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2006-09-07, 12:33 PM
Outside the town are a range of mountains, soaring high into the air. these mountains are teeming with deer, mountain lions,and other animals, ready for hunting

2006-09-07, 12:39 PM
*A glowing blue doorway appears out of nowhere and Marrik appears from it*

2006-09-07, 12:40 PM
a beholder floats through also.the door way dissapears with a pop
shall we try the peak or the gully?

2006-09-07, 12:41 PM
Lets go for the peak first, we'll get a better view from there

2006-09-07, 12:43 PM
Good point. i rarely think in three dimensions, being a dungeon dweller most of my life
the beholder begins to float uphill

2006-09-07, 12:43 PM
*Marrik follows, sparks earthing themselves where his feet tread*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-07, 12:43 PM
(aye, lads, can one of ye post this link to me directory page?)

2006-09-07, 12:45 PM
((wheres the directory?))

2006-09-07, 12:46 PM
((Its the thread labled 'town directory, now with love for llama'))

2006-09-07, 12:48 PM
Theres a buglist, and i think i can see his retinue in the distance. we'll just tackle the buglist today

((10 mins left))

2006-09-07, 12:49 PM
Sure thing

*Marrik flaps his wings, getting airborne and starts mumbling arcane formulae*


2006-09-07, 12:54 PM
i'll keep the buglists minions at bay, you deal with him in person, ok?
the behodler floats down, and creates a green wall of fire around the buglist. he then begins counterspelling the enemy wizard's spells

the buglist draws a silver greatsword
it is time for death
he charges at marrik, weapon flashing

2006-09-07, 12:56 PM
*Marrik rolls aside from the buglist and opens his mouth, directing a huge blast of electricity at his foe from his gaping maw*

((60ft line, 18d6 Elec. Damage, Reflex DC: 24 for half))

2006-09-07, 12:57 PM
the line blows off the buglists arm, and he reels back, already casting a spell of healing

((godamnit i g2g. wanna continue tomorrow or npc it yourslef?))

2006-09-07, 12:59 PM
((I'll NPC my fight myself, but i've g2g soon to, so I'll leave Marrik here and we can take it from there. Ta-ta))

*Marrik floats to the ground gently and stands about 40 feet from the buglist. He starts mumbling an incomprhesible stream of words, whilst waving his hands in a complex pattern. Electricity courses over his body, seeming to gather around his hands. The buglist starts to charge at his foe, sword raised, screaming his defiance. As the buglist swings, Marrik calmly ducks to one side, the sword scraping off one of his wings, before shoving the buglist with both hands. The buglist reels back slightly from the blow before the magical electricity hits and he shudders involuntarily as the energy courses through his body. Smoke rises from his body as some of his clothing catches fire, before he recovers.*


*Marrik grins and jumps backwards, flapping his wings to get airborne. The buglist swings at Marrik, catching him in the side, sending the small form reeling sideways. Marrik crashes to the ground. The buglist looks on smugly, whilst casting a spell of healing, as Marrik pushes himself to his feet, an evil glint in his eyes. As Marrik starts mumbling again, the buglist readies his sword and approaches a little more cautiously.*

Buglist: I am not so hard to kill as you might think. Time to die, monster!!

*He again charges at Marrik, sword held horizontally and swings with all his strength, magic streaming from his sword. Marrik merely stands his ground, the sword cutting into his bronze body with a sharp clang. Just as the sword connects, Marrik shouts a single word. The buglists face contorts in agony and he drops to his knees, wrenching his sword from Marriks side, his ears bleeding. Marrik shouts the same word again and the buglist starts to scream in pain. Again the word and the buglists body twitches, falling to the ground. Again. Again.Again. The buglist eventually stops moving and Marrik falls silent....

After a few seconds, the buglist raises his head, blood trickling from every orifice, his face turned towards Marrik and starts to say something. Before he can speak, a dark expression passes over Marriks features, he whispers a word and gestures at the buglist. The buglists body slowly floats into the air before glowing red and disappearing in a flash of electricity.

Marrik mumbles a few words, looking a little pained at the hole in his side and a wave of energy passes over him, sealing the rents in his form. Marrik stops and looks around to see how his companion is faring with the buglists retinue.*

2006-09-08, 10:43 AM
beholder has dealt with most of the other minions, and only the buglist's assistants sorceror remains standing. they are locked in a magical duel. the sorceror throws a fireball at beholder, who counters it with a blast of ice.Beholder then throws a lightning bolt at the wizard, who laughs as it bounces off his resistance spell. beholder becomes distracted by the sorceror's disdain, and is caught off guard by a quickened Cone of cold. the frost freezes half the beholder's eye stalks,and he seems to lose his temper.
Now i have two options. if i were really desperate i could open my eye, and youre protection would dissapear, like so much F*cking snow in summer, but i know i'm a better magician than you, as you are basically, an arrogant prick. therefore, lets see how unimaginate you are

there is an incredibly loud, and deep sound. marriks very bones seem to shake, and he isnt targeted by the blast.when the dust clears, the sorceror is nowhere to be seen.beholder turns to marrik, smiling.

suddenly, a blast of fire smacks beholder from above. he screams in pain, and quickly looks up to see the sorceror flying high above him.

beholder sighs
Your not the sharpest spear in the shop, are you lad?
he opens his eye, and the sorceror falls to the ground with a sickening cracking sound as he hits the mountainside

c'mon marrik, i'll buy you a whole box of cigars, nice work! we'll go after larkon soon

2006-09-08, 01:14 PM
Sure thing Beholder...Oh, by the way, Larkon might be a bit more wary about heading this way...I beat up that herald pretty bad and left him a ways over there

*Marrik gestures towards the distance away from town, before following Beholder back to his bar*

2006-09-08, 11:42 PM
((I'm kind of new, as you can tell from my posts and my lack of activeness; but after finding the town I became quickly became interested in the idea of the Town. I don't plan on making a real character, seeing as how I'm not fully experienced with the D&D style. I know the general idea. I even tried to make a less complex versions of it, but the turn out wasn't like I intended. I've never really had someone to teach me how to play. But as I said before I love the concept of the Town and I have the general idea. I'll start a NPC.))

