View Full Version : Total War : Sword And Sorcery

2010-11-30, 09:41 PM

By null (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/null) at 2010-08-29

Turn 1:

Life was as hard as ever in the lands of Men. Slavery was common, murder sometimes shrugged off, and thieving the way of life. Would this change or would this stay the same? There was little to no Order in the world as well. Should it come, would it be for freedom or tyranny?

2010-11-30, 10:45 PM
House Ilsari

With a gesture, king Taniar dismissed his guards and stepped into the small, sparsely furnished room in a hidden location in the city of J'nara. 'Master, I have come. I have done the things you requested.'
'Good. When we have completed tonights lesson I have fresh instructions for you. Have you completed sections 12-28?'
'Yes, master.'
'Excellent. Then we can begin...'

Later that night, Elberath Ilsari was accosted by a young messenger boy. He handed her a note breathlessly, and stood awaiting a response. After reading it, eyes narrowing to slits, she gave a thin smile.
'Messenger, did Taniar tell you anything else?'
After a swift reply in the negative, her grin extended. 'Then follow me.'
As she walked into a sterile, white lab, she was greeted by a half-dozen men and women in white coats, one of which had been speaking as she entered. Needless to say, they fell silent on her entry, and rose to their feet.
'Greetings. I have recieved word from the king that we are given full authority to carry out the research assignments that we requeted, and that he is allowing us to bypasss the normal checks while doing so. I believe that it is operative that we begin work immediately.'
Several of the students noticed the messenger, still following behind Elberath like dog. They began to smile.
Elberath noticed. 'Yes. The king has sent us the resources that were nessesary for your project, Dant. You may begin immediately.'
Suddenly, the messenger seems to realise that things were not as the seemed, and his enthusastic smile wavered for a second. 'Wait, wh-'
'Sarsiati Veris.' With a wave of her hand, Elberath froze him in place before he could finish his sentence.
'Goodbye. Send me your preliminary results in the morning.' As Elberath turned and left, the messenger watched, his eyes flickering wildly, searching for an escape, as the researchers advanced on him.

'Anaxi, assemble two thousand of the soldiers from bathis'ta in the main sub-square in three hours. Take them to the Teara slums and impress ten thousand workers, in groups of one thousand. Take them to the deep empty section below the sea and assign them working space, then ship in sufficent metal and molds to keep them going and get them to manufacture the metallic tube things that Elberath has been talking about. I want ten thousand of those sitting in the main barracks here within the week. Understand?'
'Ah... my lady, may I advise not using troops from the bathis'ta? You know they don't speak the same dialect as the Teara, and really don't get on. The communication problems will be huge...'
'Anaxi, the communication problems are intended. If they can't speak, they can't empathise. If they can't empathise, we won't be seeing any leincency on part of the guards. If they guards are harsh, then the work will get done. But, if you insist, take a hundred of the Lera soldiers with you for translators. But before you leave, can you tell Parthis to take a similar force and recruit ten thousand from the uindercity, place them in mixed ethic groups, and get them training? I have a training manual for him somewhere here... Here. Now go.'

We begin moving into a modified tercio formation. We begin mass conscription, and mass production of the arquebus (Yay assembly line) and shift the percentages in the army to about 8:6:1 proportion of pikes, arqubusiers, and heavy cavalry. These will be arranged in what are effectively miniature tercios, something along the lines of this
a a a a a a a a
a a a p p p p p a a a
----p p p p p p p
-----p p p p p p

