View Full Version : Change of Seasons [IC]

2010-11-20, 08:29 PM
Change of Seasons.

Where the whistle wind plays,
and the golden dust fades.
My home is the wilds,
and there will I stay!

Where pan's pipes are blown,
and the queens banners flown.
My home is the wilds,
and there will I stay!

Where elves tire and sleep,
and dwarves frolick and fete,
Where proud man is lain low,
as a dog whose come home.
My home is the wilds,
and there will I stay!

A dream...

Twilight, walking through a wood. Honeysuckle and lilac crawl on the trunks of trees. Butterflies with wings the size of men fly overhead. A cloud of purple dust floats by and laughs. Somewhere beyond sight, pipes play and the sound seems to come from right behind you, always behind you.

Walking through a wood...you step into a glade, the trees wrapped around in an oval. In the middle a stone statue, a woman crying, holding the body of her dead young son. Daffodils grow on the crown of the boy, scattered stone roses lay on the ground, fallen from his open palm.

A young woman steps from behind the statue, her long hair golden, her face fair and bright. She curtsies and spins, her grass and flower skirt twirling. "Welcome, all." She says and you notice the other three travelers standing at the cardinals around the statue.

"Please, be seated if you wish." She flicks her hand at the ground beside the statue and four large toadstools sprout up, their oversized caps thick and sturdy. She smiles for a moment and then turns towards the statue. "I've always wondered who carved this...who the woman was...why her son died." She says, her eyes sad as she steps around the statue, looking at it from every angle. "Such a sad thing...but beautiful." She sighs and turns to you all.

"I imagine you are wondering why I have called you here. Most of you know me..." She says, nodding to Aithne, Shazad, and Lloyd. "...but now is a time to put aside past differences, prior fueds." She looks at Shazad and raises an eyebrow, then continues. "And a time to forge new alliances, find new strengths." She nods to Alexander. "All the worlds face the same struggle, even if they do not know it."

Lady Summer closes her eyes and breathes in deep and releases her breath, a mist of golden light that floats in the air. It darts to the statute and circles it, resting on the head of the women, melting into the stone. Her eyes open and shine with a soft, yellow light. "There. I have marked this dream, we may return to it. I have many things to show you." She glances at each one of you and smiles. "Will you come along?"

Welcome to the start of the game. :)
Feel free to talk to each other for a bit, and then I'll continue on.
Link to OOC. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176578)

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-20, 08:55 PM

A man - still young, perhaps in his late twenties - stands at the West cardinal of the glade. His hair is black and a bit unkempt, and his beard, though short tame, looks as though it will soon need a trim. He wears thick furs over a black suit of chainmail - if this is a dream, does that mean he was sleeping in his armor?
The man stares at the Lady as she speaks, looking a bit off-put and perhaps a bit hostile. He makes as if to speak when she finishes but seems to check himself, ducking his head down and to the side for a moment as though in thought. He looks back at the Lady for a moment, before shifting his gaze to each of the other three beings in the glade.
When he speaks, his voice echoes about the glade. It is rough, as though from lack of use, and has an accent you cannot identify. It carries behind it a whisper, a harsh and foreboding whisper, that sits just on the edge of perception. The whisper's words can't quite be made sense of, but here, in this place of gently fading light and beautiful nature, it carries with it something more than words - an impression, a feeling, of wrongness. Of blasphemy, of unnaturalness. The man knows it, and winces even as he speaks.
"What is this place?"

2010-11-20, 09:55 PM

"It would be an honor, my lady..." Lloyd meets his hostess's glance with his own smile and a bow before finally taking his seat. In contrast to the man in black armor, his tone seems elegant and sure. More then just his voice, everything about him gives off that same air. Black hair and light skin that may have seemed unkempt and sickly on another seem carefree and vigorous on him. Likewise, he doesn't seem armed, and if not for the hint of chain and steel beneath his clothing, he would also seem unarmored.

His smile still hasn't left his lips as he gets himself comfortable. A leg resting on the other and his hands supporting his torso behind him, his eyes wander over each small sight around the statue. He seemed confident.

"It's another frontier my friend." Turning to the man in black, he takes a second to give him his hand, awaiting his. "Lloyd d'Vadalis, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You are?"

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-20, 11:03 PM

Alexander makes no move to sit or to accept Lloyd's handshake. He answers the man with only a stare, and slowly takes a step back. He turns back to the Lady - apparently the ringleader here.
"What is this? Who are you?"
There is an edge to his voice now, and the whisper becomes more... prominent. Still only at the edge of perception, and yet.. the sense of wrongness is stronger now.

2010-11-21, 12:20 AM
Shazad looks around at the sylvan glade with a flat expression that holds even as Lady Summer makes her grand entrance.

Arching an eyebrow, even as he adjusts the hang of his cloak, he remains silent for now, content to observe before commenting on anything.

This course of action is born out by the pretty mini-speech of Lady Summer, obviously here for a reason.

After she said her peace, the man obviously from a northern exposure speaks up not once, but twice. The other man present attempted to be friendly and was rebuffed. Finally, Northman asks an answerable question.

"Her name is Samantha Kellate, Lady Summer of the Summer Court."

As the others' attentions turn to him, Shazad shrugs. "You learn a lot about your employers in my line of work." Turning to Lady Summer, he offers a small, short bow and queries "Even when I still took commissions for the Summer Court, this was not how it was done, Lady Summer. Even leaving aside the fact that I most assuredly now have my face planted in a bowl of mushroom broth (and the fact that it's rude to dream-call someone in the middle of dinner), I no longer accept commissions from your Court, and you know this. So why bring me here?"

2010-11-21, 12:59 PM

"Rather rude..." With a shrug, Lloyd turns his attention to the man who seemed quite a bit less dumbfounded. He smiles, there seemed to be much to gain learn from this one. Things seemed to be falling into place though, realization was dawning.

"A new frontier in more then one way..." He puts his hand against his chest and pushes while he looks at the detail around him. He chuckles. Fascinated by what this could all mean, he mutters to himself. "Simply amazing."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-21, 04:39 PM

"Lady.. Summer?"
The man seems less hostile now, but still wary.
"I have been looking for you and your kind for some time now..."

2010-11-21, 07:09 PM
Aithne verch Cyric

Aithne's dreaming form shines brightly, at once more real than its surroundings, and yet more fantastic than it should be. Her golden hair is vivid and bright as it sweeps past her shoulders, curving artistically as it spreads behind her like a slender, shining banner. A circlet of fire streams across her brow, but flickers fitfully as if it were on the verge of going out, while the gleaming spear in her hand shines as bright a lantern light, contrasting the weakness of the flame.

Her raiment is unusual, and certainly a product of her dreaming state, a cross between a formal, beautiful dress and hardened armor of wood. When she moves, it drifts as if it were cloth, but when she stands still, it hardens into a rigid breastplate.

She seems quite at home amidst the strangeness of her dream and appearance, however, for she is obviously a fey like the lady that summoned them; her face, particularly eyes and ears, quite plainly tell of her fair folk nature. More strongly, however, the fluid ease to which she takes to the drifting reality of a dream and her powerful presence within it show that this is a magic she is used to.

Aithne raises her hand, placing the back of it to her forehead in an old, druidic gesture of respect and submission.
"You honor me, Lady Summer. I accept your invitation."
Her vivid blue eyes pass over the others, becoming a little troubled as she notes who would be accompanying her. The disconcerting nature of the Northman, the disrespect of the other... and something of the last fills her with uncertainty, though she cannot tell what. At least, however, he had attempted to be polite.

Because of that politeness, no matter her slight misgiving, Lloyd is the only one of the other three who Aithne acknowledges. She directs a pleasant smile and a small nod of respect, though she does not address him. Her silence seems more an opening for him to choose whether or not to speak to her, though.

2010-11-21, 08:25 PM

Tapping his chest and feeling bones and flesh, Lloyd raises his sight to meet the fey's smile and answers with his own. "I've never lived through such a lucid dream, but my eyes tell me it must be. I can only hope that some of these sights stretch beyond the dream-scape."

Still testing the boundaries, he puts a hand before him and wills an orb of light onto its palm. Letting it dance for an instant, he forces it to land and makes it vanish in a closed fist before speaking. "My dear, if the world smiles on me and you are indeed real, could you be so kind as to explain this state to one who is partially human?"

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-21, 08:55 PM

Alexander has an odd look on his face - impatient, and perhaps nervous. It is as though, now that he knows he stands before Lady Summer, the situation does not live up to his expectations.
Alexander ignores Lloyd, and speaks over him as the man exchanges pleasantries with the fey. When he speaks, both his voice and the whisper behind it have a hint of urgency behind them - though, oddly, it seems as though his voice is eager, and the whisper is fearful. "M'lady Summer, I must speak with you. There are matters of great urgency which I have sought your kind's aid in, and they can wait no longer."
His body language betrays his urgency, as he seems to take a half-defensive, half-threatening stance, as though afraid of denial.

2010-11-21, 11:00 PM
Lady Summer smiles at Shazad. "Ah, perhaps you were only dreaming of mushroom soup? I assure you, I only reached out to you as you were deep in slumber." She reaches out to the statue and plucks one of the daffodils off the boys crown, spins it between her hands and lets go. The flower rises in the air and twirls as it floats before her, the yellow petals waving back and forth. "I am not here to speak of bindings or service, nor of past deeds or debts."

She nods to Lloyd as he plays with the dream. "Yes, you can act in this place, but it is my dream I have called you to." She turns to Alexander. "Be calm, prince. I have felt your searching and have drawn you here to speak...perhaps to talk of answers you seek." She waves her hand and the daffodil rises, twirling higher into the air until it is a speck high above. The speck blossoms into a wave of sunlight that falls down around you, changing the twilight to noon. The dew on the grass steams in the warming air and the statue grows, twisting in shape as it towers above you all, changing from weathered, gray stone to hard grey bark. The dead limbs of the massive tree block the bright sun and cast shadows on the ground that swirl and swarm like snakes.

She glances at Lloyd. "This is no place...a place between places, a dream of the wilds. They have overgrown their bounds and reach across all the worlds...and so our dreams may touch each world in turn. Look. See what has happened to the worlds." She points behind you and you feel the soft toadstool turn to a hard tree stump. The trees of the wood have vanished, replaced by a vast wasteland. All around, in every direction, you see nothing but black and scorched rocks, burned sand and dirt. "This once was called Thay. Is your concern more dire than the lives that once were here, prince?"

The limbs of the dead tree grow and extend, reaching down to the ground and slamming into the dirt and sand. As you are surrounded by the sphere of the tree, a great whirlwind rises up outside, throwing the gravel and rock into a maelstorm around you, though nothing passes through the limbs except for the moaning of the fierce wind. Lady Summer turns to Aithne. "Could you not hear the cry of that land as it lay broken and gasping?" The winds die down and she walks towards the wall of limbs. It parts and unfolds as she nears it, bending back on itself to form a canopy over the opening.

Outside you can see a world far below you, as if you were floating high in the sky. Pristine wilderness runs untouched for miles and miles, a thick canopy hiding the floor of the jungle from the sun. "These were once the mournlands...now they are a verdant paradise. Not all of nature is destructive..." She says, glancing at Shazad. "But this growth is unchecked, spurred by the presences of the wild. It upsets the balance..." She looks at you all. "It may seem strange to hear me speak that word...but we all have our place and purpose, and so the balance is maintained."

The limbs drop down and close the opening and it feels as though the tree-sphere is falling. The Lady walks back over to the tree and places one hand on it where a patch of daffodils grow out of a knob. The rushing slows and the limbs break off the base of the tree, the ends staying planted in the ground. The tall planted limb-spikes grow and rush outward, sprouting green buds and leaves, forming a forest wood. The base of the tree shrinks back down, twisting and changing shape to that of the statue. The sun shrinks overhead and fades beyond the horizon as twilight returns to the glade.

She looks at the face of the mother once again, a small smile on her lips before turning to you all. "These are just a few of the changes that have happened. There are others...some even more devastating." She falters and uncertainy, fear and panic comes into her eyes. "I..I don't know...it's so HARD! I can't..I can-." She stops suddenly and freezes, then relaxes as the steady calm returns to her. "Pardon. The transition from my former life...well, it has not been without difficulty." She says as she smiles, her perfect teeth beaming out at each of you. "A war rages between our courts, of this you know. I come to you, hopefully in time, before you have been called to fight in this battle. This will not be won by fighting, though we must obey the Queen." She says, curstying to no one present. "I have an idea of how to stop the expanse of the wilds, though I know that alone will not be enough."