In the distance, a mysterious short (maybe the height of a large cat) figure scurries quickly down the mountain slope. Due to his slight hearing defects, the world around him seemed silent and lonely as usual. A long sigh erupted from him, followed by sad facial expression (or what looked to be sad, to human eyes it could be taken for a vicious glare before a pounce). No matter what he did his thoughts always dwelled back onto the past twenty days of his life.

I can't believe I was banished, and to think all I did was snap at the little human girls legs once or twice. and what was I to do! what do you expect! I'm a freak'n monster, I'll do what any monster would do if you hung food right around his face. Stupid human...stupid banishment...stupid wandering around in the wilderness for twelve days...

The creature haults in it's fast paced steps

Why am I running. I shouldn't run. I'm innocent. And even on the off chance that I wasn't, who's going to believe in a human child? I should go back! Why should I flee like a coward? Why didn't I stay behind? Why didn't I go back in the first place? Why am I talking to myself? Does that make me crazy? Maybe if I talk to myself outloud I won't be considered a crazy person..."

"...Oh look a town, a chance to dig my fangs into something and lay down a bit. I wonder if they have Inns with spider accomendations?"

2006-09-18, 03:38 PM
Lykan climes over a summit, looking down to a valley beyond. Below is a sight to behold: thousands of trppos gathered together, a sea of black and red

Well... Better get started...

He tleports into the crowd below... Screams, battlecries, and explosions follow.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-18, 03:49 PM
(Lykan! No! Its not a tavern, your explosion powers are useless against it.)

2006-09-18, 04:00 PM
(Lykan! No! Its not a tavern, your explosion powers are useless against it.)
[My powers are not limited to just bars, dear Llama ;D]

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 05:28 PM
Twelve black-cloaked men begin to draw a strange rune, with a small hint of a dragon in it.


Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 05:54 PM
A portal appears twenty meters away from the ritual, surrounded by rocks.

Daedrous steps through it, unsheathing his blade and preparing a few throwing knives.

2006-09-21, 05:59 PM
Cathrindir steps through the portal and looks around, then unclips his holy symbol.

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 06:00 PM
"I'm glad you're here."

He looks over the edge of the rocks, and sees them already conmposing their ritual.

[Dinner, be back in fifteen minutes. Go play some SMBG.]

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 06:10 PM
[Back, sorry for double-post.]

Daedrous gets a little higher on his feet.

"If we are too raise Nightmare, then what tools can we use to make him really be the Knightmare Dragon?"

"Bah, you fools! SPEAK WITH DEAD!

The ghost of Nightmare rises up.

"What do you want, you fools?"

2006-09-21, 06:12 PM
((I have to go now. Be back in a half an hour or so.))

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 06:13 PM

2006-09-21, 06:37 PM
Cathrindir looks on with interest.

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 06:49 PM
The ghost begins to twirl around, his form shifting from dragon to human.

"Yess... You have called upon me?"

"Lord Nightmare. We are going to raise you... As the Knightmare Dracolich."

"Then proceed, foolssss...."

The necromancers of the Cult begin to move their hands and a storm begins to start, and the markings begin to light up green.


Daedrous ducks, and pulls out his sword.

"It's now or never."

He begins to crawl over to the edge of the rocks.

2006-09-21, 06:52 PM
Cathrindir digs around in his pocket, then pulls out a small acorn. He murmurs something, and the acorn briefly glows blue. He turns to Daedrous.
"A grenade. Should I set it off?

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 06:55 PM

He ducks down.

2006-09-21, 06:58 PM
Cathrindir suddenly straightens up from over the rocks and chucks the acorn into the center of the ceremony. He ducks back behind the rocks and quickly speaks the command word. "Explosion."
((20d6 Fire damage, the spell is Fire Seeds.))

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 07:03 PM
You can hear some screaming, but then one voice comes over the rest.

You fools...

As you look over, a hybrid skeletal red and black half-dragon raises from the ground.

"What have done to me?"

Nightmare looks over.

"I wonder what we have here?"

He begins to step around the rocks, coming closer with each stomp, stomp, stomp...

2006-09-21, 07:05 PM
"Holy shock..." Cathrindir grabs a string of Acorns out of his pockets and begins casting Fire Seeds on them one at a time. He throws all of them at the hybrid.

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 07:08 PM
The fire does not affect him, because he's part red dragon.

He looks over and sees Cathrindir, and then glares at Daedrous.

"Well, if it isn't Daedrous, the man that killed me 1,000 years ago?"

Nightmare begins to choke Daedrous, who is flailing his arms around.

2006-09-21, 07:10 PM
Cathrindir, a bit unsure what to do, casts Disintegrate on the Dracolich, then casts Greater Dispel magic at 27th Caster Level on whatever is choking Daedrous.

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 07:15 PM
He begins to shatter, and uses his claws to open a small portal, which he jumps through.

The necromancers flee from the area.

"Thanks. And if you were wondering, THAT was the new Nightmare."

2006-09-21, 07:17 PM
"I could guess," mumbles Cathrindir. He pushes himself to his feet and looks around. "Should we get back to the Tavern?"

Daedrous Avari
2006-09-21, 07:18 PM
"Yeah. Daedrous studies the rune a bit, and then goes through the portal.

2006-09-21, 07:19 PM
Cathrindir walks through as well.

2006-09-24, 01:32 PM
a goat advances evilly on a patch of grass....a glint of malice in his eyes.

when you look again, the grass is gone! and the goat is a little bit fatter...

2006-09-24, 02:11 PM
Pho and Kydo go deep into the mountains, and return with less food once again

Hmm... We got everything, right?


What now?

I dunno... Finish what's left, I guess.

Pho and Kydo chow down

2006-09-25, 12:53 PM
Selrahc heads through the mountains on the way to the desert. Hes taken wing and is travelling pretty fast. Behinds him is the swarm of little creatures, the entire tableau is framed in a red blaze that hurts the eyes of those looking at it.

2006-09-25, 09:00 PM
Sneak appears in the mountains and starts walking up. "Brrrrr, it's r-r-really c-cold up h-here. I can barely b-b-b-b-breathe." He continues walking. After a while he can barely move, and just lays down in the snow, eyes closed. But he's already dead, so what harm can it do?

After a few minutes of lying down, he gets back up. Eventually he makes it to the top and starts on his way down.

