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2010-11-30, 07:58 PM
This thread is for the more Serious Plots in Nexus that people don't think really pertain to the ACROs or Inside. This is also for fairly longer plots, unlike the Random Places thread.

1:Use [Location] Tags
2: If need be, use a [Plot] Tag as well.
3: Each [Location/Plot] is under the owner's control.
4: Play nice. Or in this case, gritty. :smallwink:
5: Keep the Drama Low. Yes, this is a serious Plot thread, but please, as rule 4 says, play nice. Just because the Plot is supposed to be serious, it doesn't mean you should take everything seriously.

If you think your plot is rather silly, or aren't sure if it's long enough, try the Random Places and Plots (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175999) thread. :smallsmile:

If you want a Location/Plot listed in this post, just PM me. :smallsmile:

Plots and Locations

Plot:The Fall of The Kartam Lagarr- A Colony Ship crashlanded on a mountain due to complications and possibly an attack by something called "The Guntha".

The Command Bridge

2010-11-30, 08:18 PM
The Fall of The Kartam Lugarr

"All hands, prepare for crash landing!" Captain August shouts over the comm systems as the collision alarms blare and his mercenary crew rush to their impact stations. His adjutant stands by his side and gives a hasty salute, his red and white uniform torn to shreds and bloody.

Only part of it was his own.

"Sir! The Guntha have seized the escape bays and engineering decks three through seven. I..." his words falter him for the first time in fifteen years. "I'm sorry sir, but they've destroyed it all." The Captain's mind races as he absorbs it all, before nodding. "Get to your station, and we'll discuss it later, when we're safely landed."

"But Si-"

"Go!" The Captain orders. His Adjutant hesitates for a second and leaves to find a safe spot to hole up in, leaving the Captain alone on the Bridge. He adjusts his battered uniform, as if regaining his sense of dignity, and calmly walks towards his command chair. The alarms blare, and gunfire and explosions sound off behind him as his brave crew attempt to hold off their hated foes or seek safety, but he ignores it all.

Taking a seat, he watches as a mountain rises up before the doomed colony ship The Kartam Lugarr...

Eons pass...

Riss, Eileen, Cessie, and Lloyd will find themselves coughing and sputtering as their consciousness returns. They'll vaguely remember the wave of blackness, and if they look around, they'll see a dusty room, lit only by flickering orange strip lights under rusted heaps of machinery. In the middle of the room are the remains of a giant chair. In it, lays the yellowed bones of something humanoid, but with a lined ridge along the sternum, it's skull split open by a rusted chunk of metal.

There is one noticeable entrance at the rear of the room, a pair of sliding metal doors wedge open enough for someone to crawl through. The front of the room is a pile of rock and dirt, source unknown.

2010-11-30, 08:42 PM
Lloyd coughs as he stands up, a rip roaring head ache tearing it's way through his mind, and the image of darkness engulfing him, and choking him one all too familiar to the young boy in his tattered military flight suit. He staggers to his feet, his legs nearly giving out as he is forced to lean against the wall, his breathing heavy, and laden with stress as he viewed the area around him.

Focus Lloyd, come on now. Your trained for this.

He tried to focus on the area around him, his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness, and the shapes of three other people around him.. okay. Get these people up and moving. Safety, or at least knowledge in numbers. He moved quickly towards the closest of the "shapes" and gave it a sharp series of pats, his voice a low murmur as he said.

"Come on now, stand. We don't have time."

2010-11-30, 08:57 PM
[Location Unknown]

Riss tried to work out the feeling of grit in her eyes even though she knew it would be gone soon anyway. That said, Lloyd could get an elbow in the gut in short order from the unwanted physical contact. "Don't have time for what?" Riss said, an odd accent faintly showing. It was mostly a slight elongation of the vowel sounds, really.

Nonetheless, she stood up and did her best to get her bearings. It was rather handy that she had her toolbag with her at least... Not that it was fully stocked at the moment but it did carry her important gear at least. Oh, and also a small self defense mechanism. Always good to have on hand.

2010-11-30, 09:10 PM
Gah- Is all he could get out as he got the elbow in the gut, how rude! He was trying to help them after all, but with a rather major grumble of indignation he begins the same process of each of the other shapes, hoping that they too. would not find it in their hearts to hurt him for attempting to grant them life saving seconds of planning away from their captors.

2010-11-30, 10:15 PM
[Location Unknown]

Riss wouldn't know anything about being 'Captured' although she didn't have that feeling of nausea that she normally got from teleportation. Then again, there are ways to suppress that.

Though, the skeleton on the overlarge chair was actually getting a bit less interest than the machinery strewn about the area. It was obvious that there was some sort of accident here but there might be clues as to what exactly 'here' was.

The Bushranger
2010-11-30, 11:29 PM
[Location Unknown]

The blonde, vaguely Nordic-looking woman currently sprawled atop a pile of rubble suddenly twitches. Then sits up, grabbing her forehead, and giving a "I have no idea of anything right now, I have had far too little to drink to deal with whatever it is" kind of groan.

Then she looks up and around...


Oh, dear. Alexis is going to be worried," Eileen mutters, rubbing her temples agian. "I need a drink..."

2010-12-01, 01:45 PM
[Location Unknown]

Cessie rubs her forehead as she slowly gathers her bearings, blinking as her eyes adjust to the low-lit environment, now this wasn't her study, nor was it her room in her sisters palace. This didn't quite look like anything she had seen before in fact, most interesting.

And yet very worrying, how did she end up here? Had she been kidnapped? There was a dark surge... must have been some type of magic, these other people might have been effected by the same thing, but why?

"Excuse me... do any of you happen to know where we are? Err... I'm Cessie Mithar by the way." She says as she have gotten up the floor.

Cessie is dressed in a fashionable very conservative black dress that covers every inch of her body (except her hands and her neck of course). She have raven colored hair and blue eyes that almost shines with curiosity.

Her manner is very calm and polite however.

2010-12-01, 01:52 PM
Riss will find that the consoles have either been stripped clean of all circuitry and wiring or it's simply decayed over time. If she knows of such things, she'll be able to tell that the metal was once stainless steel, which means it'd have taken a rather long time for it to become this rusty.

2010-12-01, 03:54 PM
The silver hair youth acknowledged Cessie, even if he did find that dark dress to be a tad.. drab for his tastes. His hands twitching in unison with those words, like some sort of inaudible concert that he was tapping out the beat to inside his mind. His voice is calm though, measured, and calculated. Like every word he said had been determined before you had even replied. Which is kinda weird.


His rousing duties finished, he walks up the the large figure.. over arching chair.. what seemed to be displays... though long broken.. and.. well the general feel of the place told him this was either an Emperor's Tomb, or they were on a ship.. one that had crashed and taken it's captain with it. So that likely meant they were underwater since he hadn't HEARD of any massive craters in the area.

Regardless, if this was a captain he would find Dog Tags, or some method of identification on the mans body. If he was a royal, he would surely find some sort of gaudy insignia declaring how great this guy was just for being born into a family that had been smart, or strong enough to muscle it's way to the top so it's descendants could grow fat and lazy.

2010-12-01, 07:43 PM
[Location Unknown]

If the metal was rusted away, then that was cause for concern. How was the rest of the place holding up in that case? Something to keep an eye out for.

That said, she did poke around a little to see if she could find any other traces of technological progress rather than the obvious signs like that sliding door over there. There was always silicon, gold, platinum, insulation, plastics, hypercarbon crystals, nanotubing, and other things to look for at least. Maybe something that had been dropped or somesuch, really. It was a futile hope but one could always try.

It was the sudden introductions that caught her off guard. Riss had found herself to be a little more trusting now that before yet the name exchange game was always a bit of a task even now. "Riss" she said, going through the wreckage.

"Right, so... Anyone here know where we are and just wanting to keep a surprise? I really hate surprises." she said.

The Bushranger
2010-12-01, 11:09 PM
"Eileen Thorsson," the blonde in the I.S.F. uniform states her name simply as she stands. "As for where we are, I'd venture a guess that it's somewhere that used to be rather more snazzily decorated."

She manages to deliver this with a straight face...

"...beyond that...ship's bridge?" she asks, motioning to the skeleton in the centre chair. "I believe dead Captains will tell no tales though."

2010-12-02, 12:03 AM
[Command Bridge]

Lloyd will find no clothing at all, just a fine layer of dust where it should have been and small lumps of rusted metal, fused to the chair. He'll also note however, how the chunk of metal in the skull looks regularly shaped, almost like an axe head...

Riss will find the walls to be made of a different form of iron, and if she knows such things, will probably be able to tell it once came from an asteroid, except it's been refined, the unneeded alloys and impurities removed, providing an extremely hardy structure. Possibly iron/tungsten alloys.

In other words, it's probably the reason the place hasn't collapsed.

When she searches through the rubble, she'll find just a small gold disk. It looks like a coin made of plastic. One one side, is a starburst, on the other, is the name The Kartam Lugarr.

2010-12-02, 01:49 PM
Cessie don't really get the urge to rummage around in all this dirt and stays out from that, instead she inspects the skeleton closer, apparently the remains of dead people are less disturbing then dirt and rust.

"I believe he just might." She says approaching the skeleton "Nice to meet you all by the way, even if it could have been under better circumstances, I know as little as you of this place, but I think I might be able to shed some light of the situation..."

She casts a spell, moving her hand in a motion that really isn't needed for the spell to work, all it needs is a thought, but it's a habit most mages have, they need to do something special.

The spell is aimed towards the skeleton and should allow her to communicate with the remaining life energies (or residue which in the world she comes from means a different thing) and possibly see his memories that must have degenerated quite a while by now as residue slowly leaves the body once it's dead. So the longer a person is dead, the less residue it have.

It will only be possible for the skeleton to speak however, answering any questions she (and for fairness, the others) might have. Unless it don't want to of course, it's memory must be badly damaged by now.

2010-12-02, 04:48 PM
[Command Bridge]

Riss took note of the motion. To say she wasn't fond of mages would be a lie, rather she simply disliked how magic worked. It was just so.. Nebulous? Something like that anyway. It was the general disregard for the natural laws that annoyed her. But she would have to deal with it. It wasn't like she should dislike the person simply due to the method. It's what they wanted to do with the method that was the important thing... Usually.

She did pick up the disk, though. She'd take a moment to look it over more thoroughly once she was in an area with better light.

Though... What was that mage doing to the corpse? That was just weird..

2010-12-02, 05:32 PM
[Command Bridge]

The skeleton glows when the spell hits it, and wisps of life essence wrap around the body, showing a half-decomposed body. It's nonhuman, covered in half-rotten scales. It seems to have a third eye in the middle of it's forehead.

The three eyes open, and the spirit head turns to Cessie, lifeless eyes locking onto her.

2010-12-02, 06:26 PM
[Commando Bridge]

"Greetings, may I ask you name?" Cessie tries, hopefully whatever language the creature was speaking, he would still understand her with the spell she just cast. She acts a bit nervous however, it wasn't often she got the chance to use necromancy but lately she had begun started to use it with more ease. Most likely since she wasn't that much in Hestopia anymore.

She tries to ignore what the others reactions might be, most people did have things against necromancy and so did the people she had grown up with really, but she knew better now, it had good sides as well. It proved that right now.

The Bushranger
2010-12-02, 07:24 PM
Eileen starts as Cessie casts her spell, then grumbles something under her breath about necromancers and the fate that awaits them.

But she remains quiet otherwise, deciding to hear what the spirit has to say before continuing looking about.

She does check to be sure she has her weapons with her though. Especially her special staff.

2010-12-02, 07:46 PM
[Command Bridge]

The spirit coughs, moving even as his skeleton doesn't. I...I am... He shakes his head trying to remember. It has been many years since I have been summoned back. His gaze locks onto Cessie. I am Captain Jezrae, why have you taken me from Eclipsia's embrace?

2010-12-02, 07:46 PM
[Commando Bridge]

"Greetings, may I ask you name?" Cessie tries, hopefully whatever language the creature was speaking, he would still understand her with the spell she just cast. She acts a bit nervous however, it wasn't often she got the chance to use necromancy but lately she had begun started to use it with more ease. Most likely since she wasn't that much in Hestopia anymore.

She tries to ignore what the others reactions might be, most people did have things against necromancy and so did the people she had grown up with really, but she knew better now, it had good sides as well. It proved that right now.

Lloyd is astounded by this revival of the dead.. what.. what exactly was this heresy?!

However, he is not one to question it's nessecity in times like this.. an additional ally would prove most valuable should whatever brought them here, and likely wrecked this ship decide to show themselves. However, it was not going to sit well with him, respect for the dead and all.

"Are you sure that's.. erm.. safe?"

He says assertively, his slight pause showing more a.. careful dedication to which words he picked, having initially wanted to say "proper", but decided that someone casting Necromancy didn't care about that in the slightest regard.

2010-12-02, 08:27 PM
[Commando Bridge]

"Oh, this is perfectly safe, the honored Captain Jezrae have just been called here to see if he likes to ask a few questions... which I'm sorry I needed to do." Cessie nods politely to the spirit.

"I just came on board this ship and I wanted to find out where we are and what have happened here..." She looks around at the others a bit "...I think I can speak to everyone when I say we just like to go home, would you be so kind to help us with that Captain?"

2010-12-02, 08:31 PM
[Command Bridge]

Riss began recording the now talking skeleton's words. Not with a tape-recorder or anything that primitive but loading the information on an external memory unit. A bit complicated, yes, but having cybernetic implants meant one could do some really cool stuff.

Though, she did speak up to ask a question. She didn't know if she would get an answer though. "What happened here?" she asked, gesturing to the rubble and mess.

Of course, someone interfering with the spell like that could set it off and make it do something crazy, she thought. Not knowing a thing about how magic works and only getting bits here and there, she wasn't quite sure if what she just did was wise. Too late now though..

2010-12-02, 08:37 PM
[Command Bridge]

An amused smile comes to the Captain and his third eye flares for a moment. The four will get the feeling that he's looking through them. I see, . He seems rather amused. You are on what remains of my ship, isn't it obvious? He then looks at Riss. Hmm...cyborg... He smirks. Again, it should be obvious. We crashed.

2010-12-02, 08:48 PM
[Command Bridge]

...Well that was bloody unhelpful. Riss wasn't deterred terribly much although being noted as a cyborg was a bit odd. All of her gear was subdermal so it would need an x-ray or themoscope to tell she was something other than normal when she wasn't using the more 'active' ones.

"Riiiight.. So, what would be the sequence of events directly preceding the crash of the ship out to a minimum time frame of roughly an hour?" the muse asked again, hopefully getting a different answer this time. With luck that should detail a nice chunk of information out for the group. At least it could let her know what went wrong...

