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2006-09-22, 09:32 PM
The large white temple stretches up for two stories, more impressing with its length than its height. A large gold plaque on the front of the building reads as follows; 'Special Thanks to Hard-Ware for Creating the Temple of Zamrel'. The symbol of Zamrel is emblazoned on the front of the Temple, and two warforged guard stand at attention in front of the door, wearing the garb and holy symbol of a worsipper of Zamrel. Two large statues stand near them, just as still, depicting a man in Sea Green armor and holding a mace in one hand and a dagger in the other. The great azure doors open soundlessly, revealing a huge room stretching on for several hundred feet. A gigantic pool, two hundred meters long, is filled with water, but without a single ripple on the surface. Small green lights echo from the bottom, beautiful emeralds enchanted by magic. Several rooms to the left and right open into smaller rooms, their doorways built under large depictions of rolling waves.
The first few rooms have small other pools, intended for meditiation and inspiration, with foliage growing around them, and tropical fish playing and feeding. Other rooms lead to small hot tubs, intended for relaxation. A few lead to rooms holding holy scripts. At the end of the pool, there's a large statue of the man you saw as you entered, wielding his dagger in one hand and his mace in the other. His eyes are closed, his face wracked with concentration, and one hand is holding a dagger which is cutting through the water; the other is holding a mace, smashing sands apart. He's dressed in green mail and blue helm, and he seems content somehow.
A large flight of teal stairs leads upwards behind the statue, onto a beautiful terrace with a view of the entire town. A large pool is beside it, and beyond that, a beautiful view of the sparkling sea.

Profile for Zamrel
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Water, Healing, Nature, Plant
Secondary Domains: Good, Law, Magic, Knowledge, Sun, Air
Forbidden Domains: , Destruction, Evil, War, Fire

God of the Sea, and of all life living in it. Zamrel asks nothing of his followers besides to use the gentle waves of the sea to soothe the hurts of the world, and to use the spirit and strength of the waves to crush the sands of those who would defy the natural law of nature.

Priest Granted Powers

Create Water: Twice per day.
As the spell Create Water, though the water is sweet and sustenant, and is equivelant to one meal for a medium sized creature each day.

Wave: Once per day.
You use any existing water source large enough to create a wave, (it must be at least eight gallons) and create a small or large wave, depending on the amount of water used.

Gallons Used Damage Taken
8 Gallons 1d4-2 Crushing damage
10 Gallons 1d4 Crushing Damage
15 Gallons 1d6 Crushing Damage
30 Gallons 1d8 Crushing Damage
40 Gallons 1d10 Crushing Damage
50 Gallons 1d12 Crushing Damage
60 Gallons 1d12+4 Crushing Damage

Temple Facilities:

-Pools: The large pool (resembling the Washington Memorial's pool) in the entrance hall is not intended for swimming, or for doing anything other than preforming ceremonies. The meditation pools are also not intended for swimming. The relaxation pools and the pool resting on the balcony of the second floor are intended for relaxation and swimming.

-Entrance Hall: The large hall with the main ceremony pool and the statue of Zamrel is intended for worship and the preforming of ceremonies.

-Meditation Pools: Intended to find inspiration, or just to relax and watch the tropical fish swim.

-Holy Script Chambers: intended to read, scour, and study the scripts of Zamrel.

-Cathrindir's Quarters: Cathrindir's private quarters are located on the below-ground floor, near the store-rooms and kitchen.

-Store-Rooms: Filled to the brim with herbs, these are where Cleric's practice their medicinal studies.

-Cleric Quarters: Small rooms on the lower floor, these are where the Clerics of the Temple reside.

High Priest: Cathrindir.
Lesser Priest: Clover von Fortunis
All other positions for Temple Management and Leadership are open.
((I also reserve all abilities to double-post in this thread, as it is Cathrindir's home, and he will be coming back here to sleep at night))
((I'll be on from 4:00 to 9:00 on weekdays, and on for pretty much all day on weekends, Cathrindir will not be here outside of that time))

2006-09-22, 09:33 PM
Cathrindir enters proudly, looks around briefly, then heads to bed.
((Night all))

2006-09-23, 06:41 AM
*The blue-robed woman comes in and looks around for a priest.*

*After a while she leaves*

2006-09-23, 07:42 AM
Cathrindir awakes, leaves the temple in charge of some of his Clerics, and leaves.

2006-09-23, 12:11 PM
((Don't worry, wasn't planning to. I'll probably add a plaque or something out front that says 'Special Thanks To Hard-Ware for creating the Temple'.))

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-23, 12:13 PM

2006-09-23, 12:15 PM

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-23, 12:36 PM

[By the way Cath, don't forget the Temple rebuilds itself thanks to Warforged Technology.]

2006-09-23, 01:20 PM
Cathrindir nods to the Warforged and the Clerics inside the Temple, then walks up to the pool. He waits for Clover for several minutes.

2006-09-23, 01:31 PM
*Clover walks in and up to the pool where Cathrindir is.*

((Sorry about slowness, trying to do this and dinner at the same time.))

2006-09-23, 01:41 PM
((It's okay))
Cathrindir unclips his mace from his belt and from his back removes a small dagger. He walks to the edge of the pool and bends his knees.
"Now, the favored weapons of Zamrel are the Mace and the Dagger. There's a reason for this." He puts the dagger up to the hilt in the water and moves it forwards. the blade cuts cleanly through the water, making a few ripples but not creating a single splash. "The dagger does no harm to the water; it represents mercy, and it is used as a tool; not as a weapon." He takes the mace and holds it above the water. "This, on the other hand..." He takes a swing at the water, and a large *Splash* echoes throughout the room as water flies everywhere.
((I have to go in seven minutes, might as well finish this post up...))
"This represents the fury of the waves, and is used as a weapon; Zamrel asks his followers to crush the sands of evil with his waves, and soothe the hurts of the world with the calmness and gentleness of the ocean. One is never used to do the other's job; The Dagger is a Tool of Zamrel, the Mace is a Weapon of the Waves." He places both weapons back on his person.
"That's the basic premise; to heal the hurts of the world and destroy the evil of the world with the same thing."
He looks around briefly. "Unfortunately, I have to leave on an errand at the moment; you may look around the Temple if you wish."
((You can NPC the Clerics if you want.))
Cathrindir vanishes.
((Sorry, gotta go.))