2006-09-27, 01:49 PM
*3 monkeys, seemingly made of stone, beging working there way through the mountain range.*

2006-10-03, 01:03 PM
A tribe of goblins in the mountains welcome representatives from the Goblin Statehood Army, currently recruiting soldiers.

Daedrous Avari
2006-10-03, 03:22 PM
A noob gets pwned with a headshot.

2006-10-18, 10:51 AM
Elya appears in a flash of light with Val, and looks around for Zimbraw.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 10:55 AM
A few feet above them is a rectangular tunnel, carved into the rock. Val spots it. this looks promising.

2006-10-18, 10:56 AM
Elya nods.
Do you think he will be hostile?
A faint light glows around her arm, and she raises it and uses the glow like a torch.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 10:58 AM
I have no idea. best be prepared, though. He begins climbing up towards the tunnel.

2006-10-18, 10:59 AM
Elya nods again and the faint glow strengthens and her entire body begins shedding the light, though not as strongly as her arm. She heads towards the cave.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 11:01 AM
Val climbs up, and walks down the tunnel.

2006-10-18, 11:02 AM
Elya follows him, ready to protect either of them from harm or heal them after she is too late if needed.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 11:06 AM
About fifteen feet down this tunnel is a large, heavy steel door, with a round wooden knob, a keyhole, and a small skull-shaped knocker.

Val looks at the knocker. prepare yourself. He mutters, as he reaches for the knocker, and raps twice.

2006-10-18, 11:08 AM
Elya stands behind Val, ready for anything, her hands glowing with awakened power that is both psionic and divine.

2006-10-18, 11:09 AM
From behind the door, Zimbraw's hoarse voice calls out. Who's there? State your name, and the business you have with me. The door remains firmly closed.

2006-10-18, 11:11 AM
Elya's eyes flash to Val and waits for his answer.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 11:11 AM
My name is Valthreborn Valthera. I want to talk with you about a certain book I believe you may have in your posession Val says, boldly.

2006-10-18, 11:14 AM
And the woman? speak, psionicist... The hoarse voice sounds suspicious.

2006-10-18, 11:16 AM
I am Elya Goldshadow, and I have come to aid and help Val as I can.
The arisen power in her hands may seem menacing, but someone trained in either (or both) psionics or divine magic can tell that it is defensive, not offensive.

2006-10-18, 11:22 AM
The door remains tightly closed, but the sound of hoarse laughter can be heard from behind it. you brought help, Kroizian? since when has the guardian of The Cousins' Gauntlets ever needed assistance?
I Will let you in, Valthera, but not Miss. Goldshadow. She must wait outside.

2006-10-18, 11:25 AM
Elya smiles tightly.
Very well then.
She discreetly creates a telepathic link with Val.
If you think something is suspicious, I can link more thoroughly and see and hear what you see and hear. Don't worry, if you need anything I will be here.

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 11:32 AM
Val nods. Thanks. He places a hand on the doorknob, and turns it. The door remains shut.

Don't be so impatient! Zimbraw snaps. I have to unlock it first! There is a loud click, and the door finally swings open.

Val looks at Elya. well, see you soon, hopefully... he syas, then turns and walks inside.

2006-10-18, 11:33 AM
Elya sits down and meditates, carefully monitering Val with her mind in a way that allows her to be seperate but aware of him.

2006-10-18, 11:55 AM
Val notices someone scrying on him, but who this might be he does not know...

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 11:56 AM
((sorry, Myst. not inside that cave he won't.))

2006-10-18, 11:56 AM
((You mean Elya notices. Val is inside))
Elya looks up and traces the scrying with her mind.

2006-10-18, 11:59 AM
(Doh, no worries Elya it is then)

Elya's tracing surely takes her back to the tavern from whence she just teleported. Sitting around a table with a crystal ball in the center with the strange red robed halfling surrounded by others familiar to her.

2006-10-18, 12:07 PM
A silvery portal opens in front of the door. a pair of blazing red eyes peer out at Elya, and a hideous creature steps out. Vaguely man-shaped, it has purple skin and thick grey hair in patches all over its body.

From its shoulders, two leathery, bat-like wings are spread wide.

Its head is small and round, with a massive, curved beak full of sharp, jagged teeth.

On its wrists and ankles, it wears leather straps with inch-long spikes protruding outwards, and has long, clawed hands and feet.

It lunges towards Elya.

((hope you don't mind, Earin...))

2006-10-18, 12:10 PM
Elya leaps to her feet and holds forth her holy symbol.
In the name of Inari I dismiss you! Begone foul creature!

2006-10-18, 12:13 PM
((uh, what does banishment actually do?))

2006-10-18, 12:14 PM
((Banishment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/banishment.htm)))

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 12:17 PM
((righto)) The creature looks startled, as it vanishes.

2006-10-18, 12:19 PM
Earin appears as the monster vanishes.
"Or you could do that. Some people are scrying on us at the tavern, but I figured that being watched by them couldn't be too bad a thing."
Elya smirks.
A simple extraplanar creature isn't going to do much against me.

2006-10-18, 12:40 PM
(Question: How far away are the mountains from the Tavern?)

2006-10-18, 12:42 PM
((Hmm. Go check the town map. Its in the directory. It might give you an idea.))

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 12:43 PM
An unusual voice speaks suddenly inside Elya's We are the Cousins' Gauntlets. Our Guardian has started to consider remaining here. We cannot allow this. We thank you for the aid you have given Our Guardian, but we shall take things from here. The link between Elya and Val is abruptly severed.

2006-10-18, 12:45 PM
Elya narrows her eyes.
Val needs our help, Earin. We are going in that cave.
Earin looks at her strangely and does not comment.
"Very well then."
He takes her hand and walks over to the door, and tries to shadow jump inside with Elya.
((As dimension door))

2006-10-18, 12:50 PM
((You end up in the Desert, as it says in the first post of the cave thread.))

2006-10-18, 12:53 PM
((Well its not exactly a teleport, and he only has a 20ft range. Does it still work like that?))

2006-10-18, 12:55 PM
Mystweaver's scrying breaks

Veg Sorbet
2006-10-18, 12:55 PM
((I guess it doesn't count, then. Although all you'll find now is an empty cave...))[hr]Many hours later, Val emerges from the cave, holding a large, brown book with a dark blue glow under one arm.

