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2010-11-24, 09:08 PM
Chapter I: The First Night

A loud horn sounds, announcing others to do the same, signaling the coming of war. Men begin to grab for their weapons and armor as they rush to the gates. Archers man the battlements as citizens make their way to safe zones. The hordes of undead stretch out in front of you. This truly has become a nightmare as the relentless army has marched for days to get here. Deep within their ranks, a bright green glow emanates, casting an eerie eclipse over the town.

Pick where you are in the OOC and in fact comment on that here. You're either at the front, which is the gates or you might be one of the soldiers helping one of the other citizens to get to safe locations.

2010-11-24, 09:17 PM
Sitting on one of the city walls Alysia watches the oncoming army feeling the darkness that is fighting to fall upon the town. Guerilla warfare was her style in the past, but every time she had loathed running away from a battle. Tiny as she may be, there is no way an army of evil would drive her away. Not now, after all she had given for her ideals.

Quietly she mutters to herself "This town will not perish; these people will not be driven away..." After her pledge, she looks about to see any allies to defend the innocent with, hoping for help instead of fighting a losing battle alone...

2010-11-24, 09:31 PM
Atop the wall looking out over the fields of battle stands a satyr, but a tall one, and it seems almost to glow, a golden light emanating from it's body. "Gah, they move unrelentingly towards us, they're hordes unstopping, their numbers growing with each one of us they slay. BUT KNOW MEN THAT THE GODS ARE ON OUR SIDE! THROUGH HOLY LIGHT AND GODLY DIVINITY WE SHALL SHOW THESE UNDEAD THAT NO MAN WILL EVER GIVE UP FIGHTING! THAT WE ARE NOT A TOY! THAT WE SHALL PUSH THESE BEASTS BACK TO THE GRAVES FROM WHICH THEY ROSE! THEIR MASTER WILL WISH HE HAD NEVER RAISED A FINGER AT US!"

2010-11-24, 09:37 PM
Amid the hustle and bustle of civilians rushing to safety and conscripts rushing to battle, a voice rises above the din.

"Quickly now! This is not a drill. Move to your designated safe zones quickly, but orderly," Ansain calls with a clear voice.

Nearby a young mother stumble and collapse to the ground sobbing. Her child seems confused and begins crying as well. Quickly, Ansain moves to their side. Gently lifting the child in one arm, he uses the other to pull the young woman to her feet, wipes a tear from her eye, and smiles at her.

"Do not despair fair one. The morninglord is still with us to guide us through this long night, and you shall see that the coming dawn shall be more glorious than any we have seen before. Now, dry your tears and help your son here to your safe zone."

Gently placing the child in her arms, he helps her rejoin the flow of traffic and resumes his role of shepherd of this wayward and frightened flock.

2010-11-24, 10:10 PM
Daelic watches the undead quietly, his tail swishing behind him, his black and violet scales in stark contrast to the green light emanating from among the undead. Spreading his wings he glides down to the ground to aid in getting the civilians to safety. Activating his hat of disguise to look less reptilian he guides as many of the residents to the safe houses as possible.

2010-11-24, 10:42 PM
Dweomer Omen

Thankful that the illusion magic of his enchanted hat hides whatever visage that may invoke more fear in the good folk here than that of the undead, Dweomer choses to remain shapeshifted in Astral Deva form for the moment. His ten similacrums - 'stone Omens' as he is want to call them - watch atop the battlements as he ushers the town folk. They have been polymorphed into gargoyles and look the part. Each holds a lantern that shines with celestial brilliance - once the undead come within range, they will burn with the holy fire within.

The cleric wonders if the preparations were enough. "No time for that now," he says to no one but himself. "Mystra - if you still hear my call...it's a mystery if you do...give these people your strength."

2010-11-24, 11:06 PM
Elendil, looking as ordinary as possible, tempers his natural need to know more about the coming throng, and begins to assist the civilians get safely to their designated locations.

He then moves towards the battlements once all in his present area are secured.

[roll0] for his disguise check

2010-11-24, 11:35 PM

The winged half-nymph had been silently sending up prayers prior to hearing the horns. The second they sounded, however, her eyes quickly opened and she wasted no time in running out of the church and seeking out those who needed sanctuary the most. Knowing certain undead couldn't approach churches, she began helping those she could find towards the temple district of Baldur's Gate. "Come now... quickly yet safely let's all go...." She made sure to pay special heed to all the children as she knew their delicate bodies weren't used to having to run for their lives and if any were to fall, she would have no qualms with aiding them in getting up and using her wings she'd received from staying devoted to her religion and deity Torm for many years as a shield of sorts. As she guided the others towards the Temple District, her eyes gazed about to ensure that no evil creatures were falling behind her... at least not whilst she was guiding civilians around.

2010-11-24, 11:42 PM
"MY BROTHERS! WHO CALLS FOR THE SHINING LIGHT! BRING ME YOUR WEAPONS AND THEY SHALL SHINE AS THE SUN!" The satyr looks about and raises his arms as he speaks, showing devotion and attempting to keep the troops spirits up, "KNOW THAT WHILE I STAND I WILL NOT LET THE UNDEAD ENTER THESE GATES!"

2010-11-24, 11:57 PM
Those at the Gates:
The guards hurry to raise the bridges and drop the gates. You see the army in the distance. Two large siege towers are being pushed towards the walls. They are being powered from a group of undead pushing from behind. Farther back, you see more siege weaponry. Three large zombie giants march in the second row of the grouping.. The last two rows of forces are too far back to make out clearly.

Those Helping Out Civilians:
The civilians move quickly, carrying what they can of both possessions and family. They seem utterly terrified as some have fled from many towns over, hearing that this was a safe haven and knowing the horrors that lie just beyond the gate as they'd laid waste to their towns already. Still though, many try to keep their calm despite the circumstances.

2010-11-25, 12:16 AM
"Oh.." The Satyr sighs, "Anyone bring a ballista?" He then looks for a lose rock or something.

Spot check

2010-11-25, 12:25 AM
Elendil moves toward the walls, after getting as many people to safety as possible.

He looks to The Satyr, and nods. Grim is the field before us, friend. I am Elendil, wish we met under better circumstances. and he continues to stare out into the field of undead, and begins praying to Oghma for guidance for the coming battle.

2010-11-25, 12:31 AM
Daelic looks back to the gate, he had seen what was coming before diving down. He needed to bring help, and he'd heard priests would be best against this horde, at least, he hoped so, he was not very familiar with either form of magic, and divine even less so than arcane.

He heads for the church, following the crowd. Upon arriving, he sees a winged woman guiding people into the church. He takes flight, releasing the illusion so his wings would show, gliding over the crowd. "We need priests at the front," he says to the winged woman, "the undead are moving quickly and have brought siege weapons and war hulks, if we can delay them we can have more time to get people to safety."

2010-11-25, 12:34 AM
"Well Elendil, these circumstance are what brought us, without them I'd still be in Bahamuts court, but be that away. I am Cesar (Pronounced Che Sa Ray) and I am glad to fight with you!" He turns and offers his hand a goldeny platinumy glow emanating from it.

2010-11-25, 02:48 AM

Once the people are safe enough for his liking, Dweomer joins his stone Omens on the wall and his aged countenence grows as he shifts to his Balor form to survey the area with true sight. Thankful that his hat hides not only his true appearance, but the two writhing tentacles that jut from his body as well. A star-like shape follows him, casting a bluish glow upon the cleric.

He speaks to those around him, "I could bring a firestorm down on those siege engines or simply shatter them." Dweomer indicates the glowing mote. "It may be easier for me to fly closer and blast them with starfire, though."

2010-11-25, 10:41 AM
With extraordinary grace Alysia, a pixie of no little power, flies to join the contemplations of the other warriors. For courtesy reasons she lowers her natural invisibility a few feet before the group, waits a brief moment studying them all and then finally says "The army is approaching fast and I do not intend to let the city fall. To that end, I would want to join forces with you." She then pauses for yet another moment to take a deep breath, but then swiftly continues "My name is Alysia, by the way. As for the siege towers, they can be dealt with rather easily. One idea would be to use the destructive eye rays of the horrendous beholders, a form I can mimic with magic..."

2010-11-25, 02:04 PM
Cesar looks to the pixie, "I'm Cesar, and although you could use magic I feel we need to let them get closer. If we can knock them correctly we can funnel the undead into a small corridor, then if we move up a group of 10 could easily take on hundreds of them. The giants however might lend a problem. Who knows what else they have beyond our sight."

2010-11-25, 02:31 PM

Nothing short of pure terror was obvious on both these peoples' faces and in their hearts too. She could almost literally see both though Illyana couldn't blame them. She'd heard rumors before the horns had sounded that there would be hordes of undead. As she got spoken to, it sounded as if they were indeed true as she saw a figure now before her, nodding as she helped the last family she was escorting to the Temple District of Baldur's Gate. "Will do. Mind you, I'm a bit different than a typical priestess but one could say that is still what I am all the same." Without another word, she flew up towards the gates, seeing quite a few others already there as she looked downward upon the approaching forces and frowned. It looked anything but good. She looked amongst the others, "Do any of you have long range weaponry? If we can, it might be best to try to decrease the numbers while we can." All the same, she didn't want to be the only one shooting a bow, hence why she was asking.. Thankfully if she had to wait for more close combat, she could do so .... but sometimes it was better to get to undead from a distance rather than up close.

2010-11-25, 02:34 PM
"Aye Missy. I might have something I could use, but they might be a bit to far to use it... yet"

(How far are the undead from the gates?)

2010-11-25, 03:32 PM
Elendil shakes the offered hand and looks to the others joining them on the wall.

I unfortunately do not have the necessary abilities to stem this tide at a safe distance, so I must agree that Cesar''s idea is our best idea for the moment.

2010-11-25, 03:39 PM
75-80 feet for everyone's knowledge is how far the undead are from the front gate.

The skeletons continue to push the siege towers ever closer. It's sure they will be at the walls in a few moments. The giants have stopped back quite far away as they begin bending over, seeming to fidget with things unseen in the hordes.

By my map, the giants are approximately 350-400 feet away from the front gate. Anything behind them is hidden too well in the darkness.

2010-11-25, 03:47 PM
Cesar walks over a bit, pulling out his mace and raising it, "Bahamut, guide my holy light." He then lowers the mace, aiming it at the undead, "Oh holy light, smash thine enemies into dust!"

Holy Smite! Damage!

2010-11-25, 03:55 PM

Illyana sighed softly as she looked down. Something told her she was one of the few if not only people who had a bow. Definitely not looking good.... at this rate..... they'll get way too close.... Her blue eyes remained looking downward at the army, nodding after a bit. "Maybe if some of us go down and deal with the ground forces while others remain here and deal with those pushing the towers it might go a bit more smoothly than just focusing on one area. But it'd be bad to leave one area completely unprotected. I can stay up here as I have means to both melee and long range attacks. I suggest everyone figure out where they want to be and quickly."

2010-11-25, 03:56 PM
"Well Missy, I might be the one to lead a charge into an unknown and most unfriendly territory, might it be that your arrows could cover my assault?"

2010-11-25, 03:59 PM
As the horns continue to blow, Ansain grows nervous about the implications of the upcoming battle. Who will stand against the darkness if Baldur's Gate falls? Where else but here can a line be drawn?

Grabbing a passing soldier, Ansain calls to him, "Keep everyone moving. Help them to safety. I move for the walls."

Moving swiftly through the crowd, Ansain spots an eclectic group of people on the walls and moves to join them - giving a nod of recognition to them as he turns to the walls. Brushing a loose strand of hair out of his eyes, he takes in the sight before him.

[COLOR="DimGray"]"An interesting situation we have here," he says as he scans the undead. "They brought some nice large targets as well."

With a grin, he snaps his fingers and a beautifully engraved bow appears in his hand. In a single fluid motion, he nocks an arrow and takes aim at one of the zombie giants.

"Anyone care to join me? It would be a shame not to make use of such inviting targets, wouldn't it?"

2010-11-25, 04:10 PM

The sight of someone else with a bow made Illyana immediately begin to feel better as she gave the man a smile, nodding.. "Yes... however.... I think the giants might be a bit too far for now. However, if we work on the towers being ceased or at least temporarily halted, even that would help out with decreasing and halting their troops." She then looked back to the satyr, amazed at what he was suggesting.. If she didn't know better, she'd swear he was trying to die now.... however if he really wanted to, she wouldn't stop him. "Yes, as best as I can. Unless those towers stop soon enough, I may have to shift to my greatsword but until then, I'll keep using my arrows."

As she finished her sentence, she pulled her bow out, notching an arrow as she looked amongst the many undead targets. "Should we go after the group on the left or right first?" She asked, keeping her bow at the ready until she got a response back from the man who'd spoken to her.

@Worguron: If you missed it in Tsume's last spoiler, the giants are over 300 feet away. You could try to shoot if you really wanted to but you'd take a penalty to your shot.

2010-11-25, 04:12 PM
"I can try to halt and topple the towers, although I am a satyr, I am strong, anyone care to join me?"

2010-11-25, 05:30 PM
Daelic arrives after the winged maiden, himself far less capable a flyer with his wings, catching parts of the conversation "I can take both ranged and melee, I can set a grease to halt their progress for a time, or i could disintegrate the towers all together, although that would drain me more quickly." Switching to his native tongue he speaks swiftly to Cesar "I could also use one of my powers to combine your might with my own, Cesar, it may give us an edge. Or I could instead split into two entities and have one in range and one in melee."

2010-11-25, 06:04 PM
Cesar thinks for a moment then replies in Khraan, "Mayhap, if we fuse we can take down both towers, and possibly the giants. If we can weaken them enough to either turn tail and run or just to bottle neck them. We have to give these people time, and chance."

2010-11-25, 06:17 PM

Illyana definitely began to feel a bit better as the same person who'd found her had caught up and also said they had their own ranged attacks. While it wasn't exactly said that it was a bow, per say, it was still better than nothing.. She frowned a bit as he and the satyr began speaking in an unknown tongue. She had no qualms with them working together but did they have to choose a foreign tongue when they were all on the same side. "Translation if you don't mind...especially since we're all on the same side and may as well know what one another intends to do to avoid any unexpected surprises." She kept her arrow notched and ready as she waited to hear if either would even heed her words considering thus far no one had seemed to hear her previous idea and, she wouldn't deny, it was sorta annoying her a bit.She then shook her head as she realized she could understand them... once she began paying closer heed. That's right.... I forgot for a bit I have the ability to understand any language..... She sighed as she finally heard the two speak and after thinking on their plan shook her head, "I don't know about just you two doing something like that. Fusing would make you both one person, would it not? Answer me this.... how fast do you think you two will be able to learn the full capabilities of one new body? Quick enough before they arrive? If not, I wouldn't recommend it."

I forgot I always have Tongues on from the Saint template.... oops.... ^^; sorry....

2010-11-25, 06:24 PM
"If he explained it right in our travels it would be almost instant, but it's better saved, perhaps to use my dragon ring..." He twists a ring on his finger which looks like a dragons bone.

2010-11-25, 06:47 PM
"I could fly over them and use my psionics to take out large numbers at a time. But destroying the fodder with psionics would be a waste of resources. Saving it for the bigger opponents would be a better option. I can try to take down the towers with a few of my more powerful attacks."

2010-11-25, 06:49 PM
"If I use my ring, I could fly over them and purge the lot, and maybe knock over the towers." Cesar looks up at the sky, praying, Bahamut, if ye can hear me, send a sign of how to purge these undead from this here land. I ask ye to throw down thy holy flames and burn these beasts, then in your name we shall drive them back.

2010-11-25, 06:51 PM
Your strategizing is rudely interrupted as the night sky lights up faintly. Three large balls of flame are hurling at the town's direction. A man on the ground shouts, "Take cover!" as the three balls of fire fly into the city, one of them slamming into the gates below you all. Another flies for the Temple District as another heads for the Town Square. Soldiers rush to the still flaming boulder with buckets, dousing out the flames so that they cause no more harm. It is now clear that the giants were loading catapults. The towers have come to a halt some 10 feet away from the walls. A creaking sound can be heard from within them.

2010-11-25, 06:55 PM
"THE TIME TO THINK IS DONE! HOLD THE WALLS MEN! I think it's time to show them who the hell we are. Care to join me on the towers?" With that Cesar utters something and then sprouts his wings and flies onto the tower preparing to fight any undead he sees.

(Left tower)

Can I take a standard action to cast holy aura?

2010-11-25, 07:20 PM
Daelic looks at the towers then decides to take to offense, taking but a moment to focus his mind, "I'll take one of the towers," he says as he takes flight.

Using a move action to gain psionic focus

Concentration: [roll0] DC 20

Then move action to take to the air. Moving up 10ft and towards one of the towers.

2010-11-25, 08:36 PM
It was evident that the time for talking was nearing its end, Alysia understood action had to be taken as soon as possible. Whenever facing evil, she was not one for too into deliberations, but instead a woman of direct action.

"Excuse my manners, but the towers are drawing too near for my taste."

In a showcase of her arcane might a holy glow took over her eyes as she transformed into a flying monster seemingly made of little more than eyes. A green ray emerged from one of the eyes aimed at the closest tower causing devastating damage...

A free action to assume a Beholder form (Shapechange active) and a standard action to shoot the middle section of the closest tower assuming it is within 240 feet. Will roll for the Disintegrate (eye ray) damage assuming the tower is close enough.

2010-11-25, 10:42 PM
Watching the flaming balls cause their damage, Ansain's lips twist into a snarl revealing a set of incredibly sharp teeth.

"We're in their range, so they're in mine. I'll take care of the giants. You lot take care of the towers."

Sighting his bow at one of the giants, he rubs one finger across the V shaped etchings on the bow.

"Aim be true. Let this city stand through this battle."

Burning a small amount of arcane energy to help guide his shots, he begins loosing arrows at the giant. Each arrow splitting and transforming into a translucent beam of force.

Burning a 2nd level spell for Arcane Boost +2 to Attack Roll. Rapid Shot at one of the giants. If they're between 350 and 400 feet, that puts them in my third range increment, so that's a -4 to the attack rolls.


If a shot misses, all later shots in the round get a +4 as I readjust my aim (Woodland Archer). Damage for each shot against an undead is 1d8+2d6+16

2010-11-25, 11:41 PM
Elendil takes flight towards the towers, Activating his holy aura. I'll take the one on the right unless someone takes it from range.

At last, we get to show our talents fly fast young one, we chall guide your sword.

2010-11-25, 11:48 PM
((Yes you can cast the aura as a standard action))

As the ray slices through the towers midsection the wooden frame becomes dust, the weight of the tower collapses it in on itself. As the arrows fly off into the distance the giant fall into a heap of undead flesh and bone. The army seems to move more now, skeletons move forward to join the others as 5 black silhouettes cross through the sky coming towards you all. The remaining giants reload the catapults that they can (only two this time) as they fire again. Another hit impacts the gates as the other shot goes wild and lands just outside of the walls. Archers on the walls begin to fire volleys into the air to blanket the incoming ground troops having not the training you all have had to spot the flying terrors against the night sky. The last tower drops it's bridge as a group of skeletons clad in a blackened mail and wielding particularly evil looking hooked blades rush out and begin to move along the walls.

initial skeleton troops on the ground - those taken out in this round = 32
skeleton troops on the wall = 15
Giant Zombies remaining= 2
Nightwings = 5
any other troops have yet to move from the darkness.

2010-11-26, 12:20 AM
Daelic curses in his native tongue, one that, if translated, would make an orc sailor blush. "In the air!" he shouts to the troops, before diving down and spraying acidic bile over the hoard of armored skeletons, aiming to get as many injured as he possibly could.

Using my Acid Spray fleshcraft

DC 26 Reflex halves
[roll0] Acid Damage in a 20ft cone

2010-11-26, 02:44 AM

And so it begins.... She merely thought, sighing before looking to hear quite the cursing fit, shaking her head at the display. Now wasn't the time for that... nowhere near. As her eyes went back to the sky, she managed to notice a figure that caught her eyes. Seeing as the towers were being dealt with, she'd take care of what would be, lest anyone noticed, an ambush aerial assault. When she was sure enough of her aim, she let go and took fired.

Attack Rolls:

Critical Checks:

Damage Rolls:

2010-11-26, 03:36 AM
Ansain feels a grim pleasure as the zombie giant falls to his arrows. The pleasure quickly fades as he sees winged figures swoop into view.

*Nightwings. They'll tear apart the men on the walls, but those catapults will batter down the gates,* he thinks to himself as his eyes flick between the giants and the nightwings. *No, more will die if the gates fall.*

With that thought, he looses a volley of arrows at the giant loading the catapult that seems better aimed and calls out, "Archers! Look to the skies - Nightwings approach!"

Sorry for not rolling crit checks and damage rolls last post. This is the first pbp game I've been in that has actually survived all the way to combat. *Gasp* Another volley of rapid shot with Arcane Boost. 36/36/36/36/31/31/26/26/21/21

Attack:[roll0] Crit Check:[roll1] Damage:[roll2]+[roll3]+16
Attack:[roll4] Crit Check:[roll5] Damage:[roll6]+[roll7]+16
Attack:[roll8] Crit Check:[roll9] Damage:[roll10]+[roll11]+16
Attack:[roll12] Crit Check:[roll13] Damage:[roll14]+[roll15]+16
Attack:[roll16] Crit Check:[roll17] Damage:[roll18]+[roll19]+16
Attack:[roll20] Crit Check:[roll21] Damage:[roll22]+[roll23]+16
Attack:[roll24] Crit Check:[roll25] Damage:[roll26]+[roll27]+16
Attack:[roll28] Crit Check:[roll29] Damage:[roll30]+[roll31]+16
Attack:[roll32] Crit Check:[roll33] Damage:[roll34]+[roll35]+16
Attack:[roll36] Crit Check:[roll37] Damage:[roll38]+[roll39]+16

2010-11-26, 06:49 AM
A second Giant goes down as the flurry of magical projectiles skewer it's body. The archers on the battlements do indeed fire upward toward the the Nightwing, but few of their shots make any difference due to the toughness of it's own defenses. The creatures appear to circle like black vultures before diving for the wall. their black bodies against the night giving a shadowy presence and chill of death to the surrounding area. a third shot fires from the last remaining catapult this one however seems different. A huge sack explodes in the courtyard behind the gates littering the field with bones. The men on the ground are indeed curious as to why the undead would fire a bag of bones rather then a damaging boulder as last times. They get their answer quickly as a large head like that of a dragon rises form the boneyard and bites down on one of the soldiers. he scrams as you an only watch in horror as his body becomes limp, a white marrow leaking from him as his bones are dissolved and absorbed by the creature.

(The Night wings are still a good 10 ft away from any characters but their aura is not. All potions / oils / holy water must make a fort save using you modifiers, please roll in OOC, I just rolled Virgo's and she watched me do it. If you have things like 10x displacement potions you can do a group roll or roll for each one individually)

Troop count
Skeletons on the wall 8
Skeletons outside the gates 11
Nightwings 5
Boneyard 1
Zombie Giant

For anyone's wondering I am subtracting troops based on your attacks and ones from the soldiers.

2010-11-26, 07:49 AM
"Well this is going rather badly isn't it?"

If there is any skeletons or what not on the towers I'll go for those if not, I'll go for the giants and whatever might lay behind them, but first I'll cast daylight on the tower.

2010-11-26, 08:44 AM
"Hardly, we still have plenty of hope..."

Aiming her vicious eye ray to a new doomed target, this time a flying Nightwing. Hoping her aim remains true, she unleashes the sickly green ray once more.

After hitting her target, Alysia assumes her normal Pixie form again.

The range of the Disintegrate effect is 150ft, not 240ft, I misread it the last time.

Anyway, ranged touch attack against any Nightwing within 150ft: [roll0]. Fortitude save DC 31 to avoid the Disintegration, otherwise the damage will be [roll1]

2010-11-26, 09:34 AM
Elendil wheels around to intercept the nightwings telling the archers and mages on the walls keep me covered I will take care of these aerial menaces. as he moves the night sky becomes as the dawn.

I hope the light shall slow them young one but we must be ready with sword and fury.

Move action to intercept and standard action to stack another daylight spell to Cesar's, free action to draw swords.

2010-11-26, 10:58 AM
Daelic flies close to the nightwings and unleashes the webbing stored in his arms, hoping to entangle it enough for it to drop from the sky.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Entangled for [roll1] rounds

2010-11-26, 11:12 AM

Dweomer quickly turns to command his stone omens, "Alpha...flame strike that bone yard - get as many of the other undead - especially those nightwings in the blast as you can."
He will wait and watch to see the results, but will continue with all of the similacrums with similar commands before acting himself.


Alpha [roll0]; [roll1]
Beta [roll2]; [roll3]
Delta [roll4]; [roll5]
Gamma [roll6]; [roll7]
Epsilon [roll8]; [roll9]
Zeta [roll10]; [roll11]
Eta [roll12]; [roll13]
Theta [roll14]; [roll15]
Iota [roll16]; [roll17]
Kappa [roll18]; [roll19]

Reflex half; DC 24

2010-11-26, 03:54 PM
The light of day does indeed seem to cause the lesser undead to back away as the skeletons on both fronts move back. startled by the light of day. The effect on the Nightwings is lesser as the light does indeed cause them to flee away back to the skies. The beam of light shot from the beholder blasts the Nightwing but seems to have no effect. Pillar of flame wrack the courtyard as the skeletal nightmare that had only now arrived. It's unlife was cut short as the blasts ripped through it leaving a now inert pile of debris where the Boneyard had been. The remaining Giant seems to have run out of ammo as it now slowly moves towards the wall. The webbing wraps around the shade as it drops from the sky landing inside the wall.

Fall damage and explanation on the spell thing

Nightshade monsters eat magic (literally) and as such are immune to spells/spell-like abilities up to a certain level.

2010-11-26, 04:47 PM

Switching his holy star from spell turning to blasting, Dweomer sends a bolt at the giant when it gets within 90'.


He then flies to an area on the wall where the most nightshades will be within a 60 feet cone from his position (and only baddies and good aligned are in the cone), shifts his shape (but the old man only seems to grow smaller due to the magic of the hat), and roars. The cone is directed at the nightshades.

Supernatural roar of Leonal - not a spell.

Those nongood creatures 22 HD or less are destroyed. If outsiders, they are sent back to native plane unless make a DC 38 Will save (at -4).

2010-11-26, 06:45 PM
With an appropriate Knowledge check, we ought to know what kind of Nightshades we're dealing with, right? The magic absorption threw me off, since I can't recall that and don't want to check the exact monster entry to find the precise weaknesses...

Also, if it matters, the Disintegrate was a Supernatural ability as well.

2010-11-26, 06:47 PM

Illyana shook her head upon hearing the satyr's pessimistic view. "Actually...this is going better than I thought when I saw all the troops we were to be against. Do not lose hope." Lest you want to die now... She mentally added, taking aim as she saw now only one Nightwing in the air. She pulled back as she notched her arrow, then let go when she believed she would hit the creature well enough.

Attack Rolls:

Critical Checks:

Damage Rolls:

2010-11-26, 08:56 PM
"The light will hold," Ansain whispers to himself as he surveys the battle before him.

Two giants down, one nightwing on the ground and the rest pushed back, a tower down, the draconic monstrosity in the courtyard incinerated... things were looking up for the defenders.

"Push them back!" he cries as he adjusts his aim to the flying undead beasts. "Show them our spirit endures!"

With that, he lets another volley of arrows fly, splitting them between two of the Nightwings and empowering them with arcane might to hit harder.

Spot check to find the nightwings (if needed) - [roll0]

Arcane Boosting a second level spell for +4 damage.

First Nightwing attacks:
Attack: [roll1] Crit Check: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]+[roll4]
Attack: [roll5] Crit Check: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]+[roll8]
Attack: [roll9] Crit Check: [roll10] Damage: [roll11]+[roll12]
Attack: [roll13] Crit Check: [roll14] Damage: [roll15]+[roll16]
Attack: [roll17] Crit Check: [roll18] Damage: [roll19]+[roll20]
Attack: [roll21] Crit Check: [roll22] Damage: [roll23]+[roll24]

Second Nightwing attacks:
Attack: [roll25] Crit Check: [roll26] Damage: [roll27]+[roll28]
Attack: [roll29] Crit Check: [roll30] Damage: [roll31]+[roll32]
Attack: [roll33] Crit Check: [roll34] Damage: [roll35]+[roll36]
Attack: [roll37] Crit Check: [roll38] Damage: [roll39]+[roll40]

2010-11-27, 02:42 AM
((Alright so heres the new outlook of the battlefield.))
Nightwing 1 (the one webbed all others were destroyed(2)/shot down(2)
6 skeletons on the wall
0 before the gates
1 Giant moving closer to the gates

Far in the distance (900 ft aprox.) you see the glowing beacon that is the totem casting the darkened eclipse over the battlefield. The remainder of the troops are most likely guarding it.

2010-11-27, 03:59 AM

The pariah of Mystra keeps his attention focused on the walls for the moment and commands his gargoyle selves to attack the skeletons there. "Omens, bring your lanterns to bear and use your clubs on those skeletons!" The stone omens move by flight or foot to attack the skeletons.

Alpha [roll0]; [roll1]; [roll2]

Beta [roll3]; [roll4]; [roll5]

Delta [roll6]; [roll7]; [roll8]

Gamma [roll9]; [roll10]; [roll11]

Epsilon [roll12]; [roll13]; [roll14]

Zeta [roll15]; [roll16]; [roll17]

Eta [roll18]; [roll19]; [roll20]

Theta[roll21]; [roll22]; [roll23]

Iota [roll24]; [roll25]; [roll26]

Kappa [roll27]; [roll28]; [roll29]

With the giant still up, Dweomer waits until it gets to 60' and roars. He then shifts back to his larger size (Balor form again) and blasts the giant again if it remains. [roll30]; [roll31]

Supernatural roar of Leonal - not a spell.

Those nongood creatures 22 HD or less are destroyed. If outsiders, they are sent back to native plane unless make a DC 38 Will save (at -4).

Not sure how far giant is (when comes to 90' it should be hit for 41 fire damage) from holy star. If that happened already, let me know.

2010-11-27, 08:32 PM
The until now silent and unmoving Link, standing upon the battlements, kicks his bow up into hand, and quickly fires a full barrage of Iced arrows from his bow, targeting the Giant advancing on the gates, intending to slow the giant's advancement. He wasn't (yet) in range of the skeletons on the wall, and was, for the most part, free. This left him with the interesting ability to just unload as many arrows as he could into his target.

Arrow 1:
A1 Damage: [roll1] Piercing + [roll2] Cold.

Arrow 1:
A1 Damage: [roll4] Piercing + [roll5] Cold.

Arrow 1:
A1 Damage: [roll7] Piercing + [roll8] Cold.

Arrow 1:
A1 Damage: [roll10] Piercing + [roll11] Cold.

As long as a single arrow hits, the giant's speed is reduced by 10ft. I didn't include any sort of range penalty because my range increments are some (impressive) 220 ft.

2010-11-27, 08:52 PM

Illyana smiled at the sight. So far so good.... She took one quick glance around and noted the last major thing still alive was the webbed Nightwing. She nodded to herself, putting her bow across her back before jumping off, using her wings to help her fly down gracefully. As she landed in front of the Nightwing, she pulled her silver greatsword out, sending up a silent prayer as she looked down at her new target, Torm... watch over me so I may come out of this alive.... She wouldn't mind a couple wounds if it would ensure that this town was to be rid of all these undead... but for now she didn't quite want death unlike the satyr who seemed to have joined for that sole purpose. Shoving those thoughts aside, she swung down at the webbed Nightwing.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-11-27, 09:21 PM
The last giant and Nightwing disappear. Whatever skeletons remained also fall. An eerie silence creeps over the battlefield. After a minute, the men cheer, proud to have held the front line with you though their celebration is cut short as you hear the sound of a mighty flapping coming this way.

2010-11-27, 09:50 PM
Daelic had landed before he heard the wings, causing him to look up for the source. He'd already used up his acidic breath weapon and webbing, and the stingers in his hair were not built to combat the undead. Looked like he'd need to use his psionics.

2010-11-27, 10:15 PM
Link calmly swaps the ice crystal on his bow out for the acid one he pulls from his belt pouch. While Ice would have been best for a flying foe, acid is best for destroying totems. At least, when Sonic spells aren't available. This leads to his current mental state: If he can take out that totem, some 300 yards away, he will end the accursed darkness and the stronger undead will be eliminated. He does, however, look for the source of the flapping wings.

2x Move action to swap crystal.
Spot: [roll0]

2010-11-27, 10:40 PM
I was out last night and my internet was being gay. My bad :D
Cesar now being very near to the totem, and very far from his allies sighs and surveys the area.
"Hmm, well this totem is... in my way."

He then draws Gods Fist, intending to use it for it's purpose.

2010-11-27, 11:22 PM

The wisened cleric scans the area and the skies with his true seeing and his eyes glow blue as his arcane sight also surveys the area. (He also has blindsight and blindsense at 30')

Dweomer stands near any wounded and they feel the aura of power emanating from the large man (living w/in 10' heal 5 hp/round; undead take 10 hp damage a round)


2010-11-28, 12:46 AM

Illyana let out a sigh of relief, a content smile showing on her face as it all seemed to have stopped. Upon hearing the sound of flapping, her blue eyes looked up, an annoyed expression on her face. Seriously?! They just don't know when to quit, do they? She thought, inwardly sighing as she looked for the exact source of the flapping and what it belonged to.

Spot Check:

2010-11-28, 02:13 AM
((For a update on everyone in the battle. King of laughter's character is at the 800 ft mark away from the party and can't be seen to well (even though he is shiny) meanwhile you all are still in town/on the walls.))

All in the city
As you turn skyward you see 3 bony creatures flying un-settlingly low towards the city, their eyes shine in the dark like almost burnt out coals as they roar landing just outside the town as if challenging you all to meet them

Before you on it's haunches sit a huge Dragon, or at least what used to be. Pieces of flesh hang from it's bones as decayed muscles and sinew show through it's otherwise non existent skin. Behind stands the totem guarded by a very alive and angry looking Ogre, "You may think you have hope but you have none, I shall crush this city into the ground if I have to use my own hands to do it!!!" He brandishes his large greatclub as he issues a battle cry that sounds in tune with the dragons roar.

2010-11-28, 02:34 AM
"Be your plans as they may, you have to get past me, and that in itself, is difficult. Possible yes, but difficult."

With that he swings his mace in a flurry, at the dragon.

AttacksAttack 1 (Smite)
Attack 2
Attack 3
Attack 4

CritsCrit 1
Crit 2
Crit 3
Crit 4

Damage 1
Damage 2
Damage 3
Damage 4

Holy Radiance Damage

2010-11-28, 02:36 AM
Damage re roll

Damage 1
Damage 2
Damage 3
Damage 4

2010-11-28, 02:46 AM
((Since we're both on I'm going to see about doing Kings fight right now to see how it goes, mind you this is all happening while you guys take your turns so I'm not skipping you guys just simultaneously moving through another battle)))

The dragon roars as it fire a gout of flame at you while the Ogre begins to move from the totem beginning to move into a flanking position.

Fire Breath

2010-11-28, 02:50 AM
Reflex Save :D


2010-11-28, 02:52 AM
((his save succeded, he's suppose to roll +21 not 12, typo so it's 31 not 22))

The dragon rears back surprised at you agility.

2010-11-28, 03:00 AM
(In draconic) "Bahamut doesn't like you, and now I don't, you singed me..."

Then in another blink the mace swings at the dragons bones.


[roll0] (Smite Again)



Holy Radiance Damage

2010-11-28, 03:04 AM
After seeing the shadows overhead, Daelic launches into the sky and flies towards the battleground, as he flies he calls ectoplasm from the astral plane to form a giant construct of solid, translucent, ectoplasm. He lands on it's shoulder and commands it to move forward at full speed (Run with 60ft Base Land Speed = 240ft).

Manifesting a 9th level astral construct with the following abilities
-Celerity (+10ft Base land speed)
-Improved Slam Attack (Improved Natural Attack)
-Extra Attack (2 slam attacks)
-Muscle (+4 Str)
-Heavy Deflection (+4 Deflection Bonus to AC)

2010-11-28, 03:12 AM
The creature roars loud as it seems to be nearing it's death... well... death again. It decides to do this the old fashioned way by slashing with it's natural weapons



If any of these attacks hit, make a Fort save.

The Ogre seeing the condition of his "pet" roars in anger as his muscles seem ripple and expanded.

2010-11-28, 03:17 AM
Cesar nimbly dodges the first claw and the second bounces off his shield. As the dragon goes to bite he side steps it and almost dances his way out of harm.
"Tsk tsk little dragon"

He then swings the morning star at the dragon.





2010-11-28, 03:19 AM
The dragon falls into a heap as it's soul retreats in a line of light shooting off into the distance.

((take your cleave attack against the Ogre))

2010-11-28, 03:23 AM
Cesar smiles and seems to roll and spin at the ogre, his mace swinging.

[roll0] (Smite)

2010-11-28, 03:32 AM
The Ogre roars as it swings with it's club



As his attacks slam into you you can feel your lifeforce leaving you and being drawn into his weapon.

2010-11-28, 03:49 AM
Cesar takes the club swings in the body, the second barely being deflected by his shield.
"Hey now! Maybe we can just work this out without beating the crap out of each other? We're both honorable men. Let's work this out."

(Using Charm Monster)

2010-11-28, 03:51 AM
Prays to dice gods
[roll0] well.. drat.

The Ogre foams at the mouth but suddenly stops attacking as he blankly stares at you.

2010-11-28, 03:56 AM
"See? Now how about I give you a few platinum and you go back the way you came?"

Cesar slowly pulls out 6 platinum pieces and holds them out for the ogre.
"I'm Cesar, who are you?"

2010-11-28, 04:02 AM
the ogre growls. "I am Corgak"He looks down at the platinum before taking it and grabbing at hi arm twisting a small ring on his finger and disappearing.

2010-11-28, 04:13 AM
Cesar turns and sighs, looking at the deceased red dragon, skeleton. He then rips the skull off and heals himself. He then moves toward the totem.

(Lay on hands)
for 112HP/260 Total Healing
132 Left

2010-11-28, 10:30 AM
Alysia could not help it, she would have to follow the Cesar's brave battle from an ever shortening distance. To her great relief, in the end Cesar stood standing while the dragon had been slain and the ogre leader had disappeared. After the confrontation even the last bits of doubt regarding Cesar's prowess had vanished from the mind of the lithe fey...

The powerful wings of her massive white dragon form swiftly moved Alysia to Cesar, but to make sure she would not be the next one to feel the wrath of the holy crusader, she returned to her normal form lowering herself enough to talk to him properly. "Quite a show you put up, sir. I apologise for being late, but the city walls were teeming with all kinds of undead scum. What exactly happened to the ogre?"

2010-11-28, 11:48 AM
As the three flying monstrosities land outside the city, Ansain shakes his head.

"Have we not slaughtered enough of you tonight?"

Nocking an arrow to his bow, he mutters a few arcane words and the arrow begins to crackle with power as small bulges begin appearing up and down its length. Sighting his bow, he fires the arrow at the ground near the monstrosities. The arrow sinks approximately halfway into the ground and then explodes into a swarm of ravening black beetles.

The beetles swarm over the nearby winged skeletons, devouring some bone as they go. Then, as quickly as they appeared, they coalesce into a small ball of darkness and fly to Ansain's chest.

Arrow imbued with Doom Beetles aimed so the 60 foot cone will hit as many of the winged skeletons as possible.

Attack to hit the square - [roll0]
Damage (Will 20 Half) - [roll1]
Spell Resistance (doesn't apply to damage, but if I beat spell resistance, I get 1d4 temporary hp per creature it beats... woo.) - [roll2]

Edit - So NOW I get two 20's.

2010-11-28, 12:43 PM

Illyana took a deep breath before switching her back to her bow. Her eyes gazed up at the new creatures in the air and she felt her eyes close for but a few seconds. By the gods... let this be the last of these foul creatures... As her eyes opened, she chose one of the flying creatures, notched an arrow then fired upward at it.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-11-28, 01:40 PM
"Well I talked him down. I'd rather not have been smashed to bits..."

2010-11-28, 04:01 PM

The cleric looks at the undead with his true seeing and considers what manner of abominations these undead may be.


2010-11-28, 05:42 PM
knowledge check
Dracolich, though not by choice, most likely as these dragons seem to young to have made the choice for the transformation.

The three winged skeletons, roar in protest as they are desperately trying to escape the beetles as they are pelted by the arrows. They now flap their wings and start to try taking to the sky again as you see them almost acting a small bit different then they had a moment ago.

((this is just in reaction to everything so far so they have not taken off yet but seem as if they are readying to try. so since this is not an action per say it's still the current combat round.))

2010-11-28, 05:47 PM
Cesar walks toward the totem, readying his morningstar to smash it.

Is it breakable? OR do I have to drag the thing back in one piece?

2010-11-28, 05:59 PM
Daelic directs his construct to move back to the town, seeing that Cesar had taken care of the ogre. He aims it instead to take out the dracoliches. He was too far to have the construct attack, but he could get it to move and ready it to grab one should it attempt to fly off.

2010-11-28, 06:24 PM


Dweomer flies so he is able to get all of the dracoliches in his cone 60' away. Once again, the cleric shrinks as he shifts and familiar roar. If any remain, a flaming blast hits one and Dweomer will direct the stone omens using his telepathic link to use their slings on them.

Supernatural roar of Leonal - not a spell.

Those nongood creatures 26 HD (Shapeshift was cast as a 36 level, so I am pretty sure that is the correct level, now) or less are destroyed. If outsiders, they are sent back to native plane unless make a DC 38 Will save (at -4).

holy star - [roll0]; [roll1]; [roll2]

Alpha [roll3]; [roll4]
Beta [roll5]; [roll6]
Delta [roll7]; [roll8]
Gamma [roll9]; [roll10]
Epsilon [roll11]; [roll12]
Zeta [roll13]; [roll14]
Eta [roll15]; [roll16]
Theta [roll17]; [roll18]
Iota [roll19]; [roll20]
Kappa [roll21]; [roll22]

2010-11-28, 06:41 PM
"Cesar, was it? If you intend to destroy the totem, I would be delighted to offer you a helping hand. I might be able to take it down faster."

KingofLaughter: I can disintegrate it or just turn it to glass or something, might make the deed easier.

2010-11-28, 06:53 PM
"I think we should smash it in half, then drag it back to be studied."

I intend to study it... somehow

2010-11-28, 07:11 PM
"Your prudence is well-founded, knight, but I could still reduce its size temporarily. What I do I can also undo when the time is right. Does this sound acceptable?"

2010-11-28, 07:18 PM
"It does, I'll leave you to it and then I'll carry it back." Cesar puts his mace on his belt and steps aside, allowing a clear shot at the totem.

2010-11-28, 07:47 PM
"That I shall do. Let us hope for the best." Closing her eyes, Alysia reaches forward towards the totem as her hands begins a to glow a silvery light caused by the arcane energies surging from the depths of her soul. As she gently touches the surface of the totem it almost instantaneously shrinks and transforms into a wooden holy symbol of Bahamut.

"Do not find that offensive, Cesar, this way it is also easier to hide on your person if need be.

Using Polymorph Any Object on the totem. Fortitude save, in case it receives one, 36 negates.

2010-11-28, 07:54 PM
"I don't missy, it is said that anything both good and evil can serve as a beacon, although your thinking for the reason is genius." Cesar grabs the new holy symbol and pockets it. "Shall we return then?"

2010-11-28, 08:01 PM
"Certainly, we should meet with the others." With those words Alysia departs to fly back to the city walls.

2010-11-28, 08:03 PM
Cesar runs along the ground following Alysia, shooting into the air only when he nears the gate.

2010-11-28, 09:13 PM
((It will take you both quite a few turns to get back to the town gates so for now you will be moving until you get closer))

The three large skeletal structures collapse as three beams of light fly off into the distance. The dragons fall (having miserably failed their saves) Now all truly is quiet.

within minutes of the dracoliches destruction the totem vanishes along with the eclipse casting the dawn upon the town. A cheer goes up as your two companions return form their long flight out on the battlefield.

2010-11-28, 09:24 PM
"That ogre will be a problem when he returns..." Cesar stretches and pats his side, "He hit hard, but he's gone now, and the totem is no longer a problem."

2010-11-28, 09:47 PM
"Ogres are not known for their mental prowess, so I doubt he was their true leader. It is imperative that we find out those responsible for this assault and bring them to justice."

2010-11-28, 09:49 PM
"I have to agree with that. But I think we should take this night to rest, tomorrow to help the city and leave in two days time."

2010-11-28, 09:54 PM
"Hopefully their trail will not disappear. Preventing further assaults on the city might be wiser than to stay here. However, we are lacking leads, which makes our task harder. Perhaps the totem will gives us more information."

2010-11-28, 09:55 PM
Cesar pulls out a holy symbol, "Mind changing it back?" He places the symbol on the ground, then steps away.

2010-11-28, 10:03 PM
"Will do, the least I can do after you acquired it for us." A small flick from Alysia's wrist changes the totem back to its true form in a blink of an eye.

2010-11-28, 10:17 PM
"The dragon singed me but that damn ogre would have flattened me... divine intervention saved me." Cesar rolls his right arm, "How'd the fight here go?" Cesar looks down at the totem, inspecting it for any small marks and such.

(Search check.)
Take 20 for 24
Plus detect evil :D

2010-11-28, 10:44 PM

"Well done - all of you," the aged man says to the party. He stops and looks towards his similacrums for a moment; they nod and then go about tending to the wounded. "I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, I am Dweomer Omen. Those gargoyles are my faithful...servents. I agree with your desire to find the source and end it. From what you have said, we need to locate this ogre. Did he have a name? (assuming an answer and description of what happened is given) Would you mind if I looked at your weapon, good knight?"

ooc: cast greater scrying -

knowing name, using blood from mace, etc. DC 37 Will Save at -5 for the ogre. It will last for 32 hours.

2010-11-28, 11:10 PM
Daelic directs the astral construct to make a roar before dispersing, letting any lich or vampire watching know this town wouldn't go down so easily. he then glides from the dispersed construct's shoulder onto the wall, "I'm Daelic Umshara, and it looks like we're going to be allies."

2010-11-29, 12:24 AM

Soon the last of the undead were finally gone and nothing short of a sigh of relief had left Illyana's lips. And thus Baldur's Gate still stands.... As she heard a familiar voice speak, she turned to find the same man who had found her earlier. Giving him a smile, she bowed her head. "I suppose no one really got to do a proper introduction, huh? I'm Illyana and yes, it would seem that way indeed." Putting her bow back behind her back, she took a sigh of relief knowing that for now, everyone was safe. "One thing I think we should try to figure out is the origins of these undead... it usually takes time to summon so many, especially the higher ranked and more dangerous ones like Nightwings. No one person could have easily done this on their own... that much is for certain."

2010-11-29, 12:48 AM
Daelic looks at the winged woman, "a pleasure to meet you. And i wouldn't know, i've never really seen much magic and it's a mystery to me."

2010-11-29, 12:48 AM
Ansain eyes the totem warily.

"Are you certain that bringing that closer to the walls is the best of ideas?" he asks before turning to those that have introduced themselves. "Dweomer, Daelic, Illyana - I am Ansain Silverbow. Seeing your valor in defending this city, I would be honored to lend my bow to your aid, but come let us make sure that any damage in the city is seen to. We can speak of plans to end this once the immediate safety of the city is assured."

Ansain turns to move towards the city to aid in any damage control needed.

2010-11-29, 12:53 AM
Cesar stands, "I already know Daelic, and Alysia, but to the rest you are new. I am Cesar Alianna, loyal follower of Bahamut." Cesar bows to the group, "It will be a pleasure and honor to serve with you."

2010-11-29, 01:36 AM

Illyana looked over at the totem, her own eyebrow raising. "I must agree with Ansain... I'm not so sure myself if bringing a source like that which had been used by so many undead is a good idea... especially so close to Baldur's Gate. That should probably be left alone or.... maybe examined to figure out properties and see if it can be sent away but I do know it's probably not the best thing to put near the gates."

2010-11-29, 07:30 AM
As the totem reappears in it's original form you do indeed see runes along it's smooth surface. Suddenly it begins again. a eerie green glow emanates form the stone as the sky begins to darken again, the eclipse seems to begin restarting.

The runes on the totem seem to be written in a strange form of infernal with some hints of another language mixing with it.

2010-11-29, 07:58 AM
"If it will make everyone feel better could you change it back?"

2010-11-29, 09:10 AM

Illyana shook her head no. "I won't feel well unless that is either destroyed, banished, or at the very minimum away from the gates. Honestly.... why did you even bring that here? What good will it do any of us? It was about to cause us more harm than anything so why would you even touch such a thing?" She slowly shook her head, still trying to mentally figure out what he was thinking... or, as it seemed, not thinking as she waited to hear if he really wanted it still or not. If so, she'd rid of it herself; with or without his consent.

2010-11-29, 01:26 PM
"New faces, always a pleasure. I am Alysia, Lady of the Evergreen. The totem was brought here for us to study, seeing how it is pretty much sole lead we have to find the perpetrators of the assault. When it has been properly investigated, nothing prevents us from reducing it to dust."

The pixie stands in front of the totem as she speaks and suddenly turns into a creature of pure air standing eight feet tall and glances at the totem intensely before returning to her normal form.

Shapechange into an Air Elemental weird, then use Legend lore and Analyze dweomer on the object.

2010-11-29, 01:54 PM
Add Vision to that list. CL check: [roll0]

2010-11-29, 03:13 PM
"I must be off Bahamut demands prayer, and words of the battle."

So guys I hate to tell you (Not) but we have to spend atleast 40days in town so I can make my platinum armor (Assuming I could get scales off the red dragon I killed)
"Feel free to dispose of the thing or shift it and give it to me, it is my duty to guard such things. I'll be on the docks"

2010-11-29, 05:02 PM
Does waiting 40 days make sense in character for the rest of the players though? Or even Cesar? I mean, waiting that long makes it infinitely harder to track down the ones, who caused the assault in the first place.

2010-11-29, 06:02 PM
40 days of....
Yeah... I think you may have to do that on some sort of lay away plan or something. Maybe if everyone else had things to do for that long of a time skip I could see how it would work.

Checks and spells
Analyze Dweomer: The spells that exist on this structure are ancient and lost to today's magical practitioners. It may be possible to find the exact spell but it would require a being much older then yourself to tell you any details.

Legend Lore: Deep in darkness was it found, hidden below the underground. Though light is life in Darkness shone. Deeper Darkness blots all that it has sown. Drinking of the light the world grows black, destroying the source will bring it all back.

Vision: The vision tells you that the ore of the totem itself is the eclipsing property, the runes merely empower the spell and keep power flowing into the totem to keep it activated.

2010-11-29, 06:33 PM
With great grace the pixie dressed in pristine white robes with golden linings flies around the totem after her brief transformation before stopping in front of the group of adventurers and after a quiet cough she starts explaining what she now knows of the item she helped confiscate.

"This object is... interesting, even outright puzzling. The magical energies it packs are ancient, far older than anything I have ever seen. Its origins are still a mystery to me, but mortals found it deep underground, where it emitted its darkness, a property that seems to be a natural part of its structure with the effect merely being enhanced by the obviously magical runes inscribed to it. To be honest, its very presence is unnerving to me, there is something fundamentally otherworldly in it."

Any chance of reading those runes with the Tongues spell on?

2010-11-29, 07:02 PM
truthfully I've been back and forth on that. On a technicality tongues lets you understand any spoken language, but I didn't see written language in the description. On that note I think tongues should indicate you understand languages so I shall translate.

The runes make a Prayer
We behold the three primes. Though lost from this world we your servants shall endure against those whom would ruin your name. Death, Destruction, and Lies. Let not any stand in our way, be they man god nor devil. We shall reclaim our lords great throne upon the bones of this world.

2010-11-29, 07:21 PM

While Illyana was glad to hear an apology from at least one of the two, she still didn't like this being here at all. Her eyes finally rested upon the totem and she began to read the runes, keeping the translation to herself for now in case something bad were to happen should she read the words aloud. She let out another sigh as she finished reading, looking at the pixie as she crossed her arms across her chest. "Assuming you were able to read it, you'll understand exactly all more the reason I don't like this. Please..... rid of it back to where it was or even further away... but I do not believe this should be near us or Baldur's Gate."

