View Full Version : Tower of Deadly Evil (The Antigamer, Mistress Baerne, Ralasha, and FalconKnight06)

2010-12-02, 02:00 PM
The four of you stand at the base of the Tower. You've heard rumors and have decided to test yourself against it perils.

Against the North wall, sits a double door. It has a look of agelessness to it. At the top sits a metal plate that reads: Room 1: Business as Usual

The Eastern wall has 4 cubes, which glow with magic. They are signed as "Magic-Mart". A sign reads "Re-Rolls! Control your fate. Now for just 500gp, max 3 per customer, not available anywhere else. If we sell out, you miss out!"

The Western wall contains a series of empty portraits.

The Southern Wall has 4 "Phone Boxes", labeled "Save? or Reload?"

You are aware of some rules, inside in the Tower. You cannot create an effect that would render you unkillable. You cannot teleport outside of the room you are in. You cannot burrow beyond the boundaries of the room you are in.

Suddenly a bright glowing orb appears, it speaks in a high pitch voice that reminds you all of a young human. "Welcome to the Tower of Deadly Evil. Happy to have you all here.. This room, is pretty self-explanatory. Do as you wish in it, and fell free to move on when you are all ready!"

With that, it zooms into the wall, disappearing on impact.

2010-12-02, 02:10 PM
"Oh, why not?" Sikala shrugs her wings indifferently and draws 1500gp out of a sack on her belt. "I'll take 3 're-rolls,' whatever those might be. Controlling my fate is certainly something I approve of, when I'm the one doing it."

2010-12-02, 02:18 PM
Sounds good to me too Aeric will say with a grin as he approaches the glowing cube after Sikala. I'll take three re-rolls please he asks the cube as he extends 1500 gp.

Can I switch out the passwall spell if I won't be able to use it?

The Antigamer
2010-12-02, 08:44 PM
Eugenius Falk brushes motes of imaginary dust from his cloaked shoulders before drawing out 3000 gp from haversack on his back.

"Avery and I will each take three re-rolls as well," he says in a dry voice. Dropping the gold off at the cube, he turns to examine the "Save?" box.

Invoking Allure of the Dead, Spiritual Sight, Desecration Aura.

2010-12-02, 11:02 PM
The priest will walk over to the rerolls box. "Huh, what? Rerolls? What in the hells is a reroll?" Looks about. "I'll take 4... all my money," and drops in 200 PP.

2010-12-03, 12:31 AM
As the priest deposits his money, the ball of light suddenly zooms back out of the wall.. Screaming in its high pitch voice, "Can you not read, the sign clearly says only 3 are allowed, that's it. Move along all of you, or else!!" With that, it simply is gone, disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The Antigamer
2010-12-03, 12:51 AM
As the priest deposits his money, the ball of light suddenly zooms back out of the wall.. Screaming in its high pitch voice, "Can you not read, the sign clearly says only 4 are allowed, that's it. Move along all of you, or else!!" With that, it simply is gone, disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Only 3 :smallwink::smallbiggrin:

2010-12-03, 12:52 AM
Well, that was odd Aeric will say. Shall we make our way out of this room then?

The Antigamer
2010-12-03, 12:53 AM
"A moment..." Falk replies to the half-elf.
"What are these boxes over here?"

2010-12-03, 01:05 AM
I'm really dumb

Well, I'm not sure what exactly saving is. I know reloading has something to do with bows correct Aeric says

2010-12-03, 01:09 AM
The ball of light appears again, "Saving allows you to come back if you die within the Tower.. A reload is when your save is brought back.." And then it explodes, as you all duck for cover, nothing happens..

2010-12-03, 01:14 AM
Well then, I will be saving right now Aeric will say approaching one of the boxes. After he is finished, he will proceed to enact three of his Eldritch abilities

Fel Flight, Spiderwalk, and Voidsense. All last 24 hours. Fell Flight gives me Fly=Walk spd, Good Maneuverability. The other two give me Spiderclimb at will and immunity to webs (Spiderwalk) and Blindsense 30 ft. (Voidsense)

The Antigamer
2010-12-03, 01:33 AM
Eugenius mimics the half-elf, touching the box.
"Saving," he rasps.
He then turns towards the door, hovers about a foot off the ground, and nods at his companions his readiness, before becoming invisible.

"Whenever you're ready," his voice whispers from thin air.

Walk Unseen, Greater Invisibility for 15 rounds.

2010-12-03, 01:47 AM
The Priest will also save.

The Antigamer
2010-12-03, 02:06 AM
Eugenius Falk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=252249) and Avery (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=252409)
NE Ebon Initiate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=163297) 15//LA+1/Ghostblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147872) 14
Init +5
HP 290/290
DR: 15/Magic
Resistance: Cold 10, Immune to Fire
Speed 60'(L), Fly 60'(Good)
AC 44, Touch 39, Flat-footed 39
Fort +16, Ref +26, Will +22
BAB: +11
Power Points: 106/106
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20(19), Con 8, Int 20(16), Wis 12, Cha 34(28)
Perception +8 Spot, +8 Listen
Conditions: Immune to Stunning & Daze effects, Improved aura of the dead, Desecration Aura, Spiritual Sight, Allure of the Dead
Items: Soulfire, Cold resistance 10, Belt of Battle 3/3
Other Effects:
Inspiring – all allies within 10’ receive a +1 Morale bonus on all attacks & skill check –and– receive a +2 Morale bonus on saves vs. Charm & Fear effects. Active when creature is awake.
Walk Unseen 15 rounds

2010-12-03, 11:35 AM
Sikala taps one of the 'save' blocks, willing it to activate. This done, she turns towards the door and activates her Ring of Invisibility as she steps forward. "Coming, gentlemen?" comes her disembodied voice.

The Antigamer
2010-12-03, 04:55 PM
Seeing that everyone is ready, Falk moves forward and opens the door.

2010-12-03, 05:10 PM
The priest remains in the back, but follows.

2010-12-04, 02:32 AM
Let's do this replies Aeric as he takes his place right in front of the priest

2010-12-04, 02:44 AM
"Forgive me for hiding in the back, but I think that, even though I am also a warrior, were I to become embroiled in battle, I might not be able to heal those that will need it in the times to come shortly."

2010-12-04, 02:48 AM
Aeric will turn his head and say That is quite alright. Being a healer is much more important at this moment.

The Antigamer
2010-12-04, 02:52 AM
A dry voice emanates from the air near the door.
"Be sure to not use up your powers, I can heal everyone with no exertion between rooms."

2010-12-04, 03:37 AM
"I am not in the habit of being wasteful. I don't need spells to heal wounds."

2010-12-04, 12:30 PM
"Delighted to hear it. Now, someone who's visible should open the door."

The Antigamer
2010-12-04, 02:06 PM
Falk already is opening it. Greater invisibilty. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-05, 10:14 PM
The door opens and you spot three large trolls. Two more doors exist at each far end corner of the room. The floor is cobblestoned, and covered with dry blood..


Roll your initiative

The Antigamer
2010-12-05, 10:17 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2010-12-05, 10:19 PM
Init [roll0]

2010-12-05, 11:54 PM

If I end up going first, Sikala casts Rock to Mud on the ground under one of as many of the trolls as she can. She gets 300 feet of area, so that should be all of them.

Posting this because I'm on a slightly different schedule and I don't want to slow everyone down.

2010-12-06, 03:20 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Cast reduce monster on the nearest Troll on my turn.

Initiative Order:

Sikala: (1d20+12)[25]
Troll 1: Ini(1d20+4)[23]
Anti-Gamer: Initiative (d20+5)[22]
Falcon Knight: Init (1d20+3)[21]
Ralasha: (1d20+9)[15]
Troll 2: Ini(1d20+4)[10]
Troll 3: Ini(1d20+4)[10]

2010-12-08, 07:35 PM
I want to move this forward, but I don't know where that spell if from, and when I asked you just simply said it turned the ground to mud... Does it force a check to stay standing, does it limit movement speed? What all does it do..

The Antigamer
2010-12-08, 07:38 PM
Transmute Rock to Mud (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transmuterocktomud.htm) I believe.

2010-12-08, 07:40 PM
Thanks.. I forgot transmute.. Okay, expect this to move forward around tonight.. I've got company and stuff to do.. But thanks anti

2010-12-08, 11:41 PM
According to the description of the spell, I don't think it should have worked, since it says it doesn't effect worked stone, which cobblestone is.. Any case, it covers the entire floor, and seeps out into the other rooms..

All three trolls drop to mid-waist in mud. Suddenly an aura of fire bursts into life around the one.

Your go..

The Antigamer
2010-12-09, 12:12 AM
Falk fixes his vision on one of the trolls, and grimaces as he flings his life force at the monster in a bolt of barely visible power. Giving himself a quick shake, he flies invisibly up to 50' above the trolls.

Attack: Spend 42 hitpoints to fire a spiritbolt at one of the trolls not wreathed in flames.
- Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
- Force Damage: [roll1]
Move action: Fly to 50' above the trolls, or as high as he can.
(Note, still invisible)

Eugenius Falk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=252249) and Avery (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=252409)
NE Ebon Initiate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=163297) 15//LA+1/Ghostblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147872) 14
Init +5
HP 248/290
DR: 15/Magic
Resistance: Cold 10, Immune to Fire
Speed 60'(L), Fly 60'(Good)
AC 44, Touch 39, Flat-footed 39
Fort +16, Ref +26, Will +22
BAB: +11
Power Points: 106/106
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20(19), Con 8, Int 20(16), Wis 12, Cha 34(28)
Perception +8 Spot, +8 Listen
Conditions: Immune to Stunning & Daze effects, Improved aura of the dead, Desecration Aura, Spiritual Sight, Allure of the Dead
Items: Soulfire, Cold resistance 10, Belt of Battle 3/3
Other Effects:
Inspiring – all allies within 10’ receive a +1 Morale bonus on all attacks & skill check –and– receive a +2 Morale bonus on saves vs. Charm & Fear effects. Active when creature is awake.
Walk Unseen 15 rounds

The Antigamer
2010-12-09, 12:13 AM
Shoot, i forgot to roll initiative for Avery. Should I have him act now, or just add him to the bottom of the current order?

2010-12-09, 12:20 AM
For your run through the tower with me, he can act when his master acts.. How's that?

2010-12-09, 12:21 AM
Aeric looks towards the middle Troll and grins, releasing a bolt of acidic energy at the troll wreathed in flames

Using a Vitriolic Eldritch Blast
Acid Damage, ignore SR, Continuing 2d6 acid damage for 2 rnds after hit.

Acid Dmg DC 21 Fort

Ranged Touch for actual blast

Damage on middle troll
[roll1] Acid Damage

How big is the room in case I need to fireball him

The Antigamer
2010-12-09, 12:31 AM
Sounds good. Sorry about the mix up. Avery will use Psionic Dominate, Augmented to 12 pp. All three trolls make a will save vs DC 25 or are dominated for two hours.(So long as their type is not aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider)

2010-12-09, 12:32 AM
100x100 feet.

So what happens if it clears the Fort Save?

2010-12-09, 12:33 AM
100x100 feet.

So what happens if it clears the Fort Save?

No ongoing acid damage

2010-12-09, 05:14 AM
On my turn I will dispel magic on the mud. Which should turn it back into stone... around the trolls... trapping them.

2010-12-09, 08:53 AM
Hmm, I was going to do that...

2010-12-09, 07:30 PM
Well, you do go beforeme, so by all means: do it. Then i don't have to waste a precious spell slot.

2010-12-09, 11:51 PM
Point taken. On her next turn, Sikala casts transmute mud to rock on the mud, conveniently entombing the enemy in a very great deal of rocks.

Might as well use this now, since I've already used my only mud-making spell.

2010-12-10, 12:24 AM
Well.. Ralasha will act before your next turn.. And so will the trolls.. But tis your guys choice.

2010-12-10, 12:31 AM
Yep, dispel magic. let them sit in stone.

2010-12-10, 12:38 AM
And then we can all just walk over and stab them in the eyes, thusly conserving our valuable spells for later! Yay! :smallsmile:

2010-12-10, 11:27 AM
I need actions for the other two. And then Ralasha you'll have to decide if you want to despell it, or wait until her next turn.

The Antigamer
2010-12-10, 01:32 PM
I'm a bit confused by what's happened, and whose turn it is. Can we keep the ooc in spoilers for better readability?

2010-12-10, 01:37 PM
She turned the ground to mud, they dropped down.. Then the troll got covered in a flaming aura.. Then the lifebolt was used and the acid.. Then the ground was hardened again.. Now it is the other troll's turns... Look for it tonight or tomorrow morning..

2010-12-13, 03:09 PM
So... this going anywhere?

The Antigamer
2010-12-13, 03:17 PM
So... this going anywhere?
I'm giving benefit of the doubt 'cause it's finals time.

2010-12-14, 12:17 AM
Sorry guys, I'm generally better then this at staying on top of stuff.. Just been a bit busy lately.. Studying and getting ready for some stuff.. And to top it all off, my state has been hit a flurry of snow storms.. Awesome for me. Anyways, yes this is going somewhere..

The bolt of lifeforce connects with the first troll on the left, who then drops dead from the blast. Imploding his body as it rips through him.

The acid stream also connects, barely so though. The troll seems quite unhappy with it.

Fort [roll]1d20+27[roll]
Will [roll0]
Will [roll1]

With two of them left, Avery feels the Dominate take hold on both trolls left.

The Antigamer
2010-12-14, 12:47 AM
"They're both under the control of my familiar now, if you'd like to ask them anything about the Tower," Falk's voice floats down from above.

2010-12-14, 04:58 PM
"I would, thanks very much. I do so appreciate when others are generous with their toys.

"You there," Sikala says to the non-acid-burned troll, "Are you familiar with any other areas in this tower? Describe them if you are. Do you have a master? And are you aware of any particularly dangerous traps?"

2010-12-14, 11:48 PM
The troll looks at you, with an odd face.. The begans talking in a tongue you don't understand..

The Antigamer
2010-12-14, 11:56 PM
"One moment."
Avery repeats the question to they troll telepathically.

2010-12-14, 11:59 PM
"I vote we just kill them."

The Antigamer
2010-12-15, 12:02 AM
"Extra knowledge is always useful, my dear."

2010-12-15, 12:03 AM
Meh, trolls are trolls. Uga bugga, tadu natuga?

2010-12-15, 12:16 AM
At this, Aeric laughs. I'm with the smart one he says pointing towards the adventurer doing the troll impression, What information is a troll going to know?

2010-12-15, 12:26 AM
Avery hears the response as follows.
"Potatoes good.. Good good. Peoples bad. Smash bad. Smash smash. Squishy good. Taste yummy.. Me want squishy"

The Antigamer
2010-12-15, 12:32 AM
A wispy sigh floats down from above.
"My apologies, you're correct. Kill them."
Avery commands the trolls to stay still, as Falk begins to heal himself with his netherchannel.

2010-12-15, 12:58 AM
I walk up, and... "Lets see what spells I have prepared... healing... anti-traps... anti-magic... healing... counter-spells... more healing... some buffs... I'll hang back on second thought, unless someone fancies seeing someone real good with spiked chains having some fun?"

2010-12-15, 01:13 AM
I could fully encase them in stone if you want Aeric will say, Or I could channel my acid blast through my sword. The first one seems faster

I never got a chance to change passwall for a spell I was allowed to use, can I do that now?

2010-12-15, 01:15 AM
"Tell the trolls, that they are the squishies. Mmmm, squishies..." waits for something akin to a translation and begins walking forwards slowly, a smile on her face, and a spiked chain in each hand.

2010-12-15, 01:47 AM
Go for it Fal

2010-12-18, 07:11 AM
A short public service announcement: Buy tree insurance, because falling limbs can be very bad for your house. I found this out this morning, and as such probably won't be able to post for a few days.

2010-12-18, 08:40 AM
O_o well... that sucks. Sorry to hear about it.

The Antigamer
2010-12-18, 01:29 PM
That sucks :-/ Sorry to hear your house is so badly damaged.

In game terms, I believe Ralasha is eviscreating some trolls while Falk is healing himself to fulll health, correct?

2010-12-20, 12:28 AM
You guys want to put the game on pause for a while then?

The Antigamer
2010-12-20, 12:34 AM
You guys want to put the game on pause for a while then?

Whatever everyone else wants. I know I'll have bad internet connection from the 24th through 27th.

2010-12-20, 12:37 AM
Christmas and Christmas Eve I will be unable to post. Good other times though

2010-12-20, 01:14 AM
I am still able, and should continue to be able to post at regular intervals. Except on the 25th. I vote for a pause, in order to wait.

2011-01-04, 01:09 PM
So... knock knock?

The Antigamer
2011-01-04, 01:12 PM
Who's there?

