View Full Version : Venture Bros 1 Hour Season Finale

2010-11-21, 04:34 PM
So I didn't see a thread about it and since we are just hours away, I thought to make a thread for the hour long Venture Bros Season finale. I'm expecting it to be good. Looks like there are going to be a lot of sub plots. I hope I'm not too tired for it.

Lycan 01
2010-11-21, 08:03 PM
My cable provider made Cartoon Network a premium channel. And since neithr my house nor my college has premium cable or satellite, I can't watch Adult Swim any more. :frown:

Guess I'll have to watch it online. I hate watching stuff online... :smallannoyed:

2010-11-21, 08:24 PM
My cable provider made Cartoon Network a premium channel. And since neithr my house nor my college has premium cable or satellite, I can't watch Adult Swim any more. :frown:

Guess I'll have to watch it online. I hate watching stuff online... :smallannoyed:

Ouch. Rough.

2010-11-21, 09:32 PM
Yea, I'm in the online group too. Looking forward to it though.

2010-11-21, 09:47 PM
Yea, I'm in the online group too. Looking forward to it though.

Expect spoilers (appropriately hidden in spoilers) from me in a few hours for those of you who want them.

2010-11-22, 12:06 AM
Yeah... I couldn't resist looking up Rusty Venture on urbandictionary...

Sadly (or perhaps luckily), it wasn't defined...

Edit: I want to note that I looked this up midway through the episode BEFORE Brock explained what it really was.

2010-11-22, 09:25 AM
Not the best episode of the season I don't think but definitely good.

As a note, General Treister makes everything awesome.

2010-11-22, 10:21 AM
They made cartoon network a premium channel? Those scumbags!
Cable companies really oughta take a hard look at themselves to see why everyone is switching to Direct TV.

2010-11-22, 10:49 AM
So funny I couldn't stp laughing at the debates over what a "Rusty Venture" is and what Dean said at the end

2010-11-22, 11:06 PM
Oh god yes... Dean's response at the end was PERFECT.

Treister was hilarious... After the whole Hulk thing, I half expect him to return midway into next season or the one after, having actually been cured by alien technology...

And somehow I'm thinking Molotov is still alive... She doesn't seem like the type to actually kill herself like that... but I can easily imagine her faking her death just to mess with Brock's head... Monstroso... maybe, maybe not... but my bet is that Molotov had something set up to get out of that.

Edit: And I'm really curious about what an "Action Johnny" is.

2010-11-23, 08:22 PM
Oh god yes... Dean's response at the end was PERFECT.

My thoughts in spoilertag:

I really liked this episode. Did anyone else catch the connection between Dean mooning over his "imaginary girlfriend" Trianna (i.e. that girl that got away) and Brock finally getting over Molotov? It made me think that even super cool Brock had a few issues himself. And that final scene of him running off the motorcycle at the end? Really cool.

And frankly, I thought Dean's response to the outrider was warranted. It was really good advise until you realize the person giving it never followed it. Coming from who it was coming from, it was definitely hypocritical.

2010-11-24, 05:54 PM
What did The Outrider do tthat made what he said hypocritical?

I'd also like to take this time to say I love the super villain Fat Chance

2010-11-24, 06:24 PM
What did The Outrider do tthat made what he said hypocritical?

He kind of seduced someone elses wife. Kinda spits in the eye of the "if you love her let her go" mentality.

Alright, you could argue that maybe she came onto him and she wasn't happy or something, but that would ruin the joke now so I'm going with the he seduced her idea.

2010-11-24, 06:51 PM
Cant say I agree with his advise anyways... Just giving up? At a certain point it might be best, but Dean isn't there yet. He made an ass of himself, but you don't have to be a super scientist to see where his frustration was coming from...

What Dean needs to do is mature a bit and grow a pair. His response to The Outrider could be seen as a first step to both. Swearing isn't mature in and of itself and if used in excess is a sign of immaturity, but Dean doing it ONCE can indicate that hes no longer "afraid" of it and that he might stop using childish euphamisms (like what he said during his outburst at Triana after she explained what she thought a Rusty Venture was). The fact that he stood up to The Outrider makes me think hes getting a little braver and a little more confident...

In the end, if Dean wants Triana, hes going ot have to grow up a bit and become more confident. Hes going to have to tell her how he feels... that hes wanted to be with her since he first met her... Hes going to have to apologize for the outburst and explain why he got so angry... Aside from that, theres really nothing else he can do.

2010-11-25, 03:27 PM
Unfortunately for Dean, thanks to Orpheus' Master, Triana will never go for Dean since she knows how it will turn out...

2010-11-25, 07:20 PM
Unfortunately for Dean, thanks to Orpheus' Master, Triana will never go for Dean since she knows how it will turn out...

I dunno, the Master has been wrong before, actually, I think a joke is that it seems like he says at least something stupid or wrong each time we see him.

I know the show is about failure, but man, I really hope that doesn't happen to Dean.

2010-11-25, 07:48 PM
and of course this sunday they are starting from the beginning of season 1 and running em all in order....AWESOME

2010-11-25, 07:57 PM
Unfortunately for Dean, thanks to Orpheus' Master, Triana will never go for Dean since she knows how it will turn out...

This is only true if you believe the future is something set in stone.

That could easily have been one of many possible futures... The future that would've come to pass if she ended up with a still immature, still cowardly, still unconfident Dean.

2010-11-25, 08:12 PM
I'm afraid he's at least right about that thing with the offspring

Anyone else laughed out loud at the mutant flies at the end?

2010-11-27, 12:16 AM
This is only true if you believe the future is something set in stone.

That could easily have been one of many possible futures... The future that would've come to pass if she ended up with a still immature, still cowardly, still unconfident Dean.
Perhaps he showed her that so she would leave to kick start the events that are unfolding now that may end up with Dean becoming a man. Or maybe that's the plan anyway and it's all destined to blow up in everyone's face in some wildly unpredictable way.

2010-11-27, 03:30 PM
Perhaps he showed her that so she would leave to kick start the events that are unfolding now that may end up with Dean becoming a man. Or maybe that's the plan anyway and it's all destined to blow up in everyone's face in some wildly unpredictable way.

Probably. I mean, look at the Lepidopterists. They had a (semi-sorta?) cunning plan to take over the OSI and it failed in a matter of seconds. I don't think Orpheus' mentor is immune to The Failure, nor his plans. Of course, things are probably going to end up for the best anyway. That's how these things go.

The Venture Bros.: Failure Never Felt So Good

2010-11-29, 01:23 PM
I'm afraid he's at least right about that thing with the offspringEh, he's the only source we have that claims the clones are anything less than perfect. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway, since most of the clones were grown at the same time, not recloned from their corpses as the clones died (which in scifi is the usual reason for eventual cloning defects). The Master was likely either exaggerating to make a point or voicing all of Triana's own subconscious fears about cloning.

I was actually kind of hoping they would end this season with Rusty deciding to become a card-carrying supervillain. It would shake up the show in a good way, I think -- it would force the Monarch to be his rival instead of his nemesis, it would give Rusty a job he might actually succeed at (and then almost certainly fail spectacularly), it would give him something new to hide from the boys or even force them out of the compound, and it would likely highlight the fact that the Guild villains in this show are pretty companionable people; Venture likely wouldn't even lose any of his friends. Plus it would bring OSI further into the spotlight as antagonists.

I know they already covered this idea with Dr. Killinger, but really, I think it has potential.

2010-11-30, 01:13 AM
I thought the whole point of that Killinger episode was to show that Rusty may be a piece of human garbage, but there are still depths that hes not willing to sink to. Even with all of Killinger's assurance that he would be successful and even happy, hes not willing to cross that line.