2006-09-23, 01:55 PM
((Just missed you))

*Clover attempts to memorise the lesson. Occasionally she takes out her glass ball and looks back on Cathrindir's words...*

*After a while, Clover takes a quick look around, then leaves.*

*later on, Clover comes back in and looks around. After a minute or two she finds a cleric.*

"Excuse me, are there any rooms I can stay in?"

"Come with me."

*the Cleric takes her down to the Cleric's quarters where she lies down on a bed and begins sleeping.*

*Clover wakes up and leaves*

*Clover comes back and goes to bed*

*Clover wakes up and goes down to the kitchen. She gets herself a bite to eat, then gets breakfast for Cathrindir and takes it to his room. When she goes in she realizes that he didn't come back last night.*

"oh well"

*She puts the food by his bed along with a note*


Just a little thank you for letting me join the temple. Don't expect it all the time,


*She then leaves*

2006-09-24, 07:43 AM
Cathrindir yawns and appears in his room, then looks around. He takes the note, smiles, eats some of the breakfast, and briefly walks upstairs to leave the Temple in charge of some of his Clerics. He then leaves.

2006-09-24, 04:55 PM
*Clover comes back into the temple and meditates by the pools for a bit, staring into her glass ball. She thenheads down to the cleric quarters and goes to bed.*

2006-09-24, 08:52 PM
Cathrindir appears in the entrance hall. He nods to a few passing Clerics and walks down the stairs into his quarters where he promptly falls asleep.
Cathrindir wakes up, leaves the temple in charge of a few Clerics, and leaves.

2006-09-29, 05:20 AM
*Clover wakes up for the first time in almost a week...*

*She makes sure the Temple is in good hands and leaves.*

2006-09-29, 07:15 PM
Thecla comes into the Temple and looks around. She wanders around in the public areas looking at everything, after a while she leaves again

2006-09-29, 09:04 PM
Cathrindir enters and looks around. "Anything happen while I was gone?"
A cleric shakes his head. "Nothing much. A wolf came in and looked around, though."
"Thecla? Hmm. I'm going to need to rethink my hours. I seem to be missing all the visitors..."
Cathrindir heads down to his quarters and goes to sleep.
((Night all))

2006-09-30, 07:44 AM
Cathrindir wakes up and heads upstairs. He leaves the Temple in charge of a few Clerics and leaves.

2006-09-30, 07:44 PM
Cathrindir enters, smiles, and clatters down the stairs to his quarters where he promptly falls asleep.
((Night all))

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-30, 07:58 PM
Daedrous looks upon the large temple, and smiles at the work done. He may have to get his house done by HARD-WARE as well. He then leaves.

2006-10-01, 06:24 AM
Cathrindir awakes, gets up, leaves the Temple in charge of a few Clerics, and leaves.

2006-10-01, 06:44 AM
Acolyte of Inari

An acolyte of the temple of Inari walks in, she looks around and turns to an acolyte of Zamrel

Where is your high priest?

Probably in Trog's


The acolyte scurries of to Trog's.

2006-10-01, 08:16 AM
*Clover comes in and sits by one of the meditation pools, watching the fish... they remind her all too much of the glass ball and she leaves*

2006-10-01, 09:36 PM
Cathrindir enters Zamrel's, yawns, and leves the Temple in charge of a few NPCs. He heads down to his quarters and promptly falls asleep.
((Night all))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 10:42 AM
*Atreyu bows politely to the warforged guards as he and the two kids riding on his back enter the Temple of Zamrel. Upon seeing the meditation pool, Kint leaps off his llama guardian and goes charging toward it. Atreyu quickly snatches him by the shirt and pulls him back.*

"That may not be the pool. Let's ask one of the acolytes. You don't want to be disrespectful."

*They go looking around for directions to the swimming pool. *
(anyone know what time Cath usually gets on?)

*Ala is still deep in thought about fuzzy animals and cute names.*

2006-10-02, 12:41 PM
((I can get on for twenty minutes or so right about now...))
A Cleric walks up to the LLama and the children.
"You are looking for a pool? There's a pool for swimming on the roof-" He indicates the stairs- "-And several hot tubs in the rooms over to the right." He points to a few doors on the right side of the Main Entrance pool.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 12:43 PM
*hearing the good new, Kint takes off running for the roof. Atreyu thanks the acolyte and scurries after him. Ala holds on for dear life as the llama takes off after his cria.*

(Thanks Cath)

2006-10-02, 01:06 PM
((You're welcome, have to log off now))

2006-10-02, 01:09 PM
*CLover comes in and looks around*

"I'm not doing very well at this job am I?"

*She sits by the large pool watching its crystal clear surface. She waits to see if anyone comes in*

*After desciding no one will come in she leaves*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 01:36 PM
(awww... we could have used the company.)

*Atreyu and the kids find the pool and the two elves start swimming around. He watches protectively from the sides. Occassionaly, he cannonballs in. They are all laughing and having a great time.*

2006-10-02, 01:41 PM
((Didn't realise you were still on... might come back when I'm finished at Trog's if your still here.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 01:42 PM
(aye, i'm at work, so its slower posting, but we'll be here relaxing.)

