View Full Version : IC - Flames of Wutai

2010-11-24, 06:04 PM
The sun burns brightly upon the arena as a group of warriors (including you lot) stand listening to someone who seems to be a drill sergeant of some kind.

"Right, you lot are the best of the best, and you have all been called into service for your country. The war with Shinra has come to a head, and we are assembling an elite team to counter those damn' Shin's special SOLDIER and Turk operatives. Before we proceed, you may have questions, and I will try my best to answer."

This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9760482#post9760482) is the OOC, knock yourself out

2010-11-24, 07:47 PM
The drill sergeant hears a lguh from behind him. A ruthless outlaw that was captured only two days previous now stood tied to a post. He had spent the last four hours chewing through his gag. "So when am I going to get my gun and sword, and when is this pretty little thing going to tell me her name?" He winked at one of his two guards.

The man's name was Kostya Shiwasu, a cruel bandit that had been terrorizing town from town for ten years. He was born, bred, and lived the immoral brute he now acted as, now that his execution was nigh.

2010-11-25, 02:31 AM
A very young man, maybe to young to wear such an shiny armore, raise his hand.

"I have some questions Sir. Will we get a payment for the job and as I think we are not able to spend the money in the enemy theretorry could we use it other way? Futhermore how will the missions look like Gurillia or hack and slay?"

2010-11-25, 12:17 PM
The drill sergeant hears a lguh from behind him. A ruthless outlaw that was captured only two days previous now stood tied to a post. He had spent the last four hours chewing through his gag. "So when am I going to get my gun and sword, and when is this pretty little thing going to tell me her name?"

"You, will get what the higher ups decide to give you." The sergeant strutted up to the prisoner "And believe you me, I hope damn well that they give a slow end."

"I have some questions Sir. Will we get a payment for the job and as I think we are not able to spend the money in the enemy theretorry could we use it other way? Futhermore how will the missions look like Gurillia or hack and slay?"

"You will be paid, depending on your success, and you will have access to any treasure and filthy Midgar possessions you find along the way, provided you... retrieve them"
"You are all going to infiltrate Midgar and act on sabotage, which should tax all of your skills, that's why you're here"

2010-11-25, 03:21 PM
A man stands quietly within the group of warriors - although with his lightweight clothing and gaunt features, it would be a stretch to consider him as such. He watches the proceedings grimly, trying to ignore the sweltering heat that seems to sear across the entire arena.

"Will we have access to any facilities between missions? I have some ability with crafting medications, which might be of use in the future."

2010-11-25, 03:53 PM
"Will we have access to any facilities between missions? I have some ability with crafting medications, which might be of use in the future."

"We have safehouses dotted throughout Shinra territory, and some hidden checkpoints in Wutai as well, the facilities vary between them, but you should find all of them useful"

2010-11-25, 05:05 PM
"In that case call me in"

Ezrael is looking out for others who want to join him. He points at two persons who asked a question, too.

"Come with me and you will find out."

2010-11-29, 04:12 PM
"Good" The Officer replies. "Now before we brief you on the mission, there's something you mus-"

Suddenly, the shrill wail of a siren cuts into the night and you hear the distant sound of helicopter blades approaching your position.

"Damned Earslings!" The Officer draws his sword in one hand, and with the other unclips a Radio mike from his belt "Place the security under high alert. We've got damned Shinnies in the area!" Then, turning to you and the other recruits "Make yourself useful!"

As soon as this call is finished, a smoke bomb goes off in the arena, and the shapes of Shinra soldier charge out through the concealing smoke, followed by a smartly-dressed athletic man, sword in hand (Lionel).

The other recruits draw their weapons and prepare for the fray...

RdMarquis and Zefir, can you make dex rolls to determine initiatives. In Zefir's roll will determine entire Wutai PCs round. Both sides mooks will act last.

2010-11-29, 04:52 PM
"TO ARMS" Ezrael yells at the group. he draw his weapon and head to the front.

Hope this is right can't look it up now.