He looks around the mountainside, and decides to climb to the peak of the mountain he is on, trying to get an idea of where he is.

On reaching the peak, he sets the book down, and pulls one of his small, dark-blue leather-bound books from a pocket, and opening it up to a double spread page of a map he copied from one of the books in Amiria's Tower.

After several minutes, he manages to get his bearings, picks up the book, mutters something that sounds like transpori and vanishes in a flash of green light.

Veg Sorbet
2006-11-07, 05:06 PM
Anna stumbles through the mountains, wearing Val's gauntlets, which are now glowing lime-green, rather than their normal dark-blue.

She appears to be completely out of it, not paying attention to where she is going at all, though she walks perfectly, occasionally hovering where she could be required to climb.
Some time later, she reaches the entrance to Zimbraw's cave.

2006-11-07, 09:18 PM
Lykan scrambles up the rocks

Y'know, you could have gave me gloves.

((But then I get to miss your pained look when you cut your hands on the rocks!))


2006-11-07, 09:26 PM
Otter climbs easily up the rocks, and ((falls asleep at the top waiting for Kryzsu. Your stupid mother's making me get off the computer and go read or something. By the way, your book collection sucks. Especially whatsitcalled. A Swiftly Tilting Planet.))
"What the hell! That's my favori--"*falls asleep*

2006-11-07, 09:28 PM
Krzysu sighs when he gets to the top, nudges Otter, shrugs, and sits down on a rock, looking at the other mountains in the distance

2006-11-08, 07:46 AM
Otter jerks out of her trance. "She's back online now. I bet she's plotting to take over the world or something... inciting nuclear war... initiating the Apocalypse... whatever."
((Am not. I'm playing BGII.))
"Don't you dare touch my saved games!"
((...those were saved games?))
"...I hope my history teacher strangles you. He hates me already..."

2006-11-08, 07:54 AM
Krzysu is still sitting on the rock, exhausted

You never told me to sleep, you jerk.


2006-11-08, 07:56 AM
"What happened to your narcolepsy, then? Wouldn't you just fall asleep normally after a while? Or was Lykan just being a jerk and deliberately keeping you awake?"
((He was being a jerk.))
"Why don't you go do my history homework or something?"

2006-11-08, 07:59 AM
Yeah, well, presumebly I am anyways, but that's not really the point.

Krzysu's stomach growls

Time to find something small and furry.

((Make me proud!))

Shut. Up.

2006-11-08, 08:03 AM
"Doesn't have to be small, necessarily... if there were deer around here, that would be nice. But this doesn't look to be a good place for deer..."
((Ugh. I hate venison.))
"You hate everything but the cats, don't you?"
((I don't know about them, either... they're much worse when I'm forced to be around them all the time.))
"Heh. Have fun."

2006-11-08, 08:05 AM
Krzysu sighs and unsheaths his sword, looking for tracks

Maybe we should try getting stuff that doesn't move first?

He says, looking at some berry bushes

2006-11-08, 08:11 AM
Otter grins. "That's probably a good idea. But do you know if those berries are poisonous or not?"
((...I think Lykan logged off.))
"Well, it's about time he experienced the terrors of high school... And if I'm guessing correctly it's about time for you to leave too."
((Aw, crap...))

2006-11-08, 09:40 AM
A lime-green rimmed portal opens close to Zimbraw's cave, and an incorporeal Zimbraw steps out, and Walks towards his cave. He pauses and sighs. I knew there was something I'd forgotten. Now I'll have to head back, see if someone has an amulet of corporeality I could borrow.

He re-opens the portal, and steps through.

Ten minutes later, he returns, holding an amulet, which he puts on. Immediately, he returns to his corporeal state, and enters the cave.

2006-11-08, 11:51 AM
Krzysu shrugs

Survival skill is gotta be handy for something, right?

He bites his lip, and adds

I'm probably gonna switch my classes to something else... I want to see if I can do artificer stuff...


Hey, I based you off me. I'm the original.

((Or are you?))

Save it for Blackfox, mate.

2006-11-08, 09:30 PM
"Then roll a survival check.. I only know poisonous plants that you might find in someone's garden."
((You seem to have a big enough list of poisonous things...))
"It's because I'm more cynical than you. Ha."
((You're saying that like it's a good thing.))
*sigh* "You're a hopeless failure."

2006-11-08, 09:48 PM
Krzysu sighs, then picks a few of the berries, sniffing them

The only way I would trust any of the food in this world is if I saw something else eating it first...

He shrugs, then pops a few in his mouth

Hey, my fortitude save should be high enough... I multiclassed into two classes with that as their main save...

((Oooh... I can't wait to see him fail this save...))

... Crap.

2006-11-08, 09:53 PM
"Lykan. Shut up. Even my pitiful Sense Motive can tell you're just trying to piss him off."
((No, he's not. My Sense Motive is--))
"A whopping +4."
((Shut up.))

2006-11-08, 10:09 PM
Krzysu's stomach growls

I think they're okay. Nothing feels funny.


2006-11-08, 10:19 PM
When Kryzsu next looks at Otter, he'll see that she's fallen asleep.

2006-11-08, 10:52 PM


*falls asleep in the berry bush*

2006-11-09, 07:25 PM
Otter wakes up. She finds a stick and pokes Kryzsu with it. "Hey Kryzsu, wake up."

2006-11-09, 07:29 PM
Krzysu mumbles something in his sleep, then does something akin to a dog's "running in your dreams"

2006-11-09, 07:32 PM
Otter jumps out of the way, swearing under her breath. She tosses the stick at Kryzsu.

2006-11-09, 07:35 PM
Krzysu wakes up

Jeeze, what the hell?

2006-11-09, 07:37 PM
"You were thrashing in your sleep. Like a dog."

2006-11-09, 07:40 PM
Krzysu shrugs

Wierd dreams, I guess.

He gets up and looks around

Wanna go look for low-level adventures?

2006-11-09, 07:45 PM
"Sure, that'd be grea--"((Otter. Your history teacher is such a jerk. He's making us write this paper on--))
"Hey, spare us the agonizing details and just write the freaking paper."
((But the point is--))
"QUIET." Otter scowls. "...Even though it's true..."

2006-11-09, 07:50 PM
Krzysu sighs

Lucky me, I think Lykan's taking a nap.

He looks into the woods, eyes narrowing

Something's watching us.

2006-11-09, 07:52 PM
Otter slips her hand into her pocket, where her switchblade is. She looks around for the nearest tree. "I wish I had a bow..."

2006-11-09, 07:57 PM
Krzysu draws his sword

I wish I had a shotgun. We see how these things don't EVER work out.

Something hisses in the darkness then springs up into the air toward Otter...

2006-11-09, 08:04 PM
Otter sidesteps quickly, flicking open her switchblade, all thoughts of witty Mafia-related comments leaving her mind.

2006-11-09, 08:09 PM
The creature gets hit in the upper shoulder, then lands on the ground on all fours. It looks almost humanoid, and light flashes of its completly white eyes and yellow-pointed teeth. It hisses again, and removes the switchblade, tossing it aside nonchalantly. It goes to pounce again when Krzysu smashes into its side, leaving his sword sticking out of the ground and attempting to pin the creature to the ground


2006-11-09, 08:14 PM
Otter glances at the sword, then thinks better of it and retrieves the switchblade instead. Once Kryzsu has a firm grasp on the creature, she walks up to it, imagines it as her Algebra II teacher, and slits its throat.

2006-11-09, 08:20 PM
The creature still writhes, eventually flinging Krzysu off. The slit in its neck heals over as Krzysu scrambles backwards to get his sword, clutching his stomach

Little freakin' b******!!!

He wrenches the sword from the ground and creates a gash in its stomach. It grins evilly, and the wound heals over.

What the hell is this?

2006-11-09, 08:25 PM
"Set it on fire!" Otter looks around for anything that could burn. "Damn it, I need a Wizard level already."

2006-11-09, 08:30 PM
Krzysu roars again and goes to cut the creature in half, in which it sidesteps and slams a fist into his back. He screams and falls over. the creature kneels down biside him, going to bite his neck...

2006-11-09, 08:45 PM
Otter drops the knife and jumps at the creature, latching her arms and legs around it and swearing under her breath.

2006-11-09, 08:50 PM
The creature flails, attempting to fling otter off. Krzysu fumbles for his sword, still prone, in hopes that the creature doesn't notice his movements...

1... 2...

2006-11-09, 08:52 PM
Otter grunts and holds on, wrapping an arm around the creature's throat. "Try not to kill me!"

2006-11-09, 08:53 PM
Three! Get off!

Krzysu goes to rail his sword through the creature's gut...

2006-11-09, 08:56 PM
Otter pushes off of the creature and rolls away, martial-arts style, and gets back to her feet holding a fist-sized rock ready to throw.

2006-11-09, 09:00 PM
Krzysu sword punctures the sword through the creature, knocks him over, and pins it to the ground. He proceeds to leap back from the creature and looks to Otter

I think we went in a bit too far this time...

2006-11-09, 09:02 PM
Otter looks at the creature, then back at Kryzsu. Then back at the creature. Then back at Kryzsu.

She chucks the rock at the creature's face and retrieves her switchblade. "We're getting a bow and torches as soon as we can. By which I mean right now."

2006-11-09, 09:05 PM
Kryszu sighs

I'm under the impression that that's some sort of vampire, then.

He looks back at the creature, which begins to wrench the sword out of the ground

Talk later, lets go!

2006-11-09, 09:10 PM
Otter closes the switchblade and sprints off. "I don't think they can cross running water..."

2006-11-09, 09:11 PM
Good. Over the river and through the woods, to the Town we go.

He chases after her

2006-11-10, 10:06 PM
Otter pauses for a moment when they get to the first stream she finds to zip up the pocket holding her switchblade, then jumps into the water and swims across.

2006-11-10, 10:26 PM
((Wow, you're slow... Krzysu's already in the town. :wink:))

2006-11-11, 12:01 PM

2006-11-11, 12:06 PM
((Heh... Look in the streets.))

2006-11-14, 02:07 PM
Malekith walks to the foot of the mountain, humming to himself, he drinks something from a bottle that says: Discount potion of flight (we are not responsible for anything that might go wrong with this potion) Malekith then leaps towards the peak, soaring like an eagle, when suddenly the potion stops working, and Malekith drops like a stone, as he falls he screams "i would be upset but i paid with fake money"

2006-11-17, 07:20 PM
Verdandi flies and lands on a ledge high up the mountains. She drops to one knee and scoops up a handful of snow. After a moment she looks satisfied and drops it, then begins smoothing out the snow in a large area. Once this task is finished she begins sketching symbols into the snow, traces of white light drifting from her fingers into the lines she draws.
The valkyrie continues this for some time, until she has made three circles or runes, each inside the other. Then she stands a short distance from the center, draws her sword and begins chanting, white light shining from her skin. Her eyes slowly bleach out until they are pure white, and each of her feathers becomes radiant and indistinct from the next. Her chant grows in volume and in speed, until finally she speaks a single word.
At this utterance, the runes in the ground shine brilliantly, and the center of the circles melts away in light rather than snow. A pure white silhouette begins to form within the circle, growing clearer with every passing moment. While still colorless, it appears to be a valkyrie, but as the color begins to spread across its skin, it is shown to be different in many ways. Her feathered wings are crimson and shadowy black, and she lacks armor and weapons; while her skin is healthily flushed compared to Verdandi's pale, nordic ivory complexion.
Once the color has spread across the strange valkyrie completely, Verdandi goes down on one knee, holding herself up on her sword. The newcomer tilts her head and walks over to Verdandi. Verdandi looks back up at her, nods once, then falls on her side, leaving her sword stuck upright in the snow.
The newcomer raises an eyebrow and shakes her head, then picks up Verdandi's sword with a look of distaste, and slings the unconcious valkyrie over her shoulder. Thus burdened, she flies off towards Town.

2006-11-18, 11:09 PM
An explosion blows rock from one of the mountains, revealing a gaping hole into the underworld of the town. it is magically sealed.

2006-11-20, 12:37 PM
The goblin tribes of the mountains hold a meeting, attended by representatives of the GSA, to barter for a truce between the tribes.

Veg Sorbet
2006-11-23, 08:15 PM
Val appears on the mountainside in a flash of green light, close to Zimbraw's cave. He approaches the door, and knocks, but nothing happens.

After a while, he stops knocking, and instead calls out, Zimbraw! if you're in there, open up! I need your help! Again, he recieves no response. Val swears in Kroizian, then sighs, and sits down in the entrance to the cave. He pulls out his pipe and begins smoking.

2006-11-23, 08:30 PM
A short time later, one of Zimbraw's portals opens directly behind Val, and Zimbraw steps out. You wanted something, Kroizian? He snaps, closing the portal behind him.

Veg Sorbet
2006-11-23, 08:32 PM
Val casually gets to his feet and turns to face Zimbraw. Yeah. I need a couple of rather rare crystals. He opens the book, and shows Zimbraw a detailed drawing of the items in question. In return, I'm afraid I can only give you gold.

2006-11-23, 08:35 PM
Zimbraw looks at the drawings for a few moments, and thinks things over. for a few minutes. You have a deal. Meet me in Hookah Hank's in two days time, I should have them for you then. He says eventually, holding out a hand to Val.

Veg Sorbet
2006-11-23, 08:36 PM
Val takes his hand, shakes it, and nods at Zimbraw. Two days, Hookah Hank's. I'll see you there. He closes the book, mutters something, and vanishes in a flash of green light.

2006-11-23, 08:37 PM
Zimbraw turns and enters the cave.

2006-12-02, 07:30 PM
Aesa lingers in the mountains where she had fled to the day before, preparing a cave for her use. She etches runes on the mouth of the cave until the entrance is covered in them, then walks to the back and summons a roaring fire and summons a massive black cauldron to place over it. As this is finished she twists the blackened iron ring on her finger. Are you satisfied now? A faint cackle sounds in the cave, and Aesa leans against one of the cave's walls.
Verdandi begins flying up the mountains, racing ahead of Iames and Aerin.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:03 AM
Iames teleports up next to her periodically, then falls behind before teleporting again.

2006-12-03, 02:05 AM
Verdandi frowns suddenly and increases her pace to a staggering speed as she flies towards Aesa's cave.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:05 AM
Aerin realizes that trying to keep up with Vera, besides being a losing battle, will only make her tired, so she settles down to a steady pace. Game is hitching a ride with Iames.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:07 AM
Iames notices Vera's change of course and teleports after her. What is it?

2006-12-03, 02:07 AM
Verdandi lands outside of Aesa's cave and folds her wings as she stares around the area.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:13 AM
Iames teleports next to her. Vera, what is it?

2006-12-03, 02:15 AM
She's here... calling me. Verdandi pupils dialate and she walks towards the rune covered cave entrance.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:19 AM
Aerin lands and looks around.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:19 AM
Iames puts a hand on her shoulder and looks at her mind to see if she's being influenced. Vera, wait.

2006-12-03, 02:22 AM
Verdandi shrugs off his hand and continues towards the cave. The link between her and Aesa is extremely active, though Iames cannot tell what is happening through it.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:29 AM
Iames looks grim. Aerin, be ready. There may be a fight.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:29 AM
Aerin drops Iames's cloak to the ground and ruffles her wings. Right.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:32 AM
Iames follows Vera into the cave. Game hops down from Iames's shoulder and trots along after him.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:32 AM
Aerin follows Iames and Game.

2006-12-03, 02:32 AM
Verdandi enters the darkened cave, and the runes wink out exactly as she passes them, then reappear behind her. The runes glow brightly as Iames comes closer to them.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:34 AM
Iames notes this but continues to follow Vera as he approaches the ring of runes.

2006-12-03, 02:36 AM
The runes begin humming with violent energy the closer he gets to them, while Verdandi makes her way to the back of the small cave, where thick steam is rising from a cauldron.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:39 AM
Iames stops a few feet outside the circle and extends a hand through the space between the ring of runes.

2006-12-03, 02:40 AM
Red, life draining lightning crackles through the air towards his hand.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:44 AM
Iames allows the lightning to strike his hand and grimaces. He then withdraws his hand and rubs it where the lightning struck, and his eyes glow violet.

2006-12-03, 02:46 AM
Verdandi disappears in the steam in the back of the cave.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:46 AM
Aerin goes ethereal and moves through the rock of the cave wall, going around the circle. On the other side, she becomes material again and casts daylight, filling a radius of 30 feet with bright light, with shadowy illumination extending for another 30 feet.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:48 AM
Iames also goes ethereal and moves through the rocks outside the circle. Once inside the cave, Iames moves after Vera, summoning a blast of wind to clear away the steam.

2006-12-03, 02:50 AM
As Aerin and Iames move through the rock, they feel the lightning somehow strike at them as they moves past the runes.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:51 AM
Aerin grimaces and seems to slump somehow. Damn it, I used all my spells in the sparring matches...

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:53 AM
Iames also grimaces, but he pauses by Aerin's side and puts his hand on her shoulder. His eyes glow, and then he follows after Vera.

2006-12-03, 02:54 AM
Aerin's glowing rock flickers and dances strangely, unknown forces pulling at its light and magic. The steam roils in the wind but does not blow away.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:54 AM
Aerin straightens her posture and draws her sword, looking around warily. She follows Iames into the steam.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 02:56 AM
Iames creates a telekinetic field that allows him to sense, as if by touch, objects within the field. He expands the field until he senses the walls of the cave.

2006-12-03, 02:58 AM
A low, cruel laugh echoes throughout the cave. Iames feels that it is taking far longer than it should to reach the back of the cave, especially now that he feels it. The cave moves around his telekinetic senses in a disorienting fashion.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:07 AM
Iames tries to locate the source of the laugh by sound. He also tries to find Vera with the field.

2006-12-03, 03:09 AM
Suddenly the laughter cuts off with a gasp and the steam begins to fade away, and Iames's telekinetic senses feel the cave to be a normal, solid cave. There is a body on the ground nearby.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:17 AM
Iames summons another blast of wind and goes over to the body.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:18 AM
Aerin looks around through the fading steam.

2006-12-03, 03:19 AM
The steam dissapates and Iames sees Verdandi on the ground, her sword beside her. There is a little black blood on the blade.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:22 AM
Iames kneel next to Vera and checks to see if she's wounded.

2006-12-03, 03:24 AM
Verdandi appears to be fine. The blood sizzles on her sword and boils away.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:25 AM
Aerin examines the contents of the cave.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:26 AM
Iames breathes a sigh of relief, then examines her mind for any ill effects.

2006-12-03, 03:28 AM
The cave is empty other than the cauldron. Verdandi's mind is oddly unclear, but otherwise seems fine.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:31 AM
Aerin examines the contents of the cauldron, casting detect magic with the trickle of power she still has.

2006-12-03, 03:35 AM
Aerin detects a very faint trace of some ancient power that is related to magic in some way, but she can pick up no more than that.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:35 AM
Still troubled, but not finding anything seriously wrong, Iames stands up and looks into the cauldron.

2006-12-03, 03:41 AM
It is an empty, black cauldron.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:47 AM
Iames frowns, then sighs and turns away from the cauldron. Let's go home, Aerin. He picks Vera up.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:48 AM
Aerin puts her sword away and picks up Vera's, then goes and put a hand on Iames's shouler.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 03:54 AM
Iames teleports them to the mouth of the cave, where they collect Game, and then Iames transports them to his planar realm.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 08:47 PM
Hiko climbs up through the mountains, looking around. Wow... Quite a veiw up here. Higher he goes, until he passes my a rune covered cave. Well... This... Is not something you see every day. He takes a few steps into the cave, one hand on his sword, and the other on a page in his sketchbook.

2006-12-03, 08:50 PM
The runes spark and glow somewhat, but the life in them is obviously drained. Hiko can make out a huddled form in the back of the cave.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 08:51 PM
Hiko advances more quickly. Aesa!?

2006-12-03, 08:52 PM
It is clearly a valkyrie, but the darkness of the cave does not allow him to see more than that.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 08:55 PM
Hiko flips through his skethbook, takes out a page, crumbles it up, and tosses it in the air. Upon leaving his hand, it transforms into a ball of pure light. Hiko examines the body more closelyone hand still on his blade.

2006-12-03, 08:59 PM
It is Verdandi. A single lock of her hair appears to have been cut away.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:03 PM
Hiko growls. SHOCK. He goes over and shakes her. Hey! HEY! Wake up, damn you! I can't do that fancy telelport and transcend reality to other planes crap! Your boyfriend-god-guy's gonna be really messed up unless you help me here! Come on!

2006-12-03, 09:07 PM
Verdandi very slowly comes to. What?

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:14 PM
Hiko dudges her with his foot. What's the last thing you remember, quick!

2006-12-03, 09:17 PM
Verdandi squints. I remember Aesa taking my sword, and then- She looks down at her arm. There is no wound. I do not know whether she cut herself or me.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:23 PM
Hiko sighs. She took some of your hair... I'm guessing it'd be fore some sort of spell.

2006-12-03, 09:25 PM
Verdandi goes pale. A shape changing spell.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:34 PM
Hiko sighs. You should get home. Make sure the god-guy is okay.

2006-12-03, 09:36 PM
Verdandi shakes her head. I hope I can make it in time.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:40 PM
Hiko scowls. Get going, damn you! I can't help you beyond this point!

2006-12-03, 09:42 PM
Verdandi spreads her wings and flies away with deific speed.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:47 PM
Hiko sighs and loks arounf the cave, making quick sketches of the fading runes.

2006-12-03, 09:48 PM
The only thing left in the cave is black cauldron.

Takehiko the Marooned
2006-12-03, 09:53 PM
((Take away all my fun *mumblegrumble*...))

Hiko sighs and looks through his sketchbook, eventually finding one of the interior of Trog's. He lies the sketchbook on the floor, and jumps into the sketch, with the book dissipearing in a swirl of paper

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 12:38 AM
Iames appears in the cave. In frustration he punches the wall; the stone crumbles underneath his fist. Tears course down his cheeks.
After he tires of pummeling the stone walls, Iames collapses on the floor of the cave. His eyes fall on the cauldron, and his eyes glow yellow as he sends a jet of flame at it.

2006-12-04, 12:41 AM
The cauldron reacts as any other thick metal cauldron would when hit by fire.
((Which depends on how much you sent at it.))

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 12:42 AM
Slowly, the cauldron's metal begins to warm and soften.
Iames scowls and increases the intensity of the flame. The cauldron begins to melt.
Iames retroactively looks up, his eyes going violet, and disappears. The cauldron continues to melt into slag.

2006-12-04, 01:57 PM
About three thousand goblins, from five tribes united by the GSA, move to reinforce the GSA in the town.

Another two thousand goblins prepare for a large scale war in the mountains, setting up traps and preparing plans for ambsushes, producing and stockpiling weapons, setting up alliances, and training military forces. The GSA advisors sent here help them do so.

2006-12-05, 05:25 PM
Zimbraw leaves his cave, limping slightly, and leaning slightly heavily on the stick he's carrying, testing the strength of his recently injured leg.

He spots the goblins, and smiles to himself beneath the bandanna, seeing a potential business opportunity. He approaches in such a way as to convey, from a distance, that he has peaceful intentions.

2006-12-06, 04:48 PM
Kyrian appears where he felt the trace end. He looks around.

2006-12-06, 04:50 PM
He sees the mountains, and a ways away there appears to be a small path, probably made by mountain goats or something.

2006-12-06, 04:51 PM
Kyrian follows the path.

2006-12-06, 04:53 PM
The path goes for a way before Kyrian spots a small cave enterance.

2006-12-06, 04:53 PM
Cursing silently for being unarmed, Kyrian heads for the cave.

2006-12-06, 04:55 PM
The cave entrance is small and Kyrian has to crouch as he goes inside. But eventually it widens out. Kyrian sees a small table and what appears to be a fire that has recently been quenched.

2006-12-06, 04:56 PM
Kyrian starts to look around, starting with the table.

2006-12-06, 04:57 PM
It seems to be a simple wooden table. It couldn't have fit in through the entrance of the cave. There are several stains on it that look like ink.

2006-12-06, 04:59 PM
Kyrian keeps looking around.

2006-12-06, 05:01 PM
There seems to be a circle of amber dust on the floor.

2006-12-06, 05:02 PM
Kyrian inspects it.

2006-12-06, 05:04 PM
Kyrian might remember that the spell Teleportation Circle uses a amber dust circle.

2006-12-06, 05:04 PM
Kyrian growls and tries to see if he can trace the teleport.

2006-12-06, 05:05 PM
It seems whoever teleported covered their tracks as it can't be traced.

2006-12-06, 05:08 PM
Kyrian growls as he scoops up some of the amber dust. He then slams his fist into the table.

2006-12-06, 05:09 PM
The table cracks as Kyrian hits it.

2006-12-06, 05:11 PM
Having found no answers, Kyrian vanishes.

2006-12-07, 01:32 PM
Zimbraw leaves his cave, limping slightly, and leaning slightly heavily on the stick he's carrying, testing the strength of his recently injured leg.

He spots the goblins, and smiles to himself beneath the bandanna, seeing a potential business opportunity. He approaches in such a way as to convey, from a distance, that he has peaceful intentions.

The goblin force marches on, but some of the GSA advisors approach him.

2006-12-07, 05:45 PM
Greetings. Zimbraw says, his hoarse voice as pleasant as it could possibly be. I couldn't help but notice the size of your force passing through, and was wondering if you may have need of a supplier. I like to think that I can provide almost anything you could require. including... he waves a hand, and a silver-rimmed portal opens onto a random scene of the Town. An alternative method of transportation, should you require one. he waves his hand, closing the portal again, and looks at each of them in turn. He waits for their response.

Daedrous Avari
2006-12-09, 01:09 PM
A beautiful yet scarred red dragon casts his shadow over the Mountains. He turns and lands at the summit of the centermost mountain. Breathing a jet of flame, he turns sand into glass and creates a large glass gate. The gate opens when he mutters a few words, and he steps in. "What an interesting suggestion..." The dragon turns and looks at the Town below him, and a wide grin appears on his face.

2006-12-10, 05:01 PM
A figure with shaggy, light green hair wearing a black hooded robe appears on a distant slope in a flash of purple light. He climbs a few rocks a little, until he comes to a small, hidden cave, the entrance very well camouflaged. Inside, he makes his way to the back, where a silver-rimmed portal opens up into a dark tunnel. I still thank you for this naive carelessness, par Rallouq. The figure thinks, smirking twistedly as he goes through the portal.

2006-12-10, 05:57 PM
Greetings. Zimbraw says, his hoarse voice as pleasant as it could possibly be. I couldn't help but notice the size of your force passing through, and was wondering if you may have need of a supplier. I like to think that I can provide almost anything you could require. including... he waves a hand, and a silver-rimmed portal opens onto a random scene of the Town. An alternative method of transportation, should you require one. he waves his hand, closing the portal again, and looks at each of them in turn. He waits for their response.

One of the goblins has an idea:

could you make one of those appear right in the middle of the Dwarven Castle outside town?

2006-12-10, 06:03 PM
Provided there are no wards against it, certainly. Where and when do you want it set up?

2006-12-10, 06:09 PM
The goblins talk to eachother and pass around a glowing stone for about an hour, apparently conferring with an unseen source.

Perfect. The attack is begun already. they won;t expect this. We should make it right in the middle of their barracks. In fact, if you can maintain multiple ones at once, we should probably get one into two separate barracks, and one to the armory. As soon as we redirect these two battalions.

The GSA advisors talk to the cheifs, who agree with the plan. The mountain goblins prepare for battle and line up to go charging into the dwarven castle.

The remaining mountain goblin force continues on their march.

2006-12-10, 06:28 PM
Zimbraw nods, and concentrates. Two miniscule portals open side by side, anyone looking through will be able to see the interior of the castle. I can move and resize these two access points as you require them.

2006-12-10, 06:37 PM
Nah. Looks like we can get through allright.

The GSA officer tosses a bag of gold to Zimbraw, and goes through the portal, followed by his men, one by one.

2006-12-10, 06:50 PM
Zimbraw catches the bag, then watches the goblins marching through. He opens a portal back to his cave, steps through, and it closes.

2006-12-11, 11:52 AM
The goblin tribes in the region have formed an alliance of sorts, but as of yet do not have the military strength to challenge the encroachment of the dwarves and other races. Instead, they step up their banditizing activities, and attempt to build up their strength.

2006-12-13, 05:41 PM
Zimbraw leaves his cave, strolling in the mountains, still leaning heavily on the staff he carries. Far away in the distance, he notices the lightshow in the countryside, and opens a portal to Val's archway, planning on seeing how things are going.

He sees the foul creatures pouring in through the gateway, and immediately closes the portal, opening up one to another place instead, and stepping through.

2006-12-14, 01:48 PM
A pair of carts enters the mountain paths, and is quickly stopped by goblin revolutionaries. The driver of the cart pulls back his hood, reveling himself to be a fellow goblin, and the cart is lead to a cave, where the supplies in it are unloaded to better arm the revolutionaries.

2006-12-17, 11:25 PM
The goblins in the mountains increase their banditizing activities, now more well-armed than before, and with better organizational skills. Oddly, they seem to be leaving most civilian targets alone, and focusing primarily on military convoys.

2006-12-18, 08:57 PM
A man cloaked in tattered green silk appears in a clearing of pine trees.

2006-12-18, 09:00 PM
Deep within the mountains in a small clearing of pine trees another man appears next to the man in tattered green, wrapped in a crimson robe enlaid with black gems, and obsidian staff in his left hand. "I assume we are a safe distance away, this deep in the mountains... That was enjoyable..."

2006-12-18, 09:03 PM
"Muchly so." Jonnadiah grins maliciously. "Now... what shall we do next? I assume our clones have done their part in rabbling the town, shall we wait for the chaos to die down, or shall we continue? Here, follow me."

Jonnadiah snaps his finger and a Rope Trick appears, Jonnadiah goes inside it.

2006-12-18, 09:06 PM
Aloysius follows Jonnadiah into the Rope Trick, "There are so many things that can be done...each one more horrendous then the next... Why stop at one of these ideas? Let us cause as much chaos and destruction as possible. Although I advise against striking again so soon, we should wait for the aftermath to cool... Then strike when the least suspect it."