View Full Version : Let's... Sims 3: Xenon Legacy

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2010-11-26, 09:29 PM
So, I've decided to try a Lets Play. Specifically, Sims 3 according to the rules of the Legacy Challenge, but infused with my own brand of Humour*.

For those of you not too familiar with Legacy Challenge (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/39862.page), its essentially a sort of marathon run with 1 family dynasty for 10 generations, starting with a single Founder, to see how you can bring them from rags and gutter, to riches and glory. Unfortunately, the rules of the challenge remove a lot of the interactive collective decision making, normally seen in other Lets Plays. (since you have to randomize the heirs, and can't use any Player Created Sims other than the Founder).

So here are the details on what I've decided on so far:
-Game: Sims 3 (base game only, no expansion packs)
-Mode: Legacy Challenge
-Family Name: Xenon (in the hopes that the Family will be as noble as the gas**).
-Town: Sunset Valley, but depopulated before the start of the Legacy Run. Over time, the game will generate random NPCs to refill the town, so it won't actually remain a ghost town as such. Essentially, this means that all the faces will be new.
-Founder Traits: Angler, Green Thumb, Handy
-Founder Lifetime Wish: Reach level 9 of the Science Career

So here are the Founder details the playground can help decide at the start:
-Founder's First Name
-Hair and Eye Colour
-Remaining Traits (I've only picked 3 of 5 possible traits, so there are 2 slots still open.)
-Favorite Food, Colour and Music Genre

*Which unlike other brands of Humour, isn't actually all that funny.
**Stuff like this being an example.

Octopus Jack
2010-11-27, 06:23 AM
This sounds interesting... very interesting.

I'll give you abit of input as what I'd like to help decide:
First Name: Johann
Favorite food: Jambalya
Favorite colour: Green
Favorite music genre: Indie

Good luck!

2010-11-27, 06:56 AM
When I played Creatures I would always name the first generation with names beginning with A, second generation with B and so on. Something similar might make it easier to remember which generation you're playing with.

I'd go with Adam if the starting character is male, Alice if female. (Those were the usual first two Norns I'd have in Creatures.)

Lord Loss
2010-11-27, 10:39 AM
Name: Vlad. Then we call his wife Mina and his kids Edward and Bella. :smallamused: (flees from flying torches)

I don't know the traits, but I'm going for a vamp-type guy so if anything fits well with that it'd be swell.

2010-11-27, 10:45 AM
Ooh, a legacy? Don't see many of those around here; I'll make sure to keep an eye on this.

2010-11-27, 10:59 AM
Nonono, you got it wrong.

First, we must decide what kind of dynasty is this.

And looking from your starting set of traits, it's clear.

A dinasty of mad scientist. Can they take off from their humble science shack toward the thunderous mansion on top of the hill?

Later, their great great grandson would stand in his room on the upper story of the vine-crawled mansion, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the rabble of peasants waving torches and pitchforks just before their gate from the window and says to himself.

"My ancestor made his first man-eating shrubbery at that shack over there"

2010-11-27, 11:09 AM
Nonono, you got it wrong.

First, we must decide what kind of dynasty is this.

And looking from your starting set of traits, it's clear.

A dinasty of mad scientist. Can they take of from their humble science shack toward the thunderous mansion on top of the hill?

Later, their great great grandson would stand on his room on the upper story of the vine-crawled mansion, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the rabble of peasants waving torches and pitchfork just before their gate and say to himself.

"My ancestor made his first man-eating shrubbery at that shack over there"

This. What two traits best do mad science?

2010-11-27, 11:24 AM
Favorite food: Jambalya

There is no Jambalaya in the Sims 3 base game. A list of foods can be found here (http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/Cooking_%28The_Sims_3%29), if you want to make some other suggestion.

When I played Creatures I would always name the first generation with names beginning with A, second generation with B and so on. Something similar might make it easier to remember which generation you're playing with.

I was considering using such an alphabetical naming scheme, but in view of the fact that the entire process will be meticulously documented in this Lets Play, it should prove unnecessary as far as generational tracking is concerned.

Name: Vlad. Then we call his wife Mina and his kids Edward and Bella. :smallamused: (flees from flying torches)

I don't know the traits, but I'm going for a vamp-type guy so if anything fits well with that it'd be swell.

Unfortunately, I don't have the Nightlife expansion pack, there are actual Bloodsucking Vampires in there. Plus the Legacy Rules state that the Family must be strictly human based. You apparently aren't supposed to let any supernatural creatures into the family bloodline.

Nonono, you got it wrong.

First, we must decide what kind of dynasty is this.

And looking from your starting set of traits, it's clear.

A dinasty of mad scientist. Can they take of from their humble science shack toward the thunderous mansion on top of the hill?

The scoring system of Legacy is such that you get more points if your descendants excel at completely different things, from the founder and one another, as opposed to a continuous line of Mad Scientists. Plus what Mad Science can accomplish is sadly limited in Sims 3 base game.

This. What two traits best do mad science?

The 3 really important ones (Angler, Handy, Green Thumbs) have already been taken.

Octopus Jack
2010-11-27, 11:29 AM
Nonono, you got it wrong.

First, we must decide what kind of dynasty is this.

And looking from your starting set of traits, it's clear.

A dinasty of mad scientist. Can they take off from their humble science shack toward the thunderous mansion on top of the hill?

Later, their great great grandson would stand in his room on the upper story of the vine-crawled mansion, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the rabble of peasants waving torches and pitchforks just before their gate from the window and says to himself.

"My ancestor made his first man-eating shrubbery at that shack over there"


Damn no Jambalya... oh well I'll stick to just suggesting a name and music then. (Hint go with Johann :smallwink: )

2010-11-27, 11:38 AM
The scoring system of Legacy is such that you get more points if your descendants excel at completely different things, from the founder and one another, as opposed to a continuous line of Mad Scientists. Plus what Mad Science can accomplish is sadly limited in Sims 3 base game.

Well... hum, kinda too bad.

But I guess you can be a variety of mad scientist. Mad social scienctist. Mad writer. Mad engineering scientist. Mad gardener....

Nah, don't mind it too much if it's not what you're aiming. But it'd be nice to have an overall theme for the dinasty.

2010-11-27, 11:53 AM
First Name: Freddy (May be pronounced "Froddy") (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YoungFrankenstein)
Hair: Black.
Eyes: ....Black. Or grey.
Traits: Let's see, three positive traits. Let's get some negatives. Neurotic, Absent-Minded.
Favorite Food: Peanut butter & jelly (study food at its finest!)
Favorite Color: Grey (reminds him of home)
Favorite Music: Classical

Lord Loss
2010-11-27, 04:18 PM
Nonono, you got it wrong.

First, we must decide what kind of dynasty is this.

And looking from your starting set of traits, it's clear.

A dinasty of mad scientist. Can they take off from their humble science shack toward the thunderous mansion on top of the hill?

Later, their great great grandson would stand in his room on the upper story of the vine-crawled mansion, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the rabble of peasants waving torches and pitchforks just before their gate from the window and says to himself.

"My ancestor made his first man-eating shrubbery at that shack over there"

Changing vote to this. I propose whatever Dr. Frankenstein's first name was.

2010-11-27, 05:07 PM
Changing vote to this. I propose whatever Dr. Frankenstein's first name was.

Victor Frankenstein,
Faust Heinricherson or
Judah Loew ben Bezalel.

2010-11-27, 06:46 PM
And the final tally. The winning vote is denoted by an Asterisk. I will close voting for now, and get cracking on the first entry.

*Victor (3)
Johann (1)
Andrew (1)

Hair Colour
*Black (1)

Eye Colour
*Gray (1)

Favorite Colour
*Green (1)
Black (1)

Favorite Food
*PB&J Sandwiches (1)

Favorite Food
*Indie (1)
Classical (1)

2 Other Traits
*Other Mad Scientist [Lucky] (1)
*Neurotic (1)
Absent Minded (1)

2010-11-28, 03:04 AM
Our first entry. As a side note I will include an appendix for terms that non-Sims players may be unfamiliar with, marking them with an asterisk (*).


Meet our Founder, Victor Xenon. He's got the traits: Angler, Green thumbs, Handy, Lucky, and Neurotic. He likes the colour Green, Indie music, and PB&J sandwiches.


And Victor's got big dreams, someday through toil and sweat, he aims to become Creature-Robot-Cross-Breeder**. At the same time, he wants to marry and have children, and from there, to establish a family dynasty that will stretch on for the next 10 generations. Yes siree, big dreams indeed.

**This is the actual job name given to Science Career level 9, which is his lifetime wish.


But right now, what he really wants is some furniture. Well more furniture than just a Mailbox and a Trashcan at any rate. Unfortunately he's a very low on cash right now. For reasons he cannot comprehend***, he has spent all his starting moolah on this large empty piece of land, leaving him virtually nothing for actual housing. But hey! Look at the scenery!

***This is actually a starting requirement of the Legacy Challenge. Which is why your Founder Sim starts as literal a rags and gutter hobo. The exact address is 15 Summer Hill Court.


He immediately purchases a bed. And while tempted to buy a shack to actually house the bed in, he reassures himself that it never seems to rain around here****. Thus, he saves up what little cash he has left for bigger more important purchases in the future.

****It literally does not rain in Sims 3. When Victor starts farming, we either need to buy Sprinklers to keep his crop plants alive, or water them manually. The scenery plants, like in the park, have apparently evolved to survive indefinitely without water. However, they also don't grow taller, produce seeds, or anything like that either. Its like they're made of plastic or something.

Eventually, the Newspaper is delivered.


Browsing through the paper, Victor quickly finds a job at the local Science Lab... as a test subject. Well, the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Hopefully, he will still have his pancreas when he gets promoted to better things.


But as he flips through the paper, something else catches his eye.

Are you bored? Lonely? Looking to meet new people? Have mysterious forces compelled you to purchase a large empty lot, leaving you no cash for actual furniture? Well fret no more! Come down to the Summer Hill Community Centre. We have numerous facilities to cater to nearly every need: a grocery store, a small fitness centre and library, and even an entertainment room. And its all free! This newly opened facility can be found on the 25 Summer Hill Court.

(Thats right Victor, we're just opposite your house.)

Not pausing to consider how the paper ad knew his name, location, AND situation, Victor walks across the street to the Community Centre.


True enough, the place was a hobo's dream come true, with nearly everything a Sim could need.***** Victor gets down to business right away, reading up on the basics of gardening- a skill necessary if he is ever to climb to the top of the science career.

*****In case it isn't obvious, the town does not actually come with a conveniently located community centre. I added that in to make starting life easier for our Fiscally Flummoxed Founder.


As soon as he finishes the first chapter, a bunch of seeds magically appears in his pocket.


He plants the little things, and then spends a bit more cash to get a Sprinkler to keep them watered.


The rest of the day is spent reading up the basics of Handiness. Oddly enough, the community centre is utterly empty, despite it being a fine sunday afternoon******. So Victor has pretty much free run of the premises.

******A side effect of my ghost town start. The game will take a few days before repopulating the place with random NPCs. I expect this Community Centre will be bustling by the weekend.


Soon night rolls around. Feeling a bit peckish, and not quite ready to stump money for a fridge, Victor goes to the nearby Grocery Shop, and buys the cheapest thing they sell.


Which turns out to be Lettuce. The ravenous man starts eating a leaf the moment he walks out the store.


And finally, its off to dreamland with our Sim.


"... zzz ... SCIENCE! ... zzz ..."

2010-11-28, 04:27 AM

you're first, lettuce! muhahaha

... I don't know what else to say.

2010-11-28, 07:56 PM
Well not much has happened, so there's not much to talk about.


Its Monday, first day of work for Victor,and his plants have germinated. Unfortunately, they've also managed to sprout weeds, and thus Victor spends the morning tending his garden.


In the meanwhile, the mail-lady arrives and brings him... BILLS! Thats right, just moved in, hasn't even earned his first pay cheque yet, and the local authorities are already trying to extort what little cash he has. No wonder the dang town is empty!


Although speaking of mail-ladies, if he wants to get started on that family thing, he's going to need to find prospective single girl to settle down with. And so, despite the fact she just burned a hole in his wallet (even before the first date no less, never a good sign), he goes over to introduce himself.


She wants nothing to do with our Hobo Founder.

Soon the time for work comes, and the carpool* arrives.

*Transport in Sims 3 is essentially free. For work, a carpool vehicle appropriate to your profession, comes to fetch you. For nearly everything else, you can ride Taxis for free. While it is possible to purchase a bike or car to get around, it is by no means necessary.


It brings Victor to the local SCIENCE! laboratory, where he starts work... being experimented on.


As soon as work is done, Victor pops by the Community centre for a bath. Thank goodness for this place, otherwise he would have to burn cash to purchase an shower of his own.


After that he's feeling too stressed from work to do anymore reading. So he watches some TV to improve his gardening skills**. Today's program is on apparently on some Cowplant that eats people***.

**For the benefit of non-sims players, skill advancement is indicated by the floating blue bar on top of a Sim's head. When the blue bar reaches the top, you achieve the next rank in that skill. In case you're wondering why he didn't do this on the first day, most skills require you to gain the very first rank through reading books or paying for lessons. Only after that, can you level it by vegetating in front of the television.

***The Man-eating Cowplant was an actual item back in one of the Sims 2 expansion packs. It is unfortunately, now absent in Sims 3. Do note also, that each TV channel is essentially just repeating clip. So this will hopefully be the first and last time I reference the Man-eating Cowplant.




"Dang, I wish I had one of those."

Once he's had his bit of fun, its back to learning Handiness****.

****Unfortunately, Handiness isn't one of those TV learnable skills.


The community centre continues to remain empty however, so no luck meeting potential life partners just yet.


And we hit the sack once more.


"... zzz ... Wish I had a house ... zzz ..."


Not much happened today, so this will be rather short. By now, Victor is getting into the routine of waking up each morning to tend the garden.


After work is done, he goes to the Community Centre once more, only to find it empty as ever. Not many Fish in the Sea of Love around here, so he decides to go do some actual fishing at the pond.


He manages to catch ...


... a tiny minnow ...


... Several of them in fact. He clearly isn't too happy about this, but as we all know, their size will expand rapidly with each retelling of this fishy tale. As the day grows dark, Victor finally strikes GOLD!


Well he manages to bag a goldfish. But its getting late so its off to bed.


"... zzz ... Explosive Chemicals ... zzz ..."

2010-11-28, 10:01 PM
At night, Victor dreams of engineering explosive goldfish.

I like what I see so far. You're doing a good job of explaining how things work for those of us who haven't played The Sims 3.

2010-11-29, 02:58 AM
I wish we still have man-eating cowplants.

2010-11-29, 05:45 AM
Very interesting Let's Play. It's much more interesting reading about someone else play this game then play it myself haha

They'll probably add the man-eating cowplants in one of the 999999x expansions they have planned for Sims 3

2010-11-29, 10:22 AM
I love sims games, tried to do my own lets play for 2 and 3 but they both flopped.

I'll tell you why.

Because I spent too much time trying to make each day interesting.

Don't worry about this, especially since you're running a legacy so you have a lot of time to cut through. Once you've touched the basics and your sim starts doing some of the same old things, start updating for every 3-5 days and just show the highlights.

2010-11-29, 08:21 PM
I'll keep that in mind. It true that once Victor settles down to family life, things will become highly routine. Although really good Sims 3 LPers like Zarah are somehow able to extract humour out of smallest things.


Today, no weeds sprouted on the plants (happens by chance occasionally), so he didn't need to do any gardening. Instead, Victor calls up the Mail-Lady and invites her over for a short early morning chat, before he goes to work.


Surprisingly, she agreed, although apparently it was mostly because she liked the scenery. Meet Alma Tanti, Mail-Lady.


"I once caught a minnow THIS big"


"Yeah right, it was probably only this big at the very most."

Well time was growing short, and Victor had to leave for work soon. So he popped the question.


No not THAT queston, he just asked if Alma was single. Turns out the answer was yes. So thats one potential life partner, I'll try to get at least one other, and then let the Playground vote on who Victor should try and court.

Anyway, today is Victor's lucky day! He got promoted to Labtech (Science Level 2). Unfortunately, I forgot to get any snapshots of him leaving work in his Lab-Tech uniform, but I'll get some tomorrow. After work, Victor comes back to his Community Centre to a pleasant surprise.


Thats right, OTHER SIMS! Looks like his romance dry spell was about to come to an end... But first, he felt compelled to brush his teeth 3 times*.

*This is an effect of the Neurotic Trait. Essentially, every once in a while, he gets the urge to do a certain activity X number of times, to check random appliances out of sheer paranoia, and various other OCD type stuff.


Suddenly his phone rings, and on the line is a chef at the local restaurant. Apparently, after hearing crazy rumours about some huge, easy-to-catch minnows in a nearby pond, their normal Tomato suppliers had all quit to become fishermen. And so they were asking if Victor could step in to fill an order. They wanted 3 very nice tomatoes and were willing to pay good cash.**

**In Sims 3, this is called an opportunity. Sort of like a quest in cRPGs, where you are asked to do something for someone, in exchange for a certain reward.


It sounded like easy money, so Victor agrees to the task. Once that is over with, he introduces himself to that girl on the couch, one Marlena Nicholas.


However, she apparently just a teenager, still in high school. So she's off the possible love list.


Eventually, night rolls around, and Victor returns to his house bed.


"... zzz ... I really did get one that big ... zzz ..."


After 5 days of growing, some of the crops are ready to harvest. We get a fresh batch of of Lettuce, Tomatoes and Apples. However, the grapes are still growing.


This time though, Victor doesn't manage to finish the gardening before the carpool arrives, so he continues his gardening after work. As promised, this is him in his Lab-tech uniform. We dispose of the harvested plants, and use their seeds to plant the next crop*.

*In Sims 3 farming, each subsequent generation usually has higher quality than the previous batch, until 'Perfect' quality is reached. While it is certainly possible and feasible to farm for cash (you can sell your produce to the Grocery store), Victor's primarily doing this to accumulate perfect strains, so that should any future generations have the lifetime wish of having X perfect plant species, half the work has been done for them already. This kind of long term planning is necessary because the rarer species literally take several lifetimes to achieve perfection.


Anyway, considering how few Fish there appear to be in the Sea of Love so far, Victor has decided to try trawling at the company pier, and to check out one of his co-workers (OK, fine, his Boss). A quick phonecall to invite her over and presenting .... *drumroll* ... Dorothy DeMayo the Carnivorous Plant Tender (Science Level 5).


Yes, she is wearing a cowboy hat, a country dress, and biker gloves. The random Sim generator will do that to you. Anyway, Victor gets right down to business.


After briefly chatting with her, he inquires about her maritial status


Turns out, shes single and available. Also, her favorite colour is brown.


So now we have 2 romantic prospects proper. Victor bids the girl farewell, and spends the rest of the day watching Gardening TV. He will start courtship proper once the Collective Hive Intelligence from the Far Realms (i.e. you guys) tells him who to woo.


Soon enough night comes around, and Victor hits the sack.


"... zzz ... Blow up Town with Tank ... zzz ... hehehe ... zzz ..."


"... zzz ... Blow up Town with *mwuhahaha* ... zzz ..."

And now for another round of voting. Which of the 2 ladies should Victor attempt to incorporate into the Family bloodline?
a) Alma Tanti the Mail Lady. Known Traits (0/5): <None>
b) Dorothy DeMayo the Carnivorous Plant Tender. Known Traits (1/5): Snob

2010-11-29, 08:39 PM
I vote Dorthy; her outfit is strangely cool -- I'd like an outfit at that. Also, she's a carnivorus plant tender, and thus the perfect mad-science partner.

2010-11-29, 09:39 PM
Well, office romances never work out and always end in heartache and endangered employment, which obviously provides pleny of excitement for the LP, so I also vote for Dorothy.

(OK, so I just dig the cowboy hat and biker glove combo too!)

2010-11-29, 09:49 PM
I'll buck the trend and vote for the mail lady, as it pays to marry into the system.

(That and the few times I've played Sims 3 I always end up with office romances because there's little time for the Sim to socialise before they drop dead of old age. The biological clocks seem to run in triple time in that game.)

Woot Spitum
2010-11-29, 10:50 PM
Office romances are easier and therefore against the spirit of the challenge.:smallamused:

Go for the Mailperson.

2010-11-29, 11:04 PM
Despite the fact that her outfit creeps me out entirely... I still vote for Dorothy. Who knows? Maybe they were made for each other. :V

2010-11-30, 12:01 AM
Dorothy <3

Though, if we do have the time we should wait until we meet more people.

2010-11-30, 12:21 AM
Though, if we do have the time we should wait until we meet more people.
No time!!! Tick tick tick goes the biological clock! :smalltongue:

In Sims 3 your character starts as a Young Adult, has three in-game weeks before they age to an Adult, then three more in-game weeks before becoming an Elder. (I believe Elder women are infertile, but Elder men are not). Sim children take between four and five in-game weeks to mature to Young Adults (including an excruciatingly whole week as a toddler).

So if your Sim wants to see their child mature within their life time, they have only a couple of weekends worth of socialising time to find a suitable mate. That's a potential downside of dating your boss too - they're usually older than your Sim so they're further down their mayfly-like lifespan.

The Sims 3 is depressing. You crank through an ordinary work week for your Sim and it's a whole sixth of their working life. Then you crank through a second and their acquaintances start dropping dead. :smallfrown:

2010-11-30, 02:33 AM
But hm. I have weak spot against mail ladies too... This is a hard choice. I'm turning neutral on this.

2010-11-30, 05:31 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about ticking Biological Clocks right now. I don't think* the game is smart enough to decide that Dorothy being in a mid-career position should be of older age. Nor is there any garuntee that Alma is young (she could be older than Dorothy for all we know). In essence we're flying completely blind here.

Well most of you seem to prefer Dorothy, so I'll close the vote for now.

*Caveat: My grasp on how the game generates random NPCs to fill job positions is kinda shaky. But not nearly as shaky as the random generator's fashion sense.

2010-11-30, 01:16 PM
Hmm.. Why not both? :P
Fun for everyone involved.

2010-11-30, 01:21 PM
I agree with this, have them both. I don't know if you can marry both but at least keep them both around and try until you know what you're going to go for.

You don't need huge monies right now anyways, just enough to live off of. You have 10 generations to help build up your place.

Fluff & Napalm
2010-11-30, 03:03 PM
Go for Dorothy. At least you know she has a good job.

2010-11-30, 10:18 PM
Too late to make a difference but I'd say go with the mailwoman. Mad scientist + girl named Alma = match made in heaven your darkest nightmares.

2010-11-30, 10:24 PM
Love triangle made in nightmare!

Mad scientist/Carnivore Plant Tender/Alma

2010-11-30, 10:50 PM
The short answer on "Why Not Both":
1) Much like real life people, Sims 3 display jealousy. And it is all but impossible to conceal an affair like that if both women live in the same lot.
2) Why would we want both women be on the same lot? The Legacy Challenge states that for a child to count as an heir, the mother must be a resident of the Legacy lot at the time of birth.
3) Further to that, the mother of the heir, is considered to be part of the family bloodline. And thus counts towards the Legacy score. So we should try to keep her on the lot and try to fulfil her lifetime wish (which gives 1 point).



The day begins as it usually does, with gardening. And then its off to work.


Victor gets promoted to Usless Contraption Manipulator (Science level 3, they really have the funniest job titles). This time I remembered to get a shot, so here he is doing his "YES!" pose.


A quick bath and... Hello! Whats this? Another girl?


Bah! She's another highschool student. So we're still limited to Alma and Dorothy. Anyway, Victor now decides to invite Dorothy over for shameless flirting.


Like Alma, she's also impressed with the scenery.


This is the 2 of them gossiping. One of the interesting bits of Sims 3 is that when you use the gossip interaction, the game ALSO tells you who they are gossiping about. Apparently, word has it that one of the other random NPCs (whose name I have completely forgotten), has some unspeakable secret...


Anyway, what follows now is the entire Sims 3 courtship process shrunk down to a handful of pictures (and split over 2 days). First there is the amorous hugging.


Although Victor looks like he's going to bite her head off in this one.


And then comes the holding hands.


You might think that holding hands normally comes first, but not in Sims 3. But the hour grows late, so Victor sends Dorothy off for the night.


Yes, he is dreaming about unicorns. You will notice that I saved enough to upgrade his bed. It might seem crazy to burn money on a new double bed, when he doesn't even have a toilet yet. But in Sims 3, higher quality beds recharge your Sim's energy faster. In other words, a Sim with an expensive bed spends less time sleeping, and has more waking hours in a day to play with.

Saturday (part 1)

No work today, so we can focus on the rest of the Sims 3 mating rituals. We begin with Victor inviting Dorothy over once more.

In this shot, she is thinking about money... an ominious sign of things to come.


But anyway, skipping past the hugging and holding hand bits, we finally come to...


First Kiss! So engrossed is Victor, that he completely ignores the fact her cowboy hat is now embedded in his Right Eye (and skull, and frontal lobes). Truly, love is blind. Anyway, continuing with the courtship cycle. First Victor must propose going steady.


Once she accepts that, he can go down on bended knee and propose marriage.



Happily, she says yes. Note that this only makes them engaged, they aren't actually married yet. At this point, you can opt to throw a wedding party and invite guests, and marry before them in a public ceremony. But since we're racing against the Biological Clock, we'll skip all that jazz and use the quick alternative: a private wedding between just the 2 of them. There is no need for any sort of Priest to officiate this, just a simple exchange of rings.



You may now kiss the bride. Although, watch out for the hat.


And for those of you wondering: Yes, Victor just proposed and got married in his bathrobe. With the completion of the marriage, you get to decide what happens to the 2 households. The newly wedded couple must obviously stay together, either in the current Player house, or you could marry off a Sim to the NPC house, in which case you lose control of him/her, and continue running the remaining members of the current household.


But beyond that, you can also move in various other members of the NPC house into the current house. This is permitted as per the legacy rules. At the time of marriage, Dorothy's household had only one other person: Narcissa Vatos.


Nacissa is apparently just a friend/roomie that Dorothy splits the rent with- no blood relations or anything. We move her in as well, simply because if she turns out to be redundant, we can move her out again with ease (in game, this is as simple as making a phone call). The stats for our 2 new household members are:

Dorothy Xenon
Age: 15 Days to Elder
Traits: Brave, Perfectionist, Schmoozer, Snob, Ambitious
Lifetime Wish: Accumulate $50,000 in cash

Narcissa Vatos
Age: 15 Days to Adult
Traits: Great Kisser, Natural Cook, Perfectionist, Good Lucky
Lifetime Wish: Become Celebrated Five-Star Chef (Cooking Career Level 10)

Yes Dorothy has only 15 days of fertility left. Hopefully, that should be enough to produce an Heir and a Spare. I suspect she won't live long enough to see them mature, but its better to have some kids, then to die old and alone right? Plus, I'm not worried about manpower anymore, as we have just managed to recruit Narcissa as a live-in nanny.

I am however, worried about Dorothy's lifetime wish. Its going to be extremely difficult to accumulate 50k. within her lifetime, especially seeing how we have a half-complete house that still needs further renovations, as well as an incoming baby, who will need another bunch of new furniture.

2010-11-30, 11:12 PM

Aaaalways! I want to beeee with you! And make belieeeve with you! And live in harmony, harmony, oh looove! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/RobotUnicornAttack?from=Main.RobotUnicornAttack)

2010-12-01, 11:36 AM
Aaaalways! I want to beeee with you! And make belieeeve with you! And live in harmony, harmony, oh looove! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/RobotUnicornAttack?from=Main.RobotUnicornAttack)

Robot Unicorn FTW!

Loving this LP.

2010-12-01, 11:46 AM
What... a fast courtship

2010-12-01, 08:27 PM
RE Courtship length: Its actually about average by Sims 3 standards. The normal courtship process can be pulled off within 3-4 days from scratch, and this would probably have been the time required if we went for Alma. In Victor/Dorothy's case, because they started off as friends (from knowing each other at work/prior interactions) it could be shortened to 2 days.

Note that 1 Sim day is roughly analagous to 1 real life year. Sims normally live for 90 days/years, so if it wanted to reflect Real-Life more closely, you'd be able to complete Courtship from scratch within one day/year. And Preganancy would last 1 day rather than 4.

Saturday (part 2)

The merging of the households has brought in some cash. Not a whole lot, mind you, but enough that we can build Victor/Dorothy a room so that they can have some privacy.

As for Narcissa, we get her to quit her current job (Test Subject), and then buy an Easel for her to start painting. The Legacy challenge awards 1 bonus point, for each portrait of family members. To be able to paint Still-Life (i.e. snapshot) at all, you need 5 ranks in the Painting skill (although the Artist tends to muck up the image with her own intepretation). Outright true Portraits require 7 ranks. So until then, Narcissa has a lot of practicing to do.


At the same time, we have enough household members that it now makes sense to buy a counter to start making meals*, and a fridge to store them**.

*Meal preparation massively magnifies the cost efficiency of food. Take the lettuce Victor has been munching on all this while (he bought a rather hefty supply on day 1 thats lasted all this while, although the actual act of eating was mostly not captured on screen). A single leaf fills his hunger bar by about half. In comparison, cooking turns that 1 leaf into Autumn Salad, a group meal that serves 8. Each meal completely maxes out the Hunger Bar, and furthermore, well prepared meals can boost a Sim's mood. Obviously, with just 3 Sims we can't finish an 8-Sim group meal. But leftovers can be kept in the fridge and eaten straight without needing to reheat or similiar. In fact, I frequently prepare meals before hand and store them in the fridge, so that they can eat whenever they want to.

**Incidentally, food stored in the fridge goes bad over time. And again, more expensive/better fridges slow this process down. Hence, the fridge in the screen shot, is the best commercially available, although not the best in the game. The best in-game fridge is a career reward for those who reach the high echelons of the Cooking profession.


Unfortunately we don't have the cash to buy tables and chairs just yet, so they'll have to eat their meals standing up. (Don't mind the gridlines, I just happened to take this shot in construction mode)


We also buy a dishwasher to clean their plates when they are done eating.


And this is Narcissa's first completed painting. We are in desperate need for cash right now, so we sell it right away for $31. We will pretty much do this to all her paintings except for the family portraits.


What are Victor and Dorothy doing in the meanwhile? The short answer is: Trying to start on making an heir, and failing horribly. Unfortunately at this point, my game bugged out or something, and the Mood Meter kept resetting to zero for whatever reason*. In the end I give up and just sent them to sleep.

*As much as I would like to be an omnipotent being who can induce Sims to mate at will, it doesn't actually work that way. Instead, you have to build up the 'mood' before your Sims will do the deed.


Their first night as a couple.


No work today either. Victor first takes a bath, while Dorothy watches a bit of gardening TV.



Once both of them are ready, its off to try for a baby again.




Well sort of. We succeed in getting them to TRY for a baby, but the first attempt yields nothing. However, we get lucky on the second shot*. Anyway, with that out of the way, Victor gets down to reading a book on mutations, for an opportunity (i.e. Sims 3 quest) to get promoted faster at work.

*To let you know when you actually succeed in conceiving (and thus when you can stop trying), a short rock-a-bye-baby lullaby will play.


Meanwhile, Narcissa is working on another painting.


The rest of the day is spent skilling up. Now that a family is on the way, I want to have one of them crank Handiness to level 6, for reasons you shall see later.




They go to sleep, but in the middle of the night, Dorothy suddenly wakes up, and walks outside to vomit. Yeah, she's definitely pregnant.


Finally, when it is almost the next morning, Narcissa finishes her second painting before hitting the hay.


A somewhat appropriate piece, if you consider how we're essentially running a small farm in the front yard. This painting fetches $88. Because she doesn't have a conventional job anymore (now shes pulling in money by selling paintings), she can pretty much ignore the day/night cycle. This will become immensely useful once feeding and changing colicky babies in the dead of the night becomes important. But in the interim, it helps deter burglars*.

*In that she can call the police if one comes along. Ideally, we would want a Burglar Alarm, which automatically casts Summon Police 1 when a burglar breaks in. I hope to eventually afford that at some point. The very best deterrance would be to have the Burglar Alarm plus multiple Sims on your lot, who can fight off Burglars (requires either the Brave Trait, or sufficient advancement in the Police career), and have high ranks in Athletics, so you can gang-pile the fool who dared break into your place.

First child incoming! Time to start voting on Names. Since we are uncertain of the gender, you can cast 2 votes: One if the child is a boy, and one if it is a girl.

2010-12-01, 08:33 PM
Let's see.... Helen if a girl, Dave if a boy. I'm on a Narbonic kick, even if they can't be mad scientists.

2010-12-01, 08:35 PM
Building your mansion, one room at a time.

2010-12-01, 09:58 PM
I take it you're not going to make Dorothy binge on kids' television and music? I suppose there's more important things for her to do.

I like opposite-initial names. If it's a boy, another vote for Dave even though he won't be a scientist. If a girl, name her Valerie.

2010-12-01, 10:05 PM
Let's see.... Helen if a girl, Dave if a boy. I'm on a Narbonic kick, even if they can't be mad scientists.
They can be a scientist and also be mad. My first Sim in Sims 3 was an insane sci-fi author.

I'll recommend Mell if it's a girl, Artie if it's a boy. :smalltongue:

2010-12-01, 10:51 PM
I feel just awful for Narcissa. Her friend gets married, and then suddenly she's forced to quit her job and become the new husband's slave for life. The cooking, cleaning, and babysitting is bad enough, but where it really goes into insane supervillain territory is where Mister Xenon forces her to teach herself how to paint so she can create a magnificent portrait of him. Poor girl. :smallfrown:

Back to the Baby Names:

Gabrielle. Or Gabriel if he's a boy. I have no idea why I'm dong this. I never even watched that show.

2010-12-01, 11:17 PM
I feel just awful for Narcissa. Her friend gets married, and then suddenly she's forced to quit her job and become the new husband's slave for life. The cooking, cleaning, and babysitting is bad enough, but where it really goes into insane supervillain territory is where Mister Xenon forces her to teach herself how to paint so she can create a magnificent portrait of him. Poor girl. :smallfrown:

Back to the Baby Names:

Gabrielle. Or Gabriel if he's a boy. I have no idea why I'm dong this. I never even watched that show.

Yeah...It's a little sad...

2010-12-01, 11:30 PM
I feel just awful for Narcissa. Her friend gets married, and then suddenly she's forced to quit her job and become the new husband's slave for life. The cooking, cleaning, and babysitting is bad enough, but where it really goes into insane supervillain territory is where Mister Xenon forces her to teach herself how to paint so she can create a magnificent portrait of him. Poor girl. :smallfrown:
When I played Sims 2 I turned the game into a giant multi-household soap opera, and that was how one of my soap villains make the heroes miserable. Except in my game the villain was Ganondorf and the woman was Chrono's Mom. The most awesome part of that game was when Chrono stormed Ganondorf's mansion, got into a yelling match with him, and stormed out with his mother in tow. (Of course the rules of drama dictated she was pregnant at the time. And because I modeled them after the characters, let me tell you that genetics were not kind on the resulting baby girl).

I miss that gameplay. The Sims 3 isn't geared for it.

2010-12-01, 11:51 PM
I have Sims 3 but I haven't played it that much (and in the limited times that I have, I've played with aging turned off).

However, if you want to maximize game time in a 10 generation format so as to accumulate wealth wouldn't the best plan be to hold off producing an heir as long as prudently possible? Especially if male Sims can father children as elders (which I'm not sure of due to my extremely limited gameplay. )

2010-12-01, 11:53 PM
Yeah...It's a little sad...

If by sad you mean hillariously appropriate, yes, it is.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-01, 11:56 PM
It looks like Narcissa could stand to lose a little weight anyways.:smalltongue: Can Sims make changes in their physical appearance from factors other than getting older - i.e., would advancing in Cooking make a Sim more fat from all the food they sample, or spending lots of time Exercising have the reverse effect

2010-12-02, 01:04 AM
It looks like Narcissa could stand to lose a little weight anyways.:smalltongue: Can Sims make changes in their physical appearance from factors other than getting older - i.e., would advancing in Cooking make a Sim more fat from all the food they sample, or spending lots of time Exercising have the reverse effect

Yes, they can change their basic shapes. If a sim eats when they are all ready full, they get fatter. Working out can slim you down (jogging, aerobics) or bulk up your muscles (weight-lifting).

2010-12-02, 01:14 AM
Gabrielle. Or Gabriel if he's a boy.

+1. I vote for this

2010-12-02, 09:53 AM
if you want to maximize game time in a 10 generation format so as to accumulate wealth wouldn't the best plan be to hold off producing an heir as long as prudently possible? Especially if male Sims can father children as elders (which I'm not sure of due to my extremely limited gameplay. )

Thats an interesting thought, but it would only work if you can garuntee your elder male has a young wife, or someone else who can take care of the kids after he is gone...

Hmm... actually I just might be able to try that. Seeing how Dorothy will be shuffling off this mortal coil rather quickly, Victor will have the chance to remarry. It would be unusual, but it is possible for Dorothy's children to look after their half-siblings once Victor is gone.

It looks like Narcissa could stand to lose a little weight anyways.:smalltongue: Can Sims make changes in their physical appearance from factors other than getting older - i.e., would advancing in Cooking make a Sim more fat from all the food they sample, or spending lots of time Exercising have the reverse effect

Yes, they can change their basic shapes. If a sim eats when they are all ready full, they get fatter. Working out can slim you down (jogging, aerobics) or bulk up your muscles (weight-lifting).

But keep in mind that Sims tend to spend almost all their time raising skills to gain promotions/earn more money/fulfil lifetime wishes, such that they have very little left to spend on frivolous things like exercise (unless it was part of their job, like if they were in the miltary or police).

but where it really goes into insane supervillain territory is where Mister Xenon forces her to teach herself how to paint so she can create a magnificent portrait of him. Poor girl. :smallfrown:

Thats Doctor Xenon, if you please. :smalltongue:

For those of you feeling sorry for Narcissa, here are a few things to keep her situation in perspective:
1) You have to consider the side-benefits she gets from living in Castle Mansion House Shack Xenon. Such as... er... well it will become more apparent as the place actually develops.
2) Her last job was as a Test Subject (Science Level 1). Whereas her lifetime wish was to be a Level 10 Cook (due to the 'Natural Cook' Trait), an entirely unrelated field. Right now, she gets to produce Art for a living, which is still an unrelated field, but it sure beats getting experimented on*.
3) When we first moved her in, she didn't even have a single rank in the Cooking skill. In fact, since she is doing all the meal preparation now, and levelling up Cooking along the way, I'd say she's a bit happier.

Once Dorothy's children enter child-stage (as opposed to being time-sucking toddlers), and the portraits for the first generation are done, we'll see about starting her off on her life dream, because I'm not entirely heartless**.

*Now that I am reminded of this, it has suddenly dawned on me that she wasn't actually Dorothy's friend. She was her live-in Guinea Pig.

**Or maybe, I just want the Ultimate Fridge they give you at the top of the culinary career.

2010-12-02, 10:19 AM
Has the legacy challenge been adapted for Sims 3? There are some key points which are missing, like platinum grave stones.

2010-12-02, 10:34 AM
I posted a link to the rules (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/39862.page) on the first page.

Platinum gravestones no longer count, only the number of UNIQUE lifetime wishes you fulfil. E.g. if 2 family members (not necessarily within the same generation) had the same lifetime wish, fulfilling it for one or both of them still only counts as 1 point.

2010-12-02, 11:54 AM
Ah, that is my problem, I'm at work so many links don't work for me.

...don't worry, I actually do work too.

2010-12-02, 11:59 AM
Joel if it's a boy, Miranda if not.

It's been awhile since I've played 3 so I don't remember, but do sims that die come back to haunt the place like in older games?

2010-12-02, 12:11 PM
Giving my vote to Dave if it's a boy. For a girl, Rebecca.

2010-12-02, 01:39 PM
If it's a boy, name him after yourself. If a girl, throw her in the river name her Agatha and give her a nice necklace and then get back to work making the REAL heir.

2010-12-02, 02:42 PM
It's been awhile since I've played 3 so I don't remember, but do sims that die come back to haunt the place like in older games?

Yes, as long as their tombstone/urn is still on the lot. (Although in my own experience, and maybe it's just me, it seems like all ghosts do in Sims 3 is watch TV, play video games, and then take a short nap...)

2010-12-02, 02:53 PM
Yes, as long as their tombstone/urn is still on the lot. (Although in my own experience, and maybe it's just me, it seems like all ghosts do in Sims 3 is watch TV, play video games, and then take a short nap...)

You can interact with them too.

2010-12-02, 06:11 PM
I say, if it's a boy, name it Mel. If it's a girl, name it Rebecca.

On a related note, I wish I had the power to cast Summon Police 1.

2010-12-02, 06:49 PM
Elvendork. It's unisex!

Thats an interesting thought, but it would only work if you can garuntee your elder male has a young wife, or someone else who can take care of the kids after he is gone...

Get the Panter chick to take care of them. She'll be have done it for the full-blooded heirs, and she isn't even an adult yet.

2010-12-02, 07:53 PM
Vidcund if it's a boy, Jenny if it's a girl?

2010-12-02, 08:19 PM
she isn't even an adult yet.

Oh, right, one more thing: The Sims does still have a "Young Adult" category, right? Our new painting slave isn't still a teenager, right?

2010-12-02, 08:34 PM
Get the Panter chick to take care of them. She'll be have done it for the full-blooded heirs, and she isn't even an adult yet.

She's a few days younger than Victor though, so when Victor passes on, she won't be too far behind.

Oh, right, one more thing: The Sims does still have a "Young Adult" category, right? Our new painting slave isn't still a teenager, right?

Yes, she is a Young Adult. Same as Victor.


Its harvest day again! This time round, the grapes have also yielded fruit. As usual, we ditch the originals, and replant their higher quality seeds.


Anyway, with the carpool coming for our 2 budding mad scientists, its a quick meal of Autumn salad (courtesy of Narcissa) before they take off to work. Although I must say, I prefer Dorothy without her hat.


Victor: I do declare, this Autumn Salad is MUCH better than the lettuce leaves I've been munching on all this while.

Dorothy: I dunno, I don't think it suits my taste... In fact it makes me feel like throwing up...


Dorothy: <HURK!> See what I mean?

Dorothy comes back first from the lab (her shift finishes 30 minutes before Victor's). As she tends the garden, a bump appears on her tummy. She also undergoes a costume change from her country dress to pregnancy clothes.


Despite their brutal tax regime, this town has a comprehensive maternal welfare policy. So until she gives birth, Dorothy is placed on PAID maternity leave. She spends her precious time off... continuing to garden. In the meanwhile, Narcissa has woken up and is back painting once more.


With the fresh harvest, Victor now has tomatoes of sufficient quantity and quality to turn in that opportunity. So he takes a ride downtown and delivers the produce to the restaurant, in exchange for a nice $370.


With the money from the Tomatoes and Victor/Dorothy's pay, we buy a new Stove*.

*Up to now, we had a Fridge and a Counter, and that was enough to prepare meals that did not require heat, like Autumn Salad and PB&J sandwiches. But most other food in game requires a stove to cook. A small handful require a grill or microwave instead of a stove, which we may get later.


Victor spends the rest of the watching gardening TV. Dorothy on the other hand, suddenly feels the urge to read a pregnancy book**.

**All prospective mothers get this urge. Which is why said book was included in the Community Centre library. It is in fact the only non-skill raising book*** in there.

***In case it isn't obvious, whereas skill progress is denoted by blue bars, reading normal books is denoted by a green bar. When you reach the bar is full, you finish the book.


Dorothy: Dear, you must read this, it is most informative!

Victor: Is it an instruction manual on how to construct a Hyperbeam Death Ray?

Dorothy: ... No?

Victor: Meh, I'm watching TV now, maybe tomorrow.

And its off to bed for the 2 of them.


In the early hours of the next morning, Narcissa completes her latest piece.


Yeah, it still looks like a bunch of kid scribbles. Nonetheless, this one manages to fetch $100+. As she keeps practicing, Narcissa's Painting skill will keep getting better, and her work will gradually look better, and sell for more.

Tuesday (part 1)

First thing in the morning, Victor's Neuroticism kicks in, and he brushes his teeth 3 times. Its a mystery why there is even such a function, when nobody in Sim-land ever gets tooth decay. Its like the action exists solely to give OCD people something to do.


After that, he gets cracking on that Pregnancy book his wife was nagging him to read. Said wife joins him shortly, and continues to improve her Handiness.


Victor goes to work, and gets promoted to Science level 4 (Fertilizer Analyst, one step below Carnivorous Plant Tender). Here's a shot of him tending the garden after work, in his new uniform... which looks exactly the same as his Lab-Tech uniform. Oh well.


All this while Dorothy doesn't budge from her seat. You gotta admire the Sims ability to sit down and concentrate on a single task for hours. This of course, also includes Narcissa's non-stop painting, speaking of which...


When Dorothy eventually gets up to go home, her phone starts ringing. QUEST OPPORTUNITY TIME!


Apparently despite their utter failure to catch any giant Minnows so far, the former local Tomato Suppliers have stuck with their guns and continued fishing. And now another restaurant* is running short of Tomatoes and they want Dorothy to supply 3 Very Nice specimens for cash.

*The game has 2 distinct eateries. One resembles a traditional restaurant, and the other is a fast food joint.


Dorothy agrees to the request. The family still has a bunch of Very Nice Tomatoes from the last harvest, so she immediately proceeds to turn those in for the reward.


Victor in the meanwhile is skilling up Handiness.


Narcissa gets an Opportunity of her own.


Recently, the Board of Education has approved a funding increase for the local school. They intend to use it to hire external professionals to give one-off classes to students. Narcissa's work hasn't gone noticed, so they want her to teach an Art Class.


Sounds like easy money, so Narcissa agrees, before continuing to paint.


The finished product... sorry, but it still looks like a bunch of elemetary school scribbles. Nonetheless, it manages to sell for $146.

Remember how both Scientists have been skilling up Handiness like mad? Well there is a reason for it: Aside from being a skill required for promotions in certain careers, Handiness is also easily the second most powerful skill in the base game**. At moderate ranks, you can start to upgrade normal stuff lying arond the house in various ways. For example, take our brand new stove: We can upgrade it to be Fireproof, as Dorothy demonstrates with her hammer***.

**And for those of you wondering, the first most powerful skill is Gardening, as it lets you grow the godly Lifefruit. Each fruit extends a Sim's lifespan by one day, and in sufficient quantities, grants you functional immortality. Gardening also gives you Death Flowers, which (despite its name) acts as an "Extra Life", and staves off any one death from unnatural causes (i.e. everything except old age). Unfortunately, both are banned under Legacy rules, or I would be shoving Dorothy full of Lifefruit.

***Bizarrely enough, the animation for upgrading any object is precisely this: Hammering it repeatedly. This applies regardless of whether the object is electronic (computers, TVs and radios), plumbing (toilets, sinks and showers), or flammable (stoves and fireplaces).


In the Meanwhile, Victor goes to bed first, with his head full of... trashy thoughts.


In a few hours, Dorothy has finished upgrading the Stove. Future generations (and Narcissa) are now assured that the place won't catch fire while they cook.


With the house made a bit safer for her unborn child (as well as her former Guinea Pig), Dorothy finally joins Victor in dreamland.


"... zzz ... Killer Vegetable Army ... zzz ..."

"... zzz ... WORLD DOMINATION!... zzz ..."

I haven't closed Voting yet, so those who want can cast new ballots, or change your existing vote. The tally so far:

Dave (Deme, Toric, Volt)
Gabriel (Mewtarthio, Eldonauran)
Artie (Trazoi)
Joel (Eviljoe15)
Mel (FantasyFoxMan)
Vidcund (Goldfly)
Elvendork (AtlanteanTroll)

Gabrielle (Mewtarthio, Eldonauran)
Rebacca (Volt, FantasyFoxMan)
Helen (Deme)
Valerie (Toric)
Mell (Trazoi)
Miranda (Eviljoe15)
Agatha (Agent Paper)
Jenny (Goldfly)
Elvendork (AtlanteanTroll)

The Glyphstone
2010-12-02, 08:50 PM
I'll vote Elvendork/Elvendork. She can be nicknamed 'Elle'.

2010-12-02, 09:23 PM
She's a few days younger than Victor though, so when Victor passes on, she won't be too far behind.
Aren't we worried about when Dorothy passes on, not Victor?

I'll vote Elvendork/Elvendork. She can be nicknamed 'Elle'.
I. LOVE. YOU. :smallbiggrin:

The Dark Fiddler
2010-12-02, 09:47 PM
***Bizarrely enough, the animation for upgrading any object is precisely this: Hammering it repeatedly. This applies regardless of whether the object is electronic (computers, TVs and radios), plumbing (toilets, sinks and showers), or flammable (stoves and fireplaces).

I see Sims 3 takes a page from the Engineer school of upgrading things.

Woot Spitum
2010-12-02, 09:49 PM
I think you should name the kid Mario if it's a boy, and Zelda if it's a girl.

2010-12-02, 10:03 PM
by the way, may we see the bird eye view of the Xenon Science Shack?

2010-12-03, 05:35 AM
Aren't we worried about when Dorothy passes on, not Victor?

I already planned for Dorothy's children to be looked by Victor/Narcissa. It is the children that might arise should Victor remarry (after Dorothy is dead, when Victor's an elder or almost there), that I was worrying about.

by the way, may we see the bird eye view of the Xenon Science Shack?

I'll try and get some out for the next update.

Since there don't appear to be any other votes, I'll close name for now. The final tally is:

Dave (Deme, Toric, Volt)
Gabriel (Mewtarthio, Eldonauran)
Elvendork (AtlanteanTroll, Glyphstone)
Artie (Trazoi)
Joel (Eviljoe15)
Mel (FantasyFoxMan)
Vidcund (Goldfly)
Mario (Woot Spitum)

Gabrielle (Mewtarthio, Eldonauran)
Rebacca (Volt, FantasyFoxMan)
Elvendork (AtlanteanTroll, Glyphstone)
Helen (Deme)
Valerie (Toric)
Mell (Trazoi)
Miranda (Eviljoe15)
Agatha (Agent Paper)
Jenny (Goldfly)
Zelda (Woot Spitum)

Don't worry if your choice didn't get selected. I'm hoping to get a lot of babies out of this legacy, and they will all need different names. :smalltongue:

2010-12-03, 09:13 PM

For some reason, Dorothy has the urge to buy a shower. Seeing how it could be useful*, we spend Victor's latest paycheque on one.

*Generally speaking, Showers clean Sims faster than Bathtubs, so that they can spend less time bathing, and more time doing other stuff. Apparently sitting in stagnant water isn't nearly as cleansing as standing in a running stream, as the dirt drifts off your body, and than stays in the puddle you are soaking in.


Victor is the first to wake up and use this shiny new appliance.


After that, he starts reading Handiness when he gets another phonecall.


Apparently, the School Bonus Budget for extra lessons extends to subjects other than art. In fact, they include Handiness for some bizarre reason. (To understand why this seems strange, consider the following question: were any of you ever taught how to repair broken pipes in high school?) Anyway, the school wants Victor to go down and teach children the basics of Handiness, in exchange for a cash reward.


Again, it seems like easy money so Victor agrees. Dorothy in the meanwhile has started upgrading the Sprinkler with the Auto-Water function**.

**This will let it automatically turn on for a few hours each day to water the plants. I have been doing this manually thus far.


But in the midst of hammering a timer function into the Sprinkler, her handphone rings as well. Not only is the school asking for someone to teach Handiness, they have requested TWO seperate experts. Dorothy, is being asked to go down and deliver a lesson of her own.


Dorothy takes up the offer, and then finishes upgrading the Sprinkler. Seeing how she isn't quite skilled enough to start upgrading the shower just yet (and Victor is hogging the Handiness manual), we send her down to the school.


But in the middle of the lesson, it happens- Dorothy goes into labour. The lesson is cancelled, and Dorothy runs out clutching her tummy.


Victor drops the book and rushes down to the Hospital to accompany his wife.



Dorothy: <Casually strolls into the Hospital>

Anyway, the 2 stay in there for a couple of hours before...


Its a Boy! Presenting Dave Xenon, the first member of Generation 2! Since Dorothy had a smooth pregnancy, we get to choose the 2 traits the baby starts with. Or at least we could, if Legacy rules did not demand that we randomize it. A roll of the dice and we get... Insane and Loner.

Yeah... thats definitely not a good start. It would appear I just used up all my luck to get a boy named Dave (as opposed to a girl named 'Elvendork'). Anyway, since we now have a baby, we need a crib for it to sleep in. We add a small extra room to the shack, and place a crib inside. We also move the rest of the furniture around a little. The house now looks like this:


And the exterior looks like this:


Here we have Dorothy placing Dave in the crib. He'll be spending most of the next few days in there, until he becomes a toddler. In Sims 3, babies only require periodic attention, when they are hungry, lonely, or pooped themselves. The rest of the time, they'll be in their crib staring at the ceiling. Really, taking care of babies isn't time consuming. Its just that they'll frequently require attention in the dead of the night. Fortunately, we have a plan to get around that little problem.


Victor has reached Gardening rank 5, which means that he can now plant the uncommon crops: Watermelons, Limes, Potatoes and Onions. He buys some seeds from the conveniently located grocery store, and adds them to our growing garden.


Dorothy has reached Handiness 6, which unlocks the most important upgrade we'll be giving the most of our household stuff- UNBREAKABLE. Dorothy starts upgrading their brand new shower.


Those of you who've seen Zarah's Lets Play, should know that stuff breaks down hilariously often in Sims 3 (or at least, its hilarious for Lets-Play viewers). This is rather inconvenient for the Sims who might need to use the item. And occasionally outright dangerous if they attempt to fix electronic goods without appropriately high skill in Handiness (there's a chance of Death by Electrocution). But the Unbreakable upgrade, as the name implies, prevents the item from ever failing. If we're going to build a house that will last 10 generations, this upgrade will be its backbone.


Incidentally, it appears I was wrong. Not all upgrade animation involves repeated hammering. The shower apparently gets spanner treatment, as shown above.


And this is Narcissa's latest piece. Her work is starting to look like proper art now. She's not far from Painting rank 7.

Come night, Victor's OCD activates once more.


Victor: Must... clean... dirt... on... counter. No! Resist the random compulsive urges... MUST CLEAN DIRT ON COUNTER! *Sigh* Hopefully my children won't be as nuts as I am.


Meanwhile, Dorothy has finished upgrading shower.


Next up, the Dishwasher!


In order to ensure there will always be someone awake to tend to Dave, I'm going to start staggering their sleeping hours a little: As such, Victor turns in early, and will wake up earlier tomorrow when Narcissa goes to sleep. Unlike people, Sims don't have an internal biological clock, and konk out the moment their heads touch the pillow, regardless of how tired (or not) they may be.


"... zzz ... Bwuhahaha! EMERALD LEGION! ... zzz ..."


"... zzz ... Goo Goo ... zzz ..."

Soon, Dorothy tires of tinkering with the Dishwasher, and retires for the night as well.


"... zzz ... mmm, Bedroom Chemistry ... zzz ..."


As predicted, at about 2 in the morning, Dave poops himself and starts crying blue murder. Fortunately, Narcissa is on hand to change him.


Finally, as morning approaches, Victor wakes up early, and Narcissa ends her shift.

2010-12-03, 09:21 PM
Insane and Loner were two of the traits of my first Sim in Sims 3. It's a fun combination. :smallbiggrin:

Maybe Dave can aim for a lifetime wish of writing or painting? One of the ones that doesn't require a lot of Sim interaction and is fine if done in your underwear?

The Glyphstone
2010-12-03, 09:22 PM
So, how many more days does Dorothy have of fertility? Still holding out hope for Dave's lovely little sister Ellevendork

2010-12-03, 09:30 PM
Well crap. Get cracking on a second child. Once again, I suggest Elle (Elvendork) as a name. Boy or girl.

2010-12-03, 11:47 PM
insane and loner? are you sure the game randomzie and don't simply read this thread for ideas?

2010-12-04, 10:00 AM
Maybe Dave can aim for a lifetime wish of writing or painting? One of the ones that doesn't require a lot of Sim interaction and is fine if done in your underwear?

Yeah... there's a good chance that he'll wind up with either the Professional Author or Illustrious Author lifetime wish.

So, how many more days does Dorothy have of fertility? Still holding out hope for Dave's lovely little sister Ellevendork

I'm aiming to concieve a second baby 2-3 days before Dave ages into a child. The baby will then be born shortly after Dave ages, so that the family only has to deal with 1 screaming infant at a time.

insane and loner? are you sure the game randomzie and don't simply read this thread for ideas?

Its a distinct possibility. EA already uses draconian DRM that checks online whenever you start up a game, so adding AI that searches the interwebs for player torturing ideas is a small step away.

2010-12-04, 02:58 PM
I love this thread.

2010-12-04, 03:36 PM
Insane and loner, next generation is gunna be fun to watch.

Keep up the good work!

2010-12-05, 07:30 AM
Thanks. :smallsmile:


Aside from higher pay, Victor's promotions have apparently upgraded his Carpool as well. Whereas he used to get an old grey boxy saloon with sputtering exhaust, he now gets a roaring orange SUV (and a more eye-catching driver :smallwink:).


Dorothy continues to be on maternity leave, so that someone can remain at home to watch the baby*. We let her continue upgrading the Dishwasher.

*The game requires that at least 1 adult stay home with the baby to look after it. It literally does not allow the last adult on the lot to leave the premises, if a baby is around. The family can choose to hire a baby-sitter, if they must all go somewhere, but we'll be relying on Narcissa.


Once the Dishwasher has been rendered unbreakable, Dorothy heads down to school to deliver that lesson on handiness she was giving last time, before ya'know, going into labour.


While Victor is at work and Dorothy is teaching, Narcissa continues to look after Dave.


Victor finishes work**, this time he comes home in his ACTUAL Fertilizer Analyst uniform. Apparently, they don't wear their new costume until they next go to work.

**Incidentally, Sims 3 has a Work Performance bar, which indicates clearly how far you are from your next promotion (or raise once you hit the top job). Going to work increases it, while having high ranks in the appropriate skills increases it faster. On the other hand missing work or going late decreases it. There are various means of boosting it, such as that opportunity Victor got, to read a mutation book. Sims can also choose to work harder while at their job, at the cost of having the fun sucked out of them.


Although if you ask me, he looks less like a scientist, and more like some nerdy paper pushing clerk. And of course, the compulsive hand-washing behaviour does not help either.


Narcissa's latest work. A squirrel in the style of pointilism.


Narcissa gets the urge to buy and learn a new recipe*. For her hard work thus far, we let her pay a visit to the bookstore and pick up a book on Ratatouille.

*Recipes in Sims 3 are a mixture of automatic and manual. Most recipe's are automatically learnt, the moment you attain the appropriate rank in the Cooking skill. But some require you to have appropriate ranks AND to read a recipe book to learn it. Oddly enough the reading process destroys the Recipe book, preventing you from passing it on to someone else, after you're done.


As with the previous night, Victor turns in early.


With Victor's pay for the day, and the money Dorothy made from teaching a Handiness Class, we add a toilet to the house. Now the Xenons don't have to run across the street to answer nature's call (or wash their hands 3 times, or brush their teeth 3 times). However, the very presence of a Toilet has created an unusual side effect. Sims apparently have a desperate want to sit down when they eat. And since I haven't bought any chairs yet...


Anyway, once she's eaten her fill, Dorothy starts upgrading the sink with Unbreakable.


Dave starts crying again, and since Dorothy is up and about, we have her attend to him. Can't leave everything to Narcissa can we? ... Well actually we can, but Dorothy was about to sleep, and Dave was on her route between the new toilet, and her bed.


And thats it for the day.


"... zzz ... Dave Xenon ... zzz ..."

"... zzz ... Dead Weight ... zzz ..."

In the wee hours of the morning Narcissa completes yet another picture. She's also finally attained Painting 7, and will start on Dorothy's protrait tomorrow.


Hmm... this looks familiar, where have I seen... WAIT A MINUTE! THAT'S AN IN-GAME ADVERTISEMENT FOR SPORE! :smalltongue:

Friday (Part 1)

While Victor is at work, Dorothy continues to upgrade the toilet. First the Sink is made unbreakable


The Toilet Bowl we bought is the Porcelain Throne- the best Toilet in the game, which already comes inbuilt with the Unbreakable property*. So Dorothy instead adds the Self-Cleaning upgrade**.

*Some objects come with an inherent property that is normally conferred by an Upgrade. Another such object is the Tri-Forge stove we are using which has the Self-Cleaning property**. Normally an object can hold only a single upgrade at once, although objects with an inherent property can hold that property plus one more upgrade.

**Self-Cleaning is a lower level property/upgrade that lets an object automatically clean itself whenever it gets dirty. Since dirtiness is largly a cosmetic function (e.g. a dirty shower/stove/toilet bowl can still be used normally) its obviously not very important. Its only useful for people with the Neat traits who otherwise refuse to use dirty items, or OCD Neurotics who would otherwise obsess over cleaning it.


With Victor's pay, we buy dining table and chairs, so that the Xenon household will no longer sit in the toilet to eat.


A quick check shows that it works as expected.


Narcissa wakes up, and Dorothy gets ready to have her portrait painted, but the duo are interrupted by Dorothy's phone.


Dorothy's upgrading streak has earned recognition. And as such, a certain Abraham Finkel, wants her to upgrade his Radio, in exchange for a cash reward.

2010-12-05, 10:56 AM
She looks different without her hat. Why does she take it off?

2010-12-05, 05:22 PM

That painting... I WANT IT.

Also I want to change my vote for a child to Elvendork. After hearing that name, I automatically love it.

2010-12-05, 05:24 PM
Also I want to change my vote for a child to Elvendork. After hearing that name, I automatically love it.

May the being of your choosing bless you kind sir.

2010-12-05, 09:09 PM
She looks different without her hat. Why does she take it off?

Sims have different outfits for different purposes. The Cowboy Hat/Country Dress/Biker glove combo is her "everyday" outfit which is used for most things. The ones of her without her hat are:
1) Pyjamas (which she wears to sleep, and consists of a blue bathrobe), and
2) Athletic (which she normally wears to exercise, and is the one she changed into for the portraits).

Besides these, there are some outfits which she hasn't worn yet:
1) Formal
2) Swimwear

That painting... I WANT IT.

It was unfortunately immediately sold for much needed moolah.

Also: Hold onto your horses, voting hasn't yet opened to name the 2nd child. :smalltongue:

2010-12-05, 09:36 PM
Also: Hold onto your horses, voting hasn't yet opened to name the 2nd child. :smalltongue:

It shall be Elvendork. As will half of the other children. :smalltongue:

2010-12-05, 09:47 PM
Also: Hold onto your horses, voting hasn't yet opened to name the 2nd child. :smalltongue:

This is a democracy: Campaign season begins when the last election ends! :smalltongue:

May the being of your choosing bless you kind sir.

My, that's an awfully convenient way to bless someone, is it not, good sir? It seems to me like this man is nothing more than a consummate politician, too concerned about his own image to make a firm stand on anything. Is this the sort of man we can afford to have naming the next children of this great LP? I'll leave that to the people to judge.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect the Name "Gabrielle"

2010-12-05, 09:52 PM
I'll support Gabrielle; I'd like a name I can think of without snickering.

2010-12-05, 09:53 PM
As a compromise between "Elvendork", "Gabriel/le" and "Mel/l", I suggest the next child should be called Elle Xenon if it's a girl. If it's a boy, El Xenon*.

* (Incidentally, does the Sims wardrobe allow a luchador mask?)

2010-12-05, 09:55 PM
As a compromise between "Elvendork", "Gabriel/le" and "Mel/l", I suggest the next child should be called Elle Xenon if it's a girl. If it's a boy, El Xenon*.

* (Incidentally, does the Sims wardrobe allow a luchador mask?)

NO! Compromis bad. Look at what it did to Random Banter #151! Oh wait, that was a good thing.

Anyway, the voting hasn't even started yet.

2010-12-05, 10:39 PM
yeah, the voting hasn't even started. but clearly agatha is a superior choice by the way.

2010-12-06, 08:59 AM
And here I was wondering when people would start throwing out Girl Genius name suggestions, for the children of a pair of scientists. :smalltongue:

Friday (Part 2)

Apparently portrait painting only requires the subject to pose for a short while, for the Artist to get a snapshot. After that, the subject can act normally, while the Artist fills out the canvass. Narcissa gets cracking on the portrait, while Dorothy starts to upgrade Abraham's Radio.


By nightfall, the radio upgrade is finished, so Dorothy delivers the item to Abraham.


The next few objects we plan to buy are big ticket items- Stereos, Widescreen TVs and Computers. As such, I think its time we turn our little shack into a house, and protect our future investment with a Burglar Alarm*. This is the Alarm:

*The alarm only works if a thief breaks into a room with the alarm. You can buy multiple alarms for each room... or you could make one large central living room, make sure all traffic coming into the house must go through the living room first (i.e. do not have any doors from the side rooms to the outside), and just put the alarm there.


The entire house now looks like this:


And the Exterior:


With their tasks for the day complete, Victor and Dorothy turn in for the night.


"... zzz ... Nuclear Powered Computer! ... zzz ..."

As usual Narcissa spends the night painting, and responding to Dave's Two AM tantrums.


And by morning, the Portrait of Dorothy Xenon is complete!


... Man, this is terrible. It looks like we're viewing her through cloudy glass, and her Right Eye has been cropped off. We'll keep it on the wall for now, and have Narcissa try again tomorrow.

Saturday (part 1)

Dorothy wakes up and is greeted by the sight of her disfigured portrait.


Anyway today Dave is 4 days old, so he can age up to a Toddler. Its also coincidentally Saturday, so the parents don't have to work, and can spend the weekend teaching toddler Dave to walk, talk and poop. I call on Victor to take him out of his crib, and to blow out the birthday candles.


At this point something strange happens. Victor decides to put Dave on the floor, and walk out, while a half-asleep Narcissa comes to take him out. Its as if the game knows who's been changing the little tykes diapers at two in the morning. :smallwink:


The growing up process is nothing too fanciful. The birthday cake is lit, while the rest of the household stands around and makes celebratory noises.


Then the baby is put on the ground.


And in a burst of sparkles, the little thing triples in body mass, grows hair, and gains fine motor skills.


Now would be a good time to outline how Toddlers work in Sims 3. As mentioned Babies require occasional (if badly timed) feeding and diaper changing. Toddlers can be treated similiarly, but if you leave it at that, they grow up poorly- the game will automatically assign them a random (and probably negative) trait when they progress to Child-hood.


In addition to being changed, fed and placed in their Cots when tired, Toddlers have to be taught to walk, talk and potty trained*. And doing so lets them grow up well- letting you pick which trait your Sim gets (although again, we can't take advantage of this due to Legacy Rules). Here we have Victor potty training Dave.

*Some of you are undoubtedly wondering, whether neglecting to teach these basic skills will result in child/teen/adult that can't talk, gets around by crawling, and craps himself constantly. The answer is No: becoming a child automatically imbues the Sim with all these necessary skills. Their in-game role is primarily to affect the selection of traits


But it doesn't stop there. Toddlers can start building skills. There are 2 toddler specific skill building items- a traditional Puzzle Box (fit shapes through the correct holes) which builds Logic, and a small Xylophone which builds up the Guitar skill. (Yes, it is odd that playing a Xylophone teaches babies how to strum guitars, but thats mainly because there are no other musical instruments in the base game). In this shot, Dave is building Logic with the puzzle box.


On with the game. After a brief poop (the above potty training shot), Dave is put into his crib where he falls asleep.


This shot just shows the Toilet's Self-Cleaning upgrade in action. Whenever the object becomes dirty, the upgrade activates and cleans it in a cloud of bubbles and sparkles.


We get Narcissa to give Dorothy's portrait a second try.


Soon Dave wakes up, and is rather unhappy about being left alone*. Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he is supposed to be a loner.

*Thats what the person looking out through the window in his thought bubble is supposed to mean anyway.


Dorothy wishes to teach Dave how to walk, so we let her start.


Meanwhile, Narcissa's phone rings with an opportunity.


Apparently, a local corporation is planning to spruce up their office tower. So they want to commission Narcissa to create 10 paintings to hang around the place.

Dorothy accepts the quest and continues Dorothy's second portrait. Victor gets the wish to teach Dave to talk. So while Dorothy goes to bed, Victor takes over.

Victor: Say "cloud"...


Dave: <Silence>

Victor: No? how about "flies"...


Dave: <Silence>

Victor: OK, try saying "run"...


Dave: <Silence>

Victor: *Sigh* This isn't working. Makes me wish I come up with some brain boosting formula using SCIENCE! ...



Yeah, the game is definitely getting ideas to taunt me from this thread.

2010-12-06, 01:16 PM
I love that Dave learns Science as his first word.

2010-12-06, 03:25 PM
And here I was wondering when people would start throwing out Girl Genius name suggestions, for the children of a pair of scientists. :smalltongue:

No no, it's unisex!

Also, how did that portrait come out so bad!?

2010-12-06, 06:36 PM
This thread makes a foxman of science like me very happy. :smalltongue:

2010-12-06, 09:55 PM
I love that Dave learns Science as his first word.

Soon he'll be rolling in his bed and singing "Destiny, destiny, no escaping that for me!"

IF (and thats a big 'If') he gets green thumb as one of his Traits, and Perfect Garden as his lifetime wish, than it might be viable to put him on the Science Career Track. But otherwise theres a good chance he will wind up as a Writer of some sort, due to being a Loner.

Also, how did that portrait come out so bad!?

I am sadly on unfamiliar territory here as well. All of my previous Sims have only ever painted generic pictures, and this is the first time I'm trying the Portrait function.

A quick google search tells me that apparently a Sims Traits affects the output picture, although none of Narcissa's traits look like they would make that Cloudy Glass effect. On the contrary, her Perfectionist trait should be making her put out exact replicas or something.

2010-12-06, 10:24 PM
A quick google search tells me that apparently a Sims Traits affects the output picture, although none of Narcissa's traits look like they would make that Cloudy Glass effect. On the contrary, her Perfectionist trait should be making her put out exact replicas or something.

The painters traits, or the person being portrayeds traits?

2010-12-06, 10:32 PM
The painters traits, or the person being portrayeds traits?

The Painter's Traits. Which also affect his/her generic paintings (i.e. those with no subject), and Still Life paintings (i.e. Scenery which may not have any Sim subjects).

2010-12-07, 06:50 AM
Cloud, flies, and run?

"This experiment in robotic swarm of flies had gone horribly wrong! Run for your life!"

2010-12-07, 10:36 PM
Increasingly a lot of what the Sims are doing is becoming routine stuff (mostly skilling up) which I won't bother to show. But because there are more of them, it requires more micromanagement from me to keep them from setting the house on fire, thereby increasing the real-time spent per sim-day. The net result of both is slower days with less content.

Saturday (part 2)

Since the last update, Narcissa has finished Dorothy's second portrait.


Putting it side by side the first one (the newer one is on the left)... OK, so it seems that all portraits are going to suffer from that cloudy glass effect. Also, I think should try zooming out a little to get rid of the bad cropping.

With Dave's talking training nearly complete Victor retires for the night.


Yeah... its kinda sad isn't it. :smallfrown:

And now, for something completely different:


Victor: Now say "Emerald Legion"...

Dave: Gheden Half-Troll Were-Dire-Bat/Were-Dire-Shark Voidmind Half-Clay-Golem War Troll!


Narcissa has been training Dave to walk through the night. As morning approaches, Dorothy wakes up to takeover.


Dorothy quickly finishes Dave's training thereby fulfilling her aspiration*, thanks to most of the work done by Narcissa**.

*So far, I've referred to Sims wanting to do certain things (like Victor brushing his teeth 3 times) as urges, desires or similiar. The in-game technical term for these acts is "Aspirations". Essentially, Sims get a semi-random bunch of wants, and fulfilling them nets "Aspiration Points" for that Sim. The closest RPG analogy to Aspiration Points would be XP I guess. As the Sim accumulates AP, he can spend them on upgrades. Most such upgrades are personal and affect only the Sim (e.g. 'Steel Bladder' allows a Sim to never need to pee), but a small handful grant items that can be transferred, or used by other Sims (the most AP expensive upgrade is a Teleportation Pad placed in the Home that can beam the Household all over the place).

**In this case, Dorothy had the Aspiration to teach Dave how to walk. But the game awards it to her so long as she completes his training, regardless of who did most of the teaching (in this case Narcissa). You can think of this as the Sim equivalent of 'kill-stealing', except that Narcissa (not being one of Dave's parent) did not have any Aspirations to train him to start with, so it was of no major loss to her.


With the completion of Walking Training, Dave now can now walk around the place on his own, rather than crawling about on all fours. It isn't nearly a big an advantage as you might think though, since Toddlers have such a fantastic crawl speed, that walking provides no disernable improvements.


Victor on the other hand wakes up with an Aspiration to clean the shower.


Once that's done, he finishes teaching Dave how to talk, thereby completing another Aspiration. Dave now has 2 out of 3 lessons down, with the only remaining task being Potty Training. We'll wait and see which parent gets the Aspiration to do it.


Meanwhile, Narcissa has completed Dorothy's 3rd portrait. Its the leftmost painting below:


Yup, zooming out a little to get rid of the cropping issue. Apparently, the Sims' face should only occupy 1/2 of the frame-box they give, when they let you capture the image you want painted. Although it still looks like cloudy glass, there is apparently nothing that can be done about that. We'll keep this version, and sell the other 2. With Dorothy's portrait done, Narcissa starts filling out the Opportunity Order of 10 paintings for the local office. We'll make them small paintings so that she can crank out more of them in a shorter time.


The Xenons spend the rest of the day watching gardening TV, before turning in for the night.


"... zzz ... Why don't we just put the whole WORLD in a BOTTLE ... zzz ..."

Monday (part 1)

I probably forgot to mention this, but last Friday, Victor got promoted to Carnivorous Plant Tender! So he's now on the same level as Dorothy, and this is his newest uniform.


He's starting to look like a proper Scientist. :smallbiggrin: Anyway, today's is Dorothy's last day of Maternity leave. She'll return to work tomorrow. In the meantime, she finally gets that Aspiration to Potty Train Dave.


At the same time she also aspires to change her outfit. Since some people have commented on how different she looks with and without her hat, we spend some dough on a Dresser (allows her to change her clothes), and a Mirror (allows her to change her hair).


We let her keep her hat since some people like it, but we change the hairstyle she has underneath it, so that it matches the hair she has when not wearing it. We change her gloves from black biker to a brown leather pair, as befitting her cowgirl theme. Her blouse and skirt remains the same style, but we dye the skirt blue. She now looks like this:


Since I've got the fashion sense of a chessboard (i.e. nothing beyond simple black and whites), I'm not sure how good or bad this is. Feel free to leave your comments.

2010-12-08, 07:32 AM
I know I'm late joining in on this, and asking, but adding/building that "community center"; was that on your lot, and thus came out of your money? Or was that on another lot, and used some other Sim's money... and technically cheating?

2010-12-08, 09:56 AM
I would note that the rules of the legacy challenge (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/39862.page) DO NOT prohibit you from altering the town before you start. In other words, adding the Community Centre in a Sims 3 legacy, is a lot like making a stockpiling Explosive Runes in D&D: Its tremendously useful, more "Practical Optimization" than actual cheating, and works because nothing explicitly prohibits otherwise. :smallbiggrin:

(Yes, this is what happens when you apply a D&D player to a Sims 3 challenge)

2010-12-08, 08:27 PM
Monday (part 2)

With Dorothy's makeover done, we have her continue potty training Dave...


When her phone rings with another handiness opportunity. Apparently, City Hall has a clogged pipe, and they want Dorothy to come over and fix it. Dorothy completes Dave's potty training before heading down. Potty Training lets your Toddler use the potty by himself, to empty his bladder, rather than waiting for him to crap himself and than having to change his diaper.


And here is a shot of Dorothy outside City Hall:


Narcissa wakes up and continues to crank out small paintings.


With all 3 important trainings complete, Dave can now focus on using the skill-granting toys we mentioned previously. Unfortunately, these can only raise a Toddler's skills to level 3, and there are only 2 skills he can raise (Logic and Guitar). After a few more hours with the Puzzle box, he quickly maxes out Logic (for a toddler at any rate). You can tell because he no longer has the skill-building blue bar over his head when he plays with it.


So we move on to the xylophone.


Victor returns home from work with today's pay. He has also reached Gardening 7, so we can start to plant Rare and some of the Special crops. We start with Garlic and Bellpepper for now- we buy their seeds from the grocery store, and add them to our Garden.


We spend the rest of his pay adding an extension to the house. Next on our purchase list will be loud TVs and Radios, which will wake Narcissa and Dave up, if they sleep in the living room. Thus we add an extra room to house the both of them. We move Narcissa's bed in, and we'll buy another bed for Dave later on.


The house now has a sort of T-shaped structure.


And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... If we wish upon a shooting star, maybe we'll get rich ... zzz ..."


Victor wakes up once more, to the sharp urges of Neurotic hand washing.


In the meanwhile, its Harvest day again. Here we have Victor and Dorothy tending the Garden together. And with a bit of replanting...


Tahdah! Presenting newly planted Perfect Grade Tomatoes, Apples and Lettuce!


Yeah, it looks exactly the same as everything else. In the meanwhile, Dave manages to max out his musical skills as well. Within just 4 days of being a Toddler, and he's done everything thats needed already.


Since our couple are the same rank in the same job, they take the exact same carpool to work! So here they are going to work together...


And knocking off together...


And best of all, they've been promoted together. Our couple are now a pair of Aquatic Ecosystem Tweakers (Science level 6). Victor had it coming since he's been going to work all this time, but I had to push Dorothy to work hard to for it, since she's been on Maternity Leave for a while.

With the takings for the day, we finally afford a big ticket item: presenting our brand new shiny Widescreen TV! In the sims 3, TVs are one of the most important aquisitions for a household. Firstly they provide a solid chunk of fun which is sucked out of your Sims by work. And unlike many other fun-giving items (e.g. computer games), they also build skills at the same time. Finally they allow for social interactions between Sims watching the same TV, in the same row of seats.


As with all other household appliances, Dorothy starts on making it unbreakable.


And we're done! ... Victor in the meanwhile is having one of his OCD teeth-brushing streaks again.


And after brushing his teeth, he wants to wash the sink.


You know, it would awfully frustrating for a Sims player to cater to his constant whims... if we weren't getting Aspiration Points out of the deal. :smalltongue:

This shot is meant to show 2 things: On the left, we have Narcissa holding a plate of ratatouille, for those of you wondering what it looks like in-game. On the right, is the self-cleaning property of our Tri-Forge stove taking effect.


With a big TV in House Xenon, our scientist pair no longer have to run down to the community lot to watch the Gardening Channel. We don't quite have the money for a couch right now, so we'll borrow some of the dining chairs.


And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... We should invent a device that can steal diamonds by teleporting them out of the store ... zzz ..."

"... zzz ... Then we can laugh at the police ... zzz ..."

2010-12-08, 08:32 PM
Awwww.... How cute. I love it when you talk about theirn dreams.

2010-12-08, 08:38 PM
Need to get cracking on El(le)(vendork) man, Dorothy is only good for so long.

2010-12-08, 08:48 PM
Need to get cracking on El(le)(vendork) man, Dorothy is only good for so long.

I find this quote both amusing and more than a little disturbing.

2010-12-08, 09:08 PM
Like how this is going. Yay :smallamused:

2010-12-08, 09:09 PM
I find this quote both amusing and more than a little disturbing.

Uh, why? I'm just stating the truth.

2010-12-08, 09:19 PM
That's a very clever idea. I wonder where I might be able to acquire a device like that. >:3

2010-12-08, 09:21 PM
That's a very clever idea. I wonder where I might be able to acquire a device like that. >:3

The truth, or a self-cleaning oven?


2010-12-08, 10:07 PM
Are we playing with the Family Trait and Matriarchy/Patriarchy optional rules?

2010-12-08, 10:18 PM
Uh, why? I'm just stating the truth.

My guess is that he found it disturbing, because from the way you talked about Dorothy, it sounded like her entire value was based on her ability to bear children. And the moment she becomes an Elder/loses her fertility she becomes worthless.

The truth, or a self-cleaning oven?

A self-cleaning FIRE-PROOF oven to be exact.

Or he could be referring to the Diamond Teleporter.

Are we playing with the Family Trait and Matriarchy/Patriarchy optional rules?

None of the above.

Mainly because they don't net us any extra points. :smalltongue:

2010-12-08, 10:41 PM
My guess is that he found it disturbing, because from the way you talked about Dorothy, it sounded like her entire value was based on her ability to bear children. And the moment she becomes an Elder/loses her fertility she becomes worthless.

And that's just wrong... She also has value from having a silly hat.

2010-12-08, 10:56 PM
A self-cleaning FIRE-PROOF oven to be exact.

Or he could be referring to the Diamond Teleporter.

Yes, I was referring to the device that can teleport diamonds out of a bank, but a self-cleaning fire-proof oven would be nice too. Even scientists need to cook. :smalltongue:

Demon 997
2010-12-09, 08:33 PM
Just like to say that I'm reading and quite enjoying this LP. Next kids name should be Elvendork

2010-12-09, 09:39 PM

Our mid-level scientist couple don't have to work on Wednesdays. So today, they can focus on skilling up. We start the early morning by purchasing a second sprinkler which Dorothy* proceeds to upgrade with Autowater. We'll need it once we start to churn out significant quantities of perfect grade tomatoes, lettuce and apples, for some additional cash.

*Some of you are probably wondering why Dorothy is doing all the upgrading around here. Again it has to do with the Aspiration system. After completing her first upgrade waayyy back, she recieved an aspiration to upgrade 5 objects (which we completed some time ago), and is now trying to upgrade 10 objects. She appears to be addicted to upgrading objects. :smalltongue:


Victor on the other hand, still has to teach a lesson on handiness, an opportunity we received some time back, We could not complete it until now, as the school was only open during weekdays, during which time, Victor was at work.


While her husband was away, Dorothy did the usual- watch Gardening TV, but this time from the comfort of her home. But what was really interesting, was that Dave could join in and watch it along side his mother, and they could chat at the same time. Although since Dave did not have any ranks in Gardening yet, it did not build his skill. Did I mention that TVs are the like the backbone of a household?


Dorothy: Your xylophone playing has improved a lot!

Dave: <Examines the Carpet>

As soon as Victor finishes the lesson, he nets a bit more cash ($400). We can now afford to buy a computer on a desk (although we have to borrow another dining chair again for seating). Computers are essential tools for Writers, and Dave can start using it as soon as he ages up to childhood. And of course to prevent the kid from electrocuting himself on it, Dorothy starts making it unbreakable.


And Victor comes back, and watches TV while chatting with Dave.


"If YOU don't want to be eaten by the Cowplant, you must brush your teeth 3 times in a row!"

Impressively enough, Dave having learnt to talk, can actually talk back!


"Maybe the Cowplant won't eat me, if I give it fertilizer instead?"

Anyway, since Dave will be aging up in 3 days, now looks like an ideal time to have that 2nd child. Our couple start the process...


When Dorothy's phone breaks the process. Oh well.


Some guy's Laptop is broken, and he is commissioning her to fix it. Sounds like a simple and straightforward task, so we accept. After all, Dorothy needs something to keep herself occupied while on Maternity leave. With that out of the way, we continue propagating the next generation.


Ding! We get lucky on the first attempt- Second child incoming!


"... zzz ...If we feed Dave nothing but Coffee, will he ever need sleep? ... zzz ..."

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Narcissa finally completes her commission for 10 paintings. Here they are:


Yeah, there are some repeats among them. Narcissa will submit them tomorrow, hopefully the office clerk will be too short-sighted to notice. :smallwink:


Today, our uncommon crops (potatoes onions, watermelons and limes) are ready to harvest. Here's a shot of what they look like:


As per usual practice, we dispose the plants and resow their seeds. Meanwhile, the Xenon couple go to work together once more. And here they are, leaving the building in their Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker uniform:


Yeah, it looks quite bizarre, like somebody made labcoats out of shower curtains or something. Clearly, some of the Science career's uniforms are strange as their job titles. With their pay for the day, we purchase another bed- Dave will be needing his own, when he ages up two days hence.


And here's the whole family watching TV together.


"I must say, we have an excellent healthcare system. They don't charge us for giving birth at the hospital no matter how many children we have!"

Dorothy in the meanwhile, goes off to turn in her 10 paintings to the local office.


Success! Although not shortsighted enough to ignore the duplicate paintings, the clerk decided that if he put one in the Mens toilet, and one in the Ladies, nobody would ever know that there were duplicates. Narcissa gets a whopping $7k+ for her efforts!

Come nightfall, Dorothy starts to feel nauseous. Whereas previously she vomited on the grass, since we now have a toilet bowl, the AI prioritizes her to vomit there instead...


Which is odd, because vomiting on the grass seems like the smarter thing to do. Not only does it require no cleaning up (the vomit disappears instantly upon touching the ground, probably absorbed into the soil or something), but it also does NOT occupy a valuable toilet, should someone else in the household need to answer nature's call while she is locked in there.

We send her to sleep early, but she gets up... just to see the near-unnoticeable bump appear on her tummy.


And when we send her to sleep again, she gets up to vomit... again.



This pregnancy has been far more harsh on her than the first one. Maybe its her age? She's now 4 days away from elderhood (and consequent infertility). But eventually with Victor by her side to comfort her, she manages to sleep soundly.


"... zzz ... Our Son is a Champion ... zzz ..."

And Narcissa's latest painting:


No EA, I will not buy spore, no matter how many times you I see this.

Second child incoming, start (re-)submit your votes! Remember, you can nominate male and female names.

2010-12-09, 10:20 PM
Gabrielle, but will compromise on Elle.
For a boy, Gilgamesh.

2010-12-09, 10:28 PM
I think you meant to put that Victor finished his lesson, not Dave. Just thought I'd point that out since I noticed it. :smalltongue: Unless, of course, Dave is smart enough to go do the lesson on his own, then I'd say that's one smart kid.

Also, for a Male name, I like what Deme said- I'ma go with Gilgamesh. As for a female, ELVENDORK MUST BE BORN INTO THIS WORLD FOR THE GLORY OF SCIENCE. So yeah, that's where my vote goes. :3

what can I say, I'm an ancient history fanatic. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-09, 10:28 PM
I'll vote for Gabrielle (girl), Gabriel (boy). Hopefully she/he will grow up to be a monster hunter.

2010-12-09, 10:43 PM
Gilgamesh or Elvendork.

Demon 997
2010-12-09, 10:50 PM
Personally I'd go Alcibiades if male, Elvendork if female.

2010-12-09, 11:14 PM
I'd rather save Elvendork for the 3rd generation - that could be Dave's idea.

Gabrielle if female. (That way Elvendork has the mercy of being Elle Jr.)

Gilgamesh if male.

2010-12-09, 11:34 PM
My favourite part of this LP is your transcription of their dialogue and dreams by the way. Just saying.

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-10, 12:10 AM
just finished reading, i was honestly disapointed when he didint marry the mail lady :P ahh well.

Gilgamesh(male) and Elvendork(female)

2010-12-10, 12:16 AM
Come on, team Gabrielle!

2010-12-10, 12:45 AM
I vote Manlius if male, and Elvendork if female.

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-10, 03:23 AM
i think its pretty much garenteed any girls born will be elvendork

2010-12-10, 03:39 AM
Gilgamesh for a boy, Gina for a girl.

And man, do EA games advertise shamelessly...

2010-12-10, 04:36 AM
Gilgamesh for boy
Elvendork for girl
love this keep going

2010-12-10, 04:40 AM
Well, since my dream of an unbroken line of Daves is now crushed...


2010-12-10, 04:58 AM
I would note that the rules of the legacy challenge (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/39862.page) DO NOT prohibit you from altering the town before you start. In other words, adding the Community Centre in a Sims 3 legacy, is a lot like making a stockpiling Explosive Runes in D&D: Its tremendously useful, more "Practical Optimization" than actual cheating, and works because nothing explicitly prohibits otherwise. :smallbiggrin:

(Yes, this is what happens when you apply a D&D player to a Sims 3 challenge)

So it's RAW vs RAI. :p I'm a little disappointed, but I understand.

As for baby names, either gender: "Not Dave"

2010-12-10, 05:10 AM
So it's RAW vs RAI. :p I'm a little disappointed, but I understand.

I think it is a good kick start, without it he would be well behind the place he is now with a kid, another on the way, a semi-furbished house, high skills and lots of $$$

2010-12-10, 09:12 AM
I think you meant to put that Victor finished his lesson, not Dave. Just thought I'd point that out since I noticed it. :smalltongue: Unless, of course, Dave is smart enough to go do the lesson on his own, then I'd say that's one smart kid.

Indeed I did. Thanks for pointing it out.

Well, since my dream of an unbroken line of Daves is now crushed...

I intend for each family member to have a different name anyway. Its bad enough that I'm confusing Victor and Dave. :smalltongue:

Name Votes

Gilgamesh (Deme, FantasyFoxMan, Raistlin1040, Toric, Gicko, shadowxknight, DragonOfUndeath, AgentPaper)
Gabriel (Trazoi)
Alcibiades (Demon997)
Manlius (houlio)
Not-Dave (Crossblade)

Elvendork (FantasyFoxMan, Raistlin1040, Demon997, Gicko, houlio, DragonOfUndeath)
Gabrielle (Deme, Trazoi, Toric)
Gina (shadowxknight)
Agatha (AgentPaper)
Not-Dave (Crossblade)

Used Names

1. Victor
1. Dorothy
2. Dave

I think we have a clear overwhelming majority. If its a Boy, he will be Gilgamesh, and if its a Girl, she will be... Elvendork.

I'll close voting for now and get cracking on the next update.

2010-12-10, 10:41 AM
While it is late, go Gabriel.

2010-12-10, 03:56 PM
I'm very impressed with how you've managed this Let's play.
This is the most entertaining read i've had since the famed X-com series of plays.

2010-12-10, 10:17 PM
Elvendork now! Elvendork tomorrow! Elvendork forever! (Male AND Female. It is Unisex afterall.)


2010-12-10, 11:27 PM
Here's a question: is there a maximum amount of Sims that can live in a house/lot?
Last Sims I played was Sims 2: Bustin Out on the PS 2, and it maxed at 4.

2010-12-10, 11:37 PM
Here's a question: is there a maximum amount of Sims that can live in a house/lot?
Last Sims I played was Sims 2: Bustin Out on the PS 2, and it maxed at 4.

I think it is 8 but i haven't played for ages

2010-12-10, 11:49 PM
As for baby names, either gender: "Not Dave"

Not Dave? That's absolutely brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? :smalltongue:

2010-12-11, 12:02 AM
Elvendork now! Elvendork tomorrow! Elvendork forever! (Male AND Female. It is Unisex afterall.)


As I mentioned before, I will not repeat names to save my sanity.


At some point in time (I'm not quite sure when), Victor had managed to pick up a perfect grade Death Flower, and was holding it in his Inventory. As mentioned before, these handy little things stave off any 1 unnatural death, but are banned under Legacy rules. Their growth and sale are permitted, but we can't keep them in our sim inventories.

To store it (and prevent Sims from picking it up again) we create a "Seed Bank" in the far corner of the house. Essentially, its just a fenced up area, with the Flower inside.


Moving on, when we last saw the Xenon's Narcissa had brought back a hefty $7K+, from her painting opportunity. We now have a hefty chink of change to do up the house. First of all, we double our toilets. Right now we have just 4 sims (of which Dave doesn't use the toilets yet as he is too young).

But as the number of Sims grow (a household can have 8 Sims max), so too will the demand for facilities to answer nature's call. Furthermore, because Sims tend to operate on semi-synchronized schedules (they are automatically woken up 2 hours before work/ school), this might lead to unfortunate toilet traffic jams (quite like real-life, I might add :smalltongue:).


Next up we upgrade Narcissa's bed. She's been using Victor's old original bed so far, and since most of this money comes from her efforts, its only fair.


We add a stereo to the living room to add ambient music.


We buy a proper couch for the TV (and move the dining chairs back).


The computer chair is also upgraded to one that provides more comfort. Dave will want that since he'll be spending hours sitting in front of the screen (again, not unlike some people real life :smallwink:).


We move the Crib to where Narcissa's room used to be, and concentrate all the baby items here.


The old baby room is expanded to accomodate Narcissa's and Dave's (future) bed.


On with the game! Dorothy spends the morning fixing that broken laptop from her opportunity.


Which she promptly returns to its owner, a certain Gage Briody..


Yeah... notice anything wrong with this picture? The owner is an Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker, and Dorothy's co-worker. Which means he should have a solid Handiness skill to start with. If I didn't know better, I would suspect he's secretly an incompetent dolt, that will blow up the lab someday.

But thats for another time, Dorothy spends the rest of the day upgrading stuff.



Narcissa's latest work.


Quite impressive actually, if ripped off from some other great masterpiece. :smallamused:

Victor returns from work with another promotion! He is now a Genetic Resequences (Science Level 7) he's well on his way to completing his lifetime wish. He celebrates by... cleaning the shower.


Also, later in the evening Victor ages up from Young Adult to Adult. While in the middle of crossing the road, poetic yes?


Even if you don't carry out the birthday cake ceremony, the game will automatically age your Sim up after a while.


He is engulfed in a cloud of sparkles and...


... looks exactly the same. In Sims 3, there is virtually no cosmetic difference between Young Adult and Adult.

And his Birthday wish? To brush his teeth 3 times.


After much practice, Narcissa has finally MASTERED the painting skill with a maximum of 10 ranks. It might not be entirely clear from this shot, but now when she paints, sparkles now stream from her hand.


And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... if we grow plenty of vegetables, we can sell them for lots of money ... zzz ..."

This is Narcissa's latest work. Doesn't quite look like anything though.


For her outstanding efforts so far, I plan to grant her lifetime wish of becoming a top tier chef. With the painting skill mastered, she can now start to focus on skilling up cooking by watching TV. Once the second child baby grows into a child, she can join the culinary career and quickly shoot to the top.


Saturday (Part 1)

Today our perfect little plants have matured. Since they are already at maximum quality, we will not dispose of the parents, and they will continue to yield fresh produce for some time to come. We plant their seeds as well to expand the production of crops for eventual sale.


With a whole bunch of new stuff, Dorothy can start upgrading them all, and work towards her Aspiration of upgrading a total 15 objects.


But most importantly of all, its Dave's birthday! A week has flown by, and he's now ready to grow into a child. (And if my timing is right, the second baby will be born sometime later tonight.)


A shower of sparkles and...


Presenting child-Dave!


We've managed to raise him well enough that we get to pick his 3rd trait. Randomizing it as per Legacy Rules and we get... Genius! So now he's an insane lonely genius... yeah... now I'm pretty sure the game is taunting me. Well, as least we didn't get another negative trait. We send Dave for a quick change of outfit and...


Since his favorite colour is brown, I gave him a dark brown sweater and a pair lighter brown shorts. Although under certain lighting it looks more like he's wearing the infamous red shirt and brown pants combo. :smalltongue:


Drothy: La la la! Upgrade the sink!

Victor: Must... wash... hands... 3 times... after... touching... Dave...


Dave sets to work writing his first novel. In Sims 3, anyone can write for a living. What's more, unlike real life, there is no "minimum standard" for books. So even though he's literally, an insane loner kid, whatever he writes, no matter how terribad, is garunteed to sell for at least some money.

On an semi-related note: Where do you LPers host your image files? I've been using photobucket so far, but my bandwidth is starting to run a little low.

2010-12-11, 12:03 AM
Not Dave? That's absolutely brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? :smalltongue:

I vote that Dave's first son be called Not Dave

2010-12-11, 01:03 AM
Insane Loner Genius and becoming a Writer? Your game is taunting me by directly ripping off my first Sim.

He'll be a Vegetarian next. :smallannoyed:

2010-12-11, 01:15 AM
Where do you LPers host your image files? I've been using photobucket so far, but my bandwidth is starting to run a little low.
I usually post things on http://tinypic.com/
But I've never done a Let's Play.

I vote that Dave's first son be called Not Dave
Or daughter. It's a unisex name. Fits perfectly with the Insane Loner traits. Good thing significant others can't object on names in Sims.

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-11, 03:53 AM
i say we give our little boy genius a little underground laboratory like the one from "Dexter’s lab"

Or possibly "Jimmy neutron" but that ones less cool.

2010-12-11, 03:58 AM
I usually post things on http://tinypic.com/
But I've never done a Let's Play.

Or daughter. It's a unisex name. Fits perfectly with the Insane Loner traits. Good thing significant others can't object on names in Sims.

He will name the guy Not Dave and the girl Elvendork assuming the current pregnancy isn't a girl

2010-12-11, 08:11 AM
As I mentioned before, I will not repeat names to save my sanity.

Oh, yes, I know. I was making fun of a rather famous speech about segregation from way back when.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-12-11, 10:12 AM
On an semi-related note: Where do you LPers host your image files? I've been using photobucket so far, but my bandwidth is starting to run a little low.

I always hosted on Photobucket too. Well, my two accounts.

Though I don't think between them I ever had more than 25% bandwidth usage.

2010-12-11, 01:34 PM
Insanity makes the best books.

2010-12-11, 06:20 PM
I think it is 8 but i haven't played for ages

It is indeed still 8.

i say we give our little boy genius a little underground laboratory like the one from "Dexter’s lab"

Or possibly "Jimmy neutron" but that ones less cool.

If there was underground laboratory equipment, Victor would have first pick. Unfortunately there isn't any in Sims 3. (There was one (http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/Career_rewards#SimSanto_Inc._Biotech_Station) in Sims 2).

Insanity makes the best books.

According to one GameFAQs writeup, insanity only provides a boost for the (Auto-)Biography genre. Make of that what you will. :smalltongue:

Saturday (part 2)

As her shift draws to an end, Narcissa goes to sleep on her brand new bed, when her phone rings.


Apparently, her growing skill in cooking (attained by watching lots of TV) has attracted some attention. Shellie Roche (the teenager back here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9869758&postcount=37), now fully grown into an adult), wants to commission her to whip up a dish that is very nice or better.

Since we have perfect ingredients from the garden, that should be easy enough (the quality of a meal is affected by both the quality of the ingredients and the skill of the chef), so Narcissa takes up the order before going back to sleep.

Dorothy has in the meanwhile finished upgrading the Bowl, Sink and Shower. And she's ALSO mastered the Handiness skill. She looks rather pleased with herself, doesn't she. :smallbiggrin:


While fishing, Victor gets a call.


The local restaurant wants 20 ingredients of any type, of very nice quality or better. Since we are now mass producing perfect grade common crops in our garden, again, this should be easy enough to do. But the reward for this is very interesting.


Dorothy spends the the next few hours at a scientific symposium- an opportunity from work to boost her performance. When she returns, she starts upgrading the computer.




Dorothy rushes down to the hospital to deliver... but finds a small crowd gathering outside for no obvious reason.


Victor follows hot on her heels... at which point of time the crowd has just as mysteriously dispersed.


That was fairly random :smallconfused:... Anyway delivery takes a few hours at then end of which...


Meet... *sigh* ... Elvendork, female and 2nd child of the 2nd generation. A random roll for her traits and we get: Atheletic and Loves the Outdoors. Woah! Its like she's compensating for that horribly nerdy name by being supergirl!

And we can call it a night. Since Dave now gets his own bed and all (in the next room), we can now include his dreams in the screenshot.


Dorothy: Crap, I forgot to refrigerate that leftover drumstick.

Victor: Crap, I forgot to hide my MAD SCIENCE! journal.

Dave: Crap, my kid sister is more macho than me.


We continue our household renovations, this time adding a blender to Narcissa's kitchen. In Sim terms, it means she doesn't have to cut up ingredients manually, and can cook faster.


We change the seed bank ground to be sand instead of grass. Makes it easier to see what items are there. We also put some of our current crop of perfected produce there, as a reserve for future generations to grow should the current crop somehow get wiped out.


So its another weekend day in the Xenon household. As with Dave, Narcissa attends to Elvendork's early morning screams for attention.


She continues watching cooking TV, and is soon joined by Crazy Dave.

Dave: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


Narcissa: What, are you mad?! The stars are not aligned!


Once Dave's had his fun, its back to writing.


He eventually completes his first book, which will net him $49 per week over the next 5 weeks. Not a lot, but its a start.

Narcissa cooks up the required meal, and delivers it to Shellie.


Meanwhile, Dorothy gets an opportunity of her own.


Interestingly, despite the fact she's naked and in the shower, her cellphone still rings from where her side pocket would normally be. Makes you wonder where she's hiding her phone doesn't it. Anyway, remember Gage, the fellow scientist with a suspiciously low handiness skill? Turns out he was just working with a wormhole generator of some sort, which promptly malfunctioned, and now threatens to explode, destroying the science lab in the process.


The situation is clearly unacceptable. Nobody gets to blow up the Science Lab, except for Victor. :smalltongue: So Dorothy heads down to the premises to make sure, that there will be a workplace for her husband to atomize, when his time comes.


Having mastered the Handiness skill, she easily fixes the machine, saves the lab, and gets a tidy $2,400 for her effort.


Out of the blue, Dave gets an Aspiration to catch an insect. Yes, there are insects in Sims 3, pictured above is a Ladybug. They fall under a broad group objects called Collections. These are items lying around town that Sims can gather, and either put in their house to decorate, or sell for money. It includes metal ores, raw gems, and even space rocks.


We use Dorothy's accumulated AP to buy a "Collection Helper". This item pinpoints where a type of item may be found, but not what the item is (e.g. it can tell you where to find insects, but not what the insect is). With this little tool in hand, Dave quickly finds his desired insect.


Here, Dorothy finishes upgrading our second computer. Now, as you all might know, Dave is insane, and aside from babbling about Eldritch Horrors that man-was-not-meant-to-know, he also does miscellaneous bizarre things. Like going to sleep in a Tuxedo.


And thats it for Sunday, tomorrow, Victor goes back to work, and Dave has his first day of school.


"... zzz ... All Politicians are worms. In the future, we will be ruled by Computers anyway ... zzz ..."

2010-12-11, 06:28 PM
Athletic and Loves the Outdoors she should have been named Gabrielle dammit :smallfurious:

2010-12-11, 06:29 PM
Athletic and Loves the Outdoors she should have been named Gabrielle dammit :smallfurious:

Then the taunting game wouldn't have picked it. Remember this game likes mindscrewing people

2010-12-11, 06:30 PM
Oh dave, you silly crazy little writer. He'll make an awesome tag team with her sister actually, if they ever want to take over the world or something.

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-11, 07:15 PM
Oh dave, you silly crazy little writer. He'll make an awesome tag team with her sister actually, if they ever want to take over the world or something.

Dave shall provide the gagits and GPS systems, Elvendork shall break things!

2010-12-11, 07:33 PM
YAY Elvendork. Can the next girl be Elvendork II? :smalltongue:

But YAY Elvendork. Why don't you like her name? Also, since Dave is the heir, will she get any development?

2010-12-11, 07:39 PM
YAY Elvendork. Can the next girl be Elvendork II? :smalltongue:

But YAY Elvendork. Why don't you like her name? Also, since Dave is the heir, will she get any development?

Elvendork can be the heir if we want her too

2010-12-11, 07:40 PM
Elvendork can be the heir if we want her too

If WE, or if HE wants her too? Considering Dave is an insane loner, I think it may be a better choice, but I'm pretty sure unless he dies, the first is always the heir.

Kill Dave kthnxbai.

2010-12-11, 07:42 PM
If WE, or if HE wants her too? Considering Dave is an insane loner, I think it may be a better choice, but I'm pretty sure unless he dies, the first is always the heir.

Kill Dave kthnxbai.

Dave would probably be the better choice but you can have any person be the heir as long as it is fathered by the current Main

2010-12-11, 07:44 PM
But YAY Elvendork. Why don't you like her name?
Because as an insane loner called Dave IRL I am slighted by naming my virtual simulacrum's sister "Elvendork". :smallannoyed:

You're all so cruel. I know what "dork" means, so it figures you all wanted to give the name to a girl.

2010-12-11, 07:45 PM
Because as an insane loner called Dave IRL I am slighted by naming my virtual simulacrum's sister "Elvendork". :smallannoyed:

You're all so cruel. I know what "dork" means, so it figures you all wanted to give the name to a girl.

Man, Google Elvendork.

2010-12-11, 07:47 PM
Dave would probably be the better choice but you can have any person be the heir as long as it is fathered by the current Main

Dragon's right; legacy rules state that any child of the current heir who grew up in the main house can be the next heir. (Those are TS2 rules, at least; I doubt they changed, however.)

2010-12-11, 07:51 PM
Man, Google Elvendork.
The whole reason for the internet was so those three words could combine to form a relevant sentence.

2010-12-11, 07:54 PM
Dragon's right; legacy rules state that any child of the current heir who grew up in the main house can be the next heir. (Those are TS2 rules, at least; I doubt they changed, however.)


The whole reason for the internet was so those three words could combine to form a relevant sentence.

You betcha. I'm assuming you have now.

2010-12-11, 08:02 PM
You betcha. I'm assuming you have now.
Sure, after the twenty-third time of saying "I'm Mangoogle Elvendork, Mighty Pirate!" and falling to the floor in a fit of giggles.

How does the internet dig this stuff up and keep it in meme circulation? :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-11, 08:11 PM
...I'd like to add that Dave going around in his tux all day isn't crazy; it's crazy awesome.

2010-12-11, 08:14 PM
If there was underground laboratory equipment, Victor would have first pick. Unfortunately there isn't any in Sims 3.

Well, there's still the possibility of chaining him up in the basement with a small bed, a computer and a bathroom.
He Is Insane after all. xD

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-11, 08:43 PM
Man, Google Elvendork.

i just did. unno what im looking for

2010-12-11, 08:50 PM
i just did. unno what im looking for

Erm, add Harry Potter.

Or, just go here (http://crushable.com/entertainment/the-harry-potter-prequel-read-it-here/).

John Cribati
2010-12-11, 08:50 PM
OMG Blarg! Harry Potter's Getting a Prequel!? And a character is named Elvendork? This is madness!


Um... Nice LP. I like what you do with the dreams. And I'm liking how you explain the rules. I just wish there was more hilarity via randomness.

2010-12-11, 08:50 PM

I love tuxedo Dave.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-12-11, 08:55 PM
I just wish there was more hilarity via randomness.

That's not really something you can arrange to fix. :smalltongue:

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-11, 08:58 PM

I love tuxedo Mask.

Fixed that for you.

edit: woops! forgot his tophat!

2010-12-11, 08:59 PM
OMG Blarg! Harry Potter's Getting a Prequel!? And a character is named Elvendork? This is madness!


No, it isn't getting a prequel. J.K. said that she will never do a real prequel. She did that for charity. That's all.

2010-12-11, 09:36 PM
I am pleased that Elvendork has been brought into this world.

Demon 997
2010-12-11, 11:46 PM
First off, Its amazing as usual. Secondly I vote that Dave start liking antique and very fancy stuff. Tuxedos, fancy furniture etc.

EDIT: Elvendork is a great name for an athletic outdoorsy person. She's an elf you see. Duh.

2010-12-12, 04:35 PM
*sits and watches with popcorn*

I just want to say that you are to blame for me ordering Sims 3. :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 05:51 PM
I think I'm going to have to, too. This is hillarious. I found the LP while trying to figure out how to get the Library's copy of the Sims 2 to work on my computer, actually. (I've used this forum for tech support before, although that was just to get rid of a virus)

2010-12-15, 04:18 PM
*sits and waits with great anticipation*

2010-12-15, 04:20 PM
Me too. This thread has made me consider getting Sims 3 :smallsmile:

2010-12-15, 04:22 PM
*sits and waits with great anticipation*

I know right? Did he say he was taking a break? (No.) I can't wait for it's return.

2010-12-18, 04:22 PM
Half-time pause?

The Glyphstone
2010-12-18, 04:24 PM
Let's hope Dave and Elle didn't both die in a house fire or something.

2010-12-18, 06:07 PM
Let's hope Dave and Elle didn't both die in a house fire or something.

Karma Glyphstone, KARMA

The Glyphstone
2010-12-18, 06:23 PM
Karma Glyphstone, KARMA

Hey, at least I didn't ask what the worst that could happen would be.

2010-12-18, 06:25 PM
Hey, at least I didn't ask what the worst that could happen would be.

what's the worst that can happen if I say "What's the worst that could happen?"
:smalltongue: :smalltongue::smalltongue: :smalltongue: :smalltongue: :smalltongue:

2010-12-20, 03:35 AM
what's the worst that can happen if I say "What's the worst that could happen?":

Good lord, man, are you trying to bring doom unto this family? D:

Nah, I'm just kidding. Everything should be totally fine.


2010-12-21, 10:45 AM
For those wondering, this LP is still alive, I'll get back to updating it... as soon as the following occur in no particular order:
1. I find alternative image hosting
2. I shake off this illness
3. I figure out how to make the perfect MoMF

Also, since Dave is the heir, will she get any development?

With regards to the non-heirs (or spares as the Legacy calls them), fulfilling their unique* lifetime wish, scores Legacy points, so I intend to do that as much as possible. This applies to all subsequent generations and non-reproducing spares as well.

Dragon's right; legacy rules state that any child of the current heir who grew up in the main house can be the next heir. (Those are TS2 rules, at least; I doubt they changed, however.)

This is indeed correct, either Dave or Elvendork may serve as the heirs. I'm also planning on Victor remarrying and having more children after Dorothy passes on, and maybe having one of those children be the heirs, in order to maximize generation time.

2010-12-21, 10:59 AM
Sorry to hear that you're sick.
...hmm... I'm trying to remember good image hosting ideas...
But I'm glad to hear it's not forsaken.

2010-12-21, 11:08 AM
What about the obvious? imageshacks?

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-22, 02:59 AM
why not have both Dave and Elle be heirs? they can each grow up and get married, both familys will live in the same household, and to make sure things dont get out of hand, just make sure they only have one child each or something.

2010-12-22, 03:05 AM
It's just not in the rules. You can only have one heir, and that's who the bloodline passes with.

2010-12-22, 05:54 AM
why not have both Dave and Elle be heirs? they can each grow up and get married, both familys will live in the same household, and to make sure things dont get out of hand, just make sure they only have one child each or something.

Its actually possible for any Spares (i.e. non-heirs) to marry and have children, although their spouse and kids probably won't count towards Legacy Scoring. In which case it would be easier to marry the Spare out entirely, turning him/her into an NPC and reducing player micromanagement.

However, I am hoping to keep all the family tombstones (including the Spares) within the Legacy Home, so that probably won't happen. Plus if I follow my plan of having 2-3 Spares per generation, the town will soon be filled up with Xenon cousins, like some inbreeding village... which might be funny at first, but it makes it harder for the heirs to find unrelated Sims as spouses.

Without marrying, Male Spares (such as Dave) still have the hope of siring illegitimate children with female NPCs. Although this still leads to the Cousins problem, and would probably cause the female viewers to revolt or something. :smallwink:


As the family grows, it will become likely that different folks want to level different TV skills at the same time. For example, Narcissa might want to watch Cooking TV, at the same time when Victor/Dorothy want to watch Gardening TV. In anticipation of this (and because Dorothy is still has her upgrade X objects aspiration), we purchase a second TV, and start making it Unbreakable.


Meanwhile, Dave goes to turn in his perfect crops, for a very peculiar reward: The ability to grow Eggplants and Cheeseplants*. I'll try and get a screeshot of the mature plant, since their seedlings look indistinguishable from the generic crop-plants.

*In Sims 3, most non-seafood ingredients is produced by garden crops (whereas all seafood is fished out of the water). This includes stuff normally produced by livestock- Eggs, Cheese, Hamburger Patties and Steak. But in order to grow them, the Garderner must unlock them through certain opportunities like this one. This doesn't unlock them all at once either, and Dave will need to perform a second quest to unlock Pattyplants and Steakplants.


In other news, Alma Tanti the mail lady has apparently been replaced by... some guy whose name I didn't bother to learn since no female heirs are looking for husbands. Clearly, Nameless NPC syndrome is not limited to D&D.


Moving on: Its Monday! First day of school for Dave. As with working Sims, an appropriate vehicle (in this case a bright yellow bus) comes to take him to school.


The more eagle eyed among you will realize that the Schoolbus roof doesn't cast any shadow for whatever reason. And now for a brief outline on how the schooling system in Sims 3 functions. Like working adults, Children and Teens have a "Job Performance" bar indicating their Grades at school. Going to school regularly (Mondays to Fridays) improves their Grades, while playing truant decreases it.


When they return from school, Children and Teens have homework in their inventory. Completing homework also improves their grades, while neglecting it causes it to fall.


The payoff for good Grades, is that when Children grow into Teens, and Teens into Young Adults, you get to choose what new trait the Sim gains, although again, we can't take advantage of this under Legacy rules. Unfortunately, going to school and completing homework has the tendency to suck the fun out of your Children. So to let Dave de-stress, we have him watch gardening TV with his parents.


Dave: Psst... Hey Dad, I'm thinking that maybe we should... END THE WORLD!!!


Victor: You're just saying that because you don't want to go to school, amirite?

Dave: <Smiles>


Victor: Dang it Dorothy, did you remember to mix the happy pills into his milk?


Dorothy: What? I thought you did it! I was busy having my Portrait painted.


Victor: Alright, thats it! Young man, I'm barring you from the Fertilizer in the garden shed.


Apparently today is Narcissa's and Dorothy's Birthday*. Narcissa ages up first.

*The fact it falls on the same day for both of them, is not some random coincidence. Rather when an NPC household is spawned, the occupants within are given the youngest possible age for their age category (in this case Narcissa started as a Day 0 Young Adult, and Dorothy as a Day 0 Adult). Because the time taken to age from Young Adult to Adult, and Adult to Elder is identical, hence their Birthdays also coincide.




Dorothy soon follows.




Interestingly, in the background you can see the Portrait of her younger self.

And Narcissa's latest work.


It looks like she's gone back to the kid's scribbles style... Well, thats it for today.


Dave: "... zzz ... I wish I could write enough books to fill an entire shelf ... zzz ..."

Dorothy: "... zzz ... I wish I was young again... like Narcissa ... zzz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... I wish I didn't come up with this random experiment to see whether I could sleep with Dirty Dishes stuffed in my underwear ... zzz ..."

2010-12-22, 07:28 AM
Victor: "... zzz ... I wish I didn't come up with this random experiment to see whether I could sleep with Dirty Dishes stuffed in my underwear ... zzz ..."

lolwut? funniest sleep gag yet!

2010-12-22, 12:09 PM
From Narcissa's painting, clearly she is feeling cramped, being stuck in the house all day, and wasting away her youth.

Aside from that, what are the big changes from Young Adult to Adult typically? I noticed Narcissa lost her hair band.
Adult to Elderly is obvious with the grey hair, and children grow bigger, those are obvious.

2010-12-22, 12:19 PM
Poor Dorothy, she's ugly now. On the bright side, those Teens from earlier should be adults now... Right?

2010-12-22, 07:38 PM
From Narcissa's painting, clearly she is feeling cramped, being stuck in the house all day, and wasting away her youth.

Hmm... now that you mention it.... :smalltongue:

Aside from that, what are the big changes from Young Adult to Adult typically? I noticed Narcissa lost her hair band.

She did lose her hairband, and it appears she gained a few more pounds. You have to save the before/after pics of her, and flip back and forth between them (since the camera didn't move between the 2 shots), for the weight difference to be noticeable.

Poor Dorothy, she's ugly now. On the bright side, those Teens from earlier should be adults now... Right?

Well Shellie Roche is now an adult, since we saw her recently, when she gave a quest to Narcissa to cook something for her. Marlena Nichols, hasn't been heard from again.

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-23, 04:44 AM
However, I am hoping to keep all the family tombstones (including the Spares) within the Legacy Home, so that probably won't happen. Plus if I follow my plan of having 2-3 Spares per generation, the town will soon be filled up with Xenon cousins, like some inbreeding village... which might be funny at first, but it makes it harder for the heirs to find unrelated Sims as spouses.

OHH!!! that reminds me! i was going to suggest you reserve a large chunk of Xenon manor for a family graveyard, with maybe a smaller portion cut off from the rest for nannys and roomates. though its looks li you are allready doing that :P

are you allowed to create new sims and plop them into a random house and then just not play them? might be a good idea if you need fresh blood in the city.

2010-12-24, 04:50 AM
are you allowed to create new sims and plop them into a random house and then just not play them? might be a good idea if you need fresh blood in the city.

The Legacy Rules prohibit moving in any player created Sim, beyond the Founder. You can create them, place them in the city and interact with them as NPCs, but you can't move them into your Legacy Household, which means we can't marry them in.


Dorothy is now an Elder, so she has on average, 15 days of lifespan left. Which is bad, since we are still a long way from fulfilling her Lifetime Wish of stockpiling $50,000 in cash. So for the next 2 weeks or so, I'm going to switch the house into Money Printing mode, so she can enjoy that massive pile of cash before she dies. Fortunately, most of the major purchases have been made, so any cash we earn from now on will go towards the Dorothy Lifetime Wish fund (and the occasional Taxes/Bills).

So its another day in the House of Xenon. Dorothy continues to be on Maternity leave.


Victor has climbed the ranks to become a Genetic Resequences (science 8), and is now one step short of his Lifetime dream. He also gets a better carpool, from that orange SUV to some sort of luxury car.


Dave the Insane Loner, decides to go to school in a Tux. I'm not sure if its in an attempt to make friends, or to keep the banal chattering masses away, or simply because the voices in his head tell him so.


Also, its Elvendork's birthday! We blow out the candles when Victor comes back from work.



We can now start the little tyke on the level treadmill of learning to Walk, Talk, Poop, and playing with skill toys.



Meanwhile, Dorothy gets another Handiness opportunity


The military wants her to go down and provide lessons on Handiness. But while she's there...

Dave: So I was thinking, instead of Ending the World, why don't we just destroy the school.


Victor: You can do that if you... er... eat more veggies.


Dave: I was thinking more of using FIRE! BURN IT WITH FIRE!

Victor: <Looks Worried>


Victor: I have an idea, why don't we talk about something else.


Victor: So I got promoted to Genetic Resequencer.


Dave: Do you have access to the Laser Microscopes yet?


Victor: No... but... uh... my... desk is bigger.


Dave: Bah! Tell me you at least have thorny plants that can prick my enemies fingers!


We interupt this riveting Father Son conversation to show you Narcissa's newest piece.


Yeah, its a ripoff of her other ripoff, but it still sells for a nice chunk of cash, that will go towards Dorothy's lifetime wish fund. Speaking of which, Dorothy finally finishes teaching Handiness at the Military Academy.


While embarking on her next piece, Narcissa gets a phone call.


The little Bistro wants to comission her to do a painting (just 1 peice this time, but it must be worth at least $500) for them. That will be easy, so we agree.


Dorothy: "... zzz ... Must earn money for my Lifetime Wish Fund ... zzz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... Must earn money for Dorothy's Lifetime Wish Fund ... zzz ..."

Dave: "... zzz ... Must convince parents to buy me a space shuttle ... zzz ..."

Wednesday (part 1)

Narcissa's latest piece.


It... looks like a Zebra with makeup. But its good enough to turn in for that opportunity, so Narcissa takes it down to the Bistro.


Meanwhile, Elvendork has learnt how to walk.


So we start teaching her how to talk. Who wants to guess what her first word is?

Dorothy: Say 'Pond'...


Elvendork: <Silence>

Dorothy: Say 'Cutlery'...


Elvendork: <Silence>

Dorothy: Say 'Narcissa's Paintings'


Elvendork: Shamelessly Ripped-off Art.

Narcissa: I HEARD THAT!

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-24, 05:39 AM
hehehe, Dave wants to burn the school down just like every other kid:smallbiggrin:

also: just rembered again: You should probably get Narcissa to paint some photos of Victor, possibly dave and Elli.

2010-12-24, 09:44 AM
Oh good, Elvendork has taste. So, I'm guessing she'll hate her name when she grows up.

2010-12-24, 10:00 AM
And Victor is supposed to be a mad scientist...

Get bigger quick, Elvendork! So we can have the ultimate tag team faster!

2010-12-25, 06:23 PM
Is anyone else seeing the similarities between Dave and Artemis Fowl? I mean, there both insane loners, they both wear suits... The only thing Dave is missing Butler.

Octopus Jack
2010-12-25, 06:35 PM
Is anyone else seeing the similarities between Dave and Artemis Fowl? I mean, there both insane loners, they both wear suits... The only thing Dave is missing Butler.

That can be easily fixed...

2010-12-25, 06:38 PM
so, now we need victor to mysteriously disappear

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-26, 07:35 AM
Is anyone else seeing the similarities between Dave and Artemis Fowl? I mean, there both insane loners, they both wear suits... The only thing Dave is missing Butler.


2010-12-26, 11:03 PM
I'd like to say that not only has this inspired me to get my own copy of Sims 3, but it's helped me about as much as any FAQ.

2010-12-27, 06:07 AM
Maybe I should start asking EA for comissions. :smalltongue:

Anyway, since my plan is for Victor to die peacefully of old age, and add his gravestone to the Tomb of Ancestors, he will NOT dissappear myteriously.

That said, it is possible to hire Butlers in Sims 3, but it costs mucho moolah, so it won't happen until after Dorothy's lifetime wish is fulfilled. I may take a vote then.

Wednesday (part 2)

Dorothy: Say 'Dancing'...


Elvendork: Dancing

Dorothy: Say 'Shoes'...


Elvendork: Red High Heels... Yeah baby!

We cancel talk training just before it finishes though. We'll wait for one of her parents to get the aspiration to teach her to talk, and then use him/her to complete it. Moving on, Victor's peaceful sleep is interrupted by an phonecall.


He gets the 2nd Gardening Quest to unlock Steaklplants and Pattyplants, but they want him to deliver 10 Cheeses of Excellent quality or better. Considering we haven't even managed to harvest the 1st round of Cheeseplants (which would probably be Very Nice quality at best), that will take a very long time. I'm not sure if Victor will be able to complete it in his lifetime.


Dave: "... zzz ... We should go visit the park ... zzz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... Maybe do a little fishing ... zzz ..."

Dorothy:"... zzz ... Or pour detergent into the water and wait for the fish to die and float up ... zzz ..."


Narcissa's latest piece. She right now averaging 1-2 paintings a day, each one selling for $1-2k, all of it of course, going towards Dorothy's Lifetime Wish Fund. Consequently, we've put her Cooking training on hold for the interim.


Meanwhile, Elvendork maxes out her logic on the puzzle blocks.


So we start her on the Xylophone.


I've finally picked out Dave's lifetime wish: Illustrous Author (Master the Painting and Writing Skill). He will become the Stay-At-Home Sim, and portrait maker for the next generation, essentially taking over Narcissa's current role.


We get him on an early start, and buy a second Easel. For the foresseable future, I will have him cranking out paintings, because it not only provides fun (and reduces the stress of school and homework), but it can also be sold for cash. Plus I'm hoping to get him to paint Narcissa's portrait before she becomes an Elder.


And here, Elvendork has finally been potty trained. All that is left is teaching her to talk, and she is almost there already.


And another day comes to an end.


"... zzz ... LASER MICROSCOPES!... zzz ..."


3 days into toddler-hood, and Elvendork maxes out her Xylophone skill as well. 4 more days to her birthday.


We're still waiting for one of the parents to want to teach her how to talk, but no luck so far. Narcissa cranks out yet another piece.


... that looks exactly like the one that she made yesterday. Speaking of which, yesterday was the last day of Maternity leave for Dorothy, so she returns to work today. As an Elder, she now has the option of retiring from her job, which means she no longer has to work, and gets a small steady pension.

In subsequent generations, when we have a wide age gap (e.g. if Victor remarries, his next batch of children will be far younger than Dave and Elvendork), than having some of the elderly spares retire to look after the next generation is probably a good idea, so we won't need to enslave another NPC like Narcissa (e.g. an Elderly Retired Dave/Elvendork, would have plenty of time to look after the children of their half-sibling heir).

However, for now, since we are rushing for $50,000, and since the pension is smaller than the pay she can draw from working, she will hold off retirement until her Lifetime Wish is fulfilled.


Dorothy gets promoted to Genetic Resequencer (netting her 1,250 AP in the shot above). At the same time, Victor also goes to work, and...


DING! Creature Robot Crossbreeder (Science level 9). He is still one step short of the top job, but this is enough to fulfil his lifetime wish and nets him a hefty 29,000 AP, and awards us 1 point for Legacy Scoring. Additionally, he has earned lifetime total of 100,000 AP, and which earns us an another Legacy Point. We can now spend his saved up Aspiration Points on the biggest reward of all: The Teleportation Pad!


Dorothy gets a call. Apparently, Gage Briody wants her to deliver any 2 perfect crops to him.


As we're mass producing the stuff in our garden (the rest has been quietly sold for money so far), so we can immediately turn it in for some additional cash.


With that out of the way, Dorothy can return home and upgrade our shiny new Teleportation Pad to be Unbreakable.


Narcissa's newest piece:


Classy. It might be ripped off from somewhere, but I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable in Art to tell. :smalltongue: And thats it for today.


Dave: "... zzz ... I wonder what I can do to put on some muscle ... zzz ... so that my kid sister isn't more macho than me ... zzz ... Maybe I should eat more meat ... zzz ..."

Dorothy:"... zzz ... Maybe you should start lifting weights ... zzz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... Maybe you should take steroids ... zzz ..."

2010-12-27, 09:44 AM
Hmmmm. Hmmmm. The Sims doesn't do somehting for Christmas (then again, you haven't done Saturday)?

Draconi Redfir
2010-12-27, 09:53 AM
so are you going to get Victors portrit done?

2010-12-27, 12:59 PM
Agreed, this has been very helpful for learning how to play... although I can't remember what to do now that the baby has a full bladder:smalleek:

2010-12-27, 05:00 PM


2010-12-27, 05:54 PM
I see Dave is still closely mirroring my first Sim by choosing to be an Illustrious Author. :smallwink: (I agree it's a good goal for an Insane Loner.)

Are you going to get these aspiring writer Sims laptops so they can work whenever they feel like it, or is it more cost effective to chain them to their desktops?

2010-12-28, 12:00 AM
Agreed, this has been very helpful for learning how to play... although I can't remember what to do now that the baby has a full bladder:smalleek:

Nothing. Just let the baby go. Their bladder gauge will refill, but their hygiene tanks. Just change their diaper to refill the hygiene gauge, though.

2010-12-28, 12:25 AM
I just noticed

What the hell are those symbols on the plate ?

Stange mystic prunes on cars, people aging considerably in a matter of seconds, flower that bings you back from the dead... Young Dave isn't insane, people, he's the only sane one !

2010-12-28, 04:40 AM
I just noticed

What the hell are those symbols on the plate ?

Stange mystic prunes on cars, people aging considerably in a matter of seconds, flower that bings you back from the dead... Young Dave isn't insane, people, he's the only sane one !

I think the mystic prunes are Simlish writing. by the way did you mean mystic Runes or Prunes?

2010-12-28, 05:00 AM
I think the mystic prunes are Simlish writing. by the way did you mean mystic Runes or Prunes?

Mystic runes? Cmon now you can't expect us to believe in such ridiculous pagan superstition. Of course those are mystic prunes, I mean what else could they be? :smallconfused:

2010-12-28, 08:23 AM
Nothing. Just let the baby go. Their bladder gauge will refill, but their hygiene tanks. Just change their diaper to refill the hygiene gauge, though.

Just confirming what I'm already beginning to suspect- There isn't actually a changing table anymore in sims 3, right? Because I couldn't find one to buy. I only ask because I played The Sims 2 once or twice, and babies and toddlers needed changing tables there. Also, since I'm not playing a legacy challenge, how do I get Life fruit seeds?

2010-12-28, 09:28 AM
Hmmmm. Hmmmm. The Sims doesn't do somehting for Christmas (then again, you haven't done Saturday)?

There are no festivals or holiday parties as such in Sims 3, beyond the occasional wedding and birthday.

so are you going to get Victors portrit done?

My intention is for Victor to reach the top of the Science Career track, and then to do his portrait in his spiffy Mad Scientist uniform. At the rate he is getting promoted, he should be there by next tuesday or so, and Narcissa can start his portrait then.

I see Dave is still closely mirroring my first Sim by choosing to be an Illustrious Author. :smallwink: (I agree it's a good goal for an Insane Loner.)

Are you going to get these aspiring writer Sims laptops so they can work whenever they feel like it, or is it more cost effective to chain them to their desktops?

Working "whenever" shouldn't be much of an issue since we now have 2 computers at home, and no one else really uses them right now. The other primary use of computers (Video games to boost fun) has been largely supplanted by social and skill boosting TV.

Laptops do provide the option of being able to work "wherever". However, its awfully troublesome to manage multiple Sims in disparate locations, since jumping between them takes waayyy too much time, so I'll stick with having Dave work at home.

I just noticed

What the hell are those symbols on the plate ?

Its "Simlish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simlish)". A made up gibberish language that is used for everything in-game: the signs on buildings and cars, Sims speech, dialogue on TV, and even the lyrics on the radio. Apparently, it saves the game makers from translating any in-game content when porting the game in other languages.

It could secretly be some dark speech for summoning elder evils from beyond the veil, but we will never know for sure... until it is too late.

Just confirming what I'm already beginning to suspect- There isn't actually a changing table anymore in sims 3, right? Because I couldn't find one to buy. I only ask because I played The Sims 2 once or twice, and babies and toddlers needed changing tables there.

Nope, babies/toddlers now have their diaper changed in literal thin air. Just select a Teen/Adult Sim, click on the baby, and the option should appear.

Also, since I'm not playing a legacy challenge, how do I get Life fruit seeds?

It can theoretically be found lying around town. If you don't want to manually search for them, buy a collection helper with Aspiration Points, and get it to highlight seeds. Unfortunately, found seeds usually only indicate rarity (which tells you how much Gardening skill is needed to grow it) but not the exact species. So you have to take the bunch of "Special Unknown Seeds" you find, plant them all, and hope at least one of them is life fruit.

2010-12-28, 09:41 AM
Two more things- I can plant the death flower I found in the graveyard (The city graveyard apparently always has one bush) without any trouble once I hit gardening 7, right.

Second... One of my Sims is a scientist, and geuss who his boss is... Dorothy. I kid you not. Apparently she must be the default scientist boss in this city or something.

2010-12-28, 11:46 AM
Two more things- I can plant the death flower I found in the graveyard (The city graveyard apparently always has one bush) without any trouble once I hit gardening 7, right.

Second... One of my Sims is a scientist, and geuss who his boss is... Dorothy. I kid you not. Apparently she must be the default scientist boss in this city or something.

One of my games I had her as head of military. Then another as fellow Politician. I'm guessing it's random with some sims.

2010-12-29, 08:07 AM
One of my games I had her as head of military. Then another as fellow Politician. I'm guessing it's random with some sims.

Shh! Don't tell the conspiracy theorists! I hear that they're having a field day with this one. Now all we need is 'The Terrible Secret of the Sims 3 employers'.:smalltongue:

The Dark Fiddler
2010-12-29, 10:13 PM
Shh! Don't tell the conspiracy theorists! I hear that they're having a field day with this one. Now all we need is 'The Terrible Secret of the Sims 3 employers'.:smalltongue:

Is that going to be like The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing? Cause that was a pretty amazing Let's Play, I've got to say. Anyone who can turn Animal Crossing into... that has my respect.

2010-12-30, 05:30 AM
Is that going to be like The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing? Cause that was a pretty amazing Let's Play, I've got to say. Anyone who can turn Animal Crossing into... that has my respect.

Yeah, I completely agree with you, that's an incredible LP, although it's more of a story than a let's play, but awesome nevertheless. I wonder if that guy did any more LPs? I'mma look it up!

2010-12-30, 11:53 AM
Late to the thread, right in time to start playing again of course :) I usually play it with aging turned off myself.

RE: Handiness classes in school. Yeah, it was several pages ago, I mentioned being late to the thread yes?

Anyway, believe it or not some schools do in fact have classes like this. The vocational school* I attended my last two years of highschool had just such a class required in either your junior or senior year. I took it as a senior. We learned all sorts of useful "how to actually live as an adult" stuff. If I ruled the world a class like this would be required at all schools.

It was the mid-80's, and my home school had no computers. I wanted to learn computers, so my options were a> move or b>go to vocational school. So in my situation the stigma a vocational school has for many does not apply.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-12-30, 10:22 PM
Yeah, I completely agree with you, that's an incredible LP, although it's more of a story than a let's play, but awesome nevertheless. I wonder if that guy did any more LPs? I'mma look it up!

He did an also amazing Oregon Trail LP if I remember correctly.

2010-12-30, 11:38 PM
At the risk of derailing this awesome LP:
Where is The Terrible Secret Of Animal Crossing LP?

2010-12-31, 12:20 AM
At the risk of derailing this awesome LP:
Where is The Terrible Secret Of Animal Crossing LP?
It's at the first result when you Google search for it. :smalltongue: (I thought you were implying it had been taken off the Internet, but thankfully that's not the case.) It's on the Let's Play Archive. (http://lparchive.org/Animal-Crossing/)

2010-12-31, 03:17 AM
Two more things- I can plant the death flower I found in the graveyard (The city graveyard apparently always has one bush) without any trouble once I hit gardening 7, right.

You can plant it, but do note that Deathflowers plants yield one flower, and then die. So you plant a flower to gain a flower for no net profit.

The exception to this is, if your Sim has the Green Thumbs trait, then he/she can resurrect the Deathflower plant ONCE, and it will yield a second Deathflower, and then die again.

Shh! Don't tell the conspiracy theorists! I hear that they're having a field day with this one. Now all we need is 'The Terrible Secret of the Sims 3 employers'.:smalltongue:

Thats going to be a bit harder ot pull off in this case, without relying on a hefty amount of intentional player cruelty (http://www.cracked.com/blog/exploring-the-mysteries-of-the-mind-with-the-sims-3/). And is in fact the opposite intent* of Legacy Runs like this one, which aim instead, to build fabulously rich and powerful families.

*The exception would be unless someone on my legacy lot gets the Evil trait, and we have to do unspeakable things to NPCs to satisfy his/her Sadistic Aspirations.


Today, the Garlics and Bellpeppers are ready to harvest.


I'm not sure if I showed these before, but I should point out that Garlic in real life does NOT appear above ground, hanging from branches like a fruit. The same thing goes for Onions and Potatoes, which actually grow below ground. This message has been brought to you by ASMASSST (Association of Students who Mistakenly Applied Sims 3 to School Science Test)

In other news, a 7 days have passed, and its Dave's birthday once more!


A burst of sparkles and...


Teenage Dave!


He gains another Trait, and with a quick roll of the dice we get... No Sense of Humor.

Yeah, I don't find it funny either (Ba Dum Dum Bish). More evidence that Random Number Generators in general, and this game in particular, are out to get me. Anyway, the ageing up process has apparently re-randomized his wardrobe, so we quickly change him back to his Red Shirt and Brown Pants combo


And now for the FAQ bit of this Lets Play: Teenagers are almost adults and can do almost everything that adults can. Almost. They can now learn all the skills that Adults can, especially cooking (Children are not permitted to cook, and also cannot learn Gardening, Handiness etc). They can also assist with baby and toddler care, including teaching them to walk, talk and poop.


Teenages still have many limits though: They still have to go to school, and do homework, for the chance to pick their 5th and last trait when they age up to Adult (or in our case, for the chance to have the dice screw me over once more). And they can't hold full careers yet, and are limited to part-time jobs. They can start courtship, but they can't get married or have children.


Narcissa once more makes that painting expressing her frustration with her cramped life so far. Not for long! Once Elvendork ages up, and she finishes Victor's portrait (probably sometime next tuesday), we'll start her on her lifetime wish.

Dave manages to crank out 2 paintings today. From what I've read, the Hexagonal effect on the second painting is apparently a side effect of his Genius trait. Lets just hope his Portraits don't turn out like that:



While embarking on her next painting, Nacissa gets a phonecall.


Apparently some guy wants hamburgers, and is willing to pay a pretty penny for them. We pause Art manufacturing, and branch into the fast food business:


With the burgers done, we deliver them to the guy, who apparently lives next door.


Dorothy gets a quest of her own.


She gets the 1st Gardening quest to unlock Cheese and Eggplants, by delivering 20 perfect crops. While that isn't much point in her completing it (since it doesn't have a cash reward, and Victor can already grow them) we take it up anyway.

And another day draws to a close.


"... zzz ... All bankers are thieves who steal our money ... zzz ..."

Sunday (part 1)

Dorothy gets the Aspiration to upgrade 20 objects. She's at 16 right now, so we buy 4 sprinklers for her to tinker with, at at the highly affordable price of $90 each.


Dave manages to complete another piece.


As does Narcissa.


After many days of saving and skimping, we've FINALLY accumulated $49,000+. Upon selling these latest 2 paintings...


DING! Dorothy's Lifetime wish is complete! She nets a hefty 40,000 AP, and can now die happy. This also pushes her lifetime AP total past the 100,000 mark, which nets us 2 legacy points.

And now for something completely different:


The Cake is a lie!


Dorothy: "... zzz ... I want to fly on a plane ... zzz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... I want to fly on a rocket ... zzz ..."

Dave: "... zzz ... I want to fly on... FLIES! A SWARM OF FLESH EATING FLIES!!! Mwuhahaha ... zzz ..."

2010-12-31, 05:38 AM

Dorothy: "... zzz ... I want to fly on a plane ... zizz ..."

Victor: "... zzz ... I want to fly on a rocket ... zzz ..."

Dave: "... zzz ... I want to fly on... FLIES! A SWARM OF FLESH EATING FLIES!!! Mwuhahaha ... zzz ..."


Brilliant as always!

2010-12-31, 06:44 AM
Just a small point, skills wise:

Toddlers can read sets of books to learn level 3 painting and writing
Children can play with the toy cooker to get level 3 cooking and play with the blocks table to get level 3 handiness.


Awesomeness though. :smallbiggrin: *is doing her own legacy game atm - no story though. :smalltongue:*

2010-12-31, 10:02 AM
Just a small point, skills wise:

Toddlers can read sets of books to learn level 3 painting and writing
Children can play with the toy cooker to get level 3 cooking and play with the blocks table to get level 3 handiness.


Awesomeness though. :smallbiggrin: *is doing her own legacy game atm - no story though. :smalltongue:*

Do this for Elvendork. We dont want her to end up like Dave. :smallwink:

Avilan the Grey
2010-12-31, 01:53 PM
Do this for Elvendork. We dont want her to end up like Dave. :smallwink:

This has inspired me to reinstall Sims 3. Don't know when I will have time playing it, but I will start my own challenge (with my own rules though). I am thinking of an evil nutty but socially great young girl to start with.

2010-12-31, 02:26 PM
This has inspired me to reinstall Sims 3. Don't know when I will have time playing it, but I will start my own challenge (with my own rules though). I am thinking of an evil nutty but socially great young girl to start with.
Just remember to name her Elvendork.

2011-01-02, 09:23 AM
Sunday (part 2)

Once Dorothy's Lifetime Wish is fulfilled, we don't need to keep the $50,000 lying around. So Dorothy goes off to turn in the quest for Egg and Cheeseplants.


While she's outside, we pay visit to the local grocery store, and spend $27,000 to buy it over*. Over the long run, this will generate better returns, than simply having the money stagnating in the bank account.

*In Sims 3, your Sims can invest in certain buildings. And every week thereafter, they can go to the venue to collect profits for the week. Investment can take the form of a Partnership (where they get a share of the profits), or they can completely buy the building over entirely. This means they get all its profits, plus certain other perks, like the ability to rename the building, and to fire employees.


A family of Mad Scientists (to-be) now owes the local Supermarket. Be afraid. Be very very afraid.

On her way home from the market, Dorothy spots a familiar face. (Well familiar for us, its someone she hasn't seen before)


Meet Marlene Nicholas, now an adult. However, a brief chat with her reveals she is already in a relationship with Dave (no, not our Dave, there's apparently someone else in town, also named Dave). We strike her off the "Potential Second Wife" list.

Finally, just before bedtime, Victor gets the Aspiration to teach Elvendork how to talk, so we have him complete her training.

Victor: Say 'Unpredictable Showers'...

Elvendork: Unpredictable Showers... Da Da go build a Weather Control Machine!


Elvendork's shameless flattery warms the cockles of Victor's heart... to the tune of 2,000 AP.


And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... The Rings of Saturn are infested by GIANT SPACE BUGS! ... zzz ..."


I'm getting the distinct feeling, we've probably seen most, if not all the spontaneous paintings (i.e. not still-life or portraits) Narcissa can generate at this level.


I'll probably stop showing her latest work, unless its something (I think) you guys have never seen before.

Anyway, its the brand new work/school week for the Xenon's. Now that they have a Teleportion Pad, they can beam around the place. For example, if they want to go to a given destination (such as Victor going to work):

1) Step onto the pad


2) Dissappear in a flash of light


3) Appear at their destination


In their pyjamas no less.

Similiarly, they can teleport from an external location back home. In this particular example, Victor and Dorothy have just finished work and want to go home:

1) They call the teleportation pad: "Beam me up, Scotty"


2) Once more, dissappear in a flash of light


3) Reappear back home outside the front door...


AAIIIEEEE!!!!! There's been a teleportation accident! Victor and Dorothy have been merged into a hideous monstrousity!

Nah they're fine. As mentioned last time, the Xenon's have bought over the local Supermarket, and can collect profits. The money comes in every Monday (i.e. today), but rather than being automatically credited to the family bank account, someone has to manually go to the location to collect it.


Narcissa's sleep is interrupted by a phonecall.


A fellow local chef wants to discuss cooking tips wth her, which promises to boost her skill in the process.


Since she's free (and awake) now, Narcissa pops down to the Fastfood Diner, to meet the chef.


The meeting proves fruitful, and Narcissa hits the next level of cooking. Since I have a good chunk of change leftover from Dorothy's Lifetime Wish fund, while Narcissa is there, we have her buy over the Diner for $24,000. Thats right, Mad Scientist now run the Supermarket AND the Fast Food Diner! No one is Safe!


Well not really, there's still that other Restaurant in town, the Corsican Bistro.

And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... MASS EXPLOSIVE RUNES CHEMICALS ... zzz ..."

2011-01-02, 10:11 AM
So, one more business and the Xenon Legacy will control the food supplies for the entire town? :smalleek:

2011-01-02, 10:17 AM
So, one more business and the Xenon Legacy will control the food supplies for the entire town? :smalleek:

And now I can see Dave cackling while holding a hamburger on a stage with dozens of hungry people look up at him :smalltongue:

Draconi Redfir
2011-01-02, 10:32 AM
we need some rich compatition FAST!

and just think, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE didint have a lifetime wish of 50,000 simcash :P

2011-01-02, 10:49 AM
we need some rich compatition FAST!

and just think, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE didint have a lifetime wish of 50,000 simcash :P

It would have happened soon anyway just slightly slower.

2011-01-02, 08:26 PM
Toddlers can read sets of books to learn level 3 painting and writing
Children can play with the toy cooker to get level 3 cooking and play with the blocks table to get level 3 handiness.


Which goes to show how little I really know about the game. :smallredface:

It would have happened soon anyway just slightly slower.

Indeed, with most major purchases and renovations complete for now, the Xenon's would have eventually started funneling their excess cash towards World Domination local investments anyway.

So, one more business and the Xenon Legacy will control the food supplies for the entire town? :smalleek:

Not ALL the food mind you. NPCs can theoretically still fish their own seafood, or take up gardening to grow their own crops (some houses even come with pre-installed gardens). I suppose the need to keep their enterprises reasonably profitable in the face of such competition, prevents the Xenons from doing stuff like, say injecting the broccoli with mind-altering chemicals.

2011-01-02, 09:01 PM
Not ALL the food mind you. NPCs can theoretically still fish their own seafood, or take up gardening to grow their own crops (some houses even come with pre-installed gardens). I suppose the need to keep their enterprises reasonably profitable in the face of such competition, prevents the Xenons from doing stuff like, say injecting the broccoli with mind-altering chemicals.
Dont the fridges magically fill up with food if you don't buy any, albeit at a slightly more expensive rate?

I'd love to have a fridge like that.

2011-01-02, 09:17 PM
Which goes to show how little I really know about the game. :smallredface:

Stop being modest. (It's because you're lying.)

2011-01-02, 10:15 PM
Dont the fridges magically fill up with food if you don't buy any, albeit at a slightly more expensive rate?

I'd love to have a fridge like that.

Scroll to number 3 (http://www.cracked.com/article_18937_5-things-you-use-every-day-that-are-getting-awesome-upgrades.html)

2011-01-02, 10:26 PM

"... zzz ... MASS EXPLOSIVE RUNES CHEMICALS ... zzz ..."

Alchemists fire für alle!

2011-01-03, 05:52 AM
I suppose the need to keep their enterprises reasonably profitable in the face of such competition, prevents the Xenons from doing stuff like, say injecting the broccoli with mind-altering chemicals.

But mind control is such a good way to ensure that customersThere is no Mind Control, Citizen.

Jeez, I am not talking about that MinThere is no Mind Control, Citizen.

Anyway, I think the Xenons could secure their customer base by mind controlling thThere is no Mind Control, Citizen. Please report to the nearest termination booth for further processing. Thank you, and have a nice day.

I give up.

2011-01-03, 02:30 PM
Town: Sunset Valley, but depopulated before the start of the Legacy Run. Over time, the game will generate random NPCs to refill the town, so it won't actually remain a ghost town as such. Essentially, this means that all the faces will be new.

Okay, at the risk of looking stupid & necroing an older comment...

How did you do that? Because I've never been able to find out how to move out/delete the preexisting houses. I realize the option is probably staring me in the face.

2011-01-03, 08:28 PM
Dont the fridges magically fill up with food if you don't buy any, albeit at a slightly more expensive rate?

I'd love to have a fridge like that.

Oh yeah, that too. All fridges magically come with a vending machine function, wherein if you don't have a paritcular ingredient, you can feed it cash, and it will magically spit out the required stuff for you to start cooking with.

How did you do that? Because I've never been able to find out how to move out/delete the preexisting houses. I realize the option is probably staring me in the face.

Off the top of my head
1) Go into Edit Town Mode (accessible from the "..." menu).
2) While there, click on an NPC house, which will bring up a summary on the household.
3) Evict the NPC household, which will remove them from this house, and store them on the left sidebar.
4) Click on the NPC household on the left sidebar
5) You can choose to move them into another house or to delete them entirely at this point.

The Glyphstone
2011-01-03, 10:54 PM
But mind control is such a good way to ensure that customersThere is no Mind Control, Citizen.

Jeez, I am not talking about that MinThere is no Mind Control, Citizen.

Anyway, I think the Xenons could secure their customer base by mind controlling thThere is no Mind Control, Citizen. Please report to the nearest termination booth for further processing. Thank you, and have a nice day.

I give up.

Thank you for your cooperation, citizen. Your remaining clones have been authorized to recieve additional Happiness Pills upon activation as a reward for your loyal behavior. Do not highlight this post.
Your security clearance is not high enough to read this text, which is treason, and you have just violated orders given to you in Violet, which is treason. Please remain in your current location while a security kill-bot is dispatched to rectify this error.

Avilan the Grey
2011-01-04, 06:22 AM
I am still working on customizing Twinbrook (adding bars / lounges and a vampire club).

I am going to start a modified challenge game as soon as I am done.

Modified challenge rules

Edit town to put in lots of Late Night type.
Edit bookshelf in library to contain skillbooks.
(Both of these are permitted by the original rules, afaik).

Start a couple (I find it is MUCH more fun, plus you get to design two sims!), boyfriend and girlfriend. Five traits each.

Girl: Hillbilly (pigtails, barefoot, Daisy Dukes with the following traits: Vehicle Enthusiast or Athletic (have not decided), Slob or Clumsy, Flirty, Natural Cook, Green thumbs. Cooking or Military career, I think.

Boy: Eccentric Hillbilly (Lincoln hat, jeans, barefoot): Eccentric, Handy, Slob, Unlucky, Charismatic. Science Career, of course.

Permission to cheat if out-of-game problems arise (Bad Mood Bug, for example).
Permission to start over from earlier save if game over by meteor.

2011-01-04, 10:46 AM

Its Tuesday! A day of destiny! First of all, its Elvendork's birthday.


A burst of sparkles...




Meet Child Elvendork. She's apparently inherited her Mother's hair colour. At this stage, she gains a another trait, and a roll of the dice gives us... "Good". Woah! Its like she's really aiming to become Supergirl!

Elvendork now needs a proper bed, so we add one more to the house- with lime floral sheets as befitting her favorite colour.


We also change her everyday outfit to suit:


In other news, the first generation of Cheese and Eggplants are ready to harvest:


The Cheeseplants only yield "Great" quality which is short of the "Excellent" needed to turn in the quest for Steak and Patty plants. Oh well, we dispose of the parents and replant the seeds. With Elvendork now a child, Narcissa is free to pursue her dream of becoming a 5-Star Chef. She immediately applies for a job on the Culinary track.


After much slogging, Victor finally reaches the top level of the Science Career: Mad Scientist!


As mentioned, I was waiting for this so that Narcissa can paint his portrait of his Mad Scientist uniform:


Narcissa starts work in a few days time, so she will try to finish the portrait before then.


With today's earnings, Dorothy looks around for another venue to invest in, and settles for the local Bookshop. We only have enough to buy a Partnership for now.


While fishing, Victor manages to pull out an old chest out of the park pond. And is surprised to find that it contains... a Guitar.


BURN IT WITH FIRE!! by Dave Xenon.


Narcisa finishes Victor's portrait...


Which looks terrible! Its even worse than the cloudy glass effect that Dorothy's potrait has!


Its like he's spontaneous dissolving into a swarm of pixels or something. We have her try again, and this time, it looks more reasonable:



And thats it for today.


"... zzz ... Save the Trees! Recycle Paper! ... zzz ..."

The Glyphstone
2011-01-04, 11:51 AM

Its Tuesday! A day of destiny! First of all, its Elvendork's birthday.

Elvendork: "Hooray, I'm not a toddler anymore! Time to put on the big-girl pants......wait. Darnit."