2010-12-01, 03:24 AM
Lionel strides confidently toward the group of assembled soldiers, his sword held in a reverse grip. As he straightens his arm, a pistol pops out of his sleeve and into his free hand. He addresses the soldiers gathered around him. "Let's end this quickly, before there are too many casualties." He was referring to both sides, but he wasn't about to tell his comrades that.


2010-12-01, 12:32 PM
Initiative Order

1. Zefir, RogerRandom, Daelrog (who has gotten free from his bonds), Doggie Arf. (doesn't matter what order)
2. Lionel
3. Nameless Wutai Mercenary Mooks
4. Nameless Shinra Mercenary Mooks

Current Grid:


Ez = Ezrael
YK = Yuri Kisaragi
TO = Teren Orenath
KS = Kostya Shiwasu
O = Wutai officer
M = Wutai Mercenary

L = Lionel
S = Shinra Soldier

I = Impassable obstacle

Combat has now BEGUN!

2010-12-01, 01:39 PM
Kostya used the opportunity to break free, having cut most of his way through with filing knife already. At least, now he wouldn't have to try to fight throught everyone as well. His dull mind finally took in the situation, that he was surrounded on both sides. Behind the Wutai forces lied their village, a place he was not welcome, and behind the Shinra forces was the vast unknown, a place he had not yet ruined his reputation.

He grabbed his spear laying to the side of where he had been tied up and walked forward, his spear spinning its red ribbon around to distract the Shinra mercenary mook right in front of him as he struck out towards the man's chest.

Hope I get this right. ACC is 8+2d6, Damage is 6+2d6

2010-12-01, 02:46 PM
Kostya's spear pierces the Shinra Soldier's flimsy body armour with ease, it hits its mark and slides through the soldier's heart, killing him instantly.

(table updated)

2010-12-01, 03:51 PM
Teren nods in response to the sergeant, satisfied. "That's good. I'll need the practice." After that, he tunes out, not really listening as the armored man and a few others ask more questions. At least he'd have a chance to continue his researc-

The smoke and alarms cut through Teren's reverie. Whirling around, he nearly crashes into the bandit, now freed from his bonds and charging headlong at the Shinra troops that have seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Biting off a curse, he whips out the short cudgel hanging from his belt, holding it in a guard position.

Action: Defend (Damage reduced by 50% until start of next turn).

HP: 19/19
MP: 15/15

2010-12-01, 07:59 PM
"Stop the Leader and the others lost organisation."

Ezrael storms infront of Lionel and tires to attack him with his sword.

Move to F6 ( I got a move of 4 Dex mof+2 as in the rules)
[roll0] +4 to hit If hit +9 as damage.

HP 26/26
Eva 8

The sword slashes but missed the Person obviously.

2010-12-04, 12:49 AM
Lionel easily dodges Ezrael's attack. "You'll have to do much better than that, kid." He steps to his opponent's side, firing his pistol at the mercenary behind him. The Turk follows the bullets with a sword swing of his own.

Move to E6.

Longsword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Pistol: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2010-12-04, 06:00 AM
Lionel's pistol shot just misses the mercenary, grazing the top of his head, but his follow up sword-strike does ring true. Slicing into the mercenary's side, but not felling him.

After the heroes land their first strikes, the mercenaries begin their assault.

The mercenary in front of Lionel swings his two daggers at him with a glint of bloodlust in his eyes.

Attack - 3d6b2+4
Damage -

The other mercenaries move to engage various Shinra soldiers.

The soldier at B7 takes a shot with his rifle at Kostya Shiwasu
Attack - [roll0]
Damage -

The soldier at F8 sends a bullet towards Ezrael
Attack - [roll1]
Damage - 13-8=5

The soldier at H7 fires at Teren Orenath
Attack - [roll2]
Damage - 8(halved from 16 due to defending)-2=6

The other soldiers, threatened by melee by the mercenaries, throw away their rifles and draw heavy metal truncheons from their belt.