2006-10-02, 01:48 PM
((k then... things are dying at Trog's so might pop by soon))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 02:00 PM
(okay. I suppose I should warn you. i don't have much planned other than a relaxing time RPing in the pool.)

2006-10-02, 03:10 PM
Thecla pads into the Temple and looks around

2006-10-02, 03:11 PM
Mik enters after Thecla, Pikachu in his arms. The pokemon begins to look around.

"pika pika?"

2006-10-02, 03:13 PM
She smells wet llama and follows it upstairs. She sees llama in a pool and jumps in.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 03:15 PM
*On the roof, the kids are taking turns jumping from the side and trying to land on Atreyu, who swims happily by, pretending not to notice them until they pounce.*

"Hiya, Thecla."
"yay. Its the wolf. I'm gonna call you Snugglefur, cuz you're fluffy and snuggly."

2006-10-02, 03:15 PM
Mik turns around, and notices Thecla's gone.

Crap....no clue which way she went....


2006-10-02, 03:22 PM
Thecla wags her tail, splashing water around and howls. I like that name, so sure you can call me Snugglefur as Thecla wolf paddles around the pool

2006-10-02, 03:23 PM
Mik follows the noise, finding the others. Pikachu leaps from his arms and into the water, paddling over to Ala.


Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 03:23 PM
"Gah! Ala, you already have a Kissyfur."
But, Mufffffffffy, she's snuggly and furry and it fits. She likes it.

*Atreyu just gives Thecla an apologetic grin and playfully splashes Ala with some water.*

*Ala laughs at the little yellow thing and swims to it.* What about her, Muffy? What can I call her? *she says pointing to the Pikachu.*

2006-10-02, 03:24 PM
Thecla just grins and paddles around the pool

2006-10-02, 03:28 PM
((Sorry...using mKyrian...so I swtiched))


It's a he...

Pikachu keeps paddling around.

"pika pika pika"

2006-10-02, 03:30 PM
((I can see something, a pool full of water and a pikachu. Water+Lightning. Ooh.))

2006-10-02, 03:31 PM
Thecla swims up behind Atreyu and playfully bites his tail

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 03:36 PM
*Atreyu yelps and starts swimming after Thecla. Unfortunately, despite what John Cleese says, this llama does not have fins for swimming, so its slow going. Seeing that he can't catch her, he scoops up a mouthful of water and spits a streaming arch in her direction.*

*Kint climbs on Atreyu's back*
Charge faithful steed!

*Ala apologizes to the Pikachu and scratches it's ears. Turning to Mik she asks Why is that all it says? Is it shy? And can I name it, please?

2006-10-02, 03:37 PM
Thecla slows a little so Atreyu can catch her at the other end of the pool

2006-10-02, 03:38 PM

I never really understood why it's all he says. But I can understand him, so it's all ok. Pikachu, what do you say, can she name you?

Pikachu nods.


Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 03:45 PM
*Atreyu finally catches up to Thecla with Kint cheering him on. He goes for a playful nip at the wolf's tail.*

*Ala smiles and hugs the Pikachu.* I'm gonna call you Twitchers. Thank you, Twitchers. *She gives it another hug and a kiss on its cheek.*

2006-10-02, 03:46 PM
"Pika pika pi!"

Mik laughs and sits at the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water.

2006-10-02, 03:47 PM
as Thecla's tail is nipped she howls and turns around to playfully attack Atreyu

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 03:53 PM
*The llama slowly dodges in the water, he brings a foreleg up to try to dunk Thecla as she attacks. Kint laughs and holds on to the water-logged wool.*

*Ala continues to play with the Pikachu. She turns to Mik.* Does he like it?

(Evil Exachix! Bad!)

2006-10-02, 03:54 PM
"Pika pika pika!"

Yea, he's having fun.

2006-10-02, 03:55 PM
Thecla gets dunked by Atreyu and stays under as she swims over to Mik's feet. As she comes up under Mik's feet she licks the bottoms of them.

2006-10-02, 03:56 PM
Mik laughs.

Hey! That tickles!

2006-10-02, 03:58 PM
Thecla quickly ducks back under and swims away

2006-10-02, 04:02 PM
((Have to get going....back later))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 04:03 PM
*Kint cheers victoriously. the llama assumes she probably went under on purpose, especially after she pops up by Mik.*

2006-10-02, 04:04 PM
((sorry Llama, gotta get Kendra from school. I'll be back in 30-45 min, gonna walk to get her and get some exercise. :-) ))

Thecla jumps out to sit next to Mik for a rest.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 04:06 PM
(no problem. The herd will just play while I get some work done. Thanks for coming. It was fun.)

2006-10-02, 04:17 PM
((Good to see the Temple being used. Sorry I had to miss it...))
A few Clerics smile at the enthusiasm of the swimmers as they pass.

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-02, 04:17 PM
[Damn. I didn't know it was a public pool!]

2006-10-02, 04:24 PM
((Are people still here?))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 04:24 PM
(The regular pool appears to be, but the wave pool that Cathrindir is putting in *Nudges Cath and gives him a wink* will require a donation.)

(^ Yeah!)

2006-10-02, 04:27 PM
((Wave pool? Couldn't you just go to the beach? ;) Cathrndir can just put an enchantment on the regular swimming pool that makes waves or something.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 04:56 PM
(I'd like a wave pool where the odds of a random encounter are considerably lower than 97% :D)

2006-10-02, 05:13 PM
Thecla jumps back in the pool making a big splash (probably getting Mik wet), she immediately starts chasing Ala

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:23 PM
*Ala laughs and takes off swimming away from the wolf. She playfully hollers for Mik to save her from "Snugglefur."*

2006-10-02, 05:24 PM
Thecla catches up slowly to Ala

2006-10-02, 05:26 PM
Mik takes his jacket, hat, and shoes, and dives into the water, chasing after Thecla.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:27 PM
Ala turns around and hugs Thecla.

