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2010-12-01, 06:45 PM
((o/ da da dadadadum, da da dadadadum /o ~ and so on))

You all arrive at the ports of High Point City, the newest frontier Hannok awaits you all in due time but first. you must meet one of Hannok's most prestigious citizens.

As luck would have news of your arrival has already reached his ears as an assitant awaits you at the docks, greeting you warmly before leading you back to the lab he researches out of.

The man in question is Professor Redwood, a tall and broad man by human standards, standing nearly 6'5" with wild looking curly brown hair. Darkened spectacles hide his yes but his smile tells more as greets you all. "Welcome to Hannok friends, I am Professor Redwood a pokemon professor of the region. I trust you all know what these are." He says handing each of you a small red pocket computer, 'With these dexes I hope that you will uncover the secrets of the pokemon of this land and any new species we have yet t see. I suggest you look around town, or if you want to more deeper inland, head for Dewdrop Town through Point Forest to the north."

2010-12-01, 07:56 PM
Jack nodded and bowed politely. Thank you, sir," he said, taking the Pokedex.

2010-12-01, 07:59 PM
Redwood nodded, "Oh, and one more thing." He calls back, "Amelia." He turns back to the group as he awaits, "Amelia is one of my assistant's and if you could please take her with you on your journey."

2010-12-01, 08:07 PM
"Coming professor," Amelia calls, "Yoko don't touch that, come on," a tall teen with messy, black hair walks in, an abra following her, "Yes Professor?"

2010-12-01, 08:12 PM
Jack blinked. "Um, well, it's not really up to me..."

He turned and saw the Abra and thought about how he wanted one someday. Hopefully soon.

2010-12-01, 09:41 PM
"Amelia, these people are going on a pokemon journey. I feel it would be a great experience for you if you went with them."

2010-12-01, 09:52 PM
Michael rushes forward, Speedy and blade right behind him. He extends his hand towards Amelia, Hello there! My name is Michael Stryker. It'll be nice to have a scientist coming along, though I'm not sure if we are a group necessarily. I'd love to travel with these guys, but we did just meet each other on the boat.

2010-12-01, 10:18 PM
"I'm actually a breeder, i did a bit of research for the Professor and have gained some insight because of it," Amelia says, taking Michael's hand, "i'd be happy to travel with you," she says with a smile, "although i'll need to get Shino from my Dad, Yoko, would you mind grabbing him," Amelia's abra nods then teleports away for a few moments before returning with a dark green scyther with a black stripe down it's back and head.

OOC: Amelia keeps her pokemon out of pokeballs, believing it strengthens the relationship between pokemon and trainer.

2010-12-01, 10:39 PM
Oooh Michael says Well, I'd like to test this thing out. Mind if I look at your Scyther? He looks like a champ Michael says with a large smile on his face as he holds his pokedex, trying to figure out exactly how it works. I ask because I hope to befriend a Scyther at some point as well. I think I'm headed towards the same path as my dad, because I love flying pokemon in all forms.

As Michael talks to Amelia, Speedy approaches the two pokemon who've just appeared, approaching with a smile on her face and her hand extended.

2010-12-01, 10:53 PM
"His name's Shino, Yoko is my abra. They're friendly, although Shino is a bit like an overprotective brother, with me and Yoko" she says. "They've been scanned before, they don't mind it at all. I'm partial to psychic and bug type pokemon as you can see."

Yoko takes the squirtle's hand in her own then releases, Shino bows its head at the squirtle, not offering its blade-like arms to avoid injuring Speedy.

"How about I prepare lunch at my house? We can leave afterwards, besides i need to pick up a few things." Yoko's ears perk up at "lunch" and she nods rather quickly, she seems far more active than most abra.

2010-12-01, 11:34 PM
Kira Misoto

As Kira followed the others off the boat, she tried to stay more near Kane as she seemed to be the most comfortable with him for the moment. As they arrived, they met Professor Redwood and were given Pokedexes, something she silently wondered as to why her sensei hadn't given her but she shrugged it off and bowed her head respectively to him as a silent thank you.

When he mentioned the name "Amelia" as being someone who was to join them, she smiled a bit herself. Even if this girl would seem more feminine, it would still be nice to be around someone of the same gender. As she finally showed up, her blue eyes remained upon her, as if silently studying her before bowing her head yet again, "Nice to meet you, Amelia-chan." She then looked down at her two pokemon -- an Abra and a Scyther, smiled, then looked back to Amelia, "Interesting pokemon you have there."

2010-12-01, 11:48 PM
Amelia smiles "I've had Yoko since she was an egg and Shino since he left the nest. They're more like siblings than anything else. I actually want to create a new breed of pokemon as my ultimate goal. May i ask your name?"

2010-12-02, 12:11 AM
Kira Misoto

It was then Kira realized that to Kane even she had yet to have revealed her name, making her feel horrible for having forgotten her manners. "Kira Misoto. Interesting goal you have in mind and very nice to meet you. Do you know exactly what type of pokemon you want to create?" She asked, now standing beside Amelia.

2010-12-02, 12:23 AM
"Well bug and psychic are my favorites, plants are a close second. I'd like to combine the traits of psychic and bug pokemon. Professor Redwood has helped me a great deal in reaching that goal as it is." Amelia says, "it will likely require pheromones and vitamins to promote a crossbreeding of two different types of pokemon."

2010-12-02, 01:16 AM
At Amelia's mention of plant pokemon, Michael instinctively begins to rub the seed on the leather cord around his neck. He turns back to Amelia, hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about a pokemon named Shaymin would you? As Michael asks, he takes his pokedex in the hand not nervously rubbing the seed and scans Yoko, Shino, Speedy, and Blade.

2010-12-02, 01:30 AM
Taking a moment of thought, Amelia simply states "Can't say I have. I never researched much into any type of pokemon, mainly in breeding habits and the best way to make take care of eggs and young pokemon."

2010-12-02, 01:58 AM
A visible look of disappointment crosses Michael's face. He then says, almost to himself someone here needs to know where Shaymin is. Michael sort of stares off into the sky, then says as he comes back to reality so, did I here something about lunch?

2010-12-02, 02:45 AM
Before amelia can begin to talk, Yoko walks over to each person and pulls them into a loose circle, "seems she wants to teleport us to my hose," Amelia says smiling, "She likes my cooking."

2010-12-02, 07:56 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira nodded, keeping all the things Amelia had said in her mind. As she brought up the offer of lunch at her place, she thought a bit before replying, "Temping as that sounds... I do think I'll look around. I can wait to eat later as I'm used to holding off and usually eat only one or two meals a day."

She bowed her head, excusing herself before beginning to head into the forest of High Point City. More likely than not, she'd be able to find things to catch there as opposed to around or inside the city as she'd found her own in similar environments. Her eyes and ears remained alert, her arms by her hips in case she did happen to come across anything.

2010-12-02, 08:09 AM
[roll0] As you enter the forest you see a rather large pokemon butting against a tree, it's head is covered in cars as it can be assumed it has done this many times. The creature turns towards you, it's eyes filled with anger as it moves to attack.

Redwood watched the girl leave and smiled, "Heh, wastes no time does she, well off you all go then, and have fun on your adventures."

2010-12-02, 09:02 AM

As Taroku stumbles of the boat he touches the ground and sighs: "I missed you dearly solid ground. No more boattrips for me."

He follows the group quietly (he is the socially akward scientist type) and is pleasantly surprised to see prof. Redwood and his assistant.

"How nice of you to come with us! We could exchange lots of knowledge. As you are looking in creating new species, I'm doing the opposite. I'm looking into what drives pokemon evolution and how come there are so many kinds. I do so mainly by comparing fossils with present day pokemon."

"I'd be glad to come to your house. Not so sure about eating as of yet. My stomach is still upset."

2010-12-02, 01:09 PM
Fossils? That sounds neat actually Michael will say, maneuvering himself next to Taroku. So, I've heard about people reviving pokemon from fossils. Is that actually possible? Michael asks as he moves into the circle with the others and his pokemon.

2010-12-02, 02:20 PM

It is very interesting indeed! And although I haven't actually seen someone revive a fossil I've heard stories about such things as well. And I do believe it to be possible.

2010-12-02, 04:48 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira turned quickly as she heard something rushing over to attack her. Her eyes met with that of, what she could gather, to be an insect-type pokemon. Just going off that assumption from it's appearance, she was sure enough of which of her pokemon she wanted to use. Just to be completely sure, however, she pulled her Pokedex out to identify it. It's type would give her a better hint on how exactly to go about this.

Sure enough, as she saw the type "Bug" appear on her Pokedex, she nodded. "Alright...here goes...." Her right hand went to her right hip as she threw her pokeball out, 'Usagi, go! Charge and use Scratch!"

Type : Bug
1 - Pinsir
Pokedex Information
Height : 4’ 11” 1.5m
Weight : 121.3 lbs. 55kg
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days
Biology : Pinsir has a brown body with a large pair of white horns that are dotted with small spikes. Pinsir has short legs with three toes each and skinny, three-clawed arms. Its mouth has long, flat teeth that are arranged vertically rather than horizontally. Herbivore.
Habitat :
Forest, Rainforest

Attack & Damage Rolls:

2010-12-02, 06:02 PM
All Trainers in the town
As you are speaking to yourselves and waiting to be teleported you see a woman who is most possibly in her mid thirties, walking around with a desperate look on her face. "Shnookums! Oh my sweet little Shnookums where are you?!"

The Pinser retaliates with a Vicegrip attack to Usagi.
[roll0] (Ragh Critical Hit!!!)
43 - Def = damage

The Pinser thugh succesful in it's attack is poisoned by Usagi's poison point and grimaces as it takes damage from the poison.

2010-12-02, 06:18 PM
"Mrs. Montgumory? Your snubble run off again? You really should take my advise on not dressing him up like that. Wear did he run to this time."

2010-12-02, 06:52 PM
She wrings her hands as she speaks clutching a handkerchief as she does so, "He, he was heading west last time I saw him, he might have gong into High Caverns. I can't go in there though, what if I get attacked by a wild pokemon, or worse get dirt all over my new dress!"

2010-12-02, 08:02 PM
"I can help look for him," Jack offered. "I think I have a few abilities that could be useful."

2010-12-02, 08:16 PM
She wipes her eyes. "Oh thank you all, if you bring back my poor Shnookums I'll let you have a stone from my collection." She dabs her eyes with the handkerchief.

2010-12-02, 08:18 PM
Jack tilted his head. "OK," he responded. "Um, would anyone like to help?"

That reminds me, I need a wishlist...

Jesse Drake
2010-12-02, 08:18 PM
Kane was silent, as usual, while everything happened, and Nos walks with him, reacting exactly the same. He graciously accepts his Pokedex, and wonders exactly what it's used for, but doesn't say anything.

Kane nods as Kira announces her name- and stands and admires Amelia's Scyther for a moment. He even tests out the Pokedex on the Scyther.

After a moment, Nos tugs on Kane's pant leg. It seems Kira has wondered off. And the scientist talk of fossils and Pokemon eggs bored him- so he ventured off to find Kira.

2010-12-02, 08:29 PM
"Alright, I'll help find him again," she says with a sigh, "Sorry Yoko, we need to find him first, okay? Anyone helping come with me." she walks out the door and starts to walk towards the caverns.

2010-12-02, 08:30 PM
Jack follows Amelia, as he has no idea where to look. He figures she has more experience with this.

2010-12-02, 08:32 PM
You find Kira in the midst of a fight with a rather powerful looking Pinser
Her own nidoran seems to have taken a nasty hit from the creature.
(the pokeball is where you and Kira are at the moment.)

"Please be careful, my little Shnookums must be so scared with all those wild beasts in that cave. It is just to the west outside of town." She heads back to her home feeling confidant in your abilities to find her pokemon.

2010-12-02, 08:34 PM
Jack nodded, "Will do, ma'am."

((I added my wish list to the OOC))

2010-12-02, 08:40 PM
rolls for randomness on the way into the caves

Jack / Amelia
As you head towards the cave you see many things but one that is most interesting is a small rattata which seems to be stalking behind you both as if looking for a chance at something.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-02, 08:40 PM
Kane looks at the Pinsir and smiles wide. "Tory, it's time to toast this punk." He tosses out his Torchic towards the bug, and yells to Kira "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" and assuming not, he commands "Give' em a dose of your Fire Breath!"- commanding her to use Ember.
[roll0] and [roll1], plus 7, I believe.

