View Full Version : What should I get for her?...

2010-12-01, 11:31 PM
I'm absolutely desperate for advice right now. I want to get something for that special girl in my life for the holiday season... but there's a problem... I have no idea what to get her! :smalleek: I want to get her something that symbolizes how much I care about her (yeah yeah, sounds cheezy, deal with it). I've thought about it for 3 days straight now, and still nothing comes to mind. :smallfrown: please someone help me...

2010-12-01, 11:36 PM
what are her interests?

2010-12-01, 11:37 PM
A poem or a song would do well, in addition to, perhaps, a personal thing from your past with her.

Look at her interests. If she loves penguins, for example, get a massive penguin plush.

Anything handmade is usually a good idea.

2010-12-01, 11:41 PM
Can't go wrong with chocolate, unless y'know, she's diabetic.:smallfrown: In general though, chocolate with something that shows how well you know her is a good bet.

2010-12-01, 11:44 PM
How much are you willing to spend?

Perfume is nice, though you need to know what sort she likes as it's a very personal thing.

2010-12-01, 11:45 PM
Can't go wrong with chocolate, unless y'know, she's diabetic.:smallfrown: In general though, chocolate with something that shows how well you know her is a good bet.

I did that last year. I got her a huge bag of chocolate from the nice candy store in the mall. I wrote a poem and attached it to the bag. Then I bought a cool little necklace from our local Green Ambiance store (it's all handmade stuff from local crafty people, so it's cheap; my mom is one of the contributors, so she knew where to go for that).

2010-12-02, 12:05 AM
whats your budget?

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-12-02, 12:08 AM
There's that name a star thing where you get a plaque with the new star's 'name', and coordinates and all.

It's a total scam pretty much, but even if they give you a star with a dozen names already labeled to it, who's to know? Bundle up, beg a telescope off someone and treat her to a surprise stargazing.

2010-12-02, 12:10 AM
whats your budget?

i'm extremely poor, 20 at minimum, but I can muster up a few extra bucks with an honest days labor

Em Blackleaf
2010-12-02, 12:23 AM
I've always been a fan of drawing on inside-jokes and such. It could be the silliest thing that stands for essentially enjoying every minute you spend with her and remembering the smallest things. She's sure to enjoy something like that. It comes from the heart and means more than any pricey meaningless gift ever could.

So think about any insiders you have with her! For example, I'm getting my boyfriend flip flops for his birthday because he always complains about how he needs a pair of his own (and tends to borrow his brother's or his dad's).

And he, thinking he was talking about a friend's lunchbox, once told me I needed a new one because it was getting pretty beat-up. So, he vowed to get me a personalized lunchbox as a gift. And I think it's the cutest thing in the whole world. :smalltongue:

See? Completely silly (albeit practical) things that mean a lot!

Hope this helped. :smallsmile:

2010-12-02, 12:28 AM
What are her interests? Also, jewelry is always nice. If you really can't think of anything, gift card as an absolute last option (just make sure it's for a place she likes).

Blue Ghost
2010-12-02, 12:31 AM
I support Em's suggestion. Think about what you like about her, what makes her special, what wonderful moments you have shared in the past. And you will know.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-02, 12:34 AM
I doubt this'd work for you, but I'm gettin' mah girlfriend a ticket to see Del Tha Funkee Homosapien... :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-02, 11:36 AM
You could do something with lover's knot- find a jeweler who will do one cheaply for you out of simple wire, do one yourself out of rope, cord, wire, flowers, etc. Be creative here.

The basic story behind the lover's knot is that a sailor (in the version I read; pick your favorite variation) was leaving his sweetheart to go to sea, and she was worried that he would forget about her. So, he presented her with a ring made of cord and told her that it was tied with a true lover's knot. The knot is tied from two separate pieces of string which symbolize the individuals who may separate or be apart, but the two string are joined by a knot that symbolizes their love and says that no matter how far they may be from each other, they will always be joined at the heart.

Many variations of this knot are very pretty. Do a Google search on lover's knot and you'll turn up a number of examples. In my search, the middle image was a version of the simplest done in gold that will give you a good idea of what a classic lover's know will look like. The most important thing (symbolically)- they must be made from two strands, not one.

2010-12-02, 09:22 PM
What defines her? Does she associate herself strongly with anything in particular, a color, an animal, some variety of symbolism? Get something from that. I have a friend for whom this is the sun. I am getting him a fedora with a sun painted on the side for Christmas, because a fedora is also his kind of style (bit of a swing dancer, he is). Things like that. What do they associate with? Find or make something awesome with it.

2010-12-02, 09:25 PM
Holiday themed jewelry... mooses wearing santa hats... Kidnap the lead singer to her favorite band... :smallwink:

2010-12-02, 09:36 PM
i would suggest a card and flowers if she likes them.

for card ideas, i made one that had a cornfield and "happy birthday" (merry xmass would work too) on the front, and "because the best cards are always corny" on the inside

Jack Squat
2010-12-02, 10:42 PM
I've always had NERF guns go over well as gifts, but that doesn't really sound like what you're going for.

