View Full Version : [3.5] Unfamiliar Territory - Prologue

2010-11-30, 09:18 AM
The Pasha, Lord Orlaan Gregorin VII, didn't believe in fate he didn't even find the question interesting. "Either I have free choice," he would say when the topic came up in conversation, "Or I have the perfect illusion of free choice. Am I fated to eat this salad? Drink this wine? Fine. But I still have to decide whether or not I want to reach down, pick it up and put it in my mouth. Fate or no fate, the debate is about as useful as whether or not a tree makes noise is no one is there to hear it."

All the same, much later, as he started to piece together what it was, exactly, that went so entirely and disastrously wrong that morning, the more he was impressed by how organized everything seemed under the chaotic surface. How directed. Every new thing he learned just seemed to reveal some manner of underlying order that made the events of that day seem to line up in a row. And like his philosophy teacher had once said, if you found a water-clock lying in the grass, you didn't assume it got there by accident, you assumed the existence of a watch-maker, no? And so, as a logical man, if the events of that day, events no man or woman could possibly have foreseen or influenced, seemed organized, did that not by extension require an organizer? And if you conceded that the decisions and revision of your own secret heart were not your own, was that not Fate then?

In the long, long, long hours and days of seclusion and meditation that followed the Incident, these were the questions and doubts that haunted the mind of Lord Pasha Gregorin, nipping at the heels of his thoughts like a pack of hungry dogs scenting blood on an injured deer.

But all of that was for later. At first, what the Pasha came to call 'The Incident' started the way so many things did: with a shifting mosaic of random events with as many truths as participants.

We will start with three of those participants, three of those truths. There are others, many others, but these three offer a beginning. Not the beginning, surely, for there are as many starting points as stars in the sky and leaves on the trees.

But a beginning.

Eric Crest had heard it said once that talent hits a target no one else can hit and genius hits a target no one else can see. By that definition the Pasha was certainly a genius. The elite training school from which Eric had graduated accepted only a handful of students every year and of that handful, only the best and brightest managed to actually complete it. Eric was widely thought to be the most promising student in a generation and the training had taken everything he had and almost killed him in the process. The Pasha had breezed through it while simultaneously breezing through two other training schools, each as elite, each as exclusive, each as difficult.

And standing now in the Pasha’s Meditation Room, a member of his personal guard, watching him perform the final steps of the Ritual he'd been working at for almost three months now, Eric was once again struck by just how deep the man's knowledge and understanding of the magical arts was. He had no idea what it was, exactly, that this ritual was supposed to do, but whatever it was, it would certainly be something.

Everything the Pasha did was so easy for him, that to watch him actually have to work at something made you think very carefully about how hard that thing must be.

But, as the Pasha completed the final steps (and they were the final steps, Eric could tell that much), intoned the final syllables, performed the final movements, laid out the final components, a sound that was not quite a sound rose in the minds of those in the room, like a hum like a rush like a small child singing somewhere in the distance, and the air felt thick and heavy with the gathering energy.

And then ...


The Pasha's voice trailed off into silence and the feeling of something vast and inevitable impending popped and faded. And a moment of almost perfect stillness followed. The Pasha looked up like a man coming up from a deep, deep slumber, blinked, looked around and his brow furrowed in thought. Clearly, whatever it was that supposed to happen, did not.

And he closed his eyes again, this time calling upon the prescient powers of his mind. They stayed closed for no more than half a moment before they flew open again and he said two words, the confused tilt of his voice making them a question. And although every eye and ear in the room was focused on the Pasha, Eric was the only person in the room who knew what those words meant.

And what the Pasha said was this:

"Emily Crest?"

Like most people who had no real contact with the man, Emily couldn't have cared less if the Pasha (genius or not) farted or blew a tin whistle. She had more important things to worry about. Like, for example, no longer being the only person in her whole class who couldn't manage the simple trick of summoning a Familiar. And she wanted a Familiar. She did. Just as much as everyone else. More even, she just couldn't seem to do it the way they kept insisting she get it done. All the things she could do that no one else could do and did they care? Specifically, did Mr. High Maejus Anders Pierz care? No he did not. All he seemed to care about was that she couldn't manage the simple (to him!) trick of summoning a familiar.

Always the same. Everything they taught her she had to take home, break down into pieces and re-learn her own way. Even simple incantations took her hours and hours to translate into terms she could understand. She had to work three times as hard to get results one third as good as everyone else. All of this was, of course, made worse by the fact that she hated classrooms, hated studying, hated sitting inside all day, hated dusty old books and dusty old teachers and dusty old rules. They said she an attitude problem. But Emily thought that, just the fact she hadn't killed anyone yet meant she was showing far more tact than anyone gave her credit for.

But all that aside, here she was, in her room, everything all laid out proper-like. Her teachers would have taken a single look at the mess she'd made of their time-honoured ritual and turned white and fainted, but Emily was actually quite proud of herself. She'd made it work for her. And that took more talent than all the studying and memorizing there ever was.

As she completed the final steps of the ritual she cast her mind and her power out into the world and called out for whatever was primed to answer her. Secretly she was hoping for a bunny. But she knew she'd take whatever she got, so long as the damned ritual worked.

And then, just as she was completing the summoning, she felt a massive jolt of power tear through her mind and there was a giant painless THUMP that knocked her flat on her back, smearing the carefully (if eccentrically) drawn summoning circle and scattering her reagents all over the floor. She lay there for a moment, stunned, before sitting back up, shaking her head, anxious to see what she had done. She'd certainly done something. Already she could feel a whisper in the back of her mind, like someone tickling her brain with a feather.

But as she stood, and looked, there was no bunny there. Or owl. Or weasel. Or even a stupid snake. Instead, there was a tiny tiny tiny little elfin-looking creature. Like a little woman. With wings. Lying in the middle of her circle, looking just as stunned and as confused as Emily herself felt. And then the little thing opened its eyes and sat up and in her mind Emily could feel it doing so.

And that meant that this, whatever it is, belonged to her.

And the third? What of the third participant? The third truth? The third point of contact to balance out the other two and make this structure stable? That third is lying on the cold stone floor of Emily Crest’s bedchamber, her mind and body wracked and numb and stunned with the force of the power that had torn her from her place in the universe and placed her… here.

Wherever here was.

The third truth is Irelia. And although there are many places where we could stick a pin into the infinite fabric of creation and say ‘the story starts here,’ the appearance, the intrusion, of Irelia’s point of view into the on-going mosaic is perhaps better than most.

And we begin our story here in this small darkened room, with a young girl and an otherworldly creature regarding each other for the first time, while all around them the seeds of their story drifted on the winds of Fate, needing only time and circumstance to take root and grow into legend.

Lix Lorn
2010-11-30, 06:49 PM
There were so many thoughts going through Emily's head right now. First was triumph! She'd beaten them all!
Second was fear. What would this creature do?
Third, and quickly growing, was quite different.

2010-12-03, 02:59 PM
Irelia's thoughts were confused and discordant. One moment, she been deep in study at her favorite retreat, a crook of two branches on a tree in Elysium. The next moment, her world spun out of control as she felt a harsh pain smothered by a deep numbness. The next thing she knew was that she woke up on the hard cold floor here, wherever here was.

Irelia struggled to a sitting position, smoothing her tiny pale green skirt out before starting to her feet. Carefully she rose to her feet, tiny arms outstretched to steady her. She had just began to survey the room when a wave of dizziness overcame her, and she tumbled to the floor again.

She lay quite still for a moment, before a seemingly gigantic voice startled her. Sitting up, Irelia scanned the room with deep blue eyes, confusedly looking for the source of the outburst. With uncharacteristic slowness, she finally located the young woman responsible for startling her. "Where am- What happened?" She asked in a small voice.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-03, 06:00 PM
"I... I think I summoned you! I was trying to get a cat or something but you're awesome!" she gushed.

2010-12-03, 08:27 PM
"You summoned me?" Irelia asked inquisitively. She paused to think for a moment, then suddenly seemed to understand. Rising to her full height, which seemed pitifully small compared to the rest of the room, she said in a gracious but obviously faked tone of voice, "Ahh, of course. You want a celestial to give you advice on something. Please state your question, and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Then you can dismiss me back to my home plane."

Lix Lorn
2010-12-03, 08:32 PM
"Uhm... not quite." she giggles nervously, starting to realise something's wrong.

2010-12-03, 08:53 PM
"Not quite? What do you mean?" Irelia carefully asked. "If you don't have a question I can answer, or something else you need celestial help with, please return me to my home plane."

Lix Lorn
2010-12-03, 08:55 PM
"Uhm... the spell I cast was to summon a familiar. And you turned up." she said awkwardly, almost apologetically.

2010-12-03, 09:09 PM
Tapping her foot impatiently, Irelia says, "I'm sure you think that your prank is amusing, but I assure you, it's not. Please return me to Elysium at once."

Lix Lorn
2010-12-03, 09:21 PM
"I can't." she said simply. "I dunno any spells like that."

2010-12-03, 09:27 PM
"That's absurd. If you summoned me here, of course you know how to return me. Now dismiss me before I start to-" Irelia pauses for a moment, and slightly horrified expression creeping to her face. "Did, you say you were summoning a familiar?"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-03, 09:28 PM
She nods slowly.

2010-12-03, 09:39 PM
Irelia slowly sits down, then says in a quiet voice, "I'm.. I am your familiar? But how?" Suddenly she stands up, eyes flashing. "Oh, I understand now. You're still trying to put one over my head, aren't you. Well I won't stand this any longer. If you're determined to act like you can't send me home, I'll find some other way."

With that, Irelia spreads her long gossamer wings, translucent blue in color. Rising quickly into the air, she looks around for an open window or door.

2010-12-04, 05:45 AM
Watching the Pasha work had always filled Eric with both dread and awe. As a member of the personal guard, he experienced this on a daily basis, but the feelings never eased up. The Pasha was a very inspiring leader, but to Eric he was also the most terrifying thing in the entire world.

Standing the private chamber and watching the Pasha perform the last parts of the ritual was a nerve-wrecking experience. Every muscle in Eric's body was tense, every part of him was begging to flee, yet he stood still. He had just realized that something must have gone wrong, when the Pasha spoke those two fateful words. Eric fought to hide his reaction, to hide the significance these two words bore to him. He wanted to run out the door and find his sister, but that would have been suicide. Suddenly leaving his position would surely alarm both the Pasha and the rest of the guard that something was up. He couldn't flee. Instead he just stood there, thoughts racing, waiting for whatever the Pashas next move would be.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-04, 09:33 AM
"I'm not!" she insisted. "Honestly! You can look at the circle if you like, well, what's left of it... I don't even know what you are!"

2010-12-05, 01:01 AM
Irelia pauses in mid-air, and then looks Emily in the eye. With a faint sigh, she looks at the ruined circle on the ground. She slowly descends, then sits with her knees to her chest. "I'm Irelia, a Coure Eladrin." She offers, obviously lost in thought. A moment later, she looks up. "If I'm your familiar, why don't I feel anything? And wouldn't you be able to command me or something?"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-05, 09:28 AM
"Uhm... probably..." she said. "Uhm... stand up?" she commanded, to see if it would work.

2010-12-06, 12:54 PM
Nothing happens for a moment, but then Irelia slowly comes to her feet with a strained expression on her face. She looks away, but a feeling of intense melancholy can be felt.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-06, 01:08 PM
Emily giggles slightly, and then the importance and responsibility of this situation hits her.

Being an intelligent, wise, and sensible young girl, she takes on the responsibility immediately tries to get rid of it.
"You don't have to do anything I say unless you think it's a good idea." she says quickly, trying to make it seem like she's being good rather than avoiding responsibility.

2010-12-06, 01:38 PM
"Thanks, I guess." Irelia whispers, still looking away.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-06, 02:34 PM
"Umm... sorry." she says awkwardly. "We could try to fix this, I guess..?"

2010-12-06, 03:46 PM
"Fix this?" Irelia asks as she steps closer to Emily. "You mean you want to send me back?"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-06, 04:01 PM
"If you want to go back, then yeah." she nods.

2010-12-07, 01:51 PM

Arnassi Keep is vast, and labyrinthine, and perhaps only the Pasha himself knows its every secret, Stories are whispered along darkened hallways of rooms draped in ancient magics that allow those who know the rites to see anywhere in the Keep, know anything. Rumours of chalk circles and sacrificial altars and gaping holes in the fabric of reality from which abominations speak in alien tongues.

The truth, at least in this case, is actually far more prosaic. While there may very well be sacrificial altars and gaping abysses somewhere in the depths of the Keep, the Pasha has no need of such things. As a Seer of great skill and power, he has only to close his eyes and concentrate and many things are laid bare to him without the need to ask, or sacrifice, much of anything.

Which is what he's doing now. And then, after opening his eyes and mouthing the name of Eric's sister he stands, his face clouding over with fierce determination.

"Emily Crest," he says to the dozen guards standing before him, speaking each word carefully, "The apprentice wing. Do any of you know her? Quickly now." His voice was calm, but underneath a mighty rage was simmering and seething.

2010-12-07, 04:37 PM
Few things inspire a greater fear in Eric than the wrath of the Pasha. Allowing his sister to get hurt, however, is one of those things.

Fearing that one of the other guards might know his sister, Eric acts quickly and steps forward. "I know of her, Sir." he says, attempting to keep his voice calm and emotionless. "Do you want me to bring her here?" he asks.

2010-12-08, 09:45 AM
The Pasha's gaze snaps to Eric's face and stays there, sharp and penetrating. His eyes remain locked on Eric's as speaks, as though seeking to see to the depths of him.

"Yes," he said to Eric's offer, "But wait."

There was a rustling of the Pasha's robes and out from under it crawls a strange little creature. Formed of a blue crystal about the size and shape of a large fist, with two pinpricks of glowing light that seem to serve as eyes and walking on six long, spindly legs that seem woven from some gossamer substance. The little creature moves with remarkable speed and agility, crawling across the floor, up Eric's legs and back and onto his shoulder.

The touch of its 'feet' delivers painless electrical shocks to Eric's skin. They are painless, but make the skin itch and burn and crawl. The thing squats on Eric's shoulder like a great brooding spider.

"Now," the Pasha says, "Go. Bring her to me."

2010-12-08, 12:52 PM
Eric attempts to keep his face emotionless and calm, to shield his mind and thoughts from the penetrating gaze of the Pasha. "He knows" a voice screams in his head, but he ignores it. It is too late to have a change of heart now, too late to try a different approach.

As the robes of the Pasha rustles, Eric eyes the creature with both suspicion and curiosity. It's touch is not directly painful, but it is very unpleasant, and he suppresses his urge to brush the creature off him. Instead he focuses his thoughts on identifying this strange thing, which now rests on his shoulder.

"As you wish, sir." he responds, trying to look straight ahead and avoid the piercing eyes of his master. He salutes the Pasha as one is expected to, then turns around and hustles towards the exit.


[roll0] (10 ranks, 5 int), to identify the crystal spider.

2010-12-09, 02:29 PM
The route from the Pasha's private meditation to the Apprentice apartments is long and winding on a good day. But to make things that much more complicated, the path makes its way through some of the darker and less-traveled parts of the Keep, which are also among the most magical, and there is no guarantee that yesterday's path will be there today. The left turn that lead to the stairway last week might lead to the oubliette this week. Or to the armoury. Or maybe not be there at all. This flexibility of space and distance seems to recede with familiarity. Those who know the way best are often best able to find it.

Eric, having often made the route to visit his sister when not on duty, knows the route very well. It has been months since he was anything more than slightly lost. Today, however, whether by dint of his own scattered frame of mind or perhaps because of whatever magic the Pasha was working, the way feels fuzzy and loose, somehow. Almost as though it were wavering in and out as he walked. Some stretches were well known to him, others felt entirely new.

The creature on his shoulder did not move or make any sound, merely perched and squatted and brooded, a faint light pulsating within its crystalline body that was vaguely soothing and nauseating all at once. Eric could feel its maddening touch and thought that he could almost hear the alien whisper of its thoughts scratching at the back of his mind.

And when he turned a corner and found himself at the door to Emily's room, did he get there more quickly than usual? Or was he too distracted by the... thing... to notice he was that close?

In either case, the creature gave one final bright pulse that echoed in Eric's mind like a spike in his spine, and then went blissfully cold and dark and silent. Even the itching of its touch its feet on his shoulder seemed to abate.

And then he was there. And he found Emily on the floor, in the middle of a magic circle of some manner or description, and she seemed very excited and very animated and seemed to be talking to herself. Not that talking to herself would an unusual thing for Emily to do, but she seldom did it with this much vigour.


You have no idea what that spidery thing is. You're SO certain you have no idea, in fact, that you're almost certain it's not Arcane in nature.

2010-12-10, 07:36 AM
With his mind scattered and racing with thoughts, Eric was not sure whether this was the quickest or the longest trip he had ever made through the shifting corridors. The fear racing through his head, as well as the questions, not to mention the spidery thing on his shoulder, made the whole experience seem dreamlike and surreal; like a nightmare where you run towards a door but never reach it. Yet suddenly he reached the door, the world returned, and his fear was replaced with anger.

He tore the door open, entered the room, and slammed it behind himself, grabbing the now inanimate spider and throwing it to the floor in the process.

"Emily Crest." he snarled in a low voice, "Pack your stuff, we're getting out of here now" he demanded. "And while you do so, tell me what in the bloody name of our dear mother is going on here!"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-10, 08:07 AM
She was going to explain, turning in shock, but something told her that it really wasn't the time. She turned to Irelia. "...are you coming?"

2010-12-10, 08:22 AM
"Of course I'm coming" Eric snaps "You obviously can't handle yourself."

Eric notices the tiny woman, bit too late. "...oh. Just pack your stuff, we need to leave now." he says, now calmer and friendlier than before. He then lets out his anger in a different direction, by kicking the crystal spider across the room and into the wall.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-10, 08:33 AM
She starts gathering her more important possessions together, and as she does she starts to talk. Woe for Eric.
"Why are you so mad anyway? Why are we going? What did I do?!"

2010-12-10, 08:49 AM
Eric takes a deep breath, then responds calmly and with clearly fake patience.

"I was hoping you could tell me. The Pasha's ritual is ruined and he is furious with you. What. Did. You. Do?"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-10, 08:59 AM
"Wh...what?" she says, stopping, going a little pale. "I didn't do anything!"

2010-12-10, 10:26 AM
The spider creature remains cold and dark and inert. It's only sign of life is a tiny, almost imperceptible vibration that creates a low keening sound against the hard stonework of the floor.

However, when Eric kicks it across the room in rage, it skips and skitters along the hard flooring and, the closer it gets to the tiny faerie woman, and to Emily's circle, the stronger the vibration becomes until it comes to rest in the far corner, bare inches from the edge of the circle, and the keening sounds fills the air and echoes in the minds of those present.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-10, 11:35 AM
"Ugh! What IS that?" says Emily in annoyance.

2010-12-10, 03:50 PM
Irelia sits quietly as Eric enters the room, seemingly lost for words. She eyes with suspicion the crystalline creature, but her suspicion turns to worry as the keening sound increases when Eric kicks it closer to her.

"Now I don't know what is going on here, and I want a complete explanation, from both of you." Irelia says, eying Eric. "But yes, I"m coming."

2010-12-12, 11:18 AM
Eric swears under his breath as the vibrations and sounds from the spider creature increases. Not knowing what the thing is, or what it is doing, Eric resorts to a problem solving technique as old as time itself - hit it until it goes away. He leaps across the room, drawing his greatsword and bringing it down on the spider in one fluid motion.

"It is a gift from the Pasha." Eric responds to Emily. "But I don't know what it is."

Rolls (if needed):

[roll0] (+7 bab, +4 str, +1 masterwork)
[roll1] (+ 4 str) * 1.5

2010-12-17, 09:45 AM
Eric's sword clangs against the crystal spider-thing. At the moment of impact there is the most disconcerting ripple effect that seems to make the very air in the room waver and wave out from the creature and the impact seems to echo in the ears and minds of everyone in the room.

Now that he is close, though, Eric notices that it isn't the creature making the keening noise. The small lump of crystal is still vibrateing against the floor (even after his strike). But it is the circle itself that is emitting the high-pitched keening. Or perhaps it is coming from the air between them.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-17, 01:13 PM
Emily points her finger at it and murmurs something.

I cast magic missile!
Each one does 1d4+1 force damage, I think.

2010-12-20, 08:45 AM
Irelia slowly backs away from the crystalline spider, moving closer to the door. She seems to be trying to keep someone between her and it.

"Uhh, guys? Lets just go now."

2010-12-22, 10:40 AM
The small points of magical light streak across the room and slam into the dark lump of crystal, setting it to spin across the floor into the corner and wedge itself up against the bedframe. It doesn't look much like a spider now, legless, eyeless, slightly scored and cracked from the damage it's taken.

At each moment of impact, though, there is another one of those disconcerting ripples that emit from the crystal and move out through the room, reverberating in the minds of the three people present.

At this point Eric has been in the room approximately four minutes. And although it's hard to tell exactly, that is maybe a third of the time it took him to get here in the first place. And therefore a third of the time it would take to send someone else down here. If that is indeed what's happening.

Which is not to mention the possibility that the Pasha is aware of what's happening to his spider...

2010-12-22, 10:50 AM
Eric clenches his teeth each time the ripples echo through the room. He finally answers the tiny faerie, the fear clearly showing in his voice.

"I think we all want a complete explanation, but yeah. It's time to go now."

He then turns to his sister. "Are you done yet?"

Lix Lorn
2010-12-22, 09:04 PM
"Y...yeah." she nods, confusedly. She picked up a small bag.