2010-12-02, 08:49 PM
Do you see that Rattata following us? Jack asked Amelia through his telepathy. Don't freak out, I'm using telepathy. Just think your answer back.

2010-12-02, 08:56 PM
Yes, i plan to give Yoko one of my greatballs and catch it with a surprise maneuver i worked out with her.

"Yoko, capture maneuver 2," she says quietly, handing a greatball to her as she teleports behind the rattata and throws it at the rattata.

2010-12-02, 08:58 PM
Amelia Capture roll in OOC.
The ball shook back and forth as the Rattata struggles inside the ball before it calms down, giving off a ding sound to signal it's success.

Exp for the capture is 70 to the Abra. (yeah you get xp for capturing too It looks like it works that way in the demo battle)

2010-12-02, 09:08 PM
"Hey, good job," Jack congratulated Amelia. "Do you want to capture all sorts of Pokemon? Or did you just want a Rattata?"

2010-12-02, 09:13 PM
Battle Results.
The pinser is hit squarely with the ball of flam breaking easily through it defenses as it falls backwards, it's eyes swirling as it is unconcious.

exp for the Pinser is 700 / 2 = 350 for each Nido.

Amelia and Jack

You both arrive at the caves now, the sounds the snubble are coming from inside but echo around the cavern

Well I think we have our groups now.

Taroku / Michael
As everyone else has left for other things it leaves you two alone. you see a man walking by wearing a lab coat, probably one of the assistants of Redwood. "Oh are you trainers busy? I was wondering if you could help me. A friend of mine in Storm Hollow city, is conducting an experiment with fossils and I thought I heard you talking about them earlier. Could you bring him these fossils and see if he has made any progress, in exchange you can keep the pokemon they reanimate."

2010-12-02, 09:35 PM
"I catch them if i can, but i prefer pokemon with unusual qualities to them, as you may have noticed mine aren't exactly normal. Yoko is rarely asleep like most abra and Shino has his color pattern. This one is smaller than most," she says, letting the rattata out of the pokeball. "How about Nezumi? A nice simple name." she stands, picking up the newly dubbed Nezumi.

As the small group arrives at the cavern, Amelia looks through the enterance, "hm, you have any pokemon able to look around in there?"

Nezumi (Female Rattata) [Pg. 105]
Level: 7
Ability: Guts [Guts - Trigger - Hourly - Effect: When Burned, Poisoned, Paralyzed, Frozen or put to Sleep, the user’s Attack is raised 2 Combat Stages. When a pokemon loses the status, their Combat Stages are lowered what they raised.]
Nature: Bashful
1 - Tackle - Normal - Tough [At-Will - 3 - Melee - 2d10 - Effect: 1 Target, Dash, Weight Class - For each Weight Class the user is above the target, they deal additional 1d10 damage ]
1 - Tail Whip - Normal - Cute [At-Will - 2 - Ranged ** - Effect: 1 Target - The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage]
4 - Quick Attack - Normal - Cool [At-Will - 2 - Melee - 2d10 - Effect: 1 Target, Interrupt - If your foe wants to declare a Move, you instead use Quick Attack on their turn before they can use their Move.]
7 - Focus Energy - Normal - Cool [At-Will - None - Self ** - Effect: No Target - The user’s Moves are Critical Hits on 17-20. If a Move already has an extended Critical Hit range, Focus energy extends that range by -3. Focus Energy’s effect cannot be used more then once per encounter unless the user somehow loses the benefit of Focus Energy.]

HP Set: 6
Hp: 25
Attack: 7
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Experience: 345/510
Capabilities: Overland 5, Surface 3, Jump 2, Power 1, Intelligence 3

Stealth: Nezumi is excellent at approaching the enemy for an up close assault. While Shifting, unless she purposely wants to, Nezumi does not make any noise. Unless she has used a Ranged Move during the current round or the round previous, Ranged Moves may not target them if the line of sight drawn goes through Rough Terrain or if the Pokemon is on Rough Terrain

2010-12-02, 09:37 PM
"One could help," Jack said, taking out a Poke Ball. "C'mon out, wisp!"

The Gastly appeared in a flash of red, blinking. It said its name, obviously ready to help. "Wisp, we need you to help us look for a Snubbull in the cave, OK?" The Gastly nodded and floated with them.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-02, 09:44 PM
"Uh..." Kane looks at the Pinsir, and whistles, calling Tory back to him. "I guess I we overshot that one... I hope she didn't want to catch that." He says quietly to Tory. The bird just spouts some fire out proudly and struts about.

2010-12-02, 09:46 PM
she said she wasn;t going for that, she's kinda feeling sick right now though so she probably won't post till later tonight as she's lying down right now.

Cavern rolls
Snubble Roll; [roll1]

You see the Snubble but it seems to be growling at a Onix. It seems strange though as the Onix seems to be shining a bit in the darkness. (Shiny Onix)

Map of battle zone
pokeballs = trainers

2010-12-02, 10:15 PM
Well Taroku, what do you think? Should we go see if they really can bring a pokemon back from a fossil Michael says grinning. Plus, the scientists might know where I could find Shaymin or even where we could find more fossils. Sounds fun.

2010-12-02, 10:33 PM
"This isn't good, gold onix, very rare and stronger than other onix," Amelia says, "Yoko, Attack Maneuver 1," Amelia says, causing Yoko to teleport over the onix, spinning as her tail glows and slams into the onix's head. "Shino, get him out of here!" Amelia says indicating the snubbull.

Accuracy: [roll0] lowers defense by one if a 19 or 20
Damage: [roll1] x2 from effectiveness

2010-12-02, 10:40 PM
The onix roars as the Iron Tail attack slams onto it's head and shakes before glaring back at the Abra

((I'll wait for Woodsman's move before the Onix moves))

2010-12-02, 10:44 PM
"Mind me making another catch or would you prefer to catch it?" Amelia asks Jack, her eyes shining at the shining skin of the pokemon.

2010-12-03, 02:44 AM
Kira Misoto

As Kira saw Usagi get hit, her eyes widened and a slight gasp escaped her. "Usagi! Come back and get some rest...." She held her pokeball up, making her go back in before she could get hit once more. She was close to getting ready to fight the pokemon with her own bare hands ... until Kane showed up, making her turn in slight surprise. She hadn't really expected anyone to follow her ... though she wouldn't complain. She lowered her fists by her side and watched him, smiling. In the end, the Pinsir was defeaated with one hit, making her whistle.

"Wow... that was.... really good. Arigato-domo, by the way. While I could have tried to take it on by myself.... I'm not sure how that would have gone...." Even now she was beginning to wonder how she'd been able to capture her Tsuno with nothing but her bare hands. Still though, she did now know one thing; she needed to next get a fire type or a pokemon with a fire type move. "You didn't have to come after me you know? But...." She allowed a smile to show as she continued, "I'm glad you did."

2010-12-03, 04:44 AM
Well Taroku, what do you think? Should we go see if they really can bring a pokemon back from a fossil Michael says grinning. Plus, the scientists might know where I could find Shaymin or even where we could find more fossils. Sounds fun.

Wow, that would be great! I'd love to! Let's leave right away.

This Shaymin you're looking for. What does it look like?

2010-12-03, 04:59 AM
Well that actually depends Michael will say as he and Taroku accept the fossils. Shaymin can either look like a small pokemon with grass and flowers on its back, or like a dog pokemon with wings for ears. My parents always told me stories about it, probably because my dad was a flying pokemon trainer and my mom raised grass pokemon. Shaymin represented both of those types. Also Michael holds up the seed around his neck, my grandmother apparently saw Shaymin and then found this seed at the spot she saw it. That is what inspired her to start training pokemon. Michael lets the necklace fall back to his chest, I guess I probably partially owe Shaymin for my mom's side of the family even being trainers.

What time zone are you in? Just seeing when our posting schedules will overlap as I am currently up way later than I normally am

2010-12-03, 05:14 AM
Hmmm, a shaymin huh. That might ring a bell somewhere. I'll do some digging in my books, see if I can come up with some info. Now that we'll be travelling compagnons let me introduce my friends to you.

Come out, Dusty and Snuffle, and meet our new friend.

If you scan them, the info is in my char post in OOC

Taroku also tries to scan/look into the fossils they're given, to try and determine the species. (I understand if this would take several days, and not just 5 minutes. :smallbiggrin:)

So, Michael, any idea where this city is? And how we could get there? I was also wondering, (as I do have the habbit of visiting gyms to keep my skills up to date) whether there is a gym here)

2010-12-03, 06:35 AM
"It's all yours," Jack responded.
((I'll post a bit later as to attacks))

Jesse Drake
2010-12-03, 09:37 AM
Kane turns to Kira. "I- uh- Nos here didn't want to let you wonder alone. It seems he sensed this forest's presence before I did. Ha- he's a smart little guy."

Kane gazes at the Pinsir and back at Kira. "That guy looks pretty tough." If it works, Kane will try to get Pokedex data from the Pinsir, doing it what would seem like the hard way, but eventually getting it. "I've yet to see you in battle, but I'd say it's best not to jump right into battle with one of these guys... though all the same, you coulda probably taken him."

Kane looks at the Pokeball Usagi went into. "Is your Usagi gonna be alright? She looked pretty beat up before you called her back- I mean, barely standing bad. I didn't check, but there's probably a Pokecenter back there."

2010-12-03, 10:23 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled, giggling a bit as Kane spoke. If given enough proper hints, she could tell when someone was nervous, bluffing, or both and poor Kane had both written, almost literally, upon his forehead. "Even if it's true that Nos pointed out to you that I was gone, you didn't have to listen to him, you know? But... like I said.... I'm glad you did."

She merely made a note on his opinion about trying to have fought the Pinsir hand-to-hand. As he brought up Usagi, however, she sighed and looked down. "I'm sure she'll be fine after some good rest." Idiot... this is why you're supposed to check the actual cities out first.... not places you can get attacked....

It was then an idea came to her as she looked back up at Kane. "Do you want to look around the town with me? We both have the same goals anyways; I think it'd be beneficial if we both stayed relatively close to one another... I wouldn't want to push you into something you don't want though...." She carefully attached Usagi's pokeball back to her hip, patiently awaiting an answer from Kane.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-03, 11:18 AM
"Sure." Replied Kane. It's nice to have company when you're so far from home- and Kira's willingness to jump into combat for her Pokemon made Kane feel more comfortable. "What do you say Nos?" Nos chirps up at Kane, and nods. "Alright then, it's settled."

Kane pulls out his Pokeball. "Come on Tory- let's go." She strutted towards Kane for a second, then leaped right into the Pokeball.

2010-12-03, 12:51 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira nodded, "Great. Let's go then, hm?" Her hands intertwined behind her back as she began walking alongside him. For a bit, she remained quiet before she finally spoke up, "So what is Vermillion City like anyways, since you're from there?" Her eyes switched from looking at him to going at the road to ensure she didn't run into a tree or do something stupid of the like.

2010-12-03, 01:16 PM
As you head back for Hgh point for healing you are spotted by a youngman in a cap who runs up to you, Trainers, trainers right?! I know I'm right, come on lets battle."

The Onix roars loud as it flails throwing rocks into the sir and towards Yoko.
Rock Throw
[roll1] + STAB [roll]1d6[roll]
STAB rolled in OOC (2)

If you check you dex's there is a map feature apparently that shows Str, Hollow City North and then West, you would pass through Dewdrop and then through Storm hollow Pass to the West of the town until you ascended into Storm hollow City.

2010-12-03, 01:48 PM
Michael will scan Taroku's pokemon, then let Blade out of his pokeball to join speedy. Well guys he will say to the pokemon, say hello to our traveling companions.

Michael then begins to click through to the map feature in his pokedex, it looks to me as if we need to go through Dewdrop city, then through Storm Hollow pass into Storm Hollow proper. Apparently there is also a gym in dewdrop. That sounds interesting.

Will post again after OOC question is answered

2010-12-03, 02:25 PM
"Yoko, Evasive Maneuver 1," indicating Yoko to teleport out of the rock's path. Amelia then throws one of her greatballs at the Onix, hoping Yoko had weakened it enough to make it easier.