Hurray! Mik's gonna get you now.

2006-10-02, 05:28 PM
Thecla licks her cheek and dunks her under in a nonthreatening way (so she isn't frightened and can escape easily)

2006-10-02, 05:29 PM
Mik catches up to Thecla, and splashes water at her.

Pikachu paddles over to Atreyu and climbs onto the Llama's back.


2006-10-02, 05:30 PM
the kender appears.

hi everyone! how are we today? do we have an adventure?

2006-10-02, 05:30 PM
Thecla scoops water at Mik with her tail

2006-10-02, 05:32 PM
the kender is confused. normally (S)HE is the one fooling around whilst everyone is serious.... but now EVERYONE is acting like kids!


the kender does a cannonball into the water (which creates one of the smallest ripples ever, being small and everything)

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:33 PM
"Cabbagetheif! Jump on in. The water's great."

*Atreyu laughs and paddles around. Kint and the Pikachu ride around on him and Ala swims over climbing on, effectively making him a boat.*

2006-10-02, 05:34 PM
Seeing the llamaboat getting crowded, Pikachu climbs up onto Ala's shoulders.

"Pika!" he says as he hugs her neck.

Mik laughs and tries to dunk Thecla playfully.

2006-10-02, 05:35 PM
Thecla gets pulled under and swims underwater towards Atreyu's tail again

2006-10-02, 05:36 PM
the kender (who does have a history in piracey, therefor ranks in swim) swims underneath mike and starts to tickle him on the bottom of his feet


2006-10-02, 05:36 PM
Mik laughs and swims under the water going after Thecla.

2006-10-02, 05:38 PM
He catches up to her, just as she goes to nip Atreyu's tail.

2006-10-02, 05:39 PM
the kender comes back up top and gasps for breath. the robe begins to get soaked, and the kender realizes that its going to be dragged under. so.... it slips the robe off

(dun da DUN!)

2006-10-02, 05:39 PM
Mik playfully wraps his arms around Thecla's middle, and pulls her back.

(@^: A beholder tries to Mind Blast itself)

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:39 PM
Oh no! A wolf shark is after us. Faster, boat, faster.

*Atreyu peddles as Ala hugs "First mate Twitchers"*

*Curiousity overcomes Atreyu, as he watches the kender and bumps into a ladder* "OOF!"

2006-10-02, 05:42 PM
Thecla is pulled back by Mik and struggles a bit

2006-10-02, 05:43 PM
underneath the robe is....


a wrap. like what the japanese used to wear underneath, and it covers from a flat chest down to a groin flap, leaving the limbs free to move.


what are you guys staring at?

2006-10-02, 05:45 PM
Mik kisses the top of Thecla's head, laughs and lets her go.

Pikachu stands and climbs up onto Ala's head and looks around, as if he were in a crow's nest.

"Pika pika pika!"

(^: IT'S A GUY?!?)

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:45 PM
"errr..umm.... the wolf shark." *Atreyu continues to paddle around, trying not to look embarrassed.*

2006-10-02, 05:47 PM
When she's released, she turns around and puts her front paws on Mik's shoulders and pushes down

2006-10-02, 05:48 PM
(why would the chest be covered if the kender was a guy?)

(for that matter, why would it have a groin flap if it was a girl?)


2006-10-02, 05:49 PM
Mik finds himself pushed underwater, and playfully and gently pulls Thecla's hind legs to pull her under as well.

2006-10-02, 05:52 PM
She slids under the water and tries to get away

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:52 PM
(PM for ya, C.T. Should be in the box by now.)

*A tired llama smirks and goes "ready?" before twisting and dunking his crew in the water. After making sure they are alright, he uses the stairs to climb out of the pool and hollers for Kint and Ala to get ready to go.*

(leaving work in 5 min)

*in about 5 minutes the trio say their good-byes and Ala hugs anything that'll let her. Then they go to dry off and get something to eat.*

2006-10-02, 05:53 PM
"Pika! Pika pika!"

Pikachu swims over to the edge and climbs out.

Mik resurfaces and laughs at Thecla.

2006-10-02, 05:54 PM
(i got it, ML, go for it.

will you people really like a revealing of the gender of the kender?

and yes, i got the mind-flayer efrence)


Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-10-02, 05:55 PM
( I enjoy hte running gag, C.T. Don't you dare reveal anything unless it involves an epic storyline :) )

2006-10-02, 05:56 PM
Thecla grins at Mik and swims towards the edge of the pool. She climbs out and shakes, sending water everywhere.

2006-10-02, 05:59 PM
Pikachu laughs as he gets covered in water.

"Pika pi!"

Mik swims over to the edge and leans on the edge, smiling at Thecla.

2006-10-02, 06:03 PM
Thecla shakes again, getting most of the water off and stepping back from the pool. Come on, let's go as she looks towards the door

2006-10-02, 06:04 PM
((gotta go.... my significant other needs me to check their homework before they go to class, and i need to head down to the cafeteria. then drama practice.

later all!))

the kender gets out of the pool dripping, and starts to wander around robeless.

2006-10-02, 06:06 PM
Mik gets out of the water and gathers his stuff.

Alright, I'm ready.

Pikachu climbs to Mik's shoulder and lays down.

2006-10-02, 06:07 PM
to the beach? as she wags her tail hopefully

2006-10-02, 06:10 PM
Sure, sounds good to me.

2006-10-02, 06:12 PM
Thecla heads out and down the stairs for the beach

2006-10-02, 06:13 PM
Mik follows, with Pikachu on his shoulders.

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-02, 06:24 PM
Daedrous jumps into the pool, and begins to swim around for awhile.

[Getting some dinner sooner or later. I might suddenly dissapear.]

He dives underwater, and all you can see is his robe/clothes and his large sword, which is pretty heavy to anyone with a strength lower than 16.

[PS: He's wearing some black shorts.]


Daedrous gets out of the pool and heads back around town.

2006-10-03, 11:18 PM
She wanders through the temple

2006-10-05, 09:15 PM
Cathrindir appears in his quarters and promptly falls asleep.
((Night all))

2006-10-06, 12:18 AM
Elvenbane sneaks into the temple and hangs a large sign between the two statues which reads "I was here and you were not. Now you are here and I am not." Then sneaks back out of the temple into the dark.

(Editted: Apparently forum doesn't like russian letters.)

2006-10-06, 07:30 AM
Cathrindir wakes up and walks into the main, sanctuary, then out the door when he sees the sign. Smirking, he removes it and leaves.

2006-10-06, 08:37 AM
Cathrindir enters, holding the limp form of Thecla. A few Clerics walk over and ask what happened, but he nods them away with a simple "Later." He carefully places Thecla's body near a meditation pool and heads down the stairs. A moment later, he comes back up with a pouch. He sprinkles some golden dust and holy water over Thecla's form, then places a hand on her head and speaks some words.

2006-10-06, 08:43 AM
Ilev enters shortly afterwards and head's over to Cathrindir.

"Will you be able to revive her?"

2006-10-06, 08:52 AM
Cathrindir nods to Ilev. "Yes. I'm merely preparing the spell right now. Do you know what's happening at Bahamutte's?"
((As soon as she gets online, yes.))

2006-10-06, 08:54 AM
Ilev shakes his head.

"No. Apparantly the rogue went with Mik to stop him from doing anything stupid. When she's awake and fine I need to ask her a few questions. Police business."

2006-10-06, 09:05 AM
Cathrindir nods. "Of course. I'd like to head over to Bahamutte's myself, and see what's happening." Cathrindir turns around and tells a few Clerics to keep Thecla's body safe, then leaves.

2006-10-06, 09:06 AM
Ilev realises it might be a while before Thecla wakes up, so he decides to follow Cathrindir.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-06, 10:32 AM

*Death glides silently through the temple gates and to the meditation pool. He pulls out a hourglass with Thecla's name inscribed in it. It has figures carved into the frame constantly moving. One half of it is empty. Death gives a sigh, but quickly becomes ridgid again and put his hand over her head. A glowing sphere of golden light appears from her mouth. He sends the soul safely to the Ethereal Plane. He holds his hand over the hourglass, about to crush it. Then thinks better. There may be ways in the old arts for Thecla to live again. He quickly makes sure no one has entered the sactium before bowing at a lost friend. He quickly returns to a emotionless state and leaves the temple. *

2006-10-06, 10:37 AM
Cathrindir enters and walks towards the Meditation Pool, and looks over at Thecla. The body appears undisturbed, and he breathes a quick sigh of relief. He then leaves the Temple again.

2006-10-06, 03:00 PM
Elvenbane enters the temple, and hides himself in the shadows. Alert, and watching over Thecla's body. Thecla died for a purpose, and he was going to find out why.

2006-10-06, 04:00 PM
A few Clerics guarding Thecla's body notice Elvenbane hiding in the shadows.
"Who in hell are you?"
Noticing that he is offline seems to have dissappeared, they continue going about their duties.

2006-10-06, 05:16 PM
<Clerics>I am new here. Thanks to an elf. I saw what happened. The culprit is bound to show back up, or else someone who cares may want some information.</Clerics>

2006-10-06, 05:23 PM
"The police want a brief statement with Thecla after she's revived, they'd need some info." One of the Clerics says to Elvenbane. "What exactly is this information?"

2006-10-06, 05:30 PM
<Cleric>I watched it happen. I saw the gleam of pleassure in that creatures eyes. It happened too quick to do anything about it. Thecla smelled me I'm sure. He thought he was with a friend.</Cleric>

2006-10-06, 05:33 PM
"He?" A Cleric says with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Thecla was female, I believe. Still, any information you might have about the murder would help the police. You should head down to the station." The other Clerics nod their agreement.

2006-10-06, 05:39 PM
<Cleric>I was unsure of her gender. Like I said, I am new to this area. I have given you information. If they wish more they can leave a note for me at Trog's.</Cleric>

Elvenbane turns back towards Thecla. He pulls a grey jewel from a pouch and places it next to Thecla.

<Cleric>That is a gift for Thecla. Do not touch it, it will severly burn any but her, until she trades it, or has it set. I'll leave you to your duties.</Cleric>

Elvenbane turns and walk towards the doors.

2006-10-06, 05:39 PM
((Wait, you were in Trog's when it happened Elven...how do you know who did it and all?))

2006-10-06, 05:41 PM
((Not true. I was out in the street.))

2006-10-06, 05:45 PM
A Cleric briefly nods goodbye to Elvenbane, eyes the gem, and sets about his duties.

2006-10-06, 05:47 PM
Elvenbane leaves the temple.

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-06, 07:14 PM
Daedrous slowly walks in, leaning against the wall, wearing a black cloak to hide himself from the obviously powerful ship in the skies.

2006-10-06, 07:18 PM
A Cleric carrying an armful of scroll rushes past, then stops and turns.
"Hello there. Who are you?"

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-06, 07:24 PM
"The name's Dae- I mean Dave. Dave is my name." Daedrous slowly replies to the cleric.

2006-10-06, 07:28 PM
"A pleasure to meet you, Dave." The Cleric sticks out a hand from behind the stack of scrolls it's carrying. "Do you come to look at the Temple?"

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-06, 07:28 PM
"I come here to uhh.... Look at the Temple, yes, and also swim, and maybe I could have a tour later?" Daedrous shakes his hand.

Daedrous walks off and jumps into the pool, without his cloak. However, he is invisible, but only to marked allies.

2006-10-06, 07:42 PM
The Cleric watches the man turn invisible, raises an eyebrow, and jogs off in the direction he was walking earlier.

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-06, 07:43 PM
Daedrous continues to swim, carefree as the ship is not shadowing over the Temple of Zamrel or the Temple of Inari.


Daedrous walks off to a shadowed corner and goes to sleep, covered in blankets.

2006-10-06, 09:58 PM
Cathrindir enters the Temple and notices Daedrous. "Daedrous?" He raises an eyebrow, sighs, and walks down the steps into his quarters, promptly falling asleep.

2006-10-07, 04:06 AM
*Clover comes in and looks around. She sees daedrous and gets him another blanket (those pools are cold) and then leaves.*

*Clover runs in and looks around, she immediately runs upstairs.*

*She stops at the top of the stairs and turns around. She goes pale as she sees the robes gliding after her.*

((Back soon))

2006-10-07, 07:56 AM
Ilev comes charging in, axe drawn. He sees the robe near Clover and rushes towards it.

2006-10-07, 08:01 AM
*Flies in and hovers at the base of the staircase, seeing it's to small for Ilev and himself*

2006-10-07, 08:05 AM
((She's currently offline. We have to wait for her to begin fighting again.))

2006-10-07, 08:06 AM
Cathrindir wakes up and stumbles upstairs.
"Oh, gods, I need some coffee---wha?" Cathrindir notices the robes gliding towards Clover and takes a shot at one with Cone of Cold.
((^ Mm-hmm. If anyone has a secondary character, I suggest that use them right now. This could be a long wait.))

2006-10-07, 08:17 AM
((Not too long i hope))

*The cone passes through the robes and catches Clover.*

2006-10-07, 08:20 AM
Cathrindir curses and decides not to use any more potential wide-ranged spells. He quickly casts Heal on Clover and fires a Magic Missle at one of the robes.

2006-10-07, 08:22 AM
*The spell tears the robes apart in the middle, but they quickly form backtogether and reach out for Clover.*

2006-10-07, 08:22 AM
Ilev attempts to avoid both magic blasts and when things are clear, he swings at the robe, being careful not to hit Clover.

2006-10-07, 08:24 AM
*Cups his mouth so as to be easier to hear*

"Clover, do you know what they want with you, or how to stop them?"

2006-10-07, 08:33 AM
"I have no idea..."

*The robe begins wrapping itself around her.*


((And i've gotta go get some beans, back in 20))

2006-10-07, 08:35 AM
Cathrindir snarls and casts Energy Aegis (Fire) on Clover, then casts Flame Strike on the robe. Seeing Ilev beginning to move towards the robe, he casts Energy Aegis (Fire) on him as well.

2006-10-07, 08:35 AM
Ilev looks up, eyes widened.


He drops his axe and if the fire spell doesn't work, he attempts to rip apart the robe with his bare hands.


2006-10-07, 08:37 AM
((I'll second Ilev and say...Beans?))

*Readies his sword in case the shield or sword should come to the temple*

2006-10-07, 08:39 AM
((Beans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beans)))

2006-10-07, 08:42 AM
((Ooohh. That beans.
Oh, and Ilev, Energy Aegis (Fire) gives you Fire Resistance 20. You should still be able to rip the robe apart, even if it is on fire.))

2006-10-07, 08:42 AM
((err, its a figure of speech. We thought it odd that she'd post that. I sometimes eat while online but i never post about it.


2006-10-07, 08:45 AM
((I eat online all the time. In fact...Most of the time. But beans?

And goodnight everyone. I must sleep...Sleep is good.))

2006-10-07, 08:48 AM
((Must be an English thing. ;)))

2006-10-07, 08:49 AM
((Hey...I'm part english! So bleh XP! And I don't know much about beans except I don't really like them.))

2006-10-07, 08:50 AM
((I'm english. Prehaps she's going out shopping to get beans.))

2006-10-07, 08:51 AM
((beans are good, but it depends on how they're made ;). Goodnight D))

2006-10-07, 08:51 AM
((Night, D.
And as Argent said, some beans are good.

2006-10-07, 08:53 AM
((Hmmm, personally I don't find beans amazing that much. Though what I do find amazing is how fast one topic changes to another. ???))

2006-10-07, 08:55 AM
((Fear our hypnotic off-topic powers!))

2006-10-07, 08:56 AM
((Hmmm, personally I don't find beans amazing that much. Though what I do find amazing is how fast one topic changes to another. ???))

((at least we've got something to do until Clover returns))

2006-10-07, 08:56 AM
((Hmmm. I wonder how Clover will react to all of these bean related posts.))

2006-10-07, 08:57 AM
((I'm english. Prehaps she's going out shopping to get beans.))

((he got it! ;D))

*the flames lick at the robes, but don't seem to harm them. Ilev's attempts to rip them away only result in them tearing and reforming.*

2006-10-07, 08:58 AM
Cathrindir casts Create Water on one of the robes (go figure) and then stands by with a few Healing spells in case someone is attacked.

2006-10-07, 09:00 AM
Argenteus runs into the temple.

The other two are comming! He shouts.

2006-10-07, 09:00 AM
((Yay! Go Exachix and Karsen for anwering correctly!

Anyways, back to business.))

Ilev attempts pull Clover away from the robe before it regenerates.

2006-10-07, 09:02 AM
*the robes catch up the water and throw it back at cathrindir.*

*Clover is pulled out of the robes grasp, but the sword appears behind ilev and slashes at him.*

*there is no sign of the shield.*

2006-10-07, 09:03 AM
Argenteus draws his sabre and runs up to Clover looking for the shield and hoping that Ilev can handle the sword.

2006-10-07, 09:04 AM
Ilev whirls around but with no weapon, he can't defend himself. The sword cuts into his side and he falls to the floor, in pain.

2006-10-07, 09:04 AM
Cathrindir shrugs as the water hits him. By now six or seven Clerics on their morning duties have noticed the battle. They begin firing Cones of Cold as the robes, trying hard not to hit someone.
Cathrindir, seeing Ilev's wound, casts Heal on him.

2006-10-07, 09:06 AM
*The sword glides over Ilev and forces its way into Clover's hand. The robes wash over her, and the shield rises out of the ground and attaches to her other hand,*

"uh oh..."

*there is a powerful black light ((???)) from Clover, when it fades, there is a black haired teenage girl with pale flesh, wearing the items, it is clover...*

((Check sig))

2006-10-07, 09:08 AM
Cathrindir swears loudly and begins running up the staircase. He motions for the Clerics to hold their fire, then puts an antimagic field around Clover.

2006-10-07, 09:09 AM
Argenteus looks at the new Clover.

Clover? he asks silently.

2006-10-07, 09:09 AM
Ilev grabs his axe and looks up. His eyes widen.

"Oh no. The prophecy is true!"

He stands up, the wound gone thanks to the healing spell.

2006-10-07, 09:10 AM
*She looks at Argenteus and blinks.*


*She looks at herself.*

"I feel different"

((Lunch, back soon))

2006-10-07, 09:11 AM
((Didn't she just have beans? Oh well, guess we wait. What unimportant topic should we rave on about this time?))

2006-10-07, 09:12 AM
Cathrindir drops the antimagic field, as seemingly the items cannot be dispelled.
"The prophecy? You mean, the one where Clover does evil things?"
((^ Badgers?))

2006-10-07, 09:12 AM
((she just bought the beans actualy))

What prophecy are you talking about?

2006-10-07, 09:13 AM
Ilev looks grave.

"Yes. It was part of my future too. I was hoping this wouldn't come to pass."

((^^ Meh, whatever you like.))

2006-10-07, 09:14 AM
*Clover watches and listens...*

((...Until she gets back from lunch.))

2006-10-07, 09:14 AM
Cathrindir curses under his breath, then turns to Clover.
"Can you control these items, Clover?"

2006-10-07, 09:14 AM
Argenteus looks at Ilev and Cathrindir

Could you please tell me what just happened? What prophecy?

2006-10-07, 09:17 AM
"A vision of the future showed Clover her future would be filled with evil. It showed her that she might even end up destroying the whole town. It was part of my future too."

2006-10-07, 09:21 AM
Argenteus sighs. Looks like we've got a problem...

He looks at Clover. What should we do with her?

2006-10-07, 09:28 AM
((Chain her to a bed and call an exorcist... did I spell that right?))

2006-10-07, 09:29 AM
(( I think it's spelled exorcist))

2006-10-07, 09:31 AM
((Chain her to a bed and call an excorcist... did I spell that right?))

((I paused after the first 5 words...))

"Control them? They are part of me now. Of course I can."

2006-10-07, 09:33 AM
"I see...look, I really don't know what we should do now."

2006-10-07, 09:35 AM
"Join me, it is your destiny..."

*She sheathes the sword and extends a hand to Ilev, it glows withblack light.*

2006-10-07, 09:40 AM
((I paused after the first 5 words...))


Ilev steps back.

"Clover this isn't you. We need to get rid of those items."

2006-10-07, 09:41 AM
*She smiles*

"No, this isn't me... it's so much more... take my hand, and we can be together... I don't want to hurt you Ilev..."

2006-10-07, 09:43 AM
"But I don't want this! I want Clover. I want to be with the girl I fell in love with."

2006-10-07, 09:44 AM
"I still am the girl you fell in love with."

*She reaches for his hand.*

2006-10-07, 09:45 AM
Argenteus tries to pull Ilev away from Clover.

Don't do it friend.

2006-10-07, 09:45 AM
He steps back.

"No, the Clover I knew would cast aside those items."

2006-10-07, 09:47 AM
Cathrindir watches, tightnening his grip on his Holy Symbol.
"He's right, Clover. Put them down."

2006-10-07, 09:47 AM
"Look at them! they hav so much power to offer us... we could do so much... help people... save lives..."

((I've gotta go soon))

2006-10-07, 09:48 AM
They're powerful and EVIL can't you see that!

2006-10-07, 09:48 AM
"But that's not what you're going to use them for, is it? You saw in your future that you would do great wrongs; these are only going to help you do just that." Cathrindir says to Clover.

2006-10-07, 09:48 AM
"They can do no good for anyone. They were made by evil to be used evil.

((Kinda like the One Ring don't you think?))

2006-10-07, 09:49 AM
"All I see is a means to do good... great things..."

2006-10-07, 09:49 AM
((hmmm kind of :))

Put them away Clover. You cannot do good deeds with those things.

2006-10-07, 09:50 AM
"Clover, they're not a means to do good, they're a means to an end of Clover as we know her. Please...put down the items."

2006-10-07, 09:50 AM
((And at the same time as Haberdashery... wierd...))

"Put them away? I think you ned to be put away... not wanting to use these thigns to help people."

2006-10-07, 09:51 AM
"Clover! You won't use the items for good! You're going to use them for evil, like you saw in your future! You know that!"

2006-10-07, 09:52 AM
Even if you try do good it will turn up to be evil in the end!

2006-10-07, 09:52 AM
Ilev looks at Clover.

"You once told me you were in love... please, if you truly do, put down those weapons."

((Man, where the hell do I get these lines from? ??? :)))

2006-10-07, 09:54 AM
((Lines-R-Us. For everything from dramatic lines to cheesy lines. Now half off on drama.))

2006-10-07, 09:55 AM
*She stops when she hears Ilev*

"But... why can't I help as well? I just want to do good... before the evil..."

2006-10-07, 09:56 AM
"That's the point, Clover. Because these items will do evil in the end. If you stop the good now, you can stop the evil as well."

2006-10-07, 09:56 AM
Ilev shakes his head.

"Clover, this IS the evil. If you stop now, there won't be an evil in your future."

2006-10-07, 09:57 AM
You don't need these thing to do good and help people. Think about it.

2006-10-07, 09:57 AM
"I can't stop... not the good... not the evil... not past or present... or future..."

*She draws the sword and steps forward.*

2006-10-07, 09:58 AM
Meanwhile, in a quieter part of the temple...

Greeny finds Thecla's body and lies down beside her. He rests his head on his paws and watches her for a moment.

"Any time you wanna open your eyes and yell 'April Fools', you just go right ahead," he says. "Right now, I'd even settle for an insult. Just don't stay dead, Thecla." He settles himself comfortably on the ground and keeps watch.

2006-10-07, 09:58 AM
Ilev steps back.

"Please Clover! Don't do this!

2006-10-07, 09:58 AM
Don't do this Clover. Argenteus takes a steps back.

2006-10-07, 09:59 AM
"Clover! End all of it now! Just put the items down! Throw them away!"

2006-10-07, 10:00 AM
*She becomes even more palid and a tear trickles from her eye.*

"I have no choice... this is my future... no matter how else i would have it... now stand aside."

2006-10-07, 10:02 AM

Ilev stops moving back.

"... I won't."

He drops his axe.

"There is always a way to change someone back if there is some good in them."

Ilev puts his arms out.

"If you are truly evil, strike me down."

2006-10-07, 10:06 AM
*She watches him for a moment, no longer sure...*

Maybe they're right... no! They're wrong! They don't understand!

*She swings at Ilev with the flat of the shield.*

2006-10-07, 10:07 AM
The shield catches him square on the head. He tumbles down the stairs and crashes in a heap at the bottom. He doesn't get up.

2006-10-07, 10:08 AM
Damn you Clover!

Argenteus runs down the stairs to Ilev and casts cure light wounds on him.

2006-10-07, 10:09 AM
((Does the spell wake up people who were knocked out?))

2006-10-07, 10:09 AM
*She watches... no longer undertsanding what is happening...*

that's not good

*She watches,*

Do something

*She watches*

Damn it girl! move!

*She runs down the stairs, dropping the sword and shield as she goes. She picks up Ilev in her arms, unable to lift him, she rests his head in her lap.*

2006-10-07, 10:10 AM
Cathrindir casts Heal on Ilev and turns to Clover, almost a smile on his face. He doesn't say anything.

2006-10-07, 10:11 AM
*She looks at Ilev, then turns to the others.*

"Im sorry..."

*She runs out of the temple.*

((Gotta go now, bye...))

2006-10-07, 10:11 AM
((No but it healed his wounds - you did recive some non lethal damage.))

Argenteus tries to awaken Ilev.

2006-10-07, 10:12 AM
((Heal should have woken him up.))
Cathrindir watches Clover leave, half-smiles, and turns to Ilev.
"You okay?

2006-10-07, 10:13 AM
The bruise on his head heals and Ilev slowly opens his eyes.

"Where is she?"

2006-10-07, 10:15 AM
Argenteus shakes him gentely and looks at Cathrindir.

Why are you smiling?

((she left the sword and shield right?))

2006-10-07, 10:17 AM
"When she transformed into...Dark Clover, if you will...I thought she was long gone and there was no reasoning with her. In the end, her love for Ilev made her stop, and she ended up apologizing to us when she left. I think she can be changed back."
((^ I'm not sure))

2006-10-07, 10:19 AM
Argenteus smiles sadly I hope so Cathrindir.

((she said she dropped them...))

2006-10-07, 10:19 AM
((Apparantly. Read the posts))

Ilev slowly gets up.

"Where is she?" He asks again.

2006-10-07, 10:19 AM
She ran away...

2006-10-07, 10:20 AM
"I hope so too." Cathrindir turns to Ilev. "She left. I don't know where. But I think the threat is over for the moment."

2006-10-07, 10:22 AM
Ilev looks around before running out the door. From inside, you can hear,


2006-10-07, 10:23 AM
Poor guy. Argenteus says quietly.

2006-10-07, 10:28 AM
"Yes, I don't envy him." Cathrindir sighs. "That reminds me, I need to address the Clerics of my Temple today about the SKYE Armada threat."

2006-10-07, 10:30 AM
Threat? What are those jerks up to now?

2006-10-07, 10:32 AM
"Their ship blew up and they declared war on us. I also need to ressurrect Thecla, which I should now."
Cathrindir walks to the Meditation Pools.
"Morning, Greeny. I'm here to resurrect Thecla."
Cathrindir places his hand on her head and speaks a few words.

2006-10-07, 10:35 AM
Greate at least I'll have some fun.

Argenteus says to himself.

Goodbye. He shouts after Cathrindir and leaves.


2006-10-07, 10:37 AM
Thecla's body heals and breath and life return, she licks her nose.

2006-10-07, 10:37 AM
Cathrindir smiles when he sees the movement.
"Welcome back, Thecla."

2006-10-07, 10:39 AM
Suddenly her eyes open and she scrambles up. She cowers where she is, her tail between her legs. Where am I? Where's Mortia?

2006-10-07, 10:40 AM
Greeny barks excitedly and licks Thecla's head with grin. He then does the same to Cathrindir.

"You need anything Cathrindir, you let me know. Thecla's back! Thecla's back!" He sobers a little and turns to Thecla. "Nobody's seen him," he says sadly.