? PM me. Plz.
I think some of you will want to do something, but haven't seen the last "update", so I'm gonna wait some more before stuff happens.

2011-01-05, 04:53 AM
Kluck...well, he seemed to have fallen asleep, so comfortably snug. Until all the screaming and banging and general mayhem started. He woke with a start, taking off at a angle, careening towards the newcomer cat-people. Feathers flew about as the chicken created a veritable whirlwind of beak, claws, and beady, confused little eyes.

2011-01-09, 01:20 PM
Uniformed cat people with large guns charge in to the room, only to be attacked by...a cat? Or some kind of bird? (That would be Kluck.) Most yell something close to "AAARGH!" and stumble back out of the ship.

2011-01-09, 01:56 PM
Sorry, these are really big.

A few of these just came in, and stumbled out shortly thereafter. The stick figure was added by Frizzy Noctile.

This scene hasn't exactly happened yet, I believe.

cheese monster
2011-01-09, 08:17 PM

IC: The cheese monster starts trying to eat as many cat people as he can "yum" says the cheese monster licking him lips

2011-01-25, 07:57 PM
I think there's an echo in here.