2010-12-04, 07:56 AM
Redoing attack againt Lionel.
Attack - [roll0] + 4 = 15
Damage - 15-4=11

2010-12-05, 04:56 AM
The bullet slams past Teren's guard and into his side, staining his clothes with blood. Gritting his teeth, the healer ducks behind the post where the outlaw was formerly bound, away from the line of fire. He looks around, but none of the other mercenaries seem fazed by their wounds as they fight off their attackers.

Action: Move to C3 (Instant - as per Tactics movement rules) and Defend. (is this permitted?)

HP: 12/19 (-7 hp from previous round)
MP: 15/15
Eva: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

2010-12-05, 05:24 AM
Ezrael attacks again.

[roll0]+4 hit +9 dmg
13 hit 18 dmg

This time he swings his sword and cause a big wound over the turk.
"Call your troops back or you die."

2010-12-05, 12:11 PM
Kostya smiled wickedly as he turned to see the fight between the paladin and the ninja. He had heard many things about the Shinra Corperation, but knew little fo their heart. He wondered if it was a worm or a snake, that if he removed the head from it, would it still move?

He spear struck out, whistling through the air at Lionel's side, trying to expose a weakness in the ninja's position.

ACC: 8+2d6
Damage: 6+2d6

2010-12-06, 06:39 AM
Lionel clutched at his wound. Judging by the rapidly spreading red stain on his shirt, he would need medical attention and fast. If I ever get out of this one, my dry cleaner is going to read me the riot act, he joked to himself. Leaning on his weapon for support, Lionel staggered over to Ezrael. "Now, that's more like it. As for surrendering, I'd love to. But duty demands that I refuse your request." There is a sincere tinge of regret in his voice as speaks to the swordsman. Then he fell on one knee.

2010-12-07, 11:14 AM
A Shinra soldier throws a smoke bomb at the Wutai forces, and under the cover of the concealing smoke, runs to his leader's side.

"Sir! We need to retreat, the higher-ups are calling in an Air Strike"

The soldier carefully feeds Lionel a Phoenix Down and slings him across his back.

"Let's get out of here, it's gonna' be a pile of mud in less than a minute!"

2010-12-07, 06:23 PM
"T-thanks," Lionel managed to gasp. The Phoenix Down had not fully healed his wounds, but at least he wasn't at death's door, now. He allowed the soldier to help him stagger to safety.

2010-12-07, 06:50 PM
Air strike? Kostya ran off eastwards, away from what he hoped was both groups, his whistle piercing the air. Trundling from the woods a sunflower yellow chocobo burst inot the clearing, stopping before its owner. Kostya jumped on, and without a second thought to the safety of any other, began riding away as fast as he could.

2010-12-09, 02:01 PM
Because Ezrael stands near the attackers he hears that.


And with these words he ties to help fot the evacuation

2010-12-09, 04:38 PM
Peering out from behind the pillar, Teren blinks in surprise upon seeing the Shinra troops drag their leader away from battle. He then barely avoids being trampled as the outlaw dashes away on a gosh-darned chocobo.

Confused at this turn of events (and choking on the cloud of dust from Kostya's egress), the healer just stares for a moment as his fellow mercs run around like headless chickens. Then the words "air strike" and "one minute" register in his head.

Swearing profusely, Teren reaches into his belt pouch, digging out a thick bandage and some ointments. With practiced hands, he fashions a quick padding to stem the bleeding from his own wound, relieved that the bullet hadn't lodged within his innards like gut shots have a nasty tendency of doing.

Then he runs like hell.

(OOC: Following Ezrael and whatever mercs he can drag along. Will use Body and Soul to help treat their injuries........once we're out of the impact area and not likely to be turned into human minced meat, that is.

2010-12-13, 12:25 PM
The Shinra soldiers fire a few glancing shots, but none that connect. Then they withdraw.

The Wutai mercenaries however, uncertainly stand motionless, some believe that Shinra are lying, others are too scared too move. Others however, take the outlaws example, and turn tail and run.

Teren hears the cry of a fallen mercenary "H-e-elp, for g-gods sake h-elp!"

2010-12-13, 07:42 PM
"Run, dammit!" The stress of the situation appears to be bringing the worst out of Teren's language, as he rails at the remaining mercenaries who are still too shocked to move.

The plea for help reaches the healer's ears, and he slows his steps, one hand grasping a potion from his belt as he searches for the injured person.

Awareness: [roll0]

2010-12-13, 08:18 PM
Roll failed. Trying again.

Awareness: [roll0]

2010-12-14, 01:44 PM
"Run, dammit!" The stress of the situation appears to be bringing the worst out of Teren's language, as he rails at the remaining mercenaries who are still too shocked to move.

The plea for help reaches the healer's ears, and he slows his steps, one hand grasping a potion from his belt as he searches for the injured person.

You stumble across a figure lying on the hot sands of the arena, surrounded in a pool of his own blood, his situation seems desperate.

2010-12-16, 04:39 AM
"There's an wounded man, one of ours! I'll need some help here!"

Not looking to see if anyone has responded, Teren quickly sizes up the man's injuries. Bandaging all those bleeding wounds would take far too long, and the mercenary probably wouldn't be able to swallow any medication in his current state without choking to death on it first. That left one other option.

Stowing his mundane healing gear, the healer bends over the injured man, spreading his hands as he concentrates, trying to ignore the surrounding sound and fury as he channels his energies into the patient to re-knit flesh and bone........

Sorry, didn't see the second page! Posting now. :smallredface:

Action: Casting Cure I (8 MP - 7/15 MP left) on the injured mercenary.
HP Restored: [roll0]

2010-12-16, 03:30 PM
"T-thank you!" The wounded man staggers to his feet "You won't regret this, but now you have to run! Go!"

You hear the shrill squeal of the ever-approaching artillery bombardment. It appears that it is time to go.

2010-12-19, 08:23 AM
"Hey, wait, you're not fully treat-"

Teren stops mid-sentence, the whine of fast-approaching mortars reminding him that this is *definitely not* the best time to tell an injured patient to lie down and rest.

The healer lurches to his feet, wincing as the sudden movement sends a jolt of pain through his own wounds. There's no time left to check his bandaged side, so Teren has to settle for one hand clamped over the wound as he runs after the other mercenaries.

That, and a lot of cursing.

Sorry about the delay; I just feel really uncomfortable being the only one actively posting right now........

2010-12-19, 12:29 PM
"C'mon! Lets get out of here!" The mercenary officer runs towards the two people still remaining, Teren and Ezrael. "You two! Come with me! Let's get away while we still can!"

2010-12-19, 02:31 PM
"I follow you"

And so Ezrael does hopfully there is noone who need help.

2010-12-21, 02:28 PM
Lionel sat on a large chunk of debris, binding his wounds and listening as the sound of the approaching aircraft became almost deafeningly loud. He clenched his fists. In a matter of seconds, this part of the city would disappear in a massive burst of fire. The Turk wanted to look away, but he decided the least he could do for the people that would be hurt by the airstrike was watch the destruction that his employers had brought upon them. No, what he had brought upon them.

2010-12-21, 03:15 PM
"I follow you"

And so Ezrael does hopfully there is noone who need help.

"Then Come on! You too!" The officer gestures at Teren "We've got a safe house in the wilderness just outside the city. We can patch up your wounds there. Follow me!"

2010-12-21, 03:57 PM
"I'm not in need for any patch ups leave it to the hard wounded once. So let's go lead the way"

2010-12-21, 06:50 PM
"I'm running, I'm running........"

Teren follows after the mercenary officer.

2010-12-22, 04:04 PM
Lionel sat on a large chunk of debris, binding his wounds and listening as the sound of the approaching aircraft became almost deafeningly loud. He clenched his fists. In a matter of seconds, this part of the city would disappear in a massive burst of fire. The Turk wanted to look away, but he decided the least he could do for the people that would be hurt by the airstrike was watch the destruction that his employers had brought upon them. No, what he had brought upon them.

