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2010-11-25, 07:13 PM
As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you begin to wonder why you ever ventured off the path. It seemed a good idea at the time, and the possibility of loot and fame made the old man's words seem more enticing than they were. Now, as you feel the collapsed tunnel to your back, you hope there is another way out of this dank dungeon.

There is no light to be seen, although you think you see some type of outline a bit ahead of you.

15' ahead of you, there is a 3' high crawlspace, 5' wide.

2010-11-25, 07:26 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Careful not to fall into anything he would reget, Arv begins looking around for a door, passageway, pitfalls, or traps. He seems to be using careful steps as well as his keen senses to find his way forward. He would avoid speaking, not knowing what could hear him in the depths. His ears also remain alert, knowing his eyes would be of little help in the dark.

Search [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 07:33 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic remembers he has a sunrod in his pack, and rummages through it to find the rod. His warhammer loosely hangs off to his side, as he lifts the object out and activates it to see what’s going on.

In case of combat
Initiative – [roll0]
Move: Sifting through his backpack for a Sunrod
Standard: activating Sunrod
Free: Look at what awaits him

2010-11-25, 07:43 PM
As Corbenic activates his sunrod, light fills the small passageway in front of you. A few steps ahead, the tunnel becomes smaller. The clearance appears to be between 2 and 3 feet.

Looking back, it appears that the rockfall behind you has solidly sealed the way you came. Hundreds of feet of rock to your back, you examine your surroundings. The rock walls are cracked and dusty. Cobbled bits of stone lay at your feet, and each footstep kicks up more dust around you.

You hear the distant sound of shifting stone. It sounds like stone mechanisms are sliding and grinding. Your search of the surroundings reveal nothing of consequence.

2010-11-25, 08:26 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Noting his surroundings after the flash of the sunrod, Nimnae quickly glances around the room making sure his allies are moving. Not being an expert in the medical field, movement is enough to alleviate any worry about his allies being hurt. With the room illuminated spotting the diminishing tunnel isn't a problem so he breaks out a crossbow bolt, speaks words of magic.

"Bring forth the energy within all matter."

Nimnae's bolt begins glowing. As dexterous as a rogue he loads up his crossbow, lays prone two body lengths away from the darkness ahead lines up his shot and fires straight into the diminishing tunnel. He tries spotting for any dangers as the bolt flies it's full trajectory.

[roll0] Ranged Attack

[roll1] Spot
[roll2] Search

You said that 0-Level spells are cantrips? Meaning I can use them over and over again?

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 08:41 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic is alerted to the idea of people being hurt from the boulders and glances over the group,

“Does anyone require healing from that dangerous encounter?”

2010-11-25, 09:19 PM
Examining his allies, Corbenic comes to the conclusion that no one is injured.

The crossbow bolt clatters to to stop about 15 feet into the cramped space, where the tunnel curves to the left. The sound of the crossbow is nearly deafening after the relatively hushed conversation before.

You hear a distant grunt after the bolt lands.

Chained Birds
2010-11-25, 09:53 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic lightly places the sunrod on the ground and proceeds to search for his rope. He grabs a portion of it and cuts it with the secret (not-so-secret-anymore) blade on the bottom of his warhammer. He cuts a 6ft section away and looks around at his group. He stows the remaining rope back in his pack, retracts the ‘secret’ blade and approaches the elven character (Nimnae).

“Can you kindly do with my hammer as you do with your bow? I don’t want to lose mine but I’m not too good with my hands other than with medicine or battle.”

He holds the warhammer and rope towards the elf with a smile across his face.

-6ft rope, dropped sunrod

2010-11-26, 01:02 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

"I can hear stone gears turning in the walls... be careful my friends."

Arv decides to do the brave yet very stupid thing. He starts heading down the passageway, easily able to crouch as he walks to where the crossbow bolt landed. If he senses anything coming at him or sees any sort of beast or foe in the distance, he will use his ninja skills to disappear from sight. As he walks foward he takes a drink from a small glass vial.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Drinking Potion of Mage Armor (+4 to AC for 1 hour)

2010-11-26, 02:09 AM
Miko Miyazaki

Miko stands next to to Corbenic and stands there idly, the current situation not seemingly requiring her skills.

2010-11-26, 09:00 AM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae stands up from being prone and considers Corbenic before responding. ""I can't, it literally took hours to perfect this tie."

Seeing Arv stalk up towards the entrance Nimnae shall train his crossbow towards him, just in case any nasties come from the tunnel. He's always been extra cautious since he has a glass jaw regardless of whether or not he trains his body to be hardy.

Readied Action - If a nasty gets pass Arv I'll shoot.
[roll0] Ranged Attack

Chained Birds
2010-11-26, 11:08 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path
“I understand; time is a factor. I’ll ask someone who is faster with his/her hands to help me out…”

Noticing everyone at high alert for some reason, Corbenic he places his warhammer at his side, and stows the rope back into his pack for another time. He grabs the sunrod on the ground, and wields it to confront anything that may lie in the darkness.

“Um… can anyone else carry this thing? I need this right hand to hold other things.”

He outstretches the rod to anyone who wouldn’t mind holding it for a while.

If nobody excepts the rod, he proceeds into the darkness with his shield in his left, and sunrod in his right.

2010-11-26, 12:04 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

""Here, let me see that."

Kalam drops his crossbow just 4 inches short from touching the ground, takes the Sunrod. Laying his hands on the Sunrod he casts Stick on it.

"Become stuck!"

He affixes the sunrod onto the back Corbenic's armor with the tip sticking out just over his left shoulder.

"No one needs to carry it. Let the sunrod carry you. Bwahaha."

He immediately goes back into his readied stance.

Chained Birds
2010-11-26, 12:15 PM
Cobenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

At first he is flabbergasted at what just happened and doesn't know what to say; then he bows to Nimnae in appreciation and brings out his warhammer to fill his new empty hand.
He pounders to himself, “Elfs are pretty smart,” and starts walking forward illuminating the darkness ahead.

For all purposes, Corbenic trusts that there is a threat up ahead, and is moving in Total Defense.

2010-11-26, 01:28 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Still wary of this passageway, Arv continues to slink foward, even past the crossbow bolt to see what lies beyond. He would retrive it if possible, obtaining a light source to see further in.

If I have a standard action left after heading down the passageway, I would like to take advantage of a total defense action for +6 Dodge AC +1 from Cautious Trait, bringing me up to AC 30 / FF 15 / TC 30

2010-11-26, 05:04 PM
As Arv creeps toward the turn in the tunnel ahead, he gets glances around wearily, seeming to ready himself for combat. The crossbow bolt lies 5' ahead. It has cracked from the impact, but light still shines from a point near the tip. The illumination creates stark shadows off of Arv, creating distinct shadows against the wall. These are met by the shadows created by the sunrod now firmly fastened to Corbenic's armor.

The tunnel continues left around the corner from where you can see.

Grey area is low clearance.

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 02:45 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic approaches the darkness in high alert, moving 15ft towards the area where the bolt fell. With shield and hammer in hand, he readies for uncertain combat (Full Defence), and prays silently to Yondalla.

"May my allies remain well and my body stay healthy throughout are potentially dangerous encounters."

2010-11-27, 03:36 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

First peeking around the corner, Arv checks to see if there is anything there. If his senses do not alert him to any danger, he will retrive the point of the crossbow before slinking forward signaling to his allies that they should follow. Using the light from the shining tip, he would search the floors, walls, and anything else he can see.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2010-11-27, 11:10 AM
Ran picks himself up off the floor in the entrance way and looks around. He looks back at the collapsed wall "Whats happened here?"

2010-11-27, 12:09 PM
Looking around the corner, you see smooth flooring about 15' ahead. The tunnel narrows even more before it opens into what looks like a dimly lit room. On the opposite side of the chamber, you see a large wooden door. You think you can hear heavy breathing coming from this room.


2010-11-27, 01:32 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Turning to Corbenic, Arv speaks very softly. "Whatever it is we are to face, it is in the next chamber. See if the others cannot follow, I will scout ahead." The halfling then slinks forward, activating his power of invisiblity while he enters the next chamber. Looking for a decent place to hide, he will get behind whatever cover he can find, but as close to the foe as possible. Drawing a Shuriken from his pack as he moves, just in case there is something to stike at when he arrives. If the foe is visible, and something that he knows his sudden strike can work against, Arv would throw his Shuriken.

Swift Action: Invisible!
Move Action: Moving to cover (Move Silently/Hide)
Free Action: Drawing Weapon as part of movement
Standard Action: Throwing Shuriken!

Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll]1d20+35[roll] if remaining invisible due to no visible foe or not attacking due to foe that cannot be affected by sudden strike.
Hide [roll1] if not invisible due to attacking foe or other reasons for becoming visible

Attack Ranged [roll2] Crit range 20x2 Range Increment 10ft (Defender is Flatfooted unless they can see invisible)

Crit Confirm? [roll3]

Damage [roll4] (2d6 sudden strike + 1d6 skirmish + 1 Shuriken -2 Str)

My AC is back to AC 23 / FF 15 / TC 23

2010-11-27, 01:34 PM
EDIT: Damn, I hate messing up roll codes and/or forgetting rolls.

Hide [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 01:47 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic understands the halfling's actions and halts his progress wishing him safe passage with a kind gesture (thumbs up). He relays the message to the other members and hopes that the ninja will have some means to warn the group if something unexpecting happens.

He keeps his eye on the corridor and tries to keep his ears sharp for any conflict like battle or a cry of danger from Arv.

spot check: [roll0]
listen check:[roll1]

2010-11-27, 04:51 PM
"Well we can't stay here. My talents are wasted in a hole."

As for marching order I'm happy in any position but I'd rather take a melle position than a ranged

2010-11-27, 04:51 PM
As Arv exits the small hole in the wall, he looks to his right and sees a large green creature. Reaching into his belt and removing a shuriken, he throws the weapon directly at the creature's head. The small projectile buries itself in the creature's flesh, seeming to have cause a bit of harm.

The monster raises its club in anger, and lets out a mighty bellow. It seems that its attempt at an ambush has failed. It looks at the point where the shuriken came from, and prepares to attack.

Turn order:


2010-11-27, 05:13 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Answering Ran's question and statement, "The entrance caved in. And true enough, hopefully the cave gets bigger.""

Hearing a loud bellow echo through the cave Nimnae looks to towards the small opening.

"You know, I prefer taking the rear position. Feel free to go ahead of me."

Watching Ran do his actions own before him, Nimnae stuffs his hand into his Haversack thinking of a certain item: Wand of Mage Armor. The wand appears into his hand promptly. Saying the command word he casts Mage Armor on himself.

"Engaging Burlesque."

This applies to what I'll do after Ran does his turn.

Move Action: Retrieve Wand of Mage Armor
Standard Action: Use Wand of Mage Armor 49/50 +4 AC for an hour.

Current AC 17 / Touch 13 / Flat footed 14

Chained Birds
2010-11-27, 06:20 PM
The sound was what corbenic was waiting for, but he is a little confused about what to do at first.
He eventually figures he should aid Arv from that dangerous noice, and advances through the darkness with his shield and light leading the way.

"Excuse me everyone!"

After everyone else makes their actions -

Standard action: Total defence
Move action: advance 20ft, left of Arv on the map
- or at least within that area near Arv
(Corbenic wouldn't actually be able to see Arv due to invisibility anyway)
Free action: make a look around the new room
- if necessary = spot: [roll0]

2010-11-27, 07:00 PM
Ran runs through the small hole pushing his way through to the far side of Arv and readies his claws for combat.

I don't know if i can fit past someone in the crawl space. If I can the action is as follows. If I can't I'll wait impatiently.

Move 40 feet to H7 and ready an action to attack the creature if he is in range.

2010-11-27, 07:40 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Breifly becomes visible before vanishing from sight again. Using his quickness to run toward the beast, Arv attempts to diliver a resounding blow. If he is successful, the beast would have to deal with the energy of the blow. He hoped to give his comrades a moment to moblize against this threat.

Swift Action: More invisibility!
( Invisible Moving Hide [roll0] )
( Move Silently [roll1])

Move Action: Walk up to the beast.

Standard Action: Stunning Fist Attempt + Unarmed Stike (1d8-2) + Skirmish (1d6) + Sudden Strike (2d6) + Combat Expertise (-2 atk, +2 AC) + Deadly Defense (1d6)
( Unarmed Attack [roll2] vs Flatfooted )
( Damage [roll3] + [roll4] )
( Stunning Fist: Fort DC 16, or stunned for one round )

I need to be noticed before I can provoke AoOs for moving through threatened squares. My ACs are... AC 26 / FF 15 / TC 26

2010-11-28, 12:14 AM
Arv's strike misses its mark. The creature, seeing an opening, drops its club and attacks where it believes the assault came from. Its claws swipe near, but Arv deftly dodges. Another bellow of rage follows. Corbenic and Ran move to the aid of their ally, while Nimnae is busy preparing himself for combat.

Corbenic is first to crawl through the hole, and Ran is hot on his heels. The shuriken falls out of the creature's flesh and clatters to the ground.

Turn order:
I am waiting for Miko's actions, then you may start again.


2010-11-28, 03:32 AM
Move action: D5 to G8
Swift action: Burning Blade applied to Unarmed Strike (1d6+2 extra fire damage on a melee hit)
Standard Action: Shadow Blade Technique, attacking G9
Roll 1: [roll0] Roll 2: [roll1]
If higher attack hits but lower attack roll doesn't: [roll2]+[roll3]
If the lower attack roll hits:
Critical confirmation if a 20 is rolled:[roll7]

Edit: I rolled a 1 and a 2. Great. I don't suppose the enemy has 12 AC?

2010-11-28, 09:36 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae will crawl through to occupy the space Ran hat previously occupied and scan outwards to see what is going on. Aiming to target any nasties that passes his view.

Crawling into F7.

[roll0] Readied Attack Roll if the creature enters view.

Not a very good roll :/

Chained Birds
2010-11-28, 11:59 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

Corbenic is surprised to see such a beast attacking his allies and tries to determine if the creature is actually evil or not.

At will: detect evil on enemy

If Evil:
Double Move: L9 50ft

If not Evil:
Standard action: Total Defence
Move action: Active listen for enemy movement other than the big guy.
- listen check [roll0]

2010-11-29, 12:13 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Suddenly remembering his training in the dual school of hidden blade and empty palm, Arv knows how to best deal with this foe. Taking his allie's movement for a distraction, he rolls along the ground and between the foes legs. Hopefully his quickness will carry him to the other side where he will land a powerful blow. And even failing this, he would aid his friends against the beast by distracting it from behind.

I am insane... why am I doing this?

Move Action: Tumble at half speed (20ft) through enemy's squares without provoking AoO. DC 25. Failure means I stop before going through squares and he gets to try to hit me, but I still get my standard action.
( Tumble )

Standard Action: Unarmed Stike (1d8-2) + Skirmish (1d6) + Combat Expertise (-2 atk, +2 AC) + Deadly Defense (1d6)
( Unarmed Strike Attack )
( Damage [roll2] + [roll3] (Skirmish) + 1d6 (Deadly Defense)
(Crit Confirm? [roll4])

Potential Swift Action: If I fail my tumble check, I will activate my invisibility yet again. This is just to keep me from getting smashed by the beast. Since I would still get my standard action, my unarmed strike would be against his Flatfooted AC and I would get Sudden Strike damage. If I make my tumble check, I will remain seen. Mostly to distract the creature.
( Sudden Strike [roll5] )

My ACs are... AC 26 / FF 15 / TC 26

2010-11-29, 06:00 AM
Ran steps out of the tunnel and stands to face the beast.

I can't actually do anything because i was in the tunnel still. Will have to wait till next turn before i can attack.

knowledge check to see if i know what kind of creature it is
nature: [roll0]

2010-11-29, 11:30 AM
More of your party craws out of the hole to engage the enemy, and it glances around nervously. It appears this creature got more than it bargained for. Miko rushes the beast, but swings wildly and misses. Corbenic moves around the pool of water, hoping to flank the beast.

Arv has the same idea, rolling between the thing's legs and striking it in the back. You hear the cracking of bones as the blow strikes true.

The creature bellows in response, attacking Miko with a claw. Finding her a much harder a much harder target to hit than expected, it next steps backwards and claws at Ran. Its claw rakes him, and blood flows from the new wound.

You take 8 damage.


Chained Birds
2010-11-29, 11:10 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

"Get away from them ill creature."

Corbenic launches after the creature and attempts to connect with his warhammer against the creature's skull.

Move action: Move towards the creature; in flanking position if at all possible. J9 or J10
Standard action: Warhammer melee attack
- [roll0] (+2 if flanking/ +2 from inspire courage)
- Damage [roll1] (+2 from inspire courage)
- Crit Confirm [roll2] (+2 if flanking/ +2 from inspire courage)
- Crit Damage [roll3] (+2 from inspire courage)

2010-11-29, 11:28 PM
Ran lunges foreward attacking with all his might as his new wounds slowly start to heal.

Gain 2hp from fast healing and full attack. Both attacks have an aditional +2 if I'm flanking.

for [roll]d8+
for [roll]d8+

2010-11-29, 11:30 PM
edit: and again apparently. sigh. 1 more post hopefully

attack 1: [roll0]
attack 2: [roll1]

2010-11-30, 08:21 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae will move back one body length and use the small tunnel to project his voice into room in front of him. He will keep the crossbow trained while doing so. Nimnae shall recite a favorite story of his. His voice turning supernatural he begins.

"I had loved her madly!

"Why does one love? Why does one love? How queer it is to see only one being in the world, to have only one thought in one's mind, only one desire in the heart, and only one name on the lips--a name which comes up continually, rising, like the water in a spring, from the depths of the soul to the lips, a name which one repeats over and over again, which one whispers ceaselessly, everywhere, like a prayer.

"I am going to tell you our story, for love only has one, which is always the same. I met her and loved her; that is all. And for a whole year I have lived on her tenderness, on her caresses, in her arms, in her dresses, on her words, so completely wrapped up, bound, and absorbed in everything which came from her, that I no longer cared whether it was day or night, or whether I was dead or alive, on this old earth of ours..."

Quote from Guy de Maupassant. French horror author :)

Move Action: To E7
Standard Action: Inspire Courage

All allies receive +2 to attack and damage. +2 bonus against charm and fear.

2010-11-30, 08:39 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Taking note that his ally was on the other side, Arv calls out to Miko. "Let us strike as one!" Putting both of his fists together, Arv swings hard to slam down on the creature. He aims for a point where his fists will do the most damage. The halfling makes a rather resounding, "Kai!" as he strikes. After the strike, successful or not, Arv would draw a single Shuriken into his main hand.

Free Action: Talk 6 words or less.

Standard Action: Unarmed Stike (1d8-2) + Combat Expertise (-2 atk, +3 AC) + Deadly Defense (1d6) + Flanking (+2 atk) + Sudden Strike (2d6)
( Unarmed Strike Attack [roll0] +2 from inspire courage)
( Crit Confirm? [roll1] )
( Damage [roll2] + [roll3] + 2 from inspire courage )

Move Action: Draw Weapon

My ACs are... AC 26 / FF 15 / TC 26

2010-12-02, 09:22 PM
Miko and Arv both miss the creature, their blows rebounding off of its tough flesh. Corbenic and Ran have more luck, both striking it with solid blows. Nimnae's song drifts from the tunnel into the room, inspiring everyone to fight harder.

The enemy, even angrier than before, swipes again at Ran, flaying his flesh and biting into his shoulder. It seems it has caught on that he is an easy target.

You take 28 damage in 3 attacks.


Turn Order:
Same as above.

Chained Birds
2010-12-03, 12:26 AM
Corbenic sees the carnage befalling his ally and attempts to heal him from afar.

"Impeding Death!"

Corbenic's shield glows briefly as the healing power moves swiftly through the air faster than the blood could spurt out of Ran's wounds. It only holds back the damage slightly, but hopefully it is enough...

Swift Action: Close Wounds
- Range: short range (35ft)
- [roll0]
- He can use this spell to stop some of the damage inflicted to Ran as though he immediately regenerated it or DRed it. So this is during the round where Ran recieved the hit. And this could be used anyway due to Corbenic being last on initiative...

2010-12-03, 06:36 AM
Ran's blood runs down his clothes, but he is not dismayed by the onslaught. Surely the creature is nearly dead.

Gain 2hp from fast healing to have a total of 3 hp (gulp). Full attack. Both attacks have an additional +2 if I'm flanking.

(d20+8)[15] for [roll0]
(d20+8)[18] for [roll1]

EDIT: messed up the rolls again. These attack rolls are wrong as they arnt rolls at all. Sorry guys

2010-12-03, 06:38 AM
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

2010-12-03, 08:35 AM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae shall move out of the tunnel and into the room moving as far as he can while crawling. When he is near the pool of water he shall stand up and see what he can assess of the current situation. While doing so his story continues rambling out his vocal chords. He thinks to himself, "Problem with being extra careful is that I'll miss out on essential details of the battle."

Double Move Action:
1. Move into H6.
2. Stand up from prone.

Chained Birds
2010-12-03, 11:07 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

Corbenic realizes his friend is in danger, but finds it hard to reach his bleeding friend. He hopes Ran can survive one more attack and casts another close wounds on his ally.

"Impeding Death!"

Swift action: Close Wounds
Standard action: Basic melee
-Attack:[roll1] (+4 flanking/inspire courage)
-Damage:[roll2] (+2 inspire courage)
-Crit Confirm:[roll3]
-Damage:[roll4] + [roll5]

2010-12-03, 12:23 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Seeing an opportunity, Arv does a somersault away from the beast. He dissapears from sight again before tumbling back toward the beast and striking quickly at it's back. Using the benifit of Nimnae's musical magic and the distraction from Miko, Arv puts all he has into this next strike.

Swift Action: Ghost Step!
( Hide [roll0] < inculdes the +20 for being a mobile invisible creature )

Move Action: Tumble at half speed to go 5ft away and 5ft back to the square I started in. DC 15 to avoid attacks of opprotunity.
( Tumble [roll1] )

Standard Action: Unarmed Strike (1d8-2) + Sudden Strike (2d6) + (Skirmish 1d6) + Fighting Defensively (-2 atk, +3 AC) + Deadly Defense (1d6) + Inspire Courage (+2 atk, +2 dmg) + Flanking (+2 atk) + invisible (+2 atk, vs flatfooted)
( Unarmed Strike Attack [roll2] vs flatfooted )
( Crit Confirm? [roll3] )
( Unarmed Strike Damage [roll4] + [roll5] )

My ACs are... My ACs are... AC 26 / FF 15 / TC 26

2010-12-03, 02:16 PM
As Corbenic's preventative healing closes some of Ran's wounds, he and Arv attack. By surrounding the creature, they have divided its attention, allowing for easier strikes. You hear more crunching of bones and blood continues to flow from the creature's wounds. You do notice, however, that the creature's old wounds are healing, and bones that should have been broken seem to be operating just fine.

Nimnae crawls out of the tunnel, the last to join combat. He examines his surroundings as he stands up.

The monster, now nearly feral with rage, lashes out at Ran again. Corbenic's spell echoes through the chamber as the harm caused by the beast is lessened. It howls in agony as both Corbenic and Miko strike it.

You take 19 damage, you should be at 0 after the healing.


2010-12-03, 05:35 PM
Corbenic's healing leaves Ran standing, just, realizing his dire situation he withdraws from combat, hoping to stave off further injury.

heal 2hp from fast healing which gets rid of disabled and withdraw from combat moving next to Nimnae at G6

Chained Birds
2010-12-04, 03:39 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

Knowing his ally somewhat survived the onslaught of attacks, Corbenic hopes Ran retreats to the back for now. He silently thanks Ran for recieving the blows and showing such great health and endurance, but once again hopes he can stay out of combat for now.
Corbenic tries to engage the beast again, being more wary of its power.

Full Round Action: fighting defencively (melee attack)
+2 AC Bonus
- Attack: [roll0] (+2 for Inspire Courage)
- Damage: [roll1] (+2 for Inspire Courage)
- Crit Confirm: [roll2] (+2 for Inspire Courage)
- Damage: [roll3] (+2 for Inspire Courage) + [roll4] (+2 for Inspire Courage)
(Held) Swift action: close wounds
- If any ally if brought to -9 or more (trying to save this one)

(OOC: Darn, Almost got a crit in if my weapon was a longsword :smalltongue:)

2010-12-05, 02:54 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae knowing his stories effect shall last for a bit longer, he decides to halt his Bardic Music and cast a spell. Moving to a better position to shoot off his spell Nimnae places the water between him and the monster. Striking his fore and middle finger across his palm to complete the somatic portion of the spell Nimnae aims with aforementioned fingers, simply saying, "Scorch!"

A fiery bolt shoots forth towards the monster.

Free Action: Drop Bardic Music, it should last 5 rounds.
Free Action: Dropped Crossbow, still firmly attached to my person via string, the tip reaching about 2 inches from my ankle.
Move Action: Moving to J3
Standard Action: Scorching Ray

[roll0] Ranged Touch
[roll1] Damage / Fire

2010-12-06, 12:44 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The halfling calls out to the beast, trying to get it's attention away from Ran. ""Strike me, if you dare!" After goading the monster, he attempts another strike.

Free Action: Talk to the monster

Move Action: Tumble at half speed to go 5ft away and 5ft back to the square I started in. DC 15 to avoid attacks of opprotunity.
( Tumble [roll0] )

Standard Action: Unarmed Strike (1d8-2) + (Skirmish 1d6) + Fighting Defensively (-2 atk, +3 AC) + Deadly Defense (1d6) + Inspire Courage (+2 atk, +2 dmg) + Flanking (+2 atk)
( Unarmed Attack [roll1] )
( Crit Confirm? [roll2] )
( Damage [roll3] + [roll4] )

2010-12-06, 11:27 AM
The creature screeches in pain as the ray of fire connects, it collapses on the spot, unmoving. Its flesh smokes and boils for a few moments, then turns black. A dead silence falls over the chamber as you hold your breath. The creature appears to be dead.

2010-12-06, 01:06 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The halfling begins searching the body of their fallen foe, taking any items off of it that seem useful and giving them to whichever member of the group could make the best use of them. If there is gold, he will split it up as evenly as possible, leaving the remainder in a side fund to be split later. Things of no practical use but of value would be given to whomever could carry it. After this he would look around the room, seeing if there was anything else of note or any trappings meant to ensare the party.

Search Troll! [roll0]
Search Traps [roll1]
Search Room [roll2]

Chained Birds
2010-12-06, 02:09 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

Corbenic moves around the troll (against the wall, not the water) and tends to Ran's wounds; speeding Ran's healing progress.

"You sure can take alot of hits. Just don't be such a target next time, some of the others are alot better at dodging than even I."

He looks towards Nimnae,

"Good shot. I knew elves we're smart, but I didn't know you knew this thing had a weakness to fire."

Touch of Healing: 6 points of healing/ per round
- Continuously heals until target's HP is around/at Half.

2010-12-06, 02:35 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Huh? Was it weak to fire? I've only got a basic education and my only idea was that that thing was attacking us, so I attacked back."

Nimnae scratches his head, just glad the monster is dead. This is the most he's ever been praised for being smart. Checking out the room he finds the pool to be interesting so he goes to the edge and searches down into the water. Afterwards Nimnae shall step to the corner edge of the pool in order to cast Detect Magic. He hopes to catch any magic in the pool and check whether the doors have any magical aura. Holding out his hands as if preparing to cup incoming bosoms Nimnae whispers.

"Essences of the gods reveal yourself to me."

[roll0]Search Water

Moving to H5 facing the corner M10 Nimnae shall cast detect magic.

2010-12-06, 06:02 PM
Ran walks over to the beast and removes its head. "Just to be on the safe side." and helps the others search the room.

search: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2010-12-06, 06:27 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Palading of the Healthful Path

Seing Ran is well, Corbenic prepares for dangers by grabbing a handful of berries from his small sack. He lightly closes his hands around the berries an infuses them with an divine light.


After completing this ritual, Corbenic approaches the enemy's body and tries to understand what the creature was.

Standard Action: cast good berry
- [roll0] berries

Knowledge Nature: [roll1]
If he learns the thing is a troll, he uses an alchemist fire in order to burn it completely. He would announce his action, and make sure Arv was finished with his search.
If he doesn't learn the thing is a troll, he will just waits for the searchers to find stuff...

2010-12-06, 10:44 PM
Ran checks the water in the centre of the room. Trying to guess its depth. He than dips his arm in to its full length to see if he can feel any current.

2010-12-07, 10:30 AM
Arv searches the troll, and finding nothing, proceeds to check the room for traps. Nimnae's spell reveals no magic in the room, aside from faint auras radiating from party members. Corbenic, puzzling over what exactly the creature was, eventually shrugs and walks away.

Arv's search of the room reveals the only thing of value to be the club of the recently-deceased troll. Studded in the wood are 15 gemstones of varying value. Ran's arm fully submerges in the surprisingly clear water, sending ripples across the pool. You think you can see to the bottom, which looks to be about 15 feet deep. It looks like there is a grate on one side of the bottom.

There are two closed doors in this room, as well as an open hallway to the south.

10 gemstones worth 200g, and 5 gemstones worth 100g

2010-12-07, 05:15 PM
"Give me a second guys." Ran jumps into the pool of water and swims down to the grate. Trying to see whats down there.

taking 10 for the swim check. Should be fine in calm water. Checking out what i can see past the grate. Also checking if the grate is loose.

2010-12-08, 04:53 PM
At the bottom of the pool is a locked grate. It appears to be sturdy, and there is no keyhole. No matter how hard you pull, it stays firmly closed.

2010-12-08, 05:43 PM
upon reaching the surface Ran clears his eyes of water. "Well we can't get out that way. Where shall we head?" He dries himself as best he can.

2010-12-08, 06:28 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Personally I'd like to try the doors. Are they okay for traps Arv?"

Nimnae never did like the idea of closed doors.

2010-12-09, 01:44 AM
As Ran dries off, you hear a loud *CRACK* from the corner of the room where Miko was standing. Looking over, startled, you see a stocky dwarf in armor standing where Miko was a moment ago. He looks disoriented, as well as puzzled.

He also looks a tad drunk.

2010-12-09, 11:09 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Distracted by the doorway in front of him, the disappearance of a teammate wouldn't even register for Arv until the task at hand was taken care of. Even afterwards, he wouldn't appear surprised. It could be due to his dual martial training, lending him toward appearing calm and aware of all things even if he was not. "...and you are?" The Halfling clung to the small metal item in his hand, ready to throw it at any given moment if the dwarf did anything threatening.

Search doorways for traps! [roll0]

I still have a Shuriken in hand, and I am ready to throw it if needed. (Just acting in character, not trying to really start anything. It would be kind of unrealistic if we just accepted the new guy without any suspicion)

Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 11:10 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

A little surprised by the appearing dwarf, Corbenic approaches the burly/ potentially drunk man.

"Um... I know Miko was pretty secretive, but the ability to transform into a dwarf seems a little off... Besides that, do you need some heali- wait... Father Fitchell always says to check for evil before giving out heals."

Corbenic closes his eyes for a moment; concentrates; then, with eyes glowing with a divine power, looks over the new character.

Standard Action: detect evil

2010-12-09, 01:36 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Miko, why are you a dwarf now? When did you start drinking? You're a GUY!?"

Nimnae is utterly confused at the sight of the dwarf. He stares at the dwarf intently then pinches himself. Seeing that the dwarf is still a dwarf, he shrugs looking to give Miko her share of the treasure.

"Make sure to grab your share of the treasure."

2010-12-09, 03:31 PM
The dwarf glances around at the rest of you, not sure what to see. He shuffles his feet awkwardly.

Arv checks the door for traps, and finding none, opens it. On the other side is a small room with some bones and rotting chunks of flesh in it. It seems like this is where the troll put meals it was done with. You glance back over at the corpse. It won't be putting anything else in this room.


2010-12-09, 04:08 PM

Ran elbows his way into the room. "Lets search the room than dump that creatures corpse in it."


Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 05:04 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"I guess are new dwarven friend is good."

Addressing Ran as he rushes into the corpse room,

"Hey Ran! Can I check the room with a brief scan?"

Corbenic moves towards the doorway,
He closes his eyes for a moment; concentrates; then, with eyes glowing with a divine power, looks over the corpse filled room.

Standard Action: detect evil
-maintaining concentration

2010-12-09, 05:28 PM
Ran exits the room a minute later, looking quite dirty. Little pieces of flesh hang from various parts of him, and his feet are covered in crushed maggots and insects. His search turned up nothing more than bone and rotting flesh.

2010-12-09, 09:24 PM

"Well the smell is evil enough, but i didn't find anything besides. Anyone else looking to get mucky." He scrapes what mess he can off himself and flicks it into the room. "Lets get the corpse inside and go."

Chained Birds
2010-12-09, 11:49 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"One sec..."

After making his full concentration with detect evil, Corbenic reaches into a scroll organizer protruding from his pack. A scroll with a red marking is picked from the group, as he begins to read out the brief incantation.

"Detect Magic!"

Concentration: detect evil (finish)
Other Actions:
- Retrieve scroll of detect magic
- Use scroll of detect magic
- Focus spell on the corpse room

(-1) scroll of detect magic

2010-12-10, 10:18 AM
As Corbenic's concentration ends, he shrugs. There appears to be no evil nor magical auras in these rooms.

2010-12-10, 11:04 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

It almost appeared as if the Halfling might laugh at the state Ran was in now, all covered in bits of decaying flesh for little to no reason at all. But all this amounted to was the slightest of a pinch in the corner of his mouth. One couldn't quite call it a smirk, much less a smile. Keeping his distance, mostly due to the smell, Arv would ask Ran this. "You said we couldn't get out that way... but what was it you found down there? Nimnae, was there anything you saw in the pool or should we continue to look for a way out of this wretched place?" The Halfling would put the Shuriken back in the pouch on his hip, seeing no need to use it against the now Dwarven and male Miko. That oddity was mostly ignored, as anything that random had to either be misunderstood fate or an act of a deity and therefor not to be questioned.

Chained Birds
2010-12-10, 07:27 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

He searches through his bag after a disappointing search. A little depressed, Corbenic drags out a large object from his pack and walks over to Arv.

"Hey Arv, could you use this to make sure hallways are clear? Father Fitchell always says to be prepared for everything, so I asked the store owner about what would be a good item to use in a dungeon."

Corbenic holds out two collapsible poles connected together. It looks a little heavy but extends to around 22ft as Corbenic demostrates.

(-2) collapsible pole

2010-12-11, 10:26 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

He was not thrilled with being interrupted, but Arv would take the pole from Corbenic. Feeling the weight of the object, swinging it about and testing to see if its center of ballance was off center. "I think this will do just fine, thank you Corbenic. A pole like this could become most useful. I shall return it to you when I am finished." Arv would give a small bow out of respect for his paladin friend, testing the poles to see if they could shrink to a smaller size for easier use in tight places. He would begin searching the hallway, making sure it was safe for the group to pass through.

Search [roll0] Unless the pole gives me a bonus? Doubt it, but might as well ask.

2010-12-11, 11:07 AM
Arv moves slowly down the hallway, checking for traps with the pole. You wonder how effective it actually is, but it seems better than nothing. As you round the corner, Arv suddenly freezes, his muscles tensing up. His glance sweeps the hallway in front of him.

You think you see something scurry out of sight around a corner ahead of you.


2010-12-11, 11:35 AM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Turning back to his allies, the Halfing attempts to whisper. "We are not alone." He continues to search forward down this next section of hallway, more wary than he was before for any hidden foes. Arv also attempts to note where the thing he caught a glimpse of went.

Search More! [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Chained Birds
2010-12-11, 02:16 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

He enters into a state of awareness, ready for any enemy to strike. He also tries to make as little sound as possible...
Standard Action: total defence
Other Actions:
-attempting to move silently [roll0]
(Like Corbenic can actually silence his movements :smallsmile:)

2010-12-12, 01:36 AM

Ran stays close to the others, waiting for Arv's signal incase he needs to charge in to attack.

2010-12-13, 03:08 PM
OOC: This happened a bit earlier.

After standing stupidly in a corner for a while, the dwarf shakes himself vigorously and downs a shot of something clear and alcoholic. Thus invigorated, he speaks for the first time, in a strange accent that puts everyone in mind of ice and snow and large amounts of both:

"Hello, everyone. Is pleasure to meet such fine companions, even in strange curcumstances like these ones. I am Vladimir MacTavish, from the Dwarven Motherlands.

OOC: This happens now.

Apprehensively, Vladimir hefts his axe in anticipation of something to hit with it.

Ready an action to charge the next thing to stick it's head, arm, leg, or miscellaneous appendage around the corner.

2010-12-14, 03:12 PM
Progressing more cautiously, Arv stops in his tracks again. Looking at the area directly in front of him, he shakes his head. Kneeling down, he brushes at the stone with a hand and blows away some dust. Standing back up, he nods. It seems he has found a trap.

It will take 1-2 minutes to disarm this trap.

Green is a trap

2010-12-14, 03:51 PM

Ran moves back down the hallway to the far wall and takes a run up to the trap. Throwing himself over the trap. On the far side he turns to Arv. "Disarm the trap, we'll keep guard. Maybe we can reset it when we make camp."

Jump: Skill 6 + 4 synergy from move speed - 1 from armor

DC 5 or 10 if there is not enough room to run. If its a 10 I can only fail on a 1.


move to L16

2010-12-14, 03:54 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The halfling lets out a controled sigh as to avoid making sudden motions anywhere near the trap. He turns his head toward his allies to explain his actions. "I need some time to deactivate this hall trapping." Arv then begins using his tools to disable the cleverly hidden trap. If at all possible, he attempts to make a bypass without activating the trap. It could be of good use to them if they needed to retreat from a terrible foe.

Trying to disable the trap but if I beat the DC by 10 I will use the optional rule of bypassing the trap without disabling it. I would also figure out how it works if I get to bypass it.

Disable Device [roll0]

2010-12-14, 04:53 PM
"Traps are hobby of mine. Do you mind if I have a look? Four eyes are better than two." Slinging his axe over a shoulder, Vladimir fishes his own set of tools out from a belt pouch.

Aid Another on Arv's Disable Device. [roll0]

2010-12-17, 07:01 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Shivering a bit, Nimnae dislikes being in the back, but likes it better than being in the front -- he also believes the dwarf is the cause of the shivering, something about his voice sends shivers down his vertebrae. Hearing Ran mention guard duty Nimnae moves into the corner. He prepares his precious crossbow for any attacks. He'll focus his eagle eye to the east.

"Good luck with disarming those traps, give a cacophonous scream if there are any troubles."

2010-12-23, 10:34 AM
Arv seems to manage to deactivate the trap. You look around tensely, wondering if what he saw was simply a figment of the imagination. Everyone is silent, but nothing happens.

2010-12-23, 07:17 PM

"Well if were done here, lets move along." Ran takes up his position again, ready to continue.

2010-12-29, 12:48 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Putting his tools back into his pouch, the Halfling gives a nod to the Dwarf who helped him with the trap. "It is plain that you are skilled, but perhaps you should warn me of your... help... before I start my work? I will show you the same kindness friend." Slinking foward, Arv attempts to combind efforts with Vladimir to continue searching down the hall. Too distracted with his efforts, the halfling pays little to no attention to to threat of any ambush.

Search [roll0]

2010-12-29, 01:58 PM
Arv pockets his disarming tools, looking satisfied with his work. He steps on the pressure plate that would trigger the trap with only the slightest bit of hesitation. When nothing happens, he moves forward, scanning the hallway ahead of him. A little bit ahead, you stop again. The hallway splits in two at this point, and you hear skittering from both sides. The sound quickly dies down and all is silent.


Chained Birds
2010-12-29, 04:41 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic takes note of the forked path and grows a bit nervous.

"If we go down one path, we could get attacked from behind by things that come from the other... I pray Nimnae can spot an ambush from behind... Unless we split up. But I would never recomend we do such a thing... :smallfrown:"

He stands close to Nimnae with his shield outstretched to defend the elf from anything that might pop out. Sunrod gleaming from his left shoulder like a flashlight, still firmly in place.

Still maintaining Total Defence

2010-12-29, 06:46 PM

"We should check each corner quickly and quietly before deciding where to go. A quick look around each corner will tell us what we need to know." Ran looks at his sneakier companions. "Arv and Vlads if your up for it. One corner each and try to be quite."

2010-12-31, 04:39 AM
Vladimir MacTavish

"Of course. I weel take left corner; is good ideologically-sound direction." Reaching into a belt pouch, the dwarf removes a mirror and peaks around the corner.

Rolls: I dunno if you'll want a Sleight of Hand roll, a Move Silently roll, or a Hide roll, but I've got the same modifier for all three.


Chained Birds
2011-01-03, 07:19 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

In a soft voice,

"If you guys believe it is the right thing to do, then do what you have to do... Be wary of what lies in the darkness though... "

Still uncertain on what actions he should take, Corbenic remains stationary and awaits to see what actions the rogue-ish characters will do.

His actions remain the same as previously mentioned

2011-01-03, 08:28 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The halfling would draw a Shuriken into both of his hands as moved to the right corner. "I shall take the right." He declares to his allies, just to inform them of his intentions. Peeking around the corner, Arv would scan for enemies hiding in the darkness before searching the immediate area for traps.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

Is my mage armor potion still active or has it faded?

2011-01-03, 08:49 PM
Arv glances around the corner, and sees the hallway snake further on. Quickly scanning for traps and seeing none, he motions for the party going on the north path to move forward. As the two groups round the second corner, you realize you've been tricked by the design of the dungeon. This is simply a divider wall, separating what now is obviously a larger room. Arv shrugs across to Vladimir.

As the party comes to a stop, Nimnae shouts in surprise as a sudden pain rips into his back. Looking back, there is nothing behind you, but the bite marks on the bard look real enough. The wounds begin to seep blood.

You take 7 damage. Make a fort save please.


2011-01-03, 08:57 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The monk immediately turns around, taking a quick scan of the immediate area around Nimnae as well as the ceiling above. "Quick, light!" Arv calls out to his allies, pointing upward as he prepares to throw a Shuriken at anything that appears to move or has apparent weapons be they natural or manufactured.

Spot [roll0]

2011-01-03, 10:44 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Ah, an unseen enemy is behind us!" Nimnae shouts out a warning as he runs forward past Corbenic.

Fort Save Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10091689&postcount=2302)
Moving to S20

Chained Birds
2011-01-03, 10:50 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

In response to Arv's call, Corbenic turns around, illuminating the area around Nimnae's previous position.

"Nimnae, are you hurt?! Darn sneaky enemies... I should have realized they would try an ambush anyways..."

Corbenic will either:
Spot: [roll0]
in case of no visible enemy
Move Action: move to M19
Standard Action: retrieve the wand of cure light wounds from his belt.
in case of visible enemy
Move Action: move to O18
Standard Action: maintain Total Defence

2011-01-04, 04:23 AM
Ran Far

Ran back tracks towards Nimnae's position. Standing where he he took the wound. Searching for what gave it too him.

2011-01-04, 01:08 PM
Vladimir dashes back towards Nimae's former position, skidding around the corner. He takes up a position next to Ran, closing off that end of the corridor - invisible is not intangible, and anything that tries to brush past him will be getting an axe in the face.

2011-01-04, 04:40 PM
After Nimnae's call for help, the party runs into position, readying for attack. As Ran and Vladimir stop in the hallway, waiting for something to try to get past, Corbenic fishes a wand out of his pocket.

You neither see nor hear movement around you, other than your allies.

You take 7 Con damage.


Turn Order:
You may choose. It is your turn again.

Chained Birds
2011-01-04, 05:47 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic spends his time tending to Nimnae. He illuminates the corridor around him with the sunrod.

Initiative (if necessary): [roll0]
Standard Action: use wand on Nimnae [roll1]
Move Action: active listen for enemies in the shadows [roll2]

Edit: I feel like I wasted a nat 20...

2011-01-07, 03:24 PM
Ran Far

Ran Backs around the corner towards the others. "We should keep moving, but slowly, I'll stick to rear guard."

2011-01-07, 05:19 PM
Vladimir does the same as Ran, though keeping slightly ahead and feeling ahead of him with his axe.

Chained Birds
2011-01-08, 01:19 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

If nothing jumps out at Corbenic while he heals Nimnae with the wand, he will aid Nimnae with medical assistance against any abnormality like disease or poison.

Heal Check: Against DC of poison/disease [roll0]

2011-01-08, 07:57 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

The halfling would not relax from his battle stance, still ready to strike. "Nothing has shown itself, we should go to avoid further trouble. It could be a foe or a trap, either way we are wasting time. We were trapped here when there was a collaspe, I would like to avoid waiting around for the next one." He awaits to see how this proposal is taken by the others.

2011-01-08, 09:10 PM
Ran Far

"Arv is right. Lets get moving down the corridor. We have to find a way out."

2011-01-09, 11:53 AM
As a minute passes and Corbenic waits for the poison to run its course, your party lines up and begins to march again. Thanks to the healer's help, Nimnae's poison does not do any more internal damage than it has already done.

As Ran leads the party further up the hallway, something appears on the wall to the north and lashes out at him. Ran only sees the movement after it is too late, but Corbenic, following behind, sees the creature for a second or two before it disappears. It looks to be a large spider, but as soon as you get a look at it, the arachnid is gone again. Vanished into thin air.

Ran's new wound begins to bleed and boil with poison from the spider's bite.

You take 10 damage, make a fort save

The poison effect has ended


The spider appeared in V16

2011-01-09, 03:24 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Thanks, Corb. I still feel a bit tender from the wound though."

Nimnae shall ready is crossbow and move forward with everyone else, hoping to send a present to whatever hurt him.

[roll0] If anything pops up within my vision.

2011-01-10, 04:55 PM
Ran Fur

"Something bit me. There is something here. We have to keep moving"

Ran continues to move down the corridor but readies himself for another attack

fort: [roll0]

also heals 2 hp now on 23

readied attack to hit spider if he is anywhere near me.

2011-01-10, 05:29 PM
"I do not like fighting things I can't see. Is very inconvenient." Vladimir moves along with Ran, slinging his shield across his back and drawing a throwing axe.

Readying an action to hit the goddamn spider with an axe, throwing or otherwise, if it shows up.

Chained Birds
2011-01-11, 08:35 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic is keeping up with the party, but on the defencive.

"Ran, do you need any assistance? Or can I count on your surprisingly good health?"

he looks at Nimnae,

"If we get a breather, I'll try to remove some of the damage caused by that vicious poison."

Standard Action: Total Defence
Move Action: move with party, behind Nimnae

2011-01-12, 06:15 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Using his power to dissapear from sight, Arv starts with his plan. The halfling doesn't waste any time, taking a running start up the wall infront of him to get as high up or higher than the spider was before it dissapeared. He tries to perch up there, hoping to catch the spider unawares.

Swift Action: Invisible Ghost Step.

Move Action: Climb check! I have the skill trick Speedy Ascent which will add 10 feet to my total distance climbed if I get a high enough check to move atleast 10 feet. Ex: I make a check and can move 15, instead I move 25.
Climb [roll0]

Standard Action: Ready Action to Attack with Unarmed Strike or Shurikin, whichever will land the attack. Would use Defensive Strike with Unarmed Strike, but have moved 10ft so I am concidered charging.
Attack Unarmed Strike [roll1] vs Flat Footed
Damage Unarmed Strike [roll2]
Damage Defensive Strike [roll3]
Attack Shurikin [roll4] vs Flat Footed
Damage Shurikin (1)
Sudden Strike [roll5]
Skirmish [roll6]

2011-01-15, 08:41 PM
Your party readies their attacks, and Arv scales the wall to the south, pulling out a shuriken to throw. You wait a few seconds, then the spider appears again, attacking Nimnae from the side. Its jaws scrape along his magical armor, deflected.

Nimnae reflexively fires his crossbow into the creature, burying a bolt into its leg. The creature shudders as a shuriken punctures one of its eyes. The rest of your party attacks it as it begins to fade from view.

Turn Order:
Those with readied actions but no attacks in their posts may resolve their attacks, then we are on to the next round.

You save against the poison.


2011-01-16, 12:41 AM

I'm fine for now, lets end this beast.

Claw one: [roll0] for [roll1]
Claw two: [roll2] for [roll3] (if i get it, can't remeber if u can ready a full attack or not)

2011-01-16, 01:50 PM
Vladimir steps forward with deceptive quickess for someone carrying that much metal and raises his waraxe, hoping that its enchantments will be enough to affect the arachnid. Swinging powerfully, he puts envisions smashing the troublesome spider into paste and shouts the ancient battle cry of his people.

Ko mne, kamennym mužčinam!*

5-ft step into attack range and then I hit it with my axe.

Attack: d20+9
Damage: d10+6

EDIT: Dammit, rolling tags!

*Russian; meaning 'To me, men of stone!' I thought it sounded right.

2011-01-16, 01:57 PM
Let's try this again...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-01-20, 08:21 PM
The creature twitches as the rest of the party successfully strikes it, then fades from view. Quiet settles over the corridor yet again...

2011-01-22, 08:42 PM

"It's still here. Be ready for it."

Ran readies himself to strike again once the spider shows itself.

Just a note. If the creature is more than 10 feet away I will charge and just take the first attack.

Claw one: [roll0] for [roll1]
Claw two: [roll2] for [roll3]

Chained Birds
2011-01-22, 09:11 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic is simply going to aid Nimnae against any more attacks as he seems to be the primary target.

-Corbenic is aiding another to grant Nimnae an AC bonus
-Other action will be devoted to listen checks to detect the spider [roll0]

2011-01-23, 10:50 AM
"Well done, comrades! Next time is appears, we kill it!" Vladimir watches intently for the slightest sign of the creature.

2011-01-23, 03:59 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Turning invisible, Arv tumbles around Corbenic and moves infront of him, standing between the paladin and where the terrible spider was just moments ago. He readies his fist, holding his knuckles in a certian pattern. Nimblefoot knew that if he could just stun the beast, this fight would be over.

Tumble at half speed to avoid AoOs. Even though it's not here... :smallconfused:
Tumble [roll0] vs DC 15

Stunning Fist (DC 16)+ Charge + Skirmish + Sudden Strike + Deadly Defense
Unarmed Attack [roll1]
Confirm Crit? [roll2]
Unarmed Damage [roll3] + Skirmish [roll4] + Sudden Strike [roll5] + Deadly Defense [roll6]

My ACs are... AC 24 / FF 13 / TC 24

2011-01-24, 07:15 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Taking a step back, Nimnae mumbles some magic words preparing a Scorching Ray spell for when the spider shows up again. His back will be pressed against the near wall to try to prevent any flanking. He'll actively try to spot the spider from his vantage point -- Nimnae shall make sure he looks up during his search.

[roll0] Readied Scorching Ray Ranged Touch
[roll1] Fire Damage

'6 Foot Step back next to Corbenic.

2011-01-25, 04:20 PM
Breaking the quiet again, the spider appears in the hallway and lashes out at Corbenic. Finding a weak point in his armor, its fangs sink into soft skin. The poison bubbles in newly opened wounds.

Nimnae flings a spell at the creature, and flames ignite its carapace. The creature's mandibles twitch quickly a few times, then the beast collapses.

You take 8 damage. Fort save.

Combat is over, you have the current map. The spider died in U16-V17.

2011-01-25, 04:39 PM
"This place is fun. Shall we continue."

As he speaks the last of Ran's wounds heal over.

2011-01-26, 03:06 PM
"I do not like giant spiders. I do not like leetle spiders either, but those I can squish much easier. Yes, let's move on."

2011-01-26, 03:31 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Without a word the halfling continues down the hall and searches for any hidden traps. He had no skill in dealing with the wounded, why waste time worrying about them when he could be making things safer? He would motion toward the dwarf to assist him in searching.

Search [roll0]

2011-01-26, 04:29 PM
Corbenic is weakened by the poison as he works to rid himself of it, but seems to be successful before it does too much damage. Arv moves around the hallway, stopping with a peculiar look on his face again.

You take 4 Con damage.

You find a trap in Y16-Y17

Chained Birds
2011-01-26, 05:17 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic uses his paladin powers to heal his physical injuries and spends around 18 seconds casting a spell.
He makes a single silent prayer to his deity with his shield glowing with divine power as he lays a gentle hand on Nimnae's shoulder.

"That poison is tough to beat, but I'm healthier than you could ever be. Here is some repair."

Casting lesser restoration on Nimnae [roll0]
- 3 rounds to cast
Using Lay on Hands to heal injuries
- 8 points

2011-01-26, 09:14 PM
Arv Brand Nimblefoot

Muttering something under his breath in halfling, Arv gets to work on disabling the trap he discovered. He work is singleminded, leaving no focus left over for other tasks such as watching his own back.

Disable Device [roll0]
If I beat the DC by 10 or more, I will make it so that my allies and I can bypass it without setting it off. This leaves the trap ready for anyone who tries to follow us.

2011-01-26, 09:24 PM
While Arv disables the trap, Vladimir sees if he can find any others.

Search: [roll0]

2011-01-27, 06:04 AM
Ran moves up to guard Arv as he works. Standing just behind him, ready to charge.

2011-01-27, 09:05 AM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Mmm, that spider left a lasting present for us didn't it? My finely tuned muscle mass seems less than what it was."

Nimnae shall ready a bolt for any new dangers as Arv and Vlad go about their business.


2011-01-28, 05:42 PM
As the smoldering remains of the spider crumble to ash, Arv finished disabling the trap. Vlad looks around the general area for more, but doesn't find anything of interest.

Chained Birds
2011-01-29, 01:26 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic looks over his allies,

"Hmm, If the next encounter we face proves to be as difficult as these last couple; I suggest we rest up. The spider's poison has done a number on Nimnae and I, and I can only assume that some of the more mystical members of our group might be running a little low on their abilities..."

He follows along with the party, but is in a constant state of defence.

Standard Action: Total Defence

2011-01-29, 06:55 AM
Ran Fur

"In that case we should head back to the troll room. It seems our most defensible position. Thanks to Arv we have some traps in this hallway, and the other door in that room is close." Ran smirks before continuing. "Besides I could use a wash."

2011-01-29, 04:34 PM
"So, we rest. If anyone wants to share my vodka, ask away! Is good for wounds." Vladimir taps a flask on his belt, and follows everyone else back to the troll room, keeping a careful watch for another surprise attack.

Total defence action - can't be too careful. Also, everyone knows that dwarves always carry alcohol, and Vladimir McTavish the Soviet Dwarf is no exception.

Chained Birds
2011-02-04, 09:35 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Well, we can rest after the next battle. I've still got a few more heals to spend today. I don't want to have wasted Yondalla's time without using all the spells I've asked of her today.
Let's go all out against the next foe to show the gods just how healthy we are against these evil foes."

He creates a heroic pose with his hammer pointing towards the unexplored area, and his shield glowing with a divine white light (aka, using the sunrod to make it seem like it's glowing).

2011-02-04, 04:39 PM
Ran Fur

"Well lets get this over with than, before the holy one gets a cramp from posing." Ran winks at Corbenic as he gets ready to move forward again. "Arv will you lead the way."

2011-02-06, 09:10 PM
There are three doors in the hallway ahead. You have left the trap behind your party active, but you must now choose which way to go.

2011-02-07, 07:13 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"I'll take some vodka just before we rest for the night. Bardic legends denote that for every bottle of vodka drank your maximum life expectancy goes up by one year. But that's later, right now I'm set for one or maybe two more battles. I barely touched my spells today. Only my ray of scorching has presented its flamboyant attitude upon our foes."

Nimnae does some pewing with his left hands pinky, ring and thumb tucked in while his forefinger/middle finger are extended.

"Pew. Pew."

2011-02-09, 06:20 AM
Ran Fur

"Than we go through the left door unless anyone else has any other ideas."

Chained Birds
2011-02-09, 06:44 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"May Yondalla help us all..."

Corbenic follows behind Ran with his usual defensive stance.

total defence

2011-02-09, 08:31 AM
Ran approaches the door to the north and pushes it open. The old hinges creak and moan under the stress, but in a moment, the door is ajar and you see a hallway in front of you. It curves to the left not 15 paces ahead.

You hear nothing.


2011-02-10, 05:49 AM
Ran Fur

"Alright Arv, lets see you do your stuff."

Chained Birds
2011-03-03, 05:42 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"I hope you know what you're doing. Leaving a trap active might have some benefits, but also equal risks. But I trust your judgment when it comes to these things; please lead the way good sir. And may Yondalla guide you well ."

Corbenic is concerned over the traps, but believes his healing skills will make up for every sprung device that targets his allies.

2011-03-07, 05:57 PM
Vladimir shoulders his way to the front of the group. "Stand aside. There is no trap that dwarven eyes cannot find!"

Search: [roll0]

2011-03-08, 05:00 PM
Vladimir searches the hallway extensively, moving slowly to make sure not to trigger any traps. He checks the south wall and pops out a stone, revealing a hidden compartment behind. The dwarf pulls out 5 small carved jade tokens from the recess, handing them out to the party.

A door is closed at the end of the hallway.


2011-03-08, 05:25 PM

"Nice work their Vlads. Alright everyone, are we ready?" Ran moves up to the door and places his hand against it ready to go once everyone is in position.

Chained Birds
2011-03-08, 05:59 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"As always..."

Defensive, as always.

standard action: total defense
move action: move to square behind Ran

2011-03-08, 08:09 PM

Ran pushes open the door looking around for an enemy to charge.

2011-03-08, 08:53 PM
Ran shoves the door open to reveal the next room. In the middle is a mass of eyes and mouths. As soon as the door slams open, the eyes begin to dart around nervously, and the mouths all begin to chatter incessantly. The din quickly rises to a maddening level, and you feel yourself develop a headache.

One of the mouths garbles for a moment then spits at Ran. The spit makes contact with his face, and you can barely hear the sizzling sound of acid over the din of the mouths.


Will Save if you are susceptible to sonic and mind-affecting effects.
Roll Initiative


3 acid damage
Fort Save


Chained Birds
2011-03-08, 10:03 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Arrg... what a lame voice this demon's got. Ran, let me give you some aid."

Corbenic reaches out a hand and sends a ring of divine inscriptions around Ran's head. The rotating letters fuse into Ran's and provide a bit of protection against the evils' of the world.

Standard Action: cast protection from evil on Ran
Will save: [roll0]
- If effected by the creature, will edit actions appropriately never mind I think I made it :smallsmile:
Initiative: [roll1]

2011-03-08, 10:38 PM

Ran goes to yell a warning but is cut off as the acid strikes him. He growls and his claws glow orange as they are infused with magics.

Will: [roll0]
Fort: [roll1]

Init: [roll2]

casting magic fang

2011-03-08, 11:10 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Being shoved aside by Vladimir and before a retort is put forth a jade token is thrust into his hand. Shining forth a curious look Nimnae makes a mental note to examine this jade token as he shoves it into his Haversack.

"Well done my inebriated friend. Taking the initiative is always smiled upon."

Ran having passed by taken in with the initiative fever spread by Vladimir opens the door which causes a minor headache and reveals a new room with a mumbling mass.

"Ah, yes these are the craziest eyes I have ever seen."

[roll0] Will Save
[roll1] Initiative

2011-03-09, 04:11 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Being shoved aside by Vladimir and before a retort is put forth a jade token is thrust into his hand. Shining forth a curious look Nimnae makes a mental note to examine this jade token as he shoves it into his Haversack.

"Well done my inebriated friend. Taking the initiative is always smiled upon."

"Da, comrade, it is so in Dwarven Motherland too. A good dwarf takes every opportunity to protect the Motherland."

Vladimir smirks in a self-satisfied sort of way when he retrieves the jade tokens, and passes them out with an almost regretful air, as if he's sad to see them go.

When Ran is hit by the acid, Vladimir charges past his comrade and hits the foul beast with his axe!

Will save: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Attack roll: [roll2]
Damage roll: [roll3]

2011-03-09, 11:09 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Hmm Motherland? I wonder why it isn't called Fatherland. Anyway..."

Nimnae points his left index finger towards the creature with the other fingers tucked in and whispers loudly out to cast Magic Missle, "Pew pew"

[roll0] Magic Missle

2011-03-13, 01:10 AM
As the cacophony raises even more, Nimnae joins in, babbling incoherently.

Ran, blinded by the spittle in his eyes, still manages to cast a spell as he recoils. The Paladin casts a spell to aid Ran, and a glowing shield appears around him.

Arv runs up to the creature, but misses it completely as its morphic form evades his fist.

Vladimir tromps up to the creature and swings his axe mightily. Eyes and mouths fly in every direction as a chunk of the creature is severed from the rest. In spite of this, the gibbering gets louder still.

One of the mouths coughs for a second, then spits toward the dwarf, also contacting his face with acid. Another mouth bites at him, grabbing on immediately.

4 piercing damage
1 acid damage
Fort save
Grapple check

Turn Order:


Sorry about the random selected square, forgot to deselect it.

2011-03-13, 07:05 AM
Ran Fur

Ran screams as two long fangs punch through his gum line. He charges the abomination slashing with his claws, striking with all the force he can muster.

Ran now has a bite attack, +2 Str, +4 natural armor and DR 2/Silver thanks to being shifted. This will last 13 rounds

Seeing as he can't pounce though he only gets 1 claw attack on a charge/

[roll0] for [roll1]

-2 AC for charging. He also heals 2hp. now @34hp

2011-03-13, 09:00 AM
"Aargh!" shouts Vladimir as acid seeps under his steel helm. With a ferocious snarl, he grabs the mouth trying to bite him and tries to force it away - his axe swings from his wrist on its leather loop.

Fort save: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]

Chained Birds
2011-03-13, 12:37 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Release my ally you disgusting abomination!"

Corbenic attempts to destroy the mouth that is trapping Vladimir in hope of releasing him.

move action: move to AA11
sunder attempt: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2011-03-14, 01:55 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae feeling very confused that the words for his spell didn't come out properly attempts to cast it again.

[roll0] Magic Missile on the off chance that the percentile roll has me acting normally.

2011-03-14, 06:21 PM
As Nimnae looks around, continuing to sputter incoherently, Corbenic moves to assist the dwarf. As he swings at the mouth gripping his comrade, Vladimir is engulfed within the mass of eyes and mouths. Arv misses the beast again, and is rewarded with a splash of spit to the face. Ran charges the creature, but his blindness prevents his blow from landing.

4 acid damage
Fort save [roll0]

2 con damage

Will save


2011-03-14, 08:46 PM
Vladimir grabs one of the throwing axes on his belt and cuts at the foul beast.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Chained Birds
2011-03-14, 08:59 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path


Corbenic simply tries his hardest to destroy the creature before him, unable to think of anything else to do.

Move Action: move to flank with either Arv or Ran
Standard Action: attack the creature
- attack: [roll0] +2 flank
- damage: [roll1] bludgeoning
- crit confirm: [roll2] +2 flank
- damage: [roll3] bludgeoning

2011-03-15, 07:04 AM
Ran Fur

Ran spits out his words, barely containing his rage, "Cowardly Creature, Blind me will you. You. Will. Die." He swings at the blur that is the beast.

Using full attack action
Claw 1:[d20+9] for [roll0]
Claw 2:[d20+9] for [roll1]
Bite: [d20+7] for [roll2] + 1 con damage if it strikes

He also heals 1hp. now @35hp (full)

2011-03-15, 07:08 AM
sorry for screwing up my attack rolls
Claw 1: [roll0]
Claw 2: [roll1]
Bite: [roll2]

2011-03-16, 07:40 AM
Nimnae Blackspell

Nimnae will try his hardest to cast this spell he's known how to do for ages, he just needs to put in some super human will.

[roll0] Will Save
[roll1] Magic Missile just in case things work out.

2011-03-16, 08:39 AM
As the gibbering cacophony continues, Nimnae stops babbling and suddenly grows wide eyed. He turns around and sprints away from the battle as fast as he can.

Ran connects with one of his claw attacks, but is immediately spit at for his efforts. The acid connects in the same spot as a few moments ago.

Arv weakly strikes the creature, shaking his fist out as after he connects with some teeth. Vladimir struggles to fight his way out of the belly of the beast, but finds his throwing axe to do little damage against the stomach wall.

Corbenic swings and misses again, having trouble finding his mark.

Mouths lash out at Ran with surprising speed, biting and tearing at him.

Fort save
3 acid damage
20 piercing & bludgeoning damage (both types, not 20 of each)
Grapple check

You may act normally

1 con damage


Vlad is still inside the creature

2011-03-16, 02:51 PM
Feeling himself weakening, Vladimir cuts again at the beast's interior, hoping to slice his way free before the foul beast overcomes him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Chained Birds
2011-03-16, 03:05 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Sending a heal to Ran, Corbenic continues his onslaught against the beast.

Swift Action: close wounds on Ran
- [roll0]
Full-Round Action: Fighting defensively against monster
- +2 dodge bonus to AC
- attack: [roll1] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll2]
- crit confirm (20): [roll3] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll4]

2011-03-16, 04:23 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Shaking off the confusion Nimnae runs back full speed towards his comrades.

I'll end up back in square AE 13.

2011-03-16, 05:29 PM
The blows land heavily on Ran, but he continues to slash at the beast trying to free his comrade.

Fort save: [roll0]
3 acid damage - reduced to 1 due to DR (i think)
20 piercing & bludgeoning damage (both types, not 20 of each) - reduced to 18 due to DR
19 damage -9 (healed for 7 fast healing 2)
10 damage
HP = 25
Grapple check: [roll1]

attacks if not grappled.
Claw 1:[roll2] for [roll3]
Claw 2:[roll4] for [roll5]
Bite: [roll6] for [roll7] + 1 con damage if it strikes

2011-03-21, 08:27 AM
As Corbenic connects powerfully with his hammer, Vladimir proves that he does not need help from Ran as he cuts his way out of the creature's inside. Ran narrowly misses the creature with his claws. Arv strikes the creature solidly for the first time as Nimnae shows back up.

The creature garbles some more as it spits at the paladin and resumes its assault on the druid. It bites him many more times, the mouths spitting out chunks of flesh as they tear them off.

12 damage
Grapple check
Acid is not reduced by DR/silver

2 acid damage
Fort save

Will save

You are prone in your square


Chained Birds
2011-03-21, 12:55 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"How dare you spit at a simple of Yondalla!"

Phased by the sudden attack, Corbenic steadies another attack.

Fort Save: [roll0] (I hate con damage)
Full Round action: full defense attack
- concealment (if blinded): [roll1]
- attack: [roll2] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll3]
- crit confirm (20): [roll4] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll5]

2011-03-21, 04:22 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Feeling a familiar sensation rushing back within view of the creature, Nimnae tries to brace his mind.

Pushing forward Nimnae moves a step closer prepping for Operation Save Drunken Dwarf So He'll Be Able To Get Free Liquor Operation. Shooting forth a Magic Missile Nimnae silently prays to his ancestors for strength of mind.

"Pew pew."

[roll0] Will Save
[roll1] Magic Missile

2011-03-22, 07:50 AM

Ran takes a step back and growls a quick chant under his breath and quickly faces his head upwards and opens his eyes as wide as he can as water suddenly appears in a downpour on him. He tries his best to clear the acid from his eyes.

Grapple: [roll0]
taking a 5 foot step backwards using create water to make a downpour on Ran. Hopefully this will clear the blindness up.
HP was actually 23 from last round. this takes me down to 13 this round after fast healing applies.

2011-03-22, 11:34 AM
Vladimir scrambles to his feet, snatching up his waraxe as he does so. He smashes it into the monster, venting his anger on its flesh.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

x3 critical on an attack roll of 29.

2011-03-23, 04:49 PM
Vlad and Arv seem to be the only lucky ones in the party. Their attacks connect while Corbenic's misses due to his newfound blindness and Ran's movement. Ran breaks free of the creature's jaws and clears up his eyes with some water that shoots from his hand after he mutters an incantation. Nimnae shows up in time to point at the creature and shout "Pew... AAAHHHHH" before running away as fast as possible.

The blob changes its focus to the monk after Ran move away, and spits in his face, blinding him. It then attacks with lightning speed. More blood gushes from the halfling than you would think possible from such a small thing, and he screams with agony.

Arv (since he's not here, no spoiler):
4 acid damage
28 slashing & piercing damage, I believe that's a drop
stabilize roll [roll0] (7 stabilizes)

You can see again

You may act normally again


Chained Birds
2011-03-23, 05:07 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Hearing the cries from both Nimnae and Arv, Corbenic grows worried as he can see neither character;

"Nimnae? Arv? If only I could see you, then maybe I could help."

Hoping his next strike doesn't hit his ally, Corbenic swings blindly in the direction he believes the creature to still be in.

Full Round action: Fighting Defensively [+2 bonus AC]
- concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1] [+2 if given flank]
- damage: [roll2]
- crit confirm (20): [roll3] [+2 if given flank]
- damage: [roll4]

2011-03-23, 09:34 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Okay...let's try something different just need to get close enough."

Running back towards the group he stops at the initial entrance to the room. Clearing his throat he preps for his prized magical enunciation.

Moving to AF 15.

[roll0] Will Save just in case it happens. If not used I'll use this result as the next Will Save if/when that comes up.

2011-03-24, 12:40 AM
Ran steps back into the fray, his big grin showing off his fangs now that he can see who he is attacking.

5 foot step at the thing, using full attack action
Claw 1:[roll0] for [roll1]
Claw 2:[roll2] for [roll3]
Bite: [roll4] for [roll5] + 1 con damage if it strikes

heal 2 health, now at 15 HP

2011-03-24, 11:36 AM
"Why won't you just die?" Vladimir hits the thing with his axe again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-26, 06:47 PM
While Ran and Vlad miss their target spectacularly, Corbenic, though still blinded, manages to connect with the creature. You hear the satisfying thud of the hammer, even if you cannot see the creature being struck.

Nimnae, showing back up at the bend in the hallway, looking confused as ever, somehow manages to point at the blob and mutter an incantation. A bolt of force flies from his outstretched finger and strikes true.

The creature, noticing the druid has moved back withing range, lashes out again, hoping to find easy food. It spits at him as it bites, striking him in the face yet again. A couple of its bites connect, but the damage is far less severe than it could have been.

Stabilize roll [roll0] (7 succeeds)

3 acid damage
Fort save
4 bludgeoning and piercing damage
Grapple check


Chained Birds
2011-03-26, 07:12 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"At least I hit something... I hope it wasn't an ally..."

Raising his hammer, Corbenic attempts to strike the creature again through the veil of blindness.
Full Round Action: Full Defense attack [+2 dodge bonus to AC]
- concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll2]
- crit confirm (20): [roll3] [+2 flank]
- damage: [roll4]

2011-03-26, 08:39 PM
With an incoherent scream of frustration, Vladimir smashes his axe into the foul beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-28, 07:02 PM

Ran strikes at the beast time and again. Trying to outmaneuver the jaws that would swallow him into its belly. "This beastie is a hard one."

Fort save: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]
Claw 1:[roll2] +2 for flanking for [roll3]
Claw 2:[roll4] +2 for flanking for [roll5]
Bite: [roll6] +2 for flanking for [roll7] + 1 con damage if it strikes

edit: @ 10 hp

2011-03-29, 12:02 PM
Corbenic, Arv, and Vlad swing at the creature, each missing in turn. Vlad is almost hit by Corbenic's follow-through, but the dwarf swings back on his heels in order to dodge the hammer.

Ran, though blinded, manages to tear up the mass of mouths and eyes. The creature looks as if it is barely holding together.

Arv lies on the ground, dying, and Nimnae continues to hear the gibbering coming from the creature as if it had just begun.

The mass lashes out at Ran, trying to fell the most dangerous foe. It spits again at him, connecting with his snout. Taking advantage of the situation, greedy mouths tear at his flesh again.

Stabilization [roll0], 7 succeeds

Will save

3 acid damage
12 bludgeoning and piercing damage

You can see again

See above post

Chained Birds
2011-03-29, 12:31 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Still blurry, due to the substance in his eyes, Corbenic can only see the monstrosity in front of him, and the still body of Arv to the side.

"How dare you claim a life before the presence of a Paladin of Yondalla! You shall pay thrice what you've dealt."

Corbenic attempt to smite the evil creature with all his might.

Standard Action: smite evil
- attack: [roll0] [+2 flanking, +3 if evil]
- damage: [roll1] [+3 if evil]
- crit confirm (20): [roll2] [+2 flanking, +3 if evil]
- damage: [roll3] [+3 if evil]

2011-03-29, 09:07 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Feeling happy about shooting off a successful spell, Nimnae attempts to shoot another.

[roll0] Will Save

[roll1] Magic Missile if Will save works.

2011-03-29, 10:33 PM
Ran Fur

Ran retreats slightly to lick his wounds. Summoning a companion to take his place. "Corbenic, I need a moment, the croc will help." As the crocodile appears it swings its tail at the beast.

5 foot step back and summon nature ally 2 (using up a barkskin spell) to get a crocodile in on the action at Z14.
fast healing now i have 3 HP.

Tail slap [roll0] +2 for flanking for [roll1]

2011-03-31, 09:47 AM
Vladimir grins at the appearance of the crocodile. "Armored lizard with large teeth? Da, good choice!" He hits the enemy with his axe again - or at least tries to.

Attack: d20+9[/roll[
Damage: [roll0]

2011-03-31, 09:49 AM
Attack roll, take 2: [roll0]

2011-04-01, 08:36 AM
The dwarf swings his axe, burying it deep into the creature. It shudders for a moment, then ceases moving altogether. You hear a rush of air as all of the mouths exhale at once. Nimnae seems to be acting normally again, and the rest of you can see normally after a few seconds, as the spittle clears away from your eyes.

Chained Birds
2011-04-01, 11:52 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic immediately heads to Arv's body to administer some basic healing.

"I hope it's not too late..."

Afterwards, he check for a pulse.

Standard Action: Cure light wounds
- Heal 4 HP, auto-stabilize
Heal Check: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2011-04-02, 10:18 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Poor Arv, he fell like a great man. May Yondalla grant him eternal rest in the resting place of good souls."

After making a small prayer to himself, he scans over the group;

"Vladimir seems to have received some harm; I'll fix you right away.
Nimnae, you seem to be very healthy; besides the effects from that poison from earlier.
And Ran, although you are a man who can relieve himself of outside damage quite easily, I still want to make sure you're not damaged on the inside."

Placing both hands on Vlad's shoulders, Corbenic channels positive energy into the dwarf's body. Corbenic then places a hand on his own eyes to relieve the damage from the acid spittle from earlier.

Standard Actions: multiple (in order from 1st to last)
- Death watch
- cure minor wounds (Vlad): 4 HP
- cure minor wounds (Vlad): 4 HP
- Lay on Hands (Corbenic): 2 HP
Full-round Action: checking for poisons, bleeding, or disease
- Heal check (Ran): [roll0]

2011-04-02, 06:53 PM

Ran dismisses the now useless crocodile and his fangs subside back into his body. "Vlad, we will need your skills more now than ever. Lets search this room and we will carry Arv's body back to the water room and make camp. Lets get safe first, than we can mourn him." Ran begins following his own instructions and once everyone is done will pick up Arv's corpse.

search: [roll0]

2011-04-03, 09:32 AM
Vladimir nods his thanks to Corbenic, then raises his flask in a toast. "Comrade Arv - he was a great man."

That done, he heads off to search the room, going over every nook and cranny with all the skill he can muster.

Taking 20, since we've got no pressing concerns. 29.

Alternatively, if I can't take 20 for some reason: [roll0]

2011-04-03, 06:37 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Wait my friends, let me aid in your searchings with a poem!"

Search every nook.
Don't be a crook.
Should have been a cook.

Inspire Competence + 2 to Search.

2011-04-04, 09:17 AM
Aside from the two small gemstones and the one large gemstone Arv was carrying, picking around in the Mouther's belly, Vlad finds some similar gemstones. Cleaning them off and grouping them with Arv's, then counting and valuing them, you find yourselves 8 small gemstones (100g) and 8 large gemstones (200g) richer.

Chained Birds
2011-04-04, 11:30 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Saddened by the looting of a deceased friend, he does know that Arv may have wanted it that way. But still feels even worse for not saving him,

"If you all are satisfied with your search, let's head back to the water room (but be sure to watch out for that one trap Arv had at the ready). That seems like the safest area we know. Or we could try out that secret room Vlad found earlier.
I just don't want to remain is a room that smells of defeat."

Corbenic wanders out the main door, pausing to look around.

-- If necessary --
Move Action: 15ft out the room
Standard Action: Detect Evil
- will hold

2011-04-04, 08:46 PM
Ran Fur

"Your right, lets go. I'll carry Arv and we can bury him in the tunnel we craweled out of. Thats really the best we can give while stuck down here." Ran picks up Arv's body and begins to walk back to the troll room.

2011-04-05, 09:04 AM
Vladimir McTavish

Vladimir heads back down the tunnel with the rest of the party.

2011-04-05, 04:15 PM
Your party heads back to the first room of the dungeon. You meet no resistance along the way.

Spot check, whoever has the highest.

2011-04-05, 08:51 PM
Ran Fur

Ran places Arv's corpse near the crawlway and stretches his back. "We should put him in their and brick it up before we rest for the night." He washes his face and waits for any objection before he starts the burial.

spot: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2011-04-05, 08:59 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"All I can do is pray for his soul's eternal rest. Both Arv and Miko will be missed."

Sitting down, Corbenic eats one of the goodberries he made earlier. Sighing,

"This day has been less than successful. Once everyone is set up for the night, I'll gladly aid you in setting up a proper burial for the fallen."

2011-04-06, 07:08 AM
Nimnae Blackspell

Joining the rest of the party in the first room, Nimnae sets up his sleeping arrangement near a wall. Getting up he quietly begins moving rock setting up a burial site for Arv.

"Whenever everyone is ready, I'd like to say a few words."

2011-04-06, 10:58 PM
The burial takes a fair bit of time, as the floor is mostly rock, but you manage to find enough materials to make a sufficient grave for your fallen comrade.

You set watches for what you can only assume is the night, but notice nothing as it passes.

2011-04-07, 02:24 AM
Ran Fur

Ran wakes up early and meditates on what he has learned of this seemingly cursed dungeon. Thinking of how glad he will be to leave this place he draws his power to give him the strength to cleanse the abominations. Ran fills his water skin and pulls out his loot so far. With a slight smirk and a quite word his eyes change, piercing the veil of magic. He concentrates on the items found within this dungeon, trying to find anything of use.

Assigning my floating +2 to a stat to Strength, I actually forgot to assign this at character creation. Also swapping a barkskin for lessor restoration.

Should have done this on the last day but not too worried. casting detect magic on the gems and jade statue that Ran has. giving each item a look and if detecting an aura a 3 round work over with the spell.

Chained Birds
2011-04-07, 10:54 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic awakes soon after, rather surprised that Ran beat him in waking first. But instead of handing out a greeting, he simply concentrates on what divine powers he can ask Yondalla for today through an hour of deep meditation.
Eventually, he completes this ritual, and plans out his heals for the day.

"Morning Ran, seems you are quite the energetic sort, awaking before even I. I'll go wake the others and attempt to prepare something for the day ahead."

With a smile, he replaces his armor (that was removed for the night) and grabs a hand-full of berries from his small pouch; imbuing them with divine energy.

Casting good berry: [roll0]

2011-04-07, 03:11 PM
Vladimir wakes up next. His first action, after rubbing sleep out of his eyes, is to take a swig from his flask - after which he immediately perks up.

"This is good morning, comrades!"

2011-04-07, 04:19 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

After Nimnae's 4 hour meditation his mind has refreshed itself once again to be responsive and poetically witty. Watching for dangers during the night felt as boring as usual; thought watching the others sleeping ticks did amuse him and inspired more poems. Taking out some rations Nimnae begins eating as soon as the first person wakes up.

"Well slept my friends! You all slept as if you have been sleeping all your life!"

"Corbenic as requested have some light. Perhaps a worthy cousin to the sun yes?"

Touching a decent sized stone Nimnae imbues it with light then places it near the center.

Light for 40 Minutes.

Chained Birds
2011-04-07, 05:31 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Grabbing the light-imbued stone, Corbenic stands;

"Well, it appears we're all set to combat the forces of darkness that inhabit this horrendous place. Here, take one of these; they'll give you much needed sustenance if you grow weary from hunger or minor injury."

He hands a good berry to each member of the group, devouring one immediately.

"You don't have to eat it now as it will last days before losing it's divine charm.
Shall we finally head out?"

2011-04-07, 06:46 PM
Ran Fur

"This will certainly make our rations go alot further." Ran pockets the berry. "Before we leave, does anyone need further help from that last fight."

Chained Birds
2011-04-07, 07:36 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic thinks real hard for a moment, before suddenly realizing the obvious.

"Wait, what did I prepare today... Oh Ya! I almost forgot about the restorations... One sec Nimnae and Vlad."

He approaches Vladimir and casts a healing spell to relieve the venom damage done on the previous day. Then he does the same to Nimnae. And finally, casts one upon himself.

Lesser Restoration spells: Using with Sacred Healing feat
- Vlad: [roll0]
- Nimnae: [roll1]
- Corbenic: [roll2]

2011-04-10, 09:18 AM
Vladimir McTavish

"Ah, thank you! Is much better. Now, shall we continue?"

2011-04-10, 06:55 PM

"Alright lets open this door." Ran pushes the door open and peers down the hallway.

open the door at m5. standing at m5

2011-04-10, 07:39 PM
Ran opens the door to a deserted hallway on the other side. It looks safe enough, and you feel much less paranoia with opening doors in this place now that you've had a full night's rest.


2011-04-10, 09:13 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Staying towards the back Nimnae obsessively has his crossbow aimed at the ready waiting and knowing something will pop up.

"Be careful."

2011-04-12, 10:10 AM
Vladimir McTavish

The dwarf walks forward and peeks around the corner with a mirror.

Chained Birds
2011-04-12, 03:57 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic decides not to move at all, knowing his armor will only alert enemies that do not already know they're there.

Standard Action: Total Defense

2011-04-12, 05:04 PM
Ran Fur

Ran doesn't let the dwarf stray far ahead. Keeping within 10 feet of him at all time

2011-04-14, 11:40 PM
The dwarf moves up, using the mirror to peer around the corner. Finding nothing in the hallway but a door at the end, your party checks the walls and floors for hidden traps or compartments, but to no avail.


Chained Birds
2011-04-15, 12:30 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Corbenic moves a little to the left, and figures he'd be of some use by sensing the evil in this hall.

Move Action: move to O5
Standard Action: detect evil 60ft cone
- attempting to catch the majority of the room ahead

2011-04-16, 12:29 AM
Ran Fur

Ran waits for Corbenic's approval before moving down the hall way. Walking up to the door he awaits everyone to be ready for what lays beyond.

2011-04-16, 11:58 AM
Vladimir moves up next to Ran and hefts his axe, eager to move on.

2011-04-17, 10:54 AM

"Alright lets go" Ran pushes open the doors

2011-04-17, 09:34 PM
Ran opens the doors to reveal a small room on the other side. The walls are slightly damp, and a stale odor escapes the room as the doors swing on their hinges.


Chained Birds
2011-04-17, 10:39 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

Trying to stay quiet, Corbenic questions Ran,

"What do you see? It doesn't seem like there is an enemy here, or else you or it would have already attacked."

He is still hesitant to believe his own answer, as the spider from before was proof to invisible foes lurking about.

2011-04-19, 02:35 AM
Ran Fur

Ran takes a few steps foreward, searching the room as best he can

moving 10 feet foreward
spot for monsters [roll0]
search for whatever [roll1]

2011-04-19, 10:28 AM
Vladimir McTavish

Vladimir follows Ran's example, searching the room carefully.

Search: [roll0]

2011-04-19, 09:39 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Moving towards a corner where Nimnae believes he is most safe. He actively searches from that vantage point.

Move to square X9
[roll0] Search
[roll1] Spot

[roll2] For any monsters that pop up.
[roll3] Damage

Edit: I put in 70 instead of 7...so the converted roll is 18.

2011-04-19, 11:51 PM
After scanning the room for traps, Nimnae walks in to search more thoroughly. As the rest of you wander in behind him, you hear a soft *click*

Before you realize what has happened, darts are flying from hidden holes in the wall throughout the room. It is impossible to dodge all of them, and the ones that miss hint with their green tips as to the point. You feel the poison begin to work almost immediately.

Fort save

2011-04-20, 01:25 AM
Ran Fur

"Dam traps."

fort: d20+7

Chained Birds
2011-04-20, 05:40 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"...I'm beginning to sense a pattern with this dungeon..."

Stricken by the darts, he concentrates healing the poison immediately from the frailest member.

Fort Save: [roll0]
Heal Check: [roll1]
- targeting Nimnae

2011-04-21, 01:55 PM
Vladimir McTavish

Many of the darts shatter against Vladimir's armor, but joints and the gaps between plates provide ample opportunity for the storm of projectiles.

"Stupid darts... I need better armor."

Fort: [roll0]

2011-04-21, 04:41 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

Taking some direct dart hits Nimnae feels like a porcupine once its all said and done.

"Talk about fast healing Corb. You darted over here just about as fast as any of these other darts."

Chained Birds
2011-04-21, 05:20 PM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Well, it seems like you were able to do a better job repelling the poison than I thought you would. Even if you are an elf, Yondalla would be pleased by this feat of health."

He smiles and glances over the rest of the group in surprise. He hopes everyone has done well in avoiding the poison's effect, but knows that more dangers are probably up ahead.

"Say Vladimir, can you make sure this trap doesn't strike again? I don't want to press the group's luck with a second volley."

2011-04-23, 03:08 PM
Vladimir McTavish

"Certainly," says Vladimir. "I will do my best."

Search: Taking 20; 29. Gotta find the trap's mechanism to disable it...
Disable Device: [roll0]

2011-04-23, 11:29 PM
As your party pulls small darts out of gaps in armor and holes in leathers, you look around to see everyone more or less unharmed. Vlad finds the pressure plate that triggered the mechanism, but it seems the trap is expended.

2011-04-25, 11:50 PM
After searching the room for traps, Vladimir circles back down to a section of wall that had drawn his interest in the first sweep. He pushes a loose stone, then prods at a bit of grit on another one. Looking to a square stone at about chest level, he pulls off the plate to reveal a small alcove. Pulling out a smapp pouch, you examine the contents. You find four onyx tokens, very similar in design to the jade pieces you found yesterday. You estimate the value to be approximately the same.

Looking satisfied with his search efforts, Vlad nods to move on.

Chained Birds
2011-04-26, 06:42 AM
Corbenic M. Law, Paladin of the Healthful Path

"Well, I guess this path wasn't too bad seeing as nobody got injured; only surprised. I guess we should be heading back now, if you're all satisfied with your search Vladimir?"

Corbenic's voice shows a bit of hesitance when he says they should return back to the passage they went trough yesterday. Perhaps the death of Arv, and the mysterious disappearance of Miko, still has an effect on him.

2011-04-26, 07:21 AM

"We should head back to the room where Arv fell. There is a door in that room and if defeating that creature leads to our freedom than his death was not in vain."

2011-04-27, 07:53 AM
Vladimir McTavish

"Da, comrades, I agree. We must return to the abomination's chamber."

2011-04-27, 04:02 PM
Nimnae Blackspell

"Aye freedom would indeed be nice. If we don't get out soon who knows what will happen. Perhaps another fallen comrade? Maybe half our physical mass shall deteriorate from vile spider venom. I shiver to think about all the potential danger. "

2011-04-28, 01:20 PM
Your party ventures back to the chamber in which you fought the Gibbering Mouther. On the west side of the room is a small door near the corner. Apart from that, the room looks much cleaner than it did yesterday.

In fact, you don't see the remains of the creature anywhere. If you didn't know better, looking at this room you would think nothing had ever inhabited it. Fresh torches are mounted on the walls.