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2006-09-10, 08:57 PM
You may live: for now...

*Fenric scurries over to the scrying bowl to see if the spell is still active*

2006-09-10, 09:00 PM
Elya moves behind Fenric, cringing at the sight of the bowl of blood.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-10, 09:01 PM
*He sees on the outskirts of town, Atreyu getting kicked in the stomach by a demonic version of himself with demonic wings and a red pointed prehensile tail, the woods are visible to the east.*

2006-09-10, 09:01 PM
*Fenric nods (and forgets the "sinister voice")*

Got it! Let's go!

*He runs out*

2006-09-10, 09:02 PM
Elya follows him, her bare feet moving lightly and swiftly across the ground.

2006-09-10, 09:03 PM

*Gezina comes out of the mirror and runs after the others*

2006-09-10, 09:09 PM
Destro walks through the mirror and heads outside.

2006-09-10, 09:11 PM
Thecla pads through the mirror and waits for Indurain

2006-09-10, 09:14 PM
Indurain steps through the mirror and looks around.

In the corner of the tavern, a man sits wearing 7 layers of clothes. He wears a scowl and anyone approaching him is met with a mean growl.

Indurain looks at the man..."This place is evil."

2006-09-10, 09:15 PM
Thecla turns to him and says Yeah, I can feel it.

2006-09-10, 09:17 PM
Merant appears in a cloud of red smoke, and looks around "I kinda like this place"

2006-09-10, 09:17 PM
Indurain looks around at the assembled crowd.

"I'm looking for a LLama."

2006-09-10, 09:18 PM
Come on, let's go, I don't smell any LLamas here

2006-09-10, 09:18 PM
Eroirf glances at Indurain. Hell, this place is always evil. I hate every minute I spend here. Full of people who think they can come in and restrict our free-will... lawfulness my ass.

2006-09-10, 09:20 PM
"Thecla...we can use your nose...of course. Please...find my friend."

Indurain says to the wolf, as he casts on last look around the bar and shudders.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-09-10, 09:20 PM
*The NPC from before freaks out even more* "GAH! The bowl! Look at the bowl then get the gratz out of here!"

2006-09-10, 09:20 PM
Merant grins at Eroifr and walks out of the tavern towards the sounds of the fighting

2006-09-10, 09:21 PM
Eroirf mutters and his right eye starts shifting color twice as fast as the left eye.

2006-09-10, 09:22 PM
Thecla perks her ears up and goes out the door

2006-09-10, 09:24 PM
Indurain looks at the NPC..."The bowl? We don't have time for bowls. We have to save my friend."

Indurain charges out the door.

2006-09-10, 10:43 PM
*Fenric and Myobi stumble in carrying their wounded son. They head straight to the mirror. Fenric stops only long enough to turn a Miracle into a Teleport, and then they go through...*

2006-09-10, 10:44 PM
Elya stumbles in behind Fenric and Myobi and goes through the mirror with them.

2006-09-11, 08:33 AM
*hangs a cricket bat at human face level in front of the mirror in the corner*

"You know that things just too busy by far"
*surreptitiously stuffs some cake in his mouth*
[through a mouthful of escaping cake crums] "Yeah you should wait for the ... " *looks at card for some time* "Two for one offer on business card printing at snazzycards..." *turns the card over* " er ... boss"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-11, 09:43 AM
"If the Hatlord doesn't show up soon I will summon him so that he may partake of his cake and all of you 'cake vultures' can feast."

2006-09-11, 11:43 AM
*wiping creamy hands on his curtain dread robe*
[sputtering cake crums] "yeah, a bit of patience, the dread lord, he whom has caused the death of thousands, will be right put out when he see's you lot couldn't have the decancy to wait"
*stuffs more cake when he thinks no-ones looking*

2006-09-13, 07:03 PM
An inky pool of evil forms in the center of the floor; it rises and coalesces into the dreaded Lord of the Hats

CAKE!?! I love cake! Did you guys already eat the deliciously frosting-laden corners?

2006-09-13, 07:05 PM
"Mmmmph mmmph mph, mmmph!!"

Chunklets swallows hurriedly.

"I mean, it was that guy who was here just a minute ago!"

2006-09-13, 07:17 PM
The Lady Alopecia looks up startled, with much yellow cream in the corners of her mouth. "Mmpf, err, hi, the Lord has returned ! Uh, yeah, this guy, he was a anthropomorhic fox and wore a kimono with a fox symbol ...", she claims.

2006-09-13, 07:20 PM
The Hatlord shakes a gauntleted fist.

DAMN YOU strange anthropomorphic Japanese fox-man!!!!

2006-09-13, 07:54 PM
"Yeah, yeah, we'll show him what happens to people who steal Our Dread Lord's cake! Especially when they take the corner pieces!"

2006-09-13, 07:58 PM
(( :-/ ))

2006-09-13, 08:07 PM
The dread Lady Alopecia snickers evilly at her cunning lie and continues to gobble cake.

Roland St. Jude
2006-09-13, 09:55 PM
Ah, the Hatlord returns, and the ritual feast of buttercream begins! This is one of the dread signs I have foreseen. The fourth war cannot be far off now. Still,

The cloaked figure twiddles his thumbs and gazes into his crystal ball. There appears a list - a scroll of some kind.

Still short two fezzes and a couple key players. Plenty of time yet.

The cloaked figure waves to the bartender and signals, "Two more grape Nehi's."


2006-09-14, 04:37 AM
*taking up the cricket bat once more*

"We know what to do with foxes back at home"
*He grins evily*
"You still got those hellhounds Mal?"
*grabbing a handful of cake* to get the scent of course...
he leaves
[from outside comes the muffled cry "Tally bloody ho!" and the tooting of a horn]

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-14, 09:46 AM
[The lich sorcerer reaches again into the seemlingly endless depths of his shoulder bag and pulls forth and stupidly huge horn. He places it to his mouth (darn not having lips anymore) and a deep piercing drone sounds forth like the bellowing of a wounded Tarrasque]


"I summon the Wild Hunt!"

2006-09-14, 10:17 AM
A huge wyvern head with a tiny guy swathed in a black nylon curtain atop it smashes through the window.

"Oops, Back up ya stupid beast"
"Other back"
*he whips the beast with what appears to be a chain with a meathook on the end*

A painting falls from his backpack
"Damn it"
*whip shlep*
"Pick that up"
*whip Shlep*
"Hey Mal this zombie template doesn't add much to their brights does it."

2006-09-14, 10:27 AM
"A hunt ?!" The dread Lady Alopecia looks up from her cake feast and wipes her mouth. "Scrumptiousss, I get my wyvern immediately." She runs out of the tavern to the dreadful stables.

2006-09-14, 10:40 AM
Backing his wyvern into Alopecia's sporty number and leaving a livid scratch down one wing

"Damn Idiot creature" *whip splutt*
"Ah the dogs are on the scent"http://spriggn.home.mindspring.com/thewanderer/hellhounds2.jpg

2006-09-14, 12:48 PM
Brushing cake crumbs from his evil black robe, Chunklets exits the bar and scrambles onto the back of his wyvern.


The wyvern raises its head, as Chunklets pulls a now-redundant pair of goggles down over his eye-sockets, and adjusts his leather flying helmet, atop which is perched the red fez of doooooooom.

"Chocks away!"

The wyvern ambles forward, increasing speed, then leaps clumsily into the air and commences circling over the bar.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-14, 01:21 PM
A painting falls from his backpack

"Uh, hey. Wasn't that on my office wall?"

Hey Mal this zombie template doesn't add much to their brights does it."[/color]

"Zero plus zero stills equals zero so no joy there I'm afraid."

2006-09-14, 08:06 PM
The drow elf finally gets up from her seat, and goes over to look at Charity's painting. "That's one awesome painting, Charity... Now can someone serve that cake already?"

2006-09-15, 03:32 AM
"Uh, hey. Wasn't that on my office wall?"
"Oh that was your office... erm, I was just er.. taking it to get cleaned... yeah that was it."
*While he's destracted his wyvern blunders int the building opposite taking out the first floor entirely*

"Zero plus zero stills equals zero so no joy there I'm afraid."
"Well if you say so, I was never to hot at mathy stuff"

*turning to get underway his wyverns tail unseats poor chunkets*
"Damnit, sorry mate"
*Whip splutt*

That's one awesome painting
"You wanna buy it, I'm selling it cheap"
*Feels Mals sockets burrowing into his back*
"Ooh.. Er . I mean, yes lovely isn't it I'm taking it to get cleaned, for Mal"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-15, 09:49 AM
"Yes, cleaned.... were you going to serve BlackFox any cake or does she need to stabbity you with her flaming burst daggers first?"

[Hears the rumble of another wall collapsing]

"Sigh. I think I'm going to have to relocate the wyvern parking out of reach of any buildings. The Hatlord doesn't want to rule a smoking crater of burnt rubble might have sold a policy to these nearby building owners."

2006-09-16, 01:11 PM
The drow elf looks strangely at Malachi. "You are extraordinarily talented at describing someone's complete opposite. Daggers, who needs 'em? Hmph. And I wasn't interested in buying the painting, Charity. More like observing it at a safe distance. *sigh* No one can take a compliment these days. I should go back to being a complete jerk for a change... Anyways, cake would be nice." She puts on a smile faintly reminiscent of a cat right before it rips some poor rodent's throat out.

2006-09-16, 01:14 PM
A man in a blue robe with blue armour underneath Enters the tavern. He wanders up to the bar and orders an Ale. You cannot see his face, but he has a large barstard sword on his belt.

2006-09-18, 05:06 AM
*Wyvern related crashing noises abound*
"Er ok Mal I'll just park" *awful screeching sound*
"oops, perhaps someone else could ... see their way to serving up?" *crack hisssss*
"I think I broke a pipe" *hissssss*
"Hang on I'll just light a candle for a better look"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-18, 01:31 PM

[Casts Protection from Elements: Fire]

2006-09-18, 07:12 PM
"Good idea, Mal..."

*casts the same spell*

2006-09-19, 02:15 PM
Chunklets re-enters the tavern, stepping woozily around the flaming debris.

"Hey, I thought wyverns were supposed to be rated Poor at flying!! That thing was doin' frickin' wingovers, for pete's sake!!! Good thing I'm a horrible undead zombie-like thing now, and thus not susceptible to nausea, or there'd be semi-digested cake all over the roof of the tavern."

Chunklets orders a drink and slugs it back.

"Oh right, no taste buds... Anyway, back in the saddle, as my dear old dad used to say, until the day he got his mug of beer mixed up with an acid trap he was trying to build..."

Chunklets ambles out again, and from outside comes the sound of a kobald verbally abusing a wyvern, a sound which fades gently into the distance.

2006-09-20, 05:40 AM


A smoldering figure stumbles into the bar, his curtain in tatters but his fez still bright.

"Wow who thought air could burn like that?"

"We still after that foxy guy? Cos if we are we'll be needing some more hell hounds, immune to fire they my be, but they appear to be susceptable to being turned into dog chutney by big bangs"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-20, 09:45 AM
[Putting the mighty and stupidly large ornate hunting horn away into his shoulder bag..]

"Uh, let's just assume he got blown to smithereens like the hounds."

[To assembled Fezguls]

"Alright, we still need to fill a couple of slots so we hit that magic number of 9. Time to send you all out recruiting! Bring any likely foolish sack of meat recruit you find back here into the mirror world to talk to either myself or the Hatlord."

2006-09-26, 11:20 PM
The Lord of the Hats appears with a flaming mug of coffee in his hand; he's clearly just woken up, as he still has his funny bunny slippers on. Yes, they're really made of fuzzy bunnies.

Whoa...did any of you guys feel that last night? It was like...like my Hat suddenly appeared in a nearby, but distant world, then vanished.

He thumps his chest and belches sulfurously.

Or maybe it was just too much gnome pad thai for dinner.

2006-09-26, 11:34 PM
((eeep! The Hatlord has returned!?? Does this mean perhaps that the forth war shall soon begin? Well, I'm off to make a new avatar...))

2006-09-27, 11:36 AM
*Descretely changing his charred 'robe' for a brand new one*
"Lucky these curtains dread robes come in packs of two"
*smooths himself down and admires his reflection in the mirror*

"Hey don't blame the curry, them gnomes were fresh"

"It wasss the hatsss presssence massster"

2006-09-27, 04:09 PM
From outside comes the sound of a wyvern, perhaps one who's been practising his landing technique a bit, landing, then Chunklets wanders in.

'Sup, Dawgs... Oops! I mean, Hail Unto Thee, Dread Lord!!! And may I compliment you upon your choice of footwear!!!

To Charity:

"What were you saying there? We're going to get presents from hats?"

2006-09-27, 04:31 PM
"Yeah, I did notice something... but what I felt was a surge of pure mischief. No idea what that means." The drow elf pauses. "The gnome pad thai was really good, though." She exits the tavern, and the sound of flapping wings can be heard about five minutes later. Apparently, the elf has made a perfect takeoff, managing not to damage her wyvern at all.

2006-09-27, 08:49 PM
You felt it too? Seriously? That can only mean that The One Dashing Straw Boater has returned, and not in the hands of that loser Saint Jaspero.

The Lord of the Hats cackes evilly.

Eeeexcellent. It gots me a hankerin' for some world conquest...and a pirate's soul.

2006-09-28, 12:04 PM
"Ooh great pirates are worth double points this month"
*checks his pockets and withdraws a card which he examines*

"Triple if they're at sea.. cool, I'll have enough evil points to get those rocket boosters I've always wanted... Hey Mal is that wyvern compatible with twin acme thrustomatic rocket boosters... ah we'll jury rig something I'm sure"

*Bounces around in jubilant fashion*

"Erm, can I go tempt him Please, can I? Oh dread lord master of blight"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-28, 03:24 PM
[At Charity]

"Eh, doubtful but the wyverns are still under warranty so I suppose its all good. Just remember it takes 2-4 weeks to get another shipped in and you're not borrowing mine again."

"We still need to fill the last 2 Fezgul slots with cannon fodder enthusiastic volunteers."

2006-09-28, 05:52 PM
Tempt him? Go ahead and try, but you'll have to put on a pretty good show; that goody-two-shoes floozy of his watches him like a damn hawk.

2006-09-29, 05:14 AM
"I go to do your bidding"

*suddenly more menacing he sweeps out of the tavern*

There is the crack of a vicous sounding whip and the sound of retreating wingbeats.

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-09-29, 09:48 AM
"Maybe Charity should start by tempting the "goody-two-shoes" then? Would she make a good evil Fezgul? Aren't those shining beacons of virtue that fall the greatest harvesters of elf-ears?"

2006-09-29, 12:49 PM
A massive creature enters the tavern. It looks like a walking tree and has glowing red eyes and a gotee. The creature has to stoop to fit through the doorway. It approches Mauron. Oh mighty hatlord, I am at your service.

2006-09-29, 02:49 PM
Chunklets eyes (or, more accurately, "eyesockets") the new arrival.

"Wow, that crazed dwarf was right..."

Chunklets extends his claw in greeting.

"Hail, fellow, well met, et cetera!! I'm sure the boss will be along shortly to get you converted to a being of pure darkness properly introduced, but in the meantime, you might wish to study up on the care and feeding of wyverns, and also the proper method of hacking off elf ears with an accursed blade interacting with the public at large. Also, try the Chianti!"

Chunklets buys Treegotee a drink.

2006-09-29, 04:23 PM
((Actually, the ents name is Treegotee.))

The Ent glares at Chunklets. I am Treegotee. You, are not worth my time.

2006-09-29, 04:50 PM
"Well duh. I'm a minion (the black robe and fez should have told you that), and it's our job not to be worth people's time. It's a calling!! And, may I point out, it's a calling that you seem to be in the process of signing yourself up for. So anyway, welcome aboard, pending the big man's approval, of course. Can I call you "Tree"?

Chunklets sips at his glass of Chianti.

2006-09-29, 05:06 PM

2006-09-29, 05:34 PM
"Fine then, suit yourself."

Chunklets goes back to sipping his Chianti and reading a Nation Geographic article entitled "Endangered Majesty: A Journey Among The Wyverns Of Fauxhan". At least, it's possible that he's reading it - his eye sockets are pointed at it, in any case.

2006-09-30, 11:47 AM
mExachix puts his drink down and leaves the Tavern. Heading to Inari's.

Roland St. Jude
2006-09-30, 01:11 PM
"Ooh, really an Ent?" The dark robed man at the bar asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Just what we need. Say I have a mission for him - there a wood chipper out back I need infiltrated." He laughs a medium evil laugh.

"Seriously, I do think he could be useful m'Lord..."

He looks the Ent up and down.

"We could pulp him to make more scrolls."

He catches the eye of the bartender and orders two more drinks. And as he turns his attention to the flashing scenes within his palantir, he mutters under his breath, "Bloody Ents."


2006-09-30, 01:32 PM
Treegotee snarls, a low powerfull sound the shakes the foorboards. Perhaps I should swat you like a flie. That would be entertaining. He raises his massive hand to the ceiling and brings it crashing down to the floor, just inches from it's mark. Ha ha ha! I have better things to do with my time. The ent leaves the tavern and stomps off into the town.

2006-09-30, 03:11 PM

A large, imposing, skittish orc with naught but a large shield on his back cautiously steps into the tavern.


He looks scared to death of the Fezgul and Feduroman.

I saw a sign outside saying Lord Mauron was recruiting and I- Hey look! A silver piece!

The orc reaches over to pick up the quarter, narrowly missing an undead wyvern's tail swipe.

2006-09-30, 03:35 PM
"So, can we cross the mirror already to sow terror in the hearts of men ... and everyone else ? You know, the elf ears are always longer on the other side." The dread lady Alopecia turns to teh orc. "Oh, hello, the entrance for cannon fodder is in the backyard well just ask the Mauon, or the bossy Fezgul."

2006-09-30, 03:39 PM

S-s-s-sorry sir- I mean madam- I mean sir- I mean madam.

The orc decides it's best to shut up, and walks back out the door, and through a newly made door, probably from a certain someone's wyvern.

M-m-my name is Narrowly Avoids Death. It's sad though, he's a pretty nice guy.

Are you guys going to ask me my quest, favorite color, or average velocity of a swallow now?

The orc shifts around uncomfortably.

2006-09-30, 06:52 PM
To the orc:

"Well, I wasn't going to, but I would be interested in knowing why you don't seem to have a weapon. I mean, a shield's useful and all, but what are you going to use to cut off the elf ears defend yourself in the very unlikely event that you are attacked while going about your not-at-all-evil business?"

Roland St. Jude
2006-09-30, 10:53 PM
Fedoruman eyes the new guy with a smile. "I like this guy, he has a certain genuine quality. I'm sure we can issue him a weapon. You know, for self-defense purposes while he's out peddling our insurance policies." ;)

2006-09-30, 11:11 PM

I t-t-think I misplaced it after I narrowly missed that giant elf invasion. And besides, I'm a p-p-pacifist, formerly a door to door shield salesman.

The orc looks freaked out by the eyeless kobold.

A throwing dart whizzes by his head, missing him by a hair's breath.

2006-10-01, 09:19 AM
M-m-my name is Narrowly Avoids Death. It's sad though, he's a pretty nice guy.

Are you guys going to ask me my quest, favorite color, or average velocity of a swallow now?((:D! A Monty Python reference and a Goblins reference! Do I get two cookies for that?))

2006-10-01, 09:29 AM
((:D! A Monty Python reference and a Goblins reference! Do I get two cookies for that?))

(( Yes his name is based off of Goblins, fine. Pick two. (http://www.j-notes.com/myimages/baking/Cookie%20Tray.JPG) ))

2006-10-01, 09:34 AM
The Hatlord chuckles evilly.

Hey there...did you guys hear what that teenage elf punk did to get my Hat back in circulation? That's just downright mean. Lilke, crazy mean, worth of even a drow. I should offer her a job or something.

He waves to the orc.

Hey, welcome to the gang. I'm all about putting the cannon fodder in front of me strong teamwork.

2006-10-01, 09:50 AM

Er, sounds like a nice change of pace from my last boss, long hours, low pay, and no dental. You have dental right, and life insurance?

I don't know any of this because my friend Graaaaaaaaugh! had the pamphlet and can't read. I think he ate it.

2006-10-02, 05:32 AM
*Skreee Crunch*

The small cheaply draped Fezgul enters

"Give me a drink" *he downs it in one*
"And again, gah all that lovey dovey stuff is almost unbearable, though I do get to spy on princess dogoody in the nuddy" he muses

"What idiot left a dirty great tree in the middle of the road outside? Bloody thing ruined the paint job on my wyvern, It got caught in the under carriage, I must have dragged it for a mile, till I chanced upon that sawmill."
He slams down another drink
"Oh well I better get back to work, no rest for the wicked eh?" He grins evily

2006-10-02, 06:13 PM
The Hatlord raises an eyebrow at Charity. How you can tell is anybody's guess.

Spying on Alarwen in the buff? Dude, you are the creepy one with the bag.

He chortles, and the tavern's curtains burst into flame.

Still, nice move. High-five!

2006-10-02, 06:35 PM
"So we're going to be starting soon? Guess I'd better go get taped up, get the ol' game face on, and so forth."

Chunklets leaves the tavern, and can be heard outside banging his head against a wall and shouting about being "in da house."

2006-10-02, 06:37 PM

Are they all this weird?

He edges away from the crazed midget in the drapes.

2006-10-02, 07:38 PM
Mauron finishes off his elf-blood and soda and stands up.

Got that right, kid. I think my new fortress (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=town;action=display;num=1159832167;s tart=0#1) just arrived. We'd better head over and get the lounge set up.

2006-10-02, 07:41 PM

Knew I shoulda gone into temple looting...

The orc picks up a few chairs, plates, and anything shiny to carry with him as he follows Mauron.

2006-10-02, 07:42 PM
Chunklets returns, apparently suitably fired up.

To the orc:

"Oh, don't worry, you'll get used to us with time. Heavy drinking will help with that, by the way."

As an aside, to Charity:

"So, um the next time you go spying on young ladies who might or might not be under-dressed, you might want to take along some help, you know, to, uh, help you and stuff. I'd recommend a kobold, or at least something that used to be a kobold."

With that, Chunklets exits the bar, following the others.

2006-10-03, 03:08 AM
*stands on a chair to high five Mauron*

"Bad to the bone baby"

*Hands Chunklets a small round silvery disc, with Alarrawyn exposed written on it*

"I'm sellen em down the market... they're going like hot cakes"

"Pirate boy is back in town, I think I'll go plague him with visions of his untimely demise, you know just for laughs"

Malachi, the Lich King
2006-10-04, 06:34 PM
"So, the dark tower is reborn....."

[The lich slowly fades from sight and the space he once occupied is still and cold...]

2006-10-04, 11:21 PM
*Krystal appears in the tavern and quickly scurries out into the street*

2006-10-17, 09:54 PM
mBlood wakes from the counter, having had a long nap. She yawns and walks over to sniff the mirror. The white cat falls through the mirror, a look of surprise on her face.


She walks back through the mirror and jumps back up on the counter. She listens and rests her eyes.

2006-10-29, 11:01 AM
mBlood falls asleep on the counter.

((Sorry for the double-post, but the other one was a bit older...))

2006-11-03, 04:09 AM
Zed wakes up, and starts walking to the beach.

2006-11-03, 04:10 AM
((Just pointing this out....this is the Mirror tavern, in case you meant to post in the normal tavern....))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-17, 12:36 PM
*A rather cute looking llama wearing a mask nervously walks into the bar and walks up to one of the rougher looking patrons and says "Excuse me, I'm lost. Can you show me to the Temple of Myrkul, please?"

*With an evil grin and a grab of his sharp knife, the man leads the poor llama out of the bar. A minute later the Godruped trots into the bar, a fresh bowl of blood floating along side him. He sets it on a table and stares into it, looking around at the Town of Do-Gooders.*

2006-12-18, 07:46 PM
*mVinde strolls in, looking pleased. He whistles a jaunty tune, but the tune is somehow deeply disturbing.*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-18, 07:55 PM
*The Godruped looks up and studies the whistling dragon* "Just find a fresh batch of kittens to eat?"

2006-12-24, 04:55 PM
An extremely under-clothed person wearing bright white saunters in obviously.

"Gaah, I can't sneak, I can't hide, and I can't be un-obvious. Mirror worlds suck."

He walks behind the bar and with elongated slowness he steals and puts on a dead black suit with painful noticability.

"I guess you all saw that... I want my skill points back..."

Shining with notice-me light, he walks out again to go back to a normal universe.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-07, 11:25 PM
*The Godruped, feels a disturbance, something about divine power leaving this world. He decides to go visit Inari's ruins to see what is going on.*

2007-01-07, 11:29 PM
mBlood watches the godruped leave from her spot on the counter with large pupils.

2007-01-15, 12:58 AM
mBlood stands up and sniffs around, and is promptly killed by a hungry NPC. Ouch.

2007-01-22, 02:51 PM
Scylla walks into the Mirror Tavern. She looks around, then laughs nastily. "Get me a Swampwater and a brownie," she barks at a waiter. "I'm thirsty."