View Full Version : a template question

big teej
2010-11-30, 08:52 PM
I was rereading the bone template in the BoVD earlier today, and noticed, much to my chagrin, that the bone template gives + 4 DEX not +4 STR

this is bad, as the character concept that the template inspired demands +4 str not + 4 dex (or at least, makes the template actually do something)

so my question is 2 fold

would switching the dex to a str be way overpowered?

are there any 'concealing' armours that allow for hi dex bonus (and by concealing I mean like full plate, it covers your entire body)

if not, I suppose I will make due with everything else, but it slightly irked me that my concept could no longer melee as effeciently as I envisioned...

the character concept can be provided if that helps. along with the projected build.

books I possess (and are therefore, allowed in game)
races of stone
masters of the wild
dieties and demigods

thanks in advance

2010-11-30, 09:12 PM
The Corpse Template in the BoVD (right underneath the Bone Template) Allows for The +4 Str instead of Dex. Having looked at both I am surprised that the corpse temp has a LA and the Bone Temp doesn't but it is a 3.0 book I believe and as such has issues with balance that can be toyed with. If your Show your Dm and see what he/she thinks and they migh just let you do some swapping of abilities.

big teej
2010-11-30, 09:21 PM
The Corpse Template in the BoVD (right underneath the Bone Template) Allows for The +4 Str instead of Dex. Having looked at both I am surprised that the corpse temp has a LA and the Bone Temp doesn't but it is a 3.0 book I believe and as such has issues with balance that can be toyed with. If your Show your Dm and see what he/she thinks and they migh just let you do some swapping of abilities.

yea, and I think this is where the mixup occured (I read the corpse template as the bone template idea was forming)

its just that the character concept I'm going for is a skeleton... not a zombie...

2010-11-30, 10:58 PM
You might want to take a quick look at this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7966879&postcount=55). It doesn't boost strength, but it gives a natural armor bonus equal to your strength modifier which will make a Strength-intensive build work well. It works essentially the same as LA+1, though, unlike most of the monster classes in that thread. (Obviously, this is useless if Homebrew is 100% off limits).

As for light armor covering your body: I'm thinking there has to be some stuff somewhere, but I'm not in the mood for looking at this very moment. However, it shouldn't be too huge an issue since there isn't really any reason why "fluff" clothing can't do that (I get that the concept of a skeleton hidden in fullplate is awesome in a different way though.)

big teej
2010-12-01, 09:05 AM
As for light armor covering your body: I'm thinking there has to be some stuff somewhere, but I'm not in the mood for looking at this very moment. However, it shouldn't be too huge an issue since there isn't really any reason why "fluff" clothing can't do that (I get that the concept of a skeleton hidden in fullplate is awesome in a different way though.)

thats the concept though, a skeleton (a LAWFUL GOOD skeleton, the bone template doesn't change alignment) is hidden inside a suit of armour to protect him from the fact he's a skeleton, when asked why he NEVER takes his armour off, he informs people that he was cursed by a necromancer, he can never leave his armour, and not that he knew it at the time, but this means the armour sustains him.

so its not that I'm looking for a strength bonus, its just that I don't NEED a dex bonus, because it won't add to my AC at all inside full and/or mountian plate.

(the build is Knight/Cleric)

/short version

2010-12-01, 09:54 AM
basic full plate has a max +1 dex to armor.
Lowest pointbuy score is 8, 8+4=12dex=+1 bonus
or just stick a low roll in it, which you would do anyways.

No str bonus makes sense, skeletons have no muscles, zombies still do.

big teej
2010-12-01, 10:56 AM
basic full plate has a max +1 dex to armor.
Lowest pointbuy score is 8, 8+4=12dex=+1 bonus
or just stick a low roll in it, which you would do anyways.

No str bonus makes sense, skeletons have no muscles, zombies still do.

I know, and I'm not after the template for its abilities anyways, just the fact I'm a skeleton. (though having some compensation from the party wanting to kill me if they find out would be nice)

so I suppose I'll just take the rest of the template and do as you said, stick a low number into dex and get at least a moderate number out of it.

edit: for the record, my groups use 4d6 drop the lowest

2010-12-02, 11:44 AM
I'm not sure how much starting cash you have lying around, but being spellstitched might be awesome.
Google some necromancer handbooks for detaills.
On that note, you where prolly made by one and later became free.
If that necro happened to have a few feats invested in creating stronger undead, along the corpsecrafter line for instance you can start out a bit more powerfull.
This is a slippery slope to cheesedom however, so be carefull.

big teej
2010-12-02, 11:49 AM
I'm not sure how much starting cash you have lying around, but being spellstitched might be awesome.
Google some necromancer handbooks for detaills.
On that note, you where prolly made by one and later became free.
If that necro happened to have a few feats invested in creating stronger undead, along the corpsecrafter line for instance you can start out a bit more powerfull.
This is a slippery slope to cheesedom however, so be carefull.

see first post - anything not in one of the books we have is auto banned

besides, I already have a background. and the more I think about it, the more okay I am with not having a strength bonus. to be honest