2010-12-02, 09:12 PM
[Command Bridge]

An amused smile comes to the Captain and his third eye flares for a moment. The four will get the feeling that he's looking through them. I see, . He seems rather amused. You are on what remains of my ship, isn't it obvious? He then looks at Riss. Hmm...cyborg... He smirks. Again, it should be obvious. We crashed.

Cessie glances at Riss disapproving, that wasn't the way to talk to people, least of all dead people who she had forced to live again just in hope they would be nice enough to tell them their story. "What she means is that we very much would like to know the events that transpired before the crash if you can remember any of that of course, your memories will most likely not be perfect. But then you can rest once again Captain, I promise you that."

The Bushranger
2010-12-02, 10:06 PM
"And so do I," Eileen finally speaks up. "We apologise for disturbing you as well, but we...seem to have randomly found ourselves here." The Nordic blonde shrugs. "Not by our own choice."

2010-12-02, 10:48 PM
[Command Bridge]

The spirit nods. Very well, Scathi. I will tell you what I know. The Captain gestures in front of him. The hour before we crashed, the Guntha had captured half of our drives and sabotaged them. They controlled a full third of our ship, most of which were vital components. Our ramjet was already detached, and we were forced to make a landing. Unfortunately, they had fought their way to the rest of the engines by then, and destroyed them. He sighs. Last I remember, was waking up after some sort of crash, and one of the damnable things hacked my skull with his vibroaxe.

2010-12-03, 02:58 AM
[Command Bridge]

Riss probably didn't deserve that glance. Sure, it was being disrespectful but how can one expect a person who knows little of magic to know that the thing was actually alive in a sense?

Then again, the mage in question might just be used to everyone else knowing a thing or two about magic so it could be a reasonable assumption to make. Maybe they could exchange words over it later should Cessie feel inclined to start the conversation. Riss was just about terrible at being sociable. It's not that she didn't lack the skills, she just didn't try. Then again, not being killed by cave-ins or something more dangerous. Like a rich idiot who went out and bought a hunters license and was now shooting people in the street. Her homeworld wasn't a nice one by any means.

Though, she did have a few more things to ask, at least. "D'you think you could ask it about the organisations that captured the ship? Oh! And ask if it's atmospheric only. Might help us in making sense of a layout in getting out of here.. Heck, if you can ask it to tell us where the closest few exits are, we'd be outta here quick." Riss asked Cessie. It wasn't a bossing tone but it was still a bit weighted. Apparently, Riss took that glance to say 'I ask the questions here.'

2010-12-03, 05:04 PM
[Command Bridge]

"Atmospheric?" Cessie asks carefully, she didn't like not knowing a word but pretending to know what this Riss was talking about seemed a bit pathetic to her. Better to just ask, she had no idea where they were anyway, might as well embrace it.

2010-12-03, 05:16 PM
[Command Bridge]

"The thing said something about ramjets which work by compressing and super-heating air for propulsion. If there is no air, then the vessel can't fly. At least if the vessel only has that sort of engine at least. Might as well ask what other kinds of thrust this place may have had just to be safe. Once we know what kind of craft it is, we should be able to have a good idea of the thing's general design which would aid our escape." Riss said.

If it wasn't clear yet, she was pretty good at this almost forgotten art of 'science' in the Nexus... Or wherever they were right now. She wasn't trying to flaunt, though. She was just elucidating as she felt was natural.

"Um.. Atmospheric means that it flies, to answer your question though." Riss said, finally coming back around to the point.

The Bushranger
2010-12-03, 05:21 PM
[Command Bridge]

"Not necessarily," Eileen muses, half-listening to Riss's comment. "A normal ramjet, yes, but he could be talking about a Bussard ramjet. Er." She pauses. "That's a type of engine that uses a magnetic field to collect interplanetary hydrogen for propulsion. Would that be the type of engine this vessel had, Captain?" she asks. "And is it possible there are any...dangerous substances aboard?"

Another pause, and then, to the question that really bothers her.

"...and who are the Guntha, sir? I'm afraid we've never heard of them before."

2010-12-03, 05:30 PM
[Command Bridge]

Oh dear, other types of physics she wasn't familiar with. This always annoyed her to no end as it didn't make much sense, not the physics themself, but how they interacted with each other, here she had manipulated the energies that existed within her own world, a gate within her own mind opening up to the elemental realm. A dream all mages dreamed.

But yet these things seemed to be able to fly completely without either spirit or elemental energy. In exactly the same world, how did that work? How did spirit energy that made her live interact with whatever their bodies were driven by?

Cessie shakes her head, there wasn't time for that now. "Ah, I see." She replies "It works a bit differently where I'm from, but captain, Riss and Eileen asks good questions, who are the Guntha and where are the exits?"

2010-12-03, 05:49 PM
[Command Bridge]

"A Bussard ramjet wouldn't be feasible. It's just an old theory that only works on an object of minuscule mass and anything of appreciable size would take far too long to reach any sort of acceptable velocity for an interplanetary scale. That and it would take ages to correct for a course if the ship is thrown out of alignment due to a planet's gravity well. Which is a given, if the ship was any sort of transport. It would have to pick up and take off from orbit anyway as a Lagrange point would be too inconvenient to shuttle people back and forth from.. Not to mention it would be inaccessible to half the population depending on the time of day. If this ship was powered by something similar, the only thing that would make sense would that the ship was extrasolar and sent to possibly colonize a habitable world as such a thing would be a long trip anyway so acceleration would be less of a problem. Same thing with course alteration as quite a bit of the area would be devoid of any great amount of influences from massive objects." Riss said. She didn't mean to get uppity about it but it seems to have happened anyway...

The irony, though, would be that she knew an awful lot about space when she was terrifically agoraphobic.

2010-12-03, 05:50 PM
[Command Bridge]

The Captain nods towards Eileen. I believe that is what your kind called them where I am from. This is a colony ship, and I am the third Captain to live and die on her decks. The spirit runs it's hand over the arm of the chair, remembering how it felt when he was alive. As for the exits, I've lost most memory of the deck pattern, and if the ship is as damaged as she seems... A cruel smile comes to his lips. Then you'll have a rather hard time escaping. She's nearly 10 miles long and a half mile tall.

He turns to Cessie. As for the Guntha, they are natural killers, born and raised in barbaric tribes, raiders really. From time to time they prey on larger ships like this. He sighs. They are roughly 8ft tall with four arms, each ending in claws hands. They look like... he searches for his words. Have you seen a tiger? And a bear? And do you know what a crocodile is? They are the bastard sons and daughters of all three.

The Bushranger
2010-12-03, 05:55 PM
Eileen gives Riss a rather triumphant look, then turns her attention back to the Captain's words.

"Lions and tigers and crocs, oh my," she mutters, her hand drifting down to the small silver cylinder clipped to her belt.

2010-12-03, 06:17 PM
[Command Bridge]

Riss slightly narrowed her eyes at Eileen once she turned away. Wow, she is making so many friends today! At least she wasn't vindictive. A bit spiteful, yes, but not stupid enough to be petty about it when larger things were at hand.

At least she worked out it was a colony ship. That, combined with the dimensions said quite a bit. The only question would be if the different areas were nested or decked. That is to say, like a series of floors in a sky scraper or a babushka doll. Each were sensible in their own way. Of course, if the thing were stacked as if it were built 'wide' rather than 'tall.' then some form of anti-gravity would have to be in place when it was still flight capable... And she could use that if it were true.

But this was all musing at the moment. Perhaps it would be better to keep quiet for a bit and let the others talk as she seemed to be doing just dandy at this socializing thing that she should stop while she was ahead.

Though.. She had to ask.. "They look like what now? What the heck is a tiger? Or any of those other things...?"

Clearly, animal life was an oddity to her...

2010-12-03, 07:03 PM
[Commando Bridge]

"Crocodiles and tigers? Sounds like something from a fable or a failed experiment. But we hear your words captain, we'll be careful." Cessie replies with a polite nod towards the spirit. "I'm not sure if the others have anymore questions, but I just want to know once we are done asking, do you like some type of special ritual or a grave for when you return... to death I mean?"

2010-12-04, 04:43 PM
[Command Bridge]

The Captain nods. Yes. Once you dismiss me, destroy this skeleton. I do not want my slumber interrupted yet again. I have earned my place at Eclipsia's side.

The Bushranger
2010-12-04, 09:30 PM
Hearing the Captain's words, Eileen unclips the silver cylinder from her belt, holding it out in front of her, and ever so slightly twisting her wrist.

The small cylinder promptly expands into a much longer cylinder, snapping into place...

"You have my word, Captain, that as you have said it, so shall it be. In Valen's Name," she says sollemly.

((at about 4:28 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkeOAh7hAjY), that's the weapon in question.))

2010-12-04, 09:36 PM
(Fan, you have about another day, day and a half to post. I know it may seem unfair, but I'd like to keep this rolling at a decent rate. Too many days missed, and I'll probably have to boot you, sorry. I'd be a bit more lenient, but there's a waiting list for people wanting in a serious plot.)

2010-12-04, 11:10 PM
"Who or what is this Eclipsia that you keep talking about?" Riss asked.

It was a question of curiosity more than anything although it sounded like it was not much else aside from some deific figure rather than something real. Though, if it was, then it would be lucky for her for asking the question in the first place.

2010-12-05, 12:31 AM
The Captain smiles a bit at Riss. Eclipsia is my Goddess. She is the V'traani Goddess of War and Fertility. Appropriate for a Colony Ship, no? He asks with a smirk. When death comes, the faithful go to her side, to spend the rest of eternity with her. You can only hope your own fates are as good.

2010-12-05, 01:37 PM
"And you have my word as well Captain." Cessie agrees with Eileen. "But before you go, is there any type of reactionals or you call them explosives, on board this..." Cessie looks around a bit "...ship? Anything that could help us making a way out? I mean it's sad that we have to be so straight forward, but the ship is crashed anyway. Hopeful this means those creatures you spoke of have left as well."

2010-12-05, 06:15 PM
While everyone else has done their talking, and calculating Lloyd has been busy messing around the room.. he would take the axe from the head of the captain.. lacking weapons of his own aside from his hands, and a small sidearm which he severely doubted would be able to harm the large creatures he had just described..

If he finds even something as simple as a pole he could tear of the wall, and hope for a jagged edge he'd be more than happy to take it. While they worked on the route out, he worked on the means to get them there. Even if they couldn't use the means it's better to have them as a "threat" to keep away smaller singular beings. After all, they didn't know that they weren't hardened survivors, and if they put on a good enough show. He hoped that the group could fool enough of the smaller groups that their biggest worry would be running into the den, or whatever god sodded thing these beasts liked to congregate in.

2010-12-05, 06:56 PM
Command Bridge

The axe head is rusted, and no longer usable, as implied in previous posts, and there's nothing of worthwhile in the room any more, having been stripped clean long ago. There are plenty of explosives, but I wouldn't know what happened to them or where they were.

2010-12-05, 07:36 PM
Command Bridge

"Anyone else have a question? I would ask about how this ship works, but clearly your terms and rules are a bit different from where I'm from." She tells the spirit. "I would like to know more about your race though, but maybe we should try to get moving instead?" She asks the others.

2010-12-05, 08:02 PM
Command Bridge

The axe head is rusted, and no longer usable, as implied in previous posts, and there's nothing of worthwhile in the room any more, having been stripped clean long ago. There are plenty of explosives, but I wouldn't know what happened to them or where they were.

Not even some broken glass he could make a shiv out of? Ah well, it looks like he's stuck using his 12.7 mm pistol. He pops out the clip, looking at the various rounds he had loaded in.. some hollow points there, and even a half broken round that was leaking powder that he removed.. leaving him with 12 bullets, and a half full clip at his waist.

He sighed, evening out the clips to 9 shots each, he had 18 rounds with which to do omitting some scavenging. This.. would not be a good day if they ran into anything more than a bloody straggler.

2010-12-05, 08:18 PM
"Codes" Riss said. " If we find any electrical equipment that is still functional, though I doubt it, operation codes would be good to have. Aside from that, I've got nothing else to ask it." Riss said.

She apparently was staunchly refusing to call it a person with all this 'it' business. That or she just didn't know if it was male or female to start with. Nobody had asked and just listening to a voice really didn't say much as magic could alter that in whatever way it wanted.

The Bushranger
2010-12-05, 11:22 PM
"I doubt anything will be functional, unless the ship has First One technology. Which cannot be ruled out of course," Eileen observes. "However I have only one question; these Guntha. What is the quickest way to kill them."

2010-12-05, 11:34 PM
Command Bridge

No glass. At best, Lloyd may find a few rocks small enough to carry from the rubble in front of the room.

Codes? There are a few. I can only remember the one to my quarters though, and judging by the state of this place, it's likely been forced open long ago. And I DO have a name. The spirit says, glaring at Riss before turning to Eileen. Sadly, there's no real "quick" way to kill them. They feel little pain, their bodies are masses of muscle and their skulls are thick enough to deflect many small arms. But, should you fire enough rounds into the center of their chest, one or two may make it through the bone wall and into their primary brain or heart.

The Bushranger
2010-12-05, 11:36 PM
"Their brain is in their chest? Pity, suppose I won't be cracking skulls with this then." Eileen chuckles softly, motioning to her fighting pike. "Fortunatly I do have a few...other abilities and weapons that could come in handy, in that case."

2010-12-06, 12:19 PM
"Fire what? While killing anything isn't really the ideal solution, if these creatures force us to act in self-defense there are ways to stun them or in more drastic cases, to immobilize them in other ways. Elemental fire should cause severe burns where primal fire fails." Cessie theorizes.

2010-12-06, 05:07 PM
Elemental and Primal fire? What.. what the hell was he stuck in this ship with?!

He sighed, flexing his hand around the smooth grip of his pistol, chambering a round, and turning off the safety. It wouldn't exactly do to have it misfire, or have the bloody safety on if it came down to an altercation.

"Anyways. With these questions answered I can ascertain that it is not good to stay in one spot. We need to move from shelter, to shelter, leaving no traces that we were ever there. We need to keep mobile, and safe until we can bust out.. and here isn't exactly a very defensable location. Sure, it may look pretty cut off, but with beasts with 4 arms, and the strength of an ox? Well, I'd place good money on us being boned if a group of even three happened to stroll by."

2010-12-06, 05:49 PM
"A brain in their chest cavity? Does that mean they have clusters of neurons elsewhere near their major sensory centers to expedite the transmission of information... Sir?" Riss said, at least making a stab at being a bit less of a... Well, less self centered at least. Having a spiritual being glare at you is a rather shaking experience.

"And do you think they could still be here after all this time? Were they equipped with the means to eke out a living in conditions such as these?" Riss asked. Really, if it had been so long that the metal had rusted away, even the semi-conductors and whatever else, what was left of the initial invaders was likely long gone or... Wait a minute...

"And one last question, sir, if you wouldn't mind me asking... What are your bones made of, anyway?" Riss asked, voicing a question that would definitely needed to be answered. That said, she could try to date the bones or the fragments thereof, provided that she could be given enough time to configure one of her scanners.

2010-12-06, 07:29 PM
Command Bridge

"They're merely extra dense." The Captain replies to Riss. "And yes, they do have nerve clusters in their heads, but do not expect that to be a quick way to kill them." He gestures around. "And of course they have the means to be here after all this time, look what you're on." He says, obviously meaning the Colony Ship.

2010-12-07, 05:35 PM
[Command Bridge]

Cessie looks doubtful, this was hardly areas she was familiar with, she didn't even know what a colony ship was, not that she couldn't guess though. It sounded clear enough by the name.

Now this Riss character was asking a bunch of questions, a few she understood and might have asked herself, others... not very much so. If it wasn't obvious already, Cessie really felt alienated among this group, they certainly seemed to know their way around here, at least more then she did.

"So... where do you suggest we go first Captain? If we just want the fastest route out without any complications?" She asked carefully, suddenly wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. This unfamiliar alien place that didn't belong to her world felt more dangerous every second. Mostly since she couldn't even understand it in her own terms.

2010-12-07, 05:47 PM
Command Bridge

I wouldn't know. I don't know the extent of the ship's damage. But, head down, and go far. We had bays there that opened up. Maybe they still work.

2010-12-07, 05:54 PM
[Commando bridge]

"Thank you captain..." Cessie replies with a nod. "Was there any other questions or do you think he have helped us enough? He wants to rest now." Cessie didn't really understand the need to die when there was so many ways around it, sure, people tended to die around you but so did people normally as well, you mourned and you went on.

She really didn't see anything strange with it, after all, as far as she knew, death was nothing but nothingness.

2010-12-07, 06:06 PM
Lloyd is already crawling through the only visible exit, his small and lithe figure worming it's way through the crack as best he can.. he just... really really hopes that he doesn't get stuck. That would just be dreadful!

The Bushranger
2010-12-07, 10:21 PM
[Command Bridge]

"Thank you, Captain." Eileen bows. "I have no further questions."

2010-12-18, 05:30 PM
Ezra's Caravan
Location: Beyond

The market was closing down for the day. In general it had been successful. Ezra had sold nearly all of his merchandise. But the centaur was disgruntled that he hadn't been able to unload the fae girl, even at a significant discount. He'd claimed the discount was because she'd been too recently acquired to have been properly trained, but either his customers sensed the lie behind his words, or preferred properly broken merchandise.

He dragged her back to the caravan by the chain attached to her cold iron collar. She refused to cooperate in any way, despite the injuries she was receiving. Four months. Four months since her capture, and she couldn't be broken. He'd never had a slave last this long before.

"I told you no one would buy," Purna said. "Just kill her and be done." The dark elf stood over her cauldron, brewing something that smelled vile. Her seer boy sat nearby in the dust, hugging his knees and rocking, while the fae girl mewled in pain, and tore at the collar.

Ezra grunted, stamping his hooves. He wouldn't kill her now, if only because the fae child seemed to want to die. He'd never admit it, even to himself, but it had become a dominance challenge of sorts. "Never mind that. Just be ready to move out tomorrow." Not long afterwards, Purna and the seer boy heard the crack of the whip and the screams of the fae girl.

A few hours before dawn, when Purna was asleep, the seer boy was still awake. He wasn't always kept in chains, but this close to the city, thieves were more of a worry than escape. But it was just a simple chain from his collar to a portion of the wagon, and he knew how to open locks with a touch and a name. He crept silently through the camp until he reached her cage, pulling up grass as he went.

Her hand reached out for his even before he was there, clutching at the grass, and he heard her chewing on it for some time before she put her hand out again and held his. This was their main form of communication. His tongue had been burnt out as an infant, and one of her many rebellions had been her refusal to speak the language of her captors. But they had learned to speak by touch, inventing a language known only to the two of them.

Good grass. Tastes of wind.

Is enough? He knew the grass helped her wounds heal, and that she could push it under her collar to stop the cold iron from burning her skin.

Is enough.

We go sunrise next.


Hunt of more slaves.

I want to go home!

Sadness. Where of your home I cannot see.

See harder!

I try. Use more drink of seeing.

Trust of you.


Why sadness?

I will find your home, help you escape. Loneliness of me.

You will come too.

The seer boy was stunned into silence. To leave his home? His Mistress? He had never thought of it - never conceived of such a thing.

I have new Master?

The girl reached out and tugged his ear, a sign that she wanted him close enough to whisper something more complex than finger speech allowed. He pressed the side of his face against the bars, and she put her lips against his ear. "Where I come from, no one is master or slave. Grass-Bringer would be Master of ownself."

The boy sat and tried to think. Here were three new thoughts in quick succession: Leaving Mistress, a land without Masters, and the third - possibly the most revolutionary of all. Grass-Bringer. He had never had a name before, but this fae girl had Named him, and he felt the power of it.

The girl reached out and caught his tears, then licked them off her fingers.

Trust of you. her fingers traced again. Grass-Bringer will find home.

Ezra............ |.........Purna............. | ....... Fae girl........ | Seer boy
http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1012/d12/0913/5572128.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/41157288) http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1012/d14/1352/3f25113.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/41167537) http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1012/d11/1036/a97d867.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/41149861) http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1012/d12/0947/9471524.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/41157439)

2010-12-21, 02:21 PM
[The Underworld]

Wenomir, KR and Tobias exit the portal to this... place. And end up in... a village. Or so it seems. The village appears to be in the middle of a vast, pitch-black plain under a night sky with barely visible stars. The village itself looks strange, to say the least. The buildings appear distorted and unnaturally tall, towering above the party. The windows and doors are shut; they look almost at one with the cottages they belong to. There are no people, no animals, no trees; nothing except for the buildings and black sand.
What will probably draw KR and Tobias' attention more however is that while the ground - if it can be called that - around the village is black, it's red in the middle of it - blood red, in fact.
Their attention might also be drawn by the fact that Wenomir himself looks... different. His hair is short, he's somewhat thinner and he's wearing the worn and torn armor he arrived in the Nexus instead of his new suit of mail. What's more, his sword is somehow in his hand and it's not the artifact made of goldish metal Yaza made - it's a long, narrow blade with a reddish gleam to it. The demonhunter stands still with his eyes closed.

2010-12-22, 12:17 AM
Ezra's Caravan
Several months later

Time passed on. Every day, Purna's seer-boy (or Grass-Bringer, as he now knew was his true Name) drank the vile concoction that she brewed for him without complaint. He felt it burn its way down his body, into his veins, reaching into his eyes and fingers and thoughts.

He reached for minds... that part was easy. Skip over the minds in the caravan and reach out further. He could see the places where people gathered. Hidden cottages of families, lone travellers, covens of bandits. He could see them all, though only in numbers. Two minds here, one there, twelve elsewhere. His hands, controlled by the potion, wrote what it found in the language of the Abyss, the only written language the boy had been taught.

Always he tried to drink more, to try and see farther, so he could find the home of the fae girl's people. But he had still no luck. Every night he heard her being beaten and kicked by the cruel centaur, screaming in rage and defiance back at him. Every night he found a way to get grass to her. It was easier now that it was his Name. Sometimes he didn't even have to leave his Mistress's side.

The second step of the ritual was harder. A separate potion was poured into his eyes to focus them. And this let him see lines of Fate. If they moved towards the group of 12 minds... fighting. Outcome uncertain, with strings cut. The lone traveller evades them. The two minds... yes, their fate line joins with the fate of the caravan.

That day, guided by Purna's interpretation of Grass-Bringer's notes, Ezra captured a pair of catpeople. A couple, which made him happy. Couples were easy to break. You simply punished one for the misbehaviour of the other, and rewarded them with carefully monitored time together.

And so they went on, collecting more slaves, and hiring more guards as the value of their merchandise grew. And still, Grass-Bringer could not find the people of the fae-girl. His hope flagged, but hers never did.

But then he thought of another idea, when he felt the concentration of a city far to the south. Ezra wanted a city now, to sell his merchandise, but his second vision showed this was a city where slavery was illegal. He new it wasn't the fae girl's people. They "tasted" different in his mind, and he knew without knowing how that her people were no lovers of cities. But they had that in common, that there were no slaves or masters, and the fate threads of the caravan would come to an end.

We may all die. And possibly himself the first, when Purna realized he had either failed or betrayed her.

But for the sake of the girl who had Named him, he wrote something other than what he saw, for the first time. And the caravan was turned towards the Nexus, and the city of Inside.

2010-12-22, 06:28 AM
Ezra's Caravan

By now, the caravan is full again of slaves. There are a catperson couple, an orc woman, a peasant boy, a nobleman who is being well treated because he claims he is worth ransoming, and some others.

The leader of the caravan, the centaur Ezra, is cruel and efficient. The dark elf woman Purna who travels with him seems to be useless as far as you can tell. She keeps to herself and doesn't allow anyone to interfere with her mute slave boy. Whenever camp is set up, she has a cauldron going to make her vile smelling potions. At least she stays downwind of the rest of camp for that.

((The third slaver, is played by Shadowcaller, so I'll let him introduce him.))

Most of the slaves are taken out for exercise at various points, to walk alongside the caravan. The only one who isn't is the fae girl, who seems to be feral. She spits and screams at everyone, throws feces, and shows no sign of understanding a word of common. She makes caravan life miserable for everyone with her continuous rebellion, and even some of the other slaves wish Ezra would just kill her and be done.

He did finally get Purna to make some sort of noxious potion that he forced down her throat to burn out the fae's voice. For a few days, she was only able to make a racket by banging against her cage. But the damage seemed to heal itself in a few days, and when he asked Purna for another potion, she said the reagents were too valuable for such a small effect.

((The caravan is now headed towards the Nexus, but is not yet close enough for PCs to have learned about it. I want to give the caravan guards roleplay time, and also the other caravan plot should be resolved before this one arrives.))

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-22, 07:59 AM
[The Underworld]

KR's attention is indeed drawn to Wenomir's transformation, even before she gets a glimpse at a village itself. Needless to say, the change is... shocking. She never knew Wenomir before WATCHTOWER, and the 'new' appearance probably a good deal more surprising than someone who had known him from the beginning. The sword, especially. Physical appearances are malleable and temporary at best, but the weapon had always seemed such a permanent fixture of Wenomir's character, and seeing him with another one is deeply disturbing.
"Wenomir... Are you alright? What's happened?" :smallconfused:

[Ezra's Caravan]

Guards, guards, guards! Of course they'd be necessary for a slaver caravan. Not many people like slavers, after all. Plus, who do you think helps catches those slaves in the first place? The bitch with the potions? Thought not.
Among the guards is a drow male, broad, muscular and I was just about to include 'tanned' there, but of course that would be silly. In fact, the opposite seems to have occurred, excess exposure to sunlight having bleached the drow's heavily scarred skin several shades lighter than the normal ebony black. Not to say that the drow sunbathed regularly, he took all the sensible precautions a subterranean race should when exposed to the harsh light of the burning Daystar. A pair of smoky lenses for sensitive red eyes, and a hooded cloak over his thick, drow-crafted plate armor (if it could indeed be called 'armor'... rock-hard abs aside, what kind of armor leaves all the vital organs exposed? :smallconfused:) did much to protect his skin, as well as fading nicely into the shadows when night time rolled around. Everywhere the drow went (usually as far away from his fellow drowess as possible, if he had a choice) he was accompanied by not only his trusty weapons, the fine drow-crafted lance and shortsword, but also his lizard companion and mount. A strange beast, with the look of a cave dweller, but it seemed to have adapted well enough to the terrain of the surface world, though shades had had to be built for it, to protect its eyes from the sun, and did not stray from the protective shadow of one of the wagons more often than was necessary.

TekTek (which also links to registry page):

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d14/0221/35f3686.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9140304&postcount=146)

2010-12-22, 08:29 AM
[Ezra's Caravan]

Torpeck Madheart rode along with the slave caravan. He's been a caravan guard for ten years now and has traveled to many places. This trip was two first for him however. He'd never worked for Ezra before, although he had experience with other slave caravans. The Nexus was new to him as well. It is reportedly a strange place.

Torpek is an ogre and stands as a sharp contrast to the drow. He is big and burly, standing a good ten feet tall. Covering every inch of his pale blue skin is swirling black tattoos. His head is clean shaved. He wears a suit of battered and worn iron plate. He holds in his hand a staff that could be mistaken for a small tree. Topping the staff is a large, uncut diamond. The whole piece looks like it can be, and is, used as an effective club. This is apparent in the blood dried onto the gem.

2010-12-22, 08:37 AM
[The Underworld]

No... I don't think so. And I don't know what happened. Wenomir's voice is quiet and raspy. This... is the sword I was carrying when I arrived in the Nexus. I had been given it just before my last mission as a demonhunter, He says, looking at the blade in his hand. He takes a step forward and blood starts to drip from the blade. Mist begins to rise from the blood on the ground and swirly. Sometimes, a shape seems to appear for a split-second.

[Ezra's Caravan]

Among the guards there sits a lone hobgoblin. He sulks by himself, rarely ever speaking to anyone. He's tall for his race - but still shorter than most humans - wiry and muscular. His skin is pale yellow and his brown hair is spiky. He's got unkempt, tattered sideburns. Darkardzaka, for that's his name, is dressed in a ragged outfit made of various leather and cloth parts that look like they've been taken from many full sets of clothing. They're all brown or dark red, however, and his tribe totem, a two-headed raven, is painted on the sleeves. His neck is adorned by a necklade of teeth and claws. The only thing about him that looks valuable is the bow he's holding in his long, bony fingers - a fine, recursive shortbow. On the wagon next to him there sits a white raven. It never seems to leave his side, but he doesn't show it the attention one would show its pet.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-22, 08:58 AM

That's... not exactly a soothing answer. And then excrement goes down.
"I don't like this. At all."
But this is Wenomir's quest, and she's not going to skip out on him.


Keld... keeps riding.
Dammit, I knew there was a reason I got bored of playing him. >.<
*pokes anti-social loner characters*

2010-12-22, 10:16 AM

Toby, on the other hand, is smiling silently. This place looks so cool. :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2010-12-22, 10:24 AM

The mist forms into solid shapes now; shapes of mutiliated corpses. They lie scattered all over the place, some of them clutching improvised weapons. All of them have been cut by a sword. Wenomir's blade is dripping with even more blood now.
I know this place. This is the village I butchered right before I snapped and ran to the Nexus... but why are we here..?

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-22, 10:59 AM

KR is looking at the misty figures warily, in case they turn out to be vengeful ghosts or something and attack. She doesn't know if Wenomir's question was rhetorical or not... either way, she doesn't have an answer. Yet.
She could develop one through the gathering of empirical data, but she isn't sure how this place would respond to her doing experiments on its nature. :smalltongue:

2010-12-22, 11:18 AM

Slowly, the figures rise to their feet and stare at the trio. They're otherwise unchanged; transparent shadows of former living humans, bearing the marks of the sword that killed them. The person standing nearest to Tobias, for instance, is a teenage boy missing a large part of his lower jaw.

2010-12-22, 12:03 PM
It would be way too hypocritical for Toby to judge someone for butchering just one village, so he quietly inspects the figures.

2010-12-22, 12:11 PM

The figures stand in silence, staring - mostly at their killer, but some also look at KR and Toby - with empty, dead eyes.
Do your books about metaphors say anything about this sort of thing? Wenomir asks Tobias in a weak voice, not turning his gaze from the shadows of his victims.

2010-12-22, 12:22 PM
About what? The baffling fact that we have found dead people in the afterlife, or that the only ones we have found in the first 60 seconds happen to be people you might have killed? Toby shrugs and finds a ghost touch knife in his satchel to clip onto his belt.

2010-12-22, 12:25 PM

Well, we were looking for my sister but we found the last people I killed before leaving my homeland. Maybe I'm supposed to confront the ghosts of all the people who died because of me or something?
Tobias' movement seems to attract the passing attention of some of the shades, but they take no action.

2010-12-22, 12:28 PM
Oh. ... Yeah, that makes more sense than my idea of trying to outrun them and keep looking. The druid stays still and lets Wenomir do what he wants.

2010-12-22, 12:38 PM

I have no idea what I should do, Wenomir says slowly, but I won't fight them. His sword hits the ground. I killed them once; that's enough. I'm going to submit myself to whatever judgement they want to inflict on me. He kneels and as soon as he does so, one of the figures breaks off from the crowd. It is a shadow of a middle-aged, broad-shouldered man wearing a sheepskin coat and a fur-lined hat. There's a gaping hole in his chest. He regards Wenomir coldly before turning to his companions. Well? Why did you bring him here? Why did you come here? What business do the living have in the land of the dead?

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 08:18 AM
KR doesn't reply iimmediately. After all, when visiting the underworld it's best to be as rude as possible to the local residents. This is supported by what she does do, which is... trying to have a glaring contest with one of the restless massacred spirits. :smallsigh:
Glaaaaaare, I guess.
Hey, at least she didn't-
"The business of the living isn't the business of the dead. Maybe you should be more considerate, and we'll answer."
Yeah, that. :smallsigh:

2010-12-23, 08:34 AM
Tobias ignores KR. He came to see his departed sister. We're just helping him.

2010-12-23, 09:41 AM

The shade doesn't seem to be offended - or affected in any way, in fact - by KR's answer.
I see. I neither know or care about his sister, but I can tell that it was guilt that brought him here, and so you'll have to face more spirits before you reach your destination. All those to whose death he contributed or believes he contributed. He will have to look in all of their faces and move on, if he dares. He looks at them with his empty eyes. The Underworld is empty you see; those who are dead have no shape or voice in here other than the ones the living gave them. Our death still weighs on his conscience and so we are here. You two have a good reason to be helping him, I assume... now go and hope the other ghosts will be as compassionate as we were.

2010-12-23, 09:59 AM
Toby nods to the spirit in thanks, then gently tries to lift Wenomir to his feet.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 10:07 AM
KR helps in said attempt.

2010-12-23, 10:12 AM

Wenomir is lifted to his feet. Thanks... if we're supposed to face all people I caused the death of, it's going to be a long trip. He breathes deeply. But it'll be worth it. Let's go. And forward he goes, with a surprisingly quick pace.

2010-12-23, 10:17 AM
Toby brings up the rear to keep an eye out for attacks from behind.
Or he might just be ogling KR.
So... You killed demons too, right? What happens to them when they die?

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 10:17 AM

Pffft. Not that long. Tobias' and KR's respective trips would be longer. Muuuuuucch longer. :eek:
KR follows in the middle then, looking around warily. e_e
And giving Wenomir concerned glances.

2010-12-23, 10:26 AM

The party is currently travelling through the black desert under a starry sky.
As far as I know, the demons from my homeworld are simply... pieces of the plane of chaos that seep through to the material world and take physical shape. They're not sentient, feeling beings so we won't find any of them here.

2010-12-23, 10:36 AM
Oh, good. I'd hate to have to fight a bunch of pissed off demons here. Yet he sounds like he thinks that would be the only thing that could make this trip cooler.

2010-12-23, 10:45 AM

The trip continues for a while yet through a featureless plain. I doubt we'll meet everyone I've killed. Probably only the most important ones...
Wenomir falls silent when the scenery changes again. Suddenly, the group finds themselves in a dining hall, albeit the walls aren't visible - they're covered by greenish mist. The tables, food, dishes and cutlery are blurry and lack details. Once more, the party stands in a puddle of blood and Wenomir's appearance changes - this time rather radically.
The demonhunter is definetly ten years younger. What really makes him perhaps uncrecognizable however is that he lacks most scars - his face is rugged and features a cut or two, but the net of scars you could play tic-tac-toe on is gone. What's more, his eyes aren't solid red and glowing but dark brown and perfectly normal. He's also got no armor; he wears a dark brown doublet and grey trousers. The sword in his hand is a much shorter blade.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 10:58 AM

KR blinks as Wenomir is suddenly de-aged. To around the same age as her, in fact. Physically, anyway. A two year old Wenomir would be thoroughly disturbing.
Though Wenomir the Younger is strange enough. Previously, if you'd have asked KR to imagine Wenomir without his red eyes or scars she probably... wouldn't have laughed. But she wouldn't have been able to so, either.
But now she can! Thus proving that trips to the underworld are good for the imagination. :smallsmile:
KR looks arround their new surroundings, including the new puddle of blood they're standing in.
"What happened here?"

2010-12-23, 11:04 AM

A duel gone horribly wrong, says Wenomir. His voice is much different, too. However, he's not as guilt-wrecked as in the shadowy village. As he speaks, some of the greenish mist drops from the walls and th ceiling and forms into a body of a handsome young man dressed in an extravagant, expensive clothing lying on the floor. His face and blond hair are stained with blood that spills out of his throat, slashed wide open. A sword is lying next to him, having fallen from his numb fingers. The idiot. Why did he have to provoke me? When I was drunk and furious, no less.

2010-12-23, 11:07 AM
Toby fights the almost overwhelming urge to wolf whistle at Wenomir and just stands there looking around.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 11:25 AM

KR takes a few steps closer to the corpse in order to examine the fatal wound in closer detail, before looking a way. Giving a look to Tobias in particular. SHE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. Which would be an accomplishment in itself. She has so little insight into other human beings...
"Are you sure it's only your appearance that is being affected by these... flashbacks?"

2010-12-23, 11:29 AM

The wound to the throat was definetly dealt with an arming sword. Like one Wenomir is carrying. It was quick, clean and done with great skill. It gave the victim absolutely no hope of survival.
Wenomir rubs his temple.
It's possible that I'm adopting the way of thinking I had back then... I was even more rash, headstrong and proud. And at the moment when this fool decided to mock my one-sided infatuation, also drunk.
Unlike the shades of the villagers, the spirit of the young nobleman lies still on the ground.

2010-12-23, 11:33 AM
KR probably knows what Toby is thinking because she's doing the same. :smalltongue:

If you think about it, it's really his fault for mocking someone with a sword.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-23, 11:40 AM

Indeed, it is probably an image that KR will recall often, in times of great stress and peril.
"Of course. I was just concerned about the possibility of Wenomir's mind being influenced by these flashbacks."
The last thing any of them needs to see is emo teen Wenomir. That'd be horrifying. :smalleek:

2010-12-23, 11:48 AM

My mind is hard to mess with, luckily. Thanks for pointing it out, though. Now I'll be able to recognize it if the Underworld does influence my thoughts. He sighs. I don't think I've told either of you about this fight. It's what led to my becoming a demonhunter. See, I was hopelessly in love with the youngest daughter of a duke... but she didn't care. So I became more and more frustrated and started to drink. And on a feast celebrating her betrothal, this... fool who had apparently known about my feelings for some time decided to mock me about it. I couldn't challenge him to a duel being a commoner, but I threw enough insults at him so that he challenged me. It was supposed to be a duel to the first blood, but I killed the idiot before he could raise his sword to parry.

2010-12-23, 11:49 AM
Toby winces and prudently decides to stay silent.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-24, 10:31 AM
KR is also silent, and internally processing this information. You just know she's wondering if Wenomir likes her as much as he liked this duke's daughter, or some silly thing like that. Or perhaps not. But the main point of this post is that she says nothing.

2010-12-24, 11:30 AM
KR is also silent, and internally processing this information. You just know she's wondering if Wenomir likes her as much as he liked this duke's daughter, or some silly thing like that. Or perhaps not. But the main point of this post is that she says nothing.

Toby can always make fun of Wenomir and insult KR's honor. Since he's more of a friend then this stupid noble was, if Wenomir kills him we know that the demonslayer likes KR more. :smallamused:

... Was there a princess Wenomir had the hots for in his backstory? :smallconfused:

2010-12-24, 04:01 PM

The duke's daughter has been a part of Wenomir's backstory since the beginning. However, until now, she's also been an unrevealed part.
Wenomir goes on uninterrupted, then.
Everyone was outraged, of course. I was thrown into prison and waited to be hanged. But the alchemists saw an opportunity... one of them came to me and gave me a proposal. I would live in exchange for becoming a living weapon. I accepted. I have no idea how they got me out of prison... they probably bribed the right people and faked my death. I got the injection of demon blood and spent nine years fighting as a demonhunter, until I snapped out of their brainwashing in the village we already visited. I came to the Nexus and tried to redeem myself, despairing of ever finding love. I was wrong about that one, of course. He turns to KR and smiles and then sighs. And that, as they say, is that.

2010-12-25, 11:17 AM
I could have sworn Wenomir was once talking about a princess he had no chance with because of the caste division. Probably somebody else then.

Toby gives the heartwarming moment a few seconds, then speaks up. So what now? Do we call the shade of this guy in and renact the dinner, only you keep your temper and not attack him?

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-25, 11:25 AM
Oh wow Wenomir is serious about this.

No doubt he's set KR's heart all a flutter with his romantic romanticisms. Why, if Tobias weren't there, she may at this moment be attempting to smother him with kisses or something.
Eh, probably not. She does blush embarrassingly and find herself having to stare intently at a fork. It's a rather nice fork.

2010-12-25, 11:28 AM

That would be the same person. I'm pretty sure he's never referred to her as a princess.
I think the point is that I look at what I've done and admit I screwed up. Well, I did. He was an arrogant ass, but he didn't deserve to die. And his father was a good man who didn't deserve to lose his son.

2010-12-25, 11:31 AM
... Oh. Nevermind then.

For lack of a more dramatic representation of Wenomir's epiphany and self-forgiveness, the Druid just stands there quietly and finds something to stare at. What a nice looking spoon.

2010-12-25, 11:45 AM

Deep in his thoughts and unaware of the awkwardness of the silence around him, Wenomir speaks up, as the dining hall fades away and his appearance goes back to, for the lack of a better word, normal: Let's go. We'll probably go through at least one battlefield before reaching my sister's soul. I'm just wondering which ones...

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-25, 11:54 AM
Alas, young!Wenomir... you will be missed. :smallfrown:
But then, there's likely an even younger Wenomir coming up next, so brace yourselves...

2010-12-25, 12:21 PM

And so, the trio begins hiking through the black desert again. This place is quite different from what all the priests claimed afterlife would be like...

2010-12-25, 12:37 PM
Who would have guessed? As the dining room fades, Toby tries to see if he can pick up the spoon and take it with him.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-26, 08:09 AM
"That tends to be the pattern, yes." KR watches Toby's attempt curiously... FOR SCIENCE.

2010-12-26, 01:52 PM

Even though the spoon is technically a figment of Wenomir's imagination, Toby is able to take it with him.
I'm now convinced the gods of my homeworld don't exist at all. It's both depressing and optimistic at the same time.

2010-12-26, 02:03 PM
If I can take this out into the Overworld, it will either be an awesome artifact, or the coolest souvenir ever. Toby whispers to himself as he pockets it and hurries to catch up with Wenomir. Man, I wish my Gods didn't exist. Sadly, in my world you just have to know where to look to see the divine hands moving us mortal chess pieces.

2010-12-26, 06:34 PM

And that's where the optimistic part comes into play... we're free of meddling powerful beings.
Futher discussion is interrupted by the trio stepping into another shadow of things past. This time, it's a battlefield.
The party finds themselves among the combatants, between two formations of soldiers. They look pretty indistinguishible - men dressed in light armor made out of leather and padded cloth, wearing helmets and wielding spears and large shields. It's hard to tell which side is which; they seem to simply stab whoever isn't in their formation. At least, that's what the party can guess - the battle is frozen in place.
Wenomir, of course, changes once more. This time he's even younger - barely a man, in fact, his face not yet marked with weariness and scars - and wearing the same uniform as the other fighters: a padded armor, a rusty helmet. He's got a spear in one hand and a large, battered wooden shield in the other.
My first battle. I was expecting we'd find ourselves here.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-28, 08:37 AM

"Who were you fighting for?" KR asks.

[Slaver Caravan]

Keld is... still riding. Yep. *nod*

2010-12-28, 08:40 AM

Duke Wracisław the Black, the man who owned the land my village was on. He had a row with some other noble. I don't know why. They didn't really explain it to us. Wenomir shrugs.

[Slave Caravan]

Darkardzaka... keeps sitting on the wagon and starting into the distance. Those people really do need someone who's more outgoing than they are.

Ashen Lilies
2010-12-28, 10:04 AM
[Land of the Dead (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1plioE-B0I)]

"Figures." Of course, KR's probably ended up causing many pointless wars like this through her arms dealing...
"Looking at you... you're barely out of your teens. When did your sister die? Perhaps it would be wise if we were... properly informed before we find her..."

[Slaver Caravan]

Maybe they should get a Random Encounter, to test their mettle and provide a conversation piece?

2010-12-28, 01:05 PM
[Slaver Caravan]

What is it about being an EVIL! caravan guard that makes you anti social? Maybe it's all the beating of slaves.

Anyway Torpek is also still riding along.

2010-12-29, 08:24 AM

My sister died... not long before this battle. Maybe a year. It was after I'd joined the Duke's forces, but before I saw any real fighting. Wenomir sighs and bows his head. So we'll see her soon.

2010-12-30, 11:09 AM

My sister died... not long before this battle. Maybe a year. It was after I'd joined the Duke's forces, but before I saw any real fighting. Wenomir sighs and bows his head. So we'll see her soon.

Will there be some sort of trial here? No? Probably for the best. Then let us move on. If he didn't look serious before, Toby does now. He gives one more look at the battlefield with a strategic eye to assess strengths and weaknesses, then follows behind Wenomir.

2010-12-30, 11:39 AM

The battle looks more like a skirmish. Neither side has more than four hundred men and both are composed mostly of armed peasants such as Wenomir, a few squads of archers and a handful of better trained and armored footsoldiers. There's no cavalry. Both sides look evenly matched as the formations push against each other.
No, I don't think we'll face any trial here. It's just... well, my first battle was very important for me, I guess. I killed two people that day. Very impressive for a fresh peasant recruit. That's when I found out I like fighting and I would be doing it for my whole life.

Ashen Lilies
2011-01-01, 11:29 AM
And he's good at it, too!
KR looks ready to move on.

2011-01-01, 12:05 PM
Toby courteously refrains from commenting on Wenomir only killing two people, and just follows him when he's ready.

2011-01-01, 03:56 PM

Wenomir leads Tobias and KR futher into the desert. He's walking more slowly now, as if each step was really straining for him. We'll be there soon, he says quietly.

2011-01-02, 03:57 PM
[Commando bridge]

"Thank you captain..." Cessie replies with a nod. "Was there any other questions or do you think he have helped us enough? He wants to rest now." Cessie didn't really understand the need to die when there was so many ways around it, sure, people tended to die around you but so did people normally as well, you mourned and you went on.

She really didn't see anything strange with it, after all, as far as she knew, death was nothing but nothingness.

Lloyd is already crawling through the only visible exit, his small and lithe figure worming it's way through the crack as best he can.. he just... really really hopes that he doesn't get stuck. That would just be dreadful!

[Command Bridge]

"Thank you, Captain." Eileen bows. "I have no further questions."

The Captain nods. Then end me and destroy this body. I need to return to Eclipsia's Embrace.

Lloyd doesn't get attacked, and he'll find himself in a small tunnel, barely large enough for him to crawl in. It seems the rubble had collapsed out of the room as well, but someone or something had dug the tunnel. It ends in blackness unless he has some kind of lightsource.

2011-01-02, 03:59 PM

Wenomir leads Tobias and KR futher into the desert. He's walking more slowly now, as if each step was really straining for him. We'll be there soon, he says quietly.

Toby nods, deciding to watch the demonslayer more closely. It wouldn't do to have him suddenly die from a heart attack.

The Bushranger
2011-01-03, 12:04 AM
[Spaceship Plot]

The Captain nods. Then end me and destroy this body. I need to return to Eclipsia's Embrace.

Lloyd doesn't get attacked, and he'll find himself in a small tunnel, barely large enough for him to crawl in. It seems the rubble had collapsed out of the room as well, but someone or something had dug the tunnel. It ends in blackness unless he has some kind of lightsource.

"May you find blessed rest in the embrace of your goddess, Captain," Eileen says with respect, and a formal nod. "Go in peace Beyond the Rim."

And then, unless stopped, she steps forwards, and strikes the Captain's skeleton with her Disrupting denn'bok, her blow swift and sure.

Ashen Lilies
2011-01-03, 09:54 AM
Toby nods, deciding to watch the demonslayer more closely. It wouldn't do to have him suddenly die from a heart attack.

If that happened, KR would probably punch the heart attack in the face and threaten to kill its babies and feed them to a pack of rabid dogs. Being a walking defibrillator helps in this regard.

Anyways, KR follows after, waiting for the inevitble scene change.

2011-01-03, 10:08 AM

The scene change does occur. This time, the party finds itself at the bottom of a hill, in broad daylight. Although the sun is in its zenith, the temperature does not change. On the top of a hill there's a single grave with a piece of wood next to it. In the distance there seems to be a village, but it's blurry and barely visible.
As for Wenomir, he looks more or less like in the previous flashback - perhaps a bit younger. Even the clothing is the same, although he has no weapons. This is it. My sister's grave. All we have to do is to climb this hill... However, he makes no move.

2011-01-04, 07:46 AM
The Captain nods. Then end me and destroy this body. I need to return to Eclipsia's Embrace.

Lloyd doesn't get attacked, and he'll find himself in a small tunnel, barely large enough for him to crawl in. It seems the rubble had collapsed out of the room as well, but someone or something had dug the tunnel. It ends in blackness unless he has some kind of lightsource.

[Spaceship Plot]

"May you find blessed rest in the embrace of your goddess, Captain," Eileen says with respect, and a formal nod. "Go in peace Beyond the Rim."

And then, unless stopped, she steps forwards, and strikes the Captain's skeleton with her Disrupting denn'bok, her blow swift and sure.

Cessie watches doubtfully as Eileen does this, not really sure these other types really knew how to deal with a spirit.
Discreetly, just to be safe, she also dismisses her spell so the captain no longer have any ties whatsoever to the world of the living.

2011-01-04, 10:37 AM

The scene change does occur. This time, the party finds itself at the bottom of a hill, in broad daylight. Although the sun is in its zenith, the temperature does not change. On the top of a hill there's a single grave with a piece of wood next to it. In the distance there seems to be a village, but it's blurry and barely visible.
As for Wenomir, he looks more or less like in the previous flashback - perhaps a bit younger. Even the clothing is the same, although he has no weapons. This is it. My sister's grave. All we have to do is to climb this hill... However, he makes no move.

Tobias understands full well how hard this must be for Wenomir, so he just waits patiently, ready to give support.

2011-01-04, 03:49 PM
The Captain nods. Then end me and destroy this body. I need to return to Eclipsia's Embrace.

Lloyd doesn't get attacked, and he'll find himself in a small tunnel, barely large enough for him to crawl in. It seems the rubble had collapsed out of the room as well, but someone or something had dug the tunnel. It ends in blackness unless he has some kind of lightsource.

He'll fidget a flashlight out of his tattered flight suit, the small palm flash light designed for use in spotting with his pistol, a little slide grip on the bottom only served to further indicate so.

He'll shine the light down the place, shimming back as to allow himself an escape route should this turn out to be the least wise course of action.

Ashen Lilies
2011-01-04, 06:17 PM

KR looks for a moment as though she's going to forge onwards, over the hill.
Then she looks to be taking Tobias' lead and staying still.
Then she tries to lend support in a way Tobias can't (though I have a feeling he'd totally try it) by attempting to slip her hand into Wenomir's. And squeeze.

2011-01-04, 11:20 PM
[Spess Sheep Plawt]

Well, there was now a lot of nasty bone dust everywhere. Fun. Riss put a hand to her mouth to keep the stuff away and moved around the captain's chair. Though, if she were one for introspection, she might have likened it to some sort of lord's chair in some fallen bastion or fort or whatever one could liken a dead space ship to. But she wasn't so she didn't.

However, Lloyd seemed to have a light and was apparently poking around a bit. That was something that she could help with. None of this magic stuff.

2011-01-05, 11:19 AM

Wenomir's hand is squeezed and he seems to pull himself together. He breathes deeply. Alright. Let's go. He begins to walk up the hill slowly.

2011-01-06, 12:08 PM
Tobias, who likes his teeth far too much to try to hold Wenomir's hand, follows behind the couple.

Ashen Lilies
2011-01-06, 04:27 PM
The other half of the 'couple' as it were, walks wih Wenomir.

2011-01-06, 04:36 PM

The trio eventually reaches the top of the hill and they can now examine the grave. The piece of wood bears the name "Alina Rawicz" and a stylized lightning, flame and sun that KR will likely recognize as the symbol of Perun.
Wenomir himself looks exhausted, as if he had just climbed a tall, steep slope instead of a small hill.
*wheeze* I haven't actually seen the grave in the real world. I... I just didn't dare to look at it. Well, now I'm here. And I'm still afraid.

2011-01-07, 11:07 AM
Space Ship Plot-Command Bridge/Tunnel

The Captain vanishes in a fwoosh of energy as his body is destroyed.

As soon as Lloyd turns on the light, he'll find himself facing a hideous creature with huge fangs, a snake-like tail and four claws legs. What makes it worse, is that it's only a few inches in front of him.

The rat hisses at him before scurrying off down a side tunnel. :smalltongue:

2011-01-08, 03:31 PM

The trio eventually reaches the top of the hill and they can now examine the grave. The piece of wood bears the name "Alina Rawicz" and a stylized lightning, flame and sun that KR will likely recognize as the symbol of Perun.
Wenomir himself looks exhausted, as if he had just climbed a tall, steep slope instead of a small hill.
*wheeze* I haven't actually seen the grave in the real world. I... I just didn't dare to look at it. Well, now I'm here. And I'm still afraid.

Fear is natural, Wenomir. Face your fears and call her. Tobias smiles, still hanging back.

2011-01-09, 06:02 PM
Space Ship Plot-Command Bridge/Tunnel

The Captain vanishes in a fwoosh of energy as his body is destroyed.

As soon as Lloyd turns on the light, he'll find himself facing a hideous creature with huge fangs, a snake-like tail and four claws legs. What makes it worse, is that it's only a few inches in front of him.

The rat hisses at him before scurrying off down a side tunnel. :smalltongue:

It's all Lloyd can do to avoid pulling the trigger, and causing a self fatal ricochet in the cramped confines, shock aside, a large rat isn't enough to scare Lloyd out of the tunnel, and he crawls onward, hoping people will follow him through the one available exit rather than starve to death, or drown from staring at the cieling so long condensation pooled in their mouths. Turkeys would totally understand the latter though.

2011-01-10, 01:45 PM

Wenomir breathes deeply.
Here comes nothing. Alina? Come to me. Please, he says weakly.
For a moment, the only response is silence. Just the three might begin to think nothing is going to happen, a pale shade arises from the grave. It forms into an image of a pale, blonde girl in her early teenage ears. She has big, blue eyes and seems frail an slender overall.
Big brother? She whispers. In response, Wenomir starts to shake but says nothing for now.

The Bushranger
2011-01-11, 07:22 PM
[Aboard the Space Ship]

Cessie watches doubtfully as Eileen does this, not really sure these other types really knew how to deal with a spirit.
Discreetly, just to be safe, she also dismisses her spell so the captain no longer have any ties whatsoever to the world of the living.

Well, there was now a lot of nasty bone dust everywhere. Fun. Riss put a hand to her mouth to keep the stuff away and moved around the captain's chair. Though, if she were one for introspection, she might have likened it to some sort of lord's chair in some fallen bastion or fort or whatever one could liken a dead space ship to. But she wasn't so she didn't.

However, Lloyd seemed to have a light and was apparently poking around a bit. That was something that she could help with. None of this magic stuff.

The Captain vanishes in a fwoosh of energy as his body is destroyed

"...and that is that," Eileen says somberly, flicking her wrist and causing her denn'bok to retract. "Well. I suppose the next order of business is securing the ship from these enemies he mentioned. Assuming any of them are still around?"

2011-01-14, 07:04 PM
[Aboard the Space Ship]

"I believe the first order of business is getting out of here, if you excuse my use of words." Cessie tells Eileen as she starts to slowly follow Lloyd through the tunnel, casting a light spell to illuminate her way.

2011-01-14, 11:47 PM
[On Board The Space Craft]

The light spell would be something that Riss would admit to being useful. At the least it made following people that much easier as there was something ahead rather than stark darkness. Though, her night vision would be shot now... Not that it would matter much at this point. In any case, Riss would probably bring up the rear of the line. Might as well have others run into the nasty stuff first if there was anything to run into.

2011-01-16, 04:57 PM
Aboard the Ship- Tunnel/Cave

Assuming everyone goes through the tunnel, they'll find themselves entering a large cavernous chamber, roughly 20ft high. It looks natural instead of man-made like the ship. If they look back, they'll see rusty pieces of metal sticking out of the cave wall. It seems the ship had actually broken apart and some parts of it hit a natural cave system.

After a moment, the place begins to glow dimly from worms covering the ceiling and walls. Their movements make the worms grow brighter as they're disturbed, making light with their bioluminescent bodies.

In the center of the cave, is a massive stalagtite, dripping crystal clear water into a shallow pool. On the walls are several other cave entrances, bigger ones.

A few even look like they have small wears in the ground, as if well traveled...

2011-01-16, 08:07 PM
Aboard the Ship- Tunnel/Cave

The mage looks up curiously at the glowing worms in the ceiling, trying to detect any magic from them which they most likely not have and the rest of the room in general.

"Anyone knows who those are?" She asks the others, still looking at the ceiling.

The Bushranger
2011-01-18, 04:58 PM
[Space Cave]

[Aboard the Space Ship]

"I believe the first order of business is getting out of here, if you excuse my use of words." Cessie tells Eileen as she starts to slowly follow Lloyd through the tunnel, casting a light spell to illuminate her way.

[On Board The Space Craft]

The light spell would be something that Riss would admit to being useful. At the least it made following people that much easier as there was something ahead rather than stark darkness. Though, her night vision would be shot now... Not that it would matter much at this point. In any case, Riss would probably bring up the rear of the line. Might as well have others run into the nasty stuff first if there was anything to run into.

Aboard the Ship- Tunnel/Cave

Assuming everyone goes through the tunnel, they'll find themselves entering a large cavernous chamber, roughly 20ft high. It looks natural instead of man-made like the ship. If they look back, they'll see rusty pieces of metal sticking out of the cave wall. It seems the ship had actually broken apart and some parts of it hit a natural cave system.

After a moment, the place begins to glow dimly from worms covering the ceiling and walls. Their movements make the worms grow brighter as they're disturbed, making light with their bioluminescent bodies.

In the center of the cave, is a massive stalagtite, dripping crystal clear water into a shallow pool. On the walls are several other cave entrances, bigger ones.

A few even look like they have small wears in the ground, as if well traveled...

Aboard the Ship- Tunnel/Cave

The mage looks up curiously at the glowing worms in the ceiling, trying to detect any magic from them which they most likely not have and the rest of the room in general.

"Anyone knows who those are?" She asks the others, still looking at the ceiling.

"Glowworms?" Eileen offers, looking up as well at the worms. "Naturally bioluminescent due to the dark cave environment. And judging by those paths, I'd say we're not alone here, so be sharp."

2011-01-18, 08:22 PM

Light like this was rather easy on the eyes, Riss thought. It could do with being brighter but only by a shade or so and it would be perfect. It was a shame she hadn't taken an interest in biology beyond what was necessary to make sure that the materials her gear used were hypoallergenic as otherwise she felt this would be a lot more interesting than it currently was.

"With so many of them, I wonder what they eat down here." the muse remarked out loud. It was a rather sterile statement in comparison to what she could have said but she had a point. With a population this size, consumables did indeed come into question. Again, she wished she had more of her gear with her as she could have made a mineral scan of some type. It would do nothing more than satisfy her curiosity but sometimes that alone was worth it.

2011-01-20, 06:10 PM

((Cutscene time!))

As Wenomir looks at his sister's shadow wordlessly, the scene around the party changes. It turns into a grass-covered meadow where a tall boy who can be recognized as Wenomir, albeit with difficulty - if only because he's actually grinning widely - is carrying a little girl on his back. The girl is laughing.

Then their surroundings change once again to another happy scene - the boy and the girl are playing pattycake next to the fireplace, surrounded with other kids that are watching.

This image quickly fades and another one appears - this time it's the boy hugging the girl tightly. Both are crying.

The next scene that appears is a pale girl lying in bed, surrounded with family, mouthing something silently.

The final one is Wenomir, dressed like he was in the battle that they saw before, running away from a homestead, pure despair on his face.

And then everything is gone - the three living people and the shadow are standing on the hill, next to the grave. The only difference is that Wenomir now looks like he does in the present and there are tears streaming down his face. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... He might look normal, but he definetly sounds like an entirely different man.

2011-01-21, 03:58 PM

Light like this was rather easy on the eyes, Riss thought. It could do with being brighter but only by a shade or so and it would be perfect. It was a shame she hadn't taken an interest in biology beyond what was necessary to make sure that the materials her gear used were hypoallergenic as otherwise she felt this would be a lot more interesting than it currently was.

"With so many of them, I wonder what they eat down here." the muse remarked out loud. It was a rather sterile statement in comparison to what she could have said but she had a point. With a population this size, consumables did indeed come into question. Again, she wished she had more of her gear with her as she could have made a mineral scan of some type. It would do nothing more than satisfy her curiosity but sometimes that alone was worth it.

"Such things don't really matter lady. We need to keep moving, keep alert, and not get distracted by such things. If we don't. We could end up dead, or worse."

Lloyd says even as he shoulders forward, casting his glance from side to side keeping alert as he took the point position of the hopefully still moving group.

2011-01-21, 08:11 PM

"Interesting, I have never seen such creatures before." Cessie comments as she goes underneath the glow worms, still following Lloyd.

2011-01-22, 02:38 PM

((Cutscene time!))

As Wenomir looks at his sister's shadow wordlessly, the scene around the party changes. It turns into a grass-covered meadow where a tall boy who can be recognized as Wenomir, albeit with difficulty - if only because he's actually grinning widely - is carrying a little girl on his back. The girl is laughing.

Then their surroundings change once again to another happy scene - the boy and the girl are playing pattycake next to the fireplace, surrounded with other kids that are watching.

This image quickly fades and another one appears - this time it's the boy hugging the girl tightly. Both are crying.

The next scene that appears is a pale girl lying in bed, surrounded with family, mouthing something silently.

The final one is Wenomir, dressed like he was in the battle that they saw before, running away from a homestead, pure despair on his face.

And then everything is gone - the three living people and the shadow are standing on the hill, next to the grave. The only difference is that Wenomir now looks like he does in the present and there are tears streaming down his face. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... He might look normal, but he definetly sounds like an entirely different man.

Toby shudders and takes an involuntary step back, but then collects himself and stays where he is. Either the underworld is finally getting to him, or he is unnerved by Wenomir showing emotions.

2011-01-22, 09:54 PM

As mentioned before, there are several directions to choose from. Some of the more traveled paths seem to be further away then the side you entered on, possibly away from the ship, but other paths seem to be at an incline, and others at a decline.

Choose the way to go.

Ashen Lilies
2011-01-23, 12:08 PM

KR is also stunned. Not quite just by the showing of emotion, rather she's stunned by the emotions involved. She's never seen Wenomir as... as vulnerable before. It's shocking.

2011-01-23, 12:23 PM

Alina's shadow looks from the silent Wenomir to his companions. He still feels guilty, after so many years. Did he tell you what had happened?

2011-01-23, 01:02 PM
Toby shakes his head wordlessly. Then, acutely aware of how inadequate that answer was, adds a few words. What does he have to feel guilty about?

2011-01-23, 01:15 PM

Alina's ghost closes her eyes. Although the actual girl had no way of knowing it in her life, it seems that the spirit does know.
He wasn't there when I died after a long illness. He couldn't help me or say goodbye. It might not feel like much to some... but it meant a lot to him. I can feel that he's always thought he'd failed me when I needed him the most.
Wenomir himself just nods.

2011-01-31, 04:47 PM
Toby decides to play the part of a brick wall, so the ghost can bounce her point off of him into Wenomir. At least, he hopes he understands Alina's point. That's foolish. He was doing his duty; it was outside of his power to come back for you. How can anyone blame him?

2011-01-31, 04:57 PM

I wasn't doing my duty, Wenomir says weakly. I didn't have to join the army, I did it because life on the farm wasn't good enough for me.
Alina's ghost just looks at Tobias, unconcerned. It might seem that the accusations of the living have have no meaning to the dead. I do not blame him. As you can hear, he blames himself.

2011-01-31, 05:04 PM
Yeah, I got that, but it doesn't make the blame any more reasonable. The druid shivers as if chilled, then crosses his arms. Look, Wenomir. ...What you did was not selfish. You are not a slave, existing only to serve others. If you joined the army because you wanted to, you did it for your own benefit. That's perfectly fine! Part of loving someone is knowing when to let go, knowing that love is equal parts give and take. Your sister loves you, and she knew it was her turn to sacrifice herself for your needs. You love her, and so you need to accept it.

Ashen Lilies
2011-02-02, 10:05 AM

"You can't just blame yourself forever... all you'll end up doing is destroying youself. I'm not a moralist... I can't tell you whether you made the right choice. If... if what you did was truly selfish or not. I don't know, I simply don't know."
KR pauses for a moment, trying to find the right words to express her thoughts. She knows almost a dozen different languages, yet finds herself struggling to construct a few simple sentences.
"You can't... the past is the past. You can't change those decisions. Right or wrong... You can't doubt your past decisions.You just have to trust that you did the right thing... because otherwise, you'll never achieve anything."

((Erk... I fail at writing for KR... I just don't know how to get her through these sentimental scenes. Her talents are killing things, spying on things (and then killing them), building machines (which help her kill things), soul magic (in order to kill the things she's killed) and dimensional manipulation (okay, this one actually has nothing to do with killing things... SO FAR). Sure, there's definitely a deeper KR under all that murder... or at least the beginnings of one (the girl's two) but I'm simply not a good enough roleplayer to coax it out.))

2011-02-02, 10:42 AM

((I can understand that, as I've had enough trouble writing for Wenomir in this plot. That's why I'm going to wrap it up now.))

Wenomir is, again, silent for a long while. You're right. You're both right. I just miss her so much... He gets up slowly and walks towards his sister's shade and embraces her. As he does so, his image shifts and he's a teenage boy from the previous visions for a moment. Alina, in turn, momentarily appears like a living person, not a faded memory. She whispers something and Wenomir whispers something in response, wiping the tears from his eyes. Then everything fades away and the Underworld is a pitch black plain again. Wenomir himself returns to his normal, present appearance... but there's a subtle change to his expression. His face is as scarred, rugged and grim as always, but now some of the pent-up agression and vindicativeness - the carefully controlled urge to punish the world for being so screwed up - seems to be gone. It's all but unnoticeable to someone who doesn't know him well.
I'm ready to go, he says simply.

2011-02-02, 12:23 PM

Toby sees that there's something different with Wenomir. He expected the change, it was the whole reason they came down here in the first place, but he can't tell exactly what it is.
"Okay. Let's go home."

2011-02-05, 11:08 AM

And the party steps through a portal to the world of the living, specifically Inside, presumably.

2011-02-11, 07:07 PM
[South Inside Magtok Elementary]

((Just a note before we start, this plot is intended for people around the age of 12, preferably around the powerlevel of D, this is not set in stone however, just use these as guide lines.))

It's the start of a new period in the South Inside Magtok Elementary, the leaves are already starting to fall and the sun isn't out as late as it used to, but the children are still bursting with summer energy, thrilled about telling their friends about all the cool things that happened during their long vacation, about the places they been, the jobs they done...

Of course, to others it's not as thrilling going back here, why couldn't the summer last forever?

But no such prayers are answered with parents around (at least for some), but no matter your motivations, to school you go this beautiful late-summer day, if the weather reflects your current mood is another thing.

The streets are filled with other children traveling to school in various ways, this is the Nexus after all, walking is far from the norm.

((And here you will be able to walk to school and interact with each other on the way there, I might set some NPC children to walk with you before the real plot starts.))

Earl of Purple
2011-02-11, 07:21 PM
South Inside Magtok Elementary

Natalie, a ten-year-old girl wearing a denim dress and a green backpack, is on her way here. She has green eyes and long black hair cascading down her back. She's part of an exchange program with PACK, and wishing she was back there where her friends are.

Moff Chumley
2011-02-11, 07:22 PM
[South Inside Magtok Elementary]

D7, somehow, was enrolled in this school. Stupid Quintus. Stupid PACK. Stupid old people. Shoulders hunched, he slouches towards the school...

D7 is a acne-spattered, rather angry looking kid, 13 or 14. He looks superficially like The Moff, if anyone's familiar.

2011-02-11, 09:45 PM

"Miiir! Why the sad, Rick?" chatters a rather odd looking little lizard as it scampers along side a shoulder-slumped youth. Little isn't totally accurate. The bluish critter is about three feet long if you feel inclined to include the tail.

The boy kicks a rock, sending it bouncing down the street. He's dressed in drab attire. The sort of stuff one expects of a peasant's child. Though... he's got a modern backpack. Which looks really out of place in contrast. As well as a pair of nice sneakers.

"Just... I dunno... just that I can't get home is all. I'm going to miss Ma and Pa. They have no idea where I am. They might even think I'm dead!" the lad laments.

"Rawr! But you are having me! And adventures! We shall have so many adventures that we shall be filled with adventure excitement like sizzly grease fills sausages!"

The boy pauses to give the reptile a totally befuddled look.

Myrrh grins back at him a toothy grin.

"You're really weird, Myrrh," the lad laughs.

2011-02-11, 09:46 PM
South Inside Magtok Elementary

Sitting on the steps of the school is a fully grown Rhodesian Ridgeback (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesian_Ridgeback). He looks up at the kids approach and wags his tail.

2011-02-11, 10:51 PM

Oh hey!

It's a big doggy!

And a big friendly doggy at that!

Rick smiles, holding out a hand for the canine to sniff. He likes dogs. His family has a huge wolf-hound back home to help protect the sheep! And since Rick worked with the sheep he got to spend plenty of time with Brutus.

Really likes that silly old dog...

Myrrh, meanwhile, will be smelling the dog's foot.

Probably trying to decide if it's something to eat or not.

2011-02-12, 11:29 AM

The dog wags it's tail and sniffs the hand before nuzzling it. As for the lizard, he lifts his paw and tries to set it down on the thing's snout.

He didn't like things messing with his paws.

2011-02-12, 11:32 AM
South Inside Magtok Elementary

As the children start to arrive at the Elementary they come in close contact with those terrible creatures that had to keep going there during the summer, the summer school kids.

How their minds have been effected by this prolong radiation of school your not sure, but they stare at you jealousy, better to keep a distance really, you don't want to catch the school cooties.

It doesn't look like school have changed much at all since you been gone really, still looking like in midsummer with the flowers in full bloom, too bad for those with allergies though, achoo!

In the distance you can see the teachers arriving as well for a new period, most of their faces are familiar, but one of two are new, so something is going to be different this time at least.

2011-02-12, 12:57 PM

Rick wasn't coming here last year! He's a new student. Just recently spat out into the Nexus with no one but his faithful friend Myrrh to keep him company. Well... Technically he found Myrrh after being dumped in the Nexus. But we won't dwell on that.

The youth laughs as his hand is nuzzled, reaching out to give the dog's ear a good scratch. All dogs like good ear scratchings! "You seem like a good boy, yes you do!" Rick coos in that silly voice people almost always use when talking to animals.

As for Myrrh, he goes, "Meep!" before evading the snout-stepping. He's rather attached to his snoot and really doesn't want it to be tread upon. "Master master! This brown hairy thing is full of meat! Is it for the eating?"

Rick scowls at the lizard. "No, you don't eat dogs! That's gross! Dogs are work animals, not food."

2011-02-12, 01:33 PM

The dog's ears flatten as he gets scritched, obviously enjoying himself. But then he stiffens and his ears point up. The two will see him sniff the air a bit before looking in a certain direction with a low growl. The fur on his neck raises, and he hunkers down some before stalking towards the source of the scent, towards a ditch.

Something's wrong.

2011-02-12, 01:48 PM

Rick's hand recoils when the dog growls. He seems to be nervous, and rightly so. One needs to be careful when dealing with a dog one hasn't seen before. Never know if when and if you might offend them.

Sensing the lad's fear Myrrh's muscles tense. The weird little lizard is intimately tied to the youth's emotional state and picks up the slightest change in mood. Fear especially. He needs to know when to leap into the fray to protect his Master from danger.


False alarm!

Rick wrinkles his brow a bit before following the dog. Maybe Timmy fell down a well?

Earl of Purple
2011-02-12, 02:03 PM

When Natalie arrives, she notices the lizard and his boy and the dog, and, curious, follows them. Yes, she has class, but that's boring and can be postponed.

2011-02-12, 02:38 PM

Going towards the ditch, the smell grow so strong that even the others can feel it now, and as they close enough, you see it, there is a girl laying on her back in the middle of the ditch and she isn't moving. The smell seems to be coming fro her, ew, someone forgot to take a shower this morning.

Her face is rather stiff, staring right up at the sky above her with an open mouth. Anyone that have been in the school might recognize her as Samantha Hocking (also called Sammy) a quite popular girl around here, not that concerned about her school work thought as she got summer class.

Wonder why she is laying around here? Class is starting soon!

2011-02-12, 02:53 PM

Oh gods.

She's dead.

Rick lived on a farm. He knows the look that dead things get. The smell dead things give off. He's all too familiar with that sickly sweet aroma of decay.


But he hasn't ever seen a dead person before. He just stares at her in wide-eyed horror.

Myrrh is totally unshaped by the sight.

"Eeww! It is stinky Master! Those meats are no good for eating! We should be letting bald birds eat this. It is not being for us."

2011-02-12, 02:56 PM

The dog's ears fall back, sad, and he gives a bit of a high-pitched whine when he sees the dead girl. He gives a look up at Rick, obviously sad and understanding.

2011-02-12, 03:13 PM

The sounding of doggy whining seems to snap Rick out of the stupor he found himself in. The lad reaches down to rub the doggy on the ears once again. Petting fuzzy animals is a good way to release stress and relax one's self.

Myrrh isn't fuzzy. Even if he does like the contact with others. Sadly he just isn't as pettable as a dog.

At the moment he's feeling a little jealous.

The weird little lizard is eying the dog.

"We should... we need to tell someone about this. Someone in charge of the school..." Rick reasons.

That's probably a wise idea...

Earl of Purple
2011-02-12, 03:17 PM

Natalie is looking at the corpse, glancing occasionally at Ban Birkett surreptitiosly. She'll try and see if there's any obvious wounds on Sammy's body. "Oh yes, that would be a particularly good idea. Although we will probably be suspects."

2011-02-12, 04:12 PM

The dog lays down, whining sadly. He'd stay here to guard the body.

2011-02-12, 04:22 PM

There aren't any obvious wounds on Sammy, but her head is twisted in an rather strange angle by a closer look of it, it looks like it would hurt to keep looking like that.

At the same time Natalie can see Ban slink away, probably going to put some poor kids head in the toilet chair or something, damn bullies.

If the others look around, they might realize they are all alone out there, the rest of the kids have been called into class, how embarrassing for you eh? Late the first day, that is not good for your grades my friends.

2011-02-12, 04:32 PM


This won't look good on one's grades?

There's a corpse laying in a gutter. A corpse of a student no less. And classes are still being held as if nothing had happened?

That doesn't strike anyone as the least bit strange?

Rick bites his lip, glancing up when he realizes that the majority of the students have ran off inside.

Something stinks.

Something other than the cadaver.

"...I'm getting out of here. This place is insane," the youth mutters before bolting away from the school as fast as his legs can carry him. Myrrh bounds along behind!

If there's a truant officer or something lurking around now would be the time to snag Rick and send him to class.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-12, 04:38 PM

"Wait, if there is something going on, don't you think somebody should look into it? And adults know nothing and won't believe us, so STOP RUNNING AWAY!" This is shouted after Rick. Quite loudly.

2011-02-12, 06:23 PM
The dog's ears perk up when he sees the kid running away. He gets up quickly and lets loose a loud howl, trying to attract attention. It was his duty to help protect the kids, and that meant making sure none of them would run away.

2011-02-12, 06:34 PM

Rick jogs to a halt, glancing over his shoulder at those still standing over there by the corpse. He bites his lip, glancing off down the street. The lad turns around, but he doesn't walk back to join the others.

At least not yet.

"Shouldn't... Shouldn't we go tell the sheriff or something? We're just kids. We shouldn't be getting involved in something like this!"

"Aaww! Come on Master!" chirps Myrrh. "We are to be finding the bad person that has done bad things! It shall be an adventure and testing of our hero filledness! Please Master?"

The boy crosses his arms and looks defiant.

"Rawr! I shall make the watery eye look at you then!" the lizard proclaims before ogling Rick with what is perhaps the most heart-melting example of puppy-dog eyes ever.

Rick's shoulders slump. "Fiiiiiiine..."

"Meyar! Moping is once again the path to victory and justice!"

Earl of Purple
2011-02-12, 06:45 PM

"Oh yes, a sheriff will listen to two prepubescent children, a canine and an unidentified reptile, as children never lie to authorities to gain attention. And even if he or she listens, what'll we tell them? 'We found a body but the students have all gone to school'?" Natalie seems to know that people don't properly listen to children quite well.

2011-02-12, 06:47 PM

The dogs howl does get someones attention, it's nasty old man janitor Wirzalow!

"Hey, come back you crazy kid! Your supposed to be in school!" He shouts after Rick, waving his cane Janitors book for dummies after him as he slooowly walks after Rick, the guy is in his 60'ties, give him a break will you?

He doesn't seem to notice Sammy thought.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-12, 06:57 PM

Natalie will quickly try to duck behind a tree or some other form of nearby cover. I'm not sure why but I seem to be picturing the school as surrounded by forest. Given the name, that seems unlikely.

2011-02-12, 07:02 PM

Ah ha!


An adult! Surely they can tell him about the problem, right? Then he can go to the proper authorities and this can all be figured out!

Rick bolts toward the janitor!

"Mister mister! There's a dead body in the ditch over there! I think she's a student!"

Myrrh bounds along behind Rick! Only to be distracted by a butterfly on the way to the janitor! The weird little lizard begins chasing the insect.

2011-02-13, 12:58 PM

There are a few trees nearby near the ditch, not sure if they will provide great cover, but some at the very least, mister Wirzalow doesn't have the best of vision.

"Whippernsappers! what are you darn kids talking about?" He says as he slowly approaches Rick peering at the ditch, adjusting his large glasses when it slowly seems to go up for him what he sees. "God on the cross..." The old man mumbles taking a deep breath as if he just was about to get a heart attack, his hands shaking.

"Get one of those fancy phones will you? This is the job of the police." Apparently mister Wirzalow doesn't have a cellphone himself.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-13, 01:12 PM

Natalie comes out from behind a tree, trying to make it seem less as though she was hiding and more that it was chance that she was behind it. "Regrettably, my parents were of the opinion that a mobile phone would be of little use to me and that I would quickly cost a lot of money in keeping one upon me through over use of the aforementioned device." Natalie's got an impressive vocabulary for a ten year old.

2011-02-13, 01:17 PM

The dog, Khan, goes over to Wirzalow and sits down, looking up at him sadly.

2011-02-13, 05:33 PM

Rick just glances back and forth between the janitor and his fellow student who seems to have a fairly proper and expansive grasp of language. He's just a country boy after all. Proper talkin' aint really his thing.

Also, he has no idea what a phone is.

"What's a phone?" he asks incredulously.


Told you!

Myrrh, meanwhile, is busy climbing into one of the trees to see if he can't find any squirrels. Finding squirrels is always an adventure!

2011-02-13, 05:46 PM

The old man grumbles loudly, "Ain't you kids supposed to all have that these days? *grumble, grumble* I guess I have to go inside and get a phone, these old legs of mine, darn kids... *grumble, grumble*" He shakes his head sadly at Sammy and starts to slooowly make his way towards the school.

2011-02-13, 06:06 PM

Myrrh finds no squirrels.

That makes him sad...

But he does find a huge multi-colored slug like thing!

That makes him excited! He's never seen a slug before! And like all things that Myrrh hasn't ever seen before slugs result in one very chipper and loud lizard thing.

"Master! Oh Master! I have found a thing in the tree! Is it for eating?"

Rick cranes his neck to try to figure out what Myrrh is babbling about. What does this strange and mysterious creature look like? Aside from, y'know, a slug.

2011-02-13, 06:15 PM

'Large' might not be the word really as it's the size of a long fat snake with very odd colors such as orange, blue and red, slowly making it's way up the tree, leaving a red colored slimly trail after itself.

It stinks, ew.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-13, 06:24 PM

"This reality is a collision of multiple dimensions and planes. If he is a recent immigrant, he might be unfamiliar with technology that is widespread upon our relative homeworlds." Then, turning to Rick, Natalie explains. "A telephone, or phone, is a technological device which enables two beings to communicate verbally over long distances. Some require an external electrical power supply and others run on an internal battery producing the requisite electricity. My name is Natalie, what's yours?"

2011-02-13, 06:58 PM

"It... looks like a big slug..." Rick comments absently. He hasn't seen a slug that big before. Or that color. But it's hardly the strangest thing he has encountered in the Nexus in his thus far brief stay. "And don't eat it. Slugs are gross."

Seems the youth thinks that lots of perfectly edible things are gross!

Myrrh wrinkles his nose at the giant slug.

He's hungry!

And there aren't any squirrels up here to be friends with and/or consume!

Then the girl talks to Rick about phones. He stares at her blankly. "I... uuhh... I'm Rick. Rick Trundle."

Earl of Purple
2011-02-13, 07:06 PM

"I would also advise against eating the gastropod, lizard-thing. Slugs tend to either taste foul or be slightly poisonous, and anything brightly coloured is trying to say 'Don't eat me! I'm dangerous!'" Regardless, Natalie walks closer, to try and examine the slug.

2011-02-13, 07:43 PM

The slug does have an quite otherworldly appearance about it, there are no other slugs like that around here, but it isn't magical as far as you can tell, just very gross and smells really bad. Eating it might not be a good idea though.

2011-02-13, 07:55 PM

Bright coloration in inverts usually means 'Don't eat me! I'm gross!' In vertebrates it might mean that you're a parrot.

"Nar... But it is being made of eating meats!" the weird little lizard complains.

"Just leave it alone, okay?" the lad admonishes. With a bit of grumbling the not-reptile will clamber down from the tree and bounce over to the child with the impressive vocabulary.

"Hello for hi! I am Myrrh! Glad to be meeting you!" chatters Myrrh! To be honest no one really has any idea what he actually is. His skeletal structure suggests mammal. His lack of external ears and mammary glands suggests otherwise. No wings to be a dragon. And his skull structure is all wrong for a dinosaur.

Maybe he's some kind of proto-mammal?

Earl of Purple
2011-02-13, 08:12 PM

Bright colours in birds usually means 'Look at me! I'm really bright, but I'm still alive! Therefore I am a suitable mate!'. Snakes, fish and amphibians that are bright are claiming to be poisonous (usually true).

Also, maybe Myrrh is one of those 'mammal-like reptiles' from the pre-triassic, the ones that are now labelled 'reptile-like mammals'.

Back to plot: "It's nice to meet you too, Rick, Myrrh. Um, Myrrh, why are you named after an expensive dried tree sap?" Natalie is curious about Myrrh's name. And the slug; she knows little about slugs, as she'd rather learn magic (not that her parents let her).

2011-02-14, 03:00 AM
A farmer's field in outside-The Landing!
"The stars are beautiful, nights like these. Ain't they?" Romero asked nobody in particular as he looked up at the cloudless sky.
There was nobody for him to speak to, for they had all gone home for the day. However, he owned the farm, and saw it due to keep watch on it day and night. He had built a house, right in the middle of the field, and sat on the porch for hours at a time, just staring at the stars.
Then, one of the stars just...disappeared.
Then another. And another.
Romero stood up and looked at the sky incredulously.
The air itself shimmered and parted, revealing a large, burning violet organic mass like something made of chitin tore itself from yonder dimensions and blocked out the sky, screaming towards the field!
The farmer ran towards his truck, shouting at the top of his lungs. But the noise of the crash landing craft deafened him to his own voice and-

The next morning...
Where there once stood a field, now stands an otherworldly jungle. Unnatural plants and twisted copies of Nexus flora have sprouted around the smoking remains of a giant, torn up chunk of what appears to be coral cross bred with a lobster and a sea slug. Everything is growing on or lightly dusted with a strange violet goopy webbing that stretches out from the space craft.
All is silent.

2011-02-14, 03:18 AM
[The Landing]

Sol stares at the jungle before him, and the, the, the whatever it is. This can't be right. He draws his revolver, and focuses. His eyes glow brown as he uses earth magic, trying to sense if there's anything alive within the forest through the ground, through the tremors of footsteps or other such movements. A good mage can sense heartbeats, but frankly, he's not a very good mage.

2011-02-14, 03:24 AM
The Landing
There's a lot of heartbeats and moving around, and though there isn't a sound, it's obvious that whatever's in there, there's a LOT of it, and it's NOT from this world.
The area around the forest is muggy and smells disgusting. So disgusting, it's like eating a public restroom that some horrible experiment has been born in! It's like the air itself could be used as fertilizer! The stench permeates everything, and wherever it goes, the purple webbing drifts slowly through the air, takes hold, and grows in the darkest and dampest of places.

2011-02-14, 03:27 AM
[The Landing]

Eric found himself wandering into the field

The last he could remember, he was wandering away from his house. He'd only turned down an alley, not paying attention to his surroundings, and now he was in a field? This certainly wasn't Calgary. Looking at the plants and such, he had a bit of trouble thinking this was Canada

He gos "Hmm," to himself as he notices his surroundings, but takes it in stride - if he got here somehow, all he can do is move forward and hope there was a way out - he couldn't even see that alley behind him, and this was too interesting to pass up. he can't smell the horrible smell because he doesn't even have a sense of smell - all that sawdust in the Alberta air has really done a number on his olfactory sense

And so, he begins moving forward, stepping towards the goopy webbing, towards the... thing.

Sol can likely see him

2011-02-14, 03:35 AM

Hey! Stop! Sol shouts, quickly aiming his revolver in Eric's general direction. Not to shoot him, but to shoot anything that might attack him.

2011-02-14, 03:38 AM
The Landing
I'll assume he can't taste, either, because the taste of the air is like the smell only with rotten meat added to it.
Nothing comes out of the forest, but when Sol shouts, it gets even quieter.
It's now quieter than silent.
That's just not right.
Especially with that horrible feeling that not just something, but EVERYTHING is watching you...

2011-02-14, 03:43 AM
[The Landing]

Smell directly applies to taste, so what he can taste is very muted at best

"What? Why?" Eric says, surprised to see a guy with a revolver, particularly one aimed at him, or at least his general direction "I don't have any money or anything."

And then that feeling hits him too, the feeling of being watched, of eerie eyes all looking at him

2011-02-14, 03:47 AM

Look, uh, I- I think there's things in there, and and I think they might be, well, hungry. Just back away please. Sol says, very nervous already.

2011-02-14, 03:50 AM
[The Landing]

"Uh, yeah," he says, beginning to move closer to Sol, his eyes remaining looking towards the goop, "Any idea where I am?"

2011-02-14, 03:51 AM
The Landing
Near Sol, in one of the cracks in the highway, a large spiky palm tree like plant with slimy yellow tendrils oozing out from between the pineapple patterned spikes erupts from a crack that had been supporting a rather impressive amount of the purple webbing!
Bits of asphalt are sprayed about and fall to the ground with a clatter.
I guess that's how some of these plants got here!
((I think we should wait until we have at least four people before we go on in, guys, but feel free to do whatever.))

2011-02-14, 05:29 AM

A man approaches the landing. He wears a dark leather broad-brimmed hat on his head, with a brown leather vest and brown leather pants. He wears a white T-shirt underneath.

He has two revolvers at his sides, the stocks inscribed with Redemption and Retribution. A large Dao (http://www.chinese-swords-guide.com/images/taiji-dao-sword2.jpg) sits in it's sheath at his side, and a sawn-off shotgun is holstered on his back. The shotgun is clearly made sawn-off, and has several depcitions of a man riding a chariot engraved onto it.

His face is lined, betraying the first hints of age, or perhaps fatigue. around his neck is a gold chain that leads down underneath his shirt, obscuring that which it holds.

He's never been named on screen, although I'm sure when the time comes I'll think up a suitable name for him. For now we'll just call him the gunslinger.

Sol and Eric will see him casually walking up to the landing site, hands hanging limp at his sides.

You'd be better suited to aiming that thing at the jungle, boy. He says to Sol. You're out in the middle of nowhere. Of course, if you really don't know where you are, you're in the Nexus. The gunslinger says, coming to a stop near them.

2011-02-14, 05:43 AM
[Landing Site]

Eric looks at him flatly over his glasses

"Well, that explains everything."

He looks back at the goop and crash site

"So is anybody able to tell me what that things is?"

2011-02-14, 06:11 AM
No idea. Doesn't look like something a necromancer would conjure though. Probably alien. Not exactly my expertise, but they could be reasoned with. He notes.

The Nexus, focal point for all universes. You can wander around a corner and find yourself in it. Damn hard to leave, too. He says, with a sure smile.

Now, onto the matter at hand. What are we going to do about this?

2011-02-14, 06:31 AM

Eric ignores the nexus part of that description for now, "As far as aliens go, they're one of three types, I'm thinking - they come in peace, tey come to kill, or they come because they're lost. Or possibly a combination."

You both get the distinct feeling he doesn't quite believe everythng that's going on around him

2011-02-14, 06:38 AM
Nice broad generalisation there. He says with a smile. Let's hope these are the kind that are lost, or come in peace, huh? He says, checking his revolver's ammo.

Mahogany-tipped and holy. The mechanisms of the guns work smoothly and efficiently, they're clearly well serviced.

What's the matter? He asks Eric, noting something's off.

((Deadtime for sleep))

2011-02-14, 06:47 AM

"There's lots of things wrong - I don't talk to my family as much as I should, I'm unemployed, I have to make rent payments. But mainly? Everything feels a bit too surreal. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a dream." He looks at the Gunslinger's guns, then at the sword strapped to his back

"Your choice of weaponry doesn't help put my mind at ease for this."

((Deadtime time all around!))

2011-02-14, 02:09 PM
[The Landing]

It's not a dream. I, I thought so too, but it's...... All too real. As is whatever's in there. Sol says, nodding to the newcomer. He's keeping an eye on the jungle, ready to shoot anything that might attack.

2011-02-14, 09:57 PM

Bright coloration in inverts usually means 'Don't eat me! I'm gross!' In vertebrates it might mean that you're a parrot.

"Nar... But it is being made of eating meats!" the weird little lizard complains.

"Just leave it alone, okay?" the lad admonishes. With a bit of grumbling the not-reptile will clamber down from the tree and bounce over to the child with the impressive vocabulary.

"Hello for hi! I am Myrrh! Glad to be meeting you!" chatters Myrrh! To be honest no one really has any idea what he actually is. His skeletal structure suggests mammal. His lack of external ears and mammary glands suggests otherwise. No wings to be a dragon. And his skull structure is all wrong for a dinosaur.

Maybe he's some kind of proto-mammal?


Bright colours in birds usually means 'Look at me! I'm really bright, but I'm still alive! Therefore I am a suitable mate!'. Snakes, fish and amphibians that are bright are claiming to be poisonous (usually true).

Also, maybe Myrrh is one of those 'mammal-like reptiles' from the pre-triassic, the ones that are now labelled 'reptile-like mammals'.

Back to plot: "It's nice to meet you too, Rick, Myrrh. Um, Myrrh, why are you named after an expensive dried tree sap?" Natalie is curious about Myrrh's name. And the slug; she knows little about slugs, as she'd rather learn magic (not that her parents let her).


Hey, is that sirens? Yes, I think it is, but it's not from any ice cream truck, nope, thats the police and probably the ambulance too.

Are you going to stay around to watch? Maybe you can poke the body one last time before they get here?

2011-02-14, 11:36 PM

Ah paleo-fauna nomenclature. You never cease to amuse Rebo.

Myrrh could very well be a reptile-like mammal. Or a mammal-like reptile depending on whether or not you want to hear some taxonomists gnashing their teeth in anguish.

Or he could simply be a totally unique creature with no species to speak of. Certainly isn't unheard of in the Nexus. Though it does defy biology a bit. But since when has anyone cared about upholding the laws of the cosmos around here?


"Myrrh is Myrrh," the lizard replies. "What is being a sap?"

"It's sticky gunk that comes out of a tree," Rick offers.

Myrrh wrinkles his nose. "I am not being sticky! I am pointy!"

2011-02-15, 12:04 AM

Khan gives a bit of a snort at Myrrh before turning back to the poor dead kid. He gives a bit of a whimper before sliding down the ditch to try and smell who could have done this.

2011-02-15, 03:33 AM
[The Landing]

It's not a dream. I, I thought so too, but it's...... All too real. As is whatever's in there. Sol says, nodding to the newcomer. He's keeping an eye on the jungle, ready to shoot anything that might attack.


"There's lots of things wrong - I don't talk to my family as much as I should, I'm unemployed, I have to make rent payments. But mainly? Everything feels a bit too surreal. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a dream." He looks at the Gunslinger's guns, then at the sword strapped to his back

"Your choice of weaponry doesn't help put my mind at ease for this."

((Deadtime time all around!))


It's real enough. I'm pretty sure it's not a dream, although you can't really trust what I say, can you? He asks. Do you anything to defend yourself with? Abrupt subject change. Seems like this has been bothering him.

2011-02-15, 06:08 AM

"I can use a pistol fairly well, and I've taken Hap-Ki-Do, but I don't have any weapon on me. You expect us to have to defend ourselves from that thing?" Eric says, eyeing the man's guns

2011-02-15, 06:19 AM
The Landing
And while the three discuss whether or not this is all real (metagamers! :D XP), something in the jungle watching them intently.
Well...it's not so much IN the jungle as it is...well...they'll find out!

If any of them have:

Life Detection or Heat detection or motion sensing:
The jungle is just a writhing mass of life. It seems as if everything in there moves in one way or another, and it's hard to tell things apart.

Really sensitive feet or some way to feel something underground:
There is a sort of gap beneath the earth a few feet away, just a few inches under ground.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-15, 06:05 PM

"You know, gold, frankincense and myrrh? Oh, never mind. I can hear police or an ambulance coming; might I suggest we move? I have no intention of spending the night in a prison. Plus, we're late for our fist class." Natalie looks quite worried, and sounds it too.

2011-02-16, 03:41 PM

Myrrh just doubled in size from three feet long to six feet long. His armor plating has become more pronounced and his coloration has shifted toward start black and white.

The weird critter blinks his big amber eyes. "I am thinking I ate something to make more strong. But I am not remembering when..." Myrrh chatters, sounding rather confused.

Silly temporal shenanigans!


Time for class...

"What does gold have to do with tree sap, anyway?" Rick asks as he hurries inside behind Natalie.

2011-02-16, 04:06 PM
The [S]two three four young-lings, wait, the dog isn't young and I'm not sure Myrrh counts as it either...

They get into the school building where there is a sign how dogs are not allowed inside the school, the corridor you enter is empty beyond that bully Ben Birkett and his buddies Tom and Larry are waiting just outside the room class is supposed to be in, they don't seem to have noticed you yet, but people like those aren't very fun to deal with....

Earl of Purple
2011-02-16, 05:10 PM

"They were gifts to a baby that would become a prophet. Although how they knew which baby it was is beyond me; there tends to be a lot of babies around." Natalie's not too good at religion.

But then, bullies outside the classroom. "Oh dear. Intellectually inferior yet physically imposing creatures masquerading as intelligent life-forms. Alternately known as bullies. I don't like bullies. What should we do if they attempt to attack us?" Nephrim seems to enjoy taunting bullies with her vocabulary, although that generally tends to enrage them.

2011-02-16, 08:45 PM

"A prophet?" Rick asks uncertainly. "Is... That like a seer or something? A guy that tells people how the gods want them to act?"

Oh great!

Now bullies!

Things just keep getting better. While Rick doesn't have much experience with school-yard bullies the kid grew up on a farm. Specifically out in the fields tending sheep.

He killed a wolf with a stick once that was trying to steal some lambs. Suffice to say he's not too worried about a couple of self-absorbed jackasses.

"Maybe if we just walk past and don't make eye contact they won't notice?" the lad suggests.

Myrrh is trotting along behind the pair. He isn't a dog so the sign doesn't apply to him! At least that's how he looks at it.

2011-02-17, 06:28 PM

The three bullies appears to be locked in some sort of staring contest, they just stand still and looks at each other without saying a single word, which seems uncharacteristic for them really.

Then one of them turns around and spots the three, "Look." He states, the other two turning to look as well.
"Hey, it's a new guy." Ben says, slowly approaching them, Ben's about 14, but he's suddenly shot up. He's big, as big as some of the teachers. He's all greasy hair, hunched shoulders and hooded eyes. Even the teachers are a bit scared of him.

"You, new guy what's your name?" He demands, towering over you, backed up by his two cronies.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-17, 06:35 PM

Natalie does the sensible thing. She tries to continue past, hoping the bullies are focussed more on Rick and Myrrh. Bravery's fine, but cowards don't get hit so hard.

2011-02-17, 08:25 PM

Bravery is just fine when you have an armored acid spitting monster sitting behind you! Especially when said monster is always itching for adventure! And someone to eat.

Rick is only 13 himself. And by no means large. Though he's in good shape from doing hard work the better part of his life. He doesn't show any sign of fear as a result of the approach of the thugs.

"My name's Rick Trundle," the lad replies before gesturing at the large maybe-mammal sitting next to him. "And this is Myrrh."

The beasty smiles a rather fang-filled smile at the trio. "I am Myrrh! Glad to be meeting you! You are smelling like boiled lard and old meat! Your stink makes my nose itchy!"

2011-02-17, 08:52 PM

The three men there may notice a figure walking down the road towards them. The figure is just under six feet tall, and has a slender build. She wears brown, loose fitting pants held up by a crossed pair of belts. Her top is just big enough to serve its purpose, and seems to be brown leather. She wears a short-sleeved brown longcoat over everything, open and flapping a little as she walks. Her hands are held so her thumbs are tucked under the belts, showing the black half-gloves she wears. Her hair is dark, cut a little short, and messy. Her eyes are a pale blue, and she wears an expression of disinterest.

On her chest is an odd, vaguely heart-like tattoo, with a red outline and black inside.

So...you boys notice this too, huh?

2011-02-17, 09:00 PM

Eric looks at the necromer with suspicion. Not that he had a lack of such for the others, but something about her just seems... off. That said, he does his best to look at her face rather than her 'shirt'

"Well, yeah, that's why we'd be here, isn't it?"

2011-02-17, 09:06 PM

Cowards may live longer, but only if they actually succeed to escape, Natalie path is crossed by one of Ben's companions however, "Where do you think your going?"

Ben is glaring at the reptile, mammal... thing, and grunts, "Right then 'Rick', we are going to a really cool place and I think you would like to go with us." He says, trying to putting his fat arm on Rick's shoulder as his other lackey is glaring nervously at Myrrh as if excepting trouble.

"I think she likes to come to." Says the bully that blocked Natalie's path, grinning at her.

Earl of Purple
2011-02-17, 09:11 PM

"O-OK. Please don't hurt me; I have a low pain tolerance." Natalie's 10, since ages were mentioned. She's getting nervous, and scared. Very scared.

2011-02-17, 09:13 PM

The woman looks to Eric, her expression not showing anything.

So...gonna introduce yourselves to a nice young lady, or what?

2011-02-17, 09:19 PM

"My name is Eric. Eric Firth." he extends a hand to shake, "but what's yous?"

2011-02-17, 09:21 PM

She doesn't take the hand.

Syra. She pronounces it "sear-a".

2011-02-17, 09:24 PM
Another figure approaches, light glinting off silvery hair; the girl is not particularly tall, and wears a teal jacket, white mostly-buttoned shirt with a tank top beneath, jeans, gaiters, and cobalt-colored shoes.

She blinks violet eyes and smiles vaguely.
This looks interesting.

Syra may get a rather odd feeling from the gal, who looks about 19.

2011-02-17, 09:26 PM

Rick grits his teeth.

If there's one thing he doesn't like it's people being improper. And as gross as girls are there's nothing more improper than mistreating a girl.

"No, we're already late to class," the youth replies, his hands balling into fists. He sounds pretty serious.

"You should really let her past."
"You should really let her past."


Rick and Myrrh both spoke in unison. It actually sounded... really intimidating.

2011-02-17, 09:28 PM

Eric withdraws his hand and puts it into a pocket. "So what is this then? Something weird happens and the people gather?"

2011-02-17, 09:29 PM

Syra shrugs at Eric's question, but her eyes follow the new arrival.

Not like I had anything better to do.

2011-02-17, 09:56 PM
The girl looks around at the others with that same vague smile.
Oh, hello.

2011-02-17, 10:30 PM

Khan picks up a scent from the corpse and lets out a growl before following the scent of the kids. When he comes to the scene with the bullies, he smells the fear of the younger, weaker pack members.

The ones that it was his job to protect.

The bullies will hear a deep endless growl and the click of claws on the tile floor as he stalks past the Natalie and Rick. They'll see that his ears are flat against the top of his head, his lips curls back so his large fangs show, and his tongue flicks across his front teeth. The ridge along his spine also stands up, completing the affect.

2011-02-17, 10:46 PM

Well, at least this one was nice enough to show some expression, "Hello. What's your name?" He smiles warmly as he says it

2011-02-18, 06:05 AM

The three men there may notice a figure walking down the road towards them. The figure is just under six feet tall, and has a slender build. She wears brown, loose fitting pants held up by a crossed pair of belts. Her top is just big enough to serve its purpose, and seems to be brown leather. She wears a short-sleeved brown longcoat over everything, open and flapping a little as she walks. Her hands are held so her thumbs are tucked under the belts, showing the black half-gloves she wears. Her hair is dark, cut a little short, and messy. Her eyes are a pale blue, and she wears an expression of disinterest.

On her chest is an odd, vaguely heart-like tattoo, with a red outline and black inside.

So...you boys notice this too, huh?


Eric looks at the necromer with suspicion. Not that he had a lack of such for the others, but something about her just seems... off. That said, he does his best to look at her face rather than her 'shirt'

"Well, yeah, that's why we'd be here, isn't it?"


The woman looks to Eric, her expression not showing anything.

So...gonna introduce yourselves to a nice young lady, or what?


"My name is Eric. Eric Firth." he extends a hand to shake, "but what's yous?"


She doesn't take the hand.

Syra. She pronounces it "sear-a".

Another figure approaches, light glinting off silvery hair; the girl is not particularly tall, and wears a teal jacket, white mostly-buttoned shirt with a tank top beneath, jeans, gaiters, and cobalt-colored shoes.

She blinks violet eyes and smiles vaguely.
This looks interesting.

Syra may get a rather odd feeling from the gal, who looks about 19.


Eric withdraws his hand and puts it into a pocket. "So what is this then? Something weird happens and the people gather?"


Syra shrugs at Eric's question, but her eyes follow the new arrival.

Not like I had anything better to do.

The girl looks around at the others with that same vague smile.
Oh, hello.


Well, at least this one was nice enough to show some expression, "Hello. What's your name?" He smiles warmly as he says it

The gunslinger turns towards the two new arrivals, smiles warmly, and bows to them.

High priest of Apollo, at your service. May you always walk in the sun. He says.

This thing, as you put it, attracted our attention, yes.