View Full Version : Church Inquisitor and Self Buffing... I think I just got it wrong...

2010-12-01, 06:38 PM
So browsing through the Complete Divine I found this neat and pretty PrC; The Church Inquisitor. It has some nifty abilities I really would like to try out, like hosing the entire school of enchantment...

Then i found about the DMM [Persist] tricks and thought... uuuhuhuuu, this is niiiice, i'll try it out.

Then I started searching for god buffing spells... and it dawned on me... Some of the cool buffing spells, like Righteous Wrath of the Faithful and Zealot Pact are both Mind affecting [Compulsion] spells, which I am immune to as per the Church inquisitor at higher levels... Now, before I delve deeper and get really deppressed:

Do you know of any other buffing spells that fall into that [Compulsion] or [Charm] descriptors and I therefore am unable to use?

When You persist, Which spells besides Divine Favor and Righteous Might do you choose to use?

When you Mass buff the party into killing machines, which spells are your favorites?

2010-12-01, 06:49 PM
I'm not sure about it so anybody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the same as outsiders having spell resistance: I think you can "shut it off" voluntarily, which you would probably do when buffing yourself and/or receiving a buff.

2010-12-01, 06:54 PM
Heroism is a Mind-Affecting (Compulsion Spell) I believe, unless you have a friendly wizard to cast it on you, you needn't worry about that though.

Other good spells to persist include: Divine Agility, Divine Power, Greater Visage of the Deity, Holy Transformation and Shapechange (to really break the game).

The fun really expands if you can get access to some arcane spells too.

Morbis Meh
2010-12-01, 07:06 PM
Spell resistance isn't too bad if you're fighting a lot of casters. If you take a dip into contemplative and pick up the Spell Domain as your bonus domain you can use anyspell to persist wraithstrike which makes all of your melee attacks into touch attacks.