"Sir!" A lieutenant walks up behind Lionel. "The higher-ups aren't sending a transport for another week, so we need to find a place to treat our wounded. We're too easy to find in the city though, and using any of the hospitals here would be suicide. I've heard about a small village on the outskirts of the city who help anyone who comes to them, we should go there."

@Doggie_Arf and Zefir
As you leave you hear a deafening boom from behind you, and you turn to see the district engulfed in a fierce storm of flame and smoke.
"Let's go, there's no time to waste!" The officer calls at you to follow.

After an hour and a half or so, you reach the village. It is dank and dirty, children play in the streets but stop and stare as you hobble in. None of the other mercenaries seem to have made it here.
You see a tall elegant woman clad in muddied white walk up to you, it is clear she is the head of the village.
"So you're here" She smiles as she looks you over "We do our best to help anyone who comes here in need of help, and you'll be no exception. You should rest here for a few days while you regain your strength, then you can go back to doing whatever you mean to do."

2010-12-22, 05:44 PM
"Thank you mam. I haven#t seen any of us up to know I hope even a few made it."

ezrael will stand guard at the town entrace not for fighting just waiting for people who need help.

2010-12-22, 09:05 PM
Teren purses his lips as he notes their lack of numbers. He fervently hopes that no one was caught in the fiery explosion - it is a terrible way to die.

Putting thoughts of screaming burning troopers on fire out of his mind, he turns towards the village head.

"Is there any place where I can find bandages and clean water? It would help greatly in treating injuries."

2010-12-25, 12:42 AM
Taking a deep breath to gather himself, Lionel nodded at the soldier. "Then that's where we'll head next. Do you have have directions to this hospital?"

He addressed the rest of the group. "Everyone, arm yourselves and follow me. Bring only what is absolutely necessary. We'll have to move quietly. We can't afford a fight with wounded to look after."

Here's a roll for Stealth, if you need it.


2010-12-27, 05:20 PM
Yes sir! It's just about half a day from here. We can reach it before sunset if we hurry.

"Is there any place where I can find bandages and clean water? It would help greatly in treating injuries."

Yes. The woman smiles You can find what supplies you need at the infirmary, I'm sure they'll be happy to have your help.

2010-12-28, 07:44 AM
"That would work well towards aiding our party. You have my thanks."

Teren nods towards the village head, not wishing to further aggravate his wounds by bowing. He then turns towards the officer and Ezrael.

"I'm headed for the infirmary. If any more wounded arrive, please bring them in for treatment." Pausing a bit, he remembers to add a "With your permission, sir."

2010-12-28, 09:26 AM
Permission most certainly granted. I hope your skills are put to good use, and I sincerely hope there are more people to practise them on.

2010-12-29, 12:37 PM
"Thank you. Sir." Teren nods towards the two, before turning away.

The healer heads off towards the aforementioned infirmary. He'd have to restock on his supply of bandages and ointments, as well as properly clean and change the dressing on his side before any infection set in. Hopefully, he can also get some raw materials to concoct some field medications........

Body and Soul ability in use to restore party HP to full during the downtime. Currently, only Teren himself benefits from this medical rehabilitation.

2010-12-31, 03:31 PM
Yes sir! It's just about half a day from here. We can reach it before sunset if we hurry.

"Then let's get moving. Remember, we must be absolutely silent." Lionel draws his sword, taking the lead. "One more thing." He turns his head to address them. "There may be wounded members of the Wutai forces at the hospital, or people who are unfriendly toward us. But I'm going to say right now that anyone causing trouble when we are there will answer to me. We can't afford to fight, not right now." His eyes are cold and menacing as he speaks.

If you need one, I'm making another stealth check. [roll0]+4

2011-01-07, 06:12 PM
"Then let's get moving. Remember, we must be absolutely silent." Lionel draws his sword, taking the lead. "One more thing." He turns his head to address them. "There may be wounded members of the Wutai forces at the hospital, or people who are unfriendly toward us. But I'm going to say right now that anyone causing trouble when we are there will answer to me. We can't afford to fight, not right now." His eyes are cold and menacing as he speaks.

YES SIR! The sergeant rallies the troops with a yell Alright we're headin' off! And you heard what the captain said about causing trouble! Results... would not be pretty.

The exhausted troops begin to march through the wilderness. Soon, you reach the strike site, and the devestation is horrifying. Trees are stricken and bare and the ground is covered in an obscene mixture of sand and blood.
As you reach the far edge of the blast zone, you notice the charred body of a fallen Wutai mercenary, beside him a Golden Chocobo. From the way they were positioned, it seemed as if the mercenary was attempting to ride the Chocobo to safety when the shells hit :smallyuk:.

Finally, you reach the village. It is dank and dirty, children play in the streets but stop and stare as you hobble in {Sounding familiar? :smallwink: (Alright I'm lazy)}.
You see a young man with striking white hair and blue eyes, you recognise him as one of the mercenaries who attacked you during the battle.

2011-01-09, 05:41 AM
At the infirmary, Teren scrounges up some basic medical equipment, and it takes a few minutes of bandage work, hot water (and a great deal of wincing) to clean and re-dress his combat injuries. The wounds sting like the dickens, but they probably won't fester after receiving medical attention.

That done, the healer attempts to commandeer more supplies and a few empty pallets, in anticipation of the arrival of more injured mercenaries.

More roleplay/Body and Soul/other whatnot.

Negotiation (to grab more patient facilities): [roll0]

2011-01-09, 07:34 PM
Lionel handed his sword and pistol to one of the soldiers, then approached the man cautiously, hands raised in the universal sign for "Look, it's okay, I'm not armed."

"Hello, or should I say, Hello again. We did not come here looking for a fight. We have injured soldiers who need medical care and we heard that this hospital will provide medical care for anyone who needs it. Leave us in peace, and we will leave you in peace." Lionel lowered his arms, but made no move to retrieve his weapons. "Besides," he said casually, "would you really want to start a fight with all these wounded people and civilians around?"

2011-01-10, 02:39 AM
You see the dislike of Ezrael in his face but he hasn't drawn is weapon or made any tension to attack you.

"Go on with your groupe. This isn't my town and the rules here say they help everyone. Just remember if you do anything that will cause trouble or if you start a fight... a phonix dawn won't bring you back."

Cause he doesn't block the way he don't need to move. Ezrael will watch the Shinra's moving by and continues to wait.

2011-01-19, 04:37 PM
"Thank you." Lionel responds simply. He motions for the Shinra soldiers to follow him inside. He helps to move the most badly injured of his comrades.

"We've come seeking medical treatment for our injured. You have our word that we will not cause any trouble here." Lowenn tells the hospital staff.

2011-01-19, 04:42 PM
The hospital attendant nods meekly and scurries off. Soon, other nurses approach your group and scan the conditions of the wounded. The head nurse opens her mouth to speak. Your men aren't in too good condition I'm afraid, it will take a few days to get you back up to strength. You will just have to wait. she scans Lionel up too you should probably get some rest as well, a simple Phoenic Down will not cure all your problems.

2011-02-05, 12:57 PM
Teren breathes a little easier after cleaning and dressing his wounds. The bandages are restrictive, but at least they don't ache as much as before. It's cleaner than field dressings in any case - hot water and fresh dressings work wonders........

The healer looks up from his pallet as the door opens, letting in a new group of people in various states of injury. From the multiple wounds and walking wounded, it almost appears as if they'd escaped from some major battle.

Battles....hmmm....the leader looks very familiar, and so do some of those people - no, troops - with him........

2011-02-21, 09:59 AM
Ezrael wait enougth, it seems like al who are able to achive help are here. He now heads to the hospital searching for Teren.

"Hey, I didn't saw any other comming. How is the status?"