2010-11-29, 07:26 PM
The 40days aren't needed for the class, just the armor. I am however still going to the docks for a few in game hours

2010-11-29, 07:29 PM
"Ahem, I will try to translate it. Languages are not my true forte, but bear with me..."

A moment goes by while Alysia concentrates on the totem and is clearly trying to find the words in Common to speak it to her new companions.

"Guessing it is a prayer, an ancient one at that. This is what it says: 'We behold the three primes. Though lost from this world we your servants shall endure against those whom would ruin your name. Death, Destruction, and Lies. Let not any stand in our way, be they man god nor devil. We shall reclaim our lords great throne upon the bones of this world.'"

2010-11-29, 07:30 PM
Daelic nods at the winged woman's suggestion, "Agreed, allow me to get rid of it," he says holding out a hand and firing a ray of green energy that dissolves the tower.

Using psionic disintegrate for 11PP

2010-11-29, 10:54 PM

Any hits on the Greater Scrying?

2010-11-30, 02:01 AM
Sorry, missed this earlier. Anyways, you do see an ogre. He is chained to a wall and being flogged repeatedly with a very wicked looking weapon. All around him is fuzzy as if protected by some anti-scrying field so it's hard to pinpoint where exactly he is.

Before I reply exactly what happens to it, where did you aim the Disintegrate ray? The totem is over 100 feet tall [120 ft. tall exactly]. No one really ever asked my how tall it is so I never had to actually try to reveal it; all I had to say was it's really tall but think of it this way; you could see it from the walls when it was 900 feet away from you all.

2010-11-30, 11:43 PM

As if awakening from a trance, Dweomer says, "I have located the ogre. He is currently being punished for his failure. However, strong magic blocks me from seeing much of anything else. Perhaps we should not destroy this obalesque here and return it to a safe locale in the event it will explode."

That said, Dweomer will direct his stone omens to clear the area and move away himself.

2010-11-30, 11:50 PM
I was aiming about halfway up the tower

2010-12-01, 03:06 AM
The thought comes a bit to late as during Dweomer's trance the group had already begun on the process of the structures destruction.

The green ray flashes agaisnt the structure as it begins to break down. The section of the tower into dust. The structure stops glowing as the sun returns, however the remaining 55ft of the top half of the tower has begun to fall without it's support..

2010-12-01, 06:12 AM

Illyana's eyes widened as she saw the remainder of the pillar begin to fall. Oh no... the gates! Not even thinking twice on herself, she flew underneath, holding her arms upward and trying desperately to catch it before too much, if any damage, would be done. "A bit...of help...physical or magical....would be nice....thanks....." She managed to get out, trying to keep herself focused on ensuring the pillar wouldn't crush Baldur's Gate or herself.

Strength Check:

2010-12-01, 12:37 PM
Knowing that the mass of the totem would be easily enough to crush the gates and determined to allow that Alysia yells "Out of the way!" and complements her warning with a lightning fast incantation that generated a magical field that prevented the obelisk from falling further...

"A temporary solution at best, so we must destroy the totem before my spell runs out."

Using Immediate Metamagic and casting Reverse gravity as a swift action under the falling obelisk.

2010-12-01, 12:49 PM
Daelic's eyes widen as he instinctively unleashes a concussive blast of force to hurl the falling part of the tower away.

Concussion blast power, 19pp
[roll0] damage

2010-12-01, 01:19 PM

As Illyana felt the weight began to get less and less, she allowed her arms to relax, inwardly sighing as now the pixie agreed that this needed to be ridded of. .... Told you .... Aloud, however, she spoke after thinking carefully, "The problem is.. how exactly do we get rid of this? It seems like it's from this plane... doesn't really seem overly foreign. I'm not sure.... " As her voice trailed off, she looked up in thought then smiled a bit, "Maybe... however.... I can see if I can scry on this to figure out the creator of it so we can get a better idea of whom exactly is behind everything and, hopefully, give us a lead of sorts." That being said, she gently laid her hands upon the totem and closed her eyes, beginning to try to focus on it and see if she could see, even if only a bit, who had made this.

Scry Check:

2010-12-01, 03:06 PM
Forgive my silence, for some reason my auto updates missed a day for some reason.
I am Elendil. It is a pleasure to meet and fight alongside such heroic warriors and powerful weave wielders. I am glad you have disposed of the foul evil that was set upon this town, and I also will join you all in finding what has wrought this upon Faerun.

2010-12-01, 03:36 PM

Sighing, Dweomer watches as the obelisque flies from spell or psionic. He looks to Illyana and says, "I have a divination spell readied as well. However, first I wish to take care of our problem." The large figure flies to where the top of the tower landed and easily hefts the massive remains. He calls out, "Where shall I transport this?"


In Balor form with his strength enhancements, Dweomer's light load is 51,200lbs, so I am going to assume he can carry it

2010-12-01, 07:36 PM
Darius: I am rather confident that you have put ranks into Spellcraft, so you recognise the spell Alysia cast. Just a note.

2010-12-01, 07:44 PM
(You assume corectly)

"Just chuck the damnable thing into the sea and be done with it." A man walks up looking over the group as he moves, he seems to have been watching for awhile as he strides up to you all. The man has a wiry build to him suggesting more speed then strength. His short black hair which seems to be groomed as well as a neatly trimmed goatee. His skin is a grayish almost plae blue color as if he too is one of the dead or half dead at least. At his belt are two weapons both sheathed but in place for quick and easy retrieval.

2010-12-01, 07:53 PM
"And allow it to spread its dark influence? I am intrigued however, so humour us and tell why not to destroy it?"

2010-12-01, 07:57 PM
The man merely looks your direction for a second as if trying to gauge you before responding, "Magic like this can only bring more trouble, the only safe way to get rid of it seems to be to destroy it utterly. If need be cast it into the void then but messing with magic to much can only bring more troubles."

2010-12-01, 08:09 PM
"Destroying it was my intention anyway now that it has been studied. Stranger, I am Alysia, Preserver of the Holy. I believe you come with a name as well?"

2010-12-01, 08:15 PM
"I don't like magic much, i prefer psionics, far more reliable. I'm Daelic, and you are?" he says, retracting his claws and adjusting his illusion to cover his wings. He folds his arms, something he saw often in drow society and picked up himself.

2010-12-01, 11:51 PM

Illyana studied the man for a couple seconds, as if double checking herself before nodding. It had to be him... no doubts about it. "Artemis Entreri." While she would give him a respectful bow of her head, she knew he hated formalities and, as proved, preferred merely getting down to business rather than messing around. "Good to see others who have managed to survive this sudden increase in undead showing up. Have you been able to figure out where they are coming from by chance?" She hoped to not seem too... pushy or anything but that was, she was sure enough, one reason he'd shown up; to mention what had just occurred. Or perhaps something else? Either way, she supposed she'd see for herself soon.

2010-12-02, 09:39 AM
Elendil, moves cautiously up next to Illyana, While good to know others have survived, this one is not whom I would have hoped for.

I hope she knows who she is dealing with. I trust this man as far as an imp could throw him.
Yes it would be most unfortunate if this man is the best of what is left.

2010-12-02, 11:17 AM
Artemis grimaced slightly, he would of preferred not to be known at least outright. "Apparently some of the mages in town have found a nearby processing station for that ore of your you were talking about. I was thinking that maybe you heroes wouldn't mind coming along. I could use some distractions."

2010-12-02, 12:00 PM
Daelic grins before shedding his illusion entirely. "I could be a very convincing distraction," he then shifts back under his illusion, the grin still in place. "So what's the plan?"

2010-12-02, 01:27 PM

Using the true seeing ability of his Balor form, Dweomer gazes at this newcomer intently as he listens. He then will use his ability to detect evil in the hearts of men and beasts upon him as well.

2010-12-02, 01:39 PM

Illyana nodded with Daelic. "I'm in as well. If you wouldn't mind, could you define just how much of a "distraction" you're looking for? I'd be more than glad to assist but I also need to know just what exactly I am about to get myself into." Her hands went behind her back and though she didn't show it, Illyana was hiding a rather proud smile that she was ensuring wouldn't dare show on her face. In her eyes, Artemis was, even if a slightly chaotic, hero nonetheless; him and all his.... allies of sorts. Something told her if he had survived, there was a good chance the others had as well. Still, she'd find out eventually. For now, her main focus was on what his ideas, assuming he had one, were and the answer to her question.

2010-12-03, 08:09 PM
He merely looks betwenn everyone including those who have yet to speak, "Come on then we can discuss things with the," he sighed not really want to say he seems, "With the temporary idea man of this little job."

2010-12-03, 08:17 PM
Daelic nods and follows the man, he had heard of him, the drow that had captured him mentioned the name every once in a while. Finally curiousity got the better of him, "Have you ever been to Menzoberranzan? I've heard your name from the drow there."

2010-12-04, 04:45 AM

Illyana couldn't help but wonder if Daelic had made the wisest move by asking Artemis of personal information. Needless to say, she was impressed to hear he'd endured being a Drow captive; it proved just how strong of an ally she was with and definitely made her feel better about being with him and Artemis at the same time. She slowly and quietly folded her wings away for now as she saw no immediate need to use them. She herself had never been captured, especially not by Drow, but she'd be lying to not admit she had indeed wondered about Menzoberranzan. "You're lucky to have been able to get in and out of there alive. Not many non-Drow can do that, especially if all I've heard about the city is true. I think... however..." She lowered her voice, not trying to seem secretive but still keeping her voice to a whisper, trying to allow only Daelic to hear this next part, "I really don't think he liked you bringing that up. He already seemed annoyed enough when I was able to say his name just from his appearance on the spot so.... maybe we should try to hold our tongues until we arrive at our destination? I don't feel like, accidentally or otherwise, angering him."

2010-12-04, 05:33 AM
Artemis merely looked back at Daelic, "I get around, my name is thrown in darker places then the shadows of that places alleys." He continues to lead through to the center of town.

Standing on a self made podium is a rather dashing looking elf. His bronze skin seems to hint him as a sun elf of some sort to fit with his....extravagant and gaudy outfit. He jumps down with elven grace as you approach, "Ah these are the one who helped repel the invaders then. Indeed they look like the will be well suited for the task, don't you agree my friend?" Artemis merely shrugs as he finds a corner for himself standing against it while waiting for more from his 'friend'. The elf smiles seeming to go over you each himself and stopping at Illyana, "Well now," he removes his hat taking a long sweeping bow, "Hello there my dear, I don't believe I've had the pleasure... though I believe you haven't as of yet either." He grins at you as he speaks, "Perhaps later we could get to know each other better."

2010-12-04, 06:18 AM

"Ah...um....." Illyana was many things; naive was not one of them, especially when she was more than 20 years of age. Her mind tried to race a bit more faster than her heart was now and she soon nodded, managing to give the elf a smile back, "Perhaps after we ensure we can still be alive by the time the next sun rises, do you not agree on that much? No sense in proposing something only to find yourself.... unable to fulfill your wishes, no? But, assuming that all goes well, I would love to do so. And you are? I'm Illyana."

2010-12-05, 12:30 PM
His smile remained on his face. "Just a friend. But who knows? Maybe in time we'll become much more. For now though, we'll just call me The Man With The Plan." A slight cough is heard from the direction of Artemis, as if a silent signal to get on with it. The elf continues, "Now then, I've recently, through many connections which all will remain anonymous, found the location of the processing plant for some of that ore you brought back. I figured that sending a large group might cause an uproar but surely sending a few skilled people such as yourselves should prove no problem. In this little espionage trip may be quite rewarding to our cause."

Your bardic knowledge tells you this is probably the man that Artemis was always told to be traveling with, Jarlaxle Baenre though he didn't look like anything you've heard of before save for his shaved head and eccentric demeanor.

2010-12-05, 02:14 PM

It took nothing but sheer will power to keep her cheeks from turning crimson in front of the elf. He definitely had a way with words... she wouldn't dare deny that. While Illyana didn't really like the fact he was so persistent with keeping his real name hidden, she wouldn't push for it. After all, he wouldn't be able to do that forever she knew and right now her main focus was on the mission of sorts he seemed to have had in mind. She kept quiet while the Sun Elf spoke before speaking herself, "Is this an espionage mission in the sense of taking what they're making and getting out or merely destroying it? Also... we need to know at least the location of this place if nothing else, or a direction to begin to head out to to find it. I think, however, after those are answered we'll be ready to head out."

2010-12-05, 02:59 PM
Daelic simply nods, silently using a mental command to see through illusions. Something was offputting about this elf, and he always followed his instincts.

Using Psionic True Seeing for 9 PP

2010-12-05, 05:43 PM
Your bardic knowledge tells you this is probably the man that Artemis was always told to be traveling with, Jarlaxle Baenre though he didn't look like anything you've heard of before save for his shaved head and eccentric demeanor.

Its not bardic but cool if i still know it with my awesome KNowledge local skills :)

2010-12-05, 08:06 PM
He merely nods, taking your questions with stride. "Well I could tell you where it is. I could even show you it on a map... except for one problem. I'm not the one who knows where it is." As he spoke, he looked over in Artemis's direction, "So you're going to have to take a guide, like someone who's been there before. Shame really, I'd love to go but for some reason I'm being phased out. I hope it's nothing too serious."