Interrupt Check [roll0] needs a 7 or higher
Distance [roll1]

Jesse Drake
2010-12-03, 03:15 PM
Kane thinks for a moment. "Vermilion City?" Then he remembers, and begins. "Ah- Vermilion City is great. There's the Safari Zone and the Zoo there- those attract lots of tourists. And there's a gym full of ninja's- and anyone with the proper dedication is welcome to train there- even me. There is also the beach not too far off- it's got a great view of the Ocean-" He smiles. "The Safari Zone is where I spent most of my time. I even used to sneak in at night. It's a perfect place where anyone can go and visit several Pokemon that are otherwise hard to find- there I used to run with the Rhyhorns, swim with Golducks, and wrestle with Nidorinos. And you can purchase special Pokeballs for catching there Pokemon, if you'd like a souvenir. That's how I found Nos here."

Kane pulled out the Pokeball that Nos is almost never in (http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:meCKZGwj6A6WqM:http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d145/JessieTheFox/Art%20Request%20Stuff/SugimoriSafariBall.png&t=1), and shows it to Kira. One thing Kane didn't didn't know was that since he left, other rare Pokemon had come up missing, and as a result, The Safari Zone was leaving Fuchsia forever.

"So- what's Cianwood like? And... uh... where is it? I've heard very little of the world outside of Kanto."

When approached by the young trainer, Kane only grins. "Of course we're trainers- and it'd be rude to turn down a battle." Kane points to Nos. "You're up. Let's show this guy what's what."

2010-12-03, 03:53 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled back at Kane, "Lucky... we never had anything quite like that in Johto. We should though. The National Park was okay but your Safari Zone definitely sounds a lot more intriguing." She was about to answer his question regarding where exactly Cianwood was located before a young boy showed up and Kane quickly accepted his offer.

For now, she decided to let him handle this and, if anything, learn by watching him. True they probably had different techniques but she doubted they were too far off with the fact they were both Martial Artists. The most immediate difference she could think of off the top of her head was whether he went straight to a more all out and direct approach or if he actually tried to use tactics like she did. With her thoughts continuing to run through her head, she stepped back a bit and began to watch the battle.

2010-12-03, 03:59 PM
Michael, already excited at the prospect of fossils, didn't leave much time for Taroku to answer, quickly finding the phone feature in the pokedex. Oh man, check this out he holds the dex up to Taroku and says It has a phone. We should definately get the numbers of the others before we set off. I'm sure we'll be in the same place at some point in the future and it might be neat to meet up or something. With that, Michael runs off towards the cave where Amelia and John went. Blade followed flying with speedy on his back.

Come on Michael yelled back to Taroku

2010-12-03, 06:30 PM
The young amn pulls out two pokeballs, "We'll both use two pokemon okay?" The young man throws out his first pokeball, "Go Raty." as a Rattata appears.

As the greatball flies towards the Onix it is sucked inside, after a few hard shakes the ball bursts open as the onix roars as it moves forward towards the two trainers now.

As you near the cave you hear the sound of battle and the roar of a pokemon.

2010-12-03, 06:52 PM

[he scans Michael's pokemon as well]

Hey, Michael, you hear that? People might be in trouble. We better check this out!

2010-12-03, 08:37 PM
"Now it's mad! Shino, Attack Maneuver 3, Yoko, get behind me." Yoko teleports behind Amelia, taking Nezumi as Amelia pulls out another great ball and Shino moves quickly and attacks the onix.

Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-12-03, 08:42 PM
"Wisp, use Lick!" Jack cried, hoping it would work.
The Gastly floated out and covered the Onix's face in ectoplasm.
Accuracy: [roll0] Paralyzes on a 15-20
Damage: [roll1]
STAB: [roll2]

2010-12-03, 08:49 PM
After Wisp's attack, Amelia throws another greatball, hoping that, now it's been weakened, she could catch the onix.

Capture Check: [roll0]

2010-12-03, 08:50 PM
This time the Onix stays caught in the ball after it's brief struggle

Exp gained 712
that's 306 for Abra and Gastly.

2010-12-03, 08:53 PM
"Wow, that's two unusual Pokemon in a short amount of time. I guess you're just really lucky," Jack says, Wisp floating back over.

"Shnookums! We're here to help you!" Jack calls out, looking for the Snubbull.

2010-12-03, 09:22 PM
"I'm glad for it, that was my first real battle, all others were practice runs for when i did get into one," she admits, "I prefer to raise them from eggs though."

Iwagin (Male Onix) [Pg. 136]
Level: 19
Ability: Sturdy [Constant - Effect: The pokemon is immune to the Moves Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill and Fissure.]
Nature: Adamant
1 - Harden - Normal - Tough [At-Will - None - Self ** - Effect: No Target - Raise the user’s Defense 1 Combat Stage.]
1 - Tackle - Normal - Tough [At-Will - 3 - Melee - 2d10 - Effect: 1 Target, Dash, Weight Class - For each Weight Class the user is above the target, they deal additional 1d10 damage ]
9 - Rock Throw - Rock - Tough [EOT - 4 - Ranged * - 4d6 - Effect: 1 Target.]
17 - Rock Tomb - Rock - Smart [Battle - 5 - Ranged * - 4d6 - Effect: 1 Target, Blast - Rock Tomb creates a 3-meter Blast. Rock Tomb lowers all Legal Targets Speed 1 Combat Stage.]

HP Set: 15
Hp: 64
Attack: 10
Defense: 20
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 12
Experience: 6860/8000
Capabilities: Overland 4, Burrow 2, Jump 3, Power 5, Intelligence 4,

Sinker: Sinker means Yoko cannot swim, or move in water. For every round of an encounter Yoko is in water that is deep enough for her to stand submerged in, or is submerged in she lose 25% of her max HP. If she is lowered to -100% HP, make a Deaths savings roll as usual.
Groundshaper: Iwagin can transform the terrain around him to create Rough Terrain or flatten out Rough Terrain to create Basic Terrain. In place of his Move during their turn they can change a 1 meter radius around them, or all adjacent spaces, from Basic Earth Terrain into Rough Terrain or change Rough Terrain into Basic Earth Terrain, EOT.

2010-12-03, 10:03 PM
The snubble in question wriggles out from behind the Scyther where it seems to have taken refuge from the battle. "Snub.."


As you hurry to the cave a group of Spearow see you rushing, believing you to be invaders in their turf they fly down and block the way glaring at you as they move to fight.

2010-12-03, 10:07 PM
Jack kneels down to pet the Pokemon. "Hey, buddy. We're not gonna hurt ya," he says softly, rubbing his hand on the Pokemon's head.

2010-12-03, 10:14 PM
The Snubble looks up at you as you extend your hand before sniffing at t and slwoly coming out from behind Shino.

2010-12-03, 10:16 PM
"Hey there," Jack says, gently picking it up. "C'mon, let's get you back to where you belong."

2010-12-03, 10:34 PM
"Let's go then," Amelia says with a smile.

2010-12-03, 11:09 PM
"Lead the way," Jack said, scratching the Snubbull behind its ears.

2010-12-03, 11:12 PM
Amelia takes the invitation and walks ahead, heading to the entrance of the cavern and back to High Point.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-03, 11:57 PM
Kane nods. "Okay, let's show him what we can do. Now, Focus!" At saying 'Focus', Kane will hold two fingers to his head with one quick gesture, commanding Nos to use Focus Energy to raise the critical hit chance of his moves.

2010-12-04, 02:47 AM
Spearow huh? Michael will say, quickly scanning the pokemon in front of him. So I don't suppose any of you would like to come on an adventure with me?

As Michael finishes talking, Blade lands next to him and Speedy jumps off, ready for battle.

Well then Michael will say as he sees Speedy's look of determination, I guess we have to fight huh?

Speedy, use tackle Michael will say, pointing at the Spearow who seems to be "the leader" or just the one in front

Tackle – Normal
The user throws themselves at the target, their whole weight impacting them.
At-Will – 3
Effect: 1 Target, Dash, Weight Class
For each Weight Class the user is above the target, they deal additional 1d10 damage.

To hit=[roll0]

2010-12-04, 05:11 AM
As Speedy charges forward the Spearow in front tries to move but fail as the tackle knocks it to the ground, unconscious (that was a heck of a tackle) Th other two merely take to the skies (though not out of reach, maybe only about 5 ft)

Amelia / John
As you move out of the cave you see a group of Spearows attacking some trainers. You recognize the trainers as the last two from the boat, they seem to be doing alright for themselves though.

Kane/ Kira
'Ratty use Tail Whip!" The rattata wags and whips it tail quickly through the air (Def - 2) lowered one stage.

2010-12-04, 05:22 AM
Speedy, good job! Michael will say as he throws one of his great balls at the unconscious Spearow.

2010-12-04, 06:24 AM
The Spearow disappears into the ball as it shakes a few times before calming down. The others look at you with disdain

The one you assume is the leader glares at Speedy (Leer) def -1 stage (-2)

2010-12-04, 06:35 AM

Nice one, Michael.

It's seems he's leering at us. Dusty! Show him what a real leer attack looks like!

A hex sent through locked eyes weakens the foe’s defenses.
At-Will – 2
Ranged **
Effect: 1 Target
The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage.


2010-12-04, 07:22 AM
The Spearow recoil from Dusty's leer, the remaining Spearow who had yet to move dives towards Dusty with a peck attack

Peck – Flying
A violent thrust with the user’s beak is made towards the target.
At-Will – 2
Effect: 1 Target

2010-12-04, 07:56 AM
When Dusty gets hit that hard he seems to shimmer a bit as he starts phasing to protect himself.

Nice leer, Dusty!! Snuffle, you're up, try and scratch that spearow!

The user throws out their clawed arm, scraping the target’s body.
At-Will – 2
Effect: 1 Target, Pass

[roll1] times 2 as it's a crit!

Jesse Drake
2010-12-04, 09:42 AM
"Now, Nos, go in for the win. Give him the ol' 1-2 kick!"

Nos leaps into the air, and swings with his left foot. Then, on his way down, he does a back spinning kick with his right.

[roll0] for [roll1] (32 Damage- Defense, 36 if it's a male Pokemon) [roll2] for [roll3] (Crit- 40 Damage- Defense, 44 if it's a male Pokemon)

2010-12-04, 01:55 PM
Speedy, help them out Michael says, Tackle the one that is Leering at us!

Am I doing this wrong? I thought it said you add your attack stat to the damage on a physical attack right?
If not, subtract 10 from the damage here.


Critical Hit!

2010-12-04, 02:36 PM
@Falcoknight: no you're doing it right. Since that one was a nat 20 it's a crit which makes it max damage

The leering Spearow's eyes go wide as Speedy crashes into it knocking it unconscious as well. The reamining Spearow seems distressed as it starts to try and fly away

"No! Ratty!"[b] The rattata falls over it's eyes spiraling. [b]'You did good Ratty, now return. Go Hiss." The youngster tosses out his next pokemon that looks like a snake that has been flattened around the middle with small wings

Jesse Drake
2010-12-04, 02:48 PM
"Ah-" Whatever that is, Kane is intrigued. He pulls out his Pokedex and scans the monster for any information. (Also, is it a female too?)

2010-12-04, 02:56 PM
Taroku, you wanna get this one? Michael will say, letting the other Spearow fly away. They were just protecting their territory, no reason to attack them if they're retreating.

If Taroku doesn't want to catch him, Michael will also catch the other Spearow. He really likes flying pokemon

2010-12-04, 04:53 PM

No, I'm good. You can have it if you want.

I looked a bit into these fossils we got earlier and they appear to be a shield and a dome. Would you be ok with me taking the shield and you the dome, should they be revived?

And about the Shaymin, I'm still looking into that, I'm sure I can come up with something.

2010-12-04, 04:59 PM
No problem with the fossils, you're the expert! Michael says as he throws another pokeball at the now unconscious Spearow leader.

2010-12-04, 05:36 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as she watched the battle between Kane and the young boy. As each deployed their respective pokemon, she pulled out her Pokedex, deciding if she wasn't going to battle this time, she may as well try to get some of her "homework" done. Her head tilted upon seeing the boy's second pokemon appear. Oh? And what's this? She wondered as she waited to hear from her Pokedex what the new pokemon was.

2010-12-04, 08:45 PM

(this one is Male)
Pokedex Information
Height : 4’ 11” 1.5m
Weight : 30.9 lbs. 14kg
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Biology : Dunsparce are pale yellow, serpentines with two small, white-colored wings. They also possess a drill on the end of their tail. They have accentuations of blue, such as the ring patterning encircling their eyes, the thick stripes on the pattern on its back, and its underside, and beige, such as its eyelids and back. Herbivore.


The Spearow have disappeared now as they have been defeated handily by the other two trainers. The way back to the city is clear.

The information that you have been able o find on Shaymin is slim at best. It is a legendary pokemon focused mainly on plants and regrowth and is usually found restoring destroyed natural areas. It has two modes and in one mode it can fly.

2010-12-04, 10:28 PM
Amelia waves to the other trainers as she walks. "What made you come all the way down here?"

2010-12-04, 10:45 PM
I will edit this if I didn't catch the second one of the Spearow. Also, what are its stats, doesn't the GM give me the stats?

Hey Amelia! We wanted to see where everyone was going to be traveling to and if we weren't going the same way, perhaps getting evryone's pokedex numbers so we can stay in touch. As Michael Attatches the two spearow pokeballs to his belt, he pulls out the dome fossil and says Taroku and I are heading to Storm Hollow to get these fossils checked out and possibly revived. We're going via Dewdrop City. First I need to hit up a pokemon center for my two new companions

2010-12-04, 11:00 PM
"Not sure where i'm heading, or if Jack will be accompanying me where i do go. I know i'd like to travel with hime though. We'e heading back to High Point to drop off this little guy," she replies, indicating the snubble, "Seems you're having as much luck as i am with new pokemon, i caught a rattata and an onix so far."

2010-12-04, 11:03 PM
Well, I believe that we were promised some lunch Michael will say with a smirk. Perhaps we can all exchange numbers after we hit up the pokemon center and then go to lunch?

2010-12-04, 11:09 PM
"Well, I don't really wanna go anywhere alone," Jack muttered quietly, still holding on to the Snubbull.

2010-12-04, 11:22 PM
You guys could come with us Michael will say as the group begins to walk back towards High Point. No matter what, I also want to get the other two's numbers as well.

2010-12-04, 11:24 PM
Amelia laughs, "true i did offer, Yoko," Yoko grabs onto Amelia's hand and gathers everyone into a circle befrore teleporting everyone back to town. "Professor Redwood can take care of our new friends. Let's drop off this little guy first, Mrs. Montgumory is probably worried." she then walks on to Mrs. Montgumory's house.

2010-12-04, 11:28 PM
Still waiting on the answer about the catch and stats, leaving a spoiler here for Tsumeken's convenience

Also, I'm using the prerogative given to me by Moranica and say the following

Taroku and Michael will walk with Amelia and Jack to drop off the Snubble

2010-12-05, 12:43 AM
Spearow leader
Spearow lvl 9 (holding a Sharp beak *increases STAB bonus up by one level (you'ld use lvl 11~20 for STAB instead of 1~10

As you all return you see Mrs. Montgomery who rushes over wuickly grabbing the Snubble in what could only be described as a death hug.. "Oh my poor baby I wa so worried about you!" The Snubble struggles but eventually tires and gives up. "Oh yes your rewards," she reaches into her pockets, "Here you are."

go ahead and divide them amongst yourselves.

She leaves happily with her pokemon now back

2010-12-05, 12:48 AM
Wow, those stones are cool Michael will say admiring the stones. Turning to Amelia, Jack, and Taroku, Michael says So, shall we make our way to the pokemon center? These two are going to need fixed up after what Speedy, Dusty, and Snuffle did to them.

2010-12-05, 01:31 AM
"Hm, I think i'll take the water stone if that's all right with everyone." Amelia says, heading back to her house, sending Yoko to drop Iwagin off at Professor Redwood's. Once there she begins cooking. She started making spaghetti, heating a simple tomato sauce with some parsley and oregano, and pan frying some zucchini with some garlic and onion powder, salt, and pepper. She set some water in a tea pot, and a tea strainer filled with green tea with lemon and orange peal.

2010-12-05, 01:52 AM
Well, I think Jack should have second choice since he is actually one of the two that found Snubbil. I'd be fine with either leaf or sun stone. I'd probably send it to my mom as a gift.

After the stone situation gets sorted out, Michael will ask Amelia if Yoko would take his two new Spearow with her to Professor Redwood for healing and then follow Amelia to her house to help her fix dinner. Blade will happily help her chop vegetables with his fury cutter move and Michael and Speedy will help set a table.

2010-12-05, 06:00 AM

Good call on deciding where to go!! I was also wondering if my pokemon get xp for ko-ing that fearow, or do they get catching xp as Michael cought it?

I have no special preference for any particular stone, but should just the sun and leaf stone remain, I'd prefer the leaf stone as I've always wanted a leafeon. Dusty needs to get healed up as well, so let's go, Michael! After that we can start our travels right away.

2010-12-05, 09:26 AM
Yes you also get the xp from the spearows since you had a pokemon out at the time. the total xp is 160 so that is 80 for both of your pokemon that you had out at the time.

Professor Redwood is more then happy to restore your pokemon, impressed by your achievements after only just arriving he hopes that you will continue to do just as well in the future.

2010-12-05, 11:25 AM
"I'll take the Moon Stone, if thats OK with everyone," Jack said, picking it up and looking at it.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-05, 12:36 PM
Nos roars. "Alright- show him what you can do!" Nos heads in for another double kick.

[roll0] for [roll]1d12+10] x2 for weakness [roll1] for [roll]1d12+10] x2 for weakness

Will roll for damage in the ooc

2010-12-05, 12:47 PM
The Dunsparce squeaks as the kicks connect but remains standing.. As it regains it's composure, the youngster gave it it's order, "Alright Sparce! Glare!" [roll0] The Dunsparce's eyes began to glow red as it fires a ring out towards Nos who nimbly dodges.

2010-12-05, 01:49 PM
Michael will have insisted Taroku and he stay for lunch and he will take the sun stone

Lily the Female Spearow lvl. 7
Vital Information
Type : Normal / Flying
Abilities: Scrappy
The pokemon’s body can easily enter the ethereal plane to ensure that it can get into a fight with every enemy it encoutners.
Moves the pokemon uses against Ghost Type foes can always hit them. Do not apply extra weaknesses or resistances. Do not apply Immunities. Count Moves those Ghost Type foes would usually be Immune to as Neutral Damaging Moves.

Pokedex Information
Height : 1’ 0” 0.3m
Weight : 4.4 lbs. 2kg
Breeding Information
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days
Biology : Spearow is a very small avian. It has rough brown and red plumage. It’s beak is short, but hooked. Spearow has three-taloned, light pink feet. Its wings are a pinkish-red. Omnivore.
Capabilities: Overland 2, Surface 1, Sky 3, Jump 3, Power 1, Intelligence 3
Move List

Nature Quirky (No change)
HP 4+1=5
Atk 6=6
Def 3+1=4
Spl Atk 3+1=4
Spl Def 3+1=4
Speed 7+2=9

Base Relation
Speed, Atk, HP, Def and Spl Def and Spl Atk

Move List
1 Growl - Normal - Cute
1 Peck - Flying - Cool
5 Leer - Normal - Cool

Spike the Male Spearow lvl. 9
Vital Information
Type : Normal / Flying
Holding: Sharp Beak (ups STAB one level)
Abilities: Scrappy
The pokemon’s body can easily enter the ethereal plane to ensure that it can get into a fight with every enemy it encoutners.
Moves the pokemon uses against Ghost Type foes can always hit them. Do not apply extra weaknesses or resistances. Do not apply Immunities. Count Moves those Ghost Type foes would usually be Immune to as Neutral Damaging Moves.

Pokedex Information
Height : 1’ 0” 0.3m
Weight : 4.4 lbs. 2kg
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days
Biology : Spearow is a very small avian. It has rough brown and red plumage. It’s beak is short, but hooked. Spearow has three-taloned, light pink feet. Its wings are a pinkish-red. Omnivore.
Capabilities: Overland 2, Surface 1, Sky 3, Jump 3, Power 1, Intelligence 3
Move List

Nature Hasty (+2 Speed -2 Defense likes Sweet dislikes Sour)
HP 4+1=5
Atk 6+2=8
Def 1+1=2
Spl Atk 3=3
Spl Def 3=3
Speed 9+4=13

Base Relationship
Speed, Atk, HP, Spl Atk and Spl Def, Def

Move List
1 Growl - Normal - Cute
1 Peck - Flying - Cool
5 Leer - Normal - Cool
9 Fury Attack - Normal – Cool

Jesse Drake
2010-12-05, 10:49 PM
Kane growls. "Okay, okay. Nos- drown him out!"

Nos gets a bit closer to the Dunsparce. Then he begins tapping his foot against the ground. Out of nowhere, a tiny crack appears in the ground- then Nos gives it one more push. Suddenly, water bursts from the crack, spreading out into a 3 meter burst.

[roll0] for [roll1] - Special Defense.

2010-12-06, 03:32 AM
Taroku would take the leaf stone then.

Hey prof. could you perhaps tranquillize Dusty, so I can adminster this Toxic TM? Supposidly it hurts quite a bit.

Don't worry Dusty, you'll become much stronger with this!

2010-12-07, 01:09 AM
After returning the Dunsparce, the youngster informs you you should probably try to the Dew Drop Gym, saying that you seem about as good as Fiona.

Experience: 700
Poke: 210

Professor Redwood hands Dusty a berry, which causes him to calm down, almost to a sleeping state.

As you're cooking,, you receive a text from Ryan, an assistant of Professor Redwood. He informs you that he heard of you starting your journey and is wonders which you of you will be first around the region and also mentioning he was heading to Storm Hollow City.

2010-12-07, 01:24 AM
"Thanks for helping with the cooking," Amelia says, before a slight beeping comes from her pocket, "Hm? Seems a friend of mine is heading to Storm Hollow."

2010-12-07, 01:32 AM
Well isn't that a coincidence Michael will say with a small smile, perhaps they would like to accompany us? After that last line, Michael blushes and begins to stutter slightly, ...I mean *ahem* iffff you wanted to come with me and Taroku. Michael quickly begins adjusting things on the table. dude, not cool he thought to himself way to be a creeper. Speedy gives herself a facepalm.

2010-12-07, 02:57 AM
"Don't worry so much, i know what you mean." Amelia says between giggles, "I'd be happy to join you."

2010-12-07, 04:42 AM
Applying the TM to Dusty

Do you know if there are any interesting rock formations near Dew Drop or Storm Hollow?

Jesse Drake
2010-12-07, 11:02 AM
"Thanks- we'll be there-." Kane nods towards his opponent, then looks at Nos. Nos chirped at Kane, almost as if to rush him. "Alright- waste no time, eh?" Then he turns to the Youngster before he leaves. "So- this Fiona. What kind of Pokemon does she use?"

Kane turns towards Kira, after he gets an answer- if he gets an answer. "Ready to heal up Usagi. I'm itching to take this gym challenge. Me and my team are usually training- it's been forever since we've had an actual battle."

Leveled up Nos- also realized my personal sheet and my copy on the OOC thread didn't match- my Special Attack is 8 and my Special Defense is 5- I rolled correctly just had the stuff mislabeled. Now, though, my Special Attack is 9.

2010-12-07, 01:29 PM
Awesome Michael says with a grin. After Taroku and Jack get back, we can eat lunch and then head off. We'll also want to check with our two martial artists friends to see what they want to do.

2010-12-07, 06:57 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira let out a low whistle, smiling amongst both Kane and the young boy. "Good job....both of you." As Kane spoke, she more than eagerly nodded, "Yes... very much so." She then looked down to the boy, "By chance, do you know where the nearest Pokemon Center is? We sorta need to try to find it, preferably sooner than later. We're pretty sure there is one in High Point City... but I want to make completely sure rather than 90% sure so if you wouldn't mind answering that for me...." She patiently awaited his answers, knowing neither were leaving until each of their questions were answered.

2010-12-07, 09:51 PM
The youngster answers Kira's question first, "The pokemon center in High Point City is actually Professor Redwood's place. He's got a Pokemon Recovery set up." He then looks over at Kane, "Fiona is the leader of the Bubble Gym so most of her Pokemon are water or some variation of it."

Jesse Drake
2010-12-08, 01:57 PM
Kane turns to Kira, and nods. "Alright, Redwood's place it is." Nos looks eager too. "Okay- Kira- would you mind if we kept a brisk pace? After that time on the ship, Nos and I could use it."

While running, Kane will think on the Gym Battle ahead. "Okay, Tory's out of this one, that's for sure. Now- Nos might be able to handle this one, but maybe I can find some sort of Grass or Electric Pokemon on the way... if only I knew of anything that fits that other than Pikachu, Voltorb, or Oddish-" While running, his face is motionless and he seems to be perfectly calm.

Kane has a speed of 9, Kira 8, and Nos 6, so I figure keeping pace with Nos at 6. (Speed is in meters and is per ten second rounds)

2010-12-08, 05:49 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira shook her head no, giving Kane a smile. "No... actually, I probably could use it too... just in case. I would let Usagi join Nos but she still needs to rest up probably...." With little to no trouble, she began jogging alongside Kane, realizing she hadn't really gotten to answer his previous question about Cianwood City prior to him being challenged. Her eyes closed for a bit as she tried to figure out how to word a description of it then nodded, "Cianwood is very small, needless to say. We are, however, well known for having some of the best doctors and medicines around.... hence another reason I didn't mind going after Usagi despite knowing being poisoned could be a possibility. I at least, I figured, would know of people to go see should the poison have ever gotten to me. The only real ways in or out of Cianwood or by the path to west of it, the same one my sensei trained me at, or by some form of water transportation. Most take boats but some are bold enough to surf, whether on an actual board or pokemon, out there. Few have actually swam there.... but I've seen it before. So... I guess in a brief summary, it's more like a really small port city more than anything. Like I said... not much..." With a wry smile on her face, she finally added her last phrase, "All the same... it was my home and there were many helpful people there so I'm not ashamed of my origins even if others would disagree with that." She finally kept quiet, allowing him to speak his mind about all that she'd just said.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-08, 07:15 PM
Kane nodded along as Kira spoke, taking in the information, especially noted that Cianwood was famous for its Doctors- that was always good to know. But what he really liked was the idea of swimming there. "Nos and I should try the swim sometime- he loves water." Nos just smiled and chirped up as Kane mentioned him. And at the last phrase, he just stopped nodding for a brief second- then finished. "Well, it sounds great. After I conquer the Gyms of the Frontier, I'll have to check it out. By then, Nos should be a mighty Nidoking, able to swim with no problem at all."

2010-12-09, 01:19 AM
Alright by my summary you all (or at least most of you) Are at Redwood's

Professor Redwood looks over the pokedexes of all those who return to his lab as he heals your pokemon.

2010-12-09, 11:30 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira bowed her head to the Professor as he finished healing and looking at her Pokedex. She then looked to Kane, "Ready then? Come on...." She intended, of course, to try to get a grass or electric pokemon before they arrived as it was obvious she, along with Kane, would need one drastically. She also had decided that unless she ran into any of the two types she was hoping for, she'd probably just fight Pokemon hands on to avoid traveling so far with her own wounded and too far away from a Pokemon Center. She subconsciously cracked her knuckles as she began walking out, keeping her pace steady so Kane could follow easily.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-09, 11:47 AM
Kane takes back his Pokedex and gives the professor his number- and see if Redwood will give his, unless its already stored in the Pokedex. "If you need anything, be sure to give me a call. And I'll be sure to give you a call if I find anything special." Afterwards, he'll say "Ready," and he'll run out.

2010-12-09, 11:58 AM
The Professor's #s are always automatically stored in the Pokedex's. It's like having a "Please Call Us #" if found by someone else thing..

Off in the distance you can see a town but before you arrive, you hear the sound of tussling from your right. You spot 3 pokemon who seem to be playfully rough-housing with each other. They're small blue quadrupeds with large green bulbs on their back. Though all are fully closed, one of them seems to have a small petal poking out from their bulb.

Map to come soon....

For Everyone Else:
I assume you all are going to start heading through the forest as well to Dew Drop after your delicious lunch and rendezvous with the Professor. I will post rolls up as soon as I get confirmations from most if not all of you on your moving.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-09, 12:03 PM
"Alright- this guy looks like he'll do the trick." Kane pulls out his Pokedex to identify this guy. "Nos- why don't you ask nicely if they'll mind helping us... if not, then we'll have to go lightly on 'em."

2010-12-09, 12:15 PM
Pokedex Info:

Vital Information
Type : Grass / Poison
1 - Bulbasaur
2 - Ivysaur Minimum 15
3 - Venusaur Minimum 30
Pokedex Information
Height : 2’ 4” 0.7m
Weight : 15.2 lbs. 6.9kg
Breeding Information
Biology : Bulbasaur is a reptilian creature with a spotted blue-green hide. the most notable feature of this Pokémon is the onion-like bulb on its back. This bulb has a symbiotic relationship with the Pokémon, growing from a seed planted on its back by its mother at birth. Herbivore, Phototroph.
Habitat :
Forest, Grassland, Rainforest
Capabilities: Overland 4, Surface 1, Jump 3, Power 1, Intelligence 3, Sprouter

The Pokemon (I'm assuming you're having Nos do this now so...give me a second....) all stop and look over towards Nos. The one with the small petal coming from his back moves first. (I refuse to type out the word Bulbasaur and Nidoran to show there was a conversation so just use your imaginations.) The lead Bulbasaur, which had originally talked to Nos, looks back at what you can assume are younger siblings. Nos comes back to you as the two younger Bulbasaur step off to the side. The eldest one readies himself in a stance. Apparently, he'd feel fine going with you but he wants to see how strong you are first.

On a side note, one of the younger Bulbasaurs seems to have taken an interest in Kira as it continues to look over her.

2010-12-09, 12:21 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled upon seeing all the Bulbasaur. Ever since she'd met Kane, her luck seemed to be drastically changing for the better. Was it coincidence? She doubted it... but she couldn't prove it either. "So what was Nos told anyways?" While waiting for an answer, she couldn't help but notice one seemed to be ... staring at her? Definitely looking... she wasn't sure if it was staring yet but it seemed like it wanted to skip the fighting and just go with her. She nodded towards it and pointed this out to Kane, "Um.... I wonder if the eldest even realizes that one of it's siblings wants to.... quite literally just skip the fighting and join me? Maybe... is there some way Nos can negotiate the fighting so it doesn't have to?"

Jesse Drake
2010-12-09, 12:30 PM
"The elder wants a fight- so Nos will give him one. I'm not sure, but we should only need the one. He wants his brothers safe from the battle, so Nos and I will just go ahead and show him how good we are-"

Nos nods, and steps into position, staring at his foe. He gives out a small roar, establishing dominance. (Rivalry, since from context I can assume he's a male)

On his turn, Nos will charge and Peck. [roll0] for [roll1], x2 for Weakness.

2010-12-09, 12:47 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smirked a bit as she pulled a pokeball out. "You amuse me with thinking we can keep switching who has the one Bulbasaur. Do not think I don't have my own list of sorts and this actually was definitely one of them... so I intend to get one myself. I can't always rely on you coming to my rescue like with the Pinsir.... though I won't lie in saying that was good timing and I appreciate it. But as I've been told before, to get stronger, sometimes you need to start doing things on your own. So.... Usagi.... come out!"

With that, she threw the pokeball out, allowing her own Nidoran to come out. She thought a bit before looking back down to Usagi, nodding. after a couple minutes. "See about talking to the one that's still looking at me and talk about if it just wants to join like I'm guessing...."With that, she watched her Usagi slowly begin to approach and waited to hear an answer back.

2010-12-09, 01:01 PM
(Sounds like a plan to me)

2010-12-09, 01:06 PM
As Usagi walks up to the Bulbasaur, it sits on it's haunches. It sniffs at her a bit before smiling happily and begins a conversation. The third Bulbasaur sits and silently watches the other two.

The Bulbasaur took the hit, wincing slightly before looking back at Nos. The bulb on it's back compressed before expelling out a blue mist. (Need 6+ for it to work but with your Nos's speed, need +8 ) [roll0] Nos nimbly dodges the powder before it harmlessly dissipates. The Bulbasaur blinks in amazement.

2010-12-09, 01:18 PM
"Well, to get to Storm Hollow, we need to go through Dewdrop, there's a gym there if anyone would like to test themselves. Kane and Kira are probably heading there so we can pick up there numbers as we go. Now I just need to get Yoko and Iwagin and i'll be ready to go," Amelia walks out, going to Professor Redwood's, both to pick up her pokemon, but to also pick up the assistant that phoned her.

I'm assuming, but you assumed we were heading to Dewdrop so i figured you meant go through Dewdrop to get to Storm Hollow.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-09, 03:35 PM
Kane turned from the battle to Kira. "That's not what I meant- one battle, not..." Kane began, but he turned back to the battle, figuring he'll explain later. "Okay, Nos, time to pull back- let's cool him off." Kane prepared a Pokeball. "That should get him right on target." If the attack hits, Kane will throw the Pokeball at the Bulbasuar.

[roll0] for [roll1] plus [roll2] for Mystic Water, and halve it for ineffectiveness.

2010-12-09, 03:35 PM
Awesome. I'll need to go pick up Spike and Lily as well Michael will say as he follows Amelia and Jack to professor Redwood's. Michael packs up some extra food for Taroku who is still at Professor Redwood's and lets Speedy rest in her pokeball and walks along with Amelia, Jack, and Blade.

2010-12-09, 04:02 PM
Usagi walks back with the Bulbasaur in toe as it kinda looks up at you.

As you throw the great ball at the Bulbasaur, it quickly retaliates with a Vine Whip, smacking it out of the air. Apparently it still has some fight left in it.

Everyone Else:

As you move on your way through the forest you soon encounter a strong buzzing sound coming from the trees ahead. A glow of red eyes peer out as a group (4) Beedrill rush forward form the trees to attack you.

Morania: FYI, yes there is a interesting stone formation it's called Dropoff rock. It's a Teardrop shaped rock in the nearby Dewdrop woods.

2010-12-09, 04:26 PM
"Let's try this one Nezumi," Amelia comments dropping the pokeball without throwing it, realeasing the tiny rattata next to herself. "Nezumi, quick attack."

Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: : [roll1] + STAB: [roll2]

2010-12-09, 06:09 PM
Can't let you guys have all of the fun Michael says, releasing Spike from his pokeball. Spike, Peck


[roll0]+STAB [roll1]

+something for being good against beedrill. I don't know what though

2010-12-10, 02:36 AM
Beedrill Battlers
I'm assuming that you attacked the same Beedrill as Nezumi. It falls to the ground as it's fellows look over at the trainers, still seeming eager to attack, (I'll wait for Moranica and Woodsman before the Beedrill's turns.)

Kane and Kira
The Bulbasaur gets back up as it's bulb begins to glow. [roll0]

Soon the glow reaches around its entire body as the petal on it's back pushes up free from the bulb, the bulb itself splits into a grouping of leaves as the Bulbasaur itself grows a bit larger in size. (Evolving was this Bulbasaur's action)

The Bulbasaur that had walked over towards Kira seems amazed at it's brothers transformation. t looks up at her and back to the battle. It then looks back up at her with a smile as it attempts to talk to her, though it can't be truly understood through speech it seems excited.

2010-12-10, 03:55 AM
Snuffle! Come out and lower their defenses with screech!


Unless they have really high speed all beedrills defenses are lowered 2 combat stages. (25%)

Jesse Drake
2010-12-10, 11:40 AM
Kane stares in amazement. "Excellent!" He turns to Nos. "Don't hold back- he's not gonna!"

Nos charges forth, and hits the Ivysaur with his beak like mouth. [roll0] for [roll1] x2 for weakness.

2010-12-10, 01:25 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira looked as the one Bulbasaur evolved, then looked down to the one beside Usagi. Even if she couldn't completely understand, she had a bit of an idea of what it was so happy about. It's probably never seen an evolution before.... She smiled herself, recording the new finding on her Pokedex while watching Kane and Nos continue their battle, sitting beside Usagi and the Bulbasaur, figuring if it wanted to try to ... get acquainted to her somehow better, she'd be easier to reach while sitting down.

2010-12-11, 04:46 PM
(Sorry about last night/yesterday. Wasn't feeling the best. Tomorrow will be easier for me to go post happy and such)

The Bulbasaur walks over and sits on the opposite side of you.

The Ivysaur takes the hit, wincing before a vine shoots out from under it's bulb and straight into the air. It waves it around as it looks at you, uttering it's name in short phrases.

Everyone Else:
The remaining Beedrill move towards all your Pokemon [1 for each].
Beedrill 1: (Amelia) Twin Needle Attack Roll: [roll0] Attack Roll: [roll1] Damage Roll: [roll2] Damage Roll: [roll3] STAB Damage: [roll4] STAB Damage: [roll5]
Beedrill 2: (Jack) Poison Sting Attack Roll: [roll6] Damage Roll: [roll7] STAB Damage: [roll8]
Beedrill 3: (Taroku) Poison Needle Attack Roll: [roll9] Damage Roll: [roll10] STAB Damage: [roll11]

All these attacks are for your Pokemon. The one that rolled an 18 poisons.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-11, 04:56 PM
Kane grabs another Greatball. "Now let's see..." He flings it at the flailing Ivysaur.

2010-12-11, 06:22 PM
As you throw the Great Ball, the Ivysaur disappears into it. *Shake... Shake....Ding!* Congratulations, you now have an Ivysaur.
Experience for Nos: 480
The Ivysaur is Level 16.
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ability: Overgrowth

The Bulbasaur runs over to where the Great Ball landed, looking down at it, nudging it with it's foot. It apparently had never seen a Pokemon caught before and was right now concerned.

2010-12-11, 06:45 PM
Spike, peck on the next one Michael says as he releases Lily. Lily, you need to peck as well. We need help

Lily's Attack

[roll1] + STAB [roll2]

Spike's Attack

[roll4] + STAB [roll5]

2010-12-11, 06:49 PM
Hmm, poison attacks huh. Not to happy about that!!

Dusty! Use toxic on the pokemon that attacked you!

The user spits deadly venom that seems minor to the target at first, but quickly realizes they are suffering more then they can handle.
Battle – 4
Melee **
Effect: 1 Target
The target is Badly Poisoned.


2010-12-11, 07:50 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as she looked down at the Bulbasaur that was now near the Pokeball. "It's okay...." She tried to reassure it. A weird but interesting idea came to her mind. Even though she hadn't actually had Usagi battle it... perhaps throwing a Great Ball would work? Better to try and fail than not try at all.... She thought as she threw one of her one at it, watching it intently to see if this would work or not.

2010-12-11, 07:53 PM
"Nezumi!" she holds up her pokeball and returns nezumi before having Iwagin take her place on the field.

Move action to return Nezumi
Move Action to send out Iwagin

Jesse Drake
2010-12-11, 08:16 PM
Kane smiles. "There." He releases the Ivysaur and quickly uses his potion on it. "It's okay pal... now, what should I call you?" Kane listens as the Pokemon grunts its name a bit, and smiles. "Lash it is."

After the battle, Kane turns to Kira and says "I'm not very good with words all the time- but sharing Pokemon is for little kids and families- we are neither. Now, let's see if seeing that Lash is alright will make the little guy feel a little better." Kane turns to Nos, who is still untouched and looking even stronger. "However, to actually fight a Pokemon you intend to catch..." Kane looks at Lash, then back at Nos. "It makes a team stronger."

I don't have access to the book right now, but I think the potion heals 1d10+something... if you could get it, or I will have it later, though it might be sometime tomorrow.

2010-12-12, 05:46 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as the Great Ball stopped moving after a bit, leaning down and making sure to get hers and not Kane's. She listened as she picked it up then looked up in thought for a bit before her eyes went back to Kane's. "That's fine... I'm not always good with words either. One of the few things my sensei didn't quite help the best with...." She said, chuckling a bit nervously. She attached her new Pokemon at the side of her hakama, smiling before looking down to Usagi. "Okay....come on back so you can rest up for the rest of the journey." As she carefully put Usagi back at her side as well, she looked back to Kane, "Should we then? Also... if I may inquire since you brought up the fact we aren't children... how old are you anyways? I'll answer back assuming you don't mind answering first."

Potions heal 10+1d10 by the way... almost forgot. Sorry ^^;

Jesse Drake
2010-12-12, 12:17 PM
"Oh- I'm 19." Kane replies. He quickly scans Lash with the Pokedex before recalling him, and putting him next to Tory on his belt.

Kane turns towards the remaining Bulbasaur, and just thinks about for a moment, before saying "Grow strong- and don't let anyone catch you- and we'll return someday."

2010-12-12, 03:22 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira nodded, looking up and down herself before making sure that she did, indeed, have everything and everyone. She smiled as she found that to be accurate. "Seventeen. Alright then...." She rebound her hair but now in a ponytail as opposed to the long braid it'd been in earlier and began walking beside Kane, her heart racing in anticipation as she couldn't help but wonder what would await her next.

2010-12-12, 04:51 PM
Jack was nervous about letting Riley out to face the Bug-types, but he knew she could handle it.
"Go Riley! Use Confusion!"

Damage: [roll1]
STAB: [roll2]
x2 for effectiveness

2010-12-13, 12:20 PM
Beedrill Battle
The two beedrills *one hit with the two pecs and the other with the confusion) fall to the ground as the last Beedrill (who happens to be poisoned from toxic at this time) Looks around before trying to mae a getaway.

Kane / Kira
As you continue through the forest you see the end. You are now in Dewdrop City, your first stop on the way to the pokemon league. A poemon Center and Mart can be both found here as well as the Dewdrop Gym.

2010-12-13, 12:31 PM
"Leave it be," Amelia says, "Right now i need to find a weedle, one sec." and with that she starts searching for a weedle, always easy to catch and very easy to raise.

2010-12-13, 12:40 PM
((If everyone agrees to let that BeeDrill go heres the exp (3 beedrills at level 16 give 480 each so that 1440 total divided by 4 = 360 each so all poemon get 360 xp *unless you used two which then they get 180 each*))

you find an egg nestled under the tree, perhaps the BeeDrill were protecting it

2010-12-13, 12:52 PM
"Hey, Yoko, Shino, look what i found," Amelia calls, holding up the egg. "I think we found you a new brother or sister."

2010-12-13, 05:38 PM
That Beedrill actually looks pretty bad and might need help Michael will say pulling out a great ball, We should probably get it to a pokemon center. It should be OK in here though he says as he throws the great ball at the poisoned Beedrill. He then returns Lily and Spike to there pokeballs.

2010-12-14, 03:50 AM
Good work Dusty and Snuffle! Well we better get moving then!

2010-12-14, 11:40 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as they finally arrived at DewDrop City. She licked her lips ... a habit of sorts she often had just at the sight. She looked to Kane as she began approaching inside the city, "Wanna try your luck first or do you not overly mind on order?" She straightened her gi out, getting rid of any wrinkles there may have been at the time as her eyes remained dead set on her target.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-14, 12:11 PM
"Why don't you go first." Replied Kane, rubbing Lash's container. "I've had plenty of spotlight time- let's see how you do." Kane grins, waiting to see exactly how Kira does. The battle with the Pinsir was no battle at all- so now, he just waits patiently.

2010-12-14, 05:56 PM
Kane / Kira
As you arrive at the gym you see a note on the door and the door locked. The sign reads

"Gone to Dewdrop Woods. I will be back shortly.

Hugs and Kisses,

All others at the Dewdrop city Pokemon center
@Falcoknight: you succeded in cathcing hte Beedrill it's male and level 16 nature is Naughty

The center is filled with other caring for their pokemon, on your way in you saw the other two trainers from the professors heading towards the gym.

2010-12-14, 06:13 PM
Well, first things first, we should get everyone healed up. Then I'll find out if the beedrill wants to stay or go Michael will say, handing the nurse his five pokeballs.

After the pokemon are healed, Michael will head outside and let Spike, Lily, Blade, and Speedy out of their pokeballs so they can get some excersise and goof around. He will then sit down and let the Beedrill out of its pokeball in front of him. He will look at the pokemon and say Sorry for just catching you like that, I just thought you could use some healing up. So the question is now, do you want to come with me or go back home? Either way works, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going away hurt.

2010-12-14, 06:26 PM
Amelia follows Michael's lead and hands Nezumi over, since she was the only one injured. She leaves and runs to the gym, in an attempt to catch up with the others, Yoko and Shino following.

2010-12-15, 05:18 AM
After healing up both his pokemon Taroku says: Alright guys, we are all trying the gym right? Well, before I do I want to visit an interesting rock formation nearby. It's called dropoff rock and it shouldn't be to far in the dewdrop woods. Anybody want to come with me?

2010-12-15, 09:31 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smirked slightly as she heard Kane's words but then pointed at the note. "That's why so... seems we need to head into the woods first to try our luck." She chuckled slightly, finding it ironic they had just gotten out of one set of woods and were about to go into another. But she figured it'd be worth it if it helped her win a badge. She took a deep breath before following all of the signs that pointed towards the forest. While she knew Fiona was a girl's name, she still kinda wished she had a better idea of what she looked like. Albeit, if she was so into water as much as Kira was thinking.... she might wear a lot of blue. Deciding to go by that for now, she keeps her eyes open while walking around in the woods to try to find the Gym Leader, Fiona.

2010-12-16, 01:29 PM
Amelia / Kane / Kira
As you are heading for the forest, Amelia runs into you so now you three are grouped

The Beedrill looks up at you confused, it attacked you but you saved it? It studys you a few moments before pointing a stinger at you and nodding it's head.

From what you can see Amelia and the two Martial artists seeem to be heading to the woods, perhaps you could go with them

2010-12-16, 01:43 PM
Hey guys! If you're going to the woods, mind if I go with you? I want to check out a special rockformation there.

2010-12-16, 02:16 PM
Michael takes the stinger and shakes it lightly, Good to have you on the team. How about we name you Sting? Michael will say to the Beedrill. Well guys, we should catch up with everyone else Michael will say as he returns everyone to their pokeballs and heads after the others

Jesse Drake
2010-12-16, 05:12 PM
Kane nods at Kira and follows into the woods. He too will keep an eye out for a female wandering the woods, since he didn't have any clue of what she looked like. Upon realizing that there was someone else around, Kane will nod in Amelia's direction. "Hello-" Kane realizes it was someone he saw earlier. "I believe we met earlier." He begins. "My name is Kane."

2010-12-16, 06:30 PM
Amelia gives a little bit of a laugh, "Amelia, and yes we did meet earlier. Come on Yoko, Shino, Nezumi."

2010-12-16, 06:42 PM
Guyyyys! Wait for me Michael calls out as he catches up with the group in the woods. He catches up to them, and out of breath says So...*huh* *huh*....what are you guys up to?

Jesse Drake
2010-12-16, 06:45 PM
Nos pokes his head out, staring at the other Pokemon, but doesn't move, since Kane hasn't said anything. "The leader's out here- somewhere. I don't know what she looks like, but we might find her if we look for some water." He says, waiting for Michael to show up before speaking. "Nos- go ahead and say hi if you'd like." At that, Nos goes to meet the new Pokemon.

2010-12-16, 07:01 PM
Awesome! I can't wait to see some trainers battle a gym leader. Hey, there is someone I think might like to meet you guys Michael says letting Sting out of the greatball. Everyone, this is Sting, the newest addition to my team

Jesse Drake
2010-12-16, 07:05 PM
Kane grins. "Nice catch..." Kane says, admiring (and recording) the Beedrill. "I too have recruited." He reaches for Lash, and throws him out. "I had the privilege of seeing him evolve during the battle." Kane says, proudly.

2010-12-16, 07:28 PM
Wow, I haven't seen an Ivysaur since I was little and my Mom's Venasaur hadn't evolved yet Michael says as he records the Ivysaur and Nos.

2010-12-17, 04:32 AM
Anyone has any idea where in these forests the Leader is? I think we should check out Teardrop rock. It's where I'm heading.

2010-12-17, 05:42 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira turned to see most of the others who had been on the ship and bowed her head to them all. "Nice to see you all again." She said, thinking about Kane's words before nodding,, "She also might like the color blue a lot...but we can check for both....." She said, pulling her ponytail tighter again. "However.... perhaps we can all walk and talk? We're not gonna find her just standing here and I'm anxious to see how my own newest edition will fare." She left it at that, not wanting to ruin her surprise of sorts to all the others. After she spoke, she continued walking further into the Forest to seek out this Fiona they were supposed to find.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-17, 11:20 AM
Kane returns Lash, and quickly scans Amelia's Pokemon before putting his Pokedex. "Okay, let's go." He'll turn to Kira. "What do you suggest? I'm actually pretty fast, and can weave through the trees with ease. I could go out and scout around for any sort of water." He reaches for his Pokedex again. "We should all exchange numbers in case I find her- or if you guys find her first."

This is just my suggestion- it can be altered if anyone has any ideas, or if anyone else wants to do some scouting.

2010-12-17, 02:29 PM
DM's Rolls:

As you all are walking through the Dewdrop Forest, you come upon a lake. Across the lake, you see someone sleeping. next to a tear-shaped rock that stands upright and holding a fishing rod. They are dressed in baggy blue clothing with a large ball-shaped hat.

Closer to you on this side of the lake, you see a group of pokemon skating across the water surface along with two water fowl pokemon that appear to be playing along with them.

If you want to use your stone hunting and rare item abilities, you can and I'll just send you the results in the OOC.

2010-12-17, 02:44 PM
Huh Michael says scanning the water fowl pokemon. Do you think that's her? Also, I know two pokemon who are about to be very happy Michael then lets Speedy and Blade out of their pokeballs, and both rush off to take a swim.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-17, 03:54 PM
Kane also scans the waterfowl Pokemon. "Go ahead Nos- take a swim with them. Be careful- I'm gonna cross to the other side- be sure to be there if I call."

Kane will scan the area for the closest way across the lake, and will go on and cross. Nos will follow Speedy and Blade into the water.

2010-12-17, 07:32 PM
Pokedex scans
Vital Information
Type : Water
Pokedex Information
Height : 1’ 4” 0.4m
Weight : 11.5 lbs. 5.2kg
Biology : Piplup is a featherless avian. It has yellow feet and a light-blue body. There are two white spots on its chest that seem to resemble buttons on a suit. It also appears to have a blue cape. It has a circular, blue head with white circles around its eyes and a small, yellow beak. Herbivore.
Habitat :Beach, Taiga, Tundra
Capabilities: Overland 3, Surface 3, Underwater 1, Jump 1, Power 1, Intelligence 2, Fountain

As the pokemon join the others in swimming the person across the way wakes and looks up giving a wave to you all.

2010-12-17, 08:12 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as they looked upon the woman. She had indeed matched both hers and Kane's thoughts of a description, which made her even more sure that it was indeed Fiona. First, however, she decided to scan all the Pokemon, including the non-wild ones. After doing this, she walks up so she is now across, bows to her and then speaks, "Excuse me miss... are you Fiona by chance?"

Jesse Drake
2010-12-19, 09:24 AM
Kane heads over and spies on the people across the way. He keeps an eye on Nos, and smiles. "I wonder if those penguins are wild..."


Across the lake, you see someone sleeping. next to a tear-shaped rock that stands upright and holding a fishing rod. They are dressed in baggy blue clothing with a large ball-shaped hat.

I'm confused- are there two, or even three people. Someon sleeping, someone holding arod, then you refer to them as they- so how many people total?

2010-12-21, 04:07 PM
I meant they as in the person with the rod. like...

"a man walked briskly down the road, until they had to stop."

"Yup Yup." The woman replied stretching as she stood. "I am Fiona, the Dewdrop Gyms leader. I usually come out here at least once a week. From the looks of it you appear to be trainers." She smiled as she pulled the rod she was holding slightly, soon a large round pokemon that almost resembled a large blue beach ball. "This is Wailsy, one of my best friends and partners in fishing. If you want to take the challenge for my Bubble badge I'd love to give it to you but I left them all back at the gym. (Sweat-drop)

You spot a blueish stone near the base of the Teardrop shaped rock.

2010-12-21, 04:18 PM
Well, you guys could have a battle out here and then maybe you could just give the winners the badge when we get back to the gym Michael will say as he watches his pokemon playing with Nos and the Piplups. It is a beautiful day and this is a beautiful place, why not battle here?

Jesse Drake
2010-12-21, 04:27 PM
"Okay..." Kane replies, regaining his composure and joining the others. "Well, when are you going back?"

After a moment, Kane points to the Piplup. "Are those guys yours? They are quite interesting-" He watches Nos swimming with the others, and wonders on the possibility of a water battle.

2010-12-21, 07:06 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira was about to give a suggestion ... in fact, the same one Michael spoke. She couldn't help but wonder if he was partly psychic; after all, she knew they had existed and would be lying to not admit she had sorta wanted to meet one. Shrugging the idea aside, she maintained eye contact at Fiona as she spoke, "I wouldn't mind what he said ... battling out here then getting the badge later. Of course, however, I will leave it up to you to decide whether you wish to or not ... but I wouldn't mind waiting to get any rewards that might come from this." She crossed her hands behind her back as she patiently awaited an answer.

2010-12-22, 07:58 AM

Taroku's is soon distracted as he sees the beautiful shape of the rock. "No wonder people talk about it. What an interesting shape!"

As he approaches the rock Taroku softly uses his petrologist hammer to check out the type of stone, without chipping it of course. When he reaches the bottom of the rock his eyes catch onto a blue-ish stone. He quickly picks it up and examines it.

2010-12-22, 10:18 AM
the stone teardrop appears to be made of some sort of pumice as there are small ari pockets and marks along the edges of the rock. The rock you pull from beneath seems to be a water stone

Fiona looks around and nods, "I suppose it would not be to inconvenient to hold a gym battle out here, we'll just need a referee. Alos the battle will be a two on two pokemon battle, just a bit of FYI." She looks over to Kane as she returns Wailsey to the ball, "Those Piplup are wild actually, as well as the Surskit."

2010-12-22, 10:58 AM
Amelia walks over, "I'd be happy to referee, i'm not looking to battle today," although i am interested in the surskit, she says, looking at the water strider.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 12:04 PM
Kane nods, and records the Surskit in his Pokedex. "Bugs huh- well, I think I'll get the penguin guy-"

Kane turns to the water and yells out "Nos- you know the drill! See if one of them would like to go adventuring! Challenge 'em!" Nos nods, and begins talking with the Piplup, much like he did the Bulbasaur- except this time, he's feeling a bit more cocky, so he tries a bit of goading.

2010-12-22, 02:38 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira nodded, making a mental note to see about the Piplup. It would seriously depend on how well this was about to go. If her Pokemon needed to rest first, she'd let them. Something told her Kane was in rush to head out of DewDrop so if nothing else, she could come back here later noticing there were plenty of them. "Thank you Amelia." Her eyes went to Fiona, "I'm not sure how it works here but back in Johto, Gym leaders deploy their Pokemon first. If you wish to, I'll let you do so." It was also, secretly, her preference; this way she often could get a mental advantage and it was often how she won her fights; seeing her opponent before it hit her.

2010-12-22, 02:51 PM
Sneazel! Why don't you go recruit a piplup for me as well. Ask them, challenge them, any way you think would work!

2010-12-22, 03:07 PM
The Piplup seem eager to talk, though one seems a bit protective of the other (male/female) especially around the newcomer pokemon. The talk howver seems to be going well so far.

Fiona smiles "Alright Maril, time to blow them away!" A small round water mouse type pokemon emmerges from the thrown ball as Fiona smiles, "Your turn luv."

2010-12-22, 04:15 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled. Most Gym leaders in Johto used the same types of Pokemon that matched the same kind of Gym they ran. It seemed to be the same this time also. "Alright then.... let's do this! Hiru, go! Vine Whip!" She watched to see how her newly acquired Bulbasaur would fair -- though hopefully the answer would be somewhere along the lines of "Well enough" or even better as she already had the type advantage.

~Vine Whip~

To Hit (Need 2+): [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] - 5 x2 for weakness
STAB Damage: [roll2]

2010-12-22, 04:29 PM
The Vine Whip smacks the Maril as it rolls backwards with it's ball-shaped body. "Alright, Maril! Tail Whip!

Tail Whip
To Hit: (Need 2+) [roll0]

2010-12-22, 04:52 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira whistled as the Maril remained standing. "Pretty tough. Most type disadvantage moves made against other Pokemon I've seen get opponents knocked out in one try. To see that isn't the case is impressive. Hiru! Tackle!" So far, so good it seemed as the advantages were beginning to hint they were working out very well.


To Hit (Need 3+): [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] - 7

2010-12-22, 05:10 PM
Surskrit? Michael says pulling out his pokedex and scanning the pokemon. Hmm, Piplup huh? Hey Speedy, see if one of the Piplup want to come with us. That way one can go with Taroku, one can come with us, and they don't have to really be seperated.

2010-12-22, 06:11 PM
Fiona's Maril gracefully jumps over the charge. "Maril! Turn and fire! Water Gun!" The Maril puffs itself up, sucking in air before spitting out a jet of water.

Water Gun

To Hit (2+): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] - 8 divided by 2

As Speedy zooms out to where the other Piplup are, it seems the activity in the water has drawn something else up from the river as a dark shadow begins circling around the lake. It seems quite large. It is also following Speedy.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 06:20 PM
"Hm... Oh no! I forgot to heal up Lash at a Pokecenter." He slaps himself on the forehead quite hard. "Damn! Damn Damn!" He looks back at the Piplup. Hopefully Nos could talk one of them into a one on on fight. Nos will continue, trying to lure the male into a battle. Nos will let the Piplup think he's got a chance to show his skills off-

2010-12-22, 06:31 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled."Alright! Let's end this! Another Vine Whip!" From the fact of her having done Tail Whip earlier but not attacking with a normal hit, she was sure it was for the next Pokemon and giving it too much time wouldn't be good she knew.

~Vine Whip~

To Hit (Need 2+): [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] - 5 x2 for weakness
STAB Damage: [roll2]

2010-12-22, 06:38 PM
The Maril takes the slap assault from the vine whip before flying backwards, it's eyes spiraling, now fainted.

2010-12-22, 06:41 PM
Oh crap, we may have a problem Michael will say to no one in particular as he runs around the lake following Speedy and the dark shape. He pulls out his pokedex, aiming it at the shape and hoping it will identify it.

2010-12-22, 06:45 PM
"First round to Kira," Amelia says, "Fiona, please bring out your second pokemon."

2010-12-22, 07:00 PM
Fiona returns her Maril. "Good work, Maril." She puts the Pokeball away, smiling. "Alright Wailsey! Time to set 'em up and knock 'em down!" The Wailmer from earlier emerges though oddly enough she deployed it on land and not water. "Wailsey, Defense Curl!"

Your Pokedex picks up the following information:
Vital Information
Type : Water / Flying
Pokedex Information
Height : 21’ 4” 6.5m
Weight : 518.1 lbs. 235kg
Breeding Information
Biology : Gyarados is a large and long serpantine Pokemon. Its mostly blue, but its underbelly and the spots along its body are a dark yellow. It has a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head and four white fins down its back. Its mouth is very large and usually gaping. It has pectoral and dorsal fins emerging throughout its winding body. Carnivore.
Habitat :
Freshwater, Ocean

2010-12-22, 07:17 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled.For a bit, she remained quiet as her head raced with ideas on how to go about this. The fact her second Pokemon had been deployed on land and not in the water was already something that was worrying her. The next was the fact that, rather than attacking, it increased it's defenses. Finally, she nodded as she determined her next actions. "Alright then! Hiru, Leech Seed!" This way, even if he would get hit later on, he'd always be regenerating. Slowly, but surely, it would add up.

~Leech Seed~

To Hit (Need 4+): [roll0]

*smack forehead* Damnit... just did it in OOC.... it connected. Stupid 0 x.x

2010-12-22, 07:46 PM
Fiona smiles. "Trying to draw this out huh? Sorry to disappoint you. Alright, Wailsey! Roll Out!" The Wailmer begins spinning until it forms into a blue, spiraling ball and then begins heading towards Hiru.

