View Full Version : D20 Modern optimization guides?

2010-12-02, 09:35 AM
There are plenty of D&D optimization guides which I have found useful, however, there is an utter lack of optimization guides/handbooks ect.. for D20 Modern. While I know D20 Modern is SOMEWHAT like D&D I would still like to know what, if any, handbooks/op guides ect.. exist for it on the net...

2010-12-02, 10:34 AM
I've done a little digging and found diddly-squat.

A few things I've noticed about Modern, though:

Though melee is still better than ranged, it sucks, compared to DnD melee. Two-handed weapons don't get 1.5xStr. Power attack doesn't improve for two-handers. There are fewer easily accessible ways to buff you to-hit and power attack more effectively. Improved trip, disarm and bullrush do not add to your check, just remove AoO.

Depending on playstyle, the Artificer PrC could be the bomb. If you DM isn't throwing magical items at you, it is definitely worth at least a couple levels, for a caster.

It uses 3.0 Psionics. *barf*

Full BaB is precious. If you find a class that fits your concept with it, grab on and don't let go. This one (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Shadow_Slayer_%28Class%29) is particularly nice.