He seems to go off on a tangent now, muttering about things as he tried to go through the last couple days wondering if it was something he'd done. Not finding anything,, he merely shrugs. "Well then... I suppose it's off you go. Give my regards to the enemies and make sure to get rid of that plant."

To Everyone:
Overland rolls will be made after I see who all is still here. I've only really seen 3 people posting IC.

You see the sun elf isn't a sun elf but rather a Drow. To be more exact, the Drow is Jarlaxle Baenre.

2010-12-05, 08:23 PM
Daelic stiffens slightly, he had heard of this particular drow, had even seen him once. If he didn't want his name to be known, he would not say, at least not in front of him. Instead, he says, "I'd like to check something first, i found i can get a lot of information from dissecting the bodies of the dead, or undead in this case. I'd like to take a look at those dracoliches before we continue on. Shouldn't take me longer than a few hours."

2010-12-05, 08:57 PM
I shall be ready to go once these fine warriors have decided they are ready, and that we shall assist you in this matter.

2010-12-05, 09:50 PM

"I am ready when you are."

2010-12-06, 03:07 AM

"Will do." She managed to get out to the elf before he left off. Her eyes then looked over to Artemis as he hinted he would be guiding them all. She gave Artemis a respectful bow of her head, maintaining contact with his eyes as her head looked back up, "I'm ready when you and the others are."

2010-12-06, 06:05 PM
Throughout the drow's speech Alysia simply stood in a corner quietly trying to make up her mind regarding the mission. When others started to show interest towards it she finally said her thoughts out loud "I am suspicious about this. What manner of evidence have we been presented? For all we know we might be helping the people, who arranged this raid in the first place."

2010-12-06, 07:04 PM
Echoing Alysia's Concern I too suffer from those suspicions but I do not see any other options presenting themselves at the moment.

2010-12-07, 12:08 AM

"I agree, but it would seem that we must play this hand out by either seeking out the source or be lead into the trap to spring it."

2010-12-07, 12:25 AM
"I'd take his word for it," Daelic says looking intently at the elf. "And Enteri's," he turns to the elf, "mind if i have a word? Alone if possible."

2010-12-07, 12:29 AM
For Everyone:
If nobody else objects, we're moving to the next day with you all beginning your journey.

The next morning,, a caravan is ready to head out. Artemis is already outside, prepping for the journey. He looks around as you all arrive before turning back to the transportation. The carriage itself behind the horses seems that it is large enough to fit you all. Most likely it's enchanted somehow.

Your dissection of the undead allows you to discover a residue of some sort along the bones that feels like salt crystals.

2010-12-07, 01:19 PM

The next day, the elderly form of Dweomer along with his ten gargoyle companions go away from the party. They return shortly and Dweomer says, "If you do not mind, I would like to cast spells of protection and enhancement upon the party and our gear."

Party effects, ooc:

Party effects:
1) +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5ft movement
2) +2 or (+3 if follow Mystra) luck bonus to AC, Attacks, and Saves
3) extra melee attack at highest attack bonus and +3 morale bonus to melee attacks/damage (extra attack does not stack with haste/speed effects)
4) +5 morale bonus to saves
5) +5 enhancement bonus to armors and shields
6) +5 enhancement bonus to weapons
7) +6 resistance bonus to saves
8) immune to poison and fear, +15 temp hit points, +1 morale bonus to attack
9) immune to sonic and fire

2010-12-07, 07:04 PM

Sleep had been anything but easy for poor Illyana. For a good portion of the night, she had thought of nothing save the elf's words continuing to run through her head. Sure she had an idea of what he meant... but nothing definite and that in itself was what was mainly making her curious. After a good while of having tried to figure it out, her body gave and she eventually passed out.

She woke up the next morning,, semi-awake... though she had been worse off with lack of sleep before so to her, this wasn't too bad. As she walked by the elf, she made sure everyone else had gone on ahead of her first before giving him a friendly wink and wave. Afterward, she followed the others and found Artemis and the caravan waiting..

Thankfully, she'd gotten there to receive Dweomer's blessings and nodded her head to him respectfully. "Thank you.." She then turned to Artemis, hesitating a bit before mustering up the courage and speaking. After all, they would need to know vital information and what she was about to ask were definitely some questions that fell under that category, "Excuse me... but a couple questions I just thought of. Do you have any ideas on what types of enemies we can expect to see along with an estimation of how many?" Her fingers intertwined behind her back as she patiently waited to hear his reply.

2010-12-07, 07:21 PM
Elendil, awakens and moves to the group, Thank you for your assistance, Dweomer. This should make the coming day much easier to face, not that I foresee an easy day for any in this city today. To many to bury, to much to repair, despite the success of our battle.

Yes you are learning young one. Do not forget those who you leave behind to clean up whatever mess you were unable to avoid or stop this is a good lesson and I am glad you are finally understanding it.

2010-12-07, 07:27 PM
From a very early hour on Alysia can be seen meditating near the fire in a trance of sorts. She makes elaborate stretches repeating a strange mantra in Druidic, a method she had used for her meditations for decades.

So others are getting up as well...

2010-12-07, 09:15 PM
Artemis continued to work as he heard the question Illyana had posed him. "Well.... whatever types of enemies there are, they're most likely evil and there's probably a lot of them. I'm not a real scout you know... I don't take the time to count out everything. I'm just happy for the fact I got out of there anyway." He finishes packing up the last of everything. as he jumps up in the driver's seat of the carriage. "Alright... let's get going.."

Anyone Entering the Carriage:
As you step into the carriage, it's more like stepping into a manor house. There are large couches, a fireplace, a table, even stairs leading to a second floor. A dining room lies adjacent to the living area and what you could assume to be bedrooms lie on the second floor.

2010-12-07, 09:57 PM
Daelic runs up to the group as they board the carriage, "I found something of interest," he says, breathing slightly heavier than normal and holding a glass container with a white powder in it. "Seems the dracoliches are being preserved to walk among normal dragons," he steps into the carriage then walks up to the rooms upstairs, trying to find a bedroom, he hadn't slept the previous night, dissecting the dracoliches. Even requiring less sleep he could indeed grow tired.

2010-12-07, 10:01 PM

Illyana bit her lip to keep her annoyed sigh from leaving her lips. Well...yeah I figured that all at least.... She slowly shook her head. Either he was still a bit sore about her identifying him on the spot, always like this, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe all of the above. Either way, she tried to avoid letting it get to her too much. After she wanted to get this done about as much as he sounded from when he hinted he was ready to go. Not needing to be told twice, she climbed inside.

She felt herself almost do a double take at the sight. This didn't look or feel like a caravan... no this was definitely more like a mansion. Still, she wouldn't complain. As Illyana found the bedrooms, she went into one and lied down, knowing she'd need to be rested up for the mission and it would make up for her lack of sleep from last night. She took a deep breath as she looked upward at the ceiling,, figuring if anyone needed her, they could knock on her door. Even as Illyana lied down, she felt herself very restless needless to say. All her thoughts were on was the elf. Why was beyond her.... she'd been flirted with many a time before but... this one seemed.... different. So.... what was it about him that made him so.... different? I've never been like this before.... She couldn't help but notice even as she was thinking about him, a smile was now on her face.

2010-12-08, 09:40 PM
Daelic runs up to the group as they board the carriage, "I found something of interest," he says, breathing slightly heavier than normal and holding a glass container with a white powder in it. "Seems the dracoliches are being preserved to walk among normal dragons," he steps into the carriage then walks up to the rooms upstairs, trying to find a bedroom, he hadn't slept the previous night, dissecting the dracoliches. Even requiring less sleep he could indeed grow tired.


"So, what you are saying is that there will be dragons attacking next time?"

2010-12-08, 09:59 PM
I believe i said he went to sleeping

2010-12-09, 11:48 AM
DM Rolls:

You hear a rap on the door to your shelter before the door opens. Artemis steps in. The fact that he hadn't shown up till now means nothing had gone wrong.... yet. "We're going to have to camp. Unfortunately, if this carriage gets attacked, we'll lose this cushy digs. Anyway, I need at least two to three others of you to come out and help me. I thought I heard something.."

2010-12-09, 12:37 PM

Illyana had, thankfully or otherwise, always been a light sleeper so as Artemis knocked, she sat up and got off her bed. It'd been comfortable but she figured if he was here, he needed help with something. Sure enough, his words spoke that much and she made sure her sword and bow were both on her first before walking out of the room and appearing before Artemis. She was also grateful to have the ability to see in the dark, lest it would dare impede her abilities to make her marks hit true. Her head turned to see whom else would join... lest they were all too fearful of Artemis. Part of her wanted to ask what he thought he heard but decided against it as she remembered the last time she'd asked a question to him. Just knowing he wanted to get this done as much as she, Illyana decided in the end to try to wait for some of others to step forward. If none would, she wouldn't mind joining Artemis herself and helping him out. She did, however, give him a quiet but audible warning, to him, "I think our psionics expert is asleep and how many others are is beyond me... but that may hint as to why you're not getting so many quick answers." With that warning being given to him, she continued to wait.

2010-12-09, 12:40 PM
I am awake, and will assist. announces Elendil.
Good day to you, Illyana.

2010-12-09, 02:50 PM

Due to the magic of his ring, Dweomer needs to only rest a few hours. He nods and says, "I shall help as well."

Party effects, ooc:

Party effects:
1) +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5ft movement
2) +2 or (+3 if follow Mystra) luck bonus to AC, Attacks, and Saves
3) extra melee attack at highest attack bonus and +3 morale bonus to melee attacks/damage (extra attack does not stack with haste/speed effects)
4) +5 morale bonus to saves
5) +5 enhancement bonus to armors and shields
6) +5 enhancement bonus to weapons
7) +6 resistance bonus to saves
8) immune to poison and fear, +15 temp hit points, +1 morale bonus to attack
9) immune to sonic and fire

2010-12-10, 02:51 AM
As you all move out into the streets for a night watch the streets remain deathly quiet. It is not long that you have to wait before you see something coming this way. The creatures appear to be large mounds of shambling dirt, bones of the deceased seem to protrude from different locations on their bodies as they move forward. They emit the smell of Carrion and seem to be topped by a human skull that though empty seems to peer thorough you.

The abominations are moveing this way but at this moment they are at least 45 ft away from the party. they each occupy a grouping of two (ie. 11 22 33) with 10 ft of space between the pairings

2010-12-10, 06:36 AM

Illyana had managed to bow her head to Elendil before being led to their destination by Artemis. The deathly silence was anything but reassuring and she hated it. Finally, he seemed to have pointed out to them what he had heard earlier. "Hm....I think while we still have a range advantage, we should use it...." She suggested, pulling her long bow out, notching three arrows and firing at the creature in front.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-12-10, 08:54 AM
Flying silently, but with great speed Alysia reaches the group and whispers "Sorry I am late."

2010-12-10, 09:17 AM
I can make the night as day if it will not interfere with you're archery. I am not much for ranged combat myself, but I would rather not sully my blades with those foul creatures if you can put them down from here.

2010-12-10, 12:28 PM
Daelic, having had his two hour sleep, takes stock of the enemies then of his supplies, he had his webbing, his acid breath, and his psionicly charged claws, he took a second to obtain his focus and charge up his claws, much quicker and easier than his other options, and able to be used more often.

Paying 6pp from creature capacitor to obtain psionic focus as a swift action (DC 25 so automatic for Daelic) then investing 2pp from creature capacitor into his claws for superior psionic fist.

2010-12-10, 01:13 PM

Illyana begins getting three more arrows ready, thinking on Elendil's words as she does so. She nods after a bit and then finally speaks, "I think first off, we should try to figure out whether these are even undead or not..... for if they don't fear daylight, there would be no sense in using up that spell. If they are, however, then no I would not mind. I can see in any type of light, let it be normal, low, or night. I, myself, cannot quite figure what this is exactly either... so if one of you would be so kind as to try to figure it out. I suppose I can try though." She adds after thinking a bit more.

Knowledge (Arcana) Check:

2010-12-10, 02:11 PM

The cleric grows in size once again and a flaming sword appears in his hand. He does not take flight as he has done at the battle near the wall. The holy star floats in front of the old man to protect him from attack. He gazes at the creatures with his glowing blue eyes [true seeing] to make sure these creatures are what they appear to be and not some illusion before acting.

He nods at Illyana and says, "I agree." He holds up his hand and a javelin made out of force appears in it. He tosses it with amazing speed and another appears in his hand - followed by another and so on until six such missiles are tossed at the creatures. He starts on one until it falls and will then switch targets.

Attack Spoiler:







If the creatures come past 20' - free tentacle attacks:


Party Effects:

Party effects:
1) +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5ft movement
2) +2 or +3 luck bonus to AC, Attacks, and Saves
3) extra attack at highest attack bonus and +3 morale bonus to melee attacks/damage
4) +5 morale bonus to saves
5) +5 enhancement bonus to armors and shields
6) +5 enhancement bonus to weapons
7) +6 resistance bonus to saves
8) immune to poison and fear, +15 temp hit points, +1 morale bonus to attack
9) immune to sonic and fire

Stat Block:

111AC (-1 size, +10 Dex, +19 nat, +1 haste, +21 insight, +22 belt, +3 luck, +8 deflect, +8 bracers, +4 shield spell, +6 circum.), 80 touch, 100 flat

40+30'/fly 90+30' (good)
Fort +38, Ref +31, Will +50
HP:200+92 Temp.

Personal Effects:
Shapeshift: Balor (has true seeing)
Holy Star: +6 AC
1) aura - living creatures w/in 10' get 5 hp a round; undead take 10 points/round
2) +4 enhance CHA/DEX + move/breathe freely in water
3) +1attack/+1 AC (dodge)/ +1 Ref/extra attack
4) +20 STR (necro/profane) + 40 HP
5) +6 STR enhance + BAB = character level + CL (37) HP
6) +18 insight bonus to WIS
7) +1 Caster Level (tattoo)
8) Spell Turning

2010-12-11, 07:59 PM
"They're constructs, not undead, made from the materials of a graveyard." Daelic says, "and i'd prefer to have light, i can't see very well in the dark."

2010-12-13, 06:25 PM
I shall make the night as day to aid those not blessed with good night vision.

daylight as an at will power

2010-12-15, 10:57 AM
The bright light illuminates the golems, causing their visage to be even more visible. The arrows from Illyana pierce into the dirt and skeletal parts of the golem. As the arrows of force from Dweomer are called down, they seem to almost be absorbed into the golems and they show no sign of slowing or damage. They continue to move forward slowly.

[By next turn, they will be in striking distance within the party.]

2010-12-15, 11:01 AM
Elendil draws his blades and readies and action to strike the first target in range.

2010-12-15, 12:57 PM

Illyana bit her lip as she saw Dweomer's attacks seem to do literally nothing to the golems. "....This isn't looking too good....." She murmured, frowning at the sight. "Seems like spells don't do anything..... we're gonna have to resort to ranged and melee combat only from the looks of it." She took a five step back then fired her next three shots, going for the same target as she'd hit before.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-12-15, 01:20 PM
Daelic grins, "Maybe not," he says before sending a ray of green energy at the nearest golem.

Psionic Disintegrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/disintegratePsionic.htm) (Augmented to 19PP) DC is 21
Touch attack: [roll0]
Damage if Fails Save: [roll1]
Damage if Save Succeeds: [roll2]

2010-12-15, 05:17 PM
"Time for me to disappear!" Alysia whispers and immediately turns invisible before the very eyes of her companions.

More loudly she continues "Do we have any ideas?"

2010-12-22, 06:46 PM
The golems begin forming into two lines of four as one of them is hit with the green ray from Daelic, causing it to fall into dust. The others are unphased by the and continue their deathly march forward.

Just then, there is a bright light that tears open the sky. The clouds themselves seem to be ablaze as a large, flaming body comes hurling towards the ground though it appears to be organic, not a meteor.... and it's heading straight for you all!!!!

2010-12-22, 07:18 PM
Elendil moves forward to engage the closest mound.

Weapon is Brilliant Energy.
Attacks: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

2010-12-22, 07:27 PM

Illyana frowned a bit. While it was good to see Daelic had found an easy way to get rid of these... they were still annoying to deal with, especially if they all literally had to go about this by getting rid of them all one at a time. Her eyes went up to the sky as she noticed hues of red catch her eyes. "Hey.... guys..... I think we have more company! Someone else who can either fly, shoot, or both see what that is while I try to keep these..... constructs away...." She took a deep breath as she finished notching all of her arrows and, when she was ready, pulled back and fired at the same target she'd been hitting before.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-12-22, 07:41 PM
The flaming ball suddenly disappears out of the sky, slamming into the ground behind the golems.

Then you can all here a voice in your heads, a deep voice, with a black radiance about it, it almost paints scars across mind, red gashes of flesh, with a black aura seeping into them, but deep inside them is a bright white, a sense of peace in a chaos filled void.
"Who are the evil beings of this fight?"

2010-12-22, 07:53 PM
Daelic looks up at the flash of light, grits his teeth, and aims for another one of the golems, the more pressing threat at the moment, aiming another green ray at the next golem.

At the creatures query, "That would be the golems I'm currently trying to disintegrate."

DC 21
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Failed Save Damage: [roll2]
Succeeded Save Damage: [roll3]

2010-12-22, 08:02 PM
The large firey hulk of a figure moves forward, a whip materializing in one hand and a sword being drawn, almost instantly in the other. He then slashes at one golem and whips another.

Sword attacks

Attack 1


Attack 2


Attack 3


Whip Attack


Strength Check for my grapple!

2010-12-22, 09:31 PM
Two more of the dusty golems drop to the ground. Now within striking distance, they begin their attacks, focusing mainly on the flaming entity that had impacted in front of them. One of the golems begins to shake as it lets out a roar and begins flailing wildly.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

2010-12-22, 10:16 PM
Full attack on the nearest mound.

On hand - Ghost Touch/Brilliant Energy

Off Hand - Holy

DMG Rolls
On hand

Off hand

Holy Damage if applicable

Total with Holy - 111

Without - 92

2010-12-23, 10:58 AM

Illyana sighed softly as she put her longbow away. They had arrived a bit sooner than what she'd wanted... but she was stronger close range anyways. Still though, she was able to be ... stealthier from long, hence why she preferred it sometimes and now was no exception. Deciding to assist in whatever way she could, she got beside Elendil, swinging at the one beside her.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

Holy Damage:

Total from everything: 90
@Invelios: Yes, holy does count since it's not from a spell or spell-like ability. Weapons/template bonuses [like how I'm doing holy from the Saint template] are things that can count.

2010-12-23, 01:59 PM
"Haha! Stupid golem!"

Taking shots at the golem I have pinned.

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

Attack 4


2010-12-25, 09:10 PM

The large figure of the old man holds his ground and waits for the golems to get within striking distance. It is then that they meet the fury that shall be their downfall.

tentacles (2)








Party effects:
1) +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5ft movement
2) +2 or +3 luck bonus to AC, Attacks, and Saves
3) extra attack at highest attack bonus and +3 morale bonus to melee attacks/damage
4) +5 morale bonus to saves
5) +5 enhancement bonus to armors and shields
6) +5 enhancement bonus to weapons
7) +6 resistance bonus to saves

Personal Effects
1) aura - living creatures w/in 10' get 5 hp a round; undead take 10 points/round
2) +4 enhance CHA/DEX + move/breathe freely in water
3) +1attack/+1 AC (dodge)/ +1 Ref/extra attack
4) +20 STR (necro/profane) + 40 HP
5) +6 STR enhance + BAB = character level + CL (37) HP
6) +18 insight bonus to WIS
7) +1 Caster Level (tattoo)

Common Shapeshifted Form:

105AC (-1 size, +10 Dex, +19 nat, +1 haste, +21 insight, +22 belt, +3 luck, +8 deflect, +8 bracers, +4 shield spell), 74 touch, 94 flat

40+30'/fly 90+30' (good)

STR 35 (63 for +26)
DEX 25 (31 for +10)
CON 31 (37 for +13)

Fort +38, Ref +31, Will +50

10ft space/reach (20' w/whip)
Entangle (ex) +1 flaming whip
Vorpal Sword (Su) +1 vorpal sword
Flaming Body (Su) 6d6 fire when grappling
True Seeing (Su)
+8 Listen/Spot (racial) -

Base Attack/Grapple +21/+51
+1 Vorpal = +46 (2d6+39/19-20) - two handed
+tentacles = +45 (2d6+31) x2 - 6d6 fire if grapple
+1 javelin = +37 (1d6+27)
+1 Vorpal = +46/+46/+41/+36/+31/+26 (2d6+39/19-20)
+5 tentacles (2) = +50 (2d6+31) x2 - 6d6 fire if grapple
+1 javelins +37/+37/+32/+27/+22/+17 (1d6+27)
+5 mace vs. undead +52/+52/+47/+42/+37/+32 (4d6+45/20)
Ranged Touch: +36

undead bane weapon (+2 enhancement higher, +2d6 damage vs undead)

2010-12-26, 02:04 PM
3 more of the golems go down leaving three standing. The berserk golem lashes out at the allies around it but seems to do no significant damage to note on. The golems seem to be distracted for a second before trying to attack again at you all

[roll0] (miss)
[roll1] (miss)


[roll4] (hit)
[roll5] (miss)


[roll8] (miss)
[roll9] (miss)


2010-12-26, 03:15 PM
The firey figure side steps both attacks by the golem and then lashes his whip at one and swings at another.

Whip attack at, the one that hit darius.

Sword swings at the one attacking Virgo, if it's out of range, then the one that attacked me.

2010-12-26, 05:49 PM

Illyana frowned upon noticing how.... annoyingly persistent the golems seemed to be. "How persistent...." She murmured, returning the favor and swinging at the one that tried to hit her back.

Attack Rolls:

Damage Rolls:

Holy Damage:

Total from everything:: o.o 90 again? Well..... damn .... xD

2010-12-28, 02:09 AM

The large figure of the elderly man continues his attack.

tentacles (2)








Character Notes

Party effects:
1) +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5ft movement
2) +2 or +3 luck bonus to AC, Attacks, and Saves
3) extra attack at highest attack bonus and +3 morale bonus to melee attacks/damage
4) +5 morale bonus to saves
5) +5 enhancement bonus to armors and shields
6) +5 enhancement bonus to weapons
7) +6 resistance bonus to saves

Personal Effects
1) aura - living creatures w/in 10' get 5 hp a round; undead take 10 points/round
2) +4 enhance CHA/DEX + move/breathe freely in water
3) +1attack/+1 AC (dodge)/ +1 Ref/extra attack
4) +20 STR (necro/profane) + 40 HP
5) +6 STR enhance + BAB = character level + CL (37) HP
6) +18 insight bonus to WIS
7) +1 Caster Level (tattoo)

Common Shapeshifted Form:

105AC (-1 size, +10 Dex, +19 nat, +1 haste, +21 insight, +22 belt, +3 luck, +8 deflect, +8 bracers, +4 shield spell), 74 touch, 94 flat

40+30'/fly 90+30' (good)

STR 35 (63 for +26)
DEX 25 (31 for +10)
CON 31 (37 for +13)

Fort +38, Ref +31, Will +50

10ft space/reach (20' w/whip)
Entangle (ex) +1 flaming whip
Vorpal Sword (Su) +1 vorpal sword
Flaming Body (Su) 6d6 fire when grappling
True Seeing (Su)
+8 Listen/Spot (racial) -

Base Attack/Grapple +21/+51
+1 Vorpal = +46 (2d6+39/19-20) - two handed
+tentacles = +45 (2d6+31) x2 - 6d6 fire if grapple
+1 javelin = +37 (1d6+27)
+1 Vorpal = +46/+46/+41/+36/+31/+26 (2d6+39/19-20)
+5 tentacles (2) = +50 (2d6+31) x2 - 6d6 fire if grapple
+1 javelins +37/+37/+32/+27/+22/+17 (1d6+27)
+5 mace vs. undead +52/+52/+47/+42/+37/+32 (4d6+45/20)
Ranged Touch: +36

undead bane weapon (+2 enhancement higher, +2d6 damage vs undead)

2010-12-28, 02:12 PM
Two more of the golem drop before the third stops entirely before falling apart like a kicked down sand castle. The night is silent for but a moment as you hear footsteps walking back this way. Artemis steps back into view wiping something from his daggers blade as he walks.

2010-12-28, 02:17 PM
Elendil Cleans and Sheathes his cutlasses, and is glaring at Artemis, Fine time to rejoin us, Artemis. Where were you while we defended your Carriage?

2010-12-28, 02:44 PM

Illyana felt a sigh of relief escape her as she sheathed her greatsword away for now. As Elendil spoke, she looked up and also saw Artemis coming back. She gave him a slight bow, biting her lip to keep from chuckling at Elendil's question. Figuring that, in his own form or fashion, Artemis would answer back to Elendil, she kept quiet for a bit.... until a different question came to her mind. "By chance, did you find the main base of operations or anything else that might be useful while you were out?" She wasn't sure if this was one of those really well hidden places... or if it was out in the open, as if daring enemies to approach and try to destroy it and whatever was within it.

2010-12-28, 03:55 PM
Artemis regards Elendil's tone with a bit of distaste and looks instead to Illyana. "The base? Yeah I know where it is... better wording, I've known where it is. We're about a days' journey off from it. And for anyone else wondering where I was, I was scouting for the person controlling those things. He put up a bit of a run." He says with a smirk. He then walks by the group, speaking as he parts through them all, "We'll continue in the morning. Right now, I'm turning in for the night." He walks back to the carriage, opening the door and stepping into the compact shelter.

2010-12-28, 04:17 PM

Illyana felt another sigh --- this time one more slightly annoyed --- as she got her answer. Granted, she was glad to know he at least knew where to head to but then... why had they been woken up again? Something told her the answer to that was to help out with the golems, making her shake her head a bit. As he mentioned he was going to bed, she more than eagerly followed behind. Sleep hadn't been her friend prior to him waking them all up and she definitely needed to catch up and get some, especially knowing the main camp was quite a ways off. She bowed her head to the others as she yawned softly, waving to the others the Artemis as she got inside. "Night Artemis." She managed to get in before arriving back inside her room. It took but little time and effort for her head to hit the pillow then she herself fall asleep; her last thoughts going through her head being that while Artemis was a rather eccentric man, she could tell he really was trying to help. Nothing more or less.

2010-12-29, 12:50 AM

"Care to enlighten us who or what it was? Perhaps we could converse with his spirit?"

2010-12-29, 06:56 PM
Artemis looks back at the question. "It was human. It's body is still out there if you want to go get it." With that, he heads inside, going back to his bed to retire for the night.

2010-12-29, 07:34 PM
Now what if my demon wanted to murder you all? You guys need to be more cautious! :)

Curious bunch of... people.

2010-12-29, 07:34 PM
"I'll be back shortly," Daelic says, walking in the direction Enteri indicated, he wanted as much information on these creatures as possible, luckily he had read up on how dissecting and vivisecting creatures can give insight into a creature's abilities and inner workings, With my fleshcrafting, i may just be able to transfer some of their abilities to myself over time, he thinks with a grin.

2010-12-30, 08:48 AM
Now what if my demon wanted to murder you all? You guys need to be more cautious! :)

If it could, I would be. :smallcool:

2010-12-30, 07:01 PM
When you arrive at the human body, you notice a few things about it. It is incredibly pale. Perhaps this person had been going through some sort of ritual and was anemic and gaunt. His legs seem to bend the opposite direction. The muscles in his legs are enhanced somehow and are much larger than any normal persons' should be. A single thrust to the chest seems to have been the finishing blow, though the look on his face is that of a frozen scream. On his person, he wears a night-black robe along with a strange mask that covers his upper face and has a long,, protruding beak. A wide brimmed hat tops his otherwise bald cranium. He wears three rings on his left hand (Middle, ring,, pinky) while his right is bare. Nearby is a dagger that seems to actually have two blades intertwined.

(If anyone wants to do something tonight, go on and do it. Otherwise state you're done for the night and then I'll go on to the next day.)

2010-12-30, 07:59 PM
Daelic picks up the dagger and the strange human before heading back to the carriage. After arriving he pulls the cloak, hat, mask, and rings off the creature he takes it inside, "This thing had a few things that could be magic items if someone would like to identify them." He says simply, "Do we have a room where i can examine this thing more closely?"

2010-12-30, 08:26 PM
Artemis lazily points when you enter towards a set of stairs that lead down to cellar. "I'm sure you can find a table down there that you can use." With that, he heads up the stairs, closing the door behind him. It's fairly assumed he doesn't want to be disturbed the rest of the night.

2010-12-30, 08:29 PM
Daelic nods before heading dowstairs to dissect the humanoid thing.

2010-12-30, 10:07 PM

The enlarged old man looks at the new arrival and says, "And you are...?"

2010-12-31, 08:20 PM
For Everyone:
The holidays got people down... mainly with IRL things. King will be back on Sunday he said for posting so this will temporarily be waiting until everyone can have their RL adjusted (A.K.A. Sunday).

2011-01-02, 02:54 PM
HEY! Thanks for waiting, um let me tell you now my posting for the next few weeks might be scattered and varied. Though for a good reason :)

"I am Hemfitilios, but you may call me Hem. Who might you and your friends be?"

The demons whip seems to shimmer into nothing, and he sheathes his sword.

2011-01-02, 04:23 PM
@King:: Sorry trying to move this along so.... going on......
@Everyone: I am going to list all the magical items in the OOC soon.

As morning arrives, you are all woken (Assuming first off, you were asleep in the first place and secondly guessing your person is not a heavy sleeper) by a loud slam of the carriage door.

2011-01-02, 08:33 PM

Illyana had been able to, thankfully, sleep a lot easier last night in comparison to the first night of the group traveling.. Granted, the slam had been anything but expected... but at least it wasn't the worst possible noise she could have heard. She stretched and yawned for a bit, allowing her body to awaken fully, before getting out of bed and heading to the living room of the big adobe, finding a chair and sitting in it. Wonder if we've even arrived at the final destination yet or are merely heading there... Something told her they were heading there as she and Artemis had headed to their respective rooms around the same time as she did so he had probably just woken up and, thus, caused the sudden slam to occur.

2011-01-02, 09:23 PM
It's fine to skip it I'll assume me and Darius got acquainted, anything you want to know Darius just message me.

The demon stands in the living room, waiting for info on whatever it was the group was doing.
"Ah Miss, might you explain the whole situation here?"

2011-01-02, 11:39 PM

Illyana jumped slightly upon hearing another voice awake so early in the morning.. As she turned, she saw the same new figure that had arrived at the battle scene last night. Either he really was on their side... or he was merely pretending.. If anything,, now could be a good test to help her figure that part out. She bowed her head to the newcomer then began to speak, "First thing is first... my name is Illyana. I had been serving as a ... priestess of sorts in Baldur's Gate. Recently, it barely survived an attack by a huge group of undead. Soon after me and the rest of the group, save Artemis whom I don't think you've met yet, were all discussing how to figure out where the sources of all these undead had come from. That was when Artemis Entreri himself showed up and asked that we assist him and his.... friend apparently who is a sun elf that seems to dislike giving out his name. Or maybe it's only to just me.... I don't know. I haven't asked anyone if they know his real name but I can't imagine anyone in their right mind being named "The Man With the Plan"."

She smiled a bit as she recalled in her mind the sun elf... then realized she was digressing and continued her explanation. "Anyways.... right now we are, according to Artemis, heading to the main factory of where the last massive group of undead had been created. That's all I know for now. Hope it was enough though. Now.... if I may inquire, just who are you? You sorta showed up with almost no warning nor introduction."

2011-01-03, 12:00 AM
So psychotic gentleman anyone? :D

"By god yes where are my manner! I am Hemfitilios, but you may call me Hem, my name becomes long and rather a nuisance to say. As for my being here it's quite by divine intervention, you see most demon of my kind are quite into the torturing and the slaughtering and the pillaging and burning of cities, countries, worlds, planes and so forth. But it's quite an oddity, although possible, to find demons such as myself who find the whole lot of demonerific activity rather foul." Hem pauses, "I've blabbered haven't I? I'm here because I'm not evil, the gods are testing me to see if I truly am good, if I can be a savior, and not a destroyer." Hem offers a large, dark red, hand, "Don't worry about my flames, they only appear at my command." Hem smiles politely, but it seems very odd on his face, probably his being a demon and all.

2011-01-03, 12:17 AM

Illyana shook her head no, giving Hem a polite smile. "Oh no... it's quite alright. If anything,, I sorta felt rude for just walking away after the fight last night... albeit it was really tiring so excuse my hastiness. I'm not usually that way though."

As she looked into Hem's eyes, she knew Torm himself was doing the same and if anyone knew better than herself of whether he was trying to deceive her or not, it was probably him. She closed her eyes, trying to listen to what her instincts were telling her. As she opened them, she decided to trust him until he proved himself otherwise and took his hand. "A pleasure to meet you. It is, indeed, rare to find demons or devils seeking out redemption. It's one reason I usually keep my wings hidden... in case I do run into any who have... remained on the evil path as I don't overly feel like having them or myself harmed. Fear not though, I'd say so far you're proving yourself very well to the gods, especially Torm. If nothing else, I can put in a good word for you when all is said and done as I still serve Torm loyally."

After shaking Hem's hand, she sat back down. "Don't worry about ranting. I do it at times also. However.... I get the feeling no one has given you fair warnings on what to do, say, and otherwise around Artemis so before he snaps at you, allow me to give you some hints. He... is rather eccentric and likes to focus on his own work. He does good just in his own, preferred way. That being said, he tends to mostly a loner save when he must speak, otherwise he seems to dislike doing so. Therefore... wait till he speaks to do so back and .... try not to annoy him I suppose is the best way to word it all. I hope that's not too much to take in." She also hoped he hadn't heard any of that.... even if it was true, she didn't feel like being snapped at verbally.

2011-01-03, 12:22 AM
"Ah yes, thanks for the warning! I'd sit but I ugh... Well I don't figure these contraptions for bottom catching can hold my mass..." Hem chuckles lightly, "Care to join me on a morning flight?" Hem points a hand toward the door.

2011-01-03, 12:27 AM

Illyana thought long and hard on his offer. It definitely sounded nice... and it would be a good way to have her wings able to remain stretched out for a bit. "I suppose as long as we stay in view of the carriage and ensure we don't get shot down, it shouldn't be too big a deal otherwise. Alright... I suppose I can try it. It's not you I'm nervous about.. it's the getting shot down part. Slight fear I have." So perhaps slight was a huge understatement... but that wasn't really the point now was it? If he was going to remain their ally, however, she didn't feel too ... uneasy about flying out in the open.

Continuing to try to shove her fears aside, she stood back up, keeping her wings folded for now. She'd allow them to show once they were outside.... and also to avoid getting herself caught in any door frames. "Alright... ready when you are...." She said, beginning to head out to the door with Hem.

2011-01-03, 12:30 AM
Hem follows behind, "Well lass, I doubt anyone would shoot at you over me, me being the giant demon and all, although in the almost negative chance that someone does, I'll be quite prepared to stop your fall." Once Hem is outside he stretches his wings out to full and then flaps them a few times, "Ahh yes, feels good to stretch!"

2011-01-03, 12:39 AM

Illyana nodded, stretching her actual body out first then slowly revealing her white wings. She let out a content sigh as she felt them able to completely stretch out now. "Yes.. it definitely feels nice and thanks for the protection offer though we'll see. I have my own ways." She pointed to the greatsword at her hip and her longbow across her back. "Or... if need be... I have spells I can use...." Hopefully... She silently added in her head, reminding herself so far they had ran into a lot of things that were, for whatever reason, immune to spells. With that, she bent her legs and knees, jumped up and caught herself in mid-air, beginning to guide herself higher up. She stopped at what she deemed to be a good height then looked down to Hem, waiting for him to follow suit.

Fun as this is, me and Tsume are gonna call it a night for now but we'll definitely pick up soon/tomorrow.

2011-01-03, 12:41 AM
Daelic walks up from the basement, wiping the blood still on his hands from dissecting the necromancer on a rag, "mind me joining you? I overheard your conversation from the stairs," he asks letting the illusion that covered him to fade, revealing his reptilian/draconic form.

2011-01-03, 12:41 AM
Da. don't blame you I'm only awake cause I slept in till 2:30...
Hem gives a huge flap of his wings and shoots straight up, quickly catching up to Illyana, he then looks around, "Ahh, lass. I do love flying. Nothing quite so relaxing."

Spot Check for, well anything.

I'll assume Hem waved Daelic along kk? :D

2011-01-03, 12:05 PM
As you fly so high through the sky you see a cloaked figure emerge from the ruins and get into the drivers seat of the carriage, the horses are ushered forward as the carriage begins to move again.

2011-01-03, 12:18 PM

Illyana tilted her head down a bit, figuring it was Artemis, albeit she thought when she heard the slam from earlier, he had already gone here. So.... if that wasn't the case.... what had he been looking for here? She shrugged then gently tapped Hem's shoulder, nodding to the figure. "That is Artemis since it'll probably be one of the better chances you'll get to see him. His sun elf friend stayed behind.... why is beyond me but you'll probably meet him..... after we get back sometime....." Sometime was definitely a huge keyword and understatement as she smiled from remembering her promise she'd made with him. It was one of the main reasons she had worked so hard to ensure she'd continued to survive this mission. She nodded to Daelic, signaling if he wished to join them he could do so then turned her attention back to Hem, "Since he's about to drive now, we'll definitely need to remain close to the carriage. Hope you don't mind that."

2011-01-03, 12:37 PM
"Looks like i'll need to head inside, i'm not exactly a fast flier," Daelic says, gliding down and landing on top of the carriage.

2011-01-03, 03:47 PM

Dweomer continues to regard the demon and lands atop the carriage when it begins to move.

2011-01-03, 05:17 PM
travel rolls

Around Mid-day the carriage stops and pulls off to the side. Artemis ties up the horse and prepares himself as he knocks upon a nearby dead willow tree. The tree's bark seems to shift as a door pops open from it. "This tunnel will lead straight into the mines, it's safer then trying to go the rest of the way in the open."

2011-01-03, 09:35 PM

As Illyana saw Artemis cease the carriage, she landed gracefully on her feet and followed silently behind him, finally folding her wings up. At least she'd gotten more time in than she'd expected so she wasn't whining too much for now. Especially as she listened to Artemis speak, she kept quiet, nodding when he finished. Hopefully this will be easier than what we ran into earlier.... She thought as she volunteered to head in first, putting her right hand near her greatsword in case she would need to pull it out swiftly enough.

2011-01-04, 03:20 PM
Hem walks over to Artemis, "You must be Artemis, I'm Hem, I won't bother you with my full name, quite the pleasure good sir." Hem offers his hand.

2011-01-04, 05:02 PM
"Best to just move on, Hemfitilios, he's not one for pleasantries," Daelic says, heading in after Illyana, keeping his wings folded close, even if they were hidden by the illusion they were still there, something rather annoying for himself. "Best to be prepared for travel in the dark," he says, doing a quick mental trick to make it so he could see in the infrared spectrum.

Psionic Darkvision for 5 Power Points, 19 hours of darkvision

2011-01-04, 07:26 PM
Artemis looks at the hand then up at Hem. "Listen buddy.... if you need somebody to hold your hand because you're afraid of the dark, I'm not into that stuff. Now we're on a schedule.... get in the hole." Artemis gestures with his arm as he speaks the last part of the sentence.