View Full Version : [3.5] My Dm wants to try and revive an Eberron Game, need a new character.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-11-30, 09:57 PM
So my DM wants to try to revive our last Eberron game, which kinda died after some RL issues. The thing is that I kinda need to make a new character; for the interested there were some intra-party conflicts and I would prefer to avoid them. The best way to do this seems to be bringing a new character to the table, and hey my last character had accomplished the goal I set for him at the start of the game.

So can anybody help me?

I am looking for suggestions (or even builds if you like) for an ECL 10 game, all non-setting specific books (with the obvious exception of Eberron) are on the table.

The party if it remains the same is an Elan Kineticists/Anarchist Initiate, a Catfolk pyrokineticist a half elf ranger/cleric and a human swift hunter/dervish.

Thanks in advance

The Glyphstone
2010-11-30, 10:16 PM
What level?

Dusk Eclipse
2010-11-30, 10:16 PM
:smallsigh: I can't believe I wrote ECL... but not 10... sorry, will fix the OP immediatly.

The Glyphstone
2010-11-30, 11:24 PM
Well, you have to be a Warforged. No Ebberon game or party is complete without a Warforged. You could be a Wizard with all the Battlefield Control/utility spells your party is currently sorely lacking, or maybe a Sorcerer (sucking up the -2 Charisma penalty), and doubling as the party 'Face',

Either the Unarmored Body feat or a +1 Twilight enchantment on your body plating to prevent ASF, depending on if you value feats or cash more.

Violet Octopus
2010-12-01, 02:35 AM
Warforged beguiler, telepath or shaper to get around the armor feat/cash tax?

Warforged binder is also something I wanted to play once, for the Cha penalty won't hurt you mechanically (like a sorcerer), but will make you fail good pact rolls and make for fun roleplaying. Add the RP interest of binding vestiges to a soul many people aren't even sure you have...

A human dragonfire adept from Argonnessen? Some synergistic way of adding barbarian to that would be cool.

Your party could use some sort of buffer character, how about a bard/White Raven martial adept, e.g. a middle-aged former military officer who was devastated by events in the Last War and went into retirement?

2010-12-01, 02:40 AM
Shouldn't this be in the Finding Players Recruitment Thread?

Shows how little sleep I'm getting. totally misread the OP

2010-12-01, 02:48 AM
A Dragonborn Warforged character has no ASF because they lose composite plating.

2010-12-01, 02:57 AM
Warforged Cleric with Adamant Body is pretty awesome IMO.

Keld Denar
2010-12-01, 03:17 AM
Dude....you should try this build I've been ironing out...

1/2 Giant Monk2/Ardent1/Totemist2/SoulManifester (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20060217a)4

1Azure Talent
1M Improved Grapple
2M Monastic Training (Soul Manifester)
3 Practiced Manifester (Ardent)
6 Tashalatora
9 Expanded Knowledge (Open Chakra, Psionic)

You have a 5th level power (Psionic Teleport from Freedom mantle). You SHOULD have the UAS damage and flurry of a 6th level large monk (2d6)...stupid Powerful Build is stupid. Using mantle swap, you could have Expansion as well.

If you can squeeze in a couple more feats from flaws, Midnight Augementation and Overchannel, combined with Soul Manifester's Psionic Investment would probably get you to ML13 with Psionic Open Chakra which allows you to open your Shoulder chakra. Bind Girallon Arms and Kraken Mantle and dump all your essentia in there for MASSIVE grapple bonuses and the Constrict ability.

2010-12-01, 08:30 AM
My first Eberron character ended up as a Warforged Artificer 5 / Fighter 2 / Juggernaut 3 / Acolyte of the Skin when we actually stopped playing.

The other Warforged in the party was an Exalted Monk with VoP.

2010-12-01, 10:03 AM
You should be a former privateer from Lhazaar Principalities!

2010-12-01, 11:24 AM
Go with a Factotum/Thunder Guide. Play him like Indiana Jones.

2010-12-01, 12:01 PM
A few ideas:
Paladin of Freedom 5/ Ranger 2/ Eldeen Ranger (Greensingers) 3. Cha to saves twice, use Divine Power and TWF for lots of damage.

Paladin 5/ Beastmaster 1/ Halfling Outrider 4, with Devoted Tracker and Natural Bond. This gives you a companion with the benefits of a 9th-level paladin mount and 11th-level druid animal companion. Apply that to a Fleshraker dinosaur, and go for either archery or charging. You'll be feat-starved, though.

Changeling Rogue 10, taking the substitution levels, Skill Mastery, and Knowledge Devotion; take Savvy Rogue at 12th. Great social abilities, knowledge, and excellent combat skill.

A Druid would fit the party's nature theme well, and you can certainly load up on buff spells.

Warforged Crusaders are always fun, and White Raven works well for buffing. A couple Warblade levels for Ironheart Aura and IHS would improve it.