With the cavalry on the flanks. So presuming current armed strength of ~15000, and a draft of about ~15000 more, and a training length of around 3 months for the arqubusiers and about double that for pike men, we can presume that we will end up witha workable army.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-01, 04:52 PM
The High Chief’s meeting hall was a magnificent testament to the centuries of great Iromani architecture. It was arranged in a simple rectangular shape, with a pit down the center of the hall with a low table occupying it. Mats lined the area immediately to the sides of the table, designed to make the main representatives comfortable during council sessions and meetings. Above the pits, placed in four levels, were sets of benches meant to hold concerned citizens during important meetings. To each end of the pit was a large set of wooden stairs, leading towards the entrance and a fire pit, in front of the dais.
To the southern end of the hall was the massive Tekani Suguni – the Gates of Fellowship. These gargantuan doors – along with the entire hall - were constructed of the Iuani tree’s wood – a sacred wood to the Iromani people. Etched into both the inside and the outside of the doors was the sign of the Iromani: a massive wolf clutching a holly arrow firmly in its jaws, with its right forepaw standing defiantly on a stone. Ancient magics – long since forgotten – allowed the wolf’s eyes to appear sentient. It was said that the wolf judged all who passed through its gates. Those it found unworthy were barred from admission – and indeed it was true. Few were turned away, but when infidelity was detected, the gates slammed shut.
If the Tekani Suguni were impressive, the High Chief’s dais was the crowning jewel of the entire city of Iro-ko – and indeed the Iromani nation. Above the council table, directly opposite to the Tekani Suguni, was the Seat of the High Chief. The dais was arranged so that it was a diamond pointing towards the gates and unconnected to any other part of the hall, and was all one solid piece. On top of the dias was a large couch-like structure that was square with raised sides. On the structure rested a large green and silver cushion, where the High Chief was to sit. Four pedestals were carved around the Seat – one on each corner. Each pedestal held a sign of the High Chief’s authority: the Eye of the Wolf (a large black orb with a silver streak down the center) the Heart of Holly (a smooth orb of holly heartwood), the Spirit of Fire (a large ruby flame), and the Tears of the Gods (a diamond vial containing an almost invisible fluid). A window was carved into the ceiling allowed a single column of light to fall upon the dais, illuminating the treasures of the nation, and the greatest of all their treasures, the High Chief.
It was in this magnificent domicile that the 12 year old High Chief Teki Tali held council – with the aid of his loyal chamberlain Behani Nevidavi.
“Uh… Behani… can we shut the window or something… I can’t see very well…” questioned the young ruler. He squinted his icy blue eyes as he held his tattooed left hand over his forehead, trying desperately to shield his eyes from the glaring sunlight. Tattoos ran down his left arm, down the left side of his chest, and down to his green gaucho pants. The light from the sun illuminated his darkly tanned skin, but his long black hair seemed to absorb the light.
“My lord, it’s unseemly that you should hold council without Vesola,” informed Behani. Teki Tali sighed.
“Very well. Ah… lets see…” Teki Tali pulled a small scrap of parchment from his pants. “We, in council with the most good Vesola, are prepared to govern her people. Let the Tekani Suguni be opened, and let our chiefs come sin.”
Behani smiled softly, “My lord… the last word, again?”
Teki Tali frowned and looked down at his parchment again. “Oh… in. Sorry. We, in council with the most good Vesola, are prepared to govern her people. Let the Tekani Suguni be opened, and let our chiefs come in.”
Behani bowed as the Tekani Suguni swung open, spurred into action by the ancient bidding. Two lines of five people stared into the chamber solemnly, their faces masks of silence. Five people wore bands around their arms with traditional symbols of their offices: an arrow for the warrior chief, a scroll for the diplomatic chief, a feather for the shaman chief, a scythe for the workers chief, and a sun for the ruler chief. The other five served as the lower chiefs for their respected chiefs.
“Most esteemed High Chief Teki Tali, we, your servants, beg admission into your hall,” intoned the chiefs and sub-chiefs. Teki Tali bowed his head, and the people entered.
“Chief Sanak of the Shaman and Sub-chief Ketki, welcome. Chief Iorun of the Warriors and Sub-chief Takai,, welcome. Chief Yinsi of the Workers and Sub-chief Rion, welcome. Chief Teka Inka of the Rulers, and Sub-chief Teka Yenyen, welcome. Chief Uien of the Diplomats and Sub-chief Yoifien, welcome. Let us commence under the guidance of the Spirits, and the light of Vesola.”
“If that is all, my chiefs, then we shall conclude this meeting and – Chief Sanak, are you well?” inquired the suddenly concerned youth on the Seat.
“Burning… water… death… life… peace… war… what holds these futures! Great Vesola, merciful Ilune, blessed Fonian, what horrors… what blessings… what glory do you hold for us!” cried out the elderly fossil at the left head seat of the table. He suddenly collapsed, shaking and jittering loudly. The others remained seated.
“Sanak, what ails you! Sanak!” shouted Teki Tali as he left his position on the dais and rushed to his old master’s aid. Muttering the ancient languages to himself, Teki Tali tried desperately to apply the healing magics he had been taught. Sanak’s rapid shaking slowed, and his cloudly brown eyes cleared.
“High Chief Teki Tali… this is… unbecoming… it is not for you to leave the Seat for any reason during council. Let me be, I am fine,” instructed the elderly man as he resumed his seat at the table. Teki Tali returned to his dais, slightly disgruntled. “Tis a touch of the prophecy, I fear. I saw horrible… awesome… terrible things ahead of us,” informed Sanak. “My lord, if I might, I would recommend the preparation of the warriors, and of the shamans and mages, so that, should such a horror as I have seen occur, we would be prepared.”
Teki Tali was about to agree, but a thin, well-dressed woman spoke up. “My lord High Chief, if I might. A sudden scrambling of the warriors might cause our neighbors to strike out at us, assuming we intend them harm. Instead, perhaps we should slowly equip our armies. I would say send our neighbors messages, but… were we to tell the less spiritually in tuned that the spirits have given us a warning, they would think us insane and strike against us in the hopes of claiming our territory.”
Teki Tali’s brows furrowed. Though the militarization of the warriors would be most prudent, it would be dangerous to do so rapidly. “Chief Iorun, are the harts still breeding as rapidly as usual?”
The woman, with a perplexed look, nodded. “Yes, my lord. Why?”
“ Chief Uien, send out a report to our neighbors explaining that our warriors are preparing for the annual hunts. Due to the larger population of the deer, I’ve decided that the hunts shall be moved ahead one month. Chief Iorun, the warriors are to prepare for the hunts, starting now. That way, we can have the warriors ready to prepare for fighting, while still keeping our diplomatic ties close. So have I spoken with the will and the mark. Let it be done!” ordered the young chieftain. The others stood, bowed, and exited the hall.
“My lord, an excellent idea! The warriors are not militaristic in their hunting armaments, so they wouldn’t give rise to foreign aggression. But since the warriors will be united and collected in the same area, if we are attacked, it will take less than minutes for the warriors to switch from hunter to solider mode! Brilliant my lord!”
Teki Tali grinned a large, sparkly grin. “I know! I read it in one of the old chieftain scrolls. Thought it would come in handy. But Behani, please see this delivered to Chief Sanak, and with it our best wishes," requested the youth. Behani took the offered scroll.
"So… can I go play now?” asked Teki Tali.

Lycan 01
2010-12-02, 12:19 AM

It is a warm night in the bustling city of Aquila. The moon and stars shine down on the city, which is comprised of several districts divided by canals and aqueducts, its buildings well-built and beautiful. Even the city's guard towers, with their trebuchets and ballistas for defending Aquila from possible attack, were decorated with colorful streamers and red tapestries. In a city of artists and philosophers, beauty could be found in almost anything and everything, be it day or night.

Even after sunset, the city was alive with activity. Merchants still sold their wares by torchlight, bards and performers entertained patrons at late-night establishment, song and dance echoes from the open windows of many buildings, and people still walk the street conversing, joking, and enjoying life. But while the city celebrated life and beauty, a darker celebration was taking place in the dark chambers below its cobble-stone streets.

In a secret chamber below ground, over a hundred men and women were gathered together in celebration. The vast stone room was supported by grand pillars holding up its high arched ceiling, and it was lit by oil lamps, torches, and candles scattered around the floor, walls, and hanging from the ceiling. White tapestries decorated the walls, emblazoned with the red sunburst-ringed falcon that represented Artesia. Or at least, that was the common belief. In truth, the emblem was the seal of the Brotherhood, an ancient order of assassins, and the secret rulers of Artesia.

Every man and woman in the congregation was clad in white, their hooded cloaks and vestments highlighted and bordered with red. Each one of them was a member of the Brotherhood, and almost the entire order was present for this ceremony. It was a time of celebration - one of their own was being raised to a higher position, in recognition of his deeds and talents. On a raised platform stood several Brotherhood members with more decorated cloaks and armor strapped to vital locations - the hierarchy of the order, experts and masters who's deeds and abilities were well-known and respected. There was one man who did not have armor, and who's cloak was simpler and plain - he was a lower ranking member of the Brotherhood, and it was he who was to be honored in this ceremony.

"Brothers and Sisters," Alphonse Peregrine, the Grandmaster of the Brotherhood, suddenly spoke up. Clad in Brotherhood robes of pure red, the expert killer was in his early 50's, with piercing gray eyes and a well-kept beard of silver and black. As he continued to speak, he raised his hands in a gesture to the crowd in front of him. "We are gathered here today to recognize the deeds and talents of Brother Valentine Tercel, who has recently returned to us from his latest assignment, which he has completed with flying colors!" he proclaimed, and the crowd burst into applause. The man standing next to him stood expressionless. Valentine was his late 20's, with green eyes, clean-shaven features, and short-cropped black hair concealed by his hood. Gesturing for them the quiet, the Grandmaster continued. "For his accomplishments, we have decided that Valentine shall no longer be ranked as a Novice. Indeed, from hence forth, he shall be known... as an Assassin."

In the Brotherhood, members began at the rank of Initiate, and worked their way up to Novice, Assassin, Master, and finally Grandmaster. Initiates were new members, Novices were experienced but still had much to learn, Assassins had proven their abilities and learned all they needed to know, Masters had perfected their skills and talents, and the Grandmaster was greatest of the Brotherhood, and their leader. There were about 10 Initiates, 20 Novices, 70 Assassins, and 10 Masters in active service, with more than a handful of Assassins from each rank having retired due to age or injury.

And now Valentine had become the newest Brotherhood member to earn the official title of Assassin. The whole of the Brotherhood burst into applause and cheer at the announcement, and Valentine could no longer hide his joy. He grinned, proud to have finally become a true Assassin, and happy to know that the entire Brotherhood was rejoicing alongside him. A loud cough from beside him erased the smile from his face, and the entire chamber quickly grew silent. The Grandmaster's expression was stern, and his gaze was harsh. He turned to face Valentine... and then smiled. "Congratulations, my Brother. May the deaths you architect be most beautiful."

"They shall be, Grandmaster," Valentine bowed humbly to the man who had personally taught him the art of killing. "I promise you, they shall be."

2010-12-02, 06:05 AM
The Empire of Pendor

House Ilsari
It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

West Balik
It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

Amorian Magocracy
It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

Divine Empire of Rictus the Truth
It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

Clan Ur-Straag
It is the thoughts of the Emperor that an alliance of trade would be beneficial to both our nations. We would like to create a Pendorian presence in your nation that will simply set up shops and allow merchants from both our countries to buy and sell more easily, and will strengthen trade routes between our two nations.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-02, 06:41 AM
All is quiet in the city state of Dunbar. There have been fewer raiders from the East, and the ring of border forts constructed by the Earl De Banar have done their work. As Regent, the Earl De Banar holds true power in Dunbar, the Duke is merely a figurehead, appearing to care more about books than power.

The Earl De Banar patrols the walls, passing his fingers over each cannon as he walks past. It is a calm night. A servant comes running.
"Lord! Can you give your seal to these documents?"
"No. These are about the tax rate in Uner. You need the Dukes Seal."
"I cannot find him, Lord."
"Have you checked his study?"
"....No Lord."
"You fool." The servant looks apologetic, and begins to turn. The Earl snatches the papers from the servant, and strides back to the keep. As per usual, he finds the Duke reclining on a cushioned seat, reading some book or another. At the Earls insistence, the Duke lazily searches for his signet ring, and, with the aid of some hot wax, marks the documents with his seal, that of the martlet.

As the Earl takes the documents, a smarmy merchant from Pendor, a largely irrelevant group of islands. They wanted a permanent presence in the city. Before the Earl could speak, Thomas answered in a bored tone. "No. The ruler of Pendor is either a fool, or thinks I am one. This is a barely disguised attempt at espionage. Assure your Emperor that Dunbar will continue any trade between our nations, and that Dunbar forces will protect any trading caravans between us."

The Earl, startled into silence, regains his composure. "You heard the Duke. Away with you." The Duke speaks again. "Perhaps some other fool nation will agree to his plan. We should contact Pendor later, to see if we can profit from the fruits of their labour." It is at this point that the Earl notices the book Thomas is reading. It was not his usual books, of Philosophy and art. It appeared to be a book on War and Tactics. And it was not like the Duke to take an interest in matters of state. This bode poorly...

Lycan 01
2010-12-02, 11:30 AM

The Empire of Pendor

We would like to open up trade with you, but we will not allow you to set up shops in our city. If you want to do trade with us, our merchants will come to your shops by ship to sell the wares. It will save you time and money, as you will not have to come set up stores in a foreign land, and you'll still earn an income from our exchanges. But we simply do not want foreign powers building anything in our city.

Grim ranger
2010-12-02, 12:10 PM

The Empire of Pendor
His majesty King Nathar sees value in your proposal, and we are glad to accept on the terms that equal Natharian presence can be created on the soil of your empire in turn. Let this be the first of many future agreements between our nations and beginning of lasting friendship

House Ilsari
We have seen that your military might is most impressive, but that you lack some in way of money. Therefore, we would wish to make a deal to hire some of your troops as mercinaries. In addition, we would like to open trade routes with you, so both of our countries can prosper.

West Balik
The king wishes to open the boarders between us for free trade in effort to strenghten both of our nations. We would also be interested in alliance with you if possible. There are many things such shrewd political move could bring to our respective nations.

2010-12-02, 12:12 PM
Amorian Magocracy.

To Pendor
"We will also be setting up an Amorian presence in your nation. You can expect our men to arrive within the season."

2010-12-02, 01:17 PM

Amorian Magocracy
We would of course be delighted to have your presence in our lands, and we hope this agreement can be a lasting one.

Pendor would be glad to see your presence in our towns. we are glad you have chosen to let our nations work together freely, and look forward to many more dealings with you in the future.

2010-12-02, 02:04 PM
The Amorian Magocracy

To House Ilsari
"Let us be blunt. While we may not use the term ourselves, the common folk will always brand us as 'evil'. We both delve into magical arts that others would consider profane. We are both agressors, and we both oppress our people.

There are many nations that would use this as an excuse to attack us; The Divine Empire, King Nathar the Just, the magic-fearing Dunbarians. We are outnumbered. A mutual alliance between our people is the only chance to survive in this environment."

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-02, 02:10 PM
In secret, the Duke has a message sent to the Magocracy.

The Amorian Magocracy
Greetings from Dunbar. You no doubt know of the policy of Dunbar law on the use of Magic. Despite the peoples petty fear of your power, I believe we can work together. Your strengths complement our weakness, and our strengths can help you overcome your own weaknesses.

2010-12-02, 02:41 PM

It is regrettable that you will not open your borders to increase your trade, however we would enjoy the company of your own merchants in our cities, and hope we can still manage trade well enough to benefit both our fine nations.

2010-12-02, 03:05 PM
Amorian Magocracy

To Dunbar
"We accept your proposal for an alliance."

2010-12-02, 03:06 PM
House Ilsari

The Amorian Magocracy
Indeed. While I would take issue with your presumption that we oppress our citizens, as they would likely starve to death without our intervention, I would like to agree most wholeheartedly to your proposal, for the resons you stated. I would also like to suggest that we strengthed both of our nation through exchance of magical reseach.
We will begin setting up a teleportation netowrk imediately, sigil code lambada 1-4 theta-z. It will be good to prevent the opposition from interrupting our courtiers, as this one has been, if our divners are correct. Note for Artesia: Yes, we know you're listening. I hope you realise that murdering courtiers and replacing them with magically altered duplicates is illegal.
DM, am I right in presuming that since I have focused much more heavilly on necromanctic research, we can both gain throughreseach sharing?

I think we have a deal. Name a number. All we request is our men remain under our commanders.
The Empire of Pendor
We have a deal.

We begin mroe research in the academy, focusing on ballistics.
And shinf every single forigner in the lands to a cloisetered sector of the city. Wandering elsewere is punishable by death, although permisson can be gained to travel along the roads, albiet with a escort. We can't have those merchants reporting back on us now, can we...

2010-12-02, 06:30 PM
Volodomyr and Casamir sat together in a locked room inside the Governor's Hall in Groznya-Kertek.

"As a new nation in this world," began Casamir, "We should make attempts to open trade routes with other nations. To show we will not be a danger to others and make them uneasy of us."

"But what if we are uneasy of them?" retorted Volodomyr. "I am not willing to simply open my borders to anyone who wishes to come in and corrupt the livelihood of our people." There was an brief pause in the room. The crackling of a slowly dying fire was the only sound at that moment.

Then a stern knock boomed from the heavy pine door. Volodomyr himself went to open it. Miraslav saluted as she stood before her Commandant. Volodomyr returned the salute and offered her his seat by the fire. "Thank you sir." was her swift reply.

"General Mira, how is the army holding up?" asked Volodomyr.
"They're strong as ever Sir. We may not have the greatest munitions, but what we do have is good, and the men wielding arms under the Banner of West Balik are strong and fierce. Sir, I believe my cavalry is ready for anything."

"Good, glad to hear such a rave report." Volodomyr smiled at Mira. "Casamir," he began again, "Perhaps you're right. After all, with an army as powerful as ours, who would want to oppose us?"
"Excellent sir, I will send runners to other nations, and I believe there have been several messages received from our neighbors."
"Good, but Casamir," Volodomyr began, "We must still trust no one."

2010-12-02, 06:43 PM
West Balik

We are willing to open trade with your Empire, but our people have trouble trusting outsiders. Which is their right and is understandable from the events of our past. So it would not be in either of our best interests for you to have shoppes set up in our cities nor would it be allowed.

Free trade with your nation would be a welcome commodity. I can see a trade alliance between our two nations being a great thing.

I can foresee much benefit from an alliance of our two, powerful nations, both in trade and in other areas.

Lycan 01
2010-12-02, 10:45 PM

All Nations
Artesia merchants are ready and willing to set sail for any land willing to open its ports for trade. We don't request to build stores or anything - we're content just selling what's on the ship, rather than setting up shop and builing permanent establishments in strangers' lands.

Important News
The nation of Artesia has Allied with West Balik, its Western neighbor. The border between the two nations has been opened, and trade agreements have been made. A festival is held in Aquila to celebrate the founding of this alliance, and the Council of Artisans invites the leaders of West Balik to come visit their city if they so desire.

2010-12-02, 11:43 PM
West Balik


Important News
The nation of Artesia has Allied with West Balik, its Western neighbor. The border between the two nations has been opened, and trade agreements have been made. A festival is held in Aquila to celebrate the founding of this alliance, and the Council of Artisans invites the leaders of West Balik to come visit their city if they so desire.

The Free State of West Balik has accepted this most gracious offer and so Volodomyr, along with Miraslav and a retinue of ambassadors and a handful of military guards will soon arrive in Aquila to celebrate this great occasion.

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 12:23 AM

Hospitality and Meeting between the Council of Artisans and West Balik
A grand festival is held in Aquila, with performers dancing in the streets and music filling the air. As evening falls and the visitors from West Balik have enjoyed their day in Artesia, they are invited to visit the Council of Artisans in the city hall. The grand building is a wood and stone structure decorated with beautiful stained glass windows and colorful tapestries fluttering from tall archways.

Inside, the Council of Artisans waits in a large circular room constructed from fine lumber, with a tall domed ceiling supported by a framework of rafters. Paintings, tapestries of the Artesian seal, and stained glass windows with red curtains take up the majority of the walls. The room has many oil lamps stationed around it for lighting, but they are currently until - the stained-glass windows provide the only source of light at the moment, and sunset is quickly dimming the multi-colored rays filtering into the room.

There is a large circular table set in the center of the room, which can easily seat 20 people. No one is currently sitting at it, however, and there are only five people in the room. One of them is Lucrid Eyrie, the leader of the Council of Artisans, clad in a tunic and attire of red, with a plumed crimson cap atop his head. He is a giant of a man, tall and muscular with shaggy brown hair and a tangled beard down to his chest. However, his soft green eyes and disarming smile seem to suggest he is more of a gentle giant. The other four men are Artesian guards, wearing light steel breastplates and helms over red vestments, each one holding a matchlock rifle called an Arquebus over their shoulder at attention. They are stationed around the room, evenly spaced along the circular wall.

"Greetings! I, Lucrid Eyrie of the Council of Artisans, bid the leaders of the Free State of West Balik a warm welcome to the land of Artesia!" the giant's jovial voice booms, and he extends his hands in warm greeting. "I trust you have enjoyed your visit thus far?"

2010-12-03, 12:40 AM
West Balik

Volodomyr removed his glove and extended his had back to the hulking figure before him. Volodomyr, being no small man himself still stood a few inches shy of the man's direct gaze. He eyed the magnificent room around him with awe.
"Greetings," he began, "I am Volodomyr, ruler of the Free State of West Balik. This is my finest aide, General Miraslav." Miraslav paused for a moment, perplexed over whether to salute or curtsey to the foreign leader. She settled on the latter and did so politely. "Might I say," she spoke up, "You have a breathtaking city."

Volodomyr went through the pleasantries of introducing the other ambassadors to Lucrid. He had allowed his soldiers to enjoy the festivities as long as they stayed close to the building he was in.

"So," Volodomyr began again, "Where do we start?"

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 12:51 AM

West Balik
The Council Leader bows respectfully to the representatives of West Balik, and he even takes the Lady General's hand and politely kisses it. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for your compliments - I am glad you have found Aquila to your liking. Now..." he claps his hands together and grins, "Lets get down to business, shall we?"

"I'm afraid what we're about to discuss will entail matters of national security and other sensitive information. As such, I'm afraid all non-essential personnel must leave..." he gestures to Volodomyr's entourage of diplomats. "The General may stay if you desire. But the fewer eyes and ears present, the better..."

Three of the four Artesian guards begin to march towards the exit, while the forth walks over to join Lucrid by his side. "I trust you are okay with this?"

2010-12-03, 12:57 AM
West Balik

"That is perfectly acceptable." said Volodomyr, "I would wish that General Miraslav would stay by my side though Council Leader. It is nice to have someone other than myself whom I can trust with the state of our nation."

He smiled politely at the Council Leader and ran his hand over his waistcoat, smoothing it down. He then turned to his ambassadors and with a waive of his hand dismissed them with the Artesian guards.

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 01:16 AM

Once the guards and politicians leave, only Lucrid and the single guard are left with Volodomyr and General Miraslav. "Now that we're alone," the Council Leader smiled, "Allow me to introduce you to the real leader of Artesia."

Taking a step back, Lucrid gestures to the guard next to him. The man stands perfectly still for a second or so, before a shimmer suddenly seems to run across the surface of his body. Like a shockwave of distortion, the flickering light travels up and down his form from head to toe, and after several distorting flickers, something strange happens. His clothes, armor, and skin suddenly seem to crumple into dust and ash, and fall away to reveal a new form.

Suddenly standing before the West Balik leaders is a man clad in a hooded cloak and tunic of pure red. He appears to be in his 50's, with piercing gray eyes and a well-kept beard of silver and black. Folding his black-gloved hands in front of his chest, he gives a soft nod of respect to Volodomyr and General Miraslav. "My name is Alphonse Peregrine," the man introduces himself softly. "Grandmaster of the Brotherhood, and Leader of Artesia. So... You like my city?" he suddenly smiles.

2010-12-03, 01:26 AM
West Balik

Volodomyr and Miraslav were both taken aback by this sudden display. They both regained their composure though, Volodomyr a bit before Miraslav. Volodomyr eyed the man critically for a brief moment, stroking his shaggy, greying beard before bowing smartly to this new persona, Miraslav curtseyed in response.
"The Brotherhood? So then the old legends were true." Volodomyr thought for a moment. "Its an honour to be able to meet someone as powerful as yourself." He paused again, "And yes, we do very much like your city."

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 01:32 AM

Grandmaster Peregrine smiles knowingly. "All legends have their basis in truth, my friend... And it is an honor to meet you and the Lady General, as well. I am glad to see West Balik flourish as it has. And I am glad to know you have enjoyed your visit to Artesia, and found Aquila to be pleasing. Now, I suppose we should get down to business..."

And so began the true meeting between West Balik and the Brotherhood...

Grim ranger
2010-12-03, 08:56 AM

House Ilsari
Your men being lead by their own commanders is quite acceptable. Two thousand men would be a good start. We look forward to seeing them in action and hopefully making further deals with you.

West Balik
We are glad to hear you accept, and hope to hear more from you in the future.

2010-12-03, 12:33 PM
House Ilsari

We have a deal. DM, we send 2000 men to Nathar with instructions to obey the high command there on reciept of payment.

2010-12-03, 04:08 PM
Divine Empire of Rictus the Truth

Chamber of the Illuminary Council

The Celestial Pontifex Solum Usar sighed quietly as he looked over both today's agenda. Everything here was sure to cause great strife among the others, Evane was surely going to be throwing around the words "heresy" and "infidel" a whole lot. On the plus side there would also be talk of expanding the borders, which everyone was for...but when to bring up that subject? Solum almost sighed a second time, but instead stood up and opened this day's meeting.

"Harbingers of the Truth I welcome you to this Gathering, May Rictus guide us to better understand his Will, so that we may achieve what he desires. Share the Truth."

That was the easy part, the ceremonial opening, and everyone replied in unison:

"The Truth is for All"

"Today shall be an important day, for we must discuss and Find many issues that we will disagree on, but we must find the True path!"

There was a slight buzz after this, while the members knew what was on the agenda in theory, they still got excited as the tension grew.

"Among these questions are: How the Guardians of the Truth should be armed-" "Heresey!" "The proper use of the Treasury of Rictus, The response to the state of Pendeor" "Infidels!" "The proper direction of our Missionary Work, The proper use of the the Talents of the Gifted" "Magery!" "and the place most suited for a new Church."

The Pontifex took a breath, only three outbursts, and the last was in jest. He would have to thank Winston for the levity, and well there wasn;t much he could do about Evane. But now the real trouble would begin...

The Throne of Scales

Emperor Farahad the Scarred sat upon his throne, flanked by his guards, as he read over the latest missive from the Illuminary Council. Well, this would certainly make things interesting it seems that Solus had managed to quell some of his more rabid elements. Something resembling actual diplomacy, a reply not involving condemnation and fire! Still these demands were rather...stringent and he would have to deal with the Heavenly Inquistor more, but this could be good.

The Empire of Pendor
The opening of greater trade is a posibility, but in order for such a thing to be done there are severl necessary conditions that must be understood. They are as follows:

1. All goods will be inspected by officials of the Church of the Truth
2. All merchants and associates traveling to trade will likewise be inspected, if subversive elements are found they will be dealt with according to the judgements of the Church
3. Heresey, including overt symbols of false gods are prohibited.
4. Missionaries of the Truth will be granted permission to spread the Word of Rictus in the lands under the dominion of Pendor

2010-12-03, 05:28 PM
Amorian Magocracy

To the Divine Empire.
We require more land. You require more land. If we work together it will be more efficient. Nabreus is positioned a good distance from both of us, and would serve as a good place for a joint operation. When will your troops be ready?

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-03, 05:35 PM
Under the Orders of the Earl De Banar, Dunbar troops begin moving into what the locals call the Ogir Yensa Sandsea. It is a mixture of desert and plains, and is full of bands of raiders, who terrorise what populace can live in the desert, and often ride into Dunbar itself. Approximately 1/4 of Dunbars military strength is focused on sweeping aside the Raiders, and protecting the settlements they find.

Lycan 01
2010-12-03, 07:52 PM

The Archades
In the Northern lands, where snowy mountains reach like craggy fingers towards the cold gray sky, the Brotherhood is at work. Artesia desires to expand its borders slightly North, and to begin mining for resources in the mineral rich mountains. But the indigenous peoples are a problem - the native barbarians do not take kindly to intruders in their lands, and even peaceful attempts to negotiate are met with violence. Several attempts to set up mines or settlements have been met with violence, with men and women alike being slaughtered for supposed trespassing. Even worse, the barbarians have taken to guerrilla raiding towns and settlements near the border, to "avenge" themselves.

So, action must be taken. The Brotherhood has assigned several of its members to the Archades, their mission to kill important barbarian leaders and to wreck their morale, making them more willing to negotiate and sign treaties with Artesia. West Balik may also benefit from this sudden lack of resistance to expanding their borders into the Archades, as well.

One of the Assassin's assigned to the Archades is Valentine Tercel. His Brotherhood cloak flutters in the wind as he climbs a rocky cliff-face, working his way up to the barbarian village atop the plateau above him. His mission was simple: kill their most important leader, hide or destroy their weapons, and otherwise show them the consequences of attacking Artesian citizens...

2010-12-03, 09:55 PM
West Balik

Volodomyr and Miraslav have returned from their eastern neighbor with a renewed vigor, optimism has infected the spaces once marred by expectations of failure. Volodomyr calls together his cabinet of sorts to discuss what should be done with their struggling nation.

The leaders decide that tobacco production should be increased and that they should mine and prospect for new resources. In addition, they will plant wheat in grand fields on the southeastern plains, where the soil is most fertile.

Trade money from natural resources and crops may be just what West Balik's economy needs to thrive and flourish the way Volodomyr has always hoped it would, so also, trading posts will be set up near the borders of friendly nations to allow free and easy trade with their allies as well as travelling merchants and gypsies.

2010-12-03, 10:56 PM
The Divine Empire of Rictus the Truth

The Throne of Scales

The Emperor's fingers tapped upon the arm of his throne. Two fronts could be dangerous, and the Council would not like this working together thing, but this was an excelent opportunity, too good to pass up. The council would not be thrilled but they would like the...acquisition.

Tower of the Heavenly Arcanist

Lord High Archmage of the Heavens Winston Rayh looked around at the heads of the various schools throughout the Empire. All of them looked varying levels of hopeful and excited. After all the Church was finally giving them the funding they needed to provide both a proper magical education, and research new techniques and spells.

"Well we had better prove that their faith is well founded, and we all know the best way to do that is something flashy and dramatic. So, Combat Magic, either Evocation or Summoning would be best. Careful with the Summoning though, don't want to get accused of conjuring up something evil now would we."
Here he pausd for a quick chuckle before continuing.

"Let's make a contest of it, whoever can come up with the best new spell gets a prize. Hmm, better restrict the students though, only let those nearing graduation try. Otherwise there might be more accidents than we can manage. Now hop to it!"

The Borders of the Empire

From the various churches near the bordrs of civilization missionaries began to depart, going out into the wilds and roads to do their work. most knew how to protect themsleves reasonably well and were equipped to do so if necessary. However those going South into the Estersand didn't need them, they were each accompanied by a small number of well equipped guards, they were also dressed in a better fashion.

To the Amorian Magocracy
Our forces should be ready by next season, if you need more time let us know

2010-12-05, 09:09 AM

The Divine Empire
Pendor would be glad to accept your conditions, we will ensure no goods are sent to your country that you would find offensive, and we will choose our people carefully too. Pendor does not have an objection to missionaries spreading your truth amongst our peoples, however a missionary in our Empire must follow our laws just as a merchant from Pendor must respect yours. therefore any missionary found inciting conspiracy or revolution will be duly dealt with by our legal system.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-06, 01:28 PM
To the Great High Chief of Pendor,
From the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola
Greetings and Salutations, Oh Great and High Chief of the Pendorians:
Our people are simple in many ways. Our laws are strict, and even I must follow them. I and my chiefs have agreed that such an alliance would be beneficial for both our peoples. Alas, the oldest skins of law declare that it is the will of Vesola that none who are Iromani may trade within her city. Therefore, we would be most enthusiastic to trade with you, but your merchants cannot trade in our city of Iro-ko. However, anywhere outside of the city is fine - our trading center at Iuni is an excellent place for you to establish markets. Also, my good chief Uien, Chief of Diplomatic Relations has suggested that, in exchange for your people trading with us, we would like to send some of our merchants to your peoples. Many nations find our "quaint" products, such as deerskin clothing and "primitive" weaponry enjoyable, as is our art. I look forward to your reply.
Ma'holek tete iunha
Teki Tali, 88th High Chief of the Iromani Peoples
Dictated, not read. Scribed by Serephien, Advisor to the High Chief

Loki Savantros
2010-12-06, 02:21 PM
The Amorian Magocracy
To the Cabal and Chiefs of the Amorian Maagocracy
From the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola, Speaker and Will of the Goddess

Greetings and Salutations, may the wind blow strong against the back of your arrow, may the river's flow be halted for your hunters, may the hart breed strong for your feasts, and may your crops be strong and vibrant.

I, Teki Tali, 88th High Chief of the Iromani people, Child of the Goddess, and Speaker and Will of the same, have a proposal, if you would hear it. Both of our nations are sizable in magic. Perhaps we should work together to increase our knowledge many fold? The Iromani are great in wisdom of the old ways, and perhaps together, we might discover older, or newer, forms of magic yet unknown to this land.

We only request that, with your understanding, we not endeavor into that dark magic of necromancy, as it is an affront to our ancestors to bring them back.

I send my servant with this message, hoping that he shall bring back great and joyous news.

Teki Tali
Dictated, not read. Scribed by Behani Nevidavi.

2010-12-06, 03:52 PM

We are glad to here of you enthusiasm for our deal. We will of course respect your values, and we shall refrain form trading within your city. We would be glad to recieve merchants from your great nation, and look forwards to trading for the products you speak of, we are sure that this alliance will help both our nations to prosper, and we look forwards to more deals in the future.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-06, 11:30 PM
NPC InteractionsTwo foreign men and a woman sat in a small chamber further inside the Hall of the High Chief. Teki Tali rested on a small green pillow, his eyes wide open and his brow furrowed in concentration. To his left sat the first of the two men, a tall, muscular man with serpent tattoos running down his arms and a large snake coiled on his chest. To his right sat the woman - modestly dressed in deer skin leather and scale armor. Across from him, the other man, an elderly man with a deeply wrinkled face and long grey-silver hair.
"Chief Maki, Representative of the Ozmores, Chief Lilianaia of the Feywien, and Elder Malkus of the Golmore Tribe, welcome," began Tekani, "I will be brief. We, the Iromani tribe, wish to extend a branch of peace and unity to your people. We wish to annex your territories. In joining the Iromani people, you will have full rights under our laws. You will be allowed to maintain your own laws and customs in your respective territories, and you will be protected by our magi and our warriors. In return, we ask only that you allow us to plant and harvest a small portion of your lands, and for you to supply young men and women to be trained as warriors and magi, respectively. What have you to say? We will be both kind and protective. We are of the same family. We are all the natives of our lands, and we - the Iromani - are eager to unite the tribes as were, once. What are your responses?"

High Chief Teki Tali meets with three other leaders of surrounding tribes. The meeting leaves off with the proposal that the other tribes be annexed into the Iromani's territories, with benefits far exceeding the traditional annexation benefits: autonomy, military protection, peaceful reign, etc. The requirements for the arragement are that the Iromani be allowed to farm some of the land and that the other tribes send men and women to serve as warriors and magi.

2010-12-07, 06:25 AM
NPC InteractionsTwo foreign men and a woman sat in a small chamber further inside the Hall of the High Chief. Teki Tali rested on a small green pillow, his eyes wide open and his brow furrowed in concentration. To his left sat the first of the two men, a tall, muscular man with serpent tattoos running down his arms and a large snake coiled on his chest. To his right sat the woman - modestly dressed in deer skin leather and scale armor. Across from him, the other man, an elderly man with a deeply wrinkled face and long grey-silver hair.
"Chief Maki, Representative of the Ozmores, Chief Lilianaia of the Feywien, and Elder Malkus of the Golmore Tribe, welcome," began Tekani, "I will be brief. We, the Iromani tribe, wish to extend a branch of peace and unity to your people. We wish to annex your territories. In joining the Iromani people, you will have full rights under our laws. You will be allowed to maintain your own laws and customs in your respective territories, and you will be protected by our magi and our warriors. In return, we ask only that you allow us to plant and harvest a small portion of your lands, and for you to supply young men and women to be trained as warriors and magi, respectively. What have you to say? We will be both kind and protective. We are of the same family. We are all the natives of our lands, and we - the Iromani - are eager to unite the tribes as were, once. What are your responses?"

High Chief Teki Tali meets with three other leaders of surrounding tribes. The meeting leaves off with the proposal that the other tribes be annexed into the Iromani's territories, with benefits far exceeding the traditional annexation benefits: autonomy, military protection, peaceful reign, etc. The requirements for the arragement are that the Iromani be allowed to farm some of the land and that the other tribes send men and women to serve as warriors and magi.

Attitude: Favorable
Response: The negotations end with a smashing success.

2010-12-07, 01:02 PM
Amorian Magocracy

To the Iromani
To High Chief Teki Tali, and the Tetehoso of the Iromani people.
From the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high in the tower of apostles.

We of the Cabal are honoured that you would bless us so with your words. We see great sense in your observations, and reason in your proposal. We will glady work with you to unlock the secrets of magic.

We can see how raising the dead would be an affront to your ancestors, but what of the other uses of necromancy? We have not been blessed with the wisdom that Vesola has granted your people. Is it wrong to use necromatic energy against our enemies?

Jasmira Zaro, Javor Onušič, Danijela Ana Kosler, Šahbaz Soltar and Velibor Močevnik. The Ravnilo of the Cabal.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-07, 04:54 PM
Amorian Magocracy

To the Iromani
To High Chief Teki Tali, and the Tetehoso of the Iromani people.
From the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high in the tower of apostles.

We of the Cabal are honoured that you would bless us so with your words. We see great sense in your observations, and reason in your proposal. We will glady work with you to unlock the secrets of magic.

We can see how raising the dead would be an affront to your ancestors, but what of the other uses of necromancy? We have not been blessed with the wisdom that Vesola has granted your people. Is it wrong to use necromatic energy against our enemies?

Jasmira Zaro, Javor Onušič, Danijela Ana Kosler, Šahbaz Soltar and Velibor Močevnik. The Ravnilo of the Cabal.

The Amorian Magocracy

To the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high in the tower of apostles.
From the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola, Glory and Light to Her Name
We are indeed blessed by the Goddess Vesola. Her light and wisdom have guided our people for ages past. We mourn that others have been graced with such gifts as ours. However, the most glorious and bright Vesola has indeed granted others gifts that we have not.
We did not mean to request that you stop using necromancy against your enemies, only it not be used in our lands, and more specifically, that it not be used on our ancestors, as it would be a great offense to their weary bones. Furthermore, we also ask that you would not place our magi in a position where such arts would be used by them, as it is a violation of their beliefs.
Necromancy is a gift from Vesola, just as is cyromancy, pyromancy, electromancy, and all other forms of magic. We do not seek to extinguish such a gift. Our people were not given it, and it became a taboo to us. We only meant to ask that we not be involved in it, not that you forswear it for all time. Our greatest apologies for the confusion. Our laws and traditions for magic are for our people, and only our people are judged by them.

Teki Tali,
88th High Chief of the Iromani
Dictated, not read. Scribed by Behani.

2010-12-07, 05:38 PM
The Amorian Magocracy

To the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high in the Tower of Apostles.
From the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola, Glory and Light to Her Name
We are indeed blessed by the Goddess Vesola. Her light and wisdom have guided our people for ages past. We mourn that others have been graced with such gifts as ours. However, the most glorious and bright Vesola has indeed granted others gifts that we have not.
We did not mean to request that you stop using necromancy against your enemies, only it not be used in our lands, and more specifically, that it not be used on our ancestors, as it would be a great offense to their weary bones. Furthermore, we also ask that you would not place our magi in a position where such arts would be used by them, as it is a violation of their beliefs.
Necromancy is a gift from Vesola, just as is cyromancy, pyromancy, electromancy, and all other forms of magic. We do not seek to extinguish such a gift. Our people were not given it, and it became a taboo to us. We only meant to ask that we not be involved in it, not that you forswear it for all time. Our greatest apologies for the confusion. Our laws and traditions for magic are for our people, and only our people are judged by them.

Teki Tali,
88th High Chief of the Iromani
Dictated, not read. Scribed by Behani.

To the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola, Glory and Light to Her Name

From the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high atop the tower of apostles.

Thank you. We agree not to use necromancy in your land, on your people, or on your ancestors. We also agree never to force your people into a situation where they would have to use it themselves.

On another note, may we acquire some copies of your holy scripture? We would be most interested in learning more about your goddess.

While we are on the topic of religion, we were wondering what the iromani people thought of the divine empire. Do you find their religon an insult? Is it possible that both could be true? Or do you accept it as simple ignorance?

Also, as our first joint project, we would like to propose inter-planar travel. The Amorian people are most curious to see what wonders lie beyond this world.

The Ravnilo of the Cabal; Jasmira Zaro, Javor Onušič, Danijela Ana Kosler, Šahbaz Soltar and Velibor Močevnik.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-07, 10:57 PM
Attitude: Favorable
Response: The negotations end with a smashing success.

"Excellently handled with the Golmores, Feywien, and Ozmones, my Chief," remarked Behani as the Tetehoso settled into the large meeting hall. The Tekani Gates stood open, allowing for all members of the Iromani to have access to this important meeting. Many people were filling in the benches as the Chiefs settled around the meeting table. After several minutes of shuffling, the Tetehoso and the other citizens settled down.

Teki Tali spoke then. "My people, brothers, friends... I have recently met with local chiefs from the Ozmone plains region, the Feywood region, and the Golmore Jungle region. The meeting was a great success, and they have agreed to be annexed into our territories. They will be allowed to maintain their autonomy. In return, we will be allowed to use their land for farming and hunting, and they will give us a number of men and women to train as warriors and magi. As a sign of our peaceful negotiations, I am establishing three new positions to the table, representation for each of the tribes annexed into our territories. They will have full speaking rights, and will be allowed to voice concerns based on their peoples feelings. With that in mind, I wish for you to welcome to the Chief's Table, Maki of the Ozmones, Lilianaia of the Feywien, and Malkus, Elder of the Golmore Tribe.
The three people stood and bowed lowly to the people surrounding the table pit and then to the Seat. Each spoke in turn, reciting the same oath: "We, the _____ people, pledge our support and fealty to the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani, to the High Chief, and to the Will of the Goddess."
A loud howling noise ecohed through the hall as the Tekani gates flew open. The ancient magics of the hall fluttered to life. The eyes of the Tekani Gates flashed, and Teki Tali went rigid. A strange voice - certainly not his own - spoke from his throat.
"Your oath is sound and valid. Be welcomed to the meeting hall. May Vesola's light shine forever amongst your peoples, our peoples!"

Through a simple, yet eloquent ritual, the three tribes near the Iromani territories became part of the Iromani. Their oaths were recognized by the ancestors of the Iromani themselves.

Loki Savantros
2010-12-07, 11:17 PM
To the Seat of the High Chief of the Iromani people, enshrined among the Sacred Stones, graced by the loving light of Vesola, Descendant of Vesola, Glory and Light to Her Name

From the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high atop the tower of apostles.

Thank you. We agree not to use necromancy in your land, on your people, or on your ancestors. We also agree never to force your people into a situation where they would have to use it themselves.

On another note, may we acquire some copies of your holy scripture? We would be most interested in learning more about your goddess.

While we are on the topic of religion, we were wondering what the iromani people thought of the divine empire. Do you find their religon an insult? Is it possible that both could be true? Or do you accept it as simple ignorance?

Also, as our first joint project, we would like to propose inter-planar travel. The Amorian people are most curious to see what wonders lie beyond this world.

The Ravnilo of the Cabal; Jasmira Zaro, Javor Onušič, Danijela Ana Kosler, Šahbaz Soltar and Velibor Močevnik.
To The Amorian Magocracy
To The Ravnilo of the Cabal; Jasmira Zaro, Javor Onušič, Danijela Ana Kosler, Šahbaz Soltar and Velibor Močevnik, in the five guilded seats of the Cabal of the Amorian people, held high atop the tower of apostles.
My heart soars to hear your agreement! Of course you may have copies of our Holy Skins, though the actual written stories are few in number - much of our religion is verbal, and only the high priests know much of it. Alas, they insist on refraining from writing it, lest it be misused. But we shall send copies of our Holy Skins soon.
This Rictus of Truth, we know not of him. Vesola has many forms, perhaps this Rictus is simply the form she has chosen to reveal herself to them as. Alas, we do not know. The spirits work in strange and disconcerting ways. However, this "geas" perplexes us. It is our understanding that all people are given a divine mission. Though this is a grand one, if true, we see it as being no different than any other nation's mission. At this point, we are unsure of what to think of this Divine Empire.
As for interplanar travel, we would greatly and wholeheartedly support this!

Teki Tali,
88th High Chief of the Iromani

2010-12-08, 05:00 PM
Amorian Magocracy

The Amorian Magocracy announces a Championship of Sword to be held in the Amorian capital of Eurus, next season. All nations are encouraged to send participants to the event. One thousand gold coins will be afforded to the winner of the competition.

To the Divine Empire
To Emperor Farahad the Scarred, leader of the Divine Empire and blessed of Rictus the Truth.

The Amorian people have been studying copies of your holy scripture and find them most pleasing. We wish to construct a cathedral to Rictus the Truth, in our capital city. We will require your aid to ensure the cathedral is built properly.