Roll Out
To Hit (4+): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] - 8 (-2 from Tail Whip earlier)

(Sorry... didn't see you at the top till Virgo pointed it out)
The male Piplup seems to look angrily at Nos, it's pride being wounded at told it could show off in front of it's potential mate. It didn't feel it needed to but this small purple Pokemon continued to bug it. Finally, the Piplup swam up to the shore and began motioning with a flipper for Nos to "Come on".

2010-12-22, 08:13 PM
Speedy, get ready for a fight! There is a Gyrados behind you! Michael then yells to Blade BLADE, GET THE POKEMON OUT OF THE LAKE!!!

Michael then releases Spike and Sting just in case

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 08:20 PM
Nos looks at the Gyrados and then back at the Piplup. He roars- then closes his eyes for a moment. Using Focus Energy.

2010-12-22, 08:23 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira shook her head no. "Not drawing it out... just going about this in a strategic way. Hiru! Poisonpowder!" If it hadn't become obvious soon, it might to Fiona by now.


To Hit (Need 6+): [roll0]

2010-12-22, 08:45 PM
Fiona looks over at the shout of Gyardos and turned back to Kira, she had already come so far it would be unfair to end the battle now for her, "Get a Handle on that Gyrados, we're finishing this battle here." The rooling rampaging Wailmer came back for another pass

To Hit (4+)[roll0]

Damage [roll1] -8

Gyrados breaks the surface causing the wild lake pokemon to suddenly begin rushing away. The male Piplup dives back into the water to assist it's female counterpart.

2010-12-22, 08:57 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira whistled. She would definitely need to come back later. For now, her focus remained on the battle as she looked still at Hiru. "Ignore the new background! Vine Whip!"

~Vine Whip~

To Hit (Need 2+): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] - 5 x2

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 08:58 PM
Kane takes Fiona's cue, and shouts out "Nos- go ahead and deal with that dragon!" He pulls out his Pokedex and gets a scan. "Oh- flying... Okay- peck!"

[roll0] for [roll1] +2 if it's a male Gyrados. Crit! 29 Damage, 31 if it's a male Gyrados.

2010-12-22, 09:02 PM
Speedy, I guess it is up to you to take care of the Gyrados. We should start off strong. Speedy, use Tackle! Michael will say as he takes a battle pose with Spike behind him just in case. He will send Spike to help Blade and the male Piplup get the other pokemon out of the lake.

The Attack


2010-12-22, 09:22 PM
As the Gyrados takes the two hits, it shakes violently. It seems to have weakened it considerably though it's also obvious it didn't like the hits.

The Wailer stops rolling as the Vine Whip connects. Fiona nods, seeming pleased she trusted the Gyrados to the others, knowing it to be the right decision. "Wailsey! Use Bubblebeam!"

To Hit Roll (2+): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
STAB Damage for Wailmer: [roll2]
STAB Damage for Bulbasaur (Forgot it in last post so doing it here) [roll3]

2010-12-22, 09:45 PM
Kane, let's hit him one more big hit and then one of us should probably catch it. Speedy, attack with Nos, use Iron Tail


2010-12-22, 09:52 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled. She could tell she had this battle. Almost there... She nodded to Hiro, "Alright... let's end this also! Tackle!" She watched to see if this would, as she was thinking, connect and end the battle.


To Hit (Need 3+): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-12-22, 10:19 PM
Wailmer takes the tackle and rolls over unconscious. "Awwww... come back Wailsey.
Exp for Hiru = 615 for the fight

The Gyrados reals from the Iron Tail as it seems off kilter form the hit and dazed be fore trying to strike back at Speedy A large blast of Blueish flame erupts from it's mouth at the Squirtle.

Dragon Rage
to hit (2 or higher) [roll0]
Damage 30 no resistance/boost or defenses subtracted from it.

2010-12-22, 10:36 PM
"Match goes to Kira. You know, i always wondered why gym leaders always use pokemon of the same type, it makes it easier for a trainer to defeat them if they have a pokemon of the right type," Amelia says, crossing her arms loosely.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 10:37 PM
Nos goes in for another Peck. [roll0] for [roll1]

2010-12-22, 10:58 PM
Michael watches in horror as the flame engulfs speedy and he goes down. Not caring for his own safety, he tosses off his windbreaker and dives into the lake after Speedy. Michael then yells at Sting If it is still concious after Nos' attack, use Poison Sting

Speedy is at -8 HP.

2010-12-22, 11:13 PM
Fiona looked over at Amelia, "Gym leaders are beyond type advantage to a point, you'll find that the ones that are after me are much tougher even against type advantage abilities. Though I believe in answer to your question it's like teaching, there are different levels and if we made them to mixed they may become a bit complicated. Besides I love water types, especially round ones!"

The Gyrados roars it's last as it falls into the water with a splash form the damage it has suffered.
Exp for Gyrados: 1125 (if you have more then one pokemon out divide it among them equally, otherwise your pokemon that battled Gyrados gains the above number)

Fiona seeing the trouble the trainers pokemon is in calls out to him after he retrieves it. "I have some potions and revives in my pouch!"

2010-12-22, 11:22 PM
Michael swims to the shore with Speedy on his back. He swims towards Fiona as she has said she has potions and revives to help Speedy.

Tsumeken and Jesse

So, does Speedy get XP, or only Sting since he is still conscious. Also if Kane doesn't try to catch the Gyrados, Michael will. He just seems to fit a bit better with Kane's personality. Mostly the strength of it

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 11:36 PM
Nos will help bring Speedy to Michael. Kane will throw a greatball out to the Gyrados, hopefully catching it before it sinks too far down.

"Man- that was harsh..." When Nos gets close, Kane will give him a thumbs up, and say "Man- you haven't been hit all day! You're on fire..." Then he turns to Michael and Speedy, who was on fire. "Oh- hey. We should probably get him to a Pokecenter. I need to heal up Lash anyways."

If Michael's ready, Kane will head back to town with him. But before leaving, Kane will ask Fiona "I'll challenge you at your Gym when you get Kira's badge- I'll see you then."

2010-12-22, 11:40 PM
Yah, you guys can hang out here, but Kane and I will head back to get Speedy some help. We'll meet you guys at the gym after we get some help for our pokemon Michael tries to force a smile past the obvious tears. Michael will head off with Kane to the pokecenter.

2010-12-23, 06:17 AM
I don't suppose there's any piplup left to catch? :smallsmile:

2010-12-23, 10:39 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled, kneeling down beside Hiru and embraced him. "Great work! I knew you could do it! You can stay outside the Pokeball until we get back to the PokeCenter." She then stood up and bowed her head politely to Fiona. "Thank you very much for the match. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll meet you back at the Gym."

Before she began heading back, she first made sure Michael had managed to get to his Speedy fine. Upon seeing that had, thankfully, been the case she began heading back to DewDrop City. She could only imagine how poor Michael felt... she'd gotten close when Usagi went against the wild Pinsir. The result probably would have been the same had Kane not shown up. Poor little guy.....

As she arrived, she set up all three of her pokeballs. It was a habit she often did. Even if only one needed actual treatment, she gave all her Pokemon chances to rest. It'd be worse if they were forced to keep traveling only to get exhausted. She gave a polite bow of her head to the Nurse and patiently waited, knowing Michael and Kane would arrive soon.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 10:45 AM
Kane arrives at the center, and hands over his injured Pokemon. (Not sure if I caught the Gyrados or not) "Congratulations on you victory-" Kane says to Kira. "Quite an exciting time out there. That Gyrados came out of nowhere. It was terrifying to think that some of us let our Pokemon swim with there..."

2010-12-23, 11:08 AM
Kira Misoto

Kira smiled as she heard Kane's voice, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Thank you." She nodded in agreement at his next words, shaking just from the mere thought. "I can only imagine... I'll probably head over there again later before we leave here to get a Water type as it'd probably be useful. How long do you think we should remain here anyways? It's rather nice and I'm not really in any huge rush to get to the next city." She realized she'd almost gone on rambling again, making her blush slightly as she kept quiet, allowing him to speak now.

Oh crap xD Sorry... I even tried to look to see if anyone had attempted to capture it. I'll get on as Tsume after this and do that in the OOC for you ^^; I've only been awake for about twenty minutes... please bear with me.... Stupid brain x.x

2010-12-23, 11:26 AM
Everyone arrives back at the Pokemon Center to an astonishing sight. As Kira is walking, her Bulbasaur begins glowing as the bulb on it's body shines, opening up to reveal the bud of a flower. Kira's Bulbasaur has evolved into an Ivysaur.

Fiona arrives at the Pokemon Center a little later as she hands over the Bubble Badge as well as a small box to Kira. "It was lots of fun. I just hope that your next Gym Battle is as interesting. That would be in Storm Hollow City against Ricardo. I've heard that there are some strange things going on over in Storm Hollow Pass so be careful." Fiona walks over, getting her own Pokemon recovered. "I'll be over at the Gym if anyone wants to find me." With that, she leaves.

The ball you threw hit too hard and broke on impact against the Gyrados. If you want to keep trying, he can re-roll another capture roll until you get it or until you run out (whatever happens first). But that's only if you want. Just let me know and I'll be more than happy to oblige.

Speed can gain Experience as well though I never thought one Dragon Rage would take him out.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 12:08 PM
"I'm in no hurry- I'd like to visit that lake again and catch a Piplup." Kane replies. "At least over night- I'm sure there's an Inn somewhere, where can get a couple of rooms."

Kane tried one more Greatball at the Gyrados [roll0]

2010-12-23, 12:34 PM
Guys, seriously! Taroku says as everyone keeps failing catching the Gyrados. Here, let me show you how it's done. The scientific approach always works best! And he tosses a greatball.

Capture roll [roll0]

2010-12-23, 12:37 PM
Kira Misoto

Kira chuckled softly as she continued looking at Kane. "Are you reading my mind or something? I'd be lying to not admit I was thinking about that too... I was just making myself focus on the battle between myself and Fiona." She looked over as the bright light hit her face and eyes a bit and smiled more as she saw Hiru evolve. "Congrats. That's what you wanted... wasn't it?" She asked, making sure she'd gotten his hint from earlier correct. Her eyes then went down to the box, opening it to see what was inside it from Fiona.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 12:43 PM
"Then it's settled." He says, with a sure and hardy laugh. "Okay... I wonder if Fiona's ready for another battle yet." He comments, putting Lash back on his belt. "After that, we'll see about finding that Inn."

2010-12-23, 12:59 PM
Inside the box was a small cd with the words "Bubblebeam" printed on it. It appeared to be a Teaching Machine. As for the Gym itself, the lights appeared on and Fiona was ready for a fight at this time.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 01:35 PM
Kane enters the and looks around. Are there any other trainers around, or is it just her? Either way, approach her, Nos following close behind. "Alright- I'm ready." He says, reaching for Lash.

2010-12-23, 01:43 PM
Fiona smiles. "This gym battle will be a bit different than the one that was for your friend." The Gym Arena itself is two large circles joined together like bubbles. The tiles along the walls are also bubbles. "If you didn't understand from the Forest, I love round things. My Maril and Wailmer especially and the bubbles that they can make. Once again, it'll be a two on two Pokemon battle. The winner receives my Bubble Badge." She smiles as she reaches behind her, retrieving two Pokeballs. "We'll have some fun this time so keep your guard up. First up, gooooo Spheal!" The rolly-polly seal Pokemon emerges from it's Pokeball, giving a happy "Arf!"

Kira's on auto-follow but I'm focusing, for now, as posting under my name to keep the battle ongoing.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 01:49 PM
Kane nods. "Okay- come on Lash." He throws out his Ivysaur, and it roars at the opponent. "So- who's first?"

On his turn, Kane will shout out "Poison it!"

For Kane's turn, he'll have Ivysaur use Poison Powder. [roll0] Target 6

2010-12-23, 01:59 PM
The Spheal moves... or rolls if you want to take it that way. Away from the poisonous pollen .

Fiona nods, "Alright Spheal Powder Snow!"

to hit (2+) *adjusted afterwards for speed and evasion*
damage if hits + STAB
[roll1] + [roll2] -sp def x2 for weakness

that was a weak ice attack ^^;. Also 12-sp def + stab