2011-01-04, 01:17 PM
No idea who's there. I'm gonna guess It is interrupting cow

2011-01-04, 01:22 PM
Hello to all, I hope everyone had a good new years. And if everyone is back, we can continue without further ado.

2011-01-04, 08:47 PM
>.> I had completely forgotten about this run.

The Antigamer
2011-01-04, 10:01 PM
*Shakes head*
For shame Ralasha. For shame.

2011-01-04, 10:13 PM
How do you manage to sound so serious when you are constantly grinning?

The Antigamer
2011-01-04, 10:15 PM

I have to type more here to post a one-word response.

2011-01-05, 12:16 AM
So everyone back then?

The Antigamer
2011-01-05, 12:22 AM
The band's back together boss.

2011-01-05, 04:42 AM

2011-01-06, 11:49 PM
Still waiting on Falc and Baerne.. On that note, trolls are still in the ground, and you guys are still in Room 1, with the door to Room 2 being in the corner.

2011-01-07, 12:03 AM
Waiting on me for what?

Oh yeah, I'm back too!:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-07, 03:16 AM
I move within range of my chains (10' range), and begin ripping some flesh apart.
roll 1: attack
roll 2: confirmation
roll 3: damage
crit on 17-20
-Attack 1
-Attack 2
-Attack 3
-Attack 4
-Attack 5
-Attack 6
-Attack 7 (CRIT!)
[roll20] x2
-Attack 8
-Attack 9
-Attack 10

Total at AC 40 or less: 147 damage before damage reduction.

(Is the first one dead yet?)

2011-01-07, 06:16 AM
Yes the first one is dead..

2011-01-07, 06:25 AM
"Hah, freshly ground into pulp! Next! See trolls, you squishy, squishy yum." I turn to the next one and begin ominously approaching it.

2011-01-07, 05:24 PM
"My dear comrade, they're too stupid to appreciate the threats. Kill them so we can get moving." Suiting action to word, she stabs the remaining troll with her rapier.

Full Attack, because spells are too useful for entombed trolls.



2011-01-07, 05:28 PM
Let's try that again.

Full Attack, because spells are too useful for entombed trolls.



2011-01-07, 05:29 PM
Annnnd the critical for Attack Number 3.


2011-01-07, 10:10 PM
"You swing like a girl!"

2011-01-08, 01:27 AM
Failure to pierce their hide on every blow.

2011-01-08, 01:42 AM
"Let me show you how it's done." I slice slice slice slice slice again.
Range 10'
Crit: 17-20
-Attack 1 (CRIT!)
[roll2] X2
-attack 2
-attack 3
-attack 4 (CRIT!)
[roll11] X2
-attack 5
-attack 6
-attack 7
-attack 8
-attack 9 (CRIT!)
[roll26] X2
-attack 10

201 at AC 40.

2011-01-08, 01:47 AM
Aeric will sit down with his back against the wall waiting for him to be needed

2011-01-08, 01:54 AM
"Ask the last troll what it knows, let it understand that I'll go slower with him if he doesn't tell us."

2011-01-08, 02:00 AM
You're asking the wrong guy Aeric will say pointing at Avery there's the guy who can talk to them

2011-01-08, 02:22 AM
"If you haven't noticed, I don't particularly care. See this troll?" the priest kicks its remains. "Damnit, blood on my boots!" begins furiously cleaning the boot. "My point is I wasn't talking to anyone in particular."

2011-01-08, 06:00 AM
"You swing like a girl!"

"Imagine that." Sikala sheathes her rapier and joins Aeric over by the wall. "Don't be so proud of the chain-wielding terror you can unleash. The ability to shred a helples troll is insignificant next to the powers I can call up."

OOC: Guess what movie I saw today? :smallsmile:

2011-01-08, 08:49 AM
I cast enlarge person on myself. "I am also capable of some rather... potent things. I could summon a celestial, if you'd like... or some other outsider? Perhaps an animal of some kind, or a monster?" I then prepair to shred the alst troll (with modified strength and reach from enlarge person.)

2011-01-22, 02:49 AM
Sorry guys, but I feel like this game has died and I'm tired of waiting.

I'm out

2011-01-23, 02:18 PM
Withdrawing Also.

2011-01-25, 02:07 PM
Sad, but true: There's no more game left. :smallfrown: