View Full Version : d20r Brainstorming IRC Session

Fax Celestis
2010-11-20, 02:18 PM
I need some advice for d20r. If you're interested, come to irc://irc.gamesurge.net/d20r , or follow this link (http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=af39a334bd3dabf484349d887cad2c97&server=irc.gamesurge.net&channel=%23d20r) if you don't have an IRC client.

2010-11-20, 03:56 PM
Could you post a transcript of what has been said thus far?

Dragon Elite
2010-11-20, 03:58 PM
Past ~30 minutes:
Fax d20r, my 3.5 update/conversion
12:31 Fax well, more of a global 2.0 patch at this point.
12:31 *** Zeofar joined #d20rWizard
12:31 DragonElite Yeah, I've heard about it
12:31 DragonElite Where is it?
12:31 DragonElite On your wiki?
12:32 Fax yeah, the link in the topic is to the d20r wizard skeleton
12:32 Fax the project itself is on the wiki
12:32 Fax uh
12:32 Fax http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=d20_Rebirth
12:32 Fax there
12:32 DragonElite THanks
12:33 Fax ugh, remind me to never get this Joy tea from Starbucks ever again
12:33 Zeofar Never get anything to drink from Starbucks, unless you especially like the coffee
12:33 Zeofar That stuff is rancid
12:34 DragonElite Never get this Joy tea from starbucks ever again
12:34 DragonElite Peet's is much better
12:34 Fax yeah, but there isn't a Peet's near my office
12:34 DragonElite Ah
12:34 DragonElite So anyway, on topic:
12:34 DragonElite It sounds great, and I like the idea of eternal slots
12:35 Fax eternal cantrips, too, so you can cast all day from 1st level
12:35 DragonElite But make sure permanancy and heals aren't allowed,
12:35 M0rty On a slightly off-topic note, how are telportation spells going to look like?
12:35 Fax rather than "oh well, I'm spent, time to crossbow"
12:35 M0rty Rituals, or regular wizard spells?
12:35 Fax Morty, probably more like Dimdoor than Teleport? I may make some teleportation ritual stuff for like Teleportation Circle,e tc
12:36 Fax so that you aren't required to have a spellcaster to go to other planes, etc
12:36 M0rty I see.
12:36 DragonElite I like the Dazzling DIsplay Dramatist
12:36 M0rty I asked because if they were to be spells, well, it'd get a massive advantage.
12:36 Fax yeah, that's an example school. The starred spells will have eternal usage
12:37 DragonElite Hold monster seems like it shouldn't be etenal
12:37 DragonElite t*eternal
12:37 Fax well, the eternals are specfically weaker versions
12:37 DragonElite Yeah
12:37 Fax so an eternal hold monster would be, say, immediate action cast, halt target's movement (will neg)
12:38 DragonElite Okay
12:38 M0rty Sounds good.
12:38 afro or depreciate the save DC or whatever
12:38 afro also
12:38 afro hugs DragonElite
12:38 afro Thank you for not mocking the name
12:39 DragonElite It's funny
12:39 DragonElite :P
12:39 DragonElite So, what are you planning to do here, Fax?
12:39 afro shanks DE
12:39 Fax well, now I'm trying to figure out how to make schools work
12:40 DragonElite :O OW! THat hurt, afro
12:40 Fax I may do something like "choose your primary school, you automatically know spells of that school and have to buy all other spells to add them to your spellbook"
12:40 afro wwwwwait, did we overhaul the skeleton
12:40 Fax and then have stuff like, "if you have X spells of this school prepared, Y effect"
12:40 Fax afro: yes, it's using SS casting now
12:40 sentaku lowering the DC though often means that the spell is not weaker it makes it useless because everything makes the DC
12:40 DragonElite Sounds good
12:41 Fax a better example for how eternal will work is with, say, magic missile
12:41 DragonElite Is maybe only 1d3 adamage?
12:41 afro sentaku: not necessarily
12:41 Fax if you prep MM in an eternal slot, you can cast it as a standard action for full effect but expend a slot, or you can cast it as a stnadard action at CL = Hero Value and don't expend a slot, or you can cast it as a swift action at CL 1.
12:42 Fax (and don't expend a slot for that last one)
12:42 afro if you need to incapacitate minor minions, a DC reduction doesn't hurt you and means you can keep spamming Hold Unimportant Monster
12:42 afro Fax: for spell buying though; DON'T make it actual purchasing
12:43 *** tael joined #d20rWizard
12:43 afro limit by GP is the worst mechanic
12:43 Fax well, Iwas going to mess with the buy price and the scribe price
12:43 Fax spell level^2*100 or something
12:43 M0rty I like learning from scrolls myself, flavor-wise.
12:43 DragonElite I think that scrolls and spellbooks are the best, also
12:43 afro again, limit by GP only works if 1) The DM doesn't hand out tons of "just the scroll you wanted" as treasure
12:43 M0rty But it is a little tricky to balance.
12:43 afro 2) the DM cares about scribe costs
12:44 sentaku alfo: how often does a wizard want to target a single minion?
12:44 afro in a dungeon? OFTEN
12:44 Fax afro: that's the SCRIBE cost, not scroll buy cost
12:44 DragonElite But as a swift action, you can do it for free!
12:44 *** noiadodh quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12:44 afro Fax, I know, but you're relying on DM attention as the balancer if it's scribe cost.
12:44 Fax I guess, yeah. I'll have to mess with that.
12:45 Fax also, sentaku, with everyone being spontaneous casters now, quicken is Dead™.
12:45 Fax so swift actions should be spent on other things, like metamagic swift action spells that modify your next spell cast, or swift action eternal spells to support your primary spells.
12:46 Fax or even swift action to switch from metamagic stance X to metamagic stance Y
12:46 M0rty By "metamagic stance" do you mean Arcane Thesis?
12:47 Fax no, arcane thesis is a permanent modification
12:47 M0rty Ah.
12:47 Fax it's like the Wu Jen's Spell Secret ability
12:47 tael Wait metamagic stances? Hot Damn that's awesome.
12:47 Fax Conjectures are a better example
12:47 Fax yeah
12:47 Fax [12:03] <Fax> I think I'm going to have three kidns of metamagic: swift action spells that modify your next spell cast; feats that put you in a spellcasting stance that modify all spells you cast in the stance; and existing spell level adjustment style
12:48 DragonElite Sounds good
12:48 M0rty Yep.
12:48 Fax that way I can limit how much meta is put on one spell somewhat
12:50 DragonElite SHould we start making the spell chools now?
12:50 Fax afro's working on some ATM
12:51 DragonElite OK then
12:51 Fax trying to come up with some basic Thesis/Conjecture ideas, beyond what's already there
12:52 M0rty Partially ignore resistances, maybe?
12:52 DragonElite PIerce DR
12:52 DragonElite Or reduce Dr by 5
12:52 afro Pierce SR
12:52 DragonElite That's good too
12:52 Fax got those
12:52 Fax http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=D20r:Wizard#Conjectures
12:53 M0rty Piercing SR might be too good for a Conjecture
12:53 Fax the +X damage per die amounts to resistance piercing
12:53 Fax since elemental resist will be -X damage per die
12:53 DragonElite Maybe piercing ~5 points of Sr?
12:53 afro +x dam/die is technically better than resistance piercing
12:53 Fax Resist Electricity 1 means that instead of 10d6 lightning bolt, you take 10d6-10
12:53 tael How many schools are you aiming for in total? Going from the examples, you could have a ton.
12:54 Fax ~30
12:54 M0rty That's a lot.
12:54 Fax yes, it is.
12:54 M0rty I thought there'd be less.
12:54 Fax but the druid has 34 spirits, the cleric has 31 domains
12:55 M0rty True.
12:55 Fax and they're what I find to be a good size for including versatility while sticking to a base concept
12:55 afro thinks back to those 34 spirits
12:56 afro takes some of the blame for the silly, silly number
12:56 Fax you tried to get me to cut it down
12:56 Fax and I did, it used to be 40
12:56 afro I couldn't stop you from Zodiacking
12:57 M0rty Can't see what's wrong with 34

2010-11-20, 06:47 PM
2:34 Fax yeah, but there isn't a Peet's near my office

Fax has an office. I bet it smells of rich mahogany. Do you think he has one of those pendulum dealies with the silver balls that bump against each other? Those are classy.

Fax Celestis
2010-11-20, 07:30 PM
Fax has an office. I bet it smells of rich mahogany. Do you think he has one of those pendulum dealies with the silver balls that bump against each other? Those are classy.

Actually, it's attached to a warehouse, has linoleum floors, and is kind chilly, particularly in my cubicle near the window.

EDIT: Okay, so today's session summarized:

Wizard uses Spirit Shaman-esque preparation and casting. Gets spells from three main schools, can learn new spells from tomes (not scrolls or spellbooks) outside that school. Also has eternal magic (prepare specific kinds of spell in a special slot, cast a weak version whenever you want).

Resist Energy is -x per die, increased elemental damage is +x per die.

Include Rarity and basic knowledge functions for monsters, will clarify knowledges into a more structured mechanic.

Fax Celestis
2010-11-26, 02:37 PM
Today's session is a discussion relating to replacing negative levels. Use the link in the top post.

Fax Celestis
2010-11-27, 03:57 PM
Today's discussion: multiclassing: is a feat that allows you to progress specific, keyworded features at 1/2 class level + hero value instead of at class level overpowered? What about with specific limitations?

Fax Celestis
2010-11-27, 06:42 PM
Fruits of today's discussion:

===Example Martial Multiclass Feat===
Benefit: Determine the effects of your [Martial] abilities of any class that you have at least three levels in by substituting 1/2 your class level plus your hero value for your class level.

Normal: You determine your class features according to your class level.

===Example Spellcasting Multiclass Feat===
Benefit: Determine the effects of your [Arcane] abilities of any class that you have at least three levels in by substituting 1/2 your class level plus your hero value for your class level, to a maximum of double your class level.

Normal: You determine your spellcasting according to your class level.

Favored classes: dreadnaught and warlord. Dwarves substitute 1/2 their class level plus their hero value for [Progressing] features in the dreadnaught class if they have at least three dreadnaught levels. Dwarves also substitute 1/2 their class level plus their hero value for [Progressing] features in the warlord class if they have at least three warlord levels.

Note that not all features will be keyworded, and not every class will maintain keywords from feature to feature: a ranger, for instance, will have "Ambush [Precision, Progressing] (Ex):" and "Spellcasting [Divine]:".

Fax Celestis
2010-12-08, 04:11 PM
Today's discussion:

[12:56] <Fax> so I was thinking about fluffing some of the races in d20r, since what I have so far is kind of bland 'height weight eye and hair color' stuff
[12:56] <Fax> what do you think about dwarves that are hewn from stone and animated with ancient ritual, so that a dwarf's age is measured not by his physique or size but by his beard length?
[12:56] <Fax> different kinds of stone would result in different complexion
[12:56] <Fax> so like, a dwarf made of marble may have marbleized patterns on his skin
[12:56] <Fax> while one of granite will have a mottled complexion
[12:57] <Fax> the stats provided are for your 'basic' dwarf
[12:57] <Fax> dwarven subraces would then be dwarves made of different stone

tl;dr racefluff