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2006-08-26, 05:06 PM
Beyond a wall of mountains outside of the Town lies a place of heat and barren landscape. For all purposes, this is pretty much a hot desert climate.

2006-08-26, 05:08 PM
Suzaku and Kreph appear in a flurry of fire and golden-red feathers. Suzaku looks around at the barren wasteland, having never been to a desert herself.

2006-08-26, 05:10 PM
You can see Xerillum off in the distance, carrying a bloody dagger and a dirty shovel. he then flies off.

2006-08-26, 05:15 PM
Kreph takes her hand and leads her to the edge of a rocky cliff face

It looks better at the top of one of these...

He bites his lip

Can you cimb?

2006-08-26, 05:19 PM
She looks at the cliff face. I believe I can manage...

2006-08-26, 05:23 PM
He looks back at her

You sure, now? I don't want you to fall...

2006-08-26, 05:27 PM
I'm a fighter by nature...climbing a wall isn't too hard.

2006-08-26, 05:29 PM
Okey dokey...

Kreph begins leaping up the cliff, stopping after he's up about twenty feet and looking back at Suzaku, smiling

2006-08-26, 05:30 PM
Suzaku is slower, but manages to follow him with ease compared to a normal person, even in her high heeled boots.

2006-08-26, 05:33 PM
Kreph grins and continues up, almost falling backwards once when spying a rather large scorpion


2006-08-26, 05:37 PM
Suzaku chuckles at him, Come on...it's just a bug...

2006-08-26, 05:41 PM
Your afraid of wolves, I'm afraid of creepy crawlies... It's the same concept.

Kreph scoots over a few rocks away from the giant corpion and looks down at Suzaku with a rather fearful grin

2006-08-26, 05:48 PM
Suzaku laughs, It's not the same at all... She climbs up next to him. A bug isn't going to tear your heart out while you watch...

2006-08-26, 05:54 PM
Kreph looks at her quizically

You don't know that... Besides... Would a wolf really do that?

2006-08-26, 05:58 PM
Suzaku nods, I've seen it done several times... She finishes her journey to the top of the cliff and sits on the edge.

2006-08-26, 06:04 PM
Kreph sighs and follows her up, sitting next to her

I'm sorry you had to see my people like that...

2006-08-26, 06:06 PM
Suzaku shakes her head, It was another life...and perhaps I can get over it...but not so soon...I'm sorry. She leans into him.

2006-08-26, 06:11 PM
Kreph hugs her

I just hope I can help... I really would like it if I could take you to meet my family some day...

2006-08-27, 12:09 AM
Suzaku bites her lip, Maybe...if I could meet them in their human forms...

2006-08-27, 12:15 AM
Kreph shakes his head

They hardly ever leave the village...

He looks out at the desert before them

May I ask... What about us frightens you?

2006-08-27, 12:19 AM
Ever since I was little I watched them rip people to shreds. They do it inside the tavern...for fun. You either find a way to get them to leave you alive, or you're food. Even a well-versed god cannot hope to compete with the strongest of them. She doesn't look him in the eyes, staring out over the desert, her eyes glazed a bit as she recalls her own world.

2006-08-27, 12:22 AM
Kreph looks at the ground

I-... I-...

Kreph seems to force his mouth shut as he hugs Suzaku close

2006-08-27, 12:23 AM
Suzaku comes back from the past as he hugs her and she places a hand on his cheek, smiling at him reassuringly. It will just take time...I'll try, I promise...

2006-08-27, 12:28 AM
I don't like seeing you scared, Su... It's the worst thing I've ever seen...

He looks at the ground

2006-08-27, 12:29 AM
She smiles and kisses him. The best way to beat a fear is to rid yourself of it...we'll work it out.

2006-08-27, 12:32 AM
Kreph nods and kisses her back, then looks up

Lots of stars tonight...

2006-08-27, 12:39 AM
Suzaku nods and motions to a set of stars gathered in the southern part of the sky. There's the south sky, comprised of seven constellations. Those are the constellations of Suzaku. She smiles at him knowladgeably. Did you know about them when you named me?

2006-08-27, 12:42 AM
Kreph shakes his head

It was the name of somebody I met once... She was a phoenix, one of those great mystic firebirds... That's what you reminded me of... Dieing and coming back born anew...

2006-08-27, 12:45 AM
Suzaku smiles and kisses him, It fit perfectly...thank you.

2006-08-27, 12:46 AM
Kreph smiles, kissing her back

Only the best for you, love...

2006-08-27, 12:50 AM
She grins, giggling lightly, still continuing the kiss.

2006-08-27, 02:02 PM
Kreph grins, wraping his arms around Suzaku, continuing the kiss

Kreph rolls over in his sleep several hours later, accidentaly shifted to his wolf form in his sleep...

2006-08-27, 05:00 PM
(That's just cruel...)

Suzaku wakes to find herself next to a large wolf. She scoots away immediately. She shivers lightly, but after a few moments moves back toward the wolf slowly and reaches out a shaking hand and strokes his fur timidly.

2006-08-27, 05:28 PM
Kreph's eys flick open, and he shifts back to his human form

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

2006-08-27, 05:32 PM
Suzaku jumps as he wakes and shifts so quickly. She gives him a small smile as he apologizes. It's okay...

2006-08-27, 05:33 PM
Kreph hugs her close

I didn't mean to...

2006-08-27, 05:34 PM
Suzaku puts a hand to his cheek. It's okay...didn't you see?

2006-08-27, 05:38 PM
Kreph looks at her quizically

2006-08-27, 05:39 PM
I touched you..in that form...

(Ah, double entendres...)

2006-08-27, 05:44 PM
Kreph kisses her

I'm still sorry...

2006-08-27, 05:45 PM
She smiles, returning the kiss. It's okay....

2006-08-27, 05:50 PM
Kreph looks at her in the eyes

Could I... Would you try again?

2006-08-27, 05:53 PM
Suzaku bites her lower lip. I could try...

2006-08-27, 05:55 PM
Kreph takes her hand, looking at her with a rather serious look


2006-08-27, 05:57 PM
She steps back, shaking her head, but she quietly says, Yes...

2006-08-27, 06:01 PM
Kreph looks at the ground

I-... Please be brave, Suzaku... I'm not going to harm you...

He takes a deep breath and shifts to his wolf form, still looking at the ground

2006-08-27, 06:04 PM
Suzaku shivers visibly, but reaches a shaky hand to him, keeping her hand away from his muzzle, not quite ready to be messing with the business end of even a friendly wolf.

2006-08-27, 06:08 PM
Kreph doesn't make any sudden movements

2006-08-27, 06:12 PM
Suzaku pulls away briefly before stroking his fur again. She's still shaking, but the strokes become more confident each time.

2006-08-27, 06:15 PM
Kreph still remains still, trying not to freak out Suzaku

2006-08-27, 06:17 PM
Suzaku reaches for his muzzle, finally. She places a hand carefully down on it, shaking again.

2006-08-27, 06:37 PM
Kreph still doesn't move, looking up at Suzaku

2006-08-27, 06:39 PM
She pulls her hand away and shakes her head, still shivering, No more...not today...

2006-08-27, 06:44 PM
Kreph shifts back to his human form and hugs Suzaku close

I'm sorry...

2006-08-27, 06:45 PM
She clings to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

2006-08-27, 06:52 PM
You did great...

He kisses her and looks out at the desert surrounding them...

2006-08-27, 06:57 PM
I'm sorry...what kind of girlfriend am I...scared of my own lover, she laughs sadly at herself. But...I guess I'm used to it...

2006-08-27, 07:02 PM
You don't need to be scared of me, or him, anymore... It'll be alright, you'll see.

2006-08-27, 07:05 PM
Suzaku smiles, kissing him. I'm more scared of losing myself. I feel weak right now, and see myself turning into my mirror self. She's not a bad person..but she's not me. I don't want to be her...

2006-08-27, 07:17 PM
It's alright... You won't need to do anything else today... You can rest up, maybe go back to the Town tommarow... You just relax, okay?

2006-08-27, 07:20 PM
Suzaku nods, flopping on the ground and curls her legs up, resting her head on her knees.

2006-08-27, 07:25 PM
Kreph grins, and sits dow next to Suzaku. He freezes a moment after spying an abnormally large spider stick its head out of a hole

2006-08-27, 07:27 PM
Suzaku leans into him, not even noticing the spider.

2006-08-27, 07:35 PM
Kreph inches over slightly as the spier emerges from the hole

2006-08-27, 07:36 PM
Suzaku looks at him like he's insane and follows his gaze. She stands and walks to the spider, holding out her hand carefully for it to walk onto. She looks back to Kreph with a 'you're such a wimp' look.

2006-08-27, 07:41 PM
Kreph sneers slightly [or whatever a "oh, so your alowd to be afraid of wolves but I'm not allowd to be afraid of spiders" look resembles] and holds out a hand

2006-08-27, 07:43 PM
She offers him the spider.

2006-08-27, 07:45 PM
Kreph lets the spider step onto his hand, completly still

2006-08-27, 07:48 PM
Suzaku strokes the spider, looking into Kreph's eyes. See? They're perfectly harmless.

2006-08-27, 07:52 PM
Kreph still doesn't move

Untill they bite...

2006-08-27, 07:55 PM
No spider in the world has enough poison to kill a humanoid. And these particular ones jaws are so small they can't even bite anything bigger than a fly. Don't worry.

2006-08-27, 08:02 PM
Kreph lets the spider back onto the ground, and stands up besides Suzaku

If you say so...

2006-08-27, 08:03 PM
Suzaku kisses him. Don't worry so much...

2006-08-27, 08:08 PM
Kreph shakes his head

I used to be a less uptight...

2006-08-27, 08:08 PM
Suzaku raises her eyebrow as though encouraging him to go on with the story.

2006-08-27, 08:17 PM
Then I came here and got attacked by psycotic humans, wolfmen, rocs...

He looks at her and grins slightly

Shocker lizards...

2006-08-27, 08:20 PM
She bites her lip, I'm sorry...the attack by Lykan was my fault...

2006-08-27, 08:27 PM
Kreph shakes his head

No... It wasn't your fault... I got myself involved.

2006-08-27, 08:30 PM
Suzaku shakes her head, You didn't know about his true involvement with me before...

2006-08-27, 08:39 PM
It's alright... You don't need to worry about him anymore...

Kreph hugs Suzaku

2006-08-27, 08:40 PM
Suzaku sighs, resting her head on his shoulder. I'd thought that before...I watched your cousin kill him...

2006-08-27, 08:48 PM
Well... Maybe we should stay at that temple untill we're sure he's gone? It's quite safe there...

2006-08-27, 08:49 PM
Suzaku nods. That's probably a good idea.

2006-08-27, 08:53 PM
But in the meantime, here is probably safe...

Kreph grins, and lies on his back, looking up at the stars

2006-08-27, 08:55 PM
She lays down with him, placing a hand on his chest.

2006-08-27, 09:00 PM
Kreph closes his eyes and takes Suzaku's hand

Times like this... Are the best I've ever had...

2006-08-27, 09:02 PM
Suzaku smiles, closing her eyes as she lays her head on his shoulder, Me too...

2006-08-27, 09:07 PM
Kreph wraps an arm around Suzaku, kissing her again

2006-08-28, 11:49 AM
*Insert Forboding Music Here*

A Large (as in the size category) Barghest sniffs the surrounding desert area.

It catches a burrowing scorpion and devours it hungrily.

The creature continues to sniff the ground and makes his way towards the valley.

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 12:49 PM
Mirror Rivik sneaks up the dunes and spots Kreph. His hands begin to glow and he slowly moves towards Kreph.

2006-08-28, 12:57 PM
Kreph wakes up and rolls over, looking at Suzaku

Morning love...

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 12:59 PM
You hear a dark, pysochotic, annoying voice speak. "You're up." Above you is a drow with glowing, blue hands and a dark blue cloak on.

2006-08-28, 01:03 PM
Kreph yawns

Wow, raiding season already? I thought that was midwinter.

Kreph cracks his neck, and stretches nochalantly

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:05 PM
The drow, Mirror Rivik, starts to wave his hands in odd paterns and the glow even darker.

2006-08-28, 01:07 PM
Kreph yawns again, tapping his foot. He makes sure his boots are on tight

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:08 PM
He pushes his hands forward, and from them comes a net that flies towards Kreph.

2006-08-28, 01:10 PM
Kreph snaps his fingers, and the net gets blown of course by a sudden powerful gust of wind.

Any more brain busters for me?

[control air]

2006-08-28, 01:10 PM
He pushes his hands forward, and from them comes a net that flies towards Kreph.

((All I can think of is...anticlimactic))

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:12 PM
The drow growls, and then begins to cast another spell.

2006-08-28, 01:13 PM
Kreph tunrs around and picks up Suzaku, visibly bored. He begins to walk away

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:16 PM
Three spikes surround Mirror Rivik, and he summons a balor in front of Kreph. "I'm going to take you whether you like or not." He then casts a maximized heightened empowered cone of cold on Kreph.

((It's too bad Mirror Rivik isn't level 60 like everyone else seems to be. Regular Rivik is only level 25...))

2006-08-28, 01:19 PM
Kreph leaps to the side, letting the cone engulf the demonic entity in front of him. He continues walking away from the mage

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:21 PM
"That's it. I don't care what the priestess said. I'm going to KILL YOU!" The spikes around Mirror Rivik circle and spin... And then he is replaced by a Draegloth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draegloth). The Draegloth chases after Kreph.

2006-08-28, 01:23 PM
((It's too bad Mirror Rivik isn't level 60 like everyone else seems to be. Regular Rivik is only level 25...))

(( Are you kidding? Most people are level 25... ))

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:24 PM
((I know, I just read a few people are level 60. It's cuz of the ECL 25 thing. Isn't Appolo ECL 40?))

2006-08-28, 01:24 PM
Kreph turns around, snickering

Oh come off it, mate. You've got a shocking balor working for you, and the ability to cast overly epic spells. And your chasing me. Nice... What's next,you summon Hades to scratch your back?

2006-08-28, 01:25 PM
(( He'd do the same things if he was level 10. I think he just wanted someone who can do anything. ))

2006-08-28, 01:26 PM
(( He'd do the same things if he was level 10. I think he just wanted someone who can do anything. ))


Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:26 PM
"Sounds like a nice idea." Draegloth Mirror Rivik casts a delayed blast fireball upon Kreph.

((Size Increased because of the voice change when he became a Draegloth.))

((Not really. He's about level 30. It's just I collect lots of feats when making characters. Gate spell for balor, custom spell from my DM for the whole Draegloth thing.))

2006-08-28, 01:28 PM
Kreph is engulfed by the blast. When the dust clears, he and Suzaku are gone.

Daedrous Avari
2006-08-28, 01:30 PM
Mirror Rivik returns to normal, exhausted from the spellcasting. "I'll get you." He takes out a mirror from his backpack and enters it, and then the mirror stays.

((To the Mirror Desert, then the Mirror Town, Mirror Trog's blah blah blah etc...))

2006-08-28, 01:33 PM
Kreph diggs himself out from under the sand, and pulls ot the sleeping Suzaku as well

Wow, that was about as fun as... Dirt...

Kreph dusts himself and Suzaku off before lying back in the sand, whistling

2006-08-30, 10:47 AM

A heavily armored figure wearing a dark cloak and carrying two swords walks at the edge of the horizon.

The wind whips around him and blows his cloak back in a dramatic fashion.

2006-08-30, 10:57 AM
((Cue the theme music intro to begin playing quietly))
((Camera begins to zoom in slowly))

2006-08-30, 11:00 AM
(( Camera hits him in the face.

"Ow! That hurt!" ))

(( I wasn't sure if this actually worked because of my fritzy internet today. ))

2006-08-30, 11:00 AM
((Cut to fight scene, Rilik's character using a huge sword against a similiar looking man with an almost identical sword. Back to original scene, zoomed in slightly))

2006-08-30, 11:02 AM
(( Nothing that dramatic... ::) ))

2006-09-20, 09:20 PM
Far in the distance, what seems to be a mirage appears on the horizon. It is the shimmering outline of someone tall and unwavering.
The strange, faint image of a man walks unerringly towards the town, not slowing or faltering. As it draws closer, it is seen to be the flickering visage of an elf, a slender gray elf with silver hair and amber eyes. He is focused but relaxed, toiling on as if nothing bothered him. His garments are strange and outdated, as if he had traveled from the far past. He wears a pair of ornately carved bracers, and an ancient black cloak that hangs from his ghostly shoulders. Everything about him seems transported from another time and place, a memory of what was.
His hair streams about behind him in a nonexistant breeze, trailing back in ethereal tendrils. His eyes stare unblinking to the horizon. Somehow he seems to sense the town, far away as it is, and he smiles slightly and heads towards it, eventually making it past the scorching sands and into the valley.

2006-09-22, 08:53 PM
Kreph looks up at the stars, grinning

2006-09-22, 08:57 PM

Suzaku appears beside Kreph in a swirl of fire. She looks up at the stars as well, It's a beautiful night...

2006-09-22, 09:07 PM
Kreph grins, kissing her

I dunno anymore... You kind of overshadow it a bit.

2006-09-22, 09:08 PM
Suzaku smiles, returning the kiss. It's hard to overshadow one's own constellation...but if you say so.

2006-09-22, 09:10 PM
Kreph rolls his eyes, grinniing, and hugs her

So... You wanna stay here for another few weeks? there's still plenty to do...

2006-09-22, 09:12 PM
She shrugs, Doesn't your family miss you?

2006-09-22, 09:16 PM
Kreph looks at the ground

Family... Yeah...

2006-09-22, 09:18 PM
Suzaku looks at him worriedly, What's wrong?

2006-09-22, 09:21 PM
Kreph grins

It's nothing.

2006-09-22, 09:22 PM
She shakes her head, It didn't sound like nothing...

2006-09-22, 09:24 PM
Kreph shakes his head

It's not something I really want to think about...

2006-09-22, 09:25 PM
Suzaku sits beside him and leans into him, I try not to think of my family, either...

2006-09-22, 09:30 PM
Kreph nods

I met this world's Wukei once... She seemed nice... So I'm gonna assume that wasn't the case with your world...

2006-09-22, 09:37 PM
She nods, Honestly, I don't see your world's Wukei as a true pirate...I don't think she's killed anyone in her life. But I may be wrong.

2006-09-22, 09:41 PM
Kreph shrugs

She might of, she might not have... All I know is she she was nice when I met her last...

2006-09-22, 09:45 PM
Suzaku chuckles, The majority of this world seems nice...sure you have the occasional evil person...but it doesn't seem as constant...

2006-09-22, 09:48 PM
Maybe it's because people of similar ideals and moral values tend to stick together?

2006-09-22, 09:49 PM
A dagger of lightning hits the sand and creates a massive dust cloud

2006-09-22, 09:50 PM
Suzaku shakes her head, No...it's due to the fact that the majority influences the weaker of the group. The police of this world stand for law and good. But that is because the community is good. You either become good or you're arrested. It's forced upon you in a way. The same can be said for my old world.

2006-09-22, 09:52 PM
Kreph shakes his head

I dunno... Let's just be happy that they aren't trying to kill us...

He grins slightly

2006-09-22, 09:54 PM
Suzaku smiles, kissing him. Indeed. Small miracles...

2006-09-22, 09:56 PM
Kreph grins, kissing her back

So... Do you want to stay here for a little while longer?

2006-09-22, 09:58 PM
Suzaku smiles, If you care to. I enjoy it here.

2006-09-22, 09:59 PM
When the dust settles, you see a shining, indestructible, fistsized blue orb.

2006-09-22, 10:00 PM
Well, I only want you to be happy... So here we stay.

He grins and kisses her again

2006-09-22, 10:02 PM
Suzaku smiles, leaning into him comfortably, closing her mismatched eyes.

2006-09-22, 10:07 PM
Kreph grins, holding her close

You know, Su... I've noticed you changing over the past few weeks... I'm not complaining, it's just an observation...

2006-09-22, 10:09 PM
Suzaku smiles, I've taken on different, friendlier powers after removing Loki from myself...it's nothing dangerous. But it is useful.

2006-09-22, 10:15 PM
Kreph grins

Who'd you take in?

2006-09-22, 10:17 PM
Feng Huang. Also known as Ho-oh or Suzaku.

2006-09-22, 10:24 PM
Kreph raises an eyebrow

So you're not only named Suzaku now, your harboring the actual goddess?

2006-09-22, 10:33 PM
Suzaku nods. Except...he's not a goddess. And he's not completely male either. Feng Huang and Ho-oh both mean male-female. I guess the best way to describe him would be an hermaphrodite. She winks, But don't worry...he hasn't physically altered me that much.

2006-09-22, 10:34 PM
Kreph nods, chuckling a bit

That would be a little wierd.

2006-09-22, 10:36 PM
Suzaku laughs as well, I don't think I could handle fully being Feng Huang.

2006-09-22, 10:39 PM
Kreph raises an eyebrow

Physically or spiritually?

2006-09-22, 10:41 PM
Physically. Spiritually we're two different beings, though he borrows my physical body occassionally. He knows where the line has been drawn.

2006-09-22, 10:44 PM
Kreph chuckles and leans back onto the ground

That's good. Like I said... It'd be a bit odd.

He grins

2006-09-22, 10:47 PM
Suzaku kisses him and curls up next to him, watching the sky.

2006-09-22, 10:49 PM
I love you...

He smiles for a moment, then his ears twitch and he bites his lip

2006-09-22, 10:51 PM
She raises an eyebrow at his sudden hesitant nature, What's wrong?

2006-09-22, 10:55 PM
Kreph concentrates

Thought I heard something... Can't hear it anymore.

He shrugs, holding Suzaku close

2006-09-22, 10:56 PM
She smiles, kissing him. It was probably just a spider...run Kreph, run.. She chuckles and smiles, her eyes glowing a bit, I love you, too.

2006-09-22, 11:02 PM
Kreph grins, rolling his eyes

It didn't sound alive... It sounded like...

He bites his lip, trying to think of something to compare the sound to

Gunshots... Really far off though...

2006-09-22, 11:05 PM
Suzaku shakes her head, If you want me to check up on it, I can...but I really don't see any cause for concern...it's probably someone just hunting in the woods.

2006-09-22, 11:14 PM
Kreph shrugs

As long as it's not headed this way, I don't see a need to investigate it.

He smiles, and kisses Suzaku

2006-09-22, 11:17 PM
She smiles, snuggling up next to him and closes her eyes again.

2006-09-22, 11:21 PM
Kreph wraps his arms around her, beaming

2006-09-22, 11:25 PM
You've really changed me, Kreph...thank you. Maybe it's this whole world, but you had the strength to believe in me in the first place.

2006-09-22, 11:26 PM
(( Since the rest of us are offline, I'll represent the Awwww crowd...

Awwww ))

2006-09-22, 11:30 PM
Kreph smiles, saying nothing, and kissed her

2006-09-22, 11:32 PM
She returns the kiss and snuggles up to him once more.

(*shoots the aww crowd*)

2006-09-22, 11:39 PM
Kreph grins, looking up at the stars again

I'm glad I could make your life better...

2006-09-22, 11:40 PM
Suzaku kisses him. Know that nothing will ever change now...whatever happens, I'll always love you. And I'll be faithful.

2006-09-22, 11:44 PM
Kreph smiles, kissing her back

I'm not worried about that... I know you won't.

2006-09-22, 11:47 PM
I worried about it...before I met Feng Huang. It's been my whole life to use my body to manipulate others...but Feng Huang and you have both seemed to ground me.

2006-09-22, 11:52 PM
Kreph smiles

Well, it's good to know he's helping you...

2006-09-22, 11:52 PM
She smiles, kissing him, He hasn't helped me half as much as you have.

2006-09-23, 12:00 AM
Kreph smiles, hugging her tightly

I'm so happy for you...

2006-09-23, 12:01 AM
Suzaku kisses him. For us...

2006-09-23, 12:18 AM
Kreph grins, kissing her back

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me... I barely had anything to live for before you...

2006-09-23, 12:20 AM
Suzaku smiles, wrapping an arm around him as she rests her head on his chest. You had something to live for...count it as a blessing.

2006-09-23, 12:23 AM
Just a few lizards...

Kreph sighs and hugs her

2006-09-23, 12:23 AM
Suzaku chuckles, And you act like you hate the little guys.

2006-09-23, 12:26 AM
Kreph shakes his head

They're annoying, but I couldn't hate them...

2006-09-23, 12:27 AM
Suzaku smiles, clinging to him. So if I get too clingy as well would I be annoying?

2006-09-23, 12:31 AM
Kreph grins

Not at all... You don't zap me every few seconds...

He kisses her

2006-09-23, 12:33 AM
She giggles, Would you like me to?

2006-09-23, 12:36 AM
Kreph continues grinning, making a small static current run through Suzaku

2006-09-23, 12:37 AM
Electricity's just a cheap knock-off of fire, you know... She winks.

2006-09-23, 12:40 AM
Knockoff? Perhaps. Cheap? Definetly not.

He tries to make her hair stand on end

2006-09-23, 12:42 AM
Suzaku runs her hands through her gold and red hair, scowling slightly at him. That's not very nice...

2006-09-23, 12:49 AM
Kreph looks at the ground, stopping the effect immidiatly

I'm sorry...

2006-09-23, 12:50 AM
She grins, You take everything too seriously...lighten up.

2006-09-23, 12:55 AM
Kreph sighs

I just don't want you to be upset, that's all...

2006-09-23, 12:57 AM
Suzaku smiles, ruffling up his hair. Consider the debt repaid.

2006-09-23, 01:04 AM
Kreph chuckles, kissing her again

Well... I've paid for worse.

He grins

2006-09-23, 01:05 AM
Suzaku yawns, laying her head back on his chest. And I've done worse to make people pay...

2006-09-23, 01:11 AM
Kreph shifts to give Suzakua slightly more comfertable position, grinning

You want a fuzzy pillow to sleep on tonight?

2006-09-23, 01:15 AM
Suzaku stiffens slightly as he shifts, mentioning his wolf form, I'd prefer a warm arm around me and well-toned torso under my head... She winks, trying to throw off some of her lingering uneasiness.

2006-09-23, 01:17 AM
Kreph nods, slightly dissapointed, but smiles anyways as he wraps his arms around Suzaku

2006-09-23, 01:21 AM
She kisses him before resting her head back on his chest, I don't know if I'll ever be completely healed, Kreph.

2006-09-23, 01:25 AM
Kreph runs a hand through her hair

It'll be alright... I promise.

2006-09-23, 01:27 AM
Suzaku rests her hand across his shoulder. You've heard why I'm hurt...but you seem to hide your own pain...

2006-09-23, 01:29 AM
Kreph sighs

I don't want you to worry... That's all...

2006-09-23, 01:30 AM
I worry more when you don't tell me what's wrong.

2006-09-23, 01:34 AM
Kreph sighs, closing his eyes

My family... My parents, my younger brothers... They were killed when I was little...

2006-09-23, 01:35 AM
The second clan? Or someone else?

2006-09-23, 01:40 AM
Someone else...

Kreph begins to shiver

They... were everywhere...

2006-09-23, 01:43 AM
Suzaku places a comforting hand on his cheek. It's all right. You've survived and you still have the rest of your family. You've saved people, your little lizard friends...your family would be proud.

2006-09-23, 01:45 AM
Kreph continues shivering

They laid eggs... In their bodies...

2006-09-23, 01:47 AM
Spiders? She winces at the thought of having teased him so much about being afraid of spiders.

2006-09-23, 01:49 AM
He nods, a pained look coming across his face

2006-09-23, 01:52 AM
Suzaku hugs him tightly. I'm sorry...

2006-09-23, 01:56 AM
It wasn't... Your fault...

2006-09-23, 01:59 AM
But I kept teasing you...I shouldn't have.

2006-09-23, 02:05 AM
Kreph shakes his head and hugs Suzaku, still shaking

2006-09-23, 02:08 AM
Suzaku hugs him tightly, kissing him again. I'm sorry I brought it up...

2006-09-23, 02:11 AM
Kreph shakes his head, still shivering, and hugs her tightly. He seems to be on the verge of tears...

2006-09-23, 02:16 AM
She looks up into his eyes, It's okay to cry...holding it back is worse than just letting it happen. There's something about crying...it releases something pent up in you... She returns her hand to his cheek, trying to comfort him.

2006-09-23, 02:19 AM
Kreph sobs, still clinging to Suzaku. Tears stream down the sidesof his face, even though his eyes seem fused shut

2006-09-23, 02:21 AM
Suzaku kisses him softly, wrapping him in a light hug and closing her eyes.

2006-09-23, 02:24 AM
Kreph continues to sob

I-... They...

2006-09-23, 02:27 AM
Suzaku kisses him, Let's not continue tonight...you're too upset as it is.

2006-09-23, 02:28 AM
Kreph hugs Suzaku tightly, and his crying begins to subside as time passes...

2006-09-23, 02:31 AM
Suzaku continues to comfort him the best she can, the concept foreign to her, but something inside her telling her how best to deal with the situation. She strokes Kreph's hair, sighing as he finally calms down.

Perhaps you can give me some answers later.

I'll see what I can find...

2006-09-23, 02:36 AM
Kreph looks Suzaku in the eyes, still with a sorrowful look on his face

I-... I'm sorry...

2006-09-23, 02:37 AM
Suzaku kisses him, There is nothing to apologize for.

2006-09-23, 02:42 AM
Kreph shakes his head

I'm-... Just a wimp...

2006-09-23, 02:45 AM
Suzaku shakes her head. Everyone has fears. I was a feared demigoddess in my plane, and yet I was scared of even the weakest werewolf and sometimes normal wolves because of one. It is no different with you.

2006-09-23, 02:50 AM
Kreph sighs, shaking his head

But... They're just little spiders... Wolves are a rational fear...

2006-09-23, 02:54 AM
Suzaku grins, Wolves are a rational fear for a goddess?

2006-09-23, 02:57 AM
Kreph sighs

Are spiders a rational fear for anyone?

2006-09-23, 02:59 AM
Quite a few people consider them a rational fear. Especially of the ones found in the underdark. I believe they're called driders there, though...

2006-09-23, 03:05 AM
D-d... Driders? The spider people?

Kreph shivers slightly

2006-09-23, 03:08 AM
She nods, An ample fear. One can see fearing normal spiders if before all they'd known were driders. Just as one would fear normal wolves if one only knew werewolves before. It's logical, though in a subconscious manner. It doesn't make the fear any easier to dispose of.

I wish you wouldn't speak through me like that....

If it is to ease his fears of being a coward it is not so bad, is it?

2006-09-23, 03:16 AM
Kreph sighs

I guess so...

He leans back and looks at the stars again

2006-09-23, 03:19 AM
Suzaku lays down beside him again. It's never easier, but one must always try to look to the future rather than the past.

2006-09-23, 03:24 AM
I know... That's one of the first things I talked with you about...

Kreph smiles slightly

2006-09-23, 03:25 AM
She winks, kissing him.

2006-09-23, 03:31 AM
Kreph grins

Well... I'm glad that's out of my system...

2006-09-23, 03:38 AM
Suzaku smiles, kissing him, I told you you'd feel better.

2006-09-23, 03:44 AM
Kreph grins

Are you okay with everything, then?

2006-09-23, 03:47 AM
She nods, looking up at the stars. A look of longing seems to cross her face for a brief moment.

2006-09-23, 03:58 AM
Kreph looks over at her

What's up?

2006-09-23, 04:02 AM
Suzaku winces a bit and she looks to Kreph. Sorry...just thinking...

2006-09-23, 04:10 AM
Kreph frowns slightly

About what?

2006-09-23, 04:12 AM
Suzaku looks at him, It wasn't me thinking...Feng Huang misses his home...

2006-09-23, 04:15 AM
Where's that?

Kreph bites his lip

2006-09-23, 04:17 AM
She shrugs, Another plane... She glances over at him, What's got you looking so nervous?

2006-09-23, 04:20 AM
Kreph shakes his head, smiling slightly

It's nothing... THe spider thing's still in my head...

2006-09-23, 04:21 AM
She smiles, kissing him. It's all right...I'm here now...I'll crunch any spiders that come along tonight, okay? She winks and curls up next to him, closely, watching the sky.

2006-09-23, 04:24 AM
Kreph nods, smiling


He wraps his arms around her, gazing upwards as well

Goodnight, my love...