She looks at each of you in turn. "I seek no geas, merely help. There are...some things that we cannot do." She looks at Alexander. "To those that seek answers, I know where to ask questions." To Shazard, "For those that want power, I know where it may be tapped." To Lloyd, "For those that seek a challenge, a new, unknown thing lays before you." To Aithne, "To those that seek balance, I seek the same and will aid you as I can."
Hope that wasn't too confusing. Go ahead and talk and such, but don't leave the dream yet. Have one more thing planned.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-21, 11:29 PM
"Answers are well and good, mlady, but my only question is this: if you can do all this, create this dream world, then can you not restore my own world? Thousands - millions - are lost, soulless or mad, and those of us who remain die slowly in a world that is slowly becoming the Abyss it was invaded by!"
He is pleading now, even the whisper behind his voice sounding mournful.
"I have read of your kind, and heard many stories of your wild power. I beg of you, aid me in this - I will gladly help you against whatever force is causing these events as soon as my world is restored."

2010-11-22, 01:15 AM
"Peace, noble prince." Lady Summer says, her eyes soft. "This is but a dream...it will fade as you wake." She tilts her head and smiles at him. "This is not light you see, nor air you breathe."

Her face becomes solemn. "And if it were possible, would you have me forswear my oath to my Queen and come right to your aid? Would you have your world restored to glory...only to fall to the creep of the wilds? They expand further every day, on every world...do you think your home could hold when the heavens could not?"

She takes a dandelion from her skirt, places it in the button hole of Alexanders shirt. "The fates of all the worlds are entertwined and it would be for nought to save one at the expense of the others, and only to have it fall again itself. But...perhaps through saving them all, we can restore yours. I can offer you no more than this, the promise of hope."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 06:47 AM

Alexander scoffs, looking away from the Lady with bitterness in his eyes.
"'Noble prince'... do you mock me with the titles of my lost love even as you refuse to return her to me?"

2010-11-22, 09:47 AM
"Oh, not at all dear child. A title earned is a name freely spoken." She nods her head slightly to you. "And it is not that I am unwilling you to help, but for now I am unable. My power is bound with the Queens will...and for now the Queen is at war." Her voice softens. "All things come in their time, all power rises and wanes. Do not give up hope."

2010-11-22, 11:24 AM
Shazad merely shrugs at the Lady's words, unwilling to bandy accusations about with a potential employer even as distasteful as he now finds the Summer Court.

After the insistent Northman continues to persist in asking strange questions and is again rebuffed, Shazad clears his throat softly and addresses Lady Summer.

"That still does not answer my question, Lady. Why choose me?"

2010-11-22, 12:37 PM

"Lady Summer, if you know of me then you know that balance is not all I seek. I would be grateful for your aid, but you need not offer it in a bargain. I will assist you, as long as your goal is true. What knight would turn away those who cry out for aid?"

Aithne places her spear holding hand over her heart in a gesture of allegiance.
"What would you have me do?"

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 03:27 PM

Alexander is clearly dejected at the Lady's answer. He shakes his head, opening his mouth to challenge her again, but thinks better of it and simply says nothing. He closes his eyes for a moment, and when he opens them he looks at Lady Summer with a dull and resigned look on his face.
"What do you want from me?" he says, bluntly. The whisper seems subdued now, and is neither as threatening or insistent as before.

2010-11-22, 03:28 PM

Lloyd is silent through the visions, but makes note of what he deems important. Some much more then others of course, and he wonders just how difficult the transition was. "Hehe, now I feel shallow, but it seems you know me. I would never turn down a request, especially not one as you describe it. The unknown is simply too alluring."

He turned to the pleading man and felt almost ashamed. That wasn't how you got it done. Say what you want about desperation and urgency, but a beggar gets nothing beyond copper and scorn. But a debtee? "Pardon if I am more ignorant then I think, but it sounds as if this 'Abyss' has become coterminous with your home, oh nobleman. It actually sounds much like the plight the lady is presenting. In my eyes, it seems as though Thelanis, the Fey Courts, have become coterminous with, well, all there is. If we bring back the balance, would you not learn how to do so to your realm as well? After all, if the druids of my world could be taught how to do so, I'm sure we can too."

Just some Eberron rambling (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/eb/20040309a), the planes may not actually work like this but that's is how Lloyd sees it, at least until taught otherwise.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 03:50 PM

Alexander ignores Lloyd at first, but immediatedly appears much more interested when he mentions the druids of his world "learning to do so".
Alexander levels a steady gaze on him, stepping past the Lady towards where the man is seated.
"If you know how to... separate... these "coterminous" planes, perhaps you would consider sharing? Or are there others, on your world - these druids, perhaps - who could perform such a task?"

2010-11-22, 04:41 PM

"The borders between the planes wax and wane with the seasons and the times."
Aithne speaks suddenly, her spear shifting in her hands. Its pointed head blossoms outwards as a living plant, and the wood is graven with runes.
"To call them 'coterminus,' implies that they are separate in the first place. Is one side of the coin separate from the other? Does night reside in a different sky than the day?"

Her hair drapes around her like a cloak, and she taps the sapling spear against the ground in an authoritative manner.
"You have no doubt heard of the Court of Summer and Winter, but there are other times in which the fey hold dominion. I am of Samhain, when the boundaries between the worlds grow thin- the druidic arts are in my blood, and the interaction of the worlds is my domain. To part worlds would be a task beyond my usual skill, but in time I believe I could achieve it."

Yet, her eyes are hard as she looks at Alexander.
"But as much as I am a druid, I am warrior. I know that even in the best of battles, there is sacrifice. I cannot place the wellbeing of your world before the well being of many more- is the scoured plane we saw somehow lesser than your troubles? Is the land that will be swallowed by the wild to be disregarded? Your perspective is narrow.

Her expression softens, and she inclines her head in acknowledgment of his own troubles.
"Yet, if the time comes when these troubles may be set aside, I will lend you my aid. But please, consider our situation with more gravity, and think of others who are suffering as you are. Will you abandon them to their fates? I understand how you must feel, and the pain you suffer- but you must learn to control it."

Her mouth tightens slightly, and then she swiftly tacks on to her speech.
"You might wish to learn a little more politeness as well. This is the Lady of Summer you are speaking too, after all."
After her more eloquent speech, this addendum might make for an amusing contrast- it seems more like something a snooty courtier might say.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 05:27 PM

Alexander's expression hardens as Aithne berates him. He levels an accusing finger at her, and says,
"Sacrifice? What do you know of sacrifice? You speak of these suffering peoples in distant planes. You speak of nations turned to so much dust and shadow, erased as though by the wrath of the Maker. What are these to my own world? What is a nation in ruins, when my world now is a pit of fire and of slime, where the dead outnumber the living a thousandfold? What is a people suffering the wrath of the wild, when the scant remnants of my own people crawl in the sand and dust, taking their sustenance on the scraps of flesh left from the demons - food not fit even for the vultures, let alone mankind. What do I care when the ugliness of war - real war, the war our world was shown by the Dead Prince - is brought out of shadow into the sight of the horrified planes?"
Alexander is working himself up into a self-righteous fury now, years of frustration and despair suddenly coming to the surface as those with the power to help him seem to be denying his plea. The whisper echoes all about, seeming to rise to a crescendo even as it remains at the edge of your hearing - it has no words behind it, now, but seems to be something between laughter and screaming.
"What do you know of battle, oh great warrior? What do you know of sacrifice? What great war have you fought in? What people have you fought to protect? An entire world rested on my shoulders - mine - and now it lay in ruins, a hundred survivors where once there were millions, and half of them gone insane with despair and terror! And now you tell me that you have the power to undo all this, or, by the Maker, to at the least prevent this from worsening - and you cannot because some far-off world is now beginning to see a glimpse of the horror that I and my people have already faced?! I think, Lady of Samhain, that you ought not speak to me of courtesy!"
Alexander's impromptu speech ends, but the whisper continues to echo throughout the glade. A glint of unnatural red has appeared in his eyes, making him look somewhat more (or less?) than human.

2010-11-22, 06:33 PM

Glad to have at least caught the man's attention, Lloyd listens to his plea, and then to the fey's speech. "Perhaps the coin is never separated, but you will agree that rarely do the sides see face to face." Of course, if things went completely according to plan, there would be no fun at all. Her speech had complicated things, but they were still manageable.

The outburst though, that would really get the blood pumping. "So you failed in your duty... I see. I am not a druid, I'm simply a dilettante. The traditions I spoke of are still preserved though, in a dwindling sect back home. They would know what to do, the Gatekeepers. However, you must have seen what became of the mournlands. At the moment their lands, my lands, are being sucked into the into the wilds and I expect these masters of ancient traditions are fighting, much like you have, to prevent its growth. Tell me, would anything have pulled you away in the middle of your war? Say what you want about your plight, but when the realm of madness threatened to engulf their lands, they succeeded in saving it."

He is sitting slouched forward, legs spread, elbows at his thighs, and hands at his chin. After a brief pause, he continues. "If there are still people that can be saved in your home, organize an exodus. Flee before they're lost, forsake your land for now. Then aid the lady's plight. You may not realize this now, but allies are a bigger boon then debts and debtees are better still. Actions speak louder then words, where we to solve the rampant growth, the Gatekeepers would be in our debt, and I could make sure they knew. Once their war is over, with the knowledge that you're responsible, perhaps they would be willing to aid a far off land that means nothing to them..."

2010-11-22, 06:38 PM

The restraint and common courtesy that had kept Aithne back melts beneath the scorn and heat of Alexander's rant, and when she responds in kind, the fire of her voice is evident, manifest around her. The flaming circlet upon her brow blazes up, and the heritage of her father shines from her.
"Do not heap criticism on my head for a lack you only imagine, human! What do I know of war? What people have I protected? Your ignorance is plain and you would do better to keep silent! I am the Knight of Samhain, the shield between the worlds and protector of all my kind, be they Seelie or Unseelie, or great or small."

She steps forwards, her spear blazing like a bonfire as the sprouting leaves catch aflame, the head reforming amidst light like the sun, too bright to bear.
"I am the legacy of countless ages, and the time before ages, carrying a destiny that has borne the weight of all my people since time began. Through war, strife, and calamity, we have been there, the bearers of this sacred charge. Against nightmares beyond your imagining has this spear been wielded; against armies that would engulf your world has my shield been lifted. I remember, oh man, not only what it is to fight and lose- but to die, with only a thin hope for my people left to comfort me as I breathed my last! Can you say you have felt such a thing? Have you felt the claw of death tear the thinly beating life from your very veins like so much ruined cloth? How can you speak to me of knowing of such things!"
The weight of years presses down on the dream, and countless memories and scenes flicker in the background as thin illusions, of war, terror, famine, and corruption from within. A thousand threats against an eternal empire darken the air, then fade, crackling away in the fire of Aithne's provoked rage.

Gesturing with her spear, fire wraps about her like a cape, scenes of her people and the current times dancing within the flames. The world within it seems to darken and fade, and grim soldiers take up arms as she speaks.
"And now, with my own eyes, I see my people threatened once again, for the great mothers have died, and the queens call their people to war. Anarchy is loosed on our lands, and a tide of blood is preparing to flow as armies are raised to fight and die for a cause that should never have seen the light of day. But while our kingdom tears itself apart from within, the ripples of its clashing spread out and beyond, to threaten worlds beyond us. What has come is only the bare beginning, and what will come will consume the worlds if it is not prevented. Against this have my hands been raised, against my own people have I had to fight, that they may not destroy themselves! I know war and sacrifice, or will you tell me that watching the blood of my kin trickle down my spear is nothing before your pain?"

The fiery warrior raises her spear and brings it down on the ground with a resounding crack, the runes carved within it blazing with light as she does so. Her voice rings with authority that comes beyond her throat, but from the earth and fire that surround her, crackling and rumbling with undeniable strength.
"Listen, oh Son of Earth, to truth. Your world suffers, but what use is saving a tree from fire when the wide earth beneath it is torn apart? What use is saving a single man at the price of all his kin? There is a greater danger beyond even what destroys your home, and our lady has come to beg you for your aid! And though we offer our help to you of our own will, you demand more of us than you are willing to give yourself. Can you not put aside your troubles to see that there are greater threats, even to those you wish to save? Can you not set aside your selfishness to understand that you are not the only one in need of aid? You were not brought here to be scorned, but so you will be if you refuse to open your eyes!"

The fire dims, but still crackles around her as she draws back, settling once more.
"Quiet yourself and listen, or all your work will be as nothing before the onslaught in store."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 06:49 PM

Alexander bows his head at the Knight of Samhain's sharp rebuke.
"I have known death... as the blacksmith knows the sword, and as the knight knows his armor."
Alexander lifts his head, and his eyes are smoldering red - inhuman. The bloodred light in them flickers for a long moment as he stares at the Knight, but slowly it recedes, fading, leaving simple brown eyes in its place.
"If my services in battle are your price, I will pay it. But my loyalty is to the reward I shall gain; my only priority is my own world. If this is unpalatable to you, Knight of Samhain, then I shall find my own path to follow. After all I've done, I can hardly claim to care anymore for what is 'natural'. This war is not mine."

He addresses Lloyd now. "You spoke of an exodus. Explain yourself. In my world, there is no such magic for the transportation of so many through the planes - I use a magical artifact to do so, and to my knowledge there are only a handful of them in existence."

2010-11-22, 07:10 PM

With a shrug, Lloyd pulls at a chain at his neck until a black disk comes out from underneath his clothing. "I'm talking about a few days of hard work. I left my pond through this gift, but it seems that holding hands with someone while using it lets you take them too. If there are only a few hundred survivors left, then round them up and a few at a time, take them elsewhere. It may take some time, but if anything, your resolve would be strengthened. You would know the face of every one of the survivors who you're fighting for and they would know their savior."

"Though my travels are brief, it seems the city known as Sigil, at the center of the... wheel, is a popular destination for refugees. But really, if things are as bad as you describe, then it seems anywhere would be better then their current destination."

"I haven't fought in wars or killed my equals, I'm merely a traveler new to the planes. If you wish I could aid you in moving the survivors, new experiences should never be refused after all."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-22, 07:19 PM

"Sixty. There are sixty of us left, to my knowledge. Not counting the insane..."
Alexander pulls an amulet out from where it's tucked into his shirt - it is identical to Lloyd's.
"A startling coincidence, that we should both possess one. I never knew that they could take additional passengers... never thought to try, for fear of damaging it..."
He looks back at Lloyd.
"Your advice," he says, and the slight emphasis on "your" is only barely noticeable, "will be useful. Thank you. But I will do this alone. It is my world, and my duty."
The whisper is softer now, and were it not for its ever-present feeling of wrongness, it might be thought to be nothing more than the breeze through the trees.

2010-11-22, 11:29 PM
"Why you, tailor? Perhaps precisely because you are known to work for Winter..and your distaste for me and mine is well known as well." She raises at eyebrow at the assassin. "I have said the time is past for allegiances of coin, what better way to prove it than for one such as yourself to join?"

She opens her mouth to respond to Aithne but waits as the argument builds and erupts before her. With a simple grin on her face she leans back against the statue and watches you all as you attack back and forth. Her eyes seem to gleam in the firelight of your anger and they cool as the argument dies. "I am always reminded, and always forget, why they preferred me to sing for them..." She says softly, eyes staring into the distance.

Snapping her head back at Aithne she nods and continues. "There are places within each world where the wilds have taken hold. A spot, a hole, a tree...I believe they would call it a breach in your world, fatemaker." She says, smiling at Lloyd. "What has been opened may be closed, perhaps...if there is still time. Seek these out...and what I want for you may be fulfilled." She glances at Alexander. "The chance to heal your world. The sooner the balance is restored, the sooner we may turn our attentions to - "

She halts in midsentence, holding her breath, her body as still as the statue behind her. The woods around are as suddenly silent as the dream itself seems to freeze. The world holds for a moment and then sounds come from the woods again, but different than before. Snapping and cracking, followed by a low whoosh that seems to rush towards you, building in speed and power. Sight combines with sound and you see white rushing into the glade from all directions. Frost forms on the daffodils on the boys crown and the snow snaps into the glade as the twilight disappears and all is black for a split-moment. Blinking again, snow lays over all the ground as if it had always been there, in the crooks of the statue and on the tops of the trees. A full moon hangs high in the dark night and a slow and chill breeze flys in from the south.

A twig snaps to your right and a figure emerges from the snowy wood. A tall, raven-haired beautiful woman steps out, dressed in a thin white dress that clings to her curves. She walks barefoot into the glade and smiles at you all, glancing over at Lady Summer. "Well...what do we have here?" She draws out, her voice low and heavy as her eyes linger over each of you.

Everyone but Alexander knows this is Lady Winter.

2010-11-22, 11:40 PM
Shazad inclines his head respectfully, as the patron of the Court that had been better suited to him since the beginning arrives to what had previously been a boring, except for the argument, discussion of trifles.

"Greetings to you, Milady Winter. What, if I may be so bold as to inquire, brings an august patronage such as yourself to this dreary corner of a dreamscape?"

2010-11-23, 09:01 AM

The cold sweeps past and around Aithne, yet the frost does not seem to settle on the ground at her feet. The grass dries and a crisp cool wind forms around her as her aura is affected, but not overwhelmed, by this new presence.

Aithne raises her hand to forehead in the gesture she had used to greet the Lady of the Summer, as her counterpart approaches. There is no less respect in her now than there was then, though there does seem to be a certain wariness in her posture that was not there before.

"Lady Winter, your presence is unexpected, but a blessing nonetheless."

Her words seem a bit less sincere than they might have been, and possibly a bit forced, but this likely has more to do with her recent outburst at Alexander than her opinion on the Lady of Winter.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-23, 03:44 PM

When the sudden darkness dissipates, Alexander blinks, put off-balance. A bit of frost had suddenly formed on the furs he is wearing, but the heavy clothing keeps him warm nonetheless.
The new arrival is clearly a fey, and one belonging to the Winter Court, judging by how little the cold seemed to perturb her - in a different setting, her appearance may have even caused him to mistake her for a succubus from the Abyss!
The knight and the... "tailor"?... seem to know her, however. Curious. From what he had read, the Summer fey and Winter fey were either rivals or enemies. Their greetings to the woman betray her identity.
"Lady Winter?" he says, curious. The whisper, ever-present when he speaks, sounds uncertain. He glances at Lady Summer before continuing to address the newcomer.
"Are you also involved in this... venture?"

2010-11-23, 05:00 PM

Another curve, it seemed. The sudden chill catches him off guard, but moments later he seems to get used to it. In silence, Lloyd starting drawing out possible outcomes, some of them more exciting then others. The two courts were at war, weren't they? Was this treason already?

"M'lady." With a smile, he gives her a bow, much like the one she gave Lady Summer, but perhaps deeper, not only out of respect but out of allegiance, even if recent. "I believe this is one of the most interesting dreams I have had as of late."

2010-11-24, 05:05 PM
Lady Summer holds her stance by the statue, saying nothing as Lady Winter appears. Winter smiles and nods to her, then turns to Aithne and nods her head. "Knight Samhain...greetings to you on this winter night. You travel in strange company, as always."

She raises an eye at Shazad. "I had heard that there was a gathering going on, this little soiree...and imagine my surprise to learn I was not invited." Her eyes widen in mock surprise as her gaze passes over to Alexander. "Alas, gentle sir, I was cruelly left out in the cold. Not all are as hospitable as one would hope." She glances over at Lady Summer but the young woman stands silent next to the statue, chin held up, her back straight as she glares at Lady Winter. "And as your host appears unwilling to enlighten me, perhaps you would explain the meaning of this midnight meeting?"

2010-11-24, 05:28 PM

Shazad shrugs as he answers his usual patron.

"Lady Summer was offering us a commission. Nothing overly intriguing, however. I'm of half a mind to decline it, personally."

Shazad merely wipes the few wrinkles in his shirt away while everyone else proceeds to their reactions...

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-24, 06:16 PM

Alexander paces restlessly, moving back towards the west edge of the glade. He looks at Lady Summer and bluntly says, "You seem in dire straits indeed, Lady Summer, if your power is so waned even your dreams can be penetrated at an interloper's whim."
Alexander looks back to Lady Winter and speaks slightly more politely.
"This is a private affair, m'lady, but perhaps at another time we may speak of matters of common interest. I am Alexander Brighthart, of the kingdom of Ruadorna. I have been attempting to contact the fey for some time now."

2010-11-25, 12:11 AM

"Heh..." Lloyd finds his mind working more then his mouth, a good change. The prince was acting much like he had so far, and the second man seemed much fonder of Lady Winter then of the hostess... When he wondered what he would have done in her place, then he just remembered.

"Hehehe." Yes, stepping into the wilds had been a good choice. "M'lady Winter, I dare say we've been discussing the troubles that the wheel finds itself in. Things have been changing, going wild, pretty much everywhere. Beyond that, well, mostly etiquette and how one should ask for a favor." He's still smiling when he's finished, and wondered for how long it would last.

2010-11-26, 12:47 AM

For the moment, Aithne lets the others do the talking. She was all too aware that the Lady Winter was not likely to agree with the purpose of their meeting... she just wasn't sure what form the conflict would take, and whether she would agree with the Lady's reasoning. Surely she knew what she was intruding on, and had a reason for her entrance, but the problem was determining what it was. Best to let her speak her piece before taking more action or initiative.

2010-11-27, 09:10 PM
Lady Summer turns to Alexander. "It is not a matter of power, but respect, even if some do not hold to the same ideals..." She says, looking back at Lady Winter.

Winter smiles and bows her head to Summer. "I did not mean to interrupt while you were propositioning these fine young gentlemen...and lady." She smirks and looks at Lloyd. "Troubles? I suppose there are some that see the recent events as troubling...others recognize them as opportunities." She nods to Shazad. "I do not hold it against you for listening to the Ladys speech, and once again you show your discriminating taste." She says and flashes her white teeth at Shazad.

"Still silent, lady knight? As is your right, of course..." She turns to Alexander. "...though much can be gained through pleasant discourse. Noble Brighthart, your searching has not gone unnoticed." She pauses and steps closer, her face solemn and her silver eyes locked on you. You feel the pull of her gaze as if a heavy weight were settling on your shoulders as she looks into your eyes. "I know of the fate of your land, as do all who are sensitive to such things. It is a great tragedy, that which has befallen you. Tell me...what do you seek us for?"

No spell effect or anything, just the lingering power of what would perhaps happen outside the dream. :smallwink:

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-27, 11:20 PM

Alexander meets Lady Winter's gaze with his own. At last, someone willing to skip the politics and cut directly to the heart of the matter: the fate of his world. The Lady's gaze causes him to feel odd, as though beneath a heavy weight, but he brushes the feeling off. When he addresses her, he speaks with somewhat more civility than he did to Lady Summer; her directness, apparently, has made a good first impression.
"I know of the power the fey wield, m'lady, and I had sought to request your aid in the restoration of my world. If you know of its fate, then you know that even with the demons driven from it, it continues to... to devolve into a reflection of the hell from which they came! My people have little in the way of magic; I confess to understanding little of the powers wielded by those of other planes. But these..." here he indicates the others assembled in the glade, "people gathered here have already confirmed to me that such a restoration is indeed within their power. And yet they deny me this desperately needed aid until I have undertaken a vast quest of their own! I seek only the restoration of my world and its people - one, in particular. I will happily pay the price for any aid I may receive - but is it so much to ask for the urgent matter of my own world to be attended to before I dash off to assist the fey with their affairs?"

2010-11-28, 12:10 AM

Aithne sighs.
"Within my power? I believe my words were 'not within my usual skill.' It does seem a thing within my domain, and it is something that should be done, but to attempt to learn how would mean forsaking my own people- I cannot simply put your world to right. It would take time and resources that I cannot spare while my people are threatened- I cannot condemn them to their fate, much as you cannot seem to bring yourself spare any efforts that could be directed to your own people instead."
"Perhaps the Lady Winter has such power that she can tend to your home now while not abandoning those tasks which she needs to perform, but I cannot. Parting worlds is not something to be accomplished so easily by a single person."

The knight looks to the Lady in question, turning her attention to, in her mind, the much more relevant person. The tragedy of her own people and the worlds brought into suffering by their conflict seemed much more important in the grand scheme of things beyond Alexander's world, as sickening as it was to discard them so swiftly.

"I apologize, Lady Winter. These recent events and requests are heavy for me to bear- my courtesy is suffering. Though for you to speak of opportunity, I wonder if perhaps there is some good to be found with the bad. What opportunity do you speak of?"
Aithne does not give voice to her true worry, which is that the opportunity will not be something she finds beneficial or good for the fey at all, instead seeking to find her answers under the guise of civility and hope. Perhaps she will be mistaken, but the Lady's phrasing leaves her doubtful.

2010-11-28, 05:02 PM

Shazad offers Lady Winter a polite bow after the compliment, but remains silent. Dream or no, you can learn a lot by observing your 'associates'.

The large one is desperate, overly emotional. The seated one is an unknown quantity. The 'Knight' is also overly emotional, but not in a usable way. Poor fellows indeed. Not a professional amongst them, unfortunately. 'Tis sad. There just aren't any standards anymore...

2010-11-28, 05:14 PM

Lloyd shrugs "Some at home do wonder what's going on though, and are rather troubled. The greatest city in my lands was turned into a moon in an instant. A shame really, the city of towers was a sight to behold... although, I guess it still is." Opportunities indeed. It was why he was here. Lloyd simply listens to the others speaking, the rush fading now that the conflict seemed to have taken the shape of quaint conversation. He wonders if Lady Winter would continue to act as he would have in her position. Would she win a debtee or set a price?

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-28, 06:03 PM

Alexander shakes his head in irritation at the Knight's interjection.
"Arguing semantics gets us nowhere, Lady Knight."
Something occurs to him, and he glances back at Lady Winter before addressing the Knight again.
"And you would do well not to so easily dismiss me. I cannot "separate planes", as you say, on my own, but none have more experience in repelling invaders from other planes than I. There are corpses of demons by the thousands to testify to that..."
Now he glances at Lady Summer. "It may be that you need me more than I need you."

2010-11-28, 06:40 PM

The flickering circlet of fire on Aithne's brow smolders, growing a bit stronger as she closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she tries to shut out the world around her for a moment.
Calm. What would my sister do if she were here? Besides shoot me a disapproving look.
Perhaps it was her anger that clouded her judgment, but Aithne simply couldn't think of anything to say. The man seemed dedicated to twisting her words and intent and flinging them back at her; she was getting quite tired of it, and saw nothing to say that wouldn't be something to provoke him further.
Best say nothing at all to him then, if no good will come of it.
But her fist and jaw clench a little- the man's behavior was extraordinarily insulting and abrasive, and to endure it silently seemed like it might be too big a task for her.

2010-11-28, 08:39 PM
"Your world restored...and one to be named." Lady Winter says as she narrows her eyes at Alexander. "These things can be done, by my power and those who swear to me. I can almost...feel your desire, it burns so bright and fierce." The Lady closes her eyes and inhales deep. As she exhales the moon slides down behind the trees and stars come out, twinkling in the night sky. Shadows fill the woods around you and they flit and dance among the trees until the woods themselves have disappeared, save for a circle of snowy ground and the statue in the middle.

Stars fill the sky all around you, above and below and to the side, a floating platform in space. "Look below and see." Winter says, opening her eyes and looking at Alexander. "Look at your land, free from the fires of the hells."

The lights of stars that sparkle below change into flickering torches from far-off and light streaming from windows. The stars above shine on the world below you, showing a clean and beautiful land as it turns, rivers flowing into oceans, cities rising up and gleaming in the sky. "This is the dream I felt within you, and somewhere...all dreams are real." She whispers into Alexander's ear as snatches of bright singing voices and children's laughter float through the air.

The lights flare and spin below you and the shadows return to cover the world, hiding it from vision and sound. The darkness fades and the trees return to surrounded the glade, Lady Summer standing next to the statue, her face worried and tense. Lady Winter steps back from Alexander and tilts her head, a gleam in her eye. "I can do such things as I have said...if you will agree to the price." She glances over at Aithne for a moment, There are always opportunities, my dear knight, though sadly, not all gain from them. Aithne hears the Lady's voice whisper in her thoughts.

She smiles and glances back to Alexander. "I ask for your service and oath to me. To fight for me if I call on you and I will guard you and care for you as one of my own. Your world shall be restored, the people living cured...the one you seek, name them and they will be found." The air seems to hold still as the trees cease their swaying for a moment. The twinkling light from the stars appears as frozen in the sky as Winter waits for your response.

M. Mayonnaise

If Alexander agrees to it there will be some kind of binding between him and Lady Winter. In game terms, Alexander will have voluntarily failed his saving throw against whatever effect that is used to create the binding. Also, just letting you know as a DM that the last paragraph is the exact letter of the oath and binding, and she will be as bound to it as you are.

You can drop me a note OOC if you like, but post your response IC.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-28, 11:06 PM

As Lady Winter changes the scenery around them, Alexander is clearly enraptured by the sight. The images she shows may seem mundane to the others, but to Alexander they hold untold promise. He recognizes the steppes of the Ruadornan countryside, restored from the blasted crags they had been replaced by. The Eucornan Ocean, in all its majesty, sprawls out to the horizon where there is now an unnatural sea of toxins and blood. He sees, most clearly of all, the capital city of Ruadorna, the royal palace restored to all its former glory. Even the fountains in the courtyard, where he had proposed to Ariane, once again flow with crystal-clear water.
When the images stop, Alexander examines Lady Winter carefully. His eyes remain wary, but now there is hope in them as well.
"My world restored? Entirely? And all the survivors healed of any demonic taint? And... the one I name, returned to life in perfect health?"
He seems at a loss for words for a moment.
"And what of the other dead? The millions killed by the demons? The soulless? Can you restore them as well?"
It matters little if she can; the deal is already too sweet to ignore. Anything more than what she had already offered was simply a bonus.

2010-11-28, 11:20 PM
"The land and survivors healed, the one to be named returned to life in full." Lady Winter says, and you can feel a tightening of your body with each word she speaks, as if a net were cast around you and slowly pulled taut.

"The millions dead are not to be restored by my hand alone...but I know of who one can do such a thing and will take you to him." She holds your gaze, the dream still and silent as if waiting for your answer.

If you're okay with that deal, explicitly say so. Or change it, or reject it. But the agreement must be explicit.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-28, 11:26 PM

Alexander nods curtly, resolved.
"Then that is all I need. I accept your offer, Lady Winter."
The "whisper" behind his voice goes berserk, and one cannot tell if it is chuckling or screaming.

2010-11-28, 11:38 PM

Nodding, Lloyd watches the scene unfold with great interest. In a way, he felt like a novice magewright watching a master artificer at work. So she'd done both, the price was to be a debtee for life... With power it was easy, and with someone as desperate even more so. Nevertheless, Lady Winter knew how it was done. His smile betrayed him, this was a good show.

2010-11-29, 12:03 AM
Lady Summer closes her eyes and lowers her head while Lady Winter smiles, your words pulling tighter the web around you. You feel a presence seep into your thoughts, slowly drifting down through the core of your being as it latches on to your heart and soul.

Winter nods her head. "As I said...opportunities abound, Lady Knight. I do so enjoy adding to my menagerie." She brushes past Alexander and turns towards Summer who is still standing by the statue, her eyes closed. "And I must thank you, Lady, for attracting him here. Though a bit too easy..." She says and sighs, talking about Alexander as if he didn't matter anymore. "...but the old ways always work the best."

She glances over at Alexander for a moment before turning to Shazad. Smiling at him she says "Keep an eye on him, will you? I don't like my new toys to be damaged so soon."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 12:22 AM

Alexander is frowning now, clearly irritated by Lady Winter`s casual dismissal. Looking doubtfully at Shazad for a moment - as though he needed his protection! - he faces the Lady and warily intones,
"Lady WInter? I have given you my allegiance... what of my world? And Ariane?"

2010-11-29, 12:43 AM

After one final nod, Lloyd takes a stand, shakes himself off and walks over to Alexander, giving him a pat on the back. "Easy there, you walked straight into that one."

"It'll come, I've no doubt about it. We're all merely dreaming, nothing we do... no, few of the things we do here really matter, I think, so be glad it didn't happen here. For now, I think you must be patient."

2010-11-29, 12:45 AM
Shazad impassively watches the oath, although internally he is shaking his head.

Too desperate by half. That confirms my hypothesis.

When Lady Winter addresses him, he offers her a courtly bow. "As you command, milady. I assume the usual terms will suffice?"

As the man starts to question Lady Winter, Shazad lets loose a single bark of amused laughter. When the man looks at him, he smirks and makes a statement.

"The Fae always keep a promise, desperate one. But they keep it on their terms and strictly by the letter. You have asked for the restoration of your plane and your own, and paid with your eternal allegiance to the Winter Court."

His smirk widens a trace as he enjoys the matter at hand, perhaps a bit too much.

"There was no dickering as to 'when' this would happen."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 08:39 AM

Alexander is clearly angered by Shazad's words. He knocks Lloyd's arm aside and moves towards Lady Winter.
"Lady Winter, I gave you my oath in the understanding that you would fulfill your end of the bargain quickly! I hope this man does not speak truly of your intent!"

2010-11-29, 10:16 AM

Lloyd just takes a step back, leaving his arms raised. Then he shrugs and contemplates the dreamscape, the show over. There was just no helping some people.

2010-11-29, 10:39 AM

Still heavily amused and secure in the knowledge that his usual employer is more than capable of defending herself, Shazad merely chuckles indulgently.

"You spoke of having searched for the Fae, desperate one. In your searches, you've not once stumbled across legends of people who bargained with the Fae? Not a single time have you heard the maxim Be careful what you wish for, and how? "

Shazad shrugs again.

"Your desperation has made you foolish, if you offer such a deal and don't nail down all the specifics. Nevertheless, you are now a member of the Winter Court by proxy, which means the Lady would be well within her rights to disembowel you where you stand for speaking as such. Might want to learn some humility."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 11:30 AM

Alexander glares at Shazad, and something strange happens. The whisper, previously heard only when Alexander spoke, seems to start again - as always, only on the edge of perception, but it is there. What it says, however, cannot be made out by any of the others in the glade.
Alexander ducks his head for a moment, then turns back to Lady Winter.
"My... apologies, Lady Winter," he says, and for the first time offers a shallow bow to her - more an inclination of the head than anything, but a bow nonetheless.

2010-11-29, 11:43 AM
"Usual terms, Shazad?" She laughs and her white teeth gleam. "Oh, dear no. I want him protected, subtle one." She pauses, thinking for a moment. "Watch over him for a moon and a night, and if there is trouble you and he cannot handle then whisper my name to the south wind. I would neither like to lose your valuable services. Your usual payment should suffice." She says.

Turning to Lloyd she says "You are wiser than you appear, sir. Perhaps we may talk later...in a more comfortable audience." She glances at Alexander and smiles. "They both have spoken right. I will call for you when I desire you." She nods her head in response to his bow and moves to walk away, pauses by the statue and Lady Summer, who has opened her eyes and glares at Winter.

"And....perhaps instead of shaking your fist at me...ask this one why she said nothing to stop it?" She says as she looks back over her shoulder at Alexander, nodding towards Lady Summer. "Until we meet again...pleasant dreams." She bows and smiles, then steps back into the woods. The wind from the south blows hard, scattering the snow into a white flurry, obscuring your vision. When it settles, Lady Winter is gone.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 11:58 AM

Alexander's hands, clenched tight into fists, are shaking. He addresses Lady Summer again, his voice tight with barely suppressed anger.
"Let me out of this damnable dream. I have nothing more to say to your kind. If we meet again, it will be for the last time."
The whisper echoes around the glade even after Alexander finishes speaking, though only he can hear its words clearly.

You were right to seek the fey... but wrong to negotiate with them. My plan was far better.
You should have warned me, blasted creature.
I can hardly be held accountable. I see through your senses; how am I to perceive trickery that eludes even you?
Enough. Be silent.

2010-11-29, 02:47 PM

The lean man in the immaculately white clothing offers Lady Winter a bow as she sets her terms. "Acceptable and accepted, milady."

As Alexander apologizes, Shazad reaches up and scratches the skin next to a silver plate that runs down over his left eye. It terminated in a very large and faceted emerald set quite obviously into his eye socket with six much smaller emeralds arranged in a subtle pattern leading to it.

After scratching for a moment, and letting the man's temper outstride him yet again, Shazad shakes his head.

"We are not quite done here, desperate one. Lady Winter thinks enough of you to engage my services to keep you safe. For that, I shall require your current location before we leave this dream, so that I may be at your side quickest."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 03:05 PM

Alexander faces Shazad and waves a hand at him dismissively.
"I've had enough of the fey's "help". I hardly need your protection."

2010-11-29, 03:09 PM
Lady Summer sighs and the night sky glows, the first light of a rising sun appearing in the east. The snow melts and evaporates into steam that itself fades into mist as the sun rises and hangs low in the morning sky.

"Please, do not despair. There is still a way for your world to be restored and yourself free from the oath." She looks at Alexander, sadness in her eyes. "There are rules, and I do not speak now of nothing the Lady does not know herself." She says, glancing over at Shazad.

"If your world were restored, if her part of the bargain were fulfilled by another before she acted herself...then there would be no way for her to uphold the pact, and it would fade and leave you free." Lady Summer wipes the remaining snow off the statue and the daffodils on the boys crown shine once more. "My offer still stands...help me set wrong this right, and I will seek to fulfill Lady Winter's bargain for her, thereby freeing you."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 03:26 PM

Alexander tilts his head back, looking up at the heavens. The unnatural whispering, once present only as an echo to Alexander's words, once again echoes throughout the glade of its own accord - somehow, it conveys a sense of being emboldened.
You see, master? Plots within plots... it seems almost as though the fey collaborated to ensure your assistance.
I thought I told you to be silent!
Forgive me, master, but truly one of your wisdom must see the folly in this course of action. The afflictions of your world are - and have always been- the province of the Abyss. We could go to one of the other Princes -
Master, please, it would be entirely simple! Ashardalon once had the ear of Orcus himself, he could-
You forget your place. Be silent.
After a long moment, the whisper ceases suddenly, as though cut off. Still looking at the sky, Alexander answers Lady Summer.
"I never should have sought the fey," he says, simply. The hostility has faded from his voice, and now he simply sounds weary. "My first encounter with them, and already I must choose between one servitude or another."
He looks at Lady Summer now.
"Explain what you want."
After a moment of hesitation, he adds, "Please."

2010-11-29, 03:39 PM

He shrugs at being dismissed so easily by someone so foolish as to agree to what he agreed to. He responds in a tone with more than a trace of iron to it.

"Regardless of whether you believe you need it or not, I have been engaged to provide it, and I NEVER default on a commission, no matter the individual's inclination. Now, bodyguarding may be outside my particular specialty just a tad, but you are not in charge of whether or not you have one. Lady Winter engaged my services, and until she tells me otherwise, for one lunar month and a day, you are protected."

Shazad offers Lady Summer a gracious nod as she mentions Alexander's 'way out'.

"I may take my commissions only from the Winter Court, Lady Summer, but all that means is that I know EXACTLY with whom I'm dealing. If you two wish to conspire to escape his rash bargain, then by all means, I will neither further nor hinder your efforts." Shazad smiles a genuine smile.

"Lady Winter never actually stated that I was to keep her informed on the activities of my protectee."

Turning back to Alexander, Shazad remarks in a dry tone. "THAT is how you bargain with the Fae, rash one. You define what you want, they define what they want, and only if you truly accept the terms do you proceed."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-11-29, 03:51 PM

Alexander levels a flat stare on Shazad, irritated.
"My name, Shazad, is Alexander Brighthart. Perhaps remembering it will be easier than continuously inventing your own titles for me."

2010-11-29, 04:03 PM

At Alexander's introduction, a brief grin flashes across Shazad's face, even as he sweeps into an obsequious bow.

"A pleasure, Ser Brighthart. My name, not that you've asked, is Shazad Qamar Harith, the Shadow of the Storm, and Night's Subtle Tailor."

Returning to his upright manner, he nods slightly. "Although, considering the speed with which you accepted a Winter bargain that was poorly worded, I'd say that introductions were the last thing on your mind indeed."

2010-11-29, 10:28 PM

Aithne sighs deeply, but continues to hold her tongue in regard to Alexander. With the departure of Lady Winter, she returns her attention to Lady Summer.
"Perhaps now we can return to the original purpose of this meeting. Lady Summer, what would you have us do, if we agree to aid you?"

2010-11-30, 01:09 AM

Before she leaves, Lloyd turns to grant Lady Winter a smile and a bow. "It would be an honor, M'lady." He watches her go quite satisfied with the encounter. So she was skilled, but not omniscient. It made sense, a king couldn't be expected to know all his subjects by name. It paid to start at the bottom. Still, would this mean anything for Janice?


"An educating encounter all around, I'd say. At least you're people can rest assured that you'll do whatever is it takes Alexander." He turns back to to Lady Summer, "Though it seems that perhaps we should get back to the matter at hand, as our lady knight suggests."

2010-12-01, 03:07 PM
"That is one way to deal with some of my kind, yes." She says as she looks at Shazad. "But not all care only for their own gain. I do not know through what twisted path life has taken you that you can no longer distinguish between those that would deceive you and those that seek your aid...but for what it is worth, I do not seek a servant such as she." She holds Shazar's gaze for a moment before turning to face you all.

"Before this change...the wilds touched on all the worlds but briefly, either in one constant place on the world or fading and opening as the moon waxes and wanes. These places have served as the gap through which the wilds have pushed, to invade and expand on each world. The places where the borders between the world and the wilds have grown thin...these are where the wilds have taken root."

She holds her hand up and points to the trees around you. "Call it a breach, a portal, a circle...a doorway. On each world there is one that is the cause of the wilds expansion. I ask you to find these and close them. I do not think we must close them all...and truly, I do not know if that would be possible. But enough...yes, closing enough of them would weaken the wilds, and allow us to investigate other mysteries that are now hidden from us."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-01, 04:13 PM

"My world has experienced no such transformation; life dies rather than grows uncontrollably. Which worlds must be repaired for this... overgrowth... to be stopped?"

2010-12-01, 05:24 PM

Shazad laughs at Lady Summer's statement. "Everyone prevaricates, Lady. Even now, you solicit my services to alter something you wish 'fixed' while only vaguely hinting at what you will deliver if we accept and succeed. Ask your Knight how many times his tasks were passed to me before I stopped accepting commissions from your Court. The Fae never lie, but twist the truth to serve their ends? That's another matter entirely." Shazad's mirth passes like fog over a fire, his face going back to its mostly blank state. "Life is cruel and hard. Everyone wants something. These are universal truths. I simply live by them and refuse to pretend otherwise. I will not enter into an open-ended bargain, Lady Summer. For either Court. But since you refuse to specify, allow me. For my assistance on this venture for the space of one moon and one day, you will give me one item that I want. And since you can't be more specific as to the nature of the engagement, then I will tell you the nature of the item only after I have completed said engagement. Those are the terms for my 'employment' in this matter, provided that my charge there also accepts."

2010-12-02, 01:11 PM

"Well, curiously enough, the once nation of Cyre, the Mournlands, might be a good start. We saw them in Lady Summer's display. Were we to head there, we might find ourselves working side by side with the Gatekeepers." He shrugs, turning to Alexander "Fate is funny like that sometimes."

He nods at Shazad's speech, to each his own it seems. "I, for one, don't ask for much. Or perhaps I ask for more, I'm not sure, the ways of the courts are familiar but still foreign to me." He gives Lady Summer a smile. "I simply ask that if we succeed, you remember the debt that is owed." He turns to the others and shrugs "Say what you want about it being open ended, but It's how I've always worked, and for a man who's currently staying with a servant of a low ranked Winter house, it would mean plenty."

2010-12-03, 08:49 AM

"For my part, I seek no reward but the safety and betterment of my own people. Beside that, what reward could I ask for?"
Aithne says, steadfastly.
"This is not a task I will perform for you, Lady Summer, but for all."

While some might scoff at this, it might be important to note that the way she phrased it would mean she is in no way bound to the Lady Summer's request specifically. Still, requesting no reward at all might seem foolish to the others, no matter the fact that Aithne would attribute it to her duty and honor as a knight.

2010-12-03, 04:20 PM
"As you have said, then." Lady Summer nods to Shazad before turning to Lloyd. "If you are familiar with the people of that land, then perhaps it would be wise to go there first. There are as many breaches as there are planes, Alexander. I do not expect you to close them all, for as each is shut, the power of the wilds will wane. Hopefully that will only mean a few."

"As I understand that world is difficult to reach across the planes...but the wilds cross all boundaries now. It would be simpler to walk through the wilds instead of waiting for the world to align." She plucks four daffodils off the crown of the boy. "Not all places in the wilds are safe, but I grant you leave to travel through Summer's lands. Wear these and all my people will know you have the right of passage." She hands them to each of you and smiles.

The morning sun rises higher into the air, warming the glade and brightening the flowers. "My sprites will find you when you enter the wilds as long as you wear my token. Follow them to the three stones of Morgaine, where you will meet with your companions. From there they will show you through to the Mournelands." She looks at each of you in turn. "If there were more that I could do..." She shakes her head. "This is all that I may, for now. Please, rest well and find each other in good health. Many lives depend on you."

I'm ready to end this scene unless anyone has something they'd still like to do. If not then say goodbye and leave however you want. :smallsmile:

I don't know where each of you is in the real world, so it's up to you where you wake up. To get to the wilds, just planeshift. Also, you don't have to leave right away if there are things you want to do or people you want to talk to beforehand. Just let me know OOC if there's something you want to do before heading off to the wilds.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-03, 09:23 PM

Alexander takes the daffodil without comment. When Lady Summer finishes, he is silent for a moment in deliberation. Finally, he shakes his head and says simply, "I will come."
He turns his back on the others and walks to the edge of the glade. Pausing and looking back for a moment, he gives a half-hearted, "Maker watch over you..." before pulling the hood of his heavy cloak up over his head. If no one says anything further to him, he touches the amulet around his neck and disappears.

I'd like Alexander to go back to his own world and evacuate all the survivors he knows of before heading to the wilds. He's gathered about sixty survivors into a small settlement in the northern regions of Ruadorna. The weather is unnaturally frigid, but since that region was always cold it is perhaps less "noticeably" hellish than the rest of the world. The man in charge of the camp in Alexander's absence is a middle-aged man by the name of Thomas Cartwright; Alexander will have to speak to him to organize the evacuation.

2010-12-04, 10:04 PM

Shazad accepts the daffodil also without comment, but doesn't display it immediately. Instead, he tucks it into the lining of his cloak, then returns his cloak to its usual drape around him, concealing his hands.

Offering Lady Summer a short, polite and perfunctory bow, Shazad also turns and leaves, his form slowly growing more and more translucent until finally, he awakens and disappears from the dream...

...and pulls his face out of the now-cold bowl of mushroom broth on the table in front of him. Scowling, he grabs his napkin and wipes down his face, trying to get the rest of it off.

Flagging one of the waitstaff down, he asks them to take it away. Tossing the barman, Mitchifer, a nod, he stalks off into the depths of the World Serpent Inn to find a door or window that will serve his purposes.

Passing a window that looks out into a black void, where a ring of boulders encircles a planet, Shazad spots a gleaming city hovering in the void. He bows his head for a moment to pay his respects to the city of Sharn, a city he had known and halfway liked, before stalking off....

-some time later-

Shazad was tired of walking, but finally he stumbled over a brambled doorway tucked into a supply closet behind an abandoned hall. Grimacing, he reaches into his cloak and grabs the daffodil, gripping it tightly in his left hand. Finally, he opens the doorway and steps through, it swinging closed behind him....

No plans here, boss, other than find Alexander and start guarding...lol

2010-12-05, 12:46 PM

"Free travel through Summer's land, thank you..." He takes his daffodil and places it carefully in his vest's inner pocket. Once Alexander and Shazad leave he turns to Lady Summer. "I have faith that the Gatkeepers or powers of Argonessen would have closed it eventually, but out of respect for the land where I grew up, I must thank you for sending us there first." He gives her a deep bow.

He turns to the knightly fey. "And so ends a dream. May we see each other soon Knight Samhain. Perhaps you will tell us your name next time." He gives her a smile. "Farewell." With that he leaves the clearing and closes his eyes. So much to do...


Probably just a small scene here. Lloyds currently in the wilds, staying with a servant to a low ranked winter house. Beyond Janice, I hadn't really fleshed out any connections other connections. Could I write something with a bit of NPC interaction here? (Like I did in Cardea's game before Canas left for the tower)

2010-12-05, 02:49 PM

Aithne gives a bow to Lloyd as he departs, then turns towards the Lady Summer.
"You have picked strange agents, Lady Summer. I cannot say I understand the choices you have made, and I am unsure if I will be able to trust them. Perhaps your means and goals lie beyond my understanding- yet I fear that you may be tapping into forces that you do not entirely understand either.
"I suppose now, however, all there is left to do is hope."

With this, Aithne vanishes from the dream, her form dissolving into mist.

* * *

I am the whisper in the winds that drift across the plains,
The crest of the blue ocean,
The roots of the verdant forest,
A stone in a mountain.

Daughter of a roaring flame,
Sister to a dancing melody,
Heir to timeless destiny,
Mother of a blood keening spear.

Speaker for the silent earth,
and child of its dreaming form.

The crackling of her dying campfire wakes Aithne from her sleep, reminding her of where and how she had spent the night: huddled before the fire, her cloak drawn around her and spear at her feet. The winter night had passed, leaving the forest around her glimmering with frost in the waxing light of day. Snow crunches beneath her booted feet as she stands, picking up her shield and spear as she faces north, towards the three stones which Lady Summer had referred to.

As it had several times in the dream, the butt of her spear taps the earth a three times in a deliberate manner as the knight closes her eyes, reaching out for the world around her- not here, but there.

The landscape seems to change, gradually, bit by bit. It is not a blurring race towards her destination, but as if one simply mutated into the other- the snow covered trees and ground give way to the site of the stones of Morgaine over the space of a few seconds, until Aithne is far from where she first stood, without having moved at all.

This accomplished, she sits with her spear across her legs and shield on her back, and waits.

Casting Master Earth to move to the three stones before anyone else does. Presumably the spell works in the fey wild.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-07, 10:05 PM

His task accomplished, Alexander leaves his people in the custody of Thomas and planeshifts to the Wilds.
There, he is met by Lady Summer's sprites, as promised. Perhaps intimidated by him, the sprites say very little, speaking only to impart the bare minimum of information needed to lead him to the Three Stones of Morgaine. This suits Alexander well enough, and for most of the journey he is quiet except for that otherwordly whisper, which somehow makes itself heard despite Alexander's silence. From its intermittent pauses, one might even get the impression it was holding a conversation with the man.
Alexander arrives at the Stones of Morgaine soon enough. He is wary at the sight of the Knight, but he does not bring up their argument the night before. Instead, he simply greets her with a curt nod, and takes a seat on the ground to wait.

2010-12-07, 10:44 PM

Following the sprites, Lloyd gets to the clearing at his own pace. The summer lands where still new to him, and with each step he drew what he could of the scenery in. It was magnificent. "I think I could get used to this, it's like being a child again..." Still, occasionally he stopped and looked back towards the horizon. He was familiar with this, he'd felt it before. Part of being human, perhaps. Now though... the rest of him wasn't just humoring the rest and despite the nagging whispers, he enjoyed it. "Wonderful..." Speaking to the sprites, but mostly to himself, he turns back towards the path and continues to the Stones of Morgaine.


"I see it wasn't a just a dream then, good morning to you, Knight Samhain, Lord Brighthart." Lloyd steps into the clearing looking much like he did back in the dream. Perhaps the only difference is that now he carries a curved blade at his side and holds a bone-white staff as a walking stick. "Did I keep you waiting long?"

2010-12-07, 11:48 PM

Stalking out of the bush and wood that surrounded the stones, Shazad finally reveals his presence after seeing everyone else having arrived. He nods to the talkative one and the Knight, but says nothing in the way of greeting as he stands nearer to Alexander than to the others...

2010-12-09, 08:42 PM

Aithne looks far less imposing and strange than she did in the dream. Her crown of fire and shifting raiment are gone, leaving behind only the gleaming spear she carries. However, the signs of her fey nature are still there in her angled and delicate structure, and in the unusually streaming armor she wears, which looks more like what she wore in the dream that one might have expected, even if it has its distinct differences.

"No more than I expected, given how swiftly I arrived."
She stands as the others gather.
"Welcome to the feywild."

2010-12-09, 10:47 PM
The three Stones of Morgaine stand tall on a low hill, a light wood on one side, open plains before it. The stones themselves are massive and ancient, wider than three men with outstretched hands, their faces worn smooth by countless age of wind and rain. Placed at the top of the hill at the points of a triangle the stones dominate the area, their presence seeming to be more than just physical. Whether that is from the stones themselves or the power of the wilds is undetermined.

The sprites are tiny creatures, no larger than a fingernail, and fly and dance around you in a small swarm as they led you to the Stones. They shine with the light of the morning sun, soft and yellow in the haze of Summer. The separate swarms race to meet each other and swirl around into a whirlwind of light and laughter, darting in between the stones and all around the hilltop.

As they race each other the surface of the stones begin to glow a faint silver and lines and etchings appear all over the stones. The silver letters cover each stone from ground to top and the lines of text begin to move themselves, widdershins around the stones, speeding up with each revolution until they seem as bands of vibrating silver. The swarms of sprites form into a large cloud that takes the shape of Lady Summer's face in the middle of the stones. She smiles at you all. "I am glad you all have come..." Her voice comes from the bright cloud, distorted with reverb and echo. "...please, be safe." She says and the cloud disperses, the swarms flying off to circle round the top of each stone.

In the middle of the stones a portal opens. Through it you can see a dense jungle, verdant and thick. Bird songs float through and you can smell the fruits and plants, the air thick with moisture after a rain.

2010-12-12, 07:45 PM

"Back home already, oh well..." He turns to the others, the same calm smile ever present, before stepping forward towards the portal and peering in. "You'd think you're looking into Xendrik, it's amazing how much Cyre has changed over the years. Well then, I think I'll see you all on the other side." After taking one last look at summer wilds behind him, he turns and steps through the portal.

2010-12-12, 08:04 PM

Looking around for a moment, Shazad sighs and moves towards the portal. Glancing back at the assemblage, he quips before diving through...

"Last one in's an otyugh."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-13, 10:13 PM

Alexander walks through the portal silently. His expression screams "let's get this over with".

2010-12-14, 08:16 AM

Rolling her eyes, Aithne enters the portal last, following the others into the jungle beyond.

2010-12-14, 09:48 PM
Stepping through the portal is as simple as walking through a door. The transition is smooth and painless and as you turn around the portal has vanished, leaving you in the jungle of the Mournland.

Something buzzes past your heads, a glitter of lights and colors, and then comes to a quick stop ahead of you. It pauses for a moment and then zooms back, hovering a few paces from you all. The clutter of lights and motion slowly resolves into a dozen or so tiny flying creatures, each with flower petal wings (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mmiii_gallery/83032.jpg). Easy to recognize as petals, this garden of them are not wearing the traditional leaves and grass that they normally wear. Instead they are adorned with small bits of metal, bent and tied around them to form makeshift armor.

One of them has three rings around his waist, individual rings from a suit of chain mail. Another has iron shavings woven into a mesh of copper wire that she wears as a breastplate. They all wear thimbles for helmets and carry tiny metal pins, sharpened to a razor edge.

"Ho! Travelers! Travelers in the wood!" One of them shouts at the other, his high-pitched voice surprisingly loud.

"I can see that Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge!" A female petal says. She glares at him and then glances at you all. "Not just travelers, but...but...trespassers!" She says as her eyes light up with finding the right word. "That's what you are - trespasser!"

The other petals swirl and dancer around you all in a circle, chanting and singing. "Trespassers, ho!" "What shall we do with them?" "The ugly one looks scary!" "Which one's the ugly one?" The petals break out into laughter while the first petal to speak, Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge, harrumphs and clears his throat. "Harrummph, I say! Harrummph!" The petals quiet down and form in a circle around you. "Right, right." He turns towards you all and tries to squint one eye. "Now...what you be doing in the masters woods uninvited?"

2010-12-14, 10:39 PM

"Uninvited? That's rather harsh I'd say." Lloyd watches the little beings flutter around rather amused. "Last I remember you didn't need an invitation to pass through the ashes of Cyre, just bravado to spare, a good plan or a general lack of foresight." He meets the Captain's squint with a calm, friendly gaze. "Then again, things have changed, haven't they?"

He turns back to the others, pauses for a moment, then continues. "Now Captain... Cannith" Linking that name to such a creature took a bit of effort "some of my companions here may want to get going. Would our presence here be a problem?"

2010-12-15, 05:47 PM

"To them, this may not be Cyre. Perhaps it is their realm, spilled over into the lands you knew."
Aithne speculates to Lloyd, before turning to address the petals herself.
"I beg your pardon, but my companions and I were not aware that we needed an invitation. We have been sent here at the behest of the Lady Summer."

2010-12-16, 02:07 PM
The armored petals hold their circle still for a moment and then resuming flying around, forgetting they were supposed to be in formation. Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge puffs up his chest and the copper wire that is criss-crossed in a mimicry of chainmail flexes. "The Lady of Summer holds no dominion over this wood." He says. "We are the 3rd Scouts Auxiliary for the Blade Master of Mourn. He rules here and recognizes no other foreign power, natural or otherwise."

"That includes the other Lady, the cold one." One of the petals says. "Yeah, and the Queens too! The Mourn Lord of Blade Masters isn't bey...be..beholden! Behold to any of them."

Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge nods and grins at you, showing metal capped sharp teeth. "Now...as trespassers in the Lord Mourns wood I hereby declare you prisoners." "String 'em up!" "Off to the gaols!"

He glares at the petals and the two petals. "Sorry." They say in unison. "Though perhaps something could be arranged, if you are prepared to make bail for your temporary release." He glances over your clothes and gear. "Do you have any...armors for me and my company? Sadly, the Blade Mourn does not have many resources to outfit the army." "We've had to scrap and scrounge, mostly."

Those of you familiar with the Fey know that Fey creatures like Petals would never wear or carry metal like these are. They usually wear bits of leafs and grass and use wooden bows and arrows. These petals are wearing metal, some even cold iron, and suffering no ill effects. The metal capped teeth are also unusual.

2010-12-16, 03:09 PM

Lloyd just nods, taking in all that he's heard. He nods towards Aithne, feeling she may be on the right track. Of course, the devil was in the details, who spilled into what, or perhaps, what spilled into who. "The Mourn Lord of Blade Masters... that name reminds me of an old bogeyman. Regardless, if he rules, then his word is law..."

"Armor though? Give me a few minutes and I might be able to come up with something. " With a busy air, he walks past them, looking for a place to sit down. "You surprise me though, all, few of the Cannith I've met would dare to accept items from anyone but themselves. They prided in being the best craftsmen around." He continues, watching the petals with interest. "Could you tell me about your master though? Has he ruled over these lands for long? I can't help but feel I may have heard of him before."

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-16, 04:32 PM

Alexander stands aloof during the confrontation, glaring at the obnoxious petals. He rolls his eyes as Lloyd begins to parley with the creatures. He advances slightly on the petals, and turns back to look at Lloyd.
"I didn't come here to waste time. Let's find this breach and leave."

2010-12-20, 12:11 PM

"Sir Brighthart, if you could do that so easily I don't think you'd even be here with us." He looks up to the sky, thinking. "Regardless, if you are that set on 'getting on with it', perhaps you could tell us where in the mournlands we wound up and which way will take us to the glowing chasm. Supposedly that's where the growth started, it might be a good idea to look there first."

2010-12-22, 03:02 PM
The petals flutter over to their captain and hover behind him while he watches Lloyd. "Oh, we not be needing any finished bits, just the metals and leathers and such to rework for ourselves. I am a Cannith, after all." He puffs out his chest and the other petals roll their eyes.

"Ah, you know of the Lord Mourne already? He was the strongest warforged ever built! He had 10 foot blades sprouting from his back! He could flap the blades and fly like an eagle over the land..." Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge fluffs his wings back and up, trying to make them larger. "When the trees grew, we came with them and he's now master of the mourne wood."

One of the other petals swoops around. "Yeah, and he's got the prettiest crystal thing around him. It makes the best light colors!" Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge shushes the petal and pushes him away. "Ah...don't mind that. Doesn't know what he's talking about."

2010-12-29, 09:58 PM

Shazad remains silent through all of this. He, having been more habitually used to the ways of the winter fey, doesn't really know how to handle these silly little things that presume they are either powerful or a threat without making it plain how miniscule they really are.

He smiles briefly as he remembers a saying an old friend of his had a long time ago. Don't go and be baitin' sharks, Shazad. Even predators can be fed upon.

He still keeps the conversation within hearing, remaining aware of his surroundings having been second nature to him since the Golem Incident.

First roll - Sense Motive on the petals Second roll - Listen check on surrounding area (1d20+29=41, 1d20+34=50) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2819882/)

M. Mayonnaise
2010-12-31, 11:50 PM
Alexander shrugs at Lloyd's words.
"This world is unfamiliar to me. But even I know we have better ways to search than talk to these. We should have them take us to this Lord Mourne. He may know something of value."
He seems to pause for a moment to consider something. But if anything more occurs to him, he does not voice it.

2011-01-02, 10:59 PM

"You are Canniths that came with the Mourne Woods..." Lloyd slowly lets this sink, making a mental note of this. "Perhaps you have a point somewhere Sir Brighthart," He turns to the Petals "I'm sure there's some way to get you the iron, but could you take us to the Lord of these Lands? We are in a hurry, after all."

2011-01-05, 03:14 PM

This entire encounter was exceedingly strange to Aithne. Lord Mourne? Canniths? Fair folk that were not allied with the courts, wielding and lusting after iron, even! She'd never heard of such a thing, and was finding it exceedingly difficult to take seriously, given the appearance and ludicrous claims of the fey before her.

"We do have numerous resources at our disposal, but it might take a bit of time to gather."
Aithne says, chiming in after Lloyd.
"I'm sure we can come to an arrangement for our release that you would find satisfactory, but it might require some negotiation. Lord Mourn, perhaps would be the one to address for such a thing?"

2011-01-09, 10:14 PM
Sense Motive
The petals all seem to be friendly enough, now that they believe you all aren't going to attack them or become hostile. You also get the impression that they are speaking the truth, but as they are relatively unimportant Fey creatures, it may be simply the truth as they know it and not the actual truth.

One thing is clear though, Cannith didn't want the other petal to mention any specifics of the Lord of Blades current situation.

You pick up the delicate flutter of the petals wings and the other normal sounds of the jungle, but nothing else.

"Oh, you'd want to negotiate with him directly? Ah...ah...well..." Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge says, trailing off at a loss for words. One of the other petals zips around and says, "Sure, we can take you to him! He's just over there, that a ways a bit." She waves her pin needle towards the north. The trees in that direction seem to be less dense than the other cardinals and in the distance you can make out a faint play of light, as of something glinting and twinkling.

Lord Captain Cannith d'Forge's face turns red and he says "Frostmail! That's priveleged, secret information! Fullplate level clearance only!" Frostmail raises a tiny eyebrow at him. "But if we're taking them with us then they'd know anyway." She rolls her eyes and darts forward a few feet. "Well...we are taking them, right?"

Cannith d'Forge looks at Frostmail and then back to you all. "Er...right. Right!" He whips around. "3rd Scouts Auxiliary, form up!" He shouts, and the petals all dash around you in a blur, eventually forming an honor guard around your characters. Frostmail flies up to Cannith d'Forge and salutes. "Prisoners surrounded and ready for transport, Sir!"

"Okay. Everyone, charge your crystals!" Cannith d'Forge says and all the petals take a little blue crystal from their pouches and concentrate. The crystals start to hum and glow with a building, bright light. "Crystals charged, Sir!" Frostmail says. Cannith d'Forge nods and turns to face you all. "Prepare for transport!" He shouts and the blue light arcs from each crystal to crystal, leaving blue lines of cracking electricity hanging in the air. The blue energy keeps jumping until a matrix has formed around you all and the petals. "Energize!" Cannith d'Forge says and the blue lattice of lightning snaps and becomes solid for a moment.

Anyone with spellcraft can tap the DC to identify it before it is actually 'cast'. You recognize it as a greater teleport effect. If you want to resist you can make a Will save to stay behind, DC 27. Likewise you can step out of the lattice before it fully forms, no problem.

OOC, there's no immediate danger from the spell or from where they're taking you.

A moment later the blue sphere of living lightning dissipates, fading out into sparks that float away. You're in a different part of the jungle, an area that Lloyd instantly recognizes as the Glowing Chasm. Standing on the bottom of a wide canyon, the crystal walls of the canyon soar up above you almost a thousand feet. At the top all around you can see green trees hanging over the edge. The canyon itself appears to be made entirely out of crystal. Light reflects all around, but it's subdued by the blue and purple colors of the crystal, throwing up strange hues of rainbows and soft light all around.

The petals are quiet, and all of them have turned to face a giant growth of crystals that rises thirty feet into the air. The massive structure pulses with a deep violet light and in between pulses you can just make out a smudge of a dark form. The petals seem to have forgotten you and are all slowly flapping their wings, hoving in air as they stare at the pulsing crystal.

2011-01-10, 01:17 AM

Lloyd simply stands and joins the others as the petals flutter about. If a member of the party backs away, he shrugs. "I wouldn't worry, these things seem honest enough, and Canniths are masters of artifice. I'd rather be teleported by them then anyone else... except the Orien of course." He'll continue to smile as the he's taken elsewhere.

Upon arrival, he'll take a few steps forward, surveying the scene. A bit like the petals, he'll turn to the purple crystal, mostly out of curiosity. He stands firmly, an arm folded behind him, the other on his white staff. Then he turns to the others. "Perhaps a bit of history is in order, if you don't find it too far beneath you. We are standing now in the site were a hundred years of war ended. What happened here decimated a nation, made others drop their weapons out of fear and created the mourn lands. It changed the world as I knew it, the problem is that no one knows what it was that did happen."

"Regardless, so as not to bore you, it seems its changing things again... At least, that's my theory. This time things are happening rather oddly though." He lifts his staff, pointing it at the petals. "The Canniths I know are a family of human artificers that have sired a few geniuses over the years. Great with magic and artifacts, but ultimately, they're legacy is in metal and steel. One of their finest creations is a race of mechanical men. These metallic sons of Cannith, made for war, they had no set purpose once it ended. The Lord of Blades I'd heard of was one of these."

"It was a name that no human Cannith would pledge allegiance to, as it was their worst fear come true, their creation turning against them. Warforged without a purpose swarmed to him, and he made his home, supposedly, in the mourn lands. It was said that entire cults of the mechanical men formed around him, for he gave them a purpose." He watches the petal's trance and nods.

"I can't say anything about any of this for sure, though I hope this lets you follow my train of thought. It may not be relevant to our current task, but I find it rather interesting... Were the wilds to adopt a being without purpose, one methodical and calculating, strong and durable, what do you think it would become?"

He smiles and turns back to the purple crystal, focusing on the dark smudge. "I could be wrong though."

2011-01-16, 03:11 PM
(Anyone who beats the DC's can read these.)
Spot DC 40
The gargantuan crystals near infinite facets play tricks with your depth perception, but by squinting one eye in a certain way you're able to see that the dark smudge appears to be set about 20 feet into the structure. Squinting your other eye you can discern that the smudge is actually a figure, some large creature held immobile inside the crystal like a fly in amber.

Knowledge: Arcana or Knowledge: Nature DC 40
While these petals are dressed in ways that you've never heard of petals dressing, their behavior has been fairly unremarkable in terms of deviation from the standard expectations. Staring en masse at the crystal is a new twist, however, but is most likely explained by the new connection between the Feywilds and the Chasm.

One parallel that comes to mind is the attraction of the moth to the open flame. Whether the petals are drawing their energy from the crystal or are bound to it or if it's some other effect, you're not sure.

Spellcraft DC 40
The Glowing Chasm has always been a matter of some mystery and it appears to have changed again, preserving for all time the mystery of what it once was, and now showing another, new, unexplained phenonema. The energy output from the crystal structure is intense, radiating magic on par with major artifacts. The interaction of magic this powerful with an already enhanced place has created strange relationships between reality and possibility. The crystal structure itself appears to be a manifestation of the planar breach between the Feywild and Eberron.

2011-01-19, 05:29 PM
A few moments pass and the petals begin to bob up and down a bit, still fixated on the crystal structure. The pulses from within it intensify in both sound and light....thrum.....thrum....THRUM...until the crystal flashes a solid, deep blue and holds it for an instant. The sudden light overwhelms your senses, as light is all there is to see, but it fades as fast as it came. Through the afterimages left on your eyes you can see figures begin to materialize around the crystal.

They sparkle into existence and take shape - six warforged hovering in a circle around the crystal structure like a halo. Each has a giant pair of brilliant gossamer butterfly wings coming out of its back, the wings slowly flapping as they hover in place. Four of the warforged carry long, twisted spears of metal, tipped with a large crystal cut and honed to a fine point. The two other other warforged wield no weapons but are themselves surrounded by hundreds of crystals ranging in size from no larger than dust to the size of a man's fist. The crystals swirl in close orbits around each warforged, glinting with the light of every color.

As they appear the petals seem to snap out of their daze and zip over to the warforged, flying into the middle of the circle and hovering like a small cloud there. The crystal structure starts to slowly pulse again, yet this time it's clear that the pulses are coming from the dark figure embedded in the middle in it. A voice echoes off the walls, crashing loud and rebounding against all the edges. "Whhhooo... arrreee... yooouuu..... toooo.... eeeennnntteer.... mmyyy.... dooommmaiiin.....?"
If anyone has Arcane Sight or the equivalent say so in the OOC and I'll post what spells and effects they have active. True Seeing doesn't show you anything different than what you see. I figure that you all are about 60ft away from the crystal structure. You can be closer or farther away if you wish. I'm working on a map, but for now the structure is 30ft tall at the top, 60ft wide at the base, and is roughly pyramidal shaped.

The warforged are therefore 40ft in the air and are spread equidistant apart from each other, forming a circle 60ft in diameter.

2011-01-22, 11:38 PM

It take Lloyd a while to answer. Were it up to him, he would learn more. He would leave this anomaly open and with time learn to reproduce its effect... Under his control. It may let him 'fix' his little problem, but that would simply be a start. Iron dolls had become something greater, and the demon that hunted every artificer's dreams... something else. With a bit of imagination, the proper guidance...

He snaps out of it, his little problem told him now wasn't the time. "Who are you..." A good question, he had to admit. He continued to smile amiably though, always a good idea to seem in control. Better still when you were though. "We are here to understand just what happened to your domain. In the end, we will also learn why it's spreading as it is." Gripping his staff and cracking his neck, he continues. Regardless of what he is now, these were still artificial iron dolls. "I am Lloyd d'Vadalis, and I must say that if our presence here is an offense, well, it seem we're at odds doesn't it?"

Knowledge Devotion:

Arcane: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]

And if needed:
Initiative: [roll2]

M. Mayonnaise
2011-01-25, 03:51 PM

The whisper begins again as Alexander looks around the canyon, though its sound is largely lost in the humming of the crystals.

Extraordinary creatures, are they not?
I never thought you the sort to judge by asthetics, Ipos.
Hardly. It is simply another reminder that the multiverse holds many wonders... and many sources of power... if one keeps an open mind.
Alexander tenses as the creature silhouetted within the crystal speaks. Its otherwordly nature reminds him disturbingly of demons he'd slain during the war.

I was never so dramatic, master...

Alexander narrows his eyes, but says nothing. He is apparently content to wait for Lloyd to speak, and observes him intently as he does so.

Foolish mortal. He needlessly antagonizes this creature.
We're here to erase its "domain", apparently. It was never going to end well.
And why should we? We have no quarrel with it.
It is the task with which we have been charged. I'd rather restore my home than preserve its.
Commendable, master, but unnecessary. Think for a moment. Lady Winter has wronged us grievously. She is as good as dead for that reason - and all her power will be ours with her passing. The death of a fey noble must surely leave a vacant throne... if this is truly part of the wilds now, why should we diminish a kingdom that we will by necessity soon usurp?
I have no interest in any kingdom but my own. And I am bound by oath.
But we are not, master... will you not trust us, for the sake of your own freedom?
Alexander shakes his head and paces restlessly. He readies himself for the creature's response.

Spot check: [roll0]
Knowledge arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge nature: [roll2]

Initiative if necessary: [roll3]

2011-01-27, 11:05 PM
The crystal flashes through a series of quick pulses before the voice is heard again. Myyyy..... doommmaiinn.... nnowwww...... mmyyy..... prisoonnnn.... hheellpppp..... It says, and the crystal structure flashes almost a solid blue. You can hear a great crack coming from deep within the structure and it the color quickly fades, near translucent now. You can almost see a tiny movement within, as if the figure were struggling, but the structure flashes into another series of patterns and the ground starts to shake as energy pulses rush out in waves.

The silent warforged hovering above the structure twitch in unison and their eyes start to glow a bright blue, the same color as the structure.

Round 1

There's no surprise round since you all are aware of each other. Here's the initiative order.

Aithne 43
Alexander 34
Lloyd 31
Fighters 23
Crystal 18
Shazad 17
Mages 15

Vael, M., & Ryukk, go ahead and post. Then I'll post for the fighters and crystal, then shazad will go. I'll end the round with the mages.

Here's a link to the map. (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?hl=en&hl=en&key=tIztK6di86gYtkjTHOFfnKQ&authkey=CIrsgrEC#gid=0)

2011-01-28, 04:37 PM

"I see... Very well. It seems we should try and fix that." Focused on the crystal, Lloyd points a hand towards it and releases a thin green ray. He keeps an eye on the warforged and fey. This was outside the norm, best to be careful and keep ones guard up. In his most private recess of his mind though, he could hardly contain his excitement.

Swift: Quicken Cast a Disintegrate at the Crystal. If it'll be treated as an object, this will destroy a 10ft cube and get us closer to the figure. If it is treated as a creature, it'll take [roll0] damage on a failed DC 29 Fortitude Save. In case it has SR: [roll1]. Attack Roll: [roll2], on a successful save: [roll3]

Standard: Ready an action -> If any of the Warforged move within 20ft of him with a hostile intent, Lloyd will hit them with a Channeled Vampiric Touch:

Attack with Persistent Thunderlance: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Vampiric Touch [roll6]
SR: [roll7]

Note: If possible, I'd like him to attack while still holding the staff, the thunderlance manifesting over it. If this is impossible, then he'll attack with 1 Hand, and his damage will drop by 7.

M. Mayonnaise
2011-01-28, 04:45 PM

Alexander hasn't gotten this far without knowing when a fight's about to start, and by the time the creature finishes speaking he's already on the move. As he springs into motion, a pair of great leathery wings erupt from his back, his fingernails extend into ironlike claws, and the horns of a ram grow out from his skull - all in the space of a second or two.
With his eyes glowing like burning coals and the cloying scent of brimstone filling the air around him, he streaks through the air at the flying warforged like hellish lightning, a fiery sword appearing in his hands as he reaches the nearest one.
Head flying, teeth gnashing, wings buffeting, and sword swinging, he fights like a man possessed.

--Non-action: My aura of misfortune is constantly active. I've currently got it set to Recklessness, so all opponents within 90' who have line of effect to me take a -8 luck penalty to AC and cannot take 5-foot steps.
Furthermore, spellcasters affected by this aura take a -8 circumstance penalty to caster level, and must make a DC 38 Will save or be unable to use their highest-level spells until they leave the aura's area of effect.
Anyone affected by the aura who attempts to use a spell, spell-like ability, psionic power, psi-like ability or mystery (provided it is used as a spell or spell-like ability) that provides any kind of bonus must make a DC 51 concentration check or botch the spell/ability/power.
-- Swift action: I start by reallocating my essentia - new allocations can be found on my sheet.
-- Free action: I activate Epic Divine Might, which gives me +30 weapon damage for 30 rounds.
--Full-round action: I'll make a flying charge to square M5, 40' up in the air. My current essentia investment gives me perfect maneuverability, for reference. From that square, I'll attack the warforged in square N5.
-I have Pounce from my pact with Chupoclops, so I can make a full attack. For this purpose I can use my Incarnate Weapon (longsword), a bite, my horns, and 2 wings.
-I'll use shock trooper to power attack with a -5 penalty to AC and +5 bonus to damage. Charging also gives me an additional -2 AC and +2 attack. Total modified AC is currently 51.
-All successful attacks deal an additional [roll0] fire, [roll1] cold, [roll2] electric, [roll3] acid, and [roll4] force damage from Eligor's chromatic strike. All attacks also benefit from the Ghost Touch weapon property.
These statistics are not consistent with the ones on my sheet - my sheet does not include the effects of essentia invested in vestiges or soulmelds.
Longsword attack 1: [roll5], damage [roll6]
Longsword attack 2: [roll7], damage [roll8]
Longsword attack 3: [roll9], damage [roll10]
Longsword attack 4: [roll11], damage [roll12]
Bite attack: [roll13], damage [roll14]
Horn attack: [roll15], damage [roll16] plus [roll17]
Wing 1 attack: [roll18], damage [roll19]
Wing 2 attack: [roll20], damage [roll21]

That should put a dent in its HP. :smalltongue:

--Free action: I use Dire Curse of the Fateless on the warforged in square N11. If it fails a DC 38 Will Save, it has a 50% chance to be unable to act every round for the remainder of the encounter and for 23 rounds afterwards.

That concludes my action this round!

2011-01-29, 11:22 AM
Can you feel the drumming of the earth? The chorus of the wind amongst the trees?

As the Knight of Samhain leaps into action, her voice raises above the clashing warriors. It is a battle cry, a primal expression of savage joy, and a weird melody that twines through the surreal landscape they have found themselves in. Haunting and terrible, it echoes through the glade as she lunges towards the warforged.

Free Action: Activate Snowflake Wardance.
Free Action: Designate Eldritch Sword as an Ex ability (Woven Reality)

Swift Action: Child of Shadow stance

Move Action: Fly to M10.

Standard Action: Diamond Nightmare Blade
Attack Roll: [roll0] (vs touch AC)
Concentration Check vs AC: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If the concentration check succeeds, multiply that damage by 4.

Further, Aithne applies the Binding and Utterdark essences to her attack.
It must make a Fortitude save and a Will save, at DC 38 and DC 37 respectively. Will save is mind affecting.
If he fails the Fort save, he takes 2 negative levels. If he fails the will save, he is stunned for one round.

2011-01-30, 03:38 PM
The warforged crumples under Alexander's fierce attacks while the other one is stunned by Aithne's blow and drops his spear, though he still lives. The two other warforged flap their wings and streak towards Alexander, their twisted metal spears flashing as they strike at him. One of their blows leaves him open and exposed, enabling the other warforged to strike him again. They dart back towards the crystal and hover over it.

The crystal flashes a solid blue when Lloyd's green ray strikes it, disintegrating a large section of it. In response the crystal pulses and a wave of energy sweeps out, knocking into Aithne and weakening her. A single beam of energy lashes out from the heart of the crystal towards Alexander but it crackles and dissipates when it strikes him.

Round 1

Aithne 43
Alexander 34
Lloyd 31
Fighters 23
Crystal 18
Shazad 17
Mages 15

It's Shazad's turn. Map (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?hl=en&hl=en&key=tIztK6di86gYtkjTHOFfnKQ&authkey=CIrsgrEC#gid=0) is updated.

2011-01-30, 06:11 PM
Fixed in next post. Ignore me.

2011-01-30, 06:16 PM
Rolls corrected now.

Battle Summary:

Battle Stances Already On (because those are the ones he uses all the time): All Oncoming Storm Stances (except Dance of Razors), Angel's Edge Stance (from Angel of Death), Balance on the Sky, Hearing the Air.

Free Action: Draw Weapon.

Move Action of 60 feet towards the pyramid.

Swift Action: Shadow Blink to S4, right next to the mage.

Standard Action: Dual Strike with Enervating Shadow Strike and Sudden Death Strike, is also considered a touch attack and will be blurstriked for flatfootedness. Get a one additional attack against the same target.

Target has to make two Fort saves now at DC 25 and DC 29, and one next round at DC 34.

First one is against gaining 1d4=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2863760/) negative levels, second is versus death attack, third is also versus death attack. If the third save is made, target takes [roll0] damage instead.

Attack is [roll1] If Crit, confirmation is [roll2].
Damage is [roll3] + 78 + 15 + 6.(First d6 is rapier damage, second is cold damage, third is cold damage, fourth is vampiric, last 6 is Magebane damage) If Crit, he also takes (25d6+78=164) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2863866/). Next round, he also takes sneak attack damage of 67.
Hide Check (versus everyone else's Spot) - 66

Second Attack is [roll4] If Crit, confirmation is [roll5].
Damage is [roll6]

Free Action- Activates Robilar's Gambit. Enemy gets a +4 on atk and dam against Shazad on every attack, each attack provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Silently, Shazad's rapier springs to his hand even as he runs silently across the ground towards the crystal pyramid, before disappearing into a wisp of shadow.

He then explodes out of one of the floating construct's shadows, even up in the air as it is.

His blade, wreathed in frost and shadow, appears to barely scratch the construct as Shazad stands upon the air almost cowering in its shadow...

(If it dies before his next turn)
Shazad barely reaches out and grabs onto the hulking mass, arresting its fall and using it to hide behind, even as he spots his next victim....

2011-02-08, 12:26 AM
Shazad's blade slips through the cloud of crystals that surround the warforged and pierces it through the back, a foot of steel poking out of the doomed mages chest. As the constructs body goes limp the cloud of crystals that surround him explodes, sending countless razor-sharp bits of glass and crystal outward. Ducking behind the dead mages body Shazad avoids all of the crystals, coming out without a scratch.

Your spell sight shows that as the death attack.

The remaining mage doesn't even turn his head to watch his companion crumble. He merely raises both his hands and points one each at Aithne and Alexander. Two batches of crystals split off from the orbiting cloud and race towards them but scatter far before reaching either target.

The shards that split off and tried to attack you and Alexander carried both Evocation and Enchantment magics.


End of Round 1.

Round 2.

Aithne 43 [Currently Exhausted]
Alexander 34 [153 damage]
Lloyd 31
Fighters 23 [2 dead, 1 stunned, 1 alive]
Crystal 18
Shazad 17
Mages 15 [1 dead, 1 alive]

Map. (https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?authkey=CIrsgrEC&hl=en&key=tIztK6di86gYtkjTHOFfnKQ&hl=en&authkey=CIrsgrEC#gid=0)

2011-02-09, 12:06 AM

"Hmm, my apologies Knight Samhain, perhaps his majesty can wait." He calmly walks forward as he cracks his neck. He raises his hand and makes three orbs of fire burst out. In an instant, he flings them at the remaining mage as he readies his staff. Similarly, a white sphere grows from its tip and with a measured swing Lloyd sends it flying at the same mage as well. He watches the fireworks from afar.

The Epic Evocation Virtue comes into play here, Evocation spells of second level and lower are automatically quickened. In addition, the die size goes up by one step for any Evocation spell Lloyd casts.

Move: Step into H12

Free: Cunning Breech - 2 Inspiration points to avoid any SR against 1 foe for 1 round.

Swift: Scorching Ray
Ray 1 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] Fire (only halved by immunity)
Ray 2 - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3] Fire (only halved by immunity)
Ray 3 - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5] Fire (only halved by immunity)

Standard: Intensified Freezing Sphere (With 2 Inspiration points spent instead of charges from the staff), 20ft radius burst centered on T12. DC 29 Reflex or take 240 Cold damage (30d8).

2011-02-19, 01:23 PM

Aithne seems uncaring of the sudden lethargy that has set in, and simply leaps further into battle. She flies past the dazed creature behind her, and instead streaks towards another enemy, lashing out with a flurry of arcing strikes from the pointed tip of spear. Black streaks seem to follow its movement, crumbling from the blade like rotting leaves.

Swift Action: Dancing Blade Form
Full-Round Action: Pouncing Charge

Moving to 08 and attacking the warforged at Q7.
Her Eldritch Essences are both Utterdark Blast. For each attack that hits, he must make two DC 38 saves, and for each save he fails, he takes 2 negative levels. So, potentially 4 negative levels for each attack.

The attacks are touch attacks, as normal.

Attack One: [roll0]
Attack Two: [roll1]
Attack Three: [roll2]
Attack Four: [roll3]
Attack Five: [roll4]

M. Mayonnaise
2011-02-23, 08:45 PM

Alexander takes several hits, but he seems to shrug them aside. A ghastly red glow emanates from the breaks in his skin where the warforgeds' spears cut him - breaks in his skin that seem to be slowly closing themselves. Flashes of red light erupt from his eyes, lighting on one of the warforged that had attacked him and the last remaining mage.

Fixing a lethal glare on the warforged that had attacked him, he clenches his left hand into a fist in front of him and pulls backwards, as though ripping its heart out from afar. A shadowy mass envelops the warforged, seeming to press in on it from all sides before suddenly dissipating.

He turns in midair towards the stunned warforged Aithne had left behind and takes off at an incredible speed towards it. As he reaches the warforged he brings his sword up from left to right, swinging with such force it seems likely he'll slice the construct in half.

Free action: Use Dire Curse of the Fateless on the warforged in Q3 and S11 - one of my epic abilities makes me able to target two creatures at once. On a failed save (Will DC 38), the warforged in Q3 will take a permanent -8 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, ability checks and skill checks. If the warforged in S11 fails the same save, it will have its Intelligence reduced to 1 until the end of the encounter and for 23 hours thereafter.
Swift action: Use Hex of Ending Fate on the warforged in Q3. If it fails a second DC 38 Will save, it dies instantly. If it succeeds, it is no longer under the effects of Dire Curse of the Fateless. I can't use this ability on it if it succeeds on its save against Dire Curse.
Full-round action: Charge to M10, from which I make a full attack (pounce) against the warforged in N11. Power attack with shock trooper for -15 AC and +15 damage. Charging gives me an additional -2 AC and +2 damage.
All attacks deal an additional [roll0] fire, [roll1] cold, [roll2] electric, [roll3] acid, and [roll4] force damage from Chromatic Strike.

Longsword attack 1: [roll5], damage [roll6]
Longsword attack 2: [roll7], damage [roll8]
Longsword attack 3: [roll9], damage [roll10]
Longsword attack 4: [roll11], damage [roll12]
Bite attack: [roll13], damage [roll14]
Horn attack: [roll15], damage [roll16] plus [roll17]
Wing 1 attack: [roll18], damage [roll19]
Wing 2 attack: [roll20], damage [roll21]

Non-action: My fast healing heals 18 points of damage.