The best way to show that you care about her is to get something that pertains to her specific interests, rather than generic things such as flowers, chocolate, poems, jewelry etc. - not that those will fail to show what you're wanting to convey, it's just that they lack originality. What always works for me is to start thinking of her hobbies and start narrowing it down from there.

2010-12-02, 11:57 PM
For $20 you could probably find (and certainly make) a warm shawl or throw. Find one in her favorite color, or with a pattern of something she loves. Then offer it to her and say something sweet like, when I can't be there to hold you in my arms, wrap yourself in this and remember how much I love you.

Monkey is a sap. :smalltongue:

I'm making a bit of an assumption that you live in a part of the world that is having cool weather in December. :smallsmile:


An Enemy Spy
2010-12-03, 12:04 AM
Why is it that the first thing I thought is that you were trying to sell someone and wanted to know how much she was worth?

2010-12-03, 12:22 AM
Cook something for her? You'll have to know what she likes (I can't really give advice on that), but its something handmade that can be very personalized (showing her that you know important stuff about her). It's the perfect gift!

Not to mention, it can be very cost-effective. You could make Oysters Rockefeller and some homemade chocolate custard for desert for under your $20 threshold.

Mando Knight
2010-12-03, 12:26 AM
Kill all your friends and associates in order to possibly retrieve one scrap of information that might lead to something that could save her life?

...No, that just gets her dead, and you stuck in powered armor, listening to your own mechanical rasping breath, your only comfort being the fact that you're voiced by James Earl Jones.

Settle for something a little nicer: carve a battlestation out of the moon and name it after her.

...No, too expensive. Plus she probably wouldn't appreciate having the next global crisis named after her.


2010-12-03, 12:49 AM
You know, you don't necessarily have to spend money on a gift. You could just do a selfless gesture for her. The only thing that comes to mind is making her breakfast in bed or maybe watching a movie you loath but she likes. Those are just a few ideas and I'm sure there are better ones.

2010-12-03, 01:03 AM
I've noticed a lot of girls like blankets. Cheapest way to get a nice (and custom!) blanket is to go to a fabric store and buy 3-5 yards of flannel in whatever pattern you think she'd like. Wash it before giving it to her, but otherwise you don't need to hem it or anything - flannel doesn't fray.

Really, though, what are her interests? I personally would rather recieve a NERF gun than a blanket :smallbiggrin:

Jack Squat
2010-12-03, 07:37 AM
I personally would rather recieve a NERF gun than a blanket :smallbiggrin:

See? What'd I say. NERF guns are always a good idea :smalltongue:

2010-12-03, 07:46 AM
You can give her something symbolic that doesn't need to be expensive.
Example: an ex of mine once had to work on christmas morning so I woke up early, drove to her house and attached a single red rose and a letter to her car before she woke up.

So yeah I would suggest something like that.

2010-12-03, 08:11 AM
Something that can be inexpensive and a great thoughtful gift, a basket of small presents, each symbolizing a special moment in your relationship. They don't have to be useful or expensive individually, it is the story they tell as she unwraps each that is the real gift.

2010-12-03, 09:21 AM
I would definitely like a blanket for a present. Of course, I'm really cold as I type this, so I might be biased!

2010-12-03, 10:01 AM
Our first Christmas together, Oz got me books. The second, we got each other a M:tG card (Planeswalkers). I don't remember what we did last Christmas. This year, he is getting me a jacket of some sort since mine is falling apart and a cute fox laplander hat, because he knows I love foxes. It's his second fox themed gift, the first being a small clay figure of a fox that he made and painted himself.

So...think of something she likes, or even something she needs but you know she'll put off getting for herself. Like, this year I got him a 2TB external hard drive because he's been talking about getting one forever but hasn't gotten around to it, in addition to a little stormtrooper cell phone charm from ThinkGeek (still waiting for that to come back in stock...).

Asta Kask
2010-12-03, 11:01 AM
We need more info. What is she like, what does she like and what does she look like?

And something more informative than 'wonderful', 'me', and 'beautiful', please.

2010-12-03, 01:52 PM
We have a stand in the mall here that does engraving, like to dog tags and whatnot. One of the things they sell are sterling silver bracelets that you can engrave, and it only costs about $20. The bracelets generally look like varieties of this:


Just putting something simple, like their name on the front and then "I love you" written on the back of it (the part that will be against their wrist, so only they know it's there), can be sweet.

2010-12-04, 02:25 AM
We have a stand in the mall here that does engraving, like to dog tags and whatnot. One of the things they sell are sterling silver bracelets that you can engrave, and it only costs about $20. The bracelets generally look like varieties of this:


Just putting something simple, like their name on the front and then "I love you" written on the back of it (the part that will be against their wrist, so only they know it's there), can be sweet.

I made something similar out of pretty beads, with "I <3 U" in it. That was for her birthday, but it works. She still wears it every day. :smallsmile: