View Full Version : Tarquin vs OChul

Jan Mattys
2010-12-01, 12:33 PM
Not a real vs thread, just...

vote who's more awesome. O-Chul has a more or less established status on this board as the most awesome of the good guys.
Tarquin is quickly extablishing himself as a truly magnificent villain.

They have opposite alignments!
They wear Red and Blue!
They are awesome incarnate!

What's your favourite, playgrounders? :smallbiggrin:

Forum Explorer
2010-12-01, 01:49 PM
Tough choice I'm not sure.

2010-12-01, 02:05 PM
I like them both pretty equally, so instead of posting a favorite and explaining why, I'll just add more differences between the two. Disclaimer: differences may or may not be significant in any way.

O-Chul excels at resisting pain, while Tarquin is quite adept at inflicting it.

Tarquin uses the best equipment that can be found, such as the Ring of Regeneration and probably excellent armor. O-Chul (in his most important scenes) uses only ragged clothing and a bent pipe.

Rain is an important event for O-Chul, both as a sign from the gods and as a generally enjoyable event, while Tarquin lives in an area which has no rain.

O-Chul takes with him the scars of his past. Tarquin's Ring of Regeneration likely heals up any damage he takes without creating scar tissue and leaves his skin in fine condition (otherwise the replacing of severed limbs would be odd)

And last, clearly the most important of their differences which is at the very core of their characters:

O-Chul has a bald scalp but a bearded chin, while Tarquin has hair but a hairless chin.

2010-12-01, 02:43 PM
It's a tough call, but OChul is my favorite of the pair and my favorite character in the comic so far.

Roland Itiative
2010-12-01, 02:48 PM
They're both so awesome just mentioning them on the same thread title creates a hole in the fabric of the universe. The Snarl is the result of O-Chul and Tarquin encountering each other for the first time (and the reason they decided to live in separate continents).

2010-12-01, 02:48 PM
Same here; I pick O-Chul too--but it just feels like comparing two totally different things. O-Chul is an awesome protagonist and Tarquin is an awesome villain. 'S like asking somebody whether they prefer owning a cat or eating ice cream. Just not the same category.

2010-12-01, 03:00 PM
I'm riding team Tarquin here. As cool as O-Chul is, Tarquin has clearly put a lot more thought into his actions. (Though it was a tough choice, I mean, a BLUE beard?)

2010-12-01, 03:05 PM
O-Chul is a natural follower; Tarquin is a natural leader. O-Chul leads, when he leads, by action and example rather than by commanding and planning. But don't think that a "natural follower" is a bad thing. If a leader has O-Chul backing him up, he has somebody who's going to be absolutely, unswervingly loyal. You can't get that kind of loyalty just anywhere. Many leaders are made great by the people who are backing them up.

They have different social positions... different outlooks on life. They're both really good at what they do. But I still have to side with O-Chul because... well, acid-breathing shark. What more needs to be said?

2010-12-01, 03:32 PM
...This calls for an epic, illustrated t-chart. I will get to work on that as soon as my schoolwork allows. :D

King of Nowhere
2010-12-01, 04:13 PM
Tarquin and O-Chul are so awesome they have to stay on separate continents.

O-Chul is the ultimate force of good. But there must be balance. So tarquin was born.

O-Chul is bald because he tore down all his hairs in desperation. After witnessing the evilness of tarquin.

Tarquin is afraid of uniting the western continent under him. He thinks that may attract the attention of O-Chul.

O-Chul sees tarquin when he stares in a mirror of opposition. The opposite is true, too.

Mr. Scaly
2010-12-01, 04:23 PM
Tarquin and O-Chul are what you get when you take one being of perfect memetic bad assery and then rend him in two, casting both sides across the world from each other.

2010-12-01, 05:19 PM
...This calls for an epic, illustrated t-chart. I will get to work on that as soon as my schoolwork allows. :D

I read that as "This calls for an epic, illustrated T-shirt."

I want that T-shirt.

2010-12-01, 07:06 PM
Tarquin is basically the evil O-Chul.

The real question is who is the evil Chuck Norris?

2010-12-01, 07:26 PM
Tarquin. In either critera.

In a fight, Tarquin is probably a higher level and has a ton of magic items.

In awesomeness... this is subjective, but eh while Ochul is a memetic badass never give up Paladin who very nearly destroyed Xykon's Pysclatry and maybe be responiable for the MITD eventual turn to good, and he poked Redcloak's eye out in an act of badassness.

Not bad, but.....

Tarqiun is a magnficent bastard to end all magnifecent bastards(Playing a continual string of empires against each. Complete and utter unbroken control. So much power and wealth at his finger tips, with puppets to keep them running... good lord), and GenreSavy to a level I didn't think possible (making Elan's impressive Genre savy pale in comparsion), hes crazy eviley affable, hes crazy stylish, he forces the reader to view him, empires and heroes in a whole new light, and he be completly upfront with who and what he is, and still get what he wants (unless today's events ruin that).

Also O'chul was intresting to read about, Tarquin has me constantly checking this site for the next update so I can see what awesome think he'll say or do. I came here today for that reason and I am completely satsified.

So yeah, Ochul is awesome, Tarquin far more so. Imo at least

2010-12-01, 07:28 PM
Tarquin is basically the evil O-Chul.

The real question is who is the evil Chuck Norris?


Who else is so powerful they dont need stratergy?

Just instead of Meteor Swarm/Level Drain he spams Round House Kick, which is just an instant death spell with no save DC.

2010-12-01, 08:12 PM
They have opposite alignments!

They're both lawful, not that opposite.

2010-12-01, 09:15 PM
Yeah, if you want a polar opposite for Tarquin, it's actually Elan, who is CG and opposite to Tarquin in just about every aspect. Tarquin and Belkar are equally opposed in alignment as Tarquin and O-Chul.

Tarquin and O-Chul are both Lawful (systematic, disciplined, careful); but Tarquin shows just how much Law can be a tool for Evil just as it can be used for Good.

Nimrod's Son
2010-12-01, 11:13 PM
'S like asking somebody whether they prefer owning a cat or eating ice cream.
Ice cream. Next!

The real question is who is the evil Chuck Norris?
I'm pretty sure that's the actual Chuck Norris.

2010-12-01, 11:59 PM
They have opposite alignments!
No they don't. O-Chul is Lawful Good, Tarquin is Lawful Evil. The opposite of the former is Chaotic Evil, while the opposite of the latter is Chaotic Good. Tarquin's opposite is Elan, not O-Chul.

Anyway, easy question. Tarquin is much more awesome. I've never understood why people like O-Chul. He's just a Paladin with a high constitution score, really. Tarquin, on the other hand, is a Magnificent Bastard, and pushing Redcloak levels of well-written villain. Tarquin I like - O-Chul I don't really like or dislike, he's just kind of there. So, easy choice.


2010-12-02, 03:26 AM
Obviously O-Chul would win a fight between them, even if Tarquin threw his whole party and his three armies at him, because he's O-Chul; but O-Chul is sitting on some island while Tarquin has been happily ruling his evil empire for thirty years. Anyway, I'm voting Tarquin. ^^

2010-12-02, 03:55 AM
OChul. no contest. he's not evil and manges to pull off being a paladin without being stupid or irritating.

2010-12-02, 05:22 AM
. He's just a Paladin with a high constitution score, really. Tarquin, on the other hand, is a Magnificent Bastard, and pushing Redcloak levels of well-written villain. Tarquin I like - O-Chul I don't really like or dislike, he's just kind of there. So, easy choice.


Eh, I think Tarquin was kind of that at first, but I got a big turn off by his blanentness of his actions later on.

2010-12-02, 07:39 PM
O-Chul. O-Chul I am a very firm beliver of actions speak louder than words and while O-Chul is very very good at the former, Tarquins awsomeness has really only been shown through the latter. (He killed one goblin and permantly scarred another with a PIPE!)

:redcloak:: I miss depth perception.

2010-12-11, 10:08 PM
I read that as "This calls for an epic, illustrated T-shirt."

I want that T-shirt.

Ooh, you are not alone! Maybe someone can make a T-shirt of the T-chart. (I should probably go talk to Arts and Crafts...)

the humanity
2010-12-12, 03:48 PM
really, there are a lot of epic fight scenes that would be cool t-shirts.

Miko vs. Redcloak
Roy vs. Xykon
O-Chul vs. Tarquin
Nale vs. Malack
Elan vs. Thog
Darth Varsuuvius vs. Durkon (with an image of Thor behind him)

2010-12-12, 03:58 PM
really, there are a lot of epic fight scenes that would be cool t-shirts.

Miko vs. Redcloak
Roy vs. Xykon
O-Chul vs. Tarquin
Nale vs. Malack
Elan vs. Thog
Darth Varsuuvius vs. Durkon (with an image of Thor behind him)

I want that last one please!

Nale vs. Malack? That would last what 2 rounds? Nale would get wrecked!

Darth Hunterix
2010-12-12, 05:39 PM
There would be no fight at all. Tarquin would bow down before O-Chul's awesomeness and become a paladin and a member of the Sapphire Guard.

And if not...
Smite Evil!

Rob Roy
2010-12-12, 06:10 PM
I was under the impression that Tarquin was O-chul's alt, when O-chul doesn't want to be able to slay Pun-Pun. Therefore O-chul and Tarquin are one and the same. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-12, 06:27 PM
Well, as a high-ranking member of the O-Chul Facts thread, I am legally obligated to say O-Chul.

...That said, Tarquin is pretty epic too. They're probably just two manifestations of the epic awesome that we have known as O-Chul.

Someone should start a Tarquin Facts thread, to run parallel to the O-Chul Facts thread. Not until we see more of him in action, though.

Rob Roy
2010-12-12, 06:31 PM
Well, as a high-ranking member of the O-Chul Facts thread, I am legally obligated to say O-Chul.

...That said, Tarquin is pretty epic too. They're probably just two manifestations of the epic awesome that we have known as O-Chul.

Someone should start a Tarquin Facts thread, to run parallel to the O-Chul Facts thread. Not until we see more of him in action, though.

I was under the impression that Tarquin was O-chul's alt, when O-chul doesn't want to be able to slay Pun-Pun. Therefore O-chul and Tarquin are one and the same.:smallbiggrin:
THey're one and the same I tell you! One and the same! :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 06:41 PM
O-Chul is without a doubt a stubborn, tough-as-nails container of awesome. He is a bomb of heroism with a fuse lit by audacity.

Tarquin is without a doubt a magnificent bastard. He embodies power, but not for the sake of ruling now, by his own word, for the sake of immortaliy as a legend.

I like both.

2010-12-12, 07:21 PM
I'm going with O-Chul/Mr. Stiffly here. If he can swim through a tank of acid, kill and acid-breathing shark, and still be able to try and smite a lich, I don't think that Tarquin could win.

2010-12-12, 09:11 PM
I'm going with O-Chul/Mr. Stiffly here. If he can swim through a tank of acid, kill and acid-breathing shark, and still be able to try and smite a lich, I don't think that Tarquin could win.

Straight up. O-Chul is awesomeness incarnate. Yes, Tarquin is an awesome villain and pretty badass besides, but our favorite Paladin has withstood a heck of a lot more than T has, and come out of it more gracefully. By that I mean: Tarquin survived a coalition of most of the countries on the Western Continent taking him down by retreating, then ruling from behind the scenes with the assistance of 5 old friends. That's incredible, and shouldn't be scoffed at. But O-Chul survived months of torture from the Big Bad and his inner circle, not caring for a second what happened to him or how/whether he was thought of, at the same time helping urge the MitD towards Good, and emerged on the other side, alive and having kept enough of his cool to remember and list off everything Xykon could cast. THAT IS AMAZING.

2010-12-12, 10:02 PM
Well, as a high-ranking member of the O-Chul Facts thread, I am legally obligated to say O-Chul.

...That said, Tarquin is pretty epic too. They're probably just two manifestations of the epic awesome that we have known as O-Chul.

Someone should start a Tarquin Facts thread, to run parallel to the O-Chul Facts thread. Not until we see more of him in action, though.

Give credit where credit is due, my friends. O-Chul and Tarquin are manifestations of the same epic awesome, we are all in agreement there (except Zevox) but that awesome is not an in-universe awesome. Nay, my friends, that awesome is the God-King of Webcomics, Rich Burlew!

(In other news, I just got Morrowind off of Steam, and I didn't hesitate at all before naming my character O-Chul the Noble)

Blue Ghost
2010-12-12, 10:07 PM
O-Chul, no question. I'm not a member of that bizarre O-Chul cult in SMBG, but O-Chul is awesome every way, physically, mentally, and morally. Tarquin is... a bit lacking in that last respect.

... I hope this thread does not spawn a Tarquin cult to mirror O-Chul's... :smalleek:

aart lover
2010-12-12, 10:19 PM
O-chul definetly. besides the fact that his natural hair color is BLUE(awesome), he survives just about everything that's thrown at him. tarquin would get a smite evil to the face and be dead just like that.

2010-12-13, 03:35 AM
Judging from Tarquin's need for a Ring of Regeneration.. his HP should be still a finite number.

So.. O-Chul wins. :P

King of Nowhere
2010-12-13, 11:52 AM
... I hope this thread does not spawn a Tarquin cult to mirror O-Chul's... :smalleek:

YEah, let's start a tarquin cult to mirror o-chul.
After all, a great hero needs a great enemy.

2010-12-13, 03:09 PM
O-Chul, no question. I'm not a member of that bizarre O-Chul cult in SMBG, but O-Chul is awesome every way, physically, mentally, and morally. Tarquin is... a bit lacking in that last respect.

... I hope this thread does not spawn a Tarquin cult to mirror O-Chul's... :smalleek:

You know, most of us (well, at least me...) don't really take this thing seriously. O-Chul does epic stuff, so it's fun to meme him into the ultimate badass. Besides, you've gotta admit, O-Chul's got guts.

Jan Mattys
2010-12-13, 03:55 PM
You know, most of us (well, at least me...) don't really take this thing seriously. O-Chul does epic stuff, so it's fun to meme him into the ultimate badass. Besides, you've gotta admit, O-Chul's got guts.

Even better, O-Chul made Xykon admit he's got guts.

2010-12-13, 07:04 PM
And THAT'S a seriously rare occurrence.

2010-12-13, 08:16 PM
Considering Xykon hasn't been in a position to judge for decades.