View Full Version : Zombiepacolypse!!! (IC)

2010-11-28, 09:42 PM
You hear the dragging of a leg followed by moaning outside... You know you're not alone... You all look at the door as another survivor finds his way in... You decide to learn eachothers stories overnight, while you're safe inside the building...

Dragon Elite
2010-11-28, 09:53 PM
"Hello, survivor. Having a tough week?" Kiiran says, jumping into the air (using fell flight) and then closing the door. Have anything you want to get rid of? Kiiran says, pulling out a plank and nailing the door shut again.

2010-11-29, 08:48 PM
I have been here a nightfall, It has not been a good one,It seems like more each night are coming. He then walks up to the man,Well to the feet of the man and then says
I am named Tony Del Mirgo.What is yours?

2010-11-30, 10:00 AM
"Well met lonely survivor! You've come to the right house. These zombies will quake in fear with our combined power! I, Alexander Kirskan, am more than enough for these weakling zombies, now it's just overkill! Though they are dead already so it might be over unkill? Actually, we wouldn't want to unkill them, unless we revived them into the living. Unkilling them is like taking back a kill. Destroy is a better word. Now it's just overdestroying them! " Alex combs any potential entrances as he yells out the greeting.

2010-11-30, 01:13 PM
"Perhaps you shouldn't yell, we don't want to draw any more of those abominations to us." Cev comments as he looks up from his bag. "I'll set up some surprises after we get settled in, I think." Getting up he begins to do a quick glance around the room, keeping an eye out for weaknesses in the structure.

Archdeacon GX
2010-11-30, 05:11 PM
In the back corner of the room, seated beneath a table, a gnome of small size even for his own kind sits looking rather annoyed, his hands at his ears. He has a rather scrunched face, with beady eyes and a great white-grey beard reaching down to his waist. His frame seems thin and wiry, but extraordinarily well-muscled, especially for a Gnome. "Yes! Yes, yes, do quiet down, you're liable to alert every ghoul from here to Hortlump!"

Lowering his hands, he seems to grumble to himself in a rapid, unintelligible gibberish that sounds a little like Dwarvish, but not entirely. "Ohhowintheworlddidyoumanagetogetyourselfintothison eCazicfirstyouwerewrestlingahalforcinthetavernandn owthere'szombieseverywhereinvadingeveryone'slawnsa ndnoteventhosemagicalplantsthatBarbotimadethatshoo tpeasandwhatnotcanstopthem. Ohbotherwhatapredicament."

Yes, I'm using the Dragonlance take on the Gnomish language, with minor liberties.

2010-11-30, 06:29 PM
As you discuss ways to stay safe, you hear a thud in the next room and realized nobody has checked it yet... You hear a dragging towards the door... You can only guess what it is...

2010-11-30, 06:50 PM
Alex acts quickly to the obvious noise. He unsheathes his sword and goes towards the overlooked door. He'll move right next to the door, the side farthest away from the latch/doorknob. Ironically he shushes everyone then taps his sword against the door looking for various answers with the tapping. Is the door loose enough to open if it opens inwards? Will the zombie respond and move closer to the tapping faster? While waiting for any responses in the other room, Alex will examine the door to see if it opens inwards or outwards. Then if he has time he will prepare to attack whatever comes out the door.

[roll0] Spot Check
[roll1] Search Check (if necessary)

[roll2] Attack roll if needed
[roll3] Damage roll if needed
[roll4] Fire damage roll if needed

If I don't attack right away, when I do attack I'll use these rolls.

2010-11-30, 07:03 PM
You see the door completely closed... It opens towards you and is locked (though you could bareley find the handle with a search check like that)... You must wait for the creature or bust open the door... Or pick the lock...

Dragon Elite
2010-11-30, 07:19 PM
"Should I break it now?" Kiiran says, conjuring purple energy around his fists.

2010-11-30, 08:13 PM
Cev investigates the lock, "I could probably pick the lock, if need be. Or perhaps a trap outside of the door would be more fun?"

2010-11-30, 08:32 PM
"Might hold off on the breaking. The door is still pretty sturdy don't ya think? Picking the lock might be the best bet. A trap!? Sounds fun. It's up to you if you want to waste one now."

2010-11-30, 08:32 PM
Tony grabs his totem from his shoulder,walks to the door and lifts it over his head, Saying
If your living,Dont come out.
(reading an attack if an undead smacks through the door)

2010-11-30, 09:54 PM
You hear the noise stop just before the door...................................... *BAM* the door flies open as a man of flesh and decay jumps at the man holding the giant totem...

Dragon Elite
2010-11-30, 10:32 PM
I eldritch blast:

2010-11-30, 11:27 PM
The zombie staggers as it is blasted, but continues his way towards the cleric...

2010-11-30, 11:32 PM
Alex shall slash at him from behind with his readied attack, before he gets to far away.

Using my first attack.
30 to hit
19 dmg + 1 fire dmg.

2010-11-30, 11:57 PM
As the blade passes through the creature it falls to the ground... You see in the room he came from that he was alone... It was a pure coincidence he was there... You know this is not a safe place so you discuss where to go next...

You never said you "redead" an attack...

Dragon Elite
2010-12-01, 12:32 AM
"Well, that was unexpected. Kiiran says, re-closing the door.

2010-12-11, 11:20 AM
Your still talking... About your stories and how you got her...

Archdeacon GX
2010-12-11, 03:43 PM
"Well, are we all just going to stand around staring at the dust or are we going to be productive? Someone say something!" The gnome pipes up irritably.

Dragon Elite
2010-12-11, 04:30 PM
"Meh. With all the scratching and groaning, I can barely hear myself think! Kiiran says, then pulls out a pillow and bedroll from his belt pouch."I